venelona · 2 years
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Piece Me Back Together - Chapter 1
After years of being convinced that the Underground and monster were a dream, Frisk is faced with a reality more twisted that she could ever imagine when the Barrier gets broken and monster race is turned into slaves for humans. However, her dimmed determination gets reignited when she sees an old friend and seeks to do everything she can to help him.
In this new year, I present you a Horrortale/Enslavement Frans fanfic! Like all my writings, it's been sitting in my lap for so long that I got tired of trying to make it better and just dropping what I have now!
I have like 10 more chapters written and will probably drop one every week, so I hope you guys enjoy!
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monster-loverr · 2 years
Hey Monster Lover, I was wanted to say how much I love your work when I was starting to get into Frans fanfics in the 7th grade…like your spicy works were one of my few favorites when I finally decided to read spicy between 8th and 9th grade…yeah it took me a while 😅
I’m serious when I say Rejection 2 (and Lemon Frans to some extent) shaped how I look at good spicy fanfic and the dynamic of a healthy active bedroom style, like I’m very much a s€x-repulsed asexual myself, but it’s top tier especially when it breaks the trope of “hot and heavy” with some jokes and having a conversation about it 😤👌
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While I still won't recommend minors to read my nsfw stories, I love everything else about this ask! You're not the first ace that reaches out to me and I'm happy I got to share my take on healthy bedroom dynamics that even some ace people seem to enjoy 🥲
Adding a pinch of reality or sillyness on these scenes brings me joy and I love that it's appreciated, so thank you for your words 🥰
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the-writing-mobster · 2 years
So my cousin got married today and I attended his wedding, so happy for him! It got me in the marriage mindset however and so my girlfriend and I watched 27 Dresses.
Basically all of that was a long winded way of saying that now I want to write short Frans fic inspired by 27 Dresses. Frisk would be a Wedding Planner who is so wrapped up in her work that she has no time for her own romantic life,,, and Sans is a cynical columnist who writes for weddings cause that's just the department he got shoehorned into hahaha. Kind of an "annoyed frenemies to lovers" thing. Hahaha!
I'm not gonna write it any time soon but that's an idea for sure.
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undertalesacrifices · 7 years
Pre-Sacrifices: Join the Monsters
 "You're faking it."
 "Such a loser."
 "Absolutely worthless."
 "You're a traitor to your friends!"
 "You're insane."
 "A complete psychopath!"
 "A murderer."
     The police had closed the case as an accident. Besides, why would someone push their best friend into a pit? The child in question was mute and known to be the sweetest person around. Surely it was just horseplay gone wrong.
     Frisk's mouth soured at the news article. Horseplay gone wrong, eh? That was one way to put it. She put the newspaper down and finished her breakfast. As Frisk cleaned up she heard the tell-tale squeak of the school bus's brakes. With a clatter her plate was dropped in the sink and she scooped up her backpack in one fluid motion. Before she exited her front porch she turned to the doorbell and rang it twice. This told Frisk's parents she had left for the day. It was an excellent alternative considering she couldn't simply holler out, "Mum! Da! I'm heading out!"
     The mute child was apprehensive as she boarded the bus. It was the first day of the eighth grade. Frisk wasn't quite sure what to expect, though the whispers made one thing certain; She would never have any friends. 
     The entire bus quieted as Frisk stood in the aisle. She scanned the seats looking for an open spot. Frisk made eye contact with a boy near the middle. He quickly looked away and placed his book bag on the seat next to him. Frisk sighed and appropriated a seat behind the bus driver. At least by sitting there she hoped to be the lesser target for spit balls. The livelihood of the bus resumed. Frisk rested her check against the cool of the glass window. She had almost dozed off when she felt something smack the back of her head. A snigger could be heard from a few rows away. With a grimace the mute reached her hand behind her head to dislodge the vile projectile from her hair. This won't be the last of that, she thought glumly. If this was how bus rides would be she could only imagine how hallway and cafeteria confrontations would go. 
     Eventually, the bus arrived at her school, Victoria Classical Academy. Frisk departed from the bus with haste and hurried into the gym. As per morning protocol, grades sat on the floor in a line with their respective grade group and class until their homeroom teacher came and picked them up. 
     Frisk was one of the first people to arrive. Not surprising, considering how early the bus had gotten to the school. If Frisk had been the absolute first one, which would mean beating the car riders, then that in itself would be a miracle. She took her place behind a girl. Frisk studied her, curious. The mute didn't recognize the classmate in front of her. She had silk white hair and snowy skin. Her frame was slender, almost worryingly so. Frisk tapped her shoulder. The girl jumped a little and turned her head around. Frisk smiled and waved hello. The girl stared back with intense ice blue eyes. She was albino!
     "What's your name?" Frisk signed, hopeful. Frisk watched realization dawn upon the unknown females face. She smiled shyly.
     "They call me Shauna. What about you?" The albino signed. Delight overflowed Frisk. Someone who could sign! And well. She wouldn't have to resort to writing on her portable white board. The two girls chattered on amicably, discussing their similarities, differences, what they were excited about for the new school year and so on. This continued until a portly woman, which Frisk now knew as Mrs North, gathered her class together and had us march single file down the school halls and into her classroom. Frisk complied gaily. She had made a new friend! Her mind was on a happy buzz.
     But it didn't last.
     By lunch time, Shauna had been informed of what Frisk had done. When Frisk had come to sit by her she was immediately greeted with repulsion of horror. 
     "Stay away from me, freak!" Shauna screamed in English, not at least giving Frisk the mercy of using the language of the hands so no one would hear. "I don't want to end up like that girl!" The entire lunch room stilled and stared at Frisk in disgust. 
     Frisk held back tears, lips trembling. There was no point in trying to defend herself. Lunch monitors quickly diffused the situation appropriately, scolding Shauna and directing everyone to continue their lunch. Frisk ran out of the lunch room.
     When she returned home later that day after facing more taunts and jeers from the bus kids, an upset Da was waiting for her. 
     "Why did the school call me about misbehavior?!" he demanded angrily. Frisk's jaw dropped. 
     "W-what?" Her hands shook as she signed. "The only thing I did was run out of the lunch room after some kids started bullying me. I wasn't misbehaving." Frisk protested. Her father's expression was dark and purple.
     "I would bully you too, knowing what you have done." he growled. Shock rippled through Frisk. She had never heard Da speak to her this way before. And unjustly so! "Come here, you pathetic whelp!" He reached out and grabbed Frisk by the wrist. His eyes were crazed and they looked all around sporadically. "Can't speak and now you're a murderer! Why do you have to plague your parent's life with your very existence? You belong in hell!" Frisk's Da undid his belt. She bucked against him but he held firm. Inhumane sounds gargled out of Frisk's lips as she was lashed with the leather strip. She didn't know when he stopped. But when he did he spat, "You got what you deserve." He dragged her to her room and dumped her in the tub. "Clean yourself up!"' he barked and then left. Frisk could feel the welts rising along her backside. Where the belt buckle had snagged was a laceration. 
     With violently shaking fingers, Frisk peeled her school uniform off. Any and every movement was painful. Frisk's Mum wouldn't hear anything about this until she came back from her business trip. That was in a month. The mute was still breathing ragged, gulping breaths as she washed her battered body. They would leave ugly scars. Frisk dealt with her Da's abusive outburst for three weeks before deciding to run away. 
     "Why was I even born?" This morning's cuts pulsated. "Nobody wants me. Nobody loves me. The only person who might've is gone. And it's all my fault." The mantra repeated inside Frisk's mind. Her head pounded. The rush of blood in her ears washed away all sound. She was barely aware of the other children around her. Frisk had gotten used to it. When the bus dropped her home today, instead of heading inside she made her way to the trail that led up the mountain. Dirt and sweat entered her cuts, causing them to sting. But Frisk didn't care.
     Her feet stopped at the edge of the pit. Frisk leaned over, peering into unrelenting blackness. "It's so dark..." she whispered. "I can't see the bottom. Maybe... Maybe there's a way to end all of this." Frisk's heart began to palpitate. There was no going back. 
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xxred-rainxx · 8 years
DAY ONE: First ___
Summary: One always remembers the firsts of a romantic relationship, and Sans is no different.
He could remember it all very clearly, all the precious memories that he and the human had gathered over the last five years (in terms of them being together) as well as the years before that. The memories were hitting him like a freight train as he regarded the dark brown carpet before him. It made his (semi) permanent grin widen, to the point where he probably looked genuinely happy, rather than the sarcastic smirks and smiles he often gave. Remembering such things as that made him feel warm on the inside, and genuinely good about everything for once.
The monster curled his fists into his pockets, feeling anticipation well up within him. It was nearly time, and he would give himself time to think of the memories that he and her had shared, because... Because to him, they were just that important.
It had been only a few years since all the monsters had been released from the the underground (or hell, according to Sans and some other members of monster society). Being out of the barrier and feeling the sun on... well, not your skin, seeing as Sans didn't have skin – so, bones it is – was pleasant, and looking up to a light filled, starry sky as well as just fresh air. While he had never really been on the surface as a baby bones – he had been born within the war about a year before Papyrus, which was no doubt a desperate act from both his parents, bless them both – it was still like he had returned home. He realised early on that anything to do with the sky in general was good.
He decided pretty early on that he would like to learn more about the celestial bodies which were found far away from Earth. He guessed he had always had a fascination with the stars, but seeing them full-on had made his rhetorical heart beat pretty quickly.
With this particular memory, Sans had been with Frisk during then – in human years she was sixteen years old (which, he realised made him a lot older than she was – as he was about ninety in human years, while only being considered eighteen himself in monster years). They had all escaped five years ago, and he was grateful for her having come down and saved them. Well, to begin with... the genocide she had committed was something he rarely allowed himself to think of, and he realises that she had been controlled by a sadistic human.
The two of them were resting underneath the stars. They changed where they lived to a place which was beneath a mountain which snowed all throughout the year. Many monsters preferred it, with the fire elementals going elsewhere. Sans, having lived in Snowdin for most of his life (that he remembers), chose to live with his brother and some of the others. Asgore and Toriel had come with due to hot weather being horrid for their fur, and they were more built for chilly climates. Asgore was still in control of the monsters – in terms of being their king, and it was very unlikely that that would change.
Sans glanced down at the platter of food spread in front of them. It was an assortment of different foods, including both human and magical as well as odd mixtures that Frisk had no doubt learned from her adoptive mother. The skeletal monster grinned widely as he picked up a cheese square and plopped it into his mouth, tasting the difference between human and monster food first hand. He realised early on that monster food is much more bubbly and light in contrast to human food which had all sorts of textures. He had tried a human burger at one stage, and noted the difference. Still, ketchup tasted like ketchup no matter where one is from.
His eye lights focused on Frisk who was still studying the stars, her head tilted back with her arms behind her. She had... grown. It irked him how much a human changes in their growth from being a child to an adolescent. She was still quite small compared to him – which was quite amusing considering he found himself to be extremely puny in contrast to other monsters – such as his brother, for example. Although, it turns out he is about the size of a average sized human male. So, his brother is just ridiculously tall.
The monster smirked once more, before patting the human's leg, “hey, you gonna actually eat something, kiddo?” he asked, voice thick with amusement – she had yet to even touch anything, no doubt mesmerised by the stars.
She jolted before facing him and grinning – nice and wide. Sans felt his non-existing heart jolt at that, but did not show it whatsoever (thank god he didn't blush blue!). “Sorry, I forgot, Sans... Didn't really realise I had been paying so much attention to the stars... they're just so pretty tonight...”
The monster's smile grew as he reached his hand over to her shoulder, feeling himself become, well, happy at the touch, “just have somethin' for ol' sansy. it'll make me feel better that ya ate something, hun.”
Frisk blushed – no doubt from the usage of 'hun' – and picked up a magical drink and took a sip, before her eyes turned back onto the night sky. She pulled back and squinted her eyes before yelling out, “It's starting, Sans! It's starting!”
It made him nearly chuckle at how excited she was over the meteor shower that was about to happen. He was glad even more that he studied the stars as much as he did. He always knew what was happening before it would happen, even more so than human scientists – he was a genius to some extent, a lazy one, yes, but a genius (kind of). The monster, however, did not allow his gaze to flicker onto the cosmic event happening above them.
The white specks of his eyes were focused purely on her. The moonlight made them shine more so, and he allowed his permanent grin to fall. A look of thoughtfulness. A look of... affection. Pure, affection. His soul fluttered at the thought and he realised right then and there how much he wanted to keep her like this; for her to show her wonder. Sans realised that he also wanted her to look at him like that.
“It's so beautiful...” she whispered, so softly that even he had trouble catching it.
But he did, nonetheless, and his voice dropped a few octaves, but loud enough for her to hear: “so are you.”
He heard her take a deep breath, and he grinned at her. He knew it. He loved her...
Sans had had issues allowing himself to feel that particular way for her. He wanted her to be able to have a normal life, and not have to worry about a lazy bastard like him. As well as a messed up bastard who had so many fucking issues it was not funny. Still, he was a selfish monster – he always had been. He wanted nothing more than to tie her to him in every way possible, but he knew how damned bad that thought was. He would be incredibly selfish if he did such a thing, and he doubted he could forgive himself.
So, when she started openly trying to get his attention in that way he was not sure what to do about it. On one hand, he was ecstatic that she was paining as much attention to him as she was, and it made his base instincts want to... heh. But, he was not one to listen to his instincts. As stated like, twice, he is a lazy bastard and will continue to be so, even if intellectually he wants something he shouldn't want.
One thing he remembers is that they were drinking. Heavily. She was more far gone than he was, and she was hiccupping and slurring her words, but she just was so damned adorable and he liked it so much. He had eventually decided to take her away from the party – it had been a gathering for Undyne's and Alphys birthday, Sans had decided he had had enough of all the people, and asked if she had wanted to come with. Really, he should have known, considering he knew she had a crush on him. However, he can't really say that he regret what had happened then.
The two of them had walked to a nearby park. Loud music was still hanging in the air, but it was mostly drowned out, and it was somewhat calming. She had, like a child, ran to the swings and immediately started swinging. He found her childishness endearing sometimes.
“hey, kiddo, did you have a good time?” Sans asked, feeling his head swim from the alcohol, “'cos i sure did, but somethin' was... fishy about the way undyne was looking at alphys.”
The skeleton promptly winked.
Frisk giggled cheerily and glanced down at him, her eyes glazed over thanks to the alcohol, and her cheeks lightly flushed in pink, “Leave them be, Sans. They have just gotten engaged. Undyne knew she would say yes, so they had the party that day. I'm sure they want to...” she trailed off, her flush turning more into embarrassment.
Sans grinned, “of course they do. who wouldn't? i mean...”
The human glanced over at him before shyly looking down, “It's just so weird seeing everyone start to... you know... get together with someone. Even Papyrus has someone.”
The skeleton's smile faded as he regarded her a moment, “you're still young, frisk. you don't need to worry about that shit yet.”
“I know, b—but I can't help but want something...” she paused, looking down, “I mean...”
Sans sighed heavily. She had stopped swinging. He walked in front of her, so that her legs were around his sides. If he had not of been as drunk as he was, he probably would not have done what he did next. He lowered his hand down to her chin, so that his fingers pressed against it. Mist blew out from her mouth as she looked up at him, mouth slightly agape as she regarded him. He usually wore gloves, but tonight he decided not to.
He pulled her close, resting his bony lips against hers – yes, he could kiss, his mouth was malleable after all, it was just better to show a smile all the time – and gently kissed her. Her eyes flittered closed, as did his. Sans could feel his soul quake in excitement as he kissed her, but he decided to quash these feelings by pulling back. He rested a bony finger against her lip, gently stroking.
“you're not unwanted in that way, sweetheart,” he breathed softly, “i mean i...” Sans blushed himself, magic making his face feel warm.
He pulled back and stared down at her, almost afraid of her reaction towards him. She did not have much of a reaction other than a bit of confusion and just plain old being dazed. He nearly grinned at that.
“You...?” she whispered softly, looking up at him, “Did you... you know... mean it?”
Sans was so shocked by her thought that it was anything else, that he nearly felt offended by it. Nearly being the keyword, but still... He stared down at her, opening his mouth slightly before looking away.
“yeah, kiddo,” he mumbled.
Her nose curled up at his word 'kiddo', “It's weird that you kissed me and you're still calling me that.”
“hah... it's a habit, sweetheart,” he reached down and rested his hand against her cheek now, “did you... want that?”
She sniffled and nodded, “For such a long time, Sans.”
“heh, well... i kinda figured. knew ya had a crush on me,” he said, and she turned about five different shades of red before dropping her head in shame, “it was cute, really. but... yeah.”
Frisk grinned at the skeleton before rubbing her fingers over his cheek bones. He nearly purred at that, but caught himself last minute. He gazed at her longingly before his smile widened again, as a thought crossed his head. “well, you like me, and i like you... so, how about... you and i start datin'?”
It was a gentle way of him saying what he wanted from her, and it made her feel warm on the inside. She smiled kindly at the skeleton before nodding, seeming to be quite happy with the situation that was unfolding between them.
Things had been happening pretty steadily for the two of them since then. Toriel and Asgore had not been that pleased, but after a (very scary, in Sans' opinion) discussion between the four of them, the two had decided that Sans was not all that bad for their daughter. Although, Sans knew for quite a while that Toriel had held a lot of hesitence, due to being unsure of a monster and a human – especially her own daughter – being together. Sans did not take it personally, as he would probably feel the same if Papyrus ended up in a relationship with a human also.
It had been quite good for them, although they did get in their fair share of fights. A couple was basically too perfect if there were no fights, and it would often show that there were problems beneath the surface if there was no fighting at all. It would have made Sans pretty worried for the future of their coupling had there have been no fighting at all.
Things had went quite smoothly after; he had taken her on a date which was quite memorable for him. Frisk did not seem to have expected much in the terms of dating – he did not take it personally, he was quite lazy and his courtship usually led to straight up sex when it came to other monsters... honestly, he was surprised Frisk had trusted him as much as she did. He was very, very grateful for that.
Their first date had been at a fancy restaurant that he had passed on his way to work (for once he had walked), and he decided to make a shortcut in an alleyway nearby in case he wanted fancy food (fancy human food was really a treat). It had practically been a date so memorable. Although, he had never thought of himself as being that corny when it came to the two dating. It still amused him to this day.
He straightened his tie and looked in the mirror before winking. His signature grin was, as always, larger when his thoughts came onto Frisk. It was time. Today was the day. He fingered the velvet box in his pocket and smiled. Would she... Would she be happy? He was sure she would. The two had talked about marriage for the last couple of years, but Sans had never been more sure of it since now.
The ring? Well, it was the very ring his father had gifted his mother when they had bonded. It was the only thing he had left of his mother, and he loved Frisk enough to give her it. His mother would have been proud of the woman he has found. Verdana had always been a stickler for sweethearts, from what his father had once said a long time ago when the two had talked about the bonding of monsters over a warm meal (Papyrus had been in bed sick then, and Sans had been curious when he was sure Papyrus would be okay).
“ok, you can do this, sans,” the skeleton said to himself – although, he would be lying if he said he was not nervous. How could he not be? He was about to ask the woman of his dreams to marry him, to bond with him for life. To be his mate. It was no joking matter, Sans knew.
And the rest? The rest was history. She had been so surprised when he had asked her a knock knock joke that went along so... stupidly. Even Sans knew what was a stupid joke.
(“knock knock, sweetheart.” “Mm?” “Knock knock.” A sly grin as he fingered the velvet before he plucked it out of his pocket and got to one knee... “Oh my God, Sans-” “aa, aa, aa, the joke, sweetheart.” “Oh, uhm... Who's there?” “marry.” He smirked, knowing that she would probably groan. “Marry who?” “marry me?” And a loud painful groan escaped her pink lips, “Saaaaaaaaaaans. Why did you – Oh, I should say no for that joke, but you already know I wouldn't so yes! Yes, I'll marry you!”)
And now... here he was.
Eye lights focused on the path ahead once more as the human song that announces when the bride walks in chimed into his ears. And there she was... as beautiful as ever, and about to be his. While he had had his fair share of firsts with her – he was her first love, her first kiss, her first boyfriend even... He wanted to be her last everything, and that he shall be.
The skeleton grinned widely as he watched her, and felt a sting in one of his eye sockets. He wiped it away. Ah, it was only a bit of dust...
Author's notes: and done. First time I've participated (properly) in a pairing week/month and it was Frans! I hope this was all good for a few people, and sorry if the style changed a little throughout. I had stopped and started and I wished I had of written this all in one sitting. Ah well, what can you do about it? I hope it's enjoyable and can't wait to give another piece tomorrow. Toodles~!
EDIT: Due to my hard drive needing to be changed over, I was unable to post these prompts. I'll post this one for now, but consider the rest to be of the same issue. When they're posted on FF and AO3 they'll be posted in bulk.
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oraclesaturn2 · 4 years
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Franszine Heartfelt 2018 A fanart of Mobtale AU Fransfic: Good food, Good friends, Bad laughs by shyviolet77 undertale -> Tobyfox
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franstastic-ideas · 3 years
What are your altertale head canons?
I haven't delved too deeply into Altertale actually, excluding that Yandere!Altertale Fransfic I wrote a long time ago.
But AT!Sans would be such a good hubby for Frisk! All those warm and domestic aspects of UT!Sans are more front and center in him, and amplified. Being around him feels like home.
And he takes such good care of his darling human when she comes to him after a long day filled with ambassador duties. He'll run her a relaxing bath while he finishes up dinner, give her a massage later, and make sure she rests up.
His pumpkin works so hard for him and the rest of monsterkind, and Sans feels that no matter how much effort he puts forth, this is still the absolute least he can do for her.
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kryptsune · 4 years
Do you have any wholesome fransfics you could recommend? I’ve been finding so many rated R type ones and I��m sick of it 😅 ~Hype Anon 💙
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🌼TLC... No no, I am kidding. Honestly, I am not the best person to ask because unfortunately, I do not have too much time to read fics being a writer myself. The best person to ask is one of my closest friends @venelona She can give you some really great recommendations that are wholesome and cute! 
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catsitta · 4 years
Don't know if you've already been asked this, but what's your favourite frans fanfic?
That would be Sooner or Later You’re Gonna be Mine (Explicit) by Staringback. It was the fanfic that got me in the fandom and really cemented my love of mafia fanfics. Though I have my eye on quite a few fransfics. There are many very well written ones that I hope the author continues some day. 
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happyhearthooligan · 4 years
Master List Jan Edition 2020
franstastic-ideas - January Content
Jan 6 - May I have some more Cleaved!AU headcanons???
Jan 27 - Can I have more yandere cleaved au? Please.
Jan 29 - The skeletons’ perspective when Frisk leaves for the first time
Pure Underfell
Jan 1 - Does Red ever tease Edge about how "poor" his "flirt game" is?
Jan 3
Are Mettaton and Alphys fans of humans as well?
Papyrus and Chara’s relationship is honestly extremely sweet
Jan 6 - You said that UF Sans is a romantic at heart…
Jan 13 - As Frisk doesn't live with the Royal Family, she's not their child…
Jan 19 - I feel obligated to say that, out of ALL the Sanses…
Jan 29 - One of UF Chara's hobbies is writing poems…
Pure Underswap
Jan 6  - y A n d e r e ?
Jan 21 - Since you now need "aggressively affectionate Swap Sans”…
Jan 25 - Yandere berry hides under Frisk's bed. Pass it on
Classic Undertale
Jan 3 - What "body types" do Frisk and Chara have?
Jan 5 - Does Chara still think Papyrus is a dork after marriage?
Jan 13 - How do the characters react to hearing their theme?
Jan 20 - Pre-pacifist, does Papyrus tell Sans puns to help Sans out of his brooding?
Jan 21 - Does Papyrus get jealous because Chara and Asriel relation?
Multiple AU Headcanons
Jan 3 - What's Papyrus and Undyne’s relationship in the other Aus?
Jan 5 - How do Chara’s AU counterparts feel about flowers?
Jan 26 - The Sanses give their girls a puppy as a gift…
Other Headcanons
Jan 3 - Dancetale G x Frisk headcanon?
Jan 5
A Pokemon AU, Frans/Papara content.
What is Valentine's Day like in the Convergence AU?
Jan 6 - Some Mystery Dungeon AU headcanons
Jan 13 - More Greaser G AU Frans? HC?
Jan 16
Any lamia head cannon? UwU
Can we have some kiddie young love Frans ^^
Jan 20 - I have the most horrible, most cruel, most heinous concept for a Fransfic…
Jan 23 - Swapfell Frans headcanons
Jan 28 - Fun Fact for the UF Prompt "You’ve Gotta Be Kitten Me”:
Other types of posts
Jan 3
My Switch Lite arrived in the mail today, and I am loving it!
I’ve obtained an insane amount of shinies recently…
How come you've never read Sooner or Later You're Gonna Be Mine?
Jan 13 - I don't know if you have seen the cartoon called Big City Green…
Jan 14 - The Switch Lite? Definitely a good investment on my part
Jan 16
I’ve been thinking about…
Okay, so Pokémon: Twilight Wings is a thing now.
Jan 17 - So, uh, would anybody like to hear about that time…
Jan 18 - I thought I was gonna add a Frosmoth as the final member…
Jan 19 - Me: You mean 2008 wasn’t, like, three years ago?
Jan 21 - Leon took his loss so well and in great stride, with dignity.
Jan 23 - By all means, let us hear about this dark, comedy, otome game…
Jan 24 - Why are so many people portraying Gordie as…
Jan 25 - So, uh, Fransweek…
Jan 27 - Do you like Error x Core!Frisk? Or Ink x Core!Frisk?
Jan 28 - What the heck is going on in that jacked up game of yours? ------------------------------------------------------
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venelona · 5 years
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Fanart for a fanfic ‘What Am I To You?’ by  RoaringLion29, chapter 16
Being a feared Mob Boss Sans acts like a schoolgirl that got her first crush around Frisk and that’s just adorable
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monster-loverr · 2 years
Hey, I really wanna read Frans fanfiction but had trouble finding anything of high quality. Do you have anything SFW that you would recommend from some of your own? I just stumbled upon your page and the stuff you do is really cool
Hi, dear! First of all: thank you! 🥰 I personally don't consider my stuff high quality, it's more like medium quality I guess but if that's what you're looking for, let's go!
For SFW Frans fics, I have two one shots and one full fic: A broken promise, Hogwartstale and Rejection. They all have, at most, some hot kisses. So I'd say they're 12+? (I'm honestly not sure at what age people these days stop thinking french kisses are gross, so it's your decision really)
But if you want actual high quality, I suggest Songfell from Ikustioa! I believe there's one nsfw chapter but the author put warnings in it, so you can skip it. I'd also suggest Bride of the Underworld by Catsitta but she haven't updated the story in ages, so that's an issue.
Peeps, feel free to leave suggestions on the comments!
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kimchilovinggenie · 5 years
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Sans from my fransfic on Ao3 called “Better Safe Than Sorry”
I forgot to sign it
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undertalesacrifices · 8 years
Sacrifices: Nineteen
Sans's POV:
    I watched my brother and Frisk conversate. They smiled happily and chattered as though they were old friends who hadn't seen the other in a long time. Frisk's eyes were aglow, the cyan scarf enhancing two pools of ocean blue. But amidst the warmth, a darkness like the abyss of the sea could be detected. something is bothering her, I thought. whatever it is, it's serious. I brushed the thought aside for now with the intention of asking her how she was later. Then I remembered what I had told Frisk earlier before Paps had burst into the room.
     "hey, paps?"
     Frisk and Papyrus stopped talking and turned their attention to me.
     "YES, BROTHER?"
     I leaned back, putting my arms behind me to support myself. Shutting one eye, I looked at Papyrus.
     "it would sure be great if tha human, er, frisk could come home soon, huh?"
     I shrugged, grinning.
     "what if she were healed? there wouldn't be a point ta her being at tha hospital then, would there?"
     He gave me a puzzled look, then a lightbulb in Pap's head went off.
     "i try," I said with another shrug.
  Frisk's POV:
    Papyrus rolled his nonexistent eyes at Sans before turning to me.
     "What are you guys talking about?" I signed, curious. I thought back to what Sans had said about Papyrus being able to help wondered if it had anything to do with that.
     "I'M GOING TO HEAL YOU, FRISK!" Papyrus said excitedly.
     "How?" I tilted my head slightly.
     "tha skeleton race is famous within monster kind fer having healing magic. tha only other species of monster with this kinda magic ‘re boss monsters," Sans explained.
     A memory resurfaced from long ago. I looked over to him and signed, "Couldn't you or Toriel have healed me then, too?"
     Sans' gaze darkened for a brief second before he regained his composure.
     "nah, paps is way betta at it then i am. as fer tori? she was probably too overcome with grief at tha time ta have thought about that,"
     I flinched on the inside at that and cast my gaze downward, playing with my fingers. Papyrus caught on to the tension and placed a bony hand on my shoulder.
     I looked up at Papyrus as he grabbed my hands. His eye sockets closed as he concentrated. Suddenly, they opened, glowing with an orange light. Strange, I thought. When Sans uses magic, only one eye glows... The room suddenly darkened, distracting my train of thought. I felt a pulling sensation at my chest. My soul materialized in front of me. At least what was left of it. The soul shard pulsated. The surface was cracked and it seemed to be bleeding. I cupped my hands around it, hugging it close.
     "FRISK..." Paps looked into my eyes, expression saddened. "I DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN THROUGH, BUT I WILL DO MY BEST TO FIX IT." He had a determined look in his face. I smiled softly.
     "Thank you," I whispered as I released my soul.
     A warmth enveloped my being as orange magic wrapped around the soul shard. The light emanating from Papyrus' magic was so bright, I had to shield my eyes. It felt like there was wind in the room, whipping my hair around along with the bed sheets. The bed itself seemed to be shaking from the might of his magic. I felt myself begin to levitate and squeaked in surprise. His magic was now wrapped around me, my soul and himself. It pulsed to the rhythm of my soul. Energy was coursing through me, weariness fading away. Suddenly the magic went straight into my soul, no longer enveloping Papyrus and me. The bleeding stopped and the cracks glowed, but they wouldn't seal. I watched Papyrus' brow furrow in concentration as more magic was poured into the soul shard. The pressure I felt on my soul increased.
     "Don't exert yourself, Papyrus," I said softly. "Some things cannot be fixed, even by the strongest of magic."
     Papyrus' magic gently lowered me back on the bed. The cracks on my soul still glowed however, even though his magic had left it.  It seemed while the magic wouldn't make the cracks disappear, it acted as a bandage. My soul went back into my body and light returned. Paps looked defeated and exhausted. I laid my hand on his shoulder.
                   "It's okay, Papyrus," I whispered. "You did your best, you helped. I feel much better now. Thank you."
     His face lit up and he smiled.
     "YOU ARE VERY WELCOME, FRISK!" Papyrus pulled me into a hug which I gladly accepted.
     "i dun mean ta intrude on yer hugging party or anything, but if anything needs fixing now, it's tha room."
    The mood broken, I pulled out of Papyrus' embraced and examined my surroundings. My hospital room was a mess. The sheets were rumpled, pillows on the ground and a piece of pie was stuck to the wall. Pie?
     "Nooooooo," I wailed. My precious pie, all over the wall. The skeleton brothers followed my gaze.
     Sans put his hand over his mouth, eyes widening. I could tell he was holding back. Papyrus on the other hand looked as crestfallen as I felt.
     Before I could say anything, Paps was out the door. Sans burst out laughing, unable to contain his amusement any longer.
     "That's not funny!" I signed, annoyed.
     "i dunno, kid. i found it very humerus."
     I glared at Sans and signed for him to help me clean up. I stood up with ease, no longer having to worry about my legs giving out. Sans went to cleaning the pie off the wall while I straightened up my bed. As I placed the last pillow in its proper spot, I noticed a card on the ground. I froze. Quickly, I picked it up and tried to shove it back under the pillow before Sans could notice. Luck was not on my side.
     "whatcha got there, sweetheart?"
     I turned to Sans, pulling a poker face.
     "Just a get-well card," I signed.
     Sans gave me a knowing look. I wasn't fooling him.
     "why're ya hiding it yer your pillow then? doesn't it make more sense ta put it next ta tha azaleas?"
     I glanced at the vase of flowers. So that's what those are called, I mused.
     "It's precious to me," I signed hurriedly, wanting Sans to drop the subject. "Didn't you ever put things that were precious to you under your pillow as a kid?"
     Sans gave me a hard stare. I felt guilt crawling down my spine. He simply shrugged and winked.
     "can't say i have. humans have weird childhood traditions."
                                                                                                           I mentally let out a sigh of relief that Sans stopped bothering me about the card. Things would not bode well if he knew of its contents.
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monster-loverr · 4 years
I actually did it!!! I finished it!!! After all this time!! Aaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! 🤩🤩
Please please read and comment, or I will get sad.
NSFW, grown ups only!!
***Edit: I'm actually getting lots of comments and I'm so happy TuT
If you are shy or awkward just send something anonymous, you really can't imagine the power your words have to brighten a writer's day
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monster-loverr · 4 years
Miraculously, I was inspired to write both yesterday and today.
The final chapter from Rejection 2 is now 4322 words.
And I still didn't finish.
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