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svmcool999 · 4 years ago
Have a soothing and refreshing Sleep and Complete body relaxation all along, making you feel relaxed,
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svmcool999 · 4 years ago
You Show me yours and Ill Show you Mine
As much as employers complain of the difficulty finding good employees, few have embraced a formula that assures success. The greater the difficulty finding good employees in your industry, or certain positions within that industry, the greater the need to view the relationship as a partnership. With these employees observe the Golden Rule, treat them as you expect to be treated. If you extend this principle to compensation, weighing what youd hope to receive in their positions at the expense of some of your profits, youll see the problem disappear.
But arent employees with skill sets more common entitled to their share of the Golden Rule, partially setting issues of compensation aside. After all, the complaint that good employees are scarce extends throughout the economy. Shouldnt the relationship between employer and employee be similar to that of customer and supplier? Its an even exchange, work for pay. Do we unthinkingly accept that the employer has something people want, jobs, therefore their position is superior. If this is truly the way things are, then employers should stop complaining about difficulty finding good employees. It would logically follow from this that there is an overabundance of good employees. But employers need good employees as much as people need jobs. So lets stop the fiction that theyre practically performing an act of charity when they make a hire.
But this reality of mutual need is blurred before you even summit a resume. Ads frequently state, drug test required. There are public policy reasons for some of this, depending on the industry, and the Government has viewed this as a part of its war on drugs for some time. However, often the employer will force you to take a drug screen as a condition of employment without justification. If nothing in your past indicates drug use or abuse, drug screens should be reserved for behaviors on the job that indicate a potential problem. But what of the training costs you ask. We dont want to devote those resources to someone only to find out months later he or she is a drug abuser. Ok. Ill accept that without argument..
But you, the employee, has probably left a job to accept this new position. In keeping with my thesis that the relationship is mutually imperative to each party, wouldnt it be nice if you knew before leaving your current job that the boss wouldnt be subject to fits of erratic outbursts. The results of the test determine whether or not the employer wants you on the team, wouldnt a clean sample provided by the boss make an employment offer more attractive? You could put your mind at ease over mercurial behavior that would make your work life miserable. Besides, a boss with psychological problems can create more havoc in your life than the reverse.
This thought came to me while I was working for a family who were all subject to terrible mood swings. Screaming and yelling would be followed by an arm around the shoulder in the blink of an eye. One day I received a list of the psychotropic medications prescribed to the patients in the facility. The person in the office next to mine came to see what had caused my outburst of laughter. After dismissing it as nothing, I felt the satisfaction you gain when a mystery dissolves. At the bottom of the list were the names of the owners, obviously receiving their prescriptions from the doctor in residence, who was of course in their employ. The mood altering drugs prescribed to them, many anti-anxiety, were far above what any of the other patients received, and this was a facility with a large psychiatric population. After consulting the PDR, I wondered how they maintained verticality during the day. Evidently they had developed a tolerance for those pills, but for little else. Is this situation out of the ordinary? Probably. But Id like to see some data indicating employees are statistically more prone to drug abuse than their managers before accepting the current state of affairs as reasonable.
Psychological testing, popular with some employers, should be mutual as well. Ive known my share of managers who insisted you share their roller coaster of emotions, without presenting a ticket during the interview.
Finally, this insistence that we negate the strict mutuality of the employer-employee relationship, illustrates something thats always puzzled me while reading HR advice in the trades. It is often stressed that a potential employee should be scrupulously honest while interviewing for a position. Sounds reasonable. But if theyre advising employers to do the same, Ive missed those articles. How often have you found the organization to be as advertised after a short while on the job? I once had 2 people, an HR Manager and Assistant Administrator, tell me on my first day, after leaving a position Id be in a considerable number of years, that it was their way or the highway. During the interviewing process, they were falling all over themselves to convince me to join the ranks. It was obvious within my first week that much of their presentation had been a lie. Im sure had I been provided with psychological profiles or urine samples of the duo beforehand, I would have declined the offer. But of course, they had a right to see mine, while I only had the right to hope for the best.
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svmcool999 · 4 years ago
5 Creative Ways To Find A Job
Ok, you have posted to every internet job board and every job on Monster, CareerBuilder, and HotJobs. Youve followed up with calls and networked until you are blue in the face. Each Sunday you take the newspaper and apply for every job in your field with little to no results. Well try some unique ways to find a job.
Send Half of Your Resume Find a company you want to work. Write a great cover letter on why you are a good fit, pointing to the enclosed resume. Dont seal the envelope and dont enclose a resume. Theyll think the resume fell out in the mail. They will call and engage in a conversation. Sell yourself shamelessly.
Write A Prospecting Letter Make use of the power of direct mail. Locate 5-10companies. Write up a letter to your contact network and ask them if they know anyone who works at any of the companies on your list. When a contact says they know someone on your list, send them your resume and ask them to forward it their contact or ask permission to send it yourself.
E-Mail Chain Letter Create a list of 20 companies you want to work for and send an email to everyone you know to see if they know anyone who works at these companies. Ask them to contact you if they do, so that you can ask for a referral. Finally, ask them to forward your email to 10 more people. However dont do this if youre currently employed!
Distribute A Booklet Write a booklet with information relevant to your industry and give it away. Everyone loves free information and this demonstrates your expertise. Give the booklet away electronically and advertise it to newsgroups where hiring managers will see it.
Call Human Resources Sounds crazy, right? Call the human resources department. Ask them what outside agency or third-party recruiting firm they use. They will ask you why do you want to know. Tell them that their company is not currently looking for someone with your skill set right now the agency may be dealing with other firms, so you are looking for a recommendation. They may very well ask you for an interview. If not at least you do get a lead. They would love to save the agency fees. Also being recommended gives you special attention. Send them a thank you note.
These are guerrilla tactics that can give you better results. Be sure to stay toned for another 5 creative tips.
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svmcool999 · 4 years ago
3 Job Search Tips That Increase Your Success
1) Approach finding a job as if it were a full-time job, because it is. If you had a job, you would report to work at the same time each day (like 8 am), take an hour (or less) for lunch, and quit at the same time each day (like 5 pm). You would work five days every week. And you would work hard to accomplish as much as you could because your career depended upon it.
When you are searching for a job, you should follow the same type of schedule because your future depends upon it.
Treating your job search like a part-time hobby guarantees that it will take longer.
So, begin tomorrow by reporting to work and spending the day on tasks that lead to a job.
2) Approach finding a job as if it were a project. That means you should set goals for yourself, make plans, and monitor your progress. You should apply all of the tools and skills that you used in your last job to the project of finding your next job.
As you must expect, this is an important project. The sooner you complete it, the sooner you gain a promotion into a job.
3) Be your own boss. Set expectations for what you need to accomplish, provide direction, and monitor your work.
Meet with yourself once each week to evaluate your performance. I recommend doing this by writing two reports. The first is a candid evaluation of what you accomplished during the previous week. The second is a description of your plans for the coming week. Your plans should include your goals, actions, and priorities.
The first time that you write these reports, write an evaluation of what you have done so far. Describe the results that this effort has produced. And compare these results with what you wanted to have.
Next, map out a realistic plan for the next week based on achievable goals. For example, you could set goals for the number of people you will call, the number of networking meetings you will attend, and the research you will conduct.
In the coming weeks, compare the results that you obtained during the previous week with the goals that you set. For example, if you planned to attend twelve networking meetings and you attended only two, you should a) explain why this happened and b) plan actions that will correct such a difference. You should also analyze why you missed your goal because this provides insights on what you need to do differently. For example, Your goal (e.g., of attending twelve networking meetings) may have been set too high. Or maybe there are things you can do that will make it easier to achieve your job search goals, such as car pooling with a friend who is also looking for a job.
Finding a job is a full time job. Work through it with a plan and the support of a good boss (yourself).
I wish you the best of success.
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svmcool999 · 4 years ago
3 Points You Should Negotiate When You Are Losing Your Job
3 Points You Should Negotiate When You Are Losing Your Job
You work for a company that has been going through a lot of changes and upheaval. Word is going around about lay-offs and you worry you will be next. If youve been an exemplary employee and the lay-off is not because of anything youve done, be sure you ask these three questions as you are being handed your Pink Slip:
1. Ask for a Letter of Reference. You can use this to help you land that new job because it will be beneficial to have a letter that praises you and your accomplishments. This will show future employers that your termination was a business decision and not because of any wrong-doing on your part. Most people forget to ask about this, and it is difficult to try to go back later and ask for one.
2. Ask about severance pay. You are not automatically guaranteed this unless it was stipulated in your employment contract when you were hired.. Typically, one week of severance is given for each year of service to the company, but this can be negotiable. And, especially if youve recently finished an important project, been honored or achieved a major goal, be sure to remind them. It may buy you another week of severance pay they werent planning on giving.
3. Are you entitled to unused vacation pay? In most cases, the answer is no. Some companies allow you to roll over your unused time from one year to the next, while others have a use it or lose it policy. Most companies will explain their rules in the employee handbook, but asking to be paid for your unused vacation pay just may earn you a few extra dollars you could use right now.
You may not get any severance or vacation pay, and you especially wont if you dont ask for it. Dont forget, this is a very difficult situation for your boss, too, so he or she may be willing to give you more than had been planned on. Youll never know unless you try, and the worst they can do is say no. If the moment passes, chances are you wont have another opportunity to ask these questions again. Knowing ahead of time what to ask for may give you the confidence to speak up for yourself at this difficult time. Good luck!
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svmcool999 · 4 years ago
Why Is Computer Software Soft?
Have you ever wonder (Im sure you have at least about other similar words) where a word like software comes from. I mean were floppy disks soft and malleable at one time. Or were the protective sleeves for the old hard diskettes made of some velvety material that made them software. Well I love this sort of thing and would like to explore with you in the following several paragraphs the origin of this word and why it is so commonplace in our computer software age.
In order to understand the derivation of the term software, as in computer software, you must first understand that there is hardware as well. The meaning of hardware probably has a lot of levels of meaning and most were probably serendipitous over a lunch or other social gathering.
Hardware refers to the guts of the computer machine, the actual physical reality of a disk drive and a hard disk and a monitor and the like. These are actual physical entities that make them hard. You can hold them, carry them, etc. Software on the other hand is more theoretical than physical. Sure the code is hard composed of 1s and 0s for bits and bytes but it is not hard in the sense that you can actually touch the ones and zeros with your hand, chew on them, and anything else that you might be able to do with hardware.
Software is the program that does things in more of a virtual or abstract level. It will save information as something that is unseen but totally retrievable and capable of with the help of hardware, produce an image that can be seen with the eyes.
There are two points to be made here. First the sensation of site does not make something hard or soft. Never has. It is touch that determines this description and this is a useful way to determine the hardness or softness of computer software and hardware.
A good example of this test is the phrase hard copy or soft copy of a document. The hard copy is on the document in actual paper page form and the softcopy is all of the ones and zeros that make up in a theoretical sense (more representative than actual) the writing on the page. Thinking about it this way may help you to sort out what is computer software and what is computer hardware.
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svmcool999 · 4 years ago
Your Advertising Does Not Have To Be Boring
Here is an advertising design idea that will challenge you to make imaginative ads rather than boring ones. I call it the “Photo ID Design Model” and it is a very useful device if you create advertising for your company or organization. It is one of the easiest and most effective ways to create a striking ad, banner or poster. And it will almost always give you a result that gets noticed.
Think about a “photo id” for a minute. Its most dominant feature is the photograph. The other elements on the card “support” the photo — the person’s name, address, or ID number.
These things are not necessarily less important than the photo. But the photo is clearly the main element. It is what the photo id is “about”, and that is clearly reflected in the graphic design of the card.
If you are not used to thinking of graphic design as related to function, this may seem like an overstatement — “Hey, it’s just a card with a picture on it.” But think about it for a minute. A photo id has the specific job of identifying a person. That makes the photo the most important element on the card. So it stands to reason that the photo should be given the most attention.
** Make the photo the dominant element
When you apply the photo id model to a print ad, poster, billboard, banner design, or even a TV ad the result is usually pretty straightforward. You assume the dominant element in the piece will be the image — the photograph. And you also assume the photograph will be the main “identifier” the thing that defines the look and even the content or theme of the piece. For instance, you find a photo of a cool looking guy wearing sun glasses. And that image fits the message you are trying to convey in your ad.
Serious advertising designers may object that this turns the usual communication process upside down. They might say, “You should always start with your selling message, and find elements that illustrate that message.” For instance, if you want to sell “pet care” products, you should begin with the theme you want to communicate, and then find elements that illustrate that theme. Say your theme is something like “Our pet care products make happy pets.” This theme would then suggest various ideas for photographs and headlines.
Of course this is nice in theory, but in actual fact, advertising is rarely that straightforward. In reality what usually happens is that you start out with a fairly specific idea (“Our pet care products make happy pets.”) As you try to develop it you realize it doesn’t quite work or you can’t find the photograph you had in mind. Then as you’re leafing through the pile of available “pet care” photos you see one that evokes an interesting response. So you modify your original concept to fit the available photograph.
In other words, the photograph has become the “organizing theme” for the ad. If you still think this distorts or perverts the communication process, think about all those cleavage pictures on the front of women’s magazines. The cover designer knows that cleavage sells magazines. So the photo is the starting point. The rest follows.
** Elements of the Photo ID Model
Of course there are no rules about what elements your banner or poster should include, but generally they should be as follows:
1. Product photo or photo collage 2. Main Headline 3. Product Description or sales pitch 4. Company Identifier (Logo, address, etc.)
Anything more than this will tend to make it overly busy. This is especially the case with posters, billboards and banners which are usually meant to be viewed from a distance. You should not try to convey detail. Just your primary selling message, and perhaps an overall image.
** Creativity is always important
An important way in which a “photo id” is different from an advertisement is that it lacks the creative mission we normally associate with ads. We don’t expect ads to be just a picture of the product, or the store front, or of the company president. We expect them to be persuasive — to “sell” the product or idea — and we normally assume that takes some creativity.
In fact, one of the problems with the photo id model is that we may end using it as an uninspiring formula for cranking out ads. We may slip into the habit of relying on the format — dominant photo, major headline, sales pitch, company identifier — and just assume it is unnecessary to use our imagination. We may think it is not necessary to create an interesting headline, for example, or look for a striking and memorable photo.
In other words we often settle for the ordinary rather than coming up with something creative. We settle for a boring description of the product rather than an imaginative statement of what it can do for me, what problem it can solve, or how much money I am going to save if I buy it.
As a general rule, in advertising creativity is almost always better than the lack of it. Of course, this is difficult to prove. And even worse, many people claim they have no creativity in them, so they think this excuses them from trying a little harder to come up with an interesting headline idea or slogan.
But even if you are “creatively challenged” you should still try just a little harder. Because in advertising it really comes down to this: “Do you want your ad, your poster, your billboard, or your banner to be effective or not?”
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svmcool999 · 4 years ago
Cashrichmoney changes website design
Cashrichmoney changes website design to fit as a web hosting Review website
Through several esthetic website interface changes, Cashrichmoney has had difficulty finding a fitting design worthy of a web hosting review website which appeals to web hosting informational searchers.
CRMs last page design consisted of a black and white page, full of mundane content, and was extremely unpleasant to scroll. Clearly the website maintenance is at a high level, a source inside the company stated they took an in-depth look at their visitor bounce-rate, and incoming traffic flow daily chart and decided it was time to make a change.
Web hostings fast paced industry it is hard not to appear as a seller of web hosting. It is true many review hosting sites are indeed sellers, but many are still comprised of sites which have studied individual companies, their prices in comparison with benefits and packages, customer complaints, and accolades and awards. Cashrichmoney has shown they are truly dedicated to bringing people a web hosting review site. Their last site appeared to be a seller, and the new design is now more customer focused, comparing packages and companies in an easy to see vertical pattern.
Cashrichmoney has also expressed how this new page is going to expand their empire with more pages displaying customers feedback, insightful reviews and complaints, and the awards each company has received. The company has also promised to unveil a new top choice monthly based on all the intangible factors needed to crown the king of web hosting.
All in all this seems to be a successful formula, customers are seeking reviews, as an online transactional buyer its hard to pay high prices and trust companies in a virtual world, rather than in a physical sense. Review companies are a huge middleman in putting emphasis on trust between customers, and web hosting companies by introducing customer feedback from previous buyers. Check out Cashrichmoneys new design, and decide for yourself if it is a fitting one for web hosting reviews.
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