#BOTH being by Odysseus' side in the end
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gingermintpepper · 6 months ago
Okay, let's finally talk about EPIC's Apollo
I feel very compelled to say, first of all, that I do not dislike Epic. In fact, I am very fond of Epic and have been following its production and status very eagerly! I attend all the launch streams, I watch all of Herrans' update videos; I am, at the end of the day, a fan and I want it to be known that my words are spoken out of love and passion as much as they are spoken from a place of critique.
So really, what my problem with Epic's Apollo?
In the briefest possible terms; the choice to have Apollo be defined by his musical aspect in God Games is thematically strange. And not in the 'oh well in the Odyssey, Apollo was important to Odysseus and his family so it's weird that that wasn't kept in Epic' strange, strange in the sense that Odysseus' character arc since My Goodbye has been getting more and more obviously Apollonian and so it is positively bizarre that when we get to meet Apollo, the god seems entirely disinterested in him and his affairs. So much so that he is not even defined by any station that would indicate that he has been watching over and protecting Odysseus and his family.
What do I mean by 'Odysseus has been following an Apollonian arc'? I'm so glad you asked!
Remember Them is the last song in which Odysseus explicitly uses his sword until Mutiny where he must use it to defend himself against Eurylochus' blade. He uses it to help enact the plan to conquer Polyphemus and, due to Polites dying in that battle, Polites who wished for Odysseus to put the blade down entirely and embrace a post-war life, Odysseus also retires his sword. This is an action that symbolically separates him from Athena - and the image of Odysseus as a traditional warrior set for him in Horse and Infant - as much as My Goodbye physically separates him from the goddess and her war-ways - from this point onwards, Odysseus will no longer be leaning on Athena's wisdom or methods to solve his problems. Likewise, he will no longer be able to rely on her protection.
Odysseus thusly solves most of his upcoming problems through diplomacy and avoidance. He approaches Aeolus - a strange and ambiguous god (both in gender and in motivation) and appeals to them for help. Circe too, he approaches not with wishes to conquer or for revenge, but for the safe returning of his men and an alternate way forward. In all of these scenarios, there is some Apollonian element which is subtly interweaved alongside the influence of other gods; it is with a bow and arrows that Polyphemus' sheep is slain (and thus it is this Apollonian element which is at the root of Odysseus' spat with Poseidon), it is a vision of Penelope that warns Odysseus that his men are about to open Aeolus' wind-bag, Circe's peace offering to Odysseus is to refer him to a prophet of Apollo who has since died.
In this way, Apollo is walking alongside Odysseus for all of his journey after Athena departs - even in the Underworld, he is guiding him. It is Tiresias' proclamation that is the last straw for Odysseus, it is by the power of a mouthpiece of Apollo that Odysseus decides to embrace his ruthlessness. It is with the bow and arrow that Odysseus subdues the siren who sought to trick him, likewise, Odysseus does not attempt to undermine or escape the fate of paying Scylla's passage price - he knows of the doom about to befall the six men and quite unlike the rest of the journey until this point, he does not fight against it. This all comes to a head on Thrinacia where it is a blade which sacrifices the sun god's cow and brings destruction upon the crew once more.
My point with all of this is that when I heard the teasers for God Games years ago, it made perfect sense to me that Apollo would be Round One - he is not Odysseus' adversary and has no reason to oppose Athena's wish to free him. From other teasers about what will happen in the climax of Epic, Apollo will still be walking alongside Odysseus - it is Apollo's bow that Penelope will give the suitors to string. Likewise, it is Apollo's bow that will prove Odysseus' legitimacy and identity. That bow will be the power by which Odysseus hunts his adversaries and cleans out his palace - it is Apollo who is the avatar of Odysseus' ruthlessness, not Athena.
So tell me, truly, what was the point of having Apollo raise a non-argument in God Games? Why have him appear unconcerned, aloof and slightly oblivious? Why have him appear in his capacity as the Lord of Music at all?? And if the intention was never to make Apollo an active player in Odysseus' life like he was in the Odyssey, why keep Odysseus as a primary archer?
The answer of course is that Apollo is inextricable from the fabric of the Odyssey - his influence and favour exudes from Odysseus just as much as Athena's. In Athena's ten year sulk, it would have been Apollo who kept Telemachus and Penelope safe. It would have been Apollo protecting Odysseus from Poseidon's gaze as he travelled the seas (according to the Odyssey anyway)
Forgive me for not being excited about something that I thought was being purposefully set up. I was extremely ecstatic about all of the little Apollonian details that litter the sagas because I know where this story ends up (loosely) but all God Games did was reveal that maybe those Apollonian details were not intentional at all, but merely the ghost of the Apollo who persistently haunts those he favours, even if he cannot explicitly come to their aide in an adaptation.
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madrone33 · 6 months ago
Number 1 Rule of adapting the Odyssey into EPIC is: if it can be more dramatic, it will be more dramatic.
The Greeks decide to throw the infant Trojan prince from the walls because they're scared he'll try to avenge his family? No, Zeus comes down to personally give Odysseus a vision of being killed and says his family WILL die. Kill the baby that reminds you of your son right now, it's the gods will.
Odysseus goes to greet the inhabitants of an island and gets trapped in a cave for two days by the cyclops that's eating his men one by one? Nope, we got BOSS BATTLE 30v1 in the Ithacans' favour until BAM fourteen pancakes are made by Polyphemus' club and oh shit Polites is DEAD-
Athena is just vaugely absent for the whole journey until the end? We got emotionally charged platonic breakups instead, with yelling and insults and "well I'm breaking up with you FIRST!"
Smooth sailing to Ithaca? STOOOORM-
Odysseus' great-great-great-grandfather giving him a speed boost to help him on his way home? Get ready for trickster wind gods, mischievous winions, and a game that was rigged from the start.
Random-ass suspicious and greedy crew mates open the bag? It's Eurylochus, his second in command, his brother-in-law, the man he trusted, Eurylochus WHYYY
Parking in the wrong harbour and getting boulders thrown at the fleet by angry man-eating giants while Odysseus backs away veeery slowly? Nah Poseidon himself pulls up to dunk on them, and Odysseus has to make a last minute getaway using the power of STOOORM to avoid being curbstomped like his fleet.
Odysseus gets some stronger drugs from a god to make him immune to the other drugs of a goddess? Well these drugs actually give him magic powers which he uses to engage in a Pokémon/Yu-Gi-Oh style BOSS BATTLE!
Get some closure with dead loved ones and acquaintances, and be the first interviewer of the fallen heroes of past ages? Nope, we just got TRAUMA and a whole boatload of guilt!
A neat outline of what the rest of the journey will look like, a warning against an island of cows that will slow him down, and the way to appease Poseidon? This Tiresias just says "Y'know there used to be a world where you made it home, BUT I DON'T SEE IT NO MORE. IT'S GONE. IT'S OVER. Also, your palace is fucked."
Sailing past the sirens while getting to be the first mortal to hear their song and live? M U R D E R
Sailing past Scylla to avoid Charybdis and accidentally getting six men eaten because he thought he could totally take Scylla, even though Circe said he couldn't, and then he realised he, in fact, cannot take Scylla? ... Eurylochus, light up six torches.
Eurylochus waits till Odysseus is out hunting and then goes behind his back to mutinously rally the crew and feast on some sacred cattle? Betrayal on both sides, stabby stab, K.O., and then Odysseus helplessly watches them make the greatest mistake of their lives as they ignore his pleas.
Quick clean and easy lightning-strike to the ship, leaving Odysseus to cling to some driftwood and paddle away? Zeus himself appears to the mortals, monologues, makes Odysseus be the one to choose, and then smites the whole ship leaving Odysseus to nearly drown anyway.
Telemachus gets advice from a disguised Athena to yell at the suitors and then sail away to look for news of his missing father? Telemachus gets into a full on beatdown with the suitors and gets FIGHT CLUB TRAINING from Athena!
Athena goes "dad I want my favourite mortal back? Did you forget about him? I think you forgot about him" and Zeus instantly replies "nonsense. How could I have forgotten that funny little mortal? Of course you can have him back my sweet favoured child <3" and then Athena skips off to Ithaca? "Father please-" "LIGHTNING BOLT! ANOTHER LIGHTNING BOLT! LIGHTNING BOLT TO THE FACE HOW DARE YOU ASK ME OF SUCH A THING!"
Poseidon does a double take "wait they let him go?? Oh hell nah!" and then sends a giant fuck off storm for Odysseus to swim through until he reaches the Phaeacians? No, Poseidon's just been there on Ithaca's shores, waiting for eight years, now get in the water BITCH- except Odysseus is just like "oh yeah? Fucking FIGHT ME"
You thought the suitors in the Odyssey were bad? Jorge really just said "dial that shit up to ELEVEN"
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sammylkcho · 2 months ago
Heard you were doing epic requests...Telemachus x reader, if you already had ideas for this x reader go for it, if not, maybe the reader is a servant at the palace or it takes place after I can't help but wonder. No pressure to actually do this btw, I'm sure you getting too many requests to keep up with.
Have a nice day! <3
Howdy! I liked the idea of the request, and to make it less challenging for me to write, I decided to make Reader a personal (or close) servant to Telemachus
Warnings/Notes: none!
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"Prince Telemachus, would you like me to bring up your dinner tonight? The suitors are still eating and helping themselves to numerous trays of food," you informed him in a formal tone, awaiting his response to see what orders he would give you.
Lately, Telemachus had opted to dine in the comfort of his room to avoid discomfort or any comments from his mother’s suitors. It wasn’t exactly proper, especially for him as the prince, since he was expected to accompany their "guests."
You had tried to gently persuade him, following his mother’s orders, not to be discourteous by leaving the suitors to dine alone. In the end, all those efforts were in vain. You understood that the prince had his reasons for avoiding the same table as them.
With your hands clasped behind your back, occasionally fidgeting nervously, you waited for the prince’s reply—even though you already had a good idea of what it would be.
"I'm not hungry, but thank you," the prince informed you, his tone clearly disheartened and subdued.
You made a visible grimace of displeasure and concern at his words. His demeanor didn’t sit well with you—not that you hated it, but his spirits hadn’t been the same since his argument with Antinous. Each passing day seemed to weigh on him more heavily, especially as the suitors grew increasingly impatient over the lack of a king being chosen.
You bit your lower lip, a tinge of doubt crossing your mind about what to do next. You didn’t want to simply fulfill your role as a servant this time.
Deciding to break that boundary, even if only for a moment, you chose to be Telemachus’s close friend—the one who had stood by his side all these years.
Without needing to say a word, you sat down beside him on the bed. That alone was enough to draw his attention.
The dim light of the two torches flickering in the room seemed to conspire in your favor, casting its glow over the prince’s face. You could see the bruises on his skin, now less swollen—a marked improvement from how they had looked just days ago—and the shadows forming under his eyes, the evidence of sleepless nights spent training or lost in thought.
You remembered those nights. The times you stayed up with him, watching him practice with his wooden sword when you were both still children, or when the two of you would sneak out of the castle. You thought of the moment he had cried in front of you, overcome by the helplessness of not knowing how to rid his home of the men who were taking everything from him—from his family’s food to their dignity.
Maybe it was instinct, or perhaps just muscle memory. As if your body already knew what to do, your hands rose gently to cradle his face.
Your thumb moved softly across his cheek, avoiding the areas where the wounds from his fight with Antinous were still tender.
“We’ll get those men out of here, and they’ll leave your mother alone, I promise.” You whispered, almost afraid that anyone other than him might hear.
Why were you the one making that promise? A simple servant of the castle, tasked with daily mundane duties, with no power except to stand by your prince. You prayed silently to the gods that your words would not be empty, that someday those men would be gone, and Odysseus would return to the home he’d left behind so long ago.
“That.. I swear by the gods, especially by the goddess Athena herself, they couldn’t have given me anyone better than you.” Telemachus murmured.
His voice was just a whisper, so soft that you almost doubted if you had heard him, but the weight of his words filled the space between you with a profound meaning.
Time seemed to pause as you felt his hand, warm and firm, resting over yours. It wasn’t scorching hot or uncomfortably cold; it was just the right warmth, as though it belonged there.
“That punch you gave Antinous must still be giving him a headache. Next time, land an even stronger one for me, but make sure you come out unscathed, okay?” you teased, trying to lighten the mood.
For a moment, something flickered in his eyes before a quiet, sheepish laugh escaped him. You couldn’t help but laugh along.
“With Athena’s strength on my side, I’ll make it happen,” he replied with a newfound confidence, his spirits slowly lifting.
Heat rushed to your face, crawling torturously to your cheeks, and you cursed inwardly, hoping the blush wasn’t too obvious to him.
“It better be. I’d rather not see your face battered again or listen to you complaining while I try to patch you up.” You joked, letting out a soft laugh as he groaned in mock protest.
You treasured moments like these. There were no suitors to humiliate him, no interruptions to break the fragile bubble of peace around you. It was just you and him.
And in your heart, you kept praying to the gods. For Odysseus to return soon. For a way to rid the castle of those men. For these fleeting moments of calm to last just a little longer.
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little-cereal-draws · 9 months ago
whatever you do, don't think of Odysseus and Polites growing up together
don't think of them going on "quests" through the palace garden, waving sticks at imaginary monsters and saving the day
don't think of them watching the older boys spar and trying to mimic it, not sure of the proper form and ending up in a giggly heap every time
don't think of them getting a bit older and finally competing against each other with an intent to win, racing and wrestling their way through the countryside
don't think of Polites always letting Odysseus win because he likes seeing Odysseus’ triumphant smile
don't think of Odysseus assuring Polites that he's ok while he cries over his wound from the boar, wiping away his tears
don't think of them getting taller and finally being able to reach all the branches of the trees
don't think of Polites reassuring Odysseus when he worries that girls won’t like him because his princely status outweighs the fact that he's awkward and gangly
don’t think of Odysseus being jealous of Polites’ growth spurt and Polites teasing him about it
don't think of them going on short trips to neighboring kingdoms as they fill out, making allies and attending feasts
don't think of Odysseus gushing about how pretty and perfect Penelope is while Polites smiles knowingly
don't think of Polites helping Odysseus gather the courage to ask for her hand
don’t think of the wedding festivities lasting a whole week and Polites drunkenly crying about how happy he is for them
don’t think of Odysseus letting Polites hold baby Telemachus, hovering with the anxiety of a new parent, and watching as his friend gently brushes the soft baby curls out of his son's eyes
don't think Polites assuring Odysseus that the war is estimated to last only a few months, he'll be back home before he knows it
don't think of circumstance slowly pulling them apart as Odysseus spends more time with the kings, going on raids and ambushes, and Polites tries to avoid the battlefield as much as he can
don't think of Odysseus freezing after Polites flinches when he claps him on the shoulder after a raid, hands still wet with blood
don't think of Odysseus growing restless and pacing in Polites' tent, mourning the years he's lost with his family and venting his frustrations with the war
don't think of the Trojans breaching the Greek wall and Odysseus scrambling to find the glint of glasses in the chaos
don't think of him finally finding Polites with a spear in one hand, the other hand pressed over a wound in his side, apologizing as he stabs at his attacker
don't think of Polites sobbing as Odysseus stabs the Trojan from behind, splattering both of them with blood when he pulls the body off of his sword
don't think of them fighting back-to-back, Odysseus aiming to kill, Polites just trying to get them to stay back, as the camp burns around them
don't think of Odysseus trying to get Polites out of joining the ambush on Troy but the other kings aren't having it
don't think of Odysseus watching Polites wipe the blood and tears off his glasses as he says he's fine to go, he appreciates Odysseus trying his best
don't think of the fire and screaming in Troy
don't think of Odysseus collapsing into Polites as soon as the fighting is over and sobbing too hard to explain why he's so upset
don't think of Odysseus closing himself off as they prepare to go home, jealous and angry over how his friend remains as optimistic as ever while he's haunted
don't think of the sea breeze and the promise of home starting to ease things back to normal
until it doesn't
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therandomfandomme · 2 months ago
We're all going feral over the whole "Mercy? Mercy?" which is so valid of us, but the way mercy comes back as a theme in this final saga is really interesting to me, because before this, Odysseus is asked for mercy, for forgiveness:
"Old king, our leader is dead
You've destroyed the serpent's head
Now the rest of us are no longer a threat
Old king, forgive us instead
So that no more blood is shed
Let's have open arms instead"
He has become Poseidon, the one that first forced him into believing that mercy isn't something he can afford ("Look what you turned me into"), which is made doubly poignant with Eurymachus echoing the open arms of Polites ("Greet the world with open arms"). Now I'm not saying he should have forgiven the suitors for what they were planning on doing, however, this interaction directly informs this one later:
"Throw down those weapons
And I ensure you'll be spared"
"After seeing what the king will do to us
We wouldn't dare"
Because Odysseus doesn't show mercy to Eurymachus, Melanthius doesn't want to take the risk when Telemachus extends mercy to them, which then leads to the starting interaction.
When extending mercy and creating a kinder world is discussed again, it's by Athena. She is the original god, who pushed him towards a lack of mercy, who found that a warrior of the mind is one that showed not mercy and Odysseus believed her during the war, even threw a baby of a roof about it, and it wasn't until after that he rebelled her teachings only to be forced into it by other gods (Poseidon and Zeus most specifically). To which this is said:
"If that world exists, it's far away from here
It's one I'll have to miss, for it's far beyond my years
You might live forever, so you can make it be
But I've got one endeavor, there's a girl I have to see"
"Very well"
"Father, she's waiting for you"
I especially want to highlight that Odysseus says it is beyond his years. He has become that monster and he can't undo that in the years he still has. If this is to happen, then it must be the future generations that Athena has to influence to make that world. Having her reply to that getting interrupted by Telemachus is very purposeful to me. Because he does still extend mercy, he is the new warrior she trained and she trained him differently because her belief changed.
But I also think having her show Odysseus her face with the lightning scar as she agrees is very telling. When she pushed Odysseus to be ruthless she had not been on the other end of no mercy, which is what makes Odysseus turn against her ("Unlikе you, every time someone dies I'm left to deal with the strain"). She now has been on the other side of it by the hands of someone Odysseus also faced and they were both shown the same lack of mercy. For Odysseus that was his final turning point where he chose no mercy, while Athena did chose mercy.
And in the end, she did get some mercy from Zeus in response from it. Zeus also learned from her, from the lesson Odysseus taught her, which was taught to him by Polites. And that mercy gets paid forward allowing Odysseus to get home (yes, I'm emotional about Polites helping Odysseus get home in the end). Almost every time mercy is shown, his journey progresses (Lotus eaters, Aeolous, Circe, Zeus).
Athena has been through not receiving mercy, but she still believes, is still working towards that future. And while she accepts Odysseus words about him being beyond such a world, she doesn't agree with him. Her reply feels more like accepting a dismissal rather than an agreement. And Telemachus shows up as a reminder that she is more correct than Odysseus in this, and he leads them into Penelope.
God, I love Penelope. With her, Odysseus tells someone yet again that he has changed ("I am not your kind and gentle husband") and that he would understand if she did not love him anymore. And then we get this banger:
"Only my husband knew that
So I guess that makes him you"
Penelope shows him mercy in this. She has asked him what he has done and she is given the option to not want him anymore after hearing about the monster he's turned into, but she doesn't. She forgives him. He asks for forgiveness and she grants it. That is mercy.
Not only that, but she also affirms that he is still him. The usage of husband here is important to me, because he says he's not her husband, who was gentle and kind, and she tells him that he is. He believes him beyond that world where people are empathetic and kind, but the roots of that world he created in Ithaca and with Athena allow him to come home. He isn't a monster beyond redemption, he is also a part of that kinder world, regardless of what he has done.
And then you have the music echo the Just a Man melody when Odysseus sings:
"I'm just a man who's trying to go home
Even after all the years away from what I’ve known
I'm just a man who's fighting for his life
Deep down I would trade the world to see my son and wife
I'm just a man"
He is brought back to who he was when he was still just a man, before he became a monster. He did trade the world to see his son and wife and that makes him just a man.
The whole musical asks the question when a man becomes a monster and I think while it is never explicitly answered, that the answer is: when he isn't shown mercy. And that by showing someone mercy, you can reverse that. That it isn't permanent. I really love the moral question of mercy vs. ruthlessness in that Epic has, so it was really interesting to see how it came back in the end :D
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l-egionaire · 2 months ago
My Warrior!Penelope AU: Telemachus
Since Odysseus is home and I don't see the thing with the suitors happening in my version of the au, what ends up going on with Telemachus? Well, with his father being slowly poisoned by treacherous servants, I imagine him taking over as man of the house. His father is becoming so weak and sickly that he starts taking on more and more of his responsibilities, meeting with court, talking with the townspeople, performing diplomatic and so on. It's hard, and stressful. Not only do the more senior members of his father's court look at him like a child trying to play king, but he also has to constantly check in on and try to take care of his ailing father and secretly fearing that he'll lose another parent. It's hard on him and he feels like he doesn't have anyone to help....until one day, while trying to argue a trade negotiation, the members of court around him seem to freeze.
"Wha-whats going on?
"That'd be me."
He turns to see Athena standing next to his chair.
"What's happening? Is time....frozen?"
"Nope. I just sped up your thoughts. Gave you a little extra time to think."
Athen chuckles.
"Lets have a little chat..."
Soon, Athena is there acting as both his friend and advisor, teaching him about diplomacy, treaties, negotiation, and politics, as well as training him in the art of battle, now that her warrior of the mind was....unwell. However, she offered him other aid as well. She explained her suspicions about his father being poisoned and suggested Telemachus cook his meals in secret to test it. Sure enough, once he stops eating the food given by the servants, he begins to slowly recover.
Under Telemachus's watch, Ithaca and Odysseus grow stronger. But still his council doubts his abilities, during one meeting even getting into a fiercesome shouting match with him over a deal he made to ask another kingdom for help protecting them with so many of their soldiers gone. It gets to the point that they're shouting him down, and he's about ready to rip his hair out...when once again, time slows down around him. But this felt different than Athena's quick thought. Hers seemed to fill the air with a calm, cooling aura that made his thoughts flow smoother. This was hot, humid and filled his mind with searing rage.
"Are you just going to let them talk to you like that all day?"
He looks to his side, in the opposite spot to where Athena would usually appear, and saw a tall, muscular figure in full armor and blood red cape.
Telemachus's eyes widened.
The war god looked down at him with blazing red eyes.
"You are the leader. ACT like it. Don't allow them to simply push you around like this."
Telemachus then turned back to his council. He grit his teeth and, as time returned back to its usual pace, slammed both fists against the meeting table.
"ENOUGH! While I understand your concerns, this is MY decision! And I won't have you questioning it!"
That made them quiet down and Telemachus could swear he heard low, rumbling laughter.
After the meeting, Ares appears to him in his room, Athena also there glaring at him.
"Why are you here?"
"To assist the young prince, of course."
"I'm ALREADY helping him!"
"Can a king not have more than one counsel? Can a warrior not have more than one master? Besides, I certainly was more help today than you were."
Athena growls and raises her spear but Telemachus steps between them.
"No! He's right. I think....I think he can help me. In a different way then you, I mean."
Athen grimaces while Ares give her a smug smile.
And from that day, Telemachus splits his time between being trained by the two gods. Athena teaches him battle strategies and techniques, Ares gives him physical training and Exercise. Athena teaches him about reading treaties and Ares takes him to hunt and skin a boar. Athena trains him in the buisness of diplomacy and bridge building and Ares coaches him on the basics of war and battle. Strangely, while both gods talk poorly of the other, it's not uncommon for one of them to watch while he trains with the other.
One day, both watch from a balcony as he works with a spear against a training dummy.
"......He's a good lad.....he'll grow strong. Grow well."
"Yes, I'm sure he will......and I have to imagine he'd grow better with his MOTHER."
"Ares, it's been TWENTY YEARS. WHERE is Penlope?
".......She......she accured the wrath of two of the gods. And Father, saw fit to...to punish her...."
"What? Punish her how?"
"Well, first he.....he.....you know how father is with women...."
Athena's eyes widen.
". Oh, Odysseus is going to KILL him."
"Father is king of the gods."
"And Odysseus will still find a way to, for putting his hands on his wife."
Ares can't help letting out a chuckle.
"What did he do after that?"
"He....saw fit to banish her to the Land of the Giants."
"The Land of-She could be KILLED! Ares, why haven't you DONE something!? Why haven't you talked to him or tried to help her!?
"YOU THINK I WOULDN'T IF I COULD!? It is because of my blessing alone that Dionysus and Father did not SLAY her! It's the sole reason she still lives! I told her the same. And she.....she asked me to watch over the boy. Make sure HE stays safe."
".....There really isn't ANYTHING you can do?"
"You KNOW how our father is Athena. Besides, this punishment comes from Apollo. His favored son. And I'm.....I'm not......he won't listen to me."
"....But he might listen to US."
Ares looks at her.
"....You really think it would change anything?:
"I think it woud at least show we're serious. We NEVER agree on anything.
"...Why would you help me?"
"Because Telemachus needs his mother, and Odysseus needs his wife back. And i promised them both that if I could, I would do everything in my power to bring her back to them.
"....Very well sister."
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rin-sith · 3 months ago
Let's talk about "Monster" ... and one of Odysseus' criminally underrated traits: his lack of judgment.
I was re-listening to "Monster" the other day and it kind of just hit me... Overall, that song isn't my favorite (it's somewhere in B tier; the lyricism is great, and the part after "So if we must sail through dangerous oceans..." absolutely slaps, it's just not one that I go back to frequently.) But there are some things I genuinely adore about it because I adore the way it progresses Odysseus' character arc as clearly not a "corruption" and how this is conveyed through the way the song is set up and presented.
First of all, I simply have to yap about how Odysseus isn't justifying his foes' actions the way that I have seen some people falsely assume. He's describing what they did or do and essentially saying, "They aren't letting themselves be stopped by guilt from doing what they think they have to do, so why should I?"
Polyphemus doesn't overthink whether it's right or wrong to kill some people because they harmed him or his sheep.
Circe may deep down feel guilt but isn't letting that stop her from turning men into pigs to prevent any more harm from befalling her nymphs at their hands.
Poseidon isn't losing sleep over drowning a fleet because that is what gods do to retain their infamy and status.
Odysseus and the rest of his soldiers didn't use the Trojan horse tactic out of malice or bloodlust, but out of pragmatism. It was the most efficient way to win a war that would have only cost more lives on both sides if they hadn't ended it then and there.
You look at that and you may think, "That's all very fair, but that doesn't mean any of those actions are justified" ... and you'd be right. None of the actions above are actually right or justified.
But the thing about "Monster" that I love so much is that it's specifically NOT something like, "These people I've encountered are all evil and ruthless and they are right and justified in being that way; I'll be the same." It's actually, "These people I've encountered act with ruthlessness; it clearly aids them in achieving their goal, and they seem to have figured out how to not feel guilt over their actions. I want to reap those benefits too. So far, I've been acting with mercy, which seems to have disadvantaged me. If they can do it, I can and should do the same to level the playing field."
Odysseus isn't saying that their actions are right, wrong, or justified. He's simply exploring why these people act the way they do. And he does so entirely without judgment.
I'm not surprised about him not judging Circe; while she was still wrong since she went overboard and struck preemptively against people who were not guaranteed to ever cause harm, she was pretty much redeemed in the end and her point is the easiest out of these to understand.
But the rest? Polyphemus killed his best friend. Poseidon drowned his whole fleet. The Trojan horse? It never comes up anywhere else but since he mentions it here, I think it's safe to assume that Odysseus feels guilty for using a tactic such as this. And still... Odysseus talks about his foes' actions with understanding and an open mind. He acknowledges their points of view—all of them, even if none besides Circe ever acknowledged or understood his.
The only time we genuinely see Odysseus act out of resentment is when he tells Polyphemus his name... After that, he never shows anything of the sort ever again. If he ever held any resentment toward any of his foes, I feel like this is where he lets it go for good.
Hell, even Poseidon, whom he would have by far the most reasons to resent, Odysseus doesn't actually judge or resent. I wrote a whole mini-essay on why the Vengeance saga proves that Odysseus doesn't actually seek or want vengeance on Poseidon. One might argue that he sounded like he was avenging his crew in "Six Hundred Strike" but it's important to remember that he offered Poseidon forgiveness one song earlier. He didn't lead with vengeance or resentment, but he rekindled his anger when Poseidon rejected his mercy.
My point is that Odysseus doesn't judge or resent any of the people who attempt to stand between him and his home... which shows incredible character strength in and of itself. This occurs later, but he acts similarly toward Calypso in "Not Sorry for Loving You" as well.
This is such an underrated trait of his, especially considering it fits perfectly with EPIC's themes, which revolve around seeing every perspective and balancing between ruthlessness and mercy. Honestly, I don't think those themes would even work with a protagonist who isn't so open-minded.
Coming back to "Monster," as we've established, Odysseus doesn't pass judgment on his foes. Similarly, he isn't saying that his decision to embrace ruthlessness and "become" a Monster (read more to find out why I put that in quotation marks) or any of his future actions as this Monster are justified.
I genuinely despise it when people call his arc a "villain arc" or "corruption" because that's pretty much missing the entire point. He isn't actually becoming a monster, corrupting, or genuinely changing his personality—hence why I put those quotation marks earlier. He is deliberately choosing to embrace a certain ruthless way of acting, fully knowing that it is not actually right or justified. "So what if I'm the Monster?" is self-gaslighting. He knows it's not "so what?" But he's doing it anyway because he has seen this way of acting aiding his foes. He literally says, "I must become the Monster / And then we'll make it home." He is convinced that this is what he must become because he keeps being told this by everyone.
From the top, his values or person isn't actually being corrupted. He's not really internally changing. He's merely adapting a way of behaving because he thinks it's the only way he'll still get home, and only because of that. It's really f*cking sad actually. Especially because he is wrong; his not being ruthless is not actually the problem, as we find out later.
Genuinely, his monster act lasted exactly 3,5 songs; in the second half of "Mutiny" it's already all gone because he is so afraid for his crew and what they're about to do to themselves that he instinctively goes back to wanting to save them despite how they just led a mutiny, despite how they don't listen to him regarding the cows.
Odysseus' entire arc can be described as, "He tries out mercy, and it doesn't get him home. He tries out ruthlessness, and it doesn't get him home either. In order to get home, he needs to learn balance, in Hermes' words "Every trick in his domain"." And that is also, as I believe, the main theme of EPIC: Neither ruthlessness nor mercy by itself is the solution. Both have their place; one needs balance. Or: treat people as they ask to be treated.
Only by the time of the Vengeance saga does Odysseus seem to have finally figured this out, and that's where he genuinely starts succeeding.
So no, Odysseus is no longer "The Monster" by the time of the Vengeance saga, no matter how much the visuals in "Six Hundred Strike" try to convince us otherwise. But he isn't "Just a Man" either. Did anyone besides me notice how he stopped calling himself this or justifying his weak moments like that in "Monster" and how he doesn't go back to it even after dropping the monster act?
And here we have the perfect segway into an essay I haven't written yet that might answer the question, "If now he's not a man and not a monster, what is he then?"
Well, technically Odysseus told us himself that one time he acted out of resentment... "Neither man nor mythical." But that's an essay yet to be written... I'll get to it soon, and there we might answer what actually happened in "Six Hundred Strike" and why the line "If you dance with fate I know you'll enhance your state", that I see is mostly overlooked, matters so much more than we probably all think.
Until then, know that I am not actually the first one to address the "Neither man nor mythical" significance. Credit goes to @glisten-inthedark; coming across her post on this matter genuinely enhanced my understanding of what happened so much and I need all of you to read it because it's a truly brilliant conclusion. I'll write my own essay on this topic soon, I promise. But without that post, I would've probably not come to this realization for a long while.
Either way, we end this essay with words that I will never tire of repeating: Stop villainizing Odysseus, y'all. It's not cool, not only because it's undeserved but also because it pretty much shows that you have successfully missed the point and core theme of this musical.
... See you when we inspiration for another essay strikes me. In the meantime, have a brief introduction to what that essay will cover in meme form because I can.
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cynthiav06 · 5 months ago
I have been living with this headcanon/brainrot about Athena (both from Epic the Musical and pjo) for a long while and a warning for the faint of heart, you know what read it anyway cause it haunts me , so everyone else has to be haunted by it too, cause I am petty like that.
Most people might be aware of the myth that Athena sprung from Zeus's head fully formed and in battle armor, but a few might not know the preceding myth, so here's a quick recap:
Zeus married the titaness Metis, who was the titaness of wise counsel, wisdom, and planning. She was also Athena's mother. Metis was his advisor, both an indispensable aid and threat to him, given her power and cunning. But it's no Greek mythology without a son overthrowing the father archetype haunting the narrative. There was a similar prophecy about Metis's second child being so powerful that he would overthrow Zeus. Mind you Metis was pregnant with Athena when the following events transpire:
Zeus being Zeus, paranoid and power hungry, the King of the Gods and the God of "Justice" manipulates Metis into playing a shape-shifting game and when Metis turned into a fly , he swallowed her whole. [I know Greek patriarchs have a thing for eating their children or spouses pregnant with said children. Runs in the family, apparently]
Mind you in Greek myths, swallowed children, or in this case, swallowed wife pregnant with said child stay alive for a good amount of time even inside someone else's organs. So Metis gives birth to Athena inside Zeus's head and raises her there. She teaches her warfare and strategy until Metis herself eventually dies, i.e., her essence fades. Knowing what she must do to not meet the same fate, Athena hammers on Zeus's skull from the inside to escape. Everyone knows the rest of the myth.
But imagine Athena's first lesson being that the man she calls her father is the one who killed her mother and almost killed Athena herself by swallowing Metis so she must do everything in her power to survive and avoid that fate by staying on his good side. To try and fit in this twisted family of immortals, half of who hate her existence and half who are indifferent to him. So she does exactly that.
Think of Athena asking to be a Virgin Goddess from learning of what comes of marriage with gods.
Now, the continuation of Athena's myth is that she goes to Atlantis to train with the sea nymphs. There she makes her first ever friend and someone she comes to dearly love, Pallas. Greek myths being allergic to happy endings, one day when Pallas and Athena are sparring as they do a bit more seriously this time; Zeus being a nosy bastard decides to spy in just when Pallas is about to land a finishing blow on Athena. Thinking she might kill his daughter, he kills Pallas by blasting her with his lightning. Athena, being heartbroken , Zeus gave her Aegis as an apology. The continuation of this is that Athena adopts the namesake Pallas Athena and even carves a statue in likeness of her friend called Palladium and then more.
But think of Athena heartbroken and bitter as the Goddess of Wisdom learns her second lesson, then she must abandon all personal relations and sentiment before her father ends it for her in one way or another. For Pallas was the first true relation in her life after her mother.
Keep in mind that Pallas is Poseidon's granddaughter through his firstborn son and heir Triton. This is the point that sparks eternal enmity between Athena and Poseidon, and all those who come after will suffer in the wake of this tragedy.
So Athena chooses to remain alone and without a friend to avoid such a situation. Imagine Athena being hurt, especially brutally, when Odysseus says: "Since you claim you are so much wiser, why's your life spent all alone? You're alone!"
Because that's exactly it. Athena is wise. She knows the consequence of endearing herself to someone again so she stays alone to avoid such a thing and yet coming from someone who is so close to being her first friend in a long time, hurt and enraged she leaves.
Now, when finally Athena comes to terms with her friendship with Odysseus she finds yet again that her father Zeus struck him and his crew in a similar fashion to Pallas , yet again ripping her only friend away from her .
He is not dead yet, and Athena isn't about to let that happen. This time, she fights against Zeus, risks her life and position of being the favorite, and her survival method all because she can't bear to see Odysseus die.
Think of the agonizing fate of Athena, repeatedly being traumatized by her father yet having to do his bidding and stay on his good side to survive and live not for herself for she lives in misery but for the people who suffered for died for their association with her. In her eyes, she must suffer tenfold for letting this happen thrice, for all eternity under the man who so wretchedly ruined her life.
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winxanity-ii · 3 months ago
⌜Godly Things | Chapter 09 Chapter 09 | fractured harmony⌟
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The feast was in full swing, the grand hall once again filled with laughter and life. The air was warm and heady, charged with the scent of roasted meats and freshly baked bread, mingling with the sweet aroma of honeyed fruits.
It was a jolly atmosphere—joyful, vibrant, alive.
You found yourself among the musicians once again, your hands moving rhythmically over a small djembe drum, the deep, resonant beat echoing through your body.
With every strike of your hands on the drum's taut skin, you could feel your heart matching its tempo, drumming in sync with the pulse of the music. The rhythm was infectious; your whole body seemed to pulse along, your face flushed from the heat and energy of the room.
There was something about being a part of this collective sound, this melding of melody and percussion, that made the moment feel almost sacred, as if all the troubles of the world had temporarily vanished in the warmth of the hall.
You watched as the others played their instruments—lyres, flutes, and tambourines—all weaving together in a tapestry of sound that filled every corner of the room. Your fingers ached from the constant motion, but the smiles on the faces of those around you were more than enough to keep you going.
The music built up to a joyous crescendo, and as the final notes echoed, the song came to an end, leaving you breathless and grinning.
You took the opportunity to step away, your skin glistening with a light sheen of sweat. Making your way towards the long table at the side, you grabbed a goblet of water, the cool liquid soothing your parched throat.
You paused, leaning back against one of the stone pillars, your gaze wandering across the grand hall as you took a long sip.
The sight before you was beautiful—almost like something out of a dream. Penelope and Odysseus sat close together at the head table, the queen's eyes warm as they rested on her husband.
Every so often, Odysseus leaned over, his lips moving close to Penelope's ear, whispering something that made her smile. She swatted playfully at his chest, her laughter ringing out—a sound full of genuine happiness that made your own heart swell.
It was a simple, tender moment, yet it spoke of the love and resilience they shared, even after everything they had endured.
As you finished your drink, you heard the musicians striking up another tune. The lively notes filled the room, and you couldn't help but smile as you watched several servants—both from Ithaca and Bronte—begin to laugh and cheer, pairing up to dance.
There was something beautiful about the sight, the way the house colors blended together, Ithaca's blue and gold intermingling with Bronte's green and yellow. The servants moved with an easy grace, their feet tapping in time with the beat, skirts and tunics twirling in flashes of color.
The laughter, the cheer, the music—it all seemed to weave together, filling the room with a sense of unity.
Just as you were about to move and head back to the musicians, you spotted Telemachus making his way over. His eyes met yours, and an easy grin spread across his face, one that you couldn't help but mirror.
You smoothed down your clothes absentmindedly, flattening your hair as a flutter of excitement bubbled up inside you. Your heart beat just a little faster, a mix of anticipation and nervousness making you fidget.
Telemachus had always made it his mission to catch a dance with you if time permitted, and tonight seemed to be no different. You couldn't help the giddy feeling that welled up inside as he drew closer, the warmth of his smile making everything else fade into the background.
But just as he was about to reach you, a flash of green and yellow entered your field of vision.
Lady Andreia intercepted Telemachus, her bright grin unmistakable as she placed a hand on his arm, her fingers curling gently but confidently around his sleeve.
Without waiting for his response, she tugged him toward the center of the room, where the others were already dancing.
Telemachus hesitated for a brief moment, his eyes flickering back to meet yours, an apologetic smile tugging at his lips.
You tried to keep your expression neutral, but there was a twinge of something in your chest, an unfamiliar emotion that you couldn't quite place.
You watched as the princess pulled Telemachus into the line of dancers, their movements quickly falling in sync with the lively beat of the music. The prince spun her effortlessly, his laughter mingling with hers as they joined in the swirling dance.
Your gaze lingered on them for a moment longer, that odd twinge deepening in your chest as you took in the sight—the two of them moving together, their colors blending amidst the blues, golds, greens, and yellows that filled the hall.
It was a beautiful scene, and yet, it left you feeling strangely hollow.
With a soft sigh, you turned away, forcing a smile as you made your way back toward the musicians. The music was still playing, the notes joyous and bright, but for the first time tonight, it felt as if you were on the outside looking in.
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All throughout the evening, Lady Andreia had remained close to Telemachus, her laughter echoing above the music, her presence unwavering. She danced with him, her smile radiant as they spun together, her fingers brushing his arm in fleeting touches that seemed both innocent and intentional.
They moved as if they had known each other forever, and it left little room for anyone else to join in.
You tried to stay focused, to keep the beat steady with the musicians, your hands drumming over the small djembe until your palms ached. The rhythm was your anchor, something that kept your thoughts from drifting too far into that uncomfortable twinge that seemed to grow each time you caught a glimpse of Telemachus and Andreia together.
He tried, a few times, to break away—to come find you and drag you into the dance—but each time, Andreia was there, her bright smile and laughter cutting in before he even reached you.
Eventually, you decided it was easier to stay put, to let the music carry you through the evening and to ignore Telemachus' fruitless attempts to catch your attention.
It was better this way, or at least, that was what you told yourself.
You poured all your energy into the music, the notes carrying you forward even when your heart wasn't quite in it; your fingers grew sore, your body ached, but you refused to let the fatigue—or the strange, unfamiliar feeling gnawing at you—show.
The music was your refuge, the only thing that made sense in the swirl of emotions you couldn't quite name.
By the time the last of the guests had gone, the hall was quiet, save for the clatter of dishes and the soft murmurs of the servants as they tidied up.
You worked alongside them, your movements automatic—stacking plates, wiping down tables, sweeping away the remains of the night's revelry.
As you worked, you couldn't help but steal glances toward the center of the room, where Telemachus and Andreia had danced. The memory of them spinning together, her hand resting on his shoulder, his smile bright and carefree, made your heart twist painfully.
There was a heaviness in your chest that you tried to ignore, shaking your head as if that would somehow rid you of the thoughts that kept creeping in.
Once the work was done, you walked with the others out of the now empty hall, your footsteps echoing softly against the stone floor.
You exchanged quiet goodbyes, your voice almost lost in the stillness of the night, and then you turned, splitting off from the group as you made your way towards your room.
The night was calm, the air cool against your skin as you stepped into the outside.
The sky above was clear, the moonlight showering down, bathing the courtyard in a silvery glow. The chirping of insects filled the quiet, a gentle hum that seemed to wrap around you, a reminder that even in the stillness, life continued.
The path to your room was familiar, and you moved slowly, your eyes tracing the patterns of moonlight on the ground, your thoughts drifting.
The ache in your chest hadn't lessened, but out here, beneath the open sky, it felt a little easier to bear.
It was quiet. Peaceful. A stark contrast to the noise and warmth of the hall, to the laughter and music that had filled the air not long ago.
And yet, even in the quiet, your mind thought about Telemachus, about the way his eyes had searched for yours, the way Lady Andreia had pulled him away.
You shook your head again, as if to clear it, and quickened your pace.
It was late, and you were tired. Tomorrow would be another day, and perhaps, with the morning light, things would feel different.
So instead of focusing on such churning thoughts, you focus on the sound of your footsteps, the feel of the ground beneath your sandals, the glow of the moonlight guiding you forward.
The night was quiet, and for now, that was enough.
You were nearly halfway to your room when you heard your name called, the sound breaking through the stillness of the night. The voice was familiar—soft, yet insistent—and it made you stop in your tracks, your heart giving a small, unexpected leap.
Turning around, your eyes widened slightly as you saw Telemachus jogging towards you, his figure illuminated by the silvery glow of the moon. He was a sight, his hair a little tousled, cheeks flushed from the exertion, and something about the way he moved—hurried, purposeful—sent a warmth spreading through your chest.
"____," he called again, his breath a little heavy by the time he reached you, but his eyes were bright, a soft smile spreading across his face. He looked down at you, his gaze gentle, and for a moment, the weight that had settled in your chest seemed to lift, just a little.
"May I escort you the rest of the way?" he asked, his voice carrying a note of warmth, his eyes searching yours as if hoping for an invitation.
Before you could respond, his hand reached out, taking the djembe drum that hung by your side, lifting it from your shoulder with a careful touch.
You blinked, and then smiled, nodding. "Of course," you said, your voice softer than you intended, but it seemed enough for him. Telemachus returned your smile, his own soft and genuine, and with that, the two of you began to walk.
The silence that fell between you was comfortable, the kind that needed no words; you could feel the warmth of the prince beside you, his arm brushing against yours every so often as you walked. The djembe hung at his side, and his fingers tapped against it absently, keeping a gentle rhythm as you moved.
You found yourself glancing at him from the corner of your eye, the moonlight highlighting the curve of his jaw, the softness of his expression, and something inside you softened too.
He looked ahead, his gaze focused on the path, his features calm and relaxed, and there was something about the way he walked—steady, unhurried—that made you feel at ease.
It was as if, for just this moment, all the confusion and the uncertainty from earlier had faded away, leaving behind only this—just the two of you, walking side by side beneath the moonlight.
A small smile tugged at your lips, and you looked ahead, letting the quiet wrap around you like a comforting blanket.
The night seemed to hold its breath; the only sounds were the soft crunch of your footsteps against the path and the distant chirping of crickets. You could hear the rustle of the olive branches above, swaying gently in the breeze, casting dancing shadows on the ground as the moonlight filtered through the leaves.
The air was cool, crisp against your skin, yet the warmth of Telemachus beside you seemed to make the chill almost pleasant, balancing it out in a way that made you feel content.
Telemachus cleared his throat softly, the sound breaking through the quiet but not disturbing it—more like adding another layer to the stillness of the night. He looked down at you, his eyes soft, the corners of his lips turning upwards. "Did you enjoy the feast?" he asked, his voice low, almost hesitant, as though he wasn't quite sure whether he wanted to break the peaceful silence.
You turned your head towards him, meeting his gaze, and a bright smile spread across your face. "I did, my prince," you replied, your voice carrying a hint of excitement as you recalled the vibrant festivities. "It was wonderful—the music, the dancing, the laughter. It felt like, for just a moment, everything was right again. Everyone seemed... happy."
Telemachus nodded, his expression softening, the lines of tension easing from his face. "It was," he agreed, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Bronte was surprisingly pleasant. The people were warmer than I expected. It was nice, having them here."
At the mention of the neighboring kingdom, you felt your smile falter just a little, your heart giving an odd, uncomfortable twist.
You nodded, forcing the smile to stay on your lips, pressing on despite the unease that flickered within you. "Yes, it was," you agreed, your voice quieter now, a touch of something unspoken lacing your words.
You looked ahead, focusing on the path, on the way the stones seemed to shimmer in the moonlight, trying to push away the feeling that tugged at your chest.
You could feel Telemachus glancing at you, his gaze lingering, as though he could sense the shift in your mood, but he said nothing, choosing instead to remain in the comfortable silence, letting the moment stretch between you.
And for that, you were grateful. Grateful for his presence, for the warmth that seemed to radiate from him, for the way he walked beside you without question or pressure, just there, solid and steady.
After a few more moments, Telemachus gave a soft chuckle, his voice lightening the mood. "I think I made a fool of myself on the dance floor," he admitted, shaking his head, a sheepish grin forming on his face. "I haven't danced like that in a long time."
You couldn't help but laugh, the sound escaping you before you could stop it. You glanced up at him, your eyes twinkling with amusement. "You weren't that bad," you teased gently, your smile widening. "In fact, I'd say you were quite impressive—though maybe not as graceful as Lady Andreia."
Telemachus groaned playfully, rolling his eyes. "Ah, yes," he said, his tone holding a hint of self-deprecation. "She certainly made me look better than I am." He paused, glancing at you with a sly smile. "Though, I do think I would've rather danced with you instead."
Your heart skipped a beat, warmth spreading across your cheeks. You looked away, hiding the smile that tugged at your lips, feeling a flutter of something light and hopeful bloom in your chest. "Perhaps next time, my prince," you murmured, your voice barely audible over the rustling leaves.
Telemachus hummed in agreement, and you felt his arm brush against yours, a gentle touch that sent a shiver down your spine.
The two of you continued walking, the soft crunch of your footsteps filling the silence as the path narrowed; the ground gradually shifted beneath you, the soft crunch of gravel transitioning into the smooth tiles of the palace floor as you entered a different part of the building.
Telemachus walked you all the way to your door, neither of you saying much—the quiet had settled between you like a comforting blanket, one neither of you wished to disturb.
When you reached your door, you paused, turning to face him, your eyes meeting his. The moonlight bathed his features in a gentle glow, softening the lines of his face, making him look almost ethereal.
For a long moment, neither of you spoke, the air between you filled with something unspoken, something tender and fragile.
Telemachus gave you a soft smile, his gaze never leaving yours. He reached out, his fingers brushing against your arm in a gentle, almost hesitant touch, as if testing the waters. "Goodnight, ____" he said softly, his voice barely above a whisper, filled with warmth.
You swallowed, your heart pounding, and offered him a small, genuine smile in return. "Goodnight, my prince." Your voice was equally soft, the words carrying more than just a farewell—something unspoken that hung between you, lingering in the air.
For a moment, it felt as though he might lean closer, as if the two of you were teetering on the edge of something you couldn't quite name. But then he pulled back, his smile still in place, and nodded once before turning to walk away, his footsteps fading into the night.
You watched him go, your heart still pounding, warmth blooming in your chest. When he finally disappeared from view, you let out a breath you hadn't realized you were holding, leaning back against your door. Your eyes fluttered closed, and you rested your head against the wood, a small smile tugging at your lips.
Your heart was racing, your cheeks warm, and for a moment, you let yourself bask in the feeling—the hope, the warmth, the quiet thrill that seemed to spread through you.
It was like a secret, something just for you to hold onto, a memory to carry with you.
Finally, with a sigh, you pushed yourself away from the door, opening it quietly and stepping inside.
The room was dim, the only light coming from the soft glow of the moon filtering through the small window. You moved slowly, setting your drum down in the corner, your fingers lingering on the wood for a moment.
You shrugged off your shoes, your fingers deftly undoing the laces before placing them neatly to the side. Your eyes scanned the dim room, and you quietly moved to take off the rest of your attire, folding each piece carefully and setting it on a chair.
You splashed your face with water from the basin, the coolness making you shiver slightly, a refreshing contrast to the warmth of your flushed cheeks.
Finally, you slipped into your nightclothes, letting out a content sigh as you settled into your bed; you were knocked out the moment your head hit the pillow.
The dream was unlike anything you had ever experienced—a strange yet beautiful vision that seemed to blur the lines between fantasy and reality.
You were sitting in a seemingly never-ending field of flowers, the sun shining down warmly, bathing everything in a golden glow. The flowers danced around you, vibrant colors stretching as far as your eyes could see.
You wore a flowing white dress, its fabric catching the breeze, and your feet were bare, the earth beneath you soft and comforting.
You were humming softly to yourself, the tune light and carefree, your hands busy weaving a flower crown to match the one already resting atop your head. There was a sense of tranquility, of freedom, that seemed to fill you entirely, making your heart swell with joy.
Suddenly, a shadow fell across you, interrupting the sunlight, and you looked up, a smile already forming on your lips. Though the figure was shrouded in shadow, somehow, you knew them—an innate familiarity that made you feel safe, comforted.
The man bent down, his presence filling the space around you with warmth. His hand reached out to cup the bottom of your face gently, and his touch was like sunlight itself—soft, warm, and deeply comforting. You found yourself closing your eyes, leaning into it, savoring the tenderness. His thumb brushed against your cheek, a touch so soft it almost tickled, and you could feel your heart fluttering in your chest.
The man leaned closer, his warmth enveloping you as his lips brushed against your ear; you shivered as he whispered your name—a low, soft voice that sent a thrill down your spine.
" ____, my love."
The words were filled with so much warmth, so much affection that it made your heart swell almost painfully. His presence was comforting, his closeness like a soothing balm to your soul.
You could feel the heat of his breath, the way his hand cradled your face like you were something precious, irreplaceable. The warmth of his touch seeped into your very being, making you wish for the moment to stretch on forever.
You leaned into him further, your heart pounding with something that felt so pure, so unguarded, and as his fingers brushed against your jawline, you could almost feel the promise in that simple touch—a promise of love, of devotion, of something far beyond what words could convey.
And just as you began to turn your face towards his, your eyes still closed, your lips parting slightly—
When your eyes opened, the dream was gone, replaced by the soft light of dawn breaking past the horizon, filling your room with its gentle glow.
You blinked, disoriented for a moment, the warmth of the dream still lingering in your chest, the sensation of his touch still vivid.
With a sigh, you rubbed your face, trying to shake off the remnants of the dream as you slowly pushed yourself up, the chill of the morning air brushing against your skin.
You could still feel the echoes of that strange, beautiful vision as you stood, stretching, and began to prepare yourself for the day ahead.
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Throughout the morning, you couldn't help but notice that Lady Andreia was still on Ithaca.
You had seen her once or twice after she had gathered her brother's body, and you had assumed she would leave promptly after, but she and her entourage had continued to stay. She was particularly present around the royal family, her presence lingering like a shadow.
Most noticeably, she often stayed close to Queen Penelope.
At first, you assumed it was simply a formality—a gesture of goodwill to stay and converse with the queen after everything that had happened. But as the hours passed, you saw Andreia with Penelope often, their heads bowed together, sharing whispers and laughter.
There was an ease between them that seemed to grow, as though they were beginning to find comfort in each other's company.
It was nearing lunchtime when you were bringing a tray of fruit and freshly baked bread to Penelope. You made your way through the corridors, the tray balanced carefully in your hands.
The closer you got to the queen's chambers, the more you could hear the soft murmur of voices.
When you entered, you found Penelope and Andreia seated by the window, sunlight streaming in, casting a warm glow over them. They were chatting animatedly, their smiles bright, their conversation filled with an ease that made you pause.
Penelope looked up as you entered, her expression softening. "Oh, ____, I'm sorry," she said, a gentle apology in her voice. "I forgot to tell you that Lady Andreia would be joining me for lunch today."
You nodded, offering her a small smile. "No trouble at all, my queen. I can bring more," you said politely, already making a mental note to fetch another tray.
But Lady Andreia shook her head, her red hair catching the sunlight as she smiled warmly at you. "Please, there's no need. I feel like I'm intruding as it is," she said, her tone light, though there was a sincerity beneath her words.
Penelope waved her off, her smile growing. "Nonsense. You are a guest here, and it is our duty to make you feel welcome."
You busied yourself setting down the tray, your hands moving with practiced ease as you arranged the dishes, making sure everything was in place. You tried to keep your mind focused on your task, but you couldn't help overhearing their conversation.
"I must say," Andreia spoke, her voice carrying a note of wistfulness, "Ithaca is truly beautiful. The landscapes, the people—there is a warmth here that I have never known elsewhere."
Penelope smiled at her, tilting her head slightly. "It is home," she replied, her voice filled with a quiet pride.
Andreia sighed softly, her gaze drifting out the window. "Bronte is beautiful too, in its own way," she continued, her voice thoughtful. "But it's different. The mountains are tall and covered in mist, and the forests are dense, almost impenetrable. Our people are strong, but they lack the openness I see here. Everything in Bronte is..." She paused, searching for the right word, "harsher, I suppose. Our winters are long, and the sea is often angry, but there is beauty in its wildness."
You couldn't help but glance at her as she spoke, her eyes far away, lost in her memories. There was a sadness there—a longing for something. It made you pause, your hands hovering for a moment as you listened.
Penelope reached over, placing a gentle hand on Lady Andreia's. "Every place has its own beauty," she said softly. "And I am glad that, at least for now, you can find some warmth here with us."
Andreia looked at Penelope, her eyes softening as she smiled. "Thank you," she said quietly, her voice filled with sincerity.
Then, after a small pause, she added, her tone shifting slightly, almost wistful, "The people here respect you deeply, my queen. It must be a great comfort to have such loyalty from those around you. And King Odysseus... his presence must also be a great source of strength for you. His reputation alone speaks volumes."
Penelope returned her smile, her expression warm but also slightly curious. "It is a blessing," she agreed, her eyes meeting Andreia's with genuine fondness. "One that I do not take for granted. Odysseus and I have been through much together, and his return has brought a balance I did not realize I needed."
You watched the exchange, Andreia's eyes lingering on Penelope with something like longing—perhaps admiration, perhaps something else, a yearning you couldn't quite understand.
She smiled again, though there was a weight to her words. "The tales of his cunning and strength—seeing him here, in person, makes one understand how such legends are born." The way her words hung in the air, filled with both warmth and something more complex, made you uneasy.
You finished your task, stepping back and offering a polite bow before making yourself scarce.
You couldn't quite place the feeling that lingered in your chest as you walked away—a mixture of curiosity and something else, something you couldn't quite name.
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A/N: ugggghh, the way i wanna jump right into meeting hermes, lololol but alas plot gosta be made, but the brightside is at least the buildup will be magnificent; double ugggghhhhh cuz tell me why i'm literally writing this so-called group paper for one of my classes by myself?? we in college, these people too grown not to know how to write a fucking paragraph, but lemme stop before i start ranting 😩😭 so i do apologize if update are really really reaaallllyyy weird because i'm working + schooling 💔
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linnienin · 2 years ago
💄A S T E R O I D ⁕ S I R E N E ⁕(1009)💄 through the signs and degrees
Disclaimer: Take what resonates. I'm not a professional astrologer, i just am an avid researcher and i use my personal experience when writing my posts (Also, pls, don't copy my work, i spend lot of time on it, thanks)
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Hello beautiful souls!
I'm back with another post on a very requested asteroid 💜
A lot of you asked me about Asteroid Sirene and how it manifests in a birth chart, and initially i answered singularly, but the requests started to get out of hand a bit for me, so i decided to create a whole post on this asteroid in different signs/aspecting different planets
I have planned other posts on this asteroid but for now I..
Hope you enjoy it!
W H A T ⁕ I S ⁕ A ⁕ S I R E N ?
⁕ In Greek mythology, sirens are humanlike beings with alluring voices
Initially descripted as half human half birds then as "sea-girls with the body of a maiden, but have scaly fishes' tails"
⁕ Etymology of the name meaning: "binder, entangler" i.e. one who binds or entangles through magic song.
This could be connected to the famous scene of Odysseus being bound to the mast of his ship, in order to resist the sirens' song.
M Y ⁕ I N T E R P R E T A T I O N :
I want to make clear that this is just my view and thoughts on this asteroid and if you know a trusted source on its meaning please link it down below, i'd be very grateful 🙏
To me Asteroid Sirene (1009) has a similar energy to Lilith but it isn't as raw and destructive, it's indeed more controlled and patient. Lilith is warm blooded while Siren is cold blooded. In our birth charts it can shows where we can become manipulative, turn to our dark side and take what we want with strategy, seduction and mischeviousness.
It can also describe our seductive aura, or how we attract and magnetize others with charm (this can be both conscious or subconscious, depending on how in tune you are with yourself, and also can depend on which sign or house you have this asteroid in)
So, are you interested in knowing how you emanate this irresistible appeal?
Keep reading 💄
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S I R E N E ⁕ T H R O U G H ⁕ T H E ⁕ S I G N S :
⁕ Aries/aspecting Mars/1°,13°,25°: Bold, assertive and fearless. Doesn't matter if the rest of their chart has quiet,cutie poofie placements, when asteroid Sirene gets activated these natives becomes confident queens/kings and knows how to defend themselves. They don't lose time to get what they want, they get straight to the point and they know they didn't come to play but to win. Their seductive charm lays in how confidently they carry themselves, people see these natives as natural leaders and warriors. They carry a powerful and intense aura you just can't ignore, the types that dare to do or say things that should't be done or said (but coming from them they sounds so cool gosh). Their facial espressions are intense and animated, and draws people in.
⁕ Taurus/aspecting Venus/2°,14°,26°: The walking sleeping beauty (lmao is she sleepwalking?). Jokes aside, here you can see how unaware these people are of their allure, and this is part of their charm too. They have such a calming and indifferent aura that makes everyone comfortable around them, and people get obsessed by this feeling of peace these natives exude that they can't have enough of. Usually they are the silent type of "Sirene", it's kind of a dormant feature in them. They are very sensual in their mannerism, and if they get to the point of being aware of how powerful they are well, it's the end of the game. They can seduce EVERYONE with their touch. The Queen Mida (oh yeah and they want that gold) 👀
⁕ Gemini/aspecting Mercury/3°,15°,27°: Everyone's fling. Such a flirty aura. They're very smart and intellectual, and everyone find them extremely interesting, so they automatically are drawn in because they want to know more (and some people will desperately show off to get their attention, it's insane). They can get quite some hidden envy from others because of how witty they can be. These people have a way with words, when they speak everyone else shut down to listen to them. I find having Sirene asteroid in Gemini is very similar to being a Siren/Mermaid how it's described in mythology, they are very cunning when they want to, know how to play games with other's minds, they are very good at putting masks on and turn the cards in their favours. (Also, the ability of sirens to change their body features reminds me a lot of Loki in Northern Mythology which happens to be associated with Mercury) They're the true puppet master and they know it. They have light and quick movements. One minute they're near you, the next one they disappeared from your view, and this is extremely fascinating to people. It's like they can't catch them even if they try so hard.
⁕ Cancer/aspecting Moon/4°,16°,28°: I think of these natives as the spy who pretend to play the damsel in distress, portrayed in old hollywood movies. Don't be fooled by their cute acting. They're actually quite good manipulators. People love how inviting they feel, so warm and nurturing, they have a healing aura to them. These natives makes other people feel like they need to protect them from the dangers of others. I think Sirene in Cancer can be naive at first, especially when inexperienced, but when they get their heart broken oh boy. If Gemini was the master at mind manipulation, Cancer is the master at emotional manipulation. Overall these natives can be pretty unaware of their behaviour, sometimes getting overwhelmed by their emotions, but they can also be one of the most destructive people ever when activating the Sirene energy(both to others and themselves) if they aren't in control of it.
⁕ Leo/aspecting Sun/5°,17°,29°: OOOOH those hip swings, you can recognize them instantly from just their catwalk, it's simply hypnotizing. These people take pride in their sensuality, and they know how to use it very well. You can't escape their attention if they have claimed you to be their prey. Another go getter like Aries, but not so in your face, because even if their focus is on what they want, they'd rather give ALL the signals until what they want comes to them. Very much like: i believe, i attract. Their charm is in the way they carry themselves, so wild and raw, a power of nature, these natives hair can play a huge part when when presenting themselves to the world. One of their game tecniques is the push-pull. They enjoy a good chasing, and it's also a way for them to test you if you're worthy of their time (yeah, they have big egos, so beware of that)
⁕ Virgo/aspecting Mercury/6°,18°: The unattainable one. Like seriously, people get obsessed over conquering the heart of this person just because of their nitpickiness and because they are unavailable 24/7. Others can get obsessed over fantasizing on these natives and creating stereotipes when they didn't even shared a conversation in the first place like...this is some powerful stuff. They naturally look so put together, when they wear basics it looks hot on them. Their seduction way is showing how skilled and talented they are, they can literally do anything when they activate the Sirene energy, they get obsessed over a thing and practice until they have mastered it (coff coff, hello... low self esteem and need of appreciation from others 👀). However, once they get some potential suitors they lowkey refuse them like they don't need them anymore, lmao, this is what drives them craaaaazy, "you did all that stuff for mee and now you're walking away? " 👁👄👁 Lemme get some morreee.
⁕ Libra/aspecting Venus/7°,19°: The too good to be true one. They put sooo much thought and intention and effort to present themselves that everyone can't help but look at them all the time. On top of this magnificent presentation add also a flirtatious and extroverted personality that pleases literally everyone around them and BOOM, you can't excape the trap of falling for them. They have a gracious and light aura, great posture and poise, literally princesses/princes. They truly feel like royalty, they also have this natural rich people vibe if you know what i mean. The best at getting what they want in social settings, can have a very innocent vibe that people love. People pleasing is their tecnique to get what they're after. They are one of the most seductive signs in this asteroid, but they're kinda unaware of it. I mean, sure, they know they're pretty but they don't know how many hearts they rob. Even strangers gets captivated by their charming presence, most likely to have suitors telling them "it was love at first sight".
⁕ Scorpio/aspecting Pluto/8°,20°: Heavy aura, attracts anything without even trying. They know how to make an entrance (Leos too, but Scorpios are much more subtle, and still, they get so much attention). People automatically throws themselves at these natives, all it takes is a glance and a little smirk and they living magnets. These people holds the throphy for being the MOST seductive of all the Sirene asteroid's signs . There's just something so intoxicating about them, you can't not get obsessed with them. They are the ones that has to be particularly careful of their aura because they are in this energy all the time and they attract a lot of stalkers, obsessive people, so these are (and should be) the natives that should have firm and clear boundaries. They'll find themselves stepping down at times just to calm this powerful magnetizing field around them, especially if they don't like the spotlight, but if the rest of the chart has placements that like to be the center of attention, this is surely a bombshell placement (watch out for the immense envy/jealousy from others)
⁕ Sagittarius/aspecting Jupiter/9°,21°: Their spontaneity is contagious. They're hot and cool, and know how to talk to people. Give them a night and they will befriend literally everyone at the party, and will reap so many opportunities out of nowhere. A favourite of the masses. Sometimes they can be a little loud and can get envy/jealousy from others, probably because of a rigid opinion they have, but they surely know how to play with it, telling jokes and conquering again the trust of those that didn't like them. They have such a careless and free spirit that they literally live day by day, without worrying much about the future, and people find this extremey hot. This placement is one of the most underrated one in terms of seduction, honestly when researching for this asteroid i found many siren-like women in our history that had/have Sirene in this sign, and i think it makes sense thinking about it, because Sirens are in their natural habitat out in the wild, so there's a sense of familiarity between the native and the raw energy of Sirens.
⁕ Capricorn/aspecting Saturn/10°,22°: The strategic and cold diva. People cannot enter their inner world and their vulnerabilities and this drives them mad and obsessed over knowing what's behind the mask. Can embrace their seductive charm later in life (probably from their 30s on). I have noticed these natives can have strong facial features that are difficult to forget. Attracts wealthy suitors, or will use their seduction to attract opportunity to get into power positions. They have an authoritative and mature aura, slow but decisive movements, can be intimidating to others, big D energy. Demanding of others and themselves. Calculating every move they make, good at getting the favour of those in charge. Could find themselves attracted to older/more mature people or they could attract them a lot. Intense, can be similar to Scorpio Sirene, but people are much more wary when approaching them (this is why usually older people are attracted to these natives, because they give off the vibe of knowing what they want)
⁕ Aquarius/aspecting Uranus/11°,23°: The one that to seduce just have to be authentic and nonchalant. Weird in a cool way, they catch people's attentions without even knowing, but just doing their thing. Their independence and uniqueness are their strong seduction charms. They're pretty unaware of their appeal because they don't even care about seduction in the first place, they have other things that go onto their mind. Their authenticity and disinterest may not attract many suitors, but the ones that get attracted by them are genuine and shares similarities to them, so they might find even THE ONE with this non-method-method. If they're interested in seducing, they might use very peculiar and unconventional ways to do so.
⁕ Pisces/aspecting Neptune/12°,24°: The innocent mysterious person everyone is secretly obsessed with. People will find themselves having wild fantasies on this person and not even knowing why. The way they walk and talk is smooth and divine, like they have a light surrounding themselves. Their eyes always seem to wonder around, like they're never in the present moment, and this fascinates people a lot. If they make eye contact when talking to you or listening to you, they will hypotize you 100%, even if they're not really listening or are having other thoughts. There's just something so enchanting and special about their eyes, also, often these people will have unique eyes or stunning shapes/colours (ex. Liz Taylor has Sirene in Pisces and she is known for having one of the rarest world's eye colour, purple). The least aware of their Sirene charm of all the signs.
M o r e ⁕ o b s e r v a t i o n s:
Water sirene: innocent and wandering eyes
smooth and relaxing voices
Fire sirene: fierce and sexy eyes
clear and powerful voices
Air sirene: playful and flirty eyes
high pitched, unique and chameleon voices (good at changing their tone depending on the situation)
Earth sirene: sweet and calm eyes
deep and warm voices
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And you've reached the end of this post! 💄
I hope you enjoyed it, i kinda wanted to include the houses too, but i think it'd been way too long to digest, so stay tuned for another post on Sirene in the houses
Edit: I published Sirene in the houses too! Click below to read the post (i also included Celebs examples)✨
I wish you all a wonderful day ahead! ✨
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xjulixred45x · 8 months ago
I'm suddenly inspired thanks to the new season of KNY and the announcement of the trilogy for the infinite castle arc, so this idea came to me while listening to, what a surprise, Epic The Musical.
Kokushibo and Son reader
Did you see that Kokushibo when he was human had an entire family? wife and two children.
I like to imagine that he really loved them, it's just that his desire for power far exceeded his love for his family.
that + being turned into a demon caused his paternal instinct to drop considerably from "decent" to "sea turtle"...something like that.
Imagine that Kokushibo, watching over his family from afar, especially his eldest son, ends up...missing that feeling.
He won't admit it, obviously, but he's strong enough that he ends up watching and "taking care" of his children from a distance. but with a special emphasis on his eldest son. who, because he is his next heir, has to learn martial arts and weapons handling...
and he is GOOD with them..
I don't think the Son/reader is a Yorichi-level prodigy, but he's definitely cunning and intelligent enough to pass the average age and compensate for his lack of muscle mass (for being so young).
and Kokushibo feels INTERESTED in this.
He sees the opportunity to, in a way, "save" his son, "help" him get better.
although in reality it is a way of saying that he misses his son and that he does not want him to die as a human. but he would never admit it.
Then, when the child is old enough to go on expeditions on his own, Kokushibo gives him certain "tests", some that require strategy, brute force or intellect, but indifferently the child/reader manages to pass them.
The interesting thing is that at first, the son/reader doesn't really know why such strange creatures or obstacles appear out of nowhere ���� but little by little he begins to suspect that a demon could have something to do with it...
What the boy did not expect was that that demon was his father!
The same father who abandoned him, his brother and mother...was he taking care of him?
Let's just say that when Kokushibo finally decides to appear before his son, he doesn't really give concrete answers, and it's not a good idea to try to force him. so son/reader simply settles for this strange new dynamic.
They're like Omniman and Mark but less extreme in a way. Or more like Athena and Odysseus. They act like Friends, but the GIANT difference on power/mortalilty and authority make them not actually be.
Kokushibo wants his son to improve as a swordsman as he grows up and proves to be a great fighter both with and without weapons, but at the same time he wouldn't act in a paternal way per se.
because, after all, Kokushibo is no longer the father of son/reader, he knows it. And deep down the reader also knows it, as much as he wanted to have a relationship with his father again, because he knows that if his father takes care of him it is because he loves him, but if he loves him, why does he push him away?
It's a dynamic in which the son/reader wants to have hope that his father is still out there somewhere, while what Kokushibo wants by being a demon is to leave what stopped him once being human, so he wants to drag his own son on the side of the demons.
Probably in the years in which Kokushibo meets his son and trains him (either in the Moon Breath or a variant) he also tries to teach him how to be the closest thing to a human demon, that is, to only look out for his interests. and HIS power, since after all, what good is everything he has achieved if it is not for him?
son/reader is a good boy, but thanks to these years of basically grooming he ends up being a ruthless and socially very inept warrior. being somewhat isolated from others.
However, when son/reader officially enters the demon hunting guild (by order to cover Michikatsu's place), he begins to be more exposed to people in general, people who do not feel particularly intimidated by him... who see him like a companion.
It would be especially interesting (especially for a yandere scenario) if the son/reader found a new father figure in the group of pillars (to which he ascended very young, to Kokushibo's satisfaction) who precisely tries to teach him that power and techniques are not everything, you do not have the guarantee that something precedes you, so you should focus more on living happily.
(It would add insult to injury if that father figure turned out to be Yorichi taking care of his nephew from his demonic father figure).
However, the more son/reader begins to doubt and falter in his ideology, the more pressure he receives from Kokushibo not to "disappoint" him, not after everything he has progressed, everything he has taught him, son/reader is a special warrior, he can't afford this.
especially not when Kokushibo is going to give him a very important test, in which it will be decided whether or not he is worthy of becoming a demon.
Let's say that the son/reader is sent on a mission, in which, together with a group of hunters, they must go after a high-ranking demon.
That's not the part Kokushibo is interested in.
He knows that his son/reader's companions are not going to survive this, they are very weak compared to his son, but if he uses them as decoys, he can easily kill the demon.
easy right? well, not for son/reader.
At first everything went well, as they had planned in case they ran into a high-ranking demon, attack from behind, keep their distance, be in the blind spot--
but in a moment, almost without realizing it, one of his companions was already dead, crushed to the ground...
and then another...
and other..
son/reader realized that he could handle this demon, but his companions couldn't, at this rate they would all die. and he DIDN'T WANT THAT.
So he did something he had never done before.
son/reader took his few remaining companions and RUN AWAY. as fast as he could. away from the devil. where the sun would rise shortly.
and oh god, Kokushibo was FURIOUS.
and practically right there they have their Epic My Goodbye moment.
Kokushibo is disappointed, his son not only ended up being reckless, but sentimental at best, SOFT. something that even his dead companions would be ashamed of. He's supposed to suppress any nagging feelings for the victory, and not only does he ignore this, he fails every stage of his final test.
So, Kokushibo leaves.
Maybe that's how he learns his place, maybe that's how he learns not to cross it, not to waste his time, NOT TO DISAPPOINT HIM.
but this time, son/reader has SOMETHING TO SAY.
...he's not surprised...
It is something very in character for his father, selfish, pridefull and VAINE, because after all, what does he know now about BEING HUMAN? What is it like to have blood on your hands and feel bad about it?
All the respect that the son/reader had for his father has disappeared, replaced by great bitterness. ENCOURAGES him to leave, he already did it once, he will no longer run after him, he will no longer cry for his attention, because he will no longer be plaguing his life to begin with.
He will get what he wants and he doesn't care in the slightest.
and that makes Kokushibo EVEN more angry, how could he think that such a disrespectful CHILD could become a good acquisition? what a waste of time.
but at least the son/reader knows why he did things, he knows why he is fighting now, WHAT HE WANTS, if his father were so powerful and he felt better now as a demon...then why is he there with him, in that moment?
As the son/reader goes towards where the sun begins to rise, he can still hear his "father" speaking to him from behind.
-"...someday...you will understand what I tell you....someday...you may listen to me...someday...but not today, after all...you are just a man "-
a mortal man, who would die like the rest.
-"everything you worked for...will be lost...you have condemned...yourself...you have lost ...EVERYTHING"-
_"..... Goodbye father..."-
as he slowly walks towards the sunlight, with the rest of his group, but not before watching as the silhouette in the shadows blinks briefly before simply. disappear.
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It's kind of weird how the characters of the family of Kokushibo are barely used on fanfic, so i Made My two cents i Guess.
The songs i used of refference:
Hope You all enjoy!
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zephyr-ro-emenki · 2 months ago
The chilling part about "Odysseus" is that the operatic Vocals in the background are Chanting "Old King, Save/Spare Us" and that's important because their old King Would have done that.
Except Odysseus isn't their old King anymore.
Their Old King was who Odysseus was at the beginning of Epic. The one who had Polites at his side, his men at his back, Eurylochus as a loyal friend and Brother, and Athena as his Best Friend Mentor. He was a king who knew when to strike but was, like Polites, greeting the world with open arms. And the people of Ithica remember their old King, see their old King in his son, Telemachus, and mourn his loss from their kingdom to his ventures in the war with Troy.
But now, he's back, and he's killing all the people who were openly chanting about killing his son and Raping his wife, both things that he would be justified for killing them for. And all these Suitors can think of is, he is still their Old King, so once he has killed our leader rallying us to action, he will be amicable to Open Arms talks to deescalate the situation.
Except, he's not the old King. The old King died with Polities. He was still alive as a hollow version of himself, but his heart of "Open Arms" died with Polities. But there were still remnants of him, Asking Aeolus for wind to get home, pleading with Poseidon for Mercy, and pleading to Circe for Aid to evade Poseidon. But it was the Underworld that put the nail in the coffin for their old King. Seeing all his dead men in the river Styx, finding out his Mom had passed while he was at war, and hearing the prophecy from Tyresias that "He" will not be the one to make it home to Ithica, to his Wife and Son, but that a Haunting man with a trail of bodies will stand before his wife.
And that's when their Old King Dies, and their New King is being forged in his Remnants. When he declares he will become the monster, adopt the very mindset of his Enemy Poseidon, and use Ruthlessness to get home.
But there's still a trace bit of their old King left, the parts that love his family, and the part that trust his men. And then the part that trusts his men kept getting attacked and chipped away at by his sole desire to get Home, and the betrayals that befell him after becoming a monster.
Finding out that Eurylochus was the first one to betray him, the one that directly lead to 515 of his men being killed because he didn't trust Odysseus's word and directly disobeyed his orders to not open the wind bag. I imagine that before he found that out, he intended to try and bargain with Scylla, to kill as little of his men as possible, if not be able to talk her out of killing anyone at all. But immediately after finding that out, he tells Eurylochus to lite up 6 torches. Because now he's been betrayed, and he will just pay the Toll to pass through.
And then immediately after, Eurylochus tries to lead a Mutiny against him, and he ends up stabbed through the back by the rest of his crew, tied to the mast, and has to watch as Eurylochus literally pisses off every god in the area by killing the Sun Gods Divine Cattle and having Zeus sicked on them.
And now Odysseus two remaining halves of the old king have to choose. His family back home, or the crew who has betrayed him twice and chiseled away at his remaining trust and loyalty to them ever since Polyphemus? He now has to kill off more of the old king. And he does.
And then, he has to deal with Calypso.
I'm not touching on Calypso, because if I do I'll be here for a lot longer, but she breaks him mentally and forcefully breaks his physical purity to his wife by SAing him. And then once he leaves, he mentally snaps and stabs Poseidon.
So, all that is left of their old King is a Monster who wears the few tattered scraps of their old kings clothes, who clings desperately to the final piece of his old form, his family. And they have the audacity of asking him for mercy after openly threatening to harm it? To destroy it? To defile it as he has been for the past 20 years?!?!?!
No. He's had enough.
And his family (Penelope, Telemachus, and Athena) are the only one's to recognize that Odysseus is still their old King, just beaten, bruised, abused, abandoned, and betrayed. But he's still the same person, and they will fall in love with him again.
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somepsychopomp · 3 months ago
Omegaverse but its omega!Odysseus & alpha!Penelope
(First off, let's get one thing straight. They're both jacked. Penelope would've been forced to train in athletics regardless of her secondary gender since she was born in Sparta. So despite being a woman, as an alpha she was expected to know how to race, fight, and hunt. Odysseus learned most of what he knows about war and strategy from Athena, who looked past his secondary gender and saw the promise he had.)
When the other kings start gathering up armies to take to Troy, both Ody and Penelope try to dodge that draft like crazy because honestly, either one of them could be forced to go. Despite Odysseus' "unfortunate" secondary gender, he's widely known as one of the best strategists alive. In contrast, Penelope (despite spending most of her days organizing the house and weaving on the side) has the experience of a fierce and formidable warrior. And neither of them want to leave because they've just had their first child.
So when Agamemnon and Menelaus and co. show up on Ithaca, it's go-time. Odysseus, still recovering after giving birth to Telemachus like 3 months ago, pretends to be bedridden and sickly while Penelope feigns madness by doing the thing about yoking a donkey to an ox and plowing the fields in crooked rows.
The other kings are like "damn Ithaca is super screwed we should just leave", but one of them doubts that both Ithacan rulers are incapable of going to war. So they steal Telemachus from his cradle and put him out in the field. If Odysseus is too sick to save his son and Penelope is too mad to notice her infant child in her path, then they're exempt from war.
Penelope doesn't notice Telemachus hidden in the tall grass, but Odysseus was pulled out of bed by a servant who claimed to see a man stealing the young prince!
Odysseus runs out into the field and rescues Telemachus before he can be trampled. Cue the other kings all pointing their fingers and smugly declaring that Odysseus must go to war.
Penelope realizes what's happened only after it's over. If she had figured out their trick sooner, she would've veered the plow away in order to save her son and to protect her omega from going to Troy.
But it's too late.
Odysseus admits that his illness was a ruse, but he keeps up the act about Penelope being mad. He doesn't want to risk the kings suggesting that he and Penelope both go. After all, the other kings are evenly divided in opinion; half want Odysseus for his mind despite his "inferior" omega nature, while the other half want Penelope for her prowess despite her being a woman. (After all, she did spend like a whole day pushing a plow without rest.)
In the end, Odysseus and 600 men ready themselves for war. Before he leaves, Penelope tries one last time to convince him to stay so she can go. She even begs at his feet, trying to use logic to sway him: he's still recovering from childbirth, Telemachus needs his dam, it was her fault for not spotting their son in the field.
Odysseus smiles and kisses her softly, reassuring her that the taking of Troy is expected to be a swift conflict. Likely no more than a year. He'll be back before she knows it!
And the rest is history.
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yescallmejosey · 4 months ago
something something being blessed by greeks gods
Decided to make an entire au based on the many different takes of the gods blessing different characters. By the way this is just me throwing ideas so it might be a bit...ooc.
Also this is going to be a long post so bear with me
Ever since the Troyan war, Hera has made sure that Penelope's mental state does not deteriorate. She has blessed the woman with dreams of her husband, dreams of hope and reuniting him with her once again. On nights where Penelope cant sleep, Hera offers her the comfort of drowsiness and dreamless sleep. There are times in which Penelope cannot move or get out of bed or moments in which she can only look at the horizon, hoping that in the distance Odysseus's boat would become visible. And in those moments Hera speaks words in Telemachus's ears disguised as his own thoughts. They tell him to check on his mother and comfort her if that is what she needs.
But when the suitors came, Hera knew things would be so different. So she whispered words in Penelope's dreams with the voice of her husband, telling her to set The Challenge up in case of emergency. She couldnt help but to be proud of Penelope when she came up with the idea of tricking the men with her weaving.
She does small actions, hiding the weapons of the suitors in corners of the castle so they cannot reach them and taunt Telemachus. She floods the gardens with peacocks that bite the suitor's ankles and mess up their feasts. She grants Penelope swift thinking and steps when she does not want the suitors to be near her, or shuts doors on their faces.
There is not much Hera can do, not much that makes her husband realize she is favoring Penelope at least. She wishes she could reveal herself to the queen of Ithaca, offer her comfort and reassure her that her husband lives and that he is trying to get back home to her, but she cannot.
Penelope is the queen of Ithaca, loyal to her husband until her death. Hera is the queen of the gods, loyal to her husband for all eternity.
In a way, they are the same.
Except she can help Penelope to get the happy ending she always deserved
I would be lying if I said i wasnt torn between making Hephaestus or Ares as Ctimene's partron gods. The truth is that they both fit.
Ares would understand the rage in Ctimene's heart, the jelousy that fills her mind. He is also the shadow of his sister, of Zeus's favorite child. He would teach Ctimene how to control her anger through fighting, the spear that collected dust could now have a purpose. She would leave behind her vases, never touching clay again before becoming a guard for the king of the Same.
Murder and bloodshed would be her first choice
Ruthlessness will not get her heart broken
Hephaestus would also understand her bitterness. The gods of Olympus treat him as something less than them just because he did not held beauty or because of his missing leg. He was disabled, but that did not mean he was useless. Creativity is his weapon, his out of the scarring feelings he held. He would reach to Ctimene to show her that her vases could be something wonderful, that she could do so much more. Learning about weapons and their weaknesses, learning how to make a rope dart with the magnents that the Seme gathered.
Her rage would be tamed by the abilities of her mind.
Eurylochus cares for those he loves and will fight for them if needed. We know he cares for the crew, their well being always being first for him. We know Aphrodite has a war side, Aphrodite Areia and that she is just as ruthless as a warrior to protect those she loves.
He would be her chosen one, and she bless him in so many different ways. The rush of adrenaline he feels when he thinks about Ctimene in the battle, the anger of the betrayal after Scylla.
His love for Ctimene fuels Aphrodite's caring nature, reminding her of her and her godly lover. Eurylohus and Ctimene are what Ares and Aphrodite could never be, happily married. The Olympians would frown upon that.
So she guides him, protects him as much as she can. Though her blessings sometimes are beyond needed. The art of seduction on a very a awkward does not turn out well and neither does the urges of the goddess to make him trick others in acts of lust.
She is a good sex therapist and she does offer him good stamina when he and Ctimene have sex
I think I might write about that if you guys are interested
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iminahole247 · 2 months ago
For You, I Want to Sing, but I Have No Mouth
A ShockOp plot outline/scenario ideas using songs based on @keferon Mech Pilot AU
This pairing has been eating me alive so I decided to write so I don't have to bottle it up any longer. Enjoy this New Year's gift 🎁
DISCLAIMER: The characterizations are mainly based on collective and selective headcanons and personal views and understanding. Some OCs will be included. Don't take them too seriously.
Also, some songs I skimmed from my playlist will be referenced for scenarios that are brought to mind, not in order of events. I just love the 'what ifs' and what happened in between for this pairing. If there's nothing after a song, then the scenario(s) is self-explanatory.
Using music just helps the creative process you know. There'll be more additions as I straighten my thoughts out.
Est-ce que tu m’aimes - GIMS (the translated lyrics speak for themselves)
Look Around - Under the Boardwalk (it’s a cute song and it could be akin to the Open Arms scenarios)
Run to Me - Clarence Coffe Jr.
Oh My Love - The Score (Orion’s POV)
Would You Fall in Love with Me - EPIC: The Ithaca Saga (Odysseus as SW, Penelope as Orion; probably when they meet in the afterlife or something)
We Become We - Journey to Bethlehem
Raise This Barn - My Little Pony (A big stretch but this is where the imagination and headcannons comes in. Shockwave was an orphan for a while til he was adopted by a pair of farmers, Leonard and Tommy [Leonard in reference to Lanard Toys for trademarking right to the name for a while during his Bay Movie appearance, and Tommy in reference to Takara Tomy being one of the creators of Transformers]. The farm was his home, even when he went off to pursue his studies in the city, he might not be big on people but he holds his family close enough. Rebuilding after a certain natural disaster brings him home, which knocks out having a family gathering for the next decade cause that’s a lot of relatives he won’t remember but to help his dads is all that matters, especially in their old age)
Can't Help Falling in Love - Kina Grannis
To Build A Home - Patrick Watson (during some quiet moments on the farm when he brings Orion for some fresh air from the that place, Shockwave taking a moment to breathe too, maybe showing his dads’ cows too, Fluffy Ears hitting it off with Orion, watching from the side sending looks at him, oh does his heart get lighter when he returns the same look through eyes that cling to all the hope in the world for the both of them, he pitied and envied for those eyes, at least in a way they were his)
Die With A Smile - Lady Gaga & Bruno Mars (there was no way either of them could, this world doesn’t allow such a luxury, but maybe in another universe, another life)
More Than You Know - Axwell /\ Ingrosso (for the both of them)
Open Arms - EPIC: Cyclops Saga (could symbolize their contrasting outlooks, open arms for a more optimistic future in spite of their situation even for a moment, cause what’s the point if you don’t stop to smell the flowers and admire the stars)
Fix You - Coldplay or Danny Olson & Jadelyn
We'll Meet Again - maruwhat
A Million Miles Away - Belle (from Orion's ghost to Shockwave)
Yuri on ICE - Taro Umebayashi
Magic - Sia (stargazing outside of the mech or outside in the wilderness, where for now the world consists of him Orion and the stars above, but it goes unsaid that they’re each other’s whole world, for better and for worse)
The Line - Twenty One Pilots (they feel JayVik coded to me, like if Viktor survived but couldn’t revive Jayce or something like that)
Happy Ending / Sewer Home - TMNT Mutant Mayhem (some form of happy ending, it feels out of place but they're together at last, somehow)
Wu Ji - Xiao Zhan & WANG YIBO (the YEARNING)
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For - Scarlett Johansson & Bono
DREAM BOY Album - Morgan Clae
Count Me In - Liv and Maddie
Fantastic - King Princess (iykyk)
Until I Found You - Stephen Sanchez
KISS OF DEATH - Mika Nakashima (pilots with giant mechs, codependency stuff and romance and angst in and out of the cockpit)
Great Balls of Fire - Miles Teller (rare moment of Shockwave singing in the hometown bar, Orion was there singing along with his arms around him, a little bit drunk; Orion might not be able to sing as well later on down the line from deteriorating lung damage, doesn’t mean he won’t get to hear Shockwave sing to him every now and then)
Beautiful Things - Benson Boone
I Think We're Alone Now - Tiffany (that one time they fooled around in the cockpit, luckily no one was there to witness, or not)
More Than Anything (Reprise) - Hazbin Hotel (moments of comfort and reassurance after a trying test or battle)
Good Old Days - Macklemore & Kesha (reminiscing)
Classic - MKTO (Orion’s POV again)
Independent Together - Caleb Hyles & CG
Carnaval Del Barrio - In the Heights (morality at a low but a musical number does wonders, even to progress their relationship)
Accidentally In Love - Counting Crows (Orion’s POV again, cause he fell first and hard)
Had I Not Seen the Sun - Robin, Chevy (post-battle moment, surviving another day, )
Headcannons and scenarios (I know most of these are not as angsty but the lot of you can make it up tenfold so how about some more soft stuff):
- For living in civilization for all his life, Orion isn’t up to date with the ‘pop culture’ but at least he has Shockwave to show him the good tunes, like classical and synth
- That one time when Orion got him a stuffed cow teddy with a recording of Fluffy Ears’s moos for his birthday. Since when did he have the time to acquire he still doesn’t know
- In their mech, they’re a beast on the battlefield. It might not have been amazing compared to the current mechs and pilots, but they’ve lasted this far with just the two of them for a reason. Got a marksman’s eye and the strength to rip the faces off those tentacled fuckers. Sometimes Orion forgets to take it down a notch outside the battlefield.
- Afters years of piloting evolving mechs, it takes a toll on the both of them, especially for Orion. Fatigue and back pains riddle him, along with a certain accident that caused him to wear a mask to not further damage his lungs. It also made his voice more deep with a certain timbre that gives Shockwave a soothing feeling compared to Orion youthful and lighter voice before.
- When Shockwave isn’t in piloting, he’d be in a lab overseeing the other operations on mech tech and poking at the Quintesson corpses. Orion had Ironhide to converse with and try as he might, he hasn’t had a chance to successfully evade Ratchet hawk like supervision. When Shockwave was working on the down times from attacks, there would be a myriad of medical tests and checks that would be at best tedious and “unpleasant” at worst. Post-medical exam cuddles are mandatory for them, behind closed doors of course.
I’ll add more when I’ve gathered my thoughts and straightened them out. You have other songs for them or any other headcannons for Shockwave and/or Orion Pax, share what additions you have for these tragic old gays.
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differentnerddiplomatopera · 3 months ago
Modern Odysseus/Diomedes/Penelope AU 
When Odysseus married Penelope, he built her an art studio with an adjoining greenhouse. He blindfolded her and walked her over to it. When he removed the blindfold, he handed her the key to open it. She opened it, and was in awe of the carpentry. She saw the greenhouse and was like, “ohmahgodyouareawesomeiloveyousomuchtheywillneverfindyourbody.” 
Penelope, after kissing him stupid, talks about all the stuff she needs to put in it. Odysseus,  then produced the highest quality art supplies, and the best gardening tools and equipment. Penelope went weak in the knees, and Odysseus had to catch her. Fun
Odysseus works at a theater. I don’t know. Just feels right.
Penelope is an art teacher, and owns her own place. 
When Diomedes comes to one of Odysseus' shows (they knew each other, and they are meeting up for the first time in a long time), Odysseus is floored. Shamelessly staring, looking up all his social media’s all that stuff.
At said show, during intermission, Odysseus pulls Pen over and they both  gawk at Diomedes. Penelope is more subtle than Odysseus.
That night, they just search up everything they can find about Diomedes. All that stuff, marriage status, work, hobbies, pictures, etc. The start of a good relationship, internet stalking. They have a screaming match when they find out he is married, but have a dance party a few days later when Diomedes tells them he is getting a divorce.
All three hang out with a hell of a lot of tension. Dio helps Pen in the greenhouse, and Odysseus is off in a corner, debating whether he should take a picture of two of the prettiest people alive while they are talking about hyacinths.
Penelope really likes Diomedes. At first he is really shy and reserved around her, but when they get closer, he opens up. And when they get to talking about Odysseus, she can’t help but notice that beautiful flush when he talks about him.
Same thing with Odysseus. When they talk about Penelope, Diomedes tries his best not to affectionately recount his interactions with her. Odysseus internally jumps with joy like, “yes stay with us, leave that devil of a wife, fall for us, do it, do it nowww”
One night, after a bad fight with his wife, Diomedes gets invited to a night out with Odysseus and Penelope. Beautiful night out, Diomedes realized he feels more at home with them than with his wife. He prays the private investigator will quickly get the rest of the information to expedite the end of his marriage.
They went to a carnival. 
The boat ride malfunctioned and somehow while everyone fell into the water, Odysseus was the only one left on the boat. He was the only one who made it to the end. Penelope and Diomedes clapped for him as he got off.
Diomedes did balloon darts. He was originally encouraged not to because the game was rigged, but was told he should do it by a really tall woman. He won. 
Penelope participated in an art competition. She originally finished it in the first ten minutes, but everyone else wasn’t done. She kept painting over it while she waited, and it was the most beautiful thing the judges and the other contestants had ever seen. She was the OBVIOUS winner.
After, they walk on the boardwalk as the sun goes down, Odysseus and Penelope clinging to Diomedes on either side. Diomedes feels so guilty, cus he thinks he is a clingy intruder in their marriage. 
Odysseus snaps him out of his daydreaming. They ask him what's wrong. He tentatively explains, worried they are gonna confirm his fear and politely ask him to spend less time with them. Not that he would refuse. He would do anything they asked.
Odysseus and Penelope snicker at his outrageous theory. They explain their  feelings for him and asks if he would honor them by being their partner. Diomedes is like “…..what?” Diomedes is generally scared to agree, because they are married, they are “changing” for him, and what if they break up with me, and I don’t want another heartbreak, what happens when-
And when they kiss him, the world just feels okay. Just okay.
I’m not satisfied with this. 
Take it anyway.
Muchos besos.
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