entropyfox ¡ 22 hours
Javier Escuella, Riverboat (Saint Denis), 1899
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He’s my favorite
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entropyfox ¡ 22 hours
As somebody who views Lenny and Arthur’s relationship as found family, there’s one small bit of the game that really stood out to me.
I think that Arthur and Lenny’s relationship is somewhat similar to what Arthur and Dutch’s would have been back in the day, except the paternal feeling wouldn’t be as strong, since Lenny is older (+has only been in the gang for a little bit) — still, the potential is there.
Just based on their interactions in game, you can tell that they would have had a much stronger bond had things not gone down the way they did (with Arthur praising Lenny and Lenny seeming very proud of himself whenever it happens in various missions, i love them).
But what sticks out to me the most is Lenny’s pocket watch item request.
He explains why it’s so important to him, how his father acquired it before giving it to him. And, despite being upset over its loss, he gives reasoning as to why even if he bought a new one it would still be symbolic; yet he accepts the watch Arthur gives him.
While it could be just for practical reasons, looking into it really solidifies my interpretation of their relationship. Lenny loses his watch (the watch his father gave him), leaving a vacancy. Arthur being the one to fill that vacancy by giving him a new watch feels symbolic to me. Lenny accept him by accepting the watch, giving a teaser of what their relationship could have become if the game hadn’t been so tragic. Perhaps they would have become what Dutch and Arthur once were, except Arthur would have treated Lenny like a son to the end, instead of turning his back on him.
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entropyfox ¡ 22 hours
my official stance is a pregnancy is whatever the pregnant person wants it to be. if it’s a 4 week old clump of cells and they want to call it a baby it’s a baby. if they're 20 weeks and they want to call it a parasite it’s a parasite. if they're 39 weeks and call it a fetus it’s a fetus. “why are you so sad about miscarrying at 6 weeks it was literally just an embryo” because that was their baby. “how can you get an abortion at three months” because that wasn’t a baby. hope that helps.
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entropyfox ¡ 22 hours
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"Die in there cowering like a dog, or come out and face it like a man." – Micah Bell
Sometimes I feel so bad that I can't really draw lol (only horses maybe) so yeah, I would be incredibly grateful if someone draw this for me.
Btw, do what you guys want with this, wallpaper or whatever you want.
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entropyfox ¡ 23 hours
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Brain rot rn
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entropyfox ¡ 23 hours
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Redraw of my own art
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entropyfox ¡ 23 hours
John's need to fit in
When thinking about John, Arthur, Hosea and Dutch I always think John as a bit of an extra, and at first I thought "Oh it is just because he wasn't there for as long, he isn't part of the curious couple and their unruly son" but watching an interview with Rob I realised there was something else and what it was.
When John is young, 1899, he isn't not mature, he is not very sensible and he is somewhat impulsive, cocky and angry. He doesn't really understand the world around him and who can blame him, he is 26, he is young, and most importantly he is inexperienced.
Rob talked about the fact that John is very fustrated about not being able to do all the things Arthur, Hosea and Dutch can do, he wants to be "cool" like them, he wants to fit in, and he realises he doesn't, but he is too cocky to realise why. And that is because he doesn't have th experience, he hasn't had the time to learn, and he gets annoyed about that.
It was the inexperience that i had noticed, that stood out to me.
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entropyfox ¡ 23 hours
John's missing culture
If there is one thing that is wildly know about 1800-1900 America it is that they were good at erasing cultures and normally we as fans are good at talking about it, talking about Sean in reform school, Eagle Flies fighting for his right as a native American, so on and so forth, but I have never seen anyone talk about John's missing culture.
When presenting himself, John often says he is a man from no where, a no one, an orphan kid, he says once in rdr2 "my dad came over from scotland" but that is it, it is first in rdr1 that we get to hear a bit more about that.
"My father was an illiterate Scot, born on the boat into New York. He never saw his homeland, but to hear him talk about it, you would imagine he only ever ate haggis and wore a kilt. And he hated the English for what they had done to his great-grandparents he'd never met."
Clearly John's father was a proud Scot, but John isn't. He grew up constantly hearing about scotland and scottish culture from the one piece of family that he had left, and I wonder if John ever was interested in it or if he was too pragmatic for it. If he wanted to know about where he came from but then realised it didn't matter when he got to the orphanage and became just another boy, just another no one.
He never had anyone later (that we know of) who could tell him about this culture. No one in the gang is Scottish, no one to teach him, no one to help him, it was just gone.
He doesn’t seem to miss it, but it is still interesting.
A little off track, but Sean tells one of the Grays, who is scottish, "well we are basically brother then, ain't we?" And I am just imagining Sean, new to the gang, newly alone after escaping reform school, trying to find some form of familiarity, hearing that not only is John scottish but he also had his father die at around the same age and was sent to a facility, getting his hopes up about a friend, only for John to say "no, my father was scottish, but I am nothing."
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entropyfox ¡ 23 hours
One thing that stands out to me about John compared to Arthur, is how pragmatic he is in 1911. He is very sensible, very disconnected with emotions and deals with things logically without too much fuss.
John's goal, whatever he set it to be, is John's first priority, he will get it no matter what, no matter the cost, no matter the lives, he doesn't care if he needs to slaughter groups of people to get it. Prime example is the gattling gun in rdr1, kills a big amount of people for said gattling gun and when it isn't there he doesn't feel bad about the bodies surrounding him but just goes "it isn't here, that lying sack of shit." He was more annoyed about the waste of time than about the waste of life.
Similarly the blunterbuss in undead: "I risked my life for this? A blunterbuss? What is this 1850?"
I think that is also what makes John's redemption so interesting because it is just an act. It isn't about him actually becoming a better person because he certianly isn't becoming one by killing all these people, it is more a trade with the Pinkertons. "I killed your people now I will kill my people and a bunch of random criminals and then we good."
At the same time he is also trying to convince the Pinkertons that "Oh, I am a good guy now because I killed people you don't like," he isn't a better guy, it is a play he is playing trying to convince them that he is so that they will leave him alone.
He doesn't care who he kills, he doesn't care why, he just wants to get to the end goal, whatever it takes.
Another thing is the death of Old Boy when John didn't even glance at him. He would rather awkwardly stand and wait while Arthur said his goodbye to his horse than say goodbye to his own horse.
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entropyfox ¡ 23 hours
Screenshots plus another clip because he makes me crazy...he's so pretty with his hair down!!😭
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72 notes ¡ View notes
entropyfox ¡ 23 hours
I don't think I posted this here
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entropyfox ¡ 2 days
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Why they gotta look at each other like that 😫 just kiss already
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entropyfox ¡ 2 days
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↓full pic
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entropyfox ¡ 2 days
There doesn’t go a single day by on which I don’t think about low honor Arthur x Micah dynamics.
They work so well together whew
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entropyfox ¡ 2 days
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entropyfox ¡ 2 days
the saint denis robbery outfits go so hard
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like look at these two
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entropyfox ¡ 2 days
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Javier Escuella drawing. It may seem easy to draw him but I was wrongg🗣️
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