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militantinremission 8 months ago
HipHop is going 2 The Olympics This Year, so there has been A LOT of buzz going on lately; particularly on the topic of WHO gets Credit 4 Creating 'The Culture'. I'm as disappointed, as I am baffled by the narratives coming from MC Shan & KRS- One regarding the role of Puerto Ricans in the 'Creation' of HipHop. BOTH sound Ignorant & Opportunistic. Meanwhile, Mantronix REVOLUTIONIZED The Sound w/ the 'Roland 808' Drum, & Tito of 'The Fearless 4' was a straight up Beast of an Emcee, but both have been largely silent on the subject. This speaks Volumes.
I give Credit & Thanks 2 Lord Jamar 4 standing '10 Toes Down' on the Subject. I tried 2 B cool on the Topic, but Prof. Griff's Interview on @BlackMagik363 got Me going. In this interview, Griff flip- flopped on WHO Owns the HipHop Origin Story, but he kept trying 2 link it w/ 'Out of Afrika Theory'. I love My Brother, but I gotta call a Spade a Spade. I found his perspective borderline disingenuous; He touts his Father being a Blackfoot Indian, but tries 2 tie Black American Culture 2 Afrika. As We delineate, it's pretty clear that there R stark cultural differences between Aboriginal Americans & Afrikans.
Brother Rob posed excellent questions & I commend him 4 his professionalism. His Thesis on the matter was: If Afrika is The (Original) Source, why is The World emulating Black American Culture & not Afrikan Culture? Griff had 2 acknowledge this Fact, but kept resorting back 2 'Out of Afrika Theory'. THIS motivated Me 2 Repost the above Essay.
-The True Pioneers STILL walk among Us.
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kimta22 4 days ago
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epitome-the-burnkid-viii 10 months ago
馃幈 Welcome to the #youtuberecommendedchronicles馃敭 Come find my podcasts #SupplementalBroadcast & #PanPanenPiousPropheticPonderings on YouTube & Rumble! New episodes posted regularly!!!馃З #CurrentEvents #Spirituality #Eschatology #Knowledge #TheGreatAwakening 馃檹
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rebeleden 2 years ago
Watch "Sophia Stewart Talks About Being The Creator Of The Matrix & Terminator" on YouTube
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trenuttinickel 6 years ago
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kingofreason 7 years ago
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Early in the morning: Always doing comparative research to elevate my Numer-Logics Skill. No matter the culture...Numbers Don't Lie and Mathematics is Life. Only if we truly knew. Today is Monday, Oct. 9th and Today is my 5 personal day. Which is known as a number of change, adaptation, promotion, appeal, movement and I have to avoid scattering my thoughts, my talents and don't let anyone or thing get on my nerves. Lol. Today, I will be recording for Brother Rich's popular YouTube channel called, Black Magik 363. Stay tune and get ready for a "Numbers R Simple People are Complicated" treat. Remember, Study, study, study and in all your study...the Study of SELF and your connection to this Vast Universe is the most Important. For a Numer-Logics Consultation session with me...please text your Full Name and DOB to 347.496.1022 and then we can set up an appointment. Thank you and be the Greatest Version of YOU. . . #kingsimonproductions #numbersrsimplepeoplearecomplicated #numbersdontlie #recording #blackmagik363 #brotherrich #readersareleaders #studyhard #begreat #loveyourancestors
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harrelltut 6 years ago
Delbert Blair- The Truth about Kemet, Extraterrestrials, and the 18th Dynasty
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islandnaturals 5 years ago
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I forgot that I was god I forgot that I was free I forgot that I was Queen of the jungle until I remembered I鈥檓 me馃幎 I remember now...I got my memory back馃幎 - @cambattamusic @blackmagik363 #GoddessTings #IamTipharah #CantBreakMe (at Kingston, Jamaica) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-VqQ0whwGj/?igshid=1ht4mnu6a0qxe
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mindislimitlesssodreambig 5 years ago
Tap Into Knowledge
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terrymrriggs 5 years ago
Aaaa man my brothers a across the waters how are doing great things yes my brother all black woman have put A spell on me because I love them all and respect them for their strength care and security with out the there is no us family #wellnesssalute my brother see you soon #MrRiggs Repost from @cambattamusic - 11 hours until #HolyGhost2 is available on Spotify. Song: Spellbound Featuring @iamsongbird Video credit: @bfyne #cambatta #blackmagik363 #music #hiphop #newyork #blackwoman #nyfw2019 #art #nyfw #blackicetv7 #nubeginning #theyearoftheafrican #ukusalinkup #powermoves2019 (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2oDyZ7g48S/?igshid=w1466c3yvgfc
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meriwetinc-blog 7 years ago
Blue Pill-The Truth about Biblical Prophesy and The Thai Cave Rescue Mission
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abdulkhlaiq92-blog 8 years ago
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@naturallyandbeautifullymade - Self love is the best love 馃枻 #naturallyandbeautifullymade #blackpower #knowledgeispower #knowthyself #blackandproud #african #knowledgeborn #thegoddessjourney#theyrekillingmyculture #nosheeple #knowledgewisdomunderstanding #powertothepeople #knowledgeisfree #peacetothegodsandearths #alkebulan #ase #selflove#truthseeker#wakeup #blackmagik363 #thetimeisnow #lovetruthpeacefreedomjustice #hotep #tlyn - #regrann
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trenuttinickel 6 years ago
going viral!!! Pillmonger Cloth!!!
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kingofreason 6 years ago
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Tonight with THE STRAIGHT BLACK PRIDE MOVEMENT ON BLOGTALKRADIO.COM/SBPM CALL IN AT 7-10pm Join in on the conversation (515) 602-9781 (425) 569-5186 . . Baba Ashra Kwesi will be with SBPM...as he prepares for his return to NYC and to the National Black Theatre w/ Sis. Shahrazad Ali on April 28th. For advance tickets go to Nicholas Brooklyn 718.858.4400 @nicholasbk or go to kingsimonproductions.eventbrite.com and kingsimonproductions.wordpress.com/events for Livestream and ticket links. . #ashrakwesi #blackmagik363 #kingsimonpresents #blogtalkradio #sbpm #radio #music #dj #hiphop #rap #artist #producer #newmusic #love #art #rapper #podcast #djs #soundcloud #spotify #tv #youtube #itunes #fashion #studio #newyork #nyc #bhfyphow https://www.instagram.com/kingsimonproductions/p/BwrjmGiHwBS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5p85twl8jp5v
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harrelltut 6 years ago
The Truth about Psychic-Tarot Readings and Supernatural Abilities
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dawoduinc 8 years ago
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@el_philthmoor #made4this #blackmagik363
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