#Billing Specialist
goteamphilippines · 2 years
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Job Hiring: Billing Specialist - GoTeam Philippines
GoTeam is looking for a Billing Specialist who will be responsible for generating invoices, purchase orders, and credit memos. If you are a graduate of Accounting or Finance and are proficient in Microsoft Excel and ERP software – you are what we are looking for!
Earn up to PHP40K while working in a flexible hybrid (home & office) setup during the day and enjoy plenty of perks when you join GoTeam!
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chronicbeans · 9 months
My Favorite Quotes of my Mom Roasting my Fictional Crushes
Stanford Pines: "He looks like he could be the ex-husband of one of the Golden Girls."
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Simon Petrikov: "You're standards are low if you're looking for someone as mentally ill as you."
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Maison Talo: "How did you find someone who is some literally a house, a plant, and an old guy at the same time?"
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clonerightsagenda · 10 months
Wondering how other people compare to my chronic illness adventure of accumulating specialists. How you interpret this question is up to you - for my part I'm thinking about people I go to regularly and also specialists that I've gone to repeatedly, even if I'm not on an annual/biannual cycle with them.
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questintheskies · 3 months
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catboynecromancy · 1 month
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a-very-fond-farewell · 2 months
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silvermoon424 · 9 months
might i ask where you work (if it doesn’t doxx you)!! or maybe just what industry you’re in lol. I’m really needing a new job 😭 I pray one day we’ll all get paid to breathe
I can't give out the name because I don't want to doxx myself or get in trouble, but I can tell you what it does! My company is a non-profit within the insurance industry. Our parent company helps set laws that benefit consumers and regulates the insurance industry (the ENTIRE insurance industry, not just healthcare). It's actually made up of insurance industry professionals, regulators, and elected officials, on top of staff who support them.
The smaller company that I work at is a non-profit that helps insurance agents electronically apply for/renew licenses. I'm in the (small) billing department and- as of right now- help track down payments.
If I could offer any advice, accounting is a really good field to be in. It's very stable and once you work your way up the salaries are pretty nice. I've heard really good things about medical billing in particular; it's not exactly thrilling work but once you build up your skills there are TONS of remote jobs with good pay. The insurance industry for billing is also pretty lucrative.
Hope this helps, and good luck!
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125storejuice · 2 months
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queenlua · 6 months
"Our results suggest that between 6.5% and 16.9% of text submitted as peer reviews to these conferences could have been substantially modified by LLMs ... the estimated fraction of LLM-generated text is higher in reviews which report lower confidence, were submitted close to the deadline, and from reviewers who are less likely to respond to author rebuttals." (emphasis mine)
this is just a rando arxiv thing so like grain of salt, but
(1) lmao
(2) it is interesting (and depressing) to me how, like. there's a realm of stuff that we Have Not Been Able To Automate, right, where you actually need A Real Fucking Human Being to sit down and Use Their Cognitive Faculties to determine Is This Real Or Is It Bullshit. and for a while we've been relying on, like, some human Typing Up Some Paragraphs as a sort of proof-of-work that can't really be replicated by an automated system
now admittedly, all these systems that fucking *hate* the "ineffiency" of spending human time and expertise to properly analyze a situation, so the people in those roles are inudated with Too Much Work, and thus they've already been trying to skirt proof-of-work in various ways (writing lazy/bad peer feedback, skimming the paper, etc). so, y'know, "use of chatgpt to churn out the peer reviews you despise doing and don't have time for anyway" is just a step function in a trend that already clearly existed. but it does seem sort of troubling how much everything pushes toward doing things in this "efficient" way (that is, ways that look good in ways that are easily legible) instead of, like, are we doing something real here. because the real doesn't go away. and when quality just goes to shit because ppl are too lazy/tired to properly vet stuff, augh
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nicollekidman · 1 year
You're a Rose Tyler girlie?? TASTE! Who are your other favourite companions?
watching doomsday changed my life (for the WORSE) and i have so much doctor who lore/baggage i don't even know how to answer this. i love them all but i have an especial fondness for clara, especially with twelve
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natterghast · 9 months
i've been a teensy bit awol !! i've been feeling generally overwhelmed/burnt out so i didn't open this tumblr much the last two weeks. instead i've concentrated on projects related to streaming; i made a whole new overlay set for myself ! fixed my mic audio too.
i'd like to get some writing done today, but we'll see.. ! since this is a hobby, my rule is to not force myself through it if i can't concentrate. nonetheless, i might do some inbox stuff :o)
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an-aura-about-you · 9 months
know what's a fun way to start the week?
getting an unexpected medical bill!
no wait that sucks.
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muttever · 10 months
tomorrow i will pay something in the ballpark of $800+ to ideally be told that my dog is exactly the same as he was eight months ago
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questintheskies · 3 months
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lostryu · 11 months
is that your cat in the pic? if so, why is its eye so messed up?
yea it’s my cat, and i’m assuming you’re talking about his gooey eye. he has a chronic health condition that is being managed. it doesn’t cause him pain and most days it actually looks pretty okay.
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theninjamouse · 2 years
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So it's been /checks watch/ 3 days since I got hit with a medical lawsuit that I'm taking to court because oh boy it's a load of bull that will take a good paragraph to explain, 2 days since I got hit with an absurdly massive tax fee to register my car, that I only had to buy because I was, yanno, hit by a semi truck and this morning this asshole tries to scam me through selling my old mattress for gas money and starts threatening me cause I called out the bullshit
Which, as a warning to yall, if you try to sell something online and the person wants to use Zelle, DO NOT use it. Each and every time I've had a person ask to use Zelle for money transfers, it's been a scam. This particular one works like this:
The 'buyer' sends you the payment amount but you get an email saying that the payment is on hold and that the buyer will have to send an additional $250 to 'upgrade' your account, then you send that money back to them. Only guess what? That's not how Zelle works and the Zelle emails come from a fake email, not through any offical app. And these assholes are only getting more convincing in their setup. They send screenshots, talk pleasantly until you call them out. Then you get death threats
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So yeah. Watch out for this if you do any online selling. I think I'm gonna put on a face mask and stare up at the ceiling for a bit
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