#echo is so hot btw. off topic but that woman is so fine
starscompanion · 2 months
years later and even if I don't care about the show, echo hate still irks me because she's objectively speaking such an interesting character even if she's disliked? an ice cold warrior girl who actually has her spots of warm compassion, extremely loyal which is a character fault that really is only a mechanism for survival because azg*dakru fucked her up, and she loves fiercely and with every part of her being and has such a fascinating brutal backstory... like everyone knows the main reason she was subjected to such vitriol was because of the b*llarke ship tbh
EXACTLY i'm so glad someone said it omg. it makes me rly sad since she would have gotten nowhere near as much hate if she hadn't been paired off w bellamy. i've been an echo lover since day 1, but it was probably easier for me since i never shipped bellarke (i had a hatred for that ship). i didn't ship bellecho either, i was pretty ambivalent abt it, the only echo ship i ever cared abt was raven x echo which is such a random pairing but i love it bc me and my beloved cringefail bestie (@the-midnight-cow) had a phase
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missmalice202 · 5 years
Designing Your Melody: Chapter 16 - Drums
Chapter 01 - Chapter 15
The night after her date with Luka, Marinette turned on her game console to meet up with her friends online. She hadn’t been able to get ahold of Alya yet to tell her about her date because the reporter had been working on a story, so she had been forced to wait until their standing Friday night gaming night to give her best friend the details.
When she finally loaded in, she was pleased to see that Rena Rouge was already logged on.
“It’s about time, girl,” Rena reprimanded. “Now, spill! Leave nothing out!”
She started her tale with how she had made her graceful entrance: by falling down the stairs. Rena howled with laughter at how true to form that was for her and asked how Luka had responded to her clumsiness. Her friend cooed at how sweet he’d been to check to make sure she wasn’t hurt.
As she continued to give a play by play of the events of the previous night, she trailed off when a notification popped up onscreen: CHAT NOIR is online.
It felt weird to talk about her date with Adrien listening. It wasn’t like she still had romantic feelings for her friend, but it still just didn’t feel right.
“C’mon, girl, don’t clam up on me now! What happened next? Where did he take you?”
“What are you talking about?” Chat Noir asked, curious about what the girls had been talking about that had made Ladybug stop talking as soon as he’d come online.
“Ladybug was telling me about her date!” Rena gushed.
“Her what?” he yelled.
Marinette winced. “Easy there, kitty. Keep the volume down please. I’d like to keep my hearing if you don’t mind.”
As he sullenly mumbled an apology, another notification popped up onscreen. Her heart skipped a beat before she read what it read. CARAPACE is online. Oh, it’s just Nino.
“Hey guys, what’s goin’ on?”
Rena chuckled at her boyfriend’s cheerful greeting. “Oh, nothing much. Ladybug was just telling us all about her hot date.”
He chortled at that information. “Ooooh,” he teased. “Do tell.”
‘God, this is embarrassing,’ she thought. “Okay, fine. Just be quiet and let me talk.”
As she told the others the events of her date, Ryuuko and Pegasus popped up online as well, eagerly joining the conversation, much to Marinette’s chagrin.
Chat Noir’s silence ended when she began describing her confrontation with Lila. He began spitting indignantly at the nonsense the liar had spewed. She giggled when he vowed to track her down and make her regret saying such offensive things to her. She spent the next few minutes talking her feline friend down from his rage until she could continue with her story.
When she finally finished, she had to move her headset away from her ear as Rena’s piercing squeal made her ears ring.
“So, have you talked to him today?” Rena asked, excited.
“No, he must have been busy because he didn’t stop by the bakery at all today.”
The fact that he hadn’t shown up for the first time in a week made Marinette’s stomach knot uncomfortably. Had he decided that he didn’t want to go out with her again and was avoiding her? Did something happen to him and now he was in the hospital, hurt? Her overactive imagination was not her friend in situations like these.
“Statistics say that if he doesn’t call you after the first 24 hours of your first date, there is only a miniscule 12% chance that he will ask you out again.” Her eyes narrowed as Pegasus’s extremely unhelpful addition did little to make her feel better about the whole situation.
“Not helpful, Pegasus,” Rena said.
“Ladybug, you should be the one to make the first move and contact him instead. Show him that you are a strong, confident woman that will not be trifled with.” Ryuuko could definitely take the girl-power idea a bit far, but she had a point. There was no reason why she should
“I have to text him tomorrow about something anyway, so I guess it doesn’t matter.”
“Yo, Chat, you’re being suspiciously quiet about this whole thing. Don’t you have any advice for Ladybug?” Carapace’s voice just dripped with sarcasm. “You know, as a friend?”
“I just think that it’s kind of a jerk move to not call her after taking her out,” he growled. “If he was really into her, he would have at least texted her to say that he had a great time or something.”
Marinette’s insecurities reared their ugly heads once more; his reasoning echoed her own doubts. “You think so, Chat?”
“Yeah,” he said. “You’re worth putting in the effort, don’t you think?”
“Nah, bro.” Carapace chimed in. “Maybe he’s just got something going on today and hasn’t had the time. I’m sure he’ll call or text you as soon as he’s got a minute.”
Nino’s reassurance silenced the insidious voices in Marinette’s mind. “Thanks, Carapace. That makes me feel better.”
They continued to play when Marinette noticed that it was almost 9:00pm.
“Hey, has anyone heard from Viperion? It’s not like him to be so late on a raid night.”
Carapace chuckled. “Yeah, he texted me earlier. He got called in for a gig and he’ll be on later.”
Marinette was surprised. She’d figured out that Viperion was a musician, but she didn’t know that he was talented enough to be performing professionally. She wondered if she’d heard his music before and didn’t know it.
“Oh, is that how you met Viperion?” Chat asked. “You never actually told us how you met him.”
While Carapace explained to the others how he’d met Viperion while he was DJ-ing at a party for a Roth Records party, the topic of their discussion signed on.
“Well, speak of the devil,” Carapace cheerfully greeted. “How was the show, bro?”
Marinette smiled as she listened to Viperion talk about his performance. She was curious about what he played, but she did her best to keep her curiosity at bay.
“Oh,” Carapace interrupted, “how was your date last night?”
Marinette nearly dropped her controller. Wait, what? Viperion went on a date last night? Who goes out on a date on a Thursday night? Well, she’s just gone on one yesterday, but that’s beside the point.
“It was great.” His voice was soft with emotion. “I took her to this place I’d been wanting to check out for a while. And she’s so easy to talk to, once she got past her nerves.”
As he continued to describe his evening out with his “mystery girl”, Marinette couldn’t help but feel a little jealous. Here she was, pining over some guy who couldn’t be bothered to even text her after their own date, and Viperion was gushing about how “amazing” and “wonderful” his date had been. It just wasn’t fair.
Not noticing how quiet that Ladybug had become, the others continued to grill Viperion for details.
Carapace, on the other hand, was snickering hysterically under his breath, eventually getting his girlfriend’s attention. “Babe, what the hell? Care to share what you seem to find so funny?”
Swallowing his laughter, he tried to avoid the subject, but he found himself caught in his girlfriend’s wrath. “We’re gonna have a conversation about this later,” she promised him.
Not wanting to hear any more about Viperion’s date, Ladybug changed the subject and they continued to play together for the next few hours, finally distracting Marinette from her own wallowing.
After she’d logged off and shut down her console, she looked at her phone for the first time in hours. She was surprised to see her notification light blinking.
It was from Luka!
Luka: Hey, I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance to talk to you before now. I had a great time last night and wanted to know if you’d be interested in hanging out again sometime soon.
Her heartbeat drummed in her ears. How could she have not heard her phone chime? Upon further investigation, she noticed the symbol in her notification bar that indicated that she’d put her phone on “Do not disturb” mode while she had been playing.
Oh man, hopefully her lack of response didn’t make Luka think she wasn’t interested in hanging out with him again. She really liked spending time with the musician. Once she got out of her own head, he was easy to talk to and there was something about him that made her creative juices start flowing.
As a matter of fact, her work on “his” outfit had gone surprisingly well. Usually, she’d run into a few snags when working on a project, but thus far, it’d been smooth sailing, which gave her a perfect excuse to spend time with him.
Glancing at the time, she wondered if it was too late to text him back. But she didn’t want him to think that she was ignoring him or something. Gathering her courage, she decided to go for it. If nothing else, he’d get it in the morning when he woke up.
Marinette: Sorry, just got your text. I’d like that. BTW, if you can make time, your outfit is almost done. Just needs fitting. Let me know when works for you.
She put her phone down and started getting ready for bed. When she heard her phone vibrate, she lunged across the room to grab it, nearly tripping over her discarded clothes in her haste.
Luka: np. I’ve got time tomorrow if that works for you.
With a giddy little dance, she texted back that she’d see him tomorrow then and went to bed, completely forgetting her hurt feelings from earlier.
Chapter 17
*First of all, I’d like to thank everyone for your patience and encouragement. It means a lot to me. Unfortunately, just when my private life got situated to where I could get some work done, I get sick (and no, it’s not corona virus lol, it’s a chest cold, but it’s still super inconvenient.) but luckily (or unluckily, depending on how you look at it), with all the hysteria surrounding the Corona virus outbreak, my daughter’s school has been cancelled for the next two weeks, so I will not be working as well since my job is such that allows me to take time off when my daughter doesn’t have school. So, I’m hoping to get some serious writing done in the next few days.
Also, I’d like to apologize for the short length of this chapter. It’s been bugging me for the last few days and just didn’t want to flow right. maybe it’s the cold medicine hazing my brain, but i’ve decided to just post it and move on. so i’m sorry if it sucks lol
as always, thanks for everyone who likes and reblogs my stories. Your support means the world to me.
Until next time, XOXO*
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