#BMI score
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Understanding Body Mass Index (BMI)
BMI is a calculation based on an individual's weight and height. It is calculated by dividing an individual's weight in kilograms by the square of their height in meters (kg/m²). This simple numerical value is validated by research to estimate body fat levels. While BMI is essential for assessing potential weight-related health risks, one must consider a holistic viewpoint of a person before jumping to any conclusion.
Read more on BMI: https://www.freedomfromdiabetes.org/blog/post/body-mass-index-bmi/3957
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green-sun-wellness · 2 years
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is-the-owl-video-cute · 10 months
I just think at some point people need to understand that fatphobia isn’t about genuine concern for a persons health. If it were, it would never be advised by any medical professional to remove 80% or more of a healthy vital organ to intentionally make normal functions such as eating more difficult.
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This is what the bmi calls severely overweight and approaching obesity btw. Obesity is any score 30 or higher. Is it any wonder so many people develop severe eating disorders when they have DOCTORS telling them that this is too much body fat?
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You want to tell me the body type on the right is obese? Overweight to the point that persons health is at risk? Get real.
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thepeacefulgarden · 1 year
Numbers that don't define your worth:
The number of people you have or haven't slept with.
The number on the scale.
The height of your heels.
The length of your dress, pants, shorts, or skirt.
The depth of your neckline.
The width of your waistline.
The measurements of various body parts.
Your BMI.
Your fasting glucose, cholesterol, A1C, or any other labs.
The number of children you've had.
How many of those children are boys.
How many relationships you've been in.
How many times you've been married.
How many days you've been sober.
The number of trophies on your shelf.
Your income.
Your credit score.
How many extracurriculars you're involved in.
The number of likes you have on whatever content you post.
The number of followers you have on social media.
The number of friends you have in real life.
How many parties you get invited to.
Your age.
How much weight you can lift bench press.
How many push-ups, sit-ups, chin-ups, etc. you can do.
Your height.
The numbers on your clothing tags.
The number of degrees and certificates you have.
The number of houses you own.
The number of hours you work each week.
Your GPA.
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pinetree-poet · 29 days
NOT MY FAULT © 2024 - G. Smith (BMI) =================== Not my fault, That’s just how Mama raised me; Not my fault, My father never praised me.
Not my fault, Her nagging drove me to it; Not my fault, The devil made me do it.
Not my fault, He couldn’t wait his turn; Not my fault, Some people never learn.
Not my fault, I’m doing all I can; Not my fault, I’m just a common working man.
So just who is accountable? I won’t take the blame! I won’t be embarrassed, I won’t wear the shame. Who will be accountable? Well, you won’t find my name. When they tally up the final score, We’ll see who wins this game.
Not my fault, She’s the one who ran the red-light; Not my fault, They’re all wrong and we’re all right.
Not my fault, Her nagging drove me to it; Not my fault, The devil made me do it.
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gluttonygirls · 3 months
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"I got a perfect score on my test."
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"N-No, your BMI is a 100, not a 100%..."
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sassyfrassboss · 1 year
Sounds weird but I’m trying to lose weight after becoming basically very fat from pandemic and mental health issues and just wondering if you and others have any workout recommendations or tips ? I will do it all safely and I eat properly too!
So I gained some weight as well during the pandemic. Here are some things that helped me get back on track.
I bought a Peloton bike, however the app is amazing and I downloaded it to my TV to do other exercises. I also have a Fit Bit to keep track of my steps/exercise. I also make sure to take the dog on a 2 mile walk 3-4x per week...used to be longer but it is hard with my schedule now we are back to in office. One thing is that I am SUPER competitive with others and myself so that helps me try and reach my daily goals. Also you can turn cleaning house or chores into an easy workout. There are also exercises you can find on Pinterest. Like 30 day challenges that are really good depending on where you want to tone.
A thing that is VERY important is a food scale. I weight ALL of my food to the serving size and keep a mental (used to write it down) track of my daily caloric intake.
Foods high in fiber are SUPER important. I eat a Baby Spinach salad every day that I weigh out that has an assortment of veggies. I usually do a protein smoothie in the morning. You can find a list of lean meats that you should try and stick to. The leaner the better and the more ounces you can have. That fattier the meat the more you need to eat less.
Do your BMI and see how much fiber you should be getting daily.
I also have pretty much cut out bread/pasta as much as I can. Every now and then I indulge but carbs sit like a lead weight for me.
I have a printed grocery list so I know exactly what I need each week to stay within budget but also to make healthy choices.
I only have water & milk in the house so no sodas or juices which contain tons of sugar. The milk is for my kiddo but I use personally almond milk. Even got my dad to switch to it from normal milk to help with his high blood pressure. You need to make sure you drink half your body weight in water daily. This will help more than you know.
An app that can help with better food choices is Fooducate. You can scan the barcode of food that is ranked by nutritionists. See where it is scored and search for healthier alternatives. You can also enter in all the food you eat during the day and it will show you where you need to adjust.
Another thing is to keep an itemized budget. When you add up all the $ you spend on eating out/unhealthy, it really knocks some sense into you how much $ you are wasting with bad habits.
When you start to clean eat and exercise, you will feel like crap for a few days but the energy you will have after about 4-5 days will change your life. Believe me.
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soontobeaurora · 3 months
I need to be beautiful by 23,, I have 388 days.
HW: ~115kg
GW1: 95kg
GW3: 72kg
GW4: 63kg
GW5: 55kg
UGW: 43kg
Stats as of 12/07/24:
SW: 108.8kg
BMI: 39.0
BODY FAT: 46.5%
WATER: 38.2%
PROTEIN: 12.2%
MUSCLE: 54.84kg
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thenixkat · 9 months
Also, I can probably use the same method to figure out the weights of the other tallmen, probably not anyone else given they actually have different physiologies. which makes giving their BMIs make even less sense.
Like BMI doesn't take muscle weight into account. Folks like the orcs and dwarves canonically have denser and thicker bones. I have to assume that half-foot skeletons are lighter. That would skew shit even further.
Like an actual body condition score would be a lot more helpful. We use one for the dogs entirely b/c of breed differences give different breeds very different sizes and builds, but we can still if one is under-conditioned, over-conditioned, or at the ideal for their size/build.
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bts-trans · 2 years
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221120 RM’s Instagram Story
Good (T/N: The picture is of his 'Body Score', which describes his body type as 'muscular' and his BMI and body fat percentage as 'standard', among other details.)
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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In most wealthy nations, women have been steadily closing the gap with men on several fronts. In the United States, women now earn the majority of the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees. Women now receive more than half of STEM college degrees, and the proportion of women in the tech sector has risen in recent years, to 35 percent in 2023 from 31 percent in 2019. Among Americans younger than 30, women’s earnings rival or even surpass men’s in many metropolitan areas, including Boston, New York, Los Angeles, and Washington, D.C.
As these gaps have narrowed, we might have expected men and women to become more alike in other ways, including their cultural values and politics. Yet we are seeing the reverse.
This is especially true when it comes to political orientation. Recent polls have highlighted increasing polarization along gender lines on various political issues. Since 2014, women younger than 30 have become steadily more left-leaning each year, while young men have remained relatively static in their political views. In 2021, 44 percent of young women in the United States identified as liberal compared with just 25 percent of young men — the biggest gender gap in 24 years of polling. [...]
I’d like to propose an idea from my home discipline of academic psychology: the gender-equality paradox. This emerged as one of the most mind-blowing findings that researchers published while I was pursuing my recent doctoral studies at the University of Cambridge.
The paradox is straightforward: Societies with higher levels of wealth, political equality, and women in the workforce show larger personal, social, and political differences between men and women. In other words, the wealthier and more egalitarian the country, the larger the gender differences.
The pattern exists not just for political ideology but also for things like academic preferences, physical aggression, self-esteem, frequency of crying, interest in casual sex, and personality traits such as extraversion. In all these categories, the differences have been largest in societies that have gone the furthest in attempting to treat women and men the same.
Of course, there is an overlap for all of these attributes — aggression, for example, is a trait that both women and men can exhibit.
But there’s less overlap — meaning greater differences — in more-equal societies. In China, which scores low on gender parity, the overlap between men and women in personality traits such as extraversion and openness to experience is actually very high, 84 percent. In the Netherlands, which is among the most gender-equal societies, the overlap is just 61 percent.
More recently, a study of 67 countries found that although women generally tend to hold stricter moral views, gender differences in verdicts in hypothetical court scenarios are largest in wealthier and more equal societies. Specifically, women view misconduct more unfavorably than men in most places, but this difference in judgment is larger in richer and more equal countries.
This gender gap has also been found for physical differences in things like height, BMI, obesity, and blood pressure. Across societies, men tend to be taller, heavier, and have higher blood pressure than women. But in rich and relatively equal societies, gender differences are particularly large. [...]
In an interview in The Times of London, the psychologist Steve Stewart-Williams succinctly summarized the paradox: “Treating men and women the same makes them different, and treating them differently makes them the same.”
There are a variety of possible explanations for the gender-equality paradox, but one prevailing view is that as societies become relatively more prosperous and equal, people more fully express their underlying traits and preferences.
Of course, culture matters in explaining gender differences — just not in the way most people think.
In less affluent and less egalitarian societies, gender differences in physical traits are flattened due to scarcity — that is, the shortage of food and other resources stunts growth, especially for men, leading to smaller physical disparities. Moreover, gender differences in psychological traits narrow in response to rigid social expectations.
In the most equal nations of the world, it’s not harsh gender socialization by parents and media, strict societal expectations, or institutional forces that widen the differences between men and women. In the absence of dire poverty and strict social expectations, people are in a position to express their intrinsic attributes and preferences.
The freer people are and the more fairly they are treated, the more differences tend to grow rather than shrink. Thus, we shouldn’t be surprised that Gen Z men and women are diverging along political lines to a greater extent than earlier generations did.
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is-the-owl-video-cute · 10 months
Oh doctors still don’t know what causes type 2 diabetes btw. They’re still telling people it’s weight related despite no evidence beyond it being seen in people with higher BMI scores. Which I cannot emphasize enough does not mean much and I cannot emphasize enough that correlation doesn’t mean causation. In the US more white people get cancer than black people but that doesn’t really mean you’re more at risk of cancer for being white it just means there are a lot of white people here.
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veryrichbitchh · 5 months
Hi babes.
Many updates but not so many at the same time. Decided to grab a quick drink before heading to the train. Babes, I’m officially skinny by the way. Love almost 30 lbs from summer 2023 and an older white woman confirmed yday by calling me skinny and exclaiming how good I look and then wanting me to validate that her young junior prom niece was skinny and beautiful. So I’m just wanting to do 5 lbs more minimum. My bmi is fleeky essentially 🤩
Next updates is I’m no longer an online e$corr lol but it’s still in me! Like the rush I get when I see white old men in suits is CRAZY! lol. I don’t think that’s ever leaving me. One just walked in omg!! Also, the girls and I have a proper trip planned and now more than ever I need another source of income. And not being a heaux and able to afford it at the snap of a finger is tempting me to return to older habits lol.. the budget is min 7k lower end…. Anyway, chat later. I have some sugar daddies that are willing to spend for some haha OMG the temptation !!!!!!!!
Anyway, ttyl. Studying daily also. 🥹🥹 I am switching my vocab from I must study to pass to I must study to score exceedingly. Okay, ttys lovely gals
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futurebird · 1 year
Is everyone beautiful?
It might be a little frustrating there isn't an objective way to tell which of the possible reasons have made you think "I'm ugly." It might be frustrating there isn't just some test you could take that would tell you if your self-perception is correct. It might be tempting to try to find some "scientific" way to get an answer. The thing is, this isn't really a scientific question. It's about how you construct yourself and how you ultimately shape your feelings about yourself. Anyone claiming to provide a scientific answer to the question "am I ugly" is trying to sell you something!
Do you tend to obsess about 'objective' standards such as, height, income, BMI, face symmetry or percent body fat? Are you susceptible to reducing your complex problems to something simple by making it all about not having the right numerical score on some metric? If you are susceptible to this it's an important thing to know about yourself. You will be much happier and save yourself so much time if you live in a way that recognizes this tendency. That doesn't mean ignoring all numbers, but rather recognizing that you are easily tempted to use them as a short cut to feeling like you are in control.
Everyone knows self improvement is important. From learning new skills, to staying in shape, to updating how you clean your living space it's natural and good to want to improve.
You don't need to hate who you are now to be a better person later. You don't need to hate who you are now to be a better person later. You don't need to hate who you are now to be a better person later.
The self hate will *not* "motivate you more." It might provide a burst of frantic activity sometimes... but, in the long run, the growing sadness will make most kinds of self-improvement harder not easier.
You need to like at least *some* things about yourself-- or you won't be motivated to take care of yourself and improve. If you think you are disgusting, and terrible why would you bother to get better? Especially, if it might not totally work?
Avoid the trap of thinking that hating yourself will keep you motivated and focused on change because hate is a very inconsistent emotion. It's also unpleasant and unhealthy--
Change can take a long time. And some things can't be changed, or if they can the process is so unpleasant that you might not make it.
Don't make feeling OK and being happy something that you will only reach in the future when you "fix" everything.
You don't have to like everything about yourself, just some things. Maybe it's a skill, maybe it's something unique about your personality, maybe it's the color of your eyes.
Even if you are in camp "I'm ugly, so what." there's something. When you like yourself you will find that improving gets much easier!
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Here's the deal...
I know I keep yelling my problems out into the void, praying that somehow, my voice is heard. It's not like I expect any single person to answer, but, it would be nice if someone had some kind of idea on how to turn this around....I'm trying to earn my way. I am doing all the legal hustles i can do. I've been trying to sell my belongings, priced my art cheaper than I really should just trying to move it...I physically cannot donate plasma because of my multiple disabilities and the incredibly low bmi.
On Monday, I go to get my bottom denture made, and on Thursday I have surgery scheduled to remove the rest of the broken teeth I do have. It's going to cost $1500, and since I work less than 16 hours on a paycheck, you can imagine how hard this is hitting me. I have hit the 3 year mark on waiting for approval for disability payments. There isn't much else I can live without, and i don't want to negotiate living without teeth.
I applied for care credit, but since my current income is almost nothing and my credit score isn't over 600, well.... I'd have better chances getting a title loan on my 1996 truck, even though it's engine is in dire need of replacing.
Ask yourself this... if you were without income because you couldn't work due to your failing health, while dealing with health problems and getting no assistance or benefits.... how long would you last? I don't just mean financially.. I mean mentally, as well.
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westeroswisdom · 5 months
Composer Ramin Djawadi created the iconic soundtracks for Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon. In June he will be recognized for his achievement with the BMI Icon Award at the 40th Annual BMI Film, TV and Visual Media Award.
BMI is set to honor composer Ramin Djawadi with the Icon Award for his work across film, television and video games. Djawadi, whose credits include “Westworld” and “Game of Thrones” will receive the honor at the 40th Annual BMI Film, TV and Visual Media Awards on June 5 in Beverly Hills. [ ... ] Throughout his 25 years in the industry, Djawadi has won 15 BMI awards for his film and television scores.
The maestro performed the main theme from Game of Thrones with an ensemble at the KCRW studios a few years back.
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