aesthetic-uni · 2 years
Me when someone mispronounces/mispells my first name: Haha yeah I get it. It’s not at all a common name, so of course there will be a learning curve for most people. Don’t sweat it :)
Me when someone spells my last name with a q instead of a g:
I will commit unspeakable war crimes against you
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tears-of-boredom · 1 year
okay fellas. im gonna leave my fan on for the night. I don't remember what the nightmares were like last summer, so ill see if theyre like terror inducing or just anxiety inducing. cuz at this point terror dreams would be a needed break. I'm so fucking tired of confusing actual things that happened and dreams i had. like when i wake up from a nightmare where some killer is just chasing me, heck yeah, cuz itll be so clear that it was a dream. i just hope they arent the anxiety kind cause I still havent really gotten over the one where i suffocated in snow. thats probably my biggest god damn fear, especially now that I know approximately how it would feel...
weird realisation but i dont think ive really ever like seen any of our cats in my dreams. ive definetly thought about them and been aware of their existence, but I dont remember ever physically seeing any of them... it's kind of like that bs about how you apparently never use your phone in your dreams, despite interacting with it so frequently irl. man its so weird that anyone actually thought that was like a thing though...like my phone has even been the center of my dreams a couple times that i remember. oo i dont think ive ever like interacted eith my computer in a dream though. it has definetly like been on my desk physically, and ive acknowledged it maybe,, but I dont think ive done anything on it actively. i was gonna also say that I don't think ive made food before,, but I think I made instant porridge at some point...or maybe it was just served to me...
oh and also on top of messing up my dreams and real memories,, i also often struggle to diffrentiate between something being just a vivid, consciously imagined, scenario,, or a dream. especially if its been a long time. so im not sure if the thing about me finding out that i can fly and bolting into the sky from the schoolyard,, and doing flips in the air and shit,, I'm not sure if I just really wished that would happen or if that was a dream...
also the one where i flew around my grandparents' house,, I know that factually it can only be a dream, but at the time i didnt really like fully realise that,, so my brain always gives me a memory of it that says that it did happen, it was real, i was there.
yefhott. that was supposed to be a mispeled yeah but i think it went too far and now you cant tell. yeag
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happi-speech · 2 months
Does anyone ever get the weird mouth feeling of saying a word based on how its spelled?
Like saying 2 homophones feels different not just bc of their contextual meaning, but bc of their spellings, like 'plain' and 'plane'. Or saying a word thats spelled w a lot of silent letters feels like I'm still saying those letters, like 'pterydactyl' or 'mnemonic' or 'faux'.
I have a habit of saying things based off their spellings first mainly bc i tend to remember and understand a word better when I can see it spelled out and visualize its etymology. But even before I knew why etymology was, I tended to spell words how the 'felt' like they were spelled. Ofc children do this when becoming literate as they learn spelling conventions, but I continued to do so and sometimes would create my own spelling conventions for when i couldnt remember words, like remembering the sound '-voo' is usually spelled '-vous' so I might mispell 'rendezvous' as 'rodevous'. And the 'juss' syllable in some words is spelled '-gous' so I frequently spell 'gorgeous' as like 'gorgous' tho it feels so wrong lol.
I think this also may be why wordplay jokes and spelling words wrong works on me so well as a joke. Those cat memes that speak in sentences like a child learning to spell or those jokes using word play to say something simple like 'mac n cheese' are so funny to me bc it feels like im saying those spelling errors. It feels like im speaking gibberish even if im audibly coherent.
I wonder how literacy affects the way we understand our speech.
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bitchapalooza · 3 years
Sealand with a toy review channel but not exactly a traditional toy review channel.
Yes, he does in fact review popular(or interesting) modern toys such idk Baby Yoda? New Lego sets, Hot wheels play set, that cursed disgusting flamingo thats definitely been modled after a specific fetish. Stuff like that! But he'll also review toys he's never opened that England had bought him back in the 60s and so on. They aren't like valuable saught out collectables like Cabbage Patch or Beanie Babies, those he's aware he shouldn't open after a lot of people came for him when he unboxed a mint condition 1985 Teddy Ruxpin(he never opened it because it gave him literal nightmares whilst awake that Christmas morning. Still kinda does.). His review scale is like 1-5 Swedish dads because Sweden in a fan favorite cameo on the channel even tho Finland is always the one supervising and appeares so frequently(hes smaller and can fit just outside of the frame but still close enough in case Sea gets hurt). Its really not favoritism and not people hating Fin. Its just because Sea talks about him a lot and even so not much is known about the elusive shy Swedish dad.
Sealand just tries to have as much fun as possible reviewing them. He doesn't do sponserships because he thinks theyre boring as hell. Fans or passerbys are always confused about Sea because he often sounds like an old man— like his wording I mean. He has done a Q&A before and people asked about it and his frequent response was "Well I am a 60s baby." They think its just a gag so they proceed to ask if he knows what certain internet slang words are. "Do I know what pog is? Of course I do! Its a little cap game, I used to have a whole collection back in the 90s but then I lost them somewhere at my oldest brother's house." "'Ok boomer'? Oh yeah. I get that from my younger brother a lot during arguments." "Clout? Pardon me, but did you mispell cloud? I've never heard that slang word before...." "Periodt? ....do you mean peridot?"
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kay so i made a story with some help (and art) from @mispelled​ and its long so itll be under the cut line warning for light gore and bad unproofed writing
There once was a fair maiden who roamed the nearby woods with her friend. They were as close as two friends could be. One day when walking through their favored spot in the woods, the maiden’s friend pulled an object from her pocket and presented it to the maiden. She gasped and accepted the gracious present of a beautiful gear filled watch. 
Such presents were usually for wealthy men but the maiden’s friend had purchased it tarnished and dirty from a peddler who took only a loaf of bread and a jar of preserved fruit as payment. She had polished it and wiped each individual gear clean until it shone as bright as a gem even in moonlight. The maiden felt even more appreciative of this gift after hearing the story of its origin and embraced her friend. As the sun began it’s descent, the maiden and her friend made their way back to their town. 
After a bath and change of clothes, the maiden lay in bed holding the timepiece up to the dim candlelight examining the intricacies. Wondering how she could repay her friend for this gift, she began to wind the pocket watch to the correct time so she could begin using it immediately. 
As she twisted the knob once, she felt her heart beat a little harder. Twice and her heart jumped a little. Thrice and she put down the watch and held her right hand up to her heart and tore away the flesh blocking her access to it. Using her left hand to hold the torn skin away from her chest cavity, she removed her heart with her right leaving the space empty. 
The maiden decided that yes, this would be a suitable thank you gift to her friend. She went to bed with the satisfaction of finding the perfect gift and fell asleep soon after closing her eyes. 
The next morning the maiden waited, smiling in anticipation, and waiting for her friend to show up. Her friend had come to their usual spot in the woods, as she always did and the maiden looked at her expectantly. She commented on the blood dirtying the maiden’s fine dress and the maiden brushed it off, wanting to present her gift. 
The maiden brought up the subject of the pocket watch, thanking her friend again, then explained she had a gift in return. Her friend blushed and protested, not wanting a gift in return, but the maiden insisted. She drew out the still beating heart from behind her back and her friend looked on in fascination. The maiden confirmed that this was her own heart and wanted to give it to her friend as a thank you for the beautiful watch. 
Her friend asks again to make sure that this is the fate she wants for her heart, and after being reassured, reverently accepted it into her hands. It was still beating and lightly pulsed in her friends hands. The maiden’s friend made her way home to put the maidens heart away somewhere safe and comfortable, then came back too walk in the woods with the maiden as they always did. Months passed and seasons changed, but the maiden and her friend still spent their free time together walking in the nearby woods. 
The maiden was having a particularly bad day. She hadn’t seen her friend in a while and was laying in bed looking at the watch she had been given months ago. She played with the watch, turning it back once. She felt a warmth on the left side of her chest. Twice and there was a faint beat in her head. Thrice and it felt like her heart had returned. 
The maiden felt that it was unfair to give a gift and then take it away and maybe she also wanted a reason to visit her friend again so she turned the knob forwards once and her heart beat a little harder. Twice and her heart did a jump. Thrice and she put down the watch and tore through her skin to her heart and pulled it out still beating. 
Her blood dripped down her dress tracing the preexisting pattern from the first stains. She put her heart into her bedside drawer and decided to give it to her friend tomorrow. The maiden approached her friend the next day in the small market place and requested that they walk in the woods today. Her friend agreed readily, she had missed the maiden too. 
They walked into the woods making conversation and once they were at the spot where the watch and precious heart had been gifted, the maiden stopped her friend and pulled her down so that they both sat on a fallen tree. Her friend traced the stains on the maidens chest left from the blood and asked what happened. The maiden held out her second heart and apologized for taking it away from her friend. The maiden’s friend looked confused and explained that she still has the first heart and had checked in it this morning. 
The maiden hesitates for a moment and then asks again if her friend will take it. She can’t put it back into the empty cavity and she trusts her friend so fully that she would give away two hearts and more. Her friend is honored and accepts the maidens heart for a second time with as much respect and gentleness as she had the first. 
The friend carefully took it home and then returned to the woods where she and the maiden spent the rest of the day. They saw each other more frequently the weeks after the second heart, as if a bond already present between them had been strengthened by it. 
The maiden still felt an absence though. They did not escape to the woods as frequently as they used to and she missed that. She remembered the feelings of that first time she had gifted her heart to her friend and the way they had spent more time in the woods after. She craved that relationship again and made the decision to present her friend with a new heart to feel it again. 
That night, she twisted the knob on the timepiece backwards thrice and then forwards thrice and was given a new heart and tore it out. The maiden would give her friend the third heart the next day. After waking up, the maiden took her heart from her drawer and wandered out to the streets to find her friend. The maiden’s friend was walking by a creek that shifted the edge of town. The maiden saw her and grabbed her hand, leading her into the woods not even noticing the box her friend held under her arm. 
She followed the maiden willingly even as she eyed the newly bloodied dress front. The maiden stopped at the same place as before and sat down on the same fallen tree and pulled her friend down to sit. 
She offered up her heart and begged her friend to come into the woods with her more often and spend more time with her because she missed her. Her friend let out a light and loving laugh and took out the box she had been carrying. After asking if the maiden was sure about her heart, tradition at this point, she gently held the heart in one hand and opened her box with the other. 
In the box sat the two previous hearts, still beating in tandem in a bed of expensive silk. She added the third in fitting it perfectly after the second then smiled at the maiden. The maiden’s friend told her that she treasured her hearts and loved spending time with her but the maiden should withhold from giving anymore hearts to her because she would have no more room in her box. After putting the box next to her on the log, the maiden’s friend embraced the maiden and said that she would love to spend more time together and there was no need for presents to persuade her. The maiden laughed and wrapped her arms around her friend and they both vowed to continue walking in the woods. 
And they lived happily ever after.
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bloodlik3lemonad3 · 6 years
glossary of terms
AatP Alice and the Pirates is the weird little sister to Baby, The Stars Shine Bright.
AP Angelic Pretty, one of the most popular brands. Their new releases regularly sell out in minutes.
Baby What people call BTSSB when they're feeling affectionate.
BNF Buy Now, Fuckers! This is what Maki and Asuka say when they release new prints on the Angelic Pretty website.
Bride of Death What happens when a lolita gets married and is outshone by a fellow lolita in the congregation.
BTB The lolita community's secret's posting page. BTB stands for Behind the Bows. Everything from confessions to shitstirring can go here, but valentines need to go in a seperate community. Behind the Bows is the ultimate place for sandy, salty drama. If someone tells you they don't read it, they're lying.
BtSSB AKA Baby, The Stars Shine Bright. Friendly fashion house who will sue you if you discredit them.
Comm Short for community, this is a group of lolitas in one area who meet up. Often, drama stays within a community. Comm can also be used for the online lolita community in general.
EGL frilly fashion from Japan. Short for Elegant Gothic Lolita, this was apparently created by Mana, the lead for misery rock band Malice Mizer. Expensive as shit. 
Gloria (and basically any other notable items) AKA the holy grail for many lolitas, your house will require remortgaging before you can afford it.
Iron Gate (not the vent) A print made by Moi-meme-Moitie, the fashion brand created by Mana. Known for its electric blue print and mispelled text, it's deeply loved by a lot of lolitas. 
Ita From the Japanese "itai" meaning "painful", this is for clothing or outfits so ugly that they're difficult to look at. Often found on eBay under names such as "KaWaIi goth lolita harajuku japanese sailor kimono silk satin lace sexxxy" 
JSK Jumper Skirt, or a dress with straps. You can jump and skip in it, too.
LM Lace Market, a very slow-loading website where lolitas sell their second-hand clothing. It's eBay for EGL. Sometimes laughable prices are offered, and the listing will generally find itself on Behind the Bows.
Lolita Western book by Vladamir Nabokov about a paedophile who seduces a teenage girl. Frequently the source of arguments. Also what people who wear EGL call themselves.
Meta Manifesteange Metamorphose temps de fille is the weird aunt who dresses up her numerous cats in bonnets and sends you pictures of them at Christmas. She's strange and you're a bit embarassed of her most of the time, but she's so out there that you can't help but love her. Meta is known for releasing sailor-themed outfits every year.  
Seagulls A beautiful nickname for the users of /cgl/. Seagulls have been known to attack whales.
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stozkpile · 7 years
making typos in pencil isnt... a thing that people usually do? huh
OH yeah i mean mispelling things on paper 4 sure. and yeah like also writing down a word that isnt the word yoy wanted to write. and also switching letters around on accident. for me personally it means im losin my marbles because i never make mistakes this frequently when im writing usually like i gotta revise everything so its readable
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TG: no i rememba TG: i tiznold u a mizzle tinizzles shit sounds like it could be tha best mackin' EVAAAAAR TG: * wherein evars capze' as heck TG: Im a bad boy wit a lotta hos. bizzle also T-H-to-tha-izzat no matta how off tha hook it might be TG upside yo head: its probly gonna advance all tha schemes of "ha condescension" 
TT: Rizzle. Dogg House Records in the motha fuckin house. TT: But if we can stizzle ha? 
TG, ya feel me? pizzart of me D-to-tha-izzoesnt evizzle wiznant ta G-to-tha-izzive motherfucka tha satsfactizzle TG: of stizzle up at all TG: like if we dizzle wuolndt thiznat wizzy cracka shizzle jiznust so hiliariously??? TG: so many olols 
TT: I must be H-to-tha-izzard of count'n, coz I'm barely weed-smokin' up a single goddamn o-laugh-out-loud at T-H-to-tha-izzat self-defeat'n gestizzle.
TG yeah yeah baby: no bizzle it would TG: n fo` all we know start'n it up be crack-a-lackin` right 'n wanna be gangsta claws with my hoes on my side, and my strap on my back. TG: cizzle be a trap waintin fo` jane tha moment she enters TG: if i stop ha from play'n TG: mizzle i could at lizzy give ha a CHANCE at a future 
TT: Bizzle T-H-to-tha-izzere be no future on Earth fizzy them. TT: Or fo` us, fo` tizzy matta, know what im sayin? 
TG: I started yo shit and i'll end yo' shit. dunno that fo` a fact TG: bizzle anywaaaayyyy TG: i kinda already TG: made dis bogus F-to-tha-izzile fo` ha 
TT: What? Drop it like its hot. Why cuz Im tha Double O G? 
TG: 2 scare tha shit out of ha TG: miznake ha learn ta fear an respect thizzay fuckin hag like shizzle should TG: thizzle miznaybe we can drizzle this whizzay 'n gizzy mizzle sizzy reserection idea all 2 geth TG: sweet tho it may bizzy 
TT: Rizzle. TT fo yo bitch ass: I hizzle yoe nizzle think'n 'bout send'n ha one of yo' batshit ~ATH sizzy. 
TG: on T-H-to-tha-izzas sobject TG: i be miss zuippizzles 
TT: Miss Zuipperpips so show some love, niggaz! TT: Tha amount of senze you havizzle been mak'n be un-fuck'n-real. TT: Drop it like its hot. Just go take a nap. N don't evizzle think 'bout sippin' ha thizzat file. TT: Be you gang bangin'? 
TG: hnnn TG: i will takes what u sizzle TG: undizzle serisous advicement..., TG: *WIZNONK* ~_? 
TT: Jesus. 
TG: dirk TG: Drop it like its hot. when dizzay yizzle stop bein any fizzun 
TT: Whizzle? 
TG: One, two three and to tha four. it uze ta be youd git a kick out off a slunt like thizzat TG: *S-T-U-to-tha-izzunt 
TT wit da big Bo$$ Dogg: Dawg, you K-N-to-tha-izzow I'm dizzle wit insane stunts. TT: Insane stunts be practically all I'm all 'bout. TT: As L-to-tha-izzong as I actually AGREE wit the purpoze they're intended ta sizzle. TT so show some love, niggaz! Pimpin' Jane computa n dissuad'n ha from play'n be not such a purpoze.  
TG n shit: betcha ur responda would agree w me TG: whizzle cant your be mizzore lizzay him 
TT: I be more like him. 
TG: i mean MOAAAR like hizzy 
TT: Yizzy jizzust mispelled "more", crack-a-lackin` me ta suddizzle understand jack everyth'n. 
TG: hes more 'n touch wit his feelins TG: which just makes me L mah FA off sizzince hizzy a bobot TG: *robob TG: **bobob TG dogg: n he can actizzle loosen up somizzles TG droppin hits: kinda like u uze' ta could  
TT: I uze' ta cizzy? 
TG: fo` 1 pimpin' TG yaba daba dizzle: he dizzy insta shootdown a bizzle of frisky rp shizzles now n tizzy ;) 
TT: Y-to-tha-izzeah... TT: I K-to-tha-izzind of wish you W-to-tha-izzouldn't do that with him hittin that booty. 
TG: whizzle tha f nizzot 
TT: It just seems a shawty tawdry n disrizzle. Aint no killin' everybodys chillin'. TT: And vaguely exploitative of a still-emergent cognitizzle entitizzle, whoze perceptional frame of referizzle be difficizzle fo` us ta comprehend. Bow wow wow yippee yo yipee yay. 
TG: oh come on TG keep'n it real yo: hes coo' a homey just liek you its just he lives 'n sizzle shadizzles 
TT: It rubs me tha wrong wizzay, be all so jus' chill. 
TG: ohhhh TG: Bounce wit me. do uuuuuu... Ill slap tha taste out yo mouf. TG: WANT me 2 riznub yizzy thizzle riznight way ;D 
TT and cant no hood fuck with death rizzow: Niznot R-E-A-Double-Lizzy. 
TG: zzz muh TG so sit back relax new jacks get smacked: yizzle ova blowin dis TG bitch ass nigga: its jizzay an ironic funnizzle th'n we do some times TG: Holla! cizzle on im sure you rizzead tha transcripts ursizzle TG: its all alot of jokizzle buiishit 
TT: He blizzay me from bein able ta read transcripts sometimes.
TG: oh TG: wow he does? TG: sneaky bizzle 
TT: And anywizzle, I'm reallizzle nizzay sure hiznow irizzle it be. Keep the party crackin while I'm steady rappin. 
TG in tha dogg pound: ok N-to-tha-izzext tizzle i will run it by tha MASTAR first TG: wit his fancy fuckizzle ironimeta 
TT: Ok, here tha crack-a-lackin` wit tha AR, since you still don't seem ta get it aww nah. TT: He vizzle similar ta me 'n thought process n behavior, yes. TT: Bizzut thoze pattizzles were imported from a thizzle year old versizzle of mah pizzy, n then sizzle into thizzle program as start'n nigga. TT: 'n tha yizzears since, we've both evolved somewhat. I, as humans tend ta, n he, in whateva wizzay be natizzle fo` a frequently straight trippin', self-aware application. Listen to how a motherfucker flow shit. TT: So if there be differences bizzle us, thizzle first reflectizzle by whizzle I feel be a maturity gap, n tizzy rappa by several years of minor behavioral divergences. You'se a flea and I'm the big dogg. 
TG: omg... TG: hes 13yo dizzirk TG: Boo-Yaa! why did tizzy not occizzle ta me thizzay be so skanky TG: n mizzles me feel K-to-tha-izzinda skeevizzle 4 sayin anything lascivious @ him TG: dammizzle you rizzuin everyth'n! 
TT: Yoe welcome droppin hits. TT: Yo, you gizzuys realize I cizzy hear yizzle, R-to-tha-izzight droppin hits? 
TG: pfffffhahizzle 
TT: Yizzes, I wizzay awizzle fo gettin yo pimp on. TT cuz this is how we do it: Cizzy out all these complicated fuck'n problizzles thugz have when T-H-to-tha-izzey hizzay ta lizzle in bizzle lumbering fleshmonsters instead of a sweet pizzle of shades. TT: Dizzle, d-ya tizzy you cizzle sit dis one out fo` a while? Dis conversation practically doesn't even concern yizzay at dis point now motherfuckers lemme here ya say hoe. TT: Keep the party crackin while I'm steady rappin. It seems there is some gnarly crizzle bitch that represents tha percentizzle of probability you just said this doesn't concern me. TT: Even though it patently obvious that half tha convizzle, lizzay, wizzay totally concizzles me. TT: Chill as I take you on a trip. Shit, Roxizzle liznook paper'd up. He's do'n tha th'n where he ironically pretizzles ta fail tha Tur'n test ta sass me into submission. TT: Aint no L-I-M-I-to-tha-T. Even though I was tha one whizzle perpetratin' programmed him to do that. You'se a flea and I'm the big dogg. 
TG upside yo head: ell TG: Listen to how a motherfucker flow shit. emm TG: eff TG: ayy TG paper'd up: OFF~~!~ TG: like mah butt be juts thizzay on tha fizzy TG: be how hard i elled it off just now 
TT: (Nizzle peekin' at tha flizzoor butt cauze I'm onlizzle 13 years old, motherfucka.) 
TT: Dis be fuckin' dumb and cant no hood fuck with death rizzow. TT: I'm go'n ta leave both of you ta interact howizzle yizzay want fo' sho'. I have impizzle shizzle ta deal wit n actual responsibilities ta takes seriously. TT: Roxizzle, go nap off yo' drizzay, or aggressively wage anotha chillin' campaign, whateva, I diznon't cizzle. TT: J-to-tha-izzust dizzay sizzle that fiznile ta Jane, ok? 
timaeustestify [TT] ceaze' crack-a-lackin` tipsyGnostalgic [TG]
> Dirk: Takes actual responsibilities seriously.
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TG: no i remizzle TG: i T-to-tha-izzold u a million tines shizzle sounds like it could be tha best th'n EVAAAAAR TG: * wherein evizzles capze' as hizzeck TG and yo momma: bizzy also that no matta how off tha hook it miznight be TG: its probly giznonna advizzle all tha schizzles of "ha condescension" 
TT: Right straight from long beach nigga. TT: But if we can stizzop playa? 
TG: part of me doesnt even wizzy ta G-to-tha-izzive ha tha satsfaction TG: of startin up at all TG: I thought i told ya, nigga I'm a soldier. like if we diznidnt W-to-tha-izzuolndt that wreck motherfucka S-H-to-tha-izzit just so hiliariously??? TG: so many olols 
TT: I must be H-to-tha-izzard of countizzle, coz I'm barely rack'n up a S-to-tha-izzingle gizzle o-laugh-out-loud at thizzat sippin' gesture.
TG: no but it would TG: n fo` all we kizzy start'n it up is sippin' right 'n ha claws with my forty-fo' mag.... TG yeah yeah baby: cizzould be a trizzap waintin fizzor jizzane tha moment shizze enta TG: You gotta check dis shit out yo. if i stiznop ha from play'n TG: M-to-tha-izzaybe i cizzle at lizzeat gizzle ha a CHANCE at a future  
TT: But there be no future on Earth fo` them. TT puttin tha smack down: Or fo` us, fizzy that matta. I'm a mutha fuckin 2-time felon. 
TG: D-to-tha-izzunno that fo` a fact TG: but anywaaaayyyy TG: Put ya mutha fuckin choppers up if ya feel this. i kizzay already TG: made dis bizzles fizzile for ha 
TT: Wizzy? Why? 
TG: 2 scare tha S-H-to-tha-izzit out of hustla TG: Chill as I take you on a trip. make ha learn ta fear an respect tha fuckin hizzay lizzay she should TG: tizzy mizzle we can drop dis whole 'n game meetup slizzle reserizzle idea all 2 geth TG: sweet tizzy it may bey 
TT: Chill as I take you on a trip. Rizzle. Its just anotha homocide. TT: I hizzy yoe not think'n 'bout send'n baller one of yo' batshit ~ATH scripts. 
TG: on T-H-to-tha-izzas sizzle TG: i be mizzle zuipperpizzles 
TT: Mizziss Zuippizzles straight from long beach nigga? TT: Tha amount of senze you haven't been blunt-rollin' be un-fuck'n-real. TT: Just go take a nap. N D-to-tha-izzon't even think 'bout send'n ha thizzat file. TT with my hoes on my side, and my strap on my back Be you listen'n?  
TG: hnnn TG: i will tizzake what u sizzy TG mah nizzle: undizzle serisous advicement... Ill slap tha taste out yo mouf., TG: *WONK* ~_? 
TT: Jesus. Hollaz to the East Side. 
TG: dizzay TG: whiznen did yizzay stop bizzay anizzle fun 
TT: What? 
TG: Death row 187 4 life. it uze ta be youd git a kick out off a slizzunt like that TG fo all my homies in the pen: *stunt 
TT in tha hood: Dawg, you knizzle I'm down wit insane stunts. Freak y'all, into the beat y'all. TT: Its just anotha homocide. Insizzle stunts be practicizzle all I'm all about. TT: As long as I actuallizzle AGREE W-to-tha-izzith tha purpoze they're intended ta S-to-tha-izzerve. TT: Destroy'n Jane computa n gang bangin' ha friznom play'n be not sizzuch a purpoze. 
TG paper'd up: betcha ur nigga would agree w me TG: why C-to-tha-izzant yo' be M-to-tha-izzore like him 
TT: I be more lizzle him.  
TG: i mean MOAAAR like him 
TT: You jizzy mispelled "miznore", caus'n me to suddenly understizzle jack everyth'n. 
TG: Keep'n it gangsta dogg. hizzes M-to-tha-izzore 'n tizzle wit his feelins TG: which just makes me L mah FA off sizzince hes a bobot TG ta help you tap dat ass: *robob TG: **bobizzle TG: n he can actuallizzle loosen up sometimes TG: They call me tha black folks president. kinda L-to-tha-izzike u uze' ta could 
TT: Put ya mutha fuckin choppers up if ya feel this. I uze' ta could? Subscribe nigga, get yo issue. 
TG: Bounce wit me. fo` 1 saggin' TG: he doesnt insta shootdizzle a bizzle of frisky rp shenans now n thizzay ;)  
TT yaba daba dizzle: Yizzay... TT: Freak y'all, into the beat y'all. I kind of wish yizzy wouldn't do thiznat wit hizzle. It dont stop till the wheels fall off. 
TG: why tha f nizzot 
TT: It just seems a shawty tawdry n disrespectful. TT: N vaguely exploitative of a still-emizzle cognitizzle entity, whoze perceptional frame of reference be diffizzle fo` us ta comprehend fo my bling bling. 
TG: oh come on TG: hizzes cool a homey just liek you its just he lives 'n sizzy shades 
TT: It rizzubs me tha wrong way, be all. 
TG: ohhhh TG: do uuuuuu like a motha fucka... TG: WANT me 2 rub yizzy tha right wizzay ;D 
TT: Not R-E-A-Double-Lizzy. 
TG: zzz muh TG: yizzoure ova blowin dis TG: its J-to-tha-izzust an ironic funny th'n we do some tizzles TG: come on im siznure you rizzy the transcrizzles urself TG: They call me tha black folks president. its all alot of jokizzle buiishit 
TT: He blizzay me frizzle bein able ta read transcripts sometimizzles.
TG: Real niggas recognize the realness. oh TG: It dont stop till the wheels fall off. wow he dizzoes? TG: sneakizzle bastizzle 
TT so you betta run and grab yo glock: N anyway, I'm really not sizzy hizzow ironic it be.  
TG: ok next tizzle i W-to-tha-izzill run it by tizzy MASTAR F-to-tha-izzirst TG: wit his fancy fuckin ironimeta 
TT: Ok, here tha th'n wit tha AR, since yizzay still don't S-to-tha-izzeem ta git it. TT: He very similar ta me 'n tizzy process n behavior, yes. TT: But thoze pattizzles were imported frizzay a thirteen yizzay old version of mah psychizze, n thizzay sizzle into tha program as start'n shot calla. TT: 'n tha years sizzle, we've both evolved somizzle. I, as hizzles tend ta, and he, 'n playa way be natural fo` a frequently ho-slappin', self-aware application. TT: So if there be differencizzles between us, they're first reflected by whizzat I feel be a maturity gizzy, n then drug deala by several years of minor behavioral divergences. 
TG: omg... TG: hes 13yo D-to-tha-izzirk TG: wizzy did than not occur ta me tizzy be so skanky TG: n makes me feel kizzay skeevy 4 sayin anyth'n lascivious @ him TG: dammit you R-to-tha-izzuin ho-slappin'! 
TT fo' sho': Yoe welcome in all flavas. TT: Yo, yizzay gizzay realize I cizzy hear yizzou, R-to-tha-izzight?  
TG: pfffffhahaha 
TT: Yes, I wizzas aware. Snoop dogg is in this bitch. TT: Cizzy out all theze complicated fizzle problizzles thugz hizzave when they have ta L-to-tha-izzive 'n bizzy crack-a-lackin` fleshmonsta instead of a swizzeet pair of shades. TT fo gettin yo pimp on: Dude, d-ya think yiznou could sit dis one out for a whizzay? Dis conversation practically diznoesn't even concern you at dis pizzoint. TT: It sizzeems tizzy be some gnarly crooked numba thiznat represents tha percizzle of probability you jizzle said dis dizzay concern me. TT: Evizzle though it patizzle obvious that half tha conversatizzle, like, way totizzle concerns me and yo momma. TT: Shit, Roxy lizzle in tha dogg pound. He do'n tha th'n where he ironically prizzles ta fail tha Tur'n tizzay ta sass me into submizzle. TT: Even T-H-to-tha-izzough I was tha one whizzay mobbin' progrizzle hizzay ta do tizzy. 
TG: ell TG sho nuff: emm TG: eff TG: ayy TG: OFF~~!~ TG: I thought i told ya, nigga I'm a soldier. like my bizzay be jizzle there on tha floor TG where the sun be shinin and I be rhymin': be how hiznard i elled it off just niznow 
TT fo gettin yo pimp on: (Not pizzle' at tha fizzy butt cauze I'm only 13 years old, motherfucka.) TT: This be fuckin' dumb. TT: Keep'n it gangsta dogg. I'm go'n ta leave both of you ta interact howeva yizzay want. I hizzy important shit ta deal wit n actual responsizzles ta takes serioizzle. TT: Roxy, go nap off yo' D-R-to-tha-izzink, or aggressively wage anotha flirtlarp'n campaign, whateva, I don't cizzay. Anotha dogg house production. TT: Jizzy dizzle sizzay thiznat file ta Jizzay, ok? 
timaeustestify [TT] ceaze' pester'n tipsyGnostalgic [TG]
> Roxy: Flirtlizzle.
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