Lots Of Sadness Here
41 posts
This is my blog for my Undertale fanfic, Sacrifices. Anything and everything Sacrifices related will be posted here. Feel free to ask me or the crew questions! If you don't want to wait for daily uploads, you can read Sacrifices on the following platforms: Wattpad, AO3, Fanfiction.net and DeviantArt
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undertalesacrifices · 8 years ago
Pre-Sacrifices: Join the Monsters
 "You're faking it."
 "Such a loser."
 "Absolutely worthless."
 "You're a traitor to your friends!"
 "You're insane."
 "A complete psychopath!"
 "A murderer."
     The police had closed the case as an accident. Besides, why would someone push their best friend into a pit? The child in question was mute and known to be the sweetest person around. Surely it was just horseplay gone wrong.
     Frisk's mouth soured at the news article. Horseplay gone wrong, eh? That was one way to put it. She put the newspaper down and finished her breakfast. As Frisk cleaned up she heard the tell-tale squeak of the school bus's brakes. With a clatter her plate was dropped in the sink and she scooped up her backpack in one fluid motion. Before she exited her front porch she turned to the doorbell and rang it twice. This told Frisk's parents she had left for the day. It was an excellent alternative considering she couldn't simply holler out, "Mum! Da! I'm heading out!"
     The mute child was apprehensive as she boarded the bus. It was the first day of the eighth grade. Frisk wasn't quite sure what to expect, though the whispers made one thing certain; She would never have any friends. 
     The entire bus quieted as Frisk stood in the aisle. She scanned the seats looking for an open spot. Frisk made eye contact with a boy near the middle. He quickly looked away and placed his book bag on the seat next to him. Frisk sighed and appropriated a seat behind the bus driver. At least by sitting there she hoped to be the lesser target for spit balls. The livelihood of the bus resumed. Frisk rested her check against the cool of the glass window. She had almost dozed off when she felt something smack the back of her head. A snigger could be heard from a few rows away. With a grimace the mute reached her hand behind her head to dislodge the vile projectile from her hair. This won't be the last of that, she thought glumly. If this was how bus rides would be she could only imagine how hallway and cafeteria confrontations would go. 
     Eventually, the bus arrived at her school, Victoria Classical Academy. Frisk departed from the bus with haste and hurried into the gym. As per morning protocol, grades sat on the floor in a line with their respective grade group and class until their homeroom teacher came and picked them up. 
     Frisk was one of the first people to arrive. Not surprising, considering how early the bus had gotten to the school. If Frisk had been the absolute first one, which would mean beating the car riders, then that in itself would be a miracle. She took her place behind a girl. Frisk studied her, curious. The mute didn't recognize the classmate in front of her. She had silk white hair and snowy skin. Her frame was slender, almost worryingly so. Frisk tapped her shoulder. The girl jumped a little and turned her head around. Frisk smiled and waved hello. The girl stared back with intense ice blue eyes. She was albino!
     "What's your name?" Frisk signed, hopeful. Frisk watched realization dawn upon the unknown females face. She smiled shyly.
     "They call me Shauna. What about you?" The albino signed. Delight overflowed Frisk. Someone who could sign! And well. She wouldn't have to resort to writing on her portable white board. The two girls chattered on amicably, discussing their similarities, differences, what they were excited about for the new school year and so on. This continued until a portly woman, which Frisk now knew as Mrs North, gathered her class together and had us march single file down the school halls and into her classroom. Frisk complied gaily. She had made a new friend! Her mind was on a happy buzz.
     But it didn't last.
     By lunch time, Shauna had been informed of what Frisk had done. When Frisk had come to sit by her she was immediately greeted with repulsion of horror. 
     "Stay away from me, freak!" Shauna screamed in English, not at least giving Frisk the mercy of using the language of the hands so no one would hear. "I don't want to end up like that girl!" The entire lunch room stilled and stared at Frisk in disgust. 
     Frisk held back tears, lips trembling. There was no point in trying to defend herself. Lunch monitors quickly diffused the situation appropriately, scolding Shauna and directing everyone to continue their lunch. Frisk ran out of the lunch room.
     When she returned home later that day after facing more taunts and jeers from the bus kids, an upset Da was waiting for her. 
     "Why did the school call me about misbehavior?!" he demanded angrily. Frisk's jaw dropped. 
     "W-what?" Her hands shook as she signed. "The only thing I did was run out of the lunch room after some kids started bullying me. I wasn't misbehaving." Frisk protested. Her father's expression was dark and purple.
     "I would bully you too, knowing what you have done." he growled. Shock rippled through Frisk. She had never heard Da speak to her this way before. And unjustly so! "Come here, you pathetic whelp!" He reached out and grabbed Frisk by the wrist. His eyes were crazed and they looked all around sporadically. "Can't speak and now you're a murderer! Why do you have to plague your parent's life with your very existence? You belong in hell!" Frisk's Da undid his belt. She bucked against him but he held firm. Inhumane sounds gargled out of Frisk's lips as she was lashed with the leather strip. She didn't know when he stopped. But when he did he spat, "You got what you deserve." He dragged her to her room and dumped her in the tub. "Clean yourself up!"' he barked and then left. Frisk could feel the welts rising along her backside. Where the belt buckle had snagged was a laceration. 
     With violently shaking fingers, Frisk peeled her school uniform off. Any and every movement was painful. Frisk's Mum wouldn't hear anything about this until she came back from her business trip. That was in a month. The mute was still breathing ragged, gulping breaths as she washed her battered body. They would leave ugly scars. Frisk dealt with her Da's abusive outburst for three weeks before deciding to run away. 
     "Why was I even born?" This morning's cuts pulsated. "Nobody wants me. Nobody loves me. The only person who might've is gone. And it's all my fault." The mantra repeated inside Frisk's mind. Her head pounded. The rush of blood in her ears washed away all sound. She was barely aware of the other children around her. Frisk had gotten used to it. When the bus dropped her home today, instead of heading inside she made her way to the trail that led up the mountain. Dirt and sweat entered her cuts, causing them to sting. But Frisk didn't care.
     Her feet stopped at the edge of the pit. Frisk leaned over, peering into unrelenting blackness. "It's so dark..." she whispered. "I can't see the bottom. Maybe... Maybe there's a way to end all of this." Frisk's heart began to palpitate. There was no going back. 
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undertalesacrifices · 8 years ago
Hihi! Guess what day it is! June 20, that’s right. Today I am going to go back through the old posts and update them with the final versions and upload one new Pre-Sacrifices chapter. ;3 Keep a look out!
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undertalesacrifices · 8 years ago
Come June 20, I'll finally be able to consistently work on Sacrifices. Thank you for your patience.
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undertalesacrifices · 8 years ago
Sacrifices- Chapter One (Chinese Version)
Translation By: @yeul-alvea-la-sherlof -- 第一章 四周暗沉沉的。黑暗是我早已熟悉的了,但它一点都不让我宽慰。左边传来的脚步声让我猝不及防,我转过身,朝着声源的方向看去。 那是……我。小时候的我。但她并没有在面对着我,她朝向着别的什么人,我可以看见她手里那把闪着寒光的利刃。 “人类,”那个骷髅的声音冲着小时候的我喊道——Papyrus。 在他能在说些什么之前,小时候的我冲向了他。 “不!”我喊道。“不要!” 寒光一闪,小时候的我无情地向他砍去,我的泪水流下了脸庞。又一次,我听到了Papyrus的临终遗言,而它让我无力的跪在地上。 “我仍然相信你,人类,只要你再尝试变好一点点……” 他的声音渐渐消逝了,他的身体化作了灰烬。 为什么?!我怒气冲冲地想到。为什么要让我再经历一次?我知道我所做的是错误的。我只是好奇而已,并且急切地渴望能够拯救Chara。我一段时间以后早就想停下了,但那时再回头已经不行了。什么东西——什么人——没有给我赎罪的机会。罪恶感像一块巨石一般沉甸甸地压在我胸口。 然后小时候的我转向了我。 “下一个就是你。” 我停下了。那个声音……可不是我的。我的眼睛因为惊讶而睁大了。小时候的我的身体变得模糊了。她朝我走来,每走一步,她的声音就变得越来越清晰。很快,我就在盯着一个穿着绿色和黄色的条纹毛衣的女孩了。短而浅棕色的头发将她的脸衬托出来,她猩红的眼睛闪烁着。 “Chara,”我倒吸了口冷气。 “很久没见了,伙伴。” Chara向我跑来,将刀举在她头顶。 “啊——” “啊——!”我醒来了,一身冷汗。我的呼吸早已不再均匀了,我紧紧地抓紧了被子,为了让自己镇定下来。 刚才发生了什么? 不一会儿,我就听到了敲门声。 “Frisk?Frisk,你还好吗?” Toriel焦急的声音从门的另一边传来。 “我要进来了!” 门被打开了,我看见了Toriel。看见我的状态如此差,她的眼中充满了焦急。 “我的孩子,发生了什么?” 她的声音使我安宁了下来,我的呼吸均匀了。 “没,没什么事,”我打着手势,我的手早已开始颤抖。“只是做了个噩梦而已。” Toriel看了我一眼,然后坐在了我的床上,给了我一个温暖的拥抱。我将自己的脸埋在她的肩膀上。我坐了起来,给了Toriel一个小小的微笑。 “这太孩子气了,对吧。一个十七岁的孩子怎么还会做噩梦呢?” l眼泪已经快流下来了。 Toriel和善地冲我笑了笑。 “这不孩子气啊,所有人都会时不时的做做噩梦的。” 她要知道多好啊!可惜她不知道,那些自从我们离开了地底世界以后就一直在使我害怕的那些梦,而且关于Sans的也是糟糕透了。 “你会希望告诉我你的噩梦吗?” 我盯着她的眼睛看,那么温柔和善解人意。但我不能告诉她。她不用更关心我了,现在这样已经够了。我摇了摇头,并看见了一抹转瞬即逝的悲伤。 “我明白了,我会尊重你的隐私的。记住,你可以信任我。当你准备好以后再告诉我吧。” Toriel朝我温柔的笑了笑,然后亲了一下我的额头。 “晚安,孩子。要充满决心哦,好梦,”说完,她离开了。 我一头倒在床上,盯着天花板看。再次睡着是不行的,除非我想再次回去,再次回到那次的记忆中。两个我无法拯救的人中的一个,不论我怎么尝试,他就是不能被我拯救。 我曾经重置了许多次,尝试着找到一种能让Chara和Asriel回到地面上的方法。我最后放弃了。 我记得当我又一次到达终点时,我的手悬在空中,准备又一次按下重置键。那时Asriel和Chara都来了,让我吃了一惊。她们说服了我去走一次���杀路线,告诉我那是她们能得到一个幸福的结局的唯一办法。别人都已经获得过自己的完美结局了,所以为什么她们不能呢? 可当我走这条路线走到一半时,我想停下了。但我却发现自己早已不能了,Chara已夺去了我身体的控制权。我们杀了每一个人,每一个留下的怪物。这条路线多么短啊,我们不需要多久就已经到了审判庭。Sans脸上那种被背叛的表情被深深地焊在了我脑中,消之不去。我杀死了他的弟弟,和所有他所关心的人。 我早就不想继续战斗了,我不想杀人了。在这场战斗中,我们一次次地死亡着,直到我已经受不了了。我不会让Sans也死去。Chara的确很强,但通过我的决心,我重新获得了控制权并宽恕了Sans。我记得当他看见我放弃时眼中的如卸重负,然后他杀了我。我听着他说的话,然后最后一次重置了。 “花~~~~~式吊打!” 我似乎盯着黑暗看了很久,终于,阳光已经开始照入我的房间了。 有一天开始了。
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undertalesacrifices · 8 years ago
Sacrifices- Introduction (Chinese Version)
I’ve been bestowed a great honour of having my fanfiction be translated into another language! It’s been requested I post the translated chapters as they come out so here it is! Please go show @yeul-alvea-la-sherlof some love!
译者:Alina He
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undertalesacrifices · 8 years ago
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So emotionless 💔💔
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undertalesacrifices · 8 years ago
Pre-Sacrifices: Her Bestest Friend
Frisk watched the girl sitting in front of her in the lush green grass. Her name was _%]]£]+. It was beautiful and unique. But for whatever reason, she insisted on being called Mari. This girl was Frisk's most precious friend. Mari would listen to Frisk's silent rantings when Mummy wouldn't. And Da... Da never listened.
"I just don't understand it," Frisk signed with a sigh. "What am I doing wrong?" Mari took a quick peek at the flower crown she was making before turning her head back to Frisk. Her fingers didn't stop twining the flora together as she spoke.
"It's because he doesn't love you." She made the comment with a nonchalant shrug of her shoulders. This was Mari's reasoning. Her brother had told her anyone who wouldn't listen to you didn't love you. And she believed him. It made her past experiences make sense. Frisk took on a stricken look.
"He doesn't... love me?" Frisk rejected this idea vehemently. How could her Da not love her? She was his only child! It was his job to love her. There had to be a different explanation.
"Frisk," Mari paused from weaving. "When was the last time your father said he loved you?" She looked at Frisk straight in her eyes. Frisk's fingers faltered a bit.
"I-I can't recall anything too recent, but he must've told me he loved me every now and then!" She racked her mind for any instance of her Da telling his child he loved her. But Frisk still came up empty.
"My dearest friend, what about today? Did he at least say anything close to that today?" Mari knew he hadn't. She had been watching Frisk's father very closely to see what he would do. After much insistence from his wife, the man had recorded everyone singing happy birthday followed by Frisk blowing the candles out, but did nothing more to involve himself. Mari watched Frisk scrunch up her brow in frustration. It was almost amusing how naive she was. Irony coated her tongue. She wasn't much different a year ago.
"No... He didn't," Frisk finally admitted. In fact, alls she could really remember that might bare any resemblance to affection was when he handed Frisk her gift when she'd first woken up. Da hadn't even joined in when Mummy had awakened her with the birthday song. Frisk heard her Da singing once. He seemed happier then he normally was that day. Frisk thought he sang nicely. She wondered if her singing voice sounded nice too. Not that she would ever get to know.
Mari finished the flower crown and stood up. She motioned Frisk towards her, which Frisk complied to easily. With a gentle hand, Mari placed her creation upon her dearest's head.
"Come," she said, grabbing Frisk's hand. "I want to show you something."
Frisk merely nodded and let herself be pulled along. Her Da soon forgotten as they made their way up along the mountain side.
"This way, Frisk!" Mari called out. Soon they entered a cave. And within its mouth, an abundance of golden buttercups lay before them. Mari turned to Frisk. "I come here to hide away from the world. It's peaceful."
Frisk gaped in awe. The sunlight filtering in gave the golden blooms an ethereal aura. She looked at Mari.
"Look at all the flowers!" Frisk signed. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. "They're so pretty. Like you." Frisk beamed, pleased to see her bestest friend blush at the compliment.
"You're such a flirt!" Mari chuckled. "The boys in your future better watch out." She looked around the blossoms, looking for the stepping stone path she had made so long ago. "Follow me, Frisk." Mari beckoned Frisk to follow her once more. Nimbly, the girls hopped from stone to stone, taking care not to step on any yellow petals. The end of the path revealed a small clearing encircled by more of the buttercups. But in the middle was a pallet made of comforters.
"So that's why you asked me for a blanket I didn't use anymore the one time." Frisk noted. Mari nodded.
"Lets go lay on it. I want you to experience my handy work," she said with a cheeky grin. Frisk complied readily. The trek up the mountain had worn her out. The children lied down on the fluffy material. It was soft, enticing drowsiness. The two laid there for awhile, the rustle of flower petals creating a gentle ambience. Mari glanced at her friend.
"I wish today would never end." Frisk sighed.
"What if it didn't have to?" Mari pondered. Frisk sat upright.
"What do you mean by that?" She asked. Mari stood up.
"Well, you know the legends. People who climb Mt. Ebott never return." This merited a laugh from Frisk.
"But we come back all the time, silly." Mari giggled too.
"I know. But did you know they also say a world of monsters reside inside..." Mari paused. "What if we never go back and instead find the so called monsters? Then in a sense, today would never end." Mari so wished today wouldn't end. She didn't want to have to go back.
Frisk stilled. What was Mari saying? Never go back? What had possessed her to say such a thing?
"Why would we never go back?" she questioned.
Mari sighed. She knew this is how it would be. Frisk didn't have a reason to want to leave her home. Not yet, anyways. While she had a complacent father, he hadn't done anything... yet. Mari knew that would change and Frisk would regret not leaving with her. And it would be all Mari's fault.
She started walking farther into the cave, prompting Frisk to once again follow her dear friend's lead. When she caught up, she signed that Mari still hadn't answered her question. Mari ignored her. She just kept going farther into the cave. Until she stopped. Right before what seemed like a bit of unending darkness.
"I think this is the entrance to that very world." Mari whispered. She was about to shatter Frisk's world. Her most dearest and precious friend. Mm, but it would be alright. If Mari didn't like how this went... Well, you know.
"It looks like a pit of death." Frisk deadpanned. Mari chuckled.
"Look closely. You can see a light. It's dim, but it's there. I think there's something down there. I think it's the entrance to the monster world."
"Why would you want to go to a place filled with monsters?"
"Maybe they're not so bad. Have a heart, Frisk."
"But they're called monsters!"
"Couldn't we label some humans the very same?"
This quieted Frisk. What was Mari's point?
"I want to join them," Mari mused aloud. "It would only take one step..."
Frisk recoiled, instinctively shoving Mari's shoulder out of habit. Frisk did this with everyone she thought had said something stupid in that moment.
"How can—" her words were cut short as she realized what she'd done. Mari had gotten off balance and fell backwards.
Towards the pit.
Frisk reached out desperately to grab her beloved's arm, but missed. Seconds later, a sickening crack resounded up through the emptiness. No cry of pain. Just bone crunching. Then silence.
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undertalesacrifices · 8 years ago
Pre-Sacrifices: Soundless Cries
"ARGGHHHGHGGHHHHHHHH!" An unearthly scream fought its way down the hospital walls. Shortly after, panicked babble filled the hospital room.
"The cord is stuck around her neck!"
"Oh dear Lord, she's turning blue!"
"Faster doggonit!"
Family and friends fearfully barraged the doctor with words as he worked. He knew this unforeseen turn of events could mean permanent trauma to the child. The doctor finally slipped the umbilical cord off. Turning to the man standing next to him he said, "It's a girl," He clipped the cord, tied it off and then whisked the baby away and set her on an examination cradle that was nearby.
"Wh...where are... you going?" A tired voice called out. The doctor and team of nurses that had arrived ignored her, continuing to give the newborn their full attention. "I... I want to see my baby! Let me see my baby!" The new mother's husband came up to her side and held her hand comfortingly.
"Shh, shhh," He cooed. "Everything will be alright, darling. We have a beautiful baby girl." He said these things to no avail. His wife just became more anxious.
"Then why can't I see her? I want to hold her. And what can't I hear my baby?! Something's wrong!" She began crying. "Let me hold my child!" Each cry became more weak, more desperate.
"Sweetheart, don't overexert yourself," Her husband continued to try and soothe his wife.
Meanwhile, the doctor and nurses all stared at each other in a shared knowledge. They watched the newborn open her mouth to cry, which truly would have been a beautiful sound at this point. But nothing came out. The doctor bit his lip. He feared something like this would happen when he saw the baby's umbilical cord had been wrapped around her neck.
"Clean her up," He commanded. "Her mother wants to see her."
"But nothing," The doctor cut the nurse off. "Other then this unfortunate event, the child is fine." Without another word, the child was cleaned, weighed, dressed, and then brought over to her mother.
"My baby!" She cried out, bring her child to her chest in a warm embrace. "Oh, there, there," She cooed softly.
"I will have to ask all friends and family except for the father to leave the room." The doctor stated. He was met with ditty glances and protest but they all left. He turned to the new parents, who were still enthralled by their child. The mother's eyebrows seconds together as she watched her baby cry. The child was clearly in distress but so sounds came out from her. Her head snapped up to meet the doctor's gaze.
"What's wrong with her?!" She demanded. The doctor sighed.
"When her umbilical cord was around your child's head, it caused trauma. Both of the baby's vocal cords have been permanently paralyzed. I'm sorry, but your child will never speak."
The mother turned to her husband as tears welled up in her eyes. Then she looked back down at her baby, gently bobbing her up and down as to stop her soundless cries. "That's okay, that's okay. We'll figure it out, yeah?"
"Yeah..." The husband became distant as her stared at his daughter.
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undertalesacrifices · 8 years ago
Post-Sacrifices: A Doll With Feelings
Toriel stood at Frisk's door, hand hovering over the wood. It had become routine for her child to shut herself in for days at a time, but it still worried her. Toriel knew the girl was pouring all of her efforts into ambassador work and college studies. It was Frisk's way of coping and she only wished there was something she could do to help. With few options to do this, Toriel opted to simply support Frisk until she decided she was ready. Today, however, Toriel would not let Frisk stay locked away. She rapped the door softly.
"My child, I implore you come out."
Frisk glanced at glowing numbers emanating from the clock on her bedside table. It's that time already, huh? She mused dully whilst sitting up. She blinked. The room was covered in shadows. Fading sunlight from the open curtains saw to that. Frisk slid out of the bed and stumbled to the door. Opening the wooden rectangle revealed a horned woman, Toriel. Their eyes met.
"Hello," Frisk signed. "Do I need to come down?" Her face held no emotion.
Toriel blinked in mild surprise. Frisk had expected this, she realized. The goat-esque female took in her daughter's appearance. Frisk was wearing a strapless blue dress. It had a sweetheart neckline with a knee-length skirt. A white ribbon tied around her waist pulled the outfit together. The girl's hair normally stopped at her shoulders with her bangs being slightly longer. But now, it fell just above her chest in loose waves. She didn't feel like cutting it.
"Ah, you're already ready..." Toriel trailed off. She cleared her throat. "The others are waiting for us in the car. Let's make haste, yes?"
Frisk simply nodded and stepped out of her room, shutting the door behind her. She followed her mother down the stairs and out the house. The car started moving once Frisk had slid in the backseat, next to Chara. Asgore looked back at Frisk from the drivers seat.
"Howdy, Frisk. I hope you are doing well."
"He-" Asriel started.
"Hey, partner! Excited about today?" Chara's shouted, promptly cutting the male off. Her optimism was almost overbearing. Like she was trying too hard. Frisk glanced at her and shrugged.
"A little bit," She signed. Chara elbowed her arm.
"Better than nothing," She beamed. Frisk arched a brow at her. Chara was being uncharacteristically cheery and nice. Frisk winced inwardly. She had made a pun unconsciously.
"I exist too, you know!" Asriel called out from the other side of the car. This outburst from Asriel garnered a small smile from Frisk,  but only for a moment. "Whoop! Got her to smile before you did. No chocolate for you, Chara." Asriel stuck his tongue out. Chara made a face and grumbled a bit.
"You made the bed for your undoing," Frisk signed, nonchalant. "When you cut him off it was the perfect opportunity."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Chara crossed her arms with a huff. Frisk rolled her eyes and stared out the window. A silence filled the car with each passing second.
"L-let's turn on some music, shall we?" Toriel fumbled with the radio switch for a good minute before managing to get it to a decent station.
Frisk watched the scenery roll by, but she wasn't really seeing it. Hey eyes had glazed over, mind elsewhere. Chara gave Frisk a cursory glance of slight disdain. The girl's mouth was slightly open, chin being propped up by her hand which rested against the window. This is what had become of the person she respected the most. A lifeless doll.
"Frisk..." Chara sent a thought in her direction. Frisk continued to stare out the window. "Frisk!" Still no response. Chara's mouth twisted into a frown. She jabbed Frisk in the side with her elbow. Frisk straightened her back and turned in Chara's direction, pain flickering across her features.
"What was that for,?"
"I said your name. Twice." Chara sent back, annoyed.
"Oh." Frisk's expression softened. She looked down and played with her fingers.
"Frisk, today is supposed to be happy. It's your birthday. Instead you act like someone shoved a bar of dark chocolate in your mouth that was eighty-five percent coacoa without mint filling." Frisk took on a perplexed look.
"That was oddly specific. What are you playing at, hun?" Chara stared for a moment, caught off guard by the endearment. "Chara?" Chara shook her head slightly and put on a smile.
"Sorry, partner. I was remembering that time when I did just that. You moped around for the rest of the week." She giggled at the memory. Frisk did not reciprocate Chara's thoughts about the event.
"It wasn't even real chocolate," She huffed.
"Void chocolate is still chocolate." Chara protested. Frisk made a face and Chara smiled. The two fell into a comfortable silence, bobbing their heads slightly to the radio. "I miss this," Chara closed her eyes.
"Miss what, dear?" Frisk asked, confused. Chara sighed; familiarity pricked at her memories, but she couldn't place it. She looked at Frisk in the eyes.
"Just talking. Bickering, even. You're always shut up in your room or out doing ambassador work. I understand why, but... Be happy today, for me, please. Or at least pretend for the others. It's the big one dash eight. Have some fun."
"I, ah, I," Frisk stuttered, refusing to meet Chara's eyes. "Okay." She agreed. Frisk turned away from Chara to stare out into the scenery once more. Her throat tightened and she made sure to block Chara out of her mind. "How can I be happy when you're not here? I finally had you back and now you're gone again." She asked to seemingly no one but her own thoughts. A single tear slid down Frisk's face before she carefully wiped it away.
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undertalesacrifices · 8 years ago
Sacrifices Alternate Ending: RESET 01.
"...RESET," I clenched my eyes shut as the words slipped from my mouth. I couldn't bear to look at everyone. I didn't want to see their reactions. I didn't want to have to remember. It's not like they would. I felt something hold my hands. When I opened my eyes, Chara and Asriel were in front of me, giving me an encouraging smile.  I made eye contact with both, giving each a small nod. We summoned our soul pieces and the room around us went black. The fragments glowed in front of us. Becoming ghostlike, Chara and Asriel disappeared into their pulsating soul shards. With a warm hum, the three pieces merged together and my soul was made whole once more. I closed my eyes, tears starting to form.
"Thank you," I whispered softly to the fragile item cupped within my hands. To my surprise, I opened my eyes to greeted by a bed of golden flowers. I looked around, confused. A faint tingle went through my mind.
"Our last gift."
It didn't take rocket science to figure out who said that.
"You both are too kind," I choked on a sob, knowing they couldn't hear me. Their final ACT of MERCY was to spare me the expressions on my loved ones faces, whatever they may have been. How they did it, I would never know. I could only be grateful. With a heavy soul, I summoned the loading screen. Once again I found myself in pitch black darkness with two objects lit up in front of me. RESET and CONTINUE. Trembling fingers were placed on the left button. A dialogue box appeared.
Do you really want to RESET? -Yes -No
Slowly, but firmly, I pressed down on Yes and in an instant my vision flashed white.
I woke up with a gasp. The smell of dead leaves and sweet nectar filled my nasal passages. Silken petals were being crushed under my clenched hands. Realizing this, I released the poor flowers. The sticky sap released from the inside of the flora coated my palms in patches. With a grimace, I wiped my hands on my pants. I was back. And hopefully for the last time.
The door to The Ruins slid shut behind me. I sighed, having forgotten how emotionally draining Toriel's fight was. But that wasn't what I was worried about. My mind in a haze, I took in the scene around me. Pristine white snow lay all around, blanketing the trees in a soft cover. With every step I took, the meek crunch of snow underfoot could be heard. Soon I came upon the stick. Instead of continuing ahead, I stood there.
"Sans?" I called out, knowing full well he was there, somewhere among the wood. Heavy footsteps sounded from behind. I turned around, facing the one I held true and dear. Sans' face was blank. I couldn't imagine what he was thinking in that moment. Taking a breath, I stepped forward and reached out to him. "Sans, I'm—"
"save it."
His words were clipped. Instinctively I shrank back. Instant guilt for my decision came crashing down on me. Regret coursed throughout my mind. I had expected this kind of response, but I was hoping it wouldn't have been this way. I could see Sans' expression soften. "look, kid... er, Frisk," He started. With a touch of warmth I noted my name remained capitalized. "ya did what you felt you had to. if our roles had been reversed, if you or paps had been..." He trailed off and we stood in awkward silence for a tense moment. "i would've broken our promise, too." Sans shoved his hands in his coat and looked away. "i don't blame you." For whatever reason, his confession didn't make me feel any better. My heart leapt into my throat and I felt tears begin to escape. As he spoke reality hit me.
"How can you say that?" Sans' unexpected forgiveness had thrown me off. I'd been fully prepared to live with him hating my guts. "I threw everything away. The progress we made on the surface, yours, Chara's and Asriel's sacrifices.... All of that gone! Because, I, *hic*, because I was being, *hic*, being selfish." I finished quietly. Ice cold bones took hold of my hands. My head snapped up and I was face to face with Sans. When had he gotten so close? Before I knew it, Sans had pulled me into his embrace. I noted the cyan glow of his magic. He was using it to keep me warm as he had little of his own to offer.
"sweetheart," Sans mothered me, stroking my back calmly until my shaking and hiccups subsided. "sometimes," he whispered, "there's nothing wrong with takin care of yerself for once." I wrapped my arms around Sans, burying my face into the white fluff of his jacket. "besides," his voice sounded distant. "this was a reset after all. a do over. this time we'll make it right." Sans pushed me away some and made me look at him. "together." I frowned.
"B-but Chara! And Asriel... They're gone for good." Sans arched a nonexistent eyebrow.
I looked away. "After you... turned to dust... they offered their soul pieces back so I could RESET."
"the demons actually have a heart? i'm touched."
"Sans!" I cried out, jaw dropping. He chuckled in his easygoing way.
"relax, Frisk. i was joking."
"It wasn't a very good one," I mumbled. Sans apologized with a smile.
"welp, by the sounds of it they did that willingly."
"Yeah, but—"
"no buts. sweetheart, everything is fine." Sans tried to reassure me. I complied so we wouldn't have to go on about it, but I knew he was only saying that for my sake. Underneath all this acceptance and understanding, a subtle resentment could be detected. I had broken our promise, and in a sense, killed my best friends for good. Thanks to me, they had died. Again. I felt terrible. All of that hard work, gone. There was no way of knowing how the next three years would be again. The surface was unpredictable and didn't follow a strict dialogue were certain things to happen. Unlike the way it was in the Underground. However, while the future was uncertain, the only thing to be done now was to put Chara and Asriel's sacrifice to good use. This would be the final run. Everyone would make it to the surface, monsters would eventually be welcomed and accepted by most, and everyone would live out their lives as they should. That's a promise.
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undertalesacrifices · 8 years ago
Sacrifices: Author’s Note
Ah, hey guys! This is it. This is the end(?) Actually, actually.... Hummmm..... I decided chapter twenty-four will be the last full on chapter as it just seems fitting to leave it there and then to add on little spurts.... Editing will now commence. Any and all plot holes will be remidied, grammar corrected, things added, things taken away. While doing this I will write the spurts as well. I will also write some alternate ending chapters if RESET were to have taken place. It just won't  be canon.
Thank you guys so much for sticking with me this far! I really appreciate your feedback and support. You have no idea how happy it makes me to know people are enjoying my story. Again, thank you. <3
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undertalesacrifices · 8 years ago
Sacrifices: Twenty-Four
"...CONTINUE," My voice shook slightly as I spoke that last word. This is what Sans would have wanted, I reminded myself. But I could scarcely believe it. Toriel gently stood me up. Some of Sans' dust fell to the ground. Most of it clung to my dress from his blood. My mind went into a haze; everything  that happened after was a blur.
I remembered police had questioned me and the others about the night's events. Yellow tape was everywhere. People were being checked by the doctors that had come. Dust was gathered up and sent to their respectful families. Many of our assailants had escaped. However, thanks to the few that were taken into custody, the police were hot on their trail. It turned out the Anti-Monster Committee, better known as the AMC, had sent the assassins to take me out. Everyone associated with the AMC and the operation that led to the attack were promptly arrested and were soon being put to trial. People were outraged that the AMC dare take out one of their own species. Someone who had "heroically stood up" for a race that merely wanted peace. Human-monster relations sky rocketed. But at a cost.
The following day, funeral arrangements were made. As much dust as possible had been removed from the dress and Sans' formal jacket. We decided to dress lazily, in honour of him. I wore his blue hoodie with the white floof alongside sweatpants and a thermal. Gathering up the hoodie over over my nose, I inhaled his scent. It felt kind of wrong for me to be the one to wear it. I thought Papyrus should, but he had refused. Instead, he opted to wear the sock Sans never picked up. After washing it, of course.
I glanced around at everyone. Wind was blowing; tousling hair, fur and clothing. Echo flowers whispered amongst themselves. They looked at my expectantly.
"This is where Sans would laze about if he wasn't at Grilby's," I explained. "He showed me this place. His secret getaway. I thought it was fitting we scatter his dust here..." My fingers trembled slightly. Never once did I imagine myself signing those words. If anyone was going to die, I figured it would be me. I heard a voice giggle in my head.
h a V e n ' T  Y O u  l e A R n e D  B y  n O w ?
My head snapped up, looking around as my brow furrowed. I eventually made  eye contact with Chara, but she simply gave me a confused face.
I t  W i L L  n e v E r  b E  y O u .  i T  I S  N o t  y o u R  d e S t I N Y  t O  d i E.  a t  LEast  n O T  p E R M A m e n T l y .
I froze. It couldn't be... Toriel noticed the troubled expression on my face. She placed her hand on my shoulder, offering a comforting smile. My lips twitched upwards slightly in return. Brushing off the perturbing voice inside my head for now, (which is something I ought not to do anymore) I tightened my grip on the vase that held Sans' dust. Silently, the others lined up beside me. With a shaking hand, I placed my fingers on the piece of cork. With a pop, the top came off. I held the vase out some and Papyrus came up to me. Reaching in, he scooped up  a handful of dust. He closed his eyes and brought his hand up to his mouth, gently kissing it.
"BROTHER," He started, voice cracking. "SANS... YOU WERE ALWAYS SO LAZY. NAPPING AT YOUR SENTRY STATION, NEVER PICKING UP YOUR SOCK... YOU DIDN'T FEED OUR PET ROCK. IT REALLY MAKES A PERSON WONDER HOW YOU MANAGED ALL OF YOUR JOBS." Papyrus then made a face. "AND THOSE HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE PUNS... THAT ALWAYS MANAGED TO MAKE ME SMILE. SANS, YOU TOOK CARE OF ME,  SUPPORTED MY DREAMS, AND DID YOUR BEST TO ENSURE I WAS HAPPY. THANK YOU, FOR EVERYTHING." Tears slid down his cheek bones as he released his grip. White dust was swept up into the wind before settling down on the luminescent flowers. The next person came up to me and grabbed a handful..
"Y-you were a-a great friend and f-fellow scientist." And the next followed...
"You were a shining star!" And another....
"The best punk around!" More came up to me...
"Consider your tab taken care of, old friend." Each gathering a handful...
"Thank you for keeping your promise." And releasing white unto the flowers...
"And for disobeying my orders." Making a thin blanket of "snow"...
"Whereever you are, I hope you're having a good time..." My hands shook as I readjusted the vase. "Goodbye, sweetheart." I emptied the container out as his pet name for me slipped from my vocal cords.
We all stood there in silence as the echo flowers whispered.
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undertalesacrifices · 8 years ago
Sacrifices: ???
**Please note, I had created a poll so my readers could choose Sans’ fate. This is the aftermath.**
    "that was cruel, y'know. letting them think they had a choice." Sans said to Brynwyth inside her head. She averted her eyes. From whom? Who knows. There wasn't anyone actually there.
     "When did they ever have one?" Brynwyth asked to the air. "I'm certain many who voted just wanted to bring you back, despite the consequences. It makes me wonder... Besides, while killing you was the plan all along, ah... influencing the poll was last minute. I just really didn't want you to come back."
     "nice ta know im loved,"
     Brynwyth ignored him as she stared at the device in front of her. A scene from the game known as Undertale flashed through her mind. Black was all around. A child with black oozing holes for eyes stood before her. Brynwyth's hand hovered over a "Yes" and "No" option. She had come this far, but she didn't want to end it. Not just yet. She would RESET and try again. Something different, something new. Her hand touched "No" and she waited for the next bit of dialogue. She was uncertain what was about to happen next. The persona hadn't committed to a Genocide run before. The being in front of her laughed manically.
     Brynwyth shook her head at the memory as the words echoed through her mind. Her poll had just ended and the results were in. She smiled faintly. RESET had lost.
     "no thanks ta you," Sans grumbled.
     "Oh hush," she chided. "You're supposed to be dead."
     "yer right. technically yer just talkin ta yerself." He raised a nonexistent eyebrow.
     "That's a sign of intelligence," Brynwyth retorted. She grew quiet. The persona was arguing with herself, which could be argued to be a sign of insanity. "Am I really doing this? I could pretend I didn't do anything..."
     "tell that ta yer guilty conscience," Sans snorted.
     "I just did." She raised her eyebrows, smiling. Well, she raised one eyebrow and a hypothetical one. Being half skeleton, certain physical body parts did not exist. Brynwyth pressed her mouth into a thin line as best she could. "Should I publish this?" She crossed her arms, debating. A lightbulb went off in her head. "I'll ask Karasu!" The skelehuman highlighted the page and copied it. She exited out of the app she was using and opened her messaging app. Pressing down into the chat box, the "paste" option appeared. Brynwyth tapped it and then hit send following with a "I could just keep this whole page my guilty pleasure. A tidbit just for myself." She waited for a reply. However, it was very late. Brynwyth found herself waking up at noon the following day. She turned her phone on and was greeted by Karasu's reply. The persona was almost disappointed by the response. She hadn't really wanted to say anything and was merely playing around with the idea. Brynwyth still didn't have to, but she would. "I guess I should start writing the next chapter..."
     "they aren't gonna be very pleased with ya." Sans reminded her. Brynwyth sighed and glanced at the figure in her head.
     "I know. But they are not the ones in control here. They are the spectators. I am the game master."
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undertalesacrifices · 8 years ago
Sacrifices: Twenty-Three
Sans's POV:
(Everything that happened on the guys side that happened at the same time on the girls’ side.)
   We headed back to the table. Grilby and Muffet were already there. He waved me over and I sat by him. I nudged Grilby.
   "so, didja confess?"
   The place where his cheeks would be began to turn flame blue.
   "We're, ah, as she put it, an item, now."
   "heh. looks like ya won this time," I winked at Grilby.
   "I take it you didn't confess then?"
   "At least you danced with her. It looked like you two were having fun."
   I smiled. "yeah, we did."
   "HEY, GUYS," My brothers voice came from behind me. "I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS HAS ARRIVED. WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?"
   "you," I grinned mischievously.
   "of course! particularly about what's going on with ya and undyne."
   "OH..." Pap's usually loud demeanor quieted. His voiced dropped to a whisper, which for him was basically talking at a normal level.
   "Yes," Grilby chimed in. "That's exactly what we were talking about. What's happening between the two of you?"
   My skull shut down for about two seconds before I was able to process what Papyrus had just said.
   "Bravo, good sir! Way to capture the affections of Miss Undyne."
   "SANS? SANS, ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" Papyrus looked at me worriedly. I snapped out of my daze and looked at him.
   "i'm alright bro, jus’ needed a second. i was shocked a bit is all. i'm happy fer ya. i trust undyne to make sure nothing happens to you,"
   I shrugged. "it goes both ways."
Frisk's POV:
(Everything that happened on the girls’ side that happened at the same time on the guys side. Plus the rest of the chapter story. xD)
   When we got back to the table, everyone else began to join us. Chara was to my left and Toriel was on my right. Alphys and Undyne sat across from each other and Muffet was next to Alphys. All the guys were on the other end of the table with good amount of space between the groups. Perfect for grilling each other without the opposite sex overhearing anything.
   "So," Chara gave me a knowing look. "You and the skeleton have fun dancing? You seemed really into it,"
   "Right back at you, partner," I stuck my tongue out at her. "Asriel actually got you on the dance floor. Is it because you liiiiiiike him?" I smiled coyly.
   Chara blushed and glared at me. "No! He's like my little brother! Kid-next-door kind of thing. Brother from another mother. I could never see him that way,"
   "Sure," I rolled my eyes. "Your blush states otherwise."
   "I s-ship it," Alphys giggled.
   "You ship everyone, Alphys." Undyne chided.
   "N-No I don't!" The lizard like monster protested.
   "Oh? What's this, my child? You have a crush on Asriel?" Toriel looked at Chara curiously.
   "I do not!" Chara exclaimed.
   Toriel put he rose over her mouth and giggled. "My goat mom sense is tingling. I'm quite certain you like my kid." We both chuckled at her pun while Chara fumed.
   "Excuse me," Someone cleared their throat. We all turned our attention to the woman dressed in a waiter’s garb. "Would any of you care for some sparkling tea?"
   I nodded and the others voiced their agreement. The waitress went around the table passing out glasses. I was about to take a sip from my glass when a string of web suddenly engulfed the glass and my hand.
   "Don't drink that!" Muffet shrieked.
   I looked up, horrified. Everyone else in the room was staring at our table now.
   "What's wrong, Muffet?" Toriel asked worriedly.
   "The waitress put something in Frisk's drink!" Our attention returned to the waitress who now looked angry.
   "Tch," She clicked her tongue. "Plan B it is." The waitress whipped out a radio and spoke incoherently into it. Suddenly, gun shots range throughout the ballroom as figures completely shrouded in black materialized all around the room, pouring in from various doors. Several monsters cried out in fear, others in pain from being wounded.
   "EVERYBODY OUT!" A rough male voice called out from the center of the room. The floor trembled as people stampeded towards the door.  Before I could react, the phony waitress grabbed my wrist and maneuvered me into a head lock. I squirmed and tried to get out, but she pulled out a knife, pressing it against my throat. I quickly stilled.
   "Unhand my child this instant!" Toriel's eyes gleamed dangerously, her fire magic gathering on her paws.
   "Don't move an inch, or your precious ambassador dies!" She growled.
   "It'll be okay," I signed in an attempt to calm Toriel down. "You—
   "Not one more word out of you, you monster-loving whelp." I felt the knife's pressure increase. My hands ceased to move. I could see a familiar glowing blue eye out of my peripheral vision. My eyes widened as the realized what Sans was planning to do. Amongst all the ruckus, I could hear Asgore shouting orders to protect the monsters and for everyone to leave. Some monsters had taken it upon themselves to try and attempt to subdue the black cloaked humans, but to no avail. Dust, so much dust was beginning to scatter around the room. I watched in horror as monsters around me crumbled before my eyes.
   "Don't let them take the souls!" Undyne cried out. One of the figures scoffed.
   "As if we would want any of you filthy things to become a part of us," They spat.
   The woman forced me to walk backwards. We were headed towards an exit near the back of the ballroom.
   "P-Please don't hurt a-anyone else," I pleaded. "I'll come quietly, just please, stop this pointless bloodshed!"
   She looked down at me, a sick look in her eyes. "So, the rumors were true. Frisk Dreemurr, monster ambassador, pacifist. Don't worry, little angle of death, we won't do more than necessary."
   "if ya dun wanna have a bad time, i suggest ya unhand her," Sans' voice sounded from behind. The phony waitress whipped around, twisting me painfully with her.
   "Or what?" Defiance flared in her eyes.
   "or this,"
   Suddenly, Sans teleported right in front of us, grabbing my shoulder. I felt a sting and then my vision turned blue. Sans teleported us away, but not before the woman had left a shallow cut in my neck. Sans quickly undid his tie, muttering unintelligible things as he fastened it around my neck.
   "that should work fer now," He looked into my eyes. "are ya alright?"
   I nodded, eyes wide and in shock.
   Sans quickly spun around and threw up a wall of bones. The woman who had captured me slashed a knife through them. Memories of my Genocide run flashed through my mind. Sans built a barrier of blue bones around me.
   "stay here,"
   "Sans, wait!" I cried out, cringing at the pain. He looked back at me, but only for a moment.
   "You're going to have to do better that that, skeleton!" The waitress barked.
   "ya haven't even seen what i can dish out yet, lady," Sans grinned menacingly. The two battled on for what seemed forever. And I was trapped here, helpless.
   "Don't kill her Sans! She just doesn't understand!"
   "Oh, I understand plenty!"
   "not sure that ya do," He gritted out as he blocked off another attack. "can't promise i won't kill her, sweetheart, tha way this is goin'."
   I bit my lip, desperately wanting to help. Suddenly, the human threw out a smoke bomb. The area was soon covered in a haze. I couldn't see anything, save blue flashes from Sans' magic.
   "Argh!" I heard a sickening sound as bone crushed bone. The same sound that graced my ears when Sans had killed me all those years ago. The smoke cleared and I could see Sans bent over, panting. He turned towards me and waved his hand, making my cage disappear.
   "sorry, kiddo, i—"
   "SANS, LOOK OUT!" I shrieked, running towards him.
   His eye socket flashed and he turned, dodging the strike.
   "ya mis—"
   Sans's eye sockets widened and he looked down at his chest. A knife point was sticking out. With great effort, Sans created a bone and hit his attacker with it in the head, causing them to be knocked out. He reached behind his back and pulled the knife out, dropping it. The moment his attacker was out, all the other blacked clothed figures retreated. Sirens could be heard in the distance.
   I rushed over to him as he collapsed. I lifted him up and place Sans on my lap. What little HP he had was draining quickly. His blood stained my dress, turning it into a deep magenta.  I placed my hands over the wound, applying pressure. This couldn't be happening. It just couldn't! I won't allow it.
   "h-heya, sweet pea," Sans coughed, causing blood to trickle from his mouth.
   "No, no, no, no," I sobbed. "Sans, you can't die. You're not allowed to."
   "doesn't seem like ya have much of a choice there," he grinned weakly. Tears streamed down my cheeks. I could hear footsteps pounding towards me. Probably Toriel. I didn't care. She was too late. I could already feel Sans turning into dust. "sweetheart?" Sans brushed the tears from my eyes with a shaky skeletal hand.
   "this isn't yer fault, okay?"
   "But it is!"
   "it's not. i made... my decision.... ta protect ya." Sans' breath grew shallower. "yer gonna haveta... let... me go,"
   "I don't want to!" Tears threatened to spill over once again.
   "shh, shh, dun cry, Frisk," He out made a labored effort to say my name. Enough to where the first letter was capitalized. "i suppose, if this is tha last chance i'm goin' ta get,"
   "No, don't say that. I can fix this!"
   "Frisk," Sans' lower half was almost completely gone. "i love you." My eyes widened in shock. "i've loved... ya fer a... very... long time now... i'm sorry... fer only now... working up tha guts... ta tell ya..."
   "I can't believe you just made a pun," My voice cracked. "You're dying. This is no time for jokes."
   "heh... yer right."
   "Hey," I whispered.
   "yes, Frisk?"
   "I love you, too."
   Sans' eye sockets slid shut.
   "i'm glad... ta hear that..."
   And with that, the rest of Sans turned to dust. His remains were scattered all over my hands and were clenched in my hands. An unearthly sound ripped out of my throat as I mourned. Amidst my tears, I spoke softly to his dust.
   "It's going to be hard to let go, you know. I didn't just like you. Your wit and charm, your annoying antics, your kindness, and gentleness. I fell in love with all of that. I fell in love... With you."
   I remained sitting there in silence, clutching Sans' jacket, for what seemed to be an eternity. I felt a gentle hand touch my shoulder. I turned and looked up.
   "Toriel," My voice cracked. She said nothing and pulled me into her arms. I heard the others gather around me.
   "B-BROTHER?" Papyrus' heartbroken cry wrecked my heart.
   The footsteps and shouts of police soon echoed through the ballroom. I loosened my arms around Toriel's waist and pulled back. A hard look set in my eyes.
   "I have to fix this," I stated, determined. "Even if it means breaking the promise I made to Sans all those years ago."
   "B-but, Frisk!" Alphys exclaimed. She knew what I meant. "S-Sans sacrificed his life for you! You can't just throw that away. What about Chara and A-Asriel?"
   I turned to look at her. "What do you mean," I gave her a challenging look.
   "You c-can't reset without your whole soul,"
   "Reset?" Toriel questioned me. I ignored her.
   "They'll have to give the shards back, won't they?"
   Alphys shuffled nervously.
   "Y-Yes... And then..."
   "They will disappear. Forever." I finished her statement.
   "Think about it Frisk. You k-know Sans wouldn't want you to reset.
   "I," I paused, broken. "I know but..." I grew silent. Everyone looked at me expectantly. I looked at every one of them, seeking their counsel. Starting with Papyrus.
   I turned my attention towards Toriel and Asgore. Toriel spoke in their stead.
   "We cannot make the decision for you, my child. Whatever you decide, you must commit and be ready to deal with the consequences."
   My gaze landed on Undyne next.
   "I... I'll have to agree with Asgore and Toriel... I'm sorry, Frisk." Undyne lowered her head and Papyrus wrapped his arm around her shoulders.
   "Grilby? Muffet?"
   "Don't waste what he's done for you, Frisk," Grilby said, blowing off his usually formalities. "It's not what he would want."
   "I don't have much of a say in this, Frisk. I've never known you or Sans that well. I'll have to abstain." Muffet looked away.
   "It's alright, Muffet. I understand."
   My attention turned to the final two of everyone I held near and dear.
   "Frisk... I... We... Asriel and I want you to take the soul shards back..." Chara mumbled quietly.
   "But then you would die!" I frowned. "I want to bring back Sans, but I also want you two to stay and be alive. I can't just let you go. Not after everything I did to bring you back."
   "Frisk," Asriel started. "Chara and I have had a good second run. I mean, we both already died once. In all honesty, we shouldn't even be here." Chara continued for him.
   "We've both had our second chances. I think the smiley— I mean, I think Sans deserves one now."
   I was silent. I didn't know what to do. I was torn in what decision to make. I played everything back in my mind. Everything that had happened. Everything that led up to this point. Holding Sans' jacket close, I decided.
   "Alright, everyone," I vocalized. "I've come to a decision. I'm going to—"
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undertalesacrifices · 8 years ago
Sacrifices: Twenty-Two
A/N: One more "fluff" chapter before I make you all hate me again. :D --
   Toriel had apologized for not telling me that she invited a lot of people. Of course, I forgave her. I know she's proud of me and wanted to show off her precious child. Toriel suggested I go and visit with some of the monsters. I think she just wants me to socialize with people other than my close friends and family. However, I complied and started going around the room.
   It took a little while, but soon I was rather comfortable with talking to everyone. My shell was broken and it would be some time before it was glued back together. Many congratulated me, others gushed over how much I had grown from when I first set everyone free. I simply smiled and welcomed the compliments. A warm, fuzzy feeling built up inside me as I continued to go around the room talking to everyone. Perhaps having such a large party wasn't a bad idea after all, I thought. This went on for around an hour or so before I retreated to the punch bowl. I hadn't drunken anything all evening and my throat was parched, despite primarily communicating through sign language.
   Suddenly, the lights dimmed and slow tempered music began to play. People began to gather on the dance floor, mostly couples from what I saw. I noticed Toriel and Asgore had entered the dance floor as well. No surprise there. They wouldn't miss an opportunity to slow dance with each other, I mused, smiling. To my surprise, a certain fire elemental monster and spider took to the floor as well. I'd suspected the two had a thing for each other, this confirmed it. To no surprise, Asriel had managed to convince Chara to dance with him. They were so cute together! It was adorable the way Chara stumbled about, attempting not to step on Asriel's feet. Taking a sip of my punch, I continued to survey the scene. Mettaton and Alphys soon took the spotlight as Mettaton pulled off some flashy moves. Poor, Alphy, I giggled at her flushed cheeks.
   Looking around, I sought out Papyrus and Undyne. Soon I spotted them near the corner of the dance floor, away from everyone else. The two were rocking back and forth slowly, both of them had a blush equivalent to a bad sunburn. Everyone had someone, it seemed. Everyone except for me. I sighed and mindlessly sipped my punch. I wish Sans would ask me to dance... Soon, I headed over to the table that was designated for me, my close friends, and my family. I idly played with my fingers as I watched all the couples dance.
   "Maybe I'll just get up and start dancing anyways," I mumbled.
   "hey there, pretty lady,"
   I felt my cheeks flush as I turned my head to my left. There Sans stood, hand held out. I noticed his cheek bones had taken on a light cyan colouring.
   "ya seem awful bonely standing here by yerself. care ta dance?"
   I giggled at his pun an accepted his hand. Sans led me out onto the dance floor. He put his free hand on my waist, which caused me to blush even more than I already was. As I put my hands on his shoulder I asked, "S-So, who put you up to this?"
   "i see ta think highly of me," He teased. I made a face.
   "Sans, why would your pile of lazy bones willingly do something that requires physical exertion?"
   Sans chuckled. "alright, ya caught me. grilbz noticed ya were by yerself and told me ta go ask ya ta dance,"
   I knew it. Like he would ask me on his own.
   "Grilby has been dancing for a while now," I said, subtly calling him out on his last statement. "And with Muffet I might add."
   He grinned.
   "him and muffet? that's a new development."
   "I had had a feeling the two liked each other. Despite Muffet's apparent hostility towards Grilby,"
   We were both grew quiet as we swayed back and forth. I looked down at our feet. I don't think I could handle staring directly at him.
   "So, Papyrus and Undyne," I said, breaking the silence.
   "i trust her," Sans replied coolly.
   "They make a cute couple."
   "i won't disagree with that," He chuckled. "paps always had a thing fer her. finally worked up tha guts ta do something about now that she’s had a break from her last relationship, it would seem."
   "Is that why he joined the Royal Guard?"
   "yes n’ no. ya know papyrus, he genuinely wants ta help people. it's in his nature. getting ta be around undyne all the time was jus’ a bonus."
   The slow and gentle music soon died away to be replaced with something more upbeat. I was about to let go of Sans' hand when he spoke.
   "d'ya know how ta swing?"
   Sans adjusted his hand hold on mine. Instead of simply having my hand on top of his, it was like a cookie in a glass of milk. He then lowered our entwined hands to waist height. I looked up at him confused.
   "i'll take that as a no. it's fairly easy, i can show ya how."
   Sans gave me a speed lesson on how to do swing. You basically just step forward and back in a rocking motion, then swing out every now and then. We practiced for a little bit longer until the next song started. It pretty much had the same tempo, so I assumed it was another swing song.
   "five, six, seven, eight, n’ go!"
   We stepped in beat going back and forth steadily. I kept my focus on our feet as to make sure I wouldn't step and his feet. This went on for a couple of minutes before he told me to look up.
   "relax, dancin’ is supposed ta be fun,"
   I giggled nervously as I looked up into his eyes.
   "I l-literally just learned this dance. I don't know how relaxed you expect me to be."
   That only garnered me a laugh as we continued to dance to the beat.
   "let's try ta swing out, eh?"
   "You sure?"
   "what could go wrong?"
   A lot of things, I thought dryly.
   "alright, and one, two, three, and swing!"
   I spun and swung out, and keeping to the beat, swung back in. My face flushed with the exhilaration.
   "yer a natural," Sans grinned. I returned the smile, almost breathless.
   We continued to dance until I declared my legs were going to turn into jelly and I would then have to eat them because of how hungry I was.
   "i guess we better fix that,"
   We went back to the table and got our plates. As we walked over to the food table, I glanced at Sans. I hadn't really noticed what he had been wearing. I was too preoccupied trying to not make a fool out of myself. He was wearing a tux, though as of now he wasn't wearing his jacket. The tie around his neck was neatly done. Must be Papyrus' doing. I couldn't imagine Sans being able to properly do it. He looked rather dashing. I sucked in a breath, working up courage.
   "You look nice, S-Sans." Sans jolted a little and looked at me. "Well, you c-called me pretty earlier. Thought I'd return the complement," I mumbled, eyes cast downward.
   "awe, thanks kiddo," I glanced back up at him. His cheek bones were a bright cyan blue. "let's get our food," he said, continuing towards the food line.
   "Y-Yeah, good idea." I followed on after him, scolding myself for doing what I had done, but congratulating myself at the same time.
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undertalesacrifices · 8 years ago
Sacrifices: Twenty-One
    Soon, a hotel loomed into view. THE SHERATON was emblazoned on the side of the building. Eyes widened, my mouth fell into a small o. I'd only ever seen pictures of the place. The hotel's ballroom was reportedly magnificent.
     "I hope you don't mind, darling," Mettaton said from the front. He turned around. "It was the best I could do on short notice. Toriel informed me only last week that she wanted to throw a graduation party for you."
     I shook my head vigorously.
     "No, this is great! I've always wanted to come to The Sheraton," I took on a confused face. "Why such a large venue though?"
     "Did your mother not tell you she invited all of the monsters in the area? She's very proud of you, y'know."
     My stomach twisted a bit. That was a lot of people.
     "The world's biggest flirt is afraid of crowds?" Chara nudged me playfully.
     "No," I signed whilst sucking my cheek in. "I just thought it was going to be a small, private, celebration is all."
     "Don't worry darling, tonight is going to be spectacular! You'll be fine,"
     If you say so, I thought to myself. "Alright, Mettaton." I flashed him a winning smile. Satisfied, Mettaton turned back in his seat.
     Soon, we pulled into the hotel parking lot and made our way to the hotel entrance. I felt butterflies dancing in the pit of my stomach. The last time I'd been to a big function like this was the middle school formal. And that had gone badly. I bit the inside of my cheek as we walked across the parking lot.
     Papyrus held his arm out pointing in the direction of the doors and marched on proudly. I giggled, his confidence lessening the butterflies. It's just a graduation party, I reminded myself. It's not a dance where your date stood you up last minute. Besides, that was only sixth grade, any relationships then were meaningless—
     "I can hear your rambling. You should do a better job of closing off your mind."
     S-Sorry, I stammered. It's just nerves.
     I glanced back at Chara. She stuck her tongue out at me.
     "Try not to worry so much, partner. It's a party for you! If you don't have fun, that kind of defeats the purpose of having it. It'll be fine."
     I know.... Well, everyone there is going to be a monster, and they're generally very nice by nature. So, yes, you're right. Everything will be fine.
     "Atta girl,"
     Chara linked her arm in mine and we continued on. Mettaton took the lead as Papyrus held the hotel door open for us. Mettaton led us down a corridor before promptly turning right. At the end of the hall, two gigantic doors were open, displaying the ballroom in all of its glory. It was gorgeous! Gold and white was everywhere. From the tables to the chandeliers. There were all sorts of monsters, many I recognized. Some were dancing, others were in line for food. Then Mettaton turned his speakerphone mode on.
     "Beauties and gentlebeauties, our honoured guest has arrived! Please give her a round of applause!"
     Everyone stood up and began to cheer. I blushed, embarrassed by all the attention. You would think I was used to this by now, being the monster ambassador. A compartment on Mettaton slid open and he took out a microphone. He held it out to me. I looked at him worriedly before accepting it.
     "Say something," he smiled. I unlinked arms with Chara and fumbled around with the mic to turn it on.
    "T-Thank you everyone," I stuttered. "I appreciate you all t-taking the time to come out here. I hope you all have a splendid evening!"
     More clapping ensued but soon died down. With shaking fingers, I handed the microphone back to Mettaton.
     "You did wonderful, darling!" He beamed.
     "Thanks, guys," I signed with a wavering smile.
     "Well, I'll be taking my leave. There's a certain doctor I need to find." With that Mettaton skipped off.
     "Mettaton is a bigger flirt than you are. Poor Alphys," Chara chuckled. I turned to Chara.
     "You know she secretly loves it," I signed. "For her it's like an anime come to life."
     "Heya, punk!" A voice came from behind, interrupting us. "Finally made it to your own party, eh?"
     I gestured towards Papyrus.
     "Pappy dear made sure we did."
     "Of course," Undyne flashed a toothy smile. "One of the first lessons I ever gave him was to be punctual." She turned to me. "How've ya been holdin' up, Frisk?"
     "A lot better now, thank you."
     "That's always good to hear. Can't have my best friend be illen'."
     I smiled at her reference to when we'd first met.
     "Naturally! Even if it were so, nothing golden flower tea couldn't fix."
     "Or a spaghetti lesson," We both snickered at the memory. I glanced back at Chara only to see she wasn't there anymore. I looked around the room and spotted her. She seemed to be walking towards.... Asriel. Figures, I thought with a roll of my eyes.
     "Well, I'm going to find Toriel. It was nice catching up with you Undyne. You two have fun," I winked at Papyrus. The orangey glow on his cheek bones grew slightly brighter as I turned to leave.
  Sans's POV:
    I watched Frisk from across the room, who seemed to be looking for someone. Deep purple fabric hugged her petite frame, skirts swaying along with her hips. The royal insignia was cut out on the dress's back, exposing bare skin. Frisk found Toriel, who was with Asgore, and began talking animatedly with her hands. She turned, her face now in view. Her hair was swept up in an elegant up-do, two curls framing her face perfectly. Frisk's eyes were blue gemstones set upon beige porcelain.
     "I don't understand why you don't just tell her," Jumping a little, I looked to my right. A familiar glasses baring flamed head met my glance.
     "whaddaya mean?" I replied.
     "You know exactly what I mean. The two of you cleared things up, right? I don't see any reason why you can't tell her you like her." He crossed his arms.
     "heh," I laughed. "i'm not interested in tha kid,"
     Grilbz gave me an admonishing look. Or at least it's what he probably did. You can't really tell when he doesn't have any facial features.
     "Frisk isn't a child anymore, Sans. She'll be eighteen in a couple of months. And I'm quite certain you do have a thing for her. At least drunk you does." Grilby took on a thoughtful look. "What was the saying? A drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts?"
     "alright, alright," I grumbled. "ya got me," Lifting up a bony finger, I pointed at him. "but i dun think ya have room ta talk."
     "Whatever do you mean?" It was Grilby's turn to feign ignorance.
     "ya’ve liked muffet fer like, a decade, dude. and ya’ve done squat."
     "T-That's because there is simply no way she'd be interested in me. She swore we were rivals, remember?"
     "how could i? tha day she stormed in, whew! declaring ya two were at war fer tha customers," I chuckled then mumbled, "not like there were a lot ta begin with..." I looked up at Grilbz. "it's been years, bro. take a chance. heat up tha coals and ya might get a flame," I winked at him. Grilby groaned and hit my softly on the shoulder.
     "Oh, knock it off," He paused for a moment. "Here, we both have to at least dance with the ones that have caught our affections. Bonus points for confessing. What do you say?"
     I gave Grilby a knowing grin.
     "challenge accepted."
-- A/N: It appears Grilby beat Chara to setting those two up. ;D
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undertalesacrifices · 8 years ago
Sacrifices: Twenty
    I was released the following day; the hospital staff could scarcely believe how I had healed so quickly. Doctor Powell however, merely gave me a knowing look. I didn't trust him. But he soon slipped from my mind, as did the death threat I'd received during my short hospital stay as the days went by.
         Life had become rather peaceful, considering all the events that had transpired. Chara stayed with me and Asriel stayed in the guest bedroom at Toriel and Asgore's house. Tori has been notably happier since her long-lost children are back. That's understandable, considering they were both dead once upon a time. But now it was like they were never gone in the first place. Much to my surprise, even Sans was warming up to Chara some.
         And when I thought things couldn't be better, human-monster relations improved vastly; more and more people were becoming accepting of monster kind. Policies had even been instated that ensure beginning next school year, monsters will be able to attend human schools and universities. It's a slow process, but we're getting there.
    Around a month or so after my hospital release, Toriel declared school was out for the summer and I had officially graduated high school. Though to Asriel and Chara's dismay, they would be beginning school again come September.
     "It won't be so bad, Chara," I signed.
     Chara crossed her arms and huffed.
     "Easy for you to say. You're already done with school."
     I laughed with a small grimace.
     "Not quite. I still must attend college if I'm to continue being the ambassador for monsters. I'm turning eighteen soon, so for me to maintain my position, I need to earn a degree in international relations."
     Chara looked at me, dumbfounded.
     "That sounds like a lot of work,"
     I rolled my eyes, sighing.
     "That's only the beginning," with a shrug I signed, "But hey, at least you get to go to public school."
     It was Chara's turn to roll her eyes.
     "Oh, goody. Public school."
     I had clearly touched a sore spot. One I knew all too well myself.
     "It won't be so bad," I placed my hand on her shoulder. "Azzie will be there, and so will Toriel."
     She cocked her head at me.
     "Right. I had forgotten Mom was going to be there."
     "Yup. Building Dreemurr Academy has always been her dream. And it's finally become a reality. You know—"
     A familiar voice belonging to a certain skeleton boomed through the door, cutting me off.
     "We're coming Papyrus," Chara replied.
     We looked at each other and gave knowing smiles. Grabbing our purses, we headed out of my room to be greeted by Papyrus.
     "What, are you the fashion police?" Chara laughed.
     "No," A voice floated down the hall followed by a tall, stylish robot. "That would be my job."
     "Mettaton!" I signed, smiling.
     "Frisk, darling! It is so good to see you again."
     "What about me?" Chara pouted.
     Mettaton glanced at Chara with a playful grin.
     "So impatient! I was saving the best for last."
     Gasping, I clutched my chest and pretended to be offended.
     "Traitor," I signed, giggling.
     "Alright, alright, we hear you."
     The four of us headed downstairs and out the door. We piled into Papyrus' car and were soon on the road. I tapped on Mettaton's shoulder and he turned towards me.
     "Where is the graduation party?” I signed to Mettaton.
     "That's a surprise, my dear. I'm sure you'll love it!"
     "Naturally," I beamed. "If anything has to do with you, it'll be spectacular." I winked at him.
     "Oh, you're too much." Mettaton blushed a bit before turning back to face the front.
     "Ever the flirt, aren't cha, partner?"
     I shrugged and winked at Chara, smiling coyly.
     Chara sighed and stared out the car window for a little while. The car was quiet, save the music Papyrus had turned on.
     "Y'know, I'm sure there's a certain monster who gets jealous every time you do that."
     I jumped slightly, then realized Chara was communicating through our minds. For that I was grateful. I knew where this was headed.
     What do you mean? I replied, feigning confusion.
     "You're always flirting with everyone,"
     I glanced at Chara. That's just my way. Everyone knows that by now.
     "Sure, they know, but that knowledge may not help."
     What are you getting at?
     "You seriously haven't noticed?"
     Noticed what? And whom are you referencing?
     She let out a sigh and turned to me.
     "C'mon bonehead, use your skull."
     Called it. Have to change the subject, play it off.
     Papyrus? I gave her an amused look. We're simply friends. I cleared that up after our first date. Besides, it's kind of obvious he has a thing for Undyne.
     "No, you numbskull!" Chara stared at me, exasperated. She wasn't going to let me off easy. "Frisk, stop it. You know who I'm talking about." I looked away from her.
     I doubt he does. He probably just sees me as another family member. Like a sister or something.
     Chara smirked triumphantly. I glanced back at her with a glare.
     "Didn't take very too long get you to crack, partner. And I'm fairly certain Sans sees you as more than that."
     I scoffed mentally. After everything that has happened, being seen as his little sister is almost too much to hope for. Anything more? Ha.
     "But you'd like him too, wouldn't you?"
                   I could feel my face burning. Chara got that look on her face, smiling deviously.
     "You're blushing!"
     Am not! I shot back, pressing my lips together, cheeks puffed. I attempted to regain my composure.
     I do NOT have any feelings for him. At least not anymore. It was a silly childhood crush, nothing more. Besides, I'm pretty sure I ruined any chance I had. And how could you possibly know if he—
     "Denial is oozing out of you like melted cheese and it's pathetic."
     That shut me up real quick. She wasn't wrong. I turned my head to look out the window, rubbing the back of my head.
     Can't keep anything a secret from you, huh?
     "Not when we shared bodies for so long. Besides, it's obvious."
     My head snapped to face her.
     It's that bad?
     Chara nodded solemnly, then grinned.
     "It's pretty obvious he likes you as well. You both are just too dense to notice."
     Hey! I crossed my arms, indignant. She took on a thoughtful expression.
     "But I can see how you would think he didn't, considering the last run."
     I sighed. I'd like to believe you, Chara, but it's just so unlikely. I've been pushing these feelings aside for a long time now. Sans hating my guts the past few years made that easier. I played nice and so did he, for the most part. Having him find out I like him probably would have made things worse. I could imagine his eyes going dark then coldly laughing, reminding me of what I'd done before rejecting me. Even now, though we've cleared things up, I can't help but fear that will be his response. Can we stop talking about this now?
     "Well, I got you to admit you like him, so yes, we can stop. For now. Baby steps; we'll get there."
     It was Chara's turn to wink at me.
     You better not be planning anything.
     "I promise nothing."
-- A/N: Wasn't this a nice break from all the bad things that have happened to Frisk? Well, sort of. Poor baby still had negative connotations with discussing the subject. Ah well, she's openly admitted now. To Chara anyways.
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