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Unpredictable (Overhaul x Reader) pt.30
warnings: this cannot be read solo
Links: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13, part 14, part 15, part 16, part 17, part 18, part 19, part 20, part 21, part 22, part 22, part 23, part 23.5, part 24, part 25, part 26, part 27, part 28, part 29
Masterlist to my other fics: here :) (that has not been updated for how many months now... proceed with caution~)
“Kurono.” Overhaul spoke up as he discarded red stained gloves. “You’re in charge while I’m gone. Something came up.”
“Are you going to her?” He asked as he accepted the gloves and threw them into a bin. Taking a disinfectant from the corner, he began to wipe a small area of the chair Eri had sat. The day was rather long and none of them had sufficient sleep.
While it was true that Overhaul had went home late at night, the shuffling of his footsteps was enough to peek Kurono’s interests. Knowing full well where he had come from, he assumed it was safe to spark up a conversation with Kai. Of course, there was a tinge of regret when he agreed to working on the bullets. A mere check up turned into an extensive fix of the small deadly items.
“She is asking for information regarding Tamisura.” The annoyance behind his mask was a little too obvious. He hated that woman with a passion.
“Tamisura? She’s part of the Fukuo Kai now?” Kurono was not expecting that news at all. “Isn’t she the loner type?”
“She is.” He sighed. “However, that woman was given a rather good portion of the Fukuo Kai’s members. If anything, she’s basking in the sudden power given to her. It won’t surprise me if she falls drunk to the sensation.”
“Have you interacted with her during those meetings?” Kurono asked as he locked the experiment room. The only sound echoing were his and Kai’s footsteps.
“Once. There have been many meetings to which I have chosen not to partake in.”
“Do they know?”
“No. It wouldn’t be fun if I gave them everything.” It wasn’t all a lie, though. He was never a huge fan of meeting with the other yakuzas. Even before the Shie Hassaikai was established, he strayed away from those gatherings. “I’ll be back before the night falls.”
“See to it that Eri-chan eats. If not, force her.”
Kurono simply nodded and watched as Overhaul walked his way towards his car. If he were doing Shie Hassaikai business, he was sure he would have to drive him around but this time he was the one moving. It only meant he was going towards his only person of interest. Whether it was a good or bad thing, Kurono couldn’t tell. Brushing those thoughts aside, he went to the kitchen. The child would surely not eat whatever he would cook, but at least he followed orders.
The drive towards your apartment was uneventful. Occasionally, he would yawn and roll his shoulders. The night was rather long and not even that cup of coffee he had 6 hours ago helped give him energy. Remembering that he had to buy food, he turned right and went for Mendy’s. Knowing what you would want, he ordered something for himself too.
Staring at the rear view mirror, he took note of the license plate. It was a pretty run down car but the plate was new. Must be a second hand car, he thought to himself. Looking at the hood, he scoffed at the dirt.
“Disgusting.” He complained as he reached out for the paper bag.
Knowing he was using his personal car, the guard would surely not allow him entry to the basement parking. Finding a secure spot a few good blocks away, he took off his jacket and folded the sleeves of his dress shirt. Sliding the tie off his neck, he checked the rearview mirror for any oddities. Seeing as it was clear, he took a surgical mask and grabbed the food.
Walking his way closer to the building, he could see a few of the lesser members of the Shie Hassaikai doing their assigned task. With his phone ringing, he took it out and answered it.
“Hurry up. I’m starving.” You complained.
“Give me 5 minutes.” He quickened his pace. “And don’t complain about the food getting cold. You have a microwave.”
“Are you walking?”
“You know the guard knows your car right?” You sat down on the sofa and began to prepare the files.
“I used my personal one.”
“I’ll meet you at the entrance.” Just as you stood up, he told you there was no need. “Okay then. Just knock when you’re here.”
Dropping the call, you began to review the files you had prepared. Most of them were just gathered data regarding Tamisura and the Asaki-Gumi. With barely anything to get on, all you could do was sigh and hope that Overhaul could provide a decent amount of information. Knowing full well that he attended meetings without the precincts knowledge, the chances were there.
Hearing the knock on your door, you were quick to open it and be greeted with a paper bag held to your face. Taking it from his hands, you stepped aside and he went in.
“You look different today…” You commented as the snacks were taken out from the bag.
“How so?”
“Your sleeves are folded and your jacket’s missing.” And he looked really good. “Any special event I missed?”
“As I recall,” He walked towards the sofa and took a seat. “You mentioned you were bugged, is that right?”
“If it wasn’t the Shie Hassaikai’s doing, then it surely could have been Nighteye or your precinct themselves. However, we seem to have grown rather too comfortable with one another that another party has taken your interest.”
On instinct, your eyes began to survey your unit.
“I was followed on my way here. Hence my tardiness.” Overhaul let out a sigh. “A few of my men are patrolling the area but as to whether or not they trailed me all the way here is for debate.”
“You set up a few henchmen here?” You raised an eyebrow.
“Precautionary measures, my guilty pleasure.”
It had been a long while since you last heard him call you that nickname. Feeling your mind turning to mush, you quickly grabbed a folder and handed it over to him. When he leaned back on the sofa and began to scan the papers, you couldn’t help but stare.
The young yakuza boss was examining files with a police officer. One of the most powerful and feared villains sat there with his sleeves rolled to his elbows while his mask hung limply on his ear. Looking at his hands, the gloves were still there but in some strange way, they complimented him. The walk towards your apartment ruffled his hair a bit too.
With your cheeks slowly reddening, you snapped yourself back to reality.
“So, uh, what exactly do you know about Tamisura?”
“As to the names of her quirk, I am not sure.” He began. “But, the records here state facts that she does need time to prep her abilities. If I am not mistaken, she needs a rather considerable amount of time as well.”
“Would you know how long?”
“Assuming it hasn’t evolved, once she is around her target, she would need at least 20 minutes.”
“Is there a time limit to her quirk?”
“Perhaps an hour.”
“That long?” You cursed at the duration.
“As for how to stop her speed, it is beyond my knowledge.” He shrugged. “Based on what I’ve gathered, she still prefers to work alone despite having a few new men under her wing.”
“How do you know so much about her, though?”
“She’s quite popular in the underground.” A few more exchanges of information, it was safe to say that you had gained just enough to satisfy Nighteye. With the bug now planted in the Fukuo Kai, the raid was now within arms reach.
Now that you were done interviewing the yakuza, the two of you were now eating the food he had bought. As always, he came through and ordered what you liked in their menu. You wanted to start a conversation with him, yet the only thoughts running through your head was the amount of time left you had with him.
“Tsukauchi has informed me that we will be partnering during the raid, is that correct?” Overhaul broke the silence.
“We are.” You couldn’t help but chuckle. “Back to where we were, huh?”
“Being melancholic?”
“I can’t help it. In a matter of days the raid will take place and after that, we’ll see each other as enemies. Tragic, isn’t it?”
“You were the one who pursued this.”
“Blaming everything on me?” You teased and kicked his leg. “Who was the one who attmepted to seal the deal?”
“I was not blaming, (y/n). I never stated that I too did not pursue this.” He pointed his index finger at you. Upon hearing your laughter, he couldn’t help but notice the sudden weight on his shoulders. Shaking the looming fear that crept in him, he grabbed a glass of water and gulped it down.
“Now that we’re on the topic…” You grabbed a pillow and hugged it. “What did you first think of me?”
“That hurts.”
“Along the way, you only grew more annoying. But somehow I got used to it and find it rather endearing in its own cursed way.” He paused and rolled his golden eyes. “Were those the words you wanted to hear?”
“Maybe. Flowery words don’t suit you.”
“Don’t mock me, Chisaki.”
“That’s all we’ve been doing these past few minutes.” He flicked your forehead. “But I stand by what I said. I have to go, (y/n).”
“So soon?” The words went out of your mouth before you could think.
“The longer I stay the higher they’ll suspect me. You wouldn’t want your plans to go into failure, no?”
Leading him to the door, you couldn’t help but wonder what would happen in the next few days. With the raid’s plan going smoothly, it was only a matter of time before Nighteye would push for your full cooperation with their case. Would you still be able to meet him in secret? Or would the heroes truly prevail and bring their needed justice home? Could you even dare look at him when they detain him?
“Don’t overthink things.” Overhaul said as he rested his head on your shoulder.
“I can’t help it…” Your grip on the doorknob tightened.
“It isn’t the end of your world. We still have one more moment before going separate ways.”
“Right…” You turned around to face him. Taking in the features of what his mask didn’t cover, you couldn’t help but raise your hand in an attempt to touch his face. Remembering that he wasn’t one who was fond of physical contact, you decided it was best not to continue your action. “I’ll see you next week.”
Watching as Overhaul exited your building, you dragged your feet back to the sofa. Closing your eyes, images of possible outcomes began to flood your head. With Nighteye knowing your complicated relationship, there was no escaping. All you could do was think of alibi’s to clear whatever you could.
Even if you did file a case about them bugging you, it wouldn’t be the best decision due to it leaning on their favor. It would also be best to not let the media know about whatever footage they had obtained.
With nothing else to do, you quickly grabbed your laptop and began to search for the details once villains would be handed over to the HPSC.
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I hope you guys liked the chapter despite me being gone x) again, if you want to be tagged, feel free to message me or comment :) Take care and have a nice day!
would you buy me a ko-fi :3
#mha overhaul#mha chisaki kai#bnha overhaul#overhaul#chisaki kai x reader#chisaki kai x y/n#overhaul x reader#overhaul x y/n
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Unpredictable (Overhaul x Reader) pt.29
warnings: this cannot be read solo
Links: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13, part 14, part 15, part 16, part 17, part 18, part 19, part 20, part 21, part 22, part 22, part 23, part 23.5, part 24, part 25, part 26, part 27, part 28, part 30
Masterlist to my other fics: here :) (that has not been updated for how many months now... proceed with caution~)
“And that's about it.” You clicked the send button and stretched your limbs.
You weren’t too sure how many hours had passed but after venting it all out to Tsukauchi, you felt much better. The weight you carried still lingered but your mind was much clearer now. Looking at the office window, the skies were now a shade of pink. Not in the mood for cheap coffee, you stood up and took a peak at Tsukauchi’s desk.
Papers scrawled and pens scattered, Tsukauchi’s head was resting on his arms as he too snoozed off. Finding his sticky notes, you left him a small message telling him where you would be going.
You could always head home and freshen up but with the small window of time, the chief might call you out for being tardy. He’d been leaving you alone for the past few weeks and you hoped it would last a bit longer.
Making your way towards the cafe, you marveled at the emptiness the streets had. Quite some time had passed since the last time you took an all nighter. Now that you think about it, ever since that injury, you have been able to get an adequate amount of rest. Every now and then, food would be delivered followed by a text complaining how you were annoying.
Entering the cafe, you walked towards the counter. Greeted by a rather huge smile, all you could give was a forced one.
“Do you h-”
“Someone already ordered for you.” The cashier said. Telling you to wait, you went to a vacant table and took your phone out. It barely took 3 minutes before she came back holding a paper bag. “Shinoda-san has already paid the bill so you’re good to go~”
“How kind of him…” You took the bag and exited the building. The streets slowly getting congested as the seconds ticked by. Dialling his number, he picked up after the 4th ring. “Thanks for breakfast.”
“I put it on a tab.” Overhaul replied. His voice was muffled by his mask. “Everything I bought for you has been recorded and will be sent to you monthly.”
“That’s just mean…”
“That’s what you get for working overtime and not going home as we had agreed.”
“It was last minute, you dumbass.” You huffed but knew he was teasing. “Are you waiting for me to say ‘I’ll make it up to you. What can I do for you, Chisaki?’ or something like that?”
“Perhaps. It is still quite early but I did come bearing news.” He paused and you could hear papers shuffling. “I feel as though you already know that the Fukuo Kai case will start in about a week or two. I was thinking perhaps we should have a private meeting.”
“With Tsukauchi?” You stopped walking.
“Are you that dense?”
“I’m kidding. What do you wanna do?” Finding a nearby bench, you took a seat and took the sandwich out.
“I recall someone saying that their definition of a good date was something along the lines of ‘You and Me against the world?’”
“Go on…” The smile building on your face couldn’t be kept hidden anymore.
“I’ve booked us tickets. If things go as planned then perhaps the day after the Fukuo Kai case would be a good end to all this.”
“A parting gift I presume?” The smile slowly faded when you remembered what came after. The sandwich now tasted horrible. You waited for him to speak up but there was nothing but silence. “Alright. The day after the case sounds good.”
“I’ll pick you up at 6. Wear something nice.”
Ending the call, you stared at your sandwich. A week or two then once that’s passed, it wouldn’t be long before Overhaul’s case would be pushed to your priority list. Looking back towards the direction of the precinct, you decided to save the sandwich for later.
Now that you were seated and facing your computer once more, you decided to recheck your schedule.
Sure enough, there really was less than 3 weeks left of the Fukuo Kai case before things would finally be handed over. A meeting with the chief was also in store a few days from now to go over the plans for the raid. Upon further scrolling, you noted how Tsukauchi had set up a date for a stake out. Clicking on the attached comment, you wondered as to why it had taken this amount of time for them to make their move.
“You awake yet, Nao?” You knocked on your cubicle.
“Barely.” He grumbled. “What’s up?”
“Regarding this stake out, do you think we can push it to 4 days from now?”
“I’m not really sure. It’ll depend on Overhaul since he will be your partner for that one.” He leaned to take a peek at your station.
“Overhaul? Why?”
“Dunno. I just thought that it’s been a while since you two teamed up.” He shrugged as he dragged his chair closer to yours. “But it’s mostly because my schedule doesn’t fit. I have to meet up with All Might for the whole week. I did ask a few others but you can guess they turned it all down out of fear.”
“Hmm. No surprise.” You tapped your index finger on the mouse. Reminding yourself to call him later regarding the sudden change of plans, you leaned on your chair. “Who’s going to be in this meeting with chief?”
“The two of you and Shinezu.”
“Poor guy.”
“It’ll do him good. Speaking of which, we have to go over the initial plan for the raid. Do you wanna do it today or save it for some other time?” Choosing the first option, Tsukauchi nodded and went back to his desk. Grabbing the necessary documents, he waited for you to prepare and led you towards a private meeting room.
“Now that we're at it,” You took the adjacent seat. “What are the updates? I haven’t really heard anything about them for quite some time now.”
“Heh. Things got a little more complicated during your sick leave.” Sliding one folder, he waited for your reaction. Seeing how your eyes widened, he let out an exhausted sigh. “As if one organization is enough, having to deal with an alliance means more trouble for us.”
“Tsk. Damn it. When did you gather this information? What source did you get this from?”
“Believe it or not, the chief actually did some work and gave us this as some sort of peace offering.”
Peace offering? What was the man planning?
“When did you receive this?” You carefully read the details.
“If I recall, it was the day before you came back to work.” He shyly scratched his nape. “It’s kinda my fault, though. I honestly forgot to inform you regarding this information.”
“It’s fine.” You assured him. “I’m thankful you didn’t relay the information right then and there. So, it says here that we infiltrate them at their headquarters. The information was true? Their headquarters are downtown?”
“That’s right. The intel we gathered showed us that movement around that certain street has picked up. Akuji was spotted as well. He’s been involved from the very start, I presume?”
“Well, he was at that gala and the head of the Fukuo Kai gave him a business card. It’s only logical he is. But to go there in person only means bad things. Any ideas?”
“If it were a higher ups meeting, Overhaul should’ve been there. Unless they know he’s involved with us?”
“He’s not.” Overhaul was shady but you trusted him enough that he would have told you if he were called to attend a gathering. For once, he was in the clear. Or so you hoped. You’d have to inquire about that once you call him later. “My guess is that they too are finalizing whatever plan they have in store. With that being said, have you any clue as to what their main agenda is now?”
“We suspect that their main agenda now is to take over at least 50 percent of the yakuza network. Overhaul’s connections are rather large so they must be feeling pretty confident to make a move now.” Tsukauchi rested his chin on his index finger. “Akuji was one person we saw. The other one was Tamisura.”
“Hmm. Any sighting of Nokusu?” It had been a while since you last mentioned their names. The last time you spoke of them was days before the gala. Tamisura, with the momentum like quirk, and Nokusu with his shadow manipulation quirk.
“None. I am not confident whether or not it is safe to assume that they have declined the invitation to take part with the Fukuo Kai.” He shrugged. “I just kinda wished it was Nokusu we were dealing with and not Tamisura. We barely know anything about her quirk.”
“I’ll ask chief about his encounter.” You answered. “Perhaps the other precincts can provide us with some information. Whether it be big or small, we’ll take it. I do agree with you, though. It just had to be her.”
“Try asking Overhaul too. Perhaps they know something about her.” He watched as you nodded. “As for the plan, there aren’t too many changes from before. Overhaul will have to carry our asses for the last part but I feel as though he can do his part well.”
“I hope so.”
With the minor details now explained, you found yourself walking towards the chief’s office. Closing your eyes and sending off as silent prayer, you only hoped things would be fine. Knocking on the door, he gave you the permission to enter.
“Chief.” You greeted him.
“Oh~ (Y/N).” He closed the folder and motioned for you to sit down. “How can I help my favorite star, hmm?”
“I just wanted to ask you about Tamisura. What exactly did you see regarding her quirk?”
“Ah.” He leaned on this squeaky chair’s back. “Fine woman, I might say. Her quirk made her move at insane speeds. Because of the momentum, it was rather hard to stop her. When she moves, a trail of yellow light follows her. If my memory serves me right, then, I believe it would take her awhile to fully use her quirk?”
“Like charging herself?”
“Don’t take my word for it.” He raised both his hands up. “During that particular instance, one of my men noticed how she kept distance before attacking. Perhaps that’s the downside to her quirk. As for the duration, I cannot give any information.”
“This is more than enough.” You stood up and bowed. “Thank you for the cooperation and I apologize for disturbing you.”
“Anything for you, my star~” He winked.
Suppressing a groan, you awkwardly smiled and hurriedly left the room. Your prayers had been heard and the interaction was clean. The given information wasn’t much but it was something. Taking your phone out, you dialed Overhaul.
Strangely enough, he didn’t answer. Then again, you were sure he was doing whatever he did at 9am in the morning. The mental image you had as to what his activities were were rather vague but you could only hope he wouldn’t indulge in them too much. Who were you kidding? He was messed up. You were too for harboring feelings.
Not wanting to stay any longer, you informed Tsukauchi that you would be heading home.
When you locked your car doors, your phone rang. Checking who it was, you immediately answered it.
“You called?”
“I know it’s sudden but you think you can clear your schedule for me?”
“What exactly do you need, Problem Child?”
“I just wanna ask you a few questions about the Fukuo Kai case.”
“Does it have to be in person?” His voice was rather teasing. Admittedly, you always loved it when he spoke with that tone. “Alright. I shall see you where?”
“My apartment is fine. I’ll arrive there in about 30 minutes, so just take your time.”
“See you then.” He paused at your silence of a few seconds. “What?”
“Bring food! Bye~!” You ended the call immediately. Giggling at the moment, you tossed your phone to the seat and began your drive back home.
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Hello everyone! It's me!
I know I haven't updated the story in 3 months? And I apologize :( My family has well recovered from the COVID scare of last year. What took its place was my declining mental health due to my shitty work environment. I could barely write any of my fics and even when I did write a new one, I could only hold on to very little chapters before feeling down and useless T.T
As to the next upload, I am not sure when but I can promise you that the next chapter is currently being written as we speak :) I hope you guys liked the 2 new chapters! and if you enjoyed the whole story, feel free to buy me a ko-fi.. it'll greatly help me :')
See you all in the next update!
PS. I didn't mention the tag list cause maybe ya'll don't want to be tagged anymore hehehe if you do want to be tagged then please feel free to message me or comment :)
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overworked. | d.r

-> Pairing: Diluc Ragnvindr x GN!Reader
-> Fandom: Genshin Impact
-> Genre: Fluff
-> Request: we all know diluc is a very busy guy and i feel like he has the tendency to overwork🥺 (he's baby) so i wonder if i could request a scenario wherein his s/o is also overworker like its just back and forth scolding from each other to stop overworking😅 just two people who are hypocrites LDNSK dont rush though i know u have a lot on ur plate🥺🥺 love ur works❤️❤️
-> A/N; sorry this is super short! i was to get all my requests done so i can focus on take two, so now i’m done with requests! also, how would y’all feel abt genshin matchups?
“You’re doing it again.”
“Doing what?”
“Making that face.” You reached up and cupped Diluc’s cheeks. He furrowed his brows, but didn’t pull away. “You’re stressed. Working too much.”
“And how did you infer that?” He hummed.
“You’re not as good at hiding your emotions as you think.” Your hands traveled down from his face to his hands, holding them in between yours.
“And you’re not either. You’ve got bags under your eyes and you’re getting wrinkles from how much you’ve been frowning. You’re working too much as well.”
“A-am not!” You defended, flustered. “I’ve just got things to do. Important things.”
“And I don’t?”
Sighing, you decided to try another tactic to make your lover rest. You stepped forward and leaned your head against his chest, your arms wrapping around his torso. Diluc returned the hug and rested his lips on the crown of your head. You were lucky there was nobody around, or else he wouldn’t have succumbed to your affections so easily.
“Okay, okay. But I’m tired, so can we please take a nap?”
Diluc’s hand trailed up and down your back, making your little lie become a reality. You yawned.
“You can go lie in my bed for a little while if you’d like. I’ve got the blanket that you like on it.”
“But I want to nap with you.” You whined into his shirt.
“I know what you’re doing.”
“Diluc! Please!” You looked up at him with pleading eyes. “Your workers told me they haven’t seen you rest in ages. I’m just worried about you. Please, it’s just a few hours.”
The pyro user just gazed at you for a moment, and, unable to resist you for too long, sighed. “Alright.”
You grinned and internally celebrated, pulling out of Diluc’s hug and grabbing his hand. You led him up to his large bedroom, throwing yourself down onto the plush bed before tucking yourself under the red comforter. Diluc removed his overcoat and shoes before crawling in next to you.
He laid on his back with his arm outstretched, allowing you to snuggle into his side and lay your head on his bicep. Your leg draped over his middle and his other hand rested on the top of your thigh, thumb instinctively rubbing circles into it. You sighed and held him close for a bit before furrowing your eyebrows again.
“You’re still thinking about work.”
“Apologies, my love.” Diluc let out a small, breathy laugh and kissed the top of your head. “What should I think about, then?”
“How about... loving me?” You suggested, really just wanting more cuddles.
“That’s already something that never leaves my mind.”
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From this to that all for the sake of "it looks nothing like blahblah"

I hope your happy. Im not.
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Getting paid £4.5 for a colored whole body character based on a SPECIFIC anime, only to complain:
"It looks nothing like --- "
Im not confident with my art but what I AM SURE OF is that the piece I made looks like a legit character from the anime not some cheap cartoon network knock off like this:

If you wanted it to actually see resemblance to realistic face, then maybe go for semi-realistic art. The requested anime you want has such an iconic and specific style to it that i feel dirty having to make changes.
Idk if its me being salty or just tired but gad damn it. Im barely getting 10% of what the package is worth. 3 to 5 hours of work, making sure to stay true to the anime's style, looking for references on how that anime does certain features on faces, only to say "sorry it doesnt look like the one from before... it was perfect this isnt" then maybe we werent watching the same anime...
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What in the World? (Akaashi Keiji x Reader) pt.18
a/n: uhm... comfort/angst anyone? things will get better D: i promise!
links: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13, part 14, part 15, part 16, part 17
A week.
A week had already passed and by now you were back inside your dorm room. The emptiness your room had in Akaashi’s world was the exact opposite to what you had here. A corner of your room had a wall filled with pictures of memories with your friends, families, and random things you had printed on a whim. On your desk, to which things were left untouched, a picture frame of Shoto and you from 2 years back.
Picking it up, you couldn’t help but smile at the memories you had chosen to push back. It would be unfair to say that you weren’t enjoying life here in UA. True that the villains were such a pain in the ass, it was your way of living and something you had signed up for more than willingly.
Hearing a soft knock on the door, you placed the frame down and told whoever it was to enter. With a paper bag filled with chips, Shoto entered your room silently.
“Are you alright? It’s been a while since you last set foot in here.” He asked as he placed the bag on the desk. His eyes glancing on the picture that he too shared a copy. “That picture still makes me laugh every now and then.”
“I’m still getting used to things again. And, I agree. It does.” Leading him to your bed, you sat down and he copied your actions. “I remember how Denki slipped on that pudding and Tokoyami trying to catch him, only to fail miserably.”
“Uraraka did a good job sneaking in a photo of us.” He bit the popsicle and stared at the other pictures stuck to the wall. “Aizawa-sensei said that you can opt not to attend classes tomorrow. Principal Nezu agreed to giving you 3 days.”
“Really?” You turned to face him. “That’s… kind of them.”
“I can hand you my notes at the end of the day.”
“For?” He tilted his head.
“Not giving up.” You showed him your palms. With your quirk, you began to let them glow how you two used to communicate. “During the times where I couldn’t sleep, I’d try to light them up and somehow, you’d always respond back. Did you ever get any sleep?”
“I did.” He reached for your hand and held it. “But it was simply because I saw your pattern. You usually tried to communicate at around 2 or 3am. Were your thoughts troubled during those times?”
“A bit. I guess I just needed some sort of familiarity to ensure my quirk was still there or not.”
“What did happen?” He chose his words carefully. “From what I gathered, you were living in some kind of world?”
“I did. At least I think I did.” You took a pillow and crossed your legs. “I am feeling much better so go ahead and ask~”
“I honestly don’t know where to start.”
“Well, for starters, the last time I saw you was when I fainted and after that I woke up in a room. There weren’t any photos or things that gave me clues as to what the place was. Turns out it was my own room and soon enough I found o-mother downstairs cooking breakfast.”
“Short for ‘Other Mother’. Dang. I wonder how she’s doing and if she even knows who I am.” You began to fidget with your fingers. It tore you gradually how you were never able to spend time with her before waking up. “After gathering information, I came up with the hypothesis that there was a me who was living in that world BUT I somehow took over from there.”
“What about those names you mentioned?”
“It sounds like some fan fiction but I eventually became a manager to a volleyball team. Those names I mention, A-Akaashi, Bokuto, and Konoha, were members of the team.” It had been a solid week of not mentioning his name. A futile attempt at trying to think everything was indeed made up.
“How did the place you went to look like?”
“Much like this one except it was in Tokyo.” You shrugged. “Only difference is that the only problems I faced there were volleyball matches and the like.”
“You interacted with them?”
“I did. I interacted with a lot of them. That’s one of the main reasons why I refuse to believe that everything was a product of my imagination. Though, if I were being honest, some of them had the same voices as you people here.”
“Same voices?”
“Yeah, I talked to one of them and they sounded like you before your voice went deeper.”
“What you’re telling me sounds very detailed.” He thought out loud. “If I recall, your vitals were unpredictable as well. May I ask, why were they constantly rising up and down?”
“Uh, well, I sorta met someone there.” You scratched your cheek. The thought of Akaashi caused your palms to glow.
Processing what you had just said, Shoto looked away and loosened his hold on your glowing palms. Regaining composure, he cleared his throat and observed how your face turned into a subtle shade of pink.
“You were in a relationship?” Shoto let out a small smile and tucked the loose strand of hair behind your ear. “What was he like?”
“H-he’s very pretty. He played setter for the volleyball team. We were also classmates. Akaashi was the first person I grew close to when I had no one else.”
“I see. The important thing is that he took care of you.” He furrowed his brows a bit but shook the thought away. “It’s been a while, I’m certain he can’t forget you. Whether he’s aware of it or not.”
“Hopefully.” You let out a sigh. “Well, there’s that. I told him about you and the others as well. The day Bakugo and Deku arrived, I drew a small sketch of your face and your support gear. I think the both of you would get along if given the chance.”
“You seem calm for someone who’s been through a lot. I’ll be here if you ever need any help or someone to talk to.”
“Ever so consistent~” You pinched both his cheeks and giggled at the confused face of the ever stoic Todoroki. “In all honesty, I’m far from calm. For you, it was 2 months but for me it was 7. I still can’t grasp how or why that happened.”
“I’m not really sure how I can be of help. But Recover Girl was right. It’s best not to overthink as of the moment.” He pouted for a good 4 seconds before his mouth created a small ‘ah’ sound. “Would you mind if I took you out? It’s not far from the campus but it might lift your spirits.”
“You’re willing to cut class?” You teased him.
“It’s not like we haven’t done it before.” He shrugged and stood up. “That and I was given permission to check on you today.”
“Hmm...Well I guess it would be nice.” Standing up, you went to your closet and began to search for something to wear. Hearing footsteps behind you, Shoto was now on your desk chair. Back facing you as he minded his own business. Now that you thought about it, you trusted him enough not to peak while you were changing.
“Quirksland probably doesn’t have a lot of people at this time.” Shoto said as he began to book VIP passes. “It’s been a while since we last went, right?”
“Yup. 5 years at most?” Finally deciding on a sweatshirt, you wore it and made sure to comb your hair. “Ready. Shall we?”
Humming his response, the two of you casually exited the dorms. Even though you were only gone for two months in this world, you couldn’t help but wonder how the building was made. Surely it was Cementos.
“Were you able to use your quirk there?” Shoto asked as he stared at the sky. The weather was perfect for an amusement park trip.
“Not really. It was almost like I was quirkless there.”
“Sometimes 30% and sometimes 15%. It never really went any higher than that. Why?”
“How’s your quirk now?”
“It’s back to 80.” Seeing the small glimmer of mischief in his eyes, you couldn’t suppress the small giggle. “What are you planning to do, Shoto?”
“To tell the truth, the reason why I’m here is because they told me to aid you in regaining control of your quirk. I don’t think there’s a need for that though since you’re conscious about its percentages.” He scratched his cheek. “So instead, Let’s race.”
“From the dorm to Quirksland, it’ll take approximately an hour.” Letting an exhale, he slowly began to adjust his body’s temperature. “I heard that with quirks, it’ll only take 20.”
“You’re not suggesting we…”
“I’m not suggesting anything.” He let out a small smile. Taking a step forward, he locked eyes with you. Seeing how they weren’t as bright as they were, he knew what he had to do. “See you in 15.”
In the blink of an eye, a huge block of ice now replaced Shoto. Staring at the ground, you saw how he left behind an ice trail.
‘Why hide something so beautiful?’
Flinching at the sudden thought of Akaashi’s words, you stretched a hand and touched the mini glacier. You weren’t hiding it or anything now that you were here. Clenching your fists, you concentrated your quirk into your palm.
Opening your hand, red energy began to extend till your elbow. Taking a moment to examine it, you knew fair well why it was still red. To the point where you wondered whether or not it would go back to being yellow.
So engrossed in your thought, a small jump escaped your body when you saw a small snowflake gracefully falling into your palm. Not soon after, a few more began to fall as well. Closing your eyes, you savored the chilly wind that began to wrap your body.
In some way, you felt as if you were grieving.
Grieving at the sudden loss of very important people. Even as a hero course student, you have never experienced anything similar to this situation. Each mission you carried out, there were almost always no casualties. Having to undergo lectures on how heroes handle this feeling, it was much harder to apply them.
‘You must’ve been very strong.’
Were you? You couldn’t even do anything in your final moments with him. All you could do was stare at him, utter his name, and hold onto Bakugo in hopes that he might be able to do something. Come to think of it, Bakugo did tell you to stay away from them both. A clear warning slapped to your face.
If you had followed his instructions, would you still be facing Akaashi Keiji?
Opening your eyes, you stared at the multiple snowflakes resting on your palm. Small droplets of water began to gather into a puddle. The weather was perfect, not a sign of clouds. The snowflakes hadn’t melted yet.
“Am I crying?...” You thought aloud. Feeling a lump in your throat, you tried to swallow it away. It only felt as if things had gotten worse. More droplets of water fell to your palm. Trembling shoulders and teeth gritting, this was far from being strong.
The cold was now replaced by warmth. Being drowned in your thoughts, you hadn’t noticed that Shoto was now in front of you.
“You are crying.” He said as he wiped your tears away.
“That was a hypothetical question, you dork.” You weakly chuckled.
“You’re the one who asked.” Making sure your face was dry now, he used his right hand to soothe your puffy eyes. “I just answered your question.”
“Idiot.” His cold finger felt soothing. “I thought you left?”
“Do you really think I’d leave you alone?” He poked your cheek. Letting you lean on his shoulder, he gave your head a small pat. “Closing yourself and handling your burdens alone isn’t good. I’ve been there. I’m sure you know that too.”
You merely nodded.
“Do you want an All Might bar?”
“Not gonna offer an Endeavor pop?”
“I’d rather not eat my old man if that’s alright.”
Laughing, a genuine one, you shook your head. Not sure whether Shoto understood the double meaning his words had, you grabbed his sleeve and began to drag him to the gates.
“C’mon. I wanna ride the Detroit Smash Railroad.”
- - - - -
Akaashi’s lineup: @alluring-akaashi @oikawalmart-hq @extrasugafree @bbykiyoomi @apricotjihyo @awings @simpformiya @sayakaaaaaa @colorseeingchick @demursv1ogs @chrisrue15 @beanst0ck @parttime-simp @kit-kat428 @ntimacy @something-that-idk @franko-pop (i have no idea why i can’t tag some of you :( huhu )
I hope... Shoto is okay :’)
#akaashi keiji x reader#akaashi keiji#haikyuu akaashi#haikyuu x reader#a little#shoto x reader#just a little#maybe#im so tired i hate my schedule#bnha x haikyuu
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Unpredictable (Overhaul x Reader) pt.28
a/n: aye have mixture of fluff and angst~ sorry for uploading late :c MY SCHEDULE IS SUCH A KILLER I CANNOT STRESS IT ENOUGH huhuhu
warnings: this cannot be read solo
Links: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13, part 14, part 15, part 16, part 17, part 18, part 19, part 20, part 21, part 22, part 22, part 23, part 23.5, part 24, part 25, part 26, part 27, part 29
Masterlist to my other fics: here :) (that has not been updated for how many months now... proceed with caution~)
“Is that really you, Inspector (l/n)?” The hero asked. With each step she took, you made sure Chisaki’s face wouldn’t be seen. “It’s late.”
“Hey, Enigma~” Lowering his head to rest on your shoulder, you smiled at the small quiet hero. “It is late~ We’re not causing a disturbance are we?”
“Of course not! But I don’t think this is the place to be…” She scratched her cheek and avoided your eye contact. “You know…”
“I know~ I apologize. He’s typically busy and we don’t get to hang out much.” You patted his back and continued. “He’s also very shy and doesn’t like to be seen in public.”
“Oh! I’m very sorry! But, if you don’t mind, would it be alright if the both of you continued elsewhere?”
“It’s fine! We were just going separate ways.” You consoled her and knew that her reaction was safe enough. At least you were fast enough to cover his face. “I told you, Shinoda-san. Heroes patrol these times of the night.”
“Forgive my rash decision.” He rested his head on your shoulder. Embarrassed that he had been this close to kissing you. Disappointed that it was barely a few centimeters and yet even such trivial things like these, the heroes would always disturb him. For now, all he could do was to wrap his arms around your body.
“Don’t wear your mask.” You whispered to him. He merely hummed. Gliding your hands on to his chest, he looked at you with cautiously eager eyes. Feeling how you pushed him he let you lead the way till the hood of his car hit thighs. “Enigma’s gone. You can turn around now.”
“I apologize for my actions.” Overhaul said as he took out his mask and wore it. “I was not expecting those bastards to roam this area at night.”
“You come here often?”
“Many years back. That apartment building, the third one.” He pointed it out. “Before the Shie Hassaikai was established, Kurono and I used to live there.”
“Wait, wait, wait… You and Chrono were roomies?” You stared at your companion, to the building, and back at him. A small pang of pain hit your forehead just as he had overhauled his glove back. “Well, no need to flick me, Chisaki.”
“Whatever it is your mind was thinking, no. We weren’t roomies.” He pinched your cheek and leaned on to the hood. “Neighbors. Pops owns that building. It’s one of the properties not involved with my business.”
“You know, I’d ask but perhaps we can schedule another meeting for that.” You took the vacant area beside him. With a bit of space in between, you placed your hand beside his. Just a reminder that the invitation still remains open.
“Of course.” Looking at your figure beside him, he furrowed his brows and shook his thoughts away. “Then again, we really should go separate ways. I hate having to take my mask off.”
“You know, you don’t have to take it off when you’re with me.” Elbowing him gently, you chuckled. “Don’t get me wrong, though. I like looking at your face. I just don’t want people to see you. Especially not with how things are going.”
“Nah.” Not expecting that word to come out of his mouth, the both of you met eyes at the same time. Adjusting the cloth, he tried to hide the slowly creeping heat on his cheeks. “You’re rubbing off on me, (y/n). That aside, it isn’t really bothersome if I take it off when you’re around. Your expressions are worth breathing the horrid air.”
“Ugh. Smooth talker.” You pouted. Taking a peak at your watch, the time was now quarter to one. As much as you wanted to stay and get to know more of the man behind the name, he was right. Flinching at the sudden weight on your hand, you looked down and found his on top of yours.
The kiss may not have happened but if it were compensated with this small act of intimacy then perhaps it wasn’t that bad. Carefully interlacing your fingers, you were more than relieved when he moved along and held on to your hand tightly. Maybe it was fine if you were to lean on to his arm and rest your head on his shoulder?
Just as you were about to attempt, Chisaki pulled you closer to him.
“You’re too obvious…” He said as he rested his head on yours. “We already have to leave in a few minutes. If you won’t do it then I will.”
“I swear this feels like a fever dream…” You commented earning a ruffle to the hair with his free hand. “Alright, alright. It’s real. You better not bug me Chisaki or I swear I will block you.”
“Well, now that this has happened, shall we take our leave now?”
“Is it bad to say that I’d rather stay here?”
“Are you suggesting we sleep in the car?” He poked your cheek.
“And have you drowned in your car’s germs? I’d rather not.” Standing up straight, you took a few steps and only then realized he still had not let go of your hand. “If you don’t let go, I’ll have to rethink sleeping in the car. And frankly speaking, sleeping in cars is not the most comfortable experience.”
“Right again.” Letting go of your hand, he too stood up. “In that case, I shall send a message when I get back to the base.”
“And I’ll message you when I arrive home.”
“Fair trade.”
To which you did not. Right after both your cars went separate ways, your phone vibrated with a message from Tsukuachi. Parking at the nearest allowable area, you grabbed your device and read the message. Rereading the text, you clicked dial.
“Are you for real?”
“I wasn’t expecting you to read it now.” He stifled a yawn and continued. “Unfortunately yes. If you can drop by the precinct, I can hand them over to you so you can get a head start.”
“Nao, it’s 1am.”
“And yet here we are, talking on the phone like the rats we are.”
Letting out a sigh, you ended the call. Rubbing your face, you leaned your head on the steering wheel and stared at your hand. Chewing on your lip, you began to recall the moment that had happened a mere minutes ago. Being able to hold his hand out in public had a different tingle.
Not long after, you were now seated beside Tsukauchi. Accepting the small cup of coffee, you waited as he filed through some documents. Taking small peaks at some of the letters, you saw how some names of villains you knew of were written down and crossed out. When Tsukauchi stopped at a particular piece of paper, he handed it over.
“Damn. It really is happening.” You set the paper aside and took a sip of your now cold beverage. “Do you need any help for the preparations? I can pull an all nighter if needed.”
“Would it be alright? It’s bad enough the schedule keeps changing.” Glancing at the paper and to the calendar, Tsukauchi stared at your tired eyes. “With this, the Fukuo Kai case will commence a week from now. Are you ready to focus on Nighteye’s?”
“From the middle, I have been focusing on their case. I just didn’t expect it to happen too soon.” Playing with the hems of your sweater, you rested your elbows on your knees and covered your face. “Wanna go to the rooftop?”
“Not thinking of bailing now, are you?” Tsukauchi said as he began to clear his desk and stand up. “What’s on your mind, hmm?”
“I just met with 2 people I shouldn’t have any business with.” You weakly chuckle as you lead the way to the rooftop. Opening the doors, you felt your breathing grow heavy. The sudden claminess of the narrow pathway was not good for your running mind. Holding onto Tsukauchi’s sleeve, you were more than thankful he was willing to listen.
Taking the final step, Tsukauchi unlocked the hatch and granted access to the rooftop. The night sky was still dark and barely held any stars. Light pollution framed the horizon while the street lamps casted a yellow-orange glow to the roads below.
“What happened?”
“Levi specifically told the heroes not to mess with my work.” You began. “It went well but not for long. I had to bug the Shie Hassaikai after a few days Levi left. Only an idiot would refuse knowing my stance with the two parties.”
“Was it successful?”
“It was. The anon tip we had from before was Chronostasis. He gave me Overhaul’s sim card and I kinda just took the opportunity to let him plant the chip for me. It was going smoothly till a few hours ago. Nighteye told me that they were still getting feedback even though Chrono destroyed the device.”
“Where did things go wrong? It just seems like a loyalty test to me.”
“I don’t even know if I passed at this point.” Taking your phone out, you opened the gallery and showed him the picture of the hidden camera. “They bugged me. I’m not certain if they saw what went on inside my unit but the fact that they saw him entering and exiting as he pleases makes my blood boil.”
“Then it means they saw his face?” His eyes widened.
“As far as I know, he only took his mask off around the living room area, his room, or mine.” Trying to recall, each time he entered the kitchen he used the other door connecting to the living room. Thank the quirk gods your apartment was designed that way. “I don’t even know if it transmits audio.”
Squatting on the floor you rubbed your face once more and raked your fingers through your hair. Pulling on the clumps a bit, you released a small shaky sigh.
“I’m guessing the second person you met was the reason for all this?” Tsukauchi took the initiative and sat on the empty space beside you. “What happened with him?”
“He knew about Chrono helping me and about the other bug running around. Told me that heroes needed to have fun too. Bastard.” No matter how much you twisted your views, Chisaki Kai was always Overhaul first. “I… I just don’t know what to do anymore, Nao.”
Closing your eyes, a small whimper left your mouth as tears began to fall.
“Things are just so fucking complicated that I… I don’t even know what step I should do next. I want justice to prevail but no matter what I do…”
“You’ve really fallen down the rabbithole, huh?” Tsukauchi commented as he gave soft pats on your back. “Then again, who wouldn’t? You’re literally stuck in the middle and have to be on edge more than usual. Other than that, you held up pretty well.”
“I can’t even clear my name at this point. If things ever go wrong in the Shie Hassaikai raid, my name will definitely make it into the possible accomplice list.” You bit your lip and clenched your fists. “Gods I hate this so fucking much. I told him I had it under control when in reality I’m as stuck as a rat on a glue board.”
“Don’t go using that analogy.” Tsukauchi still continued to pat your back. “Think of us as hamsters. We’re pretty cute and intelligent. Just give it a bit of time and I’m sure you’ll think of something. I bet you wouldn’t want your dad to partake in any of your problems so best not to pop up in your estate.”
“I know it’s a law for heroes not to kill but what if…”
“I doubt he’ll die in battle. Overhaul is a B-Rank villain. The most that’ll happen would be for him to be knocked out unconscious or bloody at the end of the day.” Yet even as he said those words, Tsukauchi wasn’t too confident. It would be a lie on his part if he said things would be fine. “Who knows? He might have some sort of magical epiphany and surrender to lessen his charges.”
“Now that you mention it,” You wiped your tears away and sat down properly. “I’ve never really read what happens to higher rank villains after they get captured. The highest I’ve handled was just D-ranked ones.”
“Hmmm…” Now that the topic was open, he too hadn’t really thought too much about it knowing his and your department weren’t incharge of what happens after the dirty work. “Standard procedures. They’ll search the area once more and take proper inventory. Say that Overhaul is merely strained, they would pat him down and once he’s clear and in the precinct or designated area, he’ll have to sign a document signifying that the given list is all that he owns. He’ll be then taken to a private area to have his fingerprints, mug shot, and other necessary information.”
“He probably won’t get a hearing.”
“Right you are. He’ll most likely be sent to Tartarus if that’s what you’re asking.”
“If he does, who do you think would handle it? The HPSC?”
“Most likely. Still, they have a lot on their hands so his case would surely collect dust.” He paused and let out a yawn. “If it were you, would you grant him a second chance in life?”
“Heh, If it were up to me...” Looking at the now starless skies, you felt a chill run down your spine. “Personal emotions aside, of course not.”
“You really think I’d break into Tartarus just to save one villain and give him a better life?” You smirked and stood up.
“Of course not.” He chuckled and stood up as well. “Even the dumbest person knows that’s suicide. Go home and get some rest, (y/n). We’ll handle this later in the day.”
Giving you some privacy, Tsukauchi excused himself first. Hearing the door latch click, you took your phone out and dialed a number. It only took 3 rings before the other line picked up.
“Well now,” The cheeky voice said. “What can I help you with dove?”
- - - - -
Overhaul’s waiting list: @jjk-biased @infinite-universe-love @dirtypride @blackymomo03 @azzie @purple-rabanito @meximorrita @awesomeee19 @celestial-kanzakii @laure-lo @team-wang-puppy @aydience-world @choros-main-hoe @colorseeingchick @franko-pop @o-dragon05 @but-kairis-not-that-smart (i cant seem to tag again :( hope this lands in your timelines!)
I hope yall liked this chapter annnd if you want to be tagged feel free to comment :’) your comments make my day and make me happy huhu <3
#overhaul x reader#chisaki kai x reader#overhaul#bnha overhaul#mha overhaul#bnha chisaki kai#mha chisaki kai#shie hassaikai#bnha x reader#long fic#i hate my schedule so much
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Painter of the Nights has been one of my favorite manhwas cuz the plot is just so... intoxicating i cant stop reading it PLUS the art style is immaculate but yeah i tried it on Kita and here he is 🙃
(My art has improved, that i can give to myself~)
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tornado warning but all my thoughts are focused on these two (2) images


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ikigai — kita shinsuke

genre: smut, fluff, comfort (18+)
contains: teasing, praising, body worshiping, slight sensory deprivation, kita as your fiancé
wordcount: 2.5k
overview: kita spoils you with a self-care night for your birthday
taglist: @aiiishiiiteru @bootylikepeachy @chunhua-s

a horrible birthday? yeah, that’s nothing uncommon, the illusion of a unique day filled with nothing but love, attention and lots of presents subsided the older you grew. but today? today was utterly disappointing. with a heavy sigh you close the door to your home, the lights are already on and you can smell the faint scent of delicate sweets in the building. ‘he didn’t bake, did he?’ you already wonder. a small smile already forming on your lips simply by the thought of your fiancé.
you rid yourself quickly of your coat and shoes and step into the living room, carefully looking around for any sign of your handsome partner. “shinsuke?” you softly speak out.
“i’m here” he confirms, stepping out of the kitchen to approach your form. his arms immediately wrap around your figure, bringing your body as close as possible against himself. his headrest on your shoulder, a soft kiss is planted on your neck before one of his hands brush your hair behind your ear. “happy birthday, my love” he congratulates, the most handsome smile adorning his features.
Keep reading
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18th: a little sentence exposes kita.
- in which you bump into kita in the streets, and you meet little yumi, the 6-year-old girl he’s babysitting. (she’s cute! she’s adorable! and she’s let something slip?)
no. of words: 1.3k
okay hi holy shit wtf i hope this is okay bc again i just wrote whatever came to my mind and wrote this is one sitting so i apologise if this is subpar or if this was horrible to read. i am so sorry. but i hope this is okay!! i hope you like this ;)

you’re walking down the streets, hands laden with groceries when someone catches your eye.
it’s kita.
ignoring the fact that you had a major crush on him, kita’s always been such a great friend to you. he always helped you carry the water bottle bag on the way to practice, always helped you with your homework if he saw you struggling in class, always helped to carry your books to your locker after class, always bought you extra soybean milk that his grandmother made on days that practice started super early, always lent you his team jacket if you left yours at home by accident and was feeling cold, and always was willing to listen to you vent if you had something to talk about at 2am in the morning. he’s been so sweet to you, but you know it’s just how he was brought up. his grandmother taught him well, and you know that you can’t afford to throw this entire friendship away just because he was being decently nice to you.
when you stand up straighter and shift your groceries onto one hand to wave at him and call his name, you blink when a little girl pokes out from behind him and meets your eyes.
before you can even say or do anything, she’s running forward and hugging you tightly.
“hi!” you say, letting out a laugh, bending down to put the bags of groceries on the floor and hugging her back, “what’s your name?”
“yumi, what did i say about hugging strangers—” kita begins, but falls silent when he meets your eyes and smiles, “hey, (Y/N).”
“hey, kita,” you send him a grateful smile when he bends forward to pick up the groceries you’ve left on the floor.
“your name is yumi, then?” you smile, and pat the little girl’s head when she nods, “how old are you?”
she grins at you toothily, before holding up five fingers, “i’m six!”
you laugh, and pick her up gently, letting her wrap her arms around your shoulders as you shift her into a comfortable position on your arms, “six! wow! you’re so old!”
“another babysitting job?” you say, turning to face kita, who has a smile present on his face.
“well, she’s my neighbour, and i had time, so why not,” he says, before glancing down at the grocery bags he was holding in his arm, “helping your mom to buy these? are you heading home now?”
“i’m sorry, they’re super heavy, i can carry them if you want—”
“no, no, it’s okay,” kita waves you off with a smile, “i don’t mind. i can help you carry them home.”
“but what about yumi—”
“i was just taking her out for a walk. there’s a playground near your house right? we’ll just stop by there after we’re done.”
kita falls silent, and when he meets your eyes again, there’s a small blush dusting his cheeks, “if you don’t mind hanging out with us after you bring the groceries home. it’s okay if you don’t want to, of course.”
you smile, and try to ignore the beating in your chest when you hear those words, “of course i don’t mind, kita.”
“cool,” he smiles back, “let’s walk to your house then.”
“i’m a big girl now,” yumi says along the way, and you gasp, “really?”
yumi nods proudly, a pleased smile surfacing on her face, “yes! i learned how to sweep the floor yesterday!”
“good job! you really are a big girl, yumi!” you say, and yumi smiles again, “thank you! you’re very pretty.”
you let out a short laugh and smile at her, “thank you, yumi, you’re very pretty as well.”
“it’s very nice to meet you in person! you’re prettier than the pictures!” yumi says, and you tilt your head slightly in confusion when you hear that.
“in person? pictures?” you question, and you hear kita cough and choke.
“yumi—” kita begins, but yumi merely nods fervently at you and continues on, “yeah! did you know kita has a lot of pictures of you and him in his favourites album? i mean, there’s other people as well, like his grandma! and there’s also this guy with pee-coloured hair, oh, and this guy that looks exactly like the pee dude! only he has gray hair. he’s cool. there’s also this guy that has brown hair, but there’s a lot of pictures of you with him!”
you blink in surprise, and you feel your cheeks start to heat up, and kita sucks in a deep breath and shakes his head, “it’s really not like that, i just add my friends into the album—”
“and kita talks about you a lot! sometimes when he comes over i’ll ask him how his day was, and he always talks about you! he says you’re very pretty and nice! and sometimes, when i go over to his house to give him food, i overhear his grandma asking about you! and kita always talks about how nice you are—”
“yumi, that’s enough,” kita finally cuts in, and yumi falls silent, but continues to smile at you.
“i’m so sorry,” kita leans in to whisper to you as you guys continue to walk, “i sound like a creep. i swear i’m not.”
you laugh, “and that’s what all the creeps say.”
when kita flushes a little bit more and opens his mouth to apologise somemore, you shake your head and put out a hand to stop him, “don’t worry, kita, it’s okay. i know you’re not a creep.”
you smile when you see him relax out of the corner of your eye, and you take a deep breath to try to steady the rapid beating in your chest.
“hey, (Y/N)?”
the both of you were walking home now, after you guys dropped yumi off at her house. kita insisted that he walked you home, even though his house was literally right beside yumi’s. you knew you couldn’t win in an argument against kita because he was stubborn as hell, so you sighed and allowed him to walk you home.
“about just now,” kita begins, “i’m so sorry, i—”
“kita, relax,” you smile, and reach forward to pat him on the shoulder, “it’s okay. really. i know you aren’t a creep.”
kita laughs, but it sounds forced, and you turn to stare at him, “kita? you okay?”
he sighs, and shuffles his feet slightly before meeting your eyes.
“i’m afraid i haven’t been very honest,” he says, and you raise an eyebrow in confusion.
“i’ve liked you for a while now, (Y/N),” he finally says after a long pause, “but, i’m not forcing you to accept me or anything. i just wanted to let you know the truth. and the pictures? i just add nice pictures of my friends and i into my favourites album, i didn’t really realise that there were a lot of pictures of us. i also didn’t realise i talked so much about you to other people until yumi pointed it out. i understand if you think i’m a total creep and i understand if you don’t want to talk to me ever again.”
you let out a laugh, and it’s kita’s turn to look at you in confusion.
“you’re cute,” you say, and kita lets out a confused noise and widens his eyes.
“i said you’re cute, kita,” you grin, and you reach forward to wrap your arms around his neck, “you might not know this, but i kinda like you too.”
and when you pull back, his eyes are shining, and there’s a wide smile spread across his face.
back to my fluffvember masterlist!
general taglist :)
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@mrs-kuroojinguji @galacticstxrdust @h0rny-m3ss @strawberriimilkshake @lexysclubhouse @alluringeternity @aam1na @simpinghrs @boosyboo9206 @earl-mint-tea @sachirou-senpai @kuboyasuuu @cotton-hashira @kellesvt @mochipk @ohbois-biggay-bnha @deadontheinsidebut @atsumubabe @wisepandaslimeland @kenmasbabie @doodleniella @tttournesolll @millie-mint @the-moons-raes @chaosamu @flairlust @l3v1achan @bellesowl @wheeshllumi @karasimpno @sodasketches @dai-tsukki-desu @isentsworld @lavearchives
fluffvember taglist:
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@omigogames @unicorngluttony @thesecondapplepienation @tsukisemi @tamaguchi @omibaby @psycopath-satan @shibayamasbae @churochuu @crazyrichashea @let-me-have-my-own-name @fo-love @heykoutarou @lovelyrynn @neomuxuxi @haikyuuhopes @bluntkingkuroo @abswrites @ne-kuroo @yadane-bakabaka @song-of-storms162 @lady-snavely
i’ll tag those that i wasn’t able to tag later!!! this is a scheduled post.
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pairing : kita shinsuke x reader
warnings : shinsuke and y/n got married young | a lil angsty (?) | timeskip! kita | living on the farm | shinsuke being insecure | y/n drops out of nursing school to marry him
word count : 1.5k
Kita Shinsuke does not get nervous.
He is known to be stable, calm, and collected.
He knows what he was doing.
He is confident in his own way.
He knew what he was getting himself into when he married you—he wanted to, with his whole being, he really did.
So it pained Kita to see you passively ending your calls with your parents. Passive in the way that it was bland, empty—void of any emotion, yet there was an air of anger.
Kita had seen you like this before.
You sit by the edge of the bed with your phone in your hands—an outdated model compared to the ones your peers owned, staring down at the screen with your parents’ contact.
The calls were not an uncommon occurrence. Your family typically called around the hours when Kita would be busy with his routine.
They must have called in to check on you again.
That, or they called to beg you to leave him.
His chest tightens when he sees you sigh and wipe the tears off of your cheeks. You rarely ever cried after a call with them—you usually held up really well after speaking with them. You were strong in your own way and Kita loved that about you.
All calls ended the same—you would still choose Kita Shinsuke over anything.
Kita flinches when he hears you finally notice him by the doorway.
Your once soft and smooth hands had turned calloused like his—a product of having you help him with looking after the farm.
There were nights where he would catch you going over the skin of the back of your hands or your palm with a frown.
Other nights in the bath, you would trace the tan lines you earned from working on the fields with him—he would then smile to himself, going over the barrier that differentiated your skin tones.
Perhaps, he should not have rushed such a commitment.
Marrying you was already a lingering thought he had. No one had ever left such an impact on his life like you did and as silly and pathetic as it may sound, he was not keen on the idea of someone else having you.
The moment his grandmother had mentioned that you were perfect for him and he was perfect for you, Kita didn’t want anything else other than to marry you even more.
You were his first love and he had hoped to be your last.
He promised you happiness and even swore on his life he would look after you if you do choose to become his spouse despite your parents going against it.
Just imagine the elation he and his family had on their faces when you said yes to his proposal.
“Where would you be if I didn’t ask you to marry me?”
Kita did not mean to question his marital status with you—but he was the reason why you left the city, your plans, dreams, your family, even the peers who ridiculed you for marrying Kita who followed through with his farming profession.
You left them all to be his wife.
To be with him.
But were you truly happy with him?
There was only so much a rice farmer can give you.
“Shinsuke.” You leave your place on the bed to remove the towel around his neck and wipe the sweat off of his skin with a clean one from the dresser. “We talked about this.”
Over the years he spent with you in high school, you had an aroma that reminded him of spring—blooming cherry blossoms, scented stationery papers, cherry chapstick, and strawberry mochi from that small shop downtown.
It soon faded to a summer scent when you started living with him as his wife—fresh morning summer dew, fruity like the fruits you grew behind the house, clean and newly washed sheets that had brought such a nostalgic aroma, you always had a presence that soothed him that he was home and safe with you... oh to stay in your arms for hours without end—he would if he could.
His eyes fall on the old nursing textbooks laid out on your work desk. He was not afraid of you leaving him, he was afraid of you regretting you ever met and married him.
Despite the work your hands had performed over the two years of being his wife, your touch still carried the same love his grandmother had told him about.
The kind of love that exists irregardless of status, power, wealth... the kind of unconditional love Kita wished to offer you.
But alas, emotions and feelings such as love alone cannot feed you, clothe you, or physically protect you from reality.
Reduced to the comfort of the simple rural life, Kita feared he had forced you to live with him like this—what other choice can he give you? Your parents and family refused to take you back as they had practically disowned you after you married him. He does not have much money to give you in case you wished to pursue nursing once more.
Why didn’t he stop you then?
Oh, if only his teammates who praised him for his level headedness could see him at this moment..
Kita had mentioned that doing regular tasks do not make you nervous, you have no reason to be if you practice. He was used to living on the farm and being your husband but what about you? He was not you. He could not control how you feel.
What if one day, you decide you had enough of being a farmer’s wife and leave him?
Kita couldn’t bear the thought of it.
“Don’t worry about them.” Came your firm but gentle reassurance.
He was not fond of the way you smile like nothing happened or how easily you can dismiss your feelings.
It was difficult to ignore the way your smiles have been feeling empty lately or how distracted you looked whenever you went outside to collect the laundry or gather the pomelos from your garden.
At some point in his life, he was flattered—honored even, that you chose him.
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” If anything, Kita believed he was at fault. As the husband—as your husband, he was supposed to look after you, give you a life you deserve, not one where you have to adjust to his choices.
“For what?” You toss the used towel in the basket with the rest of the used clothes. “If there was a problem, I would have told you.” You take his hand to show him the ripe pomelos you gathered and placed in a woven basket. “Do you think those are more than enough to give to your grandmother and her friends?”
You didn’t mean to giggle when you see the tears fall on his cheeks. “That was rude of me, I’m sorry.” You reach out to gently swipe the tears away with your thumbs.
The tension in the air eased once he relaxed against your touch.
You were aware of how your husband burdened himself late at night with irrational thoughts of how he apparently was not worthy of you—it was a whole new side to Kita Shinsuke that you had discovered.
You both had only just entered your twenties when you married him—you went against your parents’ wishes of you marrying someone else and that was the downfall of your relationship with them.
Taking his hand in yours, you lead him to lie with you on his hammock in the garden, behind your home. A smile graces your lips when Kita places his head on your shoulder. “What’s on your mind?”
“How bad was the call?” He nudged the ground with the tip of his shoes to sway the hammock.
“Same as before.” You brought your hand up to gently brush the dried tears off of his cheeks. “I don’t want to argue with you again, Shinsuke.” A fight seemed to frequently follow after the calls and you had hoped to change the course of the tides that afternoon. You hated the way your stomach twists in dread whenever Kita walked out or raised his voice every time your family called.
“Aren’t you tired of living like this? I need you to be honest with me.” His query was firm yet it held a tone of insecurity.
“Tired of waking up next to you? Tired of racing you to the kitchen to make breakfast for us? Tired of kissing you in the morning before you leave to do your rounds?” You laugh when he nips at the skin of your shoulder. “I’m not tired of it at all. I chose you, Kita Shinsuke. I keep trying to tell you but you never listen.”
“But you—“
“Left nursing school to marry you? That was my choice. Not yours, not my parents, it was mine alone.”
“But you’re a poor farmer’s wife.”
“You know for a top student at Inarizaki, you’re really dense.” You poke the center of his chest. “We’re going in circles, why can’t you understand that I would love you whether you’re a farmer or not? You’re Kita Shinsuke to me either way.”
Kita Shinsuke does not get nervous.
He is known to be stable, calm, and collected.
He knows what he was doing.
But with you, his heart pounds erratically, his walls crumble, his mind blanks.
He was vulnerable around you.
The doubt that burdened his thoughts had soon been swept away with the reminder of how stubborn you were.
You loved him unconditionally.
And he loved you the same.
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 @elianetsantana @emsvegetables @bakgou @simping-for-tendou @sstardusty @kuronekomama @im-the-jellyfish @dearest-kiyoomi
also maybe tagging @seijohlogy @chibishae34 @applepienation @oikaw-ugh @kenmasgameboy @millie-mint @tiggyybee if you don’t mind 🥺 i fell to the kita brainrot hole
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This is how overhaul’s hands looked like, just in case you forgot
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Available as a print on Etsy and Redbubble!
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I'm so super duper happy seeing Kita in the previous episode 😚
It feels like a happy and fluffy fever dream had arrived yah😊
I'm just glad my simp card swipes well this wonderful and amazing bub (≡^ˇ^≡)

That ends my short presentation for today i guess hehe
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