#they hatch between 22-28 days
hersurvival · 3 months
Lain in plain sight,
Nothing more than another rock
Left in the grass.
As the first, I was immediately left
For the following clutch.
Mother would feign injuries,
Not to protect us,
But because she thrived on attention.
It's unfair to say father was inattentive,
However it felt as if he were always
75 feet away, physically distant.
27, never made a sound,
But I shout, "kill deer, kill deer."
"See me, see me."
@nosebleedclub June 17th - Killdeer
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Sin Separates Us from God
1 Behold, the LORD'S hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear:
2 But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.
3 For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity; your lips have spoken lies, your tongue hath uttered perverseness.
4 None calleth for justice, nor any pleadeth for truth: they trust in vanity, and speak lies; they conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity.
5 They hatch cockatrice eggs, and weave the spider's web: he that eateth of their eggs dieth, and that which is crushed breaketh out into a viper.
6 Their webs shall not become garments, neither shall they cover themselves with their works: their works are works of iniquity, and the act of violence is in their hands.
7 Their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed innocent blood: their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity; wasting and destruction are in their paths.
8 The way of peace they know not; and there is no judgment in their goings: they have made them crooked paths: whoever goeth therein shall not know peace.
9 Therefore is judgment far from us, neither doth justice overtake us: we wait for light, but behold obscurity; for brightness, but we walk in darkness.
10 We grope for the wall like the blind, and we grope as if we had no eyes: we stumble at noon day as in the night; we are in desolate places as dead men.
11 We all roar like bears, and mourn bitterly like doves: we look for judgment, but there is none; for salvation, but it is far from us.
12 For our transgressions are multiplied before thee, and our sins testify against us: for our transgressions are with us; and as for our iniquities, we know them;
13 In transgressing and lying against the LORD, and departing away from our God, speaking oppression and revolt, conceiving and uttering from the heart words of falsehood.
14 And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter.
15 Yes, truth faileth; and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey: and the LORD saw it, and it displeased him that there was no judgment.
Salvation is Only of God
16 And he saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor: therefore his arm brought salvation to him; and his righteousness, it sustained him.
17 For he put on righteousness as a breast-plate, and a helmet of salvation upon his head; and he put on the garments of vengeance for clothing, and was clad with zeal as a cloke.
18 According to their deeds, accordingly he will repay, fury to his adversaries, recompense to his enemies; to the isles he will repay recompense.
19 So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD will lift up a standard against him.
The Covenant of the Redeemer
20 And the Redeemer will come to Zion, and to them that turn from transgression in Jacob, saith the LORD.
21 As for me, this is my covenant with them, saith the LORD; My spirit that is upon thee, and my words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, nor out of the mouth of thy seed's seed, saith the LORD, from henceforth and for ever. — Isaiah 59 | Webster's Bible Translation (WBT) The Webster Bible is in the public domain. Cross References: Exodus 4:15; Leviticus 26:28; Numbers 11:23; Numbers 32:23; Deuteronomy 7:10; Deuteronomy 28:29; Ezra 9:6; Job 5:14; Job 8:14; Job 16:17; Psalm 55:2; Psalm 61:5; Psalm 82:5; Psalm 98:1; Psalm 125:5; Proverbs 4:19; Isaiah 1:15; Isaiah 1:21; Isaiah 3:8; Isaiah 5:7; Isaiah 5:23; Isaiah 10:2; Isaiah 28:20; Isaiah 33:2-3; Isaiah 34:15; Isaiah 38:14; Isaiah 46:12; Isaiah 50:1-2; Jeremiah 7:28; Matthew 2:16; Matthew 8:11; Matthew 10:33; Mark 7:21-22; Luke 1:79; Acts 2:38-39; Romans 11:26-27; Ephesians 6:14; Ephesians 6:17; Titus 1:16; James 1:15
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mrm101 · 29 days
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Update: Launch has been postponed a day to 28 August due to a ground side helium leak from the Quick Discount umbilical. Launch is scheduled for the same time at 08:38BST (03:38EDT) with a launch window extending to 12:09BST (07:09EDT). The back-up launch date is 29 August.
Tomorrow morning the second private independent flight Dragon mission, Polaris Dawn, will launch from LC-39A at Kennedy at 08:38BST. Billionaire Jared Isaacman (with the ears) is again paying for the mission, but this time in collaboration with SpaceX. The crew is seen here with booster B1083, which will be making it's fourth launch, which they have just 'signed' by writing in the soot (a new crew tradition) on 22 Aug in the integration building. Dragon C207 Resilience is in the background waiting to be attached, it will be its third flight. The crew left to right is Lieutenant Colonel Scott Poteet USAF (ret), Mission Specialist Sarah Gillis SpaceX. Medical Officer Anna Menon SpaceX and Commander Jared Isaacman.
The five day mission will attempt a record high (apogee) orbit of 190 x 1,400km (118x870mi), which will be higher than record set by Gemini 11 in 1966, which attained 1,372km (853mi) (not counting the Apollo Lunar transfer orbits, which I suppose where not full orbits). Resilience will than drop down to a lower orbit of 750km when two of the crew will attempt the first private EVA. SpaceX has upgraded its IVA suits to EVA standard. Too do this the whole spacecraft will have to be depressurised (so all the crew need their suits on) and the hatch opened to space. Two of the crew, at least, will take turns standing in the hatchway on umbilicals (and tethered of course), rather than backpacks, in the same way that the first spacewalks were conducted in the early sixties. There won't be any free floating, off structure as it is termed.
C207 Resilience was also used for the first operational Crew Dragon mission to the ISS, USCV-1 or Crew 1, between 16 Nov 2020 to 2 May 2021 and the first independent mission, Inspiration4, also payed and flown on by Isaacman, on 16-18 Sep 2021.
Axiom Space has also charted SpaceX Dragon missions but these were three short commercial visits, with paying commercial astronauts, to the ISS in 2022 (AX-1), 2023 (AX-2) and 2024 (AX-3), another, AX-4, is planned for Oct-Nov 2024 and AX-5 in 2025 with an all British crew onboard. Pic: SpaceX
Coverage on Twitter/X (so low quality) from around 04:30BST, but links also on you tube like this one...
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colorfulfishbreeds · 10 months
Introducing Blue Delta Guppies: Beauty in the Water
You could have a little piece of the calm blue ocean in your own aquarium. Come into the beautiful world of Blue Delta Guppies:
Blue Delta Guppies are beautiful to look at and have many interesting traits. Imagine "Cerulean Beauty" with her iridescent sapphire body or "Aqua Serenity" showing off a beautiful mix of blues in a graceful way. These guppies are the most beautiful fish in the water.
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Introducing Blue Delta Guppies: Beauty in the Water
Information in general
Where they came from: Like guppy fish, they came from the tropical waters of South America. To be more specific, guppies are Poecilia reticulata fish, which are native to places like Guyana, Venezuela, and Trinidad.
Size: It's pretty small, growing to be about 1.5 to 2.5 inches (3.8 to 6.4 centimeters) long. Because of this, they can be used in a range of aquarium sizes.
Lifespan: With the right care and attention, can live for about two to three years, though some people may live longer.
Temperament: These guppies are known for being calm and friendly. They get along well with other fish in the aquarium, which makes them a great choice for people who are just starting out with aquariums.
Looking Good: They have the smooth, slender body shape of guppies. Their striking blue color, which can range from soft, pastel shades to deep, vivid ones, is what makes them stand out. Their fins often have different shades of blue, which makes for a beautiful aquatic show.
Different Types and Colors: Their beautiful blue color is what draws people to them. Even though the body is mostly blue, there are shades of cobalt blue, steel blue, and even turquoise. Their fins may have different colors or patterns that make them look more interesting.
Price: The price can change based on things like color, quality, and how rare it is. Most of the time, the prices are fair; a single fish costs between $3 and $10.
Needs for Habitat and Tank
Guppies live in the calm, freshwater streams, rivers, and ponds of South America where they are found in the wild. They are known for being able to live in a wide range of aquatic environments.
Size of Tank: A tank that can hold at least 10 gallons (38 liters) of water is recommended so that there is plenty of room to swim and the water stays stable.
Water Conditions: Keep the water at a pH level of 6.5 to 7.5 and a temperature range of 72°F to 82°F (22°C to 28°C). For good water quality, you need to filter it well and change it often.
Setting up the tank: Use driftwood, rocks, a fine-grain substrate, and real or fake aquatic plants to make a peaceful underwater landscape. Give them places to hide and open water to swim so you can respect their natural behaviors.
Being fed
Food: Blue Delta Guppies eat everything and like a variety of foods. Guppy pellets or flakes, which are high in nutrients, are what they eat every day. To help them get more protein, add live or frozen foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia to their diet.
What they do for food: These guppies love to eat and often gather at the surface of the water to eat. Feed them small amounts of food often to keep them from overeating and to keep the water clean.
Blue Delta Guppies should eat the following:
Guppy pellets or flakes of good quality
Darphnia, live or frozen
Shrimp in salt water
Worms that give blood
Spirulina flakes to make colors stand out more
Having babies
Having babies: Blue Delta Like other types of guppy, guppies have a lot of babies. They fertilize their own eggs and have live fry as babies, which makes them different from species that lay eggs.
Needs for breeding: Keep an aquarium with lots of plants and a male-to-female ratio of 1:2 or 1:3 to keep the females from getting too stressed. This will help them breed. Give the fry places to hide to keep them safe.
The females lay eggs, and every four to six weeks, the eggs hatch into fry. It takes about 26 to 31 days to get pregnant. Unlike species that lay eggs, guppy fry are fully grown when they are born and can swim and eat right away.
Problems with Health
Guppy health problems include fungal infections, parasites, and guppy mouth rot. These fish are usually tough, but they can get issues like these. If the water quality and nutrition aren't good, they may also have problems with swimming bladders, constipation, and fin rot. Ways to avoid problems: Maintaining clean water for your Blue Delta Guppies through regular water changes and good filtration will help keep them healthy. Put new fish in quarantine to stop the spread of disease and make sure they have a healthy, well-balanced diet.
Special Things to Think About
Blue Delta Guppies are calm and do well in community aquariums, so they get along with other fish. Peaceful fish like neon tetras, platies, and Corydoras catfish live together with them without any problems. Do not put them in a tank with fish that are aggressive or that nip at fins.
Special Care Instructions: They should eat spirulina flakes to make their color better. Make sure they can hide and that they have good tankmates to keep their stress levels down.
Limitations set by law: Check your local laws about owning and breeding them, because they may be subject to different rules in some areas.
Tankmates that get along
They are known for being calm, which makes them good friends for many types of fish. Here are seven examples of tankmates that get along:
Neon Tetras and Platies
The Corydoras Catfish and Harlequin Thanks, Rasboras
The cherry shrimp Otocinclus- Fish with a catfish body
Finding the Differences Between Males and Females
What makes male and female blue delta guppies different:
Size: Males are usually thinner and smaller, while females are bigger and rounder, especially when they are pregnant.
The brighter and more varied colors that males have, especially on their fins, are meant to attract females.
Gonopodium: Males have a changed anal fin called a gonopodium that they use to mate. This is not a trait of females.
Shape of the Anal Fin: The females' anal fin is more rounded and fan-shaped, while the males' is flat.
Blue Delta Guppies are like other guppies in the following ways:
Kind: Blue Delta Guppies (Poecilia reticulata) are in the same species as other guppy types. They are all Poecilia reticulata species members.
Size: Blue Delta Guppies and other guppy species are all about the same size. Adults are usually about 1 to 2 inches long.
Living things that give birth to live fry instead of eggs: Blue Delta Guppies, like other types of guppy fish, are livebearers.
Diet: All of them eat both plants and small animals that live in water, which is called an omnivorous diet.
What makes Blue Delta Guppies different from other guppies:
Coloration: The main difference between them is the color of their skin. People love blue guppies because of their bright blue color, especially on their fins and tails, which are often shaped like a delta or triangle. There are many different colors and patterns of other types of guppy fish, but Blue Delta Guppies are the only ones that have a clear blue color.
Fin Shape: Blue Delta Guppies usually have different fin shapes. The dorsal and caudal fins have the delta shape that is typical of this species. Different types of guppy may have different fin shapes, such as tails that are longer or fins that look like fans, or other unique traits.
Genetic Background: Blue Delta Guppies have a unique look because they have been selectively bred to emphasize their blue coloration and fin shapes. Different kinds of guppy have been selectively bred to have different looks, which is why they come in a lot of different color combinations and patterns.
Availability: Blue Delta Guppies may or may not be available where you live or with the breeders in your area. Some types of guppies, like fancy guppies, may be easier to find in aquariums because they are so popular.
Price: Blue Delta Guppies can be more expensive than other types of guppy because of their bright blue color and unique fin shape. The costs of different kinds of guppies can also be different. Fancy guppies usually cost more than regular guppies.
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allofmytoxicity · 1 year
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Chapter Synopsis; After the inconveniences of the ball, Kaitlyn tells heer  Father about what happened.
part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6 / part 7 / part 8 / part 9 / part 10 / part 11 / part 12 / part 13 / part 14 / part 15 / part 16 / part 17 / part 18 / part 19 / part 20 / part 21 / part 22 / part 23 / part 24 / part 25 / part 26 / part 27 / part 28 / part ...
Story Masterlist
Words; 1,558
The Truth Comes Out
21st June
After a few days of solitude in my secret to the rest of the world, a few days later I told Alice what had happened at the ball. I hypothesised beforehand that she would go crazy, figuring that to start with, I would become pregnant in less than a year and secondly, Father would die. 
My hypothesis was - to my little surprise - correct.
“Alice, are you even taking in the fact that Father will die and I have to rule the kingdom in less than a year?” I say a confused look on my face as Alice was smiling, dancing and skipping around my room.
“Yes, but that means that you will marry Jameson, yes? I want to be an Aunt and a sister-in-law to Jameson. From what I’ve met of the men that Father has picked that he would allow you to marry, they are all pompous bloody wankers who don’t give two stuffs about that they’d be King Consort with no power over the decisions made in this kingdom. The best idea Father has had was Xander, but he wouldn’t want to get rid of what would presumably become your guard of honour,” Alice says, plonking down next to me as I sat there, staring into nothingness.
“I didn’t know he would have approved of Xander. If so, I would’ve hatched a plan last month on how I could hide a marriage from the kingdom, while showing a relationship between friends, not lovers. I could start planning now at least though,” I reply, turning to Alice with a thankful look on my face.
“Well, Father could see you looked like you would break into anaphylactic shock if you even came close to some of them, so realised he would need to be a bit more open with his choices. He did though state at the same time that village boys were still out of the question. If you haven’t found anyone to marry by the time he passes, then you will be allowed to pick anyone you wish, but that will be a last resort, and he will turn in his grave,” Alice said, a small smile on her face as I got up from my bed, walked over to the desk in the corner and started to plot how I could potentially hide a whole marriage.
“What are you doing now?” She asks from behind me as I sit and think how I would do it.
“Starting to plot how to hide a marriage and fake a supposed real one,” I reply, a dead serious look setting itself on my face nicely as I thought.
“Of course you are. Why should I expect no less?” Alice says and walks over to me before continuing with the earlier topic of children “So, have you thought of any baby names yet? You know you will have to start in less than a year,”
I groan before turning to look at her. Was Alice serious? In my imagination, I was hoping she wasn't, but in reality, I knew she was being serious, meaning I needed to tell Father about his nearing death date. I really didn’t want to.
All of a sudden though, I hear a tapping sound at my window. I look up and see Alice over at my bookcase and looking round to see what the noise was as well, so I was confused as to where the tapping was coming from. I slowly got up and walked over to the door that led to my balcony, just to see small pebbles being thrown at it. I thought it was strange at first to see pebbles being thrown at a door so high up, but when I look down, I could see Jameson lining up his next shot, clearly trying to get my attention and making a small pile of pebbles outside my door.
“What are you doing!?” I shout down to the blonde-haired boy.
“Trying to get your attention! Clearly, it worked!” He shouts back up as I giggle “How are you feeling!?” He asks.
“I’m doing okay, and before you ask, no, I haven’t told my Father yet!” I shout back down in reply to his question.
“You know you need to tell him!” Jameson shouts back up as I roll my eyes at his antics.
“I know, but I think it’s unfair to tell him his life will be cut short soon!” I replied looking down at the vines growing up the side of the Castle.
“Then someone can accompany you! Maybe Xander since he was there the night you heard them!?”
With a statement like that, I wonder how I ended up with Jameson in the first place.
“Fine!” I shout down and I watch as Jameson does a little happy dance, gives a thumbs up and a kiss before jogging away, satchel beside him bouncing up and down like I knew he would when he got home, happy that I had decided to tell Father about the voices.
I turned and walked back inside, making sure most of the pebbles went back to their home first, mind you, but going back inside still and walked over to the door and out of it to find Xander with his hand, almost on the doorknob, ready to fling my door open.
“Hello?” I question as Xander stands there, patting himself down before speaking.
“Are your voices evolving or something?” Xander asks, a mildly scared look on his face.
“Not that I last checked no, I was just leaving the room to try and find you anyway,” I say as I grab Xander’s hand and start walking towards one of Father’s many studies in the Castle.
“And why may that be?” Xander asks as I drag him through the long hallways.
“Well, it is because I am going to tell Father about what the voices were saying at the ball,” I say quickly as I continue to walk, but as I try, Xander slows to a halt, stopping my fast pace and train of thought in the meantime.
“You’re going to tell him?” Xander asks me with a look I was dying to laugh at for all of eternity.
“Yes, now are we going to stand here and let me die of laughter on the inside from your face or are we-” I start to say, but don’t quite finish as Xander whisks me back into a fast pace of walking towards the study I was aiming to head for.
“Then come on, I want you to say something!” Xander says as I let out a laugh at his eagerness for me to admit the secret I had been keeping for a small matter of days.
When we finally get to the study and burst through the doors, I see my Father sitting at his desk, brooding over some paper that, in my view of the world, was not as important.
“Your Majesty,” Xander says quickly, before I step forward and sit in front of him, a tentative look on my face as I prepare to share the news I bore.
“Mr Evermore. Kaitlyn. Please excuse my confusion, but why are you two bursting into my study, with certainly what I would call ‘looks’ on your faces?” Father says as he sticks down his pen and reading glasses as I prepare myself to tell him the news that would change what he had planned for the next year at least.
“There were new voices at the ball,” I say, trying to control the tightness in my chest that was slowly growing with every breath. 
“What did they say?” Father questions, a concerned but saddened look growing on his face when I looked up at him.
“They were giving me a warning. They said I only had months before I was supposed to rule,” I say and watch as Father’s face drops at my words just like mine did on the night of the ball.
“When did it happen?” He questions looking between Xander and me.
“When we were walking down the stairs, sir. From what I could see, they hadn’t been going on long. Long enough though, that it was starting to become painful,” Xander’s voice said from behind me.
“Alright then. I’m not mad you haven’t told me sooner. You wanted me to live not in fear that the next day would be my last,” Father says as I breathe in deeply before speaking again.
“I was also scared about how you would react to the news,” I say and sniffle as I do so.
“My daughter, I would be no less worried about anything the future brings for you, your spouse, your child and every other person important enough to be special in your life if I had five days left to live, or five years,” Father says, lifting my head so I could look at him. 
“You're my daughter and heir to the throne, who in my imagination, is destined for greatness. It may not always seem like it, but I love you Kaitlyn Elizabeth Lysandral, my eldest daughter and heir to the throne. A wonderful girl, who is destined to do wonderful things.”
I smiled at Father before turning back to Xander where he gave me a reassuring smile. The kind of smile that says ‘I love you’ without ever even saying it.
“I love you too, Father.” 
That was all I said before hugging him while it still felt right.
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ms-m-astrologer · 3 years
Transiting Mercury enters Aquarius, pre-Rx shadow
Timeline (current events in bold)
Wednesday, December 29, 2022, 09:28 UT - transiting Mercury enters pre-retrograde shadow, 24:22 Capricorn
Sunday, January 2, 2022, 07:10 UT - transiting Mercury enters Aquarius
Friday, January 7, 15:58 UT - transiting Mercury's greatest eastern elongation, 6:32 Aquarius
Monday, January 11 - transiting Mercury enters "Storm," moving less than 40 minutes of arc per day
Friday, January 14, 11:41 UT - transiting Mercury stations retrograde, 10:10 Aquarius
Sunday, January 23 - Inferior Conjunction between Sun and Mercury Rx, 3:22 Aquarius
Wednesday, January 26, 03:05 UT - Mercury retrogrades back into Capricorn
Friday, February 4, 04:13 UT - transiting Mercury stations direct, 24:22 Capricorn
Wednesday, February 9 - transiting Mercury leaves "Storm" Monday, February 14, 21:54 UT - transiting Mercury re-enters Aquarius
Thursday, February 24, 06:00 UT - transiting Mercury exits post-retrograde shadow, 10:10 Aquarius
(Ms M abbreviations: "10:10 Aquarius" means "10 degrees 10 minutes Aquarius." It is tiresome and inefficient to have to type that all out, all the time!)
We've had a couple of days with this now, and we're probably trying to tell everyone about our amazing new ideas and projects which we're hoping to pull off - and I hate to have to tell you this, but, Merc's in its pre-retrograde shadow still, and we're all going to have a massive "do-over" for whatever schemes we're trying to hatch. This is because Mercury is going to be dragged backwards through the first 10 degrees of Aquarius, and back further into Capricorn.
What we can do with this, is keep paying attention to the Mercury-type issues that arise. Friday the 8th, when Mercury reaches its "greatest eastern elongation," or GEE, may be a good day for this. The GEE acts a bit like the Last Quarter lunar phase, and those key phrases are "turn away" and "tear down old structures that don't work any more."
Two days later, Mercury sextiles Chiron - combined with the GEE, this can really point out where we're lacking, if we let it.
Finally, Mercury enters its "Storm" on the 11th. The normally speedy planet will be moving slower than 40 minutes of arc per day, which for it is absolutely plodding. In a way, although Mercury won't actually start going backwards until January 14th, it's going to feel like it's backwards. (Which makes sense to this Gemini; 15 mph when I would rather go 120 mph.)
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empires-recap · 3 years
Weekly Recap: Sept 12th - 18th
A/N: Hello and Welcome to Weekly Empires Breakdown 1! Sorry I don’t have many episode breakdowns to attach to this, I go really in depth and with 3 tests in 4 days this week I just didn’t have the time to dedicate to all the episodes to give them the breake=down they deserve. I will get to them eventually, but this overall my main focus. One week of Empires Video’s Lore all nice and summed up for you guys. So look out for these every Monday, covering Sunday to Saturday so people have a chance to watch all the videos the videos and I’m not spoiling the vids that only came out yesterday. Also, perspectives of events will only be sited if it was released in a episode in this timeframe. Duplicate events may be included week to week based on what creators upload. And feel free to let me know if I missed anything important. So, let’s get into it.
Videos Included this week:
Gem Episode 13 (Fri)
Jimmy Episode 15 (Fri)
Joey Episodes 18 and 19 (Mon, Fri)
Katherine Episode 20 (Sun)
Lizzie Episode 15
Pixl Episodes 22 & 23 (Mon, Fri)
Sausage Episodes 29 - 31 (Sun, Wed, Sat)
Scott Episode 19 (Fri)
Shubble Episodes 16 & 17 (Sun, Tues)
Major Events - Multi-person Lore Events 
The Phantom Joins? The Assassin’s guild - Sausage meets the Assassin, who seems interested in joining the guild but is anti-demon, though doesn’t show his stance outright. Sausage asks him to fulfill a contract and bring him the head of an Empire’s Ruler. He then immediately kills Sausage with blue firework rockets (Such a power move omg). (Sausage 29)
Meeting of Scott’s Allies - Scott calls all his allies to Rivendell to propose a plan for their corruption: put it in a box somewhere far away and forget about it. Katherine volunteers her box of corruption, incased in obsidian in the mountains. They all put their corruption in the box and walk away. In a later scene, unknown to the characters, the box begins to leak corruption (Gem 13, Katherine 20).
Re-solidifying an Alliance - Pixl heads to Katherine to re-solidify their shaky alliance. They do this by heading out to the desert and collecting rare mob heads Katherine does not have (Katherine 20, Pixl 22)
The Bloodlust of The Lost Emperor - Joey, taken over by the bloodlust of the crown gifted to him by Xornoth, goes out and kills both Shubble and fWhip (Joey 18, Shubble 16)
Meeting of the Corrupted - Sausage and Joey meet up. They gush over the power they have been gifted before Joey suggests capturing people. They scout out their targets: GeminiTay and Scott Smajor, while Sausage informs Joey on what he knows of the two. This mainly includes the Dragon Egg, the lack of corruption on one side of Rivendell, and the brotherly relationship between Scott and Xornoth (Joey 28, Sausage 30)
The Capture and Rescue - Joey and Sausage meet with Xornoth to talk about the plan of capturing Scott and Gem. He says they can do what they want with Gem, but Scott must be kept alive as he’s part of the bigger picture. Scott and Gem are talking around Gem’s Embassy at Scott’s when Joey comes up to them. Joey tries to get them to follow him but they refuse. Sausage, who was sneaking up on them, come out and hits them with sleeping potions. Scott and Gem wake up with Mining Fatigue in Sausage’s dungeon, where they are questioned: Gem about the dragon egg and Scott about the brother thing. Gem is actually killed twice during this. Sausage and Joey try to get them to hand over the egg and stop trying to stop Xornoth and they refuse. They leave them there after Scott points out they can’t do anything while trapped. Jimmy, coming to Mythland to brag about how tall his wall is to Sausage, finds the two and frees them. (Gem 13, Jimmy 15, Joey 19, Sausage 31, 
Gunpowder Boys Prank - fWhip meets with Pixlriffs to trade and share demon discoveries and how they have been utilizing the corruption to their own benefit. They then work together and put two elder guardians in Mythland: one in The Dark Tower and one under his house in the dungeon. They try to get a third by his afk hole in the Iron Farm, but it dies. This series of clips also confirms Pixl either has no idea about The Phantom or is denying his knowledge about to fWhip, who seems to acknowledge the incident with Sausage and The Phantom.(Pixl 23, Reaction in Sausage 31)
Battle Arena - Pearl and Sausage build a battle arena between their based, however twice - once proposing the idea and another time during their first fight in the arena - Sausage gets possessed and turned into a more corrupted version of himself. Sausage does not remember anything during these blackouts. Also, Pearl wins the fight (Sausage 31)
Demon Watch - What is happening with corruption, the demon itself, and the resistance efforts against it
The Eyeball has moved, the last known location of it being Lizzie’s base. Crystals have also popped up around the server floating above people’s builds, usually important ones (this is pointed out in Sausage 30). Xornoth physically appeared in 3 episodes this week: Joey 19, Sausage 31, and Shubble 17. To Joey and Sausage, he appeared to over them assistance in their plan to kidnap Scott and Gem, and also to tell them not to touch Scott. He appeared to Shubble, taunting her first by calling her a coward and killing Lord of Mars (o7) but also by showing the power he could gift her if she joined his side. Considering he destroyed her last kingdom, she refused and then he killed her. Resistance stances have been mixed. Gem still has possession of the egg, with no indication if it will hatch anytime soon. fWhip has turned the corruption into fertilizer. Pixl has observed that copper slowly kills the corruption  by turning it into a harden substance and, when struck by lightning with a copper rod, can petrify the tentacles in a fossilized state. Katherine had tried to cure the tentacles with the potion that cured her flowers, but it and the new Moat have failed to stop their advancement.
Personal Events - Buildings, Trade Deals, Personal or Single-Person Lore not including the demon
Gem - Gem builds the embassy at Scotts. After returning from being captured, she calls on friends from other servers to help protect her and the egg: Three White Dragons with purple wings now circle her wizard tower.
Jimmy - Jimmy builds a tower next to his wall, officially taller than Sausages, and plans out the border for his wall/mega-base to surround his kingdom. He also promises one diamond to anyone who brings him a cod head.
Joey - Joey works on the start of the interior of the water temple. It’s not finished, but he also talks about his goal as emperor of the lost empire is to build up the temples of the 4 elements - Fire, Water, Earth and Air - to reunite the kingdom in harmony again. He also is still jealous about the amount of corruption other empires are getting, and is also jealous of when empires have a lack of corruption as shown with his meeting with fWhip.
Katherine - Katherine might bring Pixl in to the plushie business, but at the very least has a sale as he wants a husk plushie in his empire. All other events in her involve the corruption or other people.
Lizzie -  Lizzie builds a tunnel from her empire to Katherine’s, decorating the inside to make the steady train ride more enjoyable. In the dessert section of her tunnel she girlbosses tricks Joel and Scott to do the manual labor for her. She also receives Sausage’s “Thank you for Helping to Kill the Dragon” present
Pixl - Pixl returns to Pixandria after several episodes of self imposed exile. He has a brief interaction with Sausage when the man drops off his “Thank you for Helping to Kill the Dragon” Present, basically telling him you are not welcome here.
Sausage - Sir Carlos finally arrives in Mythland, warning Sausage that he cannot escape becoming fully corrupted. He gifts him an artifact he needs to keep in his inventory to escape the spirit realm Bubbles will guide him through after he fully dies, although he is a bit frustrated that Sir Carlos doesn’t tell him who gave him the information or the artifact. He takes a stealth mission to gather information on the other empires, saves the bloodsheep that have been disappearing since Xornoth came to full power, and got the Great Staff of Mythland gifted by a friend.
Scott - Scott shows off his embassy buildings and gets conned by Lizzie to build her tunnel for her
Shubble - Shubble focuses on building a mushroom house for one of her future villagers, and builds the embassy at Scott’s base. Xornoth also gifts her a villager, mainly because he wanted her to kill it testing out her gifted powers. 
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thatsthat24 · 5 years
New Inktober for 2019!
Once again, I was asked to create a new list of art prompts for October this year! These creations from you guys are ALWAYS so amazing, so I’m excited to bring you a new list! I got so many suggestions from my friends! You can use #TSinktober if you’d like to share your creations!
Remember: Even if we’re on Day 31, and you wanna post art based off the Day 1 prompt, you DEFINITELY can! There is no lateness for posting art, because it’s all entirely for fun! Hope you enjoy!!
Day 1: In a twist from the past years’ Day 1 prompts, I want to see you take a traditional Halloween monster or character, and draw what they look like Sep. 30th, and then their traditional look when it’s October 1st!  Maybe they don’t get spoopy until October 1st haha.
Day 2: Turn fall weather into a character! Could be the human embodiment of Fall, or the spirit responsible for Fall occurring, or something else!
Day 3: Turn a famous painting into a spoopy Halloween version!
Day 4: Draw a classic still life of items belonging to your favorite character. Let us guess who the items belong to!
Day 5: Draw your best friend or yourself (or both) GOIN GHOST. Ya know, that good ole Danny Phantom transformation!
Day 6: A Pokémon hanging out with (or running from) the zombified version of itself
Day 7: Choose two months, personify them, then draw what their first date would look like
Day 8: Sanders Sides characters on their dream vacations!
Day 9: A business that a Halloween monster or character would thrive on if they ran it!
Day 10: Take any popular author, imagine if they were a superhero, and draw what their comic book cover would look like!
Day 11: Portray any Disney princess as the “monster/scary thing” from a horror movie such as The Conjuring, The Nun, etc., either depicting them in a scene from the movie or the poster for the movie!
Day 12: Take any two coffee flavors, like Pumpkin Spice and Peppermint, and draw a battle between them, Mortal Kombat style (brew-tality lol)
Day 13: Take any Avenger from the MCU, and reimagine them as a Pokemon Gym Master! What would their Pokemon team look like?
Day 14: Reimagine a Sanders Sides, Cartoon Therapy, or other original character from our content as a kind of humanoid piece of candy or sweet treat!
Day 15: I really enjoyed this prompt from last year, so this year, take any Disney Villain, and use them as the inspiration for a Met Gala outfit! NO DALMATIAN PUPPY FUR ALLOWED, ALL OF YOU CRUELLA FANS.
Day 16: Take any traditional Halloween monster/character or any horror movie villain and make… them… CUTE. Now whether that’s adorably cuddly cute or va-va-voom cute is completely up to you! - Erin
Day 17: Take your fave character or OC and reimagine Steampunk versions of them!
Day 18: Take your fave food and create a cartoon character based off of it! It can have its own style, be stylized after an existing cartoon, whatever you wish!
Day 19: Take a quote from a book, song, or movie that particularly inspired you, and make it the main centerpiece of this day’s piece of art! Wherever you’d want to take the art from there is up to you!
Day 20: Here’s a cool challenge for ya! You can draw any Halloween-themed picture you want, BUT It’s all in ONE pen stroke. You can’t take your drawing utensil off the paper!
Day 21: What if anyone else from Halloweentown, other than Jack Skellington, had discovered and fell in love with Christmastown? Would anyone else have tried to dress up as Santa? Would they hatch another plan entirely??
Day 22: Back due to demand, take your fave character(s) from two different animated tv shows/anime/movie and depict them in each other’s animation style! An animation swap, if you will!
Day 23: Ever watch a movie or show and wish it had ended a different way? This is your chance to correct the plots to conclude the way YOU wanted it concluded! Oh boy, this may end up getting controversial lol
Day 24: We all know traditional Halloween monsters... but create what you think the Halloween monsters of today or the FUTURE would be!!
Day 25: This one is purely selfish because I’m still so in love with the past creations. Take ANY character of your choice from ANY piece of media and draw them in the style of a Tim Burton illustration!
Day 26: Speaking of classics, gotta include this one cause it’s tradition! Draw your OTP in Halloween costumes that are designed to go together!!
Day 27: Take any dramatic scene from any scary or Halloween-y movie... and meme it.
Day 28: How to Train Your [Insert Monster/Demon/Halloween-y creature here]
Day 29: This one is SUPER open-ended, but I’m into that. Take any book, turn to the 13th page (so the book has to be at least 13 pages lol) and go to the 13th word on that page (if it’s an article like “a” or “the”, just go to the next adjacent noun/verb/adjective/adverb) and use it as the inspiration for a one-worded scary movie/book. Draw that poster or book cover!
Day 30: Slightly inspired by the eerie vibe one can sometimes get from Spinel (SU), Betty Boop cartoons, etc. take any character, Halloween-y creature or otherwise from any of your fave piece of media, and depict them in the classic rubberhose/ Max Fleischer-inspired art style!!
Day 31: HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Do you remember a specific Halloween that was especially memorable for you?? It might have been because of the friends you spent it with, or a memorable moment that happened, or because of a costume you were particularly fond of. Or maybe there were a series of Halloweens that were dear to you because of a tradition you did with your family (and maybe still do!). Depict that moment along with an explanation! If you just wanna write about it, that’s fine too!
As always, you guys have been absolutely blowing me away with your incredible creations!! I love this time of year and seeing what your talents produce!! Thank you for all the amazing works and have a WONDERFUL October!!!
Thank you to all my friends whose suggestions helped to make this list!
Dahlia, AJ, Tammy, Ellen, Adri, Fariha, Brei, Rafaela, Jack, Esteban
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hitsuackerman · 4 years
Unpredictable (Overhaul x Reader) pt.28
a/n: aye have mixture of fluff and angst~ sorry for uploading late :c MY SCHEDULE IS SUCH A KILLER I CANNOT STRESS IT ENOUGH huhuhu
warnings: this cannot be read solo
Links: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13, part 14, part 15, part 16, part 17, part 18, part 19, part 20, part 21, part 22, part 22, part 23, part 23.5, part 24, part 25, part 26, part 27, part 29
Masterlist to my other fics: here :) (that has not been updated for how many months now... proceed with caution~)
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“Is that really you, Inspector (l/n)?” The hero asked. With each step she took, you made sure Chisaki’s face wouldn’t be seen. “It’s late.”
“Hey, Enigma~” Lowering his head to rest on your shoulder, you smiled at the small quiet hero. “It is late~ We’re not causing a disturbance are we?”
“Of course not! But I don’t think this is the place to be…” She scratched her cheek and avoided your eye contact. “You know…”
“I know~ I apologize. He’s typically busy and we don’t get to hang out much.” You patted his back and continued. “He’s also very shy and doesn’t like to be seen in public.”
“Oh! I’m very sorry! But, if you don’t mind, would it be alright if the both of you continued elsewhere?”
“It’s fine! We were just going separate ways.” You consoled her and knew that her reaction was safe enough. At least you were fast enough to cover his face. “I told you, Shinoda-san. Heroes patrol these times of the night.”
“Forgive my rash decision.” He rested his head on your shoulder. Embarrassed that he had been this close to kissing you. Disappointed that it was barely a few centimeters and yet even such trivial things like these, the heroes would always disturb him. For now, all he could do was to wrap his arms around your body.
“Don’t wear your mask.” You whispered to him. He merely hummed. Gliding your hands on to his chest, he looked at you with cautiously eager eyes. Feeling how you pushed him he let you lead the way till the hood of his car hit thighs. “Enigma’s gone. You can turn around now.”
“I apologize for my actions.” Overhaul said as he took out his mask and wore it. “I was not expecting those bastards to roam this area at night.”
“You come here often?”
“Many years back. That apartment building, the third one.” He pointed it out. “Before the Shie Hassaikai was established, Kurono and I used to live there.”
“Wait, wait, wait… You and Chrono were roomies?” You stared at your companion, to the building, and back at him. A small pang of pain hit your forehead just as he had overhauled his glove back. “Well, no need to flick me, Chisaki.”
“Whatever it is your mind was thinking, no. We weren’t roomies.” He pinched your cheek and leaned on to the hood. “Neighbors. Pops owns that building. It’s one of the properties not involved with my business.”
“You know, I’d ask but perhaps we can schedule another meeting for that.” You took the vacant area beside him. With a bit of space in between, you placed your hand beside his. Just a reminder that the invitation still remains open.
“Of course.” Looking at your figure beside him, he furrowed his brows and shook his thoughts away. “Then again, we really should go separate ways. I hate having to take my mask off.”
“You know, you don’t have to take it off when you’re with me.” Elbowing him gently, you chuckled. “Don’t get me wrong, though. I like looking at your face. I just don’t want people to see you. Especially not with how things are going.”
“Nah.” Not expecting that word to come out of his mouth, the both of you met eyes at the same time. Adjusting the cloth, he tried to hide the slowly creeping heat on his cheeks. “You’re rubbing off on me, (y/n). That aside, it isn’t really bothersome if I take it off when you’re around. Your expressions are worth breathing the horrid air.”
“Ugh. Smooth talker.” You pouted. Taking a peak at your watch, the time was now quarter to one. As much as you wanted to stay and get to know more of the man behind the name, he was right. Flinching at the sudden weight on your hand, you looked down and found his on top of yours.
The kiss may not have happened but if it were compensated with this small act of intimacy then perhaps it wasn’t that bad. Carefully interlacing your fingers, you were more than relieved when he moved along and held on to your hand tightly. Maybe it was fine if you were to lean on to his arm and rest your head on his shoulder?
Just as you were about to attempt, Chisaki pulled you closer to him.
“You’re too obvious…” He said as he rested his head on yours. “We already have to leave in a few minutes. If you won’t do it then I will.”
“I swear this feels like a fever dream…” You commented earning a ruffle to the hair with his free hand. “Alright, alright. It’s real. You better not bug me Chisaki or I swear I will block you.”
“Well, now that this has happened, shall we take our leave now?”
“Is it bad to say that I’d rather stay here?”
“Are you suggesting we sleep in the car?” He poked your cheek.
“And have you drowned in your car’s germs? I’d rather not.” Standing up straight, you took a few steps and only then realized he still had not let go of your hand. “If you don’t let go, I’ll have to rethink sleeping in the car. And frankly speaking, sleeping in cars is not the most comfortable experience.”
“Right again.” Letting go of your hand, he too stood up. “In that case, I shall send a message when I get back to the base.”
“And I’ll message you when I arrive home.”
“Fair trade.”
To which you did not. Right after both your cars went separate ways, your phone vibrated with a message from Tsukuachi. Parking at the nearest allowable area, you grabbed your device and read the message. Rereading the text, you clicked dial.
“Are you for real?”
“I wasn’t expecting you to read it now.” He stifled a yawn and continued. “Unfortunately yes. If you can drop by the precinct, I can hand them over to you so you can get a head start.”
“Nao, it’s 1am.”
“And yet here we are, talking on the phone like the rats we are.”
Letting out a sigh, you ended the call. Rubbing your face, you leaned your head on the steering wheel and stared at your hand. Chewing on your lip, you began to recall the moment that had happened a mere minutes ago. Being able to hold his hand out in public had a different tingle.
Not long after, you were now seated beside Tsukauchi. Accepting the small cup of coffee, you waited as he filed through some documents. Taking small peaks at some of the letters, you saw how some names of villains you knew of were written down and crossed out. When Tsukauchi stopped at a particular piece of paper, he handed it over.
“Damn. It really is happening.” You set the paper aside and took a sip of your now cold beverage. “Do you need any help for the preparations? I can pull an all nighter if needed.”
“Would it be alright? It’s bad enough the schedule keeps changing.” Glancing at the paper and to the calendar, Tsukauchi stared at your tired eyes. “With this, the Fukuo Kai case will commence a week from now. Are you ready to focus on Nighteye’s?”
“From the middle, I have been focusing on their case. I just didn’t expect it to happen too soon.” Playing with the hems of your sweater, you rested your elbows on your knees and covered your face. “Wanna go to the rooftop?”
“Not thinking of bailing now, are you?” Tsukauchi said as he began to clear his desk and stand up. “What’s on your mind, hmm?”
“I just met with 2 people I shouldn’t have any business with.” You weakly chuckle as you lead the way to the rooftop. Opening the doors, you felt your breathing grow heavy. The sudden claminess of the narrow pathway was not good for your running mind. Holding onto Tsukauchi’s sleeve, you were more than thankful he was willing to listen.
Taking the final step, Tsukauchi unlocked the hatch and granted access to the rooftop. The night sky was still dark and barely held any stars. Light pollution framed the horizon while the street lamps casted a yellow-orange glow to the roads below.
“What happened?”
“Levi specifically told the heroes not to mess with my work.” You began. “It went well but not for long. I had to bug the Shie Hassaikai after a few days Levi left. Only an idiot would refuse knowing my stance with the two parties.”
“Was it successful?”
“It was. The anon tip we had from before was Chronostasis. He gave me Overhaul’s sim card and I kinda just took the opportunity to let him plant the chip for me. It was going smoothly till a few hours ago. Nighteye told me that they were still getting feedback even though Chrono destroyed the device.”
“Where did things go wrong? It just seems like a loyalty test to me.”
“I don’t even know if I passed at this point.” Taking your phone out, you opened the gallery and showed him the picture of the hidden camera. “They bugged me. I’m not certain if they saw what went on inside my unit but the fact that they saw him entering and exiting as he pleases makes my blood boil.”
“Then it means they saw his face?” His eyes widened.
“As far as I know, he only took his mask off around the living room area, his room, or mine.” Trying to recall, each time he entered the kitchen he used the other door connecting to the living room. Thank the quirk gods your apartment was designed that way. “I don’t even know if it transmits audio.”
Squatting on the floor you rubbed your face once more and raked your fingers through your hair. Pulling on the clumps a bit, you released a small shaky sigh.
“I’m guessing the second person you met was the reason for all this?” Tsukauchi took the initiative and sat on the empty space beside you. “What happened with him?”
“He knew about Chrono helping me and about the other bug running around. Told me that heroes needed to have fun too. Bastard.” No matter how much you twisted your views, Chisaki Kai was always Overhaul first. “I… I just don’t know what to do anymore, Nao.”
Closing your eyes, a small whimper left your mouth as tears began to fall.
“Things are just so fucking complicated that I… I don’t even know what step I should do next. I want justice to prevail but no matter what I do…”
“You’ve really fallen down the rabbithole, huh?” Tsukauchi commented as he gave soft pats on your back. “Then again, who wouldn’t? You’re literally stuck in the middle and have to be on edge more than usual. Other than that, you held up pretty well.”
“I can’t even clear my name at this point. If things ever go wrong in the Shie Hassaikai raid, my name will definitely make it into the possible accomplice list.” You bit your lip and clenched your fists. “Gods I hate this so fucking much. I told him I had it under control when in reality I’m as stuck as a rat on a glue board.”
“Don’t go using that analogy.” Tsukauchi still continued to pat your back. “Think of us as hamsters. We’re pretty cute and intelligent. Just give it a bit of time and I’m sure you’ll think of something. I bet you wouldn’t want your dad to partake in any of your problems so best not to pop up in your estate.”
“I know it’s a law for heroes not to kill but what if…”
“I doubt he’ll die in battle. Overhaul is a B-Rank villain. The most that’ll happen would be for him to be knocked out unconscious or bloody at the end of the day.” Yet even as he said those words, Tsukauchi wasn’t too confident. It would be a lie on his part if he said things would be fine. “Who knows? He might have some sort of magical epiphany and surrender to lessen his charges.”
“Now that you mention it,” You wiped your tears away and sat down properly. “I’ve never really read what happens to higher rank villains after they get captured. The highest I’ve handled was just D-ranked ones.”
“Hmmm…” Now that the topic was open, he too hadn’t really thought too much about it knowing his and your department weren’t incharge of what happens after the dirty work. “Standard procedures. They’ll search the area once more and take proper inventory. Say that Overhaul is merely strained, they would pat him down and once he’s clear and in the precinct or designated area, he’ll have to sign a document signifying that the given list is all that he owns. He’ll be then taken to a private area to have his fingerprints, mug shot, and other necessary information.”
“He probably won’t get a hearing.”
“Right you are. He’ll most likely be sent to Tartarus if that’s what you’re asking.”
“If he does, who do you think would handle it? The HPSC?”
“Most likely. Still, they have a lot on their hands so his case would surely collect dust.” He paused and let out a yawn. “If it were you, would you grant him a second chance in life?”
“Heh, If it were up to me...” Looking at the now starless skies, you felt a chill run down your spine. “Personal emotions aside, of course not.”
“You really think I’d break into Tartarus just to save one villain and give him a better life?” You smirked and stood up.
“Of course not.” He chuckled and stood up as well. “Even the dumbest person knows that’s suicide. Go home and get some rest, (y/n). We’ll handle this later in the day.”
Giving you some privacy, Tsukauchi excused himself first. Hearing the door latch click, you took your phone out and dialed a number. It only took 3 rings before the other line picked up.
“Well now,” The cheeky voice said. “What can I help you with dove?”
- - - - -
Overhaul’s waiting list: @jjk-biased @infinite-universe-love @dirtypride @blackymomo03 @azzie @purple-rabanito​ @meximorrita @awesomeee19​​ @celestial-kanzakii​ @laure-lo​ @team-wang-puppy​ @aydience-world​ @choros-main-hoe​ @colorseeingchick​ @franko-pop​ @o-dragon05 @but-kairis-not-that-smart (i cant seem to tag again :( hope this lands in your timelines!)
I hope yall liked this chapter annnd if you want to be tagged feel free to comment :’) your comments make my day and make me happy huhu <3
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feralgoing · 6 years
seed cycling
I wrote this post a while back but just realized it was relevant to this blog. It may feel a bit out there, but I'm all about exploring other less mainstream categories too. So, having absolved myself of all guilt for anyone who misinterprets this post as hard fact, I begin.
I came across the term ‘seed cycling’ used on social media and became intrigued as to one, what it meant, and two, what benefit it had (if any).
A quick Google search led me to both answers. Seed cycling is somewhat literally what it sounds like (although my first guess as it was 4am as I wrote this, involved interpreting cycling as bicycling). You cycle between seeds in your diet, consuming specific ones at specific types during your menstrual cycle (and supposedly it can be use for peri-menopausal and post-menopausal women as well).
Anyway, the theory is that a menstrual cycle is most naturally working if it is within the 28-day cycle, and anything else indicates some sort of imbalance of estrogen. The seeds chosen during the two phases of the menstrual cycle (when estrogen is decreasing and when it is increasing) are chosen specifically to help balance out the estrogen in each phase to allow the person to resume the natural cycle duration.
At this point you may be wondering why am I posting about this on my eczema blog? Well, you may recall from my post on pregnancy, that one of the factors believed to provoke eczema in pregnant women is the surge of estrogen. So my hypothesis is that if one’s cycle is off, and they experience larger ranges of estrogen surges during phases of their cycle, perhaps that would increase the intensity of an eczema flare.
Here’s a quick overview about the menstrual cycle (I previously worked as a women’s health consultant, so I both enjoy this kind of knowledge and could use the refresher myself). We have 4 phases: menstruation, the follicular phase, ovulation, and then the luteal phase.
MENSTRUATION – This is the phase in which the lining of the uterus (or the endometrium), which has thickened over the month, comes off and there is bleeding from the vagina.
FOLLICULAR PHASE – This phase starts on the first day of menstruation. The pituitary glands, triggered by the hypothalamus, release follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), and FSH in turn causes the ovaries to release a few follicles, each of which has an egg. One of these follicles’ eggs will start to mature, while the others die (around day 10). The uterine lining starts to thicken during this phase too due to follicular stimulation. The follicular growth also causes a surge in estrogen, which the body compensates for by the hypothalamus releasing gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which gets the pituitary gland to release lutenizing hormome (LH) and FSH.
OVULATION – During this phase, the high levels of LH triggers the release of the mature egg from the ovaries in two days. The egg is propelled by little hair-like structures through the fallopian tube into the uterus. Once there, it can survive for only about 24 hours. During this process, the egg has “hatched” out of the follicle, and the follicular remnant that gets dragged along outside the egg becomes the corpus luteum. The corpus luteum releases progesterone and a little estrogen, a mixture that helps keep the uterine lining thickened.
LUTEAL PHASE – During this phase the corpus luteum releases progesterone and a little estrogen, a mixture that helps keep the uterine lining thickened. When no pregnancy occurs, the corpus luteum falls off and dies (around day 22), causing a drop in progesterone. The progesterone drop triggers the uterine lining to fall off (aka menstruation), hence the cycle repeats.
So how does one do this seed cycling, you ask? Well, during the follicular phase (day 1 when you start to bleed to day 14) you take a daily dose of 1 tablespoon of ground flax/pumpkin/chia seeds. From days 15-28 you take a daily dose of tablespoon of ground sunflower/sesame seeds. That’s all there is to it.
But why is this supposed to work? I couldn’t find any rigorous studies on seed cycling, but came upon a blog post written by a naturopathic doctor (Dr. Lindsey Jesswein). She explains that the seed hulls have chemicals called lignans, which help “modulate hormone pathways”, and the seed oils (made of omega fatty acids) help “provide the building blocks for steroid hormone synthesis”. Jesswein then describes each seed (minus chia) a bit more by what they provide:
Flax – vitamin B, manganese,  and magnesium
Pumpkin – iron, magnesium phosphorous, zinc
Sesame – vitamin E, vitamin B1, manganese, irin, magnesium, copper, sesamin
Sunflower – vitmin E, linoleic acid, magnesium, potassium, zinc, calcium
The Herbal Academy (which was how I came to Dr. Jesswein blog post) goes into a bit more detail about the various benefits of each of these seeds and provided studies, but noted that the information was on individual seeds and not their impact with seed cycling.
A few of the studies they included (and some additional ones I found) found that:
flax may help to lengthen the luteal phase and reduce missed periods,
pumpkin may improve HDL cholesterol levels and reduce hot flashes, joint pain and headaches
pumpkin and sunflower may aid in reducing postmenopausal breast cancer risk
sesame seeds, according to Ayurvedic philosophies, are supposed to be able to improve “scanty menstruation”
a maternal diet of flaxseed versus casein results in lower body fat mass and visceral fat mass, cholesterol, and triglycerides for the offspring when weaned. Note I have no idea what species they were studying as I could only access the abstract, but I’m assuming they tested mice
Overall the evidence of large changes for the menstrual cycle is not huge, but at the same time, it generally doesn’t hurt to consume seeds in one’s diet so it may be worth trying if you want to play around with your nutrition (though always seek advice from a medical professional first, especially if you have a specific condition you are trying to treat!).
I’m curious to apply seed to myself so I might give it a trial for a few months and report back. Maybe. I’m also incredibly fickle, so probably not. I generally eat flax anyway with breakfast and the like, but I wouldn’t be able to notice if there were any changes because I’m still breastfeeding and thus not getting my period anyway.
Also I do understand that engaging in many different eczema projects simultaneously results in confounding the data as to which project individually helps my eczema, but it is my belief that eczema cannot be managed by just one miracle solution (though diet is a huge one) and so enacting multiple positive changes and approaches, so long as they are sustainable to myself lifestyle, I view as being the most maximally beneficial.
Gossell-Williams, M., Hyde, C., Hunter, T., Simms-Stewart, D,. Fletcher, H., McGrowder, D., Walters, C.A. (2011). Improvement in HDL cholesterol in postmenopausal women supplemented with pumpkin seed oil: pilot study. Climacteric. 2011 Oct;14(5):558-64.
Hall, Annie. “Seed Cycling for Hormonal Balance.” Herbal Academy, https://theherbalacademy.com/seed-cycling-for-hormonal-balance/. Accessed 22 Oct 2018.
“Menstrual Cycle.” Better Health Channel, https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/menstrual-cycle. Accessed 24 Oct 2018.
Phipps WR, Martini MC, Lampe JW, Slavin, JL, Kurzer MS. (1993). Effect of flax seed ingestion on the menstrual cycle. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. 1993 Nov;77(5):1215 – 1219.
Somwanshi SB, Gaikwad VM, Dhamak KB, Gaware VM. Women’s Health Issue: A Brief Overview on Irregular Menstruation. IJNRD. 2017 May;7(5):2456-4184.
Troina AA, Figueiredo MS, Moura EG, Boaventura GT, Soares LL, Cardozo LFMF, Oliveira E, Lisboa PC, Passos MARF, Passos MCF. Maternal flaxseed diet during lactation alters milk composition and programs the offspring body composition, lipid profile and sexual function. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2010 Fed;48(2):697-703.
Zaineddin AK, Buck K, Vrieling A, Heinz J., Flesch-Janys D, Linseisen, J, Chang-Claude J. (2012). The association between dietary lignans, phytoestrogen-rich foods, and fiber intake and postmenopausal breast cancer risk: a German case-control study. Nutrition and Cancer. 2012;64(5):652-65.
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Age HC
This is a post I’ve been wanting to do for some time <___< it’s my own personal HC about the guys’ ages, based on things I’ve noted down. Please note that this is my personal headcanon, to which I mostly base my writings on. Most of my writings have them aged up 18+, or even 20/25+. Plus I might go on a bit about possible birth/hatch months and astrological signs (’cause I like going around that aaaaaaaaaaaa)
At some point I had seen a wikifandom page that said their birthdate/hatchday was in 1992, but their actual mutation day was in 1999 (and that year can be confirmed in the 2014 movie).
The information has since changed, but I will take this 1992 year as it is easy for me to visualize ages and looks, since I was also born in 1992.
In my HC, Leo is a Capricorn, Raph is a Cancer, Donnie is a Libra, and Mikey is a Pisces. (Leo and Raph born in 1991, Donnie in 1992, and Mikey in 1993)
To put some context, Hollaback Girl was released in 2005, which would make the boys around 12-13-14 years old when that song came out. ... The wikifandom page says they’d be around 5-6 years old at that point, which I find highly impossible, considering their looks and behaviors. (Splinter, I swear to GAWD, if you gave weapons to 5-6 years old children, THAT’S A NO-NOOOO)
SO 👏 in 2014, that would make the guys around 21-22-23 years old.
Then in 2016, 23-24-25.
In 1999, after they got mutated, the boys started relatively small, but the growing process might have been quicker, compared to Splinter, as they were “smaller” and younger animals. Turtles have a longer lifespan than rats, but when mixed with the mutagen, it balanced to a more “human” lifespan - balancing the animals’ ages to a human equivalent. The turtles had a quick “infant/toddler” phase in order to grow and get to that said human age equivalent (considering they would have hatched inbetween 1991-1992-1993, then mutated in 1999, making them between 6-7-8 in turtle age when they mutated).
(I know this is stretched out, dammit, LET ME HAVE MY HC HAHAHA - big brain moment)
So yeah, if we look in 2020, the guys would be around 29-28-27 years old.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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loreleywrites · 4 years
The Gateshead Engine
If you bought the itch.io game bundle for racial justice and inequality a month ago, one of the games it contains is a single-player ttrpg called The Gateshead Engine by Adam Roy (Follow the link to buy and play yourself!)
The basis of the game is simple: It is Victorian England, and you have been commissioned to built a steampunk mech. You flip cards from a tarot deck to give you situations for your diary entries, and you can finish...basically whenever you want.
I enjoyed it greatly, and wanted to publicly share my game. Content warning for a bit of body horror and minor surgical stuff at the end? It’s not like, explicit though. Anyway, I haven’t stretched my horror muscles in a while, and I love how this game started vs where it ended. Hope y’all enjoy!
Starting Questions:
—Who are you, and why did you agree to build the Engine?
I am Loreley Weisel, German thermodynamicist on the brink of bankruptcy. Europe is corrupt, and my will careens towards destruction.
—Who is your patron, and what, if anything, do you know about them? Why did they tell you they wanted the Engine?
My patron is an English aristocrat, Thomas Boroughshire III. All I know is that he has deep pockets and a fascination for thermophysics. He wants my Engine as a mechanical marvel, a party trick for a boy with too many years behind him.
—What is your community like? What do they value and what do they fear?
The community is wealthy. Large estates line a well-kept road. Dogs are bred. Horses are shoed. Foxes are hunted. Gardens beg for release from their clipped restraints. The air itself is made of brick. They value stability, power (or the projection of it), and greed.
—What will the Engine do when it’s completed, and what will it change? (This may shift during play; for now, decide what you think the answer is when you agree to build the Engine.)
My Engine is a herald of death. The aristocracy will be beaten into submission, and England will follow France in the march towards the guillotine.
My Engine:
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Monday, April 26, 1880—
I do not belong here, in this kingdom, in this estate, in this…garage. Hope’s Paradise is far from the largest house in this community, and His Highness can barely provide enough space for me to work. He does not respect me, nor does his staff. Dinners will be cold on nights I work late. There will be no hot water when I go to draw a bath. They do not want me here.
Fitting enough; I do not wish to dwell here any longer than I have to.
The neighbors are no better. Squire Duncannon of Blah Blah Blah invites me to speak German whenever he harasses me with what he calls conversation, but refuses to use the tongue himself. His wife has never uttered a word beyond her scowl. When I pass by Covington Place, the children stop and watch, twittering among themselves. I wonder what the Duke and Duchess have told them about me. I would not know, for I have never been allowed inside their gates.
England will burn, and this wretched grove of greed will be the tinder.
Wednesday, April 28, 1880—
That godforsaken child has entered my workshop again. Grease smeared all across the floor. Handprints of coal dust cover every box and bench. Every fire hazard should come at the cost of a finger. The little brat will have nubs by week’s end.
Friday, April 30, 1880—
Saturday, May 1
A song. Melancholic, but strong. Thunderous, but ephemeral.
How many hours have slipped by tonight? Dream grips my mind like a starving urchin with hardtack. Maybe these gears and pipes are singing me a lullaby.
Oh for heaven’s sake it’s half two. To sleep with me.
Tuesday, May 4, 1880—
Fucking Third of Family horseshit-brained fool. Every thief with deep pockets thinks themselves a scientist just because they bought opium from one once. I know how to build my Engine. Fuck off with this talk about gas compression. My math is sound, and changing one element means redesigning the entire boiler system.
His Highness has been placated with some minor aesthetic downgrades that better cater to his asinine tastes. For now.
Wednesday, May 5, 1880—
Fucking Third of Family horseshit-brained fool. If it weren’t for the coal dust handprints, I’d think he was the child ransacking my workshop with relentless fervor. Instead, he has simply decided to rearrange my supplies to the garage entrance. My ankle will heal in a few days, but I cannot work on my Engine until it mends. Time is money, and he has more money than I have time.
Sunday, May 9, 1880—
The ankle works.
Monday, May 10, 1880—
His Highness invited his dearest, most important friends to dine in his atrociously cultivated garden. The Wells boy snuck off and found me in my workshop. I have never met another child like him. His curiosity is insatiable, and he knows more about thermodynamics than most learned men I’ve met.
He asked me a question I could not answer: “If this machine is meant for war, how can you fight a navy with it?”
I suppose this will be a larger problem when the revolution hatches from England and threatens the mainland. For now, I must keep focused on this single-minded task. If we make it that far, I will find an answer.
…Perhaps I am naïve and misguided.
Wednesday, May 12, 1880—
The entire community has decided to roll their porcine asses to the south of France for holiday. Such a shame I contracted a bit of a cough and elected to stay here to recover. The travel would have been much too hard on my delicate frame.
Two weeks of uninterrupted work begins tonight.
Friday, May 14, 1880—
For. Fuck’s. Sake.
Her Highness fainted at the pier moments before they were to board a ferry across the Channel. Feared she had come down with the same pestilence I had contracted. Now the entire extended Boroughshire rabble is returning posthaste.
The quiet? Gone. Their need for attention? Only I can sate it. My Engine? Still incomplete, and will be for some time.
If I drown myself in enough whiskey, the mystery of my death should keep their tiny minds occupied for at least a week.
I intend to refill my lamps and work as long as I can tonight. May their arrival home tomorrow wake me at noon for all I care.
Saturday, May 15, 1880—
I was awoken at nine in the morning. Forty minutes of unrestful rest.
Tuesday, May 17 18, 1880—
Knocked the fucking lamp looking for my pen. Lucky I didn’t burn this entire estate to ash.
…Perhaps unlucky.
He even haunts my dreams, touching my Engine and reducing it to rust at the moment that should have been my victory. What Hell of idiocy have I gotten myself into? Fucking aristocrats standing in the way of their own downfall by sheer incompetence. Back to sleep with me.
Tuesday, May 18, 1880 (again)—
I’ve read a number of fascinating papers that I received in the mail today. While I admit I know little of the burgeoning field of electrical engineering, the work being done in the States is fascinating. I intend to take a short trip into London to seek more research (And get a right stein of beer; this house and its occupants are worthless.)
Friday, May 21, 1880 (London)—
I have been granted access to ~~Royal~~ archives. Despite my distaste for locking knowledge away from the public, I am nonetheless grateful for this opportunity. All the kingdom’s brightest minds (what few there are) have recorded years of research on every possible thread of science.
Galvanic principles are fascinating to me. To think, all these thousands of years, we have had electricity inside us! Thoughts percolate, but I do not yet know to what end.
I shall return to the cursed Golden Land in the countryside tomorrow. Between my notes and a few papers, I have been allowed to abscond with, I am reinvigorated with hope for my work.
Saturday, May 22, 1880—
I should extricate and boil every last one of their tongues!
The entire community’s patriarchs were waiting in the living room of Hope’s Paradise (Clearly not my hope.)  Word got out of my project, and every cock-waggling primitive decided that this was a matter that required ending their holiday early. While their offspring splash in the Mediterranean, their sagging eyes are now fixed on that fucking garage.
I don’t know who is merely curious, who else feels inadequate enough to lie about their scientific credentials, or who wants to break my Engine merely because I’m a woman. Too many men in my workshop. Had I less restraint, an axe may have been all I needed to solve this annoyance.
Hopefully the dullards bore sooner than later. I may need to beat Mr. Duncannon with a German dictionary regardless.
Tuesday, June 8, 1880—
Between the constant need to shun nosy men from my workshop and the actual work itself, I have not had the constitution to keep my diary.
But today…ah, today! The control platform appears to be totally functional! I have toiled too long to have failure spring from my fingertips. Rotational velocities are stable, cranks and gears are greased and mobile, the Gatling guns are…gatling.
For the first time since I began my work here, I feel like I have accomplished something great. The aristocracy’s days are numbered.
Monday, June 14, 1880—
Work continues to sap my focus. Boiler…not cooperating. I fear I will lose all the work I’ve done on it due to some unforeseen flaw. A redesign at this stage would be costly, but so would continuing with a faulty boiler. Either way, I’m taking tomorrow off from work to clear my head.
Thursday, June 17, 1880—
Time off has proved productive. I finally finished reading the documents on loan from the ~~Royal~~ archives, and there is a fascinating bit of research by a man by the name of Frankenstein. His work on galvanic sciences from earlier this century are far beyond anything I’ve found from English archives in the last decade. This even only seems to be his initial work; perhaps I can track down his true masterpieces of intellect. Maybe I don’t even need to redesign a boiler…
One blight on my day over lunch: that coal-handed bastard child has returned. I think it’s Constance.
Wednesday, Jun 23, 1880—
The Andersons down the way lost one of their bitches last night. She was a beautiful hound, but her memory will live on in my diary. I wanted some hands-on experience with Frankenstein’s work, so I was able to procure the corpse for a small fee (to His Highness who is paying my bills).
Wondrous! Such are the things I learned. A body, made of muscle, controlled by electricity. I suspect I may need to seek out an anatomist or some other scholar of the biological sciences to continue this research.
My mind is alight with so many ideas…
Wednesday, June 30, 1880—
June ends and takes the boiler with it. My Engine shall have a grand new design. Thomas has been placated by promises of surprise. “The most groundbreaking work in thermodynamics!” I lied. His is a mind easily led astray by spectacle.
Sunday, July 4, 1880—
Constable came round today. Mr. Duncannon hasn’t been seen in three days. He left for an important business meeting in Paris, but missed his boat. Coach is missing too. It’s all very curious. I did everything I could to keep that sniveling pig out of my workshop. Given the way his nose recoiled into his skull, it seems the stench of grease and ozone was enough.
In more academic news, I received notice that more of Victor Frankenstein’s research papers are being released from an archive in Switzerland. I should have them by week’s end. My excitement radiates like the sun.
Friday, July 9, 1880—
Wolfgang. Heinrich. Fuchs.
At my forsaken door. With my forsaken research papers.
How the fuck did he find out I was working on galvanism? Who is he still connected to? Which one of my friends betrayed me (besides him)?
He was in this fucking house asking me fucking questions about my fucking work. Fuck him. He better not stick around. After what he took from me…fuck.
Tuesday, July 13, 1880—
Chaos reigns.
Wolfgang has shacked up with the Andersons. He swings by almost daily. When I’m not actually busy, I try to look it.
Constance has gotten her hands into the coal again (I haven’t disposed of it for appearance’s sake.)
The Duncannons are planning a funeral for…whatever his name was. I don’t think I ever bothered to remember anything about him other than when he would finally leave this hellish corner of England.
Thomas has been migrating in and out of Hope’s Paradise. Something about a trade deal in India. It sounds very important for a man who makes riches off the backs of foreigners.
I could use a big stein at a small biergarten.
Sunday, July 18, 1880—
Widow Duncannon speaks! Her first words spoken to me in the months I’ve resided her are accusations that I have something to do with the death of her husband and his driver. Utter nonsense. The police found the driver at the bottom of a pint in a pub last week. The way gossip echoes around these families, however, I won’t be surprised if they begin to turn on me.
My work must accelerate.
Thursday, July 22nd, 1880—
Widow Duncannon, Duchess Byron. Mrs. Boroughshire. All the Andersons. None of them will speak to me. They glare if they see me, so I try to keep to my room and my workshop as much as possible. I’m lucky Her Highness is so subservient to Thomas. This house would be unbearable if she had any willpower over it.
Tuesday, July 27, 1880—
Celebrations are in order! I have poured over work by Golgi, Frankenstein, and Schwann. Every guide I could find on electrical engineering. Trial after trial, failure after failure. And yet…
And yet.
It’s not that I have hope my Engine will work, it’s that I have knowledge that it will. My designs are so clear to me. My protypes are all working as planned. The path to revolution has been laid out before me. Now it is up to me to walk it.
Tomorrow is the beginning of the end.
Wednesday, July 28, 1880—
Coal hands. Inside my workshop. Inside. My. Workshop. And this time, ha! This time, I have a culprit.
I made it very clear to Constance that she will not be loitering in my laboratory anymore.
Saturday, August 7, 1880—
What have I become?
Why did I begin building my Engine? Something about a war? Who can say. Time marchers onward. My Engine will march with time. Every experiment has made it clearer to me that I have stumbled upon the greatest discovery of this era.
No one celebrates with me. Not Thomas. Not Her Highness. Not Constance, nor the boys, Timothy and Franklin. Even Wolfgang is silent (at last).
The neighbors have stopped visiting. I wave when I pass them by, but they just sneer and hurry past. Finally, I can work in peace and silence. Finally my genius can become reality. Finally all of Europe will know what Loreley Weisel is capable of.
I have become the herald of great change, a conduit of the very building blocks of existence.
Tuesday, August 10, 1880—
A toast to the Duke and Duchess! May their patronage live forever in my greatest work! Soon I hope to bring the Andersons into this project as well.
Wednesday, August 18, 1880—
The Engine lives! The support of this community has been invaluable as the final construction has occurred. Everyone has poured their hearts into my work, and it’s truly a masterpiece that could not have been built alone.
My galvanic calibrations have been finalized. My circuits have been tested. It is nearing time for me to put all of myself into my work. I will see success.
Saturday, August 21, 1880—
The loneliness is getting to me. Not even the dogs bark anymore. I talk to my Engine, but its flesh is silent.
Monday, August 23, 1880—
The constable returned. With six policemen. He had questions about His Highness and the Duke and Duchess and Widow Duncannon. I told him the truth: I could help him find them.
I cooperated.
I have a surplus.
Wednesday, August 25, 1880—
Why shouldn’t I? It worked for them. Shouldn’t it work for me? All the principles are the same. They’re muscle. I’m muscle. They’re electric. I’m electric. Why shouldn’t I be in control?
Thursday, August 26, 1880—
Wolfgang, that bastard! He said he knew everything that I had been up to. That is outrageous! He knows nothing!
I have destroyed my room in rage. Fucking Fuchs! What does he think he knows? Who has he told? I should have killed him. Why didn’t I kill him? He doesn’t deserve it. He doesn’t deserve my creation. He covets it. He wants it for himself. I know it. He got me kicked out of university, he got me run out of Germany. He is jealous. Jealous! He knows I’m better. He knows I’m smarter. He wants what I have, my Engine, my child. He can’t have it. He can’t. He won’t. Where did he go? Fucking Wolfgang I will fucking kill him. He knows nothing. He’s bluffing. He just wants my success. My genius. He is nothing. He will be nothing. Nothing. Nothing. He nothing. Nothing. nothing nothing nothing noth
Sunday, August 29, 1880—
This will be the final entry to my diary. The morning air is heavy with the musk of summer. It’s strange to me how calm I am given what I am about to do.
My Engine has come so far from its days as a sketch on a piece of parchment. Veins of red pulse behind the metal. Sinew, steel, and lightning working in harmony. Every stitch and every suture as perfect as the one before it. So many died for its creation, and so many more will die when I am finished today.
I expected my hand to shake more as I inked the incision lines across my skin. I expected my mind to be foggier as I tried to remember every nerve that would need work. Even the pain I am about to endure has not shaken my resolve.
I am uncertain what the scientific community will think of my work. Of the sacrifices I made. But I have proven a radical truth: All the money in the world does not stop one from being built from the same parts as another. And that’s all we are: Animals with organs and muscles and electricity surging through us. If machines can harness that energy, why can’t we? If new machines can be invented, why not new humans?
All I can hope for now is that my composure holds through the entire procedure. Once I am integrated into my Engine, I will command a mind and body unseen by man. Unparalleled by any of God’s creation. Magnificent in its genius. My genius.
Today I will change humanity forever.
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multiverseforger · 4 years
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The young Devil Dinosaur was nearly burned to death by a tribe of Killer-Folk, hostile beings native to his planet, but was rescued by Moon-Boy, a young member of a rival tribe, the Small-Folk. Exposure to the Killer-Folk's fire activated a mutation in the dinosaur which gave him powers greater than others of his species and turned his skin from olive green to flame red.[10] Devil's early adventures on his home world include encounters with extraterrestrials and a brief teleportation to modern day Earth.[11]
Later, Godzilla rampages through the Marvel Universe (Earth-616). In an attempt to stop the monster, S.H.I.E.L.D. shrinks Godzilla with Pym Particles and attempts to teleport him via a time machine to the prehistoric past. However, Godzilla's radiation apparently distorts the time machine so that he is transported to the alternative universe of Dinosaur World instead. While there, he briefly unites with Moon-Boy and Devil against a common foe before being pulled back to the main Marvel continuity.[12]
Member of the Fallen AngelsEdit
After Ariel, an extraterrestrial mutant with teleportation powers, teleports the Fallen Angels to Dinosaur World, the group convinces Devil and Moon-Boy to join their team and return with them to Earth-616. During his time with the Fallen Angels, Devil Dinosaur accidentally kills "Don", the super-intelligent mutant lobster on the team by stepping on him. Devil and Moon-Boy return to their own universe when the Fallen Angels eventually disband.[13]
Dinosaur World againEdit
After their stint with the Fallen Angels, the duo's life back on Dinosaur World is interrupted numerous times by events occurring in the main Marvel continuity:
During a conflict between Slapstick and his time manipulating foe, Doctor Yesterday, Devil and Moon-Boy are briefly teleported to Earth-616.[14]
In the midst of a tussle between the Technet and Lockheed inside Excalibur's lighthouse, Devil is once again briefly transported to Earth-616.[15]
Young Celestials transport the Hulk back in time to combat Devil.[16]
A renegade Skrull flees to Devil's planet and uses his shape shifting abilities to impersonate the late leader of the Killer-Folk, Seven Scars.[17]
Due to the manipulations of the interdimensional traveler Access, Devil Dinosaur's world briefly merges with the DC Comics Universe where he encounters Anthro, a Cro-Magnon man.[18]
In the midst of a battle with a Kraken, Hulkpool and his unwitting companions accidentally time travel to Dinosaur World where Devil Dinosaur, Moon-Boy and the Small-Folk help destroy the kraken. During Hulkpool's effort to return to his own time, Devil and Moon-Boy are briefly teleported to the American Old West in the year 1873. While there, Devil attempts to eat a cowboy's horse.[19]
Stranded on Earth 616 in modern timesEdit
New York CityEdit
Some time later, the sorceress Jennifer Kale, in an attempt to return Howard the Duck to his homeworld, inadvertently teleports Devil Dinosaur and Moon-Boy into her New York apartment. The disoriented dinosaur rampages through the city before being subdued by Ghost Rider.[20] Stranded in modern-day Earth-616 after their teleportation there by Kale, the pair is hypnotized into joining the Circus of Crime. After being rescued by Spider-Man, Devil and Moon-Boy are relocated to the Savage Land.[21]
The Savage LandEdit
The Heroes for Hire mercenaries go on a mission to retrieve Moon-Boy from the Savage Land and encounter Devil Dinosaur in the process. Devil is found fiercely guarding a nest containing a clutch of eggs that apparently he himself has laid and the dinosaur abandons Moon-Boy to ensure their safety. The discrepancy between this development and his previously presumed male sex is noted by the mercenaries, who can only speculate as to the cause of the change.[22] After returning to the U.S. the Heroes for Hire disband and group member Paladin leaves alone with Moon-Boy to collect the reward from the S.H.I.E.L.D. scientists who hired the mercenaries.[23]
Devil and Moon-Boy SeparatedEdit
Moon-Boy would remain under the custody of S.H.I.E.L.D. for some time, which drove Devil Dinosaur into a sort of saurian depression. Refusing to eat, or defend himself, he was in danger of dying. However, Stegron, the dinosaur man, became worried about the survival of the Devil-Beast due to it being the last known of its species. Leaving the Savage Land without the permission of Ka-Zar and building an army of reanimated dinosaurs, Stegron marched across the U.S. attacking S.H.I.E.L.D. base after base, until he was eventually stopped by the Fifty State Initiative. However, the group discovered the motive behind Stegron's plan and, though he was arrested all the same, the Initiative recruit Reptil smuggled Moon-Boy back to the Savage Land, where he was reunited with his companion.[24]
Reunited in the Savage LandEdit
Reunited in the Savage Land, the companions' adventures continued:
When the Roxxon Energy Corporation attempts to extract vibranium from the Savage Land, the inhabitants of the Savage Land including Ka-Zar, Devil Dinosaur and Moon-Boy enter into battle to save their home. Roxxon's forces are soon subdued.[25]
Devil Dinosaur meets the Pet Avengers when they are accidentally transported to the Savage Land. Out of shock and anger, Devil attacks the group. Eventually, the group of animalian Avengers are able to return to their own world.[26]
An ancient entity attempts to conquer first the Savage Land, then the world. Moon Boy and Devil Dinosaur fight to defend innocent Savage Land citizens endangered by the entity. They are joined by many other heroes, some lost in time. The entity is killed by Zabu.[27]
The Savage Land Mutate, Brainchild, creates an army of cybernetic dinosaurs and steals Devil Dinosaur's eggs in order to experiment on them. Spider-Man arrives and helps Devil and Moon-Boy defeat the cybernetic dinosaurs and rescue the eggs. At the end of the adventure, one of the eggs hatches revealing a red baby Tyrannosaurus.[28]
Adventures with Moon GirlEdit
In the Savage Land, a group of Killer Folk got their hands on the sacred Nightstone. Moon Boy and Devil Dinosaur fought to reclaim it, but Moon Boy died as the Killer Folk were sucked into a vortex through time with the Nightstone. Moon Boy's dying wish was for Devil Dinosaur to reclaim the Nightstone and to avenge him.[29]
Going through the portal, Devil Dinosaur ended up in New York City. The Nightstone had fallen into the hands of Lunella Lafayette - a genius 9-year-old - who deduced the Nightstone was actually a Kree Omni-Wave Projector. Lunella had identified the Inhuman gene within her own DNA and feared being transformed into a monster due to the changes brought about by Terrigen Mist. Due to several Terrigen clouds that had been drifting around the city following the Inhumans' detonation of a Terrigen bomb, she took drastic action and intended to use the Nightstone to find a way to remove the Inhuman DNA. With Lunella refusing to give up the Nightstone, Devil Dinosaur was forced to bring her on his rampage through the city as he searched for the Killer Folk. Although Devil Dinosaur fought the Killer Folk, they managed to escape with the Nightstone.[30]
Lunella ended up harboring Devil Dinosaur in her laboratory that she had built in the depths of her school, growing more and more frustrated that she was stuck with the "big red dummy" but found him useful when he helped save the lives of her teacher and class during a fire.[31] However, the Hulk (Amadeus Cho) arrived, seeking to apprehend Devil Dinosaur for his earlier rampage and accused him of the fire. Lunella refused, declaring that she needed Devil Dinosaur and, growing frustrated with Amadeus patronizing her and undermining her intelligence, drew out a few homemade weapons to fight him, but only accidentally ended up knocking out Devil Dinosaur.[32]
Lunella, feeling responsible for Devil Dinosaur's arrest and, feeling kinship to the beast stuck in a place he did not belong, broke him out under the moniker of Moon Girl, a nickname the other students used to bully her.[33] After the Killer Folk - who had conquered territory previously owned by the Yancy Street Gang - failed to kidnap Lunella from school to be their blood sacrifice to the Nightstone on a full moon, Lunella decided to end things. She and Devil Dinosaur fought the Killer Folk once more and won, reclaiming the Nightstone. Lunella hoped she could finally use it to ensure she would not transform into an Inhuman, but at that precise moment she was caught in a Terrigen cloud.[34]
Devil Dinosaur took Lunella's cocoon to her lab and watched over it for several days until she hatched. Lunella was at first relieved she had not changed physically, but was dismayed to learn her Inhuman power caused her consciousness and that of Devil Dinosaur's to switch. Devil Dinosaur proceeded to make her even more ostracized at school due to freaking out in class and attacking other students whilst Lunella rampaged through the city. Eventually though they returned to normal.[35]
Devil Dinosaur and Moon Girl's next opponent came in the form of Kid Kree - a misunderstood Kree boy who had failed to enter the academy twice, who sought to capture an Inhuman to impress his father and make a name for himself on Earth as Captain Marvel had - who disguised himself as a new student, Marvin Ellis, in Lunella's class. Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur fought Kid Kree several times,[36] once being separated by Ms. Marvel, who recognized their fight as the childish squabble it was, but still entrusted Moon Girl with a device to contact her if things ever got out of hand.[37]
Lunella is then approached by Hulk, who gives her the Banner B.O.X. (Brain Omnicompetence Examiner), and is surprised when she solves it in mere seconds, proving that Lunella is the smartest person on Earth. After consulting experts, Moon Girl, Hulk and Devil Dinosaur encounter Mole Man, who was attacking the city with a group of monsters. The next day, at her lab, Lunella ends up having a vision of herself in the future, where she is approached by Earth's smartest heroes. After school, she is approached by the Thing, who takes her for a walk when Hulk appears. When the two start fighting, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur manage to contain them while protecting the civilians, until both of them are left unconscious. Meanwhile, Doctor Doom is surprised to discover that Moon Girl is considered the smartest person on Earth and vows to prove himself superior.[38] During science class, Lunella is attacked by robot drones until she is saved by Riri Williams. They follow the drones to a nearby alley, where Moon Girl encounters Doctor Doom. After Doom escapes, Moon Girl and Ironheart go to Moon Girl's secret lab, where they discover that the energy signatures of the drones are mystic in origin. While tracing Doom's location, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur arrive at the Sanctum Sanctorum and are found by Doctor Strange.[39] Waking up from a dream, Lunella is reunited with Devil, who was shrunk down by Strange. While walking back home, Moon Girl and two of her classmates are attacked by Doctor Doom and his Doombots. Moon Girl uses an enlargement potion on herself to help Doctor Strange fight Doom and his robots. A few nights later, while installing an energy sensing probe, Moon Girl is found by five members of the X-Men.[40] Arriving at an abandoned mall, Moon Girl reengineers a Cerebro helmet with the Omni-Wave Projector to locate Doom, only for her and the X-Men to travel back to the 1980s. Once there, Doctor Doom arrives with an army of Doombots. The X-Men and Devil fight the Doombots until Moon Girl takes off the helmet, sending them back to the present, where they discover that Doom is actually a Doombot. Lunella takes the Doombot to her lab to analyze it.[41] Lunella later makes a major discovery about her Inhuman power: it only activates during a full moon. She then encounters an army of Doombots, along with Thing, Hulk, Ms. Marvel, Ironheart, Doctor Strange, Kid Kree and the Killer Folk, who went to her aid after being recruited by Lunella.[42]
Lunella then receives a call for help from an alien girl named Illa and, after building a spaceship, goes to space with Devil and crash land on a moon. While exploring, Lunella discovers that Illa is the moon.[43] She soon realizes that Illa is lonely and wants company and does not understand Lunella at all. After a brief fight between Devil and some giant bugs, Lunella leaves, despite Illa's objections. Unfortunately, in the process, she is sent to a parallel universe where she meets another version of herself and Devil Dinosaur. Meanwhile, the Doombot head creates robotic versions of Lunella to avoid suspicions of her absence.[44] After fighting their counterparts, Devil Girl and Moon Dinosaur, Lunella and Devil get back on their spacecraft and return to Illa who tells them that they'll never leave her. Back home, the Doombot head begins to have problems with one of Lunella robots. Moon Girl and Devil manage to find Ego the Living Planet and reunite him with Illa, while the Doombot discovers that the Lunella robot is acting independently.[45]
Meanwhile, the Doombot head has created multiple Moon Girl replacement robots who to his surprise are acting like real little girls.[volume & issue needed] He tells them that they will be obsolete when the real Lunella returns.[volume & issue needed] While up in space Lunella has united Ego and Illa as a family.[volume & issue needed] On the way to Earth she uses the Omniwave projector to tearfully return Devil Dinosaur to Moon Boy in the Savage Land where she thinks he belongs and then returns to New York where she tosses it away in the trash.[volume & issue needed]
Admitting she was wrong MooN Girl brought him back as she, Ben Grim, and Johnny Storm reformed the Fantastic Four and even gave Devil his own uniform.[46] Afterwards while Wilson Fisks's daughter Princess is enrolled in her school Moon Girl decides to turn Devil into a human boy and enroll him in her class to tone down his destructive accidents. Taking attention away from princess causes her to begin focusing her and her father's negative attentions on the two.[volume & issue needed]
During the Monsters Unleashed storyline, Devil Dinosaur was with Moon Girl when she was studying the different Leviathon attacks.[47] Later, Kei Kawade demonstrates his abilities to the heroes present by summoning Devil Dinosaur, though Moon Girl was also brought along during Devil Dinosaur's summoning.[48] When the Leviathon Servitors attack the Baxter Building, Kei Kawade summons Devil Dinosaur to help fight them.[49] Moon Girl, Devil Dinosaur and other heroes later encounter other monsters until the Leviathon Queen is defeated by Kei Kawade and his new creations.[50]
During the Secret Empire storyline, Devil Dinosaur and Moon Girl join up with Daisy Johnson's Secret Warriors. After rescuing Karnak from a prison camp, the Warriors encounter the Howling Commandos after falling into a trap. While driving West, the team is found by the X-Men. After escaping New Tian, the team meets Dark Beast, an evil version of Beast, who's tortured by Daisy and Karnak on information of an Inhuman who can help them. After receiving their information, the team encounters Mister Hyde along with Hydra's Avengers. After a brief fight, the team is captured until they break out when Daisy uses her powers to destroy the Helicarrier they were in. While trying to break Devil out of his cage, Moon Girl meets Leer, the Inhuman Karnak mentioned, who knocks her unconscious when the Helicarrier crash lands. Fortunately, Moon Girl and Devil have switched brains just in time, enabling Moon Girl to lead the Warriors to an Inhuman prison camp. There, the Warriors plan a jailbreak with the imprisoned Inhumans when the Underground resistance arrives to help them. It's later revealed that Leer is Karnak's son and that Karnak had sold him to Mr. Sinister to help activate his powers.[51]
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hgfstreamchats · 3 years
highglossfinish — Yesterday at 9:43 PM Well, how is everyone else's evening treating them so far? Also, how is the picture, the audio? Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 9:44 PM Not too horribly. Audio is good, picture seems fairly good. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 9:44 PM That's something. There we go. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 9:46 PM Perfect. I think a little horror is a good compliment to today. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 9:47 PM Agreed. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 9:47 PM You yourself are doing well? highglossfinish — Yesterday at 9:47 PM Never peachier. You? Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 9:48 PM As well as can be expected. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 9:48 PM I think we're all in the same boat. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 9:48 PM So it seems.
How fortunate that we can traverse space without the horrible space garments. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 9:51 PM In the comfort of knowing organic parasites want nothing to do with us. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 9:52 PM Though it might be interesting to encounter one, one day. Just to see how they react to a species they cannot eat nor inhabit. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 9:54 PM You just know there's someone out there who'd leap at the chance to keep a few as pets. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 9:55 PM I feel as though I know several Soundwaves who would deeply enjoy keeping them. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 9:56 PM Soundwaves are to xenomorphs as variants of me are to automobiles. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 9:57 PM There are worse things to enjoy, I suppose. They take up less room than Shockwave's drillers. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 9:57 PM Better personalities, too. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 9:57 PM Indeed... highglossfinish — Yesterday at 9:58 PM I always forget how slowly this movie begins. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 9:59 PM Yes, quite a bit more scene setting than the subsequent ones. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:01 PM Yes, we certainly are in space. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:01 PM Their drop ship is pretty delicate if they cannot land in a wind without getting a hull breech. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:02 PM Isn't it though? Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:04 PM Ah yes, their very futuristic readouts that make absolutely no sense at all. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:05 PM I love human notions of how space works. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:08 PM It's remarkably silly. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:09 PM "Let's walk heedlessly onto it." Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:09 PM Even without knowing that the ship is full of parasites, they should probably know better than to go in there. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:10 PM Always better to err on the side of caution and avoid ships surrounded by dramatic music and ominous mist. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:11 PM 'I don't know what it is, let's all crawl right in'. If they could have, the humans would have crawled right into the wreck of the Nemesis, I wager. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:12 PM And stood around gaping, slack-jawed. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:13 PM Poking at the dead. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:14 PM "Mangled corpses, warning signals? Let's not leave!" Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:15 PM No, they surely must investigate further! Curiousity never comes back to bite humans. Oh yes. Touch it. No one could have seen that coming. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:18 PM Shock. Shock. Aghast. There's no better time to take risks and indulge curiosities than the nakedness of space, with a damaged ship. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:19 PM The only one with sense. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:20 PM "We could all die." "That probably won't happen." Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:21 PM They are not even trying to prevent catching every weird alien disease there might be. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:22 PM They're doing everything shy of licking it. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:23 PM If only this could have been prevented. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:25 PM If only, if only. If only there were some interval where someone might have made a different choice. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:27 PM Alas, there was nothing else that could have been done. They had to crawl into the derelict ship, and play with the room full of obviously dangerous eggs, and then break quarantine procedure. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:28 PM "Oh well, too late to pop him out the airlock now." "Also too late to freeze him. Quarantine him. Really, anything that might contain whatever's coming next." Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:29 PM No no, they have to leave him out. Unattended. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:30 PM Unrestrained, obviously incubating something. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:31 PM Leave the door open while you look, that's always good form. No chance a creature could escape further into the ship. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:31 PM Might want to take all your guns and weapons and throw them into the waste disposal units, just for good measure. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:32 PM Because he knows so much about it, to know it's dead now. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:33 PM "Let's hover with our faces directly over it." Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:34 PM I would be entirely unsurprised if they decided to lick it. For 'science'. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:34 PM Concurred. A very sensible suggestion, better to ignore it for the second time. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:37 PM If they don't ignore it, then more bad things cannot happen. And who wants that? Sure, let him cough on you. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:38 PM Cough on you, breathe on you, share food with you. Why not let him spit in your mouths just to see what will happen? Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:39 PM And why not freeze him? From the perspective of the company who wants the xenomorph, it would be much neater if they froze him with the embryo, rather than lose the whole ship and payload, and still fail to get their prize. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 10:39 PM Listen I'm not subjecting myself to what would surely give me nightmares, but I need y'all to know that from where I sit it looks like you're discussing last year. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:40 PM We very well could be. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 10:40 PM ....or. at least. Where I am. I certainly hope you're not bothered with similar problems wherever you are. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:41 PM Of all the issues I am plagued with, fortunately respiratory viruses are not one of them. Or hostile aliens, as the case may be. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:42 PM None of the problems that plague organic chests. From viruses to this. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:42 PM Should we question why they have a cattle prod aboard their mining hauler? Sharpwing — Yesterday at 10:50 PM ...Huh. I wonder if they're endangered. They certainly seem good at endangering jsjgjjsf Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:51 PM There was still a whole host of eggs back on the original ship. So, likely not endangered at this point. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 10:52 PM Oh! There are eggs that don't need a host? Ohhhhhh wait Are the hosts like Incubators basically highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:52 PM Exactly. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:52 PM Yes, precisely. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 10:52 PM Makes sense ....oh ew, now I'm thinking of that very specific wasp I had managed to block from my memory. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:53 PM Egg hatches facehugger that impregnates host that incubates tiny alien. That bursts out of chest. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:54 PM If I recall correctly, the shape of the host does influence the shape of the final creature. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 10:54 PM Okay, so is the facehugger, like, a separate living organism? Something in the egg that has only the purpose to leap, lay eggs, and die? Is that the baby parasite's true mother? It can't be, it was inside an egg with the baby... remind me not to become a xenobiologist, my head would explode. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:55 PM In a philosophical sense, maybe, but for all practical purposes the true mother is the creature that laid the eggs. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 10:56 PM I am still extremely baffled by the existence of this terrible turducken of eat-your-insides. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:56 PM Organic biology is messy like that. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:56 PM They can tell the difference between a host that's resisting and one that isn't. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 10:57 PM Wh-- how do you resist THAT?? Do you mean the facehugger part, or the growing baby highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:57 PM Facehugger. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 10:57 PM Oh well yeah you can resist that Do they leave if you try to pull it off? highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:57 PM You can certainly try. No, they tighten their tails around the host's neck and if you try to cut them, they spray acidic blood every which way. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:58 PM They do not abandon an attempt at a host unless slain. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:58 PM And they're very strong. And fast. And if you manage to take out one, there's usually an entire room full of backup eggs. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 10:59 PM Well That's Gross. What does it matter if they can tell the difference between a resistant host and a (placid? dead?) one? Only that they won't spray things or tighten, or does it effect how they reproduce? ...I can see why most of them died tbh. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:59 PM They need the host alive. Otherwise it makes a poor incubator. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:00 PM So it's definitely a warmth thing then? Why exactly could they not just find somewhere warm that ISN'T a person Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:00 PM They do seem to have a preference for mammals as hosts... But the embryo is taking nutrients from the host body, as well as heat. A warm, moist room would not suffice. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:01 PM Ohhh... like... like an egg sac highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:01 PM The egg sac in this case is a live organic. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:02 PM As a live organic, I feel the only appropriate response to that is   :( Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:02 PM Such is the nature of parasites. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:03 PM Fair Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:03 PM And you are unlikely to encounter this variety. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:03 PM Now I just need to avoid every variety in my vicinity, thank you very much highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:03 PM You don't have to worry about scraplets. It all balances out in the end. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:04 PM Ok GOOD POINT I can't imagine if termites liked to eat people. uggghh Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:04 PM In the interest of not traumatizing you, I will not elaborate on the many common parasitic species humans do encounter. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:05 PM We're all made of something someone eats. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:05 PM I'm aware of several and have had nightmares about nonexistent ones. That's mostly why I'm not actually watching this movie. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:05 PM And in the end, Unicron may get us all, metal or meat. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:06 PM Time to hang that on a wall at the newbuild complex. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:06 PM That's true... it's just that I might prefer to be eaten from the outside than the inside, if I had to choose... maybe. Which would be quicker? Do i really want to know? I'm sure there are ghost stories scarier than the passage of time and encroaching entropy. Maybe. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:08 PM It is usually the size of who is doing the eating that determines quickness, rather than the direction they eat you from. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:08 PM If I could get philosophical, most stories about immediate personal danger are more frightening to me, because then there's still things left to do, y'know? I'm leaving things behind if I go! If we're all going via Unicron, at least I know I made it as far as I could. Ahh, good point, good point. Though numbers do come into account. I've heard things about ants. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:10 PM ... Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:11 PM Waste of fuel and oxygen they cannot afford to spare. As for ants, much like scraplets, they are too small to efficiently eat you. Which is why it is unpleasant. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:12 PM It's the venom, too... highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:12 PM At least scraplets in large numbers do the job quickly. No more than a few blindingly excruciating seconds. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:12 PM Ants would not. Thankfully they don't take on humans much. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:14 PM What little I have seen of scraplets, they did not do a quick enough job on a decently armored mech. If given the choice, I would prefer something quicker. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:14 PM Understandable Hey how bad are the humans onscreen screwing up? Or are they mostly dead by now Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:15 PM There are only three left, one is looking for a cat, and the other two are making enough racket to attract any predator on the ship. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:16 PM Oh, I've heard about the cat! Glad it didn't get facehugged highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:16 PM It's the survivors of scraplet attacks that keep me up at night. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:17 PM ... Yes, just stand there while it menaces you. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:17 PM Lot of standing still and letting things happen in this movie. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:17 PM .....I get the feeling they're, ah. Not all there. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:18 PM Well, now they are there... and there, and over there... highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:18 PM Hah! Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:18 PM I want to laugh but I feel like that would be mean of me:laughing: Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:18 PM Ah, but it is fun to be mean. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:19 PM Well, whatever floats your goat *boat Please don't float any goats Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:20 PM I will not make a habit of it. And of course the cat is unafraid of it. Their ship is just the worst. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:23 PM If the creature didn't get it, something else would have. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:26 PM One minute for pre-flight systems checks... That would be pushing it. If only their space ships did not include so much tubing, the creatures would not be able to so easily hide. Pity she would immediately be suspected of murdering everyone on board, and blowing the main ship to cover her actions. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:38 PM And the company would be only too eager to push this narrative. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:38 PM Of course! Now then, what horror of gaming do you have in mind? How every automobile drive goes. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:44 PM Every automobile drive worth having. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:47 PM Glorious. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:50 PM I tried joining-- is the sound skippy/staticky to you, or is that on my end? I believe Discord calls on my phone have given me trouble before, so I have a hunch it's on my end. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:52 PM The sound is fine for me. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:52 PM ...and now I have almost no sound at all oh no:joy: Ah, well. I tried. It was fun to be here in text form, anyway :blush: Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:55 PM Mammal liquid... Jazz blend... Oh dear. I cannot have a stroke.. but I feel like these commercials are what having a stroke is like. highglossfinish — Today at 12:00 AM It certainly is a feeling. Of some description. And that's all I've got for tonight. Starscreamapillar — Today at 12:01 AM Thank you for the high quality entertainment Knock Out. I always enjoy the nonsense and Bad Decisions you choose to stream. highglossfinish — Today at 12:01 AM And you always make them enjoyable/bearable! Starscreamapillar — Today at 12:02 AM Until next time, farewell! highglossfinish — Today at 12:02 AM Farewell and good night! Sharpwing — Today at 12:04 AM Goodnight! I hope the future treats you both gently♡ highglossfinish — Today at 12:04 AM Here's to that.
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maryellencarter · 4 years
Queer asks copied from @corelliaxdreaming :
1. Is your family accepting? -- Hah. No. My bio-family is not accepting at allllll, so I went and got myself an internet family instead.
2. What is your sexuality? -- Weird. The strongest part of my identity is Aromantic. I seem to be pretty much allosexual, maybe bisexual; most of the people I find myself attracted to are men within a fairly specific category (physically fit to muscular, at least as competent as me, kind, and often a bit dorky; I also have a weakness for clever hands and sexy voices), but the women I'm attracted to cover a much broader range of appearances and personalities. I fall pretty much in the category of the one Tumblr post that said something like "Being bisexual means you're attracted to three specific fictional men and all women", even though the attraction to men... feels... more attraction-y? I'm still really struggling to figure that difference out.
3. What is your gender identity? -- Sort of genderfluid, sort of genderqueer, sort of maybe agnostically agender? I used to ID really strongly as a trans man, and then after a year or so of being accepted, I found myself turning female. I bounced back and forth for a lot of years but seem to have settled down at a point where it doesn't especially matter to me most of the time. Which is a lot more comfortable than hurtling around to different points on the gender spectrum without warning.
4. Favorite color? -- Blue. Royal blue, mostly. That really deep sky blue you get sometimes during the fall. A bunch of really bright colors.
5. When did you find out your sexuality? -- Oh, it's been a process. For a long time I identified as asexual. It took me years to figure out I was actually romance-repulsed, and more years to figure out I had any attraction to women. I'm still sort of confused by that part. Like I mostly just want to look at them being pretty, but I also definitely want to look at their boobs? Maybe touch some boobs? I'm honestly not sure.
6. What do you wish you could tell your past self? -- Oh lord. Sexuality and gender wise? I'm not sure young me could have been hurried along the process of self discovery. I'd really like to tell her she was being abused and gaslighted and that she needed to take her great-aunt's offer of a free ride and major in geology *before* she broke her health, and maybe also tell her she needed a CPAP machine, but she might just think I was a temptation of the Devil. Also I'm not sure if the CPAP machine was an option before Obamacare. Or the psych meds she needed, either.
7. Have you changed labels since realizing you were queer? -- Oh yeah, all over the place. Asexual, trans, genderqueer, biromantic (for about a week), aromantic allosexual bisexual maybe pansexual... some people apparently even count PCOS as an intersex condition, since I have a lot more beard and chest hair than is normal for perisex women, to the point that I always have to explain to a new doctor that I'm not in fact on testosterone, my body just does that. I've never quite felt right claiming the intersex label, but I've tried on a lot of others. I think my header may still say "queer on every conceivable axis".
8. How was your day? -- Um. I got stuck wandering Cracked.com for most of it. Then I drove up to check out my pulmonologist's office, which doesn't *say* they're closed for the pandemic, so I guess I'll go up again on Thursday and poke them about whether my appointment still exists. Then I went and wandered around a very large very dead mall on that side of town, hatched a bunch of pokeymans, then came home and ate some split pea soup.
9. Do you have any queer friends irl? -- I don't have *any* friends irl, and it's kicking my ass. I have like one or two coworkers I could hypothetically hang out with outside of work if we weren't so all-fired busy. But if we're talking "friends I have seen irl at some point", I'm pretty sure they're all queer. They might also be limited to @tigerkat24 and one other person who doesn't use Tumblr, I'm not sure.
10. What's your favorite hobby? -- Probably knitting. It's soft and squishy and brightly colored, and it can be as brainless or as complex as I could possibly want.
11. Who's the best queer icon in your opinion? -- I honestly don't have an opinion. I've always been too far outside the community to figure out whomst the options were.
12. Which pride flags do you like the most design / color wise? -- Pansexual. I'd probably have a lot more pride merch if I IDed as pan, but it just never feels like it fits quite right.
13. Do you wish you could change any pride flags? -- YES. The aro flag is the exact same colors as the agender flag, just in a different arrangement, and it pisses me off because you can't distinguish aro merch from agender merch unless it's specifically flag shaped / has the stripe arrangement. I liked the yellow/orange/green/black aro flag, I found it much more cheerful, but apparently it was too similar to something Rastafarian. But you can't find alloaro flag merch at *all*, even though it has the green and yellow, which I like.
14. Are you openly out? -- Can't really help it, since I legally changed my name to a distinctively masculine one back in the day, and I do not remotely pass as male. So anybody who both sees or hears me and knows my legal name, knows there's *something* queerish going on. (I go by a gender neutral name these days, but haven't yet been arsed to change it legally because it's an entire hassle and a half.)
15. Are you comfortable with yourself? -- Mneh. I'm not *un*comfortable with my gender and sexuality, particularly. Sometimes I wish I could pass as male, sometimes I wish I could have cute cleavage. Sometimes I tie myself in knots with my feelings about women.
16. Do you experience dysphoria? -- I used to, very strongly. It hasn't been very aggressive lately.
17. Bottom, top, or verse? -- *shrugs* I guess I'd be a switch or "verse" because I'm down for whatever.
18. Are you femme, butch, or neither? -- I swing wildly between wishing to present Extremely Butch in a lumberjack style, which is impractical in the Southwest, or wishing to present Extremely Femme but being unable to do so, and tying myself in knots over the inability. (I can't wear femmey shoes due to my stupid feet, I can't have pierced ears as they get infected and the one pair of nice lightweight handcrafted earrings I paid $50 for is gone with the rest of my shit, I'm too lorge to find any nice dresses or be able to like try on prom dresses and stuff, I have a tendency to break jewelry as I'm extremely rough on my possessions... etc.) In practice my gender presentation is Fat Slob. :P
19. Do you bind? -- Not technically, but I do wear cheap sports bras which tend to flatten rather than lift or shape.
20. Do you shave? -- Only by necessity. I shave my face when I remember, because my beard looks extremely douchey and rather like pubes. Occasionally I shave my cleavage if I'm trying to present femmey. I pretty much never shave anything else unless the hair is getting Smelly.
21. If you could date anyone you wanted, who would it be? -- Um. Good question. The thing is, I am fairly strongly romance-repulsed, but I do want and enjoy queerplatonic relationships, so I would draw a distinction here between "dating" someone and being "in a relationship" with them.
22. Are you in a relationship? -- Yes, in fact.
23. Describe your partner. -- @camshaft22 . Um. She's very much the Hobbie to my Wes. She's very snarky and dies a lot and I love her very much.
24. Have you ever dated anyone of the same gender? -- Given that we're both genderfluid, I would say I'm in a relationship with someone of the same gender, yes.
25. Dated anyone of another gender? -- I've never dated or been in a relationship with anyone else, so I guess the answer is no.
26. Tell me a random fact about yourself! -- I always use this one, but I once lived in four different states (mostly non-contiguous) within a calendar month.
27. Do you own any pride flags / merch? -- No. I used to have a whole-ass collection that I added to every Pride, and then I lost all my damn shit and haven't had the heart to start looking again. Well, I have a rainbow necklace Kat sent me which is pretty nice. Can't wear it till my damn sunburn heals, though. :P
28. Have you ever been to a pride parade? -- Yes, when I lived in Bisbee. They have quite an excellent Pride which draws people from as far off as Denver.
29. Any advice to someone who isn't out or is exploring themselves? -- Take your time. It's okay if things change. You don't have to solve yourself all at once. It's more important to find people who will accept whoever you turn out to be.
30. Pineapple on pizza? -- I've honestly never tried it. Part of me feels like I should, in order to develop an opinion, and part of me feels like I'm just as happy being outside of that particular debate.
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ms-m-astrologer · 3 years
Cosmic Events May 2021
Void of Course Moon
Sunday, May 2, 14:38 UT (Aquarius) - 19:31 UT (Pisces)
Wednesday, May 5, 00:05 UT (Pisces) - 02:09 UT (Aries)
Friday, May 7, 07:36 UT (Pisces) - 11:52 UT (Aries)
Sunday, May 9, 22:50 UT (Aries) - 23:46 UT (Taurus)
Wednesday, May 12, 12:23 UT (Taurus) - 12:43 UT (Gemini)
Friday, May 14, 10:51 UT (Gemini) - Saturday, May 15, 01:30 UT (Cancer)
Monday, May 17, 06:23 UT (Cancer) - 12:44 UT (Leo)
Wednesday, May 19, 19:13 UT (Leo) - 20:59 UT (Virgo)
Friday, May 21, 19:56 UT (Virgo) - Saturday, May 22, 01:35 UT (Libra)
Sunday, May 23, 22:36 UT (Libra) - Monday, May 24, 03:00 UT (Scorpio)
Tuesday, May 25, 21:20 UT (Scorpio) - Wednesday, May 26, 02:39 UT (Sagittarius)
Thursday, May 27, 17:35 UT (Sagittarius) - Friday, May 28, 02:23 UT (Capricorn)
Saturday, May 29, 22:15 UT (Capricorn) - Sunday, May 30, 04:04 UT (Aquarius)
US followers: our taxes are due on Monday, May 17. As a Gemini I am very happy about that long void Moon period on Friday, May 14.
Lunar Phases
Monday, May 3, 19:30 UT - Last Quarter Moon, 13:35 Aquarius (that is, 13 degrees, 35 minutes, of Aquarius)
Friday, May 7, 16:27 UT - Balsamic Moon, 2:19 Aries
Tuesday, May 11, 19:00 UT - New Moon, 21:18 Taurus
This chart isn’t as dynamic as the Aries New Moon chart was. The closest aspects to this lunation are conjunctions from both Mean and True Black Moon Liliths (working towards a more natural self-expression, less influenced by culture), an exact inconjunct to Juno Rx/Sagittarius (issues with fanaticism and/or inflated expectations), and a sextile to Neptune/Pisces (opportunity to learn about feeling unity with a greater whole).
Saturday, May 15, 22:03 UT - Crescent Moon, 10:16 Cancer
Wednesday, May 19, 19:13 UT - First Quarter Moon, 29:01 Leo
Sunday, May 23, 06:29 UT - Gibbous Moon, 17:21 Libra
Wednesday, May 26, 11:14 UT - Full Moon/Eclipse, 5:26 Sagittarius
Saturday, May 29, 17:07 UT - Disseminating Moon, 23:32 Capricorn
Retrograde/Direct/Et Cetera
Transiting Mercury enters its pre-retrograde shadow on Saturday, May 15, 00:29 UT, at 16 degrees 08 minutes Gemini. It stations retrograde on Saturday, May 29, 22 degrees 34 minutes UT, at 24:43 Gemini.
Transiting Pallas Athene is in her pre-retrograde shadow all month.
Transiting Vesta is in her post-retrograde shadow all month.
Transiting Juno is retrograde all month.
Transiting Jupiter is in his pre-retrograde shadow all month.
Transiting Saturn begins the month in his pre-retrograde shadow, and stations retrograde on Sunday, May 23, 09:21 UT, at 13 degrees 31 minutes Aquarius.
Transiting Pluto is retrograde all month.
Tuesday, May 4, 02:49 UT - transiting Mercury enters Gemini
Saturday, May 8, 06:50 UT - transiting Ceres enters Taurus
Sunday, May 9, 02:01 UT - transiting Venus enters Gemini
Thursday, May 13, 22:36 UT - transiting Jupiter enters Pisces
Thursday, May 20, 19:37 UT - transiting Sun enters Gemini
Opportunity Periods
Saturday, May 1, 10:13 UT - Sunday, May 2, 14:38 UT. “This productive OP is good for ambitious projects, especially if you’re familiar with strong Pluto energy.”
Tuesday, May 4, 16:00 UT - Wednesday, May 5, 00:05 UT. “With the Moon between benefic planets” (Venus and Jupiter) “this OP is good for anything that catches your interest.”
Friday, May 7, 04:34 UT - 11:52 UT. “Take advantage of this OP to finish projects or clear away unnecessary clutter during the Last Quarter Moon.”
Sunday, May 9, 05:16 UT - 22:50 UT. “Take advantage of this OP to finish projects or clear away unnecessary clutter during the Last Quarter Moon.”
Tuesday, May 11, 14:30 UT - 15:30 UT. “If you have something important to start around now, this is a great time to do it.”
Tuesday, May 18, 16:29 UT - Wednesday, May 19, 19:13 UT. “Good for building rapport.”
Monday, May 31, 05:25 UT - Tuesday, June 1, 06:14 UT. “This is a very positive OP. As we’re between eclipses and Mercury is retrograde, use it to attend to matters started before May 22.”
Et Cetera
If you actually read these things, you have spotted that (1) we’re about to go into Eclipse Season, and (2) we’re about to go into the next Mercury retrograde. (To look even a little further ahead, the next Mercury-Sun conjunction (when Merc will be Rx) is on the day of the solar eclipse.)
So, let’s get those ducks in a row! The first 13 days of May will give us our chances to batten down the hatches. Here’s the “stress” timeline:
Friday, May 14 - transiting Mercury enters pre-retrograde shadow
Sunday, May 16 - shadow of the eclipse begins
Wednesday, May 26 - Full Moon/Eclipse
Saturday, May 29 - transiting Mercury stations retrograde
Thursday, June 10 - New Moon/Eclipse; Sun-Mercury Inferior Conjunction
Sunday, June 13 - end shadow of the eclipse
Tuesday, June 22 - transiting Mercury stations direct
Friday, July 9 - transiting Mercury exits post-retrograde shadow
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