#I finally finished my luggage anyway
diari0deglierrori · 1 year
If I don’t take a break now I’ll either die or kill someone so let’s waste some time here
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catmiemy · 6 months
Things Will Never Be the Same (Lia Wälti x Reader)
Summary: You figure out that your girlfriend hasn’t been paranoid and your best friend is actually in love with you.
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A/N: Finally managed to finish something! I have so many ideas, but I'm constantly too busy to actually write them. But I'm hopeful to have more time the next few weeks.
Also I'm definitely going to write a part two for this because I need a happy ending. So if there's anything you want to see, please tell me. :)
“Where the hell is my coffee?”
Your girlfriend’s voice reached you through the bathroom door. Both the actual words and her tone made you frown at yourself in the mirror. Apparently someone had woken up on the wrong side of the bed again. Like most mornings these days.
With a sigh you went back to applying your make up. There was no point in arguing with Jessica when she was like this. Furthermore you had a long day ahead of you and didn’t feel like wasting your energy unnecessarily. It probably, no definitely, wasn’t a good sign that you reached a point where you thought of most interactions with your girlfriend as draining, but you weren’t ready to face that fact.
Unfortunately Jessica was determined to bring the argument to you. Only a few moments after her initial shout, the door crashed open and your girlfriend marched into the room. “Where the hell is my coffee?”
Annoyance flared up inside of you. You did your best to keep a grip on your anger though, this would turn ugly if you also lost your temper, well uglier than it was going to be anyway. You hated what had become of your relationship, but no matter how hard you tried, you continuously failed at turning things around. You used to be so happy, so in love.
“Oh, I didn’t realize you were awake, otherwise I would have brought you your cup.” You tried your hardest to keep a neutral tone and an impartial expression, all the anger and pain you felt hidden behind this façade.
Bringing Jessica a cup of coffee in bed had been one of your favorite things early on in your relationship. Her eyes always lit up with sheer joy and an endless amount of love for you at this small gesture. Back then she never got tired of telling you how much it meant to her, how much she enjoyed these few minutes in bed with her favorite beverage and cuddles with you, because of course in the early days of your relationship you would always snuggle back into bed with her. Now it had become chore, which apparently you got yelled at for if you missed it once.
“I sent you a text to let you know!” Jessica pointed out sharply.
You grabbed your phone and sure enough, there was a message from her. You also noticed that you had forgotten to turn off the “Do not disturb”, but you doubted that Jessica would be receptive to this explanation. Another thing that you noticed was a message from your best friend, your teammate at both Arsenal and the national team, Lia.
I’m grabbing us some coffee.
See you at the airport!
These few words were enough to bring a smile to your face, another thing that didn’t sit right with Jessica. She snagged the phone out of your hand.
“Hey!” You protested, grabbing the phone back from her. It wasn’t hard, Jessica relented it easily once she had seen what had made you smile.
“When will you finally realize that she has a crush on you?” She basically spat at you.
 This was an old argument and one that always made your blood boil. Lia was off limits! However you didn’t have the time, or energy, for a full blown fight right now. So you restricted yourself to hissing at your girlfriend that she should really leave Lia out of this and that you would talk later. Then you pushed past her, grabbed your luggage that you had put next to the door, and left the apartment.
Unsurprisingly your uber wasn’t here yet. A quick glance at your watch revealed to you that you were a good ten minutes early. The thought of going back into your apartment and facing your girlfriend again was entirely unappealing, so you decided to stay out here. At least the weather was pleasant enough.
To avoid being seen by Jessica, which might have prompted her to come out and continue your argument, you moved a little further down the street until you were hidden behind some bushes. Standing there you were hit by the realization that this might be a new all time low for your relationship. And if you were being honest the idea that this was what the rest of your life was going to look like made you sick to your stomach. Better not to dwell on it.
The instance you entered the airport and spotted your best friend, you rushed over to her and flung your arms around her. Lia matched your motion, although a little awkwardly since she was holding two coffees.
“Hey Schätzi, is everything okay?” She asked you, worry dripping from her voice.
You nodded your head and allowed yourself to enjoy the closeness a little while longer, before extracting yourself.
“Fight with Jessica,” you mumbled.
Anger set Lia’s eyes ablaze. She bit her lips to avoid saying anything too harsh. It was no secret that the dislike between your best friend and your girlfriend was mutual. However Lia was much better at keeping civil than Jessica.
“I’m sorry. Do you want to talk about it?”
This time you shook your head, “Nah, I don’t want to think about it right now.”
As was normally the case it didn’t take long before you told Lia everything nonetheless. When it came to her you never could keep silent, no matter how closed off you were with everyone else. Lia’s soothing and caring personality made you feel like it was okay to get it all out. And even if you would never admit it, you usually felt better afterwards.
Lia was a very attentive listener. Her gaze rested on you the entire time and she nodded along, keeping a mostly neutral complexion. If you would have focused on it, you could have easily picked up on the disdain for your girlfriend in your friend’s eyes, but you didn’t want to see it.
And anyway, the more you talked about it, the more explanations you found for Jessica’s behavior. She wasn’t a morning person, she always felt a bit lonely when you had to travel because of work, anger was her go to emotion when she was overwhelmed.
“You know I think I’m going to text her that I’m sorry and that we should talk in the evening,” you announced.
Lia looked at you skeptically, asking carefully, “Why are you apologizing?”
You shrugged your shoulders, finding it more difficult than expected to answer her question. Somehow you always felt like you had to apologize around Jessica. Again, this was something you didn’t want to dwell on.
“For yelling,” you said finally, before quickly changing the subject.
The arrival at camp and especially the reunion with all your teammates that you hadn’t seen in a long time was chaotic and easy to get lost in. Still you noticed that Lia was quieter and more reserve than usual and you promised yourself to question her about it before bed. With a pang of guilt you realized that you hadn’t even asked her how she was this morning at the airport, just instantly unloading all of your stuff onto her.
Dinner dredged on for quite some time and when it was finally finished you realized that both Lia and Ana were nowhere to be seen. First you checked the room Lia and you shared, when they weren’t there you headed to Ana’s room.
You stopped in your tracks when you heard sobbing coming from the room. It didn’t sound like someone having a little cry either, no this was desperate wailing and even before you knew who was in so much turmoil, your heart broke for the unknown person. That being said, the moment you realized who was sobbing their eyes out your heart shattered into a million pieces.
“I can’t do it anymore,” a voice that you recognized instantly as the one of your best friend in the whole world, managed to get out between sobs.
As if these words were pulling you into the room, your body began moving on its own accord. You burst into the room, frantically looking around for Lia, rushing to her side the moment you spotted her on the bed. She was wrapped in Ana’s arms, but this didn’t deter you. You simply threw your arms around both of them.
“What’s happening, Schätzi? Please tell me, what’s going on. If someone hurt you, I swear to god I will kill them!” You would! No one was allowed to hurt your best friend, not when she was the sweetest person on the planet.
To your immense surprise Lia went rigid the moment she heard your voice and felt your arms around her. This didn’t make any sense; you had always been each other’s place of comfort. You looked up at Ana questioningly, startling once again when you saw the anguish in her eyes. What had you missed? Had someone died? One of Lia’s parents?
While you were still trying to make sense of this all, Lia freed herself from both yours and Ana’s arms and with a mumbled apology ran out of the room. You jumped up as well, ready to go after her and get to the bottom of this, but Ana held you back.
“Don’t,” she told you earnestly.
“I…Ana, what the hell was that? Please, you need to tell me, so I can be there for Lia. I’m her best friend, I need…” You didn’t know exactly what you needed; just whatever would help you take away Lia’s pain. You had never seen her like this, not even after any of her breakups.
Ana chewed on her lip, the internal struggle happening in her mind clear as day. In the end she sighed and said, “I can’t, Y/N. I want to because I think it’s important that you know, but it’s not my story to tell. Give Lia a little time to calm down and then try talking with her again, yeah?”
You nodded, even if in reality you had already decided not to heed Ana’s advice. How could you not try finding Lia right this second when she was this devastated? More than anything you wanted to make it better for her and you had a lot of faith that you could. You had always been there for Lia, through everything, just like she had been for you.
Therefore you began searching for Lia everywhere. First you checked your hotel room, but unsurprisingly she wasn’t there. Then you went outside because Lia loved being outdoors when she felt emotional. Again, no luck. The next hour you spent looking through every nook, but Lia was nowhere to be found.
Defeated you went back to your hotel room, hoping she had returned there by now. You held your breath when you entered, disappointment hitting you when you were greeted by a dark and empty room.
You plopped down onto the bed, not even bothering to turn on the light despite it slowly getting dark. Where was Lia? And more importantly what had happened to her? You picked up your phone, debating if you should call someone from Lia’s family. Maybe they had some information.
That’s when your phone lit up with a call from Jessica, an unwelcome remainder that you were supposed to talk everything out with her tonight. However, you didn’t have the energy for that right now; especially not when it would mean you would have to grovel until Jessica finally deemed it enough to forgive you. Lia’s words popped up in your mind, why were you even apologizing?
So you ended up ignoring the call, and you also ignored that this would inevitably lead to an even more difficult conversation with even more groveling on your part. Right now you couldn’t worry about that, all of your concerns were taken up by the whole situation with Lia.
You had lost all sense of time, so you couldn’t say how much later it was when the door was finally opened and Lia tiptoed into the room. Instantly you sat up, startling your friend who had expected, hoped really, that you were already asleep.
By now it had become pitch black in the room, and you reached towards the light switch to turn on the lights. When Lia saw your movement, she asked you not to, her voice sounding horribly hoarse. You respected her wishes, instead getting up and walking over to her in an attempt to give her a hug.
“Don’t,” Lia pleaded, cracking your heart in the process
What was going on? What had you done to make her push you away? It physically pained you not to offer Lia any comfort when she was clearly struggling, but again you listened to her boundaries.
“Lia, please talk to me,” you begged, “Ana told me…”
Later you would try to rationalize what you did next, or didn’t do to be more precise, to yourself by saying you were too stunned to stop Lia once it became apparent that she thought you were going to say that Ana had told you what was bothering her, when really you wanted to say, ‘Ana told me to leave you alone for a while, but I can’t do that.’
However a small voice would always point out that you could have stopped her at any time if you had really wanted to. The thing was though, you wanted to know what was going on with Lia, so you didn’t stop her.
“I…look…I’m so sorry! And I promise I can keep my feelings in check. I’ve been doing it for the longest time, so please…I can’t lose you! I know you’ll never love me like I love you, but I still need you in my life. Please….I’m…”
Lia’s voice broke, sobs bubbling up instead. She suppressed them successfully, but there was nothing the midfielder could do against the quiet tears streaming down her cheeks.
By now you really were shocked into silence, your mind reeling. Was it possible that Jessica had been right all this time and Lia did in fact have a crush on you? No, that was crazy! Your best friend had never given any indication that she liked you like this. Or had she?
You looked up at Lia whose whole posture screamed defeat. Her head was bent, her gaze firmly trained on the floor. The brunette had crossed her arms in front of her as if to protect herself from whatever you were going to say.
“Wait what? You have a crush on me?” This was the rather dumb response you came up with.
Lia shrugged her shoulders helplessly, her voice tear-stricken when she spoke again, “I’m not sure if that word is strong enough for what I feel, but like I said, it doesn’t matter. I can deal with it.”
She looked up at you for a moment, but was unable to even meet your eyes. Panic hit you, no matter how much Lia stressed that this wouldn’t change anything, you weren’t too sure if this was true now that it was all out in the open. You couldn’t lose her!
“But wait? Didn’t Ana already tell you this?”
Lia’s question ripped you from your downward spiral and at least for a moment the fear was drowned out by intense shame.
“No, she didn’t. I was going to say she told me to leave you alone, but then you began explaining and I just didn’t stop you because I wanted to know what’s going on so I could help,” you admitted.
Now it all made sense why Lia hadn’t wanted to talk to you about what was bothering her. You wished that you could turn back time and make different choices, so you never found out about this. But you didn’t deserve that, not after basically tricking Lia into disclosing her secret.
“What?” Lia asked in anguish, “So I could’ve...You never had to…I’m so stupid!”
And with that your best friend turned around and fled from the room. The sobs she could no longer hold back shaking her shoulders, and breaking your heart. You deserved all the fear and shame and other complicated feelings that came with this being laid open, but Lia didn’t.
You sank back down onto your bed, staring numbly at the wall, while your mind was beating yourself up mercilessly. If only you hadn’t been so selfish! How did you never notice that the most important person in your entire life was in love with you? What did that say about you?!
There were no tears, just silence and an ever growing pit in your stomach.
When the room to the hotel room was opened again sometime later, a tiny flutter of hope went through you. Maybe you could find the right words and things could go back to how they had been straight away?
This small and probably completely unrealistic hope was crushed instantly when you saw that it wasn’t Lia but Ana entering the room. She rushed over to you, engulfing you in a hug.
“Hey, how are you?”
You didn’t answer Ana’s question, but allowed yourself a moment of burying yourself in your friend’s arms. And anyway it was impossible to reply when you didn’t even know how you were, if you were really still in that hotel room, if this was in fact your life.
After a short while you pulled back, sitting up straight and focusing on the truly important topic.
“How’s Lia?” You asked, fear tinting your words.
Ana took a few seconds to answer, pondering her words. The truth wasn’t pretty, so she wanted to do her best to soften the blow.
“Not too good,” she admitted finally. “There’s just too many emotions hitting her at once. I think up until now she still had some hope that you’d return her feelings. But now that it’s all out in the open these hopes have been crushed and she just needs some time.”
While talking Ana studied you carefully. She had always wondered if maybe you returned Lia’s feelings. Not that she had ever told her friend that, the poor girl didn’t need any more confusing thoughts and emotions to deal with. Part of her wanted to ask you straightforward, but in the end Ana decided against it. Now was not the time for it, not when it was clear that you too were completely overwhelmed with everything that had happened.  
For you the thought of Lia needing time, time apart from you, made you nauseous. There was barely a day where you didn’t see or at least talk to your best friend. A reality where that wasn’t true, even if it was only for a little while, felt unbearable. However you were well aware that you weren’t in a position to make any demands. If Lia needed time, you had to accept that.
“Nadine has agreed to switch rooms with Lia so that she can stay with me. Are you okay with that?”
Ana’s soft words pulled you from your thoughts. The idea of Lia not sleeping in the bed next to you felt like another punch to the stomach. Still you pushed down your emotions and the tears burning in your eyes, and nodded.
“Okay then,” Ana said, a little unsure on how to proceed. If only she could cut herself in half and offer both Lia and you some comfort!
You decided to make it easier for her by standing up and heading to the bathroom. There you gathered Lia’s vanity bag, handing it to Ana when you returned. After that you quickly assembled all the things your best friend would need for the night. Pain shooting through you with every familiar item you picked up.
“Goodnight, Ana,” you said once you had given her everything, before disappearing into the bathroom once again to get ready for bed yourself.
You did so in record time, wanting to be in bed and be able to pretend you were already sleeping when Nadine came to the room.
At least this worked out in your favor and when you heard the door being opened again, you pressed your eyes shut and didn’t react to your teammate’s soft calls. You probably weren’t very convincing, but thankfully Nadine decided to leave you alone.
Sleep evaded you for a long time. You lay there with closed eyes, silent tears rolling down your cheeks as you tried and failed to keep your mind occupied. But no matter what you did, it kept circling back to the horrible image of Lia’s devastation once she understood that she had just revealed her biggest secret to you, the gut-wrenching realization that everything would be different now, and the fear of losing Lia once and for all.
What if she would never be able to move past this? She had so many great friends in her life, Ana, Leah, Viv and so many more, what if she realized that they were much better than you anyway? You couldn’t imagine a life without Lia. The prospect of a few weeks without her was already enough to make you want to curl up in bed and never get up again. But if you never got her back? You couldn’t do that. You couldn’t.
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hannie-dul-set · 11 months
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p — SHEN QUANRUI x fem! reader. g — humor, fluff, lovestruck! ricky trying his darnest to be cool. w — swearing, secondhand embarrassment what did you expect from me. 2.8k words.
note — rewriting the backstory of his leopard print shirt. my loser idolverse is expanding. no one is safe. who should i throw into the depths of patheticness next.
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ricky doesn’t believe in bucket lists.
what need is there for a list of things he wants and wants to do before he dies when he can get and do everything he wants in an instant? if he wants to go bungee jumping, he can go to gangwon-do this afternoon. if he wants to date, he’s got a couple dozen numbers he can pick and choose to call. if he’s craving for authentic italian wine right out of the cellar, he can book a flight and visit all of europe with his phone as his only luggage. 
he lacks nothing, and therefore he wants nothing. ricky doesn’t believe in bucket lists— he didn’t believe in bucket lists. at least not until that damned day of reckoning, when the nonexistence of his list suddenly came to existence, harboring one thing and one thing only. 
there’s only one thing he’d like to tick off before he dies. one thing he wants as soon as possible. something that isn’t instantaneously achievable. something that unfamiliarly feels out of his grasp.
ricky, more than anything in the world, wants you to take him fucking seriously.
“you’re so pretty today.” 
is what he says, the moment you enter the office. well, two moments after you enter the office because he had to take the first moment to admire how pretty you are before verbalizing it. he’s down horrendous, he knows— totally outside of the image he’s perfectly curated for the past six months since entering university. you’re the chair of his department’s council, a third year, and by some mystical force or another (read: being stupidly whipped) he volunteered to help prepare for a department event and managed to drag the rest of his friends into it.
said friends being gyuvin and gunwook, who are looking at him in judgment and disgust after completing his daily routine of complimenting your face.
“aw, how cute,” is your reply. ricky wracks his brain for another word for pretty, but you’re quick to move one and leave him in the dust. “thank you, ricky! you’re so sweet. anyway, matthew, how’s the—”
gyuvin snorts. “hey, at least she thinks you’re cute.” ricky throws him a punch but it falls weak from the mental damage. 
cute. he hates it. he’s grown to hate it after it became the symbol of you thinking of him as nothing but your cute junior. are his daily compliments not enough of a giveaway that’s he’s lowkey fucking in love with you? what else do you want? a truckload of roses? a barbershop quartet illustrating through song how stupidly down bad ricky shen is for his unbothered senior?
knowing you, even if he gets on stage in front of the whole university and perform a three-act play of how he fell, head first with scraped knees, into the tunnel of torture that is you and your pretty smile, you’d probably just ruffle his hair and coo, “good job! you’re so talented, angel!” because he’s so cute, so lovely, so never going to be boyfriend-able in your eyes and it eats his despairing soul.
maybe if he rips his heart out of his chest and you see the gaping, you-shaped hole it’ll leave behind, you might finally get the idea.
“quit being a drama queen,” gunwook says, throwing a ball at ricky’s bedroom door that’s been locked shut for a good hour now. it bounces right back into his palm and gyuvin is laying flat on the floor next to him. “it could be that she knows you’re into her, but she’s just trying to reject your advances gently because she doesn’t want to hurt you.”
gunwook and gyuvin hear a crash from inside ricky’s room. 
“that’s— that’s, no. i don’t even want to think about that!”
they’re waiting for him to finish changing (if he is just changing. the crashes in his room are becoming sources of concern). you invited them for a nice buffet dinner to celebrate the success of the event. however, the three of them are already thirty minutes late for the restaurant appointment, and hanbin had to come over and pick them up with taerae in tow after hearing the news that ricky shen— cool guy extraordinaire— is having a breakdown over a girl. 
there are now four men waiting in front of ricky’s locked bedroom. gyuvin gets sick and tired and starts banging on the door. “hurry up! do you want to keep the love of your life waiting?”
“damn, you guys were serious,” taerae posits. “is he actually in love with her?”
“i’m afraid so,” gunwook solemnly shakes his head. 
hanbin hits another concerned knock on his door, and lo and behold, ricky finally cracks open his bedroom door and walks out—
walks out in an ensemble that they can only unanimously describe as jarring. 
leopard print. leather pants. gold chain necklace. a pair of shades are hanging on the way too low cut shirt and they wonder if he’s gonna wear them indoors. he’s got a leather jacket folded over his arm and it’s twenty four fucking degrees.
“what do you think?” ricky asks, eyes proud, expectant, and sparkly. hanbin doesn’t have the heart to break it to him. “i read somewhere that the pattern symbolizes, uh, confidence and sexiness, i think. this will make her stop thinking that i’m cute, right?”
“yeah,” gyuvin replies. “she’ll think you’re hideous instead.”
“google tells me that the leopard print is a symbol of, and i quote, absolute femininity.” gunwook has his eyes trained on his phone. he looks up and gives ricky a once-over. “if you’re trying to go for the femme fatale look, then you’re doing a good job.”
it takes a moment for ricky to react.
when he does, his reaction consists of grabbing onto the hem of his allegedly ugly shirt and starts pulling it over his head.
“whoa, whoa, whoa— what are you doing?!”
gunwook quickly tries to stop him from stripping. gyuvin is laughing his ass off. taerae has a hand covering his mouth. hanbin is stressed. “quit picking on him! ricky, you look fine!” ricky is not fine. his styled hair is not disheveled and he’s visibly upset and sulking. gyuvin is losing his mind. he’s on the floor and hitting the ground.
“are you trying to be cute right now?” taerae asks. this just scrunches up ricky’s brows even more and makes his bottom lip jut forward.
“well, shit,” taerae laments. “it’s a genetic disease. she’s never gonna take you seriously.”
the only emotion ricky knows is despair.
he’s supposed to be hot and sexy and handsome, why can’t you see that? do you have a pink filter when you look at him, or something? is that it? that’s gotta be it, right? because why else would you be so unaffected when he feigns nonchalance, brushing through his hair at a precise timing when he notices you starting to turn to his direction. it’s your heart that should be beating like crazy when he greets you with a half-smile and a nod— not his, not his, not his when you return it with a full-smile, so bright and beaming, of your own.
“oh, you’re finally here!”
ricky doesn’t believe in bucket lists. he lives in the moment. he doesn’t want things so desperately to the point where he writes them down on a checklist taped to his desk. the list definitely doesn’t have the words “get miss department chair to fall in love with me” written on it with scrawled letters. and he doesn’t didn’t give himself a deadline to date you by the end of the year.
he’s given himself until the day he dies because the moment he met you was the first time he imagined watching someone walking down the aisle. 
yes, he’s down bad. yes, he sings hopelessly devoted to you in the shower five times a week and replaced the word you with your name. yes, gyuvin has a recording. 
“ah, we’ve been waiting for you, kids,“ you say once they’ve all settled on their seats. kids. he scoffs. insult to injury. he’s pouting and picking on a plate of galbi. he feels like shit even though you’re sitting right across him all pretty and sweet like the strawberry shortcake you ordered— which he’s trying his damn best to not steal a slice from because he’s pretty sure you’re just gonna go, “oh! you really like strawberries, don’t you? so cute,” and he’d much rather choose physical over emotional torment, thank you very much.
“they were caught up in something,” taerae responds to your initial statement. your eyes gloss over them with curiosity.
“why? what took you guys so long?”
four sets of eyes are on ricky and his patterned shirt. the bossam wrap in his mouth won’t swallow down his throat. it was too late for him to change out of the symbol of femininity. mid-strip, hanbin got a text from you so he got dragged out, guilty in leopard prints and gold, out of his apartment.
don’t you fucking dare, ricky glares at the suspicious look gyuvin is wearing as he brings a glass of water to his lips. gyuvin clears his throat, “we had to wait for ricky who was dressing to impress y—” and is subsequently elbowed and chokes on his water.
hot. ricky feels hot. not the sexy kind, but the icky embarrassing kind because he wants to cover his burning face and stab gyuvin with a fork in the process.
“oh?” you voice out from across the table. you’re plucking out wads of tissue paper for a dying gyubin but your eyes are trained on him. oh my god. he wants to rip this shirt off and die, but he can’t do that. he can’t. he hasn’t been working out enough lately due to stress. “not everyone can pull off animal prints. it looks really good on you.”
“and you’re not wearing your usual silver! you look cool today, ricky.”
“you really think so?” gyuvin, who has now recovered, eggs you on further in behalf of his malfunctioning friend. there’s steam rising to the ceiling and it’s not from the open grill. he exchanges glances with gunwook and taerae. they catch the signal and press on. “doesn’t he look—”
“—would you dare say—”
you let out something in between a cough and a laugh. 
they don’t miss the flustered jitter filtering the sound coming out of your throat.
mission success.
“ahaha, what are you kids saying?” ricky doesn’t miss it either. the initial shock of you not calling him cute has worn off and now it’s up to him to finish what his friends have started. he doesn’t miss the way you try to brush them off while fanning your face with your free hand, the way you reach out for a glass of water with the other and there’s a nervous bob in your throat when you swallow. “a—anyway, let’s make a toast for the success of our event!”
when he clinks his glass with yours, ricky  maintains eye contact amidst the noise of the cheers. his gaze is deep and you’re caught off guard— escaping with a laugh and turning away as you down half of your beer glass in one go. holy crap. holy shit, it’s working.
ricky can see it. there’s hope for his bucket list. he’s gonna swear by leopard shirts and gold chain necklaces if he continues to get this kind of reaction from you.
“it’s not because of the ugly shirt.”
gyuvin snaps him back to sanity once dinner concluded and they start leaving the restaurant. “it’s because we manipulated her brain waves into finally noticing that you’re hot,” gunwook inserts. they’re all outside now. you’re bidding the other members goodbye and gunwook nudges him forward. “you’re welcome. you owe us a meal.”
now, even with the newfound confidence and hope, ricky’s knees still buckle when he approaches you from behind. why is the back of your head still pretty? why?
at the moment, it’s taerae’s turn to receive your goodbyes, wedged between two cars, one of them his. he notices ricky’s looming nervous wreck of a presence from over your shoulder. “ah, and this is my cue to leave,” he says. “thanks for the meal, miss chair. get home safe.”
“you too, taerae! thanks!”
when you turn around, you bump into him. maybe he intended it, maybe not, but god damn the uncharacteristic flutter of your surprised eyes is destroying his plans to act cool, act nonchalant, act totally unaffected with how prettily you’re looking at him under the dim parking lot lights and the night sky. “oh!” you exclaim after reformatting, after putting on your doting senior voice again and it kills him because that’s a night of progress down the drain. “are you kids heading out now? oh, sorry, this is your car, right? i’ll get out of the way.”
he frowns. totally uncool, perfectly non-nonchalant, and completely affected but he doesn’t care anymore. 
“what do you think of me?”
the words jump out before he knows it. screw his bucket list. he’s gonna proclaim his undying love for you even if it kills him.
you blink. “what?” a laugh bubbles from your throat— a mix of trying-to-brush-him-off but nervous at the same time. “ricky, what do you mean?”
his face is knotting up. he’s totally pouting right now which he’d rather be caught dead than doing, but he’s now twice the dead man. ricky takes a step forward. you take a step back until no more steps can be taken because your back hits against his car, and he’s grasping at the straws desperate to get even an ounce of a hint of a sign that you’re finally taking him seriously. “what do you think of me?” he repeats, voice a little lower this time. your expression is completely taken over by peaches of fluster, this time. no sign of the composure you’ve usually perfectly maintained.
“oh, uhm.” your hands are unsure and held hostage in the air because his arms serve as a barricade around you, palms pressed tightly against the cold glass of the front seat window. you’re nipping at your bottom lip. ricky just died thrice. “what—what i think of you? well, uh, you’re a very good, very cute, very hardworking junior that i adore, and i—i appreciate all the help you’ve offered to the counci— oh!”
ricky lets out a noise and buries his nose into the crook of your neck, arms that were once caging you are now completely wrapped around your waist. he’s putting all of his weight onto you. he is a corpse. he mumbles something unintelligible into you skin and you ask him to repeat it. “i don’t like it,” he says more clearly, still muffled, whiney all the same. “i’m not cute. i’m cool and handsome and totally in love with you but you just don’t get it.”
it’s quiet. ricky is anticipating the worst, which would be you calling him lame and a loser, but you don’t do that. you don’t push him off either.
“how can i not think you’re cute when you act like this?”
instead you pull him in closer. his eyes widen, and he feels your fingers digging into his hair, a tender touch on his nape, and he feels himself melting and turning into stone at the same time. 
“i never thought you were being serious every time you greeted me by calling me pretty. i thought you were just being playful and trying to earn extra points from me,” you hum. he sinks further. the only thing propping him up is you. “but calling someone pretty every day is barely a confession, ricky. how was i supposed to get anything from that? gosh, you’re so cute.”
“it usually works,” he mumbles. he doesn’t want to show you his face. he probably looks stupid right now. “i thought my new shirt worked too. gyuvin and gunwook don’t agree.”
“i think it’s cool.”
you finally pry him off, hands on his shoulders and he feels himself buckling. he’s pretty sure he looks stupid right now— pink and flushed and dizzy, but your face harbors no judgment. “i think i prefer the shirt owner over the shirt though.” only a familiar gaze of fondness and god, he’s so in love and you finally understand that. “now, why the hell are gyuvin and gunwook still loitering out here?”
ricky didn’t believe in bucket lists. at least not until that damned day of reckoning, when the nonexistence of his list suddenly came to existence, harboring one thing and one thing only. 
now, he’s got that one thing crossed out. he’s thinking of adding more.
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YOU’RE MY BUCKET LIST. © hannie-dul-set, 2023.
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guppybibi · 3 months
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It's Showbiz, Baby.
𖦹 pairing: Kita Shinsuke x fem!reader
𖦹 word count: 1572
𖦹 content: reader is an actress, just an intro- not much happens. kita’s older sister is a big fan of Y/N, and i mean a HUGE fan.
𖦹 notes: i'm not sure how long this will be, i will (hopefully) be posting this on AO3 soon:3. Kita has an unnamed older sister and younger brother, which i do not know the ages/names of so i will be making it myself!
✧. ┊    Part 1
Everyone needs some time for themselves; we're all just humans after all. However, that felt impossible for you, a well-known and appreciated actress. The paparazzi was always at your tail whenever you went out; flashing lights are all that you see behind those heavily tinted sunglasses of yours. You couldn't even enjoy a simple meal at a fast food place without a bunch of different fans surrounding you, which led you to become a shut-in in the comfort of your own home. Not that you didn't value your fans; you wouldn't be where you are without them. You just wish that you had some alone time.
It was one of those slow and steady days, since you’ve recently just finished acting a pretty major role in an upcoming movie. You're resting up so you can be well prepared for the premiere of the movie which will be in about two weeks or so.
As you continuously scroll through your feed, you see an author promoting a rental cabin in the province. Immediately catching your attention, it wasn't even pricey to begin with and most importantly—it seemed peaceful. Which was exactly what you needed right now. You start to check out the website for more details about it, deciding to book a stay for a week. Squeals of excitement fill the room once you click through the payment process, placing down your phone on the nightstand.
It was finally time for your long awaited vacation, sighing in bliss as she sees the sights surrounding her right now. You lift up your sunglasses and place it on top of your head, your floral sundress flowing as the wind breezes through it. Looking at your phone for directions, you felt like you were in the middle of nowhere. A city girl was out of place, oh what ever could she do? You decide to just stroll around, it wouldn't be dark in a while anyways so you should take this opportunity to take a walk without a bunch of people swarming you. Pulling your luggage along, scratching against the sidewalk.
The province wasn't anything like the city, that was clear to you right now. (Or she was just sheltered..) The air felt so fresh, the rows of fields that made your heart fill with tranquility just by looking at it. You spot a cottage from afar, by now you were desperate to find the cabin as you stupidly decided to wear heels. Seriously, what were you thinking? Dragging your sore legs to this stone cottage, you knock on the wooden front door.
The door creaks once it opens, revealing a man holding a broom with his dull brown eyes piercing through you. He hasn't even said anything yet, how could he be this intimidating?! One of his thin brows raise as he stares at you, before he speaks. “Ms. L/N?” You nod in response, it wasn't a surprise that she was easily recognized by this ‘stranger’; it happened all the time! Really, no need to sweat it.
“Yes yes, that's me! Um, I’m looking for this cabin here? I believe it's around this area..” You say, showing him your phone and pointing to a photo promotion of the cabin. “Ah yes, I know. The cabin is under my grandmother's name, so I can lead the way.” He answers, nodding as he places the broom aside and starts walking towards the said cabin. While you followed him, you felt a bit embarrassed that you assumed he knew you from your acting gigs. “Here we are,” The white haired man said as he stopped in front of the cabin, it looked as great as the pictures showed! It was definitely worth the money..”These are the keys, if you need anything–I’ll be at the house nearby. I’m sure you've seen it, it's right across the street.” He continues while you nod in response, recalling the house you saw earlier and mentally noting it down.
“Thank you so much!” You thank, bowing your head slightly as he waves his hand. “My pleasure, I hope you enjoy your stay here.” He pauses, swatting a mosquito that was trying to bite him. You look around and see that there were a lot of insects here, not just mosquitoes which gave you the heebie jeebies.. “Oh and no need to worry about the insects, as long as you don't open the windows they usually don't manage to get in. There are also some mosquito nets you can use.” He goes on, looking at you expectantly; ready to answer any query you had right now.
“I think I’ll be fine sir, thank you.” You reply, receiving a nod from him. “No need to address me so formally, I believe we're both around the same age–so you can just call me Kita.” “Same goes for you, you can just call me Y/N.” He nodded yet again, it felt like it was the hundredth time he nodded today.
He soon dismisses himself, heading back to his home across the street. Which left you to tour the cabin all by yourself. Everything seemed really traditional, not like anything you've seen in the city. You feel like you’ll really enjoy it here..Due to the exhausting travel here, the moment your body hits the fluffy bed; you instantly drift off to sleep. Good thing you managed to get the energy to even take off your makeup, it’d be really..messy–if you didn't.
Kita’s POV
He slips out of his sandals, placing them aside in a shoe cubby. Seeing his older sister, Kimiko, sat down at the dinner table with their grandmother. Sipping on some oolong tea alongside grandma Yumie who had her own cup as well, Kimiko was scrolling through the different details of people booking the cabin to double check. She almost spits out the tea in her mouth, some of it dribbling down her lips as she stops herself. With widened eyes and a gulp, she looked over at Shinsuke. “Y/N is here!? THE Y/N?! And you didn't even bother to tell me!?” She exclaims with a shocked tone, standing up just to grab his shoulders and shake him.
A door slams open when Y/N’s name is mentioned, displaying an equally shocked younger brother; Riku. Not even giving Shin enough time to respond, Kimiko speaks up. “Yes! THE Y/N IS HERE- and Shin didn't even bother to mention it to us!” She says with a snarky tone, turning over to the defenseless Shin and staring at him for a sec before facing Riku. “Kimi-chan, speak to Shin-chan in a nicer tone–you're his older sister. You should know better.” Yumie butts in, her gentle smile still on her face as she sips on the tea. Leaving Kimiko with no room to argue, she isn't one to disrespect her grandmother like that.
“It's alright, I should've informed them about it anyways. It's a family business after all, but I don't think we should bother Y/N–right now at least. She's here for vacation and to relax, not to entertain any of her fans.” Shinsuke adds, believing that Y/N was deserving of rest and respect; she was human just like them. Shin was never really fond about how things worked in the entertainment industry, aware of how the actors' and actresses’ privacy is basically torn off once they’re considered a ‘celebrity’. He didn't believe this was right, and this was only the tip of the iceberg with the amount of issues in the industry.
Maybe some of these people actually do enjoy the idea of them lacking privacy, who knows? Shin wasn't one to judge, he simply just preferred a quiet life. “Right..don't bother her. Got that, I just hope she comes over here and asks for something—anything! I’ll gladly give it to her!” Kimiko adds, daydreaming of Y/N strutting over to their own home to borrow something like her hairbrush.
“Yeah, in your dreams sis. She's a grown woman, I’m sure she can handle herself.” Riku teases, sticking his tongue out as he taunts his older sister. “Oh c'mon! No need to shatter my dreams like that, and plus–she's from the city. I doubt she’d know her way around here, she’ll need help eventually.” Kimiko was right, if she wanted to tour around the village, it would be best if she had some kind of guide. They couldn't risk having a bigshot getting lost and causing a commotion in their simple little village.
“Well whatever, she's staying for a week so I’m sure I can wait! I'll be extra patient.” She adds, earning a skeptical look from her whole family. “Sure, you who have multiple posters with Y/N’s face plastered all over your room, also you who have watched basically every single movie and show Y/N has been in–even side characters!”
“Hey! Commitment and loyalty is a good quality to have!” “Not if it's coming from an obsessed stranger, that's creepy!” That made Shinsuke wince a little, thinking about how his little brother was right–he can't imagine having his face on inanimate objects, free for people to do whatever they want with it. They could do all sorts of profane actions to it.. Shinsuke shook his head, sighing as he muttered. “I'll head off to bed, I have a lot of work to do tomorrow.” He shouldn't stress out about things he couldn't control, I mean–a rice farmer versus a whole industry? Yeah–no.
Today was only the beginning of his uncontrollable worries..
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adrienneleclerc · 6 months
So American
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Hispanic/Latina Singer! Reader
Summary: Y/N and Henry have been dating for a year and they’re invited back on the Graham Norton show when Y/N writes a song about Henry.
A/N: I know my writing has been shit lately and I’m sorry about that. I’m currently getting into Formula One, I’m a Charles Leclerc, Ferrari girl and a Lando Norris, McLaren girl. I Don’t think I can write about them but I LOVE reading about them, can’t wait to watch the Shanghai Grand Prix, I’ll be taking naps during the day so I can stay up watching everything.
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Henry and Y/N were backstage together.
“Can’t believe we’re back here. It’s been a year and I still feel nervous about being on live TV.” Y/N said, applying the finishing touches on her makeup.
“You’ll do great, my love. Your first tour is in a few weeks, this would be great publicity. The questions will be mostly about our relationship anyway.” Henry said, kissing Y/N’s palm. They stepped outside the dressing room and waited until Graham announced them.
“Let’s welcome everyone’s favorite couple, Henry Cavill and Y/N L/N!” Grahams announced and they came walking in hand-in-hand, the crowd was cheering. They sat down on the couch. “Welcome back guys, I like to think I am responsible for you two dating.”
“Well you introduced us to each other so we wouldn’t have gotten together otherwise.” Henry said.
“So true, there was no way I would have shot my shot by sliding into his DMs, soy atrevida pero no tan atrevida, you know?” Y/N said.
“Well I wanted to talk to you about your new song, ‘so American’, now it is obviously written about Henry here, but how did you come up with the song.” Graham asked.
“I think it started when decided to do a road trip on our sixth week of dating. I know, it sounds horrible, 6 weeks of dating and you’re gonna be stuck with a guy in a car for hours, but it was actually really good.”
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“Okay so I went to Shop Rite and got your snacks, I loaded the cooler with some drinks, I even got those pumpkin seeds that you are somehow obsessed with. Can you tell me why we are driving to Las Vegas?” Henry said.
“Well i already spent so much money on these Paddock Club Rooftop experience passes, I finally have enough money to watch a fucking Grand Prix in person. There’s also no way I was letting pay for plane tickets, and this way I can go shopping in the Vegas strip and not worry about having too much luggage.” Y/N explained, loading the snacks and cooler in the backseat
“I can’t believe we’re driving to Las Vegas just for a race, you are insane.” Henry said.
“I prefer dedicated. I really want to see the Ferrari garage. Now let’s go, we’re burning daylight.” Y/N said. Henry rolled his eyes and was going to the driver seat but Y/N stopped him. “Where do you think you’re going? You are my passenger princess today.
“I thought we agreed that once we’re dating, you are my designated passenger princess wherever we go. So go to your spot.” Henry said.
“But this is my car.” Y/N said.
“And that’s my shirt you’re wearing but I’m not asking for it back, now am I?” Henry teased. Y/N pouted but Henry kissed her until she smiled, “You look beautiful wearing my clothes, they look better on you anyway.” Henry kissed her one more time before getting into the driver seat. “Damn you’re short.” Henry said before adjusting the driver seat.
“And this is exactly why I wanted to drive my car,” Y/N said before getting into the passenger seat.
When Henry was driving, he placed his hand on Y/N’s thigh.
“Why the hell are your hands so hot?” Y/N asked, moving his hand so it was intertwined with hers.
“Why the hell are your hands so cold?” Henry asked laughing.
“Don’t know. Do you think we can stop somewhere so I can go to the bathroom? And can you add more gas to the car?” Y/N asked.
“You mean petrol?” Henry asked,
“No, you crumpet, I mean gas.” Y/N said.
“You are so American.” Henry said chuckling.
“You bet your ass I am. Oh I’m sorry, I mean arse.” Y/N said,
“Hilarious, love.” Henry said.
They stopped at a gas station, filled up the car, went to the bathroom, and switched seats. Y/N and henry readjusted their seats and Y/N started driving. There was a moment in the drive where Henry had his feet on the dashboard, sunlight shining on him, his curly hair in the wind.
“Having fun over there, fortachón?” Y/N said.
“A Little.” Henry said.
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“You’re a formula 1 fan as well?” Graham asked Henry.
“She’s got me rooting for Ferrari actually, but I got her rooting for the Kansas City Chiefs so I think it’s a fair trade.” Henry said.
“I still can’t stand American football though.” Y/N said.
“Well then I guess you aren’t as American as I though.” Henry said.
“Bro, im Latina too but I still can’t stand watching soccer. Sorry, y’all call ‘football’, I forget.” Y/N said, Graham and Henry laughed. “Anyway, that Las Vegas trip gave me the first verse of the song. The second verse really isn’t inspired by anything in particular. I think it was a combination of moments Henry and I had. Basically, our relationship is in that song.”
“That’s really great you guys, honesty. Now the real question is who said ‘I love you’ first?” Graham asked.
“That would be me.” Henry admitted.
“Yeah, by accident.” Y/N said.
“It was not by accident.” Henry said.
“Oh so you meant to say you loved me when you were drunk?” Y/N asked.
“Whats the story behind that?” Graham asked.
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Y/N was in her apartment eating ramen when she gets a phone call from Henry. She wiped her mouth and pushed the bowl aside.
“Hey, fortachón, how’s the bar?” Y/N asked.
“Hey Y/N, this is Sam, I’m a friend of Henry, you need to come pick him up.” Sam (Claflin) said. Y/N stood up from the table.
“What happened?” Y/N asked.
“He finished the bottle of tequila.” Sam said. “He’s been asking for you too.”
“Is that Y/N? Baby, I want you here!” Y/N heard Henry shout.
“You see? Come get him, the bouncer is this close to throwing him out for being rowdy.” Sam said and Y/N rolled her eyes, grabbed a jacket, and got her keys.
“The man can’t even handle 8 shots. Why did he drink the bottle?” Y/N asked, leaving her apartment and walked to her car,
“I Don’t know, because of a bet, he lost at Pool.” Sam said.
“Men never truly mature, do they?” Y/N asked, unlocking her car and getting in, her phone connecting to the speaker.
“Not really, I’ll send you the address,” Sam said and hung up.
Y/N drove to the bar, showing the bouncer her ID and when she got in, she saw Sam holding Henry upright while Henry sings one of her songs, very poorly.
“My love! You came for me.” Henry said, walking to Y/N nearly tripping over his own feet until Y/N got closer to him.
“Alright Fortachón, let’s go back to your place, I’m sure Kal is worried about you.” Y/N said. Sam helped Y/N walk out with Henry and got him into her car.
Y/N was helping him into his house while he tries singing another song of hers. When she got the door open, Kal started barking.
“Hola Osito, i need you to move so I can get your dad inside.” Y/N told Kal and surprisingly Kal listened to her. Y/N closed the door and walked Henry to his bedroom. “Okay fortachón, I need you to get undressed.”
“Mm, you wanna see me naked, darling?” Henry asked.
“I need to get your pajamas on. Unless you wanna wear khakis to bed?” Y/N asked,
“No thank you.” Henry slurred and Y/N got him undressed and in his pajamas. “You take such great care of me darling.”
“It’s nothing, querido.” Y/N said,
“Mm, i love you so much.” Henry said, Y/N stopped what she was doing.
“You don’t mean that.” Y/N said.
“But I do, I love you so much, you are the best girlfriend I ever had.” Henry said.
“Go to sleep, Fortachón.” Y/N said.
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“But he did say it again the next morning so he redeemed himself.” Y/N said.
“I made her breakfast as a thank you as well, told her I loved her over breakfast.” Henry admitted.
“Like the true British gentleman he is, haha. Our relationship is actually pretty strong, I even met his parents.” Y/N said,
“They love her, honestly. I’m pretty sure they love her more than they love me, whenever I go home and Y/N can’t come with me, they always ask for her.” Henry said.
“I just think they like my food.” Y/N said.
“She is an amazing cook. I never had flan before I tried hers, it is amazing.” Henry said.
The rest of their interview , they talked about their relationship and it was time for her to perform “So American”. The crowd LOVED IT, the showed ended, and Henry and Y/N were in Henry’s car.
“Did you mean what you put in your song? You really think about marrying me?” Henry asked.
“One day, if we’re still together after a few more years.” Y/N admitted.
“I think we will. Who knows, we might have a few kids in our future.” Henry said.
“Can’t wait.” Y/N said, Henry kissed Y/N and he started the car, driving home.
The End
Taglist: @warriormirkwood @alwayzmsbehavn @just-callmeanna @kingliam2019
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kooksbunnnn · 2 years
Lost cause? 1 : everythings gone?
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Pairing: Jeon Jungkook × female!Reader
Genre: Established relationship/ marriage, angst, panic attack (TRIGGER WARNING) heartbreak, INFIDELITY (do not read if this content triggers you) also, 18+, Please read the author's note.
Words: 5.3k words
Summary: You always wondered, how would your life turn out to be if you and Jungkook had a baby? So, when you finally conceive and decide to tell your husband, that you are pregnant, you didn't expect him to drop this bomb on you. You never would've thought that the surprise you planned would end up in agonized tears because of the shock your husband brings you. 
Authors note: hi everyone! Welcome, to the people who are reading this for the first time and I apologize to the people who have already read this and were disappointed that it got deleted. This was my first ever drabble on this app, but because of people giving so much love to this story, I decided to write another part of it. And since not every story or the ending or the writer is perfect, some people didn't like the part two. 
Since this story is slightly related to a trauma that I personally experienced, I tried to convince people that people have different approaches towards these situations and people might also want to try again if their partner cheats. Not giving a chance again was my approach, since my situation was different. 
Anyways, I updated the second chapter and some people called my OC dumb. So I tried making slight changes in the story and saved it in the drafts. But then I updated this app and my story got deleted from the drafts, which I apologize for with my whole heart. I am sorry if I disappointed any of the lovely readers by deleting the story, for the new readers, I hope you enjoy this drabble! Love you, hehe.
So here it is once again! The Lost cause. 
Today's a very special day, Jeon Jungkook, your husband, would be back from his 10-day trip to Busan, courtesy of the company he worked his ass off for. Also, you had an announcement to make, speaking of which, you place the single candle on the dinner table finishing your preparations for the date night you planned.
You were pregnant, finally pregnant. After so many tries. You got so happy when the results came but since Jungkook was on a trip, you decided to keep it a secret until he comes back.
Anxiety, excitement, happiness, and maybe fear. What if he does not get happy listening to the news? These emotions are giving you a feeling that you are not able to place in your head quite clearly, but as soon as the sound of keys rattling reaches your ears, a smile appears on your face and the joy wins the race with every other feeling.
You run towards the gate and hide against the wall that was attached to the door giving you a spot big enough to put up your wedding picture frame. As soon as the door opens you jump and whisper-yell a 'boo', which was meant to be adorable but made him gasp and drop his luggage on the floor.
You pick up the phone that he dropped and you chuckle, hugging him you whisper in his ears, "I missed you baby."
When he doesn't hug you back your body tenses a little bit but before you can pull back he pulls you towards him and buries his head in your neck inhaling your scent. "I missed you too." You listen to him repeat the statement like a mantra, leaning back a little you look into his eyes...
Was he crying?
"Hey baby, I love you, okay?" You kiss him, trying to assure him of your presence. Inhaling his natural scent which was also mixed with a few cigarettes. You frown in the kiss when you realize something is off because of the way he just kept his lips frozen.
Also, the cigarettes were a symptom of stress, but you don't pay attention to the smoky scent and kiss him trying to make him relax. All the excitement drained out of you and now you were worried that you did something wrong.
The way he was holding you tightly but also with hesitation, 3 years of a relationship along with 2 years experience in marriage has taught you both, the body language you both can show and it made you a bit worried.
You step back to look at him properly and see that he had dark circles under his eyes, and his hair was disheveled. It looked as if he had run through by his hand many times. He does it again, proving your theory.
It's a nervous trait of his.
The single drop of tear dropping on his chin tells you something is wrong, his chest heaving as if trying to contain and also let out something. You realize he hasn't even looked at you once.
"Kook?" Hearing the nickname he opens his eyes to look at your face for a second and then looks away.
"Are you okay? Is everything okay? Did something happen baby?" The soft questions in a whisper-like voice made him tear up and say a distant 'yeah just missed you so much.'
You look at his face that was focusing on the picture you hung on the wall from your honeymoon trip, the hills in the background of the picture making you smile at the memory of your husband whining like a baby because of the cold.
The picture even has his nose red and all scrunched up while you were posing with a big smile on your face, your chin resting on his shoulder with your hands in his jacket pocket while you hugged him from the back, fitting into each other like puzzle pieces.
You both look at the picture and after some seconds of zoning out, you chuckle and say sorry for not even letting him in and jumping on him, he shakes his gaze off the painting and rushes to close the door before he takes his shoes off and just tumbles across the hall when you notice.
His shoes...
He never has his shoelaces untied. Cursing your overthinking brain you tell it that maybe he is tired and just wanna rest.
"You know I ordered a big pizza meal but then canceled it cause I suddenly changed my mind. It amazes me that I can change my mind in 35 seconds.." you chuckle at how fast you felt nausea set in your stomach when you ordered the pizza and just keep on talking, still nervous about how you're gonna tell him everything. "But then I decided to cook some steak which I couldn't cause I suddenly had a headache, so I decided that you can suggest something and we can order while you showe- where are you going, kook?"
You say in a confused tone when you see him opening the balcony door letting the cool air inside.
"Just need some air, Y/N"
You flinch at how he takes your full name, and you realize it must've been your rambling that you sent him to the balcony for air. You feel sorry and walk towards the balcony where he just stares at the city from above, the sun still setting into the horizon painting the sky a pretty shade of purple mixed with a crimson red.
"I'm sorry if I annoyed you baby, just excited you are back. You wanna shower first or eat something? You seem tired." He shakes his head at your question rocking your body a bit with his since you have yours attached to his back like a koala.
"Can I get some time alone, Y/N...please?" You pull back with your eyebrows knitted together at his sudden request which makes you feel something in your stomach. Something bad.
"Um, okay. Take your time.." you step back into the lobby when suddenly you feel nauseous and you run towards the bathroom with a hand clutched over your mouth.
Oh no. Not yet
Rushing into the bathroom you fall onto your knees in front of the pot, pouring out almost everything you had this morning. Jungkook comes running after you kneeling down immediately beside you, holding your hair back which you were not doing a good job at.
He rubs your back as you cough and try to breathe at the same time not being able to pay attention to his 'are you okays' or 'hey what happened' or 'it's okay, it's okay I am here'.
When you feel like you have nothing left in you, you sit up a little to flush the remnants of your indigested food into the sewer, falling back against the wall connected to the shower cabinet.
You breathe heavily and try to calm down when you notice a big pair of doe eyes looking at you in concern, he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear as you try getting up.
"I am sorry, you didn't have to help, seriously. You're tired, go take a shower then we can eat something okay?" You try to leave the tensed guy's embrace but he stops you, looking at you from top to bottom examining you as a doctor while you turn to use some mouthwash.
"I didn't have to help? You were literally wrenching your gut out, are you even okay?!" He asks you in a terrified voice turning you towards him after you spit out the mouthwash.
You, not wanting to worry him more because of his earlier wanting to be alone statement, just hold his face in both of your hands telling him that it was stale rice that you had in lunch. Whispering an 'oh', he immediately takes his hands away from your face and asks you to be careful, adding a little please at the end making your heart swell with love.
You both stand there silent while the tap water runs in the background. You turn back to turn it off after some seconds and break the silence by telling him that he can shower as long as he wants and you can order something in the meanwhile.
Walking towards the door, you ask, "Chicken?" he looks at you for a second and breathes a 'yeah'. You smile and lean in to kiss his cheeks telling him not to take too long cause you have to talk about something.
"Me too," he says in an almost inaudible voice, giving him a little nod, you walk back into the kitchen.
After a long 42-minute shower, according to your phone clock, he comes out in a killing t-shirt and sweatpants combination. Smelling his body wash from 2 feet away you feel the comfort seeping into you. You hug him, inhaling his natural and soapy scent, running your hand in his damp hair and scratching his scalp, you chuckle.
"There's my perfect and not-so-travel-worn husband." You were about to start the conversation that lead to the announcement, when suddenly he buried his nose in your neck, sniffling and you feel his arms tightening around you, him mumbling an 'I am sorry' into your shoulder accompanied with little drops that dampen your t-shirt's collar.
You try to pull back to talk to him but he doesn't let you, his body starts shaking as he starts to fully sob. Your heart picks up its pace as you've never seen him like this. Doubting himself or the relationship, you feel a pang in your heart as if something bad is about to happen.
"Jungkook, hey, what's the matter? Are you okay?" You pull back putting in a lot of strength and see how his face is red and his tears are just flowing out.
"Hey look at me.." you try to make him face you but he just shuts his eyes trying to face away from your concerned orbs. He suddenly sits down on the chair with a thud slipping from your hold, he clutches his head and keeps on sobbing and coughing and crying. You try to calm him down with big wide eyes filling with tears as well, at seeing the pain he is in but its as if he can't hear you or your words.
You can swear you heard him say 'I fucked up, I fucked up. I am so fucking sorry.' Your heart sinks and you kneel in front of him, taking his hand in yours. Pressing short kisses on his tattooed fist, after a lot of struggling you finally make him look at you and the expression makes you doubt the curiosity in you because you have this feeling...
Sitting up on your knees coming face to face with him, he stares at you, sniffling, his eyes and his nose all red, lips quivering. "I love you Jungkook okay? trust me, tell me what happened please?" You say softly but firmly, confirming to him that he had to tell everything about the guilt and disgust he felt towards himself. How he wanted to just go back in time, to revert the fuck up he did, which is gonna ruin everything, everything he built, everything he had in this relationship. The love, the trust, he could see everything breaking including you and your heart.
Not being able to keep his eyes on you, he looks down at his lap and you have a feeling you're not gonna like his next words. Tightening his hold on your hands he said...
"I cheated on you."
The silence between you two, after hearing the words come out of his mouth, was deafening. You can't even hear your heartbeats, did it stop? Is this a dream? A nightmare if precisely termed. You feel the air in your lungs escaping and a panic setting inside you.
"It happened just once, I am sorry. I don't know why I did it. I am really sorry. I don't know what to do.." he keeps going on and on, you are looking at him but nothing reaches you.
There is this ringing in your ear that doesn't seem to stop and after a good 1 or 2 minutes of looking blankly at the body shaking and sobbing in front of you, you realize that you went blank. All the apologies and curses that were pointed at him were not even entering your ears.
When the realization hit, you felt all alone in the room, with silence, slow breaths, panic, and the 'feeling of a life growing inside you.' Questions. A lot of questions, came running at you with knives and swords piercing through your heart.
Why? Were you not enough?
Did he fall out of love?
Did you do something wrong?
Did you gain weight?
Did you not give him satisfaction anymore?
Were you ever insensitive?
Did you bore him?
Were you not exciting anymore?
Did you cross some boundaries of his privacy?
Should you've worn more makeup?
Should you have gotten that surgery your aunt suggested?
Did you annoy him?
Will he leave you?
Would you have to beg?
Will you beg?
What about the pregnancy?
Should you tell him?
What if he leaves?
What if you are left alone?
Do you even want to live a life alone, without him?
And many more...
The unfocused look in your eyes and the loosening grip of your hands made him jolt up in the chair and hold your hands tighter, pulling you towards his body, he left your hands and held you by your shoulders, trying to shake you out of the panic. He can almost read the questions in your eyes. He can explain, and he wants to, but he needs you to get back to him. Back to the lobby where you were looking into his eyes but still were not able to hear or see or feel him.
"Y/N. Look at me. Hey, Y/N, focus baby. Talk to me, please. Yell at me. Scream. Hit me. Just talk please." He shakes you and your body responds with a limp movement which makes him leave the chair and get down on the floor.
The anxiety, the panic, the betrayal, all making your breathing ragged. You want to scream but your body doesn't respond. You've been cheated a lot of times in your life, many times. Including the one time a guy used you for a bet to prove to his friends that he can fuck you. From grade 5th, the bullies of your school had bets on who can slap your ass or grope you in the hallways or in the classroom. Which forced you to shift to another school.
Making new friends was never easy for you and since everyone behaved well to you first and then betrayed you in the past, you had trust issues. So any guy who said he liked you, the issues that made the relationship difficult, ended up with him dumping you or the famous cheating situation. After 5 and a half years of isolation from friends and love since nothing made you feel secure. You finally found Jungkook who proved in every single way that he can be your friend and lover at the same time. You didn't need anyone else. And as of now, if not him, you have no one. This leaves you with another question. Are you gonna end up lonely in that depressing, dark pit where you cried and even if you were surrounded by four groups of people, no one gave a fuck.
The thoughts hit you like a punch in the gut and the amount of shaking Jungkook had you get out of the daze and finally focus on him. Looking at his face you remember everything you guys have done. The kisses, the movies, the cuddles, the teasing, the late-night walks, the crying sessions, the fights, the sex...
Before you can even think about the following genres of your memories, you push him back and clutch your head. Falling forward with your knees still tucked under your thighs, you pull your hair to stop the pain in your head and let out a screech that makes Jungkook sob harder.
He doesn't wanna see you like this, your body shivering, and the way your hands are shaking and your loud cries and wails that he never wanted to be the reason for. He knew your past. He knew every fucking thing. How could he do this to you? He vowed that he will never make you cry, he literally would kill anyone who made you upset.
Now, what should he do with himself?
You gasp as you take in the air, your body falling back as you reach for something on the ground to get support from. Jungkook tries to reach out to you but you yell at him to stay away as you start imagining pictures in your head of him kissing someone, moaning someone else's name, coming for someone else. You look at his face that was still crying and had his fists clenched on the marble floor.
"Why?" You ask between sobs not wanting to hear an answer, mostly talking to yourself. Listening to which he cries harder, crawling towards you he tries to hold your hand. But you struggle against him, trying to push him again but he pleads in front of you to listen to him explain.
"No!" You scream and push him off. Making him fall back against the floor, and you even stop for a second to check on him if he is hurt, but you continue, sobbing, when you see that he is okay.
"Was I not enough for you?! Why did you, out of all the people, You! have to prove that I am not worth putting people's time into?! What am I supposed to do huh?" you kneel in front of his body that was hesitant to reach out but wanted to comfort your panicked state. "You tell me Kook...Do you expect me to forgive you? Or do you expect me to trust you again and just forget that this.." you move your pointer finger towards both of you pointing towards your chests, "..ever happened?"
Getting up you get a dizzy feeling in your head and you can feel the room spinning. You lean against the kitchen counter. Tears never stopping. You look at him who was getting up to sit on the chair and constantly looking down at the floor.
Suddenly you can't breathe without asking him the questions in your mind and you wanted to know, Why? Who? Where?
"Who was she?" You ask not able to hide the little crack in your voice as you looked at your husband, who promised to love you. Forever.
"She was the manager in the club I went to celebrate with Hyungs." He speaks up without hesitation knowing that he owes an explanation. That easy? Was it that easy to forget about you and fuck another girl?
"What was her nam- actually no I don't wanna know..." you felt bile rise in your throat at the thought of knowing her name, so after a pause, you got the courage to ask him, "Did you fuck her?" He looked at you flinching at the choice of your words.
"No." He said looking away tears still flowing. Before you could ask further, he explained himself. "I-no, I didn't fuck her, does it matter what we did? I am sorry Y/N, just please look at me?" He begged as he stood up to walk up to you.
You chuckled sarcastically, no humor present in your voice. You looked up and saw guilt in his eyes as he stopped in his way when he heard you let out a half-hearted laugh. It hurts to see him cry but you can't help but feel the pain in your chest overlapping your love. You doubt if you should even tell him about his baby. It was supposed to be a surprise but clearly, your husband had better surprises planned.
You really want to, but you can't really see a future ahead of you now.
"We. It is such an easy word right, kook?" You look at the ground thinking about how he used the word so easily which was supposed to be only yours and his.
"We. Us..." You look up at him and say through clenched teeth, "..It matters Jungkook tell me. What exactly happened. I want to know where exactly I went wrong for you to go seek help somewhere else."
He wanted to protest but you shush him with an adamant,
'Tell me Jungkook'.
He looks at his feet and you prepare yourself for the heartbreaking details. "We met-.." he looks at you and changes his words "I met her when she came to ask if our group needed something. Namjoon Hyung introduced all of us since she was his old friend. They wanted to celebrate the deal and since she was Hyung's friend, we invited her, and I..I don't know what happened but I got really drunk and I just went to wash my face but she j-just grabbed me and pushed me against the wall and.." he started snuffling and you felt your body shaking and long, heavy breathes leaving your lungs, eyes squeezed shut, with clenched fists, trying to hear the whole story without breaking down. "She started kissing me a-and w-we just kissed and.."
He pauses pleading for you to not let him continue.
"Continue please.." he can hear your heart, your voice, and your demeanor breaking at the same time. "Y/N please.." hearing this, you look at him with eyes that were emotionless, telling him that he fucking owes this much to you.
All the while he was speaking, you think about the baby, the little person who did nothing wrong. Will his or her father leave? You feel your breath slipping away at the thought but you control the urge to scream until he finishes.
"..and then we just gave each other a handjob.." you flinched at the term making your knuckles go white. He sounds so distant, so small, the guilt eating him up.
"Did you cum?" you ask him, eyes shut as if trying to avoid the answers. He sighs and mutters a 'yes'. You inhale sharply trying to gasp for air looking up at the ceiling, "did you make her cum?"
He feels the knot in his throat fighting the food he ate earlier which was trying to come out, guilt and disgust seeping into his veins. This sounds so disgusting and you sound so broken. Your breathing making him feel pathetic. But after gathering some courage he admits cause he had to answer you.
It was supposed to happen if they did that kind of stuff but it made you feel sick to the stomach. You feel the world spin and you wonder if there is a chance that a nightmare could feel so true.
You don't know what comes over you when you call his name softly.
He looks up at you with blurry eyes and you reach up to his hand to hold it against your belly. The moment you see him realize, you start crying breathlessly, hiccups making it harder to breathe. His eyes sparkle for a second when he understands that finally, he fulfilled his dream which was to be a father but loses it as soon as he realizes that he fucked up bad and what he did was irreversible, and also that he has ruined three lives altogether.
And the baby.
His eyes lose color as soon as you drop his hand so that you can cover your crying face with both your hands, not knowing what you're gonna do now.
He steps back as he realizes what he has done. You and he have been trying for half a year and when he got the chance to be a father, to be a perfect husband, a chance to help you sit up, feed you, to do stuff for you cause you won't be able to do, since you would be having a big belly, with his baby inside. Who will one day hold his hand and call him 'dad', he wanted to help you get through the labor so that he could hold the baby in his arms taking in his or her features while you sleep because you'd be exhausted, then have a family picture taken in the hospital, and get it framed to put on the bedside wall.
You just keep sniffing after crying for a time you or he couldn't measure. Your body is not able to move. Your thoughts whirl inside your mind and you don't realize when you black out.
Jungkook heard how your hiccups stopped gradually, making him look upward to see how you passed out and now had your head resting on the wall behind you. Your body was cold and your face was wet with tears. He carries you to your bedroom and tucks you in, feeling sick when he sees your face and nose red. Black trails on the cheekbones. He tries to rub the smudges off but pulls his hand back when he realizes that he lost his right to do all this.
He places a glass of water on the nightstand which was his daily habit, cause he knows you wake up at the midnight, searching for water with grabby hands and whining until he gets you some.
You were his princess whom he liked to spoil even after your complaints of being a spoiled brat because of him, always smiling when he called you his baby. He made sure you didn't have to leave the comfort of your bed. He remembers how you smiled looking at him with your big doe eyes filled with love which were now red because of him.
He turns off the lights in the room to make sure your eyes don't strain while you sleep. Because he would not sleep next to you, to help you get your relief by burying your head in his chest to avoid the lights. He lost this privilege.
All these emotions made him feel nauseous but nothing comes up. The feeling sitting inside him as he watches your pale face being lit under the moonlight coming through the gap in the window curtains. He didn't realize how the clock turned from 07:35 in the evening to 01:05, midnight.
He sat on the floor next to your hand, not even daring to touch you trying to think of ways to solve this. When he doesn't he cries muffling his voice in his arms so that you don't wake up, he doesn't want to leave you alone, afraid of you getting up due to a nightmare or the morning sickness.
He didn't realize when he fell asleep, but when he woke up, he didn't find you anywhere in the room, not even in the bathroom. Calling out your name in panic, he runs out to the lobby where he doesn't find you either. He calls for you in a scared voice when the cool air from the balcony caressing his face tells him that you were on the balcony.
He rushed towards you and saw how you were crouched down on the floor sipping coffee or tea. It might be tea coz you don't like coffee in the morning. 'It makes me talk bitter' you told him once at the beginning of your relationship. The memories made him smile.
Walking inside the balcony area decorated by you as soon as you both moved into the apartment 8 months ago, with plants, wall hangings, colorful pots, and a set of chairs with a little round table for your balcony date nights you had on Saturdays.
Sitting down he sees that your eyes are still swollen and he understands you were crying before he woke up. He wants to caress your swollen skin but he doesn't have the right to anymore. So he just sits across you on the balcony floor looking at the floor underneath him.
After finishing the tea you keep the empty mug on the floor with a clink and without looking at him and focusing still on the empty utensil, you softly speak, "Kook, I don't know, I-I just... I love you and I don't think that would change ever but..." he squeezes his eyes, dreading your next sentence.
I just don't know if I can see you, or feel the same way for you as I did before, b-but... I think our child should be born with both parents being able to be around each other." he looks up at you with hopeful eyes.
"That does not mean that I would be able to forgive you, Kook. You broke my heart, Jungkook. I am strong. But I am not that strong to let you back in my life. After what happened to me in the past, this was my last straw and I hope you know that I loved you with everything I had... I still do. But I just can't." You breathe out.
You feel your heart clench at the way he opens his mouth to say something but closes it the moment you start tearing up. He looks at his lap again, soft sniffles coming from his direction.
You don't want to leave, but you get up to leave the balcony with Jungkook still looking at the floor not able to make eye contact with you.
With your back towards him, you say, "I am going to live at my mom's house for some time until I find an apartment or maybe until our baby is born, I do not want to stay here.." looking around you feel your heart sinking as every spot that screams about the time you've spent here.
"...the memories will fucking kill me. Also, you can...um, visit if you want, as I w-want you to be an equal part of the child's life as I am, just.." he looks up at you with teary eyes at your pause, ".. don't expect to be a part of my life, Kookie. It won't be easy for me but I can't risk it. I have to take care of us"
And he looks away with watery eyes when he realizes that you were not talking about the three of you but just the baby and you.
Seeing him try to control his breathing, you couldn't help but walk back into the balcony to kneel in front of him. Muscle memory, you guess. Leaning forward, you put your hand on the other side of his face and give a peck to his cheek, he holds your wrist softly in place not wanting to let you go, and you both sob simultaneously while inhaling the air as if breathing is the most difficult thing in the world.
You feel your heartbreak at the Irony. He used to be your safe space. He helped you breathe.
You put your forehead against his and let his scent get absorbed and engraved in your mind. One last time. But you know you have to be strong. Your past has ruined your trusting instincts and now Jungkook just put the cherry on top.
You mumble a little 'I love you' before nudging his nose with yours as he tries to not let you go, but eventually does cause he didn't dare to stop you after doing you wrong. You get up to leave when you hear a silent 'I love you too' followed by a wave of muffled sobs leaving his mouth.
You let the tears fall openly and vulnerably as you leave the apartment, breaking down as soon as you reach your car. You glance at the plushie sitting on your dashboard he gave you after winning at an arcade.
The little squishy duck looking at you with pity in its plastic eyes, as it now has witnessed your most happy moments and the most dreadful ones in approximately 8 months.
Was everything over? You and Jungkook? Your perfect fairytale? Your perfect family? The dream you've been dreaming of forever, the child and the kid's room, the house in the countryside, everything?
was it all gone, forever?
Next chapter. Series masterlist Main Masterlist
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wndaswife · 2 years
If requests are still open, is it possible to get a subby milf Wanda x neighbours daughter college student r?
If not all good, I love your blog 💚 you’re actually so talented, I’d read your shopping list if you wanted to publish it…
love thy neighbour
wanda maximoff & fem!reader
tags: smut, sacrilege (a lot), cunnilingus, fingering, semi public & public sex, infidelity, manipulation, slight obsessive & possessive behaviour, angst, fluff, sub!wanda maximoff, dom!reader. MINORS DNI.
word count: 9237
summary: You meet your new neighbours when you visit home for the holidays. With homemade treats and friendly advances, Wanda seems to have intentions of becoming closer with you, and she won’t settle for anything less.
a/n: this took weeks to finally work on but im so thankful for your request, this christmas fic couldn’t have been done without it <3
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Your semester was finally over. 
Exams were finished. 
Assignments were finished.
Buying groceries for yourself and attending weekly class were finished. 
Until next semester came around, anyways. But that didn’t cross your mind when you wheeled your luggage up the snowy driveway of your house and to the front door where you knocked.
You were glad for a white Christmas, though your tremulous drive back begged to differ.
But nevermind that. 
The front door of your house was pulled open and a gust of warm air from inside laced with the palatable scent of homemade dinner embraced you.
Nevermind any of it. 
Your mother pulled you into a hug and your father took your luggage up to your bedroom. 
For the next few weeks, you could forget about anything that didn’t have to do with the holidays and spend every day of it precisely how you wanted to, schedules and deadlines finally be damned.
There were a few things that had changed around the house since the last time you visited, including a strangely-decorated Christmas tree in the corner of your living room that your father had obviously decorated on his own without listening to any of your mother’s input.
You spent the next forty minutes in your bedroom unpacking in time for dinner downstairs with your parents. Perhaps if you had known there’d be guests, you would’ve changed out of your casual jeans and hoodie.
It was only until you stepped foot downstairs in the living room when you reconsidered your attire. But just then, a family of four came into view- a tall finely-dressed man and who you assumed to be his wife turning to look at you.
“This is our daughter, Y/N,” your mother introduced, stepping over to you and wrapping an arm around your shoulders. She mused, “She came home not more than an hour ago.” Her face turned to you with a proud smile.
“It’s nice to finally meet you,” the tall man greeted, extending a hand that you shook. “I’m Vision, and this is my wife Wanda. We’re your neighbour across the street.” 
Your eyes moved from him to the woman beside him dressed in a wine red turtleneck and black slacks. Her dark brown hair streaked with shades of blonde was curled up to above her shoulders. She, contradictory to you, was dressed in the spirit of a formal dinner.
You wondered if it had become a tradition for your parents to dine with them since the last you’d visited. It made you feel particularly casted off from your own home as you knew little of who the family standing in the middle of your parents’ living room was. 
“We’ve heard much about you, Y/N,” Wanda commented. Her voice was even-tempered and soothingly soft. “We’re glad you could make it home for the holidays as your mother and father have told us how demanding your program is.” You found you could do nothing but nod in understanding, a considerate smile on your lips.
She continued, “These are our twins, Tommy and Billy. Say hello, boys.” The two children, dressed as formally as their parents were, waved at you. One was holding his mother’s hand and they both shone polite smiles at you with the intention of being friendly.
You waved back at them with your own smile that you hoped looked as welcoming as you intended. It’d been awhile since your street had any children. 
“Shall we take this into the dining room?” your dad spoke suddenly, outreaching his hands to take the casserole in Vision’s. With a nod, the dish was exchanged between the two men. The twins trailed behind your father as your mother began a conversation with Vision. 
Wanda was standing beside you before you realised she had held herself back a moment to be able to walk with you. A warm smile was directed at you when you looked over at her, eliciting the first sincere upwards tug of your lips since you arrived downstairs. 
Her arms were pulled forwards by Tommy and Billy and she followed their excited lead over to the adjacent side of the table where the rest of her family’s seats separated you from her side. 
Your mother began serving the plates, asking neither of the guests of their preferred amount of portions other than you. Had it really been so long since you were last home?
When you looked up from the mashed sweet potatoes, curious green eyes caught your attention- it was Wanda’s, staring across the table and at your face. Not anywhere particularly, but rather running down the way your hair tucked behind your ear or the curves of your lips as you told your mother you didn’t want any cranberry sauce. 
Her eyes left you once yours found hers. It was almost a bit strange, certainly, but you dismissed it as curiosity. 
“Wanda is a member of the church here, Y/N,” your dad said as he poured you a glass of ginger ale. 
“Wow,” you responded, looking up from your plate in front of you to nod at her in indication of a peaked interest. 
Your mother continued, “She’s a choir leader. Three, sometimes four days a week, she’s volunteering for services at the church around the block. She’s really quite talented. Composed a number of pieces herself.”
Wanda said with a sheepish smile and a flick of her wrist, “She doesn’t want to hear about that, do you, Y/N?” Her eyes were on you again, but with more intention when she maintained eye contact that time. 
You cut a piece of casserole from your serving and shrugged, looking back up to Wanda, then around the table to your mother. “I wouldn’t mind hearing about it,” you answered and took a bite from the portion you had scooped onto your fork. 
Wanda’s eyes seemed to follow the direction of your fork that moved past your lips, then maintained focus as she watched you chew. 
Vision and your father started up a conversation which called for everyone’s attention at the table with their central positions between everyone. Perhaps you’d seen it wrong, but it took Wanda a few moments for her to direct her attention from you, even when her husband moved onto another topic.
Finally, once Tommy’s exceptional grades were brought up in his physical education class, Wanda focused her attention on him and away from you, running her hand down her son’s arm admirably. She did the same for Billy when she mentioned his joining of the school’s soccer team. 
After about an hour and a half of listening to yours and Vision’s family’s conversations with the occasional input from your end, you were washing dishes in the kitchen while everyone conversed in the living room. You were relieved to have some time to yourself. Dinner with guests took you for a bit of a surprise. 
“Is it alright if I put these here?” a soft familiar voice asked from behind you. Wanda came into view as she rounded you to the sink holding three empty wine glasses. 
Though you did enjoy meeting her. 
“That’s fine,” you answered her and went back to rinsing a soapy plate. She placed the wine glasses on the counter beside the sink. 
You expected for her to leave the kitchen as silently as she had come, but she leaned against the kitchen counter and your eyes flickered over to her. 
“Did you enjoy dinner?”
You nodded. “I did enjoy it. It’s been a while since I’ve had a big home cooked meal like that.” She said something about agreeing to have enjoyed dinner in response.
“Did you like the casserole?”
Restraining the confused furrowing of your eyebrows that you felt beginning to tug onto your expression at Wanda’s question, you simply nodded again. “It was good. I thought the chicken was really great,” you told her, recalling the meal in detail. 
“Did you make it?” you asked, looking over to her when you took a wine glass from the counter and began washing it. 
Looking pleased that you suggested it, Wanda responded, “I did. The secret to it is a few pinches of paprikash in the marinade while the chicken sits the night before.” 
You could hold back the amused smile that formed on your face as you listened to her sudden commentary on cooking. “That’s cool,” you replied with a nod. “Yeah, it was great. Do you and your family often come over for dinner?”
“Not very often. Most Saturdays and some weekdays if we can.”
“So, you’re close to my parents?”
“We are,” she said, almost hesitantly. “They were very kind to us when we first moved in.” 
You nodded again and ran a soapy sponge through the inside of the final glass.
The older woman played with her wedding ring between her forefinger and the pad of her thumb. The moment her lips parted, Vision stepped into the kitchen. 
“Wanda, the boys are ready to head home,” he told her. Wanda straightened. She answered him with a silent nod before looking back over to you.
Turning the sink off and drying your hands on a dishcloth, you said, “It was nice meeting the two of you, and Tommy and Billy.” 
Vision smiled at you from across the kitchen, then raised an arm to beckon his wife over. Wanda looked back at you over her shoulder and you caught a glimpse of the soft curve of her red lips before she was at her husband’s side. 
You joined your parents in time to wave goodbye to the twins as they walked across the street to their housr, Wanda and Vision holding a hand of each child. They were a conventional-looking family, the dark-haired wife bundled up in her jacket with a scarf and pair of gloves while her husband wore a sandy woollen trench coat. Their sons were squeezed between them as they waved back at your parents before their front door shut. 
Guilt settled in the base of your stomach as you headed upstairs to your bedroom after bidding a goodnight to your parents. The curiosity of your neighbour’s eyes, the awkward twirling of her fingers as she approached you after dinner. 
Had she wanted to get to know you? 
There was warm familiarity in having everything placed as they normally were now that you were back home. Settling under your mounds of blankets while scrolling through your phone was a comfort as you no longer had anything weighing you down now that winter break had started. But the guilt of having overlooked Wanda gnawed at you still.
It didn’t matter all too much, did it? You were neighbours and you’d see each other around- plenty of time to make up for how you disregarded Wanda’s attempts at conversing with you. The two of you would likely not end up being any more than cordial neighbours with the differences that lay between you, but Wanda had been kind enough earlier that night and the least you could do was repay her for it.
You padded downstairs in the late afternoon, freshly out of bed after you heard the doorbell ring. You recalled amidst your sleepy daze that your parents were at work which forced you to drag yourself out of bed and open the front door.
Soft hair topped with a knitted-hat, rosy cheeks, and a familiar red scarf from last night greeted you once you opened the front door. The brisk winter air bit at your body half-dressed in a loose shirt and shorts, making you realise you were standing in front of your neighbour who had evidently gotten herself dressed up to visit your house.
Wanda’s soft smile dissipated into furrowed eyebrows and a concerned downwards curve of her lips. “Have I come at a bad time?” she asked you, the deep white dish in her mitten-clad hands lowering.
“Oh, no, no, no,” you blabbered and raised your hands to your hair, pushing it back behind your ears in an attempt to look presentable. “No, it’s not a bad time. But my parents aren’t home if that’s who you’re looking to talk with.”
“I was actually hoping to talk with you,” Wanda said. Something laid behind her words, though you could not decipher if it was due to the cold or some sudden onset of nerves. Blank and perhaps unfriendly confusion must have unintentionally come over your features for Wanda looked down at the dish in her hands, eyes flickering away from anywhere but yours. “But I understand if I’ve come at a bad time. I made brownies for you and your parents, so if you’d prefer I can just drop it off.”
Something opportunistic bloomed within you, a chance to make up for last night, and you stepped back into the house. “No, please, Wanda, come in,” you told her and gestured your arm back in a short sweeping motion, implying for her to step inside with you.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to overstep.”
“You’re not overstepping, I promise. I’ll take this from you so you can hang your things up.” 
Finally, Wanda entered the front foyer and held the warm dish out which you took. While you brought the deep dish of brownies into the kitchen, you heard rustling behind you as Wanda hung her jacket up and placed her boots on the mat. 
“Did I wake you?” Wanda inquired as she walked through the living room and into the kitchen behind you. 
You lied, “I was laying around doing nothing productive upstairs before you came.”
“I’m glad. I hoped I didn’t bother you,” she expressed relief.
“Do you want to have some of this now? I can cut it up for both of us.”
“If you don’t mind.” 
“Not at all.” 
Soft clinking of plates and forks sounded through the kitchen as you wondered what Wanda might be doing there. She took a seat at the small kitchen table in front of the oven, her movements almost completely silent if not for the squeaking of the chair’s foot against the floor.
After you turned and placed a plate with a brownie slice on each side of the table, you poured two glasses of water across from each plate.
“Thank you,” Wanda said and lifted her fork between the pad of her thumb and the side of her middle finger. Her wedding ring reflected the winter sunlight from beyond the kitchen window. A singular prong from her fork pressed into the decadent-looking brownie before she spoke again, looking up from her plate to you. “Y/N, if you don’t mind, I’d like to ask you a question. I’ve been a bit curious about you.”
“Curious?” you repeated, looking up at her too.
With a nod, Wanda hummed in confirmation before asking, “You attend school so far from home. Don’t you feel… worried? About the distance from your parents and your hometown.”
“I suppose I do sometimes,” you pondered aloud. “I think most students who study away from home feel a bit awry about living so far.” In silent understanding, Wanda nodded and sliced a small portion of the warm brownie onto her fork. “Why do you ask?” you asked her.
“Your parents mention you often,” Wanda mentioned and looked up to you. “It reminds me of when I was around your age, I was quite interested in pursuing studying abroad. I was curious about whether you enjoyed it.”
You took a bite of the warm brownie to give yourself a few moments to think. “I’m only a few hours away, but I do enjoy it,” you answered finally. “You didn’t end up studying abroad?”
Wanda’s fork clinked against her plate. “No, I could’ve never done something like that,” she said. “My upbringing was extremely religious. I didn’t end up studying Orthodox Catholicism in the detail that my mother had hoped, but I was able to take a few English classes throughout my time at school which I loved very much. I adored Shakespeare.”
Orthodox Catholicism, was that right? 
You wondered about Wanda’s personal beliefs, the opinions she might reserve about you should the two of you have any conversation past than the cordial neighbourly discussion. You didn’t press her about religion.
There was much she told you that you didn’t expect from her. She was first a dedicated churchgoing housewife then a lover of classic English poets. 
A few slightly awkward moments passed as the two of you forked bites of Wanda’s brownies into your mouths between sips of cold water.
“Do you bake often?” you found yourself asking suddenly. When your eyes were laid on Wanda’s face, she did not look as uneasy in the silence between the two of you as you initially imagined she would.
Wanda answered, “I do when I have the spare time. For lunch after church services I attend, I sometimes bring over a few dishes of mine.”
“I’m sure your family loves them. You’re a talented cook.”
Green eyes watched intently as you took a drink from your glass, and Wanda smiled. “Thank you,” she said, sounding sincerely grateful for your compliment. “I hope I’m not making you feel uncomfortable, Y/N, I was just so eager to get to know you.”
The more you got to know Wanda, the cautious housewife with an impulse to please that volunteered at the church a few blocks away, the more you untensed around her. “I don’t feel uncomfortable at all. I’m really glad to get to know you a little too,” you reassured her. And you really did begin to enjoy being in her company.
Laughs came from her much easier as time passed in the kitchen together, then divulgences about her family life and congregation were shared with you as you sat together on the living room couch.
After an abrupt ringing of her phone, her husband calling her to ask if she could pick the twins up from school instead of himself, Wanda stood from the couch with you. But before she stepped into her boots, she asked with a coy tone of voice, “Would you mind if I used your washroom for a moment before I left?”
“Of course, it’s no problem. There’s a bit of an issue with the sink in the washroom here, so you’d have to use the one upstairs. Do you know where it is?”
Wanda confirmed that she did, and with her jacket on, she ascended the stairs up onto the second floor of the house. Her steps were barely audible as she walked across the floor and to the washroom across from the staircase upstairs. 
While you carefully covered up your neighbour’s homemade brownies and placed them in the fridge for your parents to try once they came back from work, the woman you only just began to know as an unassuming harmless housewife sorted through your bedroom.
Nimble fingers pulled open your dressers’ cabinets then your wardrobe. She tucked pairs of underwear you owned into her jacket pockets that she adored as she sorted through them. She took photos of your perfumes and shampoo, the pills that belonged to you behind the washroom mirror. She looked over photos of you and your friends that decorate your desk and small areas of your walls, flipped through your notebooks and ran her eyes down your handwriting.
Leaving everything as it had been before she slipped into your bedroom, Wanda silently closed your door and with the washroom door open upstairs, she ran the sink for a few moments as she looked through the photos she took of your bedroom.
She joined you back downstairs after an appropriate amount of time, a soft smile on her bare pink lips. You were sitting on the couch scrolling through your phone when you looked up at her.
“Thank you,” Wanda said and wrapped her scarf around herself, then her woollen hat onto her head next.
You arose from the couch and opened the front door for her. “It was nice meeting with you,” you admitted as Wanda stepped into her boots and swung her purse around her shoulder. 
“Likewise, Y/N. Thank you for making time for me,” she replied, moving past you to stand on your front porch. “See you soon.” 
With a polite wave and a smile that crinkled the corners of her eyes, Wanda stepped off of your porch and headed across the street back to her house.
As you shut the front door and went back upstairs to the comfort of your bedroom, the warm feeling of appreciation for growing so close to your friendly neighbour veiled any possible suspicion that Wanda had been in your room.
You did not fall back asleep once you buried yourself back in your mounds of blankets and pillows, but instead scrolled through the internet on anything about Wanda Maximoff. 
Photos of polite proud smiles surrounded her at her old church came up, then articles with her name mentioned because of her community volunteering contributions, and a Facebook profile hardly used besides a few published photos of her family and a profile picture from a time where Wanda’s hair was shorter and blonder than it presently was.
It was later in the evening when you wished to let Wanda know that your parents loved the dessert she made that you realised you didn’t have her number nor did she have yours. 
Wanda’s family did not come over for dinner that night. 
You took special care in washing her empty dish clean- the best one could do cleaning a dish for confections. 
Twinges of embarrassment ran through you as you envisioned yourself through another’s perspective, making a fuss over a dish as an excuse to see your neighbour. You convinced yourself it’s what all cordial neighbours would do. 
With that, you shut the kitchen light off and went to bed internally conjuring up every phrase you’d bring up to Wanda later that next morning. 
Deciding to keep up good impressions, you woke up earlier that morning around nine. Dressed up for the visit across the street, you walked over to Wanda’s house. 
It was a nice morning. It wasn’t actively snowing, but glistening white blankets covered the sidewalks and the street’s roofs. The sun was beaming down on you, enough to warm the tip of your nose yet maintain the brisk chill of winter. 
With the dish balanced in one hand, you knocked on Wanda’s front door. You could see the warm gold and red outline of a Christmas tree past the living room’s partially opaque curtains and a variety of plants that decorated the windowsill. 
The front door opened and your neighbour appeared dressed in a tan dress and sheer black latex tights. She seemed to be ready to head out. 
“Y/N,” Wanda breathed your name out, a smile on her red lips. “Hello.”
You answered, tempted to look past her and into the warm ornate Christmas decorations in her house, “Hi. I wanted to return your dish. My parents really liked it. They told me to thank you.”
“Oh, yes,” Wanda said, looking down at the dish in your hands. “Come in. I’m happy you all enjoyed the dessert.” She closed the door behind you and a wave of deja-vu came over you as you recalled yesterday afternoon. 
The subtle scent of homemade treats and cinnamon enveloped you as you stepped into the warm home. 
Wanda lifted an earring from her palm and turned to look into the small mirror beside the door. “I’m just getting ready for mass. Vision is at work and the boys are at school. Do you have any place to be?” 
She looked over at you from the mirror once both gold stud earrings were put on. 
“No, nothing planned for today,” you replied finally. 
Wanda took her dish from your hands carefully and headed into her kitchen. She offered, her voice echoing through the hallways to you still standing in front of the door, “Then would you like to accompany me to church? I’m not volunteering this morning- just attending the service.”
“Would it be okay? I don’t think I’ve ever been to your church although I’ve lived so close for a while.”
You heard a small amused laugh from Wanda in the kitchen. “Of course. The church is open to all- newcomers and old,” she answered. 
You bristled at that terminology. 
Even if you accepted her offer, you didn’t anticipate being a regular attendant.
Wanda returned to the living room with her purse slung over her shoulder and a winter coat on. She leaned down beside you to slip a pair of heeled Oxfords. “Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalm…” she recalled the Bible verse, “hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.”
When she straightened, she was smiling over at you. “Attending mass is always a pleasure for me. I would like to extend that joy to you. But it is your choice. You don’t have to come.”
Though she gave you every opportunity to deny her, to turn away and say that you would rather occupy your day doing something else, you found it difficult to envision any sort of dejection as you peered at her curious green eyes through her rimless glasses. 
Without a moment’s thought, you answered, “I’d love to go.”
Your neighbour’s smile upturned into a grin and she nodded once. “Perfect. I was planning on walking as Vision has the car. I hope you don’t mind.”
“I have my car parked in the garage, I could drive us both there,” you offered immediately, stepping back to allow Wanda to open her front door and step out onto her porch with you.
With a cheerful chirp and a beaming smile, Wanda spoke, “Sounds like a plan.” After locking the door behind her, she hooked an arm around yours and the two of you crossed the road together. You helped Wanda into the passenger's seat and then slid into your own.
On the way there, Wanda discussed more of her religious upbringing with you once you asked her about her passions. You worried you were imposing yourself too harshly on someone you had only just begun to know, but curiosity got the best of you.
Wanda Maximoff was a traditional churchgoing housewife with two children and a perfect marriage. She baked for your family and offered to take you to one of her church’s masses. She was perhaps the kindest woman you’d ever known.
How could you stand to reserve your questions about her personal alignments any longer?
Fortunately, Wanda seemed open to sharing with you what you were curious about. Her mom was, alike to her, a hardworking stay-at-home mother who tended to her and her twin brother in their childhood. Her father was a tireless man who worked every hour possible to earn for his family. It seemed the differences between her families was generational, wherein family dynamics and generational wealth shifted somewhat since Wanda last lived under her parents’ roof.
Through schooling and religious camps, she met her husband at the age of nineteen. He was her summer camp counsellor who was nearly seven years her senior. 
Her parents loved Vision, a well-mannered man with priorities set well into the future and capable of supporting a family of three- perhaps even up to two more members if they ever wished to grow. They settled down when Wanda was twenty-two. 
Now at thirty-three, Wanda was still happily married with two twin boys in a quiet neighbourhood wherein she had a high standing at her local church and general community. 
As a college student yourself, her feats were daunting but impressive all the same. Wanda was an amazing woman.
Thus, the number of well wishes and brief conversations Wanda partook in as the two of you walked from the church’s parking lot to the building’s vast front doors did not come as a surprise to you. 
Though it had struck you as odd as you noticed how adverse Wanda was to introducing you to members from church and her other community friends.
Unless any of them mentioned you as you stood right beside her, she wouldn’t mention you at all. Even the most obvious of referrals to you, eye contact made or a nod in your direction, would be ignored. If it wasn’t the most explicit of mentions of your being there, Wanda would squeeze her arm around yours and walk ahead with you. 
Wanda would introduce you along the lines of, ‘This is my neighbour, Y/N. She’s come to spend the holidays at home.’
‘How kind of her to come attend mass with you,’ they would say.
Wanda would nod politely, though uncharacteristically without any further remarks. Even compliments on her choir sessions and composed songs which Wanda would typically flush at and dismiss as overt flattery were responded to with unadorned expressions of gratitude.
Finally, the two of you took a seat at the front pews, Wanda’s hand on your hip.
“Come sit close to me, Y/N,” she told you, hushed. “We don’t want to get separated.”
With your head ducked and your chin tucked close to your chest, you whispered, “Do we have to sit so close to the front? There are some seats at the back.”
“We must sit up front and pray as such. Settle here with me. I will show you how to worship.” She took your hand and led you down into the pew.
You sat down beside her, shuffling right and left in accordance with the rest of the church’s members also taking their respective seats on the same pew as you and Wanda. But with a hand on your knee, she kept you close.
Wanda kept a watchful eye on those around the two of you as if hoping to me keenly observant of something. Then, the priest, dressed in his black alb that nearly reached the floors, created an illusion that he was gliding across the front of the church. He reached the front, by the podium and its microphone, and exchanged a few silent greetings with those sitting at the front pews.
In response to a small wave from him, Wanda nodded cordially at the priest. 
Wanda slipped her jacket off. It pooled by her hips and she placed her purse between her hip and yours. You did the same with your jacket.
The church’s service progressed, a series of kneeling and standing, hands clasped together and chins tipped upwards. You listened to Wanda sing along with the church hymns while you followed from a songbook. 
The mass sang a handful of Christmas songs and you were amused as you listened to Wanda sing.
She did have a nice voice. It was soothing and demurely sweet.
You should’ve expected it, but you were stunned all the same. She was a model woman, a model Catholic, a model wife and human being. You looked away from her then, at the realisation of her sterling magnificence. 
Suddenly, as if she had been aware of the way you stared at her throughout the entire service and was attuned to every shift of your focus, Wanda looked down her shoulder at you, who was slumped slightly down onto the pew’s kneeler.
“Y/N…” Wanda whispered, eliciting your attention back up to her. “Are you paying attention?”
You nodded, correcting your posture to kneel as Wanda was.
“But each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed,” the priest continued to read from the Bible perched up on the pedestal. “Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.”
Gentle flipping of the thin pages echoed through the church’s speakers and he continued, “For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.”
“Will we be seeing you next mass, Ms Maximoff?” the priest asked by the exits of the church once the service came to an end.
You stood beside Wanda, awkwardly, averting your eyes from those that passed you who peered at you curiously, an unfamiliar face standing beside perhaps the most well-known member of the church.
“Are you alright?” a voice suddenly cooed.
You looked up from the ornately tiled floor to the woman beside you- Wanda, looking over you with a curious gaze. You managed a nod, perhaps one that was at least almost convincing.
But Wanda looked at you for several moments more.
She bid a farewell to the priest and hooked her arm around yours. Then, wordlessly, the two of you walked past the opposite flow of people walking by the two of you.
You rounded a corner together, revealing an empty hallway that led to a closed room at its end. Moving forward, Wanda turned the knob and allowed the two of you in. 
A silent room enveloped you, the colourful stained windows reflecting a soft myriad of colours into the four-walled room. Smaller, then, the two of you moved forward, to what appeared to be a wide wooden closet. 
Wanda unhooked a latch, pulling the door open and stepping into the confessional booth. She tugged you towards her then closed the same wooden door, confining the two of you to the right wooden box. 
You could hear your heartbeat in your ears, you could feel it in your fingertips.
Your breath hitched and Wanda placed her hands on your hips, stepping forward into the tight booth and removing any space from you.
“Y/N…” she whispered, her voice a fragile gust of warm breath. “The prodigal daughter, how terribly I’ve fantasised of you. You are all I’ve ever hoped for myself.”
Her hand found your cheek, fingers fondling your soft skin and running her nails down to your chin gently. “So brave and kind,” she continued. “So smart. And pretty.” Her cheek pressed against yours, her lips ghosting against the lobe of your ear. 
“Wanda…” you muttered, turning your head and disconnecting your cheek from her own. But she moved closer again.
“Trapped in a marriage like mine, a studious child then an ever-dedicated wife and mother. Never having any other path, Y/N. You…” Wanda pulled away from you to look into your eyes. “I admire you.”
One of her legs moved past yours so Wanda could turn your body and push you downwards onto the seat of the confessional. Her dress hiked up her satin-covered thighs as she sat herself down on your lap, her purse and jacket a forgotten mess on the floor of the booth.  
“Only a moment passed after your mother firstly told me about you- her bright daughter studying the program of her choice in a campus hours away- and it was only that very moment it took for me to become taken by you,” Wanda recalled. 
She placed both hands on either side of your face, making you look up at her. “You lied to me when I woke you up that afternoon. You’re so considerate of an old woman like me.”
Her words were a nonsensical score as she spoke, “Everything I’ve ever done- planned, written out, premeditated. Otherwise engaged. Unfulfilled.”
She took her glasses off and placed them by the edge of the seat. 
All you could hear in the confines of what was nothing to you but a wooden closet was the racing of your heartbeat and the hasty inhales and exhales of your shaky breaths.
Nevertheless, Wanda continued. Her hips began moving down against your lap. Her thumbs stroked your cheekbones in what felt like admiration. 
“But Y/N… you were so sudden. I don’t want to wait- don’t want to pretend I’m not counting down the moments until you shove a hand up my dress and run your fingers through my wet cunt.”
Your eyes widened and you bucked upwards in a sudden panicked realisation of Wanda’s intentions, which only elicited a small whimper from the older woman. You watched as her thighs spread apart further, allowing your lap increased access to the clothed pulse of her desire.
“You’re married to Vision, and-and with Tommy and Billy…” You fumbled your words as you racked through the logistics in your mind, “And you’re my neighbour. You’re a friend of my parents.”
“You’re making excuses,” Wanda reprimanded. Her grip on your face became tighter, ever so slightly so the tips of her fingers pressed into the hollow areas beside the corners of your jaw. “What’s next? I’m too old for you? Not pretty enough? Maybe I’m not tight enough for a young girl like you?”
Her head tipped to the side inquisitively. Her eyes were solemn, though you couldn’t tell whether it was from a sincere feeling of dejection or not.
“No!” you protested with a fervent shake of your head. “Wanda, you’re-”
“Unappealing, then. I don’t attract you.” 
Her eyes were sharp, piercing through your skull as if to interrogate you.
You blinked up at her, simultaneously bewildered and intrigued at the woman perched up above you. Had a potency like this only been slumbering beyond her unassuming smiles since you’d first met her?
Further, your mind wandered, curious about this angle of her and where her thoughts and feelings had hidden before now. 
“I think you’re beautiful,” you admitted. “I really do.”
A pleased smile came over your neighbour, gracing her features and bringing with it the delicate expression you thought you had known. “Then? What limits you now, from indulging in what you want?”
You answered, simply, perhaps simply enough for her to become enraged at your response, “Matrimony.” But Wanda did not become angry. She laughed.
“Suddenly the virtues of the Lord concern you?” she questioned, her eyebrows furrowing together in a strange upwards curl. You didn’t respond right away, for you had nothing to say, nothing to supplement your sudden hesitation.
Wanda’s hands untensed from your face and she tipped your head upwards, supportively. Coaxingly. “Though I can’t say I’m surprised,” she whispered, though there was no need to veil either of your volumes in the enclosed room you were in.
In Wanda’s eyes, you were free, untouched by the manacles of a stubborn future and all its entails. And conversely, you were still restrained by your morality. 
You were there, hanging from the precipice of indulgence and convention. 
Wanda stroked your cheek with the back of her knuckles. Who would be more worthy to teach you the ways of the Lord than her?
“I’ve thought it through,” she said. “This is why I’ve brought us here. A booth of confessions and an absolute absolve of sin- anything unholy and unfaithful. Nothing is sinful in the house of Christ. My Y/N, anything we shall do here is our own. The Lord will forgive me. He will forgive us.”
Then, in a shaky exhale, Wanda spoke, “Take me as your own, Y/N.” 
Your lips parted and you looked up at her in shock.
One hand detached from the side of your head and Wanda took your wrist with her hand. Then in a swiftly-led sleight of hand, your palm was pressed against her breast. With her fingers placed behind each of your own, she made you squeeze the malleable swell beyond her dress. Her head lolled back, the smooth plain of her neck and expanse of her throat becoming exposed to you. 
“All yours,” Wanda sighed. Her head moved forward and she met your eyes again, though her body was arched backwards so she could roll the space between her thighs against your lap. “I will give you my body, my vessel and my blessed spirit. Oh, Y/N, take me, please.”
A small space formed in the centre of your lips when they parted in attempts to protest. But Wanda was faster.
She pulled herself forward and her chest slammed against your own, your warm breaths mingling within the mere inches between your faces in a sharp exhale at the impact. “Please,” she pried once more. The tip of her nose brushed against yours. “I want you.”
A sharp gasp escaped from beyond Wanda’s now faded red lips when your hands met her hips and you pushed her off of your lap. Initially, she slipped backwards, but your arms rounded her waist and you pulled her to the opposite side of the bench within the limited space you had in the booth.
You stood from your seat and slid a knee between both of Wanda’s. With a nudge, you parted her thighs and leaned down to capture her lips with your own. 
It was a harsh action, for Wanda winced and she pulled away at the taste of blood. Your fingers wrapped around the back of her neck and prevented her from moving away. Painfully, lips pressed against the clashing of teeth.
Still, perhaps out of instinct or an intrinsic desire to be tamed, Wanda reached up and pushed at your shoulders. 
Your hand reached down and pulled her dress up her thighs so they wrapped around her waist. The hem of her dress scraped against her skin as you did, and although her upper thighs were clothed by her satin tights, Wanda hissed from the contact and its sudden sharp pain.
Nails raked down against her soft lower stomach when your hand slipped further up her dress and tugged her translucent black tights down so they slipped down and pooled around her ankles.
Wanda’s arms reached up and wrapped around your neck, pulling your face down to her level. She kissed you again but you remained towering above her.
One of your arms pressed against the wooden wall behind Wanda’s head to perch yourself up, and the other travelled down between her thighs. 
Your lips parted occasionally in soft wet pops between breathless pants. 
Slender fingers shot down between Wanda’s legs, red manicured fingernails tucking themselves beyond the hem of her wet panties. You slapped Wanda’s wrist and her eyebrows furrowed in frustration when her hand jerked away from her core. But you were quick to appease and pulled her panties down for her. 
Her slick made the soaked fabric of her underwear stick to her folds briefly before they were pulled down entirely. Wanda’s spread thighs halted the downwards descent of her panties and they snagged at the edges of her parted knees.
Cold fingertips pushed through the older woman’s sticky lips and Wanda shuddered. Her head lolled to the side, her chin meeting her shoulder. 
Before returning back to holding yourself up above her, your hand wrapped around one of Wanda’s thighs and pulled her leg up around your hips so you could angle your wrist between her thighs more comfortably. 
Weakly, she tried to hold her leg up around your waist. You stepped forward so her leg bent backwards further and you could hold her up with the pressure of your front. Her other leg focused on staying as parted from the other as the confinement of her panties wrapped around her knees would allow.
Finally, your fingers delved past the rim of Wanda’s opening. Your digits were warmed by her smooth walls and her back arched from her seat.
“My Lord…” Wanda moaned out, her lips pulling upwards in a wide grin. “I offer my thanks for the pleasures of the flesh- of my sacred body.”
You tucked your face in the crook of Wanda’s exposed neck. Your tongue ran up the pulse of her neck, eliciting a long moan from your neighbour.
Two fingers spread apart and curled within Wanda’s walls and the sweet sound of her parting pussy reached your ears. With the space you made for yourself, your fingers picked up speed and your arm surged forward then back.
Wanda was a melted mess against the booth’s wooden partition. Her hips jerked up desperately for more contact but her loose hold of her leg around your waist offered no leverage. She was left to arch and whine helplessly underneath you. 
“Y/N,” she breathed out, her eyes fluttering open to look at you. But your face was buried deep within her neck, nipping and sucking at every inch of her soft skin that your lips danced across. She exhaled again, sharply this time, “Y/N!”
Regrettably, you parted yourself from the warm enveloping and lifted your head to look up at Wanda. 
Her eyebrows were stitched together and her expression was contorted. If one could not hear the melodic sounds coming from her, one might even think she was in pain. But despite her position, helpless and without any semblance of leverage over you, the corners of Wanda’s lips arched up into a satisfied grin still, though granted it was one that quivered.
“Faster. I’m going to come,” she panted out.
You abided by Wanda's wishes and, rapidly, your fingers quickened. The confessional booth shook as you thrusted your fingers into her. Wanda’s shoulders jerked backwards in response to each entry, the pain near bruising.
“Oh, God…” she trembled. “Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin.” 
You advanced forward so her knee pressed into her chest. You silently mused at the way Wanda’s leg bent backwards further to allow for you to push yourself against her.
Your forehead pressed against her own and with open eyes, you watched the contortion of Wanda’s face and the parting of her lips, the rising and falling of her breasts beyond her dress as she panted.
One arm slipped from around your neck and reached back. Wanda’s fingers grasped at the metal divide of ornate patterns against the partition.
You groped at her breast, switching periodically as her chest heaved. 
“Have mercy on me, my Lord,” Wanda whimpered, her eyes screwed shut so tight that she saw wisps against the insides of her eyelids. Scattered psalms and Bible verses spilled from her lips and reached your ears in such an abrupt and perpetual way that nearly made you question if you were the God that Wanda cried out for, the Lord she presently worshipped as her slick dripped down her inner thighs and coated the seat beneath her. 
A sharp yelp came from Wanda’s constricted throat, “Ah, Y/N! I’m going to… my God, my holy God, I repent! I repent for my-”
Her voice broke and she cried out.
The last arm hanging from around your neck tightened around you as she came, raspy cries leaving her throat raw as she moaned out strings of your name.
Her body turned to mush the moment the last waves of Wanda’s orgasm washed over her. Her leg slipped from around your waist and her fingers tumbled from the partition’s divide.
Weak pants left her as her eyes shut, too fatigued to even keep them open. Wanda’s body was slumped back down against the wooden wall behind her. Her body shuddered and she groaned uncomfortably when you slipped your fingers out of her hole.
“Wanda…” you whispered. “Are you okay?”
Your arm wrapped around her waist and you helped her sit up. The older woman only hummed out a tired moan in response, her head nodding ever so slightly.
Your coated fingers slipped past your lips and you ran your tongue across it, licking it clean of Wanda’s tangy-sweet juices. Your hand moved forward to her mouth and your thumb swiped across her soft bottom lip.
Wanda’s tongue darted out weakly to taste herself on her lips.
You met hers with your own in a soft kiss and her eyes fluttered open. She kissed you back and smiled against your mouth.
She uttered softly, her whisper raspy and evident of the effects her cries had on her throat, “Do you want to leave now?”
“Not yet.”
You got down between her thighs and pulled her panties down further so they fell to her ankles atop of her tights. Wanda chuckled and repositioned herself on top of you. Her hands found either side of your head, steering you gently as you kissed her lower stomach and hips. She hummed, feeling pleased while your lips ran across her rolls and stretch marks.
Soft tufts of wispy hair tickled your upper lip as you travelled south. You pressed gentle kisses to Wanda’s outer lips.
When you finally buried your nose into her cunt and dragged your tongue through her folds, Wanda grinned. Your thumbs delved into her slick petal-like folds and spread them apart, allowing your tongue to lap up the sweet nectar of Wanda’s pleasure. Her head fell back against the wall behind her. Her fingers played with the hair at the back of your neck as her back arched up from her seat once more.
Three more orgasms racked through her body before you left the confessional together. 
“Did I guilt you earlier, Y/N?” Wanda asked as the two of you exited the church. It was empty, the service long concluded by the time you finished with her. She tightened her jacket lapels around her as the cold winter air enveloped her warm body. After being in the stuffy confessional booth for nearly an hour, it was a harsh awakening. “Did you touch me out of pity?”
You turned to her when you reached your car in the empty parking lot. It had snowed a notable amount since the last time you were out. “No,” you answered. “You didn’t guilt me into anything. I did what I did because I wanted to.”
“Truly, I didn’t mean to force you,” she continued despite your answer. She stood on the other side of your car’s hood, her words leaving her in white tendrils in the cold air. “I was under the impression you felt the same passion for me. Was I mistaken?”
From across the snowy hood of your car, you peered at her. At least now, you knew more in the field of reading her. Her words were not accusing nor vexed. They were words of reflection, the lingering sentiments of having partaken in what she did with a girl so much younger than she.
But Wanda wasn’t feeling guilty, was she?
Did she regret what she’d done?
You looked away from her and moved to the back of the car to get the snow brush from the trunk. “It wasn’t a mistake,” you uttered though the side of your car shrouded you as you finished your answer. 
You unlocked the car and heard Wanda slip into the passenger’s seat while you brushed the loose yet thick layers of snow from the vehicle.
Once the snow was cleaned from the car and you put the brush back into the trunk, you got into the driver’s seat. 
An inevitable silence came over the two of you as you started the car and waited for the engine to warm up. 
Thick flakes of snow, perhaps each half an inch wide, fell scattered and delicately onto the windshield only to melt into clear crystals once the heat from the car warmed it. 
“Do you regret it?” you asked suddenly, your voice a low hum synonymous with the buzz of the running car. 
Much to your relief, Wanda answered through a soft sigh, “No.” She turned her head and looked at you. “I don’t.”
Then it was your turn to feel some streak of guilt. 
“Not for a moment in my life have I ever done anything so spontaneous,” she told you. “It felt so wonderful to make a decision like that on my own, on little premeditated thought.”
“You’re married,” you pressed, turning your gaze towards her. 
Wanda urged, “I didn’t choose that. I love my boys, as does my husband. But, Y/N, what we did was something that I’d chosen. Do you understand?”
You shook your head.
She took your hand, moving it from your own lap to on top her thigh. She stroked the back of your hand with her thumb soothingly. “I do not regret it,” Wanda stated firmly. 
Then she continued. “But I will not act under the pretence that you do not have every chance to make something more of yourself,” she added, eliciting your curiosity. You peered at her through her glasses. 
“I do not wish to deny you any opportunity because of what we’ve done. You are not in my debt because of what you’ve given me.”
You felt your face contort at the statement and you pulled your hand away from her. “You aren’t a price to pay, Wanda. You’re not a substitute or a stepping stone,” you said. 
She scoffed. “Please. Don’t you know how old I am now, Y/N?” Wanda inquired, though you knew it was rhetorical. “I have two ten-year-old children and a husband of eleven years. There is nothing I can give you that you cannot receive from someone younger, a selection as easy as picking a ripe fruit from a blossoming tree. I have nothing to bear for you.”
“You think that concerns me? It doesn’t. If it should have, then I wouldn’t have come to the service with you today,” you informed her plainly. The way in which you spoke such devotion to her bewildered Wanda. The confidence in your admission as if it were common knowledge- it planted something unsteady in her. 
“You speak of the confidence your choices give you, but what of mine?” you said. “What we did, it was not done only because you chose and I swayed. In my own decision, I was unambiguous. There’s nothing more to it.”
Wanda’s breaths were steady and her blinks even-tempered. After a moment, her lips parted and she spoke, “You choose this? With me?”
“With everything in me capable of acting on my volition.”
“Which is plenty?” she attempted to clarify. 
“Plenty enough to fill a dozen churches and several more.”
A sharp barely audible inhale came from Wanda and she straightened. 
Then, in a swift and careful motion, she leaned over and kissed you.
The car’s heating was left on as you pulled Wanda onto your lap. You unzipped her dress and unclipped her bra, pressing kisses to her soft breasts and mapping her body out with your hands. Your lips wrapped around her rosy nipples. Her lipstick stains decorated your face in gentle shades of faded red. 
Her arms wrapped around your body as she bounced on top of you, welcoming your fingers into her once again. And again, and again. 
The two of you fucked in that otherwise empty church parking lot until you both grew tired, after which you dressed Wanda back up in her clothes. 
Sitting on your lap with her head on your shoulder, Wanda uttered, “Hear my soul speak. Of the very instant that I saw you, did my heart fly at your service.”
“Which verse was that?” you whispered back. 
“It’s not a Bible verse. It’s Shakespeare,” she answered and kissed your neck. Your eyes fluttered shut as did Wanda’s, her hand brushing against your cheek softly.
Wanda lifted her head. When you opened your eyes, she was looking down at you. A smile was on her face and her bottom lip was taken between her teeth. “Years it’s been since I’ve quoted him,” she thought aloud.
She tucked your hair behind your ear and kissed the tip of your nose. She then confessed, “I’ve missed it gravely.”
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octuscle · 10 months
Visiting relatives down south for the Christmas season. I always dread it. All my cousins are so much younger than me, just fresh out of high school, and they’re all such dumb country meatheads. I feel completely out of touch around them. I wish I could fit in better, just to make the holidays easier.
Dude, your cousins are kids. They are six to ten years younger than you. Why do you want to spend time with them? Do you want to smoke secretly behind the shed and push cows around at night? Then you'd better stay in Boston, you'll never have any real fun that way….
You're a sophomore in college. Economics and business math. Your dorm is emptying more and more just before Christmas. But you just don't feel like flying to South Carolina. But it doesn't help. Your mother is a family woman. And even though she has always lived in New England since she went to university and met your late father there, she always made a point of celebrating Christmas on the farm. Well, for your mother's sake…
There are a few other of your colleagues on the bus who are studying business administration and are about to do their MBA. You chat about your plans for the holidays. You're looking forward to playing football with your cousins. You're the big boy, they adore you.
Thank goodness you're only flying with hand luggage. A bit of dirty laundry, that's all you have with you. You buy presents in old Pete's general store. And you can certainly borrow clothes from one of your uncles. Most of the time you'll be hanging out with them and talking about the farm anyway. You're about to finish your master's degree in agricultural sciences. Yes, most people here think you're a nerd, but as long as you win at arm wrestling, your word carries weight.
Uncle Mikey picks you up at the airport. You can finally take off that damn thick down jacket. It's wonderfully warm. You don't talk much on the drive to the farm. You don't talk much at all. You're more men of action than men of words. And Mikey quickly gets down to action. By the time you're on the highway, he's already jerked you off. You love the holidays in the south.
Technically, you're their nephew. But your mother's younger brothers are barely older than you. And you are, after all, a trained agricultural machinery technician. Most of your family struggled to finish high school. In any case, you and your uncles are inseparable. Christmas Eve is your traditional tractor pull. Mikey has prepared his protein eggnog. Another tradition is that you have to empty the punch in one go. And you invented the tradition.
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Burp! That was a good one. Hehehe! And let's see who can pull the six-ton monster the fastest the 100 yards. You may be a kid from the big city by now, but winning is a matter of honor!
Pic found @eurobeef 
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coco-loco-nut · 5 months
Daddy’s Girl - Part 2
pairing: Daniel Ricciardo x Stroll Reader
summary: you bring Daniel on the family vacation
a/n: thanks for the request!
masterlist part one
You invited Daniel to the annual winter family vacation, this year to a beautiful beach in Fiji. Lance has finally just come around to the idea of you and Daniel. It’s also Daniel’s first time meeting your mom, Chloe, and her husband Scotty.
“I’m actually a little nervous,” Daniel says as you board one of your families private jets from Australia, opting for a take off time that will have you landing in the morning.
“I promise there won’t be a repeat of the dinner, just be a little more careful than usual since they haven’t met you yet and you’ll be fine,” you sit in the chair across from your boyfriend.
“I can handle it, for a week of relaxation with my girl,” he smiles at you, “and getting to see you in a bikini,” Daniel winks, never missing an opportunity to turn something dirty.
“If you want to see that all you have to do is ask, honey badger. I hope you brushed up your golf skills too, because Dad will probably want you to go golfing with them, and before you ask, no I won’t be there for you to stare at in a skirt,” you tell Daniel, one step ahead of him.
“How do you feel about joining the mile high club?” Daniel asks, his lips close to your ear once you’ve taken off and the pilot turns off the seatbelt light.
“I think it’s a good thing this is an overnight flight,” you reply, heart beating faster.
“Be a good girl for me and go back to that bed made up just for us,” Daniel instructs, the air thickening between you, so you say the one thing that will mess with him.
“Yes, daddy,” you smirk, moving towards the back of the plane where a bed is made up from the couch.
The pilot wakes you up before descent with an announcement, you scramble to get back into your seat and buckled.
“It’s beautiful,” you gasp as you look out at the island.
“Not as beautiful as you,” Daniel compliments, your cheeks flame.
“Danny, shut up,” your laughter fills the plane. It’s not too much longer before you deplane and a short ride gets you to the rented villa.
“Y/n! And you must be Daniel, welcome to the villa, I’m very happy you made it,” your mom greets you with a hug. Daniel goes for the handshake but your mom hugs him anyway. She still comes on the family vacation despite your dad remarrying. His new wife, Raquel, did not join this time, busy back home.
“Thank you for having me, I hope I’m not intruding,” Daniel says, he’s not always the rakish Australian that you love.
“Of course you aren’t, come in, breakfast is almost ready,” your mom shows you your room first, so you can drop your luggage and change before breakfast.
You opt for a bikini covered by a tee and linen shorts, Daniel goes off of your vibe, wearing something he would back home. The best part about the villa is that all the bedrooms are separated from the main living space and yours happens to overlook the beach with its own private patio.
“We’re on vacation, no need to dress fancy unless it’s a special dinner,” you grab his hand and drag him down to the kitchen table. “Sit, I’ll grab us coffee and food,” you smile, he just follows your lead.
“Daniel seems like a nice guy, Dad spoke kindly of him,” your older sister, Chloe says, sliding up beside you.
“The only thing Daddy doesn’t like is his age. Lancie was mad at me for a while, I guess Danny is his rival,” you tell her everything that you’ve said over the phone before.
“Well you look happy, that’s enough for me,” she hugs you.
“How was the flight here?” you ask, waiting for the coffee to finish brewing.
“Good, poor Lance is the only one who doesn’t have a partner here, but it was a long flight. We only got here an hour before you. How was yours?” Chloe wiggles her eyebrows.
“Very nice, shorter than yours because we left from Australia, but I can say that I am a part of the exclusive club. Don’t tell Daddy, he will actually kill Danny,” you look at her and she just smirks.
“Scotty and I did the same thing on that plane, who am I to judge?”
“Girls, once the coffee is done help me carry in the food,” your mom tells you both.
“You take the coffee in, I’ll help Mom,” you tell Chloe, who doesn’t argue. You follow behind her with plates of food, setting them on the table and taking your seat between Danny and Lance.
“Morning, Y/n,” Lance greets you with a tired smile.
“Morning, Lancie,” you take a sip of the coffee Chloe poured you. Breakfast isn’t too eventful, just quiet chatter as everyone is still a bit tired from the flight.
“I’m going to go sleep a little bit, you are welcome to join me,” you tell Daniel, who happily follows you back to the bedroom. You make sure to set an alarm so that you don’t sleep longer than a couple hours, and it doesn’t take you long to fall asleep, the warm ocean breeze combined with Daniel’s superior cuddles knocks you out quickly.
You spend the rest of your day lounging on the beach, catching up with your sister and mom. Daniel is also on the beach, but he’s talking racing with Lawrence, Lance, and Scotty, even though they all promised that they wouldn’t.
As the sun sets, you all sit down for dinner, prepared by the private chef service that is a part of the villa rental.
“Will you pass me the water, Daddy?” you ask your dad, slightly kicking Daniel as he seemed to start reaching.
“Here you are, sweetheart,” it’s a relief that no one noticed Daniel’s reaction. Once you pout your water, you give Daniel an unimpressed look to which he just grins. You would do anything for that smile.
The next couple days are extremely relaxing, spent swimming in the pool, playing on the beach, and a lot of sex. Daniel couldn’t help the last part, have you seen yourself? You are an absolute goddess, plus your sun kissed skin from all the time spent outside, completely irresistible. You felt the same way, the tropical air making his curls bounce, his tan skin and toned abs, you could jump him anytime.
On the fourth day, Lawrence takes the guys golfing and your mom takes you and your sister to a spa to gossip and relax.
“So, when are you joining the married couple club?” Chloe asks as the three of you are in your massage.
“I’m not sure, Daniel is really focused on getting his career back on track, plus it’s nice to just follow him around the world and not be planning a wedding. If it’s meant to be, it will happen, but it’s still pretty early in the relationship and I am a lot younger than him,” you say, not concerned about holding your thoughts back.
“Honey, that doesn’t matter. If it’s right, it’s right. I haven’t seen you happier with anyone else and the two of you look at each other like you are the only ones in the world. Plus from what I’ve heard you tell your sister, you have a very healthy sex life,” your mom adds to the conversation and you lift your head a little to look at her.
“Mom!” you let out a scandalized gasp.
“It’s natural, it’s a good thing. Just wrap it before you tap it,” she brushes it off, savoring the spa experience.
“Scotty and I have been talking to Lance and Daniel. Lance has said nothing but good things about Daniel and Daniel cannot stop telling us about how much he adores you,”
“I would marry him if he asked, all I’m saying is that there’s no need to rush into it,” you defend yourself, putting an end to the conversation.
“Sir, I would like permission to marry your daughter. I’m not going to ask yet, I think it’s better to wait until we’ve been together for a little longer, but your daughter is the one for me. Y/n is perfect in every way and I want to make her happy for the rest of her life,” Daniel says to Lawrence as they stand off to the side, watching Scotty and Lance tee off.
“No,” Lawrence says, wanting to see the drivers reaction.
“I respect that sir, but I do think that Y/n wants to marry me eventually and if that will make her happy then I will marry her despite your wishes,” Daniel sets his jaw, trying to think where he went wrong. Lawrence didn’t see him make a move to grab the water the other night, did he?
“I’m kidding, son. You have my permission, but if you mess it up, I will end your racing career,” Lawrence smiles, happy that his baby girl is happy and found a life partner.
“Thank you, sir. I wouldn’t expect less,” Daniel breathes a sigh of relief.
When the guys get back to the villa, they spot the girls on the couch, wrapped in light blankets, watching old Disney movies.
“You guys took relaxing to heart. I should’ve joined you instead,” Lance quickly makes his way to couch, squeezing in between his siblings.
“Do you girls want wine?” Lawrence asks, an amused smile on his face.
“Yes, Daddy,” you and Chloe purposefully say in unison, watching Daniel and Scotty restrain themselves at the last second.
“Boys, come help me out,” Lawrence tells Scotty and Daniel, not noticing their reactions.
The next day, you, Daniel, and Lance join Chloe and Scotty on a guided hike. Lance, being the only single one, is relegated to photographer unless it a a group photo that the tour guide offers to take.
On the last day, there is a rain storm, so you spend the day inside playing card games and reading. Like always, you never want to leave, even if you are going back to Monaco.
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tagged: danielricciardo, chloestroll, lancestroll, scottyjames
y/nstroll the kids go hiking in Fiji, what pretty views☀️🌊
user1 I think the Stroll girls have a thing for Australians
danielricciardo the best view was sitting beside me
y/nstroll shut up 😭🫶
user2 oh to be an F1 driver or heiress going on winter break
chloestroll this is my petition for a kids only family vacation soon
lancestroll i second that
scottyjames i third that
danielricciardo i fourth that
y/nstroll guys this is why we have a group chat (let’s book one right now)
claireannstroll my babies ❤️
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catnipaddictt · 6 months
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wc: 2.1k
series masterlist ⭑ co-creator @memoiich
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You had finally moved away from your hometown. A final answer to your undying search for independence. A trait your mothers whipped tongue had tried to rein back for years. Something that had very clearly failed. The thought alone made you smirk a bit as you stood before your new home. The Alderaan apartments were a choice at best. Very cheap for the location being so close to the centre of the city but a little decrepit. Still it felt like a palace to you right now.
You made your way up to the 4th floor, the highest of the crumbling building. Leaving you to look out to the curtains of the slightly nicer hotel on the other side of the street. Grabbing your suitcase, you unpacked your luggage before coming to the realisation that you had no food in your new home. And of course it just had to be dark outside, evening having set. After overthinking your options you decided to ask your neighbour for some eggs. Dragging yourself to your neighbour’s door with your metaphorical tail between your legs, you knocked on the door.
A strange being poked its face through the slightest gap possible, it looked around worried. You didn’t know if it was to look for trouble or to find it. After the anxiety-writing look, the creature opened the creaking door. Now that you could see it, It was clearly a Gungan.
“Hello. Missa Jar Jar Binks. Why are you at misssas door?“ he questions “Hey, I'm your new neighbour. I was wondering if I could borrow some eggs?“ You say, a bit unsure of the Gungan in front of you. “Missa loves eggs. Sun sun or scrambled, lovely for my tumtum” jar jar snickers at the end. ”So… Can I use the eggs? You question once again. “Missa doesn’t have any eggs for sunsun but missa could go to the store for stuff and stuff.” Not only did you think of going to the store before you were now massively disappointed and also extremely tired. The less effort option was clearly the wrong one.
“No it's fine I will go myself thank you anyways.” Before finishing Jar Jar was already speaking, “It's not a big dealio, you newbie don't know the way like missa does.” Before you could protest against this clearly exhausting task, he was already out of the door and started walking towards the staircase. Not wanting to be rude, you followed. It took 17 minutes longer than normal to get to the store because Jar Jar wanted to ‘cut a cornerio’. Once at the store Jar Jar started to argue after eating a RAW egg “As a tasty jum jum” Only after 36 min of arguing and you finally offering to just buy the dozen did you start to make your way back home which also took a small hour.
You could finally bid Jar Jar goodnight. You got home just to cook the damn eggs ‘sun-sun’ style and went to bed in the early morning, you already knew this new life was going to be hard at first.
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Waking up had never been so hard before, but the alarm was ringing and today was an important one. It was your first day at your new job at the paper company, ‘Paper Force’. Paper Force was located pretty far away, you would have to drive past the mustafar part of the city, making it a long trip for a very tired driver. Prepping for work wasn't the worst as you had laid out your work outfit the night before.
You got in your beat-up 2002 beetle and started the 50 minute commute. At the 20 minute point your car started to rumble, not just a soft snore, no, a rumble. 10 minutes later and you were stuck by the side of the road. You search an auto shop on your hologram immediately. The only car mechanic that wasn't 2 hours away was a place called ‘MustaCar’. Having no time to waste, you called the number.
45 long minutes later an old pickup truck pulls up behind your still-not-starting beetle. By this point you were frankly very annoyed. You were already half an hour late to your new job, and it didn't seem like you were going to get there soon. And to make things worse, you slept bad last night, meaning you were now rather sleep deprived.
The door to the pickup truck swings open with a clunk, clearly well used. A man in his early to mid 20’s steps out of the vehicle, he reaches up and moves his dark-blond curls out of his field of vision. He wears an oil-stained long sleeved button up, of which you cannot tell the original colour, as well as a pair of dirtied jeans. He spots you, puts his hands in his pockets and stalks over, clearly in no hurry.
“I was just thinking you weren't going to bother showing up” you snapped at him harshly. “Well, sorry Miss, the rest of the world doesn’t revolve around you” You let out a sharp breath at his words. “Excuse me, just look at my car and do your job”. You were fed up with this day already and now you had to deal with a know-it-all, stuck-up, man-child of a mechanic. “Parents didn’t teach you manners I see, now what seems to be the matter here? So I can do my job” He walks towards your car, popping the lid. You roll your eyes at him before speaking. “Well she won't go” He rolls up his sleeves, “Figured that much” he states. Your brows furrow in annoyance, you don’t have time for his attitude, “something started making noise and now she doesn't want to run.” He leans forward to observe your car’s engine. “She, huh, does the lovely lady have a name as well?” You can hear his smirk through his words. Your ears turn red “Shelby, the car is called Shelby”. The mechanic lets out a harsh laugh as he turns to something unknown “An old lady I suppose then, with a name like that”. You let out a huff and turn away.
“Dead Battery and the terminals are corroding”. You jump slightly, having zoned out. “Sorry?” you question. “You have a dead battery and its terminals are also corroding. Oh and you have a break problem, that's what the noise was”. You stand there a bit perplexed, “Uh what does that mean?”. “It means you aren’t gonna be able to drive Shelby until you get her fixed”. He says the name of your car amusingly. “So can you do it then?” You ask, checking your hologram for the time, you were almost an hour late already. “Well that's my job isn’t it?” He raises an eyebrow. You sigh, clearly this guy thought highly of himself. “How much and how long?” you demand, patient wearing thin at this point. “Well the battery change is gonna be about 150, plus the corrosion, about 20, and the grinding breaks, another 150 credits” he pauses before speaking again, “it’ll take a bit, have to order in the parts, could take a while, a few weeks”. “A few weeks!” you all but shout.
You pace away, trying to think. You were very very late, had little to no sleep, and now your beloved car wasn’t going, plus you might have to wait weeks to get her back running. “Fine, do what you must” you bark out. Hopefully this man could fix Shelby quickly, and you would never have to deal with him or another car problem ever again. “Need anything out of her? Or are you good?” He asks. You walk over to Shelby, grab your bag, morning caffeine fix, and sweater. You shut the door gently. The guy speaks, walking back over to the pickup truck “Okay then, I’ll take her into the shop and she’ll be good as new soon. Oh and I will probably need some contact details, unless you never want to see your car again” He walks back carrying a piece of blue-ish paper and a pen with the ‘MustaCar’ logo on the side, passing both to you. You write down your information and hand it back to his expecting hand. “You should come by the shop, I’m sure the guys would love that” And with a smirk and a wink, he turns, secures Shelby, and gets back into the pickup. You watch as he drives off with your prized possession, your Shelby, If he ruins her, he will have hell to pay. You had now been walking for 30 minutes, with your workplace still another 20 minutes away. Your hair sticks to your forehead with sweat and your feet are starting to ache. The music playing in your ears is a nice distraction from your situation as you stroll at pace. Finally after what feels like a millennium, you reach the building. The large blue letters spell ‘Paper Force’, meaning you haven’t gotten lost along the way. Making your way to the building, you check your reflection in a window, fix your hair, and give yourself a mental pep talk. Just go in, explain what happened, it will all be fine. At least you hope. With a deep breath and step inside.
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Pulling up the shop with a rumble, the pickup-truck deposits his newest client's female car around the back. The fading MustaCar sign blinks slowly at him as he gets out the parked truck and steps foot on solid ground. The beetle named Shelby looks out of place among the beat up vehicles, and forgotten projects of the shop. “Anakin” A female voice yells from inside the garage before a young togruta steps out. She wears overalls and a pair of safety goggles on her head. “New project Snips” He says. “What's wrong with it? It looks pretty good to me” the togruta states as she walks over and runs a hand over the bonnet. “Battery is dead, corrosion, and breaks need new pads” Anakin explains, counting off each problem on his fingers. “We are gonna need to order stuff in for her”. The togruta laughs “Her?” she questions. Anakin sighs “Yes, Ahsoka, Her. Owner calls it Shelby". “Cute” Ahsoka shrugs “lets see what we can do”.
“Well the brake pads are definitely going to have to be replaced, there is basically nothing there” Ahsoka looks up as she speaks. “Thought as much, '' replies Anakin, as he wanders over with two cups of coffee, he passes one to Ahsoka. “Thanks”. “I placed an order for the new battery and brake pads, should take a week to arrive, but knowing the shipping times, it will probably take longer than that” Anakin says as he surveys Shelby. “At least she isn’t a complete wreck”. Ahsoka nods behind Anakin “speaking of wrecks, how is that project coming along ''. Anakin turns to look at the car sitting under a large tree. He had picked up the third generation Pontiac firebird from a man on his deathbed; it had been living in a barn for 20 years, rusted, and in desperate need of restoration. If it even could be saved. “It's a work in progress Snips”, “I don’t know, it is rusted pretty bad in some of it, it will take a genius to make it run again”, “Good thing i’m here then” He replies with a smile. Ahsoka rolls her eyes and drains the last of her drink before returning to their newest project.
A voice pulls Anakin out of his work “Anakin, I need to speak to you”. The voice comes from an elderly man, Palpatine, the creator and owner of MustaCar. “Of course” Anakin wipes the oil off his hands on a nearby cloth, before throwing it back on the table and following Palpatine. They enter the main office of the shop and Palpatine closes the door behind them. “Sith Auto Dominion is growing. At this rate we will be losing profit by the same time next month” Palpatine states. Sith Auto Dominion was the biggest competition for MustaCar, located on the other side of town on Geonosis Blvd. Over time the opposing shop had been taking their customers, meaning Palpatine and the people he employ have been having to cut costs however they can. “What can we do?” Anakin questions. “Not much my boy, we just have to be careful. I have owned this shop for 45 years and I will not see it go bankrupt” he takes a breath “You are my best mechanic Anakin, I cannot afford to lose you”. Palpatine walks around to his desk and sits down, gesturing at the seat opposite him. “I have a favour to ask you, Anakin”. “Anything” He replies. “Take your apprentice, go to Sith Auto, find out what they have that we don’t”
“Alright Snips, we have a job”
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unmotivatedwrit3r · 11 months
One in Eleven Million (ch.7)
damian wayne x reader x jon kent
(A/N): this is where the real-life experience I took to write this story runs out so please take any and all airplane/airline logistics with a grain of salt. And with that said, enjoy! I want to get the rest of this series out by the end of fall to hopefully have room to post the holiday fics I want to write so look forwards to the coming final chapters. And apologies, this is a short one.
edit: forgot to link the masterlist so here it is!
warnings: airplane travel, turbulence, emergency (not crash) landings, panic
wc: ~750
The next forty five minutes passed in some part conversation and some part Jon showing you dozens of pictures on his phone. He had a few really good ones of Superman (the older one) and some stunning ones overlooking Metropolis. 
“My parents are reporters so they–they know people who take photos like this,” Jon explained to you, crunching on the airplane pretzels he’d reclaimed from Damian.  
You pulled out a few photos of the Gotham skyline to show the boys in turn. Your photos didn’t live up to theirs, but with your not-high-tech phone camera, those were about the best you had. 
A stronger bout of turbulence rocked even you, hands instinctively gripping the hard plastic of the armrests. A quick glance at Damian gave away that he didn’t find it regular either. 
Jon’s “This is weird right?” overlapped with the concerned cries of other passengers. You turned to Damian. 
“It feels more like a train right now than a plane.” 
“I agree. This is irregular at best.” 
You nearly missed the crackle of the loudspeaker from underneath the raised voices of those around you. 
“Ladies and gentleman, there has been a slight issue with one of our regulators. As of now, all passengers and attendants are to remain seated for their safety. Our next step is to make an emergency landing at the Philadelphia airport where there will then be connecting flights to Gotham. If you would rather find an alternate method of transport, let the front desk know as soon as we arrive so any luggage is forwarded to baggage claim.” 
You could barely process the new information over the sudden uproar. 
“This has never happened to you, I assume?” Damian spoke loudly. 
“No, nothing like this. I’d never even had a delay this bad before but this? No it-it’s crazy.” The answer to your question was chiseled into the shaken expression on Damian’s face but you asked anyway. “Either of you?”
Twin shakes of the head confirmed your assumption. 
“It’s not an emergency right? Like I know it’s an emergency landing but not a fall out of the sky kind of emergency right?” Jon’s blue eyes were wide. You shrugged helplessly.
“I want to say they’d tell us if it was but-”
“But they’ve been less than forthcoming so far so why begin now?” Damian finished. 
“Yeah,” you agreed. “Exactly.” 
Beside your seat, the emergency exit lights lit up. 
“That doesn’t bode well.” Damian pulled the words out of your brain. “But panicking,” he hissed at the woman lamenting in the row behind you, “will not solve anything.” 
You didn’t think Damian realized Jon was clinging to his hand. You didn’t think he knew he was holding yours.  
“Jon, you’re shaking the floor.” The words came out harsher than you intended. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to be-I just-it’s-”
“Sorry I just-” Jon switched from tapping his foot to holding Damian’s left hand in his, focus tuned on his fingers. Damian’s gaze was locked on where his right hand was linked with yours. You pulled away as if his gaze burned you. “I’m never flying commercial again,” Jon finished. 
The laughter that bubbled out of your mouth was more hysterical than you intended. 
Another bout of rough turbulence wracked the plane. You kept your hands to yourself his time, arms crossed against your chest to squeeze at your biceps. 
You barely heard Jon’s whispered cursing underneath the panic rising throughout the rest of the plane.
Damian stayed quiet, but the hand that wasn’t held in Jon’s was tightly clenched. If he wasn’t human, you might have expected there to be holes bored into the head of an older man across the aisle. You wanted to quiet the guy yourself; his catastrophic ranting was only adding into your own anxiety. Instead, you spent a couple minutes making sure all of the stuff in your backpack was tucked away. 
“He does know everyone else can hear him, right?” You asked as you sat up. Both boys chuckled. Jon’s fingers tapped rapidly on his thigh. 
“Alright folks,” the pilot’s voice interrupted the catastrophizing. “We’ve begun the landing process. Please be aware that further turbulence is normal. We should be on the ground soon.”
“How much longer can they call turbulence normal?” Damian ground out. You didn’t have an answer for him. 
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razorblade180-heated · 10 months
Early Christmas Gift
[Warning, smut. Like the whole thing]
It had been a looooog day for Jaune Arc. The end of a crazy mission that had far too many explosions, the loss of his wallet for half the day which forced him to miss his boat, and finally, bad turbulence on a flight all the way back to Vale. Now it was the dead of night and he was wheeling his luggage down the sidewalks. At least he didn’t vomit on the ride, this time.
“Note to self, Vacou kids are amazing pickpockets.” He mumbled aloud. Thank goodness Ren was quick on his feet and that Nora could be as scary as she could be sweet. If not, things could’ve been worse. Now that he was back in the city, his Scroll was practically blowing up with messages. Notably, his girlfriend, Yang, called a little more than Ruby. Before he could finally return a call, his scroll rang with Yang’s name.
He laughed nervously and smiled, preparing himself as he answered. “H-”
“SO YOU ARE ALIVE!? WHAT THE HECK MAN!?” The blonde yelled, relieved and annoyed.
Honestly, less aggressive than he expected. “Hi baby. I’m sorry.” Jaune deflated as he spoke. “Today has been a day.”
“That’s putting it mildly. Weren’t you supposed to be home seven hours ago? Did the mission go south? You didn’t get hurt did you?”
“No, the mission was pretty Nora core. All and all we made good time but then someone stole my stuff, missed my boat; lots of other very, very exhausting stuff. I’m walking home as we speak.”
“Wow. That’s…definitely a lot. Wait, you’re walking? It’s nearly midnight. You could’ve called me or someone to pick you up from the port.”
“I figured everyone was asleep.”
“Get real. Do you really think I’d be sound asleep before I knew you were okay?”
Those words warmed his heart greatly. “Thanks Yang. I’m fine though. Vale isn’t some ghost town at night. I am sorry though. We had plans to meet today. You must’ve been waiting a while.”
“You…could say that.” Yang laughed sheepishly. “Here I was, ready to see my boyfriend after we finished our missions and his annoying personal challenge was achieved.”
“A month without sex is a test of will and power.” He defended.
“November is the time for good food and being thankful. Anything else is wild. Besides, we’ve both gone years without fun stuff. Why add a month?”
“Heh, I don’t think being a single or a virgin counts. You’re just opted in at that point. How did your mission go by the way?”
“Got home on time.”
“Ouch… where’d the warmth go?” He teases.
“I know you’re fine now. If you want warmth then…maybe I should see you?”
“You’re an island away. Even if you caught the final flight I’d feel guilty. Though if it makes you feel better…I’ve been missing you all day.”
“…Always the charmer. I’ve definitely been missing you too.” She said, a little more bashful than usual.
“There’s always tomorrow. I’m definitely not going anywhere. Aside from grocery shopping.”
“Have you eaten?”
“My apartment should still have something edible. I’ll probably grab a snack, bathe, and crash.” He finally reached his building’s street. “Anyways, I’ve officially made it home safely. Just several feet away. Now you can have pretty dreams knowing I’m safe.”
“Nope. Not until you go through your front door. I’m not hanging up until you do.”
“Okay, okay. Heh, honestly with my luck something crazy would happen if I hung up early.” He laughed.
“Please don’t jinx yourself.”
Jaune made his way down the hall, up some annoying stairs, and to the front of his door.
“Kay, now you are free to sleep.”
“Have a wonderful night, handsome.” Yang made a kiss noise over the phone and hung up.
Just like that, Jaune felt the warmth again. She was so good to him. He’d definitely have to treat her to a dinner or some kind of club date. The man found his keys and went inside his home at last. Instantly his nose was greeted with wonder and bliss. That was…odd. He put down his belongings and walked over to the kitchen; a flick of the light revealed a hot box of pizza. Jaune had to do a double take to make sure this was his place. He then noticed Yang’s emblem drawn in orange on the box.
“Ah, that’s why she asked if I ate.” He smiled before quickly going back to being confused. How was the pizza hot? Yang had a key to his place but when was she over here? Did she leave briefly before he called? Unless…
Jaune looked towards the absolute darkness that was his living room and squinted. Not that it helped with the balcony blinds shut. “Yang?”
His call was answered with snickering. “Hehehe, I do love watching your brain at work. Although…” She pulled the metal lamp string next to her to light up the room. “You’re also cute when it’s derailed.
And derailed it was. There his cute girlfriend was, sitting on his black leather recliner his family had bought him. Her smile was cheeky as well as ear to ear. She sure caught him by surprise, but the real shock was her outfit. A silly little Santa hat on top of her head jingled while the only thing on her body was a red tube top with white frills that was fighting for his life, a matching miniskirt that barely went halfway down her thighs, and very, very long red stockings that compensated for the skirt’s lack of…well, skirt.
Jaune’s mouth went dry and his eyes embarrassingly wide. It was as if Yang had knocked the exhaustion out of them. He wasn’t quite sure where he should’ve been looking at first, but then noticed despite how confidently the lady sat there with her legs crossed, her cheeks were branded pink and her gaze, while excited, was also avoiding complete eye contact.
“For the record, I’ve been in this for quite awhile.” She said, breaking the silence. “It took guts to commit to this surprise.”
“Now I’m curious what you would’ve done if I had called you to pick me up!”
“Then Remnant would’ve gotten a hot Mrs. Claus on a motorcycle.” She smirked. “Although I’m actually very relieved that was not the case. It’s cold out there!”
Not the issue Jaune thought she was going to say but he rolled with it. Not that he had much choice. Yang finally stood up and slowly walked towards him, draping her arms over his shoulders and giving a more endearing grin despite her obvious flustered face. “Welcome home. As you can see, I missed you.”
He nodded, “Yeah, I can feel the yearning. Hehe, you look…wow. Talk about an early present.” His hands automatically went to hold her waist.”
Yang got on her toes and gained a very sweet and joyful kiss. She’s glad her efforts paid off, but she could tell Jaune really had a long day. “Go grab a slice and unwind yourself. I’m not going anywhere so- mmph!?”
Her offer was outright denied, thrown to the side as Jaune pulled her body closer and back into a more passionate kiss that fluttered her heart and stole her breath. The longer kept her in his arms, the more she found herself melting into the embrace to the point her knees buckled before he allowed her to breathe again.
Frazzled, Yang found herself stammering and chewing on her bottom lip. “I um- I uhh can wait a while longer for you to rest.”
“I’ve made you wait long enough.” He said with yearning and restrained lust as he pulled her back into a kiss that took custody of her tongue.
Yang felt herself rise up onto her toes as Jaune’s hands found residence on her shapely rear. He didn’t think twice about squeezing it as he picked her up and allowed her legs to wrap around his waist. It didn’t take long before her man went a step further in sliding his hands under the provocative skirt. Jaune quickly ended their kiss to gaze at her as her face grew red from his curious expression.
“No underwear huh?” He said, sinking his digits into warm flesh. “What am I going to do with you?”
“Funny. I was wondering the same thing.” Her hands rubbed his broad chest. “Come sit on the couch for you me will ya?”
He followed her quest and sat right in the middle of the couch. Yang was about to get off him for the next step, but was clearly taken by surprise when his teeth tugged her tube top down, freeing her massive chest before ravishing them. A jolt ram through her spine as his warm tongue lapped around her nipples. His hands kept her waist pressed down on her lap to the point she had no choice but to feel his pulsing cock through tight jeans. Nevertheless, Yang couldn’t stop her hips from grinning along it, dampening the fabric severely.
“H-Hey…wait! I-mmm” Her voice shook, feeling him sink his teeth into her. Jaune leaned forward, putting Yang on her back as he continued devouring her body. “Jaune! Hold on~ I…had a whole routine~” Yangs mewls only served to make him more daring. His tongue trailed up her neck, causing her entire body to arch as he met her lips again for another kiss. Yang was overwhelmed with the scent of the boy and his rough day, which she increasingly found more and more dulling to her senses. She didn’t even notice Jaune had unzipped his pants until she felt his buring hot tip rubbing along her folds. “Mmmph”
Jaune could already feel her lips quivering as they coated his cock. To get this excited so quickly; he wasn’t one to talk though. He began pushing his hips continuously into the molten warmth.
“Aaaaah!” Yang felt the wind leave her body as Jaune’s thick cock spread her body apart and filled her inch by inch until she felt the weight of his balls against her ass. He slowly began dragging himself out halfway before plummeting back in as he grunted. “Ah fuck!” Yang gripped his forearms as her body tripped to adjust.
“Gods, I missed you. You’re so wet.”
“Who’s fault is that!?” Yang’s breathing became sharper as Jaune started moving. “Nng, too big. Rock solid too~”
“It has been a long month. I’m dying for a release.”
“How do you think I feel!? It hasn’t been easy for me either.” She pouted. Suddenly she felt his movements slow. “Jaune?” He raised himself up and looked down at her with a shocked look from between her legs. “What?”
“Are you telling me you didn’t touch yourself the entire time?”
Yang felt heat rush to her face. Looking at him became a lot harder so she turned her head to the side. “What would be the point? Even if I used a toy, I just wouldn’t feel as good as you.”
A brief silence fell on them. Yang awaited his response when she suddenly felt him twitch inside her. Jaune’s hands held her waist tightly and raised her lower body off the couch with ease, causing her to look his way. “What are you-” was all she could manage before seeing Jaune thrust his hips forward, causing another series of jolts as he began to go all out.
Yang’s mouth fell open and stayed that way as voiceless, broken cries left her throat until a scream finally broke out. “AAAAGHN~” her brain became a mess, her eyes fluttering at the sight of jaune mercilessly fucking her pussy until their sex became loud and wet. Her stomach felt like fire as her hips became numb with the pleasure of being turned inside out. Each deep rub made her gasp for air she couldn’t gain while her chest bounced to the rough rhythm. “B-baby. Baby! Aaah!” Yang reached for him and he gladly returned to her embrace. She knew despite her pleas, his pace would not falter; nor did she want it to. Their pleasure had built too quickly to turn back now. With a final raise of his hips, Yang felt the man bury himself deep inside and release a rush of heat that made her body squeeze him for more as her vision blurred momentarily. When she recovered, Jaune was already pulling out slowly and giving both of their bodies a break. Still, if you were to go by appearances, Jaune’s body hadn’t calmed down in the slightest.
“Looks like all of you missed me.” Yang huffed, sitting up as her legs gained some feeling. “If I didn’t know any better, I would think you were trying to have a kid.”
Jaune watched the woman run her middle finger along her slit to pick up some of the lust he left dripping in her. Yang looked him dead in the eyes as she lapped up the naughty taste, making him blush.
“I had an entire routine planned out and you threw it to the side. Not that I mind.”
“You can’t say the things you said a
and wear this without expecting me to get riled up.”
“Heh, touché.” Her gaze fell on his erection, the near seven inches of solid flesh was still ready. Might as well start her plans now, Yang thought. She leaned forward, crawling on hands and knees until she was in the perfect spot to lower her head.
Jaune shuddered as he felt her hot lips wrap around his length to lick him lavishly. Now he knew Yang was horny for sure. Giving head was never her favorite activity in this fun process, but now her face was happily burying itself in his lap repeatedly. His left hand brushed the blonde bombshell’s hair aside for an unobstructed view of her work.
Yang ran her tongue up and down the girth base, polishing it while making faint moans and wet smacks to turn him on more. She must’ve been losing her mind because the way his taste and smell overwhelmed her senses in the best way possible. Her grip on reality only came back when Jaune's hand struck her rear suddenly, his middle and ring finger slipping inside her body to stir her desires harder.
Jaune couldn’t stop his smirk. “Oh you like that?”
“Mmhmm~” Yang readied herself and pressed down in one motion to feel this man in her throat before coming up for air. Yang could feel his digits grow relentless as they sped up. Unable to focus, she freed Jaune from her mouth in a fit of panting and mewls. Her hips couldn’t stop shaking, pushing against his hand to feel each knuckle rub deeper. “Gods, why is this so good?”
“Cum if you need to. Let me see that pretty face.”
“No~ I…I wanted to use my tits on you. But now I…I’m…” Yang let out a long, heartfelt sigh. How did things get this messy so fast? “Put it back in me. I want it.”
Jaune retracted his fingers and did his best to regain his own composure; a difficult task when the love of his life not only pleaded, but brazenly kissed along his shaft in a stupor of want and desire. “Ngh, Yang, get on my lap if you want it.”
Yang got on her knees then swung her right leg to the other side of Jaune’s waist. The boy wasted no time massaging and kneading her chest, riddling it with bits as Yang cooed. Her body dropped slowly, piercing herself onto Jaune’s flesh.
“Aaaaghn~” her hands ran up his chest and gripped his shoulders as Yang started bouncing on his lap, putting all her weight down each time to feel her womb get knocked on. Jaune’s mouth stayed busy where it was but his hands returned to her rear, molding it like clay as he helped push her down to the base. Her hips buckled. “Fuck!”
Heavy, wet smacks echoed every time her ass slammed onto Jaune’s lap. The man couldn’t believe the tightness that surrounded him; the way it clung it his length and coated it with ecstasy that reached his thighs. Engulfed by Yang’s heat, Jaune finally took a second to separate his lips from his body and removed his shirt. Yang’s arms all but sprang out towards him right after, pulling him into a feverish kiss while her hips moved on their own before his hands returned.
“You’re so in love with my ass tonight.” Yang hummed.
“I’m in love with it every night.” He continued kneading it, his fingers rubbing all of it. “Hey, so how much did you prepare for today?”
Yang didn’t get the question at first, until she felt a single finger tracing her asshole. Yang couldn’t hide the state of blushing red he put her into with his pesky intention. To make it worse, her body already gave him the answer to the question. Yang buried her face into the crook of Jaune’s neck and quivered as the naughty middle finger pressed into her slowly. A moan came from her throat and her hips worked over time on his cock as Jaune began to play his little game.
He could already feel her walls frantically twitching but he knew he could make Yang go crazy. He wanted to make the month of emptiness mean everything. He nipped at her ear as he continued fingering her. “You’re such a good girl, you that? Doing all this for me; allowing me to cut loose~” he thrusted up suddenly.
“AAAHH!” His nipping turned into feverish licks as well. Yang tried staying strong but now he was meeting her thrusts and pumped his finger into her more quickly. Her body became repeated jolts of pleasure to the point Yang could only bite her lover’s shoulder as a way to soften her growls.
Jaune’s only panting became like a drunken breath as he approached his end. “Good girl~” he cooed, leaning right into her ear and whispering it one more time. “Gooood girl.” He pressed her hips down against his waist, going as deep as possible. “Here’s your reward!” He grunted, cumming for the second time.
Every muscle in Yang’s body tensed all at once. She was certain she’d scream, yet the immense rush of pleasure stole voice, leaving nothing but a silent yell as she clung to him like a girl on a wild roller coaster. Pulse after pulse, she felt her insides get marked by Jaune. The dork was brazen enough to call it a “reward” and she had half a mind to thank him for it. They were going crazy. Not that she hated it for a second.
Yang felt Jaune relax under her body while she found the strength to set up after his hands finished toying with her. “Wow, that was- hmm” Yang stopped short as she witnessed Jaune struggling to keep his eyes open. Poor guy was spent! It was almost hard not to laugh. “Pfft, gee, looks like someone should’ve eaten.”
“I was hungry for other things.” He groaned, wrapping his arms around her torso and resting his face in her chest. “But now that pizza sounds like a wonderful idea.”
“Oh what to do with you?” Yang giggled, her hands combing through his hands. Truthfully, she wanted him to stay inside like this a little longer, but the last thing she wanted was her boyfriend withering away. Yang kissed the top of his head. “I’ll go fix you a plate.”
“You’re wonderful.”
“And you’re outstanding. My hips are still floating.” She said, embarrassed by her own honesty.
“Let’s wash up together after we eat.”
“Only washing?” She teased, only to feel him twitch inside of her. Yang gasped a little. Jaune raised his head to look into her eyes with a gaze that made her chew on her bottom lip again. Tonight was going to be a long night. “Welcome home.”
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secretninjadonut · 10 months
| The Dorm slut | Le sserafim
G!p Sakura x G!p Yunjin x G!p Chaewon x G!p Kazuha x Fem reader
No Eunchae
College AU
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It was the beginning of your second year, and you were nervous because you hadn’t met a lot of people during your first year however that’ll change soon.
As you walked through the familiar gates you heard a voice shout your name from behind “YAH Y/N-AH” as you turned around you saw your best friend Ryujin. You greeted her as she ran towards you and knocked the air out of your lungs with the big hug as she spoke “Hey Y/N-ssi I missed you” you smiled with amusement and said “I missed you too Ryu, wanna catch up on the way to the dorms?” and of course she agreed.
On your walk to the dorms Ryujin began to ramble on and on “Ok so basically over the summer I went to try out for the basketball team at our school. AND GUESS WHO GOT IN MEMEMEMEMEMEMME and I even met these girls on the court that we could be friends with they’re so nice I think they call themselves “Le sserafim?” you spoke and patted Ryujin’s shoulder “Ryu calm down good job on getting into the basketball team but we don’t even know these Le sserafim girls how do we know if they’re nice?” She argued back “THEY ARE Y/N-ssi I met them myself, do you not trust me?” you let out an exasperated sigh and just gave in “fine introduce me at lunch ok?” the other girl simply squealed as you reached the woman with the dorm keys.
You greeted her with a bow and Ryujin followed as you politely asked “Hello Ma’am could you please check for the keys for Shin Ryujin and Jeon Y/N” the woman smiled and went to get the keys right away and handed them to you, as you thanked her you bowed and left while Ryujin did the same then followed you. She saw your eyebrows furrowed in discontent and said “not dorming together I expect?” you gave a small smile and said “no but we’re close together at least” as you handed her the keys.
Ryujin read out “Dormroom 504(Ryujins) and 506(yours)” you both lazily took your luggage up the stairs | time skip | you arrived at the front of your dorms and hugged Ryujin while you both bid farewells and went into the dorms. Unexpectedly your dorm had people already in it, well you assumed since you could hear screams from down the stairs “YAH CHAEWON-AH GET OFF ME” “NO HUH YUNJIN YOU WILL PAY THE PRICE”.
You were a bit frightened but still went up the stairs anyway as all the rooms were there, well that was what you assumed. Walking up with a concerned and scared face, you were met with two girls on the floor fighting one was like an inch taller than you with short black hair and bangs and the other being a lot taller with red hair. Your eyebrows furrowed in concern as they both stopped and looked up at you then both of them scrambling to get up and greeted you with a bow, you bowed back of course and greeted them. The shorter one spoke “Helloo we are so sorry for what you’ve just witnessed that’s not how we are I promise. My name is Kim Chaewon.” as she bowed again and now it was the taller girls turn to apologise “Hi again we’re so sorry for that and promise that we are kind people. My name is Huh Yunjin, hope we can be friends.” as she also bowed again, you spoke shyly “It’s fine and it’s nice to meet you both my name is Jeon Y/N”.
After that they showed you to the only available room and left you to it. An hour later you had finished unpacking and decorating so you just lied down and sighed as you felt your stomach complain to you, so you got dressed in a hoodie and some shorts and went downstairs.
When you had arrived downstairs you saw a blue haired girl making ramen and Chaewon with Yunjin watching a movie with another girl who had black hair. You sleepily yawned and went to the fridge, you saw the blue haired girl look at you confused and the black haired girl just kept on watching the TV, finally the blue haired girl introduced herself “Hello I’m assuming your our roommate my name is Miyawaki Sakura nice to meet you” as she bowed you spoke this time quiet but also sleepily “Hii my name is Jeon Y/N nice to meet you and I am your roomie” Sakura then asked “Would you like some Ramyeon?” and you excitedly said “yes please thank you so much!” and bowed repeatedly she chuckled and responded with a no problem.
Chaewon Said “Y/N COME MEET KAZUHAAA” you slowly walked over and bowed to the assumed Kazuha girl and introduced yourself “Hello it’s nice to meet you and my name is Jeon Y/N” she quietly spoke and said “H-Hi my name is Nakamura Kazuha but you can call me Zuha” you noticed the stutter but didn’t say anything as she bowed Yunjin asked you “do you want to watch with us Y/N-ah?” and you agreed as you sat next to Kazuha.
Two days later you and your dormmates had gotten closer so you were all huddled up on the sofa, as you snuggled into Yunjin and had a nap. When you woke up you heard them all muttering about how cute you were, and how they thought it was adorable how you slept but you just brushed it off.
About a Month into rooming with them you noticed that sometimes they had tents in they’re pants while around you but you just left it alone, until one day you heard them in Yunjin’s room jacking themselves off. You peeked through the crack of the door and saw the sight of all of their dicks out getting off to a picture of you.
One day you were just on the sofa watching a video of them doing a work out and you wouldn’t lie they looked Hot. You soon felt wetness growing in your panties, and just kept on watching as you covered yourself with a blanket and took off your bottoms, you began to finger yourself and whimper quietly as they weren’t home, but you didn’t want to be unsure so you just moaned and whimpered quietly until, you got really carried away and was knuckles deep into yourself and started letting out gutteral moans.
Infact you were in so much ecstasy that you didn’t even notice them walk in with their shopping bags as you came since you were so close, the 4 saw everything from when you were knuckles deep to when you orgasimed and also were watching a video of them working out, they soon all got boners and went upstairs while Yunjin picked you up and carried you to her room.
You had been handcuffed to the headrest and had your legs tied open while you were butt-naked. Suddenly you saw Yunjin’s head pop out as she kissed you and made out with you, you soon felt Kazuha giving you hickeys on your neck and chaewon on the other side, as well as Sakura sucking on your nipples to be completely honest you could just orgasm from that but of course they were just teasing you and you were moaning into Yunjin’s mouth, as well as pulling at your handcuffs. Yunjin suddenly stopped kissing you and said “you’re such a bad girl baby getting off to a video of us working out” and Chaewon spoke soon after saying “I think our baby needs to wait for her second orgasm before we start since she was so naughty today” and Kazuha and Sakura hummed in agreement as they continued to give you hickeys, and suck on your mounds.You begged them to start as you whined “p-please Mommies l-let me c-cum” Chaewon and Yunjin laughed at you and got out a camera, setting it up as they said “after we start recording you can get fucked baby don’t worry” as you continued to moan and whimper because Kazuha and Sakura kept on going, by now your whole neck was covered purple from hickeys and now she started on your collar bone, as Sakura just squeezed and sucked on your nipples. Soon you heard a click of a video beginning and felt someone dive into your pussy and start kitten licking it, as a dick was insterted into you ass leading you to moan so loudly that the dorms could practically hear you, the tongue inside of you went faster and longer and even had a finger toying with your clit while the person in your ass mercilessly pounded you.
You moaned loudly as your breasts were being attacked by two mouths this time Sakura, on one and Kazuha on the other practically in sync while Chaewon pumped into your ass and degraded you, while Yunjin was so pussy drunk that she couldn’t stop and even began to hum to see your reaction, obviously it was so good that you couldn’t take it anymore and came straight then, and there while Yunjin helped ride out your high but kept on overstimulating you and only stopped when the other three stopped, and she let them lick your cum and wet juices up for a taste as they all hummed into your pussy, because you tasted sweet. You were a mess cum dripping down, your pussy so wet and it was throbbing. You thought it was over when suddenly a dick smashed into your pussy, and another one did as well while two smashed into your ass as you moaned at the sensation, of 4 dicks inside of you. They let you adjust as it was four of them and they did want you to enjoy it, so after a minute or so you said they could start moving and they all went at different paces Chaewon pounding into you,Kazuha going at a normal rate, Yunjin going slowly and Sakura just pounding into you as well, in the end they got it under control and pounded into you at the same pace and after they did get the hang of it you were ruined.
It was your 16th orgasm and they still hadn’t filled you up yet while you got overstimulated to the max, but them still not stopping was also really good until you finally felt them all fill you up, with they’re warm loads and moaned while they road it out, and pulled out of you.
After they all asked if you were ok and carried you to the bathtub where all four of you layed down, and bathed together as you switched over from time to time to sit on one of their laps, and you all snuggled in bed and fell asleep.
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orecana · 8 months
Ghostly companion
riize anton lee x Male reader
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Hello everyone. Orecana here with another fic for you guys. This is a request from none other than @ldrei because i'm on the hit list....
Anyways i hope you guys like it and thank you to everyone who has supported me so far.
Warnings: This fic contains
Belly bulge and cum inflation
dom bottom reader (yes this is my first dom bottom fic)
sub top male idol
If you don't like any of these things, then please get the fuck out
Y/n was shoved into his locker by his bullies as he coughs up blood. he weakly looks up at his bullies to see them snickering at him. he scoffs at their behavior
"what are you laughing at?"
"at your weak ass."
they hit y/n again as he coughs up even more blood
"look at you! can't even handle a punch."
Y/n could only lay there at their mercy as they hit him again and again. he couldn't scream nor can he even cry. he was used to getting hit all over again for being gay. he would always get tormented by teachers, students even townsfolk.
they would make fun of him call him a sin and even put him on multiple religious ceremonies where they cut his flesh and put him on campfires while sprouting holy nonsense.
He wanted to end his life. he stood on a high cliff overlooking the city. he whispers his final wish before he lets himself fall off.
*splash, crack*
Everybody surrounded the body, the children were mortified while the adults cheered at the sin being cleansed.
However, people starts dying one by one after that. their corpses cut into pieces but the cause of death was unknown. slowly but surely the town became cold and deserted.
The town was soon rebuilt. It has became one of the more peaceful towns but offerings were always made at the cliff of the mountains because they felt pity for the boy.
A car is seen stopping in front of a house. A young boy is seen leaving it with his parents following suit. They stand together looking at the house before them. it was a normal house painted white with windows.
"This is our new home anton."
the boy nods as he goes inside the house while his parents get the luggage. he was surprised on how wide it is. How cozy.
He goes upstairs to see 4 rooms, 2 on the left and 1 on the right. the one in the middle however is sealed and locked tight with several warning tapes covering it.
he looks at the room to his right, seeing a large area with a large bed. this is probably his parents' room. He looks at the one of the rooms to his left. it looks neat and tidy with a shelf of books and a desk. he tries to look at the other room but the door closes itself in front of him.
the door has a letter on it saying
"weird" anton thought.
"anton! come and eat takeout!"
hearing his mom, anton goes down unaware of the door reopening by itself.
Anton had just finished showering and is currently drying his hair. He looks at the mirror and reaches out for the toothpaste he placed near it. he takes his toothbrush and put some toothpaste on it. he then looks at the mirror again to brush his teeth only to find a boy in a kimono staring back at him. he was frightened and look back only to find nothing. hesitatingly. he looks back at the mirror to find the boy even closer to him. he wanted to scream for help, what the hell?!
But the boy put his fingers to his lips as if it is telling him to not scream. he then takes something out of his kimono. A mask and he wears it.
"hello? hello. IT WORKS!"
Anton looks at the boy who is flying around happily.
"I can finally talk! it has been so long!"
"wait wait hold on who are you and what are you doing in my house?"
"hmm? but this is my- oh yeah i'm dead so this is no longer mine."
"wait, what do you mean you're dead?!"
"i stand by what i said. i am a spirit/ghost that is residing in this house because this is where i chose to reside."
"what kind of nonsense are you sprouting? there is no such thing as-"
the boy immediately drops his mask and reveal his face which full of blood. his eyes empty and hollow, his skin sickly pale and mouth full of sharp teeth. he is also tongueless.
the boy lets out a inhuman sigh as he puts the mask back on
"I know there are people who don't believe in spirits or what not, but come on! i appeared out of nowhere and my face is nowhere near alive."
Anton scratches his hair awkwardly.
"oh yeah... you were brushing your teeth, continue what you're doing, we'll talk again later."
the boy disappears as anton lets out a breath he didn't even know he was holding. This is his first ever time meeting a thing he didn't believe existed. all of his good mood earlier seems to be flushed down the drain from that encounter.
nevertheless, he brushes his teeth and goes to his closet to get his clothes. once he wore them and settle down on his bed, he feels the spot of the bed near him sink down. he turns his head to find that boy again.
"are you gonna tell me your origins tho?"
"funny thing is that i don't remember, that's why i can't go yet. i have to know first."
"at least you remember something right?"
"i only know that someone used to call me pharm."
"Well i know what to call you"
"awwww. you like me already? you seems so afraid of me tho"
"you appeared out of nowhere! you want me to not be scared?
"you got a point."
a silence passes by as they are left to ponder their thoughts
"Do you want to help me find out my memories?"
Anton thought about it for a second. It could be very dangerous encountering other ghosts, not all of them are as nice as pharm. But he felt like he made a friend out of the ghost already.
"Sure, i want you to find peace."
"Really, thank you uhhh...."
"Anton. Anton lee at your service"
"i hope we become best friends anton!"
the boy raises his kimono for a handshake which anton hesitatingly accepts but surprisingly he felt hands in there.
"this is my favorite kimono so i always wore it, it's also large it helps hide most of the damage."
pharm looks around but his eyes widened when he spots the clock.
"shibal! look at the time! a high schooler like you should get all the sleep you could get especially with that body."
Anton looks at pharm with a shocked face.
"How did you-?"
"you do know that i saw your upper half while you're in the shower right?"
Anton felt embarrassed for some reason. as a swimmer you shouldn't be embarrassed about showing your toned body.
"what school will you attend though?"
"Stone Music academy?"
Suddenly pharm grips his head as he screams. Anton sits up shocked and tries to hold the boy but his arms pass through.
Pharm body starts to become invisible and it keeps glitching in and out.
"pharm! what's going on?"
it was painful for the ghost. it felt like multiple sharp things piercing him all at once.
"it hurts! it hurts"
the ghost was crying blood as it flows down his face.
slowly but surely the pain stops and his body is back to normal. he feels so exhausted however.
"i'm sorry, anton-kun. let me lean on you tonight. i feel so tired...."
Anton kinda felt bad for pharm but he was worried his arms might pass through again. he slowly put his hands onto the ghost and was surprised to see that it actually came in contact. anton blushed at this.
"it feels so intimate"
"thank you anton-kun."
Anton eyes felt heavy as he lays there with pharm until he eventually falls asleep.
Anton stands in front of his new school and looks around. The garden looks very pretty and the school stands tall, filled with many floors and buildings.
"hey, can i tag along?"
Anton looks at his right and almost jumped at the sight of pharm floating near him.
"you know people might stare at me if i talk to you?"
"I know that's why i will only come when necessary. Besides Last night i remembered something."
Anton looks surprised as pharm looks back at him with a look of seriousness.
"yeah, i learned that i used to study here and... was bullied... for what i don't know."
Anton subconsciously clenches his fist. He and his parents have always been very righteous and accepting towards everyone so knowing that pharm used to get bullied makes him to pass on even more, to help him find peace.
Anton held out his hand. disregarding his words before.
"let me help you investigate, you shouldn't suffer anymore."
pharm looks at him in disbelief, his eyes wide.
"thank you, no one has ever said that to me before."
pharm smiles through his mask, even tho he's dead anton feels warm inside.
"let's go."
Anton nods and step foot into academy grounds, from this point onwards he will look for clues to help pharm pass on into the afterlife.
He goes on forward to the office to get his schedule and continue onwards to his class. He knocks the door and hears a rough voice.
"come in"
Anton opens the door to meet a class of students and an adult teacher who really needs a shave and caffeine. He looks at anton in a slightly menacing way before gesturing him to sit.
anton sits in an empty desk in the back and takes out his materials.
"before i begin today's classes, Anyone here respect the lgbtq?"
Almost half of the class raised their hands. The teacher chuckles darkly before slamming his book on his desk. ( little homophobia)
"Let me tell you little brats something, Those faggots and monstrosities are not humans, They're just things that we need to get rid of in this world. i'm telling you this because you're still young kids so you can still change your perspectives."
The other half of the class loudly agrees while anton and the half who raised their hands clench their fists tightly. Anton was so mad that he needed to look out of the window to relax but was confused to see Something flying through the window. His eyes widened at what it was.
"Teacher, duck!"
The teacher look at him angrily but before he could shout, the window on his right shatters as something pierces through his brain. Blood begins to drop from everywhere as the corpse falls down. Everyone was terrified and most of them scrambled out of the class. Anton wanted to get out of there as well but stilled.
"something definitely killed this teacher, it's a supernatural occurrence that's for sure. i should stay here and find some clues."
He stands up and looks around the classroom. he surveyed the window, the glass was everywhere the weapon was thrown with a lot of strength. then he turns around and looks at the body, he was about to pull the weapon out when the door flew open.
"Hey, stop right there!"
The polices rush forward and handcuff anton who tries to struggle free. " you're under arrest for murder."
"wait but i didn't-"
"we'll talk more at the station and with your guardians there."
Anton is slowly led away into the police car. Some students try to speak up for his innocence but it's all brushed off by the police.
however nobody seems to realize that there was something or someone listening to the entire ordeal as they clench their head and hands.
"why.... are.... you...hurting him....again?"
They were in pain again from the memories they recovered, they want to help but how can they? then they saw something follow the police car. their eyes widened, it was as if their body instincts were on because they immediately dashes after the car as well.
"i won't let you hurt him again!"
Anton is currently in a prison cell while his mother is discussing with the police. his mother knows that anton didn't do it but the police wouldn't think otherwise just because he was the only one near the body.
"i mean there might be some evidence that might prove otherwise you know"
"what else do you need? we caught him as he was killing him?"
"don't you think my son was caught at a bad time?"
"miss, i know you love your son but we caught him pulling out the murder weapon. besides i heard he supports the lgbtq. hahhhah He's definitely the culprit for sure. only fags like him will commit crimes."
"uhh sir please don't"
"oh come on don't you agree? those degenerates of gods should be dead."
suddenly the lights begin flickering as the police keeps sprouting his nonsense. the lights above the police keeps dangling as the apprentice keeps telling him to move.
the lights come crashing down on his head spilling glass everywhere. blood seeps down his entire body as the apprentice scream for his life and the mother at disbelief.
Anton feels hands roaming around his body. he looks around to see a ghost trying to feel his body. he was scared and there was nothing he could do, his arms were handcuffed.
His mother gets the key to unlock the cell and is surprised at seeing the ghost. she tries to get it off but her hands went past it.
"HAHHAHAH you can't do anything to me!"
"but i can"
A fan cuts the ghost head off as it roars in pain before turning into ash. The mother and son hug. they both look at the ghost who helped. They had a bloody oni mask on with 2 horns sprouting from their head and a bloody dark red kimono. their hands are pale with claws on the end of their fingers, with the right one holding a fan with a hidden blade among them.
Anton should be scared but the ghost has some sense of comfort that he was familiar with.
hearing the voice made the ghost widens its eyes before returning into its original form.
Anton expected to see the normal pharm but it seems pharm had evolve or some kind, because pharm's face is no longer burned revealing the beauty within. his kimono no longer burned shows a red color with sakura flowers.
"hello auntie, i know you must be confused but please i mean no harm."
Anton hugs pharm ghostly body who returned it.
"thanks for saving me."
They went home and the family kinda had a serious discussion with pharm who real name is y/n
This house was y/n back in the past. He was a orphan who was bullied for being gay. Until one day he decided to commit suicide. He still felt pain but it was better than nothing. However, the many rituals that the townsfolks inflicted on him seems to have summoned many other spirits that eventually possessed the whole town.
He uses his demonic powers that he gain from his death to kill all of them and sealed them in the 2 locked rooms in this house. however because he lost his memories one of the door unlocked causing some of those demons to inhabit the town.
after sharing the general information with anton's family, they had dinner and bonded together. y/n and anton laid on his bed staring at the ceiling.
"you know there was one more thing i didn't tell them."
"what was that?"
Y/n locked his lips together with anton as a wave of memories spread through his mind. how they were once lovers, how y/n killed him because he was possessed, how they cried.
"glad to see that you remembered too, P'dean"
oh how he missed how cheesy they were to call each other by the main leads of until we meet again. but they had always believed in reincarnation.
"missed you too pharm"
They locked lips again, this time with a bit more ferocity. Their tongue entered each other's mouths as they slowly take off the other's clothes. y/n's body was slowly disappearing. they knew they had to be fast. the moment anton's shorts are gone, y/n immediately put that large cock into his hole and immediately ride it. Anton immediately vibrate from the tightness. It had been too long.
"you know-ahh-you would always ahh-rock me into the mattress-ugh but for today-omg-i'll make sure you'll see stars"
y/n clenches harder on the cock making anton whimpers as he drills the cock with strong thrusts.
"heheh, your cock is twitching so much, does it feel that good?"
Anton can only nods as he keeps thrusting into the hot hole.
"ahh ahh heh i feel your precum you know, come on give me all that baby batter, remember how you always wanted to knock me up? Look much your cock is making my belly bulge"
Remembering that only makes him whimpers even more as he ruts even faster into y/n
"yes ahh ahh yes that's it, give-ahh-me-your-CUM"
anton came with a growl, pumping torrents of hot cum into y/n ghostly body. They connected their lips together they kiss under the moonlight. Y/n's body was glowing as more cum keeps flowing into him as his stomach bulge. Finally the last drop of cum was shot into y/n as they pull away.
"i'll see you again anton."
"I'll see you again y/n"
They lean their forehead together as y/n disappears into multiple butterflies.
Anton watches the butterflies swirl around him before disappearing.
Anton puts his shorts back on before closing his eyes smiling.
Anton was walking home from school after his completing his first year there. He was unlocking the door when he felt a tap on his shoulder. Smiling, he turns around to see a boy looking back at him.
"Good to see you again, y/n."
"i'm back, jagiya."
They lean for a kiss as the flowers petals flow around, marking their fated reunion.
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rosedere · 2 months
The Liyue Lotus and the Merchant from Snezhnaya (Pantalone x Fem Reader)
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MDNI +18
Cw: kidnapping, Stalking, non con elements, Graphic violence (later chapters), Yandere content *will update as the series goes
Cross posted on AO3
Part 1,Part 2,Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Chapter 6: Blizzard/Found (you are here), Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10~
Synopsis: Unfortunately, The Regerator develops a fixation with you while you are working undercover for Yelan. And there’s no one who can get in his way of his prized Lotus.
This is our divide
Need to go our separate ways, I'm too scared if you stay
We'll hold another grudge, who am I to judge?
If I will wake up one day and miss you too much
Yeah, we play with high stakes, it's a risk I need to take
A blizzard was due anytime in Snezhnaya.
But that was the least of his concerns; he had already finished pretending to care enough about the slaying to the harbinger known as “La Signora” or Rosalynne-Kruzchka Lohefalter. 
Pantalone was taking his leave from the snowscape anyway now that the day of mourning was over. He just wanted to get back to his Lotus patiently waiting in his abode for his return.
You were always on his mind nowadays. More than before.
Adding to the collection of items he could obtain to win your love as he walked the streets and shops of the cold capital. He could only imagine your eyes lighting up as you read his letter and saw the items he so lovingly picked out for his Lotus
He knew he was incredibly close to finally unlocking your icy heart; he just had to keep being more persistent.
As he touched the custom-made silver and indigo veil in the boutique he could only imagine you under it while you walked side by side with him down the falling snow in the bustling city.
The thought crossed his mind when you had both retired for the night together he wanted badly to broach the topic with you. He had after all finally convinced you to Stay with him for the night.
But you only lay curled on the left side of the bed beside him.
Your face smushed into his chest as you peacefully breathed in rhythm beside him.
Finally relaxed, revealing your true beauty to him.
But every time he tried to wake you from your slumber you only nestled yourself further against him, pressing your naked self harder against him.
After the fifth time of trying to wake you he only signed frustrated at the dilemma.
He knew It'd be unfair to bring you without your say in the matter.
But the loneliness of being without his new bloom beside him was disheartening especially since he finally had what he had desired since he set eyes on you all those weeks ago.
Having to make the difficult decision once the mist began to rise and your head still tucked underneath his trimmed chest he slid you onto the silky pillows surrounding you. Dressing himself to be decent he went on with dressing himself for the long voyage ahead of him.
Once again hoping you'd surprise him by joining him as he cleaned himself in the spacious bathroom he was disappointed when he was ready only to be greeted by you now clinging to the dark satin pillow.
Pantalone only sat beside you watching you stir occasionally in your sleep. 
A few messy strains of hair fell across your face acting as a curtain over your face; he raised his glove only pushing the few hairs away from your face.
His gloved hand now stroking your cheek hoping to rouse you from your sleep.
Soft was what he remembered as he touched your now exposed cheek.
“Sir we must get going; the departure time was set several minutes ago” 
Pantalone only sighed.
Turning his attention back to you still nestled on the pillow he lowered himself, grazing his lips to your forehead before letting his smooth lips connect to your warm flesh.
“I'll see you as soon as I finish business my lotus” 
“Very soon”
“My lord? I thought you weren't—”
The two fatuu's walked forward carrying his luggage onto the tall cruiseliner in front of them leaving Pantalone behind now stopped a few footsteps away from the fatui officer standing in front of the dock; shivering from the whipping wind and snow surrounding everyone present.
“I have finished my business here for now” Pantalone dismissed; his hand reaching for his jacket to pull tighter to his body being afflicted to the harsh below-zero winds.
“Ah but my lord the storm is over the waters a voyage would be difficult to Liyue harbor,” the officer said through chattering teeth.
“Normally I would heed a warning but I have something important to tend to back in Liyue” he clasped his gloved hands together; his eyes in a closed smile as he chuckled to himself, “Thankfully this should be my last trip back there” 
“Oh? To Snezhnaya?”
“Dear archons no” he waved his hand expressively, “I mean to Liyue; I'm officially moving back to the main northland bank” 
He was about to continue walking up towards the boarding plank eager to get out of the way of the now aggressive winds blowing his white coat up and down.
“Ah! Um lord Pantalone!”
Pausing he turned back towards the fatui officer standing against the harbor posts that lined the docks.
“Is it true my lord that you got engaged?”  
Pantalone's heart fluttered at the mention.
“If you are referring to my request to meet with the Tsaritsa and the rooster then you are correct”
“So then you do have someone?” 
Pantalone only nodded; the only sound surrounding them was the billowing winds blowing against his turned back.
“Is it Nyla?” the soldier asked, Pantalone stiffened. 
“She has been mentioning you a lot recently”
“There is nothing between me and her anymore”  
The timbre of his voice felt colder than the snow flying past the two.
“Now if you're done gossiping I have to leave”
Pantalone with an annoyed scoff adjusted the warm coat once more over his torso before flipping the hood underneath his heavy jacket the dark fur surrounding his face.
Walking along the slippery dock into the heavy white flurries surrounding the baffled officer.
“My lord there you are”
Pantalone only passed a glance before entering the open cabin doors and boarding the luxury liner.
walking amongst the low-hanging lights to the back of the ship; his quarters.
It was made to be a replica of his office and home in Snezhnaya just as his Liyue estate had been made; the same purple and blue motif; gems fixed to either side of his smaller queen-sized bed directly in front of him across from the room under the wide window. His smaller Sneznhayan oak wood desk and chair sat against the dark jewel-toned lights all spaced evenly from each wall plane. Shedding his coats on the coat racks beside the entrance he was only left in his plain underclothes consisting of a long dark navy blue turtleneck and wool slacks.
Immediately approaching his desk he reached for his journal leather bound and still lingering with a cold feeling as he opened the cover to the last page he had written in. He had written a few words in the blank space of the journal. Initially telling himself he'd have some inkling of what to write when he arrived in Snezhnaya, but then it just became even more difficult when he was settled in the palace.
But now he was alone.
“Lián, I promise to be the best husband and—”
He only scrunched his face at the sentence written several weeks ago.
Crossing the sentence out he began on the next page.
“I promise to be able to fulfill my vow to you as your husband”
“And to stand by your side during the roughest of times”
Huffing he dropped the pen letting it roll towards the edge of the desk.
Pantalone supposed he could sleep on it, it seemed from the now rocking boat that they were going to be docked for the rest of the night.
Delaying him further to see the warm environment that was Liyue a few more days longer.
You had sworn the ledge to the secret entrance was in the bathroom.
But after your bath, you tried to slide the stone in the exact sequence you did the previous evening.
All that happened was the rugged edge of the tub to break off into your hands. Assuming you misremembered you pulled the outermost border of rock lining the tub.
All that happened was the rock staying firm in place.
“Lián? What are you doing”
Stopping your action of feeling the rocky surface you only stayed in place; your naked back facing Galina.
“here; let's get you a towel” she sighed going towards the bamboo rack in the upmost corner of the cavernous wall.
“I'm going to have to inform Fedor about the bathtub—” she sighed “If our lord comes home and sees the chip in his tub he'll be so upset” She scurried towards you wrapping you with the towel before she stood you up in front of the mirror leaning against a golden basinet across from the large tub.
She began to pull out a small bag; inside were different combs and accessories including what looked to be expensive hair care products.
“Why the fancy hair today?” You asked glancing back at the bag set on top of a rock near the tub's edge.
Galina only began to dry your hair between her hands with the towels beside her.
“I can't reveal much” She leaned down combing and adding something with a sweet milky honey aroma onto your hair.
“But you definitely can not go to sleep today” Galina brushed through the back of your hair.
“I'm going to take you to the sitting room today so you can keep yourself busy instead of rotting in our lord's bed” 
“The sitting room?” You asked
Galina nodded before she began digging in the bag separating your hair with a steel comb before she slid different clips into your still damp hair.
“It's… been under renovations since our lord wants to expand the estate even more than it already is” She paused grabbing a gold-speckled hairpin with purple amethyst hanging off the tip of the pin.
“But today it should be appropriate for you to roam, feed some koi fish, and have some pastries”.
Continuing to pull your hair up into an intricate bun winding the hair up in what you felt was a twist or braid into your thickened hair. It certainly felt new since you'd only worn your hair down or tied it back with ribbons if you felt it was necessary, or even just cut it during the warm season.
Especially now. 
You were thinking once you returned to your accommodations you could maybe see about shortening your hair. 
A hum of acknowledgment was heard from your left side where she was grabbing more hair ribbons it seemed.
“When will I be able to return home?” 
You didn't hear another sound from her, assuming she was just still busying herself with the task from before.
Only she didn't answer you; only beginning to tie the back of your hair up before sticking the hairpin in the back of your hair, with her sharper nail she cut the few ties holding the pieces of hair causing your hair to fall as it normally did.
Glancing in the mirror you saw what the final product looked like; your hair was now in loose waves while the back of your hair was tied into two intricate buns being skewered by the hairpins securing them to the top of your head.
“Do you like them, Lián?” Galina asked, grabbing the small mirror from beside her.
“Of course, I look so different”
“In a good way of course,” you corrected yourself as you turned to the side slightly.
Seemingly satisfied Galina rose from her spot going out to the wardrobe outside of the room.
You only kept staring at your reflection. 
It looked off.
Your reflection.
Leaning closer you were focusing on your face.
A small red blemish formed on your cheek.
Narrowing your eyes you picked at the small little bump forming. 
Red and enormous on your left cheek.
However when you looked down at your chin.
A small patch of those hideous bumps was there.
You gasped. Only realize when you heard Galina abruptly come back into the room.
Now you were joined in the reflected mirror with Galina looking curiously at your reflection.
“You see them too right?” You pointed to your cheek first.
“I don't know where it came from, '' you shakily exclaimed.
“Hmm, it seems like it's a pimple my lady” Galina then grabbed your hand placing it away from your face.
“It can't be? At my age It's probably a mole or something bad” your eyes still staring at the offensive bump on your face.
Galina only laughed before she patted your robed shoulder.
“My lady you know pimples can occur at any age; I remember when I had a breakout when I had my twins” she shrugged “I wouldn't think too much about it; If you are worried though I can begin a skincare routine for you to keep them away permanently” 
You only stayed eyeing yourself in the mirror.
“It's most likely from all that sleeping you're doing” Galina scolded, 
you groaned loudly, still concentrating on your chin with silent perplexment.
“I'll maybe add some makeup if that's okay with you my lady if the pimples are bothering you” once again patting you on the shoulder before she got up from her spot beside you.
“But I'll have to do that after we decide what to dress you in,” She said as she returned to resume digging through the long wardrobe once more.
Her words beyond that practically fell on deaf ears as you glanced back at the tub.
The entrance to roam the large estate that was Pantalone's home was now gone.
Another dead end and more hope lost.
The sitting area was just as unique in its own right.
It wasn't really inside the cave as the majority of the house was built into but instead, just an outside walkway practically hanging off the ledge of the Mt Aocang range below.
A misting waterfall flowed underneath where you were sitting; next to the small parquet woven table was the private doorway next to the small koi pond built into the one part of the wide room that wasn't on the ledge. 
Bamboo and ornate wooden gates divided the area you sat at from the entrance where Fedor was standing idly in front.
Galina somewhere off inside bringing the treats from earlier she promised.
Now this is when you'd slink off and find another way to roam freely around without either guard.
But a feeling told you not to.
It was strange as you'd never let a simple bad feeling stop you before.
It just felt completely unsafe to roam.
You decided to instead look down the side of the tall railing beside you.
The gentle current flowed down the edge in a freefall to wherever it was going.
It calmed your mind watching the few small fish and some leaves fall in a vertical drop.
The sound was also relaxing as you heard the water rushing.
Thankfully you were in a short layered summer dress that allowed you to be able to squat and look down to your heart's desire.
The silky lilac and white material stretched while you looked down towards the water.
Looking at a lone mossy rock you saw something shimmery hit said rock.
Dismissing it as just a lone reflection from the sun hitting the water you only kept looking down at the stream.
But every time you would focus on the horizon or another spot of the water the glint would shine.
Like it was a piece of metal…
Looking back behind you only Fedor was visible still standing along the wall looking towards the entrance of the sitting room most likely keeping a lookout for Galina to return.
You sat on top of the railing; thankfully it seemed the water wasn't deeper than your ankles. Shifting your weight you made a small splash into the rushing stream.
Treading the water to the rock you thought the object was settled against the rock would be visible as you stood over it but instead, the small currents distorted the water.
The small teardrop item was caught underneath the rock.
you dunked your hand to grab a hold of the metal item.
The shock of recognition when you realized what you were looking at.
Something that was supposed to be hidden under your accommodation's bedroom floor.
Grabbing the small stone the flowing cryo energy shooting straight up into your palm was the answer you needed.
The Liyue crest on the back of the vision plate was something you didn't realize you missed.
Channeling your cryo powers into your hands you let a small sheet of ice form over the fast-running stream halting it temporarily.
It was yours.
But the mystery of how it got here was pushed to the back of your mind now.
You needed to hide your vision.
The shawl you wore to hide your back was probably burnt in an incinerator somewhere leaving attaching it to the back of your dress out of the question.
Looking back into the water you only saw your befuddled expression looking back at you in the water's reflection.
your face looked more youthful with the help of the rigorous regime Galina did to your face before she applied small amounts of powder to the pimples you had suddenly accumulated.
At least you could say that your hair made up for the blemishes on your skin.
Swaying in the gentle breeze coming from inside the cavern back and forth.
your hair…
You touched your buns on the top of your head.
Of course…
The pins keeping your hair up could conceal your vision if you redid your hair right.
Quickly undoing the work Galina had done to the two puffy buns on your hair you grabbed your vision in one hand before tying the small gem to the back of your hair wrapping your hair around the sticks to create a Rolled bun behind the top of your hair.
After you secure your hair checking to feel if it has been completely concealed by your hair you look back into the reflection.
Now instead of the buns were replaced by a few stray hairs framing your face as the rolled-up bun now sat on top of your head the hairpins sticking out the small amethyst gems swaying back and forth in the wind along with your hair.
feeling a sense of reassurance you decided to observe the stream more closely.
The stream seemed to go further deeper underneath the home, seeming like there was a bigger source of water somewhere.
Glancing back up towards the balcony above you thankfully seemed no one had noticed your abrupt departure.
looking back towards the opening where the water was rushing.
Your vision must be a sign there was more to be explored here.
So what's the worst that could happen?
Stepping closer to the opening you sized up the entrance.
It seemed big enough to slip in for your size.
But the real mystery was if you'd get lost forever inside the mountains of Aocang or you'd end up deeper into the home. 
Sighing you knew your answer; looking down at your dress and hair you only hoped they wouldn't ruin your spontaneous swim.
Taking a deep breath you treaded the water breaking under the surface.
Surprised as you swam further down the modest current at the different rock formations below and around you as you twirled and occasionally spun to maneuver around the few rocks blocking the wide mouth.
Your lungs were burning as you began to feel the water pull you forward. The water's depth rose giving you a sign you were soon to hit either an air pocket or an underwater lake.
You passed a lone stalactite when suddenly the current picked up. 
Unable to paddle against it you were swiftly carried upwards. Closing your eyes you brace for the rough treatment of colliding and scrapping against the rough rocky texture of the walls around you as you ride the current.
Being spat out by the current finally, you opened your eyes and inhaled the air you missed hungrily.
you were underground. 
in a large lit-up cavern.
Lamps that seemed to also line the hallways of Pantalone's home were hung by the walls near the shore.
Those bars from the other secret room were there. Rusted from erosion it seemed they were no longer being used.
Swimming through the crystal blue water towards the rocky shoal you picked yourself up flopping out of the water practically.
It seemed wherever you were it was completely vacant.
Only one barred area next to the most eye-catching feature is a giant red door; most likely from the erosion just like the jail bars beside it.
Other than that it was exactly like a regular cavern in the liyue mountains you'd seen numerous times.
Not even bothering to dry yourself you approached the first broken barred area. 
Nothing but rocks and chains remained.
Walking to the door you reach to pull the dark metal rings to open said door.
your eyes only widen, the illuminated staircase was just like the familiar stairs you'd taken downstairs during your stay.
But to see one of your fellow shadows in front of you was nothing you ever thought you'd find down here.
His blue and white layered shirt was now tattered, and the mask around his lower face was still intact covering him.
The exposed flesh on his body was cut into ribbons of Open wounds, a few wounds were bleeding while the others were only barely healing on his legs and arms.
He mirrored your expression; the look of panic but familiarity his eyes expressed to you.
For a moment you both stared at each other.
“Lua?” You whispered.
“(Name)” he responded in his daze.
Shaking his head he quickly rushed down the rest of the stairs grabbing you by your wet arm.
Wordlessly you let him pull you down the stairs before closing the door; you both began to rush towards what you first assumed was nothing but a pile of large stones, the closer he ran you saw a small dilapidated passage identical to the one you saw under the bathroom.
"Im glad to have ran into you; those fatui bastards are insane" He panted
"I lost the others and one other operative; it's just you and me now" Lua grunted
Your feet soon grew tired as you ran further and further into the now ever-dark passage. Signaling to stop you both gradually came to a halt in the passage as you caught your breath.
“Did you get captured during your Act?” Lua huffed from beside you.
“It's not important; but we gotta get you to Yelan”
You couldn't see Lua's face but from the silence, you could tell he was pensive.
After another minute passed you only grasped his hand as you both continued your steady sprint out of the darkness of the passage.
Occasionally dodging a long few pebbles or so the relief as you saw the passage brightening up by natural light. 
Lua reached the threshold of the mouth of the cave first.
Seeing his face bleed into relief realizing he was saved.
a  sharp sound cut through the air from above you both
Lua only turned back to you about to utter something, but the words fell into mush as he spat a clot of blood from under his mask.
The red bloom forming on his neck..
his body only rolled almost taking you with him down the side of the mountain ledge.
A trail of scarlet blood was now staining the umber soil below the exposed rock and soil.
Feeling his once warm hands slip from your grasp as he fell.
You would have screamed as you landed roughly on your backside. Sitting straight up while you absorbed what had just happened.
mouth agaped as you felt yourself collapse in the kicked up dust.
The crunch of rocks was heard coming from your left.
You didn't turn your head only staring shellshocked at the distant cliff ledge in front of you.
“Darling your all wet” 
You felt his frigid hands on your waist feeling him pull you towards him. You didn’t bother to look up knowing the guilty look on your face had all Pantalone needed to know
“I guess I can call off the search for you” his hands began to run through your still-damp strands of hair.
Being guided by your waist towards the rocky stairs leading up.
His other hand began to lace around your trembling ones as you walked beside him up the ledge.
Pantalone's grip was firm around your hand as he walked beside you up the rocky terrain his eyes never leaving your form as you both made it to the top of the cliff.
You didn't realize you'd never seen the true entrance of his estate.
Like a pillar bursting through the calm forest surrounding the small grassy forest that sat tall on top was the heavily guarded entrance inside two tall oriental gated doors.
The sense of awe was immediately replaced with panic when you saw the frustrated Galina yelling at Fedor next to the now wide-open gate.
“I have returned with my lotus unharmed ” Pantalone called out from behind you to Galina and Fedor, their attention now shifting to you both standing together.
“Lián!” Galina huffed as she marched up to you.
“You are in a lot of trouble! I only saw your shoes next to the table and thought the worst had happened” She then grabbed your half-damp smooth lilac dress in her hands.
“And you soiled the dress I picked for your reunion with our lord” Galina only began to try to dry the ends of your dress in a hurry.
“No need to worry Galina; we'll both be setting off once I’ve settled down and slept off the rough ride” he chuckled pulling you closer to him before he kissed the top of your head.
You only nodded as you let him practically snatch you away towards the door.
Trying your best not to look down the cliffside beside you both, you didn't want to confirm your last subordinate's untimely demise.
It was a horrible reminder of what is going to happen to you once Pantalone grows weary of you.
you were the last Subordinate left if what Lua said was true.
Silently you and Pantalone walked beside you leading you through the foyer of the home heavy with the previous thought in your head.
Your vision washed up in the same stream underground that seemed to be an extension of Pantalone's mansion.
And it was where you found Lua, the last confirmed shadow to have gone missing.
You glanced back at Pantalone's amethyst eyes; his smile would be infectious to you but it was clear now what he was thinking.
He was scheming something dark.
After a moment you both reached the familiar hallway to the staircase from the maze that was the bottom floor.
both of you stepping up onto the steps was all that was echoing, your foot being the first one to reach the threshold as you entered the familiar room; the intricate door shutting behind you reminded you that Pantalone was still here in the room.
you nervously gulped before you turned to see him; passion in his eyes like the last night you spent together.
“My beautiful bloom are you in the mood to… indulge me?” He crept closer to you as he let his heavy wool fatui coat fall to the ground.
"you dont have to of course-" his hungry hands immediately finding your body; one now caressing the side of your face. You paused for a moment; he only reached for the back strip of fabric holding your damp dress onto your body.
Looking up to his expectant gaze you sighed through pouted lips.
“If you promise not to leave me sleeping by myself again” you reached for the back of your dress untying the ribbon of cloth in the back letting the lilac dress fall to the ground. 
"I want you to show me you mean what you say"
It was all Pantalone needed to hear and see in the moment; his Lotus
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Note: oh man our trip to crazytown is coming soon— pantalone was NOT kidding about taking her back.
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liaromancewriter · 7 months
It Happened One Miami Night (1/?)
Series Premise: A work trip to Miami means finally accepting that some risks are worth taking. Or are they?
Fandom: Choices Book: Open Heart Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Rating/Category: Teen. Angsty Fluff Words: 1,045
Series Masterlist
A/N: The long awaited Miami series! I think this might be 3 or 4 parts, but I'm not sure yet. For Ethan's POV at the airport, read my old (and overly indulgent) fic: Out of Control.
Submission to @choicesmonthlychallenge March dialogue prompt: "We're running out of time."
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The ballgown had to go. There was no other choice. Besides, Cassie Valentine reasoned, she was going to a conference, not a white-tie gala.
She’d bought the dress on impulse when she saw it in a boutique on Newbury Street. It matched the heirloom necklace her parents gifted her when she graduated from medical school. But galas and the intern lifestyle didn’t exactly mix, and the dress had gathered dust in her closet until now.
Cassie stared at the clothes, shoes and other essentials she’d stuffed into the small carry-on case that lay unzipped and open atop her bed. Carefully adjusting the garment bag so as not to crush the beautiful midnight blue gown, she tucked the ends in and wondered if she could close and zip the bag without applying pressure.
They were likely flying coach, as that’s what most people did, which meant packing the bare minimum. Unfortunately, she had never learned the art of packing light and didn’t think Dr. Ramsey was patient enough to wait for her checked luggage to roll off the carousal.
He might just leave her at the airport to find her own way to the hotel right after giving her the patented Ramsey glare. The man was infuriatingly predictable like that.
Huffing in frustration, Cassie threw herself on the bed and stared at the ceiling. It was bad enough that she had to be at the airport in a few hours, but the worst was that she’d had an extraordinarily long shift with barely time to eat dinner.
Anyway, she consoled herself. She’d likely be stuck inside dark meeting rooms taking notes and playing assistant all weekend, not enjoying cocktails by the pool.
Dr. Ramsey hadn’t said anything about her accompanying him to receptions and parties that were par for the course at these conventions. As far as the medical community was concerned, she was a nobody.
Cassie was honest enough to admit she was ambivalent about this trip. Despite her bravado in front of Sienna and the “girl can dream” comment, spending time alone with Ethan Ramsey away from the hospital was not good for her resolution to stay away from him.
He was dangerous to her heart. Tall, dark, and handsome, he had laser-blue eyes that made her insides melt whenever he directed them her way. He was an attending and a world-famous diagnostician, while she was a lowly intern who still had trouble believing in herself.
Workplace romances were often treacherous for women, even more so when the man was her superior. That lesson had been ingrained in her brain from the moment she got her first job. Her father had taught her to spot the signs and avoid putting herself in a situation where the lines could be crossed.
They could never work, and it could ruin her career before she’d truly begun. If she thought otherwise, she was dreaming.
So, why did the impossibility of it all make her unbearably sad?
Feeling the long day catch up with her, she closed her eyes briefly. Just five minutes, she told herself, letting out a loud yawn. Five minutes to rest her busy brain, and then she’d finish getting her stuff ready for tomorrow.
She woke up hugging the sides of the carry-on and the sound of an alarm blaring in the quiet. She started to fling her arm to hit the snooze button, but her eyes snapped open.
Crap, crap, crap. She’d fallen asleep. What time was it?
Cassie grabbed her phone off the nightstand, blinked to clear sleep from her eyes and then yelped before hurriedly swinging her legs off the bed. She needed to haul ass or forever put up with Dr. Ramsey’s snide remarks about missing their flight.
An hour later, she ran down the terminal, the wheels of her carry-on case rattling behind her. She scanned gate numbers and sweated bullets as the overhead announcer warned that it was the last call for the flight to Miami.
Cassie skidded to a halt outside their gate, an apology hovering on her lips as Ethan took off his eyeglasses and checked his watch.
“Five more seconds, and I’d have boarded without you.”
She couldn’t tell from his expression if he was angry or just resigned at her lateness. His tone was entirely too casual for her to decide.
“I won’t happen again!” Cassie said, gulping oxygen and ignoring the stitch in her side. The mad dash across the airport caught up with her.
Ethan quirked one eyebrow. “You think I’ll be inviting you to medical conferences often, do you?”
It was such an on-brand response that Cassie couldn’t help but grin. “Fingers crossed?”
He rolled his eyes, but the wide, easy smile showed her he wasn’t offended by her sass. “Oh for goodness’ sake, let’s board already. We’re running out of time.”
He handed his boarding pass to the gate attendant and waited off to the side while Cassie did the same. Just before they entered the jetway, she absently glanced at the light snow falling on the tarmac outside.
“Sunshine and clear blue skies, here we come,” she murmured to herself before following him down the jetway.
Unwittingly, her eyes fell on his well-toned ass and thighs clad in dark jeans, and her throat became dry. Oh, boy!
He’s not for you, and this is a bad idea. Cassie repeated the words like a mantra as they neared the aircraft's open door and the flight attendants waiting to greet them.
Half an hour later, his cologne hit her senses, and she held her breath to stop herself from sniffing him. Instead, she turned away from his profile to watch the dark clouds outside the window as the plane left Boston behind.
This is madness. Stop it, she scolded herself as they companionably settled in for the long flight after a hearty breakfast. She nervously fiddled with the in-flight entertainment screen while ignoring Ethan, who was too engrossed in his book to pay her any attention.
His nearness was like a drug, and she was growing addicted. If she was going to leave Miami with her heart intact, she would have to resist the temptation. It was for the best. Some things really were not worth the risk.
All Fics & Edits: @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @jerzwriter @lady-calypso
@mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16
@justyourusualash @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Ethan & Cassie only: @cariantha @custaroonie @youlookappropriate
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