#Beth Amos
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milliondollarbaby87 · 21 days ago
Canadian Bacon (1995) Review
When the President of the United States is rating low in the opinion polls he is talked into raising his popularity by attempting to start a cold war against Canada. ⭐️⭐️ Continue reading Canadian Bacon (1995) Review
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cleoselene · 7 months ago
Kendrick Lamar:
-collaboration with Beyoncé -collaboration with Taylor Swift -asked Beth Gibbons to appear on his song "Mother I Sober" -was covered by Tori Amos
like all the music women I pay attention to have endorsed the man no wonder I love his music
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rayless-reblogs · 7 days ago
15 Artists/Bands
Stole this from @fakemonalisa28!
Rules: list 15 bands/artists you love, and name your favorite song by each. no need to rank, just 15 artists you love and what is the song for you by each. also it doesn't have to be your top fifteen bands. just. 15 you like.
So here's fifteen artists I really like, though when it comes to songs, plenty of them have four or five I could've chosen. Some of these it feels impossible to pick which song would be the song.
Tori Amos – Winter
Sarah McLachlan -- Vox
Dar Williams – The Mercy of the Fallen
Loreena McKennitt – The Bonny Swans
Sarah Brightman – La Califfa
Charlotte Martin – The Dance
Nobuo Uematsu – Shadow's Theme
Imogen Heap – The Walk
Jewel – Down So Long
Sinead O'Connor – Heroine
Emilie Autumn – What If
Beth Patterson – Steer By the Stars
Florence + the Machine – Never Let Me Go
10000 Maniacs/Natalie Merchant – Noah's Dove
Chantal Kreviazuk – Time
Tagging anyone who'd like to do it!
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pascalishere · 1 year ago
Macy and Theda need to do a KNFW episode where they embark on a quest to find the Giant’s Rolling Pin. Then they can roll the truth out so that the whole world can dig in.
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archieths · 1 month ago
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Era lógico y lo ideal, por supuesto así podrían prepararse para todo lo que podría venir. Existía una sensación inexplicable de desazón en su interior cuando sabía a dónde iba, no odiaba Lautersee, ni a su familia. Pero, le desagradaba de sobremanera volver a sumergirse a ese papel de posible heredero; desde hace años ha dejado ese tema por la paz, hizo su vida lejos para no ser señalado como parte de ese mundo lleno de espectáculo. Y con la misma hipocresía ha logrado esa misma vida gracias a su apellido. Si esa responsabilidad le ha llevado arrastrar su apellido sobre los hombros, ¿no debería sacarle provecho? “ Sería ideal. Pero, dudo que el tío lo quisiera. Es muy accesible pero este tema es muy importante ”, y lo dejó en claro tras haber sugerido no dejarlo en vergüenza frente a sus amigos. Archie sacudió su cabeza de izquierda a derecha, no queriendo entrar a ese terreno en su pisque; casi seguro que Beth opinaría lo mismo. Hay temas más amenos para profundizar como aquel pendiente de ponerse al día de sus aventuras. Sí bien le tenía confianza a cada uno de sus hermanos, creyó que solo había ciertas cosas que solo le contaba a su hermana mayor. ¿Era por qué, tal vez, no quería exponer que tan irreverente era con los menores? ¿O porqué compartían esa complicidad de ser los mayores? “ Me gustaría aclarar que iba a poder resolverlo por mi cuenta pero algún pajarito fue a contarle ” y aquello le comprobó la idea que su tío estaba pendiente de todos, incluso pareciendo ser tan despreocupado en sus temas personales o sí solo se limitaba en hacer su trabajo. “ Y de todas formas, me cae perfecto este regreso, necesito un respiro de Nueva York. Es tan diferente a Londres…” no era mejor, solo diferente. “ Eso me temo. No me dio la charla, lo estoy evitando lo más que se pueda, ¿será que me perdone si gano el concurso? Pero, eso crearía expectativas ” sería mejor fingir que no logró encontrar la salida. Se percató que exponer un poco en voz alta lo que lo estuvo atormentando los últimos días, le daba un alivio tremendo. Sus amigos más cercanos eran sus hermanos. “ Ugh, ni me digas " eso podía acompañar una larga lista de costumbres que jamás entendió por completo. " A veces simplemente quieres tomar un buen té como lo dicen las sagradas escrituras, ¿sabes a lo que me refiero? No tienen sentido del gusto " se quejó por última vez. Y cuando le reconoció el pensamiento sobre no querer jugar al heredero, no pudo evitar contagiarse por su risa. " Ya sabes el dicho, dios hizo a las serpientes antes que a los abogados porque necesitaba practicar " añadió, guiñando uno de sus ojos hacía la rubia, entendiendo a lo que se refería. Bueno, nunca seguró ser una buena persona. " Tendrás todos los detalles. Me tienes que prometer, lo siguiente: escuchamos, no juzgamos " y finalmente estaban llegando de nuevo al tumulto de personas que conversaban entre sí. Debían sortear a cualquiera que quisiera saludarlos para robar las botellas y salir corriendo hacía el jardín. " A mi también me gustaría saber sobre las aventuras de la inigualable Elizabeth Thompson. "
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"Mhm..." Sonido escapa de sus labios mientras sus labios para luego juntarlos en una fina línea, permitiendo que por unos segundos las palabras del menor resonaran en su cabeza, probablemente era de esa forma, desde hace bastante tiempo ellos debían estar conscientes de que esto era lo que venía pero, ni ella ni sus hermanos fueron informados hasta que era el momento idóneo, al menos lo que ellos consideraban idóneo "Estoy casi segura de que tienes razón, honestamente creo que debieron avisarnos con más tiempo, podíamos habernos preparado un poco más psicológicamente para el espectáculo" Responde finalmente con algo de gracia adornando la última parte de la oración, pues la verdad es que así veía la rubia todo aquello, como un espectáculo donde todos están intentando demostrar que son el pavo real con las plumas más hermosas, claro, este pensamiento lo ha reservado solamente para sus familiares, quizá si comparte este pensamiento con alguien más terminaría con algún llamado de atención por parte de su tío o su madre. Eleva sus cejas cuando obtiene respuesta, claramente entretenida permite que su hermano hable, sin hacer más que escuchar y caminar a su lado, encantada con la tónica de la conversación, siempre era entretenido escuchar las aventuras de Archie "¿Problemas tan grandes que nuestro tío se involucró?" Forma una pequeña 'o' con sus labios, como si de verdad estuviese sorprendida de aquello "Creo que habías tardado demasiado en hacer problemas grandes en los estados unidos" Entorna ligeramente sus ojos en juego, cualquier juraría que lo estaba juzgando "Creo que me debes contar los detalles también" Proporciona un suave golpecito con el codo, incitando a contar la historia completa y luego añade "Lo que no creo es que ya lo haya olvidado, ¿Te dio la charla cuando llegaste o todavía está pendiente?" Amaba a su tío pero si cometían un error era el primero en hacerles saber que estaba mal y lo que estaba en juego, a veces era desesperante saber y entender todas las formas en las que podían terminar en el ojo del huracán. "No me sorprende, ni té ni café ¿Has visto como los hacen en esas tiendas? Es todo menos café" Suponía que su hermano había probado aquello, así que decide compartir la crítica. Carcajada sale de sus labios "¿Te imaginas? Pero te aseguro que los problemas se resolverían eficientemente" Pausa es realizada y sonrisa aparece en su rostro "Quizá con algunos truquitos, pero eficientemente" Sabía que ambos podían tomar un atajo o tomar alguna decisión que pudiese ser considerada moralmente incorrecta para solventar un inconveniente. "Acepto, quiero toooodos los detalles".
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oi-esh · 2 months ago
Como é que eu posso falar com alguém que não sabe quem é Beth Carvalho, ou Cartola, ou Adriana Esteves, ou Carla Perez e sua escola de atuação?
"O Brasil tem pena do mundo não saber do que a gente sabe."
"O Brasil é uma ilha continental, né? E a gente é isolado pela nossa língua. Ao mesmo tempo, a gente consome a nossa própria cultura. A gente tem total interesse por nós mesmos, porque nós somos uma potência de 200 milhões de pessoas, nós somos um país complexo, a gente não é um país periférico que vive... Não, a gente tem as nossas próprias questões... Outro dia conversando com a Daniela Tomas, eu falei: "Engraçado, né? Porque eu conheço a cultura francesa, eu conheço a cultura americana, eu conheço a cultura russa, a cultura alemã, a cultura italiana, mas eles não conhecem a cultura brasileira muito". E às vezes eu tenho pena de quem nunca leu um Machado de Assis, de quem não conhece o Eça de Queiroz. Agora as pessoas descobriram a Clarice Lispector e escrevem assombradas. Como é que eu posso falar com alguém que não sabe quem é Nelson Rodrigues? Que não sabe quem é... Não sei... Candeia. Então, ao mesmo tempo o Brasil tem esse 'complexo de vira lata' dessa não comunicação com o mundo e, por outro lado, o Brasil tem pena do mundo não saber do que a gente sabe. Então quando alguém fura a fronteira e leva algo que nos é pessoal pra fora, é essa espécie de sentimento de que "olha o que a gente tem de rico", é um sentimento de orgulho nacional bacana, bom de sentir."
Às vezes eu esqueço que amo a Fernanda Torres, daí assisto a algum vídeo dela falando e me lembro, eu amo ela! É como a felicidade de achar dinheiro perdido no bolso todas as vezes.
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nthspecialll · 2 months ago
dont get me wrong, I dont endorse micahs actions at all, but it really feels like once a character genuinely has bad qualities, they shut down even trying to explore further. so do you think you could talk a bit more about Micahs complexities? or maybe some links to your posts I must have missed? :}
I actually haven't talked that much about it, I am planning to, I have an Amos Bell post in my head that I need to write down, but
This one is about Micah asking Mary-beth to dance with him which to me feels like him geuiently seeking out friendship and companionship, it isn't lustful like with Abigail or Susan, it isn't mocking like with Arthur, it is him actually being human and seeking out a friend.
Other than that, Micah is human, he is a person and just like anyone else he is going to long for friendship, people, trust, companionship, and he tries to find that wherever he can. he tried to reach out to his brother, but was shut down so he tries in camp and is also shut down.
He talks shit about not being scared of anything, yet he is too scared to sleep inside the camp or anywhere where he can be seen or found. He has a dream of a small, tight crew, but he gets scared and creates a big one instead.
He longs for the family he had but lost, his life was pretty much ruined from the start due to whom he was raised by.
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entropyfox · 6 months ago
Micah Bell, Character Analysis Directory
Humanity ♦️
Prized Possessions
Vengeance/Comparison with Johnny Ringo
Low Honor Ending - Mercy Killing?
Micah On Guarma
Guarma Expanded - On-Screen Sleeping
Comment -> 1907 Insanity and Amos’ Family
“Under Construction”
-> Mary-Beth’s Rejection, Question of Respect
-> Micah’s Family — Amos Bell
-> Micah’s Family — Micah Bell Jr and Inheritance
-> (General) Micah’s Childhood
-> Nihilism in a World of Christianity
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08melancholie · 1 month ago
"How can I make this about Micah Bell", I think to myself.
Micah and Amos both have biblical names, with the name Micah meaning "who resembles God?/who is like the Lord?", or alternatively, "He who is like God”, and the name Amos meaning "carried by God/borne by God" or alternatively, "burden/burden bearer".
Micah's name comes from the biblical prophet (Hebrew Bible) Micah of Moresheth, and what's ironic and what I'm guessing may be the reason Micah's name was chosen to be that on purpose, is that Micah is the exact opposite to to the prophet.
"...his title is one that inspires humility—a quality deeply entrenched in Micah's central messages. Opposed to dishonesty, exploitation, and greed, Micah honors a mindset free from the desires of personal ambition. Sharing a common root with the Archangel Michael, Micah embodies truth and justice—a fitting title for a peacemaker in the wings." (read the rest here)
I find that to be very interesting and again, on purpose.
Amos's name connects to a prophet, farmer and herdsman from the eight century (also the Hebrew Bible). There's not much more known about him, other than one bible passage (Amos 7:14) and one mention of an Amos in Luke 3:25, who may not be the same Amos.
AMOS 7:14; Then Amos replied to Amaziah, “I am not a prophet [by profession], nor am I a prophet’s son; I am a herdsman and a grower of sycamore figs.
LUKE 3:25; "Which was [the son] of Mattathias, which was [the son] of Amos, which was [the son] of Naum, which was [the son] of Esli, which was [the son] of Nagge,"
The fact that we know as much of Amos as of the biblical prophet also feels on purpose, in a way. Amos [prophet] was a farmer, herdsman and grew fig trees. That's pretty much all that can be found on the internet about the man, or at least what I could find. Amos [Micah's brother] is a distant relative of the outlaw, with a family and a wish to never see Micah again due to his choice of profession. Very minuscule details, as I said.
I also want to talk about the second, less-popular translation of the name; burden or burden bearer. This would also make a lot of sense for Amos; he clearly isn't even nearly close to what Micah II, the father of the two brothers, wanted. He rebelled against his father's choice that was laid out for him and Micah, didn't get himself involved with crime or the outlaw lifestyle, and in a way, you could say he carries the 'burden' of not being able to see Micah or let him near his and technically also Micah's family (Amos's kids being Micah's nieces) ever again purely out of hatred for what he's become, and for what Amos hasn't become. Thats how I see it, at least.
While on topic of names, I want to quickly run through ALL (biblical) meanings of the most important character names, mainly from the rest of the gang. I excluded the ones with no biblical name (Dutch, Strauss)
Abigail—"my father's joy"; wife of King David in the Hebrew Bible, deemed to be smart, loyal and beautiful.
Arthur—"king"; mighty, brave, honourable, valiant.
Bill—"resolute protector/strong-willed warrior".
Charles—"free man"; 'ceorl' meaning 'free'.
Jack—"God is gracious/graced by Yahweh".
Javier—"new house/home".
John—also "God is gracious".
Lenny—"brave as a lion/bright one".
Sean—also "God is gracious".
Mary—"beloved; bitter; rebellious"
Mary-Beth—"drop-/star of the sea".
Susan—"lily"; from the word 'shoshan'.
Tilly—"mighty in a battle".
A lot of these make absolute sense to me. Take these four as an example—Arthur; Hosea; Mary; Tilly. Arthur is extremely brave and can be very honourable at times. Hosea, with the salvation, meaning the saviour of people. Mary with beloved and rebellious, at least in the past when she took a gamble and tried to marry an outlaw. Tilly, with how she fended against her own feud with the Foreman Brothers. It all makes a lot of sense to me, and the names can definitely be traced back to some of the characters.
Sorry for the yap session, I love religious symbolism <3 And I also want to say that OP's interpretations are amazing and spot-on, in my very humble opinion, as someone that has been very religious for a long time.
Biblical references in RDR2 analysis
Red Dead's quests contain references to many pieces of literature, one of them being the bible - one of the first quests we see with a unique name is in chapter 1 - "The aftermath of Genesis".
Genesis, being the first book in the old Christian testament, tells the story of a perfect world being created and how humanity destroys it by discovering sin. Immediately after, in Exodus, we are introduced to the story of the Israelites' slavery in Egypt and how they were delivered to safety by the hands of a higher power.
In RDR2, we see some similarities to these stories in the way Dutch and his gang view the world; the west being the perfect world, destroyed by growing civilisation that consumes their freedom.
Throughout the entire game, the gang does their best not to give in to this new world, and they constantly look up to Dutch as their saviour, an idea he reinforces by constantly asking them to have faith in him and claiming to have some sort of a genius plan that none of the gang members could understand.
The next biblical reference is the quest "who is not without sin", which is a twist on the biblical sentence "he who is without sin", a sentence that was said as a warning - unless you haven't sinned in your life, do not condemn others for their own sins.
This warning has a similarity to Arthur's point of view on the world - he deems himself as a bad man, which leads to him rarely judging other people for their actions.
It also has a similarity to the way the gang as a whole behaves - they kill and condemn others for actions they deem to be immoral when in realiry they themselves are committing similar crimes.
Another interesting one is "the sheep and the goats", while the quest revolves around herding sheep, the actual phrase is about helping the needy; those who have compassion and will help the needy will find salvation and those who won't will be dammed.
In my opinion, this can be referenced back to RDR in two ways; the first being Arthur's change versus the rest of the gang, as the title does mention one sheep and multiple goats, Arthur is the only one who ends up making a real change in his world views and behaviour, and ends up actually helping those in need as well.
It could also be viewed as the way the gang views themselves, backed up by Dutch's famous quote, "we save fellers as need saving, feed 'em as need feeding and kill 'em as need killing"; they view themselves as the sheeps in a world of goats, the only ones to truly act in a righteous way.
Another quote we see that relates to the gang's view of themselves is "blessed are the peacemakers", which repeats itself a couple of times both in rdr1 and rdr2.
It references the peacemakers being set apart from the rest of the world, since they're the children of god; the way they act and their way of resolving conflicts is above all, and they should actively teach their way to others.
This quote not only correlates directly to my previous explanation of the way the gang views itself, but also on how Micah views himself, as he quotes this sentence to Arthur at the beginning of the quest; he sees his ways as superior to the other members of the gang, and he constantly tries to sway both the gang members and Dutch from their own path to his own agenda, a mission he eventually succeeds in and brings the gang to an early demise.
The last one is "blessed are the meek". The beginning of this quote is again a guideline on the behaviour of people; guiding people to not assert themselves over others in order to further their own agenda.
Dutch immediately comes to mind doing the exact opposite of what this quote suggests, the entire gang being built on him collecting people who would not survive on their own and giving them shelter and purpose as long as they adhere to his values.
However, Arthur also comes to mind, being the exact opposite of Dutch by the end of the game, which is backed up by the craving on his grave if he dies with high honor; "blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness" Arthur did not have a desire to control other people or to impose his way of living on others, and while he didn't believe it, high honor arthur did act in a righteous and good way, his good morals being what eventually caused the tear between him and Dutch.
This is all of course, just my take on these mission names, most of them don't directly correlate with what happens in the actual missions.
Also, I'm not well versed in the bible, these are my conclusions after researching these quotes, so please feel free to add to this post and correct me if i misinterpreted any of these!
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old-lemon-tree · 9 days ago
Hiii :3 Micah headcanons? I'm interested to hear what you think about his attitude towards interpersonal relationships (I think a lot about how he reached out to Amos) and how he shows care.
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<3 🐴🐴🐁
OOOOh this is such an interesting one! (reason why it got rambly lol thank you for asking)
There’s a lot going on with Micah in terms of how he sees people and how he reacts to them. I think to get an understanding of his reasoning is important to remember a couple things:
Micah never had a family. To him family and gang are the same thing, interchangeable, and with the same weight. He doesn’t have a standard concept of it. He was born and grew up outlaw, that’s all he ever knew.
He doesn’t believe in anything. He’s more than an atheist, and more than a cynic. No God, no morality, not even money. ONLY survival, and survival of the fittest, at that.
Has some deep-rooted insecurities. Probably brought up by his father. He masks those insecurities by belittling weakness whenever he finds it.
(about his father and grandfather) “Pair of wild horses they was. Father and son…and then me.” 
Headcanons and opinions:
He longs for companionship in the standard sense, but doesn’t have the ability to let himself want it, or even acknowledge it. He sees feelings, and the expression of it, as inherently weak and unmanly (which is likely because of his dad berating him for it)
We see the previous point plenty of times with Mary Beth Abigail. And yes, in all of those moments he’s creepy as hell, because I have the feeling he never had much interaction with women who weren’t paid to talk to him. Which is not a legitimization for his actions, but explains how and why he acts towards women like this. No surprise here, but it was worth mentioning.
Two other instances of him searching for companionship is: 
With Javier, when they end up drinking together and Micah confesses drunkenly they are family. Which seems odd to say, while drunk, to a random person you don’t even particularly like. I don’t think this was meant as manipulation. Micah has a habit of running his mouth too much when he’s drunk In Beaver’s Hollow (when everyone’s morale is down)—coincidentally, drunk here too—when he demands people cheer up, and asks someone to sing a song or something. I love this one in particular, because during the story he’s seen never interacting with the gang when they party. Meaning the idiot has been sulking outside, looking in.
He admires strength, and envies with a passion. He absolutely looks up to Arthur and hates him for it. Arthur is strong, he’s reliable, he doesn’t ‘whine’ in the sense he always accuses others of doing. Arthur is the reason the camp is still going, and Micah has noticed that instantly. It’s the reason why, when it’s time, Arthur is the first he tries to get rid off. Micah’s a snake and knows how to cut off a snake’s head.
About admiring strength. His admiration for it is the same reason he gets so overwhelmed and bitter when confronted with the strength of people he hates. Charles when he throws him on the ground, Javier when he punches him. Even with Hosea in that camp’s interaction about Blackwater, where Hosea doesn’t leave him respite, doesn’t back down when Micah bites, he bites back. (because Hosea may be old but he can still whoop your ass!)
He reached out to Amos because he was trying to get him back into outlawing. No nasty ulterior motives imo. Yes, he talks down on his brother with the gang, but that’s the yarn he spins, you know. At the end of that conversation he also admits no woman ever told him nothing but “make yourself scarce”, adding that “it suits me just fine” in the most unconvincing tone I’ve ever heard. So yeah, he wanted his brother back into the fray.
Is honest when he says the gang is like family. As said before, he doesn’t have an example for what a family actually is, gangs is all he ever knew. When he rants in camp about wanting the gang to cut off the weak ones, that’s what he thinks families ought to do, because that's probably what his family did with Amos.
And despite it all—despite him being the rat—Micah is loyal to the concept of gang. If Dutch hadn’t gone completely off the rails in Guarma, mining his own survival (which is and will always be king) I think he wouldn’t have sold them out. (This is like my most controversial point I can feel the people booing lmao)
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cleoselene · 1 year ago
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my vinyl 'classical' wishlist of two - Tori Amos' stunning work, Night of Hunters, which reinterprets traditional classical pieces and adds lyrics, is the album I always wants her to make from the moment I became a fan. And boy she did not disappoint with this album. The first time I heard that STUNNING orchestral bridge on "Star Whisperer," I wept at the sheer beauty of it. "Fearlessness" is a song so complete, so structurally and lyrically perfect, that it shares rarefied air with some of the very best of Tori's catalog: On part with a "Talula" or an "i i e e e" in that listening to it feels like such a completely nourishing song-listening experience. The way "Your Ghost" flows into "Edge of the Moon?" Absolutely sublime.
Beth Gibbons has maybe one of my favorite voices in all of music. I've talked about this Gorecki symphony and Beth singing it at length on my blog, but I was reminded of the second movement again on Holocaust Remembrance Day the other day. The aching sorrow of mother separated from child threads through each movement, and no conveys agony in her voice better than Beth Gibbons: who cares if she is not a soprano, as the symphony calls for? She sounds like a weeping mother, wailing in the night. Beth is one of those vocalists who can make you cry, can make the hairs on your arms stand on end, can make you feel terrified, can make you feel fond. If I could sing like anyone in the world, I would love to be able to sing like her.
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sxozkurt · 1 month ago
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No pudo evitar hacer una mueca al acercarse a la rubia. “¿Estas segura de eso? Por qué puede que tenga peor puntería que tu” admitió, aun así, tomo el aro de las manos contrarias. “La puntería no es exactamente lo mío, pero no se puede tener todo en esta vida y yo me quedo con mi belleza” se encogió de hombros. 
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Luego de arrojar por segunda vez el aro y fallar deja salir un suspiro, su mirada ubicando a la primera persona que se le cruza "¡Hey!" Le llama "¿Quieres intentar?" Agita con suavidad el objeto en su mano "Quizá tienes más suerte que yo".
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cherrystales · 2 months ago
Tell me about your love for Micah? As someone you generally dislikes him, I’m curious what there is to like. And absolutely NO HATE. tbh I’m genuinely curious and always up to hear some character analysis.
“Like” is kind of a strong word for what I feel for him, I think
I “like” him as an antagonist, as in he’s well-written
And I somewhat sympathize for him bc genuinely he’s a dumbass who lashes out when he’s mad which is self-destructive considering it usually ends in him getting embarrassed or his lights knocked out
And also there’s his backstory, his dad pulling him into a life of crime, teaching him the lesson that survival is all he should care about
Then there’s his brother, Amos, rejecting him when he reached out
He also did genuinely try a few times to fit in (like asking Mary-Beth for a dance) but was rejected again
Which makes me think of that line from Zootopia “If they’re only gonna see a fox as shifty and untrustworthy, there’s no point in trying to be anything else” and I see Micah kind of just resigning himself to being a racist, misogynistic asshole and isolating himself. Does this make what he does okay? Absolutely not! It doesn’t justify his actions, just explains them.
So “like” is a strong word for him as a human. But as an antagonist I like how complex he is.
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absencesrepetees · 1 year ago
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what's in my bag with spellling
700 bliss - nothing to declare
brandy - baby [single]
sneaker pimps - becoming x
henryk górecki, beth gibbons, polish national radio symphony orchestra & krzysztof penderecki - symphony no. 3 (symphony of sorrowful songs) op. 36
talk talk - the party's over
antonio carlos jobim & luiz bonfá - the original soundtrack from the film black orpheus
tori amos - little earthquakes
linda perhacs - i'm a harmony
iggy & the stooges - raw power
outkast - atliens
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archieths · 18 days ago
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Ladeó el rostro, reconociendo su preocupación. El hombre no era conocido por ser tan amado por los niños en general, pero por sus sobrinos, ha conocido un tipo de amor que no pensaba existía. El mayor disgusto de los Thompson con aquel día se debió a la pésima seguridad que pudo ponerlos en riesgo. “ Dom hizo bien en tomar precauciones a diferencia de la gente del club ”, pensando en cómo han vendido el lugar desde que llegaron con la etiqueta: el hogar para tu familia. No estaban a la altura de supuesta reputación. Hizo un gesto dónde aprisionó sus labios entre sí, negando con la cabeza, Beth no debería torturarse por aquel descuido, sabía que al estar involucrados los sentimientos uno puede actuar de forma irracional. No era culpa de su hermana preocuparse por ellos. Claro que los mayores no iban a verlo de esa manera. “ Vamos, no fue para tanto, ¿sí? Siempre me ha gustado eso de ti, es parte de todos los encantos que tienes, ” le animó, lo pensaba con sinceridad. En cambio, Archie no suele tener desplantes, no se salía de sus cabales y dejó de pelear con progenitores cuando se marchó. Aunque era un chiquillo problemático, se las arregló todo el tiempo en resolver las cosas para que no llegaran a oídos de sus padres, desarrolló un mal hábito para decir la verdad a medias, ¿para qué contaría todo? Podría causar un disgusto, decepción y todas esas emociones que evitaba a toda costa. Su abuelo le dijo que un hombre sabía superar cualquier obstáculo y aquello se le quedó grabado para siempre, no pensaba preocupar a nadie nunca. “ ¿Unos cinco minutos? ” decidió seguir con aquella broma, volviendo a servir licor en su vaso. “ Aquí va el primero ” dicho esto, tomó el recipiente y empinó su codo para tomarlo en una sola exhibición. El licor entró por su garganta, refrescando sus cuerdas vocales. “ Es la mejor opción así que cuando pase debemos fingir que nos sorprendemos, ¿ok? ”, es cómo una verdad que nadie decía en voz alta. Harmony dejó en claro desde hace mucho tiempo que no quería involucrarse con nada del negocio familiar, nunca le molestó. Tenía la idea que sus hermanes menores podrían tener un mejor destino que los mayores, ¿no era así la función de la hermandad? Le dio la razón, asintiendo con vehemencia y desechó cualquier asunto del trabajo, no iba a dejar que esos temas le robaran tiempo esa noche. Le miró impresionado, dejó escapar un silbido. “ Esa es la única respuesta, mi querida Beth ” le señaló, haciendo con su mano diestra cómo si tuviese una pistola y disparase hacía ella. “ Si claro, pero ya sé, ya sé, me dijeron que debía portarme bien. Cumpliré mi palabra ” automáticamente una mano se llevó al pecho. No le dio tiempo para poner el rostro serio y carcajeó, se quitó los lentes, achicó la mirada hacía la contraria. “ ¿Quién eres y que has hecho con mi hermana? ” sentenció, le interesaba saber hasta las cosas más nimias. “ Yo tampoco te puedo decir, o por lo menos, no puedo decirte el nombre...¿Y si damos una pista? No estaríamos rompiendo ninguna regla, prácticamente. ”
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Suspira escuchando a su hermano, Beth no contaba con el mejor historial de cara a sus mayores "Si te soy honesta lo que más me molestó es saber que Theo y Charlotte estuvieron expuestos a todo" Agradecía que la situación había sido controlada pero ¿Y si no hubiese sido así? ¿Y si alguno de ellos salía herido? Era complicado cuando lo que suponía serían eventos y charlas frívolas se convierten en protestas y personas catalogándolos de intrusos. "Pero pude haberlo hecho mejor, si bien tenía un punto válido la forma en la que abordé el problema dañó todo" Impulsiva como siempre había apelado a la emoción y no a la razón. Entonces su hermano logra sacarle una carcajada de sus labios, quizá ese era el superpoder de Archie hacerla reír incluso cuando está cuestionándose a si misma, siempre había sido así y suponía que esa era la dinámica de ellos "Un shot cada vez que nuestro tío dice que no ¿En cuántos minutos crees que estaremos ebrios?" Sigue el juego abandonando la seriedad que había estado acompañando su tono de voz y reemplazándola por un tono claramente divertido. "Dom lo sabe, muy en el fondo de su corazón él lo sabe" Dramatiza y diestra viaja a su propio pecho dando ligeras palmaditas en la zona donde se supone se encontraba aquel órgano para complementar la oración "Además él se lo buscó" Encoge un hombro con suavidad, se notaba lo mucho que disfrutaba su trabajo y en este punto no es que Elizabeth lo detestara, de hecho, lo disfruta también pero repele la responsabilidad que conllevaría ser el heredero. Asiente con suavidad cuando escucha que todo está bajo control "Muy bien, entonces no me preocuparé por cosas aburridas de trabajo" Concede antes de llevar la bebida a sus labios y beber el contenido restante de la misma, se ríe por lo bajo ante el comentario de la cacería "¿No es la vida una constante cacería, mi querido Archie?" Arquea su ceja con un falso tono filosófico. Arruga su nariz ante el siguiente comentario "Lo sé, todas las esperanzas están puestas en nosotros quizá es demasiada presión" Hace una pequeña mueca con sus labios reprimiendo la risilla que desea salir, como si estuviese hablando totalmente en serio. "¿Un par de personas interesantes?" Repite y sus cejas se elevan repetidas veces "Y de verdad no te voy a decir, creo que es el primer secreto que no te digo ¿Ves como me está haciendo daño este lugar?" Dramatiza y luego añade con una mueca pensativa "Aunque si tú me dices yo te digo...".
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marikasart · 3 months ago
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Uma das minhas versões preferidas em tela! Veio para o Brasil com o título de "Quatro destinos", amo acompanhar o crescimento de Meg, Jo, Amy e Beth 💝
One of my favorite versions on screen! Came to Brazil with the title "Four Destinies", love watching the growth of Meg, Jo, Amy and Beth 💝
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