#BT Advent
dreamsandhonor · 2 years
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"Don't pretend you're sad. Why tremble with anger that's not even there?"
"Face it Cloud, all you are is an empty puppet."
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sona-verse01 · 9 months
Hey guys, sooo my birth month (aka February) is near.
So, I'm making an advent calendar for February.
Reblog it so someone (who can help) see this.
First, help me in decorating pls 🙏🏼😅😭
Here is the calendar 👇🏼. It's from Canva (not mine).
I'm thinking about adding small graphics on every date, like flowers, cakes, candles, etc.
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29 days, 29 posts. They can be anything.
Ex- Games, pac, pap, k-pop reactions, smau, etc.... Literally anything.
It will be based on the requests from you guys.
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taleasnewastime · 2 years
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1. Accidentally on purpose | 1.1k | Jimin
2. Do you trust me? | 464 | Jungkook
3. Traitor | 850 | Yoongi
4. I wish it was easy to hate you | 997 | Hoseok
5. Reckless | 1356 | Seokjin
6. Good at making bad decisions | 993 | Taehyung
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vtaevante · 2 years
Is it time to bring butter the holiday remix back again?
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Three for One 3
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, cheating, customer service abuse, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: As a customer service associate, you’re used to work with a wide variety of characters. Your efforts to go above and beyond draw the attention of a certain set of customers who want more than what’s on the shelf.
Character: Andy Barber, Lloyd Hansen, Ransom Drysdale
Note: Let's go!
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me <3
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
Love you all. Take care. 💖
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Two days before Christmas. The store is left in tatters. Shelves strewn with sparse lefftovers and aisles hastily paced by those who left their shopping a bit too late. The frantic shoppers searching for a diamond among the sand grains of untouched product.
You work at arranging the remnants of the season’s beauty advent calendars on a table draped in a bright red cloth. There’s a large tag in a metal stand that marks them as ten percent off. On the other side of the holidays, they will drop to a full eighty percent off. You always believed giftcards were a better prize, not that you got many gifts.
That year, Luanne gave you a new journal and a specialty hot chocolate bomb in the department’s secret santa. You go Michelle and gifted her a copy of your favourite novel and some nail polishes. That is the extent of your shopping and gift exchanges. Except for your puppy, Ernie, who will get a bone and one of those special gourmet dog meals.
You finish your arrangement and step back, admiring your work. It’s close to close and so close to the end of the race that the shop isn’t as busy as usual. The only customers you do see are in a rush and horribly disappointed when that very specific thing isn’t in stock.
“Excuse me,” you’re drawn around the deep voice. A man strolls up the center aisle of the beauty section, the tails of his coat flicking behind him, “hi,” he uses your name as he approaches, “I’m so sorry to bother you again but can you point me to, erm,” he looks down at his phone, “a ring light?”
You hesitate. He seems to know you and you admit, he looks familiar. You’re at that point where the faces all blur together. Your one innate flaw is that you really don’t have a good memory for that, bt you definitely recognise his voice.
“Hello, sir,” you fall short of his name. You want to say Alan but you also don’t want to be wrong. “The ring lights are actually with the cellphone.” You gesture back at electronics, “I know it makes more sense to put them with cameras.”
“Ah, oh, thanks,” he nods but doesn’t move to find his quarry, he lowers his phone, “how’s your holiday going? Thing’s slowing down,” he looks around and you can’t help but do the same.
“Uh, yeah, yeah, most people are all done,” you shrug.
“Ha, wish I could say the same,” he sighs, “I thought we were done but the wife just sent me on a wild goose chase.”
“Hm, oh, well, I’m not very busy, did you need help finding anything else?”
“Yeah, my manager’s done for the day so doesn’t really matter if I leave my zone,” you say, “kinda boring around here.”
“You’re too sweet,” he smiles, his blue eyes deep and swirling, “and that sweater is adorable.”
You look down at your dark blue sweater with the white crochet peter pan collar. You wiggle your shoulders and grin back at him, thanking him. You know he bought some perfume for his wife but you’re still blanking on his name.
“Here’s my list,” he tilts his phone towards you and looks down, shifting closer to you as he shows you a text bubble.
“Oh my, right. I’m not sure we’ll have everything,” you teethe your lip as you go through the items, “but we’ll see.”
A message pops up over the top and you try not to read, putting your head up as you try to act like you didn’t see it. It’s not that you meant to decipher the words but your brain quickly skimmed that ‘tomorrow night?’ Not much but just feels a bit personal.
“Alright, we’ll go to electronics first, then work our way forward,” you suggest.
“Good idea,” he agrees.
You set off and he follows at just a step. You have to remember to slow down as often you’re so determined you find yourself leaving your customers far behind you. You bring him to the mobile accessories and point to the ring lights.
He considers them and rubs his chin. He points between two; “what’s the difference?”
“Oh, this one comes with a tripod extension and this one is a full kit with a mic,” you point from one to the other.
“What do you think is better for, uh, streaming?” He sounds unsure of that last word.
“I think that kit would have more to it, especially if whoever it’s for is just starting out. But I’m don’t know too much about these things.”
“I’ll take the kit,” he scoops it off the shelf, “the kid can never have enough.”
“Oh? You have kids?”
“One,” he sounds less than excited, “teenager now so he really can’t stand me.”
“I’m sorry, sir, I didn’t mean to…”
“No, no, it’s not your fault,” he forces away the shadow across his features, “you know how they can be. What about you? You going to see your parents? Spending the day with someone special?”
“Um, just Ernie,” you answer, “my puppy.”
“Cute,” he remarks, “are you guys open tomorrow?”
“Tomorrow, yeah, ‘til five,” you try to remember the next thing on his list. 
He seems less concerned with the items than before, instead turn to examine a pop socket, “you have to work on Christmas Eve?”
“Yeah, closing, but I don’t mind.”
“What’s this?” He holds up a pop socket.
“It goes on your phone,” you pull out your phone and show him your daisy one, “see?” You hook your fingers around it, “it’s a grip to help you hold on.”
“Ah, makes sense,” he turns the thin package over, “kid’s always breaking his screen…”
You wait patiently as he makes up the mind to add the grip to his haul.
“What’s next?” You prompt as gently as you can.
“Oh, uh,” he looks at his phone, “video games…” he squints, “V-bucks?”
“Ah, yes, that would be a gift card,” you say, “I can show you the rack.”
He lets you lead him to the large rack of subscription cards. You point out the various currency amounts available and he rubs his brow. His forehead lines as you see the stress needling in his cheek. He’s struck with the late shopper syndrome. He’s start to feel the crush of time.
“So, just your dog?” He wonders as he picks up a $75 card.
“Yeah,” you answer softly.
“No boyfriend? Siblings?”
“Just me,” you assure him, “I don’t mind. I get to choose the dessert!”
He chuckles, “that’s a good way to look at it. Did you buy yourself something special?”
“Not really, I’ve been saving for a vacation so I put most of my overtime into that,” you explain. “You having a big dinner?”
“Last minute change, wife’s parents want to host. Had to figure out travel plans.” He looks at the giftcards again and your eyes fall to the large back curled up in his arm and the card and phone grip balanced between his fingers. He slides free a Netflix card and reads the fine print.
“Do you want a basket, sir?” You offer.
“Oh, well, sure,” he accepts as he looks down, “that’s very considerate.”
“Don’t want you to drop anything,” you smile and turn on your heel.
You go to the stack of rolling baskets beside the electronics desk. Tyler doesn’t acknowledge you as he sorts through game shells to put back on the shelf. You pull the basket behind you, rattling on its wheels as you approach the shopper by the gift cards.
“Here,” you veer it around towards him.
He bends to lower the ringlight inside and drops the smaller items into next to it; he adds the Netflix subscription along with it and holds onto the Kindle card in his hand.
“You got any of these around?” He holds up the card, “the reader?”
“Hmm, we should,” you rub your neck, “I suppose if we didn’t, you can get a tablet and download the app.”
“I guess,” he nods, “can you check?”
“Of course, sir.”
You turn away and call over your headset. Regan tells you there’s a kindle up in return they can sell. You ask them to put it aside.
“There’s one left at checkout. They’re going to have it waiting for you,” you announce proudly.
“That’s great. You like to read?” He asks.
“Oh, sure, my one vice is my book addiction,” you giggle, “how about you?”
“Well, I don’t get much of a chance with work. I’m usually burnt out from all the legal documents,” he drones grimly, “then the kid has extracurriculars or there’s a PTA meeting or the wife needs something done.”
“Sounds busy,” you say empathetically, “I hope you get some time to relax this holiday.”
“Me too,” he agrees. “I almost envy you. I’m sure your dog’s good company.”
“He’s so sweet,” you can’t help but beam at the mention of your boy.
“Big cuddler?” He asks.
“Uh, yeah,” the question is a bit unexpected, “you like dogs?”
“Never really had one. Don’t need the extra work,” he says, “but I don’t mind them.”
“That’s fair. He can be a bit needy.”
He flinches and looks down at his hand. His screen flashes and he gives an apologetic look as he raises his palm, “I’m so sorry. I need to take this.”
“Take your time, sir, I’ll wander,” you point over your shoulder with your thumb.
He mouths a thanks before he answers, “Barber.”
You back up and turn to distract yourself with the shelf of controllers and switch cases. His deep voice carries but you focus on the Sinatra carol playing overhead to drown him out. Still you can’t help but catch a few words.
“Five, yeah…no, she won’t…it’s fine…” He’s quiet for a moment before he raises his voice, “figure it out.”
His stern tone sends a chill through you. It’s a sharp contrast to his previously friendly demeanour. Well, he mentioned he’s a lawyer, you assume he has a lawyer voice, akin to your customer service one.
“Sorry,” he comes back to you, “my wife…” he takes a breath, “you don’t happen to sell wine here?”
You smile. The way he answered, it didn’t sound very affectionate but maybe he hadn’t expected his wife.
“No, sorry, sir.”
“Kidding,” he chuckles, “well, I guess I should get my butt in gear,” he flicks through his phone, “um, I assume toiletries? Face masks?”
“Oh, that’s near me,” you point back towards beauty, “there’s a special for the sheet masks.”
“Great,” he grabs the extended handle of the basket, “thanks so much for this. I’m so lost.”
“That’s fine,” you go ahead of him, “it’s the job.”
You groan as you put the last empty bin in the stack. You stand and rub your shoulders, traps sore from all the lifting and moving. The night crew will set up for the day after Christmas but in the last hour of work, you and the few others in the store scrambled to get the old displays torn down.
Luanne walks with you to the employee break room. She’s in more of a hurry as she has her three children waiting for her at their grandparents. She goes ahead of you and punches out as you wait and stretch out your arms.
“Have a good Christmas,” she says breathily as she opens her locker and pulls out her purse and jacket, folding the latter over her arm, “I’ll see you after. You’re opening, right?”
“Sure thing,” you say as you punch in your employee number. “Merry Christmas.”
“Give Ernie some pets for me,” she trills as she goes to the door. “Thanks again. You saved my ass today.”
“No problem, “ you shake your head, “Christmas Eve brings out the best.”
“Does it ever. Bye, sweetie,” she waves over her shoulder as he sweeps through the door.
You go to your locket and take out your fluffy pink sherpa coat and purse. You loop your scarf around your neck and slip your earmuffs around your head. You sit to pull on your boots and stand with an ache in your calves. You feel the fatigue finally setting in. It’s not over yet; one day off and you’re right back to the furor.
You yawn as you leave the breakroom and drag your feet across the store. You take out your phone as you pop your earbuds in and choose your holiday mix. You wave goodbye to a few other stragglers and go out the front door, Spencer locking it behind you.
It’s bitterly cold out. You’re surprised by the fresh fall of snow swirling in the air. It gives an extra sparkle to the time of year.
You scroll through your phone. The buses are on holiday hours already. The next one is in an hour. Great. You can just walk, at least until you get to the next stop. More buses stop there and you can get at least ten minutes within your building.
You trod along, kicking through the powder of snow as headlights gleam ahead of you. You walk along the narrow walk beside the hotel on the other side of the intersection and a pair of flashing tail lights blink ahead of you. A dark figure stands beside the white SUV but you can’t make out much more than their silhouette.
You keep going, peeking up curiously as you near. The boot of the car pops up and the stranded driver searches. As you pass, you trip over an unseen shape, the metal clank painfully against your toe. You look down at the small foot jack.
“Oh, shoot, sorry,” the man stands straight and turns to you, “I didn’t see you coming. I was just grabbing the iron–”
“That’s okay,” you pick out your earbuds, “I wasn’t looking.”
“Wait,” he stops short and points a gloved finger in your direction, “it’s you. You work at the store just down the way, right?”
You know the man. He’s the one who was in the store just yesterday. There’s a flutter in your chest at the coincidence of your encounter. It happens, especially in the shopping district. Half the city at least passes through her during the holidays.
“Yeah, uh, that’s me. You finish your shopping?”
“Just about,” he tuts and shakes his head, “blew a tire. So, happy holidays to me.”
“I’m so sorry,” you look down at the snowy walk.
“Mhmm,” he grumbles, “all this snow, I can’t get the jack to work either.”
“Dang, unfortunately, I’m not help. I don’t know much about cars.”
“That’s fine, I called roadside assistance but they’re taking their damn time,” he checks his watch.
“Oh…” you utter.
“Don’t let me rain on your holiday, honey,” he says, “your toe okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, it’s fine,” you look down.
“Wait, are you walking home?” He asks.
You nod.
“Wish I could offer you a ride. This weather’s only getting worse,” he bemoans. He slips his hand into his jacket and pulls out his phone, “they should be here shortly so if–”
A set of headlights pull onto the apron and roll towards you. You look over as the man beside you does the same. You stand, somewhat dumbfounded at the unexpected run-in. 
“That’s them,” he declares, “hey, guys.”
He waves as the white van pulls up. You were expecting a tow truck. Oh, well. Not your problem.
“Great, I guess I should get going,” you excuse yourself, “have a happy holi–”
As you step back, your heel catches on something. You don’t realise until your plummeting onto your ass that the man stuck his leg out behind you. You hit the ground with an oomph, barely missing the metal jack half-buried in the snow.
You hear the van door sliding open and a clatter of heavy treads. You can barely catch your breath as the world moves fast around you. The man bends over you as another rushes over, grabbing you off the ground as the two vehicles block out the street from view.
“Be nice,” the first man warns as your arms are seized. “Don’t hurt her.”
You suck in a deep breath. What is happening? You go to let out the shriek as you’re struck by the situation. This can’t be real but you’re being half-carried towards an open vehicle. A hand comes up and stifles your scream, smothering you as you’re yanked harshly forward.
“Careful,” the man girds again.
“Shut the fuck up,” the other grits and pulls you away from the other, spinning you around as he hooks an arm around your neck and covers your mouth, forcing you towards the van. He bends backwards, lifting your feet as you kick and squirm.
“Honey, calm down,” the friendly customer coaxes, “it’s okay.”
You don’t understand. Why are they doing this? Why you?
The man’s hand slips as you grab at his arms and your teeth come over the vee between thumb and index. You bite down and he yowls. Even through his leather glove, you give him a viscous pinch.
“Fuck!” He tosses you forward so your knees hit the side of the van and fall half-inside.
“Hurry the fuck up,” another voice calls from inside the van.
“Trying,” the second man snarls as you stand and let out a shrill note, only for a second before you’re caught from behind and muted again. This time the leather glove seals over your nose. “Fucking bitch.” 
You’re lifted into the van, writhing and kicking as the door slides shut from the outside. You’re pinned on the floor in the seatless rear of the vehicle. You whimper as your eyes glisten with a sudden spring of tears. 
That question rings in your head again; why you? You have no one to look for you, no one to care. It’s only you against them.
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digi-lov · 6 months
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Creepymon BT8-111 Alternative Art by Naochika Morishita from BT-08 Booster New Awakening
This card fetures Creepymon/Demon fighting UlforceVeedramon. These two have clashed in other Media before, such as in Digimon Chronicle X, or this card from Hyper Colosseum:
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Clash of Power Bx-146 from Booster 24 Advent of the Seven Great Demon Lords
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piosplayhouse · 5 months
I don't know if you'll answer but I need to know the lore behind sexy times with Wangxian, like is it a fanfic? why do people hate the author??
It was the longest mdzs fic posted during its time in 2021 and gained extreme notoriety for its absurdly long tag list, frequent update schedule that consistently forced anyone scrolling any of its tags to see it at the top of their page, and escalating poor, racist, and trolling authorial behavior that ultimately culminated in the author virtual1979 being suspended from ao3 for a month because she posting an author's note saying she hoped that all her haters would contract covid and die. She deleted the fic from ao3 a little while after this happened, ig bc she wasn't getting enough attention anymore, but allegedly the thing's still up on dreamwidth under strict friendslock. The fan lore article goes pretty in depth about it:
The best summary for why it pissed people off so much is really just showing you these screenshots of what the fic looked like towards the end of its life on desktop and mobile (be warned opening the full image):
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From my personal experience:
from 2019 up until around 2021 the fic really was just a normal-ish, if very strangely written and kinky, wangxian porn fic about them basically just fucking around post canon and enjoying day to day life. It updated pretty frequently and had a fair amount of tags because the author was literally just tagging anything that she wrote. But like the first few hundred, maybe even a thousand tags were pretty accurate to what the fic was because of that, and were relatively manageable for the first few years that it didn't pick up any attention really.
At some point in 2021 when cql was really starting to blow up online and the tag count was starting to pile up to the point of annoyance, the fic started receiving some comments that were just like "hey can you try to cut down on tags, I don't think it's necessary to be so specific as to tag 'Korean food' or 'eggs' or whatnot". The author did not share this idea, evidently, and instead built a grudge against commenters who would tell her to delete tags, subsequently adding more and more as time went on.
As the tag count and updates increased, the content of the fic did too-- it got a lot, lot weirder. I'm sure someone's saved it all somewhere but for reference it spun out into what I can only describe as like if Rick and Morty's plot was cut to be just the parts of the show with underage/incest plotlines with All Tomorrows level sex dystopian world building exclusively to elicit the most visceral audience reaction possible. Around this time is when more people started to notice the fic and its escalating tag issues, leading them to leaving more comments complaining about it, leading to the attention seeking author spitefully adding more tags. Around this time is when she also started adding fake tags that didn't apply to the story whatsoever (sorry to disappoint, "talking vagina" was one of those. I did check) just to boost the count, take up more space on people's screens, and bait people into commenting hate for attention.
By this time, it had become a fandom-wide annoyance as she had begun to tag entirely unrelated ships, therefore putting the near-daily updating titanic of a fic at the top of any mdzs-related tag. People were outraged about this, and calls came for ao3 to step in. Ao3 waffled around for a bit as there was no official rule at the time that imposed a tag limit, so there wasn't established ground to ban virtual1979 (who btw many people suspected of being 40 whole years old due to the username and allegedly some other internet sleuthing on Facebook or something). Meanwhile, she began to tag other fandoms-- tgcf, svsss, BTS, basically anything that would get a lot of attention and draw hate with the advent of The Monstrosity suddenly drowning out all other recently updated fics of the targeted fandoms.
People had been trying to retaliate without ao3 action, though, by coding their own themes/skins that would allow someone to block a user or work and other fic writers made their own parody, the "bland times with wangxian" collection, which were minimally tagged sfw shortfics typically featuring wangxian just doing laundry or things like that. A good amount of them were actually like just fics where wwx would explain to lwj how to install custom ao3 themes and block fics that were taking up too much space on his screen. Imo it was pretty funny, but these also sparked some controversy as people disagreed with fighting annoyance with more annoyance to people trying to find content.
Either shortly before or after ao3 staff said they'd step in due to an insane amount of reports and backlash, I forgot which atp, virtual1979 began perhaps the worst tagging spree of the fic's life by changing the title, many of the tags, and the summary to a slew of racial slurs, sexually explicit imagery, and other generally offensive statements. I'm pretty sure this came after the fic was temporarily hidden once, as this update gained considerably less attention than the rest of the tagging saga, but people were still rightfully pissed about it. Ultimately, like I mentioned before, the author was then suspended for a month for wishing covid and death on her haters, and attention seemed to die down during this time to the point where she didn't really fight much more when her suspension ended and deleted her account and the work shortly after. Again she seems to have moved to dreamwidth, but most have forgotten her and I'm not sure if her presence is public at all on there. But that's the story of the worst mdzs fic ever written
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sherlockig · 10 months
rhys should have waited a until friday to start posting those bts selfies and then he could post one each day until christmas like a rhys darby advent calender
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yourmilwaukeebeers · 10 months
suika game BTS
i'm just gonna dump a bunch of stuff here take it or leave it all song sprites:
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dave & joe play "turn it off" from book of mormon
craig's gang plays "let's fighting love" from south park
oscars m&t play "put it down" from south park
coop & remer play "montage" from team america world police
concert m&t play "the ballad of lemmiwinks" from south park
2000s m&t play "hello!" from book of mormon
the main 4 play "blame canada" from south park: bigger longer & uncut
packer & humphrey play "shpadoinkle" from cannibal the musical
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small ike here is your cursor
here's every fruit from largest to smallest so look away if you don't want to know what picture is the suika:
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and i didn't take many photos of it in the process but this is essentially what the game looked like while working on purely functionality:
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this was soooo much fun though and i keep playing my own game amazed that it even though it's very janky, it. kinda works. which is hysterical because even though i made suika i am NOT GOOD at it, and my computer is still stuck together with a couple pieces of tape and charging 100% of the time i use it. i haven't made a watermelon, so good luck to you if you manage it lol. either way, have fun and enjoy! here's my high score!
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trust that my next advent day will not be this cool........ UNLESS?
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not-goldy · 9 months
Funny seeing the cult cocky on twitter about Tk outings in 2023, cause they never had any before. Celebrating tk riding together one time to Suga's concert, when this is shit Jikook done for years. Outings alone, with friends & riding together for years. That grumpy tkk, saying Tae looks like an idiot, asshole, rude & disrespectful cause of hybe, jimin & Jennie. bitch just say you want to trash Tae in public cause you're so mad he didn't follow your rules. Same way they set JK up & make him look like a dick to Jimin, when Jk supported Jimin more then any member during their solo work. Any excuse to drag Jk cause he's not giving them what they want.
Do tkk realize after the maknae beach outing in LA, that they claim was a private date, even though Jimin was there, that a week later is when Tae followed his GF Jennie on IG? Who gonna tell Tkk Tae was dating Jennie when they were doing the LA concert & Tae confirmed it when he got IG and followed his GF on instinct & backtracked. Pics of him outside her house & with her friend group days after LA dating back to mid 2021, even before BTS went to NY 7 Atomix & posts from Taennie shippers already suspecting they were together before he even followed Jennie. We are talking 2021. Tae followed Jennie in Dec 2021 & was holding her hand in Paris in 2023. Everything they saw Tk do between Dec 2021 & 2023 Tae was dating someone else & committed. So who is doing fanservice? Using Their TK advent Calander they made of them hanging out in 2023 as romantic proof, dismissing them being with friends. The ski trip, the premiere outing, every outing TK had in 2023, them riding together to Suga's concert, Tae was in a relationship with Jennie. All that on stage stuff at the concerts between TK, yep Tae was dating Jennie. At this point they are calling Tae a cheater & Jk a homewrecker by insisting the things TK was doing was romantic. They'd rather paint Tae as a horrible BF to Jennie and JK as a relationship wrecker, then admit Tk are friends & they are wrong. All those vacations Tae took with Jennie, they pretend didn't happen. NY, Jeju, Paris. Jennie there with Tae the day he was getting ready for his first trip to Paris, standing there in the flesh with him in a video, while he gets his hair done. Hell he was with Jennie in Jeju days after the festa dinner as well, where they said it was unscripted & TK showing they were BF's. The Taennie timeline stretches a long way. This wasn't a fling. Tae clearly cared about her. Enough to confirm the rumors & leaks with her, by doing what he did with her in paris & tkk disrespected his relationship every step of the way & still do. And why? Cause they want to "win" and want Jkk to lose? Bitch this is no competition. Jikook are together now, enlisted by choice. The only winners here are Jikook. They won this IDGAF war. And you can't erase Jennie from your TK advent Calander timeline. You saw Tk outings only in 2023, when Jimin was busy working his ass off & Jennie was busy on tour, cause when Jimin & Jennie wasn't busy, you saw Tae with Jennie & Jk with jimin & TK spending no time together. Its not hard to do this math. Taennie = Your ship is not real. BTW what we did see of Jikook since y'all wanna get cocky, the private trips, silver day date, enlisting together, means more then a couple of friend outings. One half of your ship was dating someone else from 2021 - 2023. Tk have a special friendship, not a romantic relationship. One day it'll click.
They need to free Tae.
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dreamescapeswriting · 2 years
can u do watching christmas movies together pls
>>> Watching Xmas movies together: BTS
A/N: I wanted to make this since it's December! I hope you guys enjoy it<3
Jin would instantly be up for it, the two of you curled up together on the sofa surrounded by different kinds of snacks and blankets. The two of you would cuddle while you watch all kinds of Christmas movies, from the classics to hallmark movies that are incredibly cheesy.
As much as he would claim he didn't want to be sat watching movies with you, he was loving every second of it. Even getting super focused on the scenes that you were watching. When you eventually got too tired to carry on Yoongi begged for you to finish the last movie with him first.
It was a tradition that the two of you had together, every day as a count-down to Christmas you would find and watch a new Christmas movie. It didn't matter if it was cheesy or silly, the two of you would devote the time to watch the movie every day. It was your own mini version of an advent calendar
"You're not supposed to talk all the way through the movie," You whined as Namjoon continued to list off all of the things that were wrong with the story that was being told. Even though the two of you would watch movies a lot, you never quite got used to him talking throughout the entire thing.
It was Jimin's idea on Christmas eve to sit and watch movies to make the day past by quickly. It was the first time he was going to be spending the entire holiday with you and you alone and he couldn't have been more excited for it, "Snacks?" he questioned while looking around the living room, "check," you laughed looking at the piles of food you had at the ready. Then the two of you got cozy and began to snack away.
Every year Taehyung always seemed too busy in the lead up to Christmas and you thought that this year would be the same but Tae ended up surprising you with a break away at a cabin. The whole time the two of you cuddled by the fire while old VHS tapes of Christmas movies played on the TV
Jungkook wanted to make sure every second of Christmas was planned out perfectly, for the first time since the two of you had started to date you were going to spend the holidays together. No other members around to bother you, just the two of you. But he'd spent so much time trying to perfect everything it was all going wrong. "Why don't you just come and watch movies with me?" You giggled, looking at your boyfriend who was a little upset at the burnt cookies in front of him. "I wanted this to be perfect," he mumbled, slowly sitting beside you on the sofa and laying his head on your shoulder. "It is, as long as I have you," you told him, quickly pressing your lips to the top of his head.
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ourlittleuluru · 4 months
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I thought I could have gotten all the scenes and cleared the episode yesterday ToT but was just BARELY OFF. BUT IT IS DONE!
The ending was justtttt 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 my heart.... ugh
Also the secret times for that card!?!?!?!! 😩😩😩
Back to event pics and ramblings under the cut (ヘ・_・)ヘ
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XAVIER PLEASE ToT Why u gotta manhandle the cat like that???? No wonder the cat was so pissed at you?????
And MC.... that 🤣 I felt that. If I were in her shoes, I'd prob be the same lel
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This frame!! The way he is following MC around... He feels like a little chick following Mother Hen 🤣🤣🤣
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Xavier, the man who's always bad with other ppl's attention on him UNLESS it's from MC. Then he'll keep asking for attention xd;;; sneaky
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ALSO THISSS ToT The way he hints that he wasn't alone!!! (basically despite it all he still has Jeremiah with him) BUT HE STILL FELT LONELY BECAUSE MC IS NOT THERE WITH HIM 😭 BUT NOW SHE IS!!!!
(okay this just suddenly gave me MASSIVE Cloud vibes at the end of the Advent Children movie when he realises he's not alone! along with the smile to add to it 😩😩)
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!!!!!!!!!! THE 大白兔奶糖/White Rabbit Candy!!! It defo resembles it 😂
And of course he gets tons of snacks xd;;;;
This marks the end of this event's BTS parts~
Honestly... i still don't quite get why the conversations and the images don't match up, when they pretty much do have corresponding ones ಠಿ_ಠ
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sona-verse01 · 9 months
🩷 February Birthday Advent Calendar ❤️
Reblog for support (even if you are not participating).
Open untill 31 January 2024
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You can see the calendar above ☝🏼
29 days, 29 122 posts 💌
So, my birthday is on 22 February, & I don't have anyone to celebrate with. So, I will be celebrating it here on tumblr.
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(⁠。⁠♡⁠‿⁠♡⁠。⁠) Rules:
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What to include in your ask:
Greetings & birthday wishes.
Mention "SFW or NSFW".
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Sub category (check 'categories').
Group name (if K-pop related, check 'categories').
Explain your request properly.
Emoji '🎂' (only this one, no other emoji).
Check 'Extra Details ' below before sending your asks.
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(。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。) Categories:
Main category:
Intuition / Tarot
Sub category:
• For Intuition / Tarot:
PAC (based on tarot/intuition),
PAP (based on random fun things, nothing serious)
(4 slots each)
Yes / No question
(10 slots)
• For K-pop & miscellaneous:
(Slots depend on the groups, see below 👇🏼)
Scenario, reaction, headcannon, SMAU, Mtl, A to Z, pick 1, etc...
Moodboard, Dating Doors, Create ur own, Choose ur favourite, Scenario game, Emoji game, Kiss marry love, Zodiac signs, Date of Birth, Would you rather, etc...
Groups (for K-pop):
Stray Kids,
Le sserafim
(10 slots for each group)
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(⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠) Extra Details:
Anons allowed. (Send me a DM after sending ur ask, to let me know that you followed all the rules).
Ask can be sfw or nsfw (mention it in your ask).
If you have more than 1 request, send separate asks for them.
If you don't follow all the rules, or your ask is not complete, then it will not be included in the advent calendar.
Requests & asks will be answered on the particular date, that is assigned for the k-pop group or any other category.
Ex - If I have 5 asks for TXT, then they will be posted on the date, that is dedicated to TXT only.
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Dividers: @cafekitsune, @saradika @mewryn
My lovely mutuals (Open): @yourmoonmomma , @cvsmixqu33n , @minlve0 , @tarotwithdanise , @azure-cherie , @pearl-tarotist , @nuxvibe , @leoascendente , @alaezasmystery235 , @tonkatesuramen , @tearryminunhinged , @byhees , @jaylaxies , @astroyongie , @solomonmoa , @automatictalebeliever
I promise to say "hii" to all my moots soon 😭
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Day 16 of the advent calendar
#deadcity bts pics.
we want more
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mattandtrey-advent · 9 months
💜 Week Three: Recap
We're three whole weeks into December, so here's our third recap of all the beautiful things made for the Advent in the last seven days.
Day Fifteen: Matt & Trey Suika game, complete with bonuses (linked below), created by @yourmilwaukeebeers 🍉🍊🍏
Day Sixteen: The Buck O'Five - a Team America inspired cocktail recipe by @rockshrimp1989!
Day Seventeen: Top 5 Song Recs from the Matt & Trey universe, compiled by @cralgtucker 🎧
Day Eighteen: Adorable needle-felted Mr. Hankey tree decoration by @johnnyknoxvilleseye 🎅💩
Day Nineteen: Three moodboards inspired by Matt/Trey fanfiction by @fillernameceo!
Day Twenty: Matt & Trey + fandom text posts gif compilation by @a-magical-evening
Day Twenty-one: Printable Coop & Remer paper dolls by @yourmilwaukeebeers, featuring their BASEketball kits and Denslow cup halftime outfits! 😲
Bonus creations:
Suika game BTS (sprites, making-of, and full-size images) by @yourmilwaukeebeers + Track list with full songs! 😍
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A BTS Christmas
Merry Christmas! This was written in very little time and is not proof read. It might not make any sense. But I hope you enjoy this lovelys!! ~Bagel
Yoongi keeps things lowkey. He keeps you in the apartment and gives you gifts throughout the day by leaving them in places you would find them. You leave to go to the bathroom and a gift box appears in your seat. You turn away to grab something from the cupboard and when you turn back something's waiting on the counter. He insists on cooking for the two of you though. While you're getting ready for bed at the end of the day I think is when he would give you that last big present from him. The only one that he doesn't run away from as you open it and waits to see your reaction. His cheeks turning red as he studies whether you like the thing or not.
Seokjin makes things a huge production. He's the one to have a checklist of things he wants to do. Making the two of you bake cookies, he's sitting you down to watch It's a Wonderful Life and A Christmas Carol, he's making you go out and play in the snow if there's any. He has a specific time that you two eat dinner and presents are right after. He has bought you both matching sweaters to wear for the entire day.
Hoseok pulls you into the living room to watch Christmas movies all day. He shares all of his favorites and begs to see yours. Similar to Jin, he has matching sweaters for you. Pulling you into his lap as the movies play and talking through them. He's pointing out different details that he loves in the different movies. Making snacks and grabbing drinks when they are needed.
Jimin has planned everything for weeks. Making sure the decorations were just right, that he gave you his presents to you in the right order. He's been buying things through the entire year and hiding them away to give them to you during this holiday. I feel too that he would be one of those boyfriends to make a little advent calendar for you of small things that you love to open leading up to Christmas day.
Namjoon treats it very similar to any other day. I feel he would very much match whatever your energy is when it comes to the holiday. If you've been counting down the days, he's there next to you to smiling at your excitement. If you haven't said anything, he's sitting back and just thankful that he's able to spend the day with you. His presents would be thoughtful and homemade. Like he made you a mixtape of songs that symbolize different moments throughout the year. Or he's made a photobook of your favorite art pieces.
Jungkook looks forward to making new traditions with you. He's setting up the Switch for the 'annual Mario Kart competition' as he calls it. He's ordering take out for the two of you as you binge through some drama that you haven't watched yet. He's made a scavenger hunt throughout his apartment for your big present from him. I also see him wrapping it in a way to make it as difficult as possible to get to the actual gift.
Taehyung insists that you visit family. Whether it's his or yours, he's not going to take no as an answer. He's buying the ticket to fly you home. He's also the one to beg to go with you if he hasn't met them yet. He's playing with your younger siblings and cousins as you catch up with your parents. He's happily listening to the stories your grandparents are telling him of when you're busy elsewhere. He's also the one to ask your parents to show him baby photos. Teasing you at the end of the day when it's just the two of you about the new information he's learned.
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