#Biana appreciation
alaydabug2 · 4 months
Biana has had the BEST character development in the entire series
I am willing THROW HANDS over this
At first she was rude and snobby and on the same level as Stina in my first read of the first book
Then she started to prove herself as a good friend and become extremely loyal
Then she was obviously already a bit insecure and her getting attacked in nightfall amplified that by ten
THEN she got over having those scars and became so incredibly confident with them
THEN she became apart of team valiant and fell into the place of the nobility and becoming who she's ment to be
A strong confident powerful young woman who's always there for her friends
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thestarsloth · 5 months
She is so brave she went after vespera and fintan alone because she knew it was the only way to save her friends
She fought vespera and was pushed through mirrors
Just like that she got scarred in the worst way possible and the worst is vespera KNEW EXACTLY WHAT SHE WAS DOING
She knew that biana, being a girl from a nearly royal family, thought of her appearance as a really significant part of herself.
Not only her confidence was gone, but in the elves' world, scars are something unthinkable so she probably was criticized
Plus I don't really remember anyone supporting her like they did with Sophie Fitz and Keefe :(((
But at the end she only grew stronger. Go girl
that girl is so amazing I'll protect her with my life
I love biana if you can't tell
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arctic-celcius-anti · 6 months
kotlc as things said on the family road trip😋
Fitz: I don’t know why, but i’ve never really related to the typical “middle child“ symptoms. I honestly relate more to what i’ve heard about oldest child’s experiences
Alden: That’s because Alvar was in and out of jail the majority of your elementary school career
Alden: I’m not trying to be sexist but i feel like girls just aren’t that deep. i’ve never had as real of a connection with a girl as i’ve had with men
Tiergan: I don’t know about sexist but you might be gay
Marella: Girls and fire? count me in! 
Fitz: Man, we used to have the best sleepovers
Biana: Remember the one where you and Keefe made out? 
Sophie: WHAT??
Keefe: We were drunk!
Alden: You drank illegally??!
Fitz: he meant we were drunk off life 
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doodle-do-wop · 1 year
In Nightfall when everyone was all paired up for Atlantis trips to try and find Vespera's symbol I just know Biana was spoiling her friends
Not only can she buy them a million little gifts and knickknacks while taking them to her favorite shops
Yeah, thats right. Biana Vacker is draining her big bother's birth fund and he deserves it. She'd do it too. Who's gonna stop her? Fitz? Nope, he's turning a blind eye to that. Not his brother, not his problem.
Biana didn't let anyone pay for anything while in Atlantis. She kept saying "it's on me" while fully just paying with Alvar's money.
After kidnapping and torturing her best friends, trying to kill the gnomes, and much much more. Alvar can break the bank a little (a lot) for the multiple clothes shopping trips, the cafe visits, the trinket finding, the random gadget parts, more clothes shopping (the boots were totally Dex's style and you can't blame her if that tunic matched Tam's silver bangs), the rapidly increasing amount of furniture (Dex said the triplets broke his desk leg, it's not like she couldn't not buy it), and so much more.
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yourtwistedlies · 1 year
found these online-. we love dex <3 we need a dex appreciation month. our technopath is always working behind the scenes. dex deserves the world <3 our cinnamon roll. also- apologies in advance, i couldn’t resist the 2nd one.
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Characters in Keeper who are well written:
Keefe Sencen. He's overhyped but like super well written. His reactions to trauma, his actions in general, his thoughts and feelings, it all makes so much sense. It's why he's my favorite.
Sophie Foster. I love her because again, she's so accurate. She's not always logical, she doesn't always make the right choice, and she never really wins, but she's still such a good character. If you call her a basic main character I will cry (mostly joking).
Fitz fricking Vacker. His anger issues are so logical I can't even. He's the most realistic character in the series.
Biana Vacker. The character growth??? Omg???
Tam Song. He's changed as a character. He's grown from his trauma. He's also sassy and funny but thats beside the point. He's very logical, as seen in his arguments with Linh.
Linh Song. Her anger?? Her motive?? Her strength???
Characters in Keeper who are not well written (in my opinion):
Dex Dizznee. This boy was grumpy and angry and held a grudge and turned into this sweet little baby WHO HE IS NOT. HIS CHARACTER COMPLETELY CHANGED.
Wylie Endal. You're trying to tell me the guy who hated a literally child because she couldn't save his dad and even hated the children of the guy who hurt his dad would be super noble and loyal to the council?? Hell no. Makes no sense.
Stina Heks. You'd think she's start to be nicer after the "we good foster" scene. But no, she continued to be the same rude and bratty girl she gas been. WE HAD THE PERFECT TIMING FOR CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT AND WE DIDN'T GET IT.
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please please PLEASE elaborate on keefe growing up w/ the vackers. you mentioned it in your post that was basically 'more fitz and biana siblings content in canon PLEASE here's multiple headcanons that are accurate to their dynamic to convince you they deserve more page time'. i need to know more
omg omg omg okay hear me out
keefe played dress up with biana because she actually styled him in things he liked vs his parents just shoving him into things he hated. keefe's obsession with his hair actually comes from biana, who introduced him to cosmetics and styling as art, and made him realize it was a small way to rebel against his parents that they wouldn't be able to ruin. keefe knew, in a subdued sort of way, that biana liked him, and did his best not to change anything between them or lead her on because he knew both those things would hurt her and he really does care about her.
it's quite literally canon that keefe stole fitz's bramble jersey (i wrote a whole fic about it) but then can't we discuss their tendency to share clothes? and how keefe would have to start rolling the pants up as fitz got taller? before meeting sophie, it was the only way he could really tell time was passing because in every other way, they always stayed the same. also keefe most definitely resented their height difference and still does.
biana and fitz used to fight over his attention ("he's /my/ friend!" "he likes me better anyways!!"). they've played tug a war with him more than once, and he honestly just eats up the attention. they learned to share, playing base quest, tackle bramble, baking. biana puts clips in keefe's hair while he drew fitz with a sword. they played hide and seek all over everglen and always found fitz first bc he was just terrible at it (still is).
keefe loved the vackers because they were a perfect escape from candleshade and from his parents. keefe loved alvar because he was an older brother and idol figure he never had. keefe loved alden and della because they represented every ounce of love, respect, and positive attention his parents never gave him. and he loved fitz and biana because he hadn't felt /truly/ alone since meeting them. because no matter what his parents did, he'd be able to go back to them and have it be okay.
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rosalette-roxburgh · 1 year
Things in the hi3 artbook i missed first read
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Elysia’s shoulder pad has a 2 on it 🥺 cute
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Raven’s sassy ass character description that basically reads as ‘I cheated’
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Kleins cute concept designs! I dont think these were ever posted officially
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Mobius’ sus character description that communicates a Lot…
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The emo ass landscape descriptions for the elysian realm levels
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The strange usage of the font for kolosten arc’s title 🧐
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Nagamitsu concept designs
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Fucked up section in ambers description
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Intact version of the family photo
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
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Never to be finished doodle dump- happy late ayyám-i-há!!
oh my gosh happy late ayyám-i-há!! there are sooo many sketches here I don't. even know what to do with them all! lots of Linh, which is lovely because she's a character I adore (pre-stellarlune Linh is my preference, i need to time to warm up to this new linh)
I like how you incorporate words and word places into your art! like the banished in the banished poster and the scarred in Biana's piece. adds an extra layer, completely recontextualizes what the pieces are about and what you're looking at. all the sudden it's not a sweet picture of linh, it's a piece about how she's been demonized despite her kindness and genuine efforts for something that isn't her fault. it's not a lovely portrait of biana but an exploration of her family name and her place in both her family and society. very very fun--it's like what titles can do! like that "two earthlings" one that just punches you in the face
and whiteboard sketches! whiteboards are so interesting to drawn on with how the marker behaves. you're more limited, but it's a fun challenge. there's a pumpkin drawing on my family's whiteboard that's been there over a year, he's a very fun little guy.
and is the comic that one scene from Lodestar where Sophie learns to outward channel and explode that thing by visualizing planting a seed in it? because if so, very cool! and if not, still very cool! I like the positioning of the pfwoom. that book sure was. something. i've always thought of it as a transition book from one half of the series to the next--although I think stellarlune is also a transition. so lodestar would then transition from part 1 to part 2, and stellarlune transitions from part 2 to the finale? something like that
anyway, thank you so much for all the sketches! delighted to see you are also a linh with bangs believer, as she does have bangs and I refuse to believe otherwise despite what canon says. this is all very very cool :)
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nejitenotp · 2 years
“Sure, that changes everything! Who cares that he almost got us killed? He felt conflicted about it afterward!” If Dex rolled his periwinkle eyes any harder, his eyeballs might’ve dropped into the back of his head. “It’s also awesome knowing you two were sitting around chatting about our kidnapping, isn’t it, Sophie? Do you think they also placed bets on which of us would get murdered first?”
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heavensinhell · 1 year
bad influence.
sophiana drabble, angst, human au.
tw; slight substance abuse, mentions of substance abuse, suggestive.
word count: 2597
it wasn’t always like this. she didn’t want it to end like this. hell, she did everything to avoid it ending like this.
but fate catches up, just as how the rain did, dripping down their skins, merging with their tears. they held each other in their arms, sobbing more than they’d did ever in their life — or maybe it was just her. maybe she was the only one shaking, the only one sobbing. but when sophie held on tight, arms wrapped around her waist, she knew; it isn’t just me.
biana always hung out with sophie now, with their school’s anniversary week over and both of them free to do anything.
it was amazing, really. a week ago, she’d just find out there’s someone else in her grade living in the same suburbs as her — at the same block too! her new friend, sophie foster’s, house was literally just behind hers, and even remembered that she’d always passed, playing with the barking dogs in their small yard. now they’d spent early evenings walking one of the said dogs around the neighbourhood.
she’d met sophie during dance practice for their presentation in the intramurals, but she wasn’t joining; apparently, she was the one representing her class for the pageant, and rightfully so. she was beautiful.
blonde hair in soft curls, tiny ringlets. gold flecked brown eyes that feel like the earth has opened up before you and is offering up their treasures for you to adore. soft, matte red lips. she had asked her for her lipstick ones, but she looked at her confused and said she didn’t have any. her confusion — crinkled eyebrows, narrowed eyes, and lips half a frown, half a pout. how can she be so simply beautiful?
not that biana herself wasn’t a sight to behold. she truly was; her evening’s sweetheart award during their prom night proved that.
sophie nudged her, head tilted. “i don’t think i’ve ever asked, but you have a flare of confidence.” there it was again, crinkled brows, narrowed eyes, and cute, oh-so cute lips, evidence of her curiosity and confusion. “why didn’t you join the pageant?”
biana raised her brows, lips twitching in a smile. “because you would’ve lost.”
the blonde nudged her, now her nose crinkled, too. “i’m serious!”
the brunette had only laughed in turn, but sat down on the grass, letting opera nuzzle into her knees.
it was half past six, the moon and the stars illuminating the soft, early night. soon, the sun rays would disappear entirely, leaving the moon to glow in all its glory. soon, in the turn on the next block, she’d have to drop off her best friend at home. so, she’d tell her short tale seated in the grass in front of an unoccupied house. there were perks in being one of the last phases in their subdivision; no one liked being last. many of the houses are empty, be in because they’re un-bought, or their real owners only bought them to spend their summers. houses too beautiful to be called home, maybe.
now it was biana’s nose crinkling, looking over at her friend. “so.”
“so why didn’t you join the pageant!”
the blonde pouted, gently picking her dog back. it made biana giggle. they both liked animals, so when one wouldn’t share, the other would take back what was theirs. whether it was a stuffed, teddy animal or a real one.
“i wasn’t home, remember.”
she’d told the story before — leaving the country a month before, therefore missing so much stuff, like the general practice for their prom.
the blonde laid her head against the other’s shoulder, nose crinkled. “but the auditions for the pageant was wayyy after prom.”
biana snorted, head shaking. “there was also our english project to think about. i was one of the writers, which was a stupid decision,” kicking away a pebble, a pout formed in her lips. “like, i just got home! they were pressuring me to write while my grandparents were telling me to fix more documents. like, wasn’t that why you sent us out the country in the first place? like—“
anger shrouded her aura, her vibes so she gently pushed sophie’s head off, covering her face with her hands. “basically, i didn’t audition because i was too pressured. if i joined, i’d have to win. ‘you’re gonna join, so you gotta win. if you don’t that’s okay, you tried you best — but knowing you, your best would have you winning’ like, gee! no pressure!”
sophie had wrapped her hands around her shoulder, her other hand snaking in to hold hers.
and her heart fluttered with butterflies.
that was one of the things that were so painful about sophie. she’s loving, she’s sweet, and she’s friends with a lot of people. so she’s caring — loving, even — to a lot of people. and it was ok! you’re supposed to love your friends. she was amazing for that. but sometimes, she’s so stupidly oblivious. sophie would hold their hand, cup their cheeks; like now. people trust her a lot, vent to her a lot. and she doesn’t mind it, doesn’t mind comforting people. she treats people right, the way you should. a basic human with basic human decency and basic human sympathy. but that was rare. so people end up mistaking their platonic feelings for romantic, and biana was no lesser a victim.
but still she melted into the hug, crying into her friend’s shoulder, her hands fisted, fingers entangled with the other.
a cough had made the brunette jump, moving far from her friend. if her fear was right and true, it would be sophie’s overprotective father. but no, it was way worst — her boyfriend.
vien had flirted with biana once, and, of course, being a stupid 13 year old, she’d let him. it was the beginning of her mental decline. how someone like him had pulled sophie was beyond her.
maruca stood beside him, looking far, far away from her. obvious that the both had them had been looking for her together, or, if biana was being really, really honest, vien was pulling some shady shit. not that she hasn’t warned sophie about it. she’d been crinkle brow’ed then, when she found out sophie and vien were classmates in the eighth, and started spitting insults left and right, slipping multiple times and calling him some things. warned her, “he’s a cheating, lying fuck. oh, and guess what? he smokes! he drinks! i do, too — but i don’t overdo it!” sophie had agreed, but somehow, to her horror, they’d ended up together.
the ravenette, eyes narrowed, had his distance. horridly scared of dogs, he was. but when sophie met her eyes, head tilted, her lips twisted into a soft, pleading smile, she sighed and took the leash, walked it home, sophie’s home, and came back, an eye’s distance away, maruca leaning against the car, smoke escaping her lips, her breath hitched. biana shook her head, opening her palm, before taking a puff of the vape for herself.
“gonna kill it again?” the blue-streaked brunette muttered, slipping to her knees, head against the others legs, breathing slow.
“gonna kill him, matter of fact.” she hissed, watching him bury his head in her neck, arms tight around her waist.
he demonised her: gave her a short temper, horribly emotional overall, and made her do impulsive things. him and his horrible friends, maybe that’s why they’d kept preying on her.
she hated it, but it was no more a horrible situation than what she felt earlier for sophie. a mere human, with humane needs, sophie gave her love, and those blasted boys gave her attention. poor biana vacker, with the poor life choices, teenage hormones, and human needs. wow.
she’d taken another hit when maruca stood up, leaning towards her, inhaling the smoke that left the brunettes lips. her breath hitched, the brunette gently laying her head against the other’s chest.
“let’s go, bia,” the girl whispered, hands slowly wrapping around her waist, as if she was scared. scared she’ll shatter. “she knows how to go home safely.”
she hated that, but she hated watching them even more. it made her sick, genuinely.
maruca had dragged her back to her house, head bowed as she greeted her parents. “lord and lady vacker,” with the slightest amusement in her voice.
it was kinda embarrassing, really. being the daughter of royals. or maybe that was because she was raised in a simple life, the way her parents wanted. look at how pressured she was when her grandparents got involved, the reasons they left the country, the reason they were practically royalty. thank the gods for her parents.
they hanged out in her room a lot, but the air was awkward. biana knew maruca longer, loved her longer, but never once did she cry to her, opened up to her. it was obvious she was hurt by that, but she wasn’t gonna bring it up. the darker girl gave her a cheek kiss, their way of goodbyes, and left for home.
and biana stood there. wondering how she’d ever work out her feelings.
maybe she stood for hours, because it was dark out, and that’s when jolie, sophie’s elder sister, had knocked on their door, looking for sophie.
“sorry,” biana frowned, slipping into their living room, staring at her sleepy eyes. “ but i’ve not seen her since noon, ms ruewen.”
but jolie pulled her for a hug, how edaline had, when they’d met. and despite being adopted, sophie hugs like the two of them. she would’ve melted if she wasn’t so embarrassed, but not to fret; jolie had let her go, smiling and thanking her, “i’ll let you know when we find her,” her smile was so genuine, she couldn’t believe she lied. she gave a respectful bow, and left.
she’d kissed her mom’s cheeks in a daze and gave her dad a hug, before slipping back into her room. sophie was missing. oh my gods. what did they do?
it was friday — three days before she could go to school. not that it mattered, honestly. but if something had happened, oh no. she couldn’t stop worrying, sitting in her bed — how did i even get here? — worried, worrying. the running-hands-through-hair-when-stressed? apparently she got that gene, too, because by the time she’d fallen asleep, she’d had a tangle of brown for hair. and those three days made her sick. jolie never came, never chatted. she was left worrying, worrying, worrying. and worst, she’d blamed herself.
if she didn’t leave them alone, would sophie be missing still? if she didn’t let maruca whisk her away, would she still be in her room, pacing, worried? no one messaged her about it, too, god, now her mind was running faster than her family’s cars. what would she do, what could she have done? oh god, oh gods —
and it was monday. the weekend passed like a blur of her worrying, waiting, being ignored. fuck, did something happen?
she was scared. she didn’t want to go and see, so she listened to music in her classroom, hidden under her hoodies, stressed, so stressed, what the heck.
but somehow, her other friends were able to coo her into the canteen, and vien, fucking vien, was okay, cackling with his friends. it took all of her will power not to jump at him, claw at him, where’s my best friend—when she’d noticed a head of blonde hair, ruffling brunette. sophie and amy. or… keefe and amy? either way, there was sophie’s other sister.
coming closer, she’d stopped dead in her tracks. there, back facing her, was sophie foster, hair cut short, her curls embracing her ears, jumping lightly as she laughed that heaven-given laugh. amy’s eyes had met hers, and the soft green turned steel, and when sophie turned, heaven, oh heaven, she was still so beautiful. the brunette wanted to break down, cry, hug her — she was alright, it was alright.
but when her eyes weren’t glowing with happiness, they were scared, in despair, before giving off the same steel gaze her little sister did, and the foster sisters walked away without another word.
old biana would’ve thrown a tantrum, eyebrows creased, nose crinkled, an expression of “who does she think she is, defying me?” but this biana, this new biana, just stared at where she stood, before regaining her posture, ignoring the gazes on her back, staring at her, what the hell just happened? she left, eyes on the floor, unblinking. she knew if she did, they’d know there had been tears.
it went like that for days — how many, she didn’t know — seeing sophie in the halls, the cafeteria, the streets. and that sophie was ignoring her, giving her sad eyes. she blamed her, too, biana decided. to her, it was her fault. and now, maybe, just maybe, maybe it was her fault. maybe she was to blame. maybe that was how their friendship would end.
the girl kicked the poor, innocent rock in front of her. it’s been weeks — maybe two, fuck it, she didn’t care. and it was so painfully obvious. dragging herself out of bed, rat tails less of tails, more of bird’s nest, tangled under her puffed hair. clothes messy and mismatched, unlike the trendsetter she knew herself to be. maybe in the future, she’d be horrified to see herself in this state, that she had let herself go to that hole. really, it was bound to happen. her life went to shit when she landed from that airplane — god, i wish it just crashed. it was selfish, wishing a group death, so she wouldn’t be all alone in her misery, but that’s what she’s become, it seems.
the rain had gotten stronger, sprinkling her uncovered skin. just as when she didn’t bring a goddamn umbrella, it was bound to storm for hours on end. as if things could get any worst.
and it did. damn you, universe.
there, blonde beauty herself, had run into the bus station. how silly, fate was, stringing them together, just the two of them, under a storm.
she looked at her phone. half past six. oh, nostalgia! oh, universe! oh, fucking destiny!
biana had an oversized hoodie in her bag, she just remembered. how amazing, the human mind was. when the self had been hurt, it cared not. i’ve been through this a lot, it’s okay! but upon the sight of another, the other being someone it cared about, it remembered something, something that could’ve helped the self as well. maybe it was proof that the self lacked care for itself.
she took it out of her back, awkwardly walking closer. sophie looked up at her, but biana had looked away, focusing on putting the hoodie on the other girl.
“biana.” she said it so simply it hurt, like the weeks of hanging out didn’t mean anything. like the weeks without each other was nothing.
“biana,” her voice hitched now, locking her hands in the other’s, but she quickly pulled it back, still looking down.
“biana, my gods,” she’d moved closer, and biana felt her cup her cheeks, tilting her head up to meet her eyes.
there were tears dripping down her cheeks — or was it the rain? no, they fell from her own eyes. biana was crying, too. the tears falling in silent grief, but when sophie pulled her close, running her fingers through her tangled hair, whispering softly, i missed you, i’m sorry, i love you so, so much. she broke, holding on tight, broken, breathless sobs leaving her lips.
stay with me, i don’t want you to leave.
she’d thought it, maybe whispered it, sophie holding her close, dear to her heart. the storm raged around them, and she could feel herself getting wet.
she’d gone with no explanation, but that didn’t matter — she was here now, she was in her arms now, they’d fix this. they’ll talk it out, like they always do.
but right now, all biana wanted was to suffocate in her embrace, drown in her affection. god, she gave the best hugs.
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thestarsloth · 5 months
Biana Vacker is the best person I've never met:
She has the best character development
She is so sweet kind and outgoing
She did nor take any of Tam and linh's mom's shit and painted their portraits the way they should be
She is so smart and it shows throughout the books
She lost her crush to her best friend
She is amazingly brave - do I need to explain? She went after vespera and fintan ALL alone, fought with vespera and got scarred in the process in one of the most awful ways there are.
She is always so supportive
Plus very funny
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famousinfamous · 1 month
I just think it’s funny that in the first few books Fitz is a telepathy prodigy Dex is a genius inventor Biana just has insanely powerful vanishing especially for her age and Sophie was made to be the chosen one and Keefe is just…there. Like sure he can do that special calming breeze thing with Sophie and he can feel her emotions but I’m pretty sure that has more to do with Sophie than Keefe. And even if it is Keefe that means his main use is just being her emotional support animal friend. And I think that’s great. As much as I can rag on Keefe the main reason I really liked him in the first few books is because he was a genuinely interesting the comedic relief character! No plot relevance (at least at first) the only character constantly cracking jokes, and he had an actual life outside of being haha funny man! So yeah. Uh Keefe appreciation post I guess.
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crippling-pages · 2 months
Tiana comfort hcs? (For ex: Tsm comforting Bianna throughout (lets say) Fitz joining the Neverseen)
*cracks neck* my dear fandom mate, i dont think you know what you asked for.
Going with what you said; Fitz joining the Neverseen.
Biana would cry. A lot. She'd cry on Tam's shoulder, cry into his chest, and Tam would just hug her tightly. He doesn't care if his shirt gets wet. He's going to be there for her, no matter what.
Tam knows that for a while, she needs to be sad. She has to feel what she's feeling, let her emotions out. He himself had suppressed his emotions for years, so he knows for a fact that it's unhealthy to bottle them up, especially in the beginning. So he makes sure that Biana knows that she can express what she's feeling safely.
Hugs. Lots of hugs from Tam. It's very rare that he's physically affectionate this much, but he hugs Biana, letting her know that he's there. And she clings to him like a lifeline. He's one of the only people she has now.
He comes over everyday after Fitz leaves. If he only has five minutes of time to himself, Tam would use those minutes to check on Biana.
After the first or two week, Biana's kind of numb? Less numb, but more of a sulking, slightly moody attitude. She has to force herself to wake up and get out of her bed each day. The most she said/say was "hmm."
Tam tries cheering her up now. He'd crack jokes while giving her a funny look. He'd try and get her to do her favorite activities again.
He took her shopping for clothes after a while. In the beginning, she didn't say much or do much. It was until Tam decided to dress up in a horrifying but hilarious outfit she finally cheered up. When Biana saw him come out of the dressing room, she started to smile, then giggle, then full out laughter was coming out of her mouth.
Tam starts to smile himself, because she's laughing. She's actually laughing and smiling and finding something funny and feeling joy.
So obviously, he wants her to keep feeling happy. He starts to loudly proclaim things. Everyone is giving them these amused looks and side eyes, and Biana's trying to shut him up while still laughing.
Since that moment, Biana's been in a better mood. It felt good to laugh and have fun again. Especially with Tam.
Tam becomes a personal bodyguard for her. Once she starts to do foxfire again, he walks her to her classes in the morning, he's with her during lunch, and he's with her before she leaves. And Biana really appreciates it. She doesn't want to be alone, not at a time like this.
Sometimes she does though, and Tam respects that. Everyone needs alone time sometimes.
Biana will just go up to Tam and just. Hug him. And it doesn't matter if they're alone or in public, or with their friends, he hugs back.
She's still quiet. She still cries. She still is hurt. But it'll be okay, because Tam's right next to her, helping her get through it.
And thats that! :D I actually have more comfort hcs, especially with Biana comforting Tam when he came back from the Neverseen, but i might make that a separate post lol. I can tag you in it if you like! :D
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alaydabug2 · 1 month
Tag list: @sparklenarniawizard @imobsessed123 @thoughtlescat @ilikebookssomuch
Broken heart/Broken mind
Chapter Fifty-one
(Human AU)
Sophie and Keefe met in the children's hospital when they were little. Because of how long they were confined to the four walls of the hospital, they became very close during their stay.
As the years pass, they wind up being in the same classroom together due to their physical conditions. This makes their bond deepen.
But are they able to handle when life gets tough, throwing problems and complications their way?
Sophie placed her books in her locker. She took out the heart-shaped box of chocolates and placed it into her purse. She picked it up from the store yesterday for Keefe for Valentines Day.
She started heading her way to PE. Because of the holiday, the coaches were giving them a free day to exchange valentines.
Arriving at her class, she scanned the gymnasium. She spotted Keefe at the other end of the room with Fitz and a couple of the other baseball players. She walked over but didn't interrupt until they were done talking.
"Hey, I got you something," Sophie told him. She gave him the box of chocolate. "Happy Valentine's Day
His face lit up. "Thank you! Here, I got you something, too."
He turned around to pick something up off the bleachers. When he turned back to her, he placed a bouquet of roses in her arms.
Sophie grinned. "I love it." She got on her tip toes to kiss him.
Once they pulled away, Keefe asked, "So do you have any plans tonight?"
She shook her head. "I don't think so. How come?"
His grin turned sly. "I'll pick you up at six, then." He leaned in for a hug. In her ear, he whispered. "Wear something nice. But, then again, it's you, so anything you wear is nice."
Sophie's face heated up more than it had in a long time.
Sophie looked through her closet, trying to figure out what to wear. She wasn't exactly sure where they were going. All she knew was to wear something nice. But that could be subjective depending on where they were heading.
After about fifteen minutes of back and forth between jeans and a dress, she finally called Biana for help.
On the fourth ring, Biana awnsered her phone. She was in front of the mirror, applying some mascara.
"What's up, girl?" She asked when she placed the mascara wand down.
"I need help with getting ready for a date tonight. He was being cryptic with where we're going, and I don't know what to wear.
"Hmmm," Biana thought. "How exactly was he being cryptic?"
"He just told me to wear something nice and that's it."
"Let me see your closet."
Sophie got up and opened the door. She switched the camera around fo Biana could see.
"So, do I wear jeans or-"
"Nope!" She cut off. On the video call, she pointed to the left.
Sophie reached into her closent to grab her red dress. "This one?"
"Yup! Now go try it on."
She turned off her camera as she got the dress on. When she got turned it back on, Biana squealed.
"Ok, now what are you doing for makeup."
Sophie shrugged. "I don't know. I don't really have much to work with."
Biana rolled her eyes. "Just show me what you have"
Sophie went into her bathroom. I side her makeup drawer was mascara, a small
eyeshadow pallet, concealer, and a lip gloss.
"We can work with this," Biana said before walking Sophie through what to do. Once finished, she seemed mighty pleased with her instructional work.
Sophie smiled. She had to admit that she did a decent job.
"Thank you," she told Biana. "I really appreciate it. Are you and Dex going anywhere?"
She lit up. "We are, actually. Going to go for ice cream and then to the fair in town."
"Well, I hope you have fun."
"You too!" She turned to somewhere out of frame. "Oh! I gotta go. Bye!"
When Sophie got off the phone, she picked up her purse and put on her shoes. By the time she had sprayed on her perfume, she heard a knock on the door.
She hurried to go awnser it. She was extremely grateful she didn't wear jeans when she opened the door to find Keefe in a tuxedo.
He smiled and offered out his hand. "Shall we madame?"
She took it and dipped an exaggerated curtsy. "We shall."
He opened the car door for her, then went to get in the driver's seat. Sophie asked several times, but he still wouldn't say where they were going.
Sophie finally got her awnser when they pulled up to one of the fanciest restaurants in town. She gasped.
"How did you..." The words died on her tongue.
First of all, how did he get the reservation? She knew from her parents it could take months. Second of all, how in heck did that boy think he could afford this place?
Keefe must've been able to feel her unanswered questions, because he started to explain, "It was supposed to be a gift from Bo's family to him and Ro for Christmas. Well, for obvious reasons, they didn't want to keep it. Soooo, Ro offered it to me, saying the reservation was for Valentines Day, and I could surprise you with it."
"Aww," Sophie cooed. She reached over the center console to hug him. "You're too sweet!"
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