#Bad Boy Names For Instagram
whatbio · 1 year
Instagram Usernames For Boys | Instagram Usernames For Boys 2023 | Instagram Names For Boys
A good Instagram username is crucial. Instagram is an excellent tool for sharing photos, videos, stories, and reels. To create a good Instagram username, you must first decide what kind of user you are. Do you want to be a personal profile or a business? Which type of content are you posting? If you upload videos or pictures, you should also decide whether you post them for your or other people’s…
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mybestbio566 · 2 years
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d1anna · 2 years
#i saw her backstage after we performed and i could have stood next to her but i was like.......#i am not worthy............ i'll stand in the corner even though there's space </3#like literally i looked up her name to find her instagram#i found her linkedin instead and she's a biomedical engineering major and working at this major tech company (like WORKING not INTERNING)#she's so accomplished 😭😭 simultaneously envious and in awe and in love ok...…#on a slightly different note i haven't had a crush like this on a girl in a while#i always try to suppress my crushes on girls because i always feel like i'm being (internalized) creepy (homophobia)#like even backstage today it was all girls and some of them were changing and i was like looking everywhere but where#people were standing#i felt so self-conscious … like i always get scared that someone will notice my...…..gayness lol#also like her staring at me while she was dancing and like stealing glances at me every now and then made me feel even more self-conscious#i swear i have a gaydar until it comes to girls i'm attracted to#I JUST DON'T WANT TO ASSUME AND LIKE........MAKE TROUBLE YOU KNOW (INTERNALIZED HOMOPHOBIA ALERT!!!!!!!!!)#having crushes on boys is so much easier because i typically don't care for them as much lol#it's hard to explain but i find guys physically attractive but i rarely find them actually romantically attractive#most of the time the prospect of being in an actual REAL relationship with men repulses me or at the very least gives me indigestion#i don't know............ anyway i'm kind of on a sugar high from one (ONE) cookie that i ate after dinner#it was really good but i had two yesterday as well and it gave me a bad sugar crash after my parents and i went to this park#knocked out for two hours after we got back to our hotel#and then we went to this venezuelan restaurant and it was AMAZING#i had an arepa and an empanada con queso with fosforera soup (gorgeous)#i want more it was so good#so sad i have to go back to my rotation of the same four meals now that my parents have gone back home lol#dianna.moon#also i could have broken up this post instead of writing everything in the tags but i do what i want
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thewispsings · 4 months
he got the girl | george russell
pairing: george russell x wolff!reader
summary: that awkward moment when you get caught going on a date with one of your dads drivers.
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liked by georgerussell63, alex_albon, maxverstappen1, and 973,826 others!
f1gossip: y/n wolff was seen last night on a date? with george russell, (yes the mercedes driver) last night in monaco? this was actually very surprising for us as well, thoughts?
view comments below!
user1: no shit
user2: no way george pulled y/n
user3: GEORGE IN THE LIKES ??????
user5: sorry guys 😅😅 but that’s actually me and y/n, not her and that skinny twig 😅😅
user6: maybe they were just hanging out??
user8: this is actually crazy
user9: okay guys..but the pictures are actually so cute 🙂‍↕️
alex_albon: holy shit @/georgeussell63 no way you actually got her
georgerussell63: well don’t act so surprised 🙄
maxverstappen1: we will act so surprised. she’s rejected you 10 times.
georgerussell63: she has NOT!
maxverstappen1: sorry, 20 times**
charles_leclerc: holy cow 😳
mercedesamgf1: omg no
mercedesamgf1: What the fuck is this. - Toto Wolff
user13: TOTO NOOO
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liked by georgerussell63, mercedesamgf1, yourusername and 43,837 others!
tagged: yourusername, and georgerussell63
f1: it’s been a while, but y/n is back!
view comments below!
user15: her and lewis 😞😞
user17: she looks so good 🙄
mercedesamgf1: please un-tag George William Russell. - Toto Wolff
user19: someone PLEASE get this old geezer his own instagram account
user20: the way he adds - Toto Wolff, like we don’t already know ???
user21: oh what i would do to be a fly in the mercedes garage right now
user22: the use of george’s FULL name ??? that boy better run
georgerussell63: 😍😍
leiwshamilton: do you want our boss to kill you?
landonorris: it’s like he WANTS to die
user24: after years of being rejected by y/n he wants everyone to know he finally got her 😭
user25: george finally gets y/n and he loses all fear
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f1gossip; y/n was asked about the dating rumors today she was asked “are you and george dating”, she answered, “i think he’s made it very clear, hasn’t he?”
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user27: i low key thought george was having like a manic episode and was pretending to date y/n but this basically confirmed it, happy for them!
user28: LMAO WHATT
user29: okay now toto’s reaction pls
user30: wait but if she’s toto’s daughter? why is her hair like blonde blonde
user31: she dyes her hair religiously
user32: okay but george being like so proud of this relationship is so incredibly cute 😞
user33: netflix is going to eat this up
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liked by, yourusername, lewishamilton, georgerussell63, and 926,826 others!
mercedesamgf1: our family 🙏🙏
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user38: this is hilarious
yourusername: p5 and p7 👏👏
georgerussell63: wanted to make you proud 🥰
user40: toto will appear in an estimated 3 seconds
mercedesamgf1: 😐 - Toto Wolff.
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f1gossip: george russell and toto wolff were seen speaking after the race in monaco, sources say that after a intense chat, they hugged it out, thoughts?
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user41: AND HE APPROVES!!!
user42: YAY
user44: okay now i can actually be happy about this relationship
user45: i kinda feel bad that his own daughter didn’t tell him that she was dating someone…
user46: they bro hugged 🥹
user47: so happy for y/n and george ❤️
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liked by f1, lewishamilton, danielricciardo, mercedesamgf1, and 637,927 others!
georgerussell63: after 4 years, i finally got the girl 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
view comments below!
landonorris: YEAH RUSSELL 🗣️
oscarpiastri: finally 👏👏
danielriccarido: HELL YEAH
maxverstappen1: i still don’t believe it…
lewishamilton: proud of you man 🫂
charles_leclerc: YAY!!!
carlossainz55: he finally made it🥹🥹
mclaren: she could do better
user48: ADMIN??
yukitsunoda: really?
alex_albon: still not convinced this is real 😅
user49: this whole comment section is killing me 😭
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liked by, georgerussell63, mercedesamgf1, lewishamilton, and 736,260 others!
yourusername: when he’s dad approved 😍
view comments below!
mercedesamgf1: eh - Toto Wolff.
yourusername: father pls get instagram
georgerussell63: my beautiful gorgeous exquisite breathtakingly beautiful girl 😍😍🥰🥰
user50: need me a man like THIS.
lewishamilton; simp 🫵
yourusername: ??? who taught you that
lewishamilton; the internet
user51: now get married and have 3 kids !!!
georgerussell63: soon!
mercedesamgf1: NO NOT SOON. - Toto Wolff
f1: beautiful couple 😻
user53: i need me a man who loves me as much as he loves y/n
user54: he waited 4 years for her 🥹🥹
user55: the train tracks looks really delicious right about now
user56: me and who???
user57: why is george kinda sexy…
yourusername: how are you just realizing this now?
yourusername; no comment.
. . .
notes: i have my chemistry final tomorrow, wish me luck!
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wonryllis · 8 months
╰ 𝖺𝗅𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗇𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗏𝖾𝗅𝗒, 𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗒 𝖽𝖾𝖼𝗅𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝗂𝗍 𝗍𝗈 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗐𝗈𝗋𝗅𝖽.
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𝒏o𝓉ℯs. idol!enhypen showing you. 𖥔 ݁ fluff LIB? fem!reader req 727wc.
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𝗵𝗲𝗲𝘀𝗲𝘂𝗻𝗴 everyone knows okay everyone just does. it's in his eyes, it's in the way he speaks, it's in his body language, it's in the way he dresses, it's in the little advice and messages he leaves on weverse, it's in the pictures he posts. just everything exudes that he's a taken man desperately in love. his reveal is normal, an official announcement from the company the day after their contractual dating ban is over. appearing on a talk show after all excited to tell everyone about you to be hit by the realization that people actually did have idea just not that you are non celeb.
𝗷𝗼𝗻𝗴𝘀𝗲𝗼𝗻𝗴 he does not give a fuck about anyone but you. would reveal it so nonchalantly like he's on a live and fans accidentally spot you moving around in the background and he's like,"oh yeah that's my girl, would y'all like to say hi?" he'd call you over and have you sit on his lap the entire time, though not showing your face he doesn't want your privacy getting taken away. you both would laugh and interact with the comments and answer fan questions like you've been public for years. talking about first impressions, who's more clingy, why you chose him yk.
𝗷𝗮𝗲𝘆𝘂𝗻 he's scared, not for himself but for you. baby doesn't want his baby getting those hates and threats. he takes a little safer side, writing a personal note addressing the love of his life and asking to be respected and given privacy. monitors the response and as soon as everyone seems accepting he's showing you off everywhere he can, from talking about you on lives and interviews and shows to posting little tmis on social media. fans even grow to tease him with your name challenging him to things he wouldn't otherwise do. cutesy and hot alike.
𝘀𝘂𝗻𝗴𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗻 he has no intentions of revealing it like until he has a baby with you or something. but poor guy is so bad at concealing his feelings like he's on a show to give advice on fans queries and there's this specific question about how do you know you love someone and hoon is just K.O. ed rambles on about how there's this internal feeling and you just know it when you look at them, they're the best in the entire world and everything. then later on panics when articles surface about it, "oh my god baby they know! they know!" and he ends up confirming the rumours.
𝘀𝘂𝗻𝘄𝗼𝗼 this guy can't wait to let the world know about you, his special person, his home. takes every chance he gets to reveal y'all but the manager jumps in every single time telling him it's not the 'right time' yet. he's so annoyed now, he's taking it the dispatch way. sneakily going places without cover, not necessarily to you and then when the articles are out jumping at the first opportunity to introduce his lovely partner through a message to his fans. talking about how long he's been waiting to let them know this important person and how much he loves you.
𝗷𝘂𝗻𝗴𝘄𝗼𝗻 my boy is soft launching it. he's posting these random ass pictures of succulents and cardigans and hairpins and lipgloss and everyone is so confused until he starts with pictures of hands that are too pretty to be his, skirts with thighs that couldn't be him and lastly a picture of him twirling around someone with the caption,"everyone meet my baby! :))" and after that he's making everyone sick with lovey dovey pictures of you everyday everywhere, twitter, instagram, weverse you name it, everywhere! fans be getting every little update of your love life.
𝗿𝗶𝗸𝗶 leaves little hints and tricks here and there to get the fans crazy with suspicions but at the same time not enough to expose y'all. plays at it for about a year before he gets impatient and unsatisfied with just little bits and pieces wants to upload full on vlogs about his days with you. wanting to post things like 'dance challenge with my beloved' literally has it on the tip of his mouth "i love my girlfriend," begs the company to let him reveal it and they're like we never stopped you?? so he does talking about it with fans- my girlfriend does that too! my girlfriend would love that!
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taglist ( open. ) @kangseulgithegreat @s00buwu @luvyev @pockyyasii @nctislifue @ashtxrie @miniature-tragedy @jayujus @nanabbg @thoughtsmeander2tumblingblindly
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raestromboli · 25 days
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𓂃 bf!matt shows his girl how much he’s been missing her while away on tour. ♡⁩
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he’s thinking about you everyday—missing your pretty voice and your touch, so it’s no surprise when he’s back in his hotel room, scrolling through your instagram page while his dick strains against his sweats.
the poor boy’s rubbing himself through the thin fabric, biting on his plump lip as he stares at your innocent smile—a sickly lewd contrast to the small bikini adorned on your body.
matt remembers taking that picture on the beach, and just as soon as you both had gotten home, he fucked you ‘til you only knew his name.
just the mere thought had him so pent up. matt’s scrambling to pull his sweats down just enough to free his weepy cock, right hand coming up to grip the base of his dick while his left hand holds his shaky phone. the whine he lets out is no far from pathetic, but he could care less.
his thumb swipes over his pink, swollen mushroom tip to collect the pre cum that pooled and he lets out a breathy sigh, eyes half lidded in pleasure while his hips bucked up.
matt decides he can’t take anymore of stroking himself to the memories of his sweet girlfriend. his thumb exits instagram and goes to call you, the only sounds echoing throughout the spacious hotel room containing of his heavy breathing and the impending rings of his phone.
with the phone to his ear, he prays that you pick up with the wanting to hear your pretty voice, “mmph, please pick up, baby,” matt whimpers desperately. his brows furrow when he glides his hand up and down his shaft, squeezing a little tighter when he reaches the tip. eventually, it goes to voicemail and he comes to figure you might be sleeping, but he decides to leave a message for you anyway.
“h-hey, pretty girl—mmph—just wanted to let you know how much i miss you,” matt slightly pants, chest heaving up and down. his hips buck up into his hand while his eyes squeezing shut. “miss you so fucking much, y’know that? f-fuuck, baby,” his breath hitches as the motions of his fist moves faster, the lewd squelching noises no doubly picking up over the line, “can’t stop thinking about you—hah, shiiiittt,” he moans with a whimper, “can’t wait to come home,” he groans when he runs his thumb over his slit, gathering more pre cum.
a pair of blue eyes roll to the back of matt’s head while he strokes his cock faster, breathing in deeply as his stomach tenses up, “i, uh, wanted to call to check on you, but i know—god—i know you’re probably sleeping,” he moans through his words, “i love ya’, alright? love you, baby . . . s’fucking much.” he sounds so desperate, voice cracking with each whimper. “jus’ . . call me when you wake up? please, baby? i need to hear your voice.” matt practically endures a whole body shiver while his lower stomach tenses up the faster his fist glides up and down his pretty dick.
his sharp jaw goes slack after the mental image of fucking you into your squeaky mattress while you whine his name, your chubby walls hugging his dick with a warmly invite. matt breathily chuckles as he continues his endless babbles, “need you so bad you don’t understand,”
“i—fuck—such a fucking mess, all ‘cause of you,” he whines, almost grumpily, “’m sorry, baby . . . s-shit—i can’t stop.” matt thrusts his hips off the bed to meet his hurried strokes right as he grows closer to his orgasm. “so—mmh—fuckin’ pathetic . . . gonna cum just lookin’ at your pictures,” his eyes flutter shut to mentally fixate on the way he’s jerking his dick, wishing it was you doing it instead.
a whimper of your name slips past matt’s plump lips as he gasps whinily, “baby, baby, f-fuuuck—” he hiccups, “gonna cum f’you . . .” and he cuts himself off with another low groan of your name, incoherent babbles spilling out his lips as spurts of his cum shoot from his swollen tip, landing on his hands and stomach. he moans loudly as he draws out his orgasm. the room fills up with matt’s deep breaths, slowly stroking himself as he comes down from his high.
a few seconds of silence goes by before matt speaks up, “miss you s’much, baby, but y’know that. call me as soon as you hear this, alright? night, sweet girl. love you.” he hangs up, leaving himself lying there in his mess.
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hysteria-things · 27 days
(say the reader is famous also, but not an influencer—maybe like a well known model) hear me out, being close friends with madi and you guys end up moving in together and getting your first apartment
and you come home later than usual one night after ‘hanging out’ with matt and madi knows something is up just by the way you’re walking all slow and stuff and you eventually tell her that you had sex with matt for the first time and she’s just like “omgggggg????? tell me EVERYTHING!” and despite not being able to laugh too hard or else you’ll feel like your pussy is going to rip open LOL you two are just sitting on the couch giggle and talking about the whole thing
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: soft dom!matt x fem!reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: although you’re a well-known model, you’ve been feeling insecure about your body lately. matt thinks it’s bogus, and wants to prove you wrong.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: SMUT, insecurity, praising, oral (female receiving), pet names, p in v
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2,075
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫’𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: i kind of hate this😔
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before you and matthew sturniolo started seeing each other, he would always lurk on your instagram page. the two of you met through madi, who is your best friend. you guys met at an event a few years ago and clicked instantly. fast forward to today’s time, where you now share an apartment.
you noticed matt being subtle on your page at the beginning of whatever you guys have going on. no, it’s not friends with benefits, being that you guys haven’t had sex yet. he would leave comments such as fire emojis or hypes until he was brave enough to text you a few months ago. that’s how your relationship came to be. nobody knows about it, not even madi or his brothers. you guys made the mutual decision to keep it on the down low for now.
walking through the boy’s bedroom door, you go over to the side of the bed that you sleep on, gathering some of your belongings. you just got back from a photoshoot. being a model has its ups and downs, especially when you’re on the chubbier side. you get a lot of praise from your fans, saying how you’re an inspiration. sometimes, however, it can be frustrating.
“i don’t get a kiss or even a hug?” matt says, who looks away from his phone to stare at you putting your stuff in the overnight bag you always bring.
you look over your shoulder and smile. “sorry.”
as you’re placing the bag down, he’s already sat up and sitting at the end of the bed. you go to kiss him on the temple, but instead, he pulls you over his lap to where you straddle him — although you hover a bit.
he pouts. “you’re not staying the night again?”
shaking your head, you brush a piece of hair away from his face. “i told madi i’ll be home tonight. i feel bad whenever i leave her alone, and i can’t keep up with the ‘my mom needs me to sleepover’ excuse.”
a sigh comes out as more of a groan, his lips traveling to your jaw, pecking down your neck and nipping at the skin. “you can’t put marks, matt.” you say in a whine as he reaches your sweet spot. you take a look at the clock on the nightstand, reading 9:14 pm. “it’s getting late and i have to go. i mean it.”
you get out of his grasp, another sigh leaving his body more dramatically.
matt furrows his eyebrows; something’s not right. he can sense something is bothering you, he just can’t put his finger on it. “what’s wrong?”
laughing nervously, you shake your head. “i’ll get over it.”
“that’s not what i asked— hey.” when you ignore him, he grabs your wrist to turn you around. “look at me, please. tell me what’s bothering you.”
you hate how matt’s so good at this game. he can tell when you’re upset, even in the slightest way possible. you can sugarcoat your true feelings with fake happiness, and he’ll still notice that something isn’t right.
on occasion, you like to look at comments under the recent posts that you make. most of the comments are positive, but one of the downsides of the modeling community is the negative ones. you try your best to ignore them, but sometimes they hurt. this is one of those times.
“i don’t like my body.” you barely whisper, fidgeting with his necklace as you think back to the haters.
“what?” he asks confused.
“forget about it.” you start, tugging at your hoodie sleeves. “seriously, i’ll get over it. it’s stupid people saying shit online. it happens to everybody. it’s fine.”
you do love your job, don’t get yourself wrong, but showing off your body in lingerie as a career can attract the wrong people. in general, it’s quite nerve-wracking. he kisses your cheek before his breath is against your ear. “you’re fucking gorgeous.” he bites the lobe. “let me show you, hm?”
his fingertips brush from your thighs to the hem of your shirt. “can i?” a pulsing sensation starts between your legs, taking your bottom lip with your teeth and nodding.
your shirt ends up on the floor, matt reaching behind your back to unclip your bra that ends up where your other piece of clothing is. he stares, a wide grin plastering his face. “shit.” he says lowly, squeezing your breasts before running his hands down to the buttons of your shorts. the pulsing remains, becoming much stronger.
heart thumping, you don’t make a peep as your shorts and underwear drop to the ground. you’re refusing to look down at your body, but that’s all matt is admiring. a chill runs up your spine as his lips kiss your flesh like before, but it’s more heated while you’re naked and he’s still fully clothed.
they trail to your tits, matt kneeling to reach your stomach and kissing your stretch marks, too. “so pretty.” he mumbles, ending at your thighs and repeating these actions until you’re face to face again.
going over to the bed, he lays back flat and gestures for you to come over as well. you hesitate but do so. he maneuvers your body to hover over him, or in this case, over his face. “i don’t want to hurt you.” you whine, knowing what he wants you to do.
the eye roll is so intense that it’s like you said the most out-of-pocket thing he’s ever heard in his life. “you’re soaked.” he exhales. “all of this for me?”
pink creeps on your cheeks and you nod like how you did before. being so turned on makes it almost impossible to speak. squeezing your plush thighs to keep you in place, he lowers you onto his mouth.
a gasp falls past your lips, his tongue flicking at your folds. you want to get pressure off of him at least a little bit, but he has you fully sat on his face, and he fucking loves it. soft moans along with the slurping noise fill the room, matt’s head shaking at times to feel all of you on his tongue. your pussy tastes incredible to him.
sucking at your clit, his tongue enters your sopping hole. you throw your head back, chest heaving when your moans turn into whimpers. he has you stable in his grip, pure bliss fogging your brain. “oh my god!” you cry out, slamming your eyes shut and grabbing onto his hair.
matt hums, the vibration making your legs close around his head. a hotness forms in your tummy, orgasm building the more his muscle laps in your cunt. “mm— i’m gonna cum.” you gasp, his mouth returning to your clit and sucking at your bud. you swear out loud, legs shaking while you make a mess on his face. you feel his tongue lick the excess cum from your thighs, flinching every time he does so.
in the blink of an eye, he uses his strength to flip you onto your back. your breath hitches as he runs his bottom lip up your body, the clinking of his belt entering your ears until his pants fall join the clothing pile. leaning up to take his shirt off, a grin plasters over his face, admiring your body in every way possible. you lift your head to look down at his rock-hard cock, mouth watering at the sight.
he wraps his hand gently around your throat to push your head back onto the mattress. “you want this dick?” he coos, teasing the tip at your entrance to coat it with your juices. you whine lowly, rutting your hips to get more friction. “hm?”
“y-yes.” you stammer, letting out a choked moan as matt starts pushing himself slowly into your hole. the stretch feels mesmerizing, your eyes fluttering closed when he rolls his hips.
“this pussy has been waiting for this.” he says, humming with contentment when your walls wrap around him. “you look so sexy underneath me.”
“f-faster, please.” you choke out, gripping onto the sheets by your sides.
the movement of his hips plow into you more, your ass slapping against his thighs and an erotic sound comes from where you two are conjoined. numerous curses and whimpers escape your body. his balls slap repeatedly against your clit, the feeling making you gasp and your legs shake. “fuck, matt! yeah!”
“i bet those haters are just jealous they can’t have this beautiful body to themselves.” he starts, pausing to catch his breath. “they can’t fuck it like i can.”
“y-you can’t say that.” you whimper, until the two fingers without rings pacify you. you gag a little around them before you start to suck on them, drool dribbling down your chin. the bed starts to squeak when you wrap your legs around his waist to have him go deeper, your moans muffled by his fingers when he hits your g-spot, back arching from the bed.
“there she is.” he whispers, smiling proudly. “that’s it. you want to cum, baby?”
you clench around his shaft, legs shaking more than they were before. you nod eagerly, the knot tightening in your belly. matt groans, watching your hands go to your breasts to tease and pinch the nipples for more stimulation. you can’t make it out, but you could’ve sworn he mumbles so hot under his breath when his dick twitches inside of you. your eyes roll back, mouth opening wide to scream of pleasure.
body trembling, the knot becomes undone when your cum smears down his red dick, the sight having matt pull out with a whimper. he strokes himself a few times before painting your stomach white.
he collapses on top of you, pecking your lips and whispering sweet nothings into your ear. you get a glimpse of the clock and sigh. 10:32 pm. talk about getting home early.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ❦ ⋆⁺₊⋆
you finally get to your apartment complex forty-five minutes or so later. you live on the third floor and usually take the stairs, but you’re so soar that you wobble yourself into the elevator. you walk as fast as your legs can take you down the hallway to your front door, keys jingling once you tap the key fab to open it. a beep noise echos, meaning you succeeded.
once you turn the handle, you're greeted with the TV lighting up the living room and madi’s head snapping in your direction where she’s sitting on the couch. “it’s about time! did you not see my texts or calls? you had me worried. you’re never this late after a shoot.”
“i’m sorry.” you exhale. “i had to make a pit stop.”
her eyes slit, watching the way you’re semi-limping to the seat next to her. you grunt when you manage to sit, looking over to see her mouth agape but smiling. “what?”
“you had sex.”
“you don’t know that.” you scoff, but hide your face as much as possible when you blush, reminiscing about tonight.
“girl.” she gives you the are-you-serious stare. “you’re practically shining with the post-orgasm glow, and you came walking in here like an old lady. who was it with? do i know them? tell me, tell me, tell me!”
madi grabs onto your arms and shakes them in excitement, bouncing on her knees on the cushion. “mattandihavebeenseeingeachotherbehindeverbody’sbacks.”
her nose scrunches. “huh?”
you exhale sharply, checking your phone that’s on your lap to see some messages from the boy that had you screaming on his cock over an hour ago. “matt and i have been seeing each other behind everybody’s backs.”
she claps her hands once, awfully loud, before pointing at you. “i fucking knew it. tell me everything. pretty please.”
so you do. you explain everything — well, you leave out the explicit details — and she’s beaming the whole time as you speak. your phone goes off again, and she grabs it before you can. “madi, come on!” you screech between giggles. she reads the messages with wide eyes, and you peek over her shoulder to see.
matt :)
you left your bra here
should i try it on?
i’ll look good in it
hello :(
did you fall asleep already?
i think we should make it official
be my girlfriend please
i’ll see you tomorrow
i love you
whoops never said that before
oh well!
goodnight <3
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𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!
@bunbunbl0gs @lexisecretaccx @thy-mission @angelic-sturniolos111 @sophssturn @moncherriis @janiellasblog @blahbel668 @meg-sturniolo @mattslolita @sturnbaby @imwetforyourmom @tillies33ssss @sturnifyed @raysmayhem-72 @ripmattitude @p1xieswrld @alorsxsturn @multiluvr @delilahprentiss @tworosesblackthorn @gnxosblog @junnniiieee07 @flowerxbunnie @imaslut4kehlani @sturniolosandmoree @hearrtsturns @stars4matt @freshsturns @etershine @tpvmz @sukiipjs @h3arts4harry @sturnioloblogs @creamoncreamoncream2 @ivyyyyyysposts @iluvm4ttsturni0l0 @mbsbaby @mattsdollie @thesturniolos @nononopenono1 @bitchydragonparadise @gdsvhtwa @hrt-attack @dwntwn-strnlo @venusbabysblog @meerkatzthings @bernardsbendystraws @hoes4matthew
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delulujuls · 8 months
the prettiest boy in the paddock | op81
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hi there, here comes the 1.3k of wholesome fluff with the pastry boi. its just-uh, i already know that i wanna write a part two for this so watch out!
summary: oscar is feeling a bit down but little does he know that for two people out there he is the prettiest boy in the paddock
warnings: none
pairing: fem!mclarendriver x oscar piastri (ft. lando)
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Oscar never had an opinion about his appearance.
Whenever someone asked him if he considered himself as an attractive guy, he would just shrug. Passing by shop windows, mirrors, or surfaces reflecting his image, he never stopped to check if he looked good. The same applied to taking pictures of him. He never needed to have a say in them; he didn't feel the need to improve any shot, as he might not look favorable in it. If the photographer thought he looked great, who was he to judge?
This, of course, didn't mean that Oscar didn't take care of himself; quite the opposite. The Aussie was always neat, smelled good, and sometimes even used hair conditioner, lip balm or even a hand cream. Looking at him, you could notice a handsome, young man with a well-built, slim figure, a pleasant gaze, and an infectious smile.
The fact that Oscar was attractive was especially noticeable on social media. He was adored by fans. The papaya army loved the McLaren duo, and Oscar was no less popular with the ladies than Lando. If anything, sometimes it seemed like his name was shouted even louder.
His teammates also shared the same opinion. Oscar was a good-looking lad, so it wasn't surprising that during conferences, interviews or casual conversations Lando couldn't take his eyes off him and Y/N took every opportunity to throw compliments at him. However, these compliments were one hundred percent sincere and true and Oscar took them very personally, blushing like never before. These compliments were perceived as harmless, friendly jokes by the public, but both Y/N and Lando believed that their friend was the indeed the most beautiful.
However, this didn't change the fact that sometimes Oscar had a bad day. This was one of those days.
With the hood pulled low over his head, the person in the orange McLaren hoodie entered the dining room. Y/N was slowly having her breakfast, scrolling through social media. She usually went for meals early to avoid crowds and have some time to clear her head. Her surprise was evident when someone pulled a chair next to her and took a seat.
"Oscar?" the girl asked in surprise, barely able to see her friend's face under the hood. "What are you doing here so early?"
"I couldn't sleep."
He muttered under his breath and opened a small chocolate packet, pouring it over his pancakes.
Y/N blinked several times, holding her phone in her hand. Clearly, something was off.
"Is something wrong?"
Oscar shook his head and leaned his elbow on the table. He ate in a hunched position, with his back slouched. It looked like he was hiding from someone. Or hiding something.
"You haven't convinced me."
She replied, putting down her sandwich.
The Aussie ate in silence. Only his chin and chocolate-stained lips were visible under the hood. Y/N looked at him, waiting, but when she saw it was better to drop the subject, she returned to her breakfast and scrolling through Instagram.
When Y/N finished eating, she glanced at her friend one last time. He still sat with his head down, swiping his finger on his phone screen. She gathered her things, planning to leave the dining room, realizing there was no chance for a normal chat with Oscar.
"See you around, grumpy."
As she stood up, she heard a quiet question.
"Can you help me?"
Y/N paused and finished her coffee.
"Of course I'll help you, but first I need to know in what matter."
She replied without hesitation, looking down at him. He raised his head and for the first time that day, she had the chance to look at his face.
"Do you have a moment now?"
The girl checked her phone's clock and nodded.
"To my room, then."
Once they were in her room, she sat on the bed and Oscar, after closing the door behind him, walked slowly into the room.
"I'm all ears."
He took his hands out of his pockets and sat next to his friend. He sighed and took off the hood, turning his face toward Y/N in silence. She looked at him surprised, studying him.
"What? You don't have the answer written on your face."
"I do," he replied tartly "You don't see gow terrible i look?"
Y/N furrowed her brows. She had no idea what he was talking about. He looked exactly the same as always.
"You look cute, just like every day."
She said playfully, smiling, but he wasn't in the mood for jokes. He lowered his head and rubbed his face with his hands.
"Acne," he said, resigned, lowering his hands to his knees. "It's worse than ever."
She gently touched his chin and turned his face towards her. Oscar avoided eye contact. He felt embarrassed, unsure whether he was more ashamed of coming to her with such a thing or of his appearance.
"If you want me to help, first, don't touch your face like you did a moment ago."
The girl smiled and brushed the hair from his forehead with her hand.
The Aussie looked into her eyes and, seeing her smile, he felt a little more confident.
"Can you help me with this? I have no idea what to do."
"You're lucky you're friends with someone who has half a Walmart in their makeup bag."
Y/N smiled and stood up, going to the bathroom. After a moment, she returned with a pink headband, which she placed on Oscar's head to keep his hair away from his face.
"Have you washed your face today?"
Oscar nodded.
"What do you use for face wash? Tell me about your skincare routine."
To be honest, there was nothing much to talk about.
"Uh, I wash my face with water, morning and night, when I take a shower."
Y/N blinked several times and looked at him in shock.
"And that's it?"
He just nodded. To his surprise, his friend smiled and clapped her hands.
"Great, I can teach you everything."
"I don't know if I'm ready for that."
Oscar replied uncertainly, but he obediently stood up and followed the girl to the bathroom.
"Don't worry; it won't be anything crazy" Y/N said and took her face wash gel in her hand "It's gonna be Piastri's friendly skincare."
He listened to her even more carefully than when he analyzed the race result with the strategists. He asked when he had doubts, trying to remember every word she said. When he finished washing his face, she applied a gentle scrub and face mask after. After that, it was the time fot rest of the skincare routine. Y/N took a bit of cream on her fingers, which finished off all the major skincare. She crouched down in front of him and smiled, applying the cream to his face.
"Smile, Osc. You are beautiful."
Piastri involuntarily smiled at her compliment.
"Immediately better."
She added, massaging the remaining cream into her hands. For some imperfections, she applied a clear, specialized ointment and removed the headband from his head. She stood up, taking a brush and combing his hair.
"Thank you, Y/N."
Oscar replied, looking at her from below. His brown eyes sparkled as he raised his head to look at his friend.
"You are welcome, pretty boy."
She replied. She wanted to kiss his cheeks but refrained, partly because of the multi-step skincare routine on his face, and partly because Oscar was her friend. But mostly, it was about skincare.
"And you're beautiful, don't forget that."
"Of course, I am" a loud interjection from Lando was heard as he entered the room, making himself comfortable in it, quickly appearing in the bathroom "What's going on here and why without me?"
"You miss everything because you're the last one to get up"
Y/N replied, putting her things back into her cosmetic bag.
"Not true, don't be mean."
Lando retorted, but quickly his gaze turned towards Oscar and the Brit smiled at the sight of him "Wow, Osc, what a glow, mate!"
"Y/N did her hundred-step skincare on me."
"Really? Why are you torturing our friend?" Norris asked, sitting on the edge of the bathtub next to the Aussie.
"I asked her myself," the younger boy replied before the girl spoke up, ready to throw some sort of retort at her friend, "I wasn't feeling very confident this morning, my acne was killing me a bit and it's gotten worse lately."
Oscar admitted, still a little embarrassed by his problem.
"Aw, Oscar," Lando wrapped his arm around him and kissed him on the cheek. "You'd win the competition for the prettiest boy in the paddock."
Piastri blushed and lowered his gaze. A slight smile appeared on his rosy lips.
"Oh yes, you would definitely win."
Y/N replied and put her makeup bag aside, also sitting next to Piastri and kissing his other cheek, feeling a bit more confident after Lando did the exact same thing. Oscar blushed even more and raised his hands to hide his face, but lowered them halfway.
"I can't touch my face, damn it!"
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chunghasweetie · 4 months
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— part 1
— pairing | dom!oc x nerdysub!jjk
— summary | oc finally cuffs jk and they celebrate
— warning | bad writing (i’m doing my best)
unprotected sex, cursing, praising, dom oc, overstimulation, masturbating, voyeurism(?), pussy eating, squirting, slutty oc
— word count | 3.5k words
— song suggestion | greedy — ariana grande
It went from one study session a week to 3. Then it was 4. Now damn near every single day.
Now she was never apart from him.
He was her little boy toy and he loved every second of it. He was always over at her place and everytime he never left without some sort of mark.
He was so infatuated with her and obsessed. His life was dull and repetitive but now it was thrilling and exciting.
He longed for this girl. All he could think about is her.
Although he still stuttered, he grew a bit of confidence around her.
She knew everything about him and she actually was able to get him to speak to her.
It wasn’t unusual for her to let herself inside his apartment. She’d always come over for sleepovers.
Mostly because she liked bothering him while he was on the game.
Today was one of those days. She packed a bag and let herself into his apartment like usual.
She told him she was going to a frat party with her girlfriends, but she always intended on surprising Jungkook.
She tip toed to his bedroom, opening her mouth to say his name before hearing something she didn’t expect.
He was moaning. Well, whining actually.
“There’s no way.” Her heart dropped.
Was he with another girl?
She remained silent, deciding to peek over at him.
He was in his room, near his PC per usual. The complex set up made it difficult for her to really see what was going on.
She stuck her head a bit further out, taking a look at what was on his screen.
The last thing she expected to hear was Jungkook whimpering out her name, jerking himself off in front of his computer.
Her instagram and many other images he took were displayed on all the screens in his set up.
She stayed hidden, simply hiding and watching him in silence as he continues.
“Y-Y/n— ah”
He was lost in his own world, letting out soft moans as he pleasured himself.
“M-More fuck.” He panted. “F-Feels so good.”
His face was flushed with desire, and his breathing became heavy as he approached his climax.
She was amazed how he was so lost in everything that he hadn’t noticed her standing dead in the doorway.
His glasses slipped down near his nose, not even bothering to push them up. “M-Miss you.”
“S-So pretty” His hand moves quickly, his other hand supporting himself on the desk as he rocks his hips back and forth.
Jungkook let out a soft gasp as he reached his climax, still unaware of her presence.
Jungkook's eyes snap open as he feels his orgasm hit, his whole body shuddering as he cums all over his shirt and laptop.
“S-Shit I-“ He breathed heavily for a moment, trying to catch his breath.
Cum was leaking all over his tip, dripping down his shaft and all over his screen.
“Goddamnit” He cussed with his pouty like voice, ushering to clean himself up.
He grabbed the nearest towel, cleaning himself of the liquids he poured out.
Jungkook had refreshed his feed over 6 times, waiting for her to post. “Come on. Please” He kept refreshing.
Whenever she went out his blood went cold with anxiousness.
Although she was fucking him almost everyday, he worried about getting replaced.
With her friends being the frat boy hopping type, it made him so nervous Y/n would be the same way.
She cleared her throat, finally making her presence known.
Jungkook’s head snapped over to the doorway, heart thumping out of his chest.
“Y/n!” He said a bit loudly, even for him. He cleared his throat. “I-I thought you were at a party.”
Jungkook's face turned bright red with embarrassment as he realized that Y/n could’ve been there the whole time.
“Hi baby” She played it cool, placing her bags on the side of his bed. “What you been up to today?”
He scrambled to cover himself up, wiping the sweat from his forehead as he tried to come up with an explanation for his irrational behavior.
"Well, uh... I was just... studying and on the game." Jungkook stammered out, still flustered from what had just happened.
He knew that it was a feeble excuse, but it was the only thing he could think of at the moment.
“Such a nerd.” She laughed.
Jungkook blushes deeper at her teasing, his gaze darting back and forth between her and the floor.
“Y-Yeah.” He shifts uncomfortably in his seat, his hands fidgeting with the hem of his shirt.
He felt like the words, ‘I masturbated to you’ was painted on his face.
He finally turned to face her, and his jaw immediately dropped.
Jungkook's eyes widen as she slides onto his bed, her mini skirt riding up to reveal a strip of smooth, tanned skin.
“D-Did you um— buy a new outfit?”
He swallows hard, trying to keep his composure as he stares at her, his mind racing with dirty thoughts.
“I actually did. Do you like it baby?” She asked him.
Mini skirts always did her so good. Her body was perfection and today she wanted nothing but Jungkook to notice her skirt.
Jungkook nods, unable to tear his gaze away from the tantalizing glimpse of her thighs.
He was such a nerd they reminded him of the anime’s he would watch.
His voice is barely above a whisper as he replies, "Y-yes, you look really, really pretty."
He licks his lips, his heart pounding in his chest. "M-may I...”
“Words, Jungkook. You’re a big boy remember?”
Jungkook swallows hard, his face turning bright red as he fumbles with his words.
"M-may I... touch it?" He asks, his eyes never leaving her thighs, his hands shaking slightly as he reaches out to gently trace the hem of her skirt.
“Of course baby.” She chuckled at his cuteness. “You can do whatever you want to me. You know that.”
Jungkook's breath hitches in his throat as he hears her words, his heart racing even faster than before.
He nods, his fingers trailing higher up her thigh, slowly, reverently, as if he's afraid that if he touches too quickly, she might disappear. "I-I want to...”
Jungkook swallows hard, his fingers finally reaching the lace of her panties.
He bites his lip, his eyes locked on hers as he asks, his voice barely above a whisper, "May I... touch you here?" His fingers hover just above the wet fabric, his entire body trembling with anticipation.
Jungkook was such a nerd, he pictured her as some anime princess he had seen years ago.
She whined at the sudden feel of his fingers.
Jungkook's eyes light up with excitement as he hears her response, his fingers moving to slide underneath her panties, brushing against her slick folds.
He gasps softly, his eyes widening as he feels how wet she is for him. "A-Ah... you're so wet..."
“All because I seen you earlier.” She chuckled. “You really thought I didn’t see you touch yourself to me baby?”
Jungkook's face turns beet red as he realizes she caught him masturbating to images of her.
He quickly pulls his hand out from under her panties, his other hand flying to cover his face in embarrassment. "I-I... I didn't mean for you to see that..."
“I-I... I didn't know you saw me..." He admits, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Saw you? Baby I heard you. You’re so whiny when you’re needy.” She teased him.
Jungkook's breath hitches as she teases him, his face turning an even deeper shade of red.
He can feel his cock throbbing once again in his pants, desperate to be freed and buried inside of her. "Y-You heard me...?" He asks, his voice trembling with need.
“Of course I did baby. It’s why I was so wet” She slowly slipped his hands out of her panties. “Well, I’m always wet around you.”
Jungkook's hands are left empty as she slips them out of her panties, his fingers twitching with the need to touch her again.
He swallows hard, his eyes fixed on her drenched pussy. "Y-You're always so wet around me...?"
“Always. You know this baby.” She giggled. “You think I’m changing panties for fun when I come over?”
Jungkook's breath hitches as she reveals that she comes to him specifically to be fucked. "N-No... I didn't... I didn't think..."
“You’re so cute!” She laughed, loving the way he stuttered and stammered.
“You know at first when I heard you, I thought you were getting fucked by someone else.” She admitted.
Jungkook's eyes widen with horror as she confesses that she had thought he was getting fucked by someone else when she heard him moaning.
He would never want her to think that of him. Not after all he’s done to finally have her.
He shakes his head vehemently, his cheeks burning with embarrassment. "N-No, no! It was just me...I-I would never I- only want you.”
“I know now.” She exhaled. “But now I realized I can’t keep doing this. Not this way anymore.”
Jungkook's heart sinks.
He looks at her with pleading eyes, his hands reaching for hers. "P-Please... don't say that. I-I really like you...I— I just can’t—“
“I need you to be my mine.” She interrupted, looking up at him. “Need you to be my boyfriend.”
Jungkook's heart races as she tells him she wants him to belong to her. A smile spreads across his face, and he nods eagerly. "R-Really? Y-You want me to be your... boyfriend?"
He can hardly believe what he's hearing.
Jungkook's eyes light up as she confesses her feelings for him. He nods eagerly, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her in for a tight hug. “I-I don’t know what to do I— Never thought this would happen.”
Jungkook's heart swells with happiness as she confesses that she's wanted him to be her boyfriend for a long time.
He can hardly contain his excitement as he pulls her into a tight embrace, his lips finding hers in a passionate kiss. "I-I'm so happy..."
She laughed into their kiss. “You should be baby, I’m all yours now nerd boy.”
He's never been happier to be labeled as such. He tightens his grip on her out of habit, deepening their kiss as he whispers against her lips, "Y-You’re all mine finally.”
He can't believe that this amazing, popular girl is now officially his girlfriend.
He was now dating the girl his high school bullies were fighting over one another for.
Here she was in his room, confessing to him.
She took charge of their make out session, smacking her plump lips against his. “How should we celebrate baby?”
Jungkook can't help but moan at her aggressive kiss, his hands roaming over her body as he gives himself over to the moment.
When she pulls away and asks about celebrating, he stammers out a response, "W-we could do whatever you want...”
“Maybe we can start with taking
care of your little issue down there.” She laughed.
Jungkook's face flames at her comment, but he can't help the small moan that escapes his lips at the thought.
He nods, whispering, "Y-yes please..."
“Speak up for me baby.” She bit her lip, checking him out. “Tell me how you want me.”
Jungkook's mind goes blank at her request, his face flaming even brighter. He stammers out, "I— Uh..."
He takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself down and not get too overwhelmed.
“Breathe baby.” She cooed. “Take it slow.”
“C-Can you get on top of me?” He finally lets out.
Jungkook's breath hitches as she doesn’t hesitate, his hands reaching up to touch her waist.
He watches as she settles herself on top of him, feeling her warmth against him. "F-Fuck..."
“Still so shy” She giggled.
Jungkook's face flames even brighter at her comment, but he can't help the small moan that escapes his lips.
He whispers, "C-Can't help it...you feel so good." He reaches up to touch her face, pulling her down for a kiss.
“And so needy.” She laughed into their kiss.
Jungkook can't help the small whimper that escapes him at her comment, his hands tightening on her waist.
He whispers, "You— make me like that..." He leans up to capture her lips in another kiss, trying to convey all of his feelings to her through it.
“Gonna let you in raw again this time okay? Gonna let you cum wherever you want. Mm on the pill now.” She hummed.
Jungkook's breath hitches as she says those words, his hips bucking up to meet hers.
He whispers, “R-Really?!" He leans up to whisper in her ear, "I-I can cum inside you?"
“Of course baby” She could feel him throbbing under her. “You’re so weak I could dry hump you and make you cum your pants.” She teased him.
Jungkook groans at her words, his hips stuttering with pleasure.
He leans up to kiss her again, his hands roaming over her body. "I want this so bad..." He whispers, "P-Please Y/n?”
“Lift up my mini skirt.”
Jungkook's hands tremble as he reaches up to lift her mini skirt, revealing her lacy underwear.
He groans, "...You're so beautiful Y/n..." He leans down to kiss her inner thigh, his hands gripping her hips tightly.
Jungkook's hands move to her underwear, pulling them down her legs.
He looks up at her with a desperate expression, "C-Can I...make you cum first? P-Please?”
She nodded.
Jungkook's eyes light up at her words, and he leans down to kiss her again.
He whispers, "Thank you..."
Recently, all Jungkook had been wanting to do was eat her out. It’s like he craved it more than actually being inside her.
She tasted so good and she always moaned and spoke so dirty to him while he did it. The praise and appreciation she showed him drove him insane.
Especially because it was all from him.
Usually she was always leading. Whenever he ate her out he felt like he had a bit of power.
Even if he was whining and moaning over her taste.
He lays her down on his bed, spreading her legs for him to access her heat.
His hands roam over her body as he begins to kiss and lick at her clit.
She hums at the feeling of his tongue on her clit. “Always trying to make me cum first hm?”
Jungkook moans at her words, his own arousal growing as he feels her getting closer. He continues to lick and kiss at her clit, his fingers teasing her entrance. He wants to make her cum hard for him.
He continues to lick and kiss at her clit, “S-So sweet.”
Jungkook groans at the feeling of her gripping his hair. He loves when she's like this, so desperate for more.
He quickens his pace, his tongue moving faster over her clit as his fingers slip inside her.
“Tastes so good— fuck” He panted, face absolutely lost in between her thighs.
“Fuck— all that practice fucking paid off.” She groaned. “Fucking amazing baby.”
His own arousal was growing. He's proud of himself for making her feel this good.
He continues to lick and kiss at her clit, his fingers moving inside her. "I-I love it too much— N-Never want to stop.”
“Mm— so good” Her eyelids were practically twitching from how good she felt. “Such a good boy.”
He continues to move his fingers inside her, his tongue still flicking against her clit. "So good…for you…”
Whenever he’d speak his lips would barely leave her clit, not wanting to ever separate himself.
He feels her thighs tighten around his head, and he knows she's close.
“Fuck baby I’m close.” She arched her back.
He curls his fingers inside of her, his tongue still flicking against her clit.
Within seconds and without warning, she squirted all over his mouth, face and glasses.
She gasped aloud, “Oh my gosh!” She covered her mouth. Her legs were trembling, her whole body affected by her intense orgasm.
She squirted for him ever so often, but this one definitely shook up his world.
He was in shock, and he fell further for her than he already had. He felt so accomplished and adored.
She looked down at the soaked boy, his once clean frames now drenched with her liquid arousal.
His mouth was still very attached to her, she had to grip his hair just to separate athe two.
“It’s all over you— and your bed” She reached out, almost embarrassed by how much she squirted.
Jungkook looks up at her with a big grin on his face. He takes off his glasses and wipes them on the sheets before putting them back on.
“That was so—“ He swallowed. “Amazing.”
“Wow baby” She laughed. “You took it a lot better than I thought.”
She eyed him, “Let me fuck you baby.” She laughed. “I know you’re desperate now. Come here.”
He leans his back against the headboard, scrambling to slip down his boxers.
“You’re adorable” She chuckled, climbing onto his lap. “Are you ready?”
Jungkook's cheeks turn a deep shade of red at her compliment, but it only makes him more excited.
He nods his head eagerly and wraps his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him. "Y-yes... I'm ready... please..."
“Always gotta take care of you baby” She positioned herself on his cock, slowly slipping him inside of her.
Jungkook lets out a deep, guttural moan as she slides down onto his cock. He feels every inch of her, and it's better than anything he could have ever imagined.
He grips her hips tightly, trying to hold back his urge to thrust up into her.
She was so wet.
“Fuck baby” She whined, getting adjusted.
Jungkook nods his head and lets out a soft moan as she adjusts herself on top of him.
He's in heaven right now, and he never wants this moment to end. He looks up at her and smiles softly. "You feel too good-“
“Relax yourself baby.” She comforted him, knowing how overwhelmed he got.
Jungkook blushes and nods his head, biting his bottom lip as he feels her wetness enveloping him. "Y-yes... you're so wet... and tight..."
He was so whiny and needy for her. He was pussy drunk and a desperate mess. She couldn’t help but chuckle a bit.
Jungkook's cheeks turn a deeper shade of red as she chuckles at his eagerness.
He can't help it; he'd never felt this good before her. He looks up at her with puppy dog eyes, pleading for more. "P-please...”
She started moving on him, grinding painfully slow on top of him.
Jungkook lets out a soft moan as she starts to move on top of him, grinding her hips against his.
He can't believe how good it feels, and he wraps his arms around her waist, holding her close. "F-fuck... that feels so good..."
Jungkook's body trembles and shakes as she continues to grind on him, his whines and moans growing louder. He can't help but be overwhelmed by the sensations. "I-I can't...”
Jungkook takes a deep, shuddering breath as she relaxes against him.
He feels her hands on his chest, slowly running them up and down his shirt and he can't help but feel even more overstimulated. "C-can't take it...”
“Want me to stop baby?” She asked him, slowing down on him.
Jungkook shakes his head frantically. He doesn't want her to stop, but he also can't handle the intensity of what she's doing to him. "N-no... just... you’re moving so much and—I-I’m gonna cum too quick... please..."
“Like this?” She grinded on him more intensely, whispering moans and praises in his ear.
Jungkook's whines and moans grow louder as she grinds on him. He can feel every inch of her and it's driving him wild.
He clings to her, whispering her name over and over again. "Y-yes, like that..”
“You always cum too quick baby.” She giggled, “You’re okay Jungkook”
Jungkook's face flushes bright red at the teasing and he buries his face in her neck.
He hates that he always cums so quickly, but he can't help it when she's touching him like this. "I-I'm sorry... I just—“
“Shh” She stopped him mid explanation. “Wouldn’t want it any other way. That’s why you’re my baby.”
He couldn’t help but blush, swallowing harshly.
“Fuck Jungkook— So fucking big and I still can never get used to it.” She groaned.
Jungkook's mind goes blank as she takes control. He can only moan and whimper as she rides him harder and faster.
Her words of praise only fuel his desire, and he clings to her, relishing in the feeling of being dominated by the girl he loves.
“Y/n I—“
Jungkook lets out a low groan as she takes him over the edge. He feels himself pulsing inside her, filling her up with his release.
“How was that baby?” She chuckled. “Better than when you masturbated to me earlier?” She teased, revealing that she seen him.
His face drained of color, in utter horror.
He can't help but feel embarrassed at being caught like that, but the fact that she knows and is still here with him only makes him feel even more loved.
“I thought it was cute— and funny.” She laughed.
His mind goes blank as he collapses on the bed, panting heavily. "F-Fuck I— I’m sorry."
“Whyre you apologizing?” She bit her lip, eyeing him up and down. “That is just how I like to see you. Let’s clean you up baby, we’re gonna go out.”
“C-Can I— we—“ He panted
“Yes Jungkook.” She laughed. “We’ll shower together.”
813 notes · View notes
whatbio · 1 year
Bad Boy Names For Instagram | Bad Boy Names For Instagram 2023 (Copy and Paste) | इंस्टाग्राम के लिए बैड बॉय नाम
Bad Boy Names For Instagram | Bad Boy Names For Instagram 2023 (Copy and Paste) | इंस्टाग्राम के लिए बैड बॉय नाम. It’s all about images. Before a person who is not a follower visits your page, they can see your profile name. Being the cool guy you’re, you should have good names that are a bit sexy for Instagram to improve your profile’s popularity. A memorable name will attract followers and draw…
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mybestbio566 · 2 years
0 notes
marlenesluv · 8 months
Sly Fox, Dumb Bunny. (OP)
summary: being the mclaren admin, you’re quite close with the papaya boys, one more than the other…
note: never had a redhead/strawberry blonde fc, but i love red hair, so this is for all my redhead/strawberry blonde babes 😗 also this seems short :( i’m sorry, ill try to post again in a few!
based on this idea i had a while back -> post link
fc: bella anderson (bellaanderrson on insta)
pairing: oscar piastri x mclaren admin!fem reader
type: smau
warnings: very slight suggestive comment, not bad tho
masterlist here -> masterlist link
^ check my list for all posts! ^
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liked by: oscarpiastri, landonorris, and 89,193 others
y/n.user: media day vibes + a photo kika insisted i include 😐
view comments…
francisca.cgomes: you look so pretty❤️🤗
↳ y/n.user: you looking in a mirror? bc yes you are
f1updates: favorite posts from the best admin in f1 🙏
oscarpiastri: look at me on that scooter
↳ y/n.user: scootah 🦘🇦🇺
↳ oscarpiastri: if you and lando could stop making fun of me now
↳ landonorris: you know we never will mate
papayaedits81: brooo, i love this trio sm :’)
user3: she’s too pretty to be stuck with these men ugh
↳ user6: you mean the hottest men on earth??
↳ user3: they aren’t that hot
↳ user6: *GASP* GET. OUT.😖
mclaren: slay queen
↳ danielricciardo: y/n we know it’s you
↳ mclaren: no…..
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liked by: landonorris, oscarpiastri, and 372,924 others
mclaren: 🧡💙double podium weekend💙🧡
view comments…
user5: somehow, y/n eats every time with her photos and posts
y/n.user: 🧡🧡🧡🧡
f1edits: y/n commenting on posts she makes is too good
oscarpiastri: cool photos!😎
↳ mclaren: thank you, mr. piastri 🫡
f2postsss: boom, double podium
opfanpage3: oscar looks so good in theseee
papayaboys: love these pics sm!! y/n, once again, you slayed this up
your instagram story:
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seen by: oscarpiastri, lilymhe, and 82,193 others
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liked by: oscarpiastri, logansargeant, and 92,203 others
y/n.user: preoccupied🌹
view comments…
f1updatepg: WOAH????
user7: hold up now, pump the breaks. WHO is that man???
paddockposts: y/nnnnn spill who this is????
landonorris: i know something everyone else doesn’ttttttt
↳ y/n.user: lando😳 zip it
↳ carlossainz55: he told me already….
↳ charles_leclerc: lol………..
↳ y/n.user: STOPPPPP
op81: oscar linking but not commenting?? fishy
francisca.cgomes: mwahahahaha i am matchmaker
y/nfanpage7: anyone else thinking it might be a driver??
↳ f1edit0: yea but who? i don’t wanna assume lando/oscar but she is closest to them, yknow?
↳ user4: i was thinking maybe logan idk
texts with oscar:
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liked by: logansargeant, y/n.user, and 368,130 others
tagged: y/n.user
oscarpiastri: i would say she’s judy hoops because zootopia is one of her favorite movies, but she’s more nick wilde 🧡
view comments…
y/n.user: does that make you judy hoops?
↳ oscarpiastri: i’ll be judy if you’re nick, babe
↳ y/n.user: so i’m sly and you’re dumb?
↳ oscarpiastri: sure, but only you can call me dumb bunny🤷‍♂️
↳ pierregasly: y’know hes down bad when he’s into this shit
↳ francisca.cgomes: you’re talking? really
↳ y/n.user: LMAO
user5: this is calling me lonely in every language
formulawags7: WOAH keep it in your pants there oscar, talking bout “only you can call me dumb bunny” OK
op81edits: oscar having a gf just makes him more bold and i’m loving it
papayaedit9: they actually are so cute together stopppp
oscar on a podcast, clip of him talking about you:
(interviews name: matt)
matt: “well, mate. i know we are running low on time now, but we are going to end it off with some fan questions.”
oscar: “awesome.”
matt: “alright, i’m not going to lie, a lot of people are very curious on how you and y/n started dating. who initiated it? how long?”
oscar: “um…yeah. kind of a long story, i’ll make it shot though.” *laughs* “when i came to mclaren last year, i actually had a crush on her and lando found out fairly quick. he started telling me her favorite foods, shows, hobbies, stuff like that. like, for example, one of her favorite shows is pretty little liars, so i binged that whole show just to try to talk to her about it.” *laughs and takes a sip of his water*
matt: “wow, man. thats a lot of seasons. did you at least enjoy it?” *laughs*
oscar: “honestly? yeah…it was quite entertaining. and i got a few conversations in with her about it.”
matt: “that’s really nice, i don’t think i’d have the attention span. now, how long have you guys been together?”
oscar: “well, i announced it last friday, and it’s thursday…probably around two months, i’d say.”
matt: “why did you guys decide to wait a bit?”
oscar: “we were a little worried about what my pr manager would say and we didn’t want either of us to get in trouble. but y/n was mainly worried about the fans. she didn’t want to upset them, but, i don’t really care. i mean, if a fan can’t understand and respect your relationship….”
matt: “then they really aren’t fans, are they? well, you two are absolutely adorable. tell y/n i say ‘hi’ and i send her good wishes for this upcoming year. you guys are the cutest, and i’m sure fans will agree.”
oscar: “thank you, mate.”
your instagram story:
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seen by: oscarpiastri, pierregasly, and 93,199 others
(reposts, comments, and likes are appreciated!^-^)
1K notes · View notes
lunavrse · 2 months
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summary ★ : streets are saying yn finally broke up with her loser boyfriend and guess who couldn't be happier? if you guessed lando, you'd be wrong, it's actually her (but lando's a really close second).
category ★ : smau.
notes ★ : as always times and dates are irrelevant and spelling mistakes are intentional. longer than the last part but worse 🫶. and when i use those harry styles and taylor russell pictures again, mind your business🤫 poll at the end!!!
pt 1
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tagged: visavni
Liked by landonorris, monaspencer, zendaya and 1 154 748 others
yn_ln back to your regularly scheduled content of my face 🤗 did a fun little shoot with with a friend
View all 4 755 comments
user ugh face cardddd
user it's giving retro realness
user ur face card rlly is sum serious
visavni this was sm fun!
yn_ln thank u for always delivering
user always something amazing when y'all collab
user 1st slide is giving scream for some reason
user real "please don't kill me Mr Ghostface, I want to be in the sequel" vibes
user serving 70s editorial
user Already added to my Pinterest board 💞
user gagged, died, dead
user And I eat it up everytime.
landonorris real
user ofc instagram user landonorris on a yn_ln post
user not even f1 driver💀
user seeing different concepts from you is my absolute fav thing ngl
landonorris you look leng.
user anyone else side eye at this comment?
user honestly? not really, i'm sure he's said worse things
user legs are legging...
user what does this even mean
user the girls that get it, get it💋
user gah dam why are you legs so long🤤
user she's so overrated
user now why are you manspreading 🤨 do you want people to sit in ur lap???
user me wondering if that seats taken
monaspencer you've done it again! it's giving everything it's supposed to give🔥
yn_ln tysm ml🫶🏾
landonorris so she gets a reply but not me🫤
yn_ln now what was i supposed to say?
landonorris thank you?
yn_ln you're welcome.
landonorris oh that's no- ykw, you're right, i should be grateful
user damn right
user if he's not like this i don't want him
user He really said when a bad bitch tells me to shut up, I do it.
user i just know that ezra is somewhere sick to his stomach
user personally, I'd never recover
zendaya your shoots are always so good
yn_ln tysm queen. means a lot coming from you<3
user girl you do damage to me🥴
user amazing shoot 😍
yourfriend7 slenderman proportions🤩
yn_ln and if i kill myself, what then?
yourfriend7 😘
yn_ln spawning in your room🔜
yourfriend7 not beating the allegations pookie
user 😭😭😭
user love seeing your face pop up when i open insta
user the only reason people care about you is bc of ezra
user you're joking...
user you're delusional just like ur fav
user and yet here you are, on her page
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tagged: landonorris, yn_ln
motormouth Lando and Y/n spotted out and about via friends and fans. New wag or just friends hanging out? Let us know what you think!
Liked by user, user, user and others
View all 854 comments
user tagging them is so messy.
user well it is a gossip page
user but still... the audacity
user man like lando norris yeah
user friends can't hang out?
user The way that one picture looks really romantic until you realise Mona's cropped out
user Ezra was right to dump her😒 She never deserved him and she's mid anyway. Never did and never will get the hype.
user stacy why aren't you watching your kids instead of commenting on things that don't concern you? user yeah stacy, why aren't you being a mom to your kids? user stacy is a man who, instead of paying attention to the kids he only gets to see certain times, is out here dick riding someone who doesn't know he exists. user damn, someone named a baby boy stacy? user Well, my mom wanted to be Stacy's Mom but only decided on having one kid, and unluckily for me, I was that kid user born in 2003, named stacy and has kidS (multiple!), yeah, no wonder he's on a gossip page instead of watching those kids.
user he really wasted no time
user i hope he knows he's probably a rebound
user the way y'all purposely hid the fact that mona was also there in the 3rd slide 😐
user this the type of timing i need to be on
user i just know that one twitter user is laughing rn
user she's just using him😕
user he's so weird for this, like she just recently got out of her relationship and now this??
user love the fact that they get to hang out more
user It's still too soon since her last relationship, so I'm thinking they're only friends.
user she probably broke up with ezra just to be with lando 🤢
user did she or Ezra tell you that? no? yeah, shut up
user and who would blame her? NO ONE
user mona erasure, i will not stand for this!
user the way he's looking at her😵
user fellas is it weird to hang out with your friends?
user only if your friends are the opposite sex, it seems
user they're probably laughing at this (if they even see it)
user i just know lando is giggling
user fr, like dating rumours with her?
user mans is kicking his feet
ezragallagher has uploaded to their story.
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user: what you over here being messy for ???
user: bro move on!!!
user: i support you, toxic king🙌
user: ezra, baby, you can do better
sashabardot: really ezra? what the actual fuck is wrong with you
user: bros going through it
user: this is kinda pathetic don't you think?
user: someone's paying attention to their ex
user: babes this isn't your cf
user: don't you have work to focus on?
user: the way this would make me get back with you
user: ☕☕☕
user: this feels targeted
user if only i had half the confidence and audacity that you did🙂‍↔️
user: this is an... interesting song choice
user: see, me personally, i would never show my face on the internet but you do you💪
user: better as in you?
user: hope you guys get back together 🤞
user: God, I see how you've given some people the courage of lions😂
user: might as well have tagged her
user: just how i like my men... toxic and pettty 😍 *pretty but petty works just as well
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yn_ln has added to their story.
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user: uhhhhh
user: is this what i think it is?
user: oh!
user: please tell me this is in response to ezra
user: beabadoobee mention!!!
user: I love this song.
user: the way fucking batman wouldn't be able to get this out of me
user: this is wild
user: stop being so cryptic! is this about ezra or not
monaspencer: messy asf😭
yn_ln: he started it, so idgaf also, it could've been worse
monaspencer: true, you could've posted to still your best
yn_ln: lmaooo, can you imagine💀💀
user: taste>>>
user: have you ever thought that maybe you were doing something wrong if he cheated on you?
user: oh no
yourfriend: do you ever wonder...
user: You know what you're implying w this right?
user: publicizing the fact that you've been cheated on is insane
user: ezra fucking gallagher, count your days.
user: ok i alr know this is about ezra but who is the girl???
user: are you not embarrassed?
user: 🤨
user: ik you guys dated and everything but he wouldn't cheat🙄 you're just making up lies to slander him
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tagged: lukacyr, yn_ln, landonorris and 3 others.
Liked by lukacyr, yn_ln, landonorris and others
monaspencer spent some time with some of my favourite people... and lando
View all 1 787 comments
user you and luka are so 🥺
lukacyr that's my baby!!!
monaspencer 🩷🩷🩷
user dare i say... couple's trip???
yn_ln hot girl alert!!!
monaspencer love youuu
user lando catching strays?
lukacyr so gorgeous, im so lucky🩵
monaspencer i love you pretty boy🩷
user wish i was that cat
landonorris and lando? damn i thought we were besties😔
lukacyr we all know she loves you
monaspencer 🤥
landonorris thanks luka, knew i could count on you for the truth❗
user wait, whose cat is that?
user love how they're all just living their best lives.
user oof uno w yn and luka? I just know there was lots of yelling
user them making up their own rules and frustrating those of us who play the game properly 😭
lukacyr sorry you guys are boring 😔
user ughhhh miss spencer you are looking teww damn foineee 🤤
user sprinted to this post when i got the notification
user mona + yn = the prettiest friends. ughhh, love them
user you and Luka make me feel so single and im in a relationship!!!
user that's -
user just smile and wave
user game night is back baby!!!
user adding the song to my playlist immediately
user slayyy
lilymhe can't wait for the next dinner!
monaspencer you and alex are hosting nexts babes
yn_ln i have a meeting that night
landonorris me too
lilymhe alex will be cooking
yn_ln i will be in attendance
lilymhe hey! i'm not that bad
lukacyr sureeee
alex_albon you are not talking, mr i once set fire to water
user how tf
user i love tht Luka buys her flowers whenever he can
user i have so many questions
user do you and Luka want a third?
user 🔥🔥🔥
user your nails in the first slide is everything to me
user not mona and yn having matching rings,,, i love them😭😭
user very on brand for them
user they all look so cool, I wish i was apart of their friend group
user real, they all look like so much fun
user TV girl>>>
user face beat is so FAB imo
user wait what's happening to me... 🧍‍♂️🚶‍♂️🧎‍♂️🐈🐾
user the dress from the last slide is EVERYTHING
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Liked by monaspencer, landonorris, lilymhe and others
yn_ln 1st slide is me after thirdwheeling my (girl)friend and her boyfriend 😴 and the last slide is literally them, I'm sick😞
View all 1 853 comments
user girlll
user this said so much and nothing at all
user how can someone be so cute and hot at the same time???
monaspencer ik you're not talking lol
user what does this meannn
lilymhe i would never treat you like that bbg
landonorris don't you have a boyfriend? matter of fact ﹫alex_albon come get your girl
lilymhe snitch😒
alex_albon lily???
maxfewtrell dinner was great, sending mine and p's thanks again
yn_ln tell her she needs to join us for game night next time and you're invited too ig
maxfewtrell im starting to think you like my girlfriend more than me
yn_ln i do!
maxfewtrell fairs, i like her more than you
user last slide unlocked a memory
lukacyr and proud of it
lukacyr you're just mad she likes me more
yn_ln thats so funny considering she's in my bed rn
landonorris should've been me
user I jus know Lando took that 5th photo
user and you know this how...
user idrk but you can always tell when he's the one taking her pictures bc something about it just makes her look.. especially stunning ya know? like you can tell someone who's in love w her took the pic
user you're actually so right
landonorris a whole slide of just me? yeahhh you want me so bad
user i aspire to be this type of delusional
yn_ln oh absolutely
landonorris so glad you're admitting it to the world😌
user i cannae tell if this is sarcasm or not
user it's ok, neither can lando
user in the words of one troye sivan, "face card, no cash, no credit"
user when he sang "look, look at you", he meant her
user and when he sang " baby, I'm first in place" he was singing about Lando
user swear i saw you guys at that restaurant but was too nervous to make sure
user i would have said hello ngl
user i didnt want to disturb and like i said, i was so nervous.
user have i mentioned that i love everything that is happening here, bc i do
user genuinely thought the 2nd slide was y'all eating sushi and was amazed that you got lando to eat it
user same! but i didn't even question it and just scrolled
user would honestly be flattered if i was compared to arnaz and breanna, they were such a cute couple
user true but i still can't get over the fact that her dad was called Flex lmao
user eye cant get over the shows theme song, like i still think it's good
user not to mention Breanna was in her fashion bag, girlie was serving LOOKS.
user Check out my profile for art of your favourite artist's favourite artist!
user omg that's crazy haha, i have 10 lambo's btw, like i am super rich and you'd never be tired around me bc i'd make sure you get 10 hours of sleep (2 extra hours bc you deserve it, must be exhausting being so gorgeous)
landonorris this person literally set fire to my house and is stealing from their job. please report them so i can have some peace of mind🙏🙏
user idk man, why would Lando lie :/
landonorris exactly, for what reason?
user ik this is a lie but imma do it anyway lmao
landonorris why would i lie?
user bffr.
user: i know we're all focused on yn's beauty(and rightfully so) but can we take a moment to appreciate that picture of lando???
user: like hello, he looks so hot
user 💖
user LIVING it up
landonorris: you ever see someone so beautiful you start barking violently? cause thats me rn
landonorris: got me acting unwise❗
yn_ln: please calm down you freak
landonorris: mmm call me a freak again😩
user: what the
user: he's so real for this
user: jesus h christ
user: think i've had enough of instagram today, peace out✌
landonorris has added to their story.
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user: mona's miss steal your girl well not really your girl🤣
landonorris: blocked
user: i want someone to look at me like that
user the art in the background is so pretty
user: damn, you're never making it to relationship status
user: she's wearing orange... interesting...
user: art and art/two masterpieces in one photo
user: guess i need to ask Mona and Yn if they want a third instead
user: i'd say deserved ���
monaspencer: you're both such liars
user: waitt,, the fits are eatinggg
user: they literally look like they're in love
user: women *sighs dreamily*
yn_ln: damn, i look good wait when did you take this picture
landonorris: yeah you do. orange is really your colour, you should wear it more often
monaspencer has added to their story.
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user: not them getting "this you"-d💀
user: they are never beating the dating allegations
user: exposed in a single photo
user: you're an absolute legend for this
user: this just in, yn ln is a LIAR!!
user: i don't know why you're friends with her🙄
yn_ln: you make my ass itch
monaspencer: funny, i was thinking the same thing about you
yn_ln: why do you do this to me?
monaspencer: suffer x
user: my otp!!!
user: ugh, what a eyesore(i'm violently jealous)
user: They look so good together, they should just date already smh.
user: now it definitely seems like y'all went on a couple's trip👀
landonorris: send me this🙏🏻
whatyouhe4rd has posted a new article, based on your likes, this may interest you. check it out?
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landonorris has uploaded a story.
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user replied to your story: you're jokinggg, this is a joke
user replied to your story: you didn't actually post this, im clearly just seeing things im just gonna pretend that it didn't happen since you deleted it
user replied to your story: When I tell you I burst out laughing seeing this, I'm not lying.
maxfewtrell replied to your Close Friends story : you did not delete the 1st one just to post it on your CF
landonorris: it was an accident?
maxfewtrell: an accident that's going to end up on hundred's of gossip sites
landonorris: rachel is going to kill me, isnt she?
maxfewtrell: seriously surprised she hasn't already
yn_ln replied to your Close Friends story : Rachel is going to kill you
landonorris: i just told max the same thing, we're soul mates fr
yn_ln: i'm being serious
landonorris: so am i but did it make you smile?
yn_ln: yes?
landonorris: then it was worth it and i'll die happy
yn_ln: you're so cheesy🙄
landonorris for you i will be mozzarella, parmesan, chedda, gouda, brie, cottage, feta, swiss, burrata, cream, etc.
user replied to your story: this is iconic, lando norris, my fav malewife
randomfriend replied to your Close Friends story : i think you've been on tiktok too much
charles_leclerc replied to your Close Friends story : your head must be a fascinating place to be in, how do you do it?
landonorris: my brother in christ and racing, you can not be talking
user replied to your story: you're so right and you should say it
user replied to your story: Sometimes we don't have to share what's on our mind with the world
user replied to your story: I'm fucking creasing
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⤷ end note ‧ ★ : heyyyy, how y'all doing🧍... sorry for the wait, i really did have most of this done and in my drafts but then writer's block hit and i left it for a while. also, i kinda suck at making articles lmao. thank you to everyone who reads and/or interacts with my smaus, ily<3.
taggingᯓ★ : @firelily-mimi and @appl3-0rchard
572 notes · View notes
emowonz · 3 months
₊˚ෆ ⊹₊ your eyes only P.SH ₊˚ෆ ⊹₊
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⊹₊ ⋆ IN WHICH - what would happen if on a “normal” saturday night you layed in bed after posting on instagram, thinking nothing crazy would happen besides a few likes and swipe ups until you received a d!ck pic from no one other than your roommate park sunghoon.
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⊹₊ ⋆ 🏷️- @heeseungsbm @hoonsprettyprincess @azunaar (pls lmk if you would like to be added :)
⊹₊ ⋆ PAIRING - roommate! sunghoon x fem! reader
⊹₊ ⋆ CONTAINS - nudity, mutual masturbation (sorta), sunghoon calls reader princess and baby, profanity, y/n loves ariana lmao, sunghoons a wee bit pervy.
⊹₊ ⋆ word count - 1k
⊹₊ ⋆ a/n - hey cuties >o< first of all i love love LOVE enhas new albums, especially my eyes only such a good song omg. secondly please let me know if you guys would want a part two of this fic!! i got lazy so i gave up last minute 😭. this also isn’t proofread sorry :( love you all 💞💞
sunghoons dialogue is in pink <3
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⊹₊ ⋆ bad vibes, get off me
outta here with that fuckery ⊹₊ ⋆
monopoly by ariana grande and victoria monet blasted through your bedroom speaker as you layed in your pinked out bed kicking your feet in the air as you snapped photos of yourself. you were planning to post yourself after taking a hiatus from instagram, for mental health reasons of course. you finally had the big three, your hair was done, your lashes were style cat eyed like, and most importantly your nails were long, pink, with little cute bows on them.
you smirked as you looked at the photos you took, you loved looking and feeling pretty. especially since a special someone will be seeing the post, the person being no one other than your roommate park sunghoon. sunghoon was a normal college boy who happened to be your roommate this semester. you’ve always found him attractive seeing him on campus making you a tinny tiny crush on him. from time to time he would like your story or even slide up with a little compliment like, “new nails? 👍🏻” or even “you look nice.” never something that would make you think he would wanna fuck you, oh how you wished. sadly he was currently visiting his family and he will be returning when your asleep he stated to you before he left.
a sigh left your mouth as you picked the photo you were about to post, adding the “lagos” fliter and putting the intro of nasty by ariana grande to the picture. you were really hesitant to even post, wondering if someone might send it to a groupchat, anything that regards to someone talking bad about you. fuck it you thought as you hit the your story button before immediately leaving the instagram app.
you hummed the lyrics to the song playing on your playlist as you made your way to your bathroom to remove all your makeup, you had only did it for the pictures feeling pretty in your preshower makeup. putting your hair in a back ponytail to began your skincare routine. as you cleansed your face with your eyes closed you began to think about sunghoon, his clear skin, bushy eyebrows, plump lips, you were infatuated with him.
your pure thoughts soon turned to filth thinking about how it would be to have him inside you. was it grithy? did it curve? would he make you come with just his tongue? the images flashed through your mind at such a quick pace. a loud bing interrupted your mind porn making you jump to check the notification. most of the notis were from friends and family, saying how pretty you looked which you did. feeling your heart dropped at one message from no one other than park sunghoon.
you couldn’t believe what just happened, seeing his name in your dms as he doubled texted you. waiting atleast three minutes before opening the message. hitting his profile to reply to the message, you breathed in and out feeling your stomach get queasy to see what he had said, it could be good or bad or even a question.
park_sunghoon has replied to your story!
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this song is ass 👎🏼
you let out a slight chuckle at the man’s message, what a loser you thought before reading the second message.
you look sexy though, who’s the lucky man?
your breath hitched reading the second message, is this real? you couldn’t believe this was happening. you started to second guess things, thinking he’s just joking playing a prank on you.
firstly, don’t ever disrespect ari like that again.
secondly, no man but thank you hottie💋.
suddenly you felt your ego rise making you feel more confident. you placed your phone back down to finsh up your skincare routine, after removing your pink tank top along with your shorts leaving you in a bra and pink panties. you placed your hello kitty robe on before going into your bedroom plopping in bed to open up instagram. you bit onto your acrylics eager to see what he replied.
oh nicknames already i see? well how are you princess?
damn, who wouldn’t want your pretty ass i know i would.
you giggled outloud at his message getting flustered over the text. the power he has over you already is quite insane. whether or not if he was pranking you, you still wanted to play along. being a tease.
oh really? if you want me you could easily get me park. you’re just scared lmao
scared? nah never been my thing baby. besides you’re the one who seems scared.
mhm you sure do seem scared, especially knowing how much i want you.
you threw your phone after sending the risky text as reality hit you, you’re not only talking to your crush you’re talking to the man you live with, your roommate! you’ll have to see him everyday until the semester is over. he doesn’t seem like he’s uninterested but it’s still nerve wracking. you leaned down to pick up your phone to see if he texted back.
i want you so much more then you want me princess, you just never gave me a chance to show you.
your thighs began to rub against eachother causing friction as you felt yourself grow wet at his messages. you bit your lower lip getting into the moment, you couldn’t handle the teasing anymore.
really? then prove it baby, show me how much you want me 💞
adding the innocent heart to soften your approach, just wanting to tease the man before bed. you sat and wait for a text back growing nervous, what if he didn’t like what you had said, or even made him uncomfortable. just as you were about to close instagram out for the night you received a double texted from him once again. your jaw dropped revealing the message you couldn’t believe what you had just witnessed.
fuck baby see what you did to me? all of this just because of your pretty face.
your jaw practically on the floor as you watched the ten second clip. it was no one other than your roommate laying in his childhood bedroom you guessed, shirtless revealing his beautiful honey toned skin as his big veiny hand stroked his pretty cock. it was a angry pink and bigger then you expected, not to mention when you turned up the volume all you heard was hoon groaning and mumbling “fuck fuck” before the clip ended.
you were soaked, matter a fact soaked was a understatement you were drenched. everything felt like a dream. you quickly replied to his message as your hand dipped into your panties beginning to toy with your clit, you let out whimpers and moans as you replayed the video.
is there something wrong? fuck i’m sorry i shouldn’t have sent this my apologies.
you found it so cute that he apologized within seconds, leaving him on seen for a second as you opened your camera app and began to film yourself. it was such a pornographic moment you didn’t even feel like yourself. stretching yourself out with your fingers as you moaned his name practically begging him to fuck you, ending the video soon before you made a mess onto your bed. you’ve never sent nudes before but i guess it’s a first for everything.
sorry for the wait baby, don’t apologize i loved it🤭
i loved it so much that i made one just for you handsome <3
he almost immediately opened the message, you stared watching the text bubbles move up and down watching for a response. you got up to go clean yourself and to go put your bedsheets in the washer.
holy shit.
she’s so pretty baby, how would you hide her from me?
shit and you moaned my name? i’m about to come home and fuck you until you see stars.
you giggled at the man’s words noticing how eager he is for you making you flustered.
lmk when you’re here baby, i’ll be waiting 💋
he immediately hearted your messages making you jump up and dart to the bathroom, making you take a everything shower, shave, and moisturize. reality set in once more making you nervous. you couldn’t believe what you did and what you’re about to do. before you never even had a conversation with the man besides your chemistry class. before you could even back out h you heard keys jiggle at the door.
uh oh.
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sweetteainthesummerx · 3 months
it's nice to have a friend !
★・・・・★・・・・ ★・・・・★
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nhl masterlist !
pairings: jack hughes x shy!reader, jack hughes x bsf!reader, nico hischier x platonic!reader, luke hughes x platonic!reader
warnings: mutual pining, fluff
summary: you gain a best friend and a lover, all in one !
song: it's nice to have a friend by taylor swift
word count: 3.3 k
notes: I love me a reformed bad boy! this is based on this request: here. I hope you like it!
★・・・・★・・・・ ★・・・・★
school bell rings, walk me home, sidewalk chalk covered in snow, lost my gloves, you give me one
"are you okay, miss?" a voice asks from behind you, and you jump.
it's a boy. he's real pretty, features the perfect balance between masculine built and delicate feminine.
you're so sure that you're fifty shades of red right now, but he smiles kindly at you.
"sorry, it's just you look really cold." he points at your hands, and the fact that your teeth are chattering.
you realize that you're still silent.
you hate that you're so painfully shy. it's especially hard after you moved from your hometown for work, where the little amount of friends had to bid you goodbye with worry.
sure, you talk to your coworkers, but it's not the same.
"I-i'm okay." you try to smile, but it comes out more like a grimace.
jack, you find out his name is, was raised by his mother to never leave a lady in distress (you almost laugh at that). he offers you his gloves, still warm from his own hands. you thank him quietly, and he grins wide, "you're welcome, sweetheart."
the sidewalk is still covered in snow, but he walks you back to your apartment building, where the two of you find out something else you have in common: you're practically neighbours.
he lives only 4 or 5 doors down from you.
he drops you off, brushing your fingers with his own bigger ones as he tells you to come find him if you need anything at all.
as he watches you enter the safety and warmth of your own apartment, he frowns.
why would he do that? normally he wouldn't care about this kind of stuff, but you looked so cold and down.
so when you offered him that sweet, shy smile, he melts despite the cold jersey weather.
it's weird, because you're very pretty, but he doesn't have the itch to fuck you and leave you.
he wants to know why you're here, what you do, you're favourite colour.
his phone dings with the notification of some instagram model he met up with a week ago. he sighs, turning back from his own door to go meet her.
for some reason, he doesn't want to go.
★・・・・★・・・・ ★・・・・★
"wanna hang out?", yeah, sounds like fun, video games, you pass me a note
you bite your lip, and retract your hand once more. you want to knock, but you...
just do it! you tell yourself, and you knock quickly, wincing.
a boy who is decidedly not jack answers the door.
"uh, hi?" he's tall, with curly hair and a lanky body.
you freeze up a little.
fortunately, jack pops up from behind.
he calls your name, with excitement and surprise. it makes something warm bloom in your chest.
"I brought you guys cookies?" it comes out more like a question, "I brought you guys cookies, because you walked me home last week."
normally, luke would be teasing his older brother - and the fact he was cheesing like an idiot still - but he smells the cookies first.
to your surprise, the younger boy grabs you by the wrist to drag you into the apartment, thanking you for the baked goods.
he offers you a hug, introducing himself.
you're a bit unnerved, but he's so cute, like a little puppy that you hug him back, patting his shoulder while stifling a smile. he reminds you a bit of your own little brother.
jack pouts. no way luke got a hug before him. so he sidles up to you, tucking you under his arm.
"wanna hang out with us? we're playing video games."
you don't know much, but you do know you like how he's looking at you, all soft brown eyes and crooked smile.
so you tuck yourself into the couch.
you find out a lot about both of them: they're brothers who play for the same nhl team - impressive - they can finish a whole batch of cookies in 20 minutes, and they have lots of friends.
people start popping up into the apartment, nico, johnny and so many more large, kind boys who hug you in greeting.
you almost don't mind, especially when jack texts you from across the room.
he's watching you from the kitchen where you're speaking in choppy german to nico. he's worried, because the first time he met you, you were so shy and shaking in your boots.
you all good? I can walk you home if the boys are tiring you out
you look up, a small grin on your face as you shake your head at him.
you look so at home on his couch with his friends, that something blind and unfamiliar stirs in his stomach. he ignores an incoming text from the instagram model he met up with, in favour to watch nico explain german grammar to you.
★・・・・★・・・・ ★・・・・★
light pink sky up on the roof, sun sinks down, no curfew, twenty questions, we tell the truth
jack thinks you're an angel. he'd come back to the apartment after a really hard game, battered and bruised. you show up to his door like you have been for a while, sometimes when it's just the two of you, sometimes when many of the boys are there.
this time, you're holding a bag in your hands. he sighs as he opens the door, falling into your arms.
"oh-! jack, you're too heavy!" you exclaim, trying to hold his weight. he pouts, leading you to the couch. he pushes you down gently, and you let him.
he snuggles up to you, head cradled by your chest.
he waits for you to coo and fuss over him, because you're just so kind and he finds this unprecedented comfort in you.
you feel like home, despite only knowing him for a few months.
"you okay?" you ask, and he pushes his head into your hands. you smile, getting the message.
you finally scratch his head, and he practically purrs. he settles into you, full weight like a thick blanket as you push through his hair with your nails.
"there you go," you murmur, quiet and loving. he thinks you'd be a good mom someday, and his heart twists when he thinks of you with someone else, making a home.
"can you scratch my back?" he knows he's being whiny, but you brush your thumb over his cheek and nod.
you're about to slip your hand under his shirt, but he sits up, tugging it over his head and returning to you like he always seems to do these days.
he slides his arms under your back, rubbing his head to your stomach.
you flush red, something unfamiliar spiking through your blood. he's all thick, soft muscles, unlike the vanity ones you see on some guys. raw, simple strength to take the hits and deliver them in his sport.
he's so handsome.
you scratch your nails down his back and he shivers.
"cold?" you hum, but he shakes his head.
after a while, he lets you get up because your legs are numb.
"you're too heavy," you grin again, and he complains that you're calling him fat.
he's ridiculous, with his abs under soft skin and big biceps. he still hasn't put his shirt back on.
"so, what's in the bag?" he asks, and you brighten up.
you dump it out on to the couch: it's face masks, eye masks and skin care.
"I like to relax with this, so I thought maybe you would like it?" you ask shyly, "we don't have to-"
"no!" jack exclaims, throwing everything into the bag and standing, "I want to. see what the hype is about."
he's seen the cute couple pictures online with the girl doing the guy's skincare; something about you suggesting it makes his feel ten feet tall.
so that's how he ends up with you on his bathroom counter, himself between your legs as you rub shaving cream onto his face.
"you better not slice me up," he pokes your tummy, and you giggle.
"don't worry, jackpot," you use his nickname, "cant' have the fans mourning your pretty face."
you carefully shave off his stubble, eyes concentrated.
you're so close, and you smell you, and you're so careful with him he wants to kiss you and give you his heart.
you hold his hair back as he washes his face. the act is so intimate, and the whole scene is so domestic that it makes him homesick for something he's never had.
"okay, so I'll put the eye masks on you first, then the clay one."
it's actually pretty relaxing, he has to admit. the eye masks are cool, and the clay mask is a little tight, but he likes to see you smooth it onto your own face, matching his.
he takes his phone, and you slide under his arm, linking yours around his waist.
the both of you smile wide for the mirror selfie, and he makes it his lock screen.
after both of you wash the masks from you - admittedly smoother - skin, he orders a pizza, and you make your way up to the roof.
the light pollution is too bad and he knows that the stars won't be visible, but the pink-inked sky is pretty as your smile.
the two of you talk about everything and nothing: some trick he managed to pull during practice, your co-workers pending divorce, something funny his mom said.
he wishes he could stay here forever, with you.
you, with your soft hair and smile, his too-big hoodie over your shoulders as you lean on him.
he likes seeing you all sleepy and vulnerable, answering his questions quietly.
"do you want a boyfriend?" he asks as the sun goes to bed.
"of course I do," you murmur, "but I just want the right person, at the right time."
he smiles at that. he wants to be that person for you.
★・・・・★・・・・ ★・・・・★
you've been stressed out lately? yeah, me too, something gave you the nerve, to touch my hand
"oh, shit." you swear softly, and sophie, your co-worker turned best friend - don't let jack hear that - apologizes.
"sorry! sorry! don't move, bro!" she rubs where the curling iron touched the back of your neck.
"that's gonna leave a mark. I'm sorry, sweetie." she fusses, and you tell her it's okay.
luke and jack are having a party for new years at their place, so you and sophie take that chance to dress up for once.
your makeup is done, so is your hair. you have to admit, sophie's done a real good job.
"yeah, dude. we look hot."
you're wearing a pretty red dress, with thin straps and material that clung to your body.
you were unsure, but Sophie hyped you up enough for you to put it on, and you felt really confident.
except you were a little scared at how short it was.
"hey, girl!" luke exclaimed when you entered their apartment. "you look great. hey, soph!"
he handed you both a drink, scurrying off to greet someone else.
the two of you link hands, trying and laughing while bulldozing through the crowd to get to the living room.
some guy catches soph's eye, and you encourage her to go off and talk to him.
nico finds you, being pushed around by the throng of people, and tucks you under his arm like your a football.
you giggle a little as he manages to navigate the way. jack's sitting on one of the arm chairs, and his eyes brighten when he sees you.
"special delivery!" nico pats your head like he would to his little sister, and you roll your eyes good-naturedly.
the only thing between you is many half-drunk hockey players and drinks on the ground. nico is about to pick you up like a cat, but jack hops his way over, swatting his hands.
"I got it, precious cargo, after all." he slips one hand under your thighs, and another arm wrapped round your waist so you're pressed against his vertically.
you cling to his neck as he makes his way back to his seat, turning you in his arms to fit you onto his lap.
"you look..." he breathes into your ear, "you look gorgeous, baby."
"thanks, jack."
the night continues like normal, until between the sheer amount of people in the apartment and jack's chest pressed against you is making you over heat. as you laugh at one of johnny's jokes you sweep your hair over your shoulder to let your neck breathe.
you feel jack tense beneath you, and he lifts you to stand.
"I-i need a drink," his eyes are panicked and shaky. he bolts, and you stand to go after him. nico and Luke call after you, concerned.
you find him on the roof, leaning over the banister, shoulders shaking.
"jack, honey?" you ask, slipping a hand between his shoulder blades, "do you feel sick?"
the cool air makes goosebumps rise on your skin, even more so when he turns to you, teeth grit.
"no, m'fine. go back to the party."
"not until you tell me-"
"why didn't you tell me you were seeing someone?" he blurts out, refusing to look at you.
"huh?" you ask.
"why didn't you tell me? I thought we told each other everything."
"what are you-"
"you don't need to pretend. I know-" he shudders, like it's painful for him to say this, "I know you're..."
"jack-" you start, but he grabs your hands, new determination in his eyes as he draws you close.
"you should know that I'm in love with you. so you have options, baby." his lip is quivering, and his eyes are rimmed with red.
"I could treat you better than he could. and I wouldn't hide it, either. we would be so good together..." he's rubbing the length of your arms now, trying to warm you up.
"we already work so well together. we're best friends and you make me laugh so much. you make me feel safe and tethered."
he continues, "and...jeez, baby, you're fucking gorgeous. I just want to press you against a wall and..." he's talking low and heavy in your ear, and you lean closer to him.
"please, just consider me. I wouldn't just leave a hickey on your neck behind your ear and not celebrate new years with you."
"what?" you asked, surprised, "no, that's not a hickey. sophie burnt my neck while curling my hair."
jack colours a brilliant shade of fire work red.
he just got all in his head, seeing you dolled up and loose, that when he saw the mouth sized mark on the smooth nape of your neck, his only thought was: that should've been me.
you've got a teasing smile on your face now, "you loooove me!"
"I am a dumbass."
"a dumbass who loves me." you grin, cupping his neck, smoothing circles over the skin there.
"my offer still stands," he tells you, winding his arms around your waist.
"yes. I love you too, you idiot." the people throughout the apartment building are starting to chant.
3, 2, 1, happy new years!
"happy new years, baby." he says, and he presses his lips softly, and sweetly to yours.
he's so delicate, trying to make sure everything is perfect.
and it is, because he's with you, with the promise of more forever.
★・・・・★・・・・ ★・・・・★
church bells ring, carry me home, rice on the ground looks like snow
"yeah, mom. I know, I've been eating good. my girl's taking care of me."
you hear jack's voice from where you're measuring rice in the pantry. he definitely thinks that the pantry doors are thicker than they are.
you smile, because he takes such good care of you too: he washes your hair in the shower, he carries and stocks your groceries, he always makes sure you're fed and warm when you're too stressed.
and he takes care of you in other ways that makes you warm and all liquidy.
"I'm gonna make her my wife, mom. she's...she's the one. yes, I'll bring her to the lake house for the summer, but I'll have to ask first. okay. bye. love you too."
by that time you've made it out of the room, closer to him. when he says wife, you drop the whole bowl of rice you were holding.
"did you hear that?" jack's ears are pink, but he's got a cheesy smile on his face.
"yeah. you have a really loud voice, honey."
"call me that again." he asks, as you come to stand between his legs as he sits on the barstool of the kitchen counter.
"loud voice," you tease.
he laughs, and when the two of you quiet down, he rests his head on your shoulder.
"I mean it, y'know."
"we've been only dating for like a month," you protest weakly.
"and I can't wait to see you walk down the aisle to me."
"will you cry?"
"no," he lies, even though he's getting a little teary just thinking about it.
"hmm." you kiss him anyways, and Luke finds you there 10 minutes later, still wrapped up together with rice all over the floor.
"you guys are weirdos." he rolls his eyes, making a face as jack kisses your lips again.
"watch it, mister. you're talking to your future sister in law." you joke, and luke jumps, reaching for your hand.
"dude, were you fucking with me?" he whines, "I got all excited too."
jack hollers something insulting his intelligence as you laugh, watching the two boys.
★・・・・★・・・・ ★・・・・★
feels like home, stay in bed, the whole weekend, it's nice to have a friend
jack kisses your forehead as he hands you a plate of food. you bite his cheek as he shrieks.
you laugh, sitting up so he can see his shirt that's practically falling off of your frame.
you and jack had a slow morning, the sun streaming over your naked bodies as you simply enjoyed each other's presence. around noon, he finally got up to shower.
you refused to join him because "no, the two of us showering together would not save water, it would probably waste more."
so he showered, sad and alone, and made breakfast after you went to clean yourself off.
now, watching you eat toast and watch his past game highlights from last weekend, he knows.
he knows it's going to be you, no matter what.
he knows it's you he wants to grow old with, and have three kids - two boys, one girl, he has the names all planned out - and that picket fence shit.
he knows it's you who'll take care of him with your soft hands and heart at the end of the day, and you'll be the one he'll protect and provide for too.
he knows that he loves you like the back of his hand.
and he knows you're his best friend, the love of his life.
so he knows that he wants to make you his wife.
he leans over to his bedside drawer and pulls out a box.
he got it the weekend after the two of you got together, and he's shaking as you turn to him with wide eyes.
"I love you. you're...you're it for me, baby. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and I promise to keep you safe and warm and always finish your plate when you're full," he knows you too well, because your left overs are already on his plate, "and I just want all of you. will you marry me?"
"yes," you breathe, tackling him into the bed with a delighted whoop.
there's no other words to describe it, it's so nice to have you.
it's so nice to have you forever, now.
★・・・・★・・・・ ★・・・・★
© sweetteainthesummerx.tumblr. all rights reserved. unauthorized copying, translation, or claiming of my writing or any works as your own is strictly prohibited.
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