#Bird Eggs For Hatching
kedreeva · 1 year
i love when people on facebook groups are like "fowl will kick bad eggs out of the nest" any time someone else says an egg escaped a nest. Like, no they do not know that. We have watched birds sit on rocks, and lightbulbs, and golf balls, and ball pit balls. The really broody ones will sit on sterile eggs until they die unless you break them of their brood. You can swap a broody's dud eggs for fertile ones and they don't care or notice. Stores literally sell wooden and ceramic eggs to trick them because they can't tell the difference. People make posts about bad eggs exploding under their hens. They have no psychic ability to see the interior of the eggs. their brains are like the size of a lima bean and when they're broody they're so hormone addled they aren't even using it. there's 1 thought in their entire body and it's "hatch eggy"
this is the face of a bird that knows nothing, but in particular has no idea if an egg is bad
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she would fight me for free if I touched that ball pit ball she trying to hatch. birds are stupid. if yours kicks an egg out just warm it back up and give it back
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pigeon-butch · 3 months
he's nesting :)
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horygory · 6 months
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Hatching (2022)
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pennaraptor · 1 month
the "Ideal Chicken" according to tumblr user pennaraptor
I have a number of things i'd like to do with regards to breeding chickens. i'm extremely excited and curious to see what i can create from simple crosses between breeds and colors - even if they arent new or exciting and i know what to expect, to see the reality of the gene interactions ive learned about play out in my own birds will delight me. before i knew anything about it at all, hatching out hybrid chicks from my very diverse flock of bantams almost a decade ago was thrilling, baffling, a mystery of colors and patterns i couldn't have predicted. i needed to know more and do more, but i didnt have any idea where to start learning it and i'd reached a point where it wasnt feasible to keep getting more chickens, and my interests changed. but now i'm back, and more than anything what i want to create is a chicken which pleases me aesthetically while not causing undue problems within the flock.
i have several favorite colors and patterns, but these come secondarily and a mix of them is more interesting, since its the genes of color that i most want to experiment with. in terms of my "ideal" birds, i have a list of traits, physical and temperamental. these will be bantams. for the build: slim to slightly more muscled (gamey), tail carriage normal/medium to low, legs medium to long, pea or rose comb (pea preferred), feathers medium to short, beardless and uncrested. in disposition (of importance above all) vigorous, intelligent, bold and outgoing, personable and sweet towards people, with minimal male on male aggression and minimal bullying of other breeds.
my idea of the best looking chickens tend toward a fairly generic, medium to slim built cleanlegged bantam; hatchery stock old english game bantam, rosecombs, and sebrights, and leghorn and hamburg bantams. slightly more exaggerated in type (more muscled and with shorter feathers) are my hatchery cubalaya bantams. they have too long legs and too high tail carriage for cubalayas (i love the long legs and the tail is fine, though i would appreciate lower). i enjoy them immensely but the hens can be aggressive amongst other hens and i have to assume the roosters would fight badly. my 1, Arthur, was unfortunately stupid and rude, both to me and hens. old english games are fantastic on almost every point, except that the roosters will fight each other to the death, which is my major problem - i LOVE game types, but the male on male aggression is awful. i want the attitude and confidence and general look of gamey bantams, without that fighting instinct. and so, that is my prime objective (alongside generally having fun with colors).
i have limited choices buying from a hatchery (i'm going with that rather than finding more specialized breeders, i have my reasons) but i'll try a few breeds and see what i get. i've spent the last few years zeroing in on what matters most to me in a chicken. it allows a fair bit of variation in form and color and so is hopefully achievable. either way, i'll have fun.
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suterbuyout2024 · 10 months
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the vision so far
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tetedurfarm · 4 months
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peep time
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hermesmoly · 7 days
If menelaus is a seal what is helen then?
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starfyhero2 · 7 months
These Show That We're Brothers! (Harmonic Heroes AU)
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Branch studied the younger twins closely.
"What we need is something to show that we're a family. Something like..."
His eyes glanced over to a vest sitting on top of his small bedside dresser. That vest was Floyd's old vest that he left behind in favor of his red puffy vest the day the rest of his family left to fight their parents.
It was the only thing Branch had left of his dead family. But now, Cooper and Darnell were like his family.
Looking at the leafy vest again gave him an idea.
A few days later, he approached the twins with some green cloth in his hands.
"So, guys, I went over to talk to those fashion twins the other day and got them to make these pieces of cloth for us."
Upon showing them the fabric, Darnell's eyes widened.
"Wait B, isn't that your dead brother's vest?"
Cooper let out a gasp.
"That's the only thing you got of him left!"
The gray trolling gave them a small smile.
"That vest was a way for me to hang on to what was left of my family. But we're brothers now, and as brothers, I thought it would be cool to wear something that shows that!"
He tied the cloth to the pair's necks in a triangle bandana fashion.
"The vest represented my family then, and it still does now; it just looks different!"
He tied the last remaining cloth to his wrist.
"By wearing this, we'll never be apart!"
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huitunkuutti · 11 months
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"Make your nest on the field, a home by the birch branches, A mansion on the top of the crag"
Tinja and Alli from The Hatching(2022), beacause they are few of the most girls ever and I care about them. (Also sometimes i think about the fact that somewhere in the world the puppet for Alli excists and I want to pet it.
Happy spooky season!
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hersurvival · 3 months
Lain in plain sight,
Nothing more than another rock
Left in the grass.
As the first, I was immediately left
For the following clutch.
Mother would feign injuries,
Not to protect us,
But because she thrived on attention.
It's unfair to say father was inattentive,
However it felt as if he were always
75 feet away, physically distant.
27, never made a sound,
But I shout, "kill deer, kill deer."
"See me, see me."
@nosebleedclub June 17th - Killdeer
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weedhillfarm · 7 months
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I just noticed Helen sitting and went to go swap the eggs for fakes… apparently I’m much too late. Really cute baby though! And the other baby (gneiss) is doing great!
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warmspice · 4 months
The bisexuality in my body shaking and trembling, bout to burst from my body 2day 👭👫💯💖🔥‼️‼️‼️
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a-lamp-shade-art · 1 year
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the-soul-starved · 7 months
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I’m on attempt 3 at raising a smallbird into a Tallbird and so far each one has failed miserably . I do enjoy how they follow you around like a little cackle of ducklings though
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lemonsweet · 6 months
Yolk is kind of like packaged milk that gets put in the baby's backpack and they get it themselves but milk is when a baby has to eat the meal at home.. Much to think about
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wildtornado-o · 8 months
Temeraire & Iskierka Voice: Ning our horrible daughter Ning who is incredibly obnoxious and frustrating
Ning: Is a perfect combination of their personalities
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