#vet gave him a clean bill of health
lostryu · 11 months
is that your cat in the pic? if so, why is its eye so messed up?
yea it’s my cat, and i’m assuming you’re talking about his gooey eye. he has a chronic health condition that is being managed. it doesn’t cause him pain and most days it actually looks pretty okay.
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abbysimsfun · 19 days
Sims In Bloom: Generation 2 Pt. 37 (A Surprise at the Clinic)
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On Heather’s first Saturday without her son, she worked a little on her PetConnect app and fed the chickens. She stuck close to her phone in case Malcolm needed her (but really she was the one who needed to check in), until she decided to distract herself by going to work.
As she left an exam room, Bernese mountain dog Gord raced up to greet her with a friendly hug. He was covered in mud and smelled faintly of fish, but she didn't mind. She turned as she stood and Detective Gordon smiled up at her from a chair in the hallway.
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"Sorry," he said. "I made the mistake of taking him down to the creek before our appointment, and every pile of mud's just another adventure to Gord."
"Don't apologize! Most pets come in too sick to greet us like that. I could ride this high all day."
He laughed. "Gord knows people better than any human I've ever met. If he trusts you, it's no wonder I've read you're one of the best vets this side of Simlandia."
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"There are probably a bunch of vets in San Myshuno who are just as good as me, Detective Gordon."
"Please, you're not under investigation anymore. Call me Conrad. And I asked Gord: did he want to go to the same old vet in San Myshuno or come out to Brindleton Bay to see the best, and he only barked for you."
Heather's heart skipped but she tried to ignore it as Conrad made polite conversation. "So, what's it like living on the coast?"
"I've heard the winters can get pretty bad, but summers here are really nice. I work a lot, so I don't get to spend as much time by the water as I'd like."
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"I've heard you can't swim here."
"It's true, sadly. I loved swimming in the River Bagley back in Henford growing up, but the Simlandia Sea can get pretty rough out there. The beach is great place for an adventurous dog to dig things up and run around, though!"
Maintaining her professionalism while she worked, she gave Gord a clean bill of health. She was as drawn to Conrad's smile as she’d been the day he showed up on her doorstep, and now she didn’t have to fear he’d come to arrest her...
As he left with a smile and a satisfied pup, her thoughts wandered.
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But she had Ash to think about, and her clinic, and she pushed quietly naughty thoughts from her mind. ->
<- Previous Chapter | Gen 2 Start | Gen 1 Summary | Gen 1 Start
NOTE: He really showed up randomly for an appointment with Gord and I was unprepared and flustered! 😂
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janeelyakiri · 17 days
Took our crested gecko Bailey to the vet today!
He's fine! just skinny for a 3 yo crestie. Doc gave him a full clean bill of health (thus far, waiting on stool sample analysis) he's just a fussy eater.
It's so weird literally everything thus far about him is perfectly healthy/normal just an utter relief to hear ;w;
We were given some ideas to help chonk him up, in the meantime i'm considering small like 5-10 USD doodle/sketches to help cover his bill a little faster.
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anniebear-92 · 2 years
Paw Prints
Thank you to everyone with your kind words on part one! Here is part two and I think it's a tad longer than the first one. Still thinking about 3 - 4 parts and possibly a special one for NFSW if anyone really wants that one that won't add to the story in anyway other than require a trip to church or holy water... >:) Go off Sinners.
It's been a few weeks since Bakugo the cat moved into your home. You've gotten to know him as a cat and as you return to university classes he finds himself unsure what to do with himself. Stay tuned for life as a poor college student with a petty cat... He's a cat right?
Warnings: SFW, Trigger warning: mention of cheating against reader, Swearing. Slight mention of partial nudity nothing NSFW though.
Link to: Part One
Part Two: Poor College Student Meet Petty Cat
You had learned several things during the first few weeks of having Bakugo the cat in your home. One of those things, is how highly intelligent this cat was. He would sit nearby and listen as you chatted away at him like he was your best friend. He had his ways of responding, huffs or swipes of the paw, smirk like expressions when he's extremely smug and the ever present judging glare. Along with this, it had been a struggle getting the cat to take his antibiotics for the required timeframe the vet had set, as soon as he saw that bottle it was if the cat never existed. He would hide until you either gave up or finally found him after a long game of hide and seek. Even hiding the medicine in the food was not enough, as he had started to turn his nose up at any and all cat foods provided to him. Which led to another thing you learned, he was picky.
You had bought and tried almost a dozen brands of cat food at this point in order to make the snooty feline happy. Wet food, dry food, mixture of both… nothing seemed to work… except your own food. He would sit across from you and try to eat from your bowl or the pan if you left it out just a moment too long. You had tried to deter him from this habit, however stubborn was his middle name.
After several days of trying to deter him from eating your food, you had thrown in the towel and just started preparing him his own bowl. Originally you had attempted to give him portions without spices as per your research online, however he too turned his nose up and swiped at you with those large paws until you added in whatever was in your own. You had conferred with the vet upon his check up and they had told you it was an odd behavior but to monitor him closely and which food were okay/not okay for kitties.
Bakugo was given a clean bill of health a week after he had first seen the vet. He had his up and down days where he would be super lethargic, barely getting up to do much. However by the time he finished his medicine he was known as a very energetic little ball of fur with a bad case of the zoomies… at the worst hours.
The first time it happened you were woken up to the largest crash in the living room. Fearing you were being broken into, you had grabbed a baseball bat from underneath your bed and slowly snuck out to see who dared break into your apartment at this god awful hour.
Flipping on the light with a brave face you were met with a very messy living room, your favorite vase now smashed to pieces on the floor with the flowers and soil all over your nice carpet, papers you had been working on for university were strewn all over the floor and sitting in the middle of the chaos… Bakugo. He froze with his paws laid out before him, his top half lowered to the ground and his rear in the air as his tail flipped dangerously. His eyes met yours with wide blown out pupils before he suddenly sprinted away into the spare bedroom, almost in shame.
Taking a deep calming breath you had simply cleaned up the mess and returned to bed, grumbling about a little gremlin cat living in your home. This continued almost every night for a week until you had threatened to lock him in a kennel at night, you weren't serious but it had some how did the trick. He had limited his zoomies to more decent hours and avoided breaking anything else… on accident that is.
The little shit had a habit of getting payback on you for anything he seemingly didn't like. You didn't feed him fast enough? Your mug was on the floor, shattered and coffee everywhere. You step on his tail because he was zooming under your feet to beat you wherever you were going and it was his own fault? You had a nice pile of feces in your shoes later that day.
This became the normal for you for the first few weeks, though at night when the little terrorist was done being a little gremlin, the biggest thing you learned…he was quite the lover. He would crawl into your lap while rubbing all over your hands and up into your neck, against your cheeks. His low rumble purr soothing you as he closed his eyes and drifted to sleep after scenting you as his own with your fingers massaging his fur.
Though it took quite some time after that first time he laid with you for him to come near you again, he was truly a hot and cold cat. Even with that, it was on HIS terms, not yours. If you wanted to snuggle and he didn't? Oh boy wrong move. You had the scratches to prove it.
Today was a new occasion, you were returning to school after a break so Bakugo would be home alone for the first time for more than a few hours or minutes. You were unsure how he would take it as he would normally greet you at the door even for a short trip and demand cuddles before you could do anything else. How dare you have a life without him!
You were mid packing your bag with supplies when Bakugo hopped up next to you, tilting his head in question. 'The fuck you goin?' You tapped his nose in a boop, his ears laying back in annoyance and eyes scanning you for the audacity you had to treat him this way. "I'm going to school today bud so you need to be a good boy." He huffed in answer, his head turning to lick at his paw. 'I'm always a good boy dumbass.' He paused mid lick, turning his head with ears flattened as he processed what you said. 'School?' Now all packed, you swung the bag over your shoulder and made for the door.
Dropping the bag beside you as you crouched in order to put on your shoes, an interruption known as the fur ball from hell rubbed against your legs. He let out the most pitiful meow as his carmine eyes locked with yours.
"Aw don't give me that look. I'll be back later sweet pea." He scrunched up his nose at the chosen term as you ran a quick swipe of your hand over his forehead. He hopped onto your bent knee, rubbing the length of his body against your chest in the attempts you'll chose to stay. Finishing your laces you picked him up and snuggled him close. A low warning growl was let out by the spicy kitten until you planted a soft kiss between his ears. The noise ceased suddenly as he looked up at you in surprise. This was the first time you had done anything like that, even during snuggling sessions.
Placing him on his paws you began gathering up your coat and bag once more as Bakugo licked his hide out of embarrassment. Now all geared up and ready to leave you gave him one more glance and a smile that squeezed the small cat's heart. "See you later handsome boy."
Exiting the apartment left Bakugo in a state of shock. Now what did he do? How long would his food giver be gone? Would he be here by himself forever? No more scratchies? Or kis- No he couldn't think of that one. He huffed and padded himself into the living room, hopping up onto the couch in HIS designated spot. He began moving around the blanket, paws pushing and pulling like he was making a batch of biscuits to get comfortable. Satisfied he plopped himself down and curled his tail just below his eyes, glaring at the clock hanging over the television. 'Guess I'll just nap until they get home.'
You arrived on campus just in time, parking your modest piece of crap next to some fancy car you could only dream of owning one day. Strolling along the path a voice broke you from your la-la land train of thoughts.
"Hey! Over here!" You were met with an energetic red head with the widest smile who was steadily waiving you down towards a group of people. Shining a bright smile you wandered over and greeted your friends. The redhead threw an arm over your shoulders and you laughed. "Hey Kirishima, how are you?"
He shrugged before addressing the raven haired boy beside him. "Sero! You know F/N right?" The ravenette nodded before sticking his hand out in greeting, "You're in Aizawa's lecture class right?" You nodded in response, giving your first and last name as you shook his hand. You had met Sero quite a few times but never formally introduced yourself during friend gatherings. You were suddenly yanked from Kirishima's grasp by a curly pink haired girl. "Bestie! I haven't seen you in so long!"
"Mina, we just got off break! Don't be so dramatic." You pushed her face back by a finger to the middle of her forehead as she whined. "That was forever!"
The group made their way to your respective classes, Mina following you into the lecture hall as you took the usual seats near the back of the hall. "So anything new happen?" She leaned over the tiny desk in anticipation of even a crumb of gossip or drama. With a shrug you open your writing tablet and flipped a pencil between your fingers. "It was mostly uneventful really. I called it quits with what's his face within the first days."
She gasped heavily as she slammed a palm down. "I knew it! Kiri owes me ten bucks!" The pencil in your fingers stopped, "You bet on my love life?" She shrugged in response, sitting back against the chair. "Kirishima was dead set you two were end game. I knew for a fact you weren't. Your chemistry was all off. So we bet on who would be right. I just didn't realize it was so soon… Damn I'm good."
You snorted in response as the loudest teacher on campus walked into the hall to greet everyone. "Good morning students! We'll be learning something new today!" Mina leaned over and spoke in a hushed tone, "So what happened that you called it off anyway?"
Rolling your eyes you whispered "So nosey… He was texting some bitch right there on the couch next to me while we watched a movie saying some shit about how he loved her and couldn't wait to see her. I called him out and he claimed it was his cousin. When I told him to call her so I could say hi, tell me why the bitch answers "Hey baby!" and he just looks at me like a deer in the headlights. Turns out he's been seeing this girl during our entire relationship."
Mina's jaw dropped as she gasped loudly "No way! The whole time??" You nodded somberly, "Would you two like to share with the lecture hall what is so riveting we're interrupting the main show?"
The both of you froze like children caught in a cookie jar and gave a shy no sorry when Mina frowned. "Sorry Professor Mic." He nodded and continued on about whatever it was he was saying before lecturing you both. The rest of class was spent in silence other than the scratch of pencils against the paper taking notes, the other classes mostly 'welcome backs' and here's your new topics for this semesters.
At the end of your classes you groaned heavily at the added weight of a few new books and papers that were sure to set you further into debt. An arm hooked you against what felt like a brick wall once more as you looked up to see the shining red head once again. "How were classes?"
You shrugged, wrapping an arm around your friend's waist in support. "Lame, Mina got us in trouble during Present Mic's lecture because she had to know about my break. By the way you owe her ten bucks."
He growled "You and that guy broke up?" Nodding in affirmation he huffed, "Dammit, I owe that girl so much money at this point. Sero better not split up with his partner or I'm kicking his ass." Letting out a loud laugh you ruffled the red spikey hair to his dismay. "Quit betting on people's love life and focus on your own, you might not be in debt to the resident love guru."
He let out a soft breath through his nose as he hugged you closer with the one arm. "Nah, it's too much fun when I do prove her wrong and win it all back."
Your best friend released you once you stopped near his shiny new truck. You sighed in realization it would be years of paying off debt before you could own something that nice. He gave you a hug and told you he'd be by some time since he missed his best friend. You nodded and told him that'd be awesome before making your way over to your shit box… I mean your car. Getting the thing to start you pulled out from the parking lot and made your way home wondering on the way what state your home would be when you arrive home.
Bakugo's ears twitched at the familiar sound of the tumblers turning of the lock at the door. He yawned widely, showing off those sharp canines before hopping down and racing to the entrance. He quickly stole a glance at the clock and realized his human had been gone for eight whole hours! The gall they had for leaving him so long!
His human stepped through the door, their eyes locking as she gave him a bright smile. "Hey my handsome man! How was today?" He huffed in response, he had spent the entire time asleep save for the few minutes he had wondered the apartment looking for something to do while he waited for the food giver to return.
'My food bowl is empty. Fix it!'
He flicked his head towards the kitchen where his bowl indeed sat empty from breakfast. You ran a hand over his ears before removing all your gear, the smell of something foul hit him like a ton of bricks and he shrunk back with a loud hiss. You pulled your hand away quickly in shock, watching him eye you like you had just spit on his ancestor's grave.
"What's wrong bubba?" He began sniffing heavily as he inspected your entire form, weaving around your body as you finished placing your shoes away. He had smelled something simliar many times, why couldn't he put a place on it now? He should remember that stink anywhere.
You sat on the couch as your shadow followed close behind, still trying to discern the nasty smell. You set your bag beside the couch and began pulling out your tablet and pencils so you could begin on the assignment for the day when he shoved his face into yours. Sitting back in shock his eyes narrowed as he sniffed loudly once more.
'Dog! You smell like mutt!' He hissed loudly as you attempted to console the pissed off feline only for him to shrink back and swipe at your fingers with his paw. How dare you come in here smelling like a mutt!
"I don't know what I did Bakugo… Did I leave you too long?"
He huffed before hopping across to your lap, rubbing himself all along your arms, chest and legs. He made sure not to miss an inch when he realized the strongest smell came from your neck. Who dared touch what belonged to him? He hoped onto the back of the couch as you ignored him, now used to his tsundere actions of love and hate. He began rubbing his cheek against the back of your neck in the attempts to get rid of the horrible smell.
'Stupid fucking dog, I'm going to need a damn bath after this one!'
You were half way through your assignment when Bakugo was finally satisfied that the strange scent was gone. He trotted off before bopping at his bowl with his paw. 'Food servant! Food!'
You sighed heavily before standing up and pulling out some left overs you had made just for him. Bakugo had knocked a container of spices into the pot on "accident" and he had ate it so fast he had demanded more by batting at your head until you finally dumped the rest into the bowl. You placed it into his bowl as he nodded in approval. 'About fucking time, I'm going to waste away!'
Bakugo got used to your routine very quickly once he realized you would be going to this university for at least eight hours a day until the weekend hit. However to his dismay, most days you came home smelling like the same mutt each and every time. Where was this stupid dog that you kept meeting? Was he not good enough?
You also quickly got used to being scented heavily when you got home each and every day though some days were different as if you didn't smell as bad. (You didn't because you didn't see a certain someone that day.)
The day that changed your life started like any other day. Bakugo had been living at your place for a couple months now and you were approaching quickly one of the most stressful times as a student…
Finals. Currently you were holed up in your room, the door shut and messy hair up out of your face as you furiously scratched away at the paper in preparation. Soft thumps and scratches came at the door as the demon that lived in your home indicated he wanted into the room. You had shut him out as he had distracted you from studying so much that you had made the decision to put him out. His loud yowling in protest had you placing ear bud to tune him out with your favorite band.
The scratching finally stopped as the cat huffed, stalking away to take his spot on the couch. He lay there batting a ball the twinkled with the bell inside until he fell asleep, only to be woken when you finally exited your room in the wee hours of the morning. You wandered out to get ready for class that day since you would be starting finals and had not changed into your clothes for the day yet. Bakugo watched as you passed in the tiniest shorts he had seen yet and an oversized hoodie that had slipped to the side so your shoulders were clearly visible. He felt his face heat as he turned away and hid under his tail in embarrassment.
She's just the food giver! No bad thoughts! You've seen her naked, she's not much to look at!
Yeah, okay Bakugo, whatever helps you sleep at night… I'll stop.
Any way, you prepared a small breakfast as your nerves for the day ahead left you with no apatite that Bakugo ended up with the majority in his bowl. You returned to your den to make yourself presentable for the day and once satisfied you didn't look like a homeless crazy cat person you returned to the bright living room to start the day officially.
Bakugo had finished every bite of his meal, happy as a lark he followed you towards the front door while you laced up your shoes per usual. He sat impatiently waiting for his goodbye scratches and totally not his goodbye kisses. He had his dignity…
When you packed up your things and left without even acknowledging him his tail flailed in annoyance. What the hell? He began pacing back and forth, did he do something wrong? Did he cross a line somewhere? He wasn't that bad was he? Was he being abandoned… again?
He spread out in front of the door his ears pressed back against his head that rested on his paws, his tail dropping to the floor as he huffed. The door clicked back open and a desperate you rushed back in to see the dejected cat laying by the door. Your heart squeezed as you got down and pressed a kiss against his tiny nose. "I'm sorry handsome I forgot your goodbye. I'm just so stressed this morning. Have a good day my little prince."
Rushing back out the door the cat's fur bristled as his tail twitched in excitement. The fact that you came back and gave him kisses had zero to do with it okay! He pads away to his spot on the couch where he spent most his days waiting for you, he closed his eyes happily and dreamt of how his life had changed.
The day was extremely stressful as you began the first round of finals for your classes, sitting as away from your pink haired friend as possible in order to not distract you from the important task at hand. She had pouted that she couldn't peek over your test when you shot her an apologetic smile. The test went smoothly and you strangely felt prepared regardless of the anxiety that flowed through you. Today would be longer than most since each class was given extra time to complete their final, so you would be late getting home that evening.
Hours and multiple tests later you were finished for the first day of finals, trudging your way back across the quad towards your car. As per usual a strong arm Shepard hooked you into the wall of muscle. "How did you do short stack?" You pushed him away lazily, to which he let you since there would be no way you would normally be able to move him under normal means. "I'm not short, you're just ungodly tall."
He snorted before leaning down and rubbing his cheek with yours. "You know I love to tease." You snorted and let out an exhausted sigh, too tired for his golden retriever like energy. This is why you were a cat person, less energy… Even though Bakugo made you want to pull your hair out with his zoomies sometimes.
"If you must know I think I did better than you."
His lip jutted into a pout, ruffling your hair which earned a groan of annoyance from you. "Kirishima stop that!" He chuckled before releasing you finally to simply walk beside you. "Alright, I'll quit. That was mean though…" You cracked a smile at his dejected look almost like a scolded puppy.
"How did you do Kiri?" His bright smile was back, "I think I passed this time! Those extra study sessions we did as a group awhile ago really helped!"
You nodded as you found yourself back at your car, his truck parked just a few spots away. "Well this is me. I'll see you guys later." Kirishima pulled you in for a hug, releasing you to make his way towards his own.
The engine on your car whirred over and over without turning over, sounding like a wounded animal. You tried a few more times before a rasp on your window caught your attention with a startle. Your red haired best friend leaning down with a concerned face. You rolled down your window as he crossed his arms and leaned in on the door.
"Your car won't start?"
With a nod he tilted his head to indicate for you to try again, listening intently as the dying vehicle failed once again to turn over. You popped the hood at his prompt and he gave the starter a good couple knocks after messing with your battery wires. You tried once again to no avail when he sighed, hands on his hips. "Your starter is out, needs replaced."
Your head fell back with a low groan, like you had the money for that right now. "You want a ride home for now?" You agreed seeing as it as now dark out, hopping into the passenger seat of his stupid truck. You grumbled under your breath about wishing you had the money he did until he got in and you thanked him for taking you home.
"Don't worry about it darlin'. I got you, by the way if you want me to fix your car I can grab a starter later and swing back to fix it." You blinked and shook your head "No that's too much. I can get it."
He shook his head before turning the radio up just a bit, one of your favorite songs slowly coming into existence. "It's nothing. My parents left me a lot of money to go to school with, I can't leave my best friend without a car."
After arguing it would be too much half way home you finally agreed to let him fix it with the agreement you would pay him back eventually. Though you had a part time job you were starting soon, being a full time student didn't always account for the extras like car repair. He pulled in front of your building and turned off the radio with a snap of the dial. "Ill have the car fixed for you by tomorrow and I'll pick you up for class."
You gave him a soft smile and took his hand, thanking him. His smile lit up the truck as he told you it was nothing and he'd see you tomorrow. With a pep in your step you skipped up the stairs to your door. Slipping the key into the lock you opened it and dropped your bag right away.
"Bakugo I'm home!" You called while slipping off your jacket and hanging it on the hook.
"Well it's about fucking time! You reek of that mutt again!"
You turned quickly at the sudden deep voice, coming face to face with strangely familiar, narrowed, vermillion eyes. Though a complete stranger was slowly standing up from the couch, the blanket your cat always wore wrapped around his bare hips. On top of his head sat a pair of sandy blonde cat like ears and a tail swished back and forth behind him. You backed into the door with a thump earning a confused expression on his extremely handsome face.
"Who the hell are you??"
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sarahrogersevans · 2 years
I have this funny and fluffy request where chris evans and his girlfriend finding out that their sweet dog, dodger made another dog pregnant
Our Dodger Is A Daddy- Chris Evans POV xreader fan fic request
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Summary: Chris and reader find out one day that Dodger is gonna have puppies with another dog and Chris is very excited about puppies.
Warnings: fluff, angst, mentions of feeling nervous and worried, a lot of fluff
———-Chris’s POV——-
One morning Y/N and I were getting ready to take Dodger for a walk before both our days started like we do every morning. I went looking for Dodger’s special walking leash and I called out to Y/N saying “hey honey? Do you know where Dodger’s long leash is??” as soon as I asked she came in the kitchen saying “you mean this one? It was by the front door from last time’s walk.” I went over and kissed my amazing woman and said “what would I do without you doll?”
I got Dodger’s leash on and we walked out the door and we were walking Dodger when Dodger stopped to say hi to the neighbor dog which he did sometimes and I noticed the dog seemed a bit different today but couldn’t put my finger on it but I didn’t wanna jump to anything and kept walking after Dodger wanted to keep going.
Later in the day Y/N and I were watching tv with Dodger on the couch and I said “hey do you think that other dog earlier looked ok?” Y/N looked at me confused and said “how do you mean babe? I’m sure she’s fine.” I nodded and said “yea it’s probably nothing I just thought the dog looked a bit bigger.”
——time skip——
A few days later I was reading a script for a movie I was working on and my phone buzzed and I answered it saying “hello?” My neighbor said “hi Chris sorry to bother you but my dog just had puppies and they look a bit like Dodger and I think he got my dog pregnant would you both like to see the puppies?” I looked over at Dodger and he tilted his head at me and I said “hey yea sure we’ll be there in a bit bye.” I looked at him and said “oh dodge buddy I had a feeling.”
Y/N came in the room and said “hey who called Chris??” I went to hug Y/N and said “it was our neighbor apparently her dog just had puppies and some look like Dodger he might have gotten that dog pregnant.” Y/N got excited and said “wow! Are we gonna go see them??” I nodded excitedly while putting on my jacket and said “come on babe let’s go meet the little ones!”
We got to the neighbor’s door and I knocked and a minute later our neighbor said “hey Chris, hey Y/N and ahh Dodger ready to meet your kids??” We were taken to the living room and the dog was laying down with her puppies and I sat down by her and the pups and pet them and smiled saying “hey guys hey.” two of the puppies sniffed me and then sat by me and Dodger and Y/N said “aww they’re so precious!”
Our neighbor said “you guys can come on over anytime you like to see them and we’ll update you on them all the time.” I got up and shook their hand saying “thanks man I appreciate it I’m sorry I didn’t know about this.” My neighbor said “oh hey no worries Chris all good the birth went great and the vet came to check on her and the puppies and gave them a clean bill of health.” I nodded & one puppy rubbed up against me and I smiled kneeling down and said “hey you, how are ya?” I was so excited about Dodger being a daddy I love puppies they’re so sweet and Dodger would be a great daddy to them I already know.
Here ya go hope you like it 😊🤍🤍xx
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rebelliousstories · 2 years
Relationship: Jack Twist x Male Reader, Previous Jack Twist x Ennis Del Mar
Fandom: Brokeback Mountain
Request: No
Warnings: Fluff, Allusions to a Panic Attack, Brief Angst
Word Count: 1,865
Masterlist: Here
Jake Gyllenhaal & Co. Masterlist: Here
Summary: A quick trip into town for a few cowboys quickly turns into a trip down memory lane.
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“Jack! Come on, we gotta go into town.” A voice called the man from where he was pulling on his boots. He groaned as he grabbed his coat from the stand near the door right next to the other man. Jack looked all around for his hat but to no avail, until the other man presented him with his black Stetson in his hands. He took it from the other man with a quiet thanks before heading out the front door and to the old pickup that was in the front. Jack grumbled as he helped their dog into the floorboard of the pickup and waited for the other man to follow suit.
“Why ya so fussy today, cowboy?” His companion asked. Instead of words, he was met with a deadpan look on the passenger’s face. As he started the car, he began to grumble himself.
“I know you don’ like goin’ into town but we need to. Our girl needs her check up and we need some stuff from the store.” He reached over and placed a soothing hand on Jack’s shoulder who continued to stare out the window as the trees passed by. There were many reasons why Jack didn’t like going into town. The least of his worries was that they looked at him like a no good hick. But it had to be done. Their dog needed to be seen by the vet in town. They needed to get some more food that they couldn’t grow. But that didn’t mean that Jack had to like the task of going into town.
The drive in was peaceful, which was is in stark contrast to the thoughts rattling around inside Jack’s head. Trees blended together as the wind swept over his face. The day old stubble was rough against the palm he leaned against. When a hand reached down to rest on his thigh, Jack unconsciously held it in his other hand that wasn’t against his face. He needed the comfort before their trip into the public where they both had to hide their affections. A few minutes later, when they saw the first few stores pop into view, a gentle squeeze was passed between them as they pulled away. Both men didn’t need to speak in order to understand what the other was thinking.
“Can you go with the girl to the vet while I get started in the store? It’ll make our time out here faster.” His partner offered as he parked in front of the vet, with the store only a few doors down. Jack nodded and wordlessly got out of the old pickup to clip the leash onto their dog. He made his way to the front door and went inside as he heard that old truck pull out of the lot. Jack preferred to be in the vet more than the store. The ladies behind the desk were always kind to him and gave him a cookie every time he came in. All the other animals nearby seemed to want Jack’s affection whenever he showed up, which the man was more than willing to shower them in. Most of all, the vet usually never took more than an hour of time out of his day. People made him weary, worried about saying or doing the wrong thing to the wrong person. Being around the other animals was a blessing.
Eventually, Jack left the vet’s office with a clean bill of health for his girl, and a cookie. Munching on it quietly, he snuck little pieces of it to the dog and enjoyed watching her tail wag at the tiny crumb of a peanut butter cookie. As he made his way to the store down the way, he spotted the old pickup that belonged to his partner and went to go put the dog in the bed of the truck. Jack clipped her leash to the little hook they put inside just for occasions like this. Sharing with her the last bite of the cookie, Jack went inside the store in search of his companion. The Stetson on his head helped block out the bright LED lights above that were brighter and harsher than the noon day sun. Eventually he saw a familiar jacket moving to the next isle, and excitedly he made his way around and down to follow. As he moved, Jack prayed that he had finished most of the shopping so he didn’t have to spend much time in public. Living on the mountain had made him reluctant to have normal interactions again.
But it wasn’t his partner that greeted his eyes a little ways down the aisle. A familiar head of blonde curls, squinted eyes, and downturned lips was what greeted him instead. Jack felt his heart stop for a moment as he beheld the man he hadn’t seen in several years, ever since he found his partner that should be nearby; Ennis Del Mar. The man didn’t know what he wanted to do. He couldn’t make his body run away from the blonde, but he couldn’t make it go towards him either. Jack wished that the Earth would swallow him whole before-
“Jack?” Too late. He had seen him. The man in question blinked back into the present and felt the wind get knocked out him. Ennis Del Mar was now standing in front of him. Those deep brown, almost black eyes that he fell in love with all those years ago stared deep into his soul. His blonde curls were shorter yet still as wild as always.
“Jack Twist? How the hell are ya?” Ennis said excitedly as he came up to stand in front of a still frozen Jack. But his smile dropped quickly as he watched how Jack still didn’t respond.
“Jack? Jack, you okay, rodeo?” That seemed to snap the man out of his daze. He blinked into the present and away from memories that he remembered sustained him not too long ago.
“Ennis. Um, yeah. Yeah, I’m good. How are you? How’s the girls?” Jack asked politely and took a brief scan around to see if anyone was watching. Unfortunately he didn’t see his partner anywhere in sight.
“The girls are alright. The little ones started a new year of school and I got a promotion so I can help pay for a better education once it comes time. What about you? What have you been up to?” Ennis talked so casually, inquiring about his life but Jack knew the man long enough to know what he was really asking. The subtitles would have said, “do you have anyone romantically in your life?”
“Oh I’ve been around. Just came into town for a vet check up and some groceries. Then headin’ back up the mountain a ways to home. Livin’ the quiet life.” Jack chose to leave out that there was, in fact someone else in his life that consumed his very being. Hopefully Ennis wouldn’t be around too much longer.
“That’s good. The girls have been beggin’ for a pup of their own for a little bit. Hey, why don’t you come over for dinner one night? The girls are going to Alma’s parents’ for the weekend and Alma is on a girls trip.” Before Jack could speak, the sounds of boots that he knew all too well came pounding down the floor behind the pair.
“Jack! Been lookin’ for ya. Oh, who’s this?” His partner came up behind him and stood too far away for Jack’s liking. But he had to remind himself that they were in public, and not was not about to blow their cover.
“I’m Ennis. Ennis Del Mar. ‘M an old friend of Jack’s.” The blonde haired man reached his hand forward and waited for the other man to shake it. As he did, he supplied him with his own name.
“Oh, Ennis. I remember some of Jack’s stories of y’all way back when. He has some funny stories of y’all that I’d love to hear the other side of.” Jack felt his heart speed up at the thought of sitting through a dinner between his current partner and his former whatever Ennis was.
“Jack, what kind of food do I need to get the princess that’s at the house? You know what she eats and she’s so picky.” The man turned towards Jack and kept his face neutral. Jack turned with a slightly confused look on his face.
“Umm the Purina one. I’ll show you. Um, it was good seein’ ya Ennis. Don’t be a stranger.” His partner leaned in and shook Ennis’ hand one last time.
“Good meetin’ ya, Ennis. Glad I could finally meet the man, the myth, and the legend in person after all these years. We gotta get goin’ now. See ya ‘round.” He stayed behind Jack as he maneuvered with the cart towards where the dog food was. but when they stood in front of the food, Jack turned to look at his partner.
“You know what type of food she eats. Why lie?” He questioned as he watched the other man haul a bag on to the bottom of the cart.
“Cause you looked like a damn spooked horse over there, cowboy. You needed an out. Come on. Let’s get home. This was the last thing we needed.” As they neared the checkout lines, keys were pressed into Jack’s hand and a silent command was spoken. He made his way to the truck and grabbed the dog from the back to sit with him in the front.
It wasn’t but a few minutes before his partner was walking confidently out of the store. Not looking like a man that just had to pull his partner away from panicking in front of a former lover. Was it even love if one of them didn’t want to make it work? Or was Jack pressing too hard? Should he have backed off and allowed Ennis to come to him? Thoughts ran wild through his head as he watched the familiar passing landscape of trees and their leaves pass the pair of men by. Once they were out of the city, a familiar hand made its way to Jack’s thigh. Their communication was hidden; in code, in glances, in touches. The pair understood each other so well that they didn’t need words to describe what they needed to say. They allowed other things to do that for them.
When they pulled up in front of their house, the truck was shut off but neither one made the effort to get out. Jack allowed himself to be manhandled by his partner so he was resting against his chest. In the privacy of their ranch, with the mountain as their back and front yard, they allowed themselves to breathe in relief. Today didn’t go as planned, but that didn’t matter. Jack knew he had someone reliable around. Someone that he could count on him to pull him out of a sticky situation, or out of his own head. Someone to hold and support him, and allow himself to be his own man. Someone that was his partner in every aspect of life.
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purplegemstone · 2 months
What’s happened/happening? Are you physically okay even if not emotionally/mentally?
Well. Long story short, there was an altercation outside of my apartment building that consisted of me trying to get my dog inside while a man's dog was trying attack us both. Then he followed me to my apartment, banged on my door, threatened to shoot my dog and me, threatened to shoot my neighbor who came out to see what was going on. Police came, locked him up, took his dog to be quarantined. I gave a statement to the police, had to go to the hospital, get a rabies shot, give another statement, call my landlord to give a statement, and then get a full lookover at the hospital. I'm back home now, about to take my dog to the vet just to get a clean bill of health on her because she wasn't bitten at all but I'd still rather she be seen.
I'm just really tired of today and wished I hadn't woken up tbh
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After Falco is finally dealt with in ageswap, Donnie de-mutates his four giant rats and keeps them under observation for a few days. It's partly to make sure the retromutagen worked, as Falco had experimented with the mutagen so the rats didn't get a normal dose, and partly to make sure the rats were okay.
The inital plan was to simply release them after Donnie gave them a clean bill of health. Like they weren't pet rats, they were street rats Falco had caught and experimented on.
That plan falls apart when the Hamato Clan realise something: the rats may not be giant mutants anymore, but they are not normal rats, not anymore.
It was Shen who realised it first.
Outside of Robyn, who's a vet, Shen has the most experience with non-mutant rats out of all of them. Mochi was the first pet rat she ever had and is also very old rat - people are always shocked when she says how long she's had them. Nugget is a bit younger than Mochi, though no one is quite sure by how much as Mochi was a rescue and Nugget was from a pet shop. Shen convinced her parents to buy Nugget after she found out that rats shouldn't be alone, and she wanted to give Mochi the best life possible.
Shen knows how big a cage for four rats would need to be, how said cage should be set up, what food they can eat and how much they should be given, and what toys would be best for them. She also knows how normal rats behave.
These rats do not act like normal rats. They're different, more intelligent. None of them are going to start speaking human languages any time soon, but when Shen speaks to them they understand what she's saying.
Yoshi will sit with her sometimes whilst she looks after them, and the four are fascinated by him. It's as if they know that he is a rat, but like them he is more than just a rat. He got into the habit of reading books to them, and Mayo would sit in his lap or on his shoulder and listen. Mayo is also a very impatient rat, and nipped Yoshi's hand once when he started talking to Shen about something and Mayo wanted Yoshi to turn the page and keep reading.
One night, the rat they name Natto kept looking at its own paws, then glancing at Yoshi's, before placing a paw against the tip of one of Yoshi's fingers.
Another rat, Cheddar, saw picture of Mochi and Nugget on Shen's phone and when Shen took the four new rats home recognised the pair.
When the not-so-former mutant rats live with her, Shen kept them in a cage, but she realised quickly that Beans was a devil for breaking out. More than once she's found him sat on her desk, leafing through her homework.
Beans also tends to break out if she's had a bad day. One night, after the events of season 5, possibly in early season 6, she was really struggling to hold everything together. She felt a tiny paw against her foot and saw Beans stood next to her. Beans then clambered up her leg and curled up against her, bruxing softly. Soon after Cheddar, Natto and Mayo were climbing out of the cage and joining him, which prompted Mochi and Nugget to start squeaking indignantly, because they wanted to join the rest of the mischeif with mom.
The decision ends up being made that Shen will keep them. They're not normal rats, and the question is asked what would happen to them if they were released? Would they be able to survive when the mutagen and Falco had changed them so much? Would it be fair on them to do that? Raph does also points out that the rats seem to have bonded with Shen, so how would the rats cope without her?
It's after that decision is made that the four get official names. Shen asked Yoshi for help - he named Beans and Cheddar, Shen came up with Natto and Mayo.
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whichwitchami · 1 year
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One week ago today this absolutely love found his way into our backyard and didn't leave.
We took several measures to find his owners but haven't been successful. We're going to keep trying but at this point we're introducing him to our other cat. We've named him Canoli.
(he's neutered, has his front claws and no chip. Vet gave him a clean bill of health. No potent owners have stepped forward on various FB groups, lost pet apps, nor called after we put fliers around the neighborhood)
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kaijuandcoffee · 1 year
My cat died of sudden heart failure today. He was only 4 years old and in perfect health otherwise. He had a vet visit a month ago and they gave him a clean bill of health. Apparently there’s nothing we could have done to catch it. It happened to my partner while I was 3 hours away on a hike. Our cat just…died right in front of him. My partner is the sweetest, kindest, person and he and my cat were besties. He had to take him to the vet and drive home without him and them tell me when i got home almost 8 hours later. I’m so heartbroken. I don’t know what to say or do to help him after such a traumatic day.
The worst thing is that’s do quiet and everything in it reminds us of him. His toys. His crinkle tunnel. His litterbox. Even our laundry pile where he liked to sleep on.
There’s no scratching on his cat tree. There’s no indignant meows to be let into the apartment hallway. No little murps as he jumps up on the bed for snuggles. No scratches to be let into the bathroom. No skitters as he chases his toys around.
I had to leave at 5 am for a stupid hike. I gave him a morning face scritch and left out the door not realizing it’d be the last time I’d see him.
I didn’t say a proper goodbye and I’ll never get to cuddle him again. He was here and now he’s just gone.
Where ever you are now, I hope you’re living your best cat life over the rainbow bridge. Rest easy Noe Cat, we love you so damn much.
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Retired Mom Update: Mary Astor Mary Astor left us on Sunday.She now is enjoying life with a family that also has several of our puppies. We were so honored to hear from Mary Astor's new family yesterday. They called and emailed us to share some very kind words from their vet, Dr. Poutous of Midway Veterinary Hospital. "Hi Cynthia and  Christopher, Yesterday we took Mary Astor to the vet for a checkup and to see about having her spayed. Dr. Poutous of Midway Veterinary Hospital gave her a very clean bill of health and surgery is next Thursday. In speaking with him he said to me that he is extremely impressed with the quality of your dogs (between my daughter and I we have four of your babies). Dr. Poutous said that it does his heart good to see when a breeder retires a good healthy mom and has not overbred her, something he sees all to often.  So again, KUDOS to your entire family for helping to raise such wonderful pups and caring so well for retiring moms. Much love and furry hugs" We were overjoyed to receive such high praise from their vet, Dr. Poutous of Midway Veterinary Hospital. We are responsible breeders and to ensure the quality of life for our moms and puppies, retirement is an important part of that responsibility.🐾 We do have another mom who will be retiring very soon. Please let is know if you or someone you know is interested. Santa Rosa Shih Tzu Puppy™️🐾 where growing healthy, well socialized Puppies is what we do!🐾😊♥️ We breed puppies that bring much needed Joy & Happiness into the World🐾😊♥️ Wiggle, Waggle🐾 Puppy Love, Cynthia & Christopher @Santarosashihtzupuppy_beefarm #shihtzupuppies,#puppies,#shihtzu,#shihtzulover,#shihtzubreeder,#dog, #dogs, #petsofinstagram, #shihtzunation,#shihtzuofig,#shihtzuofinstagramusa,#shihtzuloversofinstagram,#shihtzulovers, #puppiesofinstagram,#puppystagram,#puppy, #cutedog,#cutepuppies, #doglovers, #shihtzulife, #smalldogs, #happiness , #retired, #hypoallergenicdogs, #2023, #pictures,#female , #retirement, #joy (at Santa Rosa Shih Tzu Puppy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpC6TFlO-yc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sleepychipmunk · 2 years
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Old man Ghost had a check-up today. Vet gave him a clean bill of health :) He behaved excellently as well, stayed calm for the whole exam.
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esmereldaschicken · 6 years
Can’t wait until I can at least have the birds in the same room.
It’s really hard to have chill ‘learn to trust me’ time in the common area. Plus I worry Beckett is too cold out there. And I’m forever worrying that he’s not getting enough attention or that Percy is going to get stressed because her socializing time has gone down.
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chaoticreation · 2 years

I'm disabled and on a low income. Please help me save my feathered daughter. Linktree in bio #foryou #cockatiel #help #vetbill #emergency #birddad

♬ original sound - sonofawinchester
I know it's a long read, but it's so important, and I am LITERALLY BEGGING YOU FOR HELP! (And including the link to the original tiktok video because apparently tumblr doesn’t want to show it: https://www.tiktok.com/@sonofawinchester/video/7139692736252349739?is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1)
I have had nothing but hardships since June, and am on the brink of losing everything. Our well pump died suddenly, and I went two weeks without water, begging the local gov't to help, to no avail. Instead, I was met with ableist remarks. I was forced to turn to restaurants to eat once a day, and the nearby gas station to use the bathroom. None of which were in walking distance, which took a toll on my wallet between food and gas. Finally, we had to use the money we reserved for this year's taxes to pay for the replacement pump. While we now have water, we can't afford the taxes. That means we can lose our home. Taxes are due in October and December. September's already halfway through, and combined, they're over $5,500.
In July, my feathered son, Tazmania, got sick. I took him to vets, and he seemed to be recovering with some antibiotic injections. I had to postpone his follow-up appointment due to fraudulent charges on my credit card totaling over $300, which not only maxed it out, but also meant a freeze on it. But he seemed to be doing better, so I didn't think a week would hurt. Until it did. Just 2 days before the rescheduled follow-up, he presented as extremely ill.
August 3rd, he was real bad. But no avian vets had availability, and he wasn't stable enough for the 2 and a half hour drive to ER vets. So we stuck it out. I stayed up with him all night, and he fought hard to stay with me. August 4th, the local vets stabilized him for transport, and we went to ER vets. He was hospitalized and stabilized, tests were run, and he was eating again, though he was still too weak to be his chatty self. He was discharged on August 6th, with nearly $1,800 in vet bills on my care credit, which had a limit of $2,200. 
The first charge made to my newly replaced credit card was a cremation fee of over $200. (If you don't have anything nice to say, bite your tongue off, lest this happens to you. This boy means more to me than your useless opinions, and I'm tired of having to justify this charge. My other option was to keep him in the freezer until further notice, and avoid food because seeing him in there killed my appetite. So the other option was death by starvation.) The house is too quiet without his singing, and I feel empty, but I'm still fighting for Syd.
To be safe, I took his sister, Sydney, for a checkup on August 9th. The vets gave her a clean bill of health, but as soon as we got home, she acted like she was regurgitating. Rather than be helpful, this local vet refused to run tests, that are much cheaper for them to run than an ER vet to run. A few weeks later, Syd started presenting as ill as well, so I sought help from other local vets. This, in turn, has maxed out my care credit limit. That's right, we're past the $2,200 now!
Furthermore, I found out recently from my mom, that we owe the fuel company $900 for propane. If we don't pay this, we will not get a refuel, even if we have HEAP credits. You know what that means? No heat or hot water. My mom's still in a nursing home, and there's no telling if or when she's coming home. She's in 4th stage kidney disease. Thankfully, no heat or hot water won't affect her, but it WILL affect Syd and I (if, in fact, Syd survives.) The cold will kill her, and as someone suffering with Raynaud's, the cold is excruciating for me, in just the matter of seconds. Yes, seconds. Holding a cold drink for less than a minute brings tears to my eyes. No, there's no cure, and gloves only go so far. Within minutes, with gloves on, it's unbearable. Washing in ice cold water? It would feel like frostbite, and could take me a long time just to get feeling back to my fingers once I'm done washing.
At this current point (9/15/2022) Syd has a follow-up with her vet tomorrow. I don't have money for further testing, and care credit is maxed, so I can't even charge it to that. This means I have to refuse further testing if she needs it, which she most likely will, since tests have come back inconclusive. Can I afford $14 for another antibiotic injection? If I starve myself, yes. So I will allow myself to go hypoglycemic in order to give her her medicine. But I won't be much use to her, or anyone. I've been sacrificing myself for years. She's my daughter and she's worth it. I haven't eaten in days already. At this point, I'm lucky if I eat once a week, and it's not even a full meal because I simply no longer have strength or energy to cook, which doctors love to write off or plain out ignore. 
Syd's 11th birthday is September 18th, while Taz will forever be 10 years old. I can't even give her healthcare for her birthday, and it's killing me.
So now that I've explained what's been going on, let me explain something else. I am disabled. Permanently. (I'm currently in the process of fighting to keep my SSI, which is another long story.) I was disabled before I ever stood a chance, so I didn't "earn" the "rights" that you get with SSDI. So what this means is that I make less than $900 a month. In NYS, minimum wage is $15/hr. That means the average full-time worker earns $2,400 a month before taxes. Before this, minimum wage was $7.25/hr, leaving the average full-time worker with $1,1600 a month before taxes. Think about that for five seconds. If you're disabled, you get less than what minimum wage was in **2009**. In fact, the math adds up to roughly $5.55 an hour. You're talking income from **2005.** It's 2022! You're talking less than $900 a month in a state where rents start at $1,500, and gas costs about $70 per fill-up. Where car insurance is like $300, and there's no public transit, so your only choice is to own and drive a vehicle.
I rely on commissions for these kinds of emergencies, but let's face it, I'd need a LOT more commissions than I can ever take on. My commissions ARE open, but I'm slow. I'm struggling with my own health, my mom's health, and my daughter's health. I'm mourning the loss of my son, and if I don't get some SERIOUS financial help, I'll be mourning the loss of my daughter. I have three pending commissions as it is, and that money has already gone to gas or food.
I am losing all hope in any chance of survival for either of us. I can't pay these debts. I can't afford food. I can't afford vet bills for Syd. I can't afford fuel for heat or hot water. I can't afford taxes and can end up homeless. I haven't had time to look after my own health. Not only am I being punished for being disabled, but my daughter is, too. I lose sleep over this. Every moment I'm not distracted, I spend crying. I'm crying right now. It feels like all I do anymore is cry.
Please restore some hope. Please donate if you have the means. But no matter what, PLEASE MAKE THIS VIRAL! Look at this sweet little girl! Don't let her light go out like her brother's!
Here's a link to the gofundme I made in June to replace the well pump. It clearly hasn't worked out, but I don't have the energy to start ANOTHER one. So just... donate to this one, and help Syd and I survive. Especially Syd. I don't even give a shit about me anymore. I just don't want my baby girl to die.
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rosethornewrites · 2 years
My kitten has decided that me giving him nose kisses means he needs to come up to me and nibble or lick my nose as a sign of affection. I accidentally trained him to give me nose kisses. I am pleased with this.
He also learned his name. If I call for him, he generally comes, and his ears perk at his name. This cat is wonderfully smart. He’s also a little motorboat when he purrs. I love him so much.
Vet ran all blood and stool sample tests and gave him a clean bill of health. She really likes him and says his markings (the eye liner) is just so pretty and unique.
His sister should join us the end of next week.
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thatesqcrush · 3 years
The Auction, Pt. 2
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Bryan Kneef x Reader. CW: discussion of sex work, "being bidded on/purchased" touching of reader - but its consensual, vaginal fingering, language. WC: 2K.
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You met with the brains of the organization for a long time. Her name was Cordelia and according to her, you were “a perfect candidate” as she eyed you up and down.
“How does this work? Is this safe? ” You asked, crossing your arms and narrowing your eyes. “How much of a cut do I get? And don't bullshit me.”
“Ah, I’ve always appreciated a woman who gets down to brass tacks.” Cordelia replied. “The cut is 50/50, off the books. We’ll screen your sexual health, of course. While those results are pending, we’ll vet you - make sure you’re of sanity and have no criminal background. This is all done behind closed doors - no one in your immediate life would be the wiser. If that’s all clear, we will arrange the date for the auction. In the meantime, we like to invest in our ladies once they’re cleared - meaning we’ll make arrangements for hair, makeup, clothes, and the like.”
You swallowed hard. “I can assure you, I’m clean. I haven’t had many partners prior.”
Cordelia nodded. “Well, then we have nothing to worry about.”
Your test results came and you received a clean bill of health. The next step was to be primped and polished. Naturally you were middle of the road - some days you could be really girly and other days, not. You weren’t tethered to any one style. But it had been awhile since you were ever able to relax, so when you were sent to a spa for a day of treatment, you jumped at the chance.
After, it was onto shopping.
You felt like Vivian from Pretty Woman as salespersons brought you dress after dress while you got your hair and makeup done. The request from Cordelia was ‘sexy, not slutty.’
You settled on a red hot mini dress with a v-neckline and center ruching for added dimension. Finishing the look was a pair of simple heels that showed off your toned gams and a pair of jeweled hoop earrings. You hardly recognized yourself in your reflection in the floor to ceiling mirror in the store. ‘This is one night; you’re playing a role.’ You told yourself. You figured if you repeated it enough times, you’d believe it.
An unmarked car came to collect you once you were done, driving you straight to the location where the auction was taking place.
You knew there would be other women there from Bonnie. What you didn’t realize was that you’d be going very last. Your nerves were starting to fry and your stomach was twisted in knots. You sipped water through a straw so as to not ruin your lipstick. Finally, there was a rap on the door and Cordelia poked her head in.
“Darling, it’s your time to shine. Now go earn your worth.”
You could hear raucous laughter, cheering and applause from behind where you stood. The music pounded and you could feel it in your bones.
Finally, the door opened - it was pitch black on the other side, save a spotlight. You said a quick prayer, even though you weren’t very religious as you stepped into the light.
Once there, the light adjusted to a more dim version and you were able to focus your vision on the crowd before you. Music played quietly in the background before a woman began to speak - someone who sounded very much like Cordelia.
What she says next and what is said after, is all blur. Bids begin to roll in and it’s in that moment you realized you were nothing more than a hooker, using your body as a means to an end. Humiliation flowed through you - you didn’t feel like you - you didn’t feel as good as you thought. Instead your worth was measured in bank rolls.
You scanned the room, men of all shapes, sizes, colors and creeds were there, waving their black AmEx cards like they were charging a steak dinner. And that’s how you felt - you were a lamb being slaughtered.
The gavel banged and you heard Cordelia exclaim, “Sold! To Mr. Bryan Kneef for two-hundred and fifty thousand dollars.”
You whipped your head at Cordelia. Had you heard her correctly? Two-hundred and fifty thousand dollars? The fact that you got to keep half made your head spin.
“And that concludes tonight’s auction. Winners may come to collect their prizes in the back.”
Cordelia wrapped her arm around your waist and began to whisk you away when you heard someone thank ‘Mr. Kneef for his payment.’ You turned to see who he was and in the dimmed light you saw it was ‘Mr. Mysterious.’
And you damn near passed out.
You sat in the room you were originally in. There was one security camera in place and Cordelia advised that winners liked to meet first before any further advances were to come.
Your leg bounced as you drank your water again. You felt as if you were there for hours but realistically it was mere moments.
The door opened and Mr. Mysteri—Kneef walked in. You smiled nervously at him and extended your arm. “Hi. Bryan, right?”
Bryan didn’t reply. Instead he gave you an intense, smoldering look. His cologne wafted over you, warm and woodsy causing your skin to goosebump.
You brought your arm back and clutched your hands behind your back. Bryan took another step towards you, as if he were trying to get a closer look at his purchase.
“Take off your clothes.” Bryan requested quietly. You opened your mouth to say something but the look in response along with a perfectly arched brow caused you to snap your mouth shut. “I want to see what I bought.”
You reached around, undoing the zipper - thankful it was along the side and not along your back.
You slid the dress off, strap by strap. You hadn’t worn a bra - just a nude thong which wasn’t even fancy - simple and basic, meant more for avoiding lines than anything else. The dress pooled at your feet and you stepped out of it. You moved to kick off your heels when Bryan interrupted you.
“Leave them on.”
You nodded and stood up, anxiously awaiting the next move.
Bryan removed his jacket and folded it neatly, hanging it over a chair. He began to roll up the sleeves of his dress shirt, showing off his muscular forearms with thick, meaty veins.
You looked up and saw the small security camera and realized this private show wasn’t so private. The sound of a finger snap brought you back to the present and you whipped your head towards Bryan. Your heart began to race and you wondered if you should just bolt. You tried to mentally measure the distance between you and the door.
Bryan approached you. His gaze softened, as if he were sorry for what he was about to say. “I’m going to touch you now. At any point if you want me to stop, I will. Consent is very important to me.”
“It is to me too.” You replied, meeting his gaze. After a beat, you continued. “You can touch me.”
His warm touch began rather innocently, along your arm up to along your shoulder. As he walked around you, he kept touching and feeling. His hand got to your ass and he let out a deep rumble as he squeezed the fat of your flesh.
Bryan walked around you. When he came around to the front of you, he cupped one breast with his hand, feeling the weight against his palm. You did your best to remain stoic, ignoring the bolt of pleasure that had shot down to your core. That changed when he firmly twisted your nipple, as you let out a moan as he did so. That earned another arched brow from him, as if taking mental notes.
He rounded you again, and you felt him close the small gap that remained. You felt his cock, hard, pressed against the small of your back. His fingers gently traced your arm and then brought it up, so it was around his neck. He ran his hand back down along your side, and you trembled under his touch. You were certain your heart was beating outside of your chest. When he got to the side of your ribs, he splayed out his hand, so his palm was against you. Slowly, his hand made way down to the apex of your legs.
“Open.” He rumbled in your ear quietly and you followed his instructions. Your breath hitched as his hand cupped your mound. Bryan’s fingers then moved to stroke you softly, teasing your clit and then moving back to stroke your folds. Your pussy grew wet, your breath became more labored as he continued his ministrations. You bit your bottom lip as he slowly but surely worked you to orgasm. Just when you thought you weren’t going to be able to take anymore, Bryan sunk a thick finger inside your soaked pussy. Your pussy clenched around his finger tightly and you let out a wrecked moan in response.
“You’re so wet and we haven’t even started.” Bryan murmured. His beard against your cheek added another layer of sensation. There was no resistance when Bryan sunk another thick finger and began to pump them in and out of you. The sound of wet filled the room and your legs felt wobbly as you gripped around Bryan’s neck harder. Your other hand found his free hand and you brought it up to your breast, encouraging him.
“I’m so close.” You panted. “Oh fuck!”
“Come for me like a good girl.” Bryan growled as he rubbed your clit with the fat pad of his thumb. He used his other hand to pinch your nipple again and you arched against him, coming so hard that you drew his fingers further in.
“That’s it, that’s it.” Bryan praised. “Oh sweetheart we’re going to have so much fun.” He slid his fingers out of you and you whimpered at the loss.
Bryan spun you around to face him. You were a mess as you watched him admire his wet fingers in the light. Bryan brought them to you and you took his fingers into your mouth, cleaning them of your juices and then imitating as to what you could do with your mouth.
Bryan gave you a salacious smile as he withdrew his fingers. He traced them along your cheek, leaving a wet trail to your mouth where he rubbed your bottom lip.
“I definitely got my money’s worth with you.” Bryan replied. “Go home, get some sleep. I’ll have arrangements made so we can have even more fun.”
You watched as he walked away, grabbing his suit jacket and exiting without so much as a second glance. You stayed frozen in place for another five minutes or so, until you realized you could redress and go home.
The car ride home left you with more questions than answers and more horny than ever. Your battery operated boyfriend ran through its battery as you replayed the evening over and over as you were too wired to sleep from the earlier events.
Eventually you did, with Bryan’s name still on your lips.
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Tags: @mgarner1227 @madpanda75 @tropes-and-tales @beccabarba @dreamlover31 @dreamlover31 @prurientpuddlejumper @sass-and-suspenders @youreverycolor @neely1177 @witches-unruly-heart @mrsrafaelbarba @skittle479 @greeneyedblondie44 @mommakat32 @teamsladsandgents @detective-giggles @garturbo @zoeykaytesmom @ottosuricato @zoeykaytesmom @bananas-pajamas @law-nerd105
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