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ar-ghilas-vir-banal · 2 months ago
Solas never claims to be a god. In fact, he seems disgusted by it. Takes the time to explain that any being having to prove itself a god, isn’t, and that the elven gods were in fact twisted and corrupt mages.
And then people still demand that he be a god and to do things he isn’t capable of. And then act like he’s a villain because he isn’t what he’s never claimed to be? Or wanted to be?
Heck what no one should ever want to be???
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bruciemilf · 5 months ago
Alfred honestly can’t say shit about Bruce bringing in strays, because what if the Waynes got him the same way?
I genuinely can’t recall HOW Alfred, British special forces extraordinaire, ended up working for Gotham’s (scary) sweethearts.
In my mind, he came to them bleeding.
There’s a tang of bitterness pooling in his gut. Soldiers don’t have friends. They have guns. And he’s all out.
Just when Alfred thought all is in peril, a tiny little hand gently covers a nasty bullet hole on his abdomen.
The first thing Alfred thinks about is: ‘Jesus, this kid has scary eyes.’
“Hi, Alfred.”
“…How do you—“
“Bruce! Jesus FUCKING Christ, I swear, I’m not paying for your ransom next time you run o—…What the fuck is that?”
If there’s one thing about Thomas that Alfred will never forget is his voice; The bass , so chasmic and powerful it could shake the whole world, and the burning care in his eyes despite his vulgarity.
Bruce, — who’s the tiniest bundle of a boy Alfred witnessed, is yanked up by his father’s strong hands, squeezed to his chest carefully. “Hurt,” he says. There’s a tiny, red handprint on Thomas’ shirt.
“Yeah, I didn’t notice,” Thomas mumbling, looking around.
Maybe local gangs? The bullet point is too precise, too calculated. “Who the hell are you?”
Alfred, with his raspy breath, says, “I’m the terribly rude bloke dying on your doorstep, I’m afraid. Alfred Pennyworth. At your service.”
For a guy who’s about to bleed his last, he sounds awfully sarcastic.
“Yeah, wise guy, no one’s dying on my kid’s birthday. Bruce, tell Dotty to prep up the basement. And tell your mama to get my Budlight out of the cooler. Jesus Christ.”
Alfred ends up hoisted on this man’s back. Thomas asks if he has anyone he wants to call? Anyone that’ll come pick him up? Anyone to bury him, if it comes to it.
Alfred whispers he does not.
Thomas sighs. “Well. Kid‘a been asking for a playmate.”
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chloesimaginationthings · 11 months ago
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FNAF Circus baby or not, she’s still Michael’s little sister,,
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angelofthe2000s · 4 months ago
Spuffy is great because it’s so predator/prey but working out who is actually the predator and who’s the prey will give you a headache
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apollos-boyfriend · 1 year ago
my favorite part about the dsmp as it currently stands is that since the creators are done they’re over it you can just say whatever the fuck you want. there’s no possible future canon to dispute it. there’s no creator who’s going to step out of the woodworks because they’re not touching that again with a 30 foot pole. i can say the most insane bullshit never be proven wrong and i think that’s beautiful
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saysflora · 3 months ago
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SAS: Rouge Heroes as Textposts - Trailer Edition!
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fernhelm · 9 months ago
jegulus is more fun for me when james is at least a little bit of the cocky asshole he is in canon. i think him being a tad mean-spirited would make him much more relatable to regulus. he’s a prankster! he’s puck! i think he trusts his own interpretations of how others feel more than their own words. he’s a hopeless romantic and he’s writing a script for the love confession before the convo even happens. so good thing regulus is a grade-A bullshit detector and can knock james off balance in an instant. he’s goofy and charming but he will also push and push until he gets what he wants from you. and this would of course work on regulus (attention starved), but i truly believe it would piss lily off soooo bad. there is an element of performance to his behavior. he is always doing it for the studio audience. he’s throwing out cliché lines like he’s a romcom lead. he knows he’s hot. he does that thing where he lifts his shirt up to wipe his forehead and show off his abs. it’s the guy you want to hate but also begrudgingly respect in high school, and then could actually become friends with once you’re out. he’s a jock, yknow? that’s Sir Robin of Loxley. he’s never thinking about the power differential between him and severus, he sees himself as the knight in shining armor saving lily. insane levels of self-righteousness. this is why jegulus is the type of couple to have a big blowout fight and “go on a break” every couple of months, but ultimately be together forever. it’s what james wants— a relationship where they can break up and make up a thousand times and never doubt their love for each other. he lives for the dramaaa
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shima-draws · 1 year ago
Catching up on more recent FT stuff and um
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Also oh my FUCKING god look at him. He’s such a proud dad I’m going to throw up I love him so much
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And the fact that Natsu gets attached to her IMMEDIATELY and goes into overprotective Dad Mode when she’s not even his daughter, technically (and Gray too over his own Edo kid 🤧)
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Natsu: I’ve decided I’m taking her home with me. No objections
HOMIE DEADASS IS SIGNING THE ADOPTION PAPERS ALREADY. It was love at first sight. Natsu loves her so much he wants to kidnap her. Shut UP,
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o3o-lapd-o3o · 3 months ago
okay! here's the first poseidon 'snippet' . this takes place before and during this scene!
second snippet
there's a masterlist now!
hope you guys enjoy! ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
*a few months after poseidon had left apollo’s infirmary finally all free of holes all healed up*
*up on olympus*
zeus: *bored outta his godly mind after 20 years of entertainment (especially those last 10 years)*
zeus: *suddenly struck with an idea*
zeus: *to no one in particular* i think i’m going to go pay my brother a visit… just to check on how he is…
zeus: *disappears in a flash of lightning*
hera: *entering the room*
hera: *stares at the scorch marks on the ground where zeus just was*
hera: *to herself* as long as its nothing to do with a woman or illegitimate child… then i don’t care.
*below the sea in poseidon’s palace*
*poseidon enjoying some peace and quiet; when in a flash, zeus on one of his very rare visits, appears in front of him*
zeus: *looking around the room* so… how are things?
poseidon: *sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose*
poseidon: what do you want zeus?
zeus: *ignoring poseidon’s question* where’s your queen?
poseidon: amphitrite is out visiting her sisters…wait never mind that-
poseidon: what do you want?
zeus: *now looking at poseidon* can’t i come see my big brother?
poseidon: you never bother, unless you want something.
poseidon: *anger now in his voice* so out with it.
zeus: *putting his hands up in front of him* whoa! no need to get angry…
zeus: *putting his hands down and a smirk appears* ...remember how that ended for you last time?
zeus: *smirk gets bigger* how you let odysseus beat you like that, i have no idea…
poseidon: *glaring at zeus* do not speak that name in my home
zeus: why my dear brother? are you perhaps… scared?
poseidon: *falling right into zeus provocations*
poseidon: i am NOT scared of that mons- mortal!
poseidon: he merely took advantage of my state after using a lot of my power!
zeus: *under his breath to himself* that power still didn’t kill him though, did it?
zeus: *to poseidon this time* but you’re not in that state now, are you? nor have you been since you left olympus… so what’s holding you back now?
poseidon: *raising an eyebrow at zeus* holding me back from what?
zeus: *knows he has poseidon hook, line and sinker*
zeus: i understand you can no longer hurt him or his family; unless you want to incur the wrath of my daughter… and i suppose even my wife
zeus: but you can make trouble for him still, can’t you?
zeus: *notices the slight hesitation*
zeus: or maybe you are truly fearful of him now? the mighty god of the seas, terrified of a mortal king.
poseidon: *blinks and then goes back to glaring at zeus*
poseidon: i told you i am not sca-
zeus: -then what’s stopping you?
poseidon: NOTH- *coughs* nothing.
poseidon: *crosses his arms and looks away from zeus*
zeus: *laughs knowing he’s done what he came here to do*
zeus: well, i shouldn’t stay too long away from olympus... enjoy the rest of your day brother.
zeus: *disappears in another flash of lightning*
poseidon: *looks at the scorch marks on his floor*
poseidon: he always leaves a mess…
poseidon: *thinking over the conversation again*
poseidon: i’ll show him who’s scared.
*outside the shores of ithaca*
poseidon: *looking the nice clear weather and seeing the merchant ships coming to and from ithaca*
poseidon: it would be a shame if something disrupted this...
poseidon: *smirks* *summons his trident & lifts it to the sky*
*the wind picks up and storm clouds quickly start forming*
poseidon: *can hear distant shouts of mortals reacting to the sudden storm*
poseidon: *laughs to himself* perfect.
poseidon: well, i guess i’ll leave this to brew. i’ll check back later to see what damage has happe-
poseidon: *a full body shiver comes over him out of nowhere*
poseidon: *turns to look at the ithacan docks where he can see..a mortal?*
poseidon: why i am i bothered by that mo-
poseidon: *sees deep red eyes and realises who the mortal is*
poseidon: -oh no.
*the king of ithaca odysseus stands there, glaring into the storm*
odysseus: *in a cold voice* I am going sailing with my son. There will be no issues, is that understood?
poseidon: *even though he knows odysseus can’t hear him* aye aye captain!
poseidon: *with a whimper calls off the storm immediately and quickly dives back under the water*
poseidon: *before he can completely leave, he can hear the voice of odysseus saying “good.”*
poseidon: *about to head straight back home but pauses*
poseidon: *remembers odysseus said he was going sailing with his son*
poseidon: *knows he may be god of the sea, but he can’t always be there to control what the residents of said sea get up too*
poseidon: maybe i should just make sure there’s nothing to make him angrier at me
poseidon: *secretly follows & stays near odysseus’ and telemachus’ ship*
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achingly-shy · 4 months ago
ALSO the end of the episode when jemma is telling fitz that he’s the real hero because he was beside her the whole damn time in the lab and was giving her hope when she had none and then she kisses his cheek and walks away and he sits there smiling and then that smile slowly turns into more of a thinking contemplating oh shit face AND THEN HE KNOWS HE NEVER GOT OVER IT HE NEVER GOT OVER HER
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fujii-draws · 6 months ago
I think there’s something extremely entertaining abt two kids who aren’t child prodigies, but infact;
-Constantly cheating death over and over again, even when they should’ve absolutely perished ages ago.
-Continue their streak through gaining the Grim Reaper as their father, who keeps cheating them out of death even more as atonement for trying to kill/harm them once himself.
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<<< Simultaneously the luckiest and unluckiest god damn teens/young adults
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valewritessss · 8 months ago
For Percy saying Annabeth is his girlfriend is everything and for Annabeth saying Percy is her boyfriend isn’t enough
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nicorobinphd · 1 month ago
stg, being an enjoyer of jane twdg is like being forced into an expert-level course on the way misogyny manifests in video game spaces.
god forbid a woman be complex or difficult or provably mischaracterized (see tags) at the end of her arc to service the culmination of a man’s storyline.
#“kenny was harrowed by loss in his family” so was jane. that is part of them literally being foils.#“kenny teaches clem more!” literally untrue a lot of clem’s combat style is rooted in what jane taught her (targeting the knees & basically#everything clem knows about knife combat- jane is also mirrored with lee in this sense as like was previously stated knife combat later goe#on to become a major element of how clem fights only outweighed by her use of firearms)#she teaches clem the gut trick & we see the innovative thinking that comes with being more independent & proactive influence the way clem#handles sticky situations & deals with feeling disempowered. like this is going to sound odd but the fact that her behaviour mirrors jane#at her best (even though her relationship with aj is more maternal the way she approaches him much more as an equal & capable of holding#agency over his own life is much more reminiscent of the way she was treated by jane & luke positively + the rest of the adults negatively#than how kenny or even lee treated clem [though lee did start to view her this way after the train] + her people reading skill.) & at her#worst (isolating herself + becoming cold + the fact she is [based on player choice] willing to leave aj behind for both their survival +#struggling with her need for community vs her sense of distrust in their lasting stability + her tendency to be unfeelingly pragmatic to a#fault except when it comes to aj + the fact that clem- at her worst is self-serving & somewhat uncaring in comparison to kenny’s possessive#hot-headedness etc) indicates that on some level- regardless of a player’s second season ending- clem considered jane to be a better#behavioural role model- this isn’t to say kenny was unimpactful but rather that his impact was different- where behaviourally we see elemen#of lee luke jane & even carver in clem’s later behaviour kenny’s impact is more so that of a cautionary tale- somebody clem cared for who#she witnessed lose himself entirely to his worst character flaws due to an inability to cope with the world she now lives in- something he#even admits to her in multiple endings iirc. kenny becomes the fate clem must strive against at all costs.#similar can be said of the ending where you go with jane regarding how it analogies clem’s fears & low self worth as a result of being#unable to maintain what she had with aj (in a manner that mirrors jane’s story in that she’s choosing to leave behind a living relative due#to no longer being able to be what they need- again depending on player choice*)#*my exact memory of the third season is hazier tbh. iirc it is dependent on player choice whether she is complacent with the decision to#make her leave the new frontier.#like the way the ending was handled was sloppy & jane was mischaracterized as a result of being shoved into a conflict that we know for#certain was not intended to go to her. calm down & just enjoy your man without being weird & misogynistic dear god.)#(also if you like clem & jane you will like holly robinson & selina kyle dc)#twdg jane#jane twdg#twdg
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huntquinlan · 7 months ago
thinking about elain’s story and bodily autonomy. i think sjm was very intentional in using elain’s powers to introduce us to vassa and koschei. how vassa’s body was corrupted against her will by koschei, and how her existence is now defined by the changes he made. thinking about how koschei has a lake full of swans who were once women who’s bodies he changed against their wills as well. thinking about how elain was changed against her will by a cruel king to teach a lesson to somebody else. how she was reduced to a body and then a tool, a means to an end (to demonstrate the power of hybern against her sister but especially people she barely knew). how even the tool used to change her, the cauldron, which once belonged to the mother and symbolically can be connected to the womb, was appropriated and used forcefully by the king of hybern.
i think about how canon suggests that the cauldron loved elain, that perhaps it gifted her the powers it did because it loved her. maybe the cauldron recognized then, that this poor girl was like it, and sought to give her the power to prevent what was being done to her, and what had been done to countless other women and girls by making her a seer. let’s not forget that elain’s vision of vassa helped them turn the tide of the war against hybern and that it was elain that struck the killing blow against the king of hybern in defense of her sister, another who was denied bodily autonomy. ultimately bodily autonomy, especially given the current political climate in the US is a really heavy theme to deal with, but i sincerely hope that this thread is continued, and that we will get to see an elain who is empowered, and empowered on her own terms. an elain who reclaims her body and her future, and helps others do the same.
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lunar-years · 9 months ago
Can I also say that the worst thing to happen to the roykeeley (and to a smaller extent royjamiekeeley) ship was the episode where Keeley expresses a desire to have like, even TEN Roy-free minutes in her day, which too many people took to mean Keeley (extrovert, social butterfly, move-maker, lover) hates quality time in both concept and execution and only wants to see her significant other on the weekends, maybe, and would probably sleep in a separate room, whereas Roy is a permanently needy fucker who needs to be attached at the hip to his significant other 24/7 in order to survive, and that therefore they are ~Fundamentally Incompatible.~ Instead of what I think the episode was trying to convey, which is that Keeley desires a very extremely normal amount of time to herself especially while she is focusing on Getting Tasks Done/Literally Working Her Job and that Roy had spent the last several months being insanely clingy largely because he was bored and angry and aimless without football and using his girlfriend as his singular purpose for living (which is not sustainable or healthy behavior with ANY partner, even one as equally attached at the hip) only for him to then get a job at the same place Keeley works, so that she could literally never get any time away from him even At Her Job. Thus tipping the scale beyond “Roy’s love language is Quality Time and he can be a bit clingy, which can be reasonably accommodated by a willing partner” to “Roy is Driving Keeley Actually Motherfucking Batshit Crazy” a problem which then gets solved by Roy leaving Keeley alone for the length of one (1) singular self care bath.
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itspileofgoodthings · 5 months ago
I go off about Catholic/christian religious influencers of all kinds and I do so for many reasons but one of the main ones is just. the feeling they’re selling (and it is a feeling and they’re selling it, even if just for views) it doesn’t feel like that for everyone. That whole simplistic set-up of struggle struggle struggle, breakthrough, clarity, emotional peace, tears streaming down the face. That’s not real. Or at least it’s not real much of the time in MANY cases and even when it is real that isn’t the only part or the most important part of having a relationship with God. It’s probably the least important part, the feeling. and so it fills me with RAGE when the emotional part of religion is sold and packaged and paraded and presented on Instagram as “inspiration”! it distorts the whole reality of a relationship with God and puts a literal and figurative Instagram filter over the whole thing.
#I mean. pray in silence where your Father who is in Heaven can see you. like??????#I’m sure I’m getting the direct reference wrong but.#anyways it just bugs me so much because I’m a highly emotional and intense person and religious experiences just aren’t like that for me#and faith isn’t like that for me. and it just isn’t this soft-hearted feel-good thing all the time!!!!!!!! most of the time it isn’t#and it makes me feel sooooooo bad and awful when some Instagram influencer with woman femininity or grace in her handle#shows up in my feed ready to talk about the waters that the Lord has led her through#like I can’t even begin to articulate my own journey with God#nor do I feel compelled to do so. but seeing other people do it makes me feel so instantly awful and alienated#and …. grubby#it makes me feel grubby because I am not seeing the world through soft pastels and lens flares#and because I don’t experience God’s love for me as a feeling#never have probably never WILL#and it’s just upsetting and maddening and I think it’s so bad for the culture#also I’ve started reading a little bit of st. Francis de sales every night#much against my will at first because pretty much all spiritual reading makes me bristle and makes me anxious#but honestly it’s been so good and he finds that kind of insta-influencing DEAD#because it isn’t fake and it isn’t performative and it is practical#and generally it’s realistic and hopeful and simple#anyway just ughhhhhhhhhhhhh. I have so many feelings about this
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