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Harmony with self = harmony with others 📷 @migdaniabanhangordon via @moodslens #blackbeauty #blacklove #sacredselflove #blackwomenhealing
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Trees help us with activating our ancestral memory. Touch them, talk to them, listen to them and remember. It makes so much sense that the Taino chief Kalaan uses trees to guide ones in mushroom ceremonies hosted by @earthandthefullness btw ✨ In my two experiences with this plant I met with my ancestors. Nature….life is amazing. Watch how mi pose up pan di tree like is a Benz…as I should…She’s majestic! I swear I just saw this same tree in a documentary on west Africa but this pic was taken in 2013 by mystic mountain in Ocho Rios. #trees #bigtrees #ancienttrees #ancientmemories #ancestralmemories #ancestralplane #ancestralconnection #ancestralroots #ancestors #roots #majestictrees #treetrunks (at Jamaica)
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Repost from @stricklyqueens • BOOK YOUR DATES IN FROM NOW, because we’re going to JAMAICA. ✈️🇯🇲 . 🗓3rd - 10th NOVEMBER 2023 . After years of creating sacred spaces for Black Women here in the UK- we’ve decided it’s time for expansion, and to kick start this journey we are hosting our very first retreat. . HONOURING THYSELF RETREAT - a space intended to clear mental, physical and spiritual blockages that are restricting our development as women of High Energy Flow. Tailored for those feeling the urge to surrender, and nurture their authentic being. . 7 DAYS, 4 CORE FOCUSES ‼️ • Ancestral lineage • Forgiveness • Self acceptance • Boundary setting Facilitated by some of the most ELITE practitioners, hosted in a luxurious sanctuary~ amongst an enriched collective of Sisters. . If you’ve attended any of our previous spaces, we’ve left a token of our gratitude in your email💛 . CLAIM YOUR SPOT- and Join us for a week of collective restoration 🇯🇲 . 🔗 WWW.STRICKLYQUEENS.CO.UK/RETREAT (at Jamaica)
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In my lastest upload I mentioned my black cat who I named Bastet the moment I saw her. She taught me how to be more feminine, how to receive love, how to let my guards down and express love in a safe space. Ironically the Kemetic Goddess Bastset is depicted as a black cat and she is the goddess of love, fertility, sensuality, dance, joy. Just one example of how we create through our thoughts and words. When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it ~ The Alchemist #cats #blackcats #bastet #bast #kemeticscience #kemeticspirituality #africanspirituality #alchemy #love #balance #egyptiangoddess #goddess #goddessenergy #goddessoflove #feminineenergy #divinefeminine #divinefeminineenergy #darkfeminineconsciousness
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As women we are just like water….fluid. We can easily flow into any and everything we want to be at any given moment. Watch part 2 of Femininity Vs Divine Feminine Energy on my channel. I explore how the feminine archetypes and the Goddesses that represent them will help us learn how to balance our energies. Direct link in stories👆🏾 #darkfeminineconsciousness #divinefeminine #divinefeminineenergy #femininity #femininearchetypes #goddess #goddesses #feminineenergy #feminineflow #feminine #femininenotfeminist (at Jamaica)
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Have some fun they say. Ok….burn shit down!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 (at Jamaica)
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Reminder…. (at Jamaica)
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Help her to put self-love into practice with this Sacred Self-Love Box which includes: 1 Pum Pum Steam for at home vagina spa 1 Pum Pum Oil for pH balance 1 Rose Budder for smooth, soft skin 1 Rose Petal sage to cleanse 1 Pink candle for sweetness 1 Heart shaped rose quartz palm crystal as a reminder to stay in love Price: $5000, free Kingston delivery. Link in bio to order (at Jamaica)
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Feeling irie after a blissful womb massage and yoni steam session with @pinkfemunique ….including a foot wash I never knew I needed 🥰 #GoddessTings #EmpressTings #wombcare #femininecare #wombwellness #yonisteam #wombmassage #footwashing (at Kingston, Jamaica)
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Feeling irie after a blissful womb massage and yoni steam session with @pinkfemunique ….including a foot wash I never knew I needed 🥰 #GoddessTings #EmpressTings #wombcare #femininecare #wombwellness #yonisteam #wombmassage #footwashing (at Kingston, Jamaica)
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This conversation for me isn’t about representation for elders in fashion…We need to see our elders happy, healthy, free and fly af! Using artificial intelligence to reimagine a more stylish world for older people. Malik Afegbua aka @slickcityceo has been trending for a minute because of his incredible artwork that we all at first glance, and even many glances later, thought to be real. #elders #ancients #africanart #africanpeople #melanindrip
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A hair care system designed to help you love and care for YOUR hair because beautiful hair is healthy hair no matter the texture #tropiki #haircare #healthyhair #scalpcare #hairgrowth #beautifulhair #sacredselfcare #sacredbeauty #castoroil #neem #pimentooil #coconutoil #lemongrass #ginger #passionfruit #sageoil #hibiscus #cocoabutter #monoi #moringaoil #jojobaoil #orangeoil #peppermintoil #camelliaoil #avocadooil #hempseedoil #sheaoil #rosemaryoil (at Jamaica)
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Was never really a birthday person so I don’t know what to say but I know it’s hers today and I remember she loved celebrating it. So today I said her name every time she came to mind. I Can’t remember what we were looking at in this pic but I’m almost sure this was a nudge… “come nuh Tiph, mek we do it” Things I recall from this adventure: - disgustingly loud laughter - a bredda tried to disrespect me and she dragged him for filth. It was iconic - water bodies were very spiritual for her - Adzua packed her clothes in zip lock bags by category 👀 and then in her travel bag - Eating Ashanti Oasis food like we were starving - Hanging out at the Mi Hungry booth with @arislife_ - The first time I saw myself with my products at a market because she said I could do it. I didn’t even manifest the products yet. Giving thanks for the memories… Adzua, I will never stop calling your name! ♾️ 💛💫 🕯️ (at Jamaica)
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A major key to tapping into divine feminine energy is knowing your own darkness because you will never reflect light without it…you can only speak of it. If you haven’t yet, check out my last upload on Divine Feminine Energy. Link in bio to my channel. #femininity #softlife #divinefeminine #divinefeminineenergy #divinefemininerising #feminineenergy #organicfeminine #goddessenergy #darkfeminine #transformative
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Oshun is an African Goddess that became popular over the past few years since black women have been diving deeper into self and as a result discovering African spirituality and how it can benefit us but there are so many other African Goddess who we can learn from and who ancestors like Nanny and Nzinga embodied. We can use them as a guide to tapping into feminine energies in a balanced way….a divine way. Goddess + Attributes: Yemaya ~ Nurtures, mother, defender Sekhmet ~ Warrior, healer, change Aja ~ Bush woman, heals, mystic Oya ~ Mystic, Oracle, protector Kai Ma ~ transforms, protects, revelation Inanna ~ love, creativity, transformation Oshun ~ sensuality, creativity, love Check out my new video femininity vs divine feminine energy. Link to youtube channel in bio. #divinefemininerising #divinefeminine #divinefeminineenergy #femininity #femininearchetypes #goddessenergy #feminineenergy #goddess #sekhmet #yemaya #aja #oya #kalima #inanna #oshun #bastet #hetheru #auset #maat #nut #gaia
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I swam in a 400 year old stone cut natural pool at Abeokuta Paradise Nature Park (1st pic). It was built by the Spanish, taken over by the British and is now owned by a Rastafari family. It is a beautiful property with an amazing view of the cane fields in Westmoreland. I felt a little uneasy swimming in it…the water is fresh, the air is clean but energy never dies….if you know what I mean and I think ya do! See more in my recent Vlog on YouTube. Link to channel in bio. 👆🏾 #abeokutaparadisenaturepark #westmoreland #jamaica #naturalpool #freshwaterpool #river #rivermumma #nature #abeokuta
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It takes a self-aware man to understand, support and protect a spiritual woman’s work…She can heal a nation. #spiritualwoman #medicinewoman #goddess #sacredwoman #mysticwoman #magicwoman #bruja #divinefeminine #creator #healer #nurturer #lover #wombman #feminineenergy (at Jamaica)
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