#gaia kom trikru
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doortotomorrow · 1 year ago
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Clarke Griffin Appreciation Week 2023 Day Two : Favourite Underrated Friendship
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missbrunettebarbie · 10 months ago
Starting watching* The 100 with 4×10 sure is interesting. I have no clue who half these people are or what are the relationships between them. But anyway, here are some hightlights:
-I literally only tried this show for Octavia and God, I love her! She has all the makings of a blorbo. Every single moment she was onscreen I was fascinated. Unsurprisingly, the dynamics that most interest me all are centered around her.
-Octavia-Bellamy thugs at my heartstrings. And yet I still can't help but feel they could have been more. In an alternate universe where the show started with O as the protagonist, Bellamy would be a whole other character. I have a feeling he would be more like comics!Batman, a controlling asshole whose entire world centered around his sister and his ~presence would feel smothering everytime he was onscreen.
-No clue who Ilian was and what was his deal, but I was getting Peeta vibes from him LOL
-Octavia-Indra-Gaia! I hope this is a dynamic that is/has been brought up and delved into in other episode cause the potential is there. (When Gaia realizes their clan is doomed and goes to cry on her mom's shoulder, only for Indra to later be like 'Octavia is doing well.' Oh she knew very well what she was doing. I'm convinced Indra had zero faith in her clan's champion so she took advantage of Octavia's already shaky loyalty to make sure they'll survive.)
-How could Luna have THAT backstory and yet she has no interaction with Bellamy nor is Bellamy-Octavia brought up vis a vis her? Wasted potential smh. In another world, she would be O's dark mirror who'll probably haunt her past her death.
-I'm shipping Linctavia and 1. K know they have already been doomed by the narrative and 2. I haven't even properly seen them interact.
-Is...is Kane Octavia's father? (It would make so much sense since they named him Marcus: a Roman name to fit right in with Octavia and Aurora) Or father figure or something? I'm so confused by their interactions.
-Everyone else: if you didn't interact with Octavia, you don't exist for me.
*I'll finish s4 but I don't know if I'll properly watch the show afterwards. I'm here for Octavia and Octavia only and idk if it's worth it.
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okmcintyre · 2 years ago
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the-witch-of-woods-beyond · 11 months ago
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dakotaawolven · 5 months ago
Lincoln watches in a state of awe as his houmon pulls two of Indra's horses and one of the Commander's from the corrals like they are her own. She moves with such confidence and steadiness, and he has so many more questions after seeing her closeness with Indra's daughter and then Indra. Of course, he's heard plenty from them both, but seeing it is much different than just hearing about it.
Her eyes are bright when she looks at him, yet there is a weight in them that makes his chest ache. When she grins at him, it isn't the carefree, dream filled grin she used to look at him with. Now, it's something more solid, with warmth and surety and determination. He wants to ask what she's been through that has given her harsher edges—when he asked Indra, she refused to tell him, saying it was not her place—but he also just wants to relish the feeling of having her beside him again.
— Chapter 20 of Taim kom hod in au te kos(when love becomes the reason)
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johnmurphysgirl · 3 days ago
**Brave New World **
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Inspired by Ursula K. LeGuin's short story, "The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas", the original Brave New World server is a canon-compliant but canon-defiant fusion of The 100, The Walking Dead Universe, and LOST, boasting fan favorite guest appearances from popular medias, original scripted plots and an active healing-focused social community.
*These are either background characters or being babysat by staff. Please consider applying for one.*
Lincoln kom Trikru
King Ezekiel
Michonne Hawthorne
Carol Pelletier
Luna kom Floukru
Abraham Ford -- someone pls we plan on him and Beth Greene to be a thing (a much older Beth as I've aged her more than she was in show to not make it weird and she just had a toxic relationship someone give her love)
~~Glenn Rhee~~ Doomed.
Indra kom Trikru
Monty Green
Jasper Jordan
~~Sophia Pelletier~~ Rescued!
Gaia kom Trikru
Aaron Raleigh
Luciana Galvez
Dwight Honey
Althea Szewczyk-Przygocki
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writingsofwesteros · 7 months ago
Dragon caged! Picture her ^^^^^ as Daemon and Laenas' older daughter that gets captured by Ottos' son. Oh, imagine that first night he has her, high off the victory of the battle... he's a beast..
Oh the first night is so intense as she squeals with pleasure; only after she puts up a fight that he enjoys more than he should.
He'll know what its like to have a dragon in his bed thank you but she is not complaining as he puts her in a mating press and takes his fill
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ravens-repose · 1 year ago
Game of Thrones
Daenarys Stormborn:
A Song of Fire and Shadows - Daenarys Stormborn x OC ❣️🔥 - coming soon
Sandor Clegane:
Iron and Gold - Sandor Clegane x OC ❣️🔥 - Part 1 ,
Tormund Giantsbane:
Jorah Mormont:
Dance of Dragons - Jorah Mormont x OC - coming soon
House of the Dragon
Loki Laufeyson:
Bucky Barnes:
Steve Rodgers:
Natasha Romanoff:
Peter Parker (aged up Peter):
The 100
Clarke Griffin:
Bellamy Blake:
Ash Kom Azgeda:
Gaia Kom Trikru:
Lexa Kom Trikru:
Rowan Kom Azgeda:
Raven Reyes:
Resident Evil
Alcina Dimitrescu:
Bela Dimitrescu:
Cassandra Dimitrescu:
Daniella Dimitrescu:
Karl Heisenberg:
The Arcana
Julian Devorak:
Asra Alnazar:
Nadia Satrinava:
Crosswires - Poly! Junkrat & Roadhog x OC ❣️🔥 - Part 1 ,
Crosswires - Poly! Junkrat & Roadhog x OC ❣️🔥 - Part 1 ,
Cole Cassidy:
Junker Queen/Dez:
Hazbin Hotel
Angel Dust:
Cherri Bomb:
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disdaidal · 2 years ago
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THE 100 - 7x1
The question is, who is the Fleimkepa without a flame?
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float-me-now · 3 years ago
It's ok girl, season 7 never happened. Bellamy, Gabriel and Diyoza never died, Madi didn't end up paralysed, Murphy's storyline didn't suck, Sheidheda didn't explode, Gaia wasn't useless, Raven didn't get a disgusting storyline, there were no stupid alien gods, no time travel, no one transcended, Callie didn't make up trig when she was fucking 12, Cadogan was just a long-dead cult leader, Bardo was just another inhabitable planet, everyone is living in peace on Sanctum and they're not even dressed in those hideous Sanctum rags but have nice clothes, yeah that's it
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shaunashipmn · 3 years ago
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It's not easy loving someone who puts their own life at risk.
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doortotomorrow · 2 years ago
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GAIA KOM TRIKRU The 100 / Season 4 / Episode 10 / Die All, Die Merrily
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magic-coffee · 3 years ago
“What could go wrong if we send bunch of 15-16 year olds to a planet aren’t sure is habitable hehe”
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okmcintyre · 3 years ago
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The 100 Cast + side by side
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does anyone have any recommendations for a clarke x gaia fic where gaia was introduced in s3 as a fleimkeppa or handmaiden or something and her and clarke end up together???
i LOVED them and if clarke had to lose everything in the last three episodes, then i deserved canon clarkaia or princess mechanic, but noooooooo
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dakotaawolven · 6 months ago
It takes her a few days to figure out just what happened and why she is no longer with her family on the beach. She wanders a bit aimlessly at first, until she reaches a village and learns just when she is living now—or maybe again is a better word. After everything that happened to them, this turn of events does not surprise her nearly as much as it might have once. But if she is to believe what she sees and hears around her, there is not quite two years until Praimfaya will hit them—barely a year and a half, truly. Knowing this, Gaia thinks of her mother, her sisters, her family , and there is one place she knows she must go.
Surprisingly, it doesn't take her but another day and half to reach Louwoda Klironkru and the village that Madi once called home—still does, in this time. Gaia knows she has parents of her own right now, and they will most likely not take kindly to the appearance of a Fleimkepa scout, but she just wants to see that Madi is okay with her own two eyes. She is well aware of the wary eyes that follow her through the village, and she greets everyone with a kind smile and soft words. At first, she doesn't approach the home she knows belongs to Madi's biological parents, instead keeping to the small marketplace and trying to make it clear that she is not looking for natblidas, but only passing through on her way home to her mother's village.
—Chapter 13 of "Taim kom hod in au te kos(when love becomes the reason)"
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