#Big Gruesome
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acmeoop · 11 months ago
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The Gruesome Twosome Shifts To Dragon Power “Beat the Clock to Yellow Rock” (1968)
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faustiandevil · 9 days ago
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Found some really good art by Russell Patterson and wanted to try doing something similar in that style. The little guy he kept drawing reminded me of Lil’ so Gruesome Bothers it had to be. One of the Groszmann brothers has rizz (even if the older one tried to ruin him by giving him a horrid haircut), while the other one shows up to a brothel with a bouquet of flowers (yes, that will be an upcoming scene as soon as I finally write it).
You can learn more about Károly and Béla in the Prohibition AU.
References under the cut.
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soapkaars · 1 year ago
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Sometimes you get possessed and you draw a 25+ panel comic about a Boardwalk-empire style alternate universe take on the wacky races where most of the races are bootleggers, moonshiners, and mobsters, with two lost WW1 ace pilots participating and trying (and failing) to not get on the wrong side of their fellow participants.
Note 1: Lil' Gruesome is a blatant Peter Lorre ripoff because in the show his voice actor does a Peter Lorre impression. Lorre being a film noir actor who liked playing terrible people is being honoured here by being cast as a terrifying Gyp Rosetti stand-in, with some Hungarian flair delivered with the help of @faustiandevil
Note 2: Don't worry about Red Max, he'll be fine
Note 3: 'Piroska' refers to Little Red Riding Hood, 'Most, biztos jól össeszartad, nemde?' means 'you just shit yourself, didn't you?' (sorry if I made any spelling mistakes!)
Note 4: Really, don't worry about him. He's fine, everything's fine.
Featuring: Dick Dastardly in a not-so hidden romantic relation with Red Max, Professor Pat Pending, Penelope Pitstop, Lil' Gruesome, and Big Gruesome silently looking on
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momo-shut-the-fuck-up · 11 months ago
Can u imagine? In infinity nikki, we re probanly gonna get animated cutscenes, in 3d, of the fucked up things that happen in nikki games. War and destruction are a core part of the lore of nikkiverse, so seeing nothing of the sort would be odd...... also the contrast between cutesy dress up visuals and a child dying in front of nikki would be amazing to see lol
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bogkeep · 1 year ago
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sparrow spellcaster | sparrow spellbroken
[OC, xe/xem/xyr pronouns]
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milolovesbmc · 5 months ago
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“You know where to find me… and I know where to look”
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domistique · 4 months ago
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girl grid by boobs characteristics
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completeoveranalysis · 1 year ago
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OOH YES Fai and Kurogane are on edge now! While it was fun before and they were happy to flirt in the face of it all, now Lava Lamp is in extreme danger and They’re Not Enjoying That. Fai is now visibly (stressed? Upset? furious?) while he fights, and Kurogane is actually calling out his attack names again. And from that first panel we can see that they’re trying to get to him. They’re trying to save him from Syaoran now, so the endless clones are much more of a problem than they were even before. 
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Clamp really said You’re going to get stabbed in the chest and it’s going to be gorgeous.
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saints-who-never-existed · 1 year ago
Least favorite misconception/assumption about the historical Franklin Expedition?
This is another one I've been thinking about for days and although it perhaps isn't exactly in the spirit of the question, seeing gifs of poor Fitzjames' ignoble end today has made up my mind.
My least favourite misconception/assumption about the Franklin Expedition (and an idea I've seen repeated far too often on this site) is that the men in some way deserved their fate.
The idea that they were just some kind of evil white colonialist hive-mind intent on destruction. That they fucked around and found out.
That they got what was coming to them.
I just find that to be such a callous take, and one woefully lacking in any kind of nuance!
As I've said many times before, we mustn't ignore or excuse the evils of colonialism and empire, or the very real damage wrought by the Expedition and its crew members. That's central to the narrative surrounding the Expedition both in real life and in fiction.
But the crew members' participation in colonialism doesn't negate their basic humanity either.
For better or worse they were still people, still human beings, and ultimately, I don't think they deserved their grim fate simply because I don't think anyone deserves that fate.
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random-knowone · 6 months ago
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it's official chat (starting work now)
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faustiandevil · 3 months ago
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More marker drawings and it’s time for the Gruesome Twosome.
So in Wacky Races Lil’ and Big Gruesome are more or less expys of Peter Lorre and Boris Karloff respectively, with a bit of Béla Lugosi thrown into the mix with Lil’, so I just built more upon that in the Prohibition AU. Big Gruesome or Károly Groszmann (Károly as that was the closest name I could come up that was similar to Karloff, and fyi if you say that y at the end as an i you are saying it wrong, honey) is looking more like a Frankenstein’s monster, the drawing was also based on T. Wyatt Nelson’s of Karloff as the monster, because I really liked the hair. Lil’ Gruesome or Béla Groszmann was drawn based on an old photo of my very real papa in his military uniform, only Lil’ was part of the flamethrower unit in WWI. I’m still deciding on his rank and proper backstory.
And lastly the colored drawings is a very layered joke that combines the monsters from the cereal commercials and that one gag from Wacky Races ep two where the Gruesome brothers are the only one unimpressed by ghosts. I also did a last minute decision to add a scar to Károly’s cheek as a nod to another Gruesome Twosome from Arsenic.
If you’d like to see not Lorre and Karloff be fucked up criminal brothers then maybe consider reading my fic~ //twirls hair//
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cutemeat · 9 months ago
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queer-crusader · 2 years ago
In praise of Dead Man's Chest,
a rather forgettable follow-up of Curse of the Black Pearl, i wanted to quickly list the moments where the vibes are truly off the charts:
when Bill Turner comes to tell Jack his time is up and gives him the black spot
visiting Tia Dalma. Her telling of the origin story of Davy Jones' heart, the fact that she has the same music box on her table in a brief shot, Barbossa's boots (still dead? resting?) on a bed in a different room as monkey Jack investigates. (Hell, when her cabin comes into view we hear the same tune we heard when Barbossa died!!) "Him heart." "A touch... of destiny" ma'am i fucking love you
Will being sent to search the Flying Dutchman but he's only sent to a wreckage that has fallen victim to the kraken. One crew member still desperately trying to hoist a sail, Will barely able to snap him out of it. Bodies everywhere. Lashing rain. A body dropped from great height, its face torn off by the kraken's suckers, just a membrane of skin that is still pulsing as the man desperately tries to breathe beneath it. I feel like this is Will's "you'd best start believing in ghost stories, Turner. You're in one!" moment
And then the Dutchman rises from the depths and its crew literally comes out of the woodwork!! Will dousing his sword in oil and smashing a lamp to fight with a flaming blade and see what he's up against!!
"Do you fear death? Do you fear that dark abyss?" (still thrilled i put this line on a pair of booty shorts in my black sails crack fic but thats an unrelated sidenote, this line just FUCKS) "All your deeds laid bare. All your sins punished. I can offer you an escape." BILL NIGHY DOES NOT PLAY ENOUGH VILLAINS
"Life is cruel. Why should the afterlife be any different?"
Jack looking at the scene unfolding through his looking glass. Jones looking right back at him. Jack putting the glass down and Jones being RIGHT THERE. VIBES OFF THE CHARTS
"You can't talk your way out of this one, Jack" yet HERE HE IS BARGAINING THE WORTH OF HIS SOUL. And he tells Will, who is taken as down payment, is in love, betrothed even. And the impact that has on Jones. Not to mention how the key theme of Davy Jones, a man whose story is centered around love and heartbreak, starts playing for the first time. Fuck
Recruiting new men (sorry, cannon fodder to give to Jones) and Gibbs asking a potential crew member (Norringtonnn) what his story is. "My story... It's exactly your story, just one chapter behind." FUCK THATS SUCH A GOOD SUMMARY OF NORRINGTON'S CURRENT STATE
THE ORGAN VERSION OF DAVY JONES' THEME. The way the giant coral tubes coming out of it remind me of the arteries and veins of a heart. The way Jones still cries while playing it - cutting out his heart clearly didn't have the full intended effect, despite his cruelty that followed. (Here's the coolest fucking IRL version of that theme btw. You'll realise exactly where the phrase "pulling out all the stops" comes from)
Wyvern, a man so long for his debt on the Dutchman he's becoming one with the wood. That fucks
LIAR'S DICE. There's an extended version of the scene and here is an analysis of why the long version fucks actually and how it's a masterclass on writing plot and character development subtly
"Let no joyful voice be heard! Let no man look up at the sky with hope! And let this day be cursed by we who ready to wake... the Kraken."
And then when you see the true scale of it. The way it snaps a ship in half and pulls it beneath the wave. That kinda fucks
"The boy's not here. He must have been claimed by the sea. "I am the sea." Mr Jones i think that's a point of contention the root of which caused your relationship problems and everything that followed
Leaning into the chest and hearing an actual heartbeat
Jack abandoning the Pearl during the Kraken attack, then checking his compass and for the first time it works, telling him what he wants most. We don't see what it points to, but based off what he tells Elizabeth in the first film, my guess is the Pearl, which in his mind represents freedom
The absolutely HAUNTING memorial of Jack at Tia Dalma's cabin, underscored with the sound of Will's knife hitting the table over and over. The deep despair. Tia Dalma saying she knows how Will hoped to use the Pearl to chase down Davy Jones and save his father. The way she jumps on the slightest glint of them being willing to try and repair what has happened. She wants Will to go after Jones. Because after all, she's taken steps to help the crew for the inevitable moment Jack would lose and needed saving:
Special shoutout to the three-way fight in the chapel and on the waterwheel, it's silly and a little slapstick-y but it DOES have some cool choreography and really cool moments! Clearly an attempt to recreate the fight in the workshop from the first film, and while it doesn't succeed in the same way (not quite to the rhythm of the music like in the first film, little to no character development revealed like we saw in film 1), but the scenery is vibrant, the choreography is good, the ever-changing alliances fun and the scene IS memorable!!
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rainstormraven · 3 months ago
"I might have spiders in my keyboard" - Future victim of the Web
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hydrasaura · 1 year ago
when i said that mha ripped off naruto (which i said only to piss off mha stans anyway) I didn't mean to sound like i was praising naruto. it was actually more like a sigh of disappointment, a reaction to seeing that all the problems that naruto had as a show transpired trough mha too and i was tired because watching naruto was enough for me but then i realized that my problem actually is that i can no longer stand watching shonen anime and i chose not to tire myself by cringing at the repetitive tropes and cliches anymore
#demon slayer falls under the same category sadly#actually it was more a combination of these 2 that made me realize that i had enough of this genre#me judging other shonen having as reference only naruto#but look! i watched both mha and demon slayer and my personal point was proven that i would get bored by them#(with the exception of some rare moments that were really good in mha but the bad and cringe moments made me forget abt them)#like i remember crying bcs this dude who trained deku died but then i remembered that a few episodes earlier he ''punished''#one of his female students by tying her up a ledge and tickling her with a feather :|#LIKE WHY DID YOU NEED TO PUT THAT IN THE STORY? HORIKOSHI OR WHATEVER THE MANGAKA'S NAME IS#WHY YOU FELT THE NEED TO ADD THAT IN???#and then you tried to make me feel sorry for the guy too?#that was such a jiraya death moment like they were playing it a sad but all i could think abt was ''rip bozo''#not saying that other anime don't have cringe moments. even moments that i had to skip because of how gruesome they were#but they sorta make sense in the big picture of the story? but other characters experience it too not just a category of people? idk#also it's funny how pissed mha stans get for having their show insulted like#when i tell ppl that my fave anime/manga are evangelion; black lagoon#and berserk they look at me like i deserve to be put in an electric chair#like they are right but at the same time i find it funny and i rly don't care#but these guys always go bananas if you insult their fav show as if you broke the geneva convention#i'd say that it's because the majority of the fans are children but i know for a fact that they are not 😭
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inkykeiji · 2 years ago
it was so good and I saw your m.list and lost it jdjsjjd I am a sucker for nii-san’s 😫😫 I do have a question to read the series in order which do I start with?!
I’m going to binge read them as soon as I can because they’re so good and well written plus the emotions you add is chefs kiss, thank you for doing the work 🙏🏻
AH HELLO!!!!! <333 aw thank you so much!!! i’m super glad to hear that you enjoyed it! (´∀`)♡
OKAY a very good question since there is a LOT of pieces set within my touya-nii AU so i will lay them all out here for you, in order!!
main series:
part one | part two | part three (or 2.2 hehehe)
oneshots in chronological order + how long after the main series they take place:
you told me that you love me, that’s not easy to do - takes place in between part one and part two
at least i have the memory (keigo!) - takes place in between part one and part two
i’m about to show you the beginning is the end - takes place directly after part three
the clock is ticking, running out of time (tomura, hypothetical situation and NOT canon) - takes place after the full events of the main series
i take my pills and i’m happy all the time - takes place about a year and a half after the full events of the main series
my snowman and me - a five part christmas series that takes place two years after the full events of the main series
i don’t know where but she sends me there - takes place after my snowman and me
i love you - i know - takes place after my snowman and me
touya-nii summer collection - takes place after my snowman and me
getting naughty with natsuo: part one (what u read!) | part two - takes place after my snowman and me
for further reading, if you’re ever interested, i have a compilation of all of my touya-nii AU asks up until march 2022 which you can find under my scribbles + sketches masterlist (sorely needs to be updated waaaah >.<), which i’d link but tumblr has decided it will not allow me to do that SO!!! you can also find all touya-nii AU asks with the ‘#touya nii universe’ tag!
thank you so much for your kind words, genuinely, they mean the world to me <3 i hope you enjoy going through the touya-nii universe, and promise me you’ll heed the warnings and stay safe!!! <33
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