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allumais · 5 years ago
coolestpaladin said: ❝ Bradamante! ❞ Hands behind his back, Charlie leaned down towards the girl seated at her desk. ❝ Congratulations on winning the volleyball tournament! Sorry I wasn't able to make it back in time... ❞ He sheepishly scratched the side of his face. Why did his academic competition have to not so awesomely overlap with her schedule?! ❝ I hope these can make up for it? ❞ Extending his arms, he presented two items with an apologetic smile: a single rose in one hand and a medium-sized accessory box in the other. Inside the box were matching ivory-colored hair ties, both adorned with a blue topaz gem. It was simple in design but durable, meant for daily use.
     “It’s alright, I know you tried your best-!” Pushing herself away from the work she’d been finishing up in order to go see him (and amused he’d managed to beat her to it) she half-turns in her chair. Peering up at him, she’s not prepared for his proximity, or the fact that he’s offering her gifts- as if he actually has something to make up for. Eyes owl-wide, she bounces her eyes from the gifts to Charle’s face, feeling the stinging beginning in her nose before she can help herself.            He’s just so sweet--!           “Char-le,” she begins in a slight whine, fingers furling around the rose first, bringing it close and pressing her nose into it to hide how it’s reddeding. “You didn’t have to get me anything...!” Not that she isn’t grateful, but she had known their schedules might conflict when it came closer to the end of the season, especially with how loaded his schedule tended to be. Even with all the sports she was part of, they couldn’t hold a candle to all of Charle’s academic responsibilities. Which, in her opinion, made it all the sweeter how distraught he seemed over not being able to make it to her game.            Turning back to set the rose gingerly on her desk, she reminds herself to find a vase for it later, and then reaches for the other gift, blinking away the overwhelmed glaze of affection from her eyes. Her nose is still a bit pink, but she’s not in danger of being overwhelmed again- not just yet, in any case. She examines the ties, expression fond, and looks up at him, moving the ties to one hand while the other brushes over his cheek. Cupping her palm against it gently, she leans up the scant few inches she needs to press her lips to his, gentle and sweet.            When she pulls back, she’s pink-cheeked and beaming, already moving to undo one of her pigtails to re-do it with her new gift. 
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          “They’re so pretty, Charle, I love them...! I’m going to wear them all the time, I promise...!” 
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allumais · 5 years ago
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allumais · 5 years ago
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allumais · 5 years ago
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allumais · 5 years ago
@allumais​ said: “Charle…“ Bradamante leans her chin on her hands, peering out the window, though she glances at him from the corner of her eye. "I was thinking… do you want to do something on the fourteenth next month?” She says it casually, almost as if she doesn’t mind whatever the answer is. “If you’re not doing something, I mean.”
   He looked up upon hearing that nickname — the one used only by the girl not too far away, within arm’s reach. Compared to the textbook opened in his lap, even if it was important to his studies, it was much easier for Bradamante to capture his attention. Always, no matter where, he would find her to be the brightest, and his eyes would follow even without his own awareness. ❝ Mm? The fourteenth? ❞ Furrowing his brows, he tried to remember what was special about that day. If memory served, it was… La Saint-Valentin?
   As Charles sat up in shock, the book slid off of his lap and onto the ground, narrowly missing his foot. This was completely left field! But still, he leaned forward eagerly —
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   ❝ I’m free anytime! ❞ Wait, wait; backtrack for a moment there, Charles. As much as he would like to spend every hour of the day with Bradamante, there were still responsibilities on his plate that he couldn’t just throw out the window. Clearing his throat, he quickly amended his statement. ❝ I mean — I’m definitely free anytime on the fourteenth! What do you want to do? We can do anything you want! ❞ Or should he be the one to plan everything out? Uh, actually, why was she asking? Were they just hanging out as friends? Was this a — d…date?
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allumais · 5 years ago
bold what applies.
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I. THE FAIRY. chipped nail polish. glitter highlight. tall trees with smooth bark. tangled hair. the taste of cinnamon sugar. talking too loud and too fast. overgrown flowers in your hair. crumbling buildings reclaimed by nature. flirting. walking home at 3am with no coat. platonic hand-holding. blowing smoke out of your nose. dragonfly wings. chaotic good. freckles. fairy rings. secret meetings. gender nonconformity. leather. smudged eyeliner. forbidden fruit.
II. THE REAPER. computer errors. a shiver down your spine. haunting beauty. hard liquor.  crowns of thorns. shadowed alleyways. decaying plant matter. shattered mirrors and broken glass. corrupted memories. stopped clocks. the scent of stale cigarettes. tattered black hoodies. walking your friends home. the crescent moon. the sea. a graveyard on a foggy day. cold rings on cold fingers. absolution. looking out the window of an airplane. soft kisses.
III. THE WITCH. graffiti. pretending to know what you’re doing. worn paperback books. growing up too fast. parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme. lace and combat boots. moth wings. candles on every surface. a weathered deck of cards. turning the music up. fireflies in jars. calloused fingers. drawing on your skin. sunlight filtering through clouds. petrichor. a dying rose in a jar. wearing a crystal pendant. illusions and spells. black cats. mint gum. chapped lips. dirt under your fingernails. the cycle of life and death.
IV. THE WOLF. murders of crows. frost-bitten leaves. wolves howling at midnight. knocking on your door. leaving food out for stray animals. the twang of an acoustic guitar. honey. tiny red buds on trees. claw marks on the walls. golden eyes. slightly too long stubble. sharp canines.  soft, thick fur. hunger. a small cottage in the middle of the woods. knitted fingerless gloves. sleeping on the forest floor. always finding your way back home.
tagged by: @coolestpaladin​ ages ago tagging: take it!
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allumais · 6 years ago
There are people we meet in life who miss being important to us by inches, days, or heartbeats. Another place or time or a different emotional frame of mind and we would willingly fall into their arms; gladly take up their challenges or invitation. But as it is, we encounter them when we are discontent or content and they are not. Whatever they are, we are not and vice versa. Two trains going in different directions that pass for a few powerful moments at full speed, blasting noise and wind but then they are gone. Whatever serious chemistry might have been possible if, isn’t.
Jonathan Carroll (via qvotable)
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allumais · 6 years ago
❝ I want you to know that I’m all yours. ❞
💔     HEART     ACHE     SENTENCE     PROMPTS    ! 
      Claiming to be particularly clever has never been Bradamante’s style; all of her most successful pursuits are rooted nearly entirely in the physical. So no, she doesn’t think she’s terribly brilliant, but until she heard those words, she’s never felt more foolish. It’s the sort of belated understanding that comes when you’ve been missing something at the periphery of your understanding only to have it suddenly snap into place.          She wonders how she’s been so unaware.          However, unaware or not, she doubts it’s been easy for him, having to listen to her go on and on about someone else. No one really deserves that, but she thinks it’s doubly so for someone like him. Sweet as he is, he hasn’t even gotten annoyed with her about it, and Bradamante is well aware that she’s been more than a little overbearing about the subject. Honestly, what sort of a friend is she that it’s taken her this long to understand something so simple?           Sliding her arms over his shoulders, her fingers interlock, arms set out straight as her cheek meets the side of his head, nuzzling closer into the odd pseudo-hug.          “I know,” she murmurs, soft and a little reproachful-- mostly at herself. 
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          “...and I’m lucky to have you.”
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allumais · 6 years ago
❝ What chance did we have against fate? ❞ // hi!
💔     HEART     ACHE     SENTENCE     PROMPTS    !
      Heart racing a mile a minute, Bradamante stares in brief, shocked awe that the King of Knights would do anything such as ask her thoughts on a matter. That silent regard falters after a few seconds with the knight’s flustered ‘hahs’ taking its place, hands fluttering aimlessly before finally clenching before her, pensive expression set.           “Fate is kind of a strange thing, you know? A lot of the heroes seem to think of it as this... big, looming inevitability. Something they can’t escape and eventually have to just resign themselves to. It always comes up as ‘oh, but I was fated to fail here’ or ‘I was fated to be trapped doing this’ and... n-not to discount those with clairvoyance, but...”           She swallows hard, clenched fists drawing close to her chest.          “But... to Bradamante, it just sounds like an excuse to give in.”
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          “You can’t avoid things like your duty, because sooner or later, you have to face your responsibilities. But.. fate is really more like luck. There’s both good and bad! But sometimes, people think the bad is the only way to go, because it’s what they’re ‘supposed’ to do... And-- w-well, I just... I think it isn’t so simple! And if the fate you think you’re meant to have is one you don’t like, then-- you have to fight for the one you do want! I mean... isn’t that what we’re all doing here anyway?”
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allumais · 6 years ago
💔     HEART     ACHE     SENTENCE     PROMPTS    !  
❝ You are a victim of your own broken heart. ❞
❝ You’re breaking my heart.  ❞
❝ The heart is just a muscle, isn’t that right? ❞
❝ You’ve left a void in me that cannot be filled. ❞
❝ Time does not heal a broken heart as they say. ❞
❝ How do you cope when the love is with somebody else? ❞
❝ Well, you can’t have heartbreak without love. ❞
❝ Love is supposed to heal, to be your haven from misery. ❞
❝ My heart no longer felt as if it belonged to me. ❞
❝ There is an ocean of silence between us… and I am drowning in it. ❞
❝ Raw love, like raw heartache, could blindside you. ❞
❝ I was born the day you kissed me, died the day you left me.  ❞
❝ I’ve fallen victim to love once in my life, it was enough for me.  ❞
❝ I think perhaps I will always hold a candle for you – even until it burns my hand. ❞
❝ I would have followed you to hell and back… if only you’d lead me back.  ❞
❝ I had fallen but you were not there to catch me.  ❞
❝ This pain has not passed, this pain, I’m afraid, it will never pass. ❞
❝ A broken heart can be as lethal as a bullet to the brain. ❞
❝ As if you gave your heart to autumn, for what it destroys never blossoms again. ❞
❝ A single heartbreak teaches you more than what a lifetime of schooling can. ❞
❝ You taught me how to live with you, now tell me how to live without you… ❞
❝ You hurt me and yet I cannot stay away, I am miserable either way. ❞
❝ Do you know why he did what he did to you? Because he could. ❞
❝ I have been bitter since the day you broke my heart. ❞
❝ Today is just another day of trying to get by without you. ❞
❝ An entire world of people can never replace the one that I’ve lost. ❞
❝ I cannot carry on with my future when I am stuck in my past. ❞
❝ Many things we die but this love I have for you will not. ❞
❝ I could never love another as I do you, even if I wanted to. ❞
❝ This heart break will be the death of me. ❞
❝ I still fight and I don’t know why. ❞
❝ If our love is tragedy then are you my remedy? ❞
❝ When you’re ready, come find me, my heart is open. ❞
❝ Love is both, the strongest and the weakest thing you can have in life. ❞
❝ Black misery painted on a blood red heart. ❞
❝ You make me feel like a firefly. Trapped in a belljar; starved for love. ❞
❝ Sometimes your eyes are not the only place the tears fall from. ❞
❝ My heart does not beat, it aches, for you. ❞
❝ Do you even know how you make me weak? ❞
❝ If you lose your one and only, there’s always room here for the lonely. ❞
❝ Part of me aches at the thought of her being so close yet so untouchable. ❞
❝ Sometimes it feels like love and sometimes it feels like the death. ❞
❝ I don’t know where your heart is but mine is bruised. ❞
❝ I tried to wash the scars and marks from under my skin but you’re etched in me like stone.❞
❝ You call it love, but still you hate me? ❞
❝ You’re the pain and the medicine, one taste and I’m numb again. ❞
❝ With you next to me, there’s no darkness I can’t overcome.  ❞
❝ They don’t love you the way I love you. ❞
❝ What a wicked way to treat the one that loves you. ❞
❝ What’s worse, looking jealous or crazy? ❞
❝ There’s a fire starting in my heart, it’s bringing me out the dark. ❞
❝ The scars of your love remind me of us. ❞
❝ Tears of blood fall from my broken heart. ❞  
❝ Never mind, I’ll find someone like you. ❞
❝ When it’s all said and done, I’m still in love with you. ❞
❝ I want you to know that I’m all yours. ❞
❝ You could break my heart in two but when it heals, it beats for you. ❞
❝ The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it…  ❞
❝ Jealousy is just love and hate at the same time. ❞ 
❝ I know you still think about the times we had. ❞
❝ I’ve been so selfish because I love you so much. ❞
❝ You’re just like a pill, instead of making me better, you keep making me ill. ❞
❝ I bet you start loving me as soon as I start loving somebody else. ❞
❝ Do you ever think of me when you lie? ❞
❝ I fell for your lies, you hurt me, all the time. ❞
❝ Despite everything, I still remain loving you. ❞
❝ I’m waiting for the one day to come, when I can look at you and feel nothing. ❞
❝ Love creeps up on you, you never know how hard it’s there until they leave.  ❞
❝ I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to forgive myself for just how badly I broke you.. ❞
❝ What chance did we have against fate? ❞
❝ Be careful when fixing broken people. You may end up cutting yourself. ❞
❝ Every other lover will always be compared to you. ❞
❝ I would recognize your heartbeat from the ends of space. ❞
❝ Even in dreams, ghosts of former happiness haunt me. ❞
❝ You should see me when my heart is broken. I don’t grieve, I shatter. ❞
❝ Love, but don’t fall in love because everything that falls breaks. ❞
❝ If my love was a war, you only fought for the glory of winning. ❞
❝ How many hearts have you collected? How many chests have you left aching and empty? ❞  
❝ I have not broken your heart - you have broken it; and in breaking it, you have broken mine. ❞
❝ If it’s a question of my heart, you’ve got it. It don’t belong to anyone but you. ❞
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allumais · 6 years ago
2. Favourite master?
fate series ask meme
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      It’s probably tied between Waver Velvet and, even though I’ve only watched parts of a playthrough of hollow/ataraxia, Bazett Fraga McRemitz. Waver because he’s the only master in f/z worth a damn and Bazett bc I love me a lady who could beat the shit out of Kotomine Kirei in a (fair) fight.
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allumais · 6 years ago
fate series ask meme cause i’m bored
1. Favourite servant?
2. Favourite master?
3. Favourite servant/master team?
4. Which command seal design do you like the most?
5. Which game/light novel/manga is your favourite in the series?
6. Favourite anime adaptation?
7. Favourite opening?
8. Do you have a fate/oc? Describe them!
9. Favourite servant/servant ship?
10. Favourite master/master ship?
11. Favourite master/servant ship?
12. Name your notp.
13. Name a part of fate/ that makes you salty.
14. If you could change something from the canon, what would you?
15. Least favourite manga/game/light novel from fate?
16. Name a servant you want to beat up.
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allumais · 6 years ago
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allumais · 6 years ago
‘  when will you learn? when will you learn that your actionS HAVE CONSEQUENCES!  ’ ‘  can i get a waffle??? can i PLEASE get a waffle!!!  ’ ‘  go suck a dick, suck a dick suck a motherfucking dick  ’ ‘  you better stop! biTCH STOP  ’ ‘  do you ever like wake up and do something and you’re just like what the hec– fuck is goin on  ’ ‘  what’s good, brah you don’t know me! you don’t– WHAT IS GOOD! YOU DON’T KNOW! YOU DON’T KNOW ME! ’ ‘  it’s summer i got my hat on backwards and it’s time to fucking party  ’ ‘  anyone ever tell you you look like beyonce?  ’ ‘  I LOVE YOU, BITCH. I AIN’T EVER GONNA STOP LOVING YOU BITCH  ’ ‘  BITCH I HOPE THE FUCK YOU DO YOU’LL BE A DEAD SON OF A BITCH, I TELL YOU THAT  ’ ‘  and they were roommates!  ’ ‘  oh my god, they were roommates  ’ ‘  oh my god, i love chipotle chipotle is my liiiiife   ’ ‘  this bitch empty YEET!!!!  ’ ‘  WHERE ARE THOOOOOSE  ’ ‘  THEY ARE MY CROCS  ’ ‘  bitch disgusting  ’ ‘  yeaaah. yeAAAAAH.  ’ ‘  so no head?  ’ ‘  THIS IS WHY MOM DOESN’T FUCKING LOVE YOU!  ’ ‘  i’ll kill you. i’ll kill you. i’m not even worried about it.  ’ ‘  ahh, fuck. i can’t believe you’ve done this  ’ ‘  aHH STOP! i could’ve dropped my croissant!  ’ ‘  what’s up me and my boys are going to see uncle kracker  ’ ‘  give me my hat back, jordan!  ’ ‘  do you wanna go see uncle kracker or no!?  ’ ‘  i sneezed! oh, i’m not allowed to sneeze?!  ’ ‘  look at all those chickens  ’ ‘  i smell like beef  ’ ‘  i gotta go home cause i forgot to… vacuum my room  ’ ‘  actually, megan, i can’t sit anywhere. i have hemorrhoids.  ’ ‘  is there anything better than pussy? yes! a really good book  ’ ‘  mom, i’m peein on myself  ’ ‘  sorry, i’m on the toilet. i hope the ice cream don’t melt, bitch  ’ ‘  honestly i don’t remember, i was probably fucked up. yeah, i was crazy back then  ’ ‘  I WON’T HESITATE, BITCH!  ’ ‘  just shut up and die slowly, okay?  ’ ‘  two bros chillin in a hot tub five feet apart cause they’re not gay!  ’ ‘  mother trucker, dude! that hurt like a butt cheek on a stick!  ’ ‘  i said WHOEVER THREW THAT PAPER, YOUR MOMS A HO  ’ ‘  you remember one time i liked you? GOOD! cause it never happened  ’ ‘  if your name is junior and you’re really handsome, come on raise your hand  ’ ‘  i’M WASHIN ME AND MY CLOTHES, BITCH! I’M WASHING ME AND MY CLOTHES  ’ ‘  waddup i’m jared, i’m nineteen, and i never fucking learned how to read  ’ ‘  whAT THE FUCK IS UP, KYLE? NO WHAT’D YOU SAY? WHAT THE FUCK, DUDE! STEP THE FUCK UP KYLE  ’ ‘  oh my god why can’t you just take the fricken compliMENT  ’ ‘  is that a wEED? i’m callin the police!!!  ’ ‘  yo, drink this vodka down the hatch c’mon  ’ ‘  it is wednesday, my dudes. aaaaAAAAAAH  ’ ‘  there is only one thing worst than a rapist… a child!  ’ ‘  get to del taco, they got a new thing called fre shavocado  ’ ‘  *to the tune of ghostbusters* i’m an adult virgin  ’ ‘  hi my name is tre, i have a basketball game tomorrooooow  ’ ‘  babeyou’reafuckingbitchiwantyoutogetthefuckoutofmycarcauseiwannabreakupwithyou i fucking hate you   ’ ‘  todays forecast we can clearly see that somebody got me fucked up. FUCKED. UP.  ’ ‘  whAT’S UP FUCKERS  ’ ‘  FUCK YOU, THAT’S WHY  ’ ‘  he needs some milk!  ’ ‘  you are my dad. YOU’RE MY DAD! boogie woogie woogie  ’ ‘  yEAH NO SHIT, HONEY  ’ ‘  oooooh my boy going to prom. fuck it up! fuck it up! fuck it up!  ’ ‘  hey, how you doin? i’m doing just fine. i lied. i’m dying inside  ’ ‘  honey, you got a big storm comin  ’ ‘  i wanna fucking DIE  ’ ‘  road work ahead? uh yeah i sure hope it does  ’ ‘  the yo-yo master did not answer, he just kept on yo-ing  ’ ‘  welcome back to me screaming  ’ ‘  you know sometimes i think to myself what are you waiting for you dumb stupid fuuuuuuck!  ’ ‘  do you ever shut the fuck up?  ’
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allumais · 6 years ago
❝ Nightmares are part of sleeping. ❞
                     * . ✧ THE GILDED WOLVES ✧ . *
          His voice is quiet, her King’s, yet Bradamante still starts from hearing it, lowering her eyes from the sky to him. Behind them, the faint whimpers of a fading dream taper off, and she watches the firelight flicker over his face as he looks back at the rest of their company, likely trying to ascertain the source. There’s a strain in his face though, something darkening those wide, expressive eyes, that spurs her to speak before she can really think.           “They don’t have to be.”          Jerking her head quickly down to stare at her knees, she nevertheless feels the stare boring into the side of her head, cautious and curious as he shifts his weight beside her. Drawing her knees up, she watches him do the same from the corner of her eye, his chin settling on his knees in a startlingly childlike manner. For all that she knows he is their ruler, and an almost peerless knight, Bradamante often forgets that he is also very near in age to herself.           Glancing backward, she wonders if nightmares are the reason he’s awake, rather than resting for the morning’s ride.           “Go on,” he prompts, quiet and earnest after a few more too-long moments of silence. “It wouldn’t be wise to ignore the wisdom of one of my best knights, now would it?”           Heat creeps up her neck at the praise, a girlish sort of flutter making itself at home in the cavity of her ribs, and Bradamante the likes of which she hadn’t felt in what seems like a decade. Tightening her blanket around her shoulders, she taps her fingers against her knees, takes a breath, and considers how best to convey what she means.            “Nightmares are inevitable, with all we do, your majesty,” she says voice feeling thin and insubstantial. Clearing her throat gently, she continues, “but we needn’t suffer them alone. If… Astolfo is always willing to listen, when I have them, and I find that doing so keeps them more at bay than not.” A single finger sweeps whirls over the folds and eddies in the fabric of the blanket, toes of one foot rising to twitch nervously before dropping back down against the grass. “So… I suppose if his majesty found someone he could trust to confide in… perhaps…?”          It’s a presumption to push the suggestion as if she can guess at the state of her monarch’s mental state. Her mouth opens, an apology for her assumption ready on her tongue, when he makes a soft, thoughtful noise and turns to face her, turning his entire body and peeking over the tops of his knees at her, solemn and wide-eyed.           The fluttering in her chest pauses, then becomes a sudden, thrumming drumbeat.          She barely registers his hesitant request to speak with her if such a situation should present itself, much less her (nervous, stilted, but genuine) assent, but she does register the results. The shadow that had haunted his eyes seems to have gone, and the romantic in her sees them, and feels they reflect the sky itself, clear, glimmering and brilliant.           “Thank you, Bradamante.”           “Anything for you, your Majesty.”          That earns her a beaming smile, and Bradamante has to, once again, jerk her head away to look up at the sky. Charlemagne doesn’t comment, and simply turns himself back around to watch the sky alongside her. 
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          Her king, Bradamante surmises, is one of a kind indeed.
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allumais · 6 years ago
❝ Where’s the cake? ❞
                      * . ✧ THE GILDED WOLVES ✧ . *
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      Nearly choking on a piece of the item in question, Bradamante turns slowly, guilty eyes landing on the man behind her. Slowly, slowly, she finishes chewing the mouthful she’s working on, though the frosting-coated evidence in her hand is condemning to say the least.           “Well… u-uh… th-that is to say, Mister Dantès–!”          Wide eyes spot her partner in crime, sneaking his way up the stairs with a greater prize, and she considers her job as a distraction done more than well enough.           “I’ll buy you another piece, I promise! It just looked so good, I couldn’t help myself…!”
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allumais · 6 years ago
❝ If you’re furious, let it be fuel. ❞
                      * . ✧ THE GILDED WOLVES ✧ . *
      “Don’t misunderstand,” she begins, and her voice is a gravely vibrato, the growl barely restrained in her chest. Most enemies don’t warrant her irritation-- in fact, her good cheer on the battlefield is likely as unsettling a sight as they come. She’s never thought anything of it, however, given that it seemed only natural. She was a knight and knights fought battles; that was all there was to it. If she so happened to enjoy it, was that really a bad thing?           She didn’t think so.           So there was no reason for her to be angry, since their enemies were seldom clever or sentient enough to speak. However this one... 
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          “I have no intention of letting such slander go unpunished. Indeed, I feel it merits retribution of the highest order! Therefore, Caster, if you will pardon me-- Montjoie!”
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