#Bellamy x echo
itsjinkibitch · 5 months
Been missing Becho so much recently I almost convinced myself to watch the series again
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐲 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐤𝐞'𝐬 𝐬/𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
Chaotic Neutral
Sagittarius Sun, Capricorn Moon, Scorpio Rising
⭑ Sent down to earth with the rest of the group, only for a petty crime of trying to feed your sick mother. You had stolen someone else’s rations and a fight broke out. 
⭑ Being in the ship’s cell had hardened you somewhat, but you were able to talk to Clarke who was next door to you. 
⭑ The day you landed on earth, was the day that everything changed. 
⭑ You were no longer safe.
⭑ And so you stood behind those with loud mouths and bravado. John Murphy was the best option, and soon Bellamy was the camp leader. 
⭑ You didn’t like the others on earth, but you did take a liking to Clarke, Octavia, Wells, Jasper, and Monty. 
⭑ Slowly you became part of Clarke’s crew - 
⭑ And Bellamy seemed like such a big arch-nemesis at the time 
⭑ But over time you learned to trust each other, because you had no other choice. And when you saw that changed in Bellamy, something in you shifted. 
⭑ As a significant other, Bellamy is very protective but also very caring. 
⭑ He wants to make sure that you feel comfortable and safe at all times. 
⭑ He can get a bit jealous, but not overly. He isn’t possessive either. 
⭑ Bellamy loves cuddling. And he’s very good to cuddle as well. There’s no greater feeling than having his arms wrapped around you. Nowhere else do you feel this safe. 
⭑ Before doing anything dangerous, Bellamy cups your face in his hands and rubs his lips over your lips. And like a promise, he tells you he loves you and kisses you so deeply. 
⭑ When you’re alone together, you talk about the future and what you want. If you want kids, where you’d want to live etc. If you think of something midday, you’ll try and find each other to add it to the list. E.g., “I want a flower garden” or “I changed my mind I want to live by a lake” etc. 
⭑ He always makes sure that you’ve eaten, and if you’re hungry he’ll get you whatever you want (or whatever is closest to it). 
⭑ You share a room/tent (I mean it changes doesn’t it!) And he has minimal possessions, I mean everyone does now. But you have your little knick-knacks that you’ve created, little gifts from friends. 
⭑ The moment Bellamy fell fully in love with you, was when you had found a few of his favourite books. 
⭑ He doesn’t mind PDA. Bellamy will wait for you to sit next to him so he can hold you against his chest. 
⭑ He would really appreciate you listening to him when he opens up. Not a lot of people know a lot about Bellamy’s interests, hobbies, likes, and dislikes. 
⭑ He would want to marry you, or if that wasn’t possible, he would want to commit to you as much as possible. 
⭑ You do worry about him a lot. It’s in his nature to protect, defend and lead. He raised Octavia, so it’s ingrained in him to be the first to react and step up. 
⭑ He gets surprised when you remember things about him. Especially memories and other people in his life that are long gone
⭑ Bellamy teaches you skills, he doesn’t want you to have to rely on anyone. 
⭑ Doesn’t like it when other people look at you with lust in their eyes. He will move closer to you, but not be too obvious
Theme Song:
‘Davy Jones’ by Fia Oradd
Relationship Tropes:
Snarky Power Couple That Can, And Probably Will, Destroy You
Moon (mysterious, night-person, creative, introverted) (Bellamy) x Eclipse (has so much worth but doesn’t see it, initially closed-off but has the biggest heart) (You)
Rivals to Acquaintances to Friends to Lovers
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belltaviasbff · 2 years
echo, trying to flirt in space: hey bellamy?
bellamy, tearing up: CLARKE USED TO CALL ME THAT
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userlaylivia · 2 years
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So watching the 100 again (yes I know I’m brining it on my self with the pain) but my partner only ever watched like season 1 and 2 and stopped for some reason 🤷🏻‍♀️
Currently on 4x01 and just all the bellarke feels but also knowing what is coming
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clexa-bones · 2 years
yes, virginia. there is a season five. however...
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...perhaps unfortunately to some of you, it will be the final season, unless some sort of incredibly specific miracle happens. when i was about halfway through writing "the head in the game", i began envisioning this entire world, the whole story of all the characters start to finish, and the finish is what has functionally worked out to be season five.
i think a lot of wonderful stories have been ruined by the addition of extra seasons because the creators got greedy; either for money or fame or just validation. and as much as i love this world and the dopamine y'all give me in it, that's ultimately why i intend to stick to my plan regarding the, if you'll forgive me, 'bones' of the story.
this universe makes me very happy; i am honestly quite proud of my work, so grateful for the community, and i've truly grown to love the characters so much that it near physically pains me to say goodbye to them. i wish i never ever had to. but because i love them i want to do what is best for them, and for me, that means letting them go with grace & dignity.
telling a story after it should have ended is why walking dead aired so long. that's not a compliment.💀 and so i don't want to break something beautiful by holding it too tightly, and trying to force it to give more than it has to give; that isn't love.
also, i think we have all had enough of that pain from canon universes. i am only writing fanfic here, though i like to think i'd make the same choice even with a giant check in front of me... but regardless i, at least currently, cannot be swayed by fame, money, or marriage proposals. (unless you're tasya; then let's talk. i'll write whatever you want.)
i think this is a good thing, and i look forward to celebrating the final season with all of you. i'll leak y'all some preview content on here soon.
thank you so incredibly much for all your support & love you've so selflessly given the past.. jesus; 15 months??? seriously???
lol. it feels like a decade; i really am an absolute monster. thanks for sticking with me anyway.
- @irresponsibear (tasya's version)
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romulanslutempire · 1 year
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You think everyone is hiding something.
Everyone is hiding something. Whether they know it or not.
What are you hiding? Other than your job description. Your true name?
My what?
Romulans have a name for outsiders and a name for family, but your true name you save for the one you give your heart to.
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zaenight · 1 year
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The dragon and her knight ch3
Continues from last chapter 6x3
"We know their founders on Eligius III were all nightbloods." Clarke said to the group with Nova next to her.
"And we know, hereditarily, It's incredibly rare." Abby then said staring at Nova who looked at a picture of their first landing,she wonders what would have happened if team alpha had never gotten the nightblood serum,the primes wouldn't exist,the body snatching,the obsession with immortality,Nova always wondered if they would have died in the radiation or in a bunker somwhere while still on earth.
"Princess Clarke, Perfect." Murphy said,making Nova smile softly.
"Not perfect if it makes her a target." miller said to Murphy.
"He's right." Nova said clearing her throught,although the children of Gabriel weren't the only threat they had to worry about.
She also knows the group was still weary of her,somtimes catching the glances From Abby and Murphy.
"It does,Which is why we can't tell them about Madi...unless you already did, Think,You told her everything else." Clarke said walking towards Jordan, refering to Delilah.
Nova wondered if the paralasis had worn off yet,she would have to check up on the girl later.
"I didn't tell her that,I was just being friendly,I'm--I'm the reason they're throwing us out." Jordan stamered.
"Not if I have anything to say about it." Nova said resting a hand on his shoulder,a small migrain forming.
And so she grabbed her note book and drew,She was behind the bar so no one could see.
And she wanted to scream,on the page rose's small body laid dead from a bullet wound,Bellamy's sister Octavia appeared to be covering her,but it was too late.
She slammed her book shut as a Child's voice entered the room,a girl,not rose.
Appearing from behind the counter she saw a black haired girl around 12 ran to Clarke.
"Clarke!" the child exclaimed hugging the blonde.
"Oh, I'm so glad to see you,You okay?" Clarke asked Madi worried,the others stared at the scene fondly.
Bellamy had glanced at Nova, the two waving at eachother, well Nova waved,Bellamy gave a small smile.
Hugs were passed around,and Nova gave John another drink,as Raven and Bellamy came up to them.
Raven gave her a small nod,while Bellamy hugged her as she leaned over the bar,it was suprising,two strangers hugging as if they've known eachother for a lifetime,then again nothing on sanctum really made sense.
Although she noticed Octavia missing,she feared her vision might be coming true right now.
" You looked better dead." Raven said to murphy as she hugged Emori.
Murphy however just stared at the bar until Bellamy put a hand on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry." Bellamy said to him as Nova went over to Echo, giving the girl a quick hug , Echo tensed at the sudden affection,but hugged her back, it was progress.
"It's not your fault, man." Nova heard Murphy say as she walked back towards the bar.
Nova caught the child,known as Madi,staring at her as if she was dreaming.
Children and their imaginations , Nova gave her a soft smile when Astrid flew over Echo's head and onto Madi's.
"Clarke! , Its a dragon a real one not fake!" Madi exclaimed excited.
Clarke laughed softly at the child's joy , giving Nova a small smile that the girl returned.
The peace was then ruined as her parents and the guards that entered the bar.
Bellamy raised a brow as the girl turned around downing a shot.
" It's been a long day, so I'll keep this short,Sanctum was created to be a sanctuary for the human race,After seeing you save Delilah, we've decided that you deserve that, too,and Nova seems to enjoy your presance." Russel said glancing at his daughter,who downed another shot.
Nova perked a brow,somthing else was going on,glancing at Bellamy who was listening to the conversation,resulting in Murphy snorting when he caught her staring.
She looked away as Bellamy turned to Murphy wondering what was so funny.
"You changed your mind?,We can stay?" Clarke asked Russel, what were his motives.
"For now, but no more of you, You will follow our rules and respect our traditions, and we will teach you how to survive here." Simone said to the group.
Nova scoffed at her Mother's words,gaining her tense glare.
Incase you haven't noticed,her and her Mother's relationship wasn't perfect , ever since the first red sun,although it didn't compare to how broken Nova's relationship with Josephine was.
Bellamy and Murphy both raised a brow as the girl downed yet another shot,they lost count at how many she had,and yet she wasn't even buzzed.
"Wonder what else she can swallow." Murphy whisperd elbowing Bellamy,not knowing Nova was listening.
"Shut up Murphy." Bellamy whisperd back,elbowing him in the stomach.
"What my wife is trying to say is,welcome to Sanctum." Russel said with a smile,Nova came from behind the bar and sat on Bellamy's lap wrapping an arm around his shoulder, mostly because there was no where else to sit.
The group smiled,Nova also noticed two other newcomers besides Madi,A girl with frosted tips and dark skin that stood with Clarke and Madi, and another woman,who was pregnant,but Nova recognized her from a history book,infact she was her personal favorite to learn about.
Bellamy earned glares from her parents and a smirk from Murphy and Echo as Nova made herself comfortable.
"You're with child, How far along?"Her Mother asked the Pregnant woman,and Nova feared what would happen once they realize who she was.
"6 months, give or take." Diyoza stated.
" Through cryosleep then?" Simone questioned.
" Right." the woman answered.
" That's remarkable,If you'd like, we can have one of our prenatal physicians examine you in the morning." Her Mother asked.
Nova leaned more into Bellamy,who wrapped his arms around his waist.
" I'd like that, Thank you." Diyoza said to Simone.
" You should have seen Diyoza and Octavia fighting terrorists." Madi said,Causing Nova to tense,and her Father looking towards Diyoza.
Oh children never know when to keep their mouths shut,but she'll give Madi a pass,she has a feeling this child has great things happen to her in the future.
"Where is Octavia?" Clarke questioned as Nova saw Bellamy glance at Clarke who looked right at him,Nova placed a hand on his chest to comfort him.
But she felt bad for Octavia,one day she hopes they'll rekindle their relationship,unlike her and Josephine,she wonders what made the two break their bond in the first place.
"Charmaine Diyoza?" Russel questioned as Nova let out a sigh.
"Yes." she answered.
"Escort this woman past the shield right now." Her father said to the Guards.
"Dad! leave her alone,she's pregnant." Nova stated to her father,both her and Bellamy getting up.
Russel glared as Nova walked up to him , however it was nothing compared to the hardened glare he gave bellamy.
"Just wait,What is this?" Bellamy questioned as Nova just glared at her father,giving a sorry glance to Diyoza who nodded at her.
" Seems my reputation precedes me." Diyoza said.
"You could say that. Your face is in our history books next to Hitler and Bin Laden." her father said.
"Dad!" Nova hissed at her father,Bellamy saw Simone clench her fist about to walk over until Bellamy narrowed his eyes at her.
"Please, what about the baby?" Abby pleaded.
Nova nodded in agreement , earning another glare from her mother.
"If any of you would care to join her,be my guest." Russel stated,Giving Nova a glance screaming "Stay put or else."
"Madi..." Clarke said Grabbing her,pulling her back.
"It's okay, kid,Stay frosty." Diyoza said as guards pulled her out of the building.
"We better hope the trees get her before the children of Gabriel do because if she joins forces with them, we're gonna need more than a radiation shield to protect us." Nova heard her Mother say.
Another pro of the red sun,good hearing.
"Im sorry." Nova said to the group as she ran her hand through her hair.
"It's okay."Clarke said placing a hand on her shoulder.
"One way or another, the devil gets his due." Murphy said as him and Nova clink their glasses.
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mxdimitrescu · 5 months
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Welcome to my Masterlist. Everything I've written so far will be kept in one place until I feel like a mini masterlist is necessary. Requests are Open so please send in your requests!
Who I'll Write For:
Right now, I'm only writing for characters or celebrities I am familiar so I apologize if I don't recognize for your person that you request for. However, I am hyper-fixated on Twice so that's your best bet. I primarily write OCs instead of Y/N just to make it easier for me to write. Also all my OCs are G!P too.
Stories/Imagines that are highlighted RED is 18+. CONTAINS SMUT!!
Reactions/Headcanons Masterlist
↳Myoui Mina x GP!Minatozaki Seiko
↳Park Jihyo x Bae Eun
Her Lion
↳Chou Tzuyu x GP!Kang Saja
Unexpected Surprise (Request)
↳Twice x GN!Reader
Red String of Fate (Coming Soon)
↳Minatozaki Sana x Kim Dohyun
New Hiring (Coming Soon)
↳Hirai Momo x ??
Late Night Fun
↳ Vanessa Moe x GP!Reece Johnson
↳Kylie Jenner x GP!Lux Jones
Drunken Night
↳Kendall Jenner x GP!Remy Fields
Green-Eyed Monster
↳Kendall Jenner x GP!Kai Daniels
After Party
↳Cardi B. x GP!Salem Black
Shy Reunion
↳Lauren Jauregui x Blue Hansen
↳Anna Kendrick x Bellamy Black
Unexpected Love Pt.1 & Pt.2
↳Rosalie Hale x Echo Clearwater
You Saved Me
↳Irina Denali x Finley
When Our Eyes Meet
↳Alex Morgan x Hunter Lake
New Revelations
↳Christen Press x Deaf!Emery Press
Opposites Attract
↳Tobin Heath x Tall!Jace Campbell
Connections Leads to Something
↳Mom!Hope Solo x Kid!Sloan
Everything is Okay
↳Jackie Groenen x Asa West
Love Found in Cafe
↳Ashlyn Harris x August Kane x Ali Krieger
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sinon36 · 6 months
Echoes of Salvation: Negotiations (Part II). Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x afab reader
Part I
Warnings: none, really, just some casual fluff and domestic stuff, maybe some grammar error and misspellings.
The story starts after the dash.
It’s been five years since the outbreak happened. Five years ago, in London, a terrorist group released a virus in the city center. 24 hours later, people start developing flu-like symptoms. 48 hours later the infected turn into mindless ghouls biting healthy people and spreading the infection. Everything happened so fast. The army came in and tried to contain the outbreak but soon chaos engulfed the whole country. You learn that similar attacks happened all over the world: New York, Beijing, Moscow, Athens, and Tokyo. City by city, the whole world is ending.
You survived thanks to your mid-twenties life crisis that made you move into a cottage house by the lake in Lake District. The land you own is surrounded by thick lush forest that offers perfect cover for the tiny brick house that is your safe haven. With a water source close, off-the-grid energy, and a garden full of plants, fruit trees chickens, and whatnot, you live a comfortable life tucked away, far from the dangers of the cities. You are so far out of reach that in the past years you only saw a handful of infected, survivors that traveled far to escape and distant neighbours that got infected in the towns nearby. You can’t remember the last time you saw another person. But you are used to your loneliness. The end of the world brought only a mild inconvenience, now that you can no longer order things online and watch movies on Netflix or HBO. But with a library full of books, a homestead to keep you active and your Border Collie companion, Bellamy, life is good. Life is peaceful.
One day, while you are out fishing, a masked man, armed to the teeth and carrying a young girl in his arms threatens to kill you if you don’t provide him with medicine for his sick daughter.           
Once you get back inside you notice the little girl fast asleep on the couch a peaceful look on her face. Bellamy keeps closely to your side not letting you move without following. The masked brute stands a few paces away at the other end of the sofa, his eyes carefully scanning over his sleeping daughter. Once satisfied that she is comfortable he turns to you and gestures towards the kitchen and for you to follow him. You wait a few seconds and keep a healthy distance once you start following him. Once inside he points at the door and you shut it. You look around searching for a safe place for you to sit now that you’re trapped in here with him. You decide to sit on one of the chairs the one with your back to the wall. Bellamy lays at your feet eyes glued to him.
He leans against the wall opposite from you, arms crossed over his chest. He watches you, studies your face for a while. You try to appear nonchalant at his cold fixating glare, but your hair stands up, goose bumps forming on your skin. He clears his throat ‘I have a few more questions for you’ he says voice just as gruffy as before. ‘Like wise’ you quip from your seated position.
'Have you had run-ins with the infected?'
‘I haven't seen any for the past few months. and even before that they are rare and far in between. And to my knowledge there isn't any other person alive around this area.’ You answer as truthfully as you can.
'You're pretty isolated out here. No neighbours within a decent radius?'
‘Only the Johnsons, Neil and Margaret, they used to live about a half a mile down the lake bank. They were a retired couple.’ You reply a little sad.
'Used to?' he asks intrigued.
'Yeah. They died soon after the infection started spreading' you shudder, the image of Neil coming back to you in full force.
'How did they die?' his head lens to the side as if to take a better look at you.
‘I found Margaret dead in their garage throat ripped out. I'm guessing that Neil got infected when he went to the market in the nearby town. When he got home, he must have turned and killed his wife.’ You fumble with your hands picking at your nails and avoiding his sharp gaze.
'What about the husband? What happened to him?'
You dreaded this question. You take a deep breath to steady your quick heart and face downward in shame. 'I Killed him...' you say after some consideration. 'He attacked me and Bellamy and.... I had to...' you mumble your words not wanting to remember anymore of that terrible day.
He watches you intently, there's no sign of surprise on his face. 'You did what you had to do. There's no need to look shameful.' He seems understanding, but something about his look causes a chill to run down your spine. 'How did you do it?' He adds softly.
'The hatchet. I was out cutting wood for the stove.' you keep mumbling, a distant look on your face as you focus your eyes on spot on the table cloth.
'I see.' He says without any kind of judgment in his tone. You find it hard to look at him at this moment. 'You didn't hesitate.' He adds.
'I did. I acted out in fear more than anything.' you say lowly rubbing the back of your neck trying to rid yourself from the cold sweat taking over you.
He continues to observe you calmly, as if trying to understand you on a more fundamental level.
His expression changes slightly, becoming softer, less intimidating. 'Was it hard? Taking a life?'
'Yes.' You say looking straight into his eyes tone genuine. 'But I'll do it again if I have to.' you admit to him hinting that you are not as weak as he thinks you to be. You did manage to survive all this time alone and it wasn't all luck. You worked hard to build and improve the defence around your house and make it sustainable for a long period.
He notices your determination, and for a brief moment, he seems to respect it. 'I believe that you would, I’m counting on it' he says, voice still low. 'How did you survive on your own for so long?' he changes the subject having made his opinion of you on that matter.
'I learned how to farm. When I first move here six and a half years ago, I bought books on how grow vegetables and some medicinal herbs. Margaret was kind enough to show me how to grow chickens, I have a few in a coup behind the house' you motion with your head in that direction. 'In the back, there is a small plot of land with an orchard. Apples and cherries. I also invested in solar panels. I still have electricity and running water. Though on cloudy days the batteries half charge. I have to keep an eye on consumption.
He nods slowly, taking in the information you have shared with him. He seems to be taking mental notes of your capabilities as a homesteader. He speaks again, ’What did do before shit hit the fan?'
‘I am a licensed architect so it was easy to design everything around here, the doing was the harder part' you say proud of what you managed to achieve.
'An architect', he repeats in a low, amused voice, 'and you chose to live in the middle of nowhere?'
He pauses. 'What made you come this far out?'
'I wanted peace and a quiet place surrounded by nature. Cities were to crowded for my liking. I never felt at home there. But here' you look around you, 'here is perfect.'
You hear him let out a breath, seemingly agreeing with your statement and your choice of location.
He studies you for a few seconds, then says, 'You don’t have anyone else? Family? Parents?'
'No.' the answer is short and a far away look takes over you. that is a story from another time. 'Where did you come from?' you turn the attention on him rather than giving anymore information about yourself.
He hesitates for a moment as if deciding whether or not he should share anything about himself.
'I'm ex-military.' comes the final answer, spoken in his usual blunt manner.
'That much I figured' you nod towards his uniform. 'Is she your daughter?'
He nods without saying anything further. There's a strange tension coming from his body language. He seems to be on high alert. He clears his throat as if he needs a change of subject. 'You said you are an architect?' you raise an eyebrow at that 'Yes, why?'
'Are you any good?' He presses, not beating around the bush and being direct with his question.
'Um... as good as they come, I guess!?' you tell him not trying to appear humble.
'So, what is your specialty? Residential? Commercial? Industrial?' he asks very specific.
'Residencial, but I do have some knowledge of the rest. Why do you ask? You try to understand were the sudden interest in your carrier choices come from.
'Just curious.' He says casually, but something in his eyes suggests that he's interested in finding out more. 'And that cottage you're living in.' he points at your house. 'You designed it?'
'Yes' you say eying him suspiciously. His questions were awfully precise. But once again he changes the direction of your conversation wanting to know more about your house. He asks you about the house, the structure and the layout, how you keep warm, where do you get wood for the fireplace.
'You're pretty self-sufficient.’ He concludes.  ‘How often do you have to go out for supplies?' his question catches you by surprise. Ever since you saw the news about the outbreak you haven’t ventured anywhere close to civilization, afraid that you’d encounter infected and be ripped apart.  
'I haven't really left the property in the past year. The further I go is the lake for fishing. Most of what I own comes from the time when things were delivered to your door or post office. I used to buy items in bulk.' you shrug, it made more sense to you that way. ‘There was no reason for me to leave. Plus, there is a lot of work to do around here, animals to feed. Which reminds me of something…’ you say fixing him with a hard stare mirroring his own. He waits for you to continue.
'You'll have to pull your weight around here. Food and accommodation are not for free.' You set clear boundaries. You may be kind enough to let them stay, considering the threats he’d flung your way earlier, but you won’t be taking advantage of.
He sighs almost offended by what you said, ' I don't plan on freeloading.' He assures you. 'Good' you intend to hold him to his words. He grunts in acknowledgement before going on to speak, 'I hunt regularly, and I know my way around a gun. I'm capable of offering protection.' He says in a serious tone, almost like a pledge. His military training is showing.
'There is not much fighting to do around here, but I'll keep in mind.' you say with a chuckle. It'll be fun seeing him do household chores. You wonder if he'll keep the mask on while feeding the chickens or picking apples.
'I do have one last question.' He says, suddenly sounding more unsure of how to phrase it. You nod at him to go one whipping the smirk on your face and
'If our partnership is to work…’ he pauses seriousness taking over him like a heavy veil, ‘you will have to abide to my one rule.' You sit up a little straighter, your attention fully on him.
'My girl comes first. In a survival situation, every decision I make will rely on her safety. No negotiation.'
You nod your head in agreement. 'Got it. I'll try my best not to get in your way.' You promise tone filled with sincerity.
'Good.' That seems to conclude the interrogation. He seems to relax a bit, and his demeanour is less hostile than before. He rises to his feet and turns to walk to where his daughter lies on the sofa. You watch as he drops his gun and knife on the table and sits on the armchair guarding the sleeping girl.
You let them settle in while you busy yourself with chores. you go out to feed the livestock you keep, collect any fresh eggs, and tend to your garden. The sky begins to darken, wind picks up. you can faintly hear thunder cracks in the distance. It's going to rain tonight, you muse to yourself. You quickly finish your work outside making your way inside. Once in your living room you notice the absence of masked stranger. He is nowhere in the house. You put down the basket you filled with fresh vegetables on the kitchen table and approach the sofa. The little girl stirs awake and looks curiously at you.
'How are you feeling, darling?' you ask in a warm tone smiling gently at her. The little girl rubs her eyes, trying to get rid of the sleep in them. She then looks up at you once again with her adorable big eyes. ‘A bit tired’ she says before yawning.
'It's understandable, you went through a lot out there. What happened to you?' you ask pointing at her bandaged arm The little girl looks at you for a moment as if thinking what to tell you. 'I got hurt by a bad guy's dog...It bit me.' She tries to sound brave but you hear the quiver in her voice.
'Oh... that's awful. Would you let me take a look at it?' you say softly siting down on the couch next to her. ‘Yeah…’ she nods. She holds out her arm for you to take a look at.
On her arm, you can see the puncture marks. They don't look like a human bite mark and that makes you sigh in relief. They were telling the truth. But what worries you is the yellowish liquid oozing out of it. That and the fever indicate that the wound got infected. 'How long ago did that dog bite you?'
‘About three days ago...’ She says quietly. ‘...It hurts now more than before.’ her soft, innocent eyes are filled with concern, fear and worry. ‘...I feel hot...’ she added. 'Let's clean it and rebandage it, okay?'
'Okay' she says with a small, relieved smile. You fetch a med-kit and some disinfectant and begin to clean the wound. It's a bit irritated from the infection. She seems to be in good spirits despite the pain.
You try to comfort her by keeping her mind occupied with conversation while treating her wound.
'How old are you?' you ask her as you wipe her arm with some alcohol blowing a little over it to ease the burn. 'Nine!' she answers earnestly with a toothy smile as she looks up at you, still enduring the sting of the disinfectant. 'What's your name?' you ask remembering that you haven’t been properly introduced so far. 'Olivia' she says with a soft, cute smile. 'What's your name?'
You tell her. 'I haven't met anyone else with that name before' she says pensively. 'Well, we don't really meet many people anyway. Just infected.' she says with a sad sigh. 'Yeah, me either.'
You finish treating her wound and re-bandage it. A shiver runs through her little body causing her to tremble. ‘Are you cold?’ you ask, reaching your palm to her forehead. She is indeed a little feverish. ‘...A bit.’ She mumbles with a small shiver.
You stand up making your way toward a small closet where you keep some blankets. You pick a fluffy one and hand it to Olivia. 'Here you go, sweety'. She smiles brightly as she accepts the extra layer and buries herself in it. 'I'll go grab some firewood to get a fire started.' You announce heading for the door. Just as you reach for the door handle, the door opens and there stands the tall dark figure of the man, his hands full of firewood. 'Oh...' you say in surprise as you step aside making way for him to enter. Outside rain is pouring. He puts the wood in the fireplace and starts working on the fire. You close the door and watch in silence as he works. In no time a well-built fire heats the small house casting a warm glow from the fireplace. The shadows flicker on his face, the white mask adding a level of horror to the otherwise cozy scene.
‘Thanks,’ The little girl says softly to him, to which he only grunts in acknowledgement.
You quietly make your way to the kitchen to start preparing dinner. Bellamy lays on the kitchen floor quietly supervising the two strangers in your house through the open door. The dinner you had in mind this morning included fish but you were rudely interrupted, so you'll have to settle on chicken with a side of veggies. You work quietly and efficiently, casting a glance once every few minutes in the living room. You see Olivia tiredly saying something to the masked man and him leaning back, the chair reclined, arms crossed in front of his chest, watching you prepare dinner. Soon, everything is ready, and three plates of steaming food lay neatly on the kitchen table. You walk into the living room to invite your involuntary guests to dinner.
The tall man is sitting on the comfortable armchair, the little girl lays on the sofa next to him, propped up by the pillows. As you enter, they quiet down and stare at you. He slowly stands up, holding out a hand to the girl, but she swats at it and raises by herself with a huff. He says nothing and he follows you two the kitchen. For how big he is he his movements are fluid, calm and quiet. You can barely hear his footfalls.
The little girl sits next to her father and digs into her plate burning herself in the process. 'Take it easy, kid.' he gently admonishes her. It's a weird scene seeing him at the other end of your small table, still in full gear watching the two of you eat in silence. Earlier he was threatening to kill you, now he sits in your kitchen hands rested on his knees watching like a hawk and frozen like a statue. You cast a few glances at him wondering if he'll take the mask of to eat but he remains unmoving. Perhaps later when I’m not around you think to yourself.
You try subtly glancing at the masked man, now that you sit in awkward silence. The little girl eats hungrily, she seems to love the food. Her blue eyes are focused on her plate, but you notice that she also seems to sneak in a few glances at her father while she chews. They look at each other as if communicating solely with their eyes. Perhaps they could, after spending so much time together in situations that require keeping quiet and nonverbal communication. You’ve notice so far that he prefers gestures instead of words. Once she’s finished eating the girl turns to look at you 'Is there any dessert?' her question is followed by a small burp and a quiet laugh. Her father pumps his knee audibly into hers under the table and throws her a pointed look. ‘What?’ she feigns innocence. You chuckle at their antics watching them bicker.
'I have some cherry jam if you're interested.' you offer with a smile.
'A bit, please.' she replies. Olivia’s eyes are sparkling while her father looks as unimpressed as ever, while you prepare a few slices of homemade bread and spread jam on it. She sits closer to him whispering something in his ear. He bands down and you watch as he whispers back.
She seems to be a very attached child, and you wonder if that is a consequence of all the trauma she has gone through. His manners on the other hand seem a bit less harsh, slightly more relaxed, although his dark gaze still lingers on you as if his prepared for you to rush him or something.
After you finish eating you collect yours and Olivia's plates and dump them in the sink to wash them later. You then turn towards Olivia 'How about we get you out of those dirty clothes and give you a warm shower? you ask motioning upstairs were your bedroom and personal bathroom are. She looks at her father with a look of silent plea.
'Go on.' he says quietly with a nod. She gets up, excited to get a warm shower, the prospect of getting cleaned and changing clothes is too much for her to resist. Olivia runs up the stairs followed quickly by you, leaving the man alone to eat.
A few moments after you are out of sight, Simon takes off his balaclava and puts it on the chair where his daughter sat. he grabs the cutlery and just as he’s a bout to start cutting into the chicken he stops, feeling eyes on him. He casts his eyes at the door where your dog watches him curiously head tilted to the side and years pointed up. ‘What?’ he grunts in annoyance, and the dog gets up and leaves the room. With a sigh Simon starts eating, he can’t remember his last proper meal that didn’t involve expired cans of beans.
Once in the bathroom, you turn on the shower and set the necessary water temperature before stepping out to wait for her. You go inside your bedroom searching for some clothes that will fit her better than what she has. Her soiled clothes go straight to the bin. They’ll need a proper wash for sure. You wait by the door for her to finish. You can hear her saying something to you through the cracked door.
'I don't remember the last time we had warm water' she says from behind the shower curtain. 'Were you on the road for a long time?' you inquire curious to know more about them, and now taking your chances with Olivia who is chattier than her father.
'Yeah...We've been on the move and camping for a while now in abandoned houses.' she replies as she turns off the shower and steps out. She is wrapped in the towel, her wet hair sticking to her forehead and with a shy, bashful look on her face to which you can't help but smile at.
'Come' you motion for her to go inside your bedroom 'let's get you dry.' She happily obliges and you both step into the bedroom.
You help her dry her hair and then you give her some privacy for her to change into the new clothes. By the time you are done, she is completely dry and wrapped in a cozy sweater and shorts. She looks really pretty now that she’s clean, her pixie cut framing her round face perfectly.
She smiles at you and then starts looking around the room. Your bed is made, covered in cream linen bedsheets, your bedside table is nicely decorated with some flowers from your garden, and your desk is neatly organized.
A few books and magazines laying at the corner of the desk that catch her attention. She walks closer looking at the covers curiously. You notice her looking at a particular magazine cover, it shows a woman holding some gardening tools and a child playing nearby.
'Do you like gardening?' you ask her.
She shrugs. 'I don't know', she answers sincerely. Right, if they were moving from place to place, they didn't have time for that. Probably didn’t have time for many other things. The realization dawns on you. Growing on the run in a world full of monsters must’ve been rough on her, not really being able to be a child, always on high alert.
'Maybe you can help me tomorrow in the garden if you feel better.' you offer kindly. 'That would be nice.' she replies earnestly, her warm smile lighting up her adorable face, making her look like a normal kid.
'Okay, for now, let's get you settled in the bedroom downstairs.'
'Alright… but can I ask you something?'' she looks up at you scuffling her feet, the wool socks you gave her sliding and pooling at her ankles. 'Sure thing.' You turn towards her and wait for her to voice her question. There's a brief pause in which she mulls over, seemingly struggling to form the right words.
Finally, she speaks, 'Why did you accept us in your house? She takes you by surprise. You pause, looking around, giving yourself time to think before you answer. 'It was the right thing to do. You needed help.' You say conviction in your tone.
She nods a little bit, still unsure. 'But you don't know us...you could have just closed the door on our faces. It happened before. People keep their things for themselves out there.' She arguments.
Your heart falls a little, your hopes in humanity crumbling. You knew people could be selfish at times, but now they really turned borderline savage and hysteric. 'People can be like that when they feel threatened.' you admit.
'But you aren't?' she follows up your statement with a question. You hesitate a bit, her eyes are focused solely on you, their innocence and naïveté are so endearing it somehow breaks your heart.
'I try not to be.' Your answer seems to have raised even more questions. She is curious to know more. 'Why? Why do you try not to be like the others?' she tilts her head as if trying to solve you like one does a riddle. 'I don't know. It just doesn't feel right to me. I think people should be kind or at the very least not violent with one another.' Your philosophical reply is met with more confusion. '..So why did you let us in?' she asks earnestly. She doesn't understand why someone like you would extend a warm generosity to perfect strangers who have nothing to offer when the same kindness is so scarce.
'Well, your father did threaten me with a gun.' you give her a more appropriate answer, something she understands better: violence. She sighs. Her adorable little face drops as she realizes that her father's actions might have put you in danger. 'Oh.' She remembers your earlier encounter, her father's less-than-friendly approach to strangers seems nothing new to her. ‘Right…. He's protective, he has to be.' she promptly excuses his actions, her expression a little troubled but at the same time, she seems to understand. 'But he's not a bad person' she quickly adds.
'I didn't say he was.' you remind her. She nods her head a little, still thinking about it all.
She is very smart, it is evident that she is much more aware of her surroundings than the average kid her age, you wonder what she would grow up to be, and what kind of adult she would turn out to be in such a harsh world. You imagine she will be a spitting image of her father, cold and ruthless.
You gently lead her down the stairs and to the guest bedroom ending your conversation. Once you reach downstairs you notice that her father is missing yet again. 'He's probably outside smoking. He never does it when I'm around though. He says it's bad for the lungs. But I don't understand why he keeps doing it' she confesses. She sounds more like an adult than a child. She has probably matured fast due to the circumstances, but that doesn't change the fact that she is still so young.
She still needs guidance, she still needs help figuring things out. Even as she speaks of his flaws, she is quick to excuse him and defend him, she loves him and looks up to him so much. It's almost like she sees him as two different people, one good and one not-so-good. You wonder if that is just her way of trying to cope with his actions.
'It's a bad habit people tend to have when they are stressed' you tell her. You remember your college years going to bars with colleagues and smoking a few cigarettes from your friends. But you never bought a packet.
'Do you get stressed?' she asks you, seemingly trying to see if you are the same as her father.
You take a few seconds to think it over, but her innocent, naïve gaze is hard to lie to.
'I do.' you confess, '…Sometimes. But I do other things to relieve the stress.'
She looks at you curiously, you can tell that she is looking to you for advice on how to deal with stress or she’s just looking for options for her father. 'What kind of things?' she asks, her voice filled with childlike wonder and curiosity.
'Well, gardening is a good way. Bellamy likes to help.' at the mention of her name, your companion leaves her guarding post by the fireplace and approaches the two of you. Olivia hides a little behind you at the sight of the dog. 'Don't worry, she won't bite you, I promise. She's really friendly with people. Look...' You crouch next to her and stretch your palm towards her nose. Bellamy starts wagging her tail eager to be petted.
Olivia watches you cautiously, but then sees how Bellamy loves to be petted and she can't help herself from being curious. She cautiously puts her soft little hand forward, hesitantly touching Bellamy on the cheek. The dog allows it, and soon Olivia warms up to her and starts petting her.
She smiles at you as she does that, then she speaks. '...Does she like me?' she whispers loudly as if the dog might understand her. 'I think she does' you playfully match her tone.
Olivia smiles even more, petting Bellamy even more enthusiastically. 'What kind is she?' she asks, showing a bit more enthusiasm in her voice. 'She's a Border Collie. She is a dog meant to herd sheep and keep guard from other animals.' '…She must be very smart.' Olivia says as she continues petting her, her voice is full of curiosity and admiration as she says that. 'She is' you say with a tone of love for your sole companion. ‘Dad told me that the dog that bite me was German Hepard. A guard dog.’ She informs you the way children do to prove they are just as knowledgeable as adults. ‘Shepherd. German Shepherd.’ You correct her with a small laugh. ‘That’s what I said.’ She counters with an incredulous look on her face at you for not taking her seriously.  
Olivia slowly yawns her eyes hooded with exhaustion. 'Let's get you in bed' You guide her towards the bed pulling the covers and allowing her to get in. Once she settles comfortably you put the back of your hand on her forehead checking for any signs of increased temperature. to your relief, her fever went down a little. It means that the pills still have an effect even after all these years. 'Good night' you whisper to her as her eyes flutter closed. She nods, tired from the day's events, and slowly closes her eyes as the sleep starts to take over her. '..Good night..' she whispers to you with a sleepy voice before she falls asleep.
You quietly sneak out of the room, closing her door softly behind you. You can still hear her soft snoring coming from inside the room, and a little smile forms on your face. You know she feels safe with you, and that warms your heart a little. You then head towards the kitchen, Bellamy in tow, only to discover that there are freshly washed dishes on the drying rack. You hum to yourself in appreciation. He may be a hulking terrifying military man but he has manners. You chuckle at the thought, despite the cold and aloof vibe he gives off, he still manages to surprise you with small gestures like these. It's clear that no matter how rough he seems, he does have a softer side to him.
Bellamy follows you next, and the two of you make your way outside. The rain has stopped, but there is still no sign of the man. He seems to like to disappear like a ghost. you scan the area around your garden, which is now damp with the fresh rain. Further outside, from the fence to the outside world, the darkness envelops everything. The light from your house is not strong enough to penetrate outside your garden. You take a deep breath the air humid and refreshing. The clouds hide the stars, you wish the sky was clear so you could map out the constellations with your finger, a favourite pastime of yours during the summer nights when the air is too stuffy for you to fall asleep.
After a while, the gate opens, and the masked man walks in, rifle slung on his shoulder, strap gripped tightly in his hand. The white skull on his face is the only thing that reflects enough light for you to make it out. A shiver runs down your back at his frightening attire. No wonder other people turned them down. He looks more like a serial killer from a horror movie than a human being. As he comes towards you, you can't help but wonder out loud 'Why the mask?' you watch him as he approaches you.
He doesn't respond to your question. Instead, he looks you up and down, studying you for a moment before he speaks with a firm voice. '..To hide my face.' He states in an obvious manner.
You stare at him dumbfounded the look on your face most likely betraying your confusion at his answer. He walks past you a small chuckle audible enough for you to catch it. He goes inside without another word. He's such a hardass... you think to yourself but you follow after him locking the door behind you. He looks around, most likely looking for his daughter. 'Olivia is asleep in the guestroom.' you point your thumb over your shoulder at the door. He stares at you silently which makes you really uncomfortable. 'You can make yourself comfortable here. My bedroom is upstairs...' you inform him awkwardly.
He stands there, not uttering a word, not even moving an inch, just looking at you, his eyes searching your skin and face, analysing your body and appearance with a prodding, cold, and distant gaze.
After what seems like an eternity, he finally utters a few words in response to you. '..That'll do..' he dismisses you with his usual monotonous and stern voice.
You nod and go up the stairs. once inside the room, you lock the door and sit on your bed. You stay like that for a while trying to comprehend today's events. You're unsure how things will play out between you and the masked man downstairs. You only hope that it won't interfere with the peaceful life you've built for yourself here. After what feels like hours have passed, you rise and start digging in your closet for pyjamas and a towel. You'll take a shower, hoping it will wash away the unease that seems to overtake you.
As you strip away your clothes and step into the shower, the warmth of the water fills your body as it washes away the cold. You let the hot water run over you for a while, allowing yourself to relax and forget the tension still lingering around you. After a few minutes, you step out and dry off by sliding your towel along your wet skin. Feeling refreshed and cleaner, you pull on a comfy set of pyjamas before returning to bed.
Once under the sheets, you close your eyes and try to fall asleep. Unlike Bellamy who snores peacefully on the rug next to your bed, you don't have such luck. You stare at the wooden ceiling above you. The house is dead quiet and you try to focus your hearing in hopes you'll catch something from outside your room. A few minutes pass when you can distinctly hear the faucet of the downstairs bathroom sink. You keep listening trying to imagine what he's doing. He's probably washing up, you think. The house creeks as the wind outside starts to blow. Soon after the rain starts once again, the sound of raindrops hitting your window finally lulls you to sleep.
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⋆★ word count : 691
⋆★ warnings : N/A
⋆★ summary : Bellamy and reader go on a scavenging mission, but their journey takes a turn when they stumble upon a mysterious bunker!!!
⋆★ extra : 3rd pov is the loml tbh, rewatching the 100 rn i’m only on season 1 but getting back into it fast lol
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Bellamy Blake and (M/N) roamed the desolate wasteland, their eyes keenly searching for any signs of resources that could sustain their people's survival. For days, they forged ahead, their solidarity unwavering despite the unforgiving landscape that loomed before them.
Under the scorching sun, their steps echoed through the empty plains, with only the winds of uncertainty to accompany them. The silence between them was neither awkward nor uncomfortable, but rather a testament to their unspoken bond and shared trust.
Then, in the distance, a glimmer of hope beckoned them forward. A metallic shine caught their attention, capturing their curiosity and fueling their expedition. With renewed determination, they hastened their pace, drawn to the enticing unknown ahead.
As they approached, Bellamy's eyes widened with intrigue. Before them lay a weathered and forgotten metal door, seemingly guarding secrets accumulated over years. (M/N)'s heartbeat quickened with anticipation as Bellamy, ever-vigilant, pushed the door open, revealing a hidden passage leading underground.
Guided by the soft illumination of their flashlights, they descended, their steps echoing through the dimly lit bunker. It was as if they had stumbled upon a sanctuary, untouched by time itself. The air whispered tales of survival, and the shelves lining the walls were laden with provisions, medicine, and survival gear.
Bellamy's gaze shifted between (M/N) and the precious supplies that lay before them. A flicker of relief and gratitude danced in his eyes, mirroring the emotions pulsing through both their hearts. It was more than just sustenance they had discovered; it was a sanctuary offering safety and a renewed hope for the future. After ensuring the distribution of supplies, Bellamy and (M/N) found themselves with a moment of respite inside the hidden bunker.
The shelves weren’t only lined with gear but also had forgotten gadgets, relics from the past that piqued their curiosity. An impish smile played on Bellamy's lips as he glanced at (M/N).
"Think any of these things still work?" he asked, eyes flickering with mischievous excitement. (M/N) chuckled and exchanged a knowing look, ready to indulge Bellamy's curiosity.
They began rummaging through the assortment of gadgets, dusting off the layers of neglect. Bellamy found an old cassette player, and with a glint in his eye, he pressed a button, revealing a long forgotten melody. The crackling sound of music filled the bunker, transporting them to a time before chaos had reigned.
(M/N) decided to join the fun, stumbling upon an ancient video game console. His smile widened, and he immediately plugged it in, eager to experience a sensation of gaming but it didn’t come. But turns out the old piece of junk didn’t work after 97 years untouched.
As the duo played, their competitive banter filled the air, a refreshing respite from the weight of responsibility that had been placed on their shoulders. They let go of their worries, finding solace and connection within these remnants of a world left behind.
The atmosphere in the bunker grew electric as they exchanged playful glances and lively laughter. They’re cheerful demeanours turning into something of an unspoken desire simmering beneath the surface. They moved closer, their shoulders brushing, creating sparks where their bodies touched.
With an unspoken understanding, their eyes locked, their demeanours shifting into something deeper. Slowly, they leaned in, lips meeting in a gentle, lingering kiss. As their kiss deepened, time seemed to stand still, They reveled in the sweetness of the moment, cherishing the intimacy they had found amidst the chaos outside of being on the ground.
Eventually, they pulled away, their foreheads resting against each other. Their breath came in soft, synchronic rhythm, their very souls feeling anchored to one another. They smiled at eachother, taking in one another but before they got carried away they remembered what they came here for.
So with urgency and care, they gathered what they could carry, ensuring that their people would have a fighting chance in this unforgiving place. As they emerged from the depths of the bunker, the weight of their findings in their arms, Bellamy and (M/N) felt a renewed sense of something, for eachother.
Back at camp, they distributed the supplies, ensuring a fair share for all. Both giving eachother mischievous smile, before going back into Bellamy’s tent together that night.
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Best Character Named X Poll
I'm doing a series of "Best Character Named X" polls where all the characters have the same first name but are from completely different media, feel free to send in name/charcacter suggestions, I'm posting one poll a day. New polls scheduled for 1:30PM BST everyday.
If your favourite character is not included in the poll very sorry i have either never heard of them or actively chose not to include them as theres only 6 characters per poll. Characters will only count of that is their first name, surnames do not count. Official characters in canon only, please do not submit OCs.
Round 324: Daisy
Round 325: Quentin
Round 326: Flora
Round 327: Fox
Round 328: Rosemary
Round 329: Ralph
Round 330: Ada
Past Polls
Poll Ideas under the cut
Names that I have a complete list for*
Rebecca, Steve, Victoria, Katherine, George, Diana, Andy, Nora, Angel, Judy, Jo, Miranda, Pearl, Malcolm, Jamie, Tam, Klaus, Luna, Delilah, Claudia, Juliet, Jonas, Celia, Katya, Cynthia, Corey, Minerva, Ebony, Miriam, Percy, Bianca, Amara, Cleo, Cecil, Mabel, May, August, Francis, Matilda, Deborah, Jared, Kendra, Ophelia, Liesel, Fitz, Aurora, Ramona, Orion, Kala, Madeline, Anastasia, Kit, Marian, Lena, Polly, Cora, Leah, Jules, Irene, Laurie, Laurel, Hilda, Valentine, Joe, Monty, Skye, Walter, Marissa, Hope, Oberon, Lorna, Ace, Calvin, Bridget, Ulrich, Roger, Stella, Lenore, Wanda, Winona, Hannibal, Newt, Aiden, Oscar, Dorian, Dorothy, Una, Marnie, Mirabel, Dora, Olympia, Toby, Chip, Fearne, Axel, Gil, Bo, Rue, Leslie, Isabelle, Agnes, Luther, Sally, Delia, Richter, Scarlet, Bernard, Ray, Nigel, Selina, Harley, Blue, Missy, Perry, Paige, Duke, Tao, Gemma, Cornelius, Wendy, Apollo, Celeste, Clyde, Summer, Esther, Cole, Kieran, Melody, Vivian, Haley, Prudence, Azrael, Lauren, Molly, Pauline, Athena, Darcy, Stan, Dana, Lee, Red, Stuart, Cliff, Gabriel, Octavia, Tsukasa, Anita, Esme, Ella, Heather, Riley, Pyrrha, Rupert, Orlando, Blair, Parker, Ike, Yukari, Tanya, Briar, Amber, Akira, Irma, Marlene, Trixie, Harriet, Letitia, Koichi, Katrina, Echo, Annette, Nami, Dale, Rod, Nina, Carina, Wade, Alucard, Lance, Yuki, Elena, Donatello, Puck, Callie, Moe, Hunter, Poppy, Titania, Melinda, Terry, Jackson, Melanie, Sunny, Dee, Clive, Freya, Randall, Caeser, Marina, Sasha, Dawn, Zain, Ron, Edith, Candy, Carlos, Raiden, Tara
Names I have an incomplete list for (welcome to send character suggestions)
Richter, Yasmin, Chase, Tina, Rudolf, Melvin, Melissa, Adele, Adeline, Jem, Dolores, Jude, Ginger, Bellamy, Jacob, Reese, Nemo, Addison, Adelaide, Candace, Abraham, Ragnar, Destiny, Hero, Drew, Raphael, Wallace, Jean (feminine), Cheryl, Shane, Tegan, Matthias, Liam, Ellis, Dennis, Josie, Mike, Bailey, Eden, Giselle, Suki, Keith, Wilfred, Blaine, Pam, Brianna, Sabine, Roman, Kalina, Mindy, Monet, Zara, Marcus, Elias, Mira, Glen, Farah, Faith, Enid, Ross, Antoinette, Elodie, Mallory, Kay, Renee, Willow, Albert, Howard, Oswald, Clem, Jace, Howell, Rowan, José, Christian, Ravi, Dev, Valerie, Norma, Tristan, Jolene, Yumi, Sakura, Carol, Carrie, Casper, Septimus, Rosalind, Rosamund, Rosie, Rosa, Gerald, Geraldine, Gerard, Ariel, Ariadne, Anya, Ida, Rocky, Mal, Solomon, Sol, Vera, Vincent, Nolan, Sage, Jojo, Calliope, Roxy, Roxanne, Silver, Noel, Noelle, Stacy, Lloyd, Alba, Virginia, Eva, Amos, Petra, Marla, Dante, Gretchen, Rhydian, Russ, Tate, Tatum, Morris, Ambrose, Doug, Grant, Graham, Aaron, Ivan, Paris, Doris, Rain, Sora, Wayne, Helga, Garth, Constantine, Sonny, Courtney, Jamal, Niall
Feel free to send more suggestions
*subject to change, you can still submit a character if there is no strikethrough if you think theres a character that its an absolute crime i dont add. Please don't suggest anything for the names with a strikethrough as they are polls that are already in my queue waiting to be published.
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belltaviasbff · 2 years
bellamy: you remind me of an old flame of mine
echo: how so?
bellamy, tearing up: CLARKE WAS A GIRL TOO.
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starscompanion · 2 months
years later and even if I don't care about the show, echo hate still irks me because she's objectively speaking such an interesting character even if she's disliked? an ice cold warrior girl who actually has her spots of warm compassion, extremely loyal which is a character fault that really is only a mechanism for survival because azg*dakru fucked her up, and she loves fiercely and with every part of her being and has such a fascinating brutal backstory... like everyone knows the main reason she was subjected to such vitriol was because of the b*llarke ship tbh
EXACTLY i'm so glad someone said it omg. it makes me rly sad since she would have gotten nowhere near as much hate if she hadn't been paired off w bellamy. i've been an echo lover since day 1, but it was probably easier for me since i never shipped bellarke (i had a hatred for that ship). i didn't ship bellecho either, i was pretty ambivalent abt it, the only echo ship i ever cared abt was raven x echo which is such a random pairing but i love it bc me and my beloved cringefail bestie (@the-midnight-cow) had a phase
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differentpostrebel · 3 days
Lost and Found: A Pirate's Promise
Chapter 36: Bound by Strings, Fueled by Fire
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A/N: We are back at it again with another chapter! You guys these chapters are filled with so much action! And we will soon find out what happened during Sanji POV… Yall we are almost done with Dressrosa Arc, and then we hitting Whole Cake island! I will be skimming the Zou arc, adding tidbits here and there but whole cake is where we grabbing tissues and punching air, and kicking our feets causeeee the stuff I have saved! Thank you guys for everything! Now, lets get back to the action! Without further ado, let the adventure begin! 
Word Count: 9.7K
Sanji X Reader, Sanji X Y/N, One Piece X Reader. 
 The determination to keep fighting surged through me, despite the pain threatening to overwhelm me. I wasn’t done yet.
"Y/N! Hey, talk to me!" Luffy shouted, his voice strained as he struggled against the strings binding him. I could hear the desperation in his voice, and it tore at me.
My own voice came out weaker than I intended. "Luffy, I... I'm fine," I rasped, hoping he'd hear me. But I wasn’t fine. My strength was fading, and the injuries I’d sustained, especially the one in my torso, were taking a toll on me. Every breath felt heavier, and the pain was unbearable.
"Damn it! I can't break it off!" Luffy grunted, his frustration evident.
"That's the point!" Doflamingo sneered, his sadistic laugh cutting through the chaos as both Bellamy, still under his control, and the clone continued to fight Luffy. In the next moment, the clone landed a brutal kick to Luffy's face, sending him crashing down to a lower level of the palace.
"Luffy!" I thought, my heart racing. My eyes widened in panic as I realized I needed to act fast. I had to retrieve my blades before it was too late.
I finally managed to grab the sharp part of one of my blades, a small spark of hope igniting within me. "Yes!" I thought as I started sawing through the strings binding my wrists, wincing as the friction from the blade cut into my palm. Blood dripped, but I didn't care—I was almost free.
"Y/N! Please talk to me! Tell me anything!" Law's voice pierced through the chaos, filled with concern and desperation. My heart ached at the thought of ignoring him, but I had to keep my focus. I couldn’t afford to break my cover just yet.
Doflamingo's mocking laugh filled the air. "You see that, Law? I told you. You were never going to be able to protect her. You couldn’t protect Corazon, so what makes you think you could protect her too?" His taunting words echoed, cutting deeper than any blade.
Rage ignited within me. The familiar blue hue began to glow faintly around me, the energy coursing through my veins, growing stronger with my anger. Fueled by fury and determination, I finally broke free from the binds on my wrists. My left hand clenched one blade tightly, while my right hand worked furiously to cut the strings binding my ankles.
I wasn’t going to let Doflamingo win. Not today.
“I think we can roll out on those executions, and Law—you’re the first one on my list,” Doflamingo’s voice echoed with cruel satisfaction.
My heart nearly stopped. Law… My chest tightened as I struggled against the strings binding my ankles. I had already freed my wrists, but these last binds were proving more stubborn than I anticipated. I gripped my blade tightly, the blood from my right palm now smeared across the edge as I sliced furiously at the strings. I didn’t care about the pain—I couldn’t afford to.
“I need to get these strings off me. I have to reach Luffy... we have to help Law,” I thought, my mind racing as I saw the terrifying situation unfolding in front of me.
Doflamingo’s voice slithered through the air, but one phrase caught my attention, making me freeze in the middle of cutting through the strings. “Your fruit grants eternal life.”
Eternal life? I halted my movements for a moment, processing what he said. My eyes darted back to Law. What does he mean by that? Law’s Devil Fruit… it was more powerful than I ever imagined. The weight of the situation became even clearer. Doflamingo wanted more than just revenge—he wanted immortality.
As Law and Doflamingo clashed in front of me, sparks flying from their blows, I could see Law was wearing down. Every attack from Doflamingo was more brutal, more relentless. Law dodged and blocked, but his movements were slowing, and he was on the brink of collapse. Doflamingo’s taunts were merciless, driving home his sense of superiority.
“No…” I whispered, the panic rising inside me again. I need to move.
I clenched my blade tighter, digging into the strings around my ankles. Blood trickled down from my wounded palm, but it didn’t matter. Every second I wasted was a second closer to losing Law. I pulled harder, gritting my teeth as the strings finally began to give way. 
I clenched my blade tighter, forcing it through the strings around my ankles. The pain in my palm was nothing compared to the urgency pounding in my chest. Law and Luffy needed me, and I wasn’t going to let Doflamingo have the upper hand.
“Hang in there, Luffy!” I thought as I slashed harder. With one final yank, the strings gave way. I stumbled to my feet, my legs weak from the strain, but I pushed forward. The faint blue hue still flickered around me, my right blade dripping blood. With a surge of energy, I dashed past the battle between Law and Doflamingo, making my way down to Luffy.
Just in time.
The second Doflamingo stood poised to strike Luffy while Bellamy hovered nearby, his body still under control. I leaped into the air, gathering what strength I had left. “Tremor Kick!” I shouted, my right leg surrounded by the blue hue as it collided with the second Doflamingo’s head. The force sent him crashing into the ground, creating a deeper dent on the palace floor. Bellamy dropped, momentarily freed from control.
“Y/N! You’re okay!” Luffy called out, the relief clear in his voice.
I landed beside him, offering a shaky grin. “Told you, Captain. I’m not going anywhere. Someone’s gotta look out for the future Pirate King, right?” I teased, even though my body screamed in pain.
Luffy’s eyes shifted to my bloodied hand and the mess of cuts around my ankles. “Y/N... you’re hurt!” he exclaimed, panic flickering in his eyes.
I shook my head quickly. “No time to worry about me. Let’s get these strings off you first,” I said, slicing through the binds around his wrists. As he stood free, the second Doflamingo’s voice echoed across the hall, dark and filled with twisted desire.
“I like a woman who fights back. You’re strong... fiery. Just my type,” the second Doflamingo sneered, his eyes burning with hunger.
I felt a chill run down my spine, my body tensing as I prepared to strike again. But before I could, Luffy stepped in front of me. “I’ll handle him,” Luffy said, his voice steady with determination.
I hesitated, then nodded, trusting him. My attention turned back to the upper floor where Law and Doflamingo continued their fierce battle."Luffy, I'm heading back up. I'll buy us some time. Besides, you still got an ass-kicking to give to the real one," I teased with a grin.
Luffy grinned back, cracking his knuckles. “Yeah, leave him to me.”
Without another word, I propelled myself into the air, determined to get back into the fight. But before I could land, I felt something yank me down violently.
“You’re not going anywhere, princess,” Doflamingo’s voice slithered up to me, filled with dark amusement. “The fun is just about to start.”
I struggled, trying to keep my footing as I was pulled backward, my hands instinctively gripping my blades and slamming them into the palace floor. They were the only thing anchoring me, but I could feel the strain on my arms, the tension of my muscles screaming under the force trying to drag me under.
“Y/N!” Law shouted, his voice sharp with alarm, as he glanced my way, momentarily distracted from his battle.
Doflamingo sneered, the menace in his eyes growing darker. “Seems the little princess still has some fight in her,” he mused, taking deliberate steps toward me. “Let’s see how long you last before that fire goes out.”
I gritted my teeth, my grip slipping as my strength waned. The pull on my leg was relentless, my body straining as I tried to hold on.
Suddenly, the pressure was gone. I blinked in shock, realizing I was free.
“Leave her alone!” Luffy’s voice boomed from below, his fist connecting with the second Doflamingo in a powerful hit that sent him reeling, freeing me in the process.
I scrambled up, my body aching, breath labored as I managed to pull myself back onto the platform. My vision swam for a moment before it cleared, and I saw a familiar figure standing before me, a shadow of concern crossing his usually composed face.
“Law…” I gasped, my voice strained as I tried to catch my breath.
His gaze flickered down to my bloodied hands and ankles, and though his expression remained stoic, there was a subtle edge of worry. “Y/N…” His voice was low but steady, despite the chaos around us.
I slowly brought myself up, my blades still clutched tightly in each hand, but my breathing betrayed the toll the fight was taking on me. Law was engaged with Doflamingo, blocking an onslaught of attacks, as we maneuvered to a different part of the battlefield.
Doflamingo’s laugh echoed around us, a chilling sound that made my skin crawl. “Y/N, get back! Somewhere I can see you!” Law shouted, his focus still on the formidable enemy before us.
“I’m not leaving you to fend for yourself!” I yelled back, defiance rising within me.
Just then, Doflamingo launched his pentachromatic strings at me. Before I could react, they sliced through the air, cutting into my right arm and forcing me to drop one of my blades. “Damn it!” I shouted, pain pulsing through my arm as blood began to seep down, staining my left hand and the blade I still held.
I quickly grabbed the fallen weapon, securing it back into my thigh halter, my heart racing with frustration and pain. Doflamingo chuckled darkly. “Look at you, soon you’ll be left begging me for mercy.”
Fueled by rage and determination, Law charged straight at Doflamingo, forcing him to stumble back and creating a brief distance between us. “What do you make of the will of D?” Law shouted, his voice steady despite the chaos surrounding us, as he attempted to land a clean shot with his blade.
“I’m also a D!” he declared, the weight of those words hanging in the air as he and Doflamingo clashed violently. The impact sent shockwaves through the room, and I was thrown back, crashing into a nearby wall.
“Ugh!” I gasped, the force of the hit knocking the wind out of me. My vision swam, but I couldn’t afford to stay down. Gritting my teeth, I pushed myself up, determination igniting within me once more.
Usopp POV…
“Viola, can you update me on the situation?” King Riku asked, his voice steady despite the chaos.
“Sadly, things are not going well at the palace,” Viola replied, her expression grim. “Straw Hat has been knocked down below, and Law, along with the princess, are struggling against Doflamingo.”
“What?!” I exclaimed, panic rising in my chest. Both Luffy and Y/N were in serious trouble. “What about Y/N? How is she doing?”
“The princess has the worst injuries,” Viola continued, her eyes clouded with worry. “Her torso is slashed, and her right arm is also slashed. She’s struggling to even stand.”
“Damn it! Without Luffy there, Doflamingo is going to end up killing her and Law!” I shouted, feeling helpless.
“That is not the only battle,” Viola said, her voice steady but urgent. “We still have more fights—one in the SMILE factory, and another at the plateau.”
“How many executives do we have left?” I asked, my heart racing.
“We still have a few more,” she replied, her tone heavy. “Senor Pink, Pica, Lao G, Doflamingo, Trebol, Diamante, Gladius, Dellinger, Lao G, Mach Vice, and Baby 5.”
I tensed, the weight of the situation sinking in. “All together that’s ten executives to face.” This battle was far from over, and every second counted.
“Think you can stop me with just a letter in your name? It’s rubbish—a lie!” Doflamingo sneered, his arrogance radiating like a dark cloud. Law managed to land an Injection Shot, but before we could celebrate, Trebol sprang back into action, his voice booming, “Doffy!”
Doflamingo glided effortlessly in the air, the strings shimmering around him. “I don’t like this one bit,” he growled, sensing the shift in the battle's tide. Law was quick to activate his Room, enveloping the area in his power, but Doflamingo struck with ruthless precision, knocking Law to the ground.
“Bahaha, close but not close enough!” Trebol jeered, and fury surged through me. The familiar blue hue ignited in my left hand, now crackling with flames. I gripped my blade tightly, determination flooding my veins.
“Trebol!” I shouted, leaping high into the air, the fire swirling around me like a raging storm. “You shouldn’t count your enemies short—you never know what may happen!”
With that, I unleashed a blazing attack, sending a torrent of flames spiraling toward Trebol. The fire collided with him, and I watched as his eyes widened in disbelief, the heat searing him.
He struggled to extinguish the flames while I landed back on the battlefield, adrenaline still pumping through me.
“I’m so disappointed in you, Law. I can reiterate that enough,” Doflamingo sneered as Law unleashed Tact, tearing a quarter of the castle apart. But just as victory seemed close, Doflamingo caught Law’s arm mid-attack. “These pathetic attacks of yours are below us,” he taunted.
“Since when have you become sentimental?” Doflamingo mocked, suspending Law in the air, one arm dangling helplessly.
“Law! I’m coming!” I shouted, leaping into the air again, determined to save him. But before I could reach him, I felt something sticky latch onto me, yanking me down with a harsh thud. Pain shot through my body as I landed on my right side.
“Ah!!” I yelled, gritting my teeth.
“Bahahah! You’re not going anywhere! You’re Doffy’s now!” Trebol cackled, his gooey grip tightening around me.
“What is this gross thing on me?!” I yelled, trying to fight off the sticky substance, but it only pulled me back further. “I can’t move!”
“Y/N!” Law yelled from above, desperation in his voice.
“Law, don’t worry about me!” I called back, but my heart sank at what happened next. Doflamingo seized Law’s other arm, and in a swift, brutal motion, he cut it off. My eyes widened in horror as Law fell to the floor, agony etched on his face, gripping the bloody stump where his arm once was.
“Law!” I screamed, my heart racing.
“Bahaha! That was a good one, Doffy!” Trebol cheered, clapping with delight.
Rage coursed through me, igniting a fire within. “You bastards!” I yelled, struggling against the goo. “Hey, Doflamingo!” I shouted, my voice low and dangerous.
He turned to me, a sinister grin spreading across his face. “Don’t worry, princess. You and I will have our fun soon,” he said, his eyes gleaming with desire and malice. Doflamingo laughed as he taunted Law, and my stomach dropped when he pulled out a gun.
“No,” Law shouted, his voice laced with urgency.
“Nothing beats a good lead bullet, right Y/N?” Doflamingo taunted, aiming the gun at Law.
“No!” I whispered, desperation flooding my veins. I struggled against the goo binding me, fear for Law’s life consuming me.
Just then, a crash reverberated from below, that shot above us. As I looked up, I saw Luffy had managed to destroy the second Doflamingo clone. “He did it!” I exclaimed, a flicker of hope igniting in my chest.
But Doflamingo only laughed, making his way toward the hole above. “Bellamy, end Strawhat!” he ordered, his tone mocking.
“What?!” I yelled, anger surging. “You no longer control Bellamy!”
“Princess,” he said, moving closer, grab bing my chin and forcing me to meet his gaze. He pulled my face to the side and whispered, placing a lingering kiss on my neck as if claiming me. “Soon, you too will be mine,” he said, his voice dripping with possessiveness.
“Get off me!” I gritted through clenched teeth, fury igniting within me. I couldn’t let him intimidate me. fury burning hotter with every second. I wasn’t going to let him intimidate me.
Just as Law slowly got up, his breathing ragged and labored, he prepared to launch an attack, but Trebol was faster. With a sticky launcher, he shot a glob of goo that landed on Law, pinning him down. The area around us burst into flames, the heat overwhelming.
“Law!” I screamed, my voice cracking in desperation. “Law, are you okay?!” Still, I fought against the goo holding me down, my left arm straining to break free. But before I could do anything, Doflamingo cocked his gun and fired shot after shot at Law.
“No!” I screamed, watching Law’s body go limp as blood poured from his wounds. Trebol’s maniacal laughter filled the air as he praised Doflamingo.
“Law! Please!” I called out, my voice breaking, but it was no use. He didn’t respond. Tears spilled down my cheeks, and my heart shattered as I witnessed him being shot, again and again.
Doflamingo’s mocking voice cut through my grief. “See that, princess? Those who defy me will either learn the easy way or the hard way.” He laughed, the sound sending a wave of rage through me.
“You heartless—” I gritted out, my anger swallowing the grief. Suddenly, a bright blue hue surged through me, breaking through Trebol’s binds. “Doffy! What’s happening?!” Trebol’s voice wavered with confusion.
I slowly got up, feeling a surge of energy flood through my body. The blue energy wasn’t just in my left hand anymore—it enveloped my entire being. I clenched my right hand, feeling strength return, even if only for a short time.
With both hands clenched, I bolted toward Doflamingo. “Bastard!” I screamed, landing a solid punch to his abdomen, sending him crashing into the wall.
“You think you can just harm anybody, use them, dispose of them like they’re nothing?!” I shouted, each word laced with the fury building inside me. My strides were slow, deliberate, as I advanced on him. “You’re not getting away!”
I leaped into the air, preparing to unleash the burning power inside me. A blue hue flared around me as I prepared a fire attack.
“Doffy!” Trebol screamed, launching his sticky chain toward me. But I caught it with my right arm, adrenaline fueling me. I gripped the chain tightly and transferred the blue energy from one arm to the other, the fire burning brighter with every second.
“Hell Inferno!” I roared, the blue flames igniting Trebol as he screamed, his body consumed by the fire once more.
Doflamingo’s body slumped against the wall for a moment before he grinned, rising to his feet like nothing had happened. His eyes glinted with malice as he wiped a trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth. “You think you’ve got what it takes, princess?” he taunted.
Before I could respond, he kicked off the ground and launched himself into the air, strings trailing behind him. He moved faster than I expected, and before I could react, he was right in front of me.
“Not fast enough,” he whispered coldly, and with brutal force, he drove his fist into my abdomen.
The punch knocked the air out of me. Pain shot through my body like lightning, and I gasped, clutching my stomach as I was flung upward by the sheer impact of his strike.
I gritted my teeth and steadied myself, refusing to fall. "You bastard!" I hissed, using the blue energy swirling within me to push back. Flames ignited around my fists as I dashed through the sky toward him, clashing with Doflamingo mid-air.
I threw a fiery punch at his face, but he dodged, countering with a series of quick jabs aimed at my torso. I blocked with my left arm, feeling the sharp sting of each hit as my blade flashed through the air, aiming for his chest.
Doflamingo spun, effortlessly dodging my strike, then retaliated with a kick to my ribs, sending me spiraling upward. I grunted, regaining my balance, and charged again.
I propelled myself toward him, aiming for his head, but he blocked with a web of his strings, smirking. “You really think you can beat me in the air?” he mocked, twisting his strings to pull me closer.
“You underestimate me!” I growled, slashing through the strings with my left blade, the blue flames growing fiercer with every second. I swung at him again, forcing him to fall back as I slashed through the sky.
We clashed over and over, exchanging blows, punches, and kicks mid-air. Each time I struck, he countered with another barrage of strings. I could feel the strain in my muscles, but I wasn’t backing down. My body burned, not just from the fight but from the pure force of my will.
Doflamingo extended his hand, flicking his fingers as more strings shot out from his palms, aiming straight for my chest. I twisted in mid-air, dodging just in time, but the strings grazed my side, cutting through the fabric of my dress. Blood seeped from the wound, but I couldn’t stop now. 
His hand closed around my throat, and before I could react, he slammed me into the ground below.
The force rattled through my body, but I held onto my blade, the flames still burning as I glared at him, struggling to breathe through his grip.
Doflamingo’s grip tightened around my throat, cutting off my air as he held me in the sky. His cold, twisted grin widened as he watched me struggle. I clawed at his hand, gasping for breath, but his strength was overwhelming. My vision blurred for a moment, stars dancing in my eyes, but I couldn’t give in. Not now.
"Let... go of me!" I choked out, fury bubbling beneath the surface as I felt the familiar pulse of energy returning. The blue flames surrounding me flickered for a moment before roaring back to life, flaring even brighter as I focused every ounce of my remaining strength.
Doflamingo laughed darkly, his face inches from mine as he leaned in. "You're strong, princess. But not strong enough." With his other hand, he delivered a brutal punch to my abdomen, the force of it sending shockwaves through my body. I groaned in pain,coughing blood, but I refused to let him break me. He pulled me closer, his fingers digging into my skin, as if relishing the control he had over me.
“I could end this right now,” he whispered, his breath hot against my ear. His fingers squeezed harder, cutting deeper into my neck as my air supply dwindled. “But where’s the fun in that?”
I glared at him through the haze, the fire in my chest burning hotter. With a sudden surge of adrenaline, I swung my blade upward, aiming for his side. The blue flames ignited along the edge of my blade as it connected with his ribs, slicing through his flesh.
Doflamingo grunted, momentarily loosening his grip. That was my chance. I kicked my legs up, twisting my body in the air, and with a desperate burst of energy, I freed myself from his grasp. I fell backward, gasping for air, clutching my throat as I regained my breath.
He wiped the blood from his side, sneering at me as he floated in the sky. "You'll pay for that."
Zoro POV...
I finally made it to where Usopp, King Riku, and the others were after defeating Pika. My mind was racing, ready for the next step. “Strawhat can proceed, he’s taken down Bellamy! Well done, now there are two higher-ups remaining,” said Viola, her eyes still scanning the battlefield through her clairvoyance.
“Good, that means Y/N and Luffy will be heading up to take down Doflamingo,” I said, reassured that the plan was on track.
But Usopp’s face told me something was wrong. "Actually, Zoro, about that... Y/N is with Law fighting Doflamingo."
I stopped in my tracks, the words hitting me hard. “She’s what?!”
"No... I have terrible news. We’re down a man too," Viola said gravely, her eyes narrowing as she focused on the scene.
"Who's hurt? Say it!" Usopp demanded, panic creeping into his voice.
“It’s Trafalgar Law,” Viola said, her voice grim.
My heart sank, and it all started to click. “Wait, that means... Y/N is now not only facing Doflamingo but another top executive, and Law is down?!” I growled, gripping the hilts of my swords tightly.
As soon as the words left my mouth, a bright blue blaze engulfed the palace floor, lighting up the area with an intensity I hadn’t seen before.
“What the hell is that?!” I yelled, my eyes wide, scanning the horizon.
“This can’t be…” Viola whispered, her face pale.
The blue hue suddenly erupted in the sky, dancing with each strike. My breath caught as the realization hit me.
"The princess... Y/N, she's fighting Doflamingo," Viola said, her voice trembling. "And her whole body... is on fire."
“Fire?!” I roared, my fists clenching tighter around my swords. "What do you mean she's on fire? Is she hurt?!"
Viola hesitated, her eyes darting across the scene she was witnessing. “Her injuries are severe, but I don’t understand how she’s still standing. The flames, they’re coming from her—surrounding her entire body.”
My mind raced, connecting the dots. “Her blades!” I said, realization dawning on me. The flames must have something to do with the weapons King gave her. I looked up at the sky, and the blue hue surrounding Y/N grew even brighter, radiating power.
“Whatever it is, she managed to injure Doflamingo—she landed a solid hit on his side!” Viola confirmed, her voice tinged with disbelief.
A small smirk crept onto my face. “That’s my girl…” I muttered under my breath, pride swelling in my chest. She was giving it everything she had.
“She's probably buying Luffy time again," Usopp said, clearly worried but trying to see the positive.
Just then, Viola’s expression darkened. “No... Doflamingo is choking her now,” she said, her voice shaking with tension.
"What?!" I bellowed, eyes widening with rage. "Is she still fighting?!"
Viola’s face grew even more troubled as she continued. “He’s... placed a kiss on her neck. It's lingering... as if claiming her.”
That was the last straw. The anger that flooded me felt like a wave crashing against rock. My knuckles turned white around the hilts of my swords. “Damn him!” I growled, teeth gritted as the urge to slice through Doflamingo myself surged within me.
“The blue hue… it's shifting again,” Viola said, eyes widening. “Debris is starting to circle around the palace. She’s going back in, and it's getting stronger.”
I glanced up at the sky, watching the flames dance. "Whatever happens, Doflamingo’s going to regret underestimating her," I said, my voice low and dangerous.
Doflamingo launched me back toward the palace, and I hit the ground hard next to Law. Pain shot through me, and the blue hue that had fueled my strength began to fade. My heart sank as I looked at Law’s still form, tears threatening to spill over.
Trebol appeared, his voice dripping with false concern. “Doffy! You’re not hurt, are you?”
I struggled to get up, but the adrenaline was wearing off, and I felt the weight of my injuries. Doflamingo approached menacingly, an unsettling grin on his face. “Let’s wrap this up, Trebol,” he said, preparing to strike.
Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice call out. “Doflamingo!”
“Luffy!” I choked out, my heart racing as I tried to remain focused. “I’m here!”
“I knew you’d make it, Captain,” I managed to say, flipping onto my side. With all my strength, I crawled toward Law, determined to reach him. I secured my blades back in their sheaths, feeling a flicker of hope as they emitted a white hue once more.
As I reached Law, I gently turned him over, my hands trembling as they met his blood. “Law…” I whispered, struggling to keep my composure. Just then, Luffy rushed toward us, stepping into Law’s blood.
“Hey, Traffy! Where’s all this blood coming from?” “What happened to your arm!” Luffy exclaimed, flipping him onto his back. Law lay limp in my arms, and I cupped his face, desperate to connect with him.
“Law… I’m so sorry I wasn’t there when Doflamingo shot you,” I said, my voice cracking with guilt. Tears spilled down my cheeks as I pulled his head closer to my neck, shaking. “I wish I could have done more. I… I wish I could hear you say anything one more time.”
In that moment, I leaned in and kissed his cheek softly, pouring all my emotions into that brief touch. But just as I was about to pull away, he moved his face, connecting his lips with mine. The kiss stunned me for a moment, leaving me breathless as I processed the reality that he was alive.
“Y/N…” he whispered softly after pulling back, his gaze intense. “That kiss… was long overdue.”
A rush of warmth flooded through me, and I felt a mixture of relief and elation. “You’re alive,” I breathed, my heart racing.
He gave me a faint, reassuring smile, but Doflamingo’s mocking voice cut through the moment. “What a damn shame,” he sneered. In that instant, Law pretended to be dead once more, and Doflamingo took the bait.
“He was holding out 'til you made it!” Doflamingo taunted, his eyes gleaming with malice. “He did say you were the miracle worker, Strawhat. I don’t know why he didn’t impress me much when we were fighting.”
Luffy’s determination flared. “Gomu Gomu, Spring Bullet!” he shouted, launching himself at Doflamingo. But Doflamingo effortlessly cast a string attack, blocking Luffy’s strike and sending him back toward us.
“Very close, wow!” Doflamingo laughed, taunting as Luffy landed right beside me. My eyes began to flutter shut from exhaustion, but I fought to stay awake, still holding Law close to me.
“Would you look at that? The princess is holding Law,” Doflamingo jeered, reveling in the moment.
I gently placed Law on the ground, my focus shifting back to Doflamingo. I took a step toward Luffy, ready to grab my blade again, when Doflamingo struck. With a swift motion, he used his strings to grab my wrist, yanking me toward him. My heels dug into the palace floor as I struggled to break free.
“Y/N!” Luffy yelled, trying to pull me back to him.
“Let me go!” I shouted, desperation lacing my voice. But Doflamingo wasn’t done; he seized my other wrist as well, pulling me closer to him.
Doflamingo’s gaze roamed over me, a predatory look in his eyes as he leaned in closer, his presence overwhelming. “You really think you can fight me?” he whispered, his breath sending shivers down my spine.
Before I could react, he pressed a lingering kiss against my neck, biting down just enough to claim me. A startled yelp escaped my lips, and I felt his smirk against my skin, a twisted satisfaction in his actions.
“I saw that little display you put on with Law,” he taunted, pulling back slightly to meet my gaze, his eyes glinting with mischief. “It was cute, but you belong to me now.”
I fought against the shudder that threatened to take over. His words only fueled my anger, and I refused to let him have any hold over me. “I’m not yours, and I never will be!” I spat back, determination igniting in my chest. 
“Y/N! Don’t worry, I’m coming!” Luffy yelled, but then he halted, frustration evident on his face.
“Just get him off me!” I shouted, the pressure of Doflamingo’s grip tightening around me, making me bite my lip to suppress a wince.
Doflamingo leaned in closer, his smirk never fading. “You think your precious Strawhat can save you?” he taunted, his voice dripping with condescension. I struggled against him, but his hold was like iron.
“Just hold on, Y/N!” Luffy shouted again, his determination fueling my own.
“You’ll be joining your pal, Law in no time,” Doflamingo sneered at Luffy, his grip on me unyielding as he prepared to make his next move. The tension in the air crackled, and I could feel my heart racing.
Law POV… 
10 minutes before
I wish I could've used a different technique. Anything to avoid causing Y/N so much pain when she saw my "lifeless figure," but I needed to buy time. After that first shot, I let myself fall back, switching my body with a subordinate's just in time to keep Doflamingo from noticing. I'll tend to his wounds after.
As soon as I made the switch, something caught my attention—a blue hue lighting up the sky, growing brighter with each strike. What the hell is going on now?! I muttered to myself, trying to catch my breath. It didn’t matter; I had to keep playing my part. I switched back to my original position, lying there, still and cold.
A sudden loud thud shook the ground nearby. Through barely-opened eyes, I saw Y/N. She was struggling, and when she turned toward me, I could see her eyes brimming with tears. It tore at me. Y/N... princess... believe me, I don’t want to cause you any pain.
Suddenly, I heard footsteps and saw Luffy burst back onto the palace floor. Finally, I thought, knowing that Luffy’s arrival meant we still had a fighting chance.
"I knew you'd make it, Captain," Y/N managed to say through her exhaustion. But then, something caught my attention. I felt her presence—Y/N, moving closer to me.
"Law," she whispered, her voice shaky, filled with anguish. It took every ounce of self-control I had not to respond, not to hold her, but I had to keep pretending.
"Hey, Traffy! Where’s all this blood coming from?" “What happened to your arm!” Luffy’s voice cut through as he crouched down, trying to figure out what happened.
I remained still, eyes shut. Then, I felt Y/N’s hands—those trembling, gentle hands—cupping my face. Her touch, even in the chaos, sent warmth through me. Y/N, my princess...
Hearing her start to blame herself was unbearable. She thought she couldn’t help, thought she wasn’t doing enough. I wanted to tell her how wrong she was. She pulled me closer, her scent intoxicating, even in the midst of battle. I almost lost control, my instincts screaming to hold her, kiss her, tell her how much she means to me.
"I wish I could’ve done more..." she whispered, her voice breaking.
Oh, but you have, Y/N. You don’t know the effect you have on me. Ever since that day I first learned about her, before Sabaody... hearing all the stories about her joining the Strawhats. Then, the day I saw her up on that auction house stage—so fierce, so determined. I remembered the moment I used my powers to shamble her away from Blackleg, and how she stood in front of me. I can’t help but look back on that.
Then, without warning, I felt Y/N’s soft lips press against my cheek. That’s it. I turned my head just enough, and our lips met. The shock in her touch was palpable, but I didn’t care. This kiss was long overdue. She pulled away, and I whispered, only for her to hear, “Y/N... that kiss was long overdue.”
Her tears welled up again, but this time, she whispered back, her breath shaky, "You're alive." 
Present time…
"Y/N! Don't worry, I’m coming!" yelled Strawhat, his voice full of determination as he charged forward, eyes locked on her.
"Just get him off me!" Y/N shouted, her voice strained as she struggled against Doflamingo’s grip, trying to hold her own.
Luffy was about to leap into action when I whispered, just loud enough for him to hear, "Strawhat... wait."
He paused mid-step, glancing back at me with confusion written all over his face. He was ready to fight, to throw everything into saving Y/N. But he had to listen.
"Listen carefully..."
I struggled in Doflamingo’s grip, but every time I moved, his hold tightened like a vice. Each squeeze sent a burning sensation through my body, making it hard to breathe. Damn it... I thought, fighting the urge to cry out. But it was no use—he knew exactly how much pain to inflict without letting me pass out.
Doflamingo laughed, his voice a sickening sound in my ears. My eyes caught sight of Trebol, still on his left, bearing the injuries I managed to inflict earlier. But it wasn’t enough, not by a long shot. Damn, I thought again, frustration gnawing at me.
As if reading my mind, Doflamingo’s mocking voice cut through the tension. "The Birdcage that surrounds the kingdom... it’s shrinking, bit by bit," he sneered, glancing at Luffy as if daring him to act.
My voice strained, coming out barely above a whisper. "What?"
His smirk widened. "It'll take about an hour before this whole kingdom is done for."
"You bast—" My words were cut short as he squeezed harder, the air in my lungs forced out in a gasp. The pressure was overwhelming, my body trembling from the sheer intensity of his grip.
"Save that gasp for later, princess," Doflamingo whispered menacingly in my ear. "I’ll give you something to really gasp about."
I gritted my teeth, refusing to let him see just how much his words affected me
Every move I made only caused Doflamingo’s grip to tighten further, the pain searing through my body like fire. My breathing grew more labored, and I gasped, feeling my strength fading. His laughter echoed in my ears, a cruel reminder of just how much control he had over the situation.
"I won’t spare a single rotten life in this kingdom. They aren’t worth a single thing to me," Doflamingo sneered, his voice dripping with malice. I gritted my teeth, refusing to let him see how much his words affected me, though it was getting harder to hold on.
“Every building, every person, animals, your little allies... and finally, you.” His words were directed at Luffy now, but I felt the pressure intensify as if he was using me to make his point. I coughed, blood staining my lips, and my vision blurred from the pain. "It’ll all die," he added, sending a chill down my spine.
"Although..." he continued, twisting the knife, "I suppose some of your friends are already dead. The good doctor died a couple of minutes ago." My head throbbed, and the world around me spun. My heart pounded in my chest, my strength slipping away as I turned my head, struggling to focus on Luffy.
“Luffy...” I gasped, my voice barely above a whisper, fighting the crushing sensation in my chest.
“Hang on, Y/N!” Luffy shouted back, his voice giving me a sliver of hope amidst the chaos. I tried to hold onto that.
Doflamingo smirked. “So much for your pirate alliance with Traffy.” He tightened his grip one final time before dropping me. I hit the ground hard, gasping for air as the burning sensation of oxygen filled my lungs again. I coughed, blood spewing from my mouth, but the pain didn’t stop.
“Trebol, take the princess,” Doflamingo ordered coldly.
Just as Trebol reached out to trap me in his sticky goo, a figure appeared in front of me.
“Sorry, but nobody is dying here except you!” It was Law, his voice like a lifeline. He moved with swift precision, landing a Gamma Knife directly into Doflamingo’s chest. The electric green hue crackled through the air, tearing through Doflamingo’s insides.
Before I could process it, I felt something gently wrap around me. “I got you, Y/N.” Luffy’s voice brought me back, his arms supporting me.
“Luffy...” I muttered, trying to get back to my feet. My body trembled, barely able to keep up with the intense battle unfolding around us.
Law’s Gamma Knife had done significant damage. The green hue of his attack electrified the area, leaving Doflamingo staggered. I clutched my sides, trying to stabilize myself. Trebol’s desperate cry filled the air: "Doffy! You’re a king! A king never falls to his knees!"
I couldn’t help but smirk, despite the pain. “Well, looks like there’s a first for everything,” I said, voice shaky but defiant.
Luffy launched a Gomu Gomu no Jet Stamp, sending Doflamingo crashing into the palace wall. I dragged myself toward Luffy and Law, still catching my breath. “You guys...” I panted. “Could have told me you had a plan.”
Luffy laughed sheepishly, scratching his head. “Yeah, sorry about that.”
Law, though exhausted, crawled toward Doflamingo with determination burning in his eyes. “Traffy...” Luffy called out, concerned.
“Let me do it,” Law said, breathing heavily. I wanted to tell him to stop, to take it easy, but he was too stubborn. “It has to be me who ends this,” he muttered, crawling with only one hand.
“Room,” Law whispered, creating a blue orb around Doflamingo and himself. “It’s over, Doflamingo! The Gamma Knife destroyed your internal organs... take my word for it because I’m a doctor.”
Trebol lunged to attack Law, but Luffy was faster, knocking him down with one punch. “Nice one, Captain,” I muttered, still struggling to breathe.
I reached for one of my hidden blades, the white hue glowing faintly. As I gripped it, I felt my breath coming back, albeit slowly. Doflamingo began to laugh, a sickening sound that sent chills through me.
Law unleashed a Counter Shock, his attack hitting Doflamingo’s abdomen with electric force. “Is it... over?” I asked, seeing Doflamingo down. But something wasn’t right.
Suddenly, Doflamingo stood back up, seemingly unfazed. “How?” I whispered, shock coursing through me. He grinned, explaining how he could heal his body with strings. My eyes widened in horror as he stepped closer, but before we could react, Trebol snatched both Luffy and me.
“Let us go!” I screamed, struggling in his hold. Trebol slammed us into the palace floor, leaving both of us gasping for air.
Doflamingo loomed over Law, raising his leg to crush him. “I only have a few good minutes left,” I muttered to myself, summoning the white hue of my blade. In a burst of speed, I dashed forward, just as Doflamingo’s foot was about to drop on Law.
“Damn it!” Law shouted, expecting his fate. But I managed to form a small shield just in time, the glowing barrier trembling under Doflamingo’s Haki.
“What’s this?” Doflamingo sneered.
“You won’t hurt him any more,” I yelled through gritted teeth. “I won’t... let you kill him!” I coughed, more blood spilling from my lips.
“Y/N!” Law cried, his voice trembling.
“But why?” he asked, staring at me in disbelief.
I smiled weakly, feeling my strength slipping. “You saved my life back in Punk Hazard... I wasn’t going to let anyone hurt you as long as I live.”
Doflamingo continued pressing against the shield, but it held. “How is she doing this?!” he shouted in frustration.
I chuckled, my body shaking as I shielded Law. “It’s a gift... courtesy of the man who trained me...” I thought of King, and my understanding of the hidden blades he gave me deepened. “King... I think I’m starting to understand these blades you gave me.”
Just as Doflamingo prepared to strike again, Luffy blocked the attack with a powerful force, their clash reverberating through the air. “How dare you stop me, Strawhat!” Doflamingo roared, his Supreme King’s Haki shaking everything around us. The pressure was overwhelming, making it harder for me to keep my focus.
I withdrew my blade, deactivating the shield that had been protecting Law and me. The faint white light from my hidden blade dimmed, shifting into a faint red hue as I carefully slid it back into the halter at my thigh. My chest heaved as I struggled to maintain my breathing, still lying on top of Law, completely spent.
The clash of Haki sent a shockwave through the palace, sending Trebol flying far from us, and pushing both Law and me further away from the battlefield. I landed on Law’s chest, the impact knocking the wind out of me, but he instinctively wrapped one arm around me, holding me close.
“You really are reckless, aren’t you?” Law’s voice was a mix of exhaustion and exasperation, though his grip on me never loosened. He trembled slightly, as if afraid that if he let me go, I might vanish, lost to him forever.
I couldn’t help but chuckle softly, despite the pain coursing through my body. “You should know that by now, Law,” I breathed, my voice barely audible as I tried to steady my breathing. My body felt heavy, like every movement was a fight against gravity, but I knew I had to get back up. Luffy needed help.
As I lay on Law’s chest, feeling his heartbeat beneath me, a part of me wanted to stay there—to rest, to let everything fade away. But I couldn’t. Not when so much was still at stake. Not when Luffy was fighting with everything he had against Doflamingo.
I shifted slightly, trying to push myself up. “I have to help him...” I muttered, my arms shaking as I tried to lift myself off Law. Luffy needed me.
Law tightened his grip around me, his eyes filled with concern.
Just then, Luffy landed another kick, his Haki surging around him like a storm. Doflamingo barely managed to block it, the impact reverberating through the air. The intensity of their battle was palpable, each punch exchanged feeling like a thunderclap.
“Come on, Luffy!” I urged under my breath, my heart racing as I witnessed Luffy’s determination. He landed a solid kick to Doflamingo’s abdomen, followed by a fierce punch and an uppercut that made the king of the underworld stagger.
But Trebol’s laughter cut through the tension like a knife, grating and cruel. “Why the hell are you laughing?” I snapped, frustration boiling over. Doflamingo’s laughter echoed with malicious glee, sending a chill down my spine.
“What is going on?” I muttered, feeling a knot of dread forming in my stomach. Just as I finished speaking, Doflamingo unleashed a swift kick, and Luffy tried to block it, but it sent him flying toward us.
"Luffy!" I yelled, panic surging as I watched Luffy hurl through the air. He quickly got back up, but now he faced Trebol, who launched another attack, trapping him in his sticky goo. "What... what is this?!" Luffy shouted in frustration.
Trebol laughed maniacally. "This is just sad! You never stood a chance against Doffy!" he mocked.
"Luffy!" I screamed, trying to stand, but Law held me in place. "Don’t! You’re too spent," he warned.
"I need to help!" I protested, struggling to rise as my blades emitted a faint red glow.
Trebol turned to us. "Now, where were we? Oh yeah! Stomping Law’s face!" he sneered as he made his way over. Doflamingo followed, his eyes locked on us.
I was about to reach for my blades, feeling a new energy coursing through them. The red hue was different, charged with something powerful.
"Hey! Don’t ignore me!" Luffy yelled, thrashing against the goo. "We were having a fight!" He struggled to break free, yelling, "Let me go, you weirdo! Why are you so icky?!"
I could feel my energy draining, but I forced myself to get into a stance, panting heavily. "Law’s right... I can’t keep up..." I thought, but I clenched my fists and prepared for another move.
Luffy launched punches at Trebol, but he kept regenerating. "What?! That’s not right! Armament Haki should work on a Logia!" Luffy exclaimed in frustration. “Bahaha who said I’m a logia type.” said Trebol laughing.
Law, breathing ragged, whispered, "Ignore him... he's trash."
"Trash?!" Trebol roared, insulted. Law taunted him more, enraging Trebol.
I chuckled, leaning closer to Law. "Looks like you took a page from my book," I whispered to him. "You're half-dead—what do you know?!" Trebol snapped, fuming. "We run the family! The family runs Dressrosa!" he continued, his pride clearly wounded.
"Seems like you're compensating for something..." I teased, smirking as Trebol lost his composure.
"Stick Stickem Launcher!" Trebol roared, trapping both Law and me. "Not this again..." I groaned, struggling to free my legs.
"You cheater! Fight someone who can actually fight!" Luffy shouted, still trying to break free.
Trebol stormed toward us, Doflamingo’s warning falling on deaf ears. I grinned as I saw my plan coming together. "Come closer," I thought.
"You’re done!" Trebol growled, raising his sceptor toward Law. "I'm going to shove this down your throat! Say goodbye, Law!" he threatened.
I seized the moment. "Now!" I thought, grabbing Trebol’s scepter with my right hand. "What the—?!" Trebol gasped in shock. Pain surged through me as I winced, my palm still carrying the open wound from before. The raw skin burned against the scepter, but I held firm, refusing to let go.
"Now, Tact!" Law commanded, slicing Trebols abdomen. The red hue around my hand electrified the air as Trebol’s goo began to slide off.
"That’s why my punches weren’t working!" Luffy said. As he watched Trebol’s goo starting to come off. "He’s super skinny under all that goop!"
Trebol clutched his abdomen, shaking from the pain. "Damn you, Law!" he shouted, enraged.
Law and I were still trapped by the goo, but I held firm, gripping the scepter tighter. Blood from my wounded palm slid down the scepter, mixing with the flammable goo. I smirked through the pain, glaring at Trebol. "Trebol, you're really dumb," I said, voice trembling but steady. "You didn’t realize it, but as I grip this scepter, you’ll be electrified." The red lightning began to crackle around us, growing more intense. I clenched my jaw, feeling the energy surge. "I... wonder," I continued, still gripping the scepter as the blood slid down, "what happens when lightning hits metal... covered in flammable goo?"
"You’ll kill us both!" Trebol screamed, trying to pry my hand off the sceptor.
"It’s a price I’m willing to pay," I said.
Luffy swooped in, grabbing both Law and me, wrapping us in his arms to get us out of the palace. "Let go!" Trebol screamed as he tried to shake me off.
"Now... Crimson Bolt! I yelled as the red lightning surged through the air, striking Trebol and setting him ablaze. The fiery light ignited everything in its path, including the flammable goo coating him. I released my grip just in time as a massive explosion engulfed the palace in a deafening roar. Luffy wrapped his arms around Law and me, yanking us from the inferno just before it consumed us whole.
"Y/N! Are you okay?" Luffy asked, but my consciousness began to fade. Law’s voice blurred as I drifted in and out. "Y/N!" Luffy called once again, still holding me tightly.
Luffy, now seeing Robin approach from the Flower field, calls for her.
“Robin!! Y/N and Law held their own against Mingo!" I heard Luffy's voice as we landed. "Y/N defeated Trebol! But they're both hurt—badly!" he added, urgency clear in his tone.
Barely conscious, I whispered to Luffy, "Captain... he’s all yours now."
Luffy launched us toward Robin, who caught us gently in her Spider Net. "Don’t worry... I’ve got you," Robin said softly, cradling me in her arms. I turned to look at her, a faint smile on my lips despite the blood dripping down. "Ro..bin," I croaked weakly, my voice barely audible.
"Hey, Nico! Don’t butt in!" Doflamingo’s voice rang out. "I’ll teach that princess a lesson!" His words blurred as consciousness slipped further. The last thing I heard was the sound of string bullets and someone stepping in to protect us.
Law POV… 
My mind was racing. Y/N… she had done the impossible. Not only did she shield me from Doflamingo's stomp, but she also managed to defeat one of his top executives. Her words echoed in my head, over and over.
"It's a price I am willing to take."
She had said that just before setting the whole palace ablaze with red electricity. I couldn’t believe it. Even in her condition, she’d risked everything to protect me… to protect all of us. As we landed on Nico Robin’s Spider Net, her back was pressed against my chest, and I could feel her erratic breathing. "She’s spent!" I thought. Robin cradled her head in her arms, and even though Y/N was exhausted and injured, she still managed to smile at Robin.
I turned toward her. “Y/N…” I whispered, barely able to form the words.
A voice echoed from afar. “What happened to Law-san’s arm? And the princess?” someone asked, clearly worried for our condition.
“Nico Robin, I don’t want you butting into our fight! I’ll teach that princess a lesson!” Doflamingo sneered, launching string bullets at us. Luffy leapt to block the attack, but before he could, Cavendish intervened.
"Precious Metal Axe!" Cavendish yelled, blocking the bullets.
“Come on, Strawhat!” he urged.
“Hey, Cabbage! Take everyone and get off the plateau!” Luffy shouted as he engaged Doflamingo one-on-one. “I’m leaving my friends in your hands!”
Cavendish looked stunned. "My goodness… he trusts me… not only trusts... respects... Popularity!" he cried.
Kyros inspected my severed arm. “Leo, do you think you can do something?” asked Kyros to Leo, from the tontatta tribe “Those cuts look ragged. If I can sew him up, that should do it,” he said.
“And then I can heal him with my watering can,” added one of the little people.
“No...” I muttered, my gaze falling on Y/N, still in Robin’s arms but stirring. “Please… help... the princess first.” I tried to point, my strength failing. Leo looked toward her, and Rebecca gave me a faint smile.
“Let’s get to safety first, like Lucy said, and then we can fix you guys up,” Rebecca replied.
Tears welled in my eyes as I begged. "Please... do something."
“Bartolomeo! Make me some stairs, quick!” Cavendish shouted, trying to get Bartolomeo’s attention. "Are you listening to me, nitwit? Nico Robin and the princess need stairs! Just do it already!"
Cavendish picked me up, carrying me while Robin held Y/N. I grabbed his arm, stopping him. “Stop... put me down... leave me here,” I said, my voice trembling. “For the past 13 years, the only thing I’ve lived for is killing Doflamingo.” I clutched Cavendish tighter. "All that's left is to have faith in Strawhat. If he wins, I want to be there to see it. If he doesn’t… then I need to be there and die alongside him."
I tried to pull myself up, and from the corner of my eye, I saw Y/N stirring, her eyes slowly opening. “Robin... I have to help Luffy,” she whispered, still fighting off her injuries.
“What are you saying?!” Robin gasped.
“Please… I have to be there for Luffy...” Y/N’s voice was weak, tears in her eyes.
“Y/N...” I whispered, barely able to move.
I clutched onto Cavendishes arm once more, “I got straw hat into this mess, I have to see it through.” I said, my voice firm despite the pain coursing through me.
“Traffy,” Robin began, her voice steady, “captains of a true pirate alliance are on equal footing. Luffy is here of his own free will. If he didn’t want to fight, he’d refuse.”
“Robin…” Y/N struggled, trying to get Robin to put her down.
Cavendish laid me on the ground, placing my sword and severed arm beside me. “Nico Robin, you go ahead,” he urged.
“Wait...” I muttered, my voice barely audible. “Don’t take Y/N… Leo said he’d help her!” I groaned, my body trembling.
Robin hesitated, torn between us. "I..." she began.
“It’s okay, Robin…” Y/N whispered, her voice strained. “Leo’s going to fix me. I... I promise I’ll make it through,” she said, coughing, her determination still flickering.
“Ms. Robin! Princess! I heard you needed a way down! Barrier Ability!” Bartolomeo shouted.
Cavendish sat down beside me. “I’ll stay here. If you die today… it'll be after me,” he muttered under his breath, just loud enough for me to hear.
“Cabbage, if I leave Y/N with you…” Robin’s voice was filled with worry, “promise you’ll take care of her until Leo can help?”
Cavendish nodded firmly. “You have my word.” 
“Robin... thank you,” Y/N whispered, smiling at her as she placed a hand on her cheek, conveying a bond of love and respect. “Please, Y/N, stay safe,” Robin urged, her voice filled with concern. She carefully set Y/N down next to me while Cavendish settled on the other side, ready to protect us.
Cavendish handed Robin his jacket. “I’ll return this the next time I see you.” With a determined look, Robin headed toward the stairs, leaving us.
I turned to Y/N, our faces inches apart. “So close yet so far,” I thought, my heart heavy with dread.
“Law…” Y/N whispered, her voice fragile yet resolute. “I know Luffy can do this…”
“Y/N, you’re reckless!” I whispered-yelled, tears escaping down my cheeks. “You can’t keep pushing yourself like this! Going against Doflamingo, Trebol… using up your energy—how can you keep fighting?”
Her gaze was steady, a mix of relief and something deeper that I struggled to understand. 
With a soft smile, Y/N slowly lifted her hand and touched my cheek, her warmth grounding me in the chaos. She didn’t need to say a word; her eyes conveyed everything I needed to hear.
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