#Bard of Void
our-fav-hs-char · 2 months
Which is the cooler classpect?
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starlit1daydream · 7 months
Gordon Freeman's classpect: and why you're all wrong about it
well forgive me for the hostile-sounding title there, but as it stands i'm yet to see a single other person with this take.
the unanimous agreement for gordon's title seems to be heir of hope - which i will give credence to as making a lot of sense at face value. the heir is the class of the typical 'hero' and hope is the aspect of belief, faith, deficiation, angelic symbolism. on paper, it works perfectly for a man held in such high regard as a saviour and liberator.
but what of gordon's personality? what little of it we see, of course.
the heir of hope argument applies a classpect to gordon not as a person, but as a concept.
gordon freeman the concept is an heir of hope, for sure.
but gordon freeman, the man?
gordon freeman, the scientist who was late to his first day on the job? whose brief glimpses into his personality include blowing up a man's casserole for no clear reason and solving every problem with a crowbar?
the gordon freeman who has been jumping from trauma to trauma for twenty years under the machinations of a sinister interdimensional bureaucrat?
hear me out here.
gordon freeman is a bard of void.
now, i should probably explain my thoughts on the bard class and the void aspect before going any further, since this entire take hinges on my very specific take on both things.
in my eyes, the bard (the passive destroyer) is somebody who initially ghosts adherence to their opposing aspect, until a traumatic incident or dire crisis suddenly pushes them into an influx of their real aspect. they change their tune from passively destroying their aspect in themselves to passively destroying through their aspect. bards are capricious, unpredictable people who are often cowardly, avoidant or lazy in their ways.
the aspect of void, the antithesis of light, deals with the eldritch and the unknown. void is shadow, void is doubt and obsfucation, it is by its very nature unknowable and exists in the dark corners of one's mind. void is narrative irrelevance given (a lack of) form.
so, how does this fit into gordon freeman's narrative?
let's get into his head.
gordon freeman is a man who, prior to the black mesa incident, has lived his life adhering to knowledge and science. he's studied, got a degree, probably quite passionate about science. the statistics, the thirst for knowledge and understanding, all of this paints a picture of light.
light players are the ultimate students, as the extended zodiac says, they are the knowledge-seekers who wish to understand the world around them and comprehend the most fortuitous path better than any other.
the guy shows up late to his first day on the job. a man with more degrees than should be feasible and he can't even show up to work on time. this is the first hint of gordon being a bard, it's an incredibly lazy and capricious action that also hints at his passive destruction of light through his lack of fortune.
and it's that fateful test that changes everything - you all know the one i mean.
the one that suddenly inundates him with void. suddenly, gordon's world is unknowable, incomprehensible, he is a slave to the plot and forced to keep driving forward a narrative to which he ultimately has no say in. it's another example of the traits of a bard, who generally do seem to be reduced to narrative devices. (we see this a lot with gamzee.)
gordon is consumed among the alien and eldritch, and emerges from black mesa's ruins anew. a man whose existence is defined by contradiction, doubt, obfuscation, and everything that void stands for.
we see it again and again throughout the series. his very existence within the combine's rigidly defined, meticulous and mechanical empire defies principle. he is the anticitizen, his presence within their world is a contradiction just by his very being. he is undocumented, an anomaly that shouldn't be. and that scares the shit out of them.
and it should! because, as a bard of void should, gordon destroys their empire through void. his very existence is enough to spark the revolution (which in itself is tied to the aspects of hope and rage) and the destruction he brings about is through his nature as the anticitizen. the contradiction, the hole in their logic. he casts doubt upon the system that they've forced into place and he does so while continually being surrounded by the eldritch and the unknown.
he does so while in servitude to the eldritch, actually. i think that g-man himself is a player of space (to be more specific, i think he is a lord) but i think that there is also a lot of void symbolism within the g-man's character and his 'employers' more specifically.
and you know what really cinches my argument?
gordon freeman, player of void, embodiment of the unknown and the obsfucation, of the silence and emptiness, of the doubt and darkness?
he never utters a single word.
i will revise this entire thing once i wake up tomorrow because it's currently 10pm for me and this is going to look incredibly lazily worded/formatted when i get up in the morning
but for now i suppose you can all take this rambling mess of uncoordinated madness and tell me how wrong i am
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ok i finally finished watching the first season of gravity falls! here's my hc for soos's god tier so far :} i love him so much. and i refuse to draw a codpiece on him lmao
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tavtiers · 3 months
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the Bard of Void: one who passively destroys the unknown
sources: x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x
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seldomdrawncherubs · 4 months
:(would you two be able to g!ve me some !ns!ght on the bard of vo!d classpect?):
UU: oh dear. the bard class can be rather Unstable...throUgh no faUlt of yoUr own, the natUre of yoUr power will become difficUlt to control.
UU: the bard destroys their aspect in others, or uses their aspect to destroy others.
UU: this power can be leveraged by others as well. yoUr aspect may grow so strong that others Use yoU throUgh it.
UU: it is little wonder that bards notorioUsly sUppress their aspect, mUch like princes. too mUch, and it is destrUctive.
UU: gamzee may have resorted to sopor partly to sUppress the intense rage that his classpect foisted Upon him. hearing aboUt his childhood always hUrt so very mUch...
UU: as for void, yoU might feel an emptiness. all void players feel this in a sense. a bard might try to fill this in destrUctive ways, mUch like roxy's soporifics. yoUr destrUction might lead to a sooner intervention dUe to its amplified scale.
UU: it coUld also isolate yoU.
UU: roxy loves to make, to see beyond, to seek bonds and true connection over the typical glory of light.
UU: when yoU master yoUr power, yoU might throw people into the void, or Use the power of nUance and what goes Unnoticed to take down what looks insUrmoUntable.
UU: do not be afraid to ask for help. take things slowly. once yoU learn yoUr powers, yoU have incredible potential.
UU: i do hope yoU never get possessed or jaded, thoUgh...bards can risk destroying their friends. be carefUl, okay?
uu: RuDE.
UU: ...
UU: perhaps i oUght to reconsider...
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ayo im kinda trying to assign a classpect to myself and im stuck between Bard of Void and Prince of Time can u please tell me more bout it?
The bard is someone who basically thinks, feels, acts, or IS one way for most of their life up until a point where they change fundamentally and become the exact opposite. In a destructive way. For a bard of void, this might look like encouraging people to look things up, explaining things to others, Passively Destroying Void. By encouraging light. They would value knowledge and enjoy learning. OR luck or like water or actual light or whatever. At some point the bard would suddenly realize like… mysticism and not knowing some things is actually the correct… way. To be. Like they change their mind. And then they start destroying shit. Perhaps literally. Burning libraries, shooting out lights, maybe they could even manipulate the heroic/just clock to cause people to die or not die (luck can influence the outcome as seen by aranea and I think maybe vriska I can’t remember). This time they would be Passively Destroying USING Void. Ok? And like let’s not forget they can still passively destroy void as well. And they could destroy using void before. Maybe now they tell people misinformation… they… hmm… using void to destroy… they could thanos snap people out of existence? Into the negative space? That’s destructive. They could perhaps send basically ANYTHING into the shadow realm. And before….. they would have been able to destroy using void… that might look likeeee…. I’m trying to think about gamzee pre-sober. Destroying using rage. I’m thinking about when he tries to pray his computer out of his sylladex and then it doesn’t work so he just grabs it? That’s sort of destroying by debunking… since rage is about the truth. You see what I’m saying? So before, the bard of void could have been like trying to look something up and then just given up and decided it’s best that they don’t know? Something like that. THE MOST IMPORTANT thing for a bard is determining when and where they would snap. Please keep that in mind. They have unpredictable personalities and are very capricious.
This is a powerful and scary guy. The bard is kind of goofy and in your face, but the prince is angry and brooding and cold. The prince’s job is to destroy an aspect that…. Hmm…. It seems like the prince’s aspect is a bit of a nuisance in their sessions. I always wonder how hussie could have carefully planned each and every character to represent their class and aspect in every way correctly. The prince’s aspect is maybe a threat to the successful continuation of the session. I think it’s kind of up to them to not get carried away but to sort of clean up the excess aspect. Dirk sort of nuked everyone’s interest in Jake by proving how shit a boyfriend he is. Which was holding everyone back a bit. Eridan… went way overboard with everything. Dirk could have definitely broken everyone’s spirit and destroyed the souls of all players if he was an antagonist. Like eridan. Eridan’s session was like a bunch of naive teenagers expecting to beat this game like a challenge instead of like a journey. And he got rid of that naive optimism right away. Honestly in feferi alone there was hope for a brighter future like beforus which is definitely less bloodthirsty and colonial. And he nipped that in the bud along with every other positive future aspiration the team had. As far as he could, at least. We don’t have a lot of information about the alpha trolls session, but there is a lot of discord and ill will going on in there. I think there’s also much more disillusionment among the players. Granted they are all dead already so that kind of makes it more obvious that this isn’t going to go well. A prince of time might be a really bad sign for the session. Or it could be everyone is lollygagging around and there’s an excess of time and things are taking forever. The prince could like move through time I assume and maybe skip forward. They could perhaps fast forward the session for everyone? Jade was able to manipulate space to affect everyone. Unlike how Dave mostly affected his own timeline. This fast forwarding thing could really screw up everyone’s day. Maybe even like making people too old and decrepit to work like with osteoporosis and shit. Or skipping to the end of the game. That could be misguided and everyone isn’t ready yet or it could be vengeful and vindictive. They could even maybe age the frog (again, misguided or on purpose) and accidentally kill it or something. The time player is supposed to breed the frog. It is NOT the knights job, karkat just did it bc he’s the leader and since he’s not the time player he caused The Tumor. Anyway. Are you more of a fighter or a wildcard?
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techtakesoff · 1 year
have you done bard of void?
Now I have.
The Bard of Void
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Almost done, boys.
Bard - passive destruction class, one who allows destruction of aspect, or invites destruction through aspect.
Void - control over literal nothingness and secrets.
The Bard of Void is one who allows destruction of Void, or invites destruction through Void.
The opposite of a Bard of Void is a Maid of Light.
The Bard of Void is a gossiper at heart. I can see them not being one in the spotlight, but often hanging around those who do, and picking up a lot of secrets about the ones they hang around.
Bards and Princes are known for the destruction of/through their aspect, and I think that the Bard of Void wouldn't outright expose someone's secrets... just maybe leave a few hints here and there to start painting a picture, and when the puzzle pieces fall together, they can easily pass it off as someone else.
They like to know obscure things, but they have a habit of oversharing their obscure things, to the point where they might even become mainstream, if the Bard has a big enough following.
They feel like the type of person to talk about how they love 'obscure' music, when most of that happens to be semi-popular bands that the average person may have heard of. Not to bash but I just feel like it'd be true.
Bards typically need a push to accept their aspect, and it typically needs to be a hard one. The only way I can really see it happening to a Bard of Void is that they get their secrets leaked at some point. They destroy their own Void, and I can see this fall from grace being partially self made.
Not to forget, but Void is also about 'nothingness' and the concept of it. A Bard of Void would destroy nothing, meaning that they create where they destroy the absence of something.
Where they see a blank canvas, they might be filled with the urge to create on it, and so I see the Bard of Void to be the one to create graffiti on walls. To fill out Wikipedia articles of concepts nobody's ever heard of.
They care a lot about the obscure, but sometimes trip up in that.
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giftofclasspects · 9 months
and the void playlists are done! here are a few of my favorites,
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emperor-of-blood · 8 months
Do you think you could find a classpect for the immortal snail? Also hi, been a while since your last post, how are you?
Hello! I've been good! Very busy with life. Got my first big kid job after grad school, got a girlfriend, life is going well! Just very busy lol. How're you doing? It's also been a while since I've gotten an ask from you lol.
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So. The Immortal Snail. This has got to be about the hypothetical Snail that is immortal, out to get you, and instantly kills you if it touches you, right? I think there's a few different variations of this scenario but they all involve that + some instant reward in exchange for taking on this assassin, right? I feel like I've heard one version that includes the snail periodically teleporting too.
But anyways this is a pretty simple character to analyze, which always makes me lean towards an Heir. Not to say that Heirs can't have nuance of course, but more that if you boiled each class down as much as possible, I think Heir is probably the most intact at that final stage. If that makes any sense. I'd also consider a Bard here, or maybe a Prince.
Light is a pretty obvious aspect here, but I'd also consider Void. Bard of Void is pretty interesting. I think I like that!
So Bard of Void:
One who invites destruction through [Void]/one who lacks [Void]
Popping into existence from nowhere, and as a snail of all things. It brings along with it great wealth, which ties into the absence of Void part. You suddenly live a very wealthy life! How exciting. But then one day, it suddenly ends. No warning. It's just over. Because a snail touched you! You really thought you sealed that jar well but apparently, something happened. Or maybe nothing happened. Nothing you could notice anyways.
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en8y · 5 months
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[IMAGE ID: three horizontal flags with nine stripes; each flag has the void aspect symbol in the center; a dark blue shape made of six curved lines, none of which are touching or connected. it is outlined in medium blue. the middle stripe is twice as large as the rest of them, which are equally sized. the first flag has these top three colors: dark blue, warm medium green, and teal. the second flag has these top three colors: forest green, medium purple, and white. the third flag has these top three colors: dull orange, warm light purple, and deep blue-purple. each flag has these bottom six stripes: medium blue, off-white, medium blue, dull blue, deep blue, and dark blue. END ID.]
voidasithief: a gender connected to being a thief of void; this gender is connected to the void aspect, void aspect aesthetics, thief aesthetics, and thievery!
voidasiheir: a gender connected to being an heir of void; this gender is connected to the void aspect, void aspect aesthetics, heir aesthetics, and being genderqueer!
voidasibard: a gender connected to being a bard of void; this gender is connected to the void aspect, void aspect aesthetics, bard aesthetics, music and musical aesthetics, being silly or goofy, and MUSiN genders!
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian @drowntowns @electrosaccharine
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creative-classpect · 1 year
Seer of Rage, Rogue of Doom, Bard of Void VS Muse of Rage (corrupted)
Team #1
Look, fighting a masterclass is never fun. They are anomalies that distort the very nature of the game, warping Sburb, reality, and even the Fiction Itself around them. It's a stacked deck.
That doesn't mean the Seer, Rogue, and Bard should simply give up. Any group going against a masterclass lacks the fundamental destructive power to truly come to blows with them in earnest. Thankfully, the team is uniquely situated for the amounts of tricky bullshit to drive the Muse of Rage crazy.
The Bard of Void stresses the Blind Rage aspect of the corrupted Muse of Rage. Clarity of purpose and intent is muddles, based on their condition, and the unique abilities of the Bard. What the Muse doesn't know can certainly hurt. By destroying their blindspots, the Bard can help direct that anger somewhere in a rather dangerous gambit, like sending a runaway train down the track, they can only guide and lead, not control the overwhelming force or who might be on that track. Additionally, when the Muse is distracted by another party member, the Bard could erupt with devastating sneak attacks.
This is magnified greatly by the Seer of Rage. The Seer is a necessary radar for finding where and when the Muse will strike, a warning that turns the lightning-speed rampage of the Muse into a predictable weather report. Though the Seer of Rage would certainly be overwhelmed by themselves compared to the Muse, they are uniquely equipped for the necessary mental battle. With the Bard of Void, the Seer has the necessary edge required to manipulate the Muse, allowing them to keep them distracted, find their physical, mental, and spiritual weaknesses, and then target them with precision.
While these two can work with great synergy, they still are desperately fragile in the face of overwhelming odds, even if they can distract the Muse and target their weaknesses when they aren’t looking. Enter the Rogue of Doom, the safety net.
Anytime the Muse makes a decisive strike, the Rogue is able to maneuver allies out of the way and even redirect it back to the Muse, creating a dangerous feedback loop. As the Rogue throws their own destruction back to them, the damage would only strengthen the Muse and, simultaneously, make them increasingly erratic. Deliberately angering the Hulk is a very dangerous plan, but not one without merit when you and your allies can skirt around their blindspots and target their weaknesses with laser precision. The Rogue is ultimately playing keepaway, staving off debilitating debuffs and curses, deflecting whatever attack they can bear (but never fully stopping) and empowering their team by exchanging their stress, harm, fate, and even death itself to another. A lot of sacrifices have to be made for this fight and the Rogue is equipped to make those tough decisions.
Team #2  - Muse of Rage
Assuming there are no minions to do their bidding, the Muse of Rage is still a powerhouse in their own right. And even while corrupted and not of sound mind, body, and soul, they still have more than enough power to overwhelm a party of 3.
The Muse's best path is to fully and completely overwhelm their enemies. Arcs of rampant lightning, massive explosions, curses spewing across the battlefield. While their precision is lacking due to the nature of their enemies, the Muse can still unleash all manner of hell to Everything around them. No amount of tricky maneuvering is going to stop the total annihilation of Everything after a long enough time.
The Muse wants to play the long game, using their endless stamina and wildly destructive powers to chip away at the energy of their enemies. While they may lack sound judgement due to their corruption, there is only so long until the Muse as turned the battlefield into a crater, devoid of hiding places, devoid of any targets to transfer ruin to, until it is truly just 1 on 3 as the Muse unleashes pure, indiscriminate, random bursts of energy
That being said, it is still uniquely challenging as they contend with such a deeply frustrating enemy. Being held up on what they can not do (accurately aim and lock down) does stand the risk of overwhelming them into overclocking themselves, making them only more sloppy, continuing the vicious cycle.
Team #1, the Bard/Seer/Rogue want to play keepaway, never allowing themselves to be hit, and giving them time to redirect/steer/distract the Muse for powerful precise strikes to either their body or mind/soul to snap them out of their corruption. Doing so is dangerous, causing a negative feedback loop for the Muse until they eventually destroy everything around them, removing Team #1's advantages.
Essentially a very high stakes bomb defusal and should Team #1 not find a solution quickly, that bomb will explode in their face
Good luck~!
This was a commission for @land-of-troves-and-rabbit-holes ! If you want to commission me or support my content, you can find me @ https://ko-fi.com/kesscal or over at https://linktr.ee/Skywhale09 !
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urcharactersclasspect · 6 months
New here so Idk if you did this one already
Luz Noceda classpect?
All The Owl House has been classpected before here.
After watching through the show (and obviously loving it) my two conclusions for Luz was a tie between Bard of Void. But Witch of Light is the most popular interpretation, I also fully believe a Witch of Hope could 100% fit Luz as a whole.
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starlit1daydream · 17 days
BoJack Horseman is a Dersite Bard of Void
Princess Carolyn is a Prospitian Maid of Blood
Todd Chavez is a Dersite Page of Light
Diane Nguyen is a Dersite Seer of Heart
Mr. Peanutbutter is a Prospitian Heir of Breath
Sarah Lynn is a Prospitian Prince of Life
any questions?
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mageofmercy · 8 days
bard of void? ::3c
But this I can certainly do. Hello Seer-Void, welcome to our parlor. Si'down, relax. and Enjoy.
This should be fun.
Well, Bard of Void? You came to the right place, this won't be your typical bard post with gnarly horns, jagged teeth, cod-pieces and shoosh paps.
In fact none of my bard posts will be that way.
My posts are raw. As I give you my honest take to the true uniqueness of whoever is out there reading this. Theres very little structure. But, I hope you like it like that.
I am the Mage of Heart, and here is my review!
Bard of Void
In order to remove Aspect, it has to go somewhere. But where do secrets go? Well, there's truth.
But what is truth in the face of a black hole? The true embodiment of mystery, the enigma of a black hole is at it's very core? -We know basically nothing about them-
And this Bard is no different. You'll see what I mean.
As many of us know many bards start their lives defacing their aspect, and ripping it to shreds. (This is often times needed.)
At this point they are destroying void, which means they will not keep secrets, I didn't say cannot, I said will not. They refuse to be apart of anything enigmatic, shady, hidden, secretive, and the like. They probably have a deep fear of the deep blue sea that's relative to the situation. But If they were swimming, and they couldn't see beneath them/it's just a bottomless void? They would royally flip the fuck out.
When I mentioned they refuse to be apart of anything shady, that isn't entirely true. Because they've got a bloodhound nose for anything people want kept secret. This Bard at this stage will have no regard for that. They suck that shit up and spit it back out. The Wildcard class, will act the part when unnecessary. But that doesn't mean they will be like this forever, no. This is just the beginning.
People will begin to catch on, and scold the Bard of Void for being too nosy, and telling. They shall be exiled as that one person who upset the delicate order of truth and lie.
So? They eventually will begin to, shoosh pap themselves. They won't tell a soul what which where how or why. Because they got shamed for the grief they set upon people. and now they feel it too. They are now destroying through void.
If any bard remains in either one of these stages for long... two very different contrasts of black and white moral immoral, me-amano...
There will be dire consequences to what will be.
Because the true word for Bards, is finding BALANCE within themselves. Mind body and spirit. In order to grasp just what it takes to be the master of both worlds of light and void, as a void player.
They will need to understand. that for their own sake and everyone around them. That they are important in their own way, That their secrets, sucking everything in for it to stay there forever? Isnt healthy. I recommend an effective moirail to help vent out all the horrible shit you see and witness so you don't internalize it - You need to stay healthy. Try not to destroy with void as to suck it all up and spit it out. But also don't keep it all hidden neither. Prune, don't eviscerate. Deep breaths. Because you've got this. You absolutely do matter, despite what some might say. YOU ARE IMPORTANT. As well as you being a shy, sensitive, knowledgeable person. Keep in mind that the things you share do affect people, and can lead some down some sticky roads. Pay heed to TACT, Keep BALANCE, and remember. You're IMPORTANT to the world. Why? Because I say so. :)
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tavtiers · 4 months
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A hypothetical god tier for Deacon from Fallout: the Bard of Void.
A Bard of Void is among those who alter knowing and perceiving. They are motivated by others to destroy the unknown. (x) The Bard of Void gets angry when things don’t go their way and is very independent. (x) They are the Revolutionary Spy, defined by outrage and secrecy. (x) Their opposite is the Prince of Light. Their inverse is the Maid of Light. They share their personality with the Thief of Rage. The Bard of Void would quest on a planet similar to the Land of Light and Void, reigned over by Nyx (Goddess of Night) or Poseidon (God of the Sea). They would rise to ascension on the wings of bats. (x)(x)(x)
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baroquepopcorn · 8 months
Bard of void things:
Your pockets always filling up with random junk
Always having everything but the one thing you do need at any given time
Being thrust into the spotlight even after trying to avoid being noticed
Being constantly praised for something you did on accident
Clumsily tripping on the curtain only to reveal the wizard behind it
Solving mysteries by making a half-serious guess and it turning out to be right
Always having both the best and worst luck, never in between
You’re always easy to find, even when you don’t want to be
Knowing so many little “unimportant” details — somehow they always end up being relevant
Your friends finding that things they lost when you’re around
Remembering things everyone else has forgotten, then they suddenly remember too
The shadows fear you — you don’t know why
You close your eyes and see everything
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