#BUT I SAW MY MOM!!!!! i went to her house it was awesome i pet a horse which was one o fmy lifelong dreams
bluebipples · 1 year
i- I’m not even gonna question you anymore, honey. i married you for the person you are anyway ❤️
mmm what’re you gonna do to me?
ilysm im packing to move so i haven't been able to be chronically online like i want to be but pls ilysm and i will worship u and treat u like the queen that u r
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cryptidsurveys · 25 days
Wednesday, August 28th, 2024.
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What type of milk do you like to drink? I don't normally drink milk by itself, but if I was going to drink plain milk, then it would be whole.
Do you have a first aid kit at home? I don't.
What’s the absolute bare minimum in terms of facilities when you’re camping? As someone who used to do a lot of backpacking, I don't require any facilities. I'm even cool with cowboy camping (in a sleeping bag right under the stars) if the weather is nice enough.
How many places have you lived in your life? As far as states go, I've lived in Louisiana and Colorado. In Colorado, I've lived in a house, an apartment, and two duplexes.
Are your parents dog or cat people? Is that different or the same as you? My dad is more of a cat person. He's somewhat fearful of dogs. I think my mom is more of a cat person as well. She lives with a roommate and they have four cats and two dogs, but I believe the dogs belong to the roommate and are not her preference.
What’s your favourite flavour of potato chip? It's so hard to choose… I like jalapeno, salt and vinegar, lime, bbq, cheese, sour cream and onion…
What’s the longest your hair has ever been? How long is it now? I think the longest it's ever been was slightly past my shoulders, possibly approaching mid-back. It's very short now because I just gave myself a buzzcut.
What video games remind you of your childhood? Rollercoaster Tycoon, Children of the Nile, Mario Kart, Starcraft, Moraff Games (they had a bunch of different games - mahjong, tetris, pinball, puzzles, etc).
What does your body wash or soap smell like? Strawberries and cream.
Are there are sounds that bother you on a visceral level? There are sounds that annoy me (obnoxiously loud ads, high pitched beeping, etc), but as for something visceral…the birds at the pet shop where I used to work. One day they got to screaming and squawking so badly I almost blacked out with rage.
What was the last thing you bought online? Pretty sure it was an e-book.
Name something you always have in your fridge. Almond milk, yogurt, sriracha sauce, jalapenos, cheese…
Have you ever had to hire a lawyer? Why? I haven't.
Have you taken a walk today? Did you see any dogs? My dad and I went on a short hike at the Mountain Park. I didn't see any dogs. I saw some deer, though - not on the trail itself, but on the drive in/out as well as at the picnic site.
What vegetable do you really hate? There aren't any veggies I really hate.
Does your family have any traditions or rituals? My dad and I have some corny little traditions related to hiking trips.
If you could learn any language, what would it be? Japanese.
What was the best thing that happened today? Something that seems minor can still be awesome. Visiting the Mountain Park. The faintest whisper of autumn was in the air. It might have been subtle, but the nostalgia that overcame me was quite profound. That's one of my favorite things about nature and the cycle of the seasons - the way they evoke memories and emotions I can scarcely put into words. I was just happy to be there with my dad and to have that experience with him.
Have you ever donated money to a charity? Which one? At some point.
Did you have a large circle of friends in high school? I guess I had a decently large group of friends/acquaintances.
Would you ever get a matching tattoo with someone? My mom and I have matching tattoos, but it wasn't originally planned that way. I don't remember exactly how it went, but I got one for myself, she liked it too, probably asked if it was cool if she "copied me," and then got it for herself.
What time do you usually go to sleep? Soooo early.
Do you have a job? Not a paid job, but somewhere I basically work full-time? Yes.
What colour are the plates in your kitchen? They're not all one color.
What was the last gift you received? Easter chocolates from my mom.
What is your Chinese zodiac animal? Snake.
Are you inside right now? If you’re home, what room of the house are you in? I'm in my bedroom.
Are you good at remembering faces? I'm okay at it.
What will you do after this survey? Listen to something on YouTube until it's time for dinner.
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dnarez · 3 years
Chapter 9 - My son, My mom
[Kind of rushed, sorry for the fast pass]
After taking the train to Fukuoka, Keigo's home city, you went to the adress that was on the official Hawks's Agency site.
You decided to walk, the weather was nice, but it could use a little wind, so you pointed your finger to the sky and made a loop like drawn with it, wind started to blow lightly, but because of how sudden it was some skirts went up, and you saw a newspaper hit a men in the face.
The path was very calm after that, but on the contrary of the outside, you were panicking on the inside, heart throbbing with anxiety, but you didn't allowed your feet to stop moving.
'What if he doesn't recognize me? No... I know that I have a little more breast, and may have some grey hair but-! It's Keigo! I want to see him! He's probably busy... what will I tell them to let me in?... oh! I can use my commission ID!!!'
You finally were getting there! The building was clear as day to you, you walked a little faster but calmed yourself down before going next to the receptionist.
"Hello, I came to see Hawks" you said with the typical 'business' voice
"Sorry hun, you can't, no fans allowed" she said not looking up.
"He's expecting me" you crossed your arms.
She looked at you up and down "That's kinda hard to belive Miss, since his schedule that I take care of doesn't have anything about MILFs"
You glared at her and showed your ID "Maybe there is something for the hero commission"
The girl paled at the card "Yes ma'am, I will tell him right now" she took the phone and called him... "Yes I know but-... It's the commission sir... she didn't- okay... yes sir" she hangs up the phone "last floor big wood door, there's no way you can miss it"
You nod to her and hold yourself back from running to the elevator, when you get there and see yourself on the mirror you frown.
Your face is starting to have marks, the scar on your chest is hidden behind your shirt, but the ghost feeling of the knife going through skin and breaking your chest bones was terrifying to remember, so you closed your eyes and focused on your breathing.
But closing your eyes made part of it worst, the flashbacks of those nights that you had to sell your body for information.
The "ding" from the elevator brought you back to today, taking a deep relived breath you get out of the elevator and go to his office door.
You knock three times, the business like knock made you cringe, but it's the way you alway knock.
"Come in" you heard his voice, and just that made you smile.
The pictures of him were everywhere on the internet, he was a very handsome man, extremely smart, kind, loving, and nothing of it was thanks to you... because you went away.
You closed the door behind you and saw that he's doing paperwork, a lot of it, the piles were even on the floor, but he had no feather on his wings "You are two hours early, this better be important, I am the number two pro hero after all" he didn't looked up from his papers, just kept writing.
Even if you saw a dozen of pictures trying to get familiar with his face, you just couldn't  be prepared enough for this.
That small child that loved to laugh with you, that ate your food with a big smile, that had nightmares and would run to you, your son... was a grown up, and you weren't able to watch any of this.
His birthdays, fights with instructors, his teenager phase, his first crush, first love, first kiss, him being an ass to the higher ups and you would have to buy ice cream for him later... all those especial moments were lost, away from you.
Keigo heard sobbing an someone started to cry, when he looked up he was in total shock. "Mom?" His voice was barely over a wisper
"Keigo I'm so sorry!" You fell on your knees and bowed down.
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(For those that don't know, this is the type of bowing that it's taken very seriously on Japan, as it represent that you are truthfully sorry, it's called Dogeza)
Hawks jumped from his chair and run to you "MOM GET UP!"
"I'm so-so sorry! I didn't have a option! The mission was so long! I there were moments that I though that I would never see you again! Must have feelt so alone, must have thought that I abandoned you! But I swear Keigo! Lil birb! My son!" You raise your head and look at him kneeled in front of you "I MISSED YOU SO MUCH! I'M SOR-"
Hawks hugged you tightly "Y-you came back!" You hug him just as tighly.
"I would never dream of leaving you alone, my boy" you sink your hand on his hair and scratch it, your other and pets his lower back "I'm so proud of you Keigo, you did such an amazing job all alone"
"I wasn't alone!" He break the hug and you see his face.
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"I had you with me all this time! Your coat, a-and your diary! Your dairy had so many advice in it! I always felt like you were with me, but I missed you so much mom! Are you-" he takes a deep breath and you pet his hair "are you going to stay?"
You nod quickly "Of course! There is no better place in this world for me than by my son's side" you both hug each other.
"Mom!" He buried his face on her neck, hiccuping like the little boy he was to you.
"My baby birb, you did so well until now, you truly are awesome as fuck" you kiss his cheek and he sighs.
After all you were here holding each other's hand, he felt like a weight lift from his shoulders.
"Let's go to your house, I can prepare anything you would like" you separate the hug and get up.
He nods getting up too "I want  that fried chicken you do! I never found a place that does it like yours!"
You both talk and clean each other's face.
This was true happiness...
................................ Important!
This is the ending... but not exactly,  this is actually the end to this part of the history.
Now there's still something's going around, like when hawks fights dabi, Y/n will help Aizawa with classes, Y/n had a close relationship with AFO on her mission.
But technically it ends here, the rest of this book will takes twice as long for me to do.
If you follow me on my tumblr and/or Ao3, you know that I wrote 7 works until now, to which I'm currently working on 3 constantly and 2 from time to time.
So I hope you all can keep reading my work.
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cupcakes4747 · 4 years
Duplicity | I
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Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: slight profanity, cheating
Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
Genre: angst, fluff, father! au, husband! au
m a s t e r l i s t
You were filled with pride as you and your husband Taehyung applauded for your kids after their school choir concert was over. Your five year old daughter Soomi and her twin brother Jaemin had been working so hard practicing every day for their choir concert and tonight they did awesome and you felt very proud as a mom and so did Taehyung. Your beautiful kids ran up to you and you both had carried them and engulfed them in a big hug.
“We’re so proud of you! Both of you were amazing!” you congratulated.
“Yeah, you both are even better at singing than me,” Taehyung added and the kids giggled.
“Can we go out for pizza?” your Soomi asked, looking up at you with her big puppy dog eyes.
“Yeah, can we?” Jaemin added. You looked at Taehyung and he was also smiling widely, waiting for you to approve so he could get to eat pizza. Sometimes it felt like he was one of your kids instead of your husband.
“Okay fine, you kids earned it,” you gave in.
“YAY!!!” the three of them shouted in unison. You laughed at their cuteness. Before stepping into the car, Taehyung held open the door for you and gave you a quick peck on the cheek.
“Thank you, babe,” he said while still smiling widely.
The rest of the time was spent with the four of you having fun together as a family. You loved your husband so much and your kids just as much if not more. You loved your family and couldn’t have asked for a better one. You were completely satisfied with your life.
Later that night you were brushing your teeth after tucking your kids into bed and felt your husband hug you from behind.
“Tae, what are you doing? Let me brush.”
“But you’re so warm,” he said, his eyes still closed. You smiled and rested your head on his before continuing to brush. When you finished, Taehyung lifted you and threw you over his shoulder like you were a sack of potatoes.
“Ahh, Taehyung! I swear if you drop me, I’ll drop you off a cliff.” Taehyung laughed.
“Don’t worry. You have a muscular husband,” he said cockily. 
“Muscular my ass,” you muttered under your breath. But he still heard you and threw you on the bed.
“What did you say?” He started tickling the life out of you while you kept screaming at him to stop. “Shh, you’ll wake the kids up.” You gave him a deadpan look.
“Fuck you.” Taehyung giggled and brought you into a cuddling position. 
“I’m so tired, princess.”
“Yeah, me too. Being your wife is tiring,” you joked.
“Do you want me to start tickling you again?”
“No sorry sir.” You both burst into laughter. “Okay but seriously let’s sleep.” You turned around gave Taehyung a kiss. As you were drifting off to sleep you heard Taehyung whisper something into your ear.
“I love you so much, Princess.” 
“Yeah and then I drew a picture of a dinosaur and painted it purple but Jaemin said that dinosaurs weren’t purple so then…” your daughter rambled as you were walking both your kids home from school the next day. You had reached your apartment and the second you opened the door, your kids ran in, threw their backpacks to the ground, and ran to the kitchen to look for a snack. They’re just like me. You saw Taehyung’s keys on the counter. Taehyung’s here? That’s strange. He told me he had work today. You walked to your room to go change into some comfy clothes, but before you could open the door, you heard some noises coming from your bedroom. You pressed your ear to the door and could hear grunts and moans and a woman’s voice moaning Taehyung’s name. No, no, no this isn’t happening. You cracked open the door a couple inches you you could get a glimpse of what was going on and you saw Taehyung, your husband, fucking someone from work. Your heart felt like it stopped beating. You quietly closed the door and put on a happy face and went to the kitchen. 
“Kids, I’m going to drop you off at Jisoo’s house, okay?” you told them.
“Yay, I haven’t seen her in so long,” Jaemin declared, making you relieved that they weren’t asking any questions. Your friend Jisoo was very good with kids and Soomi and Jaemin were very fond of her. You quickly gave your best friend, Jisoo a call asking them if you could drop the kids over for some time. After she agreed and asked why, you told her you would explain everything later.
“There you are! What took you so long?” Jisoo greeted cheerfully after letting the three of you in her apartment. 
“There was quite a bit of traffic. Jisoo, do you mind putting on a movie for the kids so we can talk in private?”
“Sure,” Jisoo said nervously. She was put off by your serious face and tone and was worried something terrible had happened. 
After the kids had been set up with a movie and some snacks in the living room, you and Jisoo sat down in the bedroom and closed the door behind you.
“I’m a little worried, what’s going —” 
“Taehyung is having an affair,” you blurted out. Jisoo gasped and covered her mouth, unsure of what to say next. Just then you burst out into tears, trying to keep it as quiet as possible so the kids wouldn’t hear. Jisoo wrapped her arms around you and rested her head on your shoulder until you stopped crying. “I just don’t know what to do. Should I confront him? Should I ignore it? Should I divorce him? And what about the kids? What if this gets leaked to the media?” Jisoo nodded let out a big understanding sigh.
“This is an incredibly tricky situation. You really have to weigh your options carefully.”
“I can’t believe he would do this. I mean, we had the perfect relationship. I know he’s always been in love with me. How can someone so expertly fake the strong emotions he did?” 
“I think you need to take some time to relax and cool down,” Jisoo said softly while petting your hair, “After that, you’ll be able to make a rational decision. Don’t worry about Soomi and Jaemin. I’ll take care of them until you’re ready.” You were so grateful for Jisoo. Friends like this are hard to come by. You replied with a measly thank you before passing out into a deep sleep. All that crying must have tired you out.
You woke up to the sound of your phone ringing. You grabbed your phone and checked the caller ID. Taehyung. You gulped. Should I answer it? You decided against your better judgement and took the call.
“Hey, babe, where are you? Didn’t you go to pick up the kids?” You saw the time on your phone. It had been a little over two hours since the kids’ school ended and only now he noticed that you three hadn’t arrived yet. Duh. He has clearly been busy with something else. 
“I did,” you tried to respond, sounding as stable as you could. Taehyung was put off by the bluntness of your voice.
“O-ok...Where are you guys now?”
“I’ll see you in fifteen minutes.” You hung up the phone and went to look for Jisoo, who was in the kitchen preparing dinner with the children, who were helping her. “Hey, Jisoo, I’m going to meet Taehyung real quick. I’ll be back in time for dinner.” You could see the questioning look on her face, like she wanted to know what was going on, but didn’t want to raise any alarm in front of the kids, so you gave her a knowing nod, signaling that you would explain everything later.
As you drove home, you were heartbroken. How could he do this to me? I thought he loved me. Am I not enough for him? But as your mind kept racing, the sadness started to convert to anger. That backstabbing asshole. Who the fuck does he think he is? I need to hurt him the same way he hurt me.
You were standing right outside your apartment, key in your hand hovering right in front of the lock. It seems that the boldness your anger provided you just faded from your body. All of a sudden, for some reason, you just wanted to run back into his arms, feeling warm and protected, and just forgive him. After all he is your husband and the father of your children. Maybe did it because he was just stressed at work. Maybe you both just weren’t as sexually compatible as you thought and that you shouldn’t take it personally. It would just be easier to let bygones be bygones and go back to being a happy family again. It’s interesting how no matter how wrong someone is, if we love them, we will always make excuses for them they don’t deserve. No. He doesn’t deserve a second chance. And I deserve a man who can at the very least stay faithful to me. You gathered every bit of strength you had and went into the house.
“Babe!” Taehyung greeted you excitedly as he got off the couch. You were irked, not knowing whether his excitement was genuine or fabricated. Was it ever genuine? He leaned in to hug you, but you warded him off. Taehyung looked at you inquisitively. 
“Where are the kids?”
“Don’t worry. The kids are fine. I came to talk to you.” He was taken aback by your sharp tone of voice. 
“Are you okay? What’s going on?” The thing that that drove you the most crazy was the fact that his concern sounded genuine. It was messing with your head. Does he actually care about me, or is he just a really good faker? You hoped it was the former, but you didn’t want to give him a second chance without earning it.
“What do you think is going on, Taehyung?” He looked at you blankly. 
“Babe, what are you talking about?” You looked him straight in the eyes.
“I think you know exactly what I’m talking about,” you whispered. A flash of panic spread across Taehyung’s face, before he quickly changed his expression to one of compassion.
“Baby,” he coaxed, “Is everything okay?” You were sure he was lying. His false concern was starting to creep on your nerves, but you brushed them off, wanting to maintain composure. He reached for your arm, but you pulled it away. “Can you tell me what’s going on?” he said sternly. You gave him a deadpan look.
“You know exactly what I’m talking about,” you said through gritted teeth. His face softened.
“Is it because of...” his voice trailed off, hoping you would understand what he was saying so he wouldn’t have to finish his sentence. You remained silent. You weren’t going to help him out. “Do you know?”
“Do I know about what, Taehyung?” you retorted.
“Who told you?” he whispered.
“Who told me about what, Taehyung. Just tell me what you mean.” You know exactly what he meant, but you wanted to hear him say it. Him admitting to it was the only way you could even consider forgiving him.
“Nothing. Nothing important. I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Your heart dropped to your stomach. You were sure he knew what you were referring to, but he chose to keep it secret, betting his odds that you both were talking about different things.
“What were you doing at 4pm today?”
“I don’t know, probably working.”
“Yes, babe. I don’t know what you’re getting at.” You sensed a tone of annoyance in his voice.
“Because I stopped by with the kids around that time and witnessed something entirely different.” Taehyung’s eyes widened.
“What do you mean?” he whispered. You gave him a knowing look and Taehyung at once knew the charade was over. “Babe,” he said in a low voice, “Let’s sit down and talk.”
“No, I’m actually about to head out. I really don’t want to be around you right now.”
“When did you see it? I didn’t hear you come home.”
“Doesn’t matter, Taehyung. You cheated on me. How long has this been going on?” The blood drained from Taehyung’s face now that the elephant in the room had finally been addressed.
“I promise, this hasn’t been going on long. It was a mistake and I’m so, so sorry.” You rolled your eyes in order to mask the fact that you actually wanted to cry. “Really, it was a moment of weakness and I regret it so much. It will never happen again.”
“You shouldn’t have done it in the first place,” you retorted.
“Honey, whatever happens in our marriage, we can work it out.”
“We don’t have to work it out. Our lawyers can do that for us.” Taehyung stared at you, not understanding the implication. “I’m leaving you, Taehyung.” Through gritted teeth, you forced out the last few words before you stormed out of the apartment, “And I will see to it that you will never see your children ever again.” Before you could see his reaction, you slammed the door and ran to your car so he couldn’t catch up with you.
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kats-baku1999 · 3 years
Play with Fire
Master List
Warnings: spoilers, angsty, mentions of death
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Chapter One: Childhood Memories
Asami was never the kid to idolize heroes. Sure she thought they were cool, but she had no desire to become one. Even when the doctor made a comment about how she would make a great hero, the day her parents took her for her check up after getting her quirk. She had no desire to become a hero. She did however want to teach at UA High, and help people become heroes. It was a conflicting idea, but one she held onto.. She just didn’t see herself as a hero, but definitely as support.
“Hi mom!” Asami yelled rushing in the front door, kicking her shoes off before running up the stairs. She changed out of her school uniform, and rushed back down the stairs. Her mother was standing in the kitchen, cutting up the vegetables for dinner. She always made it home before everyone else to make sure things were clean, and dinner was ready by the time her husband made it home. Life for the Kurai family was very mundane, but strict in their ideals.
They were not supportive of the hero society. It was not an uncommon thing in this day and age. People were starting to lose interest in the heroes, and beginning to see them as nothing more than glorified celebrities. Both Mr. Kurai and Mrs. Kurai were relieved when Asami said she just wanted to be a teacher like them. She wasn’t old enough for them to explain that heroes are a dying culture, and that she shouldn’t idolize them. Asami still had her favorites though, so they let her hold onto ideals.
“I’m going to go to the hill to explore for a little bit to solve the mystery of the burnt grass!” Asami proclaimed, standing behind her mom who was still cutting up vegetables for dinner.
“Okay, just be back before it’s dark,” Her mom smiled at her overly curious daughter. Asami nodded her head, darting out the back door.
Through the small grove of trees and to a back hill. Asami had been coming here forever, and then a few months ago she started to find pieces of burnt grass. Sure someone could just be coming up here to have a campfire or something, but the burns seemed different. From what Asami could gather, the flames would’ve had to been stronger than just a camp fire. After all the grass wasn’t just burnt in some spots, it was as if the ground had been disintegrated.
“Whoah, what’re you doing?!” Asami froze, she never saw any other people up on this hill. There he was though, a boy with red hair that had white pieces flicked throughout it. He was glaring at her, and carrying a bag. Asami’s entire face went red at how close she was to the boy. He kept scanning over her face with his eyes, but he looked irritated.
Asami finally noticed the surroundings. The hill had smoke coming off of it, and the boy was covered in burns. It all started to click in her head, this boy was the one causing the burnt grass.
“You’re hurt!” Asami exclaimed, rushing forward. The boy tensed up as she touched the burns on him. She looked at the marks for a second, noting the other scars that were on his arms. Asami sighed, looking back up at him, “If you’re going to burn the landscape, you could at least try to not burn yourself,”
“Tch,” The boy yanked his arm away, “What would you know? My quirk is just so awesome, and it needs a little more training,”
“Your quirk hurting you isn’t awesome,” Asami rolled her eyes, “Come on, I’ll take you back to my house and get the burns cleaned up,”
“I don’t need some girls help,” The red and white haired boy glared, and Asami glared right back, knocking him up the side of the head.
“Do you have any manners?” Asami huffed, grabbing his hand trying to avoid the burns, “My name is Asami Kurai, and I’m going to help you with your burns,”
“You’re so annoying,” The boy mumbled, but still let her drag him along, “I’m Touya, Touya Todoroki.”
Asami led Touya back to her house. She held a finger up to her mouth, signaling for him to be quiet. They went in through the front door, both quietly sneaking up the stairs. She led Touya into her room, and he had to fight back the snicker at the small All Might plushie that was on her bed.
“You know Endeavor is the better hero right?” Touya smirked, “And when I’m bigger I am going to be even better than both Endeavor and All Might,”
“Well I’m sure you have a long way to go,” Asami laughed walking into the bathroom connected to her room to grab the medic kit, “After all you’re only like five right?”
“Huh?!” Touya yelled, and Asami smacked a hand over his mouth, both of them freezing to listen for if her mom heard her.
“Keep quiet!” Asami hissed, and opened up the med kit to get out the ointment. Touya watched as she carefully dabbed it onto his burns.
“I’m seven for your information,” Touya whispered, his face turning red when she looked up at him with a grin.
“Same age as me, sorry you just seemed small for our age,” Asami apologized, as she started to wrap his burns, “You’re Endeavor’s son right? You said your last name was Todoroki,”
“Yeah, yeah I am, his first born,” Touya said it proudly, “I am the one who will surpass him and All Might, it’s the goal he gave me himself,”
“Seems like a pretty big goal,” Asami giggled.
“Yeah well when I reach that goal, you can have a job at my hero agency, so you can always be there to bandage me up like this,” Touya said proudly, and Asami again just rolled her eyes.
“I’m not going to be a hero, I’m going to teach just like my mother and father, I’ll help at UA to train the next round of heroes,” Asami explained to Touya who looked at her completely confused, “I just don’t think my quirk would be good as a hero,”
“Well what is your quirk?” Touya looked at her, not understanding how someone could not want to be a hero. Everyone his age wanted to he a hero.
“I’ll show it to you another day,” Asami sighed, “After all its getting dark and I need to eat dinner soon,”
“Oh yeah okay,” Touya hopped off her bed, staring at her still, “Uhm, I uh train at the hill a lot if you want to come watch.”
And so she did. Everyday she would sneak off to the hill to watch her new found friend train. Bringing along the med kit to make sure if he got hurt she was right there. This became their ritual, and after an amount of weeks that turned into a year.. They were friends. Best friends actually. Touya eventually opened up to Asami, about everything. About why he was pushing so hard to become a hero, to keep using his quirk. Despite the burns.
“Mom had Shoto, his hair is split perfectly in half” Touya mumbled one day, sitting on the hill. Asami frowned at him, sitting down on the spot next to him. The sun was setting on the horizon, and she knew she needed to be home soon. Right now though, Touya needed her more.
“I guess that is what your father wanted?” Asami sighed, looking at her best friend, “If he would just see how far you’ve come, I mean really you’re getting so much better!”
“Thanks Mimi,” Touya used her pet name, but his voice was sad, “He’s just marked me as a failure in his eyes, and I don’t know if I can change his mind,”
“No, Touya you listen to me,” Asami demanded, “You are going to be an amazing hero, I’ve been doing research there are support items, ways for you to use your quirk without it damaging you!”
“Asami, you’re an amazing best friend, but maybe he’s right maybe if I stop obsessing over this,”
“You can’t give up on your dream Touya, promise me you won’t let him ruin this dream!” Asami yelled at Touya, “Come on, show me your flames!”
“Touya, show me!”
Touya did show her, and his flames were ridiculously strong. Strong enough he was burnt more than ever before. The burns were so bad, but Touya was so excited. Asami tried her best to clean them up, but she just couldn’t. So he had to rush home. That night, Touya snapped for the first time. Almost hurting Shoto. Guilt filled him, but he also felt almost.. Disappointed?
After the incident Touya began focusing more on things like playing with his siblings and Asami. Finally the parents were allowing Asami to play with Touya at his house. After all, they were thirteen now. Growing up, and feelings adjusting to their age. Asami’s parents even referred to Touya as her boyfriend constantly, making both of their faces turn bright red. There was never any denying from either of them though, just silent red faces. Both of them knew that they had a crush on each other, so they were able to just hang out and have fun.
“Asami!” Fuyumi squealed, launching herself at the purple haired girl. Asami giggled, squeezing the girl, and then ruffling Natsuo’s hair. Touya walked into the entry way, smiling at Asami proudly.
“How was school today?” Touya grinned, he had stayed home due to not feeling good.
“Good! Weird without you, but good!” Asami grinned, “It’s so quiet in here today?”
“Yeah, the old man is gone,” Touya mumbled, “He and mom left, so the nanny is with Shoto,”
“They gave her strict rules to not let him anywhere near us,” Natsuo pouted, “I wish he could just play with us, just this once!”
Asami paused for a second. Before finally smiling proudly, coming up with an idea.
“He can.”
Touya looked at her for a second, before finally letting it click in his head. She was going to use her quirk. Asami had a quirk called Alternate Reality, basically she could make anyone believe they were somewhere else. As long as she didn’t hold it for too long, then she would be fine.
They slid open the door, earning the attention of both of them. Shoto looked confused, and the nanny annoyed. She went to shoo them out of the room, but fell directly into Asami’s trap.
“Shoto right?” Asami grinned, smiling at the boy. He nodded his head, cowering a little bit. Asami noticed the bumps and injuries on him. He looked exhausted.
“Big brother?” Shoto whispered, looking at Touya who was biting the inside of his cheek. Touya nodded his head, leaning down to his brothers eye level.
“We only have a little bit, so come play with us before he gets back,” Touya whispered, holding his hand out to Shoto. The youngest brother placed his small hand in his oldest brother’s. That was the first, and last time Shoto would interact with his siblings before everything fell apart.
Endeavor never found out about that day, but a few weeks later Touya went off the deep end. He distanced himself from Asami, and began training again. When winter break rolled around, Asami was close to giving up on him. Till she saw smoke coming from their meeting point. A lot of smoke, and bright blue flames. Asami took off out of the back door, her mother screaming for her. When she got to the hill, all she could see was it was engulfed in flames. A crowd was gathering, and within it all, she could hear Touya’s screams.
“No!” Asami screamed taking off towards the flames, someone grabbing her before she could go into the flames, “Touya! Touya please, no, just hold on!”
“Mimi! Please! They’re too much!” Touya’s voice was cracking, his throat going raw from screaming.
Anyone who was on the scene that day, would note that even when Touya’s screams faded out, Asami’s were just as haunting. Her parents finally coming to the hill too, grabbing their daughter from the stranger. Endeavor showed up on the scene, trying to go through the rubble, looking for any sign of his son. All they found that day was a piece of his jaw.
Endeavor approached the Kurai family, looking sadly at the girl. He knew that she was his best friend. He had watched them together.
“This is your fault,” Asami yelled, shoving the larger man away from her, “All you had to do was be his father, to support him, to see him!”
“Asami!” Her father yelled, grabbing his daughter back. She smacked his hand away from her.
“You listen to me Endeavor, I am going to carry on Touya’s dream, but with my own twist, I am coming for you.”
Asami turned away from the scene. Wiping away her hysterical tears. Doing her best to keep it together. She walked back to her house, silently sobbing to herself. When she got back into her room, she began her plan. She didn’t give a damn about becoming number one, all she cared about was beating Endeavor.
In any way possible.
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Tate Langdon - American Horror Story
Wrote this a long time ago. My original plan back then was so make this into a multiple chapter story, but then I ultimately lost interest like all my other failed projects. 🙃
I also didn’t know how to fucking end this story, sorryyy ughhhh
❗Trigger warning❗
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Welp, I am dead.
Like, super dead.
One minute I’m slitting my wrists wide open in my bathroom and now I’m standing over my body watching myself decay.
I never thought I’d become a ghost or whatever I am. I didn’t even believe in the afterlife. I thought I’d just die and that would be it. I wouldn’t feel anything, it’d be peaceful. I was definitely wrong.
I moved into this big mansion in California with my parents. I didn’t want to die, I just thought it was my only way out. Now, I’m stuck here. Great. I really screwed the pooch this time.
After my parents found me rotting away, they decided to move away to have a fresh new start. Not that I blame them. But I was kinda pissed they just left me here, unable to step one foot off this property except for Halloween.
If I’m being completely honest, it’s not that terrible. I’m not alone. Turns out, many people have died here. Violently, which is fun.
There’s a woman that lives here who is kinda crazy, but she’s nice. She treats me better than my own mother did. She wishes I was a baby though, cause her baby is all kinds of fucked up.
There’s an elderly woman here too, who I found out was actually dead and lived here. When I was alive, she was our maid and constantly tried to seduce my father, which I reluctantly forgave her for that.
That weird neighbour, Constance, always visits here, since she has multiple children who have died here as well. I’ve yet to meet her eldest, Tate. To be honest, I don’t think I want to meet him. I’ve seen him wander around the halls but I’ve never shown myself around him. Mrs. Montgomery says he’s just misunderstood, but shooting up a school is a little too much for me.
I hang out with his brother sometimes, and by hanging out I mean basically rolling a ball back and forth. It makes him somewhat happy though, I guess. I know one of these days I’m going to run into him, I just hope it’s later rather than sooner.
Today, that real estate agent bitch is trying to sell this house, yet again. Only for the owners to be killed and get stuck here for all eternity. Anyone in their right mind would not buy this house, especially knowing what took place here.
I watch the family interested in buying the house from my old bedroom. They look like a relatively normal family. A mom, dad, and their angsty teenage daughter and a cute pet dog.
Yeah, they definitely wouldn’t survive living here.
“Spying on the new folks, I see?”
“Jesus! You scared me!” I turn to see Tate. Oh boy, this should be fun.
“Y/N L/N. How lovely to finally meet you. I never got the chance to introduce myself when you first moved here cause you see, you killed yourself before I even got the chance. Which was kind of rude on your part.” He smirked. “Your death was very entertaining, I must say. All that blood gushing everywhere, man, it was quite the spectacle.”
“Glad you found my death so entertaining, Tate. I’m sure yours was too.” I smile sweetly, making his smug grin quickly turn into a glare.
“Anyway,” he coughed, “better introduce myself to the new folks soon.”
“But...you’re dead.”
“Well, they don’t need to know that.” He walked over to the window where I saw. “That girl’s kinda hot, wouldn’t you say?” He smirked. “Don’t worry though, I find you even prettier.”
I scoffed and kept looking out the window. The teenage girl looked over towards the window. I quickly hid myself from her sight but Tate didn’t until she did a double take.
I gave him confused look. “What? It’s fun to play with people’s minds from time to time. You should try it sometime. Stop being a stick in the mud.” He said and walked away.
I can already tell he’s going to be so annoying.
I decided to take a closer look at the new comers. Tate was right though, that girl is pretty. I listened in on their conversation and I learned their names. Ben, Vivian, and Violet. All nice names, nice innocent names. They seem like nice people, sucks that they’ll die when they move in.
A few hours, Adelaide sneaks into the house. She always finds a way in here. She waves and smiles at me when she walks past, I still don’t know how she’s able to see me when I’m not visible to anyone, not that I mind cause I love her like a sister. She walks up behind Vivian, “You’re going to die in here.”
She’s never been one to know how to start a conversation.
I learned that Ben was a psychiatrist and Tate had an appointment with him today. He seems to be really determined to get to know these people, especially Violet. I thought about listening in, but that seemed too much. I just wandered the halls until I reached the bathroom. Violet hurts herself?
I hear footsteps and quickly sped off down the hall and hid behind a corridor, it was Tate. “You’re doing it wrong. If you wanna kill yourself, you should cut vertically. The doctors can’t stitch that up.” I hear him say.
What the hell? Why would he say that?
He closed the door and walked off. I shook my head and went up to the attic, my usual hang out spot.
I sat in the corner, I looked up and saw that the creepy rubber costume wasn’t there anymore. Thank god, that thing creeped me out to no end.
A red ball rolls to me, and I sigh. “I’m not in the mood, Beau.” I roll it back and it stays.
The attic door opens and Tate pops his head in, he sees me and smiles. “So, this is where you hang out? Good to know.” He says.
“Why? So you can annoy me better?” I say.
“Aw, don’t be like that. We should be friends.”
I laugh. “Yeah, right.”
Tate simple smirked and sat down beside me. “Come on. We’d make awesome...friends.”
I quickly scowled at him. “Why would you say that to Violet by the way? She could actually be convinced to do that, you know.”
“Oh, I was just trying to get another girl so we could have an afterlife threesome. Doesn’t that sound great?”
“Get outta here.”
Tate rolled his eyes, blowing me a kiss as he opened up attic door and descended the ladder. 
I scoff. This kid really is crazy, maybe it’s a good thing that he’s seeing Dr. Harmon. Tate climbed down the ladder and the attic door closed with a loud slam.
The red ball rolls to me.
Tate is hanging out with Violet on her room. I’m not stalking him! I just wanna make sure he doesn’t kill her. “Tate. What are you doing here? You need to leave now.” Ben says. Violet tries to calm her dad, but he insisted on him leaving.
“Just trying to be friends with your friendless daughter, Ben” Tate says. I roll my eyes and leave the hallway, accidently bumping into the kid. “Woah there. Aw, is someone spying on me?” He smirked.
I scoff. “As if.” Tate had a playful twinkle in his eyes, making me feel more nervous in his presence. “Just making sure you don’t murder that girl.”
“Me? Murdering someone? Nah.” He joked, but when he saw that I wasn’t joking, he dropped his smile. “Look, my murdering days are behind me, okay? I don’t want to hurt anyone anymore. I promise.”
“I’ll make sure to hold you to that, pretty boy.”
“Aw, you think I’m pretty?”
“Don’t push me.” I scowled, Tate fake saluting me before I started to walk off. I gasped when I suddenly felt Tate turn me around so he could plant a kiss on my cheek. “What the hell?” I stuttered.
Tate simply shrugged and smiled. “You just look very kissable.”
Ugh, this flopped but whatever
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p-artsypants · 4 years
Longest Night (50) Celebrating
Here we go! The last chapter! And it’s a doozy! 
I don’t know about the rest of you guys, but I grew up calling all of my parents friend’s ‘aunt’ and ‘uncle’. Some of them I still do. Which was really fun when I dated a family friend and kept calling his mom ‘Aunt Julie’. We are not related. Fun times!
Also, there’s some nicknames in this chapter. “Peepums” is Tom. “Nonnie Cheng” is Sabine. And “Nonna Gina” is Tom’s mom. You know how grandparents all have their weird nicknames. 
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20 years later
When Marinette awoke that morning, she was alone in bed. It wasn’t that odd. Adrien had always been an early riser, but this was a different reason than just that. 
But she didn’t worry. It was best just to leave things the way they were. 
Dressing in a robe, she went downstairs to start making breakfast. The kids were old enough to get ready on their own now, and as long as they were down before 7, she didn’t bug them. 
The first into the kitchen was the youngest, Emma. A complete girly-girl and lover of all things pink and fashionable. Even at 12, she had her own sophisticated sense of style (party cultivated by her grandfather). She danced in her pink dress and adorable white flats. “What do you think, mama? Perfect for career day? Do I look like a professional?” 
“Of course you do, sweetheart.” 
She beamed. “Where’s papa?” 
“Oh, uh, I’m not sure. He couldn’t sleep last night, so he went for patrol. He hasn’t been back yet.” 
Emma frowned hard. “He’ll be there for career day though, right?” 
“He wouldn’t miss it for the world! But Peepums and Grandfather Gabriel are going to be there too.” 
“Is Peepums bringing treats?” 
“I would assume so. He never passes up a chance to bring snacks. Now, I’m making crepes, you want one or two?” 
“Just one, mama.” 
The next down the stairs was the oldest (by two minutes) Hugo. “Morning mama,” he smiled brightly. 
“There’s my birthday boy! Feel any older?” 
“No, but I feel wiser!” He joked, as he jumped on the stool by the counter. 
“Where’s Louis?” 
“Stuck in the toilet.” 
“And you mean that figuratively, right?”
He shrugged. “What’s for breakfast?”
“Crepes, blueberry, your favorite.” 
“Yes! I want five!” 
“You can have three, I don’t want you to get a tummy ache before school.” 
“Lame! Bring on the crepes!” He pounded his fists on the counter. 
“Three, and then if you aren’t stuffed, I’ll consider more.” 
Then came the unmistakable sound of a body slowly falling down the stairs, before a dark haired teen crawled across the floor and collapsed next to his mother’s legs. 
“Ah, Birthday boy part 2. Welcome to the land of the living!” 
“It should be a crime to have to wake up early on your birthday.” Said the boy, face flat against the ground.
“You truly are my child,” said Marinette with a smile. 
“Where’s pops?” Asked Hugo, digging into his second crepe. 
“Out on patrol.” 
This caused Louis to stir and look up. “Did something happen?”
“No, he just couldn’t sleep.” 
Hugo frowned. “Nightmares again? He’s been having those a lot lately.” 
“Yeah. I’m not sure why he’s having them. But you kids don’t need to worry about it.” 
“Are we still okay for our party tomorrow?” 
“Of course!” Marinette beamed. “Even if papa wasn’t feeling great, we’d still have it! Aunt Chloe reserved the rooftop pool for you, after all.”
“…I’m so excited,” said the child on the floor, with no enthusiasm. “You just can’t tell right now.”
“Well, you’re not going to get any rest on the floor. Sit in your seat and eat your crepe. I’ll make a little coffee.” 
Emma bounced nervously in her seat. She was flanked by Tom and Gabriel, who had both already presented for career day. 
The day was almost over, and her father hadn’t shown. 
“It’s okay, my little cupcake.” Tom assured, petting her blonde hair. “He’ll be here.” 
“And if he doesn’t make it,” added Gabriel, “It wasn’t because he didn’t want to. He’s probably out there stopping a criminal, saving lives. I know you’re the most important thing in the world to him.” 
Emma nodded, believing both of her grandfathers, but also not wanting to be one without a dad on career day. 
Through the years, Emma had gotten used to her father’s unpredictable behavior. He loved her to the end of the world and back, and would move mountains for her if he could. And most days, it really really showed. 
But some days, he just wasn’t…there. Emotionally, spiritually, or like today, physically. Her mother had similar episodes, but mostly in mood swings. She got angry sometimes, seemingly over nothing. Never directed at Emma or her brothers, thankfully, but Emma knew that there was something different about her parents. 
She knew the story. She had been told pieces of it growing up, but never allowed to watch the footage. Mama and Papa had been kidnapped and tortured, because they were superheroes, and they were never the same after. The details were vague, and she was told it would be too scary for her to handle every time she asked. But she saw the scars, heard her father’s screams at night. 
Most days, she didn’t want to know.
“Alright! I think that’s everyone!” Miss Bustier called. “Thank you all for participating in our career day! It’s awesome that we have such a wide range of jobs just in this very room!” 
Emma deflated. Her father really wasn’t coming. 
Tom laid a giant hand on her head and rubbed. 
But then, there was a knock at the window. 
“Chat Noir?” Miss Bustier asked. 
The man in black waved as she opened the window. 
“So so sorry I’m late!” He apologized, hopping into the room. “I caught a robber, and I walked him down to the police station and we had to do all this paperwork—“ 
“Papa!” Emma shouted, leaping over her desk. She ran to him, and threw her arms around him in a crushing hug. “You made it!”
“Just in time it seems,” he laughed, hugging her back. “I’m sorry I’m late. Can you forgive me?”
“Of course! Come on, it’s your turn to present!” She took his hand and led him up to the front of the room. “Everyone, this is my dad, Chat Noir! He’s a superhero!” 
The next day was Saturday, and Marinette was full of stress up to her neck. She paced poolside, as her family helped set up for the party. 
“Alright, Nino’s on music, Alya’s on Emma duty, Chloe covered catering, mom and dad have the cake, Gabriel and Emilie have decorations…what am I missing?”
“My Lady, you’ve gone over this list a hundred times. We’re fine.” 
“Drinks! I forgot the drinks!” 
Adrien pointed over at the bar. “Luka and Kagami are on drinks, remember? Luka’s making his mimosas for the adults.”
“Oh, right.” Then she pointed at him. “No alcohol, alright? Not with your medication.” 
“Oh come on, these are Luka’s mimosas! I’m gonna get krunk!” 
“Dad’s gonna get krunk?” Asked Hugo, from the pool. 
“No one is getting krunk!” Marinette poked Adrien in the chest. “Look what you started!” 
“I’m only teasing.” Adrien laughed, taking his wife’s hand. “Relax My Lady, it’s a party, a sweet 16 party! Everyone’s here to have fun. And they will as long as we relax.” 
Marinette got close, whispering conspiratorially, “that’s just the thing! Do you remember our sweet sixteen parties?” 
“Well...I didn’t have a party,” Adrien shrugged. “You, Alya, and Nino helped me escape the house and we went to the movies.” 
“Yeah, and they spent the whole time making out, so you and I just sat there awkwardly.” 
“I think I put my arm around you,” he grinned. “My very good friend.” 
She stuck her tongue out at him.
“And your sixteenth...was that the year that Lila told everyone it was on a different day?” 
“And you were the only one who called to confirm it was on the original day, and so you were the only one that showed? Yep, that’s the one. I cried on you for 15 minutes when I realized no one else was coming.” 
“I mean, yeah, that sucked, but we still had fun with your family.” 
“My point is, this is Hugo and Louis’ sixteenth birthday. I want them to have a good one, to have what we couldn’t have.” 
“You have their gifts in your purse, right?” 
“Then I wouldn’t worry about it. Their friends and family are coming, everything looks good, so just relax.” 
Marinette took a deep sigh. “You’re right, my love. Whatever happens, happens, and we’ve done all we can.” 
“The party will be fine, Mom.” Said Louis from a lounge chair. 
“Ah! Louis? Why aren’t you in the pool?” 
“I’m perfectly content just relaxing here. I’ll get hot soon enough and go in the pool.” 
“Are you sure?” 
Adrien wrapped an arm around his wife. “Marinette, let him alone. He’s fine. You know he’s our introvert.” 
“Mama! Papa!” Emma called, running towards them from the hotel elevator. “Look at the swimsuit grandfather Gabriel got me!” She twirled, letting the shimmery, glittery greens, teals, and purples swirl in a kaleidoscope of color. “I look like a mermaid!” 
“You sure do, Princess!” Adrien beamed. 
Emma squealed in delight before running back to Alya. 
“See? All of our kids are enjoying themselves. The guests are slowly trickling in...” he gestured to the elevator where more classmates with gifts arrived. “And no catastrophes yet.” 
“Fine fine, Kitty, I get it. I’ll have a mimosa and lighten up.” 
“Have one for me too!” He called after, as she headed to the bar. 
Soon, the guests arrived. Hugo and Louis had invited their entire class of 18 kids. Some parents stayed to help with chaperoning, and some even brought younger siblings that were friends with Emma. 
It was turning out to be a real shin-dig. 
So far, Marinette felt at ease. The four parents that had stayed were mostly just hanging out at the bar, but the kids were in the pool, and no one was drowning. 
Louis still reclined on the lounger, sunning himself. 
“You're still doing okay over here, kiddo?” 
“Mom, I’m doing so okay. So okay, it’s ridiculous. Nonna Gina brought me over a virgin mimosa, cause everyone’s talking about them. I feel like I’m on vacation.” 
“As long as you’re content, I’m happy. Just wanted to make sure you weren’t feeling left out.” 
“Nah,” he waved her off. “I will go swimming, but I’m going to wait until after eating.” 
“Okay, kiddo.” 
Seeing Hugo happily enthralled in a cannonball contest, and Louis sunning himself like a cat, she decided to check in with her youngest. Though she saw Alya at the bar talking to Kagami, and Emma nowhere in sight. 
This used to make her panic immediately. None of her kids were especially hyper or rambunctious. They didn’t run off on their own, especially without letting her know. 
But there was still a fear, still a niggling doubt in the back of her head that said ‘what if’? 
As calm as possible, she approached the adults at the bar, and asked Alya. “Have you seen Emma?”
“She ran down to the lobby to use the bathroom,” Alya answered casually. 
“Yeah, Marinette, she’s 12. She can handle going to the bathroom alone.” It was a reassurance, no judgement. Because sometimes, Adrien and Marinette needed a reminder that their children were well adjusted and had plenty of common sense.
Marinette knew that. And it wasn’t the bathroom part she was concerned about. It was the trip down to the lobby by herself. 
She heard a father speak softly, “for superheroes, they are certainly overprotective of their kids. Kind of feel sorry for them.” 
Marinette nodded at Alya, and retreated sheepishly. Was her paranoia ruining her children’s lives? 
“What’s with that look, My Lady?” Adrien asked, softly, sipping on his drink. 
“Sorry, sorry, I just…overheard something I shouldn’t dwell on.” She looked at the drink in his hands, narrowing her eyes. 
“It’s virgin!” He handed it to her. “I promised I was going to quit. Getting plastered at our kid’s birthday would be the worst time for them to find out I have a problem.” 
“It’s not a problem yet, but that’s why I want you to stop. So it doesn’t become one.”
“Hey! Let go Isaac!” Louis’ voice carried over the water. Instantly, Marinette and Adrien were alert and looked to see a larger boy pulling Louis toward the pool by the arm. 
“Hey!” Marinette called out. “Let him go! If he doesn’t want to go swimming, don’t force him!” 
“Oh come on, Lady!” The father from the bar shouted over to her. “What’s the point in having a pool party for your boys if they aren’t even going to go swimming!?”
Louis surfaced with a gasp, and then a defeated “aw man!” 
“Are you okay kiddo?” Marinette asked. “You didn’t have your phone on you, right?”
“No, I’m fine.” He took off his soaked shirt and dropped it on the edge of the pool with a loud plop. “Just…didn’t want to get wet yet.” 
“Dude, come on Isaac, don’t be such a turd!” Hugo chastised. 
“He looked lonely!” Isaac argued. 
“Whatever,” Louis said, defeated. “Just…don’t dunk me, okay?” 
“No promises!”
Adrien frowned at the exchange as Louis swam over closer to his brother. “Isaac, Isaac, why is that name familiar? Is that the kid that’s been picking on Louis? Why is he here?” 
“Oh,” Marinette smacked her head. “That’s what they were asking about!” 
“What? Who?” 
“A few weeks ago, the boys were asking me questions about what to do about a classmate people don’t get along with. They asked if they should include them in the party if they were inviting the rest of the class. I told them that would be the right thing to do, but I didn’t realize they were talking about Louis’ bully!” She groaned. “And it looks like the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” She glared at Isaac’s dad at the bar. 
Adrien smiled over at the pool. Both Hugo and Louis were laughing and seemed to be having a good time. It seemed Louis was already over his impromptu dunking. “Our kids are resilient. It’ll take more than that to bring them down.” 
“They are strong.” Marinette breathed. “Stronger than me.” 
It was then that Emma returned. “Hi mama, I’m back. Aunt Alya said I should check in with you because you were worried? I’m sorry I didn’t tell you where I was going.” 
Marinette smiled at her. “It’s fine Emma. You told Aunt Alya, so someone knew. You just know I’m a basket case.” 
Emma frowned at her mom. “You’re not a basket case. You’re just...worried?” 
“Does that bother you? Do I make you feel trapped or smothered?” 
Adrien stared at his wife in horror. Likewise, so did Emma. “No! Not at all!” She hugged her around the waist and added, “Nonnie Cheng worries about where I am too. She says it’s because you went missing, and it’s scared her ever since. I don’t want to scare you, mom.” 
Marinette hugged Emma tightly and said, “I have the best kids in the world.” 
“In that case,” Emma grinned. “Can I have some soda?” 
“Sure, just tell Aunt Kagami what you want.”
“Thanks mom!” She beamed and scurried off. 
“And no running!” Marinette called after. “Girl’s got my clumsy streak. She’ll break her neck.” 
“Crisis averted it seems.” Said Adrien. 
“For now,” Marinette narrowed her eyes. “But Ladybug never rests!” 
Adrien pecked his wife on the lips. “Someone has to be responsible.” 
“Hey pops!” Hugo called from the pool. 
“What’s up?” 
“We’re going to do a diving contest! You should join!” 
“Come on Mr. Dupain-Cheng!” 
“Show us some Chat Noir style!” 
Marinette nudged him. “Go ahead. Show those kids how it’s done.” 
He smirked. “Okay okay.” He took off his shirt and laid it on the lounger by their bags. Then he entered the pool from the shallow end, coming up behind the kids. “How does this diving contest work?” 
“It’s easy!” Said Hugo, “we’re going to take turns coming up with unique ways to jump in the pool. Winner is the best technique, or most creative.”
“I got one!” Said a chubby kid. He climbed out of the pool and up on the diving board. 
“Make room!” Someone called. “Cannon ball champion on the loose!” 
“This is called ‘The Patrick Star’!” He bounced twice, getting real air before leaping out, parallel with the water, arms and legs spread out like a starfish. 
And he collided with the water with a resounding clap, making everyone go, ‘ooo!’ 
The kid surfaced, his entire frontside pink. “Ow.” 
The rest of the class laughed at him. 
One by one, classmates would come up with a dive, though most were a lot more elegant than the first. 
“I call this, ‘The Ladybug’.” A girl said. She ran and jumped, twisting in the air while throwing her arm, mimicking Ladybug’s yo-yo. She managed to say “bug out!” Before she hit the water. Marinette whistled. “She’s got my vote!” 
“Come on, Pops,” said Hugo. “It’s your turn!” 
“I don’t have a—“ 
“Just make something up! Go go!” 
Adrien pulled himself out of the pool and headed toward the diving board, aware of the people watching, curious. 
This was his twin boys’ special day. He had to be impressive. He had to be the cool dad. 
He took a running start, falling into a front flip as he hit the diving board. His adult weight bowed the board with force, sending him up into the air. He curled tightly into a ball, using the momentum to rotate three times, before coming out of the ball and diving seamlessly into the water. 
When he surfaced, the crowd of kids were going wild. They screamed and chanted “Dad! Dad! Dad!” 
Obviously started by his boys. 
Adrien beamed as he treaded water. Being Chat Noir was great, even with all the pain it had brought him. But being his kid’s hero was the absolute best. 
But everything came to a screeching halt as Isaac, the butthole kid, let out a loud, “EWWW!!” Grabbing everyone’s attention. “What’s wrong with your dad’s back!? It’s all gross!”
Adrien slammed his eyes shut, all at once feeling self-conscious. But this was just a dumb teenager. Maybe he didn’t know any better. But before he could gather himself to calmly explain his scars, his boys spoke up for him. 
“It’s scarring, you jerk,” said Louis. 
“He got it from being a superhero, when he was just two years older than we are!” Added Hugo. 
Isaac scoffed, “Chat Noir and Ladybug aren’t real superheroes! Not like the ones in America! All they do is rescue cats from trees and show up for charity events. They don’t even do anything anymore!”
Adrien sloppily backtracked, reaching out for the edge of the pool. 
“Just yesterday, he caught a robber! That’s not nothing!” Hugo defended. 
“Oh yeah?” Said Isaac, “My dad said that they used to fight supervillains, but they couldn’t stop the guy responsible for them! He said they’re losers and failures!” 
“Hey Jean,” said one of the parents. “Tell your kid to shut up.” 
Isaac’s father took a chug from his beer and shrugged. “Someone had to say it.” 
“Monsieur,” said Ladybug with god-like patience. “I suggest you and your son leave. I don’t feel the need to play host to someone who could be so hateful and misinformed.” 
“Misinformed?” The man, Jean, scoffed. “I was there. I saw the stream back then. I remember what it was like. The weekly akumas, classes and events always cancelled. The only reason they stopped is because Hawkmoth gave up. I don’t think you guys should be getting recognition anymore. Sorry, not sorry.” 
“Mom?” Louis called from the pool.
Jean frowned, continuing. “The rest of us have to make a living working hard, every day. You and your husband just put on some skin tight leather and prance around. Now you’re set for life. It’s disgusting.” 
“Hey man, if you don’t like it, you can leave,” said Alya. “No one invited you. I heard your son was only invited out of obligation.” 
“Mom!” Louis called again. 
“Marinette and Adrien suffered enough for a lifetime. Every day is a struggle! How dare you say otherwise!” 
“MOM!” Louis screamed. 
Marinette whipped her head over to the pool, seeing Adrien struggling to keep his head above water. Louis and Hugo were holding him up. She hurried over. “What happened? What’s wrong?” 
“He’s having an attack!” 
Tom rushed over, reaching his hands under Adrien’s arms, and pulled him out of the pool. He tried to set him on his feet, but he kept leaning forward, trying to lay down. His eyes were wide, but unfocused, as his breaths came rapidly. 
Marinette tugged on his arm. “Come on, Kitty. Not here.” She called over to Chloe. “Is there a room we can borrow for a second?”
“Follow me!” 
Louis broke off from the group, but Hugo and Marinette were quick to escort Adrien away from the party. 
“Mom?” Emma asked, right as they were about to get on the elevator. 
“It’s okay, Honey. Dad just needs a minute. Stay behind with Aunt Alya, okay?”
Emma nodded, though didn’t look convinced. 
Chloe showed them to her room, where she quickly got a towel for Adrien to wrap up in. 
Hugo and Marinette eased him down to sit on the couch. There, he slumped, his head resting on the back of the couch. 
Louis found their room, cup in hand. “I brought a coke. I know that usually helps.” 
Marinette sighed in relief. “Thank you baby,” she took the cup from him and put it in Adrien’s hand, then helped him take a sip. 
They sat for a while, watching Adrien breathe slowly and take occasional sips from his drink.
“I’m so sorry boys,” Marinette looked to them sadly. “We didn’t mean to ruin your birthday.”
Hugo frowned at her. “What? You guys didn’t ruin anything. Isaac’s the one that pooped on our party.”
“Yeah,” added Louis, “and we were having a great time up until now. Don’t worry about it mom.” 
Adrien very shakily brought the cup towards his face, and Marinette was quick to help, so he didn’t spill. “Dad’s going to be fine,” she explained. “Why don’t you boys get back to the party?” 
“If it’s okay, I’d like to wait until dad feels a little better. I’d feel guilty if I left,” said Louis.
“Me too,” said Hugo. “And I need a few minutes to calm down to keep from punching Isaac in the face. What he said was dumb. He has no idea what you guys do.” 
“…it shouldn’t have bothered me…” Adrien said, softly. 
“I’m okay,” he took a deep exhale. “Just…lost myself for a moment.” 
Hugo hugged him tightly around the shoulders. “Love you, dad. Don’t worry about it.” 
“I’m sorry for scaring you boys…and your friends. But I’ll be alright now.” 
“You recovered pretty quickly,” Marinette noted. 
“It’s because I have my big strong boys with me.” He wrapped his arms around his sons. “There was nothing to worry about.” 
Except, there was. 
Alya burst into the room, Chloe behind her, with a look of panic. 
“Marinette, come quickly!” 
“What? What’s wrong?” 
“It’s Emma! She’s been akumatized!!” 
As Emma watched her father be rushed out of the party, a stone fell into her gut. No matter how often this happened, no matter how good they got at catching the attacks, it still scared her when it happened. 
She was torn between wanting to be with him, and not wanting to see that vacant expression on his face. Her mother said it was a coping mechanism he developed a long time ago, when they had been kidnapped. He just switched his brain off when he got overwhelmed, as to not experience pain. It only happened a few times a year, only in super stressful situations where he thought about his torture. 
Emma wiped at her face as she looked over the party. Alya was chastising the adult man that had talked bad about her father, and Hugo and Louis’ friends were ripping into the kid that started the whole mess. 
Everyone was angry and yelling. 
“Emma?” Gabriel asked, resting a hand on her shoulder. “Are you alright, dear?” 
“Oh, Grandfather…” She sniffed. “I’m just…scared.” 
“Your father will be alright. It’s nothing physical, it’s just a mental state.” 
“I know…” She screwed up her lips. “But I’m scared people are going to keep saying that stuff to him. Mom acts like I’m too young to understand what’s happening…but people are forgetting that they are real superheroes, and they act like they’re mascots. I’m scared this is going to happen again.” She rubbed at her damp eyes. “He doesn’t deserve it. Neither of them do.” 
“You really love your parents, don’t you?” 
“Of course! They’re the best!”
“Then, I have a plan. Would you be willing to help?”
“Of course, what is it?”
“Come with me, we’ll speak in private.” 
Curious, Emma followed Gabriel into the hotel, down to a conference room. He locked the door behind them. 
“You remember our little secret?” 
“That I know you were Hawkmoth?” 
“Yes. My plan requires me to come out of retirement, just this once…and to akumatize you.” 
She looked startled. “You want to turn me into a supervillain?”
“Only if you agree to it, dear.” He pet her hair. “My goal is to make you a supervillain, so you can terrorize Paris and remind them of what Ladybug and Chat Noir used to do. I’ll be able to see through your eyes, so I can stop and undo any damage if something goes wrong.” 
Emma crossed her arms. “You’d make mom and dad fight me?”
“Not fight you, rescue you.”
She frowned again, thinking about it. Then she nodded. “Let’s do it!” 
Gabriel smiled at her, and opened his sports jacket, where Nooroo was hiding. “Nooroo, Dark Wings rise!” 
In a flash of purple light, Hawkmoth had returned. Inside his cane, a little white butterfly fluttered. 
Emma danced on her toes. “What kind of powers are you going to give me? I want to be pretty!” 
He chuckled at her eagerness. “Of course, my sweet Emma.” He evilized the butterfly, and then coaxed it into the paw print bracelet she was wearing. 
A purple mask appeared on her face.
“Mermaidia, I’m giving you the power of the seas. You may travel through any body of water, and turn those that oppose you into sea creatures. In exchange, you must give Chat Noir and Ladybug a taste of nostalgia. Do you accept these terms?” 
“Absolutely, Hawkmoth.” 
The dark purple fog encompassed Emma, turning the sweet blonde girl into a real mermaid, with purple hair, shimmering scales, and an abundance of glittering gold and jewels. In her hand, she held a trident. 
Hawkmoth took a bottle of water from the table, and poured it on the floor. 
Mermaidia stepped into the puddle, and disappeared. 
“Regardless if you feel like you’re right, it’s still your opinion. And an opinion doesn’t give you the right to be an asshole, especially to people who are hosting this party!” Shouted Alya. 
The rest of the parents were quietly watching the exchange, not really wanting to get involved. But they were also paying attention to a similar argument in the pool. 
“You are a grown adult and a parent. It’s your job to teach your kid respect and kindness, two qualities I haven’t seen from him today.” 
“Look lady, I know you’re friends with the Dupain-Cheng’s and all, but come on. It doesn’t bother you that they don’t work at all? What’s the point of them calling themselves superheroes anyway? They should just hang up the suits and get real jobs.” 
“They. Can’t.” Alya emphasized. “Did you not just see what happened to Adrien? What if he was working and he had an attack? What then, smart guy?”
“He won’t have attacks if he was doing something with his life!” 
“They are full time parents, and full time heroes! They do more than just ‘rescue cats and make celebrity appearances at charity events’! How can you be so ignorant?!”
“What did you call me!?” 
Screams came from the pool, and the argument halted. 
Mermaidia had made her appearance. 
“I am Mermaidia! You all have grown too soft and comfortable! I’m here to remind you what it was like back when there were akuma!” She laughed, pointed her trident, and turned a child into a fish. 
The party descended into madness, as Mermaidia shot rapidly. None of the teens in the pool escaped, and all turned into various fish and sea creatures. 
Isaac turned into a starfish, and Emma stuck him to her arm. “You’re coming with me. I want you to see how wrong you were.” 
Several adults had tried to escape as well, but Mermaidia stopped them in their run. 
Only those who knew the identity of Hawkmoth, or were previous Miraculous users didn’t panic. Rather, they stood staring, confused. Alya backed away carefully, and escaped into the hotel. Whether Emma purposely let her go or not, she would never know.
“Emma?” Asked Sabine. 
“I’m not Emma anymore, I’m Mermaidia!” She turned Isaac’s father into another starfish, and stuck him on her other arm. “You mocked my parents, but now, they’re the only ones that can save you! Ahahaha!” 
“Emma, stop.” Tom demanded. “You’re a good girl. We can’t let what people say get to us. People will always have their opinions that we disagree with, but we can’t take it personally.” 
“But I can take this personally!” She shouted back. “My father is the greatest man alive, and no one will doubt that when I’m through! Just you see!” 
She turned the rest of the assembled party goers into creatures, before leaping into the pool and disappearing.
Ladybug, Chat Noir, Alya, Chloe, Louis, and Hugo all returned to the party, only to find a bunch of fish. 
“What the…?” 
“She’s called Mermaidia,” Alya clarified. “She’s turned everyone into sea creatures. She appeared from the water, so I think she can transport through liquid.”
“She totally can, dude,” said a sea turtle from the pool. 
“Nino?” Asked Chat Noir. 
“Cha dude, what do you think? Pretty fitting for me, huh?” 
“Are you okay?”
“Totally. All the little dudes are too.” He gestured to the fish in the pool. 
“Emma turned the kid and his dad who started the argument into starfish.” Said a sea-snake. “They’re on her arms. So be careful when you attack.”
“Where’s my mom and dad?” 
“Over here!” Called a walrus. There was a crab next to him, waving a claw. “We’re fine, honey. Just save Emma!” 
“Next question,” Said Ladybug, wielding her yo-yo angrily. “Where’s Gabriel?”
Chat Noir rested a hand on her shoulder. “Let’s focus on saving Emma, and then we’ll find him.” 
She sighed. “You’re right, as always, kitty. However, I think we might need some help with this akuma.” She opened her yo-yo and reached inside, pulling out two octagonal boxes. Then she turned to Hugo and Louis. “I hoped to give you your presents later, and hoped you wouldn’t ever have to use them. But desperate times come desperate measures.” 
Hugo and Louis smiled at each other, with excitement. 
“Louis, my wise, observant, and cunning child, this is the Miraculous of the Snake. With it, you can turn back time an infinite amount of times in a five minute duration. You will use it for the greater good.”
“And Hugo, my brave, bold, and exuberant child, this is the Miraculous of the Turtle. With it, you can create an impenetrable shield. You will use it for the greater good.”
“Louis, to transform, simply say ’Sass, Scales Slither.’ And Hugo, your phrase is ‘Wayzz, Shell On’.”
“Sass, Scales Slither!”
“Wayzz, Shell On!” 
A flash of green and teal, and the boys were turned into superheroes. They high fived each other. 
“The Reptile Boyz are back in town!” Hugo cheered. 
“Really? ‘Boyz’ with a ‘Z’?” Chat Noir asked flatly.
“It’s cool, old man!” Said Louis. 
“Alright team, let’s focus,” Ladybug said, a bit too fondly for the situation at hand. She took out her yo-yo, and looked for intel. There was a special report live from Nadja Chamack. 
“—Mermaidia is the first Akuma in 20 years! It was thought that Hawkmoth had retired, but it seems he has one ace left up his sleeve. The akuma was last spotted at the Luxembourg park! Hopefully, Ladybug and Chat Noir are on their way! Again, this is a real akuma, so it is advised to stay indoors and away from water!” 
“She’s at the park! Let’s go!” 
This wasn’t nearly as scary as Emma thought it would be. In fact, she was having a lot of fun. Hawkmoth did advise her that she would be influenced by her anger, but that really didn’t seem to bother her. It was really fun to turn people into sea creatures. 
Though, she did feel really guilty when she hit people that were crying in fear. 
But that’s what her parents were here for! To undo all this! It was fine! 
“I am Mermaidia! And Ladybug and Chat Noir are your only chance for salvation!” 
“Now now Emma,” Chat Noir spoke from behind. “Go easy on us. We’re a little wet behind the ears.” 
Emma had to stomp down the urge to run and hug her father, and instead declared. “There you are, Ladybug and Chat Noir! Ready to do battle?” 
Ladybug simply crossed her arms. “If you don’t give up your akuma, you’re grounded.” 
Mermaidia stomped her foot. “You can’t ground me if you can’t catch me!” And she leapt into the fountain. 
“She’s escaping!” Cried Hugo. 
“Quick, fan out! Look for sources of water, and call as soon as you get sight of her!” 
This was not Hugo or Louis’ first time using a Miraculous. Every once in a while, Marinette and Adrien would allow the children to pick one out to try, and then they’d have a family game of tag out on the Paris rooftops. The rules were to stay safe, and to not allow the media to take pictures. And at the first sign of danger, they were supposed to go home and let Mom and Dad handle it. 
So the boys were familiar with their powers, but boy, they were not ready for the anxiety of an Akuma attack. 
They may have been older, but Emma was still the reigning champion of tag. 
“Find anything?” Louis asked, crossing his brother. 
“Not a scale,” said Hugo. “Have you activated your Second Chance yet?” 
“No, but I will the second we find her. Then if she escapes, we can just reverse time.” 
“Smart.” Then, Hugo’s eyes caught on something in the river. “Huh?”
“How often do you think whales go down the Seine?” 
“There she is! She’s on top of it!” Hugo activated his distress beacon on his shield, making sure to keep up with Emma, but also stay out of sight. 
“We have to play this carefully. She can literally jump into the water and disappear at any second.” 
“Not if there’s no water to disappear into,” said Chat Noir, appearing from nowhere. 
Hugo resisted a scream. “D-Chat! You’re too sneaky!”
“I’ve been doing this a while, kiddo. Ladybug’s not here yet?” 
“No, what’s the plan?”
“I have half a plan…”
“Then it’s a good thing I have half of one too!” Said Ladybug, finally joining them. “After you sent your signal, I called the French Waterway Commission and had them close the lock she’s on.” 
“What did what the what?” Hugo asked. 
“The river is made up of locks,” explained Louis, “chambers that fill and empty with water so boats can travel. The ground isn’t level, and the water level changes.” 
“So Ladybug basically had them dam up the section Emma’s on right now,” said Chat.
“But she can still travel through water, so once she reaches the dam, she’ll just abandon ship, er, whale.” Hugo observed. “So then what?”
“Then we put my plan into action,” Chat cracked his knuckles, and stealthily made his way to the river bank. 
Louis and Hugo watched in fascination as Chat called his Cataclysm and touched the water. In a boiling wave, it rolled quickly past Emma, evaporating as it went. It didn’t even have time to settle, just went up in a cloud of steam. 
The whale that Emma was on run ashore, and she came to a halt. “What?”
“Nowhere to run now, little girl!” Ladybug called. 
Mermaidia jumped from the back of the whale and landed in the sand. It wasn’t even damp. Chat had literally evaporated all the water in that section of the river. 
“Second Chance!” Louis activated his bracelet. And just in time too, as Mermaidia shot a beam at Ladybug, and turned her into a dolphin. “Second Chance!”   
Time restarted, and Louis shouted. “Ladybug, dive!” 
Ladybug dove out of the way, missing the three shots Mermaidia took. 
“I’m not going to take it easy on you just because you’re my mother!” Emma shouted. “So let’s show Paris what a real superhero looks like, hmm?” 
“Oh you are so grounded when this is over, little lady!” She dodged another blast, and called for her Lucky Charm. 
Hugo called for Shelter while she glanced around, looking for the purpose of the tennis racket her Miraculous had bestowed upon her.
Then it dawned on her. 
A grounding wasn’t enough for her naughty child. Oh no. This called for the big guns.
The second Hugo’s Shelter faded, she shot out her yo-yo, catching Emma around the arms, and yanked her to lay across her leg. Hugo and Louis peeled the captive starfish off, while Chat took the trident. All the while Mermaidia wriggled around, fighting against the yo-yo string. 
“No akuma in the trident, my lady.” Chat Noir shrugged. 
“Oh, I’ll get it out of her.” Ladybug raised the tennis racket. “Where’s the akuma at, Emma?” 
“This is cheating!” 
“Okay, you asked for it.” And Ladybug brought the tennis racket down on her bottom, once, twice, three times before Emma cried out. “Okay okay! It’s in my bracelet! Stop! Stop!”
Chat broke the bracelet, freeing the butterfly, as Ladybug set her crying daughter down in the sand. 
She caught and purified the butterfly, and removed everyone from the bank of the river before casting her cure. 
Emma Dupain-Cheng returned, pouting, and still rubbing her behind. “I was just trying to help…” 
“Where’s your Grandfather?” 
“He’s in a conference room at the hotel. But don’t be mad at him, please…” 
Before Ladybug could yell more, Isaac and his father approached her. “Uh, Ladybug?” 
“Look, I wanted to—we wanted to apologize. Thank you for rescuing us, and I’m sorry. I guess I had forgotten what it was like having akumas around. You still stopped Hawkmoth, right? Well…until today…” 
“Hawkmoth is a friend of ours now,” Ladybug clarified. “He’s paid for his crimes, but today has shown that he hasn’t quite learned the right way to deal with problems. I believe he was well intentioned, but we will be having words.” 
Isaac’s father nudged his son. “You want to say anything?” 
Isaac shyly looked at the family and admitted, “thank you for inviting to the party. No one invites me to things.” 
“Yeah, well, work on your boundary issues, and maybe it’ll happen more often,” said Louis. 
“If you guys want to head back to the hotel, I think there’s still time for cake!” Said Chat, with optimism. 
After the Miraculous cure restored the party, everyone gathered again and lunch was served. 
But, the Dupain-Chengs were in the conference room. Marinette and Adrien frowned at their youngest and Gabriel. 
“Now, son--” Gabriel began. 
“What were you thinking?” Adrien interrupted. 
“I was thinking that Paris needed a little reminder of all the hard work you guys did.” 
“Yeah, cool,” sniped Marinette. “Except now they think you’re out of retirement, and that’s a huge reminder that we didn’t stop you!” 
Gabriel took the brooch off. “Then here. Make it official. Tell them that this akuma was my swan-song and I made it to surrender.” 
Marinette took the brooch regardless, and put it in her bag. “I don’t know what I’ll say to the media. They’ll want to know who you are, and if you’re going to prison…and akumatizing your own granddaughter?” 
“I told him I was okay with it!” Said Emma. “I knew what I was getting into. It’s not that big of a deal!” 
“Not that big of a deal!?” 
There was a knock on the door, as Hugo and Louis peeked their heads in. “There you are, Grandfather!” 
“Hi boys,” he smiled at them, softly. 
The twins pushed passed their parents to stand in front of him, arms crossed, just like Marinette and Adrien. 
“What you did was terrible,” Said Louis. 
“So awful,” echoed Hugo. 
“You could have permanently hurt or traumatized people.” 
“Done thousands of dollars of property damage.” 
Gabriel sighed. “I know…I just—“ But he was cut off as the boys wrapped him up in a tight hug. “What?”
“Thanks for the coolest present ever!” 
“Yeah! Mom gave us our Miraculous, but the chance to use them on a real akuma!?” 
“Hey!” Shouted Emma. “I was the akuma! No thanks for me!?”
They gave her a noogie. “Thanks twerp.” 
“You’re a twerp!” 
Marinette and Gabriel met eyes. He gave a sheepish shrug. “I know I’m bad. But I deeply love my family.” 
She then gave up trying to be angry. “Alright fine. I admit it. It was fun to fight an akuma again. But it’s over now!” 
Adrien shook his head fondly. “Thanks for meddling dad.” 
“Your welcome, son.” 
“I want cake!” Hugo shouted. 
“Cake time!” 
“Yay cake!” 
“No cake for Emma. Only broccoli.” Marinette clarified. “You were naughty.” 
“Aw man!!” 
Oh my word this story got AWAY from me! It was only supposed to be maybe 20 chapters when I first started on it? But here we are, a year and a half later, and over 200,000 words! I kinda can’t believe I’m done! 
Anyways, thank you all for sticking around through all the heartache. I appreciated every single review and like. And one parting question: What was your favorite part?
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fanficoutlet · 5 years
The Friend
Ian Lightfoot x Male!Reader
Fandom: Onward
Genre: Fluff
Description: Barley brings the reader over to his house to play Quests of Yore, where he finally meets his brother Ian.
Warning: Ian being all flustered and cute, reader is also an elf, pretty fast developed feelings, dumb pickup lines, forehead kisses 🥺
Words: 1,822
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Y/N had never been over to Barley Lightfoot’s house. They’ve been best friends for years, and yet he had never set foot inside.
Until today.
“Welcome to my humble abode, dear friend!” Barley clasped his hand onto Y/N’s shoulder and shook him.
The other elf laughed and wrapped his arm around Barley’s neck, “Thank you, kind sir! Would you escort me inside like the good host you are?” He gestured to the small yet cozy looking home. Barley nodded enthusiastically and practically kicked open the door. The two of them laughed rather loudly as they entered the house. The noise immediately attracted Blazey, who Y/N had seen pictures of in Barley’s phone. The dragon sped up to them in a hurry, tackling Barley to the ground before licking his face like she hadn’t seen him in ages. Barley cackled and gently pushed her off of him. Then the dragon’s attention was turned to Y/N. She lit up like a lightbulb at the sight of someone new, jumping up and into Y/N’s arms. The elf was startled, but immediately took a liking to the pet. He scratched under her chin, “Oh you are just the sweetest!”
“Blazey!” A woman’s voice sounded from down the hall. She ran up with a squirt bottle and squeezed the plastic trigger, shooting water at her, “Get down, we do not jump on people!” Blazey blew a tiny flicker of fire before scurrying off to her lair. The woman from before adjusted her glasses with a smile and raised her hand out, “I am so sorry about that. She’s just easily excited. I’m Laurel, Barley’s mom.” Y/N took her hand and shook it.
“It’s really no problem! I’m Y/N. It’s so great to finally meet you.”
“Right back at you,” Laurel grinned, “Barley’s talked about you and your campaigns quite a lot. We were wondering when you would finally show up.”
Y/N shrugged and stuffed his hands into his jacket pockets, “My mother… She can be a little controlling. My sister and I aren’t normally allowed over other’s houses.”
Laurel cocked an eyebrow, “So what changed for today?”
“Well I’m eighteen,” Y/N started, “She can’t really tell me what I can and can’t do now.” Laurel nodded her head in understanding.
“I see… Well! We’re happy to have you here.” She set a hand onto Y/N’s shoulder before yelling, “IAN!” Her sudden shout made both Y/N and Barley jump. She didn’t sound mean or angry, she was just trying to get his attention.
“Yeah?” A timid voice yelled back, muffled by the distance between him and everyone else.
“I’ll be there in a minute!”
“Hurry up, brother of mine!” Barley declared. He grabbed a fake sword out of the cane holder near the door and held it triumphantly in the air, “We have quests to begin and people to save!” He then ran to the dining room and began setting up the game. Y/N chuckled to himself and waited by the front door. He didn’t really know what to do with himself. Laurel had already walked away, probably to the living room or her bedroom, and Y/N hadn’t really been to another friend’s house before. He was about to take out his phone when he heard a creak from the top of the stairs. His head shot up and saw a lanky elf walking down. The boy didn’t seem to notice the company as he struggled to fix the flannel he was wearing. He stopped at the bottom of the stairs, fighting with one of the buttons on the shirt.
“Hi there.” Y/N said, making the boy jump.
“H-Hey!” His cheeks flushed when he saw Y/N leaning against the front door, “You must be the friend that Barley’s been talking about!” Y/N smiled at how easily flustered he got, “I-I’m Ian, by the way.”
“I’m Y/N. AKA, the friend. It’s nice to meet you, Ian.”
“Yeah, you too!” Ian rocked back and forth on his feet, “So how come I’ve never seen you before?”
Y/N rubbed the back of his neck, “Strict mom. But I’m eighteen now! So that’s why I’m finally here.” Ian nodded. The two of them sat in silence for what seemed like hours. It didn’t feel awkward, at least not to Y/N. Ian on the other hand, felt like the entire weight of the conversation rested on his shoulders. He felt an obligation to keep it going, like he wanted to keep talking, but he didn’t know how or why.
Barley peeked in from the dining room, “Y/N, the game’s almost set up!”
“Alright. Now we just gotta wait for the others to show up, right?” Barley nodded and went back to finish setting up.
Y/N glanced over at Ian to see him fidgeting, “Hey, Ian. You play?” He gestured to the dining room. Ian shook his head.
“No, no, I don’t.”
“Have you ever played?”
“Well, if you wanna join this campaign, we could use another party member.” Ian didn’t respond, just looked away from him, still fidgeting. Y/N frowned, “I’m sure everyone would love to have you.” He said, before leaving to join Barley.
Later that night, the campaign was in full swing. Y/N was the Quest Master, of course, guiding the travelers through epic quests and dangerous obstacles. Ian could hear everything from his room. He didn’t think he would ever want to play the dumb game, but something about tonight made him want to go downstairs and join the party. Even if it was just for one night. Suddenly, he thought about Barley’s friend, Y/N. He felt his cheeks heat up and he groaned.
“What is wrong with me?” He barely even knew the guy, and yet he had him as flustered as a school girl looking at her crush. A loud groan from downstairs shook him out of his thoughts.
“Oh my god, we need a wizard,” Ian heard one of Barley’s friends say, “if we try to fight even one more monster, we’re done for.”
“You can say that again!” Barley shouted. Ian groaned and ran a hand through his hair. He was going to regret this.
“I-I wanna join the party,” Ian said. He found himself standing in the doorway to the dining room. Barley’s mouth dropped in absolute shock.
“You’re kidding,” he said.
Ian shook his head, “No, I wanna join.”
Y/N’s face lit up, “That's great! Do you have a character?” Ian’s cheeks flushed once again and he nodded.
“Y-Yeah! I wanna be a… A wizard?”
“Perfect,” Y/N smiled and gave him a character sheet along with a pencil. He gestured to the seat next to him, “Take a seat! The real quest is just about to begin.”
That night was one Ian was never going to forget. His first time playing Quests of Yore was better than he ever thought it would be. Y/N seemed to be a great Quest Master, and the rest of the party was happy to take him in. Ian had never felt so accepted into a group before, and he was so happy that Y/N was the most accepting out of all of them, save for his brother.
Time flew by as if it was nothing. It got late, and everyone had to leave. Y/N was the last one to go, as he was helping the brothers clean up.
“This was possibly one of the best campaigns yet,” he said, glancing up at Ian.
Ian gave him a shy smile, then looked down to the character figurines he was picking up, “Yeah. That was fun.” When they finished picking up all the pieces and parts, they realized that Barley was nowhere to be seen.
“Did you see where Barley went?” Y/N asked, Ian shook his head.
The two of them leaned onto the dining room table next to one another, in a period of silence similar to the one they had earlier. Ian felt the familiar heaviness of needing to continue the conversation.
“Say something, say anything!”
“You’re really cool, Y/N.”
“No! No, not that!”
Y/N’s eyes widened in surprise, “Really? You think so?” Ian felt a drop of sweat trickle down the side of his head as he tried to avoid looking at Y/N. He definitely just weirded him out.
“Yeah, I do,” Ian nodded and let out a nervous laugh, “You put on a really awesome campaign, and I had a lot of fun.” When he looked up, he noticed that Y/N had inched closer to him, their faces were only inches away from one another’s.
“I’m really glad to hear that,” Y/N gave him a soft smile and slid his hand over Ian’s. Maybe he hadn’t ruined everything. Ian’s cheeks turned a deeper shade of pink than they were before, making Y/N chuckle to himself, “Maybe we could hang out sometime, without the guys? Would you be down?”
Ian grinned, “Yeah! I mean— Yeah, I’d totally be down…” he tried to play it cool, but failed rather miserably. Y/N laughed, his hand lightly squeezing Ian’s.
Barley suddenly barged into the doorway, forcing the two of them to pull away from each other, “Till next time, my friend!” He pat Y/N on the back, “I bid you adieu…”
“I-I’ll walk you out!” Ian stuttered and sped to the front door.
“Such a gentleman, Ian! That’s my boy!” Barley shouted. Him and Y/N said their goodbyes before Y/N walked out the front door. He turned to Ian, taking his hand in his own and putting on his best proper accent he could.
“Till we meet again, sweet prince.” The sentence alone could’ve made Ian laugh, but the effort Y/N put in just to say it made him snort. It was probably the most embarrassing line he had ever heard.
The elf clutched his stomach, his laughter making it almost impossible for him to say anything, “Y-You did not just say that!”
“But I did!” Y/N kept up the accent. He used his free hand to move Ian’s curly hair away from his forehead, leaned in, and placed a small kiss upon it. Ian’s laughter ceased immediately, blush creeping onto his cheeks instead. A chuckle erupted from Y/N’s throat, “Goodnight, Ian.” Before he could say a word, Y/N had let go of his hand and walked away. The moment before he got into his car, Y/N waved goodbye. Ian couldn’t stop himself from waving back with an obvious glee. He didn’t know what it was, but something about that boy made him absolutely thrilled for the next time they met. He sighed and leaned against the front door, watching as Y/N drove off.
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
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DAY 1: If Ash was aware of his feelings for Misty during their journeys together
Quick note: I don’t know why, but the story on fan-fiction doesn’t show up for some reason? It must be an error, but for the meantime I’ll post the written stories on tumblr. When the fanfic is available on the website again, then I’ll post a link! (Sorry for the inconvenience!)
It was a hot summer day.
Ash, Misty, Brock, Togepi and Pikachu were walking to the beach. Today was a free day, so they decided to fight the heat by swimming in the cool water. It was busy at the beach, but they managed to find a place.
"Finally!" Misty sighed as they all sat down on a towel under a beach umbrella. She pulled her scrunchy out and let her hair fall down. She pushed through her hair with a loud sigh. "It was getting too warm...I need to cool down!"
"Same here." Brock sat down next to her. "Now, I have packed some sandwiches for today. Delia forgot to do so last minute, so I..."
He stopped talking when he saw Ash and Misty stare at him with a hungry gaze. Togepi chirped and pulled a little at his t-shirt. Brock sighed and pulled the sandwiches from his bag.
"Okay, just eat, you two hungry snorlaxs."
Misty and Ash both hungrily ate their sandwiches. Brock rolled his eyes as he took a bite of his.
After finishing their lunch they all dressed. Ash and Brock wore simply swimming boxers while Misty wore a cute yellow bathing suit.
They all jumped into the water screaming while Pikachu looked after Togepi on the side of the water.
Misty had called out her staryu and swam around with it, while Brock and Ash splashed around in the water, throwing water at each other and acting like boys would do their age.
"Hey Mist!"
Misty stopped swimming and turned her head towards Ash's voice. But he was nowhere to be seen...she only saw Brock, floating on his back.
"Ash?" Misty asked, a little panicked. What if he had gone under? Or what if he had gotten hurt or...
Misty moved back as a certain boy popped out of the water in front of her. She went under for a minute and when she swam back up to the surface she saw Ash, laughing loudly.
"Buwhahaha, your face!" Ash laughed.
"You jerk!" Misty swatted water towards him and tried to hit him. "I got really scared!"
Ash raised his eyebrows with a teasing smile. "So you got worried for me? I didn't knew that you were such a softy!"
"You're dead!"
Ash shrieked and swam towards land as Misty chased him at tremendous speed.
When he reached the beach, he ran onto the sand. He hoped that Misty had given up, but boy, he was wrong.
The girl caught up to him and grabbed him from behind into a headlock. Ash managed to pull himself free and turned around. He held his hands up in defense and smiled nervously at her.
"You don't need to do this..." Ash said. "Calm down..."
"You're right..." Misty cracked her knuckles. "I don't need to do this."
Ash sighed in relief. "Good..."
"I want to do this!"
Misty pounced onto him. They fell down onto the sand and rolled around. Ash tried to get the upper hand, but eventually Misty ended up on top. She laughed as she looked down at him.
"Gotcha! Now what do you gotta say?" Misty asked.
"You're weird."
Misty leaned in closer to him. Her face was only inches away from his. She glared down at him with an angry look in her eyes.
But Ash wasn't scared.
His heart was suddenly thumping a lot louder than usual. Her marine-blue-green eyes...there was suddenly something about them...he noticed a few freckles on her face and got a sudden urge to kiss them away.
Her voice caught him out of his thoughts. Wait, what was he even thinking?! This was his best friend!
"Yeah, yeah, you were right! I'm sorry, so get off!"
Misty jumped away from him. Ash blushed nervously and sat up while Misty celebrated.
"Finally!" Misty yelled. "I win!"
"Yeah, yeah..." Ash put his hand against his chest. Pikachu walked up to him and looked at him with a questioning look. Ash kept wondering why his heart was still beating...was he sick?
"Ash, are you sick?"
When they got back to his house Ash his face was still flushed and his body was heating up. His mother had put him on the couch and put a blanket around him. She put her hand on his forehead and frowned.
"I told you not to get in the water." Delia said. "You get sick so quickly..."
"I'm no...hatsjoe!"
Ash sneezed into his elbow. Delia sighed and petted his head.
"Miss Delia?"
Misty walked into the room. Between her hands she held a plate with a bowl of soup. Ash shot up and gulped. If Misty had made that...
Misty noticed his nervous gaze and rolled her eyes. "I brought soup for you and no, Ash, I didn't made it. Brock made some. I'm only here to deliver."
Delia giggled. "Misty, why don't you sit next to Ash and feed him?"
"H-huh?!" Misty yelled.
"Mom!" Ash yelled.
"Come on. My poor boy is too weak to eat himself...and Misty, didn't you say that you would do anything to help her?"
"Yes, but..."
"Thank you dear! Now I can check if Brock won't burn down our kitchen!"
Delia giggled and she ran off. Misty and Ash both sweat dropped. Brock wouldn't do that...
Misty sighed. She sat next to Ash. She grabbed the spoon, filled it with spoon and held it in front of Ash.
"Open up. Aah."
Ash rolled his eyes at her. "Could you be warmer?"
"I'm not going to coddle you. You might be a kid, but..."
"Aaah..." Ash close his eyes and opened his mouth. He opened one eye and looked at Misty.
Misty groaned and put the spoon into his mouth. Ash smirked as he swallowed the bite.
"Don't be all smug." Misty said. "I'm only doing this because your mum told me to!"
After Ash had finished his food, they decided to watch a movie. Brock and Delia decided to join them, but soon stepped away as they weren't a big fan of action movies. Pikachu and Togepi both stayed, but mostly played around on the floor.
But Ash couldn't concentrate on the movie. Instead he found himself glancing at Misty from time to time.
The movie suddenly played a romantic scene with two people kissing. Ash shrieked and covered his eyes. Misty looked at him and laughed.
"Ha, you're such a prude!" Misty said.
Ash pulled his hands away to uncover his eyes and glared at her. "Shut up. As if you're not embarrassed with this scene."
"I'm not. I already had my first kiss."
Ash' heart dropped and he looked down. "Oh...uhm...then..." He scratched his neck and coughed. "Ahem...with...who?"
"Who? Rudy."
Misty shrugged. "Yeah, but it was pretty short. And dry for some reason. Why do you ask?"
Ash blushed and averted his eyes. "No reason..."
Misty moved closer to him with a small smile and intriguing eyes. "Come one! Tell me! Why are you suddenly interested in my love life?"
"It's stupid." Ash said and he tried to move away, but there wasn't much space left on the couch.
"No, tell me!"
"Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me!"
Misty became quiet. She looked at Ash who was now completely red. He pulled his cap closer over his eyes.
"Since..." Misty moved closer. She pulled the cap from his head and whispered; "since when?"
"Since yesterday."
"Yesterday?!" Misty yelled. "Are you sure you're in love with me?!"
"Then...what do you like about me?"
Misty put her hand on his arm. "You must like me for a reason, right?"
"Kinda. I mean...I like you because you're awesome. And you are a good trainer."
Ash blinked. "And what?"
Misty moved even closer and whispered; "Give me another reason. Come on."
Ash gulped. "So...I also like you because you're feisty and confident. You always know how to cheer me up, you're always by my side and...you're really pretty sometimes."
Misty pulled back. "Okay."
She looked back at the movie. Ash stayed frozen in his seat, baffled. Wasn't she almost about to kiss him? What happened?
"But that's not enough."
"N-n-not enough?" Ash stuttered.
Misty turned her head towards him. "You need to do more to make me fall in love with you, Ash Ketchum. You're game is really weak."
Ash sat up straight and poked with his finger against her arm. "My game isn't weak! I never have a weak game!"
Misty smirked confidently. "Oh really? Because not only did you recite one of my favorite movies, you told me that I was 'sometimes' pretty!"
"You are!"
"Geez!" Ash grabbed his cap from her hands and put it on his head. "Fine! Then I'll make sure to make you fall for me!"
Misty laughed. "Is that a challenge!"
"You bet it is! I'll make sure to make you mine one day!"
Misty's heart fluttered, but she was a champion at hiding it.
"Good." She said. "Then I'll only have to wait another seven years!"
"Ha! Make that two!"
Ash put his hand out. Misty turned her body and grabbed his hand as if they were preparing for a match.
"You're on!"
"I'll win this match!" Ash said.
"Pfft, as if!"
Pikachu and Togepi stared at the two and sighed. They never really understood their masters. But unlike their Pokémon Ash and Misty both knew that this time it was something much bigger than an usual battle
And it wasn't often that something was.
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jazminetoad · 4 years
In My Reality | Chapter 1: Dreams & Wishes
Yo, I finally finished the actual first chapter of this new series! I originally wanted to get this out within a week of the prologue’s release but this turned out to be longer than I imagined. All of my TLC went into this for the past three weeks, I haven’t felt this passionate for a project in a long time. I hope you enjoy it just as much as I do! ^-^
(This is a Tatsumi brothers x Reader)
(To read the first part, click -> Prologue)
(To read the next part, click → Chapter 2)
(Click “Keep reading” to read the story)
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"Geez [n/n], you look so tired," Kamida pointed out. "Did you get any sleep last night?"
"Yeah, I did," I told them before a yawn escaped my mouth. "Just not as much as I wanted."
The three of us were standing at one of the local bus stops that took us downtown. It was our usual meeting spot since it crossed paths with the sidewalks that led us to our houses. We were heading to the arcade, our pockets filled with coins and our phones. The two artists were awake and ready but I on the other hand wished I stayed in bed.
"Oh?" Kamida quirked a brow.
"Did you go to sleep when we ended the call?" Meri-chan questioned, narrowing her eyes at me. 'Course in my sleepy state, I wasn't bothered by her laser stare.
"Look, I wasn't ready to fall asleep at the time. Can you blame me?" I asked only to receive a sigh for an answer. "I didn't stay up too late anyway-"
"When what?"
"When do you go to sleep?" Meri-chan inquired, placing her hands on her hips.
'Playing the mom friend, are we now?' I thought to myself. 'At least I don't have to deal with the teasing wingman.'
"Around 2 in the morning," I mumbled.
"What did you even do during that time?" Kamida asked, saving me from Meri-chan's lecture.
"I just watched the twins' episodes from Juuni Taisen." I noticed Meri-chan was about to go on again so I added, "Hey, at least I didn't watch the entire series."
"That's not the point," Meri-chan stated. I just shrugged in response.
"You really love those two, don't you," Kamida asked me.
I lost track of how many times I rewatched their episodes long ago. While rewatching the entire Anime is great, I didn't have the patience to go through six other episodes before seeing my favourite twins. I then just kept replaying the twins' episodes, eventually losing track of how many times I did. It's just that every time I watch the two episodes, the more I felt I could understand them. It made them seem as if they were real, but the reality is that they're not and I have to remember that. That doesn't stop my dreams though, speaking of my dreams...
"You know, I had an unusual dream last night," I told my friends. "It wasn't like the rest of my dreams that were strange and went all over the place. This dream it... it was of the Tatsumi Brothers but- but it was alternate ending with them." I left out the description of what happened because it'd spoil the Anime for Kamida, and I didn't want to do that.
"What do you mean by 'alternate ending'?" Meri-chan inquired, raising a brow.
"Like it was the ending of Juuni Taisen but different," I answered. "It just- it looked so real! It felt like I was actually watching the Anime until I woke up. You get what I'm saying?"
"Ummm, no," Meri-chan responded, sounding puzzled.
"Really?" I deadpanned.
"I get what you're saying," Kamida piped, pushing his glasses up for the Anime effect. My brow raised in question as to what his next words would be. "You're saying you're obsessed with the two to the point you dream of them!" He stated, pointing an index finger at me.
"Ack-! No!"
"Relax [n/n]," Kamida laughed. "I'm just messing with ya."
"Ha ha..." I let out before another yawn escapes.
"Man, you really are tired."
"I think the dream took my energy," I theorized, rubbing my eyes to stay open. Just as the words left my mouth, we all caught a glimpse of the approaching city bus. I don't know if it was just me but the thing seemed to be taking its sweet time to get to the bus stop.
"It's okay, [Name]. You can take a nap on the bus," Meri-chan told me as the bus came to a stop. "We'll wake you up when we're at the stop near the arcade."
Following my friends, I stepped onto the bus. It wasn't crowded, which made sense considering most people were still working at 2 in the afternoon. Kamida found a set of seats for all of us and sat down, Meri-chan sat next to him, then I plopped down in the seat next to her. Adjusting my position to try and get comfortable enough to fall asleep, I tilted my head to the side and let my eyes fall shut. Soon enough, I had drifted into sleep.
"Is that thing any good?" Nagayuki asked his younger brother, watching him eat the deceased, cooked lizard.
"Yeah, it's awesome!" Takeyasu's sarcasm dripped with venom as his teeth tried to tear the scaled arm. "What do you think?"
The elder twin just blankly stared at his brother. Silence filled the air around them, but the sound of the younger twin eating his dead pet prevented the silence from taking over the scene. That was until the echo of a knock on their door emitted into their ears.
In sync, they both turned their attention to the door wondering who'd come to the door at this hour aside from a delivery man, but it wouldn't make sense for it to be a delivery man. Neither of them had ordered anything. The two gave each other a glance of uncertainty before Nagayuki let out a sigh, pinching the tip of his nose.
"I'll answer it," he stated as he approached the front door.
"Alright." Takeyasu reached over and grabbed his weapon, pulling it close for easy access, just in case.
The feeling around them pulled the twins towards the edge as eerie vines grew in the room. Masking his expression, Nagayuki slowly twisted the knob and partially opened the door. He briefly eyes the person standing on the other side.
It was a man with a top hat, grey hair tied back into a ponytail, facial hair, and the structure of his face made him seem elderly. He wore a black long coat with a grey scarf and white gloves. By this alone, the elder Tatsumi brother was able to tell this man dressed to blend into the shadows and meant business. Something else emitted from the man, it seemed to be supernatural. If it had been a normal person answering the door, they would've brushed the feeling off as if it was nothing because they don't believe in it, but Nagayuki knew the supernatural existed because he was living proof. That said, he grew cautious, thinking carefully of his next actions.
"Can I help you?" Nagayuki asked the man with a stoic face.
"I do believe this is the household of the Tatsumi brothers, Nagayuki and Takeyasu, if my sources are correct," the man spoke with an unreadable smile.
"So what if it is?"
"My name is Duodecuple," the man introduced himself. "I am from the Juuni Taisen organization."
Nagayuki raised a brow, suspicious of this mysterious person. When the head of the dragon and snake household explained how the Juuni Taisen contacted you the instructions of how to get to the location, they sent a letter in a red envelope with gold wax as its seal, and it was delivered through the mail. Why was this man here?
"Are you?" Nagayuki questioned. "Do you have any proof to back up that claim of yours?"
"I figured you would say something like that," Duodecuple said, his gloved-hand reached into his coat and pulled out a red envelope with a golden seal, handing it to Nagayuki.
Taking it from the man, the elder Tsumita twin opened the letter and thoroughly read the message written. Sure enough, this was legit. Glancing back at the man, still with a hint of suspicion, Nagayuki folded the letter and placed it back in the envelope before handing it back to him.
"Alright, so why are you here exactly? Last time I checked, you don't escort the warriors to the Juuni Taisen."
"While that is indeed true, I am here on the behave of a wish someone made. A wish that you and your brother wouldn't partake in the Juuni Taisen."
Takeyasu, who was listening to the conversation nearby, swung the door open and fired his weapon at the man. In his mind, that statement is something said before another person is killed. Not necessarily a threat, but even so it wasn't something to take lightly. He wasn't taking the risk of his brother being killed.
Nagayuki hardly had any time to react before his brother started burning the person in front of them. Part of him wanted to scold his brother for acting impulsively, but gratitude is the feeling that stirred inside him. He became unsettled after what the man said, and if it wasn't for Takeyasu, there was a chance the walls would've been stained with blood. However, he should stop his brother before they burn down the apartment building, he doesn't want to have to move again.
"Alright, that's enough, Takeyasu," Nagayuki told his twin, putting a hand on the younger one's shoulder. As the final remains of ember faded away after Takeyasu had stopped, both twins saw that no evidence was left behind of the man. "You really got him good..." Nagayuki stated, almost in disbelief.
"I do believe it is considered rude to try to kill someone before they finish what they are saying." Duodecuple's voice lurked behind them. The two flinched and spun around to discover the man standing there with no trail of smoke or ash on him as if he never had made contact with the fire. "But since you are warriors, I suppose that is an exception."
"I'd like to see you try and avoid this!"
"Wait-" Nagayuki tried to stop his brother from making any haste moves but his brother slithered quickly and tried to attack the old man with physical combat.
From the way the man never flinched and stood his ground, Nagayuki knew something was up. Sure enough, when Takeyasu struck he phased right through. Surprised by this, Takeyasu barely had time to recover and stumbled to catch himself. Once he steadied himself, he looked back to the elder man with narrowed eyes, growling.
"Now, now, I don't mean to bring any harm," Duodecuple reassured the two, holding up one of his gloved hands to gesture he meant no harm. "I am just here to fulfill a wish..." he paused for a brief moment to lower his hand. "Three wishes actually."
"Huh?" Both Tatsumi brothers spoke in sync, confused. Why would there be three wishes that involved them?
"By your tone, I am sure you are confused. I do not blame you however, even if you remembered your own wish you still would not know where the third one came from."
The twins' eyes glanced at each other before going back to the man. If they had made their wish and Duodecuple was here to grant it then that means they were already in the Juuni Taisen and won. What didn't make sense was how did they both win? Did something change where they could both win? If that was the case, why was Duodecuple here before the Juuni Taisen even started? Then there was still the third wish that didn't fit in the picture.
"Since it is not possible for the two of you to avoid the Juuni Taisen while in this plane of existence, our organizers thought it would be best to move you to another. And since the organizers are generous, they thought to grant another wish that would benefit both you and the wisher."
Once again, the Tatsumi brothers shared a look. Both unsure if there was a catch, and both having a lot of questions running through their minds. This entire situation seemed to be too good to be true then again, it was the Juuni Taisen. From what the twins heard, they made anything possible, the power they have is unimaginable.  Still, better to find out now.
"Is there anything else we should know about?" Nagayuki inquired.
"You will be living with the wisher," Duodecuple informed them. "As I said, it is a win-win situation. You will be informed of the new plane and you will have a new place to stay, it makes things more convenient."
"Alright, so we get our wish granted and a new roommate." Takeyasu turned his gaze to his brother, a smirk on his face. "It doesn't seem all that bad."
"I am glad to hear that. That being said, you have seven hours to pack everything you need before you are escorted to your new home," Duodecuple told them, taking off his hat and bowing. His form began to pixelate away until the air was the only thing that remained where the mysterious hologram once stood.
"[Name], wake up," Meri-chan whispered, nudging me awake. "We're here."
"Huh? Oh, right," I mumbled before a yawn escaped my mouth as I rose to my feet.
Once the three of us had walked off the bus, I stretched my stiff limbs. Satisfaction filled me as the musical sound of my bones cracking played through my ears. I was on that bus for too long, but if that meant I got more sleep, I didn't mind. However, I still wished I had been sleeping, for one I still felt like I needed more rest, and two, I wanted to continue the dream I had. It felt real like the one I dreamt the night before, just as if I was watching Juuni Taisen. I found it rather strange that twice in a row I had a dream like that.
"Feeling more awake now, [n/n]?" Kamida asked me.
"Kinda," I answered honestly before I drew a smirk on my face. "Awake enough to be able to beat you at Street Fighter!" I told him, poking his arm then picked up my feet and dashed towards the building.
"Oh no, you don't!" Kamida shouted, sprinting after me.
"Hey, no fair! You guys got a head start!" Meri-chan complained, following behind, trying to keep up.
'Course, it didn't take long before Kamida was running ahead of me, he had the height advance. Kamida is taller than both me and Meri-chan, and I am taller than Meri-chan which leaves her as the shortest out of our trio. That said, it was the order in which we all arrived at the arcade's main doors. Laughter emerged from us as we stumble at the front entrance.
"You guys are so slow," Kamida jeered.
"Yeah, yeah." I waved it off with a hand before strolling over and opening the door. "After you."
"As the wingman, I insist you go first," he stated holding the door open.
"Fine." I stepped into the world of entertainment and scanned the dark place where black and neon lights hung from. Only a few kids were here today, which means more gameplay for us! "Alright!" I thought out loud.
"Hey [n/n]-chan," Meri-chan addressed me, catching my attention. "Let's play a round of air hockey."
"Yeah- we can do our match later Kamida," I told him, still wanting to do that duel.
"Cool, I'll just be playing Space Invaders over here," he said before walking away.
"Alright, Meri-chan." My hand fished out a dollar from my pocket and inserted it in the coin slot, activating the machine. Taking the puck from the goal and placing it on the table, I put on my game face. "First to ten wins."
"Aw man," I groaned, seeing my Pac-man die for 4th time playing this multiplayer game.
"You're off your game today," Kamida commented as his eyes focus on the screen, trying not to get eaten by Meri-chan's red Pac-man.
"Gee, I wonder what makes you think that." I playfully rolled my eyes, chuckling as I saw Kamida's blue Pac-man get eaten.
"Dang it!"
"Haha!" Meri-chan cheered in victory, throwing her hands in the air.
I felt a smile form on my face seeing my friends act the way they did, but my mind couldn't help but focus on the dreams I had earlier. They were stuck bouncing around my loop of thoughts, perhaps that's why I was off my game. Who can blame me though? It's not like I get these dreams every day so the fact they happen was a puzzle itself, maybe if they happened more often I wouldn't be so distracted.
"Well darn, it's 5:10." Meri-chan's statement caused me to get off my train of thought.
"Shoot, I'm supposed to be home by 6," I told them.
"And I'm supposed to be cooking dinner tonight for me and my little brother," Kamida grumbled as he dug into his pocket and pulled out his phone.
"Should we leave now and catch the next bus?" Meri-chan asked, her eyes looking at us after her phone was put back in her pocket.
"Yeah, the next bus arrives in 15 minutes," Kamida informed us, checking the bus schedule.
"Let's get going then," I said leading the way out of the arcade. Stepping outside after being inside that dim-lit building burned my eyes. My hands shot up to block the setting sun as I let out a snake-like hiss, taking a few steps back.
"Hhhhh, why couldn't it be night when we left?" Meri-chan complained, getting the same effect.
"I don't know, I don't control time," Kamida replied to her squinting his eyes to try and adjust back to the normal lighting. "Come on guys, we don't have much time before the bus gets to the stop."
"Right," I nodded, setting my hands in my jacket pockets after my eyes were used to the lighting, following the others.
"You guys wanna do this again tomorrow?" Meri-chan asked, starting conversation as we strolled to the bus stop.
"I already have stuff going on tomorrow," I lied. It's not that I didn't want to spend time with them, I just didn't want to go outside until I have to go back to school.
"And I'm going to be at my grandparents for the next three days. That's why I said we should hang out today," Kamida explained.
"Oh, that's alright. We can always voice chat at night," Meri-chan optimized.
"Yeah." A yawn escaped from my mouth once again. 'Man, I really do need sleep.'
"[n/n], you should take a nap when you get home."
"I will, I will," I grumbled. 'After I take a shower.'
I probably won't remember to take a nap when I get home, cause with showering and then dinner practically ready when I'm finished, the thought will be lost in my head. Not to mention my dreams are what have been occupying my mind. Usually, they don't, but I believe I'm still grasping onto them since I don't want them to slip away.
'What do the dreams mean?' It appeared too real to be just a normal dream but to call it a vision would absurd. Visions are stuff that happened, will happen, or a sort of warning, at least that's how it is in movies. The closest thing I ever get to a vision is the random flashes of deja vu I receive. Perhaps I'm overthinking this, maybe I'm just having proper dreams for once. Yeah, that's probably it, I-
"Whoa there, [n/n]!" Kamida grasped my hood to prevent me from walking any further.
"Huh?" I voiced, confused by his actions, I turned my head to him and gave him a "Why did you do that?" expression.
"We're at the bus stop, dummy," Meri-chan informed me.
"Oh, oops." I sweatdropped as I stood beside them.
"We're just in time too," Kamida pointed out as he watched the bus drive towards the stop.
One by one, we stepped onto the bus. I noticed the number of people taking this transportation has grown since it's at an hour where most people get off work, luckily there was still a three-seat row open for us. My legs took haste to snatch the spot before it could be in someone's possession, then I plopped down onto the window seat. By the time I had shifted into a comfortable yet civil sitting position, my friends had joined me. Kamida next to me and Meri-chan sitting on his other side.
Vines of silence grew around us so we didn't disturb anyone lurking in our surroundings. I wasn't phased by the lack of conversation, taking the opportunity to gaze at the modern buildings the bus drove by and dive further into the waters of my mind. Going through the catalogue of my memory, I searched for the recent dream I had and play it once I had found it. Something felt out of place in that dream, and it wasn't just because the scenario differed from the canon result of the flashback in episode 8 of Juuni Taisen. The fact Duodecuple stated he came to fulfill three wishes and not two didn't make sense.
If I connected the dots correctly, the first two wishes were Nagayuki and Takeyasu's wish to not partake in the Juuni Taisen, but then where did the third wish come from? Why would there be a third wish? Did I miss something in my first dream? Is it possible that if I slept a bit longer this morning I would've found out who made the third wish?
Multiple questions danced in my mind but they couldn't find any answers for them to waltz around with. After all, they were left in the mystic unknown, the only way they could return to the known land and find answers is if I returned to the dream realm, but there's no guarantee that it'll give me what I'm looking for. I highly doubt I'd be able to get another dream of the Tatsumi brothers again, my dreams have been generous enough to grant me two normal dreams in a row, I don't think they're going to give me a third. Still, it would be nice-
"[n/n], we're at our stop," Kamida informed me while waving a hand in front of my face.
"Uh-right... right," I responded and arose to my feet, following them out of the bus. Once outside, I brushed myself off, watching the bus drive out of view. Turning my attention to my friends, my hands set themselves in my jacket pockets. "So I guess I'll see you guys at school."
"{Yup|Yeah}," they answered at the same time.
"Alright, see ya then guys." I waved, beginning to stroll backwards in the direction of my house.
"Bye!"  Meri-chan exclaimed, waving.
"See ya." Kamida gave a small wave before turning and heading home.
I faced forward once we had disappeared in our path home, eyeing the slim light that emerged from the sun that is ready to be engulfed by the black night. My hand dug into my pocket and pulled out my phone, I needed to text my mom I was almost home. Turning on the device, I noticed I had two text messages, one from my mom and the other from my brother. I tapped on the notification and bypassed the lock screen to read the message my bro sent me.
"Hey, I'm going to a hangout at my friend's house.
Won't be back till morning"
"Looks like he made plans of his own," I thought out loud. "Guess that means no Code Geass tonight, but that also means I can rewatch Juuni Taisen." Drawing a smirk on my face, I chuckled before sending a response to my brother.
"Aight, cya tomorrow bro"
I waited for the message to load and confirm it was sent before tapping onto the text my mom sent.
"Just wanted to let you know your brother
is going over to his friend's place."
"Good to know."
"I'm almost home"
I turned off my phone once I had replied to her message, storing the device in my pocket. Mom always made sure to inform us whenever something came up, which I am grateful for. It helped me remember and keep track of things, they say "two heads are better than one" for a reason.
"Two heads..." I chuckled to myself when the Tsumita twins popped into my head once more. "Two heads that's been stuck in my mind all day."
I sat down in my office chair once I had finished drying my hair, dressed in a simple t-shirt and cargo pants. Opening my laptop I hopped onto docs and clicked the option open a new document. It had been a while since I had written anything, my search for inspiration had been harder than trying to find water in a desert, but with the two dreams I had, I thought I could use it for the idea of a plot. Fidgeting with my bracelet, I tried to construct a starter for the story in my mind, but I found myself unable to find my way around writer's block.
Glancing down at the accessory hugging my wrist as if I asked for ideas, I didn't have any other options since no one was here beside me. I would call or text Meri-chan or Kamida but I knew I'd be heading down soon for dinner. I found no point in inquiring if they could talk if I had to disappear. Funny enough, the bracelet only reminded me of the Tatsumi brothers. I laughed to myself, wondering what the twins would say if they were here, I found the idea amusing. I became tempted to tear the material on my wrist to make my greatest wish a reality, to see if they could become real once I did, but common sense popped my fantasy bubble. This wasn't some Anime where a game master could grant my wish, such fictional desires weren't possible for me to achieve, but I wish it was.
Something in my gut kicked me, flying my head out of that sad mindset I didn't know I fell into. My eyes went back to the blank doc I had open on my laptop. I felt a spark begin to flicker, attempting to get the fire of creativity going. My hands hovered over the keys, words on the tip of my fingers-
"[Name], dinner is ready," mom told me on the other side of my closed door she knocked on.
"Dah!" Frustrated, my arms flew up and mimicked the action of flipping a table before they slammed down on the edge of my desk. "Just when I had something..." I groaned and hung my head back. My mood shifted quickly, realizing some brain food would be good. "Coming mom."
As I arose from my chair, my bracelet seemed off, but when I checked it, everything appeared to be fine. I shrugged off my instinct, believing I was imagining things.
A yawn escaped my mouth after I heard the door to mom's room close, she went to bed since she had to work early. I was just chilling on the couch, my feet reclined up and any plans of writing had gone out the window once I had become one with the couch. I had the house somewhat to myself, considering my mom was now upstairs sleeping I couldn't do much.
I don't do things too exciting anyway, most times I just continued writing, or watch something on the tv which is what I'm doing now. Other times if my friends are available, I'd call them up and we'd discuss the fictional world. Then there was the rare occasion where I'd put on music and dance or vibe. It's relaxing me time.
Currently, Juuni Taisen played on the widescreen tv, already on the 11th episode. I don't know why, but it felt strange to watch it. I've seen these courses of events multiple times, each time understanding it more, why now do I receive this feeling? Perhaps the reason had to do with the dreams I had previously, with them appearing so real I guess coming back to what actually happened felt off to me. At least that was my thought process as I let out another yawn.
The 11th episode now halfway through and my eyes had begun to droop, feeling drowsy like Nezumi. The tv slowly turned into background noise when my tired mind began to pull me into the dream realm, my arms going limp to my sides as my eyes closed. The last audible thing I heard was Nezumi mentioning his 100 paths.
"Too bad my lizard died, I think he would've liked meeting a new face," Takeyasu remarked gazing at the empty reptile tank sitting on his shelf, taking a break from packing his duffle bags.
This all seemed surreal for Takeyasu, for months he was on edge and trying to distance himself from his brother so when they were in the Taisen it wouldn't be as painful to see him die, at least that was his thought process. It probably wouldn't have worked anyway, not when Nagayuki started to take the big brother role more seriously ever since they both found out one of them was going to die in the Juuni Taisen if the other were to win. Then this wish thing came along and now they're packing for their new life, it was a miracle this was happening. Part of Takeyasu imagined this is some cruel dream that he's in and reality is about to wake him up to see those red letters for him and his brother. He sure wished it wasn't his mind playing tricks on him.
"Hey, are you done packing?" Nagayuki questioned checking in, changed into his signature blue outfit.
"Almost, just gotta stash the rest of the money in there," the younger Tatsumi brother answered, going back to his task. "Do you think we can bring Hitokage and Yuki-onna?"
"I don't think that's the best idea, we don't know who our new roommate is going to be and what exactly they'll be okay with," Nagayuki stated, his hand grasping his chin as he began thinking out loud. "Normal people would probably freak out upon seeing two guys with a flamethrower and an icethrower. Still, if we have something to do with the third wish they must know who we are."
"Heh, I was just going to bring Hitokage anyway, regardless of your answer. You never know if we may need them."
Nagayuki rolled his eyes, knowing his brother would do something like that. His little bro had a point, however. They might need their weapons in this new place they're going, it'd probably give more use than the currency they were bringing with them. Both were unaware of where they were heading. Walking over, he looked inside one of Takeyasu's bags, small red rectangle boxes caught his eye and he picked one up.
"Really? You're taking your poker cards?"
"You say that like it's a question."
"Do you really need all of them?"
"Yeah, they're collector." Takeyasu stated his reason like it was obvious. The snake then cracked a smile. "At least I can reuse them unlike the bags of snacks you packed."
"Shut up." A faint blush appeared on Nagayuki's albino cheeks. "The flavours might not be available where we go, it's not like I'm going to eat them all in one go."
The little brother playfully snickered until the brief moment died down. A gentle silence sat between them, the only thing heard was Takeyasu stuffing items into the duffle bag. The elder Tatsumi brother glanced outside the room, considering if he should go check to see he had everything he needed and wasn't forgetting anything, but his bro caught his attention before he could decide.
"Hey..." Takeyasu started with a monotone, the mood in the room becoming heavy. That was a rare thing to happen among them, so he had his elder twin's full attention. "Did you ever think this would happen; Us not having to be apart of the Juuni Taisen?"
"I'm going to be honest with you, Takeyasu."
That was a phrase the younger Tsumita twin hadn't heard in a long time.
"I thought the Juuni Taisen was what our whole lives were leading up to, but I also thought the day would never come," Nagayuki spoke truthfully, his eyes gazed down at the floor. "I... just can't believe that it's not actually going to come, and how it never will..."
It grew quiet, the reality of what was happening finally settling in their minds. The reality neither of them was going to die. The reality neither of them had to kill the other. It was gone, the dark road was gone. They were free.
A laugh broke the silence, Nagayuki glance at his brother who had made the joyful sound.
"We don't have to play those bastards' game!" Takeyasu exclaimed, tackling his bro into a hug.
"Oof-" Nagayuki stumbled, not expecting the sudden embrace, but when he steadied himself he wrapped his arms around his baby brother. The burden of death has been lifted from their shoulders and they never felt more relieved. Tears of joy threatened to fall as the two hugged, knowing they wouldn't lose the other.
Before either could cry, an outsider cleared their throat. The moment now passed, the twins pulled away from the sibling hug to see Duodecuple there holding his hands behind his back.
"Are you both ready?" the man asked.
"Yeah, let me just get my bags," Nagayuki responded, moving past the elder man to get to his room.
Entering, the dragon went straight to retrieve the two duffle bags he packed. However, he ceased in his tracks when he turned to exit, spying the icethrower from the corner of his eye. He had originally planned to leave it, thinking it wasn't needed in his new life and unsure how their new roommate would feel about it, but since his little bro was taking his flamethrower what could it hurt to bring his weapon along?
"Besides, I don't I could get something like you out there, Yuki-onna," Nagayuki said, a smirk plastered on his face as he picked up the icethrower and put it on his back. He then grabbed his bags and left his now old room. Joining his brother's side in the main room, both face the mysterious man, holding their belongings.
"I hope you both are aware you are not heading to any warzones," Duodecuple told them, seeing how both Tatsumi brothers were carrying their weapons with them.
"Yeah, we know," Nagayuki stated blankly.
"But there's no way we're leaving these," Takeyasu added with a smug expression.
"I see." Duodecuple nodded, grabbing the rim of his top hat.
"So where are heading?" the elder Tatsumi brother asked.
"And how are we getting-"
Before the younger Tsumita twin could finish his question, Duodecuple had taken off his hat to bow, while doing so the brothers faded out of their reality.
"No!" I cried, reaching out to the two, only to face the actual screen in front of me. "Oh... it was just another dream," I muttered to myself, grasping my forehead with my right hand.
I'm surprised I actually was granted a third dream of the Tatsumi brothers. I expected my brain not to be so generous, not that I'm complaining, I'm grateful for it. I wished I knew what happened to them though, maybe I'll find out in the next dream. I could get used to having them on my mind as I sleep.
Returning to the reality before me, I saw the episode had finished a while ago. My hand went to pick up the phone that laid on the couch beside me to check the time, but when I did I noticed my bracelet had broken beyond repair. I quickly sat up, picking up the remains of the lime bracelet and the few beads that were once on it.
"Shit, how'd it break?" I questioned, examing the pieces. "It was fine an hour ago, wasn't it?" Shaking my head, I knew it had to throw it in the trash, it was useless now.
I reclined my spot on the couch back down and stuffed my phone in my pocket. Holding the bits of my broken bracelet, I strolled over to the trashcan in the kitchen and dropped them in there. I felt disappointed, I actually enjoyed wearing that bracelet. Not only was it a gift from one of my best friends but it was something that reminded me of the Tatsumi brothers.
"Oh well, objects can't last forever," I mumbled to myself, recalling the day our Wii console stopped reading discs, on New Year's Day too no less.
Catching a glimpse of the time set on the oven, I figured I should head upstairs to my room. If I stayed downstairs for too long and went up late in the night, I'd give mom broken sleep. Probably best I'd head there now anyway if I wanted to get any writing done.
Going up the steps silently so I wouldn't disturb mom, headed to the next floor. My mind was in a whirlwind of different thoughts, but they were put to a pause when I heard voices. At first, I concluded it was just mom talking in her sleep again, however, I crossed it off since they sounded male. My next assumption was my brother but that wouldn't make sense since he wasn't home. Before the scary sensation of the situation settled into my mindset, I had reached the floor and the semi-audio voices sounded familiar to me. With that in mind, I crept down the hallway towards the sound and I realized it was coming from my room.
'Why would it be my room of all places?' I questioned in my head. 'I don't have anything worth stealing!' I turned around to go and find something to use to defend myself but I never took another step because that's when their sentences became audible.
"Too bad we didn't have more time to pack, I would've liked to bring my desktop set up with me."
'No way...' I thought to myself, slowly twisting my head towards my door with wide eyes.
"Don't sweat it, bro. You got the USB, that's all that matters."
'No fucking way!'
I didn't even realize I moved down the hall until my hand felt the cool metal of the doorknob that opened the door to my room. My brain hardly processing my actions, I twisted the handle and pushed open the door. The sight before me I could barely believe.
There standing in my room, in their full warrior gear, were the Tatsumi brothers.
In the moment of me just staring at their backs, I forgot how to fucking breathe. Then Takeyasu was the first to turn to me.
"Hey bro, I think our roommate is here," he told his brother, his signature smirk on his face.
"Huh?" Nagayuki turning attention to me, his icy gaze settling on my skin. "I think you're right."
The expression of the younger twin changed to a semi-worried one. "Hey, are you okay?-"
I wasn't able to hear the rest of his words because all the weight that once was in my head disappeared. I saw my surroundings grow taller and tilt horizontally, but then I felt something solid collide with my back and my vision dissolved to black. I realized that I fainted from disbelief.
I mean, this couldn't have been real right? I was sleeping only moments ago and I woke up to this? No, no, this couldn't be real. I'm probably just dreaming, right? Yeah, that's what I'm doing, dreaming. I'm just dreaming. I'll wake up on the couch and see that it was only a dream.
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thegoodgayshit · 4 years
Luz’s mother really doesn’t want to send Luz to camp. She knows once she leaves, there is no going back. But Luz has a knack for getting into trouble, and one day she stumbles into the same type of people her mother would have preferred she avoided. After helping Luz dissolve her high school bully into dust, Eda and Lilith know right away that this kid is just like them - a child of the gods. So Luz hops on a Pegasus and heads to Camp Half-blood, where she embarks on a dangerous quest that makes her both friends and enemies... and she might even save Olympus along the way.
Chapter Three: I Make My Second Enemy
Luz thinks her first night at Camp Half-Blood was a success. She laughed along with her new friends at the campfire, singing songs and telling stories before she went back to Cabin Eleven and got her first night of sleep.
But then the dreams started.
It seemed innocent enough. Luz was standing in the hallways of her school alone, grabbing books from her locker. But then she felt her body slam against it, once again being thrown just like she had by Lina earlier that afternoon. She couldn’t see anything as her body turned, and she realized with a panic that something cold and sharp pressed into her spine.
“Yes, little hero,” the voice whispered coldly against her. “Play the pawn, be the god’s pet, just as we were. You are a fool.”
Just before she thought for sure she would get run through with a sword, she threw herself awake in her bunk, breathing heavily.
It was sometime early in the morning, just before dawn. She had been so exhausted from the night before, she had fallen asleep in her hoodie and shorts. Not that she had pajamas, but she would have at least just worn her leggings and a tank top. The dog tag necklace she had stolen from Lina was still around her neck, and Luz took it off as quickly as she could with her shaky hands.
Careful not to wake her sleeping cabinmates, Luz carefully crept to her chest she shared with Jerbo, opening it and taking out her phone, sketchbook, and some of the hanging tacks.
She crept back up to her bed, hanging the dog tag necklace on her portion of the wall using a tack and pulling the blanket over her head, using her phone flashlight to open the sketchbook and start drawing. She drew what she had experienced in her dream, being pressed against the floor and pushed down by a stranger holding a sword. Shivering at the scary drawing, she flipped the page and decided to just draw some fanart to calm herself down. She didn’t have a lot of room left in her book, but she figured it was worth space. She drew herself as Azura from her favorite book series, and she felt her mood already start to go up as she worked.
Before long the rest of the cabin got up and the day began. After eating a quick breakfast in the pavilion, the Hermes cabin began their activities for the day.
Viney had explained to Luz what it meant to be claimed at the campfire last night, and she said that at any moment now a god would give some kind of sign she was their daughter. But the moment at the campfire never came. Luz had the feeling Viney was letting her give things a try, to see if she picked anything up in particular that would give away her godly parent.
She wasn’t very good at archery, but she wasn’t terrible either. She did have to apologize to Skara, one of the Apollo kids, after almost skewering her while she went to go pick up her arrows. She didn’t mind canoeing, but she confessed to Jerbo that she was a little nervous about falling in the water. Luz knew how to swim, but right now she only had this set of clothes, and really didn’t want them to get wet.
After archery and canoeing, the Hermes cabin gathered in the arena to practice sword fighting. Viney fit Luz into some of the practice armor and handed Luz a four-foot blade that felt clumsy in her hand. She wasn’t bad at sword fighting either, but she felt like she couldn’t move quickly in the bulky armor, and got knocked down by Jerbo more than once.
After that, they had an hour for a break. Luz was supposed to meet Willow and Gus by the shed outside Cabin Six in half an hour, so she figured she would walk to the camp store and buy herself some more clothes.
The store was pretty cute looking and had a decent selection of supplies. The cashier today was a camper, one Luz thought she recognized playing basketball the previous day. He nodded to her when she walked in.
She headed to the counter, meeting him with a smile. “Hi, Eda said my mom sent me some money here. It should be under the name Luz Noceda?”
He smiled breezily, looking unbothered. “Yeah sure, let me get that for you.”
Her mom had sent over a hundred dollars for her to spend. She couldn’t help but grin ecstatically. She had never had that much money before. She’d have to text her Mami thank you.
She cruised through the shop, picking up a couple of the classic orange t-shirts, a hoodie, a pair of extra shorts, and a pair of jeans in case it gets cold. She grabbed a set of pajama shorts and a clean white shirt to sleep in, a toothbrush, and some other toiletries off the shelf. As she was piling it on the counter, she grabbed some of her own sticky tacks to decorate her bunk. When she brought it to the front and paid, she only had a couple of dollars left in change when she saw a beautiful black sketchbook sitting right by the front wall.
“How much for that?” She asked, gesturing to the book.
“Five fifty,” he says.
Luz counts her change and sighs, crestfallen. With her Mami’s change and the change left from the candy store, she’s only got four fifty left.
“This sucks,” she mumbles, taking her new purchases from the camper, preparing to just leave the store. “I only have four fifty left.”
Then the strangest thing happens. The cashier straightens up, and his eyes get misty like he’s forgotten where he is. He looks at the sketchbook then at her.
“Four fifty’s fine.”
Luz blinks in confusion, but then she grins in excitement, handing him the change. “Really? Thank you so much!”
He shrugs his shoulders, “It’s no problem at all. Have a nice day.”
Luz takes the sketchbook and puts it in the bag with the rest of her items, ecstatic. She couldn’t believe how nice that camper was.
She takes her new stuff back to the Hermes cabin, changing into a new orange shirt and shorts. She packs the rest of her stuff on her side of the chest, including her new sketchbook, and then leaves the cabin to go meet Willow and Gus.
She finds them waiting right where they said they’d be, around the back of Cabin Six. They’re standing next to a decent sized metal shed that extends past the cabin, and they both smile as she approaches them.
“Hey Luz, nice clothes,” Willow says approvingly.
“Thanks, I was really dreading wearing the same stuff over and over,” Luz admits sheepishly.
“Well, now it’s time for the best part of it all! Picking out your weapon,” Gus cheers, gesturing behind him to the shed. “You can find a weapon you like in lots of places… if you want something newly made Cabin Nine is the place to go, but Cabin Six collects a lot of classics, so we have a pretty good selection too. Our goal is to match the right hero with the right weapon. My siblings said you can help yourself if you find anything cool.”
“Awesome!” Luz says in excitement, pumping her fist in the air. She had to admit, lots of stuff about being a half-blood was cool, but the idea of getting her own weapon like what Eda or Lilith had? That had been what Luz was the most excited for.
The trio starts digging around the shed, looking for something that suits Luz. She struggles to find something right… there’s a huge sword she can barely lift, then one that’s so small she has no control over her swing. She even holds a Mossberg shotgun in her hands that shoot celestial bronze. While she agrees with Gus that it’s cool, it’s really not her style.
Then she’s digging underneath a pile of bronze swords when she stumbles across an ancient-looking bronze ring, shimmering on the floor of the shed. Luz blinks at it curiously, before she scoops it up and slides it over her ring finger on her right hand, almost like instinct. She peers at it and realizes the shape of it reminds her of her Mami’s college ring from when she studied medical science. Using the edge of her shirt, she does her best to buff it up.
“What’s this?” She asks her new friends, but before they can respond she touches it and screeches, stumbling backward. The ring had transformed into a two-foot bronze xiphos that Luz had to catch in her hand. She gaped at it in awe and turned it, examining the blaze and realizing the balance was perfect.
Willow and Gus glanced at one another awkwardly, before Gus crossed his arms nervously. “I don’t know if you want that one Luz…”
Luz blinked at him. “Why not?”
“That was Peleus’ weapon,” Willow said slowly, and Luz’s mouth dropped open again.
“Peleus? Wasn’t he the father of like… Hercules or something?”
“Achilles,” Gus corrected quickly.
“Then what’s it doing in the Athena cabin’s shed!” She exclaimed, holding it out as if it might break at any second. The sword shrunk back to a ring in an instant, sitting comfortably on Luz’s hand. “Shouldn’t it be in like… a museum or something?”
“Celestial bronze weapons are meant to be used by demigods,” Gus said with a shrug. “Not be kept in a museum.”
“So why shouldn’t I want it?” Luz asked, now more confused than before. Gus put up his hands like he didn’t want to have this conversation. Willow sighed, taking over for him.
“The ring was enchanted by Hermes for Peleus to use. But after he died a lot of half-bloods have come to the conclusion that it’s cursed. They’ve tried to use it and found that it brought them bad luck.”
“He called the sword Aletheia, which means “disclosure” or “truth” in Ancient Greek,” Gus added helpfully, and Luz hummed, looking down at the ring thoughtfully.
“I want this one,” Luz said certainly, and Willow and Gus shared another look but shrugged, not going to warn her off any further.
“Alright then, the half-blood always knows best,” Willow just said.
“Plus it’s a super cool sword,” Gus said enthusiastically. Luz met his smile with an excited grin of her own, touching the ring to get it to transform again. This time, instead of a sword, Aletheia turned into a bronze knife, about half a foot long. The leather hilt of this blade matched the one of the sword, and Luz’s first thought was to panic.
“I broke it!” She exclaimed in terror, and Gus snorted, doubling over with laughter. Willow blinked in surprise and leaned in for a closer look.
“I’d heard the legend that Peleus also had a knife, but I didn’t think Aletheia could shift twice,” she said with interest. “Is the shifting random?”
Luz tried shifting the weapon multiple times. Eventually, they determined there was no pattern, and the choice was in fact random. Willow disagreed with her, but Luz had a feeling that it favored the sword and shifted into that more often.
“Isn't it so cool?” Gus exclaimed, and Luz couldn’t help but grin from ear to ear. He was right, it really was a cool weapon.
Luz thanked Gus and asked him to thank his siblings as well for letting her browse through the shed, which he promised he would do. Then the three of them had to head back to their activities for the day, so Luz waved goodbye and went to go look for the rest of the Hermes cabin.
She had her first run on the lava rock wall with the Ares cabin, and Luz barely managed to scrape her way to the top without getting burned. As she climbed down and Viney offered her some water, she couldn’t help but express her annoyance with her performance.
“Curse my weak little nerd arms,” she huffed, and Viney smiled sympathetically. Behind Luz, she heard a scoff, and she turned to look in the direction of the noise.
“I was surprised you even made it to the top at all, you were so slow I thought the lava was going to swallow you up.”
It was a girl she had never seen before from the Ares cabin, with pink hair and a sneer that was so cold it could knock Luz flat. A couple of her siblings stood next to her, eyeing Luz like she was fresh meat.
Luz narrowed her eyes. She knew she wasn’t supposed to pick fights anymore, her Mami had asked her not to, but she was at camp now. She had every right to be there just like them.
“Don’t talk to me like that.” Luz retorted, and she noticed some of the other Hermes cabin kids eyeing Luz nervously.
Viney, thankfully, stood up and tossed her an equally annoyed look. “Just walk away, Boscha. We don’t need this right now.”
The girl, Boscha, narrowed her gaze. “Why are you defending her? Your fresh meat over here hasn’t even been claimed yet. It’s obvious enough, even the gods don’t want her.”
Luz felt that in her core, but she swallowed hard, willing away her insecurity. Her dad would come through soon, the gods had promised to claim all their children by the time they were thirteen. She had to believe it would happen at any minute.
“We want her,” Viney argued with a low growl, and Luz felt affection for Viney spring up in her chest.
But Boscha wasn’t interested in being nice. “Why? She can’t even climb a rock wall, never mind do anything useful.”
“I’ll show you useful.” Luz finally snapped, stepping forward to run at Boscha, only to be stopped by Viney holding out an arm.
“She’s not worth it, Luz,” Viney said with a whisper, and Luz felt her face get red with embarrassment when Boscha laughed.
“See? You don’t even think she’s good enough to fight me.” Boscha stepped closer and bared her teeth at Luz, who returned it with a furious expression. “You and I are on opposite teams tomorrow for Capture the Flag. I can’t wait until we destroy you.”
She and her siblings stalked off, and Luz grit her teeth in frustration. “Why do I keep making enemies?”
Viney shrugged, keeping her green eyes locked on the back of Boscha’s head. “She’s one of Amity’s friends. If Amity didn’t like you, neither will Boscha. I already guessed that the Ares cabin would be on Aphrodite’s team tomorrow, but I guess now it’s a done deal.”
Jerbo, who had been climbing the rock wall and only heard the end of the conversation with Boscha, wiped his face with a towel. “So who do we have on our side?”
“Athena, Demeter, Hecate, Nemesis, Tyche, and Hebe so far.” Viney mused, starting to look nervous. “We have numbers on our side, but I’m hoping to get Nike to side with us too. They always have a habit of joining the winning team…”
“We’re totally going to win!” Luz said determinedly, “I won’t let Amity and Boscha’s team win if I have anything to say about it.”
Viney and Jerbo shared a look, and then Jerbo shrugged. “If you say so. But they’re going to be one tough combo to beat.”
“Athena’s cabin promised me a good strategy,” Viney added with a smile. “If we pair that with Luz’s confidence, I’m sure we’ll do great!”
Luz was now more determined than ever to get better at her combat skills. She knew campers would think she was an easy target since she was new, so on their next break before dinner, Luz went alone to the arena to practice.
When she got there, she was surprised to see Eda and King together in the arena. Eda was slashing through some of the practice dummies with her spear, and King was taking a nap on the grass a few feet away.
After ripping the stuffing out of the chest of a dummy, Eda caught sight of Luz. “Oh, hey kid. What are you doing here?”
Luz rubbed the back of her neck in embarrassment. “Capture the flag is tomorrow, and I don’t want to let my team down. I need to learn how to use this sword.”
Eda’s brow furrowed, and she looked at Luz like she had two heads. “Kid… you don’t have a sword with you.”
Luz reached over and touched her ring, and showed Eda Aletheia. Thankfully this time it was a sword and not a knife. Eda looked at it and nodded interestedly, before turning back to the dummy.
“Alright then, I’ll teach you.”
Luz’s eyes widened. “Wait, seriously?”
“Well sure, kid. I am one of the Camp Directors. It’s my job to make sure you’re in tip-top fighting shape.” Eda spun her spear like a baton, and Luz expected it to transform back into Owlbert, but instead, Eda was holding a three-foot bronze falcata. Luz blanched, and Eda just grinned crookedly, showing off that gold fang again.
“Why are you so shocked? You’re not the only one with a transforming weapon, kid. You’ve seen my spear before.”
“It’s just so cool,” Luz said in awe, and she blinked when she realized she was now sounding just like Gus. Eda cackled at her expression, stepping closer to start the lesson. She showed Luz the proper way to stand with a sword and explained the mechanics of how to move your body with the sword, rather than have the sword move for you.
“A hero's best tactic is their adaptability,” Eda explained, pushing her hands against Luz’s shoulder to adjust her stance. “Anyone can swing a sword, but real heroes? They use it as an extension of themselves rather than a tool to make ends meet.”
Luz nodded furiously, already picking up so much more than she had in the arena earlier. Not only was the weapon in her hand now balanced, but Eda was a much more unconventional teacher than Viney. Eda’s unique teachings were helping Luz think creatively with her sword when she was swinging.
After a couple of practice rounds against Eda, (“remember that when fighting an opponent with a longer blade, you need to move inside their own strikes”) she spun Owlbert again to change it back into a spear. Luz began to get a feel for engaging with different kinds of weapons, and soon King had even woken up from his nap to come over and watch, offering sarcastic criticism or yells of encouragement every once in a while. Eda then switched back to her sword, and Luz did much better this time, even managing to disarm Eda once or twice. Each time she did it, Eda would push Luz a little harder, making it more challenging to knock the blade out of her hand.
Luz hadn’t even realized how much time flew until both Eda and Luz were drenched with sweat, completely out of breath.
“Well kid,” Eda said inhaling for air. She spun her sword and it shifted back into Owlbert, who cooed and perched on Eda’s shoulder. “I think that’s the best you’re going to get before tomorrow. You’ve made some really great progress. I’m actually kind of impressed.”
“I feel ready,” Luz said with a grin, touching Aletheia to turn it back to a ring. “Thank you so much, Eda.”
“Don’t thank me,” she said with a thumbs up. “This was fun!”
Luz heard the pair of footsteps from behind her before she heard the voices.
“Oh, have you decided to help train Luz, Edalyn? That’s very out of character for you.”
Luz saw Eda’s sour expression before she turned around, seeing Lilith walking towards them in tow by Amity, who made a point to glare at Luz and look away, crossing her arms.
Luz didn’t understand what she did to have Amity hate her so much, but before she could think about it any further, Eda tossed an arm around Luz’s shoulders and squeezed until the air was knocked out of her, all while smiling smugly. “I sure have, Lily! Luz here is a natural, she’s going to do great tomorrow.”
Lilith hummed, tilting her head humorously. “I’m so glad to hear that Luz is picking up sword fighting skills so quickly! Maybe one day she’ll even be good enough to Amity.”
Luz felt a competitive bubble begin to rise up in her chest and she squared her shoulders challengingly, but Eda beat her to it.
“Oh yeah? What makes you think my student can’t beat your student?” She retorted, and Lilith laughed.
“You mean besides the fact that you’ve been training for all of one day?” She shot back breezily, and Eda scoffed.
“Who cares? Time has nothing to do with it.”
Lilith raised a brow in disbelief. Turning to Amity, who had been standing there quietly, she gestured over to one of the training dummies.
“Would you mind giving a demonstration, Amity?”
Amity looked over at Luz and smiled, but there was nothing nice about the gesture.
“With pleasure, Lilith,” Amity said, drawing a polished short sword (a xiphos, like Luz’s) from her belt. It was two feet long, like Luz’s, and studded with what looked like small amethysts on the hilt. Luz blinked, it was the prettiest weapon she had seen so far.
Amity moved like a storm, slashing and hacking the dummy to pieces using moves that Luz could only dream of learning. Within seconds, the dummy was completely destroyed, pierced in multiple places, and totally decapitated. She finally sheathed her sword and walked back to stand next to Lilith completely unphased.
Eda huffed, crossing her arms. “So you’re girl has some moves. That doesn’t mean she’s going to win tomorrow. Unless she plans on taking out a whole army of campers all at once.”
“I plan on it,” Amity said without hesitation, staring Luz right in the eye as she said it. Luz gulped, now nervous again. She swallowed her anxiety, trying not to give Amity anything more than she deserved.
“Well I’ll see you on the field then,” she said, trying to sound confident, but the crack in her voice gave everything away.
“I’ll see you there,” Amity promised. She wanted to keep arguing, to say something to wipe that rude smile off her face, but before she could muster up the courage Eda had her hand on her shoulder dragging her out of the arena with King on their heels.
As they left, Eda was grumbling angrily under her breath. “Stupid Lily, always thinking she can get the better of me.. well she’ll see tomorrow…”
King was huffing at their heels, “That green-haired girl has a serious attitude problem. I don’t like it.”
When they were out of eyesight from the arena, Eda reached into the pocket of her cloak and began rummaging around. “I’ve got something here that’ll do the trick… ah! Here it is.”
Eda pulled out a bronze device and gestured for Luz to hold out her hand. She wrapped the thing leather strap around her left hand, so the tiny device was pressed into the middle of her palm.
“Eda? What’s this?” Luz asked, reaching over with her other hand to touch it. Eda slapped her hand away quickly, and Luz recoiled.
“Ow!” She exclaimed, and Eda chuckled apologetically.
“Sorry. You just probably shouldn’t touch that. This is a nifty little device I had Cabin Nine make for me a long time ago. If you meet Amity in the forest tomorrow, just touch her skin under her armor with this, and she��ll be immobilized long enough for you to take her down.”
“Take her down?” Luz recoiled, eyes wide at what Eda was saying. “I don’t like Amity, but I’m not going to kill her!”
Eda laughed, patting Luz’s shoulder. “I didn’t mean that. But if you point your sword under her throat and stop her from attacking you, she’s out. Just do that.”
Luz glanced at the little item in her palm anxiously. It looked a lot like a hand buzzer that a prank shop would sell. Luz hadn’t been a half-blood for long, but she had figured out that everything here was a lot more hardcore than she initially expected.
“Eda, this won’t like… seriously hurt her right?”
“It won’t kill her,” Eda said with a shrug. “But I never said it wouldn’t hurt. It’s got enough of a current to bring a Cyclops to their knees. Don’t ask how I know that.”
Luz didn’t like the sound of that at all, but Eda had been pretty helpful so far so she wasn’t going to refuse a gift like this. But there was another worry nagging at the back of her mind.
“Isn’t this kind of cheating?”
“Nah,” Eda said with a wave of a hand. “It’s capture the flag. All magic items are allowed. The other team will be using stronger tricks than this to win the game. You've got to get on their level to win.”
“There’s nothing like a nasty trick to subdue your enemies!” King chimed in with glee.
Luz still wasn’t sure about this, but Eda was giving her this encouraging look that she couldn’t ignore. So she braved a smile, mustering all the certainty she could. “Well, alright then. I’ve got nothing to lose, right?”
“That’s the spirit, kid!” Eda cheered, clapping her again on the shoulder. “Now, you better head back to your cabin before dinner. If this is going to work, and Lily’s team is going to go down big time, I need to talk to Cabin Twenty about some of their magic glitter bombs…”
Eda and King headed off towards the minor god’s ring of cabins, and Luz sighed. She wondered if all she'd managed to do today was squeeze herself more trouble than she was already in.
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shaydeoffical · 4 years
Bright as a Diamond. Shinso Hitoshi x Fem Reader: Chapter Eleven
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Chapter Summary:(Y/n) struggles with the idea of having a friend and where to draw a line. It's been years since she was close to anyone, and now she's in his bed? 
Series Summary: When (Y/N)’s co-worker decided to send a picture of her making a diamond to the paper, her life was over. Gemstone based quirks weren’t all that rare, but being able to make a diamond put a target on her back. After years of hiding in the city, it’s time to hide in the countryside with her Uncle Shota Aizawa and his more than ‘roommate’ Hizashi Yamada. With the promise of training her to be self-sufficient, she’s ready to learn.
Author Note: Enjoy this softer update! 
Warnings: Nightmares, flashback, cuddles
Last Chapter: Ten
Next Chapter: Twelve
Good Friends
   It hadn’t been but a few days, and I was already back in bandages. Resting in my bed, tucked away safely from the world… I couldn’t stop glancing from my closet to the window and back to the door. It had been a while since the ambush, but I couldn't close my eyes for two seconds.  
   My ribs and stomach were so sore. I grabbed my favorite pillow, but it didn’t smell the same. Nothing did. Tide or gain? Someone washed all my sheets. Damn it all. When I was at the doctor, I said Hizashi tried to clean everything up. The group had torn my room apart. Even if I had hidden in the bathroom, waiting inside while I was sparing. Nothing was safe.
   Holding my aching body, I stood using my bedside table as a crutch. A dizzy spell washed over me, and I tumbled out of the room and in the silent kitchen. It was four in the morning, and all three men had to work in the morning.
   When I scavenged the fridge, I found a casserole and some leftover chicken. I didn’t bother heating it up, I barely got it on a plate before sitting on the couch and pounding it down. I hadn’t been so depleted since I was a captive in Russia… I guess it was a good thing I practiced making gems every morning.
   The bandages around my hands were from the coals I made. Back when I was a hero student, I had special gloves. Of course, I overdid it during the fight, because it counted. If dad were still around, he would have gone without a struggle, but he also wouldn’t be sitting on our sofa eating in the middle of the night.
   I washed my dishes and moseyed around the home. The window was patched up with garbage bags, and for the most part, that was all that was displaced in the main room.
Remembering my interview in the ER, I’m sure the police already on the trail to the bad guys. They questioned Shinso and Hizashi, too, and they even got the info from Sho. This just needed to end sooner than later. They even took my phone. Of course, it had been the root of a lot of my problems. An early warning system and a ''steal me" beacon. So I couldn't distract myself with music or pictures, or stress over pictures that would be sent to me, of me.
   Going back to bed, I just laid there. Everywhere I looked, I expected to be jumped, photographed, or tracked. The unease slowly turned to an anxiety attack, that turned to a panic attack when Hisoka pawed at my window. There was no way I was going to open it… I loved petting him, but I couldn't do it. It hurt so much.
   Grabbing my pillow and blanket, I slowly approached the hallway. Pacing the hall, I took shaky breaths and tried to get my courage. Trying Hizashi and Shota’s door, I turned the nob, but it was locked to my surprise. The first door in the hall caught my eye, the one I never dared to open. Maybe if I was super quiet, I could just sleep in there and not disturb Lint ball. Yea that'd be a good plan. We were almost friends now...it was okay.
   Tiptoeing, I very slowly turned the handle. It wasn’t locked thankfully, so I sauntered in holding my breath. Shinso’s back was to me, the blanket wrapped around him like a cocoon. The moonlight was shining through the window, lighting up his hair. He looked like he was out cold.
   My shoulder’s relaxed, and I laid my blanket at the foot of the bed, dropping my pillow down. Quietly lowering myself, I got comfy. The floor was hard and stressed my back, but it was easier than being anxious all night. Closing my eyes for the first time in two days, I started to drift off.
   “You want to explain why you’re in my room?” I jumped, sitting up and peering at him over the mattress. He was perched on one elbow, phone lazily in his hand, his light pointed on me.
   “Hu- I-. Good morning. You see, I was afraid. So, I just thought ,since Hizashi had the door locked, that I could just sneak in here and sleep without bothering you.” I played with my fingers and made small hand motions. Putting on a happy tone and trying not to be a creep.
   “You don’t have to sneak in.” He crawled out of bed, lazily yawning. “Hop up, Kitten. I’m not planning on sleeping for the rest of the night.” Hitoshi patted the mattress, and I didn’t even fight it.
   “Thank you. I would argue with you, but I’m too tired.” I rolled into the large bed, and my eyes went wide. Gasping, I grabbed a pillow and buried my head in the fabric. Inhaling the with deep breaths, a wave of joy washed over me.
   “What are you doing?” Hitoshi sat in his armchair and put his phone to the side. Leaning forward on his knees, he raised a brow.
   “Lemongrass and lavender… that was all you?” I sat up, and cocked my head to the side. "You were the one smelling like this the whole time?"
   “I use a pillow mist.” He held up a small bottle, and I blinked a few times, biting my lips.
   “This is going to be weird…but I have been sleeping so much better ever since Hizashi gave me a pillow that smelled like this. You have good taste.” I curled back down, closing my eyes and holding the pillow closer.  
   “It helps me too.” He mused, leaned back, scrolling through his phone again. “You were cool the other day. That cork move, you used in the blizzard biome. It was amazing.”
   “Thank you. It drained me, but it is a flashy move.” I popped my fingers, still filled with energy from being spoked.
   “It's a hero move. Why didn’t you pursue it?” I knew he was faking being interested in the phone at this point. The screen was dark, but his eyes were glued to the screen.
   “I got my license using only my coal quirk…but then I kind of got kidnapped, and then I just moved back in with my mother, didn’t leave the house for six months, and switched to an online university. Things just all changed after that. Just to do a painless summary.” I swallowed, trying to relax my shoulders. "Why'd you ask?"
   “I would have given anything for a heroic quirk when I was younger.” He sat the phone down, closing his eyes.
   “What, your quirk is so awesome. Like you literally saved my life multiple times. If younger you could see you now, he wouldn’t have any doubt that you are an amazing hero.” I got too loud, and I lowered my tone.
   “Aren’t you afraid I’ll use my quirk to hurt you?” He grabbed the back of his neck and closed his eyes. He did that way to often... has he just been nervous the whole time?
   “No. Why would you hurt me?” I blinked the sleep from my eyes and yawned. “Hitoshi Shinso, I am about to fall asleep in your bed, because I know you will protect me while I sleep. It’s very obvious to me that you are an amazing person.”
   “Tolerable to amazing so quickly?” He smiled, genuine, bright, and oh so handsome. “You really believe all that stuff.”    
   “Of course I do.” I got comfortable and inhaled the aroma. “Good night.”
   Finally, at peace, I drifted off. There were no nightmares or underlining anxiety. It was just me in the middle of a prewarmed bed that made me want to sleep forever.
   I dreamed of Shota, Hizashi, Hitoshi, mom, and I at a picnic on the beach. Hizashi had brought a watermelon, and we all took turns smashing it open and enjoying all the juices. Then Hitoshi, Hizashi, and I went swimming and found lots of seashells I could use to decorate the house for summer.
   Hitoshi started to breathe jaggedly in my dreams and mumbled that he wasn’t a villain. I looked at his toned chest and felt my body being pulled up—mind swirling back to reality.
   The dream was disrupted, and I saw Hitoshi crying. He was slumped backward, struggling in a nightmare. I had been tucked into the covers at some point and struggled to free my arms. He pulled his hair and tenses his feet. Once I was out of the cocoon, I tumbled to the floor and then grabbed Hitoshi’s hands.
   “You’re safe. It’s okay.” I rubbed his knuckles, shaking him slightly. “Hitoshi, you are in your bedroom, and it’s a cold fall morning. There is an annoying girl in your room, and she wants you to relax.” He struggled against my grasp, but his eyes shot open, pushing forward and butting my forehead. Falling back on my ass, I rubbed my temple, mumbling.
   “Shit,” he breathed heavily, pressing his hands to his face. “I’m sorry.” Catching his breath, he wiped his eyes quickly.
   “Don’t be, it sounded like a rough nightmare.” Sighing, I knew what Dad would do in the situation. “Come on,” I tugged him from the chair and sat him on the bed. I got behind him and leaned him back, so he was resting on my chest. Running my fingers up and down his head, I hummed a gentle tune. “You can talk about it if you want.”
   “I was bullied for my quirk when I was younger…even now sometimes.” He sat up, pulling the cover over both of us. His lips quivering with each word, as he gave up laying back on me. “I think I’m over it, but then it just comes back..”    
   “Sounds traumatic. Of course, it would haunt you, it probably didn’t help I hyped you up before you passed out.” I massaged his forehead, and neck, then upper arms. The pressure on my chest hurt, but he needed this. I had several days to heal up, it was just a slight twinge, but I wanted to do this.
   “I just don’t know when I’ll be good enough for myself.” He growled, pulling his hair again. I grabbed his hands and laced our fingers, sliding him to the side so I could spoon him. “(Y/n).”
   “You are a hero. Hitoshi, you proved everyone wrong. You did it.” I reaffirmed, snuggling his back. “That was all with your power.”
   “Yea,” he swallowed, letting my hands go, and turning to face me. I wrapped arms back around him, clutching his shirt. “I never would have thought you’d be so clingy.”
   “Are you trying to change the subject, or are you trying to get me to leave?” I raised my brow, but when his hand wrapped around my hips, I knew.
   “Don’t go.” He looked so innocent, “I just never thought you'd do something like this for me."
   “So from tolerable to desired. What a drastic change.” I pressed my forehead to him, just to comfort him in his time of need. Someone owed me a BFF award for this...
   “It shocked me too, Kitten,” he yawned, eyes dropping, drifting off to sleep.
   The whole point of my coming here was to feel safe, but I was the protector now. If being close meant I could guard his dreams even for a moment, I wanted to do that. Surely I owed him more then a couple. Even if this looked wrong, it felt right. Running my fingers through his hair, I too slowly drifted back off.
   I heard a bunch of shutter sounds and feet bouncing around the room. Instead of getting up, I snuggled deeper into the bed, an arm wrapping tighter around my waist. More shutters and an ‘aww’ bounced off the walls.
   “Mic, can you please just let her sleep.” Hitoshi pulled the cover over my head. Sitting up, he rested his hand on my back getting me a gentle pat.
   “I’ve been caught. You two are just so cute.” Hizashi gushed, and I stirred up at his voice. Hitoshi’s hand kept me down, so I stayed put, yawning.
   “Go get ready for work Mic,” Hitoshi mumbled, laying back down, tossing his arm around my shoulders. "We'll be there in a minute."
   “But my babies-“ Hizashi’s quirk activated booming in the room. Hitoshi quickly shoved a pillow over my head. Mic continued to cry and babble about how cute we were, there was no use trying to sleep any longer.
   “Hizashi, please calm down.” I freed myself from the pillows protecting me and yelled over him.
   “You-“ Hizashi started, but then he blushed. I looked at my shirt, in the night, the string on my slip has snapped.
   “We’ll be in there in five minutes,” Hitoshi promised and removed the pillow from his ears.
   “It was a weird night. We didn’t go anything, pinkie promise.” I assured him and rubbed my neck. Of course, this old slip would give out when I was cuddling a dude.
   “Okay, I’ll see you at the table.” He took a few more pictures and filed out of the room, shutting the door. Covering his eyes as he left.
   Hitoshi stood up, stretching to the point his shirt rose up to show his stomach. He was so handsome...but the bed was colder without him. Instinctively I reach to pull him back down, but I stopped short.
   He turned and quirked his brow, seeing my outstretched hand. I brought it back to my chest and looked at the window. “Thank you for last night.” He sat back on the bed and laid on top of the cover.
“Where did you learn to do that.” He hummed, stretching his limbs even again. We had been tangled like sardines.    
   “My boyfriend.” He stiffened, frozen to the spot. I twirled over and wrapped my finger’s in his hair. “I’m kidding, the look on your face, though." I giggled. "But I've been single since birth, which means I learned it all from my dad. He was a master cuddlier, he tended to me when I was a baby and never sat me down." I thought about stopping myself, but he has been open the night before. "I never knew what it meant to be touch starved till he died. Mom isn’t very big on being touched. So, I just take long showers and hug pillows and bears.” I let his hair go and held myself instinctively. “He was a lot like Hizashi, so bright and loud. The brightest soul in the room. If I could be half of that, I’d be the happiest person alive.” I grabbed a pillow and buried my head in the scent.
   “We said, five minutes.” He pulled the pillow from between us, wrapped his arm around me, and guided my head on his chest. If I thought his pillows were nice, his actual body smelled intoxicating. I had been so consumed with comforting him last night I didn't notice. He was so warm and gentle, and the way he hummed so soothing. "But, I don't think Mic set a timer."
   “This is so nice,” I purred, drifting off again. “Do you have to go to work, Hitoshi?” He ran his fingers under my dress and scratched my back in small circles. This was inappropriate. Maybe sexual. Indecent. and yet…. “A little lower, ahh, that’s the spot.”
   “I have to go." He gently tapped my skin while ghosting his nails up and down.
   “Can we do this again?” I propped myself up my chin, offering him puppy dog eyes.
   “Whenever you want,” he patted my back a few times and got up. “Let’s get ready.”
   “I don’t have anywhere to be?” I sat up and closed my eyes when he took his shirt off.
   “We don’t think anyone else knows this location, but we need to be cautious.” Shinso was fumbling with a belt, and I tried not to think of him pulling on his pants.
   “Is there a reason you’re changing in front of me?” I blurted, using a pillow to cover my face.
   “I’m running late, thanks to you.” He pulled the pillow away and hovered inches from my lips. The space between us was shrinking. Of course, he looked so handsome in his bright purple scrubs.....
   “What did you buckle?” Shinso pressed his forehead to mine and head-butted me gently.
   “You really wanna know pervert?” He towered over me and lifted his shirt. There was his scarf wrapped around his waist and a holster with a small recording device. “It’s intel. You never know what someone might slip that you can catch on recording later.”
   I poked his side, then curled my fingers around his scarf tugging. He didn't budge, and I nodded in thought. “Is that too tight? You might pass out if it’s constricting you, or bruise.” I tugged harder and he actually lost his balance. I took this opportunity to shove him to the floor. There I rested my knee on his chest and restricted his arms. “I did it.” Seeing him pinned fully was so satisfying. In an instant, he flipped me over and straddled my lap. “Aww, that’s so not cool.”
   “You didn’t balance your stance.” Shinso let my wrists go, and I tried aimlessly to toss him off.
   “I thought you were running late?” I gave up, out of breath and flushed.
   “This is worth it.” He stood and pulled me up with him, he dusted off my back, and I knew it was his subtle form of gloating.
   “So I can’t stay home today, what do I need to do?” We went into the kitchen and started to eat breakfast with Hizashi, who was on an important phone call with Shota.
   “It would be dangerous for you to hang around the day care. I assumed you’d go to the radio station with Mic.” Shinso nudged my foot, and nodded towards Hizashi, he was starting to use his heated voice. A fight was about to break out….
   “Hizashi, tell Shota I pinned Shinso this morning,” I hollered over the island separating the space. If they were about to fight, they needed to know we were in ear shot.
   “I had you pinned.” Shinso shot back, munching into an apple.
   “As if I let you.” I crossed my arms, and Shinso offered me a small thumbs-up under the table. Shota and Hizashi had been in turbulent water after Hisoka got sick. We had taken it upon ourselves to buy them enough time for Shota to return home and have a real conversation about their issues. So until then, we were staying around the phone and offering them distractions.
   “I got to go, the kids are fighting. No. No, I do love you.” Hizashi hung up and paced back to the table. "Both of you look me." We sat to face him, and he cupped both of our faces. “ You both know I'm not going to get in your business. But are you two using protection? I can get you whatever you need. How long has this been going on?“
   “Ahh, no nono-we ain’t. Not like that.” Blood rushed to my brain, and I ran my hands across the table to find a knife to cut out my ears. "That's so gross. The hokey pokey, no way." Shinso gripped my shoulder and looked a little hurt. Did he want me to play along? Would this help distract Hizashi from his fight with uncle Sho?
"Hizashi, nothing happened." Shinso keeps his gaze locked on me, the panic seeping out of me.
"I'm sorry I was so brash jus than. Hizashi, it's just not- not like that." I put my hand on Shinso's smiling.
   Snap. “So cute, I'm glad it's just you two bonding. I'd support you no matter what, but I'm just glad you're not fighting anymore.” Hizashi had his phone out again and cooed. “Anyway, So (Y/n)’s going to work with me?”
   “Actually, I want to go home.” I popped my fingers, going to the fridge. “Mom asked me to visit last week, and I haven’t had the time.”
   “I don’t think that’s a good idea today,” Hizashi smoothed his hair that was up in the air. “We’re all working and can’t go with you.”
   “I want to go alone. To be honest, I haven’t had a second alone outside in months, which I am thankful for, it’s been scary. But I just want to blend in today and be normal.” I looked at myself, reflected in my water. “I’ve gotten braver than ever before, I want to make this trip. Superman could hide his identity with glasses, then so can I.” They neither one looked super convinced, but Hizashi finally nodded.
   “We can’t stop you, so I’m going to encourage it.” Hizashi pushed his phone to me. “Take it and use it to call Shota if something happens.”
   “Yes sir,” I nodded. “I’ll go get ready. Can one of you drop me off at the station?”
   “Sure thing,” Hizashi offered a charming smile.
   “Thank you.” I rushed off to get ready.
   Filling a bag with my Shinso snack stash (he had made it a habit to bring me goodies when he came home from work), and a good book. Then I pulled on a grey hoodie and put my hair into a tight bun to mask all the curls. Once I looked as nondescript as I could, I rejoined the boys and hopped in the car with Hizashi.
   Rock blasted through the speakers, and we both jammed out. Singing along and dancing in our seats. Hizashi and I vibed, and that was the best thing about living with Uncle Sho. I never would have met this fantastic person without moving into their house and getting to live out their closeted daydream. I wished they could be open and share their love with the family.
   Hizashi turned the music off, and I nearly fainted. He never turned it down, let alone off. “Hey, (Y/n).”
   “Yes,” I turned to observe him. His brow creased, and his lips went lax. Slowing down as we took a curve.
   “Do you like Shinso? You two could hardly look at each other a month ago.” He gripped the wheel tighter and swallowed. "I mean, you like him, but is there something I should know?"
   “I like him as a person. Like I told him, I rarely judge someone incorrectly on the first meeting.” Hizashi snickered, holding his voice down. “He’s a fine gentleman, with a smug attitude.”
   “You were in bed with him.” Hizashi couldn't hold back, whacking the back of my seat.
   “Shut up. I was afraid, and your door was locked.” The car hit a bump, and I nearly knocked my head against the windshield.
   “I knew you two would be good for each other,” Hizashi patted my knee.
   “You didn’t know me,” I argued, twisting the seat belt over my chest. "I mean, I just showed up and boom. An extra person to feed."
   “From what Shota said, I knew you two would hit it off. I just didn’t see you hating his guts right off the bat.” Hizashi pulled into the station, turning the music back up.
   “Well, he didn’t like me either. He was so rough and rude.” I unbuckled and wrapped my bag across my body. "I didn't think he'd change at all."
   “You think so,” Hizashi smiled, patting my knee, “he’s been smitten from the start.”
   “You’re a hopeless romantic, Hizashi.” I rolled my eyes, getting out of the car. “He barely tolerates me now. There is nothing between us.”
   “(Y/n), you should reevaluate that statement.” Hizashi drove after me as I walked. “I love you, be safe and text me.”
   “I will.”
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dnarez · 3 years
Chapter 7 - Autumn Coat
It's been a few months since you started to work as a caretaker, nothing grand happened, but the times you left for your break once every 14 days, you always come back to a crying Keigo, and a missing mother.
The last time he wrecked the house, there was glass on the floor, footprints on the ceiling, walls painted with... wine? jelly? blood? You don't know, but it was hell to clean, which of course you made lil birb help too.
By questioning him after cleaning everything and then cleaning him, you discovered that his "mother" gave him coffee, and A LOT of it, and went her merry way to meet with someone.
To say that you were pissed was a mistake, you were furious, but the commission didn't let you reprehend her, so you had to teach him to not eat and drink something that his mother gave to him, without knowing what it was, and that if he drank coffee he would stop growing, which made him cry, but you promised a day outside with him, where they would eat out, maybe go to a mall, and he could have anything that he wanted.
It was his first time going out to have fun, instead of just going to the gym, or the doctor appointment, so with the 'okay card' from your boss you took him for a stroll, which is why there is a very excited Keigo jumping on your bed at 6am.
"COME. OOOOON!!! WE STILL HAVE A BEAUTIFUL DAY AHEAD OF US!" he shouted while jumping up and down on your bed, his wings flapping behind him.
"Hun, what time it is?" you yawned and sat on the bed.
"It's 6AM! On a Monday!!!"
"I wish you would be this easy to wake up every day, it would make my mornings easier" you huff and got up. "Go wash your face, I will get changed and come to help you change yourself."
"I don't need help! I'm a big boy! I can change myself!" he pouted and crossed his arms.
You smiled at him, seeing how much he opened up to you in comparison to the first day, when he would tremble form how scared he was, and how he talked so little. "I know you can, but you need to put warmer clothes than normal, and it would be better if you didn't pick that awful t-shirt again"
"The one that his written 'Daddy's little boy' with the Endevour's face?" he tilted his head a little.
"Exactly, that one! Now go, we will eat breakfast outside today."
"Woo-hoo!" he raised both hands and was about to jump down to the floor when you held him back and fills his face with kisses "Let me go mommy!" he giggles a lot, and you keep doing it until you decide to release him.
"THE FLOOR IS LAVA!!" You shout and jumps up "If you aren't on your bedroom in 15 seconds the world is going to END!" You say dramatically and open's the door to the laundry room "1... 2... 3... aaaaaand... he's gone" as soon as you opened the door and started the countdown he flew off your small home to his room.
After fixing your bed and washing your face, you went to get changed and choose something comfy, some black jeans, a long sleeved red shirt, a black purse and your favorite beige coat that had white fur on it.
You went to his room to get him ready when you were surprised by the scene, him, Keigo, your baby birb, the cute little shit that was getting more confident with each training, that had the most beautiful smile you had ever seen.
On the floor, curled up in a ball, with a few drops of blood on the ground of the floor, and his mother with her hand in the air, like she was about to hit him...
The world was turning slowly, almost stopping, after three movements of your finger, the one that the nail was always painted black, the dame that had cut the wall.
As the world was moving slowly, you were moving like normal.
5... you calmly walked to Keigo
4... you took him on your arms
3... you put him on the bed
2... you took the pillow case from the pillow
1... you tied both of the hands of Keigo's mother.
The world was back to normal, and Keigo blinked looking at what was now his mother on the ground and you on top of her mobilizing her, while he was no longer on the floor, but on his new fluffy bed that you picked for him "so quick..." he mumbles and look at you with admiration.
You took your phone from your purse, and sat on top of her back "Hello? You saw from the cameras, didn't you? Yeah... I think she needs a few days of vacation... about a week? Okay I let her on the couch then? Thank you, good bye" you turn off the cellphone and look at Keigo who was mouth agape looking at you with shiny eyes. "Let's go?" You smile and pick him up.
"YOU WERE SO AWESOME!!! And didn't you told me to change my clothes?" He hugged your neck
"We can just buy it on the mall but... outside is really cold..." you put him back on the bed and took off your coat "here, I'll lend you my favorite coat, please take good care of it"
He sniffs the coat and is meet by the soft smell of lavender and sweetened coffee.
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He looks at you with shiny eyes, "okay!"
You pick him up again and hold his mother's ankle while you drag her to the living room. "Tomorrow is your trainer's day off, so today you can sleep later"
You chuckle and let the woman on the couch, then you go out with him.
"Let's have breakfast and then go out and about"
You carried him to the car, and there you put him on the backseat and when you were going to buckle him up he stopped you.
"Let me do it! I'm a big boy" you nod and watch as he struggles, but after some time does it.
"Good job" you kiss his forehead and goes to the front seat.
As you drive around you put some kids pop, which he sang along to the Disney songs from the movies you showed him.
As you stop at a café that you liked, "Let's go?" He unbuckles himself, and you open the door to him, picking him up again
"I can walk!"
"Not with that bare feet of yours" you tickle his feet which makes him squirm and giggle.
Walking in you take a sit and sat Keigo beside you. "You can get anything, ask away" you took the menu and give it to him "since you learn how to read better I'm sure you can pick what you want"
"Okay!..." he spends 20 minutes  choosing his food, which ended up being a chicken breast sandwich and a soda, you immediately told him no soda in the morning.
"How about some juice?" You offer
"What are you going to drink?" Keigo tilts his head to the side.
"I want to go out and by sweetened coffee from the vending machine, it's my favorite, and no you can't have some"
He giggles and nods "I want strawberry juice!"
"I'm gonna go order it to the cashier, two chicken sandwiches and a strawberry juice"
"Can I pick a dessert?"
"After you eat everything, sure, here play a game on my phone while you wait, I'll be right back" you give him your phone unlocked and go to the cashier.
Keigo is playing on your cellphone when someone approaches him, his little trained feathers don't recognize this person's vibrations, so he looks up and sees a dude with a scary look and long black hair.
They both just stare at each other "sup" Keigo say and discreetly send a feather to you and taps your feet.
You come back to the table and is surprised to see your oldest friend, you give him a big smile "Shouta-niisan!" You hug him, but he only pats your head.
Keigo looks surprised at the interaction, you don't talk about yourself, only the basic and vaguely gives information about what you did before him.
"Is this your kid?" The man looked at Keigo, the man looked like it was around 23 maybe 25.
"Yeah! I'm his-... mom, yeah! I'm his mother" you smile breaking the hug and sat down "too busy to stay?"
He nods and put a can of your favorite sweetened coffee in front of you "You're doing a good job, just be careful, you never know"
You nod back at him and give him a big smile "I will, at least I'm no longer doing patrols, don't forget to call me once a week"
"I never broke a promise, won't start now" he pets your hair and goes away.
Keigo watched the weird transactions extremely curious "Who was him? Is him your older brother? You don't look alike. Why didn't you say goodbye to him? Why does he look like a bun? Why-"
"Enough!" You put your hand on his mouth "He's an old friend, I call him nii-san because I always called him that, no we aren't blood related, he always looked like that, and... we promise to never say goodbye to each other"
"Because a goodbye can be forever, so we just don't say it" a waitress comes to you both and puts everything on the table.
You open the canned coffee and drink it, smiling at him as he eats, you both eat and then went shopping.
Keigo could fit in anything, and he would look cute you just loved the way he looked on yellow or beige, they fit well with his red wings.
"Hey mom... I wanted to know if-..." he was scared, uncomfortable maybe? About something.
"You can ask me anything Birb, there is no way that I will not answer" you kneeled on the floor besides him and looked at him through the mirror.
"What's your quirk?" He looked at you while fiddling with his hands.
You smiled at him "It's kinda hard to explain, It's better if I show it to you" you took his hand and paid for the clothing, now that he was with some clothes that were good for the Autumn cold weather.
After getting to the car you drove off to the training gym.
"Why are we here?" Keigo recognized the building quickly.
"My power can be a little destructive, its1better to do this in a place that no one can get hurt" going in you went to your private training room with the little boy following you like a baby duck.
"How destructive?" Keigo held your hand and you held his.
"Very, now stay back" you pressed a bottom on the wall "My quirk needs ink all the time to do anything, and I always have it around me, most likely on my point finger, here I can do almost anything" you made a straight line in the direction of the dummies and cut 3 at the same time, cutting through them.
"Woaaah! What else?" Keigo's wings fluffed up at your awesomeness.
You walk to the middle and make a dot next to him, a huge tree appears from nothing surprising him, he falls to the floor shocked.
"I can also make a path of flowers, and the tree will only stay there for a few seconds, but it can surprise the enemy enough to take them down" you move your finger around under Keigo's feet and there grows some flowers.
"My ability is called Celestial Brush"
"THIS IS SO COOL!" He runs to you, and you pick him up when he's close enough. "MOM YOU ARE AWESOME!"
You look at him surprised and hug him tightly "My son, you are awesome too"
You two stay like that for some time, until he bugs you to show more of your ability,  which you do, you show him each trick and technique you learned until now.
https://youtu.be/BRcfqu3hQkY (your quirk)
(Yes this is your quirk, and everything you can do with it)
After showing him everything  you picked him up and you both go back home to take a shower, eat and sleep.
Those moments in his life were the happiest that Keigo had ever been, always protected by you, he was given the love and affection that he always wanted, he didn't care for everything else, he just cared about you, because you were his true mother, the woman that he would run to when he got himself hurt, to ask about life, to ask about anything really, since you also were his teacher. When he had nightmares you would hold him until he calmed down, would kiss his head, would compliment the small things he had done, and would scout him when he did something wrong.
Keigo loved you more than anything in his life, and Hawks miss you dearly in his, because in the end, you still worked for the commission, and he too didn't have a choice when you went away for an important mission.
The day before your departure you both made a pillow nest in the living room, you induced him on his bird instincts, HD wouldn't have such luxury after you went away.
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Neither of you talked about you leaving, instead you showed him your favorite movies, snacks and old latin folktales, the feeling of sadness was there the whole moment.
You tried to give as much advice you could, and only took him off your arms to use the bathroom.
Keigo also didn't wanted to let go of you, both sleep hugging each other, you promised that you would come back as soon as you could, that tou would  ever forgive him if he died while being a hero, that you knew he was build for greatness.
Only when you had to leave that you allowed yourself to cry, at the door with only a backpack in hands, you put your coat on Keigo while he sleep, also letting your diary on his bed, to let him have you all the time.
After tucking him on his nest, you kissed his forehead and kisses his toy's head, going out of that house took a lot of strength, you didn't wanted to go, but duty called, you just hopped it would take less then a year.
. . . . .
But it didn't took a year, it took 18 years to take the ring leader down, and just now you were finally going back to Japan, and to the now number 2 pro hero Hawks.
.............. As you can see there is more to this book
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Okay lovelies...
Dewey finn x reader fic. Our sweet Dewey Finn gets the reader a dog as a suprise. Superfluffy!
Got an amazing request from @bugdrinkss
And iknow it essentially was an ask about a puppy... But it turned out an older dog. At the end of this fic I'll explain why.
Hope you enjoy reading.
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You smiled as you looked around the group you was teaching, all the puppies looked tiredly back at you from their spots. A beautifull sight, especially with the setting sun shining a warm orange light upon the pups.
"Okay guys... you and the doggos have been working hard. Good job. Let's wrap it up for tonight. Class dismissed." you joked to your group as everyone took their dog on the leash and walked off the training-field. You snickered when you saw most of the puppies were too tired to walk to the car properly, their tiny paws clearly heavy from the 30 minute class.
"Hey... guys... carry the pups if they are too tired to walk okay...? Tiny legs means a bigger distance to get to the car. Help those babies a bit. See you guys next week."
When the group left you huffed as you went to clean up the field. You loved training dog's... but the puppy groups always wore you out. Tiny braincells, tiny concentration and high expectations from the humans attached to them.
You checked your phone. Dewey called. He knew you were teaching, and he should be at band-practice tonight. You frowned and decided to call him back. Worried something was up, you cursed silently as the phone rang...
"Mister Finn... you better remembered to bring your house key this time..." you groaned tiredly.
Your eyebrows shot up as you heared the sound of the gate to the field opening, at the other side of the field. Weird... you thought everyone had left. Just when you were about to take a look, Dewey picked up his phone. "...Hey dear..." he spoke.
You heared the smirk in his voice even through the phone. This made you smile a bit, his voice never failed to cheer you up. "Hey Dew... you called?"
Dewey replied with a hum: "...yeah i did. Hey... erhm... sweety... CATCH!"
You was about to ask what the hell he ment by that, when a tennisball flew your way from across the field. You yelped and by reflex catched the thing before it hit your nose.
You heard Dewey chuckle through the phone, and you saw him strutting towards you from across the field.
"Hey sweetheart... you got a hell of a reflex..."
He hang up the phone and waved a dorky wave your way yelling: "Good catch babe!"
You smirked and took a deep dramatic bow... "Thankyou very much for that almost-hit-in-the face... Hey rockstar! Why aren't you jamming with the guys?"
Dewey pulled you into a kiss by the dog-leash that was dangling loosely around your shoulders. "...Ned got sick, so no band-practice for me tonight." he pouted. "So i figured I'd come and stalk my dog-teaching girlfriend to see her in action."
You kissed him again, ruffeling your hands through his brown locks and pulled away. "Thats so sweet Dew. You sure you wanna stay? It's getting a bit cold and I still gotta teach one more group before I'm done."
He pecked your lips again, smiling happily when he did so. "... I'd love nothing more sweetheart." He mumbled, his hands caressing your sides as he spoke.
You grinned: "Okay champ... Lets get moving then. Gotta set the field up for the older dogs. I need the hoops and the long leashes... do you mind getting them for me, Dew?"
Dewey smiled at your excited antics. Loved seeing you bounce in excitement when you guided the dogs and their owners. Practically buzzing with excitement he happily watched you teach your group. He smiled seeing you put your heart and soul in your favorite 'resque-group'.
You've been a dog trainer for 4 years now, and according to your clients... a good one too.
The most fun you had with the 'extra special' classes. The dogs that were shelterdogs or resque-cases or second-hand-home-assecoires...
The world gave up on those lovely furry souls because they had some 'luggage'... and it gave you great joy to make the dogs and their owners understanding each other better.
When the lesson was over and everyone left you skipped over to were Dewey was lounging. Your still excited form kissed him deeply, and he tugged you closer by your waist. You felt his rosy, warm, scruffy chin brush against yours and he tickled your side as he murmered between kisses: "Hey... you rocked with that group... Those are some awesome dogs, man... especially the brown with white one. What's his name again?"
You smiled and your eyes lit up at his comment. You caressed Deweys stubble and he had to hold your shoulders to stop you from bouncing. "That beauty is Melody. She's the best of my class. But the owners still try to find her a good second home, they are forced to move to an appartment where there are no dogs allowed."
Dewey frowned a bit and he stroked your hair when he asked: "They are lining up for that beauty, right? Can't be that hard to find her a home..."
You smiled at Dewey. He noticed the smile didnt reach your eyes though. You sighed deeply: "Well Dew... Melody carries some... instructions with her. This is my fixer-upper class remember?" Dewey nodded, and you continued: "Melody is a sweetheart, but she's got some issues. They can't find her a home, because she's scared to be left alone, and is quite vocal. She barks and howls a lot. With proper training, thats fixable. But most people dont have the time or patience..."
He pulled you close to kiss your forehead, his hand lay on your cheek as the other drew patterns on your lower back. You swallowed deeply and looked him in the eyes. Your heart always went out to your clients and dogs, but Melody was different.
Dewey pulled you into a big hug after he saw the flash of hurt in your eyes. He knew you loved your groups, and every single dog in it... Melody was no exception. He pulled you flush him and you buried your face in his neck. His arms held you tight. You sighed at his sweet gesture. Reveling and drowning in his comfort, hugging Dewey grounded your emotions a bit.
"Im gonna help you love. I'll ask around at school for you okay? I'll flyer around the bars... we're gonna find Melody a good home. Okay?" Dewey mumbled against your hair and you nodded.
You were gonna do this together.
You looked happily up at Dewey, and gave him a quick peck on his lips before shouting: "Last one to gather all the hoops is a loser!" And you bolted halfway the scentence.
Dewey shook his head with a smirk on his lips, trying to race you to gather the hoops.
Later that week you came home from grocery shopping and you dropped your bags tiredly in the kitchen. You walked over to the kettle to make yourself some tea. Dewey was in the living room, and you heard him jamming at his guitar. The humming of his voice and the sound of his guitarstrings were always a happy sound to listen to. You smiled a bit and shouted to Dewey: "Hey rockstar... want some coffee?!" He yelled back at you: "Would love some sweetheart! I'll be there in a sec...."
You brought the coffee machine to life and fixed Dew a cup, after that you plucked some mint off the plant and put some honey in a teacup.
You heard the water had starting to boil, the high whistling sound of the cettle filling your ears. You calmly went over to the stove to turn it of, but frowned at the sound coming from behind you.
A howl reached your ears. A howl?
You quickly turned around and looked straight in the happy face of Melody. Still howling happily together with the cettle on the stove.
You quickly turned off the stove and crouched, Melody jumping in your arms. You chuckled when she licked your nose and made a happy noice.
"Hey... hey... my happy high note... whatcha doing here sweety?"
Melody barked at you excitedly and ran out of the kitchen to the living room.
You curiously followed the dog and was suprised with the sight of Dewey standing awkwardly in the living room. With a leash in his hands and a dog bed at his feet. You noticed quickly that the dog-bed had little guitars on it, and you couldn't hold back a smirk. Dewey's face was a mixture of excitement and nerves, but he smiled brightly at you. "Hey love, welcome home. I erhmmmmm...." he awkwardly scratched his stubble and you saw the knuckles of the hand that was holding the dog leash turning white. Your eyes darted down towards the food bowl at your feet, that said 'Melody'.
You beamed at Dewey and squeeled a high pitched sound as you launched yourself into his arms happily. You squeezed him tightly against you and kissed his cheeck while you reached for his brown locks. You heared him mumble against your neck: "....IMightHaveAdoptedMelody...."
You jumped up and down in excitement and pulled back to press a sweet, excited kiss on Deweys lips. He pulled back and continued: "... i just... want you to be happy... and i think you would be an amazing dog mom..."
At that Melody howled again, making Dewey and you look up from your embrace. Dewey kneeled and melody pressed her wet nose against his hand, asking for a cuddle too. Dewey chuckled when Melody sang in sync with the "awwwwwhh..." you chocked out at the sight. You pulled dewey into another happy kiss again and chuckled at the confusion on the face of your boyfriend. Melody was sitting in front of you both, touching the leash in deweys hands repeatedly with his nose.
Dewey looked up at you with a dumbfounded expression. You smiled softly at him... man... he had a long way to go.
You petted Deweys hair and murmered against his lips: "Someone wants to go for a walk dad..."
He smirked at that, kissed your lips and turned towards Melody. With a high pitched voice he sang against her: "Melody... you wanna go on a walk with mom and dad?" Melody barked, chased her own tail happily and lay down. You and Dewey laughed at the obvious awnser. You took the dog leach in one hand, and Deweys fingers in the other and walked out the front door.
Suddenly a thought hit you. "Hey Dew...."
He turned his head to look at you: "Yes dear?"
You squeezed his hand a bit, kissed his scruffy cheek again and continued: "Melody's dog class is at tuesday.... bring her ball and a lots of kisses to woo the teacher okay? I expect you at 8..."
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The reason i chose a grown dog instead of a puppy. In my opinion puppies are way too often bought in an impuls or whitout much thought into it. Iknow a lot of dogs who have to go to shelters because the owner has no idea about the specialisations of the breed he gets, or is givin a dog as a gift. Character and breed are a big thing, every dog (breed) has his own needs. Remember this. Please... do research to find out if the dog you are going to buy is a match.
@ironmansuucks @paxenera @heknowshisherbs @hoodoo12 @large-unit @little-miss-shy-goth @thats-specific @vicunaburger @go-commander-kim @stranger-strings @bugdrinkss
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Survey #396
“every time i leave, you say you won’t be there, & you’re always there”
So, is it gif with a hard G or soft G? I used to say "jif," but now I pronounce it as "gif." If you use libraries, what is the largest overdue fine you’ve ever had? *shrug* Do you ever borrow things other than books from the library? I remember back in the day, they used to offer educational computer games, and I bought a dinosaur one as a kid that I was madly obsessed with. Are there still any movie rental places left where you live? Just Redbox things outside of some stores. Do you ever buy secondhand books (or DVDs, video games, CDs)? Yeah; Ebay is my friend. Or do you prefer them to be brand new? I mean yeah, but it's not a massive deal to me so long the thing is operational or not falling apart. Do you ever write fanfic? Of what? Nah. Do you ever READ fanfic? Of what? Also nah. Do you have a favorite classical composer? No. Have you ever had multicolored/rainbow hair? No, but I would LOVE to. What kind of hats, if any, do you like to wear? I don't wear hats. What is your #1 deal-breaker with friendships? If you're manipulative, byyyyyeeeee~ Who is your favorite character on Bob’s Burgers and why? (If you watch it) I've seen some episodes, but I don't actually watch it. Have you ever had a retro celebrity crush? Like a crush on an “old” celebrity who was most famous a long time ago or is long dead? Audrey Hepburn, for one, is drop-dead GORGEOUS. When you buy/receive new clothes, do you instantly wear them or wash first? It depends on what I bought and where it's from. What’s the weirdest item you’ve seen for sale on Ebay? Idk. Are parents to blame for what their kids do on the Internet? No; kids make their own choices. I do, however, believe the parents should monitor what they do until they reach a certain degree of maturity, as well as the child's history with what they've done on the Internet. Do you use acronyms to remember things? Sometimes. Do you take pills like Tylenol for the littlest aches and pains? No. Only if I'm really in pain will I take Ibuprofen/Advil. Don’t you think Crocs are ugly? Big time. I don't know why they're in vogue now when they used to be so widely hated. When was the last time you went roller skating? Oh, it's been years. Who was your favorite Ninja Turtle? I was never into the franchise. Horror flicks make you: laugh, scream, or squirm? I prefer the ones that make you uneasy. I'm not a big fan of the nasty ones, and I want to feel on edge when I'm watching a horror film, but it's EXTREMELY rare I become legitimately scared. If you could become a doctor, what would you specialize in? Uhhhh. Maybe genetic disorders. What’s the cutest thing a little kid has ever said to/in front of you? I'm sure it was something my niece or nephew said, but I'm unsure of what. They've said many adorable things. Did any characters from TV shows scare you as a kid? Which one(s)? FUCKING KING RAMSES FROM COURAGE THE COWARDLY DOG. FUCK he gave me nightmares. What’s the saddest thing you’ve heard on the news recently? I was very saddened to hear about the giraffe that died giving birth. Do you believe that acupuncture works? I'm not educated enough on this subject. Have you ever been hypnotized? No, and I don't believe it's possible to be. What’s the first food you can smell when you enter the mall? The soft pretzels, omg. That little stand is my favorite part of our local mall. They make DELICIOUS pretzels. What is the worst hurt you’ve ever experienced? Jason leaving. Are huge muscles gross or sexy? Like serious body builders, it's gross to me. I prefer a natural musculature. Have you ever fished and caught something weird? I know I have, but what isn't coming to mind. Do you use an umbrella when it rains? Unless it is absolutely pouring, no. Do you like getting caught in the rain? No. What is the hardest part of cleaning for you? It requires physical exertion and I am INCREDIBLY weak with non-existent stamina. Do you have any fake flowers in your room? No. Do you own any succulents? No. What is your favorite thing about spring? The only thing I like about spring are all the flowers. What is something you find hard to draw? HANDS. UGH. Was it sunny for your senior prom pictures? Sigh. It was a beautiful sunset. I REALLY wish I didn't delete all those pictures from existence. Have you ever seen a double rainbow? I've seen like, a triple rainbow. What’s one thing you want to learn how to make? Your ordinary meals. I really want to be able to cook my own food from scratch. Do you have stomach issues? Maybe TMI, but it's been questioned but not fully examined that I may have IBS. My stomach is very sensitive. When was the last time you apologized and didn’t mean it? I'm not sure. Do you prefer to be the “talker” or the “listener” in a conversation? The listener. What’s a movie that you think everyone should see? Johnny Got His Gun. If you could have any hair color, what color would you want? Either pastel pink or light creamsicle orange. When was the last time you saw your “first love”? February of 2017. Who’s the smartest person you know personally? My best guy friend Girt. What makes them so smart? He's just very intelligent. Book-smart. Are there any bands/artists that get you all emotional? Ozzy. He and his music are so important to me. What’s your favourite aunt or uncle’s first name? Robert. Have you ever done a first aid course? No. What time do you generally wake up in the morning? It varies from like, 6:00-8:30ish. If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Definitely shapeshifting. I'd love to be a druid, man. Do you ever make surveys? If so, are they long or short? No, but I combine them because I don't like surveys that are too short by my standards. When is the next time you’ll change your hairstyle? Will you color it? Honestly, probably never. I love my current hairstyle, but I most certainly plan on dyeing it maaaany more times. As a child, what was your favorite game to play? I was hooked on the first three Spyro games. I would play 'em over and over. Do any of your siblings have significant others? Do you like them? My older sister is married, and I am NOT a fan of her husband. He's WAY too conservative and bigoted and racist and misogynistic, etc. etc. He's wonderful as a dad, like holy shit he loves his kids, but his beliefs are abhorrent. Dad's daughter is also married, and her husband is awesome. Mom's eldest daughter is also married, and her husband seems cool. My brother has a fiancee that I've never met. Do you believe in the concept of global warming? No fucking shit I do. It's impossible to logically deny, especially as the years go on. When was the last time you took a picture of something? Was it yourself? I took some pictures of this beautiful hydrangea bush outside the TMS office a few days ago. When drinking soda, do you prefer bottles or cans or poured in a glass? Cans, because it stays colder. Do you wear deodorant? Um, yes? If you had a pet pig, what would you name it? Probably something very unoriginal, like Wilbur. Do you like Led Zeppelin? I LOVE "Kashmir." "Stairway to Heaven" was madly important to me, but yeah... I can't listen to it anymore. Like seriously, I haven't in years. Do you like hugs? I do. Have you read the Constitution of the United States of America? Only the Bill of Rights for school. Do you have your own computer or use a family one? I have my own laptop. Do you take out the trash? Sometimes. Is there a calendar in the room you’re in? Outdated meerkat ones. What is your best friend’s name? Sara Jane. :') Have you ever seen a real-life cop chase? Maybe? What is your favorite shape? Circles. Are pigs adorable or dirty? They're precious! And pigs are actually a lot cleaner than people think, if they're not muddy. Anything moldy in your house? Not to my knowledge. Our old house had a serious mold problem, though, which is the primary reason we had to move. Especially with Mom having cancer at the time, she needed to be in the most sterile environment possible. Have you ever been in an earthquake? No. Do you enjoy history? No. Are you watching TV right now? No, but rather GameGrumps on YT. Could you ever be a mortician? True shit, it actually doesn't seem THAT bad. Can you solve a Rubik’s cube? Never seriously tried. How many pets do you have? Just two right now. Are you more close with your mom or dad? My mom. Who is the person that has impacted your life the most? Jason. Or Mom. Have you ever had a pet fish? Yeah. Poor things, they had terrible husbandry. I've learned a hell of a lot from a YouTuber/streamer that is like obsessed with fish about just how misinformed people are on how to take care of various fish. Your goldfish in that little bowl died for a reason, you know. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes. Do you prefer tea or coffee? Both suck. Have you ever vaped? No. How did your parents meet? They were co-workers. What was your first word? "Dada." Have you ever had a kinky dream about a celebrity? ... I mighta lmao. When was the last time you had Nutella? A long time ago. It reeeeaaaally needs to stay out of my house, because I will eat it straight out of the jar. Name someone with a sexy sounding voice. So I don't know where this was, but Mark was once credited in something as "if chocolate had a voice" and I was like YOU FUCKIN BET YOUR SWEET ASS.
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the-starsabove-you · 4 years
Oh Mother
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A/N: Reviews are welcomed! Promise by next chapter we will be introduced to one of the boys! We have Cale, Tyler and Mat being the Harry, Bill and Sam of the story! Would love to hear which one of the boys is your fav during the story! 
Chapter 2- We Were Staying in Paris, to Get Away from Your Parents. 
The three girls were giggling as they were drying their hair on the balcony. Lori had a small apartment, her parents had paid for it when she was in college. Annie and Y/N had decided to stay on campus. But it never stopped for sleepovers at Lori’s house and small parties. Lori’s parents were not happy when they would sometimes stop by and would see the mess of a party the night before. Lori was the classy one, A bobcut with bangs. Lori had dark brown eyes and an elegant smile on her face. Coming from a high class family, she enjoyed having wine at the night time and was a fan of classical music. A rumor had gone around that she was a countess in England. Although it wasn’t true, Lori would smile and take that rumor with pride. Often joking that she was close friends with the Queen of England. Annie had a soft smile with dark blue eyes and short hair. Coming from a middle class family, she was full of life and could make everyone smile when they enter the room. Annie was very creative, creating outfits from curtains (Lori was upset one day to find one of her curtains were destroyed and Annie sitting on the floor and creating an outfit) Also being very skilled in painting and drawing, her friends would say that she’s the next famous painter. Annie would wave it off and say that her art wasn’t meant to be in a museum, not yet at least. “That was so awesome!” Annie said with the biggest grin on her face as she held her glass on wine in the air “To finishing college!” She cheered. Lori and Y/N smiling and joining in the cheers as their glasses clinked together. “Your mom didn’t make it to the ceremony I see” Lori said as she took a seat on one of the chairs. Narrowing her eyes, she sighed and nodded “I expected that from my mother dearest, she’s on her latest tour” Her mother was a pretty well known singer. Traveling with her mother since she was a child, Y/N had traveled the world when she was smaller  but when becoming a teen and then college student.. Her mother left her at their house in Paris, with a nanny for most of her life.. She did have a grudge against her mother. Assuming that her mother cared about her singing career than her own daughter.. Going to college was one of the best things because she found her two best friends that quickly became like family to her. It didn’t hurt that she also had a fantastic voice just like her mother. Her mother tried to get her into the spotlight but she refused.. She just wanted a normal life, not a crazy one like her mother’s. Annie took a sip of her wine and she looked over at her best friend “So what are you gonna do now? Head to the states to find a job? Stay in Paris?” She asked and Y/N smirked and she got up and went towards the balcony before spinning around and facing her friends with a huge grin “Ladies, I’m going on vacation!” She said and Lori had an amuse look on her face and Annie frowned “A vacation?” “I didn’t really take a vacation during my time in college. When the semesters would be over I just would go back to my mother’s house in Paris.. But shocking enough, I was home alone” She began and she turned to look at the Eiffel Tower “Are you sure you’re not doing this because you’re rebelling against your mother?” Lori asked as she took a sip of her wine and Annie chuckled “I rebelled at my parents.. Didn’t work out as I thought, they rented out my room” “Sold your pet turtle too” Lori added and Annie sighed and looked at the sky “I’ll never forget Tortie” Looking at her friends she sat down for a moment and shrugged “My mom won’t miss me, she’s on tour. I just wanna go explore the world for a while” She said and Lori gave her a look “You’re leaving us” “No” She corrected as she poured herself a glass of wine “I’m simply going to find us a place to perform, will be the best place ever.. We’re gonna have a sold out crowd and we’re gonna sing out hearts away” “What if one of us finds the one?” Annie asked and Lori raised an eyebrow “The one I’m looking for is an older man.. Has to be mature and has a good job.. Lots of money” Lori grinned and Annie chuckled “More like you’ll be the old cat lady when we’re all old” “I’m never going to drop you guys, you mean the world to me.. You guys are basically my family. My father isn’t in the picture, my mom is on tour.. You two are the only ones I got” She said looking at her friends with a fond expression Annie smiled softly and Lori smirked at her friend “Good, cause we’re gonna be in your life forever too” She looked over at the Eiffel Tower and she smiled softly “Life is short.. The world is huge, time to make some memories” All three girls jumped up and they cheered with their wine glasses “To family!” They cheered and they started dancing around and were throwing clothes in Lori’s room that night. Lori and Annie helping their friend pack too. That night, Lori and Annie walked their friend to the airport and the three girls were cheering and Annie running a bit in the streets, sometimes the suitcase would open and clothes would be flying out (They had too much to drink, with all that dancing it caused them to be thirsty) The three girls laughing as they were quickly stuffing the clothes back in. Finally getting into a taxi and to the airport, She looked at her two friends. Lori resting her head on Annie’s shoulder as both of them were dozing off a bit. She rested her head on Lori’s shoulder and she watched the nightlife of Paris. After checking in and her suitcase being taken. She turned towards her friends and brought them into a hug “I’ll call as soon as I find a place for us to sing.. I promise you’ll love it” Annie smiled softly “We’re gonna wait for that call” Lori grinned at her best friend “Go live that life of yours girl, We’ll be waiting.” After hugging her friends goodbye, she sighed and put on her hat and she started to walk through the tunnel, looking back she saw her best friends waving at her and she waved back before walking inside the tunnel. She didn’t know what to expect, but she was ready.. She was ready to take on the world.
Starting with London
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