#Babs I’m sorry the joke didn’t work
robinsleeping · 3 months
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She tried…
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clockwayswrites · 3 months
Danny & Barbara, Cyan, The neighbor's lawnmower at 7 @amcannedinternets
Barbara scanned the computer area, making sure everything was in order. It’s amazing how many times patrons unplugged something on the library computers. Everything seemed normal, down to the usual occupant on the end computer. He was looking through one of the many books in front of him at the moment, but turned to squint at the screen. Frowning he went back to the book before making a note on the battered black and green composition notebook he had.
It wasn’t unusual for the kid. He was in the library almost every day that they were open. Engineering, sciences, politics, spiritual— the kid went through it all. Babs had to figure that he was going through his gen eds in college and maybe home wasn’t the best place to work. Or at least, she hope that was the case because he was on the very young side for college and sometimes didn’t look great. Today bandages almost covered his fingers and the bags under his eyes would make a raccoon jealous.
Babs rolled over, stopping near his desk. “You look like death today, Danny.”
He covered a bark of laughter before coving it up quickly with his hand. “Sorry. Um, inside joke? I’m fine. I’m just… tired.”
Babs raised one perfectly sculpted brow at that (a move she had learned from Alfred).
Danny folded, shoulders sagging. “Maybe just a bad pain day too. It’s… it’s nothing, it’s just my life, you know?”
“I do know,” Babs said gently.
“Yeah, I guessed you might,” Danny said with a melancholy little smile.
“Tell you what,” Babs said. “I’m going to get myself a coffee and I’ll bring you one too. You can’t drink it here, but just join me at the reference desk, okay?”
Danny smile turned a little less sad. “That sounds great, thanks.”
Babs smiled back before she headed off. She couldn’t do anything about Danny’s pain, but she could at least try to make his day a little better.
(Feel free to continue if you want!)
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harlowsbby · 1 year
Morning Routines
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“I can’t believe I’m up this early.” Jack groaned and leaned against the countertop in your shared bathroom.
“You said you wanted to get up with me.” You laughed and handed him his toothbrush as well as your toothbrush before putting toothpaste on it.
Ever since you did your nighttime routine with Jack he’s been trying to wake up to do your morning routine with you and since he had a few days off he decided to wake up today and do it with you which he knew he’d regret soon enough.
“So what do you usally do first? Besides brushing your teeth.” He asked and placed down his toothbrush once he was finished brushing his teeth.
“Usually I’d take a shower but I already did that last night so I usually drive over to Starbucks and get some coffee.” He nodded.
“Sounds easy enough.” You smirked. “But you’re gonna be ordering my drink for me instead.” He groaned because you knew you did the most when it came to your orders.
“Babe, you know you have the most complicated orders right?”
You rolled your eyes and grabbed your jacket and slippers and headed outside to Jack’s car.
“You wanted to be apart of my morning routine so stop nagging and let’s go.” You told him and got inside the car.
“I just know I’m going to regret this.” He mumbled to himself and got inside the car, on the drive there you had told him your order.
The entire time Jack made sure to repeat your order over and over again in his head but when he pulled up to the speaker box it was if the entire order was no longer memorizable.
“Welcome to Starbucks, what can I get for you today?” The lady sweetly asked. Jack looked at you and back at the speaker box and gulped he had no idea what he was getting.
“Can I get a.. can I get shit.” You covered your mouth to stop yourself from laughing.
“I’m sorry sir but we don’t have that here.” The lady joked making Jack’s cheeks heat up in embarrassment.
“I’m sorry, can I get a strawberry latte iced coffee.” You looked at him as if he had three heads.
“Jack, you’re kidding right? What even is that.” His eyes went wide. “I mean no I don’t want that.” He quickly told the lady.
“Do you need a minute sir?” The lady spoke.
“No it’s okay I think I got it now.” He quickly turned back to you.
“Babe, can you repeat your order.” You decided to give him a break and leaned over him a bit to give the lady your order.
“I just need a iced white mocha with sweet cold foam please.”
“And what size?”
“A grande please and thank you.”
“Alright we’ll see you at the window.” Lady said.
Jack’s cheeks were red from embarrassment as he pulled forward. “I have a feeling you enjoyed watching me struggle.” He stated.
“I did but it was very cute that you tried.” You coo’d.
Once you got your drink the two of you headed back come where you usually played music and started cleaning up the house.
“Separate your clothes from my clothes and make sure the whites and separated from the colors.” You were putting Jack on laundry duty. “Why can’t I wash everything together? Wouldn’t that make it much more easier.” He asked.
“Jack, are you being serious right now? If you put white clothing with colored clothing it’ll turn the whites all different types of colors especially with the pink and red clothing.”
“You know if you help me it’ll make this entire process go even faster.” You huffed. “I don’t get help when you’re out on tour or at the studio all day, I have to do this all alone and so can you.”
“Well what are you going to do?” He asked and you smiled. “I need to catch up on a few shows so when you’re done you’ll know where to find me.” You palce a kiss on his lips and went into the living room.
He stood there in disbelief for a few seconds but nonetheless started working on the laundry when he was finally done he groaned at how stiff his muscles left.
“Baby, I’m done with the laundry I’m hungry you wanna go get some food.” When you didn’t answer he made his way into the living room.
“Bab-.” He stopped talking when he saw your sleeping form on the couch. A bag of now empty chips laid on your chest.
He smiled and shook his head at you. “You’re something else you know that.” He whispered to himself and removed the bag of chips and placed a blanket over you.
Although Jack would never admit it, he actually enjoyed spending time with you and learning your little routines that make you, you.
(This is kinda like a sequel type thing from the night routines I did, idk where I was going with this but I hope you like it 😭💘)
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frownyalfred · 24 days
I realized that I wasn't terribly articulate in my last ask (capslocks screaming about dickbabs lol) and figured I'd rectify that.
So, first I just want to say how cool it was you wrote that. Again, it's way too rare to see disabled babs smut (which I get why but a girl can wish rip). I know you said you were worried about toeing the line between Babs disability being a focus and the smut, but to be frank? You killed it.
Unfortunately, when you're disabled (at least, this has been my experience) your relationship with your own body changes, and that includes pleasure. It was honestly really surprising to see someone write about that, the frustration of wanting something you once could have so easily only for it too to be another thing your body is refusing to do. I really related to babs so much in the fic.
It just felt very very real, in a way I rarely see anywhere when it comes to being disabled. It's honestly made my week. This, I don't know how, has so far been the most representative piece of media I've ever seen about the struggle of dealing having a body that won't work how you want and trying anyways. I'm not joking, I wish I was. Idk, I don't know how to say how amazing seeing and reading this was.
Anyways, I'm sorry for rambling so long in your inbox, but I just wanted to make sure you knew how amazing your fic is, and how happy you made at least one person.
(I should talk about Dick and how he not only desired babs and treated her as an equal, but also making sure it was accessible to her (and also very hot) and not diminishing her in anyways and ahhhhh. Sorry I could scream about this for ages!! But since I've already written way too much, I'll refrain. )
Thank you again. I really hope you have a fucking amazing day ♡♡♡
Thank you so so much for continuing your thoughts! I really appreciate the feedback. I’m glad it all worked and felt sexy for both Barbara and Dick 💜 that was the goal haha. Other than sneaking into her bedroom late at night, Dick really came through here as a gentleman.
Pinning her to the bed so she didn’t have to think about moving/not moving her legs made a lot of sense to me, so I’m glad that landed well! Being flexible in bed (heh) is a very good quality to have.
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suppose-i-was-worm · 1 year
Iceberg Siren pt 6
**Here we are, lovelies, almost to the penultimate chapter! Hope you like this one!**
Danny blinked his eyes open drowsily to look at his boyfriend.
Jason was propped up on his elbow on the bed, facing Danny.
“You’ve got powers, you told me you do- why don’t you use them?”
Danny blinked again, processing the question for a moment before answering.
“I do use them, though.”
He could tell by the tilting of Jason’s head that his answer wasn’t sufficient, so he thought for a moment more before elaborating.
“My voice is part of it- I cheat a little as the Siren. A friend taught me how to use my voice for mild hypnotism.”
At the other man’s look of alarm, he backtracked.
“I don’t use it for anything bad! Just to make people like me more. I’ve never used it on you, I promise.”
Jason smiled at him and reached out, cupping Danny’s face with one hand.
“I wasn’t worrying about that- does anyone else know about this?”
Danny pressed his face into Jason’s warm palm after a shake of his head.
“No, not even my boss. I only told him about the other powers.”
“Enhanced strength, sensing similar energy, manipulating said energy to a point- nothing I use on a regular basis.”
Nodding slowly, Jason leaned down to capture Danny’s lips in a soft kiss.
“Thank you for telling me.”
His murmur was low against Danny’s lips, and Danny couldn’t help but kiss him again. No, that wasn’t guilt roiling in his gut like some many tentacled beast. He didn’t use his extended powers on a regular basis, and he wasn’t planning on it any time soon.
Duke was confused. Bruce had insisted that the entire family be at dinner- the first strange thing.
Second? Dick and Stephanie seemed to be conspiring with Tim. Tim, who looked more tired than usual (a true accomplishment) and in a foul mood. Damian looked mildly perturbed, and Cass was signing too quickly at Babs for Duke to translate.
They were all milling about in the main foyer, right up until Bruce walked down from his office.
“Thank you all for coming- Jason and his guest are pulling up in the drive. Please make your way to the dining room so we don’t scare them off too soon.”
Oh. This was about Jason’s boyfriend. Duke dutifully made his way to his seat in the dining room, but he watched the double doors closely even as the others filed in.
He heard Alfred open the main door and watched as Jason stepped through into the dining room, and then another man walked in, lighting up the room. Literally. Duke had to close his eyes and fish around in his pocket for his emergency sunglasses.
When he finally had them on, he found the whole family plus newcomer looking at him in concern.
“Dude, you’re like, super bright.”
The Boyfriend laughed self-consciously.
“Sorry about that, it’s in my blood.”
A meta, okay.
“I get that. Just don’t sit right across from me.”
Duke grinned to show he meant his statement as a joke, and Brighter Than The Fucking Sun grinned back.
Jason picked Tim up by his shoulders and put him in the seat across from Duke, and then sat down in Tim’s spot, leaving the spot across from Babs empty for his companion.
“Guys, this is Danny. Danny, these are the Waynes. None of us bite.”
Danny laughed and nudged Jason with his elbow like Jason had made a joke, and then the family dinner commenced.
For all that Duke would have to wear sunglasses around Danny, he seemed to fit in pretty well!
Dani floated above Robin’s head, her long dark ponytail dangling just barely tickling his nose.
The young vigilante’s brow was wrinkled, but otherwise he didn’t react to her messing with him. That was the best part about Robin, he was like Danny in that he just let Dani do what she pleased and didn’t react to anything.
“But Rob, I’m booooored.”
“No, Phantom, we cannot go out and look for your brother. That would require civilian gear, and I am not permitted to reveal my face.”
“But I can reveal mine, and then you can help me look! Superboy says you bats are good with computers, right? You could do like, an image search or something!”
“Genetically, unless you and your brother are identical twins, your face will not match his closely enough for an image search.”
Dani grimaced. She didn’t really want to reveal to anyone else that she was a clone, but she really missed her original.
“What name do you think he would be going by, Phantom?”
“Like I told Green Arrow, his name is my name too. If he’s out as a hero, he’s out as Phantom.”
“No other heroes under the name Phantom have been reported, Phantom.”
Dani sighed and flipped over, gravity taking hold and flipping even more of her ponytail in Robin’s face.
“I just can’t imagine why he hasn’t set up as a hero. I miss my brother, Rob.”
“I am sure he misses you as well. If you could give us a name, we would have more success in finding him.”
She shrugged and floated away, flipping over in the air and landing on her feet.
“If he’s here, he’ll hear me, and I don’t want to pull him away from whatever life he’s made for himself in this dimension. He deserves happiness, and me being around might come in the way of that.”
“But you miss him?”
“He’s the only person I have left from home.”
Bruce sat at the Watchtower computers with Diana and Clark, watching the numbers flash across the screen.
“So, this means that there’s something powerful on the way?”
Bruce nodded shortly at Diana, frowning beneath the cowl.
“Cyborg has reported that the energy fluctuations have been going on for several months now, and indicate a powerful individual either already in our dimension or on their way. We cannot let out guards down.”
“Has Justice League Dark spoken with the new Teen Titans member? She claimed to be from another dimension, is it her?”
“Clark, she’s a child. Despite the fact that she doesn’t like you, no- there is no evidence that she has the power level that this new possible threat contains.”
“She’s a child with unknown origins and suspicious opinions on clones.”
Diana smacked Clark across the back of the head so Bruce didn’t have to.
All three of them had met Phantom, and only Clark seemed to disapprove of the girl.
“She seems very fond of her teammates. I am firmly of the belief that she would not betray them.”
“We can’t assume the best of everyone, Bruce.”
“Nor can we assume the worst, Superman. Phantom is no danger to us.”
“If you boys could stop squabbling, we have better things to think about.”
Jason watched as the morning sunrise filtered through the blinds, illuminating Danny’s face as he lay sleeping peacefully on his bed. They had talked about moving in together, but hadn’t made concrete plans yet.
It was probably Jason’s own hesitation and the little secret he was keeping that kept them from making those plans.
Danny’s skin glowed in the light, pale and ethereal. Jason would call him translucent almost.
With gentle fingers, he traced the scars that trailed down his boyfriend’s chest, a harsh pucker of imperfection on otherwise flawless skin.
Danny hadn’t told him what cause him to be dissected, and Jason wasn’t about to ask when his boyfriend was so careful about keeping his scars covered when he was awake. They’d been dating for a while now and only in the last few days had the other man stopped wearing a shirt all the time they were together.
It broke Jason’s heart that the man he loved so much had so much pain in his past- he would talk lovingly of sisters and best friends, but never of his parents, and it seemed he was even more reluctant to discuss the lab accident that gave him his powers.
His League communicator beeped, and he let out a heaving sigh. He hated to leave when Danny was still asleep, but he knew that the JL wouldn’t call him unless it was an emergency. At least his boyfriend wouldn’t be lonely- he was petsitting for his neighbor for a few days.
Jason leaned down to kiss Danny’s forehead and then he made his way out of the apartment through the window, putting his helmet on as he left.
Time to save the world again.
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niphredil-14 · 1 year
Unearth My Heart Chapter 6 (Jason Todd/Reader)
Summary: Life is a little chaotic after waking up from a coma, but throughout it all, Y/n learns to manage her misery, and to grow despite it. Warnings: None that I can think of. Let me know if there's anything that you would like me to add here. Word Count: 2.4k Taglist: @mxsmwndr SERIES MASTERLIST | MAIN MASTERLIST
The months following her awakening were many things. Easy was not one of them.  Learning that she had been out much longer than expected, two and a half years, rather than the few weeks she had assumed upon learning she was comatose. Though her physical health had been quickly improving post-coma, her mental health had only worsened. This was especially aided by how she had met Tim. It was a few weeks after she had awoken, during which, he had been away on a mission with some of his friends. She was in the batcave, standing silent and solemn before the display case that had Jason’s suit in it. Behind her, she heard the cave entrance open, and an engine come zooming into the room. Turning, she found a small boy on a skateboard, kicking it up into his hand as the engine stopped. He was a few years younger than her, yet was perfectly comfortable, not only skating into the batcave like it was nothing, but also wearing the Robin suit. He had noticed her almost immediately and walked up to her without hesitance.
“Hey, Y/n. I heard you woke up.” He held out his hand. “I’m Tim, it’s nice to finally meet you.” She didn’t respond, nor did she take his hand. She merely stared at him, an unreadable expression on her face, until she looked away. Following her eyes, Tim looked up at the display case too. “Uh…” He stammered for a moment, unsure of his next move, feeling more out of place than ever wearing his Robin suit. “I’m sorry for your loss.”
“Mm.” She hummed, and without bothering to look at him, silently walked out of the room.
Later on in the day, when she had found Bruce, she had begun to verbally tear him apart. What the hell was wrong with him? What was he thinking? After what happened to Jason? Replacing him? Was he out of his goddamn mind? Like most arguments with Batman, it was almost completely one-sided. The only indication that she held his attention was the occasional hum in response, and angry glare at her accusations and retorts. He never did grant her a response of any kind, not an explanation or an apology. Just another ‘hm,’ as he walked away.
            Life went on like that. A balancing act between avoiding Tim, fighting with Bruce, and coming to terms with everything that had happened. Her only sources of comfort when it came to other people were Alfred, Dick, and Babs. She was, understandably, most comfortable with Alfred, having known him the longest. She frequently would spend time with him, helping him with chores and anything else on his never-ending to-do list. Babs was also a great friend to her. She would often visit her at the library where they would drink coffee and eat whatever sweets Y/n had picked up on her way there as they gossiped and chatted about anything and everything under the sun. She had the most fun with Dick, though it wasn’t nearly as often due to his work in Bludhaven. He really had taken on a brotherly role with her, frequently joking that she might as well have been his sister-in-law from the way Jason had spoken about her. It was one of the few jokes he made about her and Jason. There was less of a routine to what they would do, though it was commonly either watching TV, listening to true crime, or teaching her acrobatics. The latter only came up because she had been bored out of her mind with the exercise and physical therapy she had to do in order to regain her physical strength. Talking Dick into teaching her was easy, talking Alfred into letting him teach her, especially while he was still in his overly protective, mother hen caretaker mode, was not as easy. Eventually, though, he caved, and it became a much more fun way of staying physically healthy, which she and Dick kept up even after her body had fully recovered. Her life, though it had both ups and downs, was quickly improving, as was her mental health.
            Communicating with Bruce was far from pleasant, especially when, after months of recovery, and a bit of stir-craziness, Y/n was trying to convince him that it would be most beneficial for her to move out. In his mind, she was still fifteen, still always by Jason’s side, causing mischief with him wherever they went. To him, she was still an extension of the son he lost. So he fought her tooth and nail on the topic of her leaving. After weeks of arguments, cold-shoulders, and petty comments, Bruce, with a few nudges from Alfred, caved and a compromise was made. She would move into an apartment in the same complex as Babs, and Bruce would secure her anything she needed or wanted, and would pay for any schooling, if any, that she decided to pursue, so long as she agreed to take it easy, and to stay in semi-frequent contact with the family. And so, within a few days, she was all set up. Dick and Alfred had helped her to move most of her belongings and pretended not to notice just how many of Jason’s she had stolen. It felt weird for her to be in such a different environment, but she couldn’t deny that getting away the place that held so many of her memories with Jason had helped, not to mention the comfort brought to her by the fact that Babs, who she had grown quite close with during her recovery, was just down the hall. And after just a few weeks, her new apartment had begun to grow on her, to feel like it could become a home to her. No matter how much time she spent recovering and healing, there was a gaping cavern in her, the same cave that had been carved when she had scooped the body of her beloved into her arms. It was part of the reason why she had so desperately wanted to move out of the manor. That was where she had spent so time letting her pain fester after Jason’s death. The majority of her memories there had quickly been tainted with sadness and vintage monochrome filters. She thought that moving out would separate her from that pain, from that isolation in company, yet her efforts were in vain. The pain followed her like a parasite of her past. She had no real answer, no good solution, no where to even begin looking for one. So, after a long day of moping, she curled up in bed, Jason’s old teddy, one of the items she took, wrapped tightly in her embrace.
The scene of her dream was vague and unfocused, but she recognized the memory, nonetheless. Jason had been bullied at school, and despite the fat wad in his father’s pocket, the faculty had turned a blind eye to all of it. She had never been particularly high on the social hierarchy, much preferring to keep to herself for the most part. That wasn’t to say that she was excessively anti-social, just a bit uninterested in putting herself out there. But she had been on good terms with Jason since the first day that they met. He was kind to her, and offered her his notes when she came back from being out sick, and let her borrow his pencils when she forgot one, and defended her from the more vicious, predator-eqsue students when they decided that she was fit for their next meal. It was all the small acts like those that were the individual bricks that over time built their unbreakable bond.
It was after school one day, Jason had put another target on his back by standing up for some poor kid, and after the whole debacle, she had followed him to the roof of the school. There shouldn’t have been any way up there, but considering just how many secret passages she and Jason had found, it wasn’t by any means hard to get up there. He sat down next to one of the gargoyles, his feet dangling off the edge. She sat to his left. A comfortable distance, just close enough that their knees brushed against one another. Most of the conversation they had was menial, lighthearted, and fairly forgettable, but one part stood out to her. The garbled audio of her memory sharpened to crystal clear. Jason had taken her hand in his and had turned to look into her eyes.
“You remember when you said that you’d never leave me behind, and that we’d always be together?”
“I remember saying it, not when though.”
“The ‘when’ doesn’t matter, dumbass.” He teased. “Anyways, I want you to promise me something.” She looked at him curiously and gave his hand a gentle squeeze.
“If you ever do end up leaving, promise you at least won’t forget about me.” The audio turned back into a distorted, garbled mess, but the message was clear.
Her eyes opened in one go, a stark contrast to the fight she was so used to having to put into waking. She sat up, the same weight on her chest, but felt a lighter, clearer state of mind. Turning her head, she found the sunrise casting golden rays into her room. One particular ray found itself landing dead center on the framed photograph that had fallen from his suit. The frame sat on a small table that she had turned into a sort of altar dedicated to him. It was littered with things that either belonged to him, reminded her of him, or that he had given to her. After getting out of bed, she went to stand in front of the shrine. Unspeaking, unmoving, unthinking, she just stood, taking another moment for him, as she so often did. The moment could not last forever, though, as she was regrettably aware, and so she moved on with her morning routine, put a bag together, and went out the door. Her day consisted of visiting so many of the places that she and Jason had memories of, which, evidently, was quite a few. Every day, for months, she would go to one place that she had been with him, and would spend the day there, reading, doing crafts, crocheting, just plain existing. On her particularly bad days, she would sit down near Crime Alley, near where most of the kids would spend time running and playing, and she would crochet for hours on end. It reminded her of him. While she had plenty of memories with him in various places, he was connected to Crime Alley more. That whole part of Gotham, really. It was a part of him just as he was a part of it, their very souls intertwined, just as Jason’s had been with hers. When she was there, she felt as though he were standing right beside her, and that his energy was enveloping her from every angle. The kids were wary of her when she first began making appearances, speaking with hushed tones, and frequently throwing glances her way, paranoid and watchful, rightfully so. With time, however, and a few meals that she shared with them, they warmed up with her, often inviting her to play with them, and mockingly booing her when she claimed to be fine where she was. It quickly became her favorite time of day.
One day, in the cold slush of Gotham’s winter, while the children were playing, one of the kids’ mittens ripped wide open. She was distraught. It had been her only pair, and no one in her family knew how to sew or mend clothing. The kids knew of Y/n’s affinity for crafts, so the girl ran up to her, holding out the mitten. With no talent for sewing, though, there wasn’t much that she could do. Regardless, she took the mitten from the girl’s hand, and asked for the other one as well. She slipped them into her backpack, and pulled out another pair, her own, too large for the girl standing before her.
“You can borrow these for now. I’ll see what I can do about your pair.” The girl’s smile replaced, she ran back to her friends. When Y/n got home later that night, she examined the mitten, unfortunately confirming her uncertainties surrounding whether or not she could mend it. She couldn’t, but looking around her room, an idea graced her mind as her eyes glanced upon her yarn. I took her a few hours, between finding a nice pattern, hand cramps, and power naps, but they were done by the next day. They were an almost identical shade of red to the ripped mittens, and were just a tiny bit bigger. She figured that was fine, and that it would give the girl time to grow into them a bit. She was antsy for most of the day, excited to present the gift. She felt like she was making Jason proud. When the time came for her to head to her spot, she sprang out the door. When she presented the girl with the mittens, the kid was overjoyed, jumping and spinning, thanking her, and then running off to show all of her friends. She took her spot on a nearby curb, and pulled out some yarn. Just as she had worked her first double crochet into the magic ring, another kid ran up to her. He fiddled with the end of his jacket before speaking up, asking if she could make a scarf for his mother. She quickly undid the few stitches she had done, and got started on the scarf. That was how it started. She would go and sit on her curb, beside the streetlight, and would crochet things for the kids. It felt nice, to not only be doing something, but to be doing something good for someone else, it felt better than moping. That wasn’t to say that she stopped struggling, far from it, but there was a certain comfort in doing her best to help and support the kids who were so much like Jason. In a way, it almost felt like helping his family. She was sure that if he were there with her, that he would tease her, but would have that happy, appreciative glint in his eyes, and that was enough for her.  
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pleaseeee tell me more about “ To all the boys tedmort” 🤩
Play along with my wip ask game here!
Hiiiii! I’m so sorry this took so long to respond to! I had to go do real life stuff but I am definitely excited to answer this one!
This one makes use of a lot of those high school AU headcanons I have for if Teddy and Mort went to high school together that I mentioned in Babs’ ask! This is absolutely a tedmort high school AU except this story takes place when they’re adults.
I know that might be a little disappointing but hear me out! Mort’s mother is selling her house after she moves into the Elegant Doily retirement home. Mort and his friends help her clean out her house to prepare for the sale and this includes Mort’s childhood bedroom. There’s a lot of memories in there; Bob, Linda, Mort, and Teddy spend a lot of time reminiscing about high school. While going through a box of Mort’s old school books, seventeen year old Tina finds a bundle of letters that were never sent. So she sends them!
Five letters for five boys — it turns out in high school Mort wrote these love letters throughout his years in school as a way to get his feelings out but never sent them. The story is how each boy, now a grown man, finds the letters and their responses.
Of course there’s one for Teddy too!
@silhoutteintheshadows has collaborated with me on this fic to write all five letters! I definitely have the other half of this story, when they’re actually in high school, in the works but it’s mostly just notes and vibes at the moment!
Here’s a teaser of the fic when Tina first finds the letters:
“Heh, you kids wouldn’t understand passing notes,” Teddy told Tina and her siblings as he unfolded another sheet of notebook paper. “Back in our day, we didn’t have cell phones.”
“Yeah, we had to fold the paper into tiny little squares and hope the teacher didn’t see it and read it aloud to the class!” Mort laughed, snatching the paper away from Teddy, grinning at the contents.
“Can I see?” Tina asked, craning her neck to look over Mort’s shoulder. He flushed a little and sucked his bottom lip into his mouth, angling the paper back.
“Ha…maybe not,” Mort said, glancing at Tina’s mother from the corner of his eye. She frowned; they’d been written when Mort had been a teenager, the same age as she was now probably. She didn’t understand why she wasn’t allowed to see.
Linda leaned over, forgetting her job, “Hey, lemme see! You two weren’t talking bad about me again, were you?”
Mort grinned, very purposefully not looking at Teddy, “Of course not! Actually, I think you were saying some pretty nasty things about Denise—“
“Denise?” Teddy looked at them in shock. Tina knew about Denise and from what she’d heard, she didn’t care one bit for her.
“Oh, calm down,” Linda said dismissively, abandoning her post completely and coming over to stand behind Mort. She glanced at the paper and grinned. “Hey, I remember this. You said Denise was a skank—“
“She wasn’t a skank!” Teddy protested and tried to grab for the paper. Mort held it out of his reach, handing it to Linda. Louise abandoned the pile of papers, scooting off the bed, and trying to get a peek at the papers. Tina shrugged, glancing back down into the box in front of her.
More junk. A rubber band ball, a couple of pens that looked like the ink had dried out of, and…a stack of letters. Sealed shut in little envelopes decorated very plainly with only a first and last name printed in neat script on the front that Tina now recognized as Mort’s handwriting. She ran her fingers over the top one.
Gordon Bosco
Why was there a letter to the Sergeant in here? Tina wondered to herself, glancing over at the group of adults laughing and joking like they were Tina’s age again; it was almost impossible to imagine her parents and her Uncle Teddy at seventeen, but seeing all of Mort’s memories cemented the idea in her mind. Nobody was paying any attention to her anymore, not even Louise. She went back to the stack of letters, flipping it to the back of the pile.
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What if Locked Tomb were a TV Show? The Opening Scenes
What if Netflix or someone picked up Locked Tomb for an 8 part series, and it opened with a cinematic montage of the heirs and cavs receiving their letters? Here is a script for that montage, culled from its collaborative creation in a Discord server. Contributions from @eldritchwyrm @kwekstra and @sciencefordragons
A sweeping shot of a massive Cohort ship in orbit above a lush, green planet. A montage of close shots of the planet being invaded – boots on the ground, a bloody sword and a fallen cavalier, an angry necromancer who strikes back in frightening anguish. It is brutal, but the Nine Houses win over their faceless opponents. The planet succumbs to a tide of thanergy. Camera zooms into victorious banners with the emblems of the Nine Houses. That shot transitions into- 
Camera zooms out from the Second House insignia on the breast of a Cohort soldier. He hurries down a sleek spaceship corridor, urgency bringing his pace to just short of a jog. He clutches a letter with a white-knuckle grip.
He approaches a double-door with a guard standing on either side, and stops, catching his breath.
GUARD 1: Halt!
SOLDIER: I need to speak to Captain Deuteros.
GUARD 1: She is in a debriefing. She is not to be interrupted.
SOLDIER: How long until she’s done?
GUARD 2: Try tomorrow.
SOLDIER: I need to speak to her right now.
GUARD 1: Look, you can’t-
SOLDIER: (insistently) I need to deliver this letter.
The guards exchange a skeptical look, like “is it this guy’s first day or something?” Guard 1 reaches out and takes the letter.
GUARD 1: Let’s see what’s so important.
Guard 1 begins to open the letter, as the soldier cries out.
SOLDIER: You can’t open that! It’s from the-
Guard 1 freezes, reading the letterhead.
SOLDIER: (weakly)….Emperor.
Wordlessly, the chastised guards open the door for the soldier. He enters, to see JUDITH DEUTEROS speaking at the head of a table of Cohort officers in their starched uniforms. Her head snaps to the commotion at the door.
SOLDIER: (salutes) Captain! A letter from the Emperor.
He hands her the letter. The Captain reads it silently, whole body tense. Then she lowers the letter. For half a second, she stares into the middle distance, clearly stunned. Then her eyes refocus. 
DEUTEROS: Get Lieutenant Dyas.
Tea is being served in an obscenely opulent dayroom, gilded in a riot of colour. At table are CORONABETH TRIDENTARIUS, IANTHE TRIDENTARIUS, and NABERIUS TERN. Naberius is animatedly telling a story while only Corona pays attention, her lovely head resting on her hand. Ianthe absentmindedly mashes her cake and plays with a piece of broken skin on her lip.
NABERIUS: (braggadocious) -and after I’d finished with that joker, for my final round, I was up against some left-handed lout from Trentham. Naturally, I knew he’d defend his chest, so I guarded my outside arm and feinted to quarte, then I attacked-
CORONA: (breathless and charming) Octave?
NABERIUS: No, sixte.
Ianthe speaks, looking at her nails.
IANTHE: (drawl) I’m sorry?
CORONA: She didn’t hear you, Babs.
IANTHE: Could you repeat that? I never remember my parries, see.
NABERIUS: I attacked in sixte.
CORONA: I bet you did.
Ianthe stifles a snort, which Corona mimics. Ianthe flicks a piece of skin from her lip at her. Naberius realises they’re making fun of him and goes red.
NABERIUS: (spluttering) Princess—
He is interrupted by a servant clearing their throat and bowing, holding out a letter. Ianthe reaches for it and tears it open. She begins to read, but Corona snatches it away. She reads it and laughs, bubbly.
CORONA: (laughing) We’ve been invited ‘by the Emperor’ to ‘the temple of the First House’? What a feeble joke! (turning as if to co-conspirators) Who do we think this is from? The Fifth?
Her twin looks at her, frowning.
IANTHE: This isn’t a joke, Corona. Feel the thanergy trace on the letter? It’s time for the necromancers of the Third House to shine.
ISAAC TETTARES stands ramrod straight in front of a washroom mirror, trying so hard to look older than his fourteen years that it has the opposite effect and makes him look younger. He talks to himself, attempting an air of authority.
Isaac: (attempt at deep voice, cracks due to nerves) Brave soldiers of the Cohort! I am Baron Isaac Tettares of the Fourth House. We are first into battle, the vanguard of the empire, and we will not rest until –
He is interrupted by the door bursting open. Isaac flinches at the sound, but JEANNEMARY CHATUR pays no heed to whatever she has walked in on. She runs up to her necromancer and shakes his shoulders, pressing a letter into his hands.
ISAAC: Whatareyoudoing-
Isaac looks down at the letter in awe.
ISAAC: Is it-?
JEANNEMARY: What else could it be? It’s our summons to the front!
Immediately after, Isaac and Jeannemary come tumbling into a dignified stateroom, hung with portraits and lined with bookshelves. The teens buzz with excitement over their still-unopened letter. Before they can set to tearing it open, they look up and see the concerned figures of ABIGAIL PENT and MAGNUS QUINN. The teens stop in their tracks. They notice that Abigail is holding the same letter, but opened.
JEANNEMARY: (confused) Lady Pent? Why are you being summoned to the front?
Abigail and Magnus share a worried, knowing look. Magnus puts his hand on his wife’s shoulder, comforting, as she sighs.
ABIGAIL: We’re not being summoned to the front. We’re being summoned somewhere entirely more dangerous.
PALAMEDES SEXTUS and CAMILLA HECT are packing, amidst a flurry of activity. Palamedes flits among no less than five opened suitcases, stuffed with necromantic artifacts, scientific instruments, and, mostly, books. Camilla calmly stands above one suitcase, stashing a variety of knives amongst her clothes.
PALAMEDES: (frazzled) Cam, have you seen my glasses? I can’t find my glasses.
CAMILLA: (not looking up) Did you check your head?
They are indeed on his head.
PALAMEDES: Yes of course I checked my – oh. Thank you.
Palamedes puts on his glasses, then grunts as he heaves another stack of books into an already overflowing suitcase.
PALAMEDES: (excitedly) Who knows what these Lyctoral trials will entail – I’ve studied all three schools of necromancy extensively, but the First House has stood since before the Great Resurrection. We may encounter theorems that have, until now, been lost to time. What an opportunity! 
CAMILLA: We’ll have to be careful of the other Houses. I’ve written up a watch schedule so we don’t get knifed in our sleep. I’ve also packed headlamps in case of a cave-in.
PALAMEDES: Why would a cave-in happen? Are there caves? Why would we be in one?
CAMILLA: I take your security seriously, Warden. We must be prepared for all eventualities. Now, are you going to pack any clothes?
A Seventh House administrator paces impatiently outside an ornate door, decorated with finely detailed roses. The door cracks open, and a doctor emerges. Sounds of laboured breathing, and the beeping of a medical apparatus, can be heard as the door is open. The doctor gingerly exits, forehead wrinkled. 
ADMINISTRATOR: How does our Lady Septimus fare?
DOCTOR: (tired, flat) She can’t go. She’s deteriorating by the day. The journey alone may kill her, never mind these – trials. 
ADMINISTRATOR: She must go. 
The administrator looks meaningfully at the closed door.
ADMINISTRATOR: Becoming a Lyctor might be her only chance at survival.
SILAS OCTAKISERON stands before a plex, staring out at an expanse of stars. His expression is as harsh as the blindingly white surroundings of the Eighth House. COLUM ASHT walks up to him, stopping a half-step behind.
SILAS: (solemn) Are you ready, Brother Asht? We leave tomorrow.
COLUM: (equally emotionless) I was born for this, Uncle. Do you have cause for worry?
Silas has not taken his eyes off the night.
SILAS: (ominous) It is not the trials of Lyctorhood that occupy my mind. It is our sister Houses. I have no doubt that the black vestals of the Ninth have some unholy scheme afoot. The Emperor only knows what dread iniquities occupy their time on that godforsaken planetoid.
Opens on close-up of the cover of ‘Frontline Titties of the Fifth’ affixed to a rough stone wall, poorly lit in the sunforsaken atmosphere of the Ninth House. Sounds of exertion. Zoom out to reveal GIDEON NAV, doing curl-ups and coming face-to-face with the titty magazine each rep.
A shovel slices into the grey dirt. It is dark, cold, dank, misty. A bruised hand, with bleeding, dirt-encrusted fingernails, surgically places bones in the resulting hole. 
Gideon has switched to push-ups. 
HARROWHARK NONAGESIMUS is dimly silhouetted from behind as she walks across the drillshaft floor, dragging the heavy shovel. Her black robes engulf her thin frame, and her puffs of breath fog the air.
Gideon, in high spirits, does a practice manoeuvre with her two-hander sword. Then, she sheathes it, shoulders a rucksack, and exits the cell.
Low pan over the disturbed earth to Harrow, who finally turns around, dropping the shovel. We see her ribcage corset as she gloves her bleeding hands. Her imperious expression curls to a smile as she surveys her work.
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hintofelation99 · 3 years
The Hours Before a Disastrous Wayne Family Dinner
Alfred: Master Bruce, I would suggest you leave your cave and prepare for dinner.
Bruce, not paying attention working on a case: I’ll take dinner down here tonight Alfred.
Alfred: I would advise against that sir. Unless you wish to host family dinner in the batcave?
Bruce, finally turning around: What?! Family dinner isn’t until Thursday!
Alfred: Today is Thursday Master Bruce.
Bruce: Oh god, I’m not prepared! I didn’t study! Have there been any major fights or murder attempts recently?
Alfred: Not that I am aware of, but the children tend to avoid exhibiting such behavior in my presence.
Bruce: Shit, ok, as long as Steph is having dinner with her mom and Jason arrives after Damian, we’ll be fine!
Alfred: Master Damian spent the day with Jonathan and will be arriving late. And Miss Stephanie will be attending.
Bruce, looking terrified: God help us.
-> 4pm <-
Jason: Hey Alfie!
Alfred, giving Jason a hug: Master Jason, it is wonderful to see you.
Jason: Am I the first one here?
Alfred: Miss Cassandra and Master Duke are in their rooms, Master Damian should be over around 6 pm. As for the others they should be arriving shortly.
Jason, with a mischievous smile: Perfect!
Alfred gives him a warning glare: The rules Master Jason?
Jason: All damages must be fixed and/or cleaned before midnight. No murder, maiming, or permanent damage may come to any of the invited attendees, uninvited may receive protection at Alfred Pennyworth’s discretion. Rules can be added or changed at Alfred Pennyworth’s discretion and all attendees are to review the banned items list upon entry into the Wayne Manor foyer.
Alfred nods, satisfied with the response: Have you reviewed the list of prohibited items?
Jason: Of course Alfie!
Alfred: Very good Master Jason, you may enter.
Jason: Sweet, cause I have to get a surprise ready for the Demon.
-> 4:18 pm <-
Tim: Hey, Alfred, I’m just stopping by to see if I left something here.
Alfred raises an eyebrow: You will not be joining us for dinner?
Tim: Uhhh…
Alfred: Master Tim, did you forget about the family dinner tonight?
Tim: Noooo… I was- uh just joking?
Alfred: Hilarious. Now please review the list of banned items while I fetch Miss Cassandra, she has been eagerly awaiting your arrival.
Alfred leaves to get Cass as Tim reviews the list, muttering to himself the whole time.
Tim: When was toothpaste added?
Cass walks into the room and pulls Tim into a hug before releasing him and tapping his nose: Little brother!
Tim: Hey Cass! Hey, did you know toothpaste was banned from family dinner nights?
Cass nods.
Tim: Why?
Cass: Dessert, December 8th last year.
Tim’s eyes widen slightly as he nods: Ooohh yeah. Forgot about that.
-> 4:24 pm <-
Alfred: Ah, Master Dick, I'm glad you could make it.
Dick: Wouldn't miss it for the world! By the way I brought over dessert!
Alfred: ...wonderful.
Dick, rolling his eyes: Don't worry Alf it's a box mix.
Alfred: No offense Master Dick, but that does little to quell my anxiety.
Dick just laughs and walks in. Alfred debates adding "food made by Richard Grayson" to the banned items list.
-> 4:48 pm <-
Alfred sees Tim and Cass walking by the kitchen: Ah, Miss Cassandra, Master Timothy, could I ask a favor of the two of you?
Cass nods.
Alfred: It appears that something has set off one of the perimeter alarms, would you mash the potatoes while I investigate?
Cass nods. And Alfred leaves to investigate.
Tim: Let me just check my room for something then I can help.
Cass: Be quick.
Tim smiles and runs off.
-> 4:50 <-
Jason, yelling from some where in the manor: Where's the duct tape?!
Alfred: No duct tape, Master Jason!
Jason: What?! Why?!
Alfred: Duct tape is a banned item!
Jason: Fuck!
-> 4:53 pm <-
Tim, digging through his room: Found it!
Tim looks at the banned items list, then back to the tiny black disk in his hand.
Tim: I'll just show it to Cass real quick, Alfred won't even know!
-> 5 pm <-
Tim, in the kitchen talking to Cass: See, it's nearly microscopic! Not deadly, but it will cause a big enough explosion to distract criminals and-
Jason runs through the room and bumps into Tim.
Jason: Sorry Timbo!
Tim looks horrified.
Cass: Drop it?
Tim nods.
Cass: Where?
Tim: I don't know.
Cass: Walk away. Pretend nothing happened.
Tim looks at Cass in shock.
Cass: No one will know.
Tim: You really just want to watch the world burn.
Cass: Yes.
-> 5:03 pm <-
Alfred calls Stephanie. As he walks back to the kitchen.
Alfred: Miss Stephanie, I am very glad you will be attending dinner tonight, but please, use the front door.
Steph: Aww but climbing the gate is more fun.
Steph: Fine...
-> 5:09 pm <-
Dick: Hey Jason?
Jason: Yes.
Dick: Whatcha doin'?
Jason: Ruining Damian's day.
Dick shrugs: Cool, have fun!
-> 5:31 pm <-
Duke, frantically looking around the manor for something: Where'd it go?
Steph: Whatcha lookin' for?
Steph just wiggles her eyebrows: Wouldn't you like to know lightning boy.
Duke digging through the couch cushions: Fair. I'm looking for my headpho- what the fuck?
Duke pulls out a dagger.
Steph: DIBS!
Steph takes the dagger and runs.
Duke watches her leave the room eyes wide: Oh no...
-> 5:48 pm <-
Alfred: Miss Barbara, it truly is wonderful to see you.
Babs chuckles: I would never miss watching this trainwreck.
Alfred: Wayne family dinners are rather... entertaining.
-> 5:59 pm <-
Alfred: Hello Master Damian.
Damian: Pennyworth.
Jason sees Damian and smirks: Hey Dami! Can't wait for dinner!
Jason walks away and Damian turns to glare at Alfred.
Damian: What did he do?
Alfred: I do not know. And as long as it is not in violation of the ruless I will not interfer.
-> 6 pm <-
Alfred calls everyone to dinner.
——— <- Bruce Wayne Interview | The Dinner ->
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beann-e · 3 years
haikyu characters reacting to you screaming back at them
sorry , I changed the characters I went with originally for this but , this is to thank everyone for 500 followers !
- he would only scream at you if his comments of telling you to shut up weren’t working
- then he’d just get pissed off because hey ? how else can he tell you to shut up in a nice way except
“ y/n “ you perked up as you looked at the blonde to the left of you on the bench “ look at me “
you smiled softly eyes never meeting his as he stared ahead not turning to look at you “ tsukki how can you tell me to look at you — then you don’t look at me“ your laugh rang out in the gym loud enough for him to hear and for his body to tighten reminding him why he was pissed off right now
His head turning to you smile spread across his face tightly, eyes roaming your face until he spoke voice holding a tone that rivaled the sweet look on his face “ I swear on hinata and the kings freaky quick y/n —if I hear your laugh one more time i’m going to suffocate you and pound you in the head with a volleyball “
your eyes widened as you turned away from the male “ no no no turn back around baby i’m not done yet “
you followed his words hanging on every word as he continued “ you’ve been chewing my ear off all fucking practice and i’m —look it’s pissing me off you talk talk talk and I really doubt “
he shook his head turning away from you “ if you even know what your saying at this point “ he scoffed “ cause I don’t “
The gym went quiet as everyone started to listen to the argument happening next to them him never stopping the vile words that spilled out from his mouth “ I doubt anytime you speak really if your even talking about something important or if you simply just wanna “ he shrugged his shoulders “ talk“
His mouth quirked up in smirk “ honestly would rather hear pipsquek over there talk about the little giant ten times a day than hear you speak at all “
you dropped your eyes to look at the floor him not trying to stop you only thanking god for the peace and quiet head leaning back to look up to the ceiling in thanks
tanakas voice coming out loud as his anger bounced off the wall of the gym “ you have a beautiful s/o like that and you bully them “ he scoffed mumbling under his breath in pure annoyance “ i’ll show you a bully beanstalk “
daichis hand slapped across tanakas chest like a seatbelt “ you do not need to partake in this trust me your not needed “
“ oi tanaka-san i’ve got your back bro “ nishinoyas small body stomped through the gym as he smiled wickedly at tsukishima only to be grabbed and pulled into daichis hold his small body tucked under daichis arm as he flailed around screaming out small profanities
“ there’s no need becau—- “
“ y’know if you want to hear hinata talk about how he was going to reward you tonight because, of your amazing test score then “ you smiled looking forward “ really go ahead —I don’t mind less work for me “
You giggled softly “ honestly , i’d have thought you’d rather receive your surprise from me but, I always knew you had a thing for him since you make fun of him constantly—he’s always on your mind seriously even when we were watching a movie you’ll bring up something stupid he did at practice “ tsukishimas mouth let out short breaths of air trying to find words to stop you
“hinata—I swear he’s got a boy crush on you “ you could feel the male next to you now eyeing you in disgust and holding even more anger than he had earlier
hinatas body rippled as he waved his body around excitedly thinking of your words really just happy to be included “ YOU DO” his face dropping quickly when he started thinking finally registering your words “ tsukki — TSUKII YOUR A GUY YOU HAVE A —“ he coughed regaining himself chest puffed out as he spoke clear with meaning
“well while I do appreciate the admiration i’d like to say — you have a partner and I don’t really feel very comfo— “
“ YOU DUMBASS THEIR JUST JOKING “ kageyamas voice raced through the room as he slapped hinatas head hard enough that sent him straight to the gym floor eyes rolling back in his head tears leaking out slowly
“ you may continue y/n-senpai we—we all give you“ kageyamas eyes twinkled in love before they went cold tsukishimas own eyes rolling with a small scoff “ and shittyshima our attention”
you turned to look at your boyfriend mock confusion on your face “ god tsukki you should have just told me you liked hinata better I would have let you go then “ you shook your head as he scoffed at your next words your face falling to sadness eyes searching his pure disappointment laced throughout your voice
“ and here I thought you were a big boy capable of dating someone older but I guess “ he was starting to get pissed off of course he could handle you how dare you say he couldn’t “ I guess your not capable of it “
“ I am capable “ he said softly turning to you who did exactly what he did moments ago and ignored the heartbroken look held in the eyes that drilled into your side “ i’m fully capable of listening to you y/n I swear “
you smirked never meeting his gaze “ y’know what here let’s do this “ your smile went wide as you zipped up your jacket and turned while reaching into your backpack
“ what—what are you doing “ his voice was low watching your hands gracefully open the bag and pull out a piece of strawberry cake “ wait— you—you got that for me because of my—”
“ no” you laughed “ no— of course I didn’t get this for you what would make you think of that tsukishima “
his heart dropping “ tsukishima—wha—y/n wheres tsu—“
“I got this for my boyfriend who loves to hear me talk and knows how to say things nicely “
“ but—-but that’s me so you did—you got it for me ?“
you laughed “ no this “ you pointed to the cake “ this is what that person deserved—that nice guy— but this“ your hand moved to open the container as you threw it in his face smooshing his head into it and pulling your hand back as he moved to scoop the icing from his eyes
“ this is for assholes “ you giggled “ like yourself“ you closed the container and moved your hands to set it next to him taking your finger and dipping it into the icing that covered his nose to lick it off your finger as you kissed the now ‘un-iced’ part of his nose
Head moving to whisper in his ear “ you pull some shit like that again and i’m leaving your ass you dont talk to me like that — i’m not yams do you understand me “
“ yes “ his answer was short and low but you knew he understood you as he moved to take his glasses off watching through blurry eyes as you left the gym
Daichi dropping a wide eyed nishinoya to the ground and letting go of his grip on a mouth foaming tanaka “ the reason I said you guys didn’t need to help is because — I trust that y/n knows how to handle a situation like that on their own “ he laughed “ how else would they be dating our wonderfully polite first year if they couldn’t take him “
Your head popped back in the gym as you winked over at the boy knowing he couldn’t see it. Body stopping in a halt while cleaning his glasses you were right he couldn’t see you but he could feel you were there —he could feel something evil lurking changing the air in the once breathable room silently cursing himself out in his head for talking to you the way he did earlier “ oh yeah and guys “
everyone turned to you as he muttered out a low fuck “ tsukishima — your star shit talker yeah—he wears dino undies “ you smiled brightly “ with matching socks “
You turned to hinata already knowing what he was going to ask when you left “no you can’t —he and yams already have matching pairs “ you turned to yams his face red and slowly moving away from everyone else in embarrassment “ sorry babes’—one goes down you all go down together “
the door slamming echoed throughout the gym as everyone went quiet kageyamas voice the first to come out as he tried to stifle his laughs, Coach ukai laughing softly before catching himself and screaming at tsukishima to clean himself and his bench up, the team turning away as nishinoya and tanaka defeated the rest of the boys ego in comments asking how many pairs he had while hinata asked if he ever wanted to match he and yams could go shopping for the taller male.
Yamaguchi to the boys rescue as he watched him clean off his glasses and throw them back on. Tsukishimas hand only reaching out to his side with a low sigh to eat the remaining bit of cake youd just smashed in his face “ god — so perfect “
-he would get so upset if you keep annoying him about trying. it goes with or for anything
-you would be telling him could he at least put a bit more effort into the relationship and he’d spazz
-or even you telling him the reason you had to drag him out tonight was because, there was no food at home and he would get mad assuming you just wanted to take him from the comfort of his own home
The quiet was loud and spoke for itself as you and the male before you sat across from each other in the restaurants booth. The air swirling in and out of your ear as you waited for him to say something.
Your eyebrows furrowed before you opened your mouth to speak “ bab- “
“ I didn’t want to come out tonight “
your face fell as you waited for him to continue speaking only for him to go deadly silent, uninterested gaze stuck on yours, his body relaxed and leaned down into the booth head thrown back to show off his half lidded eyes. His legs outstretched under the table god he looked so lazy.
Your mind raced thinking how was it even possible to look lazy In public
Your mouth tucked into itself before you let it go a small sigh leaving it “ suna there was no foo— “
“ I wanted to eat at home “ even though he looked relaxed you could tell his voice was tense.
You could feel your body losing itself at his behavior he was such a child when he didn’t get what he wanted and when he was forced outside. Throwing tantrums and whining any time you brung him shopping or stayed out too long and he would start to miss his houses comfort
Your weight getting pulled into the ground to a pit of anxiety. you just wanted to disappear you knew he was leading you down the trail of his attitude.
One more time that’s all it would take one more question , statement, anything spoken and he would snap.
It wasn’t often that it happened but when it did it wasn’t pretty
you heard the scoff that left his mouth as his eyes widened a bit before going back to their half lidded state causing you to shift in your chair uncomfortably
“ so you figured it out — “ he laughed softly “ so now instead of speaking your mind like usual your gonna try to stop the argument before it starts “
he smiled “ neat game “
His arms came down on the table in a huff his face showing a small smirk before it dropped “ gotcha baby —i’ll play —look who’s coming over here “
“ HI, what can I get you guys today “ the lady smiled at you as you dropped your head shaking it carefully already knowing what was going to take place
“ would you two like to start off wit-“
“ how about we start with nothin—“
“ suna “ your voice was warning
“ what “ you heard the challenge laced in his own as he spoke again“ is there something you wanted to do ? or maybe had your mind set on doing ? somewhat like myself ? “
“ maybe — maybe I should come back “ the woman moved to leave your boyfriend voice deep “ don’t move “
you snapped your face to look at him warning him to stop he was enjoying this he knew you couldn’t touch him or even come close. You wouldn’t dare not in public.
“ y’know what I do want to order “ he smirked turning to face the lady who was a bit taken back at the male her body heating up when she saw his smile you knew she had a crush
“ I just wanted to know “ here it comes “ what do you like ? is there anything you recommend “
he laughed moving to lean back against the seat “ on the menu that is— I mean I don’t think your eatable—or at least while working you aren’t so , i’ll suffice for right now “
you scoffed he’s always so cheesy “ well I uh “
“ please leave “ your voice was small “ just go please“
“ I am sorry “ she shook her head noticing your eyes holding a bit of annoyance before running off to a new table
“ who the hell gave you permission to take my fun from me”
“ suna your doing all of this because you didn’t want to leave the house “ you deadpanned “ seriously babe? “
“ don’t limit my problems like that “ he whispered looking around “ your making me look stupid “
“ because it is “
“ no it’s not “ he got louder “ the fuck if it is — your always dragging me somewhere that I don’t want to go I was fine on the couch we had food at home what more did we need ? we didn’t have to come out tonight y/n you just wanted to be extra and fancy“ his voice was raised higher than you’d ever heard it making you remember you two weren’t in the confinement of your own house
“ you just want to annoy the shit out of me yet again like you don’t do that enough. Everyday it’s constant nagging ‘ suna you’ve been in the house for 2 days , suna you never go out unless it’s volley , suna , suna , suna—god you never seem to shut the fuck up unless i’m throwing money at you like a stripper “
you laughter to yourself quietly before he huffed “ we had food at home “
your eyes darted out as you looked around you peoples bodies turning to stare at your table a bit shaken by the males screams “ look at you — wont even admit it — you just like putting on this fake face acting like staying at home is so bad “
he moved to grab his phone harshly off the table scooting out the booth “ fuck this — brought me out the house to eat this crap when I could’ve made a sandwich unnecessary money — unnecessary trip “
his body froze a shudder moving over his body as his gaze went soft at the ground. Legs jumpy but unmoving as his mind raced eyes peering down at the grip you held on his wrist
“ sit the fuck “ your eyes crisp and sharp on his own “ down“ him not even waiting for you to finish before he slid back into the booth body going slack to show the others watching the drama unfold that he didn’t care that his s/o just ripped his image to shreds with three words
“ why are you doing all this huh ? “
his voice was steady “ because I wanted to eat—eat at home I said this “ he shook his head trying to laugh away the obviously tense air that was roaming throughout the restaurant due to your cold demeanor
“ tell me suna “ his name sounded foreign on your tounge when you spit it back out at him mocking the way he said it earlier “ what were you going to eat “
“ a— a sandwich “
“ baby—with what bread ? “
his mind stalled before the gears started again except steering him backwards to think back to earlier “ I—I didn’t see any bre— no “ he spoke softly trying not to show you his obvious mistake
“ aw what was that baby speak up we can’t hear you“ you directed his gaze to everyone around as he shifted to sit up so he didn’t look like he was getting his ass handed to him like a 7 year old
“ I said um — there was “ he shook his head wanting to deny that you were right so badly “ fuck there was no bread”
“ ok and what happens to your so called planned dinner if there’s no bread “
he coughed “ no sandwich y/n “
“ awww no sandwich? “ the fake sadness on your face evident as you mocked him
“ fuck you y/n “
“ not tonight “ his body sinking when he saw the ghosts of smiles on the people’s faces that were listening in on you two
his head dropping to whisper “ I — I wasn’t even gonna try tonight maybe— maybe tomorrow so jokes on you “
you shook your head calling the waitress over as she stumbled a bit scared of your table and the negative energies it held “ ye— “
“ get me my check “
“ you — you only bought water “
you smirked thought about teasing your boyfriend yet again “ no I bought a sandwich remember “
“ wh— “
“ but no really jokes aside —can you actually bring me a “ your mouth moved fast as you asked for your favorite food and for it to be brought out and packaged in a to go box the shared table quiet between you two him never looking up until the waitress came back about 10 minutes later
Her hands stuffed full with 2 boxes and a small one containing the dessert you ordered “ thank you “ you smiled widely
Legs moving to stand as suna followed deciding to make yet again another sly comment“ so you did all this just to buy us dinner to go? real fucking classy y/—“
“ who said us ? “ you let out a small laugh as you took a glance at his face your eyebrows furrowing before they relaxed
“ suna this is for me “
“ wh—“
“ your right we are going home “
“ home but ? we— I didn’t get anything to eat “
you laughed walking off opening the door to the restaurant watching as he stayed still his body never moving from the booth you two sat at moments ago “ baby there’s nothing at home remember “
“ oh but I thought there was “ you smiled softly before your face came up in mock confusion “ your sandwich no ? “
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nightlychaotic · 3 years
The Exes
“So I have this ex-”
“You don’t even know what I’m going to say.”
“Fine. Go on.”
“So I have this ex. His name’s Dick, still a great friend of mine. He’s nice, charming, sweet, a performer at heart. Make jokes and puns like there is no tomorrow.”
Marinette laughed. “One of my exes, Adrien, made puns constantly,” she explained seeing the other’s confused expression.
“Don”t tell me it’s a deal breaker.”
“It’s not. And while I appreciate it, I don’t need you to try and set me up, Barbara. I’m content right now. If I find someone, I find someone, I find someone. I don’t need you or my exes constantly working to set me up on dates.”
Whatever Barbara was about to say got cut short to the sound of the front door opening and a man’s voice calling out.
“Babs! I brought the- Oh! Sorry, I didn’t realize you had company.”
He froze as he and Marinette spotted each other. Marinette glanced away, directing her focus towards Barbara instead.
“No worries. We were just talking about you actually. Marinette, this is the ex I was telling you about earlier. Dick this is my friend and new neighbor, Marinette.”
“Nice to meet you, Marinette. I hope Barbara hasn’t said anything bad about me.”
“Quite the contrary.”
“Do you want to join us?” Babs asked with a small grin.
“Can’t. As much as I’d love to, I'm just playing messenger for Tim, dropping off the file you said you need,” he replied, handing it off to Barbara who quickly tucked it away. “I have to run. I’ll talk to you tonight, Babs?”
“Of course.”
“It was nice to meet you, Marinette.”
“You too, Dick.”
The two women waved as he left, Marinette barely turned back around to face Babs before the other looked at her expectantly.
“You knew he was coming over today didn’t you?”
“I have no clue what you’re talking about.”
Marinette shot the redhead an unimpressed look while she laughed.
“You never answered my question.”
“He’s very attractive and seems nice.”
“That’s all you get.”
New Group Chat Created: The Exes
Babs: You’re probably wondering why I’ve gathered all of you here today
Adrien Agreste: because we all are exes of marinette?
Babs: Close. Because we are all friends and exes with one Marinette Dupain-Cheng and/or one
Dick Grayson. Two individuals who would be perfect for each other if we can wrangle them into a date.
Luka Couffaine: They would harmonize together nicely
Adrien Agreste changed his nickname to Adri
Adrien Agreste changed Luka Couffaine’s nickname to Luka
Babs: Marinette is hesitant
Adri: leave mari to me
Luka: We’ll spring on the idea of a blind date and convince him next time we see him.
Luka: Can you make sure Dick wears something fashionable?
Luka: In his style though.
Luka: Marinette will appreciate it
Babs: I’ll make sure he doesn’t show up in a sequined crop top. I make no promises beyond
Luka: That’s all I ask.
Adri: where can I get one?
Luka: Adrien.
Adri: this is my teenage rebellion phase
Luka: You’re 28
Adri: you’re point?
Babs: https://www.urbanoutfitters.com/shop/motel-tini-sequin-cropped-top?inventoryCountry=US&color=095&size=L&utm_kxconfid=vx6q4l3b6&gclsrc=ds&type=REGULAR&quantity=1
Adri: thank you!!!!
Adri: barbara supports me
Adri: love you too
“Hey Dick!”
“Hey Luka. Adrien.”
“Is there any way we could interest you in a blind date? Our ex just moved to Gotham recently and she’s amazing. She’s like a sister to us and you two would be perfect for each other,” Adrien asked, beaming.
“Our ex?”
“We both dated her at separate times,” Luka explained. “She’s amazing, one of the sweetest melodies you’ll ever find.”
“You’ll love her. I promise. And I’ll owe you if you do. Anything you want. YOu wouldn’t have to do anything. Just show up and have a good time. Please.”
Dick laughed as he unlocked his apartment door. “You really want me too don’t you?”
“Can you tell?”
He laughed again, opening the door. “Sure. Why not? Text me the info and I’ll be there.”
“Thank you!”
The Exes
Adri: dick is in
Babs: Perfect
Chaton: dinner tomorrow?
M’Lady: What time?
Chaton: 7:45
M’Lady: See you then
Chaton: can’t wait
The Exes
Adri: mari will be there at 8
“I’m a part of the Agreste party?”
“Right this way,” The hostess smiled, leading her to a small table in the back of the restaurant. Marinette raised a brow at Adrien’s choice of restaurant. It was a bit nicer than what they usually chose for their fortnight dinners. She figured out why when the hostess left her at the table, leaving to ‘give them a minute.’
Marinette gave a soft laugh as she sat, looking at Dick with a brow raised.
“Who put you up to this?”
“Excuse me?”
“Which conniving critter put you up to this? Adrien or Luka?”
Dick laughed. “Both. Though I wouldn’t be surprised if Babs had some input since she called me to tell me what not to wear.”
“Ah. A team up. I should have expected that.”
“I can leave if you’d like-”
“No! Nono not at all. I’d be more than happy to have dinner with you. I just wanted to know who I had to thank for tricking me into a blind date.”
“This doesn’t have to be a date if you don’t want it to be.”
“I never said that I didn’t want it to be. I just haven’t been a blind date before, let alone tricked into one,” she said laughing. “Though I’m glad my first one is with you.”
Their conversation stalled as the waitress came by asking if they were ready to order, taking the orders before disappearing. The two talked before getting to know each other before the food arrived. Dick grinned when the cheese platter appetizer was delivered and looked over at her.
“Can I brie perfectly honest?” he asked. She laughed as she nodded.
“You may.”
“It hasn’t been long into this date, but I’d like to take you out on another one if you’re interested.”
“I would love to go on another date with you.”
A few tables away three exes grinned and high fived each other as they watched the couple.
101 notes · View notes
Part Nine. Minecraft Dating 101
warnings: swearing, mostly super freaking fluffy but some oopsies at the end (which is the barely-there angst that i mentioned before!!), pet names?? if that bothers you??? (like...... one or both of them might use baby.........) word count: 5.3k (not including pictures)
behind the screen (irl dream x f!reader) series masterlist ultimate masterlist
A/N: HEHEH SORRY ITS SO LONG SORRY hope you guys like it!!!! hope it lives up to your standards of minecraft dates lol also thank you guys all for all your suggestions!!! i loved all of them so much!!!! i would have added every idea except this was already 5k words so its much less “flirting” and more so “oh gosh im so nervous what am i supposed to do” from both of them so hehe i think thats more endearing anyway
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The familiar sound of a FaceTime call connecting rang in Y/n's ears and she held her phone up to her face. "Hi, Karl," she sighed.
"Y/N!!" he said with a cackle. "ARE YOU READY FOR YOUR DATE?!"
"Shut up, I'm doing this for you."
"I already gave you the tour though so really you could back out. You're choosing to stay." His voice was teasing and giddy. "Why's that, hmm?"
Heat rose instantly to Y/n's face. "Because I'm a woman of my word?"
"OkaAaAyy," he sang. "Or because you liiiiikeee himmm."
"Shhhut up, Karl. No, I don't."
"Is this why you called me?"
He giggled. "Yeah, but—"
Y/n disconnected the call and set her phone down with a small laugh and a shake of her head.
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With her stream started and her chat greeted, the donation limit raised to $100 (both because she didn't want to be flooded with questions on the date and because she didn't want people to donate their hard-earned money), Y/n logged onto Dream's SMP and found the voice call Dream was in, George's name right under his.
After she clicked it to join, a small gasp emitted from her headphones before she heard Dream mutter something. "Get out, get out, leave."
George's voice was normal. "But I wanna—"
"GEORGE!" Dream yelled, making Y/n giggle.
"Fine!" George yelled back. "Have fun you two," he sang like Karl did before a sound from Discord told them that he left.
It was silent for a second before, "Hi."
"Hi." She giggled. "What was that about?"
"Oh, nothing, nothing. Just some last minute, uh, setting up."
She hummed, amused at the sound of his frantic voice.
"So, um... are you ready for our date?"
"I don't even know where you are. I'm still in my house."
"Knock, knock," he said with a laugh. Y/n turned to see green peeking through the cutouts on her oak door and she laughed.
She ran to the door and opened it for him, revealing Dream in a slightly altered version of his Minecraft skin. He looked the same, except the white blob appeared to be wearing a necktie of some sort. "You look ridiculous," she admitted with a smile. "Wait, is this a fancy date? Should I change my skin?"
"It's not fancy, I just wanted to look my best for the prettiest girl in the world."
"Ohmygosh," she muttered to herself, hoping that writing off his charming words and actions as annoying would make her face not heat up as much. So far, it hadn't worked. Two minutes in and she was already blushing like a schoolgirl whose crush asked her to play tag at recess. "So, I'm not underdressed?"
"No, you're always perfect."
She didn't comment, opting for an eye-roll instead. Truthfully, she wanted to flirt back with him, try to make his heart beat fast like hers already was, but she was worried her words wouldn't come off joking and that the true intention would be obvious, that he'd be able to breeze right past the jovial tone and hear the sincerity in her words. Wait, true intention? What was her true intention? Her true intention should obviously be to just joke around and have some fun, but deep down she knew the motivation for teasing him came from somewhere different, somewhere more meaningful.
She wanted to tease him because she wanted to be the one to make him blush, to make him trip over his words and not know what to do with his hands.
Why? Well, she was still figuring that out.
"If you're ready, follow me, ma'am."
"Where are you taking me?" she asked as she followed his character down prime path.
"Hmmm..." he mused. "A secret, obviously."
"Obviously," she scoffed. She noticed that he was several blocks ahead of her and she smiled to herself. "Hey, Dream?"
"Hm?" he asked, spinning to face her as he ran backward.
"I don't know how many dates you've been on, but usually people walk together. You know, gives them an excuse to maybe hold hands or at least enjoy each other's company?" She made sure her voice had just the right balance of teasing and seriousness, curious as to how he would respond.
"I, uh... oh."
"Unless you want me to just meet you there. I mean, you're practically running away from me."
"I'm just excited!" he excused, stopping briefly so she could catch up with him.
"But look at how many beautiful things there around us to look at while we get to where we're going!" she told him. "Well, maybe not that," she said with a laugh as she punched her fist towards Tommy's dirt house. "But other things."
Dream laughed and continued to walk next to her like she requested, pausing if he ever got too far ahead. "How can I look at all those when the most beautiful thing is walking right next to me?"
She's never rolled her eyes so hard in her life. "Shut up," she mumbled as she punched him.
"OW! BUG!"
"That was supposed to be a pat on the arm but Minecraft only has one level of hitting and it's a punch. Sorry."
Dream wheezed briefly before containing his laughter. "This way," he instructed, getting off the path and starting into the woods.
"Oh, really you're trying to kill me. That's why you didn't want me to wear anything nice. Didn't want me to ruin any of my fancy stuff."
"Foiled my plans," he joked lightly. "Okay but really, um, I was thinking—well, so you already have a house but I was thinking we could build one together. Or build something, I don't know. But you're really good at building and I know you really enjoy it so I thought maybe you could show—like, teach me and then later I'll teach you something and then we can have a little picnic dinner."
Y/n smiled at her nervousness. "Hey, that actually sounds really fun!"
"What? What do you mean actually?" He laughed. "What, did you expect me to plan something boring?"
She laughed over his dramatic pouting. "No, but I mean, I didn't know what to expect," she said shyly. "I do have to say, though, I'm not sure what you plan on teaching me. I'm pretty much a master at all possible Minecraft skills, so..."
"Oh, really?" he taunted. "Everything?"
"Mhm," she hummed, her confidence wavering at his smooth voice.
"We'll see about that..."
"Unless you mean you're gonna teach me how to code Minecraft. That's a Minecraft skill I will admit I know nothing about."
"No, no, nothing like that," he said with a laugh.
"Good, save the programming talk for later."
"For laaater, hmmm?" he sang flirtatiously.
"Oh my gosh," she said through a laugh. "You would think that's what I meant."
"Hey, you're the one that said you think it's cute when I talk about coding. Maybe you're into that."
"I was saying it's sweet hearing you talk about stuff you like, you nerd. Why did you immediately think—what, is your idea of dirty talk talking about... like... computer viruses?"
"Hey girl, lemme clean out your motherboard," she mocked in a deep voice. "You overclock my processor. Lemme program your, uh—uh...hAHA, nevermind, ew, no."
"BUG?! WHAAAT? What is wrong with you?" His gasps for breath between wheezes made her laugh with him. "Don't ever talk like that again, pleASE."
"I won't, I won't, I'm sorry. Oh my gosh."
"Is that your idea of flirting? You are bad!"
"No, no, no!" She laughed. "I was making fun of you. No, I'm actually really good."
She couldn't stop giggling to herself for a few minutes, embarrassed but also proud of the reaction she got from Dream. She loved hearing him laugh as if he would never stop, it made her heart so happy to hear, especially when she was the one who caused it.
Though she feared her horrible pickup lines, if you could even call them that, were already clipped, ready to be used against her for the rest of her life. Worth it. Probably.
They approached a cleared-out area in the woods and Dream stopped and turned to Y/n. "So, we're here. What should we build?"
"Oh, so now I have to plan? Wow, you are so underprepared," she joked.
"What, no! I originally... I wanted to build a, like, a house together because I didn't— I forgot you made your—your house already and—but since you already have one—"
"We can still build a house," she interrupted with a soft voice. Him fumbling over his words was very endearing but also very confusing. How serious was he taking this bit? Or was he... actually nervous? She was actually nervous but she had reasons to be: a huge live audience to entertain and not ignore, and the weird staticky, itchy feeling in her tummy every time Dream spoke to her. Both valid reasons to be nervous. What was his excuse?
"Really? You wanna build a home together?"
Heat rose to her cheeks at his wording and she hummed. "Mhm. You can be my secret lover I hide in my vacation home. Like a second life kinda deal."
He scoffed. "Oh, now I'm just your side piece, Bug?"
"Nah, you're my main bitch, baby. I just wanna hide you away to keep you for myself because I'm selfish."
There was silence on his end for a few moments, making Y/n's face practically catch fire as she thought about her words. Why did she say that?? How can he flirt all the time but as soon as she says something: dead silence.
"Well.... shhhhhit," he finally mumbled definitively.
"You wanted me to flirt with you, Dream. You literally asked me too!" She laughed, trying to cover up her embarrassment. It had been less than 20 minutes and she already made a fool of herself.
"I did, I did, I just—wow. Come on, that was... I didn't expect you to go from never flirting to calling me baby!"
"Too much?" she bit her lip as she waited for him to explain if it was a good or bad thing.
He paused again. "....no."
She laughed loudly, pulling her hoodie collar up to her face in an attempt to rid herself of the giddiness and heat on her face. Like anyone could see anyway.
"So, a house?"
"A house."
"What kind of house do you think we should build together, Dream?"
"Maybe...." he thought as he ran around the area. "Maybe, like, a log cabin? Since we're in a forest. It's fitting..."
"Very true, very true..." she thought. "I was thinking a castle was more suited for you, king, but a cabin works too."
"Bug!" he yelled, laughter bubbling up in his voice. "What is wrong with you?"
"What?" she said defensively, giggling.
"You're a handful today," he groaned under his breath and she smiled. Though his words said one thing, Y/n could tell he was enjoying her energy.
"So, a dinky, old cabin, or what?"
"Whatever you want to build," he sighed.
"You always this agreeable?"
"Only to you."
"Well, I honestly don't have much practice with building cabins and since I want to show off my skills, I mean, that's the whole point of this, right? For me to impress you with my skills?"
Dream laughed so she continued.
"I think we should build a treehouse."
"A treehouse?"
"Mhm. What do you think? I make a pretty bomb treehouse."
"That sounds awesome!" he agreed. "Oh, and it could go from, like, one tree to another and, like, connect with a bridge! Like, the living room on one and the bedroom on another."
"Yeah, exactly! Okay, it's settled."
"What do we need? What do you want me to do?"
"I'm thinking.... we use cobblestone?"
Dead silent. Literally no noise until a few moments later, ".......Bug. This might be a deal-breaker."
"I'm joooking! You think I'd build something out of cobblestone? Who am I, Tommy? No, what's your favorite wood?"
"Dark oak."
"GOOD. Me too. So.... we need dark oak. Or, wait! Okay, hear me out."
"I'm hearing..." Dream prompted as he pressed A and D on his keyboard back and forth, earning a giggle from Y/n. He character was bouncing left and right is excitement.
"Dark oak planks..." she started.
"Stone bricks..."
"Go on."
"And green wool for accents."
"Well, now you're just pandering."
"No!" she laughed. "Not, like, lime wool. Green wool. It's close to you but not as... obnoxiously blinding."
"I trust your vision. I'll go get materials."
"Perfect, you're the best, Dweam."
"Yeah, yeah," he grumbled before laughing. "You pick out a tree you think would be best for the main part."
40 minutes later, they were nowhere near being done. Y/n had shown him how to make a good house layout after he placed the floor in the shape of a square. She had yelled at him for it first, of course. They also had the frame of the walls and one bridge but nothing on the other side of said bridge. Not wanting the stream to last six hours since this was only the first part of the date, Y/n made a suggestion.
"What if...."
"What if what?" Dream asked, pausing to look at her character, who had stopped fixing his mistakes. "Did I mess something up?"
"No, I was just thinking. What if we make this the whole house and do a little garden on the other side of the bridge? Or like a little cute thing."
"A little cute thing?" Dream laughed.
"You know, like a thing," she said, knowing she hadn't clarified anything. "I forgot this is only date one, you can't read my mind yet."
"Oh, so there are gonna be future dates? I thought this was just to pay off your debt?"
She paused, playing with her hoodie strings between her left hand. "Well, I guess we'll see."
Dream laughed. "So, what little cute thing did you want to make?"
"We could put a bench facing the sunset and have some potted flowers and hang lanterns and stuff."
"Oh, like a romantic spot?"
"I guess if you wanna think of it like that."
"Sounds cute," he said. "So, we have to change the layout in here then?"
"Nah, I mean, we can just not add a kitchen, we obviously don't need one anyway."
"True. Then all we need is to put our bed down, right?"
"Beds," Y/n corrected.
"Well, when they're together it looks like one big bed."
"Who said we're putting out beds together?"
"Buuuuggg..." he whined. "Come on... lemme put my bed next to yours."
She giggled again. What was with all the giggling, sheesh. "No. There's plenty of space, put it somewhere else." She placed her white bed down in the corner and went across the bridge to bring her idea to life, or, to Minecraft.
It only took about ten minutes and she finished when Dream spoke again. "I think I'm done."
"I am too! Let's take one final look around." She went back inside and immediately noticed his bed right next to hers. She stared at his character and he laughed.
"Whaaat?" he asked shyly and she just sighed, letting it happen. They took a look around and agreed that it was basically the best treehouse in the entire universe, both in Minecraft and real life.
"Bug, you're so good at building," Dream complimented as he ran around the house. "What's your favorite part?"
"Ummm...." She looked around before deciding on the bridge. "I like how you made the bridge. And I like the little touches you added to it. It's nice."
"Thanks! I think the 'little cute thing' you did is the best part."
"Shut up, I can't stand you," she scoffed. "But thanks."
"Hey, Bug?" Dream asked, leading her back into the house. He faced the two beds placed together and she prepared herself for the worst joke of all time. "Is this where all the programming talk happens?"
"I knew it! I knew you were gonna say that! Shut up!" She punched Dream as he laughed loudly and she couldn't stop smiling. "You're such a nerd. You're so annoying."
"OH! I have an idea, wait here."
It had been a solid eight and a half minutes of Y/n waiting for Dream and he showed no signs of returning. He was silent too, so she resorted to saying random things to get him to crack.
"When will my husband return from war?" she joked, her voice laced with sadness and longing.
There was a small suppressed laugh from his mic, but still no words.
"Sometimes I think I can still hear him laughing at me."
He must have gotten reeeaaalll close to his mic, because his next words, the first ones he had spoken in almost ten minutes, were whispered but she felt like he was in her ear. "I'll be home soon, baby."
Once again, she was so glad her chat couldn't see her because she literally shivered and her face was so warm she felt like she was glowing.
For the first time all stream, her eyes betrayed her and she looked at her chat as she pulled her hoodie collar up to her face.
user4: i think i just passed out
user2: hey bestie i cant do this rn
user9: they can't talk to each other like that and say they're just friends pleASE
Also for the first time all stream, someone dared to donate at her limit (which, again, was ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS).
karakatara donated $100 I had to donate bc I just HAD to tell you how cute you and dream are! honestly my favorite couple ever and I was just wondering how long you've been dating??? love you and your videos!!!!!
It was $100. She had to answer it. Meaning, she had to use words after Dream said that like that and she wasn't sure that was physically possible right now.
"Aren't you going to answer?" Dream taunted.
"Wha—what, are you—you stream watching, you weirdo?" she forced out. "Why?"
"I wanted to read your chat, they're really funny."
"I haven't been reading it."
"What, why? They've been so funny this whole time."
"I've been too scared to."
"Too scared? Of what?"
Of the jokes that she wanted to be real? Of seeing something so cute only to break her heart when she remembers it's all a joke? Of seeing someone hate her for being so close to Dream? Many things.
"Of seeing something... that boosts your ego."
"What? Oh, come on. Hey, answer the dono. Someone gave you their hard earned money for that."
"Yeah, wait, chat, I had the limit that high so you DON'T donate! Why on earth would you—"
"You're avoiding the question."
"We aren't actually dating! Not actually a couple!" she said with a laugh, though something in her heart was very much against laughing at that fact. "Obviously not."
"Well, it's only the first date, so, we'll see I guess, but..."
"I cannot stand you. Thank you so much for the dono, though, Karakatara. You're insane for... yeah. Thank you so much." She turned her attention back to Dream. "Actually though are you ever coming back?"
"Yeah, what, I'm almost there. I see the you staring out the window. ."
When he got inside, he dropped a blue cornflower for Y/n and stepped back. "Okay, now, give that to me."
She followed, not understanding. "For you, Dream." She dropped the flower.
"Aw, Bug! That's so kind! Aw! Thank you! Here's a flower for you, too!" He dropped her a red poppy and then put two item frames on the wall above their beds. He put the blue cornflower above his bed and she followed by putting the red one above hers. "Now that's my favorite part of the house."
"You didn't want to use the real ones? What, did you lose my flower or something?"
"Hell no!" he defended loudly. "No, I just don't want someone to steal that one. It's in my enderchest for safe-keeping."
He said it so casually like it was no big deal, but her heart soared. She too had his flower in her enderchest.
"This," she said dramatically with a sigh, "is now a treehome."
"I already told you I'm the best PVP player out there."
"Bug, honey, I've seen you play Bedwars. You're trash."
"Hey!" Hehe, honey. Shut up brain.
"But that's okay! I'm here to teach you."
Y/n's character stood across a makeshift battlefield from Dream's, an axe in hand and armor that was definitely donated by DreamXD on her body. "This is kinda sexist of you. Assuming I know how to name a cute house but not fight."
"Oh no, that's not—crap. Bug, I'm only basing this off of your streams, which I watch all the time—"
Once again, he said something so casual and yet it still made her heart skip three beats and once again, she grabbed the collar of her hoodie and pulled it up to hide her face. This thing had to be stretched by now from how often it was yanked on in this stream alone.
"—and don't get me wrong, you're great! But you're also good at a lot of stuff and—"
"Dream!" she giggled out. "I'm teasing. I admit you're much better than me."
"I wouldn't say much better but... it's the only thing I could possibly teach you anything about because you're just so good at Minecraft." His tone was sarcastic at this point but she knew he was meaning what he said.
"Whatever. Come on, Dream, show me how it's done."
He actually had a lot of very useful tips that Y/n otherwise would have never thought about. I guess when you tryhard Minecraft, she thought, you learn a thing or two about pvp. It was a complete joke, but she still kept it to herself.
"I could basically beat anyone now," she said confidently.
"Yeah, basically. Except maybe Technoblade."
"Nah, even him."
"Let's see how good you really are. To the death."
"What?" She laughed. "You're gonna try to kill me on our date?"
"Yeah, scared?" Seconds later, a creeper exploded near Dream and he screeched, jumping back. Y/n lost it. She laughed loudly, clutching her stomach.
"Dr-Dream!" She laughed. "What the hell was that?"
"It scared me!" he argued. "Here, I'll protect you," he offered, running past her and killing a skeleton that was shooting towards her.
"I don't need protecting, especially from you! Besides, if you're trying to kill me, you'd let the mobs get me."
"No," he decided. "No one's allowed to kill my Bug."
She was literally going to explode. "Wh—"
"Only I get to."
"Dream!" she scoffed, running to kill the skeleton first. She succeeded and he pouted.
"Hey—I did more damage than you, you just had the final hit."
"Really? Cause to me it looks like I'm your knight in shining armor."
"Nuh-uh," he spat.
"Dream. F5 right now, you're covered in arrows."
There was a pause. "Oh whatever." He hit her once and that's all it took for them to start fighting, throwing jokes and taunts at each other the whole time, eventually resulting in a satisfying win for her.
Dream was slain by Bugsy
<Tubbo> i thogt you were on a date <Ranboo> well definitley not anymore <Ranboo> is that canon <JackManifoldTV> WOMEN
"What was that about you being better than me?" Y/n teased.
"Oh, come ON! I still had damage from the skeleton, and besides, I taught you everything you know!"
"That just makes you a very good teacher, Dream," she said sincerely and he paused, probably expecting her to insult him instead of compliment him.
"Yeah, suck up now that you've murdered me."
They were finally at their final stop, three hours into the stream. Not too bad on time, though this was probably the longest Minecraft date in the history of Minecraft dates. Also the best, but maybe Y/n was biased.
There was a huge tree, obviously built instead of naturally generated, with lanterns hanging down and lighting areas of the dark world around them. Under that was a checkered pattern of carpet, a single chest in the center with a potted plant sitting next to it.
"The carpet is supposed to look like a, uh, what's it called... picnic blanket?" Dream explained as they approached the scene, clearly not happy with how it turned out. "It looks weird. Nothing compared to the treehouse you built."
"We built," she corrected. "And this looks awesome, Dream," Y/n complimented. "It's is also my favorite colors."
"Yeah, I had some help from Karl on that one."
She leaned back in her chair in real life and pressed her hands to her face. Oh, it was so unfair how cute he was when he was shy like this. She glanced at chat, which only made her face go from the temperature of molten lava to basically the sun. She was going to explode.
She hummed, a little giggle coming out as well. "That's cute."
She sat (crouched) on the picnic blanket (piece of carpet) while Dream put a disc in the jukebox off to the side.
"Is that a Tommy disc?" she giggled and Dream laughed.
"No, no, no, don't worry. There shouldn't be any continuations of wars interrupting our date."
"Shouldn't be," she emphasized, noticing someone approaching them from the distance.
Dream was about to speak when Quackity reached them and quickly joined the voice channel.
"Oh no," Dream sighed. "We've come so far."
"AYYEEE WHAT'S GOING ON, MAN?!" Quackity yelled in his Mexican Dream voice, his voice bubbling with laughter. "IS THIS A DATE OR SOMETHING, MAN?"
"Quackity, go AWAY!" Dream ordered, punching the character who had stripped to his underwear. "YOU'RE INDECENT! THERE IS A LADY HERE!"
Y/n laughed, enjoying the scene of fancy Dream hitting naked Quackity away from their picnic dinner.
"I'm your waiter, I'm your waiter!" Quackity said in his normal voice, still laughing. "DREAM! WILL YOU STO— QUIT HITTING ME!"
This had turned chaotic very quickly.
"We don't need a waiter," Dream informed him.
"Then I'm the singing gram you ordered." He started singing a song and Dream groaned. "HEY THERE DELILAH WHAT'S IT LIKE IN NEW YORK CITY—"
"No! You're being a clout chaser, go away!"
"I'm honestly impressed we made it this far without anyone coming into the voice channel," Y/n admitted.
"I paid them," Dream joked.
"You did not!" Karl's voice suddenly came through and Y/n laughed. "We were all just being polite and staying away but we're getting bored! We've been so patient!"
"Yeah, hurry up! We wanna play!!!" Sapnap whined. "Dream, it's not fair for you to steal Bugsy from us for so long."
"Oh my gosh!" she exclaimed with a laugh as Dream laughed along.
"Just ten minutes! Ten more minutes!" Dream bargained but none of them would have it. "Just so I can say goodbye!"
"No!" George insisted. "Right now!"
"Look, wait, wait, hold on—"
<Sapnap joined the game> <GeorgeNotFound joined the game> <KarlJacobs joined the game>
"—hold ON!" Dream begged, watching as the three boys ran and joined Quackity by the picnic blanket.
Y/n could not stop laughing at all the avatars around them. The date had been so peaceful and cute but all good things must come to a chaotic end.
"Wait, come on, Karl, Karl, Karl," Dream said quickly. "Come here. Bug, just a sec, please. Stay right there."
"Okay," she agreed, curious to see his plan.
Karl followed him and of course Sapnap couldn't help but also join them.
"Okay," Dream whispered loudly, clearly wanting everyone to hear his offer. He crouched and the other two copied. "Just give me ten minutes—"
"Ten?" Sapnap asked loudly.
"Shhh!!! Yes, ten minutes, to say goodbye and, you know, end the date."
There was a long, thick pause. "What exactly are your intentions with Bugsy Games," Karl asked seriously, matching Dream's whisper.
"Well, I wanna make sure she gets home safe, you know, so I'm gonna drop her off and, I don't know, see if maybe.... maybe she'll give me a hug?"
Karl and Sapnap both gasped dramatically and Y/n giggled, sparing a glance at her chat who were all freaking out.
"What the hell?" Quackity said while laughing. He and George were still standing near Y/n so they were just watching the goons with her.
"Bugsy is not that kind of girl!" Sapnap protested. "You think she's just gonna give you a hug?"
"Sapnap! Do you not know how to whisper???"
George let a loud laugh slip before slapping his hand over his mouth, which his mic picked up.
"Okay, Dream, wait, so you're gonna try to... hug her?" Karl clarified. "She won't even let me hug her. Good luck."
"Well, I'm not going to force her into anything but, I don't know, she said something about holding my hand earlier so I just thought maybe there's a possibility—"
"WHAT?" Karl yelled before going back to the whisper. "Okay, okay, don't panic, but that's huge. Dadnap, a word?"
He and Sapnap broke off from Dream and formed their own huddle, except their whispers were incoherent mumblings that weren't even English.
"Oh my gosh," Y/n groaned loudly, an unmistakable laugh behind her words.
"Okay," Sapnap said, rejoining Dream. "We'll give you five minutes but if you take any longer, we're barging in and killing you."
"Yes, sir!" Dream said. "Thank you, sirs."
"Mhm. Okay, break!"
They all uncrouched in sync before Dream ran back to Y/n.
"How did it go?" she asked as if she didn't hear the entire conversation.
"Bad news," he started. "Your dad's want you home."
"Shame, I was quite enjoying my time."
Dream slowly turned towards the boys as if to glare at them for ending the date before turning back to her. "Then, maybe, I don't know, we could do this again sometime?"
"I.... think I'd like that," she said slowly, trying to tease him.
He giggled and told her he was going to drop her off at her house, even though when the date was over, they were all probably gonna mess around together anyway so there was no point in them leaving the group. But it was the thought that counted.
He ended up taking her back to the treehouse, which warmed her heart. She also noticed when they faced each other at front of the door, she could see the four other boys watching them.
"Goodnight, my sweet Bug," he said poshly.
"Goodnight, Dream." He turned away but she stopped him. "Wait!" She moved to his side and made a loud, MUAH, sound before stepping back in front of him. "A kiss on the cheek," she clarified, not wanting him to think she gave him a real kiss.
"Cute," he said under his breath, almost like he didn't mean to say it out loud. "Night night." He turned away and ran down to the others, screaming the whole way. "GUYS, DID YOU SEE THAT? BUG GAVE ME A KISS ON THE CHEEK!! OMG DID YOU SEE, DID YOU SEE?"
Chat was gonna have a field day with that. Actually, with a lot of things that had happened. Oh, she could see the clips and edits now.... oh boy.
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bellisperennis0 · 3 years
New Hope
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Word Count: 2,505
Warning(s): Heartbreak, few swear words, did I mention heartbreak, Spoiler to Season 3 Episode 8, possible happy ending
Notes: Loved this request when I got, just sorry it took me a lifetime to finally get to. Based off this fic - Beautiful Storm. As always, thank you for reading and hope you enjoy! ❤️  GIF credit to angels-reyes
rkil98 asked: I love your imagines! Your so talented! I just wanted to make request for a imagine that goes with a “a beautiful storm”. It’s the night Angel showed up on her doorstep and she told him she was pregnant and maybe the morning after? I think it would be so dope seeing the ways he made it up to her and proved he was all in. You don’t have to if you don’t want to but if you do I’ll love you forever! ❤️
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Blowing out the last candle on the dinner table, you take one last look around the tiny home you shared with Angel for the past few years.
This was the last straw for you; you were done fighting for someone who wouldn’t even fight for you. You were tired of the lonely nights of crying yourself to sleep. Tired of coming last in his world.
Making one last sweep of the bedroom to make sure you had everything you needed; you freeze when you hear the front door open and close, praying it was just EZ and not Angel.
When you hear Angel call your name, you knew from his tone he wasn’t all that pleased. “Fuck” you breathe out and make your way back out to the living room.
“The fuck is all this!” he yells as he points to your bags sitting by the front door.
Crossing your arms across your chest, you lean against the door frame. “Do you know how many times you have promised me you would be home for dinner?” you ask him “I promise you querida, I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Leaving the Clubhouse now. Be there in just a few minutes.” you tell him as you do your best to mimic his voice.
His eyes go from you towards the kitchen. His head dropping when he sees the candles and the plates of food, yet again, sitting on top of the table, long forgotten.
“Save the bullshit excuse, Angel. I’m honestly tired of you constantly breaking my heart.” you tell him as you sniffle.
His head shooting up when he realizes you were crying.
“Bab-“ he tries to say as he tries to take a step closer to you, but your hand going up stops him.
“We aren’t happy Angel. We haven’t been for months now. I think its best if we take a break from each other for a while.” you start. “We both have things we need to work on individually before we could work on this relationship.” you continued.
“So that’s it? You’re making this decision for the both of us? I have no say?” Angel says and you can tell he was trying to control his anger.
You furrow your brows. “Angel, you made that decision a long time ago when you repeatedly chose the club and the rebels over me, over us. I used to be your number one priority, now I don’t even know where I stand in your world.”
“We can work this out, querida.”
“What do you think I’ve been trying to do with all these dinners and movie nights I plan? If you would actually show up instead of being over the border with Adelita, you would know that.” you shout, your emotions and frustration growing.
Angel sighs in frustration and he pinches the bridge of his nose, “I’m not going to just stand here and let you walk out that door.”
“You don’t have a choice, Angel. It’s now or when you’re gone.”
“No, [y/n]!!” his gruff voice yells. You step back in surprise at his sudden outburst. Sure you and Angel had your fair share of arguments, but he has never raised his voice in such a manner before.
Throwing his hands up, “I’m sorry.” he whispers as he tries to step forward, but stops when you take another step back.
“I can’t do this anymore, Angel. I just need some time to think about everything going on. Some time away.”
“Time away. From me?” he asks and you could hear the hurt in his voice.
“Not just you. From the MC. This relationship. Having to act like I’m happy all the time. I need to find myself again.” you tell him, fighting the tears.
He just stands there nodding.
“I love you, Angel, more than anything in this world, but I can’t stand on the sidelines of your life anymore. Once you figure everything out with the MC, with Adelita and the cartel, and then maybe you can figure out what it is you really want.” You tell him.
“But I want you, querida. A life with you.”
“Your actions say otherwise. I need to step away for us, from you, and I need you to allow me to do this, for the both of us.”
“I can’t. I can’t just let you walk out that door, [y/n].” he whispers.
Walking up to him, you place a hand on his chest and a soft kiss to his lips, “I love you.” you whisper before walking to get your bags by the door.
“This isn’t goodbye, Angel. I’ll see you soon.” you tell him and wait for him to nod his understanding before making your way out the door.
Now you find yourself sitting in the middle of your bedroom floor, wiping away the tears that stream down your cheeks as you stare down at the piece of paper and the countless sticks sitting in front of you.
A routine doctor’s appointment earlier in the day came with a surprise that flipped your world upside down.
“You’re pregnant.” you could hear the doctor’s voice as the moment replayed in your head.
Even with a sonogram in your hand, you were convinced that it was all a fluke - a sick joke from the universe - and stopped and grab some pregnancy tests on your way home. Now all eight tests sit in front of you with two pink lines or ‘pregnant’ on its screen, alongside your sonogram.
You didn’t know how you were going to tell Angel. It had been three months since you left and contact with him had been non-existent the last couple months.
This was something you and Angel had extensively talked about in the past, all before the MC and the L.O took top priority. The one person you wanted to tell the most hasn’t been answering your calls or messages, and it wouldn’t be fair to him to tell Pop or EZ first. So looks like you’ll have to keep this your little secret till you could finally tell Angel.
After a long day at work and constantly feeling sick, you were lying in bed with a long forgotten program playing in the background as you aimlessly scroll through videos on your phone. You could make out a faint knock through the low noise coming from the TV.
You furrow your brows as you prop yourself up on your elbows, closely listening to see if there was another knock or if you were just hearing things.
Then you could hear another knock - louder this time. A brief pause later, you could make out the faint voice of Angel. Quickly tossing off the blankets, you make your way down the hall to the door.
Flinging open the door, you find Angel standing there. You could tell he was drunk, but the tears streaming down his face had you instantly worried.
“What happened? What’s wrong Angel?” you ask as you step closer to try to console him, but he pushes past you and barges right into your home.
“She lied to me,” you could hear him say as you close the door behind you. Turning to find Angel pacing your living room floor.
“She fucking used me.” he says, his tone turning into anger.
You automatically knew who he was talking about, but you didn’t know the contents of what he was referring to.
“What are you talking about, Angel?” you ask in confusion. A part of you wanted to know what had happened so you could help him through it, but the other part of you was too scared of what he might tell you.
He finally stops pacing the room and looks up at you. He takes a deep breath before taking a seat, his head in his hands.
“The night you left, I was so upset that I needed someone, anyone, to talk to that hadn’t walked out on me already. I went to see her.” he tells you as he finally lifts his head to look at you.
“I didn’t go to see her to intentionally hurt you, but one thing led to another. Come to find out a few weeks later she tells me she’s pregnant....” he stops when you quickly make your way to the kitchen, emptying what little contents of your stomach into the kitchen sink.
“Shit querida. You all right?” Angel was quick to be by your side. Pulling your hair back and rubbing your back soothingly as you continued to vomit into the kitchen sink. You didn’t know if you were sick because of your pregnancy or if it was the gut punch Angel just gave you with dropping such news on you out of nowhere.
After a couple minutes, you were feeling slightly better.
“Here.” Angel hands you a bottle of water as you wipe your mouth with the back of your hand.
“Thank you.” you whisper taking a swig of water and sloshing it in your mouth before spitting it in into the sink. “Sorry.”  you tell him finally looking up at him.
“You okay?” he asks and you could hear and see the concern
You just nod your head, making your way back out to the living room; Angel following right behind you. The both of you sit in silence for what felt like eternity, fidgeting with your hands in your lap, unsure of what to say.
“The baby isn’t even mine.” you hear Angel barely whisper, your head shooting up when you realize he was crying again.
“Angel, I’m...” you tried but Angel shaking his head stops you from continuing.
He aggressively wiped the tears from his face as he sniffled. “Don’t apologize, querida. This is my karma for all the shit I have done and all the pain I have caused.”
“Angel, no one deserves to lose a child.”
“Here I was the fucking idiot that I am, hopeful that something in this fucked up life of mine was actually going right. Getting a life I thought I lost the day you walked out that door. As fucking scared as I was at the thought of fucking everything up, this was something I wanted.” he was now up pacing the room once again, tears streaming down his face as he went on. You sat there watching him, as you did your best to hold your tears at bay, allowing him to release all that pent up emotion.
“Only for it all to be ripped away from me in a blink of an eye. All just to fuck over the MC and get intel on Galindo. Used me as one of her fucking puppets.” he huffed as he finally took a seat, head in his hands as he tried to compose himself.
You just sat there taking everything Angel had just told you in. That explains why he hadn’t been answering your calls the last couple months. Your heart ached for how hurt and shattered Angel was, but a part of you couldn’t help but be selfishly relieved that he wasn’t having a child with Adelita.
“The entire time I couldn’t help but wish that she was you, and you were the one carrying our child. Guess that’s all just a far fetch dream now.”
“Angel...” you tried.
“No, querida. The night you decided to walk out, I was furious at you, I really was. Then I realized that it was my entire fault. I was the one that pushed you away. I made a promise to you that no matter what, you would always come first and I put the MC, the Rebels, even the fuckin cartel before you. All this shit is on me. Everything. Before I could get control of all that was going on, everything just exploded in my face. I didn’t want this for us, and for that I am really sorry, querida.”
Without saying a word you got up and went and walked over to your bag you knew was sitting on the dining table, pulling out that piece of paper you have been carrying around for the past few weeks. Angel sat there, brows furrowed, as he watched you move around the small space.
“I’ve been practicing how I was going to tell you and this wasn’t how it played out in my head, but you need to know.” you tell him as the tears begin to stream down your face.
You look down at the piece of paper in your hands before placing it on top of the coffee table in front of Angel.
He looks at it and then back up to you, finally looking back at the paper, picking it up.
You turned your back to Angel as you tried to control your emotions, unsure how he was going to react to this news.
“Are you being serious [y/n]?” you hear Angel whisper behind you. You just chuckle as you wipe the tears from your face.
“[y/n], is this real?” Angel asks again.
You nod your head, sniffling, and turn to look up at Angel as he slowly approaches you.
“A baby?” he asks
“Yeah.” you whisper giving him a small smile.
“A baby?” Angel repeats again with a smile and a look of pure admiration.
“Our baby, Angel.” you tell him with a small chuckle
Angel sniffles as he cups your face in his hands, “Our baby” he whispers and you just smile up at him, hand softly cupping his face, thumb wiping the tears from his cheek.
Angel places a kiss to your forehead, his hand on the back of your head pulling you into him. He places another kiss to the side of your head as you wrap your arms around his middle, resting your head on his chest.
“Our baby.” you softly chuckle as you hear Angel repeating the words again.
Angel pulls away slightly, with his thumb and index finger he lifts your chin so you were looking up at him, “Imma do it right this time, I promise you querida. I know I have a lot of making up to do and I will go to the end of the earth for you. This is my all. You and our baby is all I need.” he tells you.
“We still have a lot to work on, but I know we can get through this together. As long as I have you by my side from here on out, that’s all that matters to me. I love you, Angel.” you pull him down to you and softly place a kiss to his lips.
“I love you, mi dulce.” he gives you a smile.
From that day forward, Angel was there every step of the way. Sure there were bumps along the way, but you and Angel always managed to work through them, making your relationship that much stronger.
And the day your little princess was born, changed yours and Angel’s life for the better. Bringing new beginnings and new hopes.
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daringyounggrayson · 3 years
misplaced guilt
(Read below or on AO3)
It’s been a while since Bruce has been to one of these galas, and for once, he is neither hosting nor making a speech. It’s a nice change, to say the least.
Dick is sitting next to him, kicking his legs under the table. Bruce would tell him to stop, but at least he’s actually using the chair as intended with both feet closer to the floor than the chair, so Bruce lets it go for the moment. If it gets too out of control, he can always reach out and stop him, but for now, he’ll let the kid release some pent-up energy.
Bruce keeps half of his attention on Dick and the other half on his conversation with Jasmine Owen, a woman who works at one of Gotham’s youth centers. Bruce knew from the second she introduced herself that she came over in hopes of getting a donation, but he doesn’t mind; that’s one of the main purposes of these things, and Bruce is happy to help however he can.
“Babs,” Dick gasps excitedly, shooting upright when he catches Barbara walk into the room, Commissioner Gordon by her side. Bruce looks over at Dick, quirking an eyebrow. Dick smiles back, asks in his I’m-in-public-so-I’m-behaving-like-an-angel voice, “May I please be excused?”
“Hnn,” Bruce says, pretending to think over his answer.
“Bruce,” Dick whines.
Bruce smiles. “Alright. But stay in the ballroom. Dinner is going to be served soon.”
“Okay, thanks!” he slides out of his chair and offers a wave. “Nice meeting you, Ms. Owen.”
“And you, Richard,” she smiles back. When he’s gone, she turns to Bruce again and says, “He’s a sweet kid.”
Bruce can’t help but think at least in public, and at least to people who aren’t me. He’s half-joking, but there’s some truth to the statement: Dick has always seemed to behave better for Alfred, and he’s nothing if not an angel around strangers, even when he’s mad at Bruce.
At home, it’s not that Dick isn’t a good kid—he is—but he’s still a kid. Dick can be sassy, and he has a taste for anything that will make Bruce’s hair turn gray (usually dangerous, usually far away from the ground). He also has no qualms about making fun of Bruce when Dick feels it’s called for. Then there are the arguments, the borderline tantrums. Both have been decreasing in frequency, and Bruce attributes most of them to processing and coming to terms with his parents’ murder, but they are—difficult, to say the least. Dick will have these rough days—sometimes rough weeks—where he’ll lash out at Bruce over the smallest things. Sometimes it seems like he yells at Bruce just to put his hurt somewhere.
Bruce tries to take all of it—from the jokes at his expense that even he has to admit are funny, to the meltdowns—as a good sign, one that says Dick feels secure and knows that Bruce will love him regardless of his behavior or attitude. But there are certainly days when Bruce thinks it would be nice if Dick would listen to him like he listens to Alfred—like when Bruce tells him to get off of the unstable shed roof, for example.  
Despite the challenges that come with raising a child, there are also so many blessings. There’s no other word to describe it. Seeing Dick learn and grow and thrive is something Bruce will never get tired of. On top of that, Dick is just this brilliant, funny, and kind child. He has the biggest heart Bruce has ever seen, and he cares so deeply and widely. Bruce doesn’t know how he got so lucky. Dick is Bruce’s light, his whole world.
Bruce pulls himself out of his head, says, “He’s the best thing that has ever happened to me.” It’s something he can say with complete honesty. “Do you have kids?”
“Oh god, no. I think I’m still a little young for that,” she laughs. Then, thinking about what she said, her face falls. “Not that you were too young, just for me, I’d rather—”
“No, no, it’s fine.” He puts his hands up and smiles. “I was really young when I took Dick in. I go to parent-teacher conferences, and most of the other parents are at least ten years older than me. But I like to think I’m doing alright, and Dick’s happy, so that’s all that matters.”
“Yes, I suppose.” She smiles, but looks down at the table.
“So, what’s it like day-to-day at the youth center?”
She looks up, coming alive again, and the conversation picks back up.
After dinner, Dick and Barbara disappear again, and Bruce is left alone to mingle. Most people come to him, but he only has to escape a few times, so it’s going about as good as these things can go.
That is until a very urgent Barbara runs into him and tugs on his arm. “Sorry everyone, but I need to borrow Brucie for a second.”
Bruce ducks down to look Barbara in the eye. “What is it?”
“Dick. Just come with me.”
He follows her without another word to the group of people he was talking to. She leads him into the hall and toward the lobby. When they turn the corner, Dick is on the ground in a lateral recumbent position. Gordon is talking to him gently, though Dick seems unresponsive.
“Dick.” Bruce lurches forward, falling to his knees and reaching out to find Dick’s pulse and check his breathing. “What happened?”
“Barbara thinks he had a seizure,” Gordon answers. “An ambulance will be here soon.”
Dick’s breath hitches and he lets out a low moan that feels like a twisting dagger in Bruce’s chest. His eyes find Bruce’s, and he unwraps one hand from his stomach to reach for Bruce’s. Bruce takes it, squeezing it gently in a reassuring manner.
“I’m right here,” Bruce promises, running a hand through Dick’s hair.
“It hurts,” Dick gasps.
“Shh, the paramedics are going to be here soon. We’ll fix it.”
Dick shakes his head and squeezes his eyes shut. “I don’t feel right.”
Bruce tightens his grip slightly, hoping to keep Dick conscious. “What’s wrong? Where does it hurt?”
“Head, stomach,” Dick mumbles. “Feel hot, an’ dizzy.”
Bruce frowns, trying to determine what could be causing Dick’s symptoms. Is this the beginning of an illness, or a seizure disorder? Has Dick been poisoned? There was a run-in with Scarecrow a few nights ago, and Dick had needed to take an untested antidote for the fear toxin. Could this be a delayed reaction to the concoction Bruce had come up with?
Dick’s grip loosens.
“Dick?” Bruce calls urgently. “Dick!”
He gets no response.
Dick is staring at a white ceiling when he realizes he’s awake. Sunlight is streaming in through a giant window on his right, and there’s a framed painting of giraffes across from him. He’s tired and confused, and his gut tells him that something is wrong, that something bad happened. His first thought is that he wants his mom.
He turns his head to the left, finding Bruce in a chair and holding his hand.
“Hi,” Dick says, slowly pushing himself into a sitting position. Bruce grunts some kind of greeting and raises Dick’s bed while Dick takes in the medical bracelets on his wrist—one ID bracelet and one that indicates that he’s a fall risk—and the IV in the back of his hand. “What happened?”
Bruce shifts in his chair, face serious. “We were at the gala. You were poisoned.”
Dick matches Bruce’s expression, trying to think. He remembers being with Babs, telling her that something was wrong. Then he’d been on the ground, and there’d been sirens.
“The man who poisoned you had planned to offer me the antidote for a price, but he didn’t realize that you would react to the poison so—so severely,” Bruce explains, rubbing his thumb over Dick’s knuckles. “He was working as one of the waiters and heard the commotion. He came forward shortly after the ambulance left and he’s currently in custody.”
Dick swallows. “Why did he . . .” Why did he poison Dick in the first place? Need money so badly? Feel that poisoning Dick was the only option? “Would it have killed me? If he didn’t give us the antidote.”
Bruce, like always, is honest with Dick. “The doctors were able to stabilize you, but they needed to neutralize the poison quickly, and the antidote did that. It’s hard to say what would have happened without it, but things were touch and go for a while.”
Dick nods, not sure what to say as he takes it in. Eventually, he asks, “How long have I been out?”
“A few days. You woke up a few times yesterday, but you were incoherent,” Bruce says.
Dick wracks his brain, trying to pull up some inaccessible memory.
“I’m sorry that this happened, Dick.”
Dick squeezes Bruce’s hand. “Not your fault.”
“What? Are you seriously guilty that you didn’t taste all of my food first or something? ‘Cause that’s nuts, B.”
Bruce says, “You are my child. I am allowed to feel guilty when I fail to protect you.”
“You didn’t fail,” Dick interjects. “I’m okay—really.”
Bruce’s face is still pinched and concerned, and he’s looking at Dick like he might fall apart. Dick leans toward him and stretches his arms out, and Bruce quickly pulls him into a tight hug.
“I’m not going anywhere, Bruce,” Dick promises. And even to himself, it doesn’t sound like a reassurance most nine-year-olds should be giving. But it fits with his new life, he supposes. “I’m okay.”
Bruce tucks Dick’s head under his chin, says, “I was . . . I’m glad that you’re alright.”
Dick nods into Bruce’s chest and lets himself be held for another moment. It’s not the hug from his mom that he woke up wanting, but it’s close. It makes him feel safe and reminds him of home, and maybe that’s all Dick needs.
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hood-ex · 3 years
Nightwing #80 thoughts (warning: spoilers).
As someone who's been a pet sitter for six years, I'm wondering how this whole Bitewing thing is gonna work. Don't get me wrong, I love Bitewing. I love how she came into Dick's life and all that. But. But. Dick really doesn't have that much time to spend with a dog, especially a puppy. He's working as Nightwing late at night/early morning, and then he apparently sleeps until 5 PM. Methinks he should use some of his newly acquired money to send her to daycare during the day.
Dick and Babs. Hn. I probably shouldn't say anything about them actually. I'm salty. Enough said.
Dick's law degree has come back into play which is interesting but not something I particularly care about. Personally, I prefer the storyline of him being a college dropout. Also, Taylor reinstating that Dick is a former cop makes me want to knock on his door and say, "How dare you." I would've been more than happy to leave cop Dick in the past.
Dick's character voice didn't bug me as much in this issue which is a plus. He didn't sound as goofy as he did in #79.
Despite the fact that I hate how Dick got his wallet stolen (because, again, it made him look incompetent), I do find it kind of amusing that Bruce sent him a wallet with a chain. Just because I like the idea of Bruce taking the time out of his day to do something like that. The thought of him being all giddy because he thinks he's pulling a great joke on Dick makes me alskjdal. (This is the part where you say wtf, Emily, why would you like Bruce making fun of Dick, and to you I say: families clown each other all the time. My mom asked a dumb question to a Disney attendant 15 years ago, and I still clown her for it to this day.)
"Tim Drake. Thought of by many as the best Robin. I totally get it." Okay, what is with writers constantly making Dick boost Tim up like this. It's like they desperately want there to be some clear distinction between Dick and Tim, so they have Dick say stuff like, "You're better at so and so than me, Tim." Like?? Does Dick say that about any of his other brothers?? I don't think so. You don't see him talking to Jason like, "You're a better marksman than me." And, sure, his relationship with Tim is different. It just rubs me the wrong way. To be clear, Dick complimenting Tim is totally fine. I feel iffy about it when he is specifically like you're better at __ and __ than me.
I also don't understand people's need to be like, "Tim is the best Robin out of all of them." Like, sorry? I'm pretty sure Robin's job is to keep Batman safe and to save people. As long as the person wearing the mantle is doing that then they're doing a fine job. Don't get me wrong, Tim is a great Robin. He is. Just... what are the qualifiers to decide who's the best, y'know?
Other than that line, I liked seeing Dick and Tim working together. It was cool when Dick was slinging Tim around during the fight. It made them seem like they were really in tune with each other. Dick giving up his escrimas for Tim had me like ?? You're telling me Tim didn't have his own collapsible bo staff hidden under his disguise 😂? Speaking of his disguise, Tim literally looked like Dick's son during some panels. Same face and hair syndrome.
Storywise? There's nothing that's really amazed me yet since everything is still being set up. I'll probably have more to say once we get an idea of what Heartless's intentions are. Like is he selling the hearts on the black market? Using the hearts to create some synthetic creatures/humans? Sacrificing the hearts to a dragon or some god? Or is he a cannibal? We shall see.
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discocactusblogs · 3 years
Heather- Jason Todd x Chubby Reader Pt.1
{Author's Note: _____ is a blank to put your name}
"Girl, just tell him!" Barbara whispered and nudged me towards my best friend, Jason Todd aka Robin, the boy wonder.
I had found out about him being Batman's sidekick when we were 13, shortly after he became Robin.
"Easy for you to say! Look at you! You're gorgeous! You're fit and thin and redheaded! Just look at me… I'm...not so fit... I'm chubby. I'm a plain bagel. I'm not ugly but I'm not exactly pretty either." I sighed and gestured to my chubby body.
" ______, I know what I'm telling you. Just tell him." She sighed. "Besides, you're gorgeous too! And very intelligent and mature for a fifteen-year-old!" Barbara smiled, holding up a banana like a wand.
"As if. What guy my age sees a girl and goes, 'What a lovely personality?' Get real Babs, no one wants a plain bagel." I shrugged.
"Welp, I gotta get going or I'll be late for work. But trust me, he won't turn you away." She turned away, obviously knowing something I didn't.
"Hey _____!" Jason spoke as he walked up to me from the curb of the grocery store, I had gone to buy some fruit my mom had told me to get.
"Hey Jay." I sighed with a slight blush on my cheeks.
"Are you okay? It's kinda cold today… Where's your jacket?" He asked, tilting his head to the side slightly.
"My jacket!" I gasped. "I forgot it at school!"
"School's closed now. They just locked the gate." He replied with a shrug.
"My mom's going to kill me. That's the only jacket I have!" My eyes watered, knowing my mother was going to be furious with me when I got home.
"Take mine then. I have others at home." He unzipped his hoodie.
"N-no. It's fine. I can get it Monday from school." I spoke softly while staring at the ground.
He draped his jacket over my shoulders. "I said, take it. Besides, it looks better on you than me. It goes well with your hair color. Here, let me hold your stuff so you can get it on." He smirked, knowing I wouldn't refuse if he spoke sternly with me. He took the bag from my hands and I looked at him. "Zip. It. Up." He frowned.
"Yes sir." I put my arms in the jacket and zipped it up. He was bigger and bulkier than I was, so the jacket fit me rather loosely and was down to my mid thighs but it was comfortable and warm. Much warmer than the jackets and sweaters I had before.
"Hm… keep it. I know your dad hasn't been working a lot lately. It gets pretty cold so you can keep that one. Bruce got me some others at home. Just don't tell anyone, got it? I only share with you because I've known you since we were kids. You took care of me so I'm taking care of you." He looked at me, handing back the bag of fruit. "Now, don't think I'm getting soft or being a gentleman. You're still carrying your stuff." He smirked.
I smiled and chuckled. "Thanks." I took the bag and walked down the street with him.
"Hi Jason!" An annoying voice called out from the ice cream shop.
"Hm? Oh, hey Heather." Jason turned around and seemed slightly irritated.
"Are you going to the pep rally tonight?" Heather asked with fluttering eyelashes. She was Jason's girlfriend.
Dark hair, slim figure, bright eyes, how could I compete with that?
"Uh, no." He replied flatly.
"Why not, I'm going to be performing!" She countered.
"I'm just not feeling it. I don't like pep rallies." He shrugged. "Not my thing."
"Okay then. Wanna get some ice cream?" She asked.
"Go ahead and go home ______, I'll catch up later." He looked apologetically at me and walked across the street.
I nodded and kept walking.
I watched as Heather smiled and hugged him.
It hurt.
He was dating her and she was so sweet. Everyone loved her so, I can see why he did too. She always had a smile on her face.
I kept walking, tears stinging my eyes. There's no way I could ever be like her. He liked her more and would run to her at the drop of a hat.
Arriving at home, I stepped inside. "Hey mom! I'm back!" I set the bag on the counter.
"Oh good! Make sure you do your homework!"
"Yes ma'am!" I sigh and go up to my room, closing the door.
Out of instinct, I called my friend, Valerie.
"A simple solution to your problem is to play spin the bottle or something." She teased.
"Why would he ever kiss me? I'm nowhere near as pretty as Heather!" I clutch the sleeves of the hoodie before taking it off and throwing it onto my bed.
"He gave her his sweater." My eyes watered as I told her what had happened at school that day.
"The black one or the fake polyester one?" Valerie asked.
"The black one."
"Oh dear. I'll be right over." She hung up.
"Is it wrong to wish she were dead?" I chuckled softly when Valerie came through my bedroom door.
"Yes. It's your jealousy and I'm gonna chop off your legs if you continue on this path, Anakin." Valerie smirked.
"Dude, I was kidding." I turn in my swivel chair.
"Yeah, it was a failed attempt at a joke. I'm sorry about Jason. If it makes you feel better, Bradley dumped me." She looked at the ground.
"Here's the plan, I drive the car and Jason shoves him into the road and we make it look like an accident." I spoke whilst drawing out the plan.
"Don't worry about it."
"Worry about what?" Jason walked in.
"Oh, you came!" Valerie smiled.
I looked at her, what a traitor.
"So, I heard you gave Heather your sweater!"
"This one?" He held up said object. "Eh, we broke up. She liked someone else and so did I." He sat on a beanbag chair.
"Wait what? But you really liked her and she's so nice!" I exclaim in shock.
"Relax ______, it was mutual." He chuckled. "There's actually something I came to talk to you about." He seemed nervous, his cheeks tinting red and so were the tips of his ears.
"What is it?" I asked.
"I'll go get water." Valerie got up, stretched and went downstairs.
"I don't know how to say this. This is difficult for me but… I'm sorry. I don't want to be your friend anymore." He sighed.
My eyes widened. "W-what?"
"Yeah. I'm...tired of it." He stood up.
"But Jason, you're my best friend!"
"I know. Hey, do you know what material this shirt is?" He checked his shirt.
"Jason, now's not the time-"
"I don't know! Cotton, maybe?!" I was growing panicked and my eyes were stinging with tears.
"Wrong, it's boyfriend material. And so is that hoodie." He smirked.
I stood in silence.
"What?" He asked.
"Jason Peter Todd, are you...asking me to be your girlfriend????" I stood, mouth agape in shock.
He smirked and nodded. "Sure thing buttercup! I... love you." His face turned beet red.
"Why? I'm not pretty. I'm not slim or fit or anything-"
"Because you're smart, and cute, you're kind and brave. You're so cool too and geek out with me. We both nerd out over science stuff and books. What's not to love???" The look on his face was one of pure confusion, as if the answer was as clear as day.
"Jason, I love you too." I spoke in a hushed whispers as a few years fell from my eyes.
"Don't cry! Why are you crying???"
"I'm just happy! I've liked you for so long!"
"So have I but I'm not crying!"
"I didn't think you'd like me because I'm chubby!"
"What?! You think I'm that shallow? I'm offended!"
"Jay and ______ sitting in a tree~" Valerie teased from the doorway.
"Val!" We exclaimed in unison, Jay pulling me into a side hug.
"Fine! I'mma head out!" She grabbed her backpack and left.
A few days later, Jason was going to leave for a mission that I didn't want him to go on. I knew how dangerous it was for him to go alone.
"I'm leaving...for Bosnia. Bats needs my help." He looked at me sadly.
"Jay, please. Don't go. What if something happens?" I pleaded, clutching onto him tightly.
It was only a few days ago that he confessed to me and we were trying to figure out where to go with our relationship, which led to this argument.
"I'll come back. I promise." He kissed the top of my head. "Love ya." He smirked. His forest green eyes shone in the sunlight like an emerald.
He seemed so confident that he would be okay.
"Jason, no! I have a bad feeling you're not coming back!" I pleaded harshly, grabbing his wrist and asking him to stay.
"I'm just going to meet my birth mom, I'll be fine!" He assured me. "Here, hold onto my jacket for me." He took off his leather jacket and handed it to me.
I nodded with tears escaping the corners of my eyes. "I love you Jason…" I said as I watched him hop into the car and leave. Little did I know that would be the last time I ever saw him.
I kept that jacket with me at all times after that.
A few weeks went by without a word from Jason and the pit on my stomach only grew, the only thing keeping me sane was the scent of his cologne on his jacket that lingered still.
Finally, I mustered up the courage to go to Wayne Manor and ask if anyone's heard from Jason. It was then my heart shattered into pieces.
"Miss ______, I am so terribly sorry. I thought someone had already told you… Master Jason died last week." Alfred sat me down at the kitchen counter for tea.
My eyes widened and the porcelain teacup fell from my hand, shattering onto the tile floor. Tears flowed from my eyes like a cerulean waterfall. "No one told me!" I shouted, falling to my knees to clean up the mess with blurry eyes.
"Miss ______, I can get it." Alfred stopped me, only to realize I was bleeding from a deep cut from a glass shard on the top of my hand, a cut that would leave a scar for years to come.
"He can't be dead… he promised he would come back." I whispered, not even flinching from the cut.
"Here, allow me to tend to that." Alfred took out the first aid kit and cleaned the wound, giving it a few stitches.
"How…?" I asked, flinching from pain.
"... The Joker. Master Bruce didn't make it in time." He replied, the sorrow evident in his tone.
I nodded and thanked him for the help and the tea.
"Send a car to take her home." I heard Bruce from the doorway.
"Right away, Master Bruce." Alfred excused himself.
"His funeral is this Saturday if you'd like to come." Bruce turned away from me.
"I'll be there. Time?"
"See you then."
When the funeral finally took place, the reality of Jason's death set in. He wasn't coming back like he promised. I left a rose on his casket and bawled as I watched them lower the casket with my best friend and love of my life, into the dark, cold ground and with it, my heart.
"You promised." I whispered to myself, looking away from the scene. It was then I decided I wanted to be a nurse to help heal people.
Five years later, my dream of being a nurse was nearly achieved. I was two years away from graduating and I went to visit Jason every day on the way home from work. I still lived with my parents since I was a student at the local university, thanks to Bruce.
When I approached the door, that's when I saw it. A single rose on the bench outside the door along with a cryptic letter. 'Hang in there.' it said with a happy face at the end.
I was stumped but the notes and roses kept happening at least once a week and they soon came every day. At least, until the night that would change my life forever.
(Part Two)
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