dcschart · 4 years
Do you have anymore art of Bunnyx & Queen Bee?
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My newest BunnyBee headcanon: They get a McDonald’s take out at 3am and call it a date
(Ladybug hates them)
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a-chlolix-blog · 4 years
Chloé (Queen Bee), Alix (Bunnyx), and their many Valentine's Days
Chloé & Alix
To say these two are competitive on Valentine's Day is an understatement.
Who gets who the best gifts? It's a tie every year!
Who makes the best chocolates? Chloé learned how to make chocolates for this and wins.
Who surprises who the most? Alix wins because she can keep a secret.
Their friends just watch the romantic madness whenever they can.
The two will often put their "competition" to the side and end up cuddling under a big blanket after a nice dinner by the end of the day.
Queen Bee & Alix
Due to her massive popularity, Alix gets looks of Valentine's Day letters.
From people in different classes, those from other schools, and even some of her roller derby and Lacrosse fans.
It's common knowledge that Alix is dating Chloé at this point.
So the blonde doesn't take the many admirers downplaying their relationship too well.
Even Chloé's past... she kinda agrees with them.
Which is way she transforms into Queen Bee and takes Alix away from her many adoring fans.
Alix often ends up racing the Bee themed heroine through Paris & throws blue rose petals at her girlfriend when she wins.
Alix ends up insuring Chloé that she doesn't need to be Queen Bee to deserve her love.
The fact that she's actually a better person now is enough for Alix.
Chloé & Bunnyx
Before she started dating Alix, Chloé had rarely seen the Adult!Bunnyx.
Chloé actually thought she was pretty cool looking. She often wondered how Ladybug got such an awesome heroine on her team.
There were rumors going around that Bunnyx was a Time Traveler.
So Chloé made it her mission to track Bunnyx don't and ask her about her future (if she'll ever be a better person).
But on one faithful day (Valentine's Day), after a really tough enemy is defeated... Chloé asks her question.
Bunnyx just says "You'll see Chloé," before leaving. Chloé was actually shocked that the older woman knew her name.
When Present Day!Bunnyx is on the scene, Chloe makes sure to see her as much as she can (making it look like a coincidence or accident).
Chloe even had Butler Jean make a stuffed rabbit with blue diamond eyes to give to Bunnyx.
But after missing the chance to give it to the rabbit heroine so many times, she gives up, keeping the stuffed rabbit for herself.
Whenever Bunnyx returns to her timeline late, she see Chloé sleeping on their couch, hugging the stuffed rabbit.
Bunnyx transforms back into Alix, kisses Chloé on the forehead, whispers "happy Valentine's Day, Chloé", and takes her sleeping wife to bed.
Queen Bee & Bunnyx
Queen Bee insists on helping Bunnyx with missions, especially when said missions happen on Valentine's Day.
When she's told to stay home, she pouts for a bit before accepting Bunnyx's request for her to stay home.
But when Bunnyx has to bring Queen Bee along... It's trouble for the enemy.
If they end up having to work alongside their younger selves... there's lots of confusion.
The younger heroines wonders what kind of relationship they have in the future, but don't ask the other heroines.
The future heroines watch their younger selves be cute and secretly shy to act on their feelings for each other.
The younger Queen Bee is the one who asks the questions trying (and failing) to not ask questions about their relationship.
Of course the two older heroines don't give her the answers she wanted & leave when the day is saved.
When they get back to the future, Bunnyx teases a blushing Queen Bee about how much of a fan girl she was when they were younger.
Commenting on how adorable she was when they were younger.
While the future heroines enjoy their Valentine's Day together, the present day heroines wonder more about each other.
Hope you enjoyed these & Happy Valentine's day!
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jazzymarie1006 · 5 years
What is Chloé's relationship with Alix?
Rewatching seasons 1 & 2 had me asking this question and lots of things that I saw back then were odd, but now make sense.
The first timeline in Timebreaker.
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Chloé clearly saw Alix give Alya the watch. She looks at it along with everyone else in that scene. Takes it once it's out of the hands of Alya and Marinette, doesn't give it back after calling it "probably worthless" & pushes the button.
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After she drops the watch, she lied by saying she had nothing to do with it. If this were some other episode in season 1 she'd be like "So, it's just some stupid (object)". Also why would she lie despite the fact there were at least five people who saw her drop it? Also this is the 2nd time Chloé stole something in season 1, but the first (and possibly the only) time she steals something (seemingly) without a motive! No contest to win, no Prince nor a mother to impress. She wasn't going to give back to Adrien and she sure wasn't gonna do so on Marinette's command. Again why did she take the watch and lie about dropping it?
Chloé with other girls:
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Chloé with Alix:
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Chloé is NEVER seen singling Alix out. Chloé didn't even get her akumatized by being her mean self. She was bratty and clumsy, but not (much of) a bully. If any of the other girls (mostly Marinette) were to call Chloé out on her nasty and arrogant behavior, she'd try to get back at them or at least have a comeback but with Alix... she either does nothing about it or just leaves.
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No ruining her life, no getting her family to leave Paris, none of that. The most she'll do is give her a look.
Alix's stare?
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In at least two episodes, Alix is seen staring at Chloé while everyone else is doing their work or looking at the teacher. Did they mean to do this?
The bus scene in the episode Zombizou.
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First thing I gonna ask is what is it with Chloé and ruining birthdays? Back on topic, when the girls are sitting down, Chloé says nothing! No insults on how they're doing a lousy job of protecting her, none of that. Alix is even seen giving her a mean look for a split second before looking away. When Alix sacrifices herself, Chloé is shown to have abit of an upset look on her face and THEN she starts insulting them. She even says "You people need to stop invading my personal space," despite Alix not letting them anywhere near her.
That one scene from the episode Reverser.
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This scene revealed certain things about Chloé. This wasn't the first time that Chloé tried to become a member of the art club nor was it the first time she tried to use a collage of selfies to do so. Why would Chloé want to join a club where almost all of the members hated her guts?
The Chloé/Sabrina/Alix friendship?
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For those of you that are not aware of this, Alix was going to be in a trio group with Chloé and Sabrina. Out of all the girls to remove from the group, why did they remove Alix? Will this friendship come into play later on? The people who make this show are big on recycling old ideas, maybe a friendship of sorts will be brought up?
Queen Bee & Bunnyx?!
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We've been getting a lot of Chloé in season 3, but very few of Alix. What we have on Alix has me asking questions. Does Queen Bee exist in the future? What is their future like? Are Queen Bee and Bunnyx a duo team in the future? Hopefully at least one of these questions will be answered later on.
Some of the questions I've got answers to (these are just opinions)!
It isn't until after Alix revealed that the watch was a birthday present when Chloé lied. We know that Chloé has trouble remembering birthdays. She even looked shocked before telling the lie.
I'm guessing the reason for Chloé not picking on Alix is because the two girl may have history. They may have even been friends at one point.
Chloé may have wanted to join the art club to show off her looks or her makeup skills. She was really surprised when Alix's guess was right. She was embarrassed, so she left.
Chloé has a crush on Alix.
Chloé showed up to the race to cheer for Alix.
Alix feels the same way, but doesn't show her feelings due to Chloé's arrogant and nasty personality.
Chloé is so mean and nasty to Nathaniel because he stole Alix's friendship away from her.
@nerdasaurus1200 @evadehunt @lesbonamedjo
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nerdasaurus1200 · 5 years
Queen Bee: I have no fears!
Bunnyx: What if you woke up one day and I was taller than you?
Queen Bee: I have one fear.
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fusionholders · 5 years
Chlolix/Beenyx for your brutal opinion
These two are too cute. I just love the idea of Alix being the one to redeem Chloe because let’s be real, Alix takes no crap from anyone. And also I like imagining Chloe discovering her punk side while dating Alix.
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kaihihanto · 5 years
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au that chat blanc episode will always be the same except it's Chlolix/Beenyx/Chlonyx/Beelix au and that is all bye.
【Credits if Repost!】
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xynasthesia · 5 years
If you're still wondering what the the hero shipname for Chlolix is, it Beenyx. But BunnyBee sounds cute too!
Oooo, thank you!! XD
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faithfulcurses · 12 years
For Lent...
I'm giving up 3 things: 1) All fizzy drinks 2) Porn 3) Getting blackout drunk. I'm going to actually attempt to drink responsively. And for those who know me, this is quite the undertaking.
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dcschart · 4 years
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I ! Just ! L O V E ! T H E M !
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a-chlolix-blog · 4 years
Welcome to this blog!
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If you have
Anything to say
Here is a Masterlist of AUs I came up with with help from my followers.
Let me know! My Ask Box is always opened.
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a-chlolix-blog · 5 years
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Those I adore involving rich girls, those with colored hair, and those who become Time Traveling Heroes.
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a-chlolix-blog · 5 years
I got "a bit" of a theory because the Miracle Queen betrayal didn't surprise me at all.
First I'm gonna go over a few things before I get into the theory.
1. Chloé in Miracle Queen
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None of this surprised me at all.
Chloé (almost) never takes responsible for her actions.
Of course she wasn't going to accept Ladybug's words in Miraculer.
Though LB got someone who was also banned from a Miraculous cause of her jealousy.
The only thing that kinda caught me off guard was that Chloé tries to leave Paris after officially understanding that she (possibly) won't get the Miraculous again.
2. Antibug foreshadowed Miracle Queen.
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Chloé losing faith in Ladybug (cause of her own actions).
She gets akumatized into evil versions of heroes.
The only difference is Chloé actually wanted to help in Antibug. In Miracle Queen she just got worse.
3. Chloé's "need" to do good.
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The only reason Chloé has shown signs of being a "better" person in season 3 was for the Bee Miraculous.
Think about it! The only times in the show where Chloé is willing to be good is to get what she wants.
Throwing a party for Queen Bee in "Malediktator" really didn't help with that.
Ladybug and Adrien's friendships, her own mother's love and the bee miraculous.
It's only ever when Ladybug and akumas were around.
The akumas in the episodes Startrain and Ladybug show her doing these good things... but only because she believed she'd get that miraculous.
Chloé was treating Sabrina like a slave before seeing the akuma in Startrain & had no speaking lines in the episode Ladybug.
But since she got the bee cause HM did something similar to this, she probably thought she'd get it again.
If it wasn't for Ladybug and those akumas showing up, Chloé wouldn't be shown doing these things.
4. Queen Bee vs the New-Bee?
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We're getting all of this new promo art with Chloé as Queen Bee instead of the new Bee holder. What is that?
How would Chloé even react to her replacement?
Is her replacement temporary?
Now that I got those out of the way, now for the theory.
Chloé is going to get a new mentor or someone who can help her.
Someone who isn't Ladybug or Chat Noir.
Someone she hadn't revealed to Hawkmoth.
Someone who doesn't take her BS (or enables and ignores it).
Someone who knows of her future.
Someone like
Alix Kubdel/Bunnyx!
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Chloé doesn't even know that Alix is a heroine.
Future Alix may be the only person in the whole show who could know about Chloé's future.
Bunnyx is also called "the hero of the last chance". I'm sure Chloé's gonna need a last chance.
Miracle Queen was the best case scenario.
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Miracle Queen has to had happened so Alix can become Bunnyx (also to keep everyone alive).
Miracle Queen wasn't even worth Bunnyx's time like Chat Blanc was.
If Miracle Queen was an actual emergency, Bunnyx would've been there in a heartbeat.
It's even confirmed that Bunnyx is gonna be in Seasons 4 and 5 (hopefully it's young Bunnyx though).
Chloé compared to Alix.
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I noticed the show compares Marinette & Chloé often and the two actually have some similarities.
But Alix and Chloé are extremely different from eachother.
Alix is nice and helpful with Ladybug and Chat Noir without wanting anything in return.
Alix is close friends with her classmates unlike Chloé.
Alix knows when and how to keep a secret (hero identities).
I'm sure there are more, but I'm just naming those few.
Maybe Alix could be the good example Chloé needs instead of Marinette (who is done with her BS).
Chloé's relationship with Alix.
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Chloé's actual relationship with Alix is unknown, but she's never seen bullying her.
If she says anything about Alix, it's not to her face.
When Alix says anything to Chloé, the blonde just leaves.
Compared to Chloé's other classmates (not Adrien), she doesn't even seem to dislike the skater girl.
I am curious about what Miracle Queen would have said to Alix if she revealed her identity though...
Of course Bunnyx wouldn't reveal her identity to Chloé Bourgeois of all people.
How could this even happen?
Maybe Alix could accidentally use her powers to go into the future and see future Chloé fighting crime, causing her to want to help the present day blonde brat?
Maybe older Bunnyx could return and Chloé could see the only one of LB and Chat’s helpers she doesn't know the identity of and confront her?
Maybe future Bunnyx could tell present Bunnyx something that would make her wanna help Chloé out?
What do you guys think of my theory?
@nerdasaurus1200 @evadehunt @you-wear-socks @sergaku @zazzlejazzle @snowypinkbunnies @anxresi @zestyperiwinkle @princess-of-the-corner @mariathejedi8875
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a-chlolix-blog · 5 years
100 followers on this blog!!
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Thank you all so very much!
Here’s links to the Fanfics I’ve written
A "visit" to the Louvre
The Bee & The Bunny
The Chlolix November Fics I've written so far
Day 1: Hairstyles/Hair Dye
Day 2: Roller Skating
Day 3: Shopping
Day 4: Prized Possessions
Day 5: Saving Each Other
Day 6: Roses
Day 7: Bee & Bunny Merchandise
Day 8: Ice Cream Flavors
Day 9: Interviews
Day 10: From Fighting, To Kissing
Day 11: Street Art
Day 12: Jewelry/Piercings
Day 13: Super (Heroine) Visits
Day 14: Secretly Dating
Day 15: Jealousy
Day 16: Motorcycle Rides
Day 17 & 18: Fashion Week & Alix's Growth Spurt
Day 19 & 20: Truth or Dare & Akumatized Forms
Day 21: Lacrosse Games
Day 22: Kwami Swap
Day 23: Their Past Together
Day 24: The Future Meets The Present
Day 25: Selfies
Day 26: "Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!"
Day 27: Chloé's Rebellion
Day 28: Their Love Confessions
Day 29: Birthday Gifts
Day 30: Married
What do you guys think of the fics (do you have a favorite fic)?
Any writing tips (open to hear criticism)?
What else do you wanna see from this blog (headcanons, AUs, etc)
My ask box is always opened
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a-chlolix-blog · 4 years
Since you've got a masterlist for you fanfics, could you do one for your aus?
Okay, here you go!
Queen Of Hearts (Nice!Chloe) AU
Utterly Spies AU
Busy Bee AU
Tales Of Lady Beetle and Kitty Claws AU
The Countess & The Time Traveler AU
I wanna think of more... but I gotta focus on the ones I've already worked on.
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a-chlolix-blog · 5 years
If Chlolix had a month like other pairings, this would be it.
Day 1: Hairstyles/hair dye
Day 2: Roller skating
Day 3: Shopping
Day 4: Prized Possessions
Day 5: Saving each other
Day 6: Roses
Day 7: Bee & Bunny merchandise
Day 8: Ice Cream Flavors
Day 9: Interviews
Day 10: From fighting to kissing
Day 11: Street Art
Day 12: Jewelry/Piercings
Day 13: Surprise (heroine) visits
Day 14: Secretly dating
Day 15: Jealousy
Day 16: Motorcycle ride
Day 17: Fashion week
Day 18: Alix's growth spurt
Day 19: Truth or Dare?
Day 20: Akumatized Forms
Day 21: Lacrosse games
Day 22: Kwami Swap
Day 23: Their past together
Day 24: Future meets the present
Day 25: Selfies
Day 26: "Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!"
Day 27: Chloé's Rebellion
Day 28: Their love confessions
(If there's a) Day 29: Birthday gifts
(If there's a) Day 30: Married
(If There's a) Day 31: The Bourgeois-Kubdel family
@nerdasaurus1200 @evadehunt @chataclysmes @princess-of-the-corner @lenoreofraven @zestyperiwinkle @megatraven
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a-chlolix-blog · 5 years
The Bee & The Bunny
Summary: Chloé starts developing feelings for both Alix and Bunnyx. What will she do about it?
Characters: Chloé Bourgeois/Queen Bee, Alix Kubdel/Bunnyx, Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug, Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir, Alya Cesaire, Nino Lahiffe, Le Chien Kim, Nathaniel Kurtzberg
Ship(s): Chloé & Alix (Chlolix), brief Adrienette and DJWiFi, with a hint of Kimax
Other Chlolix shippers: @evadehunt @nerdasaurus1200 @jattendschaton @mariathejedi8875 @chataclysmes @princess-of-the-corner @lenoreofraven @zestyperiwinkle @megatraven @zazzlejazzle @redtippedfox 
Hope You all enjoy!
“Pound it!” Ladybug, Chat Noir, Queen Bee and Bunnyx say in unison as they did a four way fist bump. “Great job guys” Ladybug says before she hears her timer. “Til next time!” she told the three before she grabs Bunnyx and swings away.
“Whatever, that rabbit’s time travel plan wouldn’t have worked without me!” Queen Bee complains to Chat Noir as the two jump off of buildings until they got to Le Grand Paris. “She never said you weren’t any help… she didn’t really talk to you that much” Chat Noir told Queen Bee before they landed on top of the hotel. Queen Bee transforms back into Chloé and gives Chat Noir the Bee Miraculous. “That little runt should be so happy to be working with the one and only Queen Bee!” Chloé continues to complain as Chat Noir just leaves.
Meanwhile, Ladybug and Bunnyx had just gotten to the Louvre before Bunnyx transformed back into Alix. “Another awesome battle as Bunnyx!” She says before Fluff floats next to Ladybug. “Bye Fluff!” Alix says to the Kwami. “Bye Alix!” Fluff replies before following Ladybug out of the Museum. 
The next day, Marinette had made certain people at school Team Miraculous themed hoodies. “Very Impressive! How did you make these so fast?” Adrien says while holding the Ladybug (or Mister Bug) themed hoodie up to his upper body. “I just had some free time on my hands” Marinette told him as she showed off her Chat Noir (or Lady Noire) themed hoodie. Chloé then walks into the room with Sabrina and sees Nino with a Rena Rouge themed hoodie, Alya with a Carapace themed hoodie, Marinette and Adrien with their hoodies and Alix with a Bunnyx hoodie. “What’s going on here?!” Chloé says before she notices Marinette walking up to her with a Queen Bee themed hoodie. “Of course we can’t have you feeling left out Chloé” Marinette says before she gives her the hoodie. “Whatever…” Chloé says quietly before she looks over at Alix, who was showing off her Bunnyx hoodie to Nathaniel and Kim (who was wearing a Pegasus themed hoodie).
Later that day, Ladybug and Chat Noir got just Bunnyx for a mission. “So Bunnyx, what do you think of Queen Bee?” Chat Noir quickly asked as they fought the enemies coming their way. “You already know what I think of her.” Bunnyx answers him while using her umbrella as a shield. “She’s been acting a bit odd since you became a member of the team,” Chat Noir explained before Ladybug takes out the final enemy with her yoyo. “I’ve noticed it too… Maybe you should talk to her?” Ladybug says to Bunnyx. “Since I didn’t use burrow, I could pay the brat a visit. I’ll meet you two back at the Louvre!” Bunnyx says before jumping towards Le Grand Paris.
Chloé and Sabrina were getting ready to have a slumber party. “You got the chocolates?” Chloé asked Sabrina while the girl with glasses brought her a big box of chocolates. “Here you go! Which movie do you wanna watch? I got the Ladybug and Chat Noir movie & a movie called Blue Is the Warmest Colour.” Sabrina explained while picking up both movies “Isn’t the second option rated NC-17?” Chloé asked Sabrina which caused her to do a double take. “Yeah! I can’t believe I didn’t notice that,” Sabrina says, clearly surprised. “How did you even get it?” Chloé asked before she started eating her chocolates. “My dad got it off some teenagers who tried to rob a video store,” Sabrina explained before putting the romance movie back in her bag.
Chloé then looks outside and sees Bunnyx coming towards the hotel and nearly chokes on a piece of chocolate. Sabrina notices this quickly. “Chloé! Are you okay?!” Sabrina asked before she runs over to Chloé and starts patting her on the back. “I’m fine…” Chloé told Sabrina before she notices that Bunnyx was walking closer to the glass slide door. “I need you to get a special type of juice from the first floor!” Chloé says before she starts pushing Sabrina out of her room and quickly closes the door. Chloé then quickly goes out the glass sliding door and walks up to Bunnyx. “What are you doing here, rabbit?” she asked the heroine, more surprised than annoyed. “I wanted to ask you something, but it looks like this isn’t a good time,” Bunnyx explained, noticing that Chloé was in her pajamas. “What did you wanna ask me? How I’m such an awesome heroine as Queen Bee?” Chloé asked which caused Bunnyx to roll her eyes.
“No, I wanted to know… well more like Ladybug and Chat Noir wanted to know what your problem with me is. As far as I know, you don’t even know me.” Bunnyx explained to Chloé which surprised her. “Well, since there’s no way for this to blow up in my face…” Chloé says before she takes a deep breath and let’s it all out. “I don’t really know how I feel! You show up, coming from the sky with your umbrella while I already have these thoughts about another girl who’s also shorter then me going through my head! I may have a bit of a crush on her, I don’t know! You’re pretty much as cool as her. I don’t know how to feel!” Chloé went off as Bunnyx just stared at her in shock (and awe). “If I feel what I think I’m feeling, do I act on it or-” Chloé says before Bunnyx cuts her off by asking “what’s her name?” “Alix Kubdel” Chloé answers before Bunnyx pulls Chloé down to her level and starts kissing her on the lips. Chloé is shocked at first, but starts to kiss back as she gets on her knees.
After fifthteen to thirty seconds of kissing, they hear a picture being taken. They stop kissing, turn around and they see Sabrina with her phone in one hand, the juice in the other and a huge smile on her face. “You can go by your own pace… I’ll see you around Queenie!” Bunnyx says before jumping off of Le Grand Paris and starts running to the Louvre. “Chloé! Tell me everything!” Sabrina says as she pulls Chloé back into her room, clearly excited about her bestie’s new (super) girlfriend. “Could it be her?” Chloé thought to herself while Sabrina kept asking questions.
The next day, Alix was working on an art project while Ladybug, Chat Noir and Queen Bee fought a super villain not far from the art room. Queen Bee then quickly runs into the art room, grabs Alix and runs out just before the villain was thrown through one of the art room walls. “Thanks for the save QB!” Alix says before surprising Queen Bee with a kiss on the cheek while still in her arms. Alix then jumps out of her arms and goes to find a place to hide. Leaving a blushing Queen Bee to be found by Ladybug and Chat Noir, who already defeated the villain. “’I’ve got so many questions!” Chat Noir says as he smiled at Queen Bee.
Later that week, Ladybug, Chat Noir, Queen Bee and Bunnyx had to split up in teams of two. Ladybug went with Chat Noir and Queen Bee went with Bunnyx. “When we find this guy, you just use Venom on him!” Bunnyx told Queen Be before they see the guy they were after. Queen Bee quickly jumps at the guy and uses venom on him. Queen Bee than calls Ladybug and says, “We got our guy! We’re just waiting for you to finish up,” before hanging up.
“You clearly did most of the work!” Bunnyx told Queen Bee. ”Yeah, but it was your idea! I still got time before I transform back,” Queen Bee says before they sat on the ground. She starts moving closer to the rabbit themed heroine. “I got a kiss from the girl I like…” she told Bunnyx, which caused the rabbit heroine to pretend to be surprised. “How do you feel about it?” Bunnyx asked the bee themed heroine. “It was a quick peck on the cheek. She ran away afterwards,” Queen Bee answered Bunnyx before the two started laughing. “I bet she’s just a bit shy…” Bunnyx told Queen Bee. “Alix has never been the shy type before. She’s one of the bravest and toughest girls I know! And that’s outside the superhero team!” Queen Bee explained, unaware of how love struck she was looking in front of Bunnyx.
Bunnyx just smiled at her “you really care about her, don’t you?” Bunnyx questioned Queen Bee while moving closer to her. “I’m pretty sure I made my feelings clear that night…” Queen Bee replied before moving even closer to Bunnyx. “Speaking of that night!” Queen Bee says before she grabs Bunnyx’s face with both hands and starts to kiss her on the lips. Bunnyx quickly deepens the kiss, even putting her arms around Queen Bee’s neck. After a short while, the two pull away, only to see Ladybug and Chat Noir right in front of them. “Good job on capturing that guy… Chat! Take Queen Bee home.” Ladybug says trying to avoid the awkwardness of the situation. “I’ll take her home,” Bunnyx told Ladybug before Queen Bee transforms back into Chloé and gives Ladybug her Miraculous. Bunnyx then picks Chloé up and jumps towards Le Grand Paris.
Later that day, Alix was walking through the Louvre with Nathaniel and Marinette before the three art teens noticed Chloé running up to them. She grabs Alix by the shoulders, bends down to her level and quickly kisses her on the cheek. She than lets go of her shoulders and walks away. “What is happening?!” Nathaniel asked, completely confused. “I’ve got to work on two more hoodies” Marinette thought to herself while Alix just stared in the direction that Chloé walked off in.
The next day, Marinette had just given Alix a Queen Bee themed hoodie. “Although I’m clearly more of a Bunnyx fan, this isn’t half bad!” Alix told Marinette before they walked into the classroom. They then see Chloé showing off a Bunnyx themed hoodie she had people make for her. “It’s so pretty!” Sabrina sighs while admiring Chloé’s hoodie. “Of course it’s pretty! Only the best for yours truly,” Chloé bragged before noticing Alix holding an obviously Queen Bee themed hoodie in her arms. The two made eye contact and just smiled at each other.
After class, Chloé watched as Alix walked towards the art room before walking up to her and pulling her to the side and into an empty room. “You’re Bunnyx, aren’t you?” Chloé whispers to Alix which caused the short girl to smirk. “I actually thought you wouldn’t figure it out, I was clearly wrong.” Alix told Chloé which caused the blonde to have to stop herself from freaking out. “I take it you figured it out that night?” Alix asked, Chloé was clearly aware of the night she was referring to. “Yeah… I just wanted to be sure,” Chloé sighs, remembering their first kiss. “Ladybug’s gonna kill me for slipping up with the whole secret identity thing…” Alix groans in annoyance. “At least all of Paris doesn’t know your identity,” Chloé replied which caused the two girls to start laughing. Alix stops laughing as she remembers that she still had the Bunnyx themed hoodie Marinette made for Chloé in her bag. “Before I forget again…” Alix starts before taking the hoodie out of her bag. “Marinette told me to give this to you when I see you,” Alix continues before giving the hoodie to Chloé.
Chloé just stares at it for a second before realizing that Marinette somehow knows about her and Bunnyx. “How does she know!?” Chloé whisper shouts while holding the hoodie. “Maybe she saw me carry you home? You’re not exactly chummy with the other heroes.” Alix guesses, which calms the blonde down. “Whatever, I’ll keep it but I won’t wear it!” Chloé told Alix. “You had your own hoodie made pretty quickly,” Alix says while smirking which caused Chloé to blush. “I’ll have you know that I had this made after Bunnyx’s first mission!” Chloé blurted out, she realized what she said and quickly covers her mouth. “You’ve had a crush on Bunnyx for that long?” Alix teased, trying to hide how happy she was. “So what? You think I didn’t see that Queen Bee hoodie of yours?” Chloé questions Alix while blushing. “That was a gift, you had yours personally made!” Alix pointed out, trying not to blush.
Alix then hears her text notification, takes out her phone and sees that she has a text from Nathaniel that says, “where are you?” she then puts her phone away. “I gotta go,” Alix told Chloé before she jumps up to give her a peck on the lips and walks out the room. Chloé smiles before leaving the room to go meet up with Sabrina. After finding Sabrina, the two girls just started to walk around the school while talking. ”My best friend is actually dating a super heroine!” Sabrina whispers as the two walked together towards the exit.
“We’re not dating, it’s complicated! So do NOT post that photo.” Chloé explained to Sabrina as they walked out of the school. “Okay Chloé, do you want me to send you the photo?” Sabrina says while showing Chloé the said photo. “Of course I do!” Chloé told Sabrina before she quickly sent her the photo. Chloé then takes Sabrina’s phone from her and deletes the photo from it.
She gives Sabrina her phone back and the two continue to leave the school. “There are so gonna be more photos like these,” Chloé thought to herself while looking at the photo. Chloé then sends the photo to Alix. Back in the art room, the short girl hears her notifications, checks her phone and sees that she’s got a text from Chloé. She then walks out the room and opens it only to see the picture of them kissing. “Chloé, you are something else,” Alix thought to herself before putting her phone back in her pocket and walking back into the art room.
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