#My favorite Fanon Love Squares
bibibbon · 4 months
Wait, did Hori completely skip over their second and third year at UA? Or is the graduation talking about a different year?
Love how there's still absolutely ZERO introspection from anybody about the war, what drove Aoyama's parents to force him into being the traitor, Tokoyami and Izuku possibly being Quirkless, or Aizawa being such a shitty teacher that he never noticed the UA traitor being one of his own students.
And Shinsou can go kick rocks. I've never liked him since I learned how pervasive Fanon!Shinsou is in the fandom, and seeing his Goob from Meet The Robinsons ass being rewarded for his victim mentality really irks me. Again, love how Aizawa supposedly hates favoritism despite turning around and favoring Shinsou (and Bakugou).
Hi @nutzgunray-lvt 👋
No hori didn't completely skip over 1A's seconds and third year. The time skip was only a few days (which bugs me even more) so I was talking about mirio and his classes graduation. Personally I feel like it's too early to do such a thing but I mind of see it as hori making a full circle moment with what he mentioned in the war arc.
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Oh my Iam so mad that there is no and I mean NO INTROSPECTION about what everyone or anyone just went through!??!?! Like y'all just went through a whole war and there is nothing acknowledging that!!!! Heck not even last chapters hospital scene made an effort in acknowledging what went down. The only type of acknowledgement we get is mirio's speech talking about how the heroes are trying hard to go back to square one and how they know there is a lot of work cut out for them but other than that complete radio silence which is weird as hell.
I mean we have seen people die in that war arc, many suffered injuries or lost things, many are probably mentally or physically scarred or both and hori opening no acknowledgement to that and trying to go back to normal is just horrible writing. The fact that it's been a few days since the war and they're going back to school is horrible in itself.
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The series in itself doesn't even bother to mention aizawas faults as a character or teacher. Look I got into MHA because of the fanon promise of dadzawa (so Iam bias and have a soft spot for it) but dam horis writing of aizawa is such a let down to what fics and friends have told me about dadzawa. Also it's such a shame that aizawa apologises to izuku mid battle using his first name btw and then we are never brought back to that moment it's simply a one off. Also the simple lack of intropsection and information coming from every character is seriously annoying me it's like I can tell that they're simply puppets that hori is horribly controlling.
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Also yuuga deserves better I have talked about how I wanted hori to use the idea of transfer students and students dropping out but this was unsatisfactory. Iam not saying that yuuga shouldn't of dropped out but Iam saying that there was no point considering that he went through that whole ordeal saying that if he fights that the education system may overlook his treachery but now he is leaving?!?!?!?
I like the potential that shinsou had but in all honesty he is way too underdeveloped for anything. There hasn't been any acknowledgements of his own mistakes and flawed ideology, we never see his interaction with Izuku and him learning that izuku isnt privileged, we don't see him apologising to ojiro for insulting him, we don't see him actually warming up to 1A rather he seems to be happier in his own class. I have talked more about shinsou and what he could of been here
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Honestly it never made sense to me why aizawa likes bakugo so much when bakugo is like a carbon copy of his childhood bully so🤷‍♀️. Shinsou I kinda get but dam it's not a good look for sure.
Horikoshi has no reason to take away Izuku's fluffy hair!! I need it to comeback and I beg for him not to give izuku a disgusting undercut like those aged up fan arts do. Also best Izuku is MHA 411 izuku!!!
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booksandabeer · 1 year
First of all thank you for all the recs you do, it couldn’t be easy doing all that. I just wanted to ask you about your favourite fics where Steve and Bucky were already together during first avenger and get back together in the future? Once again, thank you so much. Even if you don’t answer this I would still be grateful because I got so many of my favorite fics from your blog. You’re amazing and take care.
Thank you very much for your kind words. It's lovely to hear that I could help you find some of your favorite fics. 🥰
I've sat on this ask for a few days now because it's actually a really difficult one for me to answer/find recs for without getting into things that can be quite, uh, awkward to discuss "on main." But I will try. As always, I'm going to ramble, so I'll put this under a cut.
(There will be fic recs in here, I promise. Just scroll down if you want to skip the waffling.)
So. When it comes to fics set in canonverse, I mostly stick to either stories that end before the war or stories where Steve and Bucky only get together once they meet again in the future. I hardly read fics with the premise you've described in your ask because—and this is where it gets dicey—they are rarely ever done in a way that I personally find satisfying.
Here’s the thing: If you read a story set in canonverse, inevitably, at some point the war will arrive and with it: Peggy. Now there’s a much larger, much more complex discussion to be had here about Steve’s perceived sexuality, societal expectations of what constitutes "successful masculinity" in the 1930s/40s, and self-repeating and -reinforcing cycles of fanonization that I don’t want to get into right now, so I’ll just say this: Unless the author goes the polyamory route (which I personally don’t care for and therefore don’t read; at least not in that particular combination), usually none of the characters involved come out of such a scenario looking their best or like they haven’t received a personality transplant from one chapter to the next. I know that some people love that kind of conflict and are really into the angsty drama that comes with it—and they may find my stance on this boring and square—but to be honest with you, there’s already plenty of angsty drama in any story involving Steve and Bucky to begin with; I don’t need this on top of it.
And also—look, to be very blunt about it: If I click on a Steve/Bucky story I want to read a Steve/Bucky story, and decidedly not a story about Steve falling in love with Peggy halfway through—especially not when he’s already been practically married to Bucky for years. I'm okay with scenarios where Steve falls in love with her (or the idea of her, really) because he cannot or thinks he cannot be with Bucky for reasons ranging from very reasonable to entirely idiotic, but in a world where they are already together? Honestly, no thanks. I don't want it.
(Also, let's not even pretend that I don't have a huge Bucky-bias.)
But! you asked for recs and not 500 words of waffling, so I went through my lists and bookmarks to find stories that either try to grapple with this *problem* in a sensitive and thoughtful manner, find elegant ways around it, or simply skip over it entirely.
Here we go:
(Note: The exact meaning of 'Being Together' can vary greatly from story to story)
A Tree Grows In Brooklyn by newsbypostcard | 6 parts, 146K, T-E
Author's summary: "You keep asking me what I want," Bucky manages, eventually. "But on any given day, my number one priority is to get through the day alive and myself, and to do it without killing anyone. Everything else is extra." Each work is a standalone.
-> A Post-CW AU that also tells Steve and Bucky's history with each other through flashbacks. Apart from this series, you can really read any story by this author because they do this neat thing where they use roughly the same pre-war/wartime backstory and then depending on when they wrote it and where MCU canon was at the time, the fics branch off from there. Plus, all of their stories are simply wonderful and I will alway recommend them any chance I get.
The Good Morrow by Hark_bananas | 75K, E
Author's summary: Every night, Steve falls asleep and finds himself dreaming about a diner, and every night he finds Bucky waiting for him there. But in the waking world, Bucky has disappeared, gone on the run after the fall of the Triskelion and Project Insight, and the strange dream that they share may be the only way that Steve has to bring him home.
après nous le déluge by tomorrowsrain | 9K, T
Author's summary: After us, the deluge. Steve and Bucky break, mend, and try to find their place in the world without the mantles of Captain America or the Winter Soldier. AU, post Civil War.
-> Part 1 of gale song series, the second part of which which I recced in my Road Trip Rec List. In fact, there are quite a few fics on that list that fit the premise of 'together before/during the war and getting back together in the 21st Century,' so if you haven't already, you might want to take a look at it!
Roll On by jaxington | 3 parts, 306K, T-M
Author's summary: In 1938, there's a bar in Brooklyn called Sully’s where people are safe to be themselves. Behind the bar, a girl pours drinks. She's always got a big smile for Steve and she says queer like it's a good thing. On a regular basis, she takes his shoulders in her hands and tries to shake sense into him, saying, "When will you do something about that best friend of yours?" In 2012, Bucky’s gone, but Steve’s not, and the girl’s hands are too old to shake him. She does her best to make him see sense anyway. Steve had people who loved him before the war, and it turns out a few of them are still around when he finally comes home.
Practice Makes Perfect by nekare | 10K, M
Author's summary: And it’s just. It’s too much. Weeks of pain and months of missing Steve and his mouth and the stupid shit that comes out of it; years of molding himself to his back at night and pretending there’s nothing else to it apart from sharing warmth; a decade of his stomach twisting with the foolish desire to make Steve laugh.   It's August and sweltering when Steve asks, out of nowhere, if Bucky wants to try kissing. Just to see what it's like. Bucky then spends far, far too many years pretending it didn't mean anything at all.
a hat, a horse (a Hyundai), and the will to ride by synonym4life | 67K, E
Author's summary: After Steve and Bucky rescue their pals from the Raft prison, they decide to dig deeper into Zemo’s involvement in the UN headquarters’ bombing which sends them on a backpacking trip across select European countries. Steve and Bucky believe this is a story about their mission. Scott Lang and Sam Wilson, who join them halfway through, believe it’s a story about their Eurotrip (and they’re probably right). This writer, however, has been waiting to tell you that the fic’s true mission is Steve and Bucky missioning towards missionary. Follow them on their journey across Europe in tiny cars, packed subway trains and even on skis as they tumble down the Swiss Alps (in a fun way this time!), all the while reigniting untold feelings of the past through inappropriate sexual encounters and terrible communication skills.
Five times Steve kissed Bucky by paragon | 16K, T
Author's Summary: (+ once, finally, it was the other way around)
-> I'm very amused by how short this summary is, but the fic really is exactly what it says on the tin: Steve and Bucky kissing, pre-war to post-CA:TWS.
I Wanna Live in the Hidden Parts of Your Skin by Voylitscope_speed | 10K, E
Author's Summary: Sometimes, Steve looks at Bucky across the floor of their apartment or in the middle of the sidewalk, and it's not goddamn fair how good Bucky looks. It's not fair how Steve, who's spent his whole life fighting with his lungs for air and his heart for a steady beat, sometimes looks at Bucky and his breath and pulse are wrong for reasons that aren't his lousy health at all. And ever since the day with the purple ink, Steve can't stop thinking about people being canvases, like the models at that exhibit. Steve keeps thinking that Bucky'd be the most stunning canvas a guy could ever ask for. (Or: Steve and Bucky discover a kink in 1940. They find a reason to come back to it 80 years later. )
All The Angels and The Saints by Speranza | 48K, E
Author's summary: In which Steve Rogers loses God and finds God and loses God, and also: Bucky.
-> Look, this fic does some of the exact things I said above I usually try to avoid, but (1) it doesn't really do it (kind of, it's hard to explain), and (2) it would be *absolutely ridiculous* to not include it when putting together a list of fics with a pre-war to post-WS arc. This fic is legendary for a reason. It rewired my brain. It was one of the first Stucky fics I read that made me realize and appreciate the full potential and beauty of this ship, and to this day, it remains one of my absolute favorites.
▶ I'm really sorry that I didn't write something for every individual fic like I usually do, but I'm moving back to my home country in less than three weeks, so time is very limited right now. I hope this is still ok, and that you'll find something on this list that you like!
▶ There is a series that would've been perfect for this list but unfortunately it was deleted without warning a few months ago. If anybody has a saved copy of apricotcake's long is the road that leads me home that they'd be willing to share with me, I would be forever grateful! I'm still so sad that it's gone and angry with myself that I didn't download it when I had the chance. :(
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astriddestelle · 1 year
Miraculous Ladybug is an interesting show. I feel like if I was younger I would eat this show up but I just can’t fully invest. That being said. Those kids deserve the world. Fanon Chloe is my favorite.
I’m weird though I like ship Alya/Adrien and Chloe/Adrien and Luka/Chloe, Chloe/Marinette more than I ship Marinette/Adrien.
Out of the love square I’m in the minority I ship Ladrien most of all even though it’s like the least likely to work.
Marichat is just so cliche and Adrienette is very cutesy but oh so basic
But yeah just my random ass thoughts.
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kewpidity · 2 months
answer every question on the proship ask meme POP QUIZ [or is it pro quiz??] i wanna knoooooow
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@teacupballerina @hopscorched @emile-hides
sorry it took so long to get to these! gonna post em all together and give two answers where it makes sense since some of these are repeats!
1.) What is your favorite problematic theme/trope that appears in a lot of your ships?
its literally so basic in the grand scheme of problematic stuff, but i love a teen girl x older man, especially when she's in charge lol. i also like things like 'damning secret' (basically people going through forced proximity because they both know something they'd get in a lot of trouble over if it got out) or just forced proximity in general also a fan of one of the characters going insane with covetous love and lust that drives them to do all kinds of fucked up shit about it and also! a handy chart of one of my All Time Dynamics, kid x creature (im counting pompep)
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2.) Are there any problematic tropes that squick you out?
i dont really like anything involving cheating, DV, or hardcore rape/assault, feels bad man
3.) First problematic ship since you joined the proship community?
tbh ive never really Not been proship, it was the only logical thing to me, so this answer is kinda tricky- i guess i could say when i Actively started interacting with other proshippers? but tbqh i dont really remember sorry jklfsdk
4.) First ever problematic ship? (you didn't have to know it was problematic then)
quiche and ichigo from tmm is literally whats wrong with me it fucked up the chemistry of my brain when i was like 12
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5.) Ship you don't think it all that problematic, but the rest of your fandom hates?
idk if this really counts Exactly but im baffled to this day by the divide the ML fandom has over the different love square dynamics, please explain to me how every combo is good and wholesome, except for marinette x chat noir, which is somehow bad and degenerate, like even the people working on it make jokes about it like what do you mean its the same gd people???
some others come from spop, where people will try to convince me that hordak x entrapta is abusive despite being one of the healthiest dynamics in the show, or how bow x glimmer is Practically incest cause they. grew up together??? spop discourse was Nuts
6.) Cutest, most vanilla ship you are into.
hmm probably my crossover ship for berry and adrien, they're downright saccharine
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7.) Ship the antis in your fandom like, but you think is hella problematic?
Absolutely no hate to the people who like these but oh my god yall there are others but these are always the first two that come to mind
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8.) Ship that is (presented as) cute in canon/fanon, but you think is problematic anyway.
kinda just the same ones i just listed tbh
9.) Problematic crackship?
as someone who deals almost Exclusively in rare pairs and crack ships, most of them lmao but if we're going with like. Probably Worst all across the board, its whatever is going on with cedrιc, elyοn, and phοbοs from w..i..t..c..h the depravity that we never got to fully explore with these three is off the charts
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10.) Are there any problematic ships that are your NOTPs?
i do not care for wιllιam x mιchael aftοn- p sure its popular in fnαf proship spaces but im just never could come around to it other than that i cant really think of any- usually i only notp things because the fans piss me off about it, and i dont generally have that problem with other proshippers
11.) Darkest fandom you are into?
im really into old rpg horror games in general, and Those get Super Dark, so probably that!
12.) Least dark fandom that you are into!
sοfia the first, but rest assured im Making it problematic
13.) Rec a dead dove fic!
im so sorry but put on the spot, every single fic ive ever read and held dear has suddenly totally absconded from my brain and i cant recall literally any of them
14.) Song that reminds you of one of your pairings!
here just have some playlists i put together for some of them so i dont have to choose anything specific: Grim x Mandy Gaz x Zim Mabel x Bill Snufkιn x Jοxter and my general problematic playlist you'll like em
15.) Silliest reason you've been told not to ship a ship.
'its not canon' is the dumbest shit i've Ever heard and yet somehow is super pervasive in fandom
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secretlykoishi · 1 year
A rant about Foul Detective Satori/Cheating Detective Satori
Sorry, this will be long, but I have a lot of thoughts I need to get out. Spoilers abound.
I really tried to like this series. I defended it for awhile, and I thought it couldn't be as bad as SSiB, my previous least favorite Touhou official manga. As one might expect from my name and pfp, I am very attached to the Komeiji siblings. I also really love mysteries, especially if they're murder mystery themed like this one. But I found myself enjoying it less and less as it went on, and Chapter 29 finally killed the series for me. I'm so disappointed by how Satori is treated in the series named after her. You would think that being the titular character might make her at least A main character, but she's not even a secondary character. She's practically a glorified extra, which sucks because her ability that previous caused her to be hated by everyone in-universe could have been used to show her becoming loved for the exact same reason. Even worse is that the series is now fighting for who actually can be a main character between like five different people, and none of them are the titular character. Yeah, it was great seeing Flandre again, but why is she still playing such a large role in this when it's moved so far past the Scarlet Devil Mansion?
And as much as I love Reimu and Marisa, I can't deny that they are quite possible the WORST characters to lead a mystery story. They have no interest in figuring out the why, the how, the who, any of the things that make a mystery compelling. They just want to end the incident and be done with it. That works fine for games where it's not trying to build up a mysterious and tense atmosphere, but for something that's meant to be a mystery story, I can't help but wonder why they're so involved. Especially since this manga is probably the worst offender of a trend I've noticed recently of Reimu canonically losing at pretty much everything.
Characterization also started out pretty strong. We saw Reimu and Marisa being concerned about those around them instead of just themselves. Flandre was given interesting character shading that made her seem less violently unhinged and more of a standoffish devil-may-care kind of anti-hero. Orin was in the story at all (seriously, how long has she been tied to that damn tree!), and Satori was an active and key player at first. Now, Reimu and Marisa are in this pretty much just for themselves (which circles back to my previous point), Flandre has fully reverted into pure fanon characterization, actively UNDOING development she had (and don't worry, undone progress is going to be commented on more). And Satori is a glorified extra, which is insulting not only because the series is called Foul/Cheating Detective Satori, and not only because she's the only character who seemingly IS interested in the who, the what, the why, the how, and so on. And, she's the only one with a decent chance of solving things. It would be so much more interesting to see this from her perspective.
While it's not really here as much anymore, when the artist switched, I noticed a lot of very out-of-place comedy for a story that seems like it's trying to present itself seriously. I know comedy is nothing new to Touhou, but the story had established itself as a far more dramatic and serious story with the first artist, and I don't think it's unreasonable to want the same tone to carry throughout an entire story so it can be consistent.
Of course, what hasn't stopped is the awful pacing. This story has such a huge issue with padding that it genuinely makes me sad. It's gotten to the point of actively undoing progress, possibly best demonstrated in the most recent chapter (chapter 29 at the time of writing). The story drags itself out for so long that any time progress is made, you'd better not expect it to stay, because it WILL change anything before that progress means anything, and then we're back to square one. Like, for example, how we finally figured out who was possessed (Kyouko) only for the pacing to drag on so long for no good reason that it changed before that information could mean anything. Even more insulting, the person now possessed is the titular character, who by all accounts, should have been the story's heroine.
I also can't get into The Jailbreak King at all. I mentioned before that Silent Sinner in Blue was my previous least favorite official Touhou manga. There are two reasons for that, both present here. One is the aforementioned pacing and padding, and the other is the ridiculously OP antagonists. Yorihime made me enraged with how ridiculously flawless she was, as she was completely untouchable. The new villain Mizuchi is that but worse. She is pretty much entirely invulnerable and always 10 steps ahead of everyone. This could make for a good mystery premise if we got to slowly chip away at that lead, but again, the pacing and padding makes that impossible. Not to mention all the lore it messes up (like the most powerful youkai in the setting being incredibly easy to possess), or the fact that it makes no sense why Mizuchi can get away with possessing one of the sages and no one is particularly bothered by it.
I can't even be mad about the premise. It is such a cool premise. Like I said, a character who is hated in-universe by everyone for her ability to read minds because people are creeped out about it is now the only one with a chance to resolve a mystery that threatens pretty much everyone. It's a chance for redemption for her. It's her chance to prove that her ability isn't a bad thing to people that aren't herself. And if anything, is also a way to potentially prove that to her sister, who closed her third eye and shut off her emotions because of the hatred that she received from the people who hated them. Satori was literally the only one capable of figuring this out and solving this mystery in a timely manner that kept people safe. But between being demoted to extra and the pacing and padding being so awful, that I can't really see happening anymore. And now that she's become a victim in her own story, I don't think it's realistically possible for that opportunity to come again at this point. It took what could have been a really good premise, a really good mystery with a really good redemption for a character in universe was hated by everyone, potentially giving her the chance to finally be loved by people for the very reason that they hated her, and it fucking threw it in a garbage can and set that garbage can on fire.
So, yeah, all in all? I'm super disappointed by this series.
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msperfectsheep-posts · 5 months
Okay Note here. CHARACTER ASK. i7 Torao, Haruka, and Nagi. Ouran High School Haruhi. Batman Jason. Anyone in persona you must talk about (I don't know anyone there). Did I miss someone? (You don't have to do all. I am mereky curious)
THANK YOU NOTE!!! I'm gonna put all of these beneath a cut just so I don't clog up people's dashes <3
Torao Mido: (IDOLiSH7)
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Torao is the kind of character where you're like "literally why is he in the main cast when everyone else is a banger" and then you realize that his arc is just 4-5/6ths of the way into the story and you go Oh. Oh. I get it now. That's him. That said, I want to blast him with a fire hose.
Haruka Isumi: (IDOLiSH7)
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Haruka was my discord pfp for several months and I think that says a lot already. I love him so much, he's like. so bulliable and he should be bullied. Dramatic ass teenager baby that dresses like an e-boy. I love him so much and every time he bleps (:P) in official art I want to Die. Prime blorbo material.
Nagi Rokuya: (IDOLiSH7)
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I'll admit outright that, as someone who had Ouran High School Host Club change my brain chemistry forever when I was a child, and with i7 having a main character named Tamaki, I CONSTANTLY called Nagi "Tamaki" during the first season just because he was the silly blond weeb guy!! I was like holy shit there's two of them. And then I got to parts 3 and 4 and I was like Oh Holy Shit they're even more similar than I thought :'). Nagi is a BELOVED character of mine but it took a moment for me to grow into loving his character. I wish I saw more fan content of him because he fucking rocks, but he's also just on a different plane from a lot of the more popular characters and I get it. I love how everyone respects him as they should though. My king forever and ever.
Haruhi Fujioka: (Ouran High School Host Club)
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SPEAKING OF OURAN HIGH SCHOOL HOST CLUB. Haruhi's arc in the anime and manga is a little different, and obviously the anime wasn't supposed to end where it did, but with the changes the director and writers made, I truly believe that it would be impossible for the animeverse to end the same way the mangaverse did. Anyways Haruhi is a really funny character because she's supposed to be the straightman in a lot of the jokes, but she's just as dramatic and silly as everyone else. And it's great. 10/10 protagonist, every time I think of her I think of that tumblr post about her with the big brown eyes and I go Yeah. yeah.
Jason Todd: (DC Comics; Batman)
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(If you can't read that square, it says "SCOTT LOBDELL")
Jason was NOT my favorite DC character or even Robin for a long, long time. I only really got into his character when I started working on my fic, Beyond Imagination, and had to start analyzing what a younger Jason was like and how he would interact with the world in a modern day and age. All of the Batman characters get flanderized and mischaracterized by fanon and canon a lot, so it's hard to figure out what was generally agreed upon as canon unless you read yourself, but Jason's got a strong story and personality that really shined with his resurrection. I'd say it's one of the best uses of reviving a character thought to be dead, and every time I think about his death and like. both the in-universe and real life events that lead up to it, I get emotional. Great character that makes me deeply ill to think of from a meta-perspective.
Maya Amano: (Persona 2 Innocent Sin & Persona 2 Eternal Punishment)
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Okay so. You may have noticed I tagged two Persona games for her and that's because, spoilers for Persona 2, the first Persona 2 (Innocent Sin) is a timeline that fails. The game with you resetting the timeline because you fucked up that badly, and the second Persona 2 (Eternal Punishment) is your second shot and doing things over. HOWEVER. Maya changes with the timelines because she was doomed to die with how things were set up in Innocent Sin, and fixing that to give the timeline a shot in Eternal Punishment changes her as a character. This bingo is more about Innocent Sin Maya, who is a 23 year old girlfailure reporter that makes me Deeply Deeply Ill. If you're ever curious, you can send me an ask and I'll talk about her more in depth because Persona 2 isn't the easiest game to play
Thank you for the ask!!!
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dragonbugsuperior · 1 year
MLB Ship Tier
ranks at the top because of the their interesting dynamic though they were off to a rocky start due to them being rivals for Adriens affection. I find their moments in the show to be funny, cute, and amusing. (They both enjoy drawing which would be a cute date) I also feel like Kagami would make a great candidate for Ladybugs partner. Shes smart, articulate, efficient, and determined to succeed. Marinette teaching Kagami how to be open with other people and herself, and Kagami teaching Marinette how to be more comfortable in her skin. One of my headcanons and theory is that while everyone may assume Kagami is the top in the relationship its actually marinette, another theory of mine is that Kagami is the top and Marinettes a bratty bottom but canonically they give me switch energy. However like other things and relationshis in the show its a shame how their interactions aren't explored more or touched upon beyond their liking to the same bland white guy (who doesn't deserve either)
This ship is a very sweet ship to me and one that I shipped awhile ago (when it was first introduced) I believe on of the many reasons Adrien stans and love square shippers hated Luka so much was because he did what Adrien couldn't. He's able to give Marinette actual good advice (*cough cough* Adrien take notes) Marinette is comfortable around him so we dokt get embarassing cringey 24/7 and......say it with me everyone
Awe what's wrong? Adrichat can't do this? What's that?
Ur favorite white catboy is unable to respect his love interests boundaries? But Luka can? Awwww...too bad.
He doesn't push Marinette further than what she's comfortable with and many Adrien stans argue that this makes Luka "bland" (since when is respecting someone bland???) Other than that I like their interactions in Canon, I'm glad he's one of the very few people marinette can actually talk to and doesn't get embarassed around. It feels good to know she liked a guy and was actually able to talk to him. One of my most unpopular and controversial theories is that Luka would make a pretty decent deuteragonist. Seeing how the writers pretty much wrote Luka & Kagami off so they wouldn't tear the love square (they really weren't going to anyway) and broke up the only actual healthy romantic relationship Marinette had, (because Marinette can't have nice things, am I right?) I know for sure there's no reviving Lukanette despite this, it still makes the top of the list. RIP to a really good healthy relationship✊🏾😔
Chloedrien (fanon)
This ship surprisingly ranks high. I can see them together especially in fanon. But because the writers are incompetent in the progression department and development their Canon relationship is definitely lackluster. Chloe invades Adriens space, he's visibly uncomfortable (feel familiar?) Chloe complains about her "Adrikins" Yada Yada. However if the show were written differently and Chloe actually talked to Adrien in attempts to strengthen their friendship I can see a good relationship.
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Not you....
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This ship only interests me friendship wise. I can't see Lila and Felix together as a couple in spite of the similar personalities manipulative, cunning, discreet, calucating, and sly. I see power imbalance, trying to outsmart and manipulate each other and both of them being unable to think of anyone but themselves. Which is why a friendly alliance between both anatognists suits better because I can see them easily challenging Marinette and Adrien.
Green eyed monsters
This Canon couple is pretty decent, the feelings are mutual and we see many episodes with both being concerned about the other one (which is cute) and the consistent normal interactions they have are okay I can definitely see Alya being the dominant one in the relationship.
Lukagami / fanon /
It fanonically works better due to reasons (I'll list for Canon version) but in fanon they work pretty okay. I can see like Marinette & Adrien they're supposed to be opposites despite them having few interactions in the show. It'd be nice see their different personalities communicate. I cant say too much abt them.
This pairing is a easy hit or miss. I can understand them relating to each other as far as their dysfunctional families but I see Chloé annoying Felix with ease. She'd be a childish distraction (i argue the same with her relationship with Lila) and Felix would break up her instantly Felix is the type to basically desensitize himself from any emotions and rationalizes everything. And Chloe already an insecure brat with a touch of entitlement and narcissism is the cherry on top of it all. And with the direction the writers are attempting to go with Felix (being a antihero and having a moral gray compass) I don't see him supporting Chloes unexplained Bullying (which is rlly annoying bc why exactly do we sill not know Chloes reason behind Bullying people especially Marinette for so long?) But yeah this is one of those pairs they could be alright acquaintances at best but....romantically no. And working together? Hell no.
It's already bad enough their friendship isn't healthy with alya not respecting marinettes feelings or boundaries actively going against marinettes wishes and attempting to get her and Adrien together (physically holding her hands in place likes thats totally ok) thinking she knows what's best for marinette than marinette herself and not even trusting Marinette enough to believe she wouldn't do certain things (but a girl u just met can be trusted?) The OOC writing these past seasons is so painful to watch it makes my ass itch. I can already see her being overbearing and domineering in the dynamic. In Canon their personalities complement well however I don't see the connection romantically
This dynamic is better as close acquaintances who help each other sometimes. (Keep in mind sometimes) Like Chloes relationship with Felix the one with Lila is no different as she would clash with her constantly. I also feel like Lila's the more rational one with the plan and Chloe is more impulsive and dives into things for the fun of it. Automantucally making their motives contrast and their characters. Their relationship reminds me alot of Cleo and Torelai's relationship (Monster high) I believe seeing more interactions between the two would be fun.
Lukagami / Canon/
Ah yes, the love rivals who could've served as good development and plot progression but like everything else with this garbage dump of entertainment, they never met their full potential. I don't ship this ship because it feels more like a way to bring them further away from the Love Square and just a way for people to say "hey on the bright side everyone wins!" But luka and kagami deserve better than to be casted as plot devices , which it feels like than it does a actual genuine ship and the only time we really seem them interact directly is in Determination which was centered around Marinette & Adriens relationship (its almost like they said "Hey! Fuck any progress we almost made, let's write the characters completely OOC and inconsistent moving forward. Either way the ship could work....but with how the show is already written I wouldn't pair them as a couple canonically.
This ship isn't bad it's cute however I wouldn't pair them together canonically or in fanon I like how the writers already have Zoe liking Marinette and I honestly like Luka and alot of other characters without a relationship because I feel like it isnt needed. Though I feel like their friendship would be amazing.
A controversial Canon ship that I had to recheck to see if it was actually Canon before saying
What the hell.
This ship is another hit or miss and to be honest I feel like the writers knew that they'd have to write Kagami and Felix OOC for this pairing to work in the first place. The pairing feels like a cop out for Kagamis unresolved feelings for Adrien and the writers went "Oh yea! Let's pair her with Felix, Adrien's "evil" twin" who happens to look just like Adrien just is less "Nice" having the ability to stand up for what he actually believes in and for Felix....I cant see him in a relationship. He's one of those characters that I feel does really well solo (like Lila) when u add people in the bunch it mushes his characterization up. They decide to pair them up in Representation and the two get into a secret relationship. They pair Kagami with Felix guys. The same guy who SH Ladybug, wiped all of Paris out (except for 3 people), as if that wasn't bad enough they have them both conspire a plan to deceive Marinette (so much for being marinettes friend). Kagami defends her newfound boyfriend to Ladybug and Chat Noir in Pretension. I liked Kagami better single, it's almost as if she had "more" braincells that way.
Aside from the pair being abusive and toxic, their interactions as enemies canonically are interesting. I'm interested in knowing just how far Lila's willing to go with Marinette with her lies and deceit, thus shipping doesn't work as a couple undoubtedly because of how abusive it is and I can't see Lila caring abt Marinette as much as Marinette would Lila (if she werent a villain) Feels more like a cat and mouse dynamic.
Lila and Alya feel lackluster to me and Canon makes my feelings on them no better. Their relationship in the show doesnt even make the slightest bit of sense. Firstly I'll say in the beginning when we first meet Lila her lies are believable but as time goes by and seasons go on the lies get less and less convincing and Lila isn't seen as this smart evil genius (she wasnt even before just a manipulative insecure teenage girl who wants attention wherever she can get it because her caregiver(s) neglect her ) the class including Alya shouldn't even be this dense still after 5 seasons in, just shows u how bad the writers of this show are at writing a believable consistent storyline and characters. I feel like Lila would love bomb Alya until she squeezes all the juicy information and benefits she can get from her then hang Alya out to dry.
I wouldn't have much of a problem with this ship if it weren't for.......the one and only notorious bland...blonde....the Adrien Agreste (the main reason I also don't support the love square) While I see them understanding where they both come from, I honestly can't see a what Kagami seen in Adrien. He's blander than oatmeal, and is described as not just by the Fandom but the shows creator himself "this perfect, innocent, catboy whos sheltered from the world and needs protecting and sympathy all. the. time. boo hoo. Not only did he lie to Kagami, which led to the breakup, but he technically cheated on her. by harassing his partner Ladybug (who clearly tells him she doesn't like it almost.every. episode.) while in a relationship with Kagami. Them being together doesn't feel rewarding seeing how he has treated her and how he treats other female characters in the show in general, especially Ladybug/Marinette. She deserves a lot better than what Adrien has to offer, and so does Marinette.
The Love Square
Ah yes, saved the best for last, this quadrupled pair ranks lowest of all for many reasons, if u didn't know by now, now u know I hate the Love Square and the message it sends the audience. If it isn't Marinettes forced embarrassment and humiliation to cover for the writers blatant misogyny and racism because Marinettes character persecution is set up as the shows comedy go to and her struggles are made out for a "good laugh" because thats really funny Thomas.....haha. Then theres Adriens problematic creepy predatory harassment towards Ladybug that's seen as generally "ok!" And cute and romantic *kiss kiss* he does as Chat Noir bc no one knows whos under the mask leaving him to get away scots free the general message it sends is its okay to keep harassing the target of your affections with enough determination and charisma added with a sob story you'll get them in the end. Doesn't matter if they're visibly uncomfortable or disgusted doesn't matter if they vocally say they don't reciprocate ur feelings all u gotta do is Try try try again!
Let's not even get started with how bad Adrien's jealousy gets....
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He gets antsy whenever he sees a new Temp helping LB out as if he actually helps her in a major way anyway. He refuses to help her when she declines his romantic offers and grows really petty, snarky & sarcastic when things generally don't go his way with her. He doesn't take his job serious enough to even have his spot as a permanent miraculous holder and not to mention one of the most powerful miraculous there is "misusing the miraculous many and multiple times, making corny embarrassing puns and failed flirtations during battle essentially distracting Ladybug making her job harder. I honestly don't think it'd be much of a difference if he weren't chat noir.
Not to mention the double standard that exists between Marinette and Adrien in general
Marinettes' actions while problematic are checked in the show like her exaggerated obsessiveness, jealousy tendency, impulsive issues, and awkwardness around Adrien (and by many fans, sometimes to the point of bashing and purposely highlighting what has already been established) Adriens are all glossed over and we're expected to feel sorry for him. His dad abuses him and his mommy is nowhere to be found so now the writers use our female protagonist as emotional support when she herself needs emotional support. The writers are so bad at writing they can't even make the main couple communicate clearly and simply ever. Thomas himself goes out of his way to say to the world "Adrien is not flawed, the world is" yet his stans have the audacity to say mArinEtTes mOre Of a MarY sUe thAn He iS!. Her jealousy is called out but Chat Noirs is swept under the rug and is seen as her responsibility. Let's not mention how literally every female character that has had interest in Adrien has been pitted against Marinette but Luka, Nathaniel, and Adrien coexist just fine in kumbaya because remember kids
"Girls are spiteful petty backstabbing and catty while boys are practically angels who see each other as /bros/"
While also saying in the same breath this show is all about "girl empowerment " but has the white male deuteragonist harass, abuse, and manipulate our biracial female protagonist for 5 seasons straight, right?
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Just making sure.
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lurkinglurkerwholurks · 10 months
No Lifeguard on Duty
First posted: April 13, 2019
Focuses on: Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson
Favorite bookmark: "This made me so sad."
Tier: Middleish for hits and kudos, lower for comments and bookmarks
This is my “behind the scenes” series where I indulge myself horribly by annotating my fics. Link to the fic itself above. Thoughts below the cut.
For my one-year writing anniversary, I allowed people on Tumblr to request an off-the-page version of one of my previously published works, whether that be a different POV, a look at what happened next, whatever. This is one of those, Tim's POV of Dry Drowning.
I don't dislike any of my fics but this one isn't one of my favorites. I didn't have a clear grasp of the dynamics between these three in any meaningful way.
Tim was always on the quieter side, once he’d given up on his parents listening, but words had been easier around Dick. His easygoing ways had been a lubricant for Tim and Bruce both, like dish soap loosening the muck and washing it clean. Dick knew how to make a person feel listened to, feel heard, feel important. Then Damian had arrived. Bruce had died. Dick had taken Robin. And Tim’s words had dried up.
I bounce around a lot, especially in early fics, about how Tim expresses himself, whether he's reserved or chatty or somewhere in between and why and with whom. In later fics I figured it out, but it's still a little... fanon-based here, rather than internal logic.
He was good at doing things he didn’t want to do, well-practiced at locking his spine and squaring his shoulders to face the inevitable.
Tim as the Robin Who Did The Work has been pretty consistent, though.
The demon brat looked small. He was small, but it was easy to overlook when he was flanked by the looming shadow of his hatred and rage. But here on the medical cot, tucked under a thin cotton blanket, face half-swallowed by the oxygen mask, Damian looked like a regular little kid.
He's a baaaabyyyyyyyyyyy
Hadn’t noticed much of anything until Jason had given a shout that had made Tim’s hair stand on end. He hated yelling and especially hated Jason yelling, since Jason yelling was usually accompanied by blood and pain. But Jason hadn’t been shouting in anger.
Anyone who's heard that kind of imminent danger yelling knows the standing-hair-cold-rush-of-adrenaline feeling that washes over you. I don't think it's just me, anyways.
But there had been time for Tim to notice Damian’s cheeks (grey), lips (blue), and pajamas (Mickey Mouse.)
un childe
Dick, at Damian’s bedside, was attempting a wobbly smile. Tim hadn’t seen a real smile on him in too long. His smiles had died with Bruce, it seemed.
I love planting little knives for people to cut themselves on.
Before, Dick would have checked to see if he was okay, too. He would have thanked Tim as a courtesy, not out of any real surprise that Tim helped. He would have reached an arm out to him, pulled him in for a hug. But that was before. A lot of things had died with Bruce.
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sing-in-me-oh-muse · 4 months
Writer Highlight from Writers Sanctuary
Each month on Writers Sanctuary, a Discord server that nurtures writers of all kinds, highlights a writer and asks them questions about their writing process. This month's writer is Chai_ki!
Ao3 Profile: Chai_ki
Fervor Lullaby was fun to write and it honestly just flowed. I think that’s why I like it so much.
Can I Take Your Last Name was my first attempt at humor and I had a ton of fun writing it.
The Cadence of Leaves was my first multi-chapter fic and even though I haven’t posted in a while, I’m on track to finish it!
What is your writing process? How do you approach a fic or original work? (e.g. Are you a Pantser? Plotter? Do you focus on dialogue before description? etc.)
Pantser, now there's a great term! I would have to say that I am definitely more of a pantser but occasionally will try to plot. Most of the time I just write as things come and hope it all flows well. 😅A lot of my ideas come from music. I usually can imagine a scene in my head during a song and then that scene grows (if I'm lucky). Original works have been hard as I have a tendency to want to over-explain things and feel like I can't get the characters back stories across well enough. That's one of the reasons I love fan fiction, those reading already know the characters so I can just dive right into the story.
What was your first story and why did you finally decide to write?
Ooo this is hard. My first ever story was one about cats I think. It was in 1st or 2nd grade. I've had random other stories since then. My first Miraculous fic was titled "Affinity" and I first posted it on Amino. It's one I would like to rewrite (and finish) at some point, but I have a few other projects to finish first. I have always loved to write and as stated in answer 1, I struggle with over-explaining my characters. I fell in love with Miraculous and then found out there was this entire community of writers and realized I had found my version of heaven. That was in 2018 and since then writing for the fandom has been one of my most relaxing hobbies.
Where is your favorite place/time/conditions to write?
This one is easy, mostly. I can honestly write just about anywhere - so long as I don't have other responsibilities to attend to in the moment. I prefer to have music playing, usually it's songs that have inspired my current work, but I can write without it as well. So long as the ideas are flowing, I'm able to write!
What is your favorite pairing, platonic or romantic, and why?
Fandom specific would be the love square. I honestly can't really say why, I just know I adore them. I think a part of it is because I see bits of myself in each character, both in cannon and fanon. I also love the dynamic between Alya and Marinette. Alya reminds me of my best friend of 25 years in so many ways and I find I end up writing from personal experience with them. In terms of anything other than my own writing, I enjoy a variety of parings and ships and enjoy seeing how other creators bring them to life. (Not fandom specific I have a few parings that I'd consider an OTP, but that would make this answer way too long. 🤣)
Do you have any thematic elements you’re interested in or that consistently show up in your writing?
To be honest, I haven't thought much about themes in my writing. I suppose my main theme is cutesy love stories, friends being there for each other. Stuff like that. I'd love to get good at writing adventure or humor, but I'm not sure I'm there yet. I do have a WIP that is an adventure story. The prompt is a Goonies/National Treasure AU I was given in the MWG for December's event. I'm struggling with it, but I also enjoy the challenge. One of my favorite tropes is friends to lovers and I feel like I use that in every story I've posted so far.
How do you deal with writer's block?
Music. Just about everything comes back to music for me. Sometimes I get disheartened if I'm stuck but I've found that listening to music, be it a new song, band or old favorite always sparks something creative.
What do you do if you have too many ideas?
I feel as though that's a normal state of living for me. 😅At any given moment some idea for something is floating around in my mind. (Along with a constant radio of song.) If one idea really sparks an interest I will hyper fixate on it, otherwise they live in my head, rent free. Truthfully, I should be noting them down somewhere...
You said that Fervor Lullaby (which is adorable) was fun and easy to write because it "just flowed." How long did writing the one shot take in that flow tate, and have you ever been able to get back into it for any other pieces?
Thank you! 🥺 Fervor Lullaby took about 3 hours in total to write. I saw the prompt and the ideas just kept coming. Ironically this story didn't have a song to spark it though I found a very fitting one to go with it once it was done. Sadly, I haven't been able to get back that fast of a flow since then and IRL stuff has limited my writing time significantly over the last 6-ish months. I hope to get back into writing more now that things have slowed down a bit. Seeing other creators is always inspiring and I am grateful for the Miraculous community!
Join Writers Sanctuary today and sign up to be highlighted on Tumblr and the server!
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prophecydungeon · 1 year
unsurprisingly i am absolutely fucking enthralled by tucker going back to chorus to fix that particular paradox. this season did tucker right in so many ways, i'm sure people have done words about that better than i could, but specifically the way that it was tucker who had to go here was such a good choice.
i think, of all things, what really made it hit for me is when wash is rallying everyone over the radio and says "we can still do this!", and then tucker is the one that we hear say "no, you can't" in place of locus. all of this happens, tucker lets himself lose his friends, and then faces off against felix of all people -- and then felix and genkins are his audience (unwilling, uncomprehending, or otherwise) for a really fantastic character moment that honestly even without the horrid sting of 16 would have been great. sucks to lose, but it had to happen. that's war. not everyone makes it back.
and then genkins starts talking to tucker, and two things happen: genkins starts goading tucker, and tucker says out loud "[time won't crumble], because donut has a plan, and i'm sticking to it," and felix replies "wait, what?"
thing 1: genkins hits squarely on what might be lurking at the corners of tucker's mind. fuck it, what if i do kill felix? just this once? couldn't hurt, could it? and in all the ways that genkins has fucked with people and subsequently with time, this is one of my favorites. tucker feels so strongly about chorus. it's evident in what he says next! he knows that this is an instrumental part of who he is and who he's become, and he also knows that felix was the catalyst for so much pain -- not just his own, but his friends' and the rest of the planet's, too. i think tucker struggling with leadership is a great character choice for him and that 16 did it in literally the worst way possible, but 17 really, really soothed that sting with this.
i know that these are all moments that whatsherface had "scouted" for them as being important, and i can only assume that the crew's divide-and-conquer strategy involved them choosing who goes where when, so i love the idea that tucker chose this for himself. yes, i'm going to go back to the worst moment of my life. yes, i'm going to go face the person who hurt all my friends. yes, i'm going to listen to all of this bullshit that just hurt me more in the end. and i'm going to let it happen because it needs to happen, and because it made me into who i am now.
thing 2: to preface this, 11 is one of my favorite seasons of this show. i could write Big Words about why i love it so much. to pare all that down a bit, one of my favorite things about 11 is how much it works on a re-watch, when you Know about felix and locus and can go back to pick at the seams. this loop back to chorus did a great job of pulling back that curtain for us just a little further; as things shift within acceptable bounds of the paradox it's felix, this time, who takes advantage of the fray to shoot donut, and his dramatics feel both just right for the moment and incredibly transparent.
felix also, in this shift within acceptable bounds, repeatedly harps on what the fuck is wrong with cece/dos.0 because that's not part of his and locus's plan -- in 11 he's got, i think, two moments where he reacts to cece/dos.0 with genuine surprise, but i love the way it's played up here. he and locus choreographed everything ahead of time and when genkins fucks with that, the ripples really hit. felix's "wait, what?" after tucker goes off about donut's plan to seemingly-thin-air is, obviously, just flat-out confusing, but imo there's also real concern there: if tucker and donut, split apart like this, have some kind of plan, then there is something that he and locus did not account for in their choreography. (there's another essay to be written about felix, contrary to fanon, not actually being very impulsive, but rather extremely good at rolling with the punches; locus is way more impulsive than he is.)
anyways this was like a five-minute segment of the entire season and i am probably never going to shut up about it
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I'm just gonna say one thing about this episode
The Mari//chat stans are gonna be insufferable and it's gonna be an awful week if we don't get Kwami's Choice until next saturday
The episode wasn't bad per se but I dread the fandom's reaction so much it's insane
I'm just scared that half of the fandom is gonna try and twist everything in the episode into bullshit like "true selves theory and reverse love square is the only way for the square to work and blablabla I'm so smart, have you seen my totally fanon and OOC Marichat fanfic that's obviously better than canon" when they clearly misinterpret half of the show to fit their narrative and it's frustrating.
But hey we're only missing a Ladrien kiss now to complete the square so that's a good point for this episode
To be clear I didn't hate the episode. It's definitely not my favorite but it was fine really. I'm just frustrated I spent the whole episode wondering how people would twist everything and it left a bad taste in my mouth. And I take full responsability for that because I shouldn't have had this mindset watching the episode but what's done is done and I'll need time to cool off a bit before actually going in depth about anything in this episode
I'll probably watch the episode again later to be a bit more constructive and less biased because of outside factors but I really really don't want any Mari//chat stans clowning around other corners tag and I don't think we can avoid it at this point
I'm very excited for Kwami's Choice though because they did a great job setting it up and I wanna see the pay-off
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pinkiepiebones · 9 months
I wish I was better at thinking of things to ask, im awful at it really ahahaha but I see you asking and I wanna contribute somehow.
How about some Ghost asks this time, though I do apologize if its stuff you talked about before x)
Do you have any favorite Ghoul(s)? What Ghost song can you never get enough of? When did you get into the band? :3
Favourite ghoul is technically not in the band and technically no longer exists, but I have an RP account for him and spent a helluva long time developing a backstory for him (and all ghouls tbh- my ghouls are very different from fanon) so he's pretty much my OC at this point... Special Ghoul! Before the band was unmasked, Special was the name given to the Nameless Ghoul who fielded interviews for the band (the Papas were always above that sort of thing, you see). Of course in reality it was Tobias Forge in a ghoul costume, but in my headcanon, it was a defective ghoul with some incredible glamouring skills. He's fun to write. I like writing his speaking, all his "um"s and "uh"s and his inability to stay focused on any one topic... (If you want to try and wake my dormant muse, he's over at herecomesaspecialghoul... just sayin')
2. Depends on my mood or what I'm doing. Driving? Square Hammer and Rats. Lying in bed, full of longing? Darkness at the Heart of My Love and Respite on the Spitalfields. Need to feel powerful? Zombie Queen. Etc.
3. I got in to them January 2017. Cirice played on the radio right when I was going through some family trauma and despite the actual message of the song (that being the abusive nature of the church), the line "I can hear the thunder breaking in your heart, I can see through the scars inside you" were of immense comfort to me. By July I was in Kansas City, seeing the band open for Iron Maiden and going to a meet and greet. I got to meet Papa Emeritus the Third. He said my shirt was cool. I got to meet Tobias at the buses after the show (this was before I knew who he was; I only knew he was Papa because of his intense gaze). He told me my shirt was cool- I have always thought he did that to sorta say "that wasn't a character thing, I really do like it" XD.
The Saga of the Shirt is another Ghost story entirely...
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viovio · 1 year
10, 16, 18, 22 dinoverse?
10. worst part of fanon
You cannot belieeeeeve how much misogyny there is about Vanora that they'd make shit up about her.
You'd think reading her thoughts and input as the player character would make people's insight about her line up with canon but the whole thing is that she grows more and more out of player control and into her own choices as the chapters progress. Do not go into the vtsom fic tag worst mistake of my life but also someone had to be at the devil's sacrament.
Like yea she did. in fact. kill Vincent (deserved but also wooooooo my god... it was bound to happen to either of them and at the rate she's going she's gonna keep climbing bodies to get kicked down by Myers.) and manipulate Draco at the end to do the same but calling her abusive WHILE referring to their relationship before is insane I mean neurodivergent. His fixation and disillusionment of her isn't healthy💔
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Chaser Victor and happy family dads vinvic + son Draco for many reasons.
Mira's said this before but because I like Victor to an unhealthy degree (just like him fr) I'm kinda bummed he doesn't have any character outside of Vincent.
Which sort of makes sense within the context of his character and their til-the-end partnership but he's been having problems ingrained into him before RMU for sure. I'd like to see that it's insane I mean neurodivergent how they know each other better than anyone and are still stuck in the past. They're back at square 1 with never moving forward. (What's he gonna do when revenge goes through? Look at himself? no.)
Anyways I'm getting off-topic it creates conflict for sure which I love. If integrated into canon which is the direction it seems to be getting I'm sure dino will write in more for him but the way people write a chaser Victor just feels very ooc. You mean to tell me he would not tell Vincent?
That parts already gotten long so I'll summarize this stupid family shit + my kind little fucked up homonculi weapon who's also my brother and I make into my butler. I don't think they would make good parents so its so sucks when they turn Draco into a baby in fanart stop this madness
18. there should be more of this type of fic/art
Honestly like who give a shit about the other districts that's something Dino should be writing about can we PLEASE get speculation on how the watch works. Is there a catch? does she get dizzy? What was her detective work like. I wanna replay chapter 3 because she's only had surface level info about Myers from the news so she had to do a lot of digging pleaseeeeee a parallel of her investigation and Vanora at Myers trying to cover stuff up would be so sweet.
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
Being in the tranches it's same as above where is.where the fuck is Zalmona where is her meanness her brashness. Where is that that never contradicts her kindness, if you reduce her to the strong dumbass trope I'll kill you. I miss my wife Nini.
I wanna say in that same vein would be Vanora but I'm pleasantly surprised by the amount of art she gets, maybe it's bcoz of my mutuals but it's nice. Zalmona gets that too but it's not to the same degree tbh. I dontlike most dinoverse fans honestly
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vpyre · 2 years
i've been wanting to get into ghost, any requests on which song(s) to start with??
Okay, I’ve been trying to write this post for FIFTY FUCKING MINUTES but TUMBLR keeps FUCKING IT UP and DELETING MY ENTIRE POST BEFORE I FINISH. I had gone into detail and everything 😭
Alright. Trying again. I genuinely love every single one of their songs, but the ones I think would be good starters are:
Year Zero
I’m assuming you’ve heard Mary on a Cross but if you haven’t, it’s a good place to start. Especially since a lot of other new fans are finding Ghost that way
Stand by Him
Dance Macabre. This was actually the first Ghost song I heard, but I didn’t actually realize it was them until a couple weeks after I got into the band from seeing all the edits on TikTok lmaoooo
Secular Haze
Monstrance Clock
Jigolo Har Megiddo (essentially “manwhore of armageddon” fnsjdjdbsn)
Cirice. This one is very important, both in its message and as it relates to a crucial part of Rituals (concerts). Another extremely important thing to know is that you should watch the music video FIRST. Very integral to the experience. To give you a vague idea of what it’s about, a huge chunk of the Ghost community has some form of religious trauma and we all go nuts for it.
Mummy Dust
Square Hammer
Darkness at the Heart of My Love. Absolutely toe-curling song. Almost makes me cry every time
Rats (important in order to understand a popular fanon interpretation of Cardinal Copia / Papa Emeritus IV’s character)
Spillways. Another big one for the bitches with religious trauma or burnout
One of my personal favorites: Call Me Little Sunshine. It’s a huge comfort song for me, plus it’s a banger.
If you ever want me to explain lore to you, hmu ;P
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nerdypanda3126 · 1 year
From worst to best (or in your case, least awful), how would you rank all the sides of the Love Square?
Thanks for the ask, anon! So I do have to preface this with a couple things 😅 first is that I haven't seen all of season 4 (I think I left off with the two finale episodes left, just haven't picked it back up) and I haven't seen any of season 5.
Second is that I do on some level still ship Love Square 💖 it's what drew me to the show and some aspects of it still make me happy, which is the main thing for me. I ship them on the belief that they'll probably date when they're young, but it won't be forever, as I personally think there are a lot of issues that would need to be resolved first before they can work as a couple long-term.
That being said, my personal ranking from worst to best (also keeping in mind they're all the same people and so it's all the same ship, this is just what makes me happiest) is under the cut!
Ladrien. Now, okay, hear me out. I know this side of the ship is so underrated and has so much to offer (the spiderbug kiss fanart I've seen of this side? Omg unbelievable 💖) but when asked to rank the sides, Ladrien always falls here for me. Not necessarily because it's my least favorite, but more because I get more happy vibes from the other sides and like I said before, that's the main thing I care about.
Adrinette. Adrinette is cute, you know, but there's still a lot of secondhand embarrassment surrounding it (at least in the first few seasons) that makes it hard for me to get behind it. But! In fanon? Post-reveal pre-relationship Adrinette is *chef's kiss*
Ladynoir. Battle partners, best friends, us against the world, all that 💖 also great as a platonic pairing, and I love playing with that in my fics, too.
Marichat. I love this ship in all its forms, but especially as completely platonic best friends. There's something about these two getting to hang out together with no pressure that just plain makes me happy to see it.
Thanks again for the ask! 😊 Hope I answered your question!
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kasarawolf · 2 years
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I love robots, especially broken ones
So I had to make one for the story and be a little mascot of sorts to introduce my Xenoverse Fanon of mine ^__^
Some info for good ol' Twig~
Loves sticks.
Twig is a robot built by the Capsule Corporation.
That is all
I am kidding! Here is his info~
Name: TWIG
Gender: None (Sounds Male. Referred to as Male, but They/Them also works!) Race: None. Capsule Corp Robot. Height: ----- Age: ---- Schooling: ------ Allegiance: Time Patrol (Current) Affiliations: None. Personality:
- Your annoying FrIEnDLy aNd eXTREmelY hElpFUl tour guide to Conton City!
- Not an official tour guide.
- Overly friendly.
- Gets excited about things they enjoy.
- Optimistic.
- Very sociable. Likes to be where the people are. Can be found in the Town's Square and Reception.
- Unintentionally sarcastic. (They don't know what that is! Or do theeey?)
- Can be sassy.
- A hugger.
- A little unhinged.
- Can talk for days about random crap. EXPECIALLY about trees.
- Says greetings in different ways and in different languages. Never the same greeting when you talk to them. (Hi!, Arigato! Hola! Hey Howdy Doo!)
- Likes to be talked to and asked questions!
- Will talk to themselves if not talked to.
- kNOws eVERytHIng.
- Loves everyone.
- iS tHE bESt bOT.  ForGeT tHe OtHerS! bRAshY sTiLL oWEs mE 200 ZENI tHAt @$#$$!!
- Will tack Miss or Mister, or any other formalities to the being he's showing around.
- Scuff marks are from Patrollers who grew annoyed with him/invaded someone's personal space.
- Definitely broken but won't let anyone touch them.
- Has no use for currency but has it anyways.
- Don't mention the other bots. We don't talk about them.
- When he cusses, it becomes garbled up radio static. (Fail safe installed in all bots!)
- Likes to feel useful.
- Tends to blow a fuse when they are angry.
- Has the most impressive stick collection. SoME lOOk liKE GokU aND oTHer FAMouS hERoeS! wANna sEE?! - Don't touch his collection. Don't insult the sticks or the trees.
- Named themselves!
- The Supreme Kai of Time is the best! Very friendly!
- Doesn't like Trunks, due to him trying to fix TWIG. YoU cAnT fiX wHAt aInT BrOkE YoU @!###%$!!!
- Voice fluctuates when they speak.
- Cares about you! Your safety is their top priority!
- Was once a stationary bot stuck behind the accessories counter in Toki Toki City.
- Databank is pretty messed up on some parts of History. Will tend to mix and confuse parts.
- Has a broken LCD screen.
- Used to have a scouter.
- Loves TREES. dO YoU KnOw tHAt ThEy aRE LiTteralLY GiAnT STickS AnD AlSo CaRRy hUNdREDs oF STicKs?!
- Has named all the tree's in Conton.
- Wants to know ALL ABOUT the trees from your timeline.
- Doesn't know what "being mean," is.
- Is a remnant of Toki Toki City and the previous Hero.
- Often vandalized on his backside like the back of a bathroom stall door with different notes to other Patrollers, Communicator numbers and "Blank was Here."
- Has a built in music player.
- Favorite band is the STYX (Bet you can't guess why...) tHEy aRE sINGing sTICks! WhaTS tHERe nOT tO LikE!? sO tALenTEd!! - Known to dance and singing when blasting his tunes. Always gets the words wrong. - Not fond of Chu, due to them stealing his sticks.
- Most likely wrote parts of this character description-
More Info can be FOUND HERE---> toyhou.se/20336758.twig
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