#reader has serius abandonmenr issues
xjulixred45x · 3 months
I'm suddenly inspired thanks to the new season of KNY and the announcement of the trilogy for the infinite castle arc, so this idea came to me while listening to, what a surprise, Epic The Musical.
Kokushibo and Son reader
Did you see that Kokushibo when he was human had an entire family? wife and two children.
I like to imagine that he really loved them, it's just that his desire for power far exceeded his love for his family.
that + being turned into a demon caused his paternal instinct to drop considerably from "decent" to "sea turtle"...something like that.
Imagine that Kokushibo, watching over his family from afar, especially his eldest son, ends up...missing that feeling.
He won't admit it, obviously, but he's strong enough that he ends up watching and "taking care" of his children from a distance. but with a special emphasis on his eldest son. who, because he is his next heir, has to learn martial arts and weapons handling...
and he is GOOD with them..
I don't think the Son/reader is a Yorichi-level prodigy, but he's definitely cunning and intelligent enough to pass the average age and compensate for his lack of muscle mass (for being so young).
and Kokushibo feels INTERESTED in this.
He sees the opportunity to, in a way, "save" his son, "help" him get better.
although in reality it is a way of saying that he misses his son and that he does not want him to die as a human. but he would never admit it.
Then, when the child is old enough to go on expeditions on his own, Kokushibo gives him certain "tests", some that require strategy, brute force or intellect, but indifferently the child/reader manages to pass them.
The interesting thing is that at first, the son/reader doesn't really know why such strange creatures or obstacles appear out of nowhere 😅 but little by little he begins to suspect that a demon could have something to do with it...
What the boy did not expect was that that demon was his father!
The same father who abandoned him, his brother and mother...was he taking care of him?
Let's just say that when Kokushibo finally decides to appear before his son, he doesn't really give concrete answers, and it's not a good idea to try to force him. so son/reader simply settles for this strange new dynamic.
They're like Omniman and Mark but less extreme in a way. Or more like Athena and Odysseus. They act like Friends, but the GIANT difference on power/mortalilty and authority make them not actually be.
Kokushibo wants his son to improve as a swordsman as he grows up and proves to be a great fighter both with and without weapons, but at the same time he wouldn't act in a paternal way per se.
because, after all, Kokushibo is no longer the father of son/reader, he knows it. And deep down the reader also knows it, as much as he wanted to have a relationship with his father again, because he knows that if his father takes care of him it is because he loves him, but if he loves him, why does he push him away?
It's a dynamic in which the son/reader wants to have hope that his father is still out there somewhere, while what Kokushibo wants by being a demon is to leave what stopped him once being human, so he wants to drag his own son on the side of the demons.
Probably in the years in which Kokushibo meets his son and trains him (either in the Moon Breath or a variant) he also tries to teach him how to be the closest thing to a human demon, that is, to only look out for his interests. and HIS power, since after all, what good is everything he has achieved if it is not for him?
son/reader is a good boy, but thanks to these years of basically grooming he ends up being a ruthless and socially very inept warrior. being somewhat isolated from others.
However, when son/reader officially enters the demon hunting guild (by order to cover Michikatsu's place), he begins to be more exposed to people in general, people who do not feel particularly intimidated by him... who see him like a companion.
It would be especially interesting (especially for a yandere scenario) if the son/reader found a new father figure in the group of pillars (to which he ascended very young, to Kokushibo's satisfaction) who precisely tries to teach him that power and techniques are not everything, you do not have the guarantee that something precedes you, so you should focus more on living happily.
(It would add insult to injury if that father figure turned out to be Yorichi taking care of his nephew from his demonic father figure).
However, the more son/reader begins to doubt and falter in his ideology, the more pressure he receives from Kokushibo not to "disappoint" him, not after everything he has progressed, everything he has taught him, son/reader is a special warrior, he can't afford this.
especially not when Kokushibo is going to give him a very important test, in which it will be decided whether or not he is worthy of becoming a demon.
Let's say that the son/reader is sent on a mission, in which, together with a group of hunters, they must go after a high-ranking demon.
That's not the part Kokushibo is interested in.
He knows that his son/reader's companions are not going to survive this, they are very weak compared to his son, but if he uses them as decoys, he can easily kill the demon.
easy right? well, not for son/reader.
At first everything went well, as they had planned in case they ran into a high-ranking demon, attack from behind, keep their distance, be in the blind spot--
but in a moment, almost without realizing it, one of his companions was already dead, crushed to the ground...
and then another...
and other..
son/reader realized that he could handle this demon, but his companions couldn't, at this rate they would all die. and he DIDN'T WANT THAT.
So he did something he had never done before.
son/reader took his few remaining companions and RUN AWAY. as fast as he could. away from the devil. where the sun would rise shortly.
and oh god, Kokushibo was FURIOUS.
and practically right there they have their Epic My Goodbye moment.
Kokushibo is disappointed, his son not only ended up being reckless, but sentimental at best, SOFT. something that even his dead companions would be ashamed of. He's supposed to suppress any nagging feelings for the victory, and not only does he ignore this, he fails every stage of his final test.
So, Kokushibo leaves.
Maybe that's how he learns his place, maybe that's how he learns not to cross it, not to waste his time, NOT TO DISAPPOINT HIM.
but this time, son/reader has SOMETHING TO SAY.
...he's not surprised...
It is something very in character for his father, selfish, pridefull and VAINE, because after all, what does he know now about BEING HUMAN? What is it like to have blood on your hands and feel bad about it?
All the respect that the son/reader had for his father has disappeared, replaced by great bitterness. ENCOURAGES him to leave, he already did it once, he will no longer run after him, he will no longer cry for his attention, because he will no longer be plaguing his life to begin with.
He will get what he wants and he doesn't care in the slightest.
and that makes Kokushibo EVEN more angry, how could he think that such a disrespectful CHILD could become a good acquisition? what a waste of time.
but at least the son/reader knows why he did things, he knows why he is fighting now, WHAT HE WANTS, if his father were so powerful and he felt better now as a demon...then why is he there with him, in that moment?
As the son/reader goes towards where the sun begins to rise, he can still hear his "father" speaking to him from behind.
-"...someday...you will understand what I tell you....someday...you may listen to me...someday...but not today, after all...you are just a man "-
a mortal man, who would die like the rest.
-"everything you worked for...will be lost...you have condemned...yourself...you have lost ...EVERYTHING"-
_"..... Goodbye father..."-
as he slowly walks towards the sunlight, with the rest of his group, but not before watching as the silhouette in the shadows blinks briefly before simply. disappear.
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It's kind of weird how the characters of the family of Kokushibo are barely used on fanfic, so i Made My two cents i Guess.
The songs i used of refference:
Hope You all enjoy!
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