#Bheur Hag
ttrpg-smash-pass-vs · 4 months
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On the left, the Bheur Hag! Winter hag, blue hag, whatever you want to call them. These fey are meant to resemble twisted versions of people who died in harsh winter. They can change the weather, magically restrain, create walls of ice, and...magically scare people with a horrific display of cannibalism, winter survival can turn sour after all. They're sadists who like watching people struggle to survive, especially if they act selfishly without reason. Places often don't make attempts to actually KILL these. They'll seek Bheur out for advice, the try to drive them off as an end of winter ritual. For winter can be cruel, but she's a necessary evil.
On the right, Neogi! 3 ft (0.9 m) venoumous spider-dicks with a hairy sack. They're xenophobic ruthless slavers whose only ability is being able to mentally enslave people in a fraction of a second. Seriously, this isn't a "culturally they're slavers," it's apparently just hard-wired that they consider EVERYTHING as descending tiers of slaves and owners. They think it as fundamental a part of the universe as...well, thier ability to enslave creatures at a glance. There has been a single god-forged exception in decades of writing, to everyone else the world is either prey, slave, or both. It's why every creature in the multiverse hates them.
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adndmonsteraday · 2 months
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Bheurs were known by many names, sometimes specified as bheur hags but also referred to as blue hags, white hags and winter hags. The wicked witches of winter were cold-hearted ice queens said to bring the season's cold, but it was possible the sadistic fey were simply drawn to the frost.
Bheurs appeared as wrinkled beldams, gaunt as if they had survived hard times by subsisting on inedible matter. Fittingly, they had pallid, blue-white skin like they had died of hypothermia and pale hair as white as snow. The flesh surrounding their muted eyes was dark as if it was bruised and their voices were like howling winter winds. They were known to wear ragged, grey-blue shawls and often carried gnarled, wooden staffs taller than themselves, the gray bark contrasting against the dry blood that typically stained their hands. They were also once reported to have the ability to disguise themselves as ordinary crones.
Winter hags were creatures of cruel depravity that lived for the pleasure of bringing icy doom to as many people as they could. They considered selfish actions justified by unrelentingly circumstances, normally the overpowering cold, especially enticing. Using their mastery of cold weather, they spread misery and despair to communities during winter seasons with intent to create enough desperation to instill a miserly mindset.
The pitiful attempts of unprepared mortals to survive, such as eating leather in place of actual food, their suffering and the suffering they brought to others, such as by murdering people or defiling the sacred for resources, and their eventual deaths were all delightful to a bheur. The sweetest part of such times for bheur hags were when the selfish acts were committed unnecessarily, like when individuals hoarded more resources than they could possibly use, and the conniving crones loved planting such excessive ideas.
Bheurs themselves had great knowledge of nature and substantial survival skills.
Despite being chaotic crones with deadly magic, the rightfully feared bheurs were occasionally sought out for their wisdom or prophecies. They were likely lone wanderers, having little to no space for community or kinship in their cold hearts. Nevertheless, they were sometimes accompanied by mounted ice archons or avariel guards, or found working with orglashes to deceive and devour others.
Much of the truth behind bheurs was shrouded in myth, partially because of their habit of leaving no witnesses. Their occasional alliances with orglashes was a point of contention, but some tales said that she snuck through unlocked entrances to steal away children and the unsuspecting. While likely untrue, the cautionary tales kept children in line and reminded people to close their windows.
A common legend in Rashemen and surrounding lands suggested that there was only one bheur alive, because no more than one was ever seen at a time. This was, in fact, false, and it was far more likely that it was because of their solitary behavior.
“Winter is the best part of the year, but even winter pales in the month of Hammer.” — A wychlaran saying.
In all stories regarding the bheur, she was inevitably defeated, but those involving high-ranking wychlaran detailed epic clashes between the two resulting in spring coming early. Both the stories and the Witches themselves purported that the bheur, while malicious and dangerous, was a necessary evil. As a force of nature, the bheur served the purpose of bringing winter, and was fought when she began acting arbitrarily or cruelly.
Source: https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Bheur
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moneteres · 2 years
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Alien Infeysion 11: Bheur x Hairy Dwarf 
11/08/22 - The two witnesses were hunting deer in the autumn wood when a winter chill announced the entity. Crouched down the entity appeared as a small ape, but upon pouncing on the witnesses her bulk eclipsed the sun. Witness A was caught by the entity, and carried in an apron like sack over hills and trees toward a ring of standing stones, all appearing vaguely like crones mid-sabbath’s night, until Witness B fired his gun at the entity. The entity howled, but did not seemed harmed by the bullet. Witness A was tossed back at Witness B, and both went unconscious. When they awoke, all caught game was missing from their person and vehicle. On the ride home, both reported seeing shadows between the trees watching them with blank, doe-eyed stares. “The hunt’s not over,” claims Witness A, “it has only begun.”
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autisticdicegremlin · 9 months
Today's CB&M is:
BHEUR HAG: A bheur hag has white hair and pale eyes, and her emaciated skin shows the bluish hue of a person who has frozen to death. Obviously someone who claimed she was "fine" after not wearing a sweater in cold weather! (You know, like that one neighbor's kid who then comes down with the flu...which they give to your kid and half their school before their parents will take them to Immediate Care!)
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(Cross-posted to my IG...and hopefully soon, to my TT)
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elyfar · 6 days
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lil bit of decor for some dnd this rainy Sunday eve
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bbubblerum · 3 months
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BBED: Big Bad Evil Dudes
Hello I'm Ana and this is the second in the BBED series! Each installment is a different Homebrew BBEG of a different Challenge Rating that is as fleshed out(And hopefully cool and fun!) as I can make it. The art and statblock for each is made by me and I hope you have fun using them, either as they are or reflavouring them. Remember the lore info and stats are there to inspire you to do what you want to do, not as hard rules!
Lore: Norlash is an abnormally large Yeti born in the far north to the North Peak Yeti Clan which was ruled with an iron fist by a terrible Frost Giant.. He made a terrible deal with the Demon Lord Kostchtchie, Lord of the Iron Wastes for the power to free his people from the tyranny of a terrible Frost Giant named Baranok. In exchange for the frozen hammer Coldcrusher and all its dark power, Norlash was cursed to become all he hated.
Desperate to free his people, Norlash agreed, and with this magical warhammer he slew Baranok. But in the power vacuum of the Frost Giant's death, Coldcrusher urged Norlash to take his place and unable to resist, Norlash sat upon his frozen throne and became the ruler of his Clan.
Slowly he became just as tyrannical as Baranok, ordering his Clan to conquer all the other Yeti and Goliath Clans until all of the north had sworn servitude to him. Now growing older, Norlash the Yeti King is more impatient than ever to grow his empire. Marching south to conquer even more land as his hammer corrupts his mind.
Running Norlash: Norlash is Chaotic Evil and likely to respect physical might over magical. He is likely to target the largest enemy combatant in a fight. This does not make him unintelligent though. He has 11 Intelligence which is above average for a human and far above average for a Yeti. He is a commander first and foremost and is smarter both in Intelligence and Wisdom than most. He has a keen mind for tactics and is used to completely devastating his opponents spirits rather than going straight for a swift victory. As a king, he is usually going to send his minions after enemies far before actually getting in a one on one confrontation.
Norlash was gifted two Winter Wolves as cubs by a Goliath chieftain in exchange for his life. They are named Hosnar and Malbidun are are his closest allies and some of the few creatures Norlash trusts. They can accompany him in a fight at higher levels or act as his generals.
Norlash commands legions of Yeti, Winter Wolves and Goliath who are loyal to a fault, also falling under the influence of Coldcrusher. If you wish, it would be easy to include creatures such as Goblinoids, Orcs, Xvert, Bheur Hags, Bandits and Kobalds in his army. Anything he could have conquered in your game can be easily added to his legions. Though if you are following his lore to the word, he would be unlikely to employ Frost Giants.
If your party is high enough level such as 9+ while fighting Norlash, it would be advisable to have him not be alone when confronted. Consider adding Goliath Berserkers, his two Winter Wolves or one or two other Yetis to the encounter if your party is abnormally powerful and you want it to be a tough fight.
I couldn't fit this on the statblock and make it tolerable but here are the layer actions!
Lair Actions: On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Norlash takes a lair action to cause one of the following effects; Norlash can’t use the same effect two rounds in a row:
-A frozen wind descends on the battlefield, causing all creatures of the King's choice to make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 3d6 Cold damage. On a successful save they only take half damage. Norlash gains 10 temporary hit points as his armor is coated with frost.
-The King beats his hammer upon his breastplate, causing each creature in a 30ft. cone originating from Norlash to make a DC 15 Strength saving throw or take 2d6 Thunder damage and be knocked prone. On a successful save they only take half damage and are not knocked prone.
-Norlash roars, causing icicles to fall from the ceiling. Choose three 10ft. cubes within 60ft. that the King can see. Any creatures within those areas must make DC 15 Dexterity saving throws or take 3d10 piercing damage and be knocked prone and be grappled as they are pinned to the floor. As an action, a restrained creature or a creature within 5ft may attempt a DC 15 Athletics(Strength) or Acrobatics(Dexterity) check free the target from this condition.
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legendl0re · 10 months
The Hexblood's Handbook, a 5th Edition Supplement that grants 5 Subtypes for the Hexblood Race, all based on the different hags of D&D. It includes:
Hexbloods descended from Green, Bheur, Annis, Sea, & Night Hags.
Charts to roll on for Origins and Backstories or personal quest development.
Some small bits of lore and flavor just for fun.
Completely Pay What You Want, but anything you give is appreciated! Happy gaming!
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monstersdownthepath · 11 months
I think I asked this before, but what kind Hags were the Mothlight trio? I imagine Green,Annis and possibly Bheur.
The Mothlight Three are unique Hags. Because you've reminded me, however, here's some details:
Mother Mandrake is a large, rotund, grotesque woman with skin like burned tree bark, protrusions that look like roots poking from the gnarled folds of her flesh. when she moves, it sounds like wood bending and splintering... unless she wishes to move silently, in which case there's no sound at all. Her arms are long enough to drag across the floor, but she has enough elbows to bend them until they "fit" her properly; her reach has caught many by surprise. She's replaced her teeth and fingernails with cold iron nails, and her eyes are polished river stones. She wears bloodstained butcher's smock and clothing so befouled with blood and filth that it looks rust red.
Mother Marigold in stark contrast, is beautiful. She looks different to everyone, but to anyone she's beautiful as can be... but in a way that's artificial and wrong. Her elegant clothing appears to be part of her body. She never blinks, she never breathes except to speak, she casts no shadow, and she she rarely moves her legs while walking. There is no shine in her eyes, as though they were made of painted wood. When she drags her nails down a surface to show her displeasure, raking clawmarks inches deep and inches apart from one another mark the surface, like the claws of some immense reptile.
And Mother May-I (or is it May-Eye?) wraps herself in a single, unbroken strip of paper covered in what she claims to be the names of everyone she has ever cursed. It covers almost her entire body and trails behind her like a robe, so at this point there must be several thousand names with room for more. If one were foolish enough to pull down the paper cowl that covers the bottom of her face and live to tell the tale, they would see that the paper grows from directly beneath her tongue, though it doesn't inhibit her ability to speak, and it does indeed grow in length with every new curse she utters. Unlike her sisters, she has no hair on her head, and has the sharp ears and features of an elf, though she doesn't have the eyes of an elf--they're two polished rubies which appear to be bloodshot and furious.
Madam Mothlight herself WAS something like a Night Hag, horned and horrible, but she is no more, and will never be again. None of the other three were certain what she was, but they knew the body she wore was the cocoon for what she could have been. When they cracked her open to feast on what was inside, the sight of it took each of their eyes from them, but it was a cost they were willing to pay for their divine feast.
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deepdragons · 9 months
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rime of the frostmaiden found family
(left to right: eigher (hexblood bheur hag warlock, they/them), ulla (firbolg ranger, she/her), dale icewind (human fighter, he/him))
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dmsden · 2 years
Christmas in Greyhawk - Adapting real world holiday traditions into your game
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Hullo, Gentle Readers. With the holiday season approaching, I’ve been chatting with some friends about potential Christmas games of D&D they’re going to run. It’s made me imagine working on my own game, and I thought I’d share a few ideas I had that might be enjoyable for a game set at a festive wintry time of year.
Anything related to Christmas is, of course, somewhat overshadowed by the figure of Santa Claus. He’s so rich with fantasy and mythology, too, that he seems like a character ripe for a D&D version. He has magical powers, he works closely with elves, he associates with flying reindeer...if you look at the Rankin/Bass specials, or the book The Life & Adventures of Santa Claus by L. Frank Baum, you can add even weirder elements to his story. In Baum, especially, he’s connected to nature spirits, immortals, and various animals. This makes me consider creating an Archdruid called Nicholas the Giftbringer.
Druid is a surprisingly good class build for Nicholas. Timeless Body would make him age much more slowly, allowing him to live over many years. Druid spells could make awakened and magical reindeer. I’d go with Circle of Dreams, to attach him to the fey (the elves again) and to traverse through dreams...how else can he make it around the world in one night?
In modern times, a lot of people are rediscovering the fun of an “Anti-Santa”, most often in the form of the Krampus. Krampusnacht remains popular in Germany, and it’s starting to catch on here in the U.S. in some areas. A figure that punishes naughty children seems like a good piece to add to our crazy Christmas materials.
To avoid making this a straight Krampus analogy, I’m thinking it would be fun to have a powerful figure as the center of this, but with servants who seek the naughty children. I kind of want to borrow the concept of a Snow Queen from Hans Christian Andersen, before she became Else in Frozen.
This could be an Archfey, similar to the Prince of Frost, or it could be a monster the PCs could fight. Depending on the level of the party, it might be a Frost Druid, a Bheur Hag, a Frost Giant Everlasting One, a White Dragon, or something else entirely. As far as servants to seek out naughty children, the Banderhobb seems a natural choice.
It’s worth noting that you don’t have to do anything traditional. This is your story, and you’re more than allowed to go in a crazy direction. Maybe Santa Claus is a polymorphed silver dragon who works with a wintry variety of gnomes to make toys. Maybe orcs of the frozen lands are his steadfast guardians. In his Guardians of Childhood books, William Joyce has Nicholas St. North, the Santa figure, as the leader of a group of Yeti.
To close out this bit of holiday fun, I thought I’d share a traditional wassail recipe, because drinking alcohol on the holidays is always a good time.
1 gallon apple cider
2 cups orange juice
1 cup lemon juice
½ cup sugar
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 teaspoon cloves
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1 orange, sliced
½ cup brandy
Mix juices, sugar, brandy, and seasonings together.
Slowly bring to a boil in a large saucepan or pot. Boil for 1 minute.
Reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes.
Serve hot with sliced oranges floating in the punch bowl.
Note that I’ve mostly looked at Christmas traditions, but there are many holidays at this time of year. I’m sure my clever readers can come up with all kinds of story elements from holiday traditions they enjoy. And whether you run a game during this time of year, I hope you have a very enjoyable holiday season.
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rejectlegacy · 10 months
Tweaks will be made as more events happen within my 16th level mini-campaign!
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In this verse, Alden cut off his own horns/hexblood crown which weakened his connection to the hag his parents made a deal with. Through his sacrifice, the connection was weakened enough that he was able to flee without her being able to track him after running away.
They have a necklace that is enchanted with disguise self which they use to look like the fair skin/non-red version of themselves
They're keeping the whole hexblood + despair consuming thing a secret from the party
fighting so many necromancers with his party, the Emerald Knights, has been great bc it turns out there's a lot despair centered around necromancers : ' )
all bg iii references removed
In this verse Alden's family are infamous warlords who are thought to have died out around the same time he was taken by the hag/disappeared.
In this verse Hexbloods are considered extremely rare. If people were to find out he is a Hexblood they'd use him as a Eerie Token creation machine, a sort of spellcasting focus, as some sort of grim zoo exhibit or kill him. All horrific options, really. His fellow Emerald Knights/party wouldn't treat him that way but he himself doesn't know that so he keeps it a secret STILL.
LORE PROVIDED BY THE DM: The hag that cursed you, Alden, is called a bheur hag (said like "burr"), and since it's not Auntie Ethel, I'll say her name is Verna the Cold. Typically Verna appears as a tiefling "medicine woman" or druid who rarely leaves her cottage in the mountains. You would know that Verna enjoys making deals with vulnerable people and loves cutting people down to make herself look better. Even amongst the other hags in her coven, Verna was considered selfish. Since you made your escape, you've only encountered her twice. Once was early on, maybe level 2 or 3, when she tried to plead in disguise for you to "come home for dinner." You saw through her and revealed who she really was to your party, though you kept your true connection to her a secret.
MORE DM PROVIDED LORE: The second time you encountered her, you had grown much stronger and more powerful than her. You were helping your party track down Shadryx, the lich you are about to confront, when you remembered that Verna had once had a party full of necromancers over "for dinner" (aka to feed on their despair, when you weren't enough for her). You recognized that they were recruiting people for Shadryx's forces. Verna turned them down, but not after letting them reveal where his base was and how many people were already recruited. You couldn't remember the location--you were fed on so you promptly blocked that night out, except for the dinner--but you knew where to find her, since you'd learned a way to track her in reverse. What you told your party was that you'd made a deal with her previously and she failed to deliver. You confronted her in her lair; whether that means you killed her or tortured her for information, that's up to you. Point is, you emerged from the lair truly free of her, but the trauma still lingers. And since the rest of the coven have since gone into hiding before you could all kill them too, they're not likely to forget you either.
ALDEN'S PARENTS (DM provided info): Nebriinae Warman (née turamarth) and Eudalia Warman. Alden would know that Nebriinae married into the Warman family and that mom (Eudalia) was usually the one to make big decisions.
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Over 10 years ago, Alden met his party/travel companions. This ragtag group of adventurers have all had their own, traumatic pasts. For example the drow grave domain cleric, Elacan (she/her -- 647 years old, of noble blood, wears mostly gray & purple) used to work for a lich and have a lawful evil alignment before coming to work with the party and shift to a lawful neutral alignment. Meanwhile Mercy (she/they, 47 years old), the circle of spores druid/rogue is the last of her clan called the Zygom. The group that is misunderstood due to their association with death and decay. Her people studied mushrooms and mycology to understand cycles and stages of death. From her understanding the reason her tribe is dying out is because of the work done by a double agent to mess up recruitment and the overall image of the tribe. This work was done and enacted by Shadryx and co. Mercy decided to start adventuring as she believes it is her legacy to change society’s image of their people. She cares about order in the natural role and is really disturbed and distressed when she sees people operate outside of the natural order of life and death. The last party member is a mysterious, all pronoun using barbarian warforged name Barkentree. He looks a lot like Groot from Marvel comics. He has a deep rooted (pun intended) trauma that he has yet to share with the party.
For the past 10 years the party has been studying, tracking, and preparing to kill a powerful dragon-lich (Elacan's former boss, actually...). Will his whole party survive the final fight or will they lose friends along the way? Only time will tell...
Essentially in this verse he and his party members are ex-bad guys or at least, people who were forced to do bad things who upon escaping their horrific pasts have strived to be forces for good.
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ttrpg-smash-pass-vs · 5 months
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The Bheur Hag! Winter hag, blue hag, whatever you want to call them. These fey are meant to resemble twisted versions of people who died in harsh winter. They can change the weather, magically restrain, create walls of ice, and...magically scare people with a horrific display of cannibalism, winter survival can turn sour after all. They're sadists who like watching people struggle to survive, especially if they act selfishly without reason. Despite often being fought, places often don't make attempts to actually KILL these. They'll seek Bheur out for advice, and just try to drive them off at the end of winter. For winter can be cruel, but she's a necessary evil for a time each year.
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The Adventures of Garl and Odra Manyboots- The End of Silver Matilda
“It is too fucking cold here! I hate Zayora!”
“Least you’re not too hot anymore like you were a few weeks ago.”
“Go fuck yourself, Garl.”
Sahsi’s teeth chattered as she attempted to smile, but it was too damn cold to do anything but keep marching forward.
Silver Matilda wasn’t far, the raven was consistently shifting and leaning forward in anticipation from where it perched on her shoulder. The hag was close. And she was waiting for them.
Wick was the only one not complaining about the cold. His jaw was tight, his fists were even tighter. Sparks would fly randomly out from the tips of his hair and around his scalp, but were quickly extinguished by the icy wind.
Turgut shook the snow from his eyes. “Keep your guard up, men! Er, women too! The witch isn’t far now!” he shouted the obvious.
When Kendrenal nudged Turgut, Sahsi thought the artificer was about to pull another prank on Turgut, but instead he plopped something in Turgut’s hands. “I’ve been tinkering this all morning while we walked, try it out!” Kendrenal said.
Turgut lifted it up to his face and frowned. “A… a monocle?” It was in fact a silver monocle.
“So you can actually hit things when you shoot your crossbow!” Kendrenal explained. “Try it!”
“My aim is just fine.” All the same, Turgut popped the monocle in place and blinked a few times. “… Huh. Well then. Perhaps I could shoot better than fine with this little trinket. Thank you, Kendrenal. How did you make this?”
“I always have some junk in my bag, pieces of glass, wire- it wasn’t hard!” Kendrenal shrugged. “You’re welcome!”
It really must be serious if Kendrenal was actually trying to help his other party members rather than piss them off, Sahsi thought to herself.
It came as just as surprise to her when they made the turn up the path and the blizzard just… stopped. The snow still whirled around the party, but this part of the trail was clear as a summer’s day.
The reason for the sudden change of weather was no doubt due to the three women in this eye of the storm. Sahsi shivered for a different reason now.
Three hags stood before them. The two bheur hags hadn’t bothered to hide their true faces, bone thin crones with frozen blue skin and hair coated in ice, but the woman between them hardly fit into the coven. A beautiful human lady, elegant with long brunette curls and dressed in noble finery, she looked more like a victim of abduction than a threat. But she wasn’t threatened by the two cackling bheur hags that had her surrounded. She looked content.
“Hello, hello, hello…” the woman chuckled and took a step forward. “My, it’s been a while since we’ve had so many guests. Welcome to the Gate.”
Odra stepped forward, her hand on her rapier. “Gate?” she repeated.
“The Gate is what we call this passage to Zayora. Oh, did you really think you were already there? No, my darling.” The lady shook her head and tutted her tongue. “This is the Gate. Pass us and you’ll be there shortly. But you’re not here to pass, are you?”
Sahsi glanced at Wick to ask for confirmation, but she didn’t need to. Wick’s hair burned white, and he was truly shaking with rage. She looked back towards the woman and steadied herself with a deep breath.
“We’re here on behalf of the young genasi you cruelly mutilated, Silver Matilda. We’re here to avenge him and all the others you’ve no doubt harmed and killed in your lifetime.”
The woman’s lips twisted in a dark smirk. “Little niece, you’re more of a bitch than your mother is,” she said. With a feral growl, the hag dropped the glamour, revealing her true shape- a bent, ugly demonic looking woman with ram’s horns that curled behind her ears and bright yellow eyes that made Sahsi think of rabid beasts.
“Niece?” Sahsi repeated.
“She didn’t tell you?” Silver Matilda cocked her head to the side and chuckled. “I was part of the coven that Genevieve's mother, Granny Dorcas, led. That made me her aunt, and it makes me yours too. Of course, when Genevieve killed Dorcas, I decided it was best to head to greener pastures.”
Before Sahsi could say anything else, Wick unsheathed his sword and stormed to the front of the group. “Do you remember him!? Do you remember Wax and what you did to him!?” he shouted.
Matilda blinked placidly. “… Oh, him? Eh, he brings forth thoughts of… subpar ingredients,” she said.
The wave of heat that rolled over the party from Wick’s body was enough to melt the snow on the ground and make sweat drip down Sahsi’s neck. But it wasn’t him that made the first move.
It was her.
“When you’re in hell, you’ll remember those who came in Wax’s name, and you’ll remember us ripping you limb from limb!”
Sahsi charged forward, leaping over Odra’s head and bringing her fingernails down across Matilda’s face. Her already sharp fingernails truly became like claws, ripping open the hag’s face and nearly taking an eyeball with it.
Matilda screeched as her skin burned with acid, marring her already terrible features. The hag sneered at Sahsi.
“It’ll give me great pleasure to kill you, girl.”
Matilda’s hand lit up with a spell Sahsi recognized as Magic Missile and she knew she messed up. But before she could hurl it, the spell sputtered out. Matilda gawped at her hand. “What the-”
Sahsi heard snickering from behind her… of course. Dullahan.
“Whoops. Counterspell. Maybe don’t cast it with so much juice next time.”
Sahsi was hauled back and out of the way by Thunderwarrior and the eye of the storm exploded into violence. Her trembling hands still dripping with hag blood, Sahsi stayed at the back and prepared her healing items and spells.
She really was becoming more like her mother every time she lost her temper.
The party charged forward, spells flying through the air like fireworks and blades slashing at the evasive hags. Matilda shouted something in Sylvan and bodies burst from the snow, skeletons and zombies coated in ice and weapons frozen in their hands.
Thunderwarrior tossed her head back and roared her battlecry before throwing herself at the undead army before her, Elphira and Tynos providing back up to tear through the hags’ foot soldiers.
Crowley twirled his mace in the air before he chased the bheur hag to the right. The woman’s spells zoomed past his head and before she knew it he was right in her face.
“Hello, and goodbye!”
The mace crunched right into her chest, knocking the air from her lungs. This did get him a ray of frost right to the chest, but Crowley seemed to shake off the spell with surprising ease.
The other bheur hag wasn’t as lucky- she never saw Odra coming, she was more focused on the gargoyle in front of her. Odra’s rapier stabbed her in the leg and when she instinctively went to clamp the wound, Garl bullrushed her and sent her flying… right off the side of the mountain, her staff bouncing after her while the woman shrieked.
“Byyyye, bitch!” Odra cackled.
Although the group was technically outnumbered, within minutes the undead’s numbers were decimated. The remaining bheur hag couldn’t keep up with the demand, and she didn’t see Turgut taking aim from behind her.
The crossbow bolt went right through the back of her head and she stood dumbly for a second before crumpling to the ground.
Turgut tapped his new monocle and looked quite impressed. “Hmm, I may have to keep this little bauble for a time,” he murmured to himself.
The last one standing was, of course, Silver Matilda. And no one was going to get between her and Wick without getting stabbed. The snow around the pair had melted, Wick burning so bright he was even singeing his own clothing. Silver Matilda threw her spells and sneered at the enraged genasi. She was weakening, but it was not enough.
Odra prepared her charge but Garl grabbed her by the scruff. “No kill stealing… not this time,” he said.
“Would you want someone to steal Calipher’s death from your hands?”
That stilled Odra and the goblin stopped trying to get involved in the fight. Matter of fact, no one really did. Everyone had surrounded the fighting pair, but no one was entering the fray. It was Wick’s revenge, and it was his alone.
It was a lucky blow when Silver Matilda fired off a magic missile that hit Wick right in the gut, sending him stumbling back. “Say hello to your pathetic little brother to me,” the hag growled as she threw her hand back, preparing to rip into him with her claws.
She hadn’t realized that Sahsi had been preparing her own spell. A gust of wind shoved the hag off balance, sending her teetering close to the edge of the cliff. While Silver Matilda struggled to maintain her balance, Sahsi rested her hands on Wick’s shoulders.
“Finish. Her. Off,” Sahsi whispered, her magic flowing from her fingertips into the genasi as she cast Guidance.
Sometimes all you need is just a little push to get the job done. By the time Silver Matilda recovered, she looked up to see Wick’s sword pierce her chest.
The air was pushed out of her and the hag just stared in shock. Wick smirked.
“I’d say tell him yourself. But you’re not going to where he is.”
Wick’s sword glowed like a hot coal and the hag’s flesh caught aflame. She couldn’t even scream. She just slumped dead. Wick withdrew her sword and kicked her burning corpse off the cliff.
There was a second pause.
Then Odra cheered.
The group threw their hands in the air and all cheered together, the battle was won, and they’d won!
Garl didn’t wait for the cheering to finish. He started walking until he found a cave. “Hey, this is probably her lair- hurry up or I’m taking all the loot!” he shouted back.
“LIKE HELL YOU ARE!” Odra shouted after him, launching herself over bones and corpses to catch up. The rest of the group scrambled after them, continuing to chat and shout about the treasure that no doubt an old hag like Silver Matilda had stored up over the years.
Everyone but Wick and Sahsi.
Wick stared down the cliff where Silver Matilda’s body had vanished. He hadn’t cheered. He hadn’t moved since that hag had fallen out of sight. He just stood there. Silent.
Sahsi said nothing and allowed Wick his moment.
“… I’m sorry, Sahsi.”
That was not the first thing she expected to come out of his mouth. She tilted her head to the side. “Why are you apologizing?” she asked.
“Because you’re nothing like your mother, or Silver Matilda. Maybe… maybe not even all the hexbloods I’ve killed are like them.” Wick shuddered before he bitterly laughed. “Maybe on my way to avenge Wax, I became more like the hags than you. Because right now… I feel nothing. I don’t feel better. I feel nothing.”
Sahsi swallowed before she set her hand on Wick’s shoulder. He tensed but didn’t push her away.
“Did you cry for Wax?” she quietly asked.
Wick was quiet.
“You never took the time to grieve, did you?”
Wick finally shook his head no.
“… Now you can. And now you can move forward. Some of the things you did…” Sahsi brushed her fingers against her cheekbone, where his dagger has sliced her skin. “Well, you know. But you can’t take it all back. You can only move forward, and really, the only way to do that… is grieve.”
Wick was quiet and Sahsi nearly panicked, thinking she had said the wrong thing… and then she realized there was steam coming from Wick’s face.
He was crying. His chest shuddered and he broke down in sobs. He turned, pulled Sahsi into a tight embrace, and he wept.
Sahsi hesitantly returned the embrace, arms wrapped around his waist. Her hands stroked his back and she let him cry.
Let him grieve. Let him cry. And hope, just hope that he would be able to move on now.
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hazard100 · 2 years
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Day 3 - Jaded Centaur Fighter
It is no secret that loss is a looming factor in the island of Niflheim, and many blame the coven of Bheur hag known as the Mothers of Greif for this fact. For centuries, this elusive group of hags have prayed on the Broken Maw Clan and Glacier, trying to inflict sorrow and pain upon it’s residents. A prime example of this cruelty is seen through the once hardy and stern Jorn Pridehorn. He was once a member of Glacier's exploration groups, searching deep into the lower levels of Niflheim’s bowels, until they encountered the Mothers of Greif. With their Sorrowsworn pet, The Weeping, they killed all the members of the expedition, except for Jorn. He was made into an example of their cruelty, sending him out with forever frostbitten flesh. Now he serves as the captain of the city guard, but he rarely ever speaks nowadays.
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areyouafraid · 4 months
i wish hags were playable in dnd actually i wanted to be a bheur
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ashtinshade · 1 year
My 4 year DnD chat the other day-
Wizard Hobgoblin - Random question. I had a random thought in my head about the spell creation. One thing says vegetable matter. Does that include oats. So in theory if I can. Could I make oatmeal?
Kobold Druid - I don't see why not,
Wizard Hobgoblin - I mean I can achieve it if I had create food and water. But it's not a wizard spell and wraiths might attack me again.
Loxodon Fighter - I'm assuming you would get not cooked oatmeal and just then need hot water. Like packet oatmeal
Artificer Gnome - Oats aren’t a vegetable it’s a grain.
Kobold Druid - That's a kind of vegetable matter though vegetables Matter is any plant it's not about vegetables as food Really its included so the spell can make ropes and some clothes.
Artificer Gnome - Also I’m not sure if I’m reading it right because it says a no living object of vegetable matter such as wood and ropes so is it made of like carrot or something? If they are saying basic wood and processed hemp is vegetable matter they are very liberal with their term vegetable why not just say plant matter.
Kobold Druid - It can be any vegetable matter not currently alive so dead plants are fine it probably intends for processed plant matter made into materials but loopholes.
Artificer Gnome - Why not say plant matter why specifically vegetable matter which applies to just vegetables?
Loxodon Fighter - There is a lot of argument for non living matter.
Wizard Hobgoblin - I was just looking for a simple answer. Not a debate...
Artificer Gnome - I think it’s interesting that you can make stone like Mithril but it only lasts like an hour so could you in theory make the stone sell it and really have no loss? ...Well aside from an angry person hunting you down.
Loxodon Fighter - Its DND that's not a simple answer it's a debate
Kobold Druid - Ones abilities to scam people with spells and get away with it depends on who your scamming. I imagine standard practice for non magic traders would just be waiting out the duration of spells like this before finalizing deals.
Loxodon Fighter - That means deals in dnd suck. Hey you in line? No just the vender doesn't trust my gold.
Wizard Hobgoblin - Would you be surprised that I thought about that as a scam. But I know I couldn't do it as my current dnd character.
DM - Creation creates an object. Oatmeal is not a single object.
Kobold Druid - What if it's one of those no good expired stuck together rock like clumps foes it become a single object?
DM - "A clump of dried oat" would probably work, Although that might possibly be the single most mundane use of a 5th-level spell in recorded history.
Wizard Hobgoblin - Don't question me, I had the idea when someone asked for oatmeal at work and thought if it might work. Than my head goes to if Lascula (npc) would enjoy the gift of free oats lol
Kobold Druid - Reminds me how we got ice.
Wizard Hobgoblin - Lol
Kobold Druid - Casts a 6th level spell with a 7th level spell slot to conjure a bheur hag to cast an 8th level spell all to collect some ice, when we had some in storage at home
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Wizard Hobgoblin - I mean. We think of clever ways for mundane ends,
Kobold Druid - I think it's more wasteful than clever, but it is fun and amusing, so let the Felix flow through you! ( Felix -Previous character, Who used Wild magic every chance he got. Usually blowing Hiself & us up. aka Kobold's old character)
Wizard Hobgoblin - How about no.
Kobold Druid - Consider the chaotic side of alignment chart disregarding responsibility and doing whatever you want, you already have one lich finger!
Wizard Hobgoblin - Look. I'm already trying for a certain lichdom and that's being a biblio lich. Where I don't need sacrifices to achieve that goal. Just a super intelligent brain and a really good memory to write an autobiography of my entire life from birth to my current days
Kobold Druid - Just sacrifice your foes by using there brains and hope your Turing into a skeleton wizard haunted by wraiths works out instead it's the quicker easier path.
Wizard Hobgoblin - The only person using brains is the Artificer Gnome! He literally made a warforged.
Artificer Gnome - And I’d do it again!
We currently have the arch fey of rage hunting one of us for killing her daughter, (It was the kobold) an Blood Demon lord and it's Colt of vampires trying to kill us. The leader of which is the ex husband of our spy master and He's not happy about the ex bit.
The royal spy master of the kingdom trying to find the sword that has his mistress sealed inside it. And if he gets it well, that's basically the end of the world. The Sword I have by the way and he knows!
Oh And our fighter (yes the one up there) Got sent to the realm of Lelth Where she's trapped and we're saving her. (Yes, that Lelth! aka Queen of Spiders, aka Queen of the Demonweb Pits.) So we're fighting through her realm and we're doing it in the first edition version of it!! And My party is still sitting here talking about making oatmeal for a side character.
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