#Aziraphale loves spooky things
megsiepoo · 11 months
A tinge of redness appeared on Aziraphale's cheeks as he clasped his hands together pleadingly. "Won't you stay and help? It would be nice to have some company. And you're a demon! I'm sure you’d love the opportunity to scare humans!" "I don't know where you got that idea," Crowley mumbled. "But fine, I guess I can stay. Er, what exactly am I helping with anyway?"
What's this, a fic that isn't Cult of the Lamb? What madness!
I've had this fix idea on my mind for a while and have been working on it on and off for a few weeks. I've been wanting to create something for the Good Omens fandom for a while now, and what better opportunity than to celebrate Halloween! I hope you guys enjoy this silly little fic. Feedback appreciated as always!
And don't worry my cotl readers. I've still got plenty of stories left to write. In fact, I've got another one in the works now! I hope to have it up come Halloween, but if not, it'll be out soon enough.
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grntaire · 1 year
fun musical bit about this scene!:
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the piece that the car is playing (the "classical music that stays classical music") is a tone poem, saint-saëns' danse macabre. it's a super famous piece that you've probably heard before and is associated with all things spooky. but it's not just spooky bc it sounds spooky: it's spooky bc it tells a story! a tone poem is a piece of music evokes a poem, short story, landscape, etc. in short, it's a piece of music that's describing or outlining something.
danse macabre tells the story of death, who every year on the stroke of midnight on halloween plays his fiddle to raise the dead. the dead dance for him until the following dawn, where they return to their graves until the next year. (musically it does a lot of cool things to reflect this: there's 12 notes at the beginning representing the 12 strokes of midnight, and the frequent use of a specific musical interval called the tritone. in the medieval period the tritone was also called diabolus in musica, literally meaning "the devil in music" bc of how dissonant it sounded to listeners at the time. it also quotes the dies irae chant as well!)
so the fact that it's what the car chose to play is SUPER cute. bc it's classical (technically it's from the romantic period, but w/e), like aziraphale wants, but it's also reminiscent of crowley. bc i bet the car knows just how much aziraphale loves crowley, too. it's a really subtle nudge that the car knows both of them and it's like the car is finding a musical middle for them both, almost.
it's also a subtly brilliant choice bc in the flashback prior, aziraphale said that crowley asked to meet aziraphale in the graveyard at midnight. just like death met the dead on halloween.
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leftduck9986 · 5 months
Foreshadowing, out of order?
In storytelling, is there a single word that means "the opposite of foreshadowing"?
WARNING: in trying to wrap my head around this, there will be wittering!!!
Wikipedia tells me that a flashback is a method of foreshadowing.
The Bullet Catch in the NZF minisode, being a flashback as well as told before the "present day" [speculated] event it sets up a clue for, well, that's what I've understood foreshadowing to mean until now, because isn't foreshadowing always presented before the event it foreshadows comes to pass?
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The flashback/memory minisode, A Companion To Owls, is told after the "present day" event it foreshadows. Does that still count as foreshadowing, or is it instead considered "the big reveal" because it is told after?
And is this all that is meant by various things in Good Omens 2 being "out of order"?
The Hiding Miracle and the Memory That Both Foreshadows and Reveals It?
Indeed, it was a tiny miracle - as titled in the soundtrack - that worked as planned and "barely moved the dials" (but still a miracle in which "Noone will have noticed A Thing" however tiny it was, and that "Nobody notices he's here (...) Nobody can spot him, (...) especially if they're looking for him").
I believe it was the first of three events that happened that night, which, became the main focus of this "quiet, gentle, romantic" season, but paling in comparison to the other two events. Moving on!
Returning to how A Companion to Owls isn't told until after The Hiding Miracle and clues us in as to what was actually going on: this tiny miracle was made to appear far more powerful than it actually was, with the use of showmanship:
The ceremonious setup of being positioned on the circle in the middle of the room hidden under the carpet, between Aziraphale and Crowley; he could have been standing, but instead, "Jim... Sit in this chair." And it's a beautiful chair, like a throne, but Jim being taller wouldn't have worked for the image of the 'W' (similar to the 'W' shape made with Shadwell standing between Aziraphale and Crowley at the airbase, in the book Good Omens.)
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Why perform at all then, for an audience of none?
Ah, they're not alone, oooOoOoOOOoOoOooo, spooky. Go and see for yourself: check out the bottom left area of the screen when Crowley returns to the bookshop and says, "I'm BACK" (this is to do with the "framing opportunities" secret mentioned in the Gavin Finney BTS article https://britishcinematographer.co.uk/gavin-finney-bsc-good-omens-2/) Aziraphale calmly replies, "Yes, I can see that" and later gasps, reacting to something happening off-screen at 40m41s.
So this performance, not yet knowing who their audience might be, could be as a precaution, just in case.
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Gabriel instinctively crosses his hands and is confused when Aziraphale and Crowley uncross them - or likely because Aziraphale was even standing there at all - because he remembers, or rather, in his mind's eye, sees the shape left behind by a missing piece of furniture.
The ceremonious setup of being positioned in the centre, between Sitis and Job, this time in the background to have Bildad appear a little shorter in height for the stylized 'W', then crossing his hands. The pot containing Sitis and Job's children being the circle, hidden by the circle of carpet (robes) made as Sitis and Job embrace.
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Had we seen Jim's and Crowley's conversation about memory before The Hiding Miracle instead of much later in episode 5, then it would have been foreshadowing, yes?
*temper rising* A "reveal," or "out-of-order foreshadowing"? (VBUAXNAUSX*keyboard smash*NYVIFGNOMAI) grrrrrr!
After the Job story is told, (save for the final scene) and Aziraphale calls for Crowley, my head-cannon used to be that Aziraphale wanted to talk about hair -
Aziraphale: Crowley, I gave you lovely long locks in my retelling of this story, how about you? Crowley: Nah, "shoulder-length bouncy 'bob'" is what I put - a "Lob" I think is what they're calling it these days.
But now I think that, to book-end Crowley's beginning with, "Your boss said that to Job, do you remember?" (imo they are so good at blending in, they can act human better than any human can act human! So, while feigning the memory span&loss&retention of a human, of course they can remember most everything. Angel stock: constitution of an Ox, memory of an Elephant.) Aziraphale may have wanted to remark on Jim's crossed hands from the night before and how similar it was to Crowley's doing so; that it was evidence of Gabriel still somehow being able to connect with images from his memory. "Crowley? You also did that thing... does Gabriel remember?"
If each minisode contains something that foreshadows or reveals what magic tricks occurred during this season's present day events, I feel that the only thing left is from "The Resurrectionists" minisode, where Crowley Goes Large (woah, woah, woah, another case for The Song Is The Clue?!?) ... or makes himself, something or someone else tiny.
"Size and shape are simply options" after all, so I do wonder about Hell's Usher, where the only time we've seen him is when he is small enough to fit in a bathtub and yet he is HUGE in the opening title sequence of season one. Behind him, Noah's Ark stranded between two damaged buildings (or one damaged building and maybe the Pleasure Cruiser Morbillo?)
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Something else that may be revealing of stories yet to be told of the past, while also foreshadowing a near-future event:
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Based on what Crowley said, this is not the first time Crowley and Aziraphale have performed a half-miracle together! Whatever biiiig miracle they're about to do (speculated event #2) could still be completely balanced and undetected, but then a plume of miraculous activity emerging from the circle gateway (privately speculated event #3) is what poor Aziraphale will appear to take the blame for.
Things being out of order may have started with the question, are season two's present day events being told out of order? There are other things appearing out of order as well, for example a change in the order of colours in the Rainbow (for "present day" episode two only I think, beginning Violet then Red, etc.) Or, in this case, narrative devices being so intertwined, one flashback-event can contain images and phrases that both foreshadow something yet to happen as well as to reveal what happened in a part of the story already told.
As always, please no asking or tagging Mr Gaiman as this blog post contains theory and speculation, thank you.
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doonarose · 2 months
GOAD Writer's Guild presents: Give Me Jizz or Give Me Death - A Choose Your Own Jizz (CYOJ) Adventure
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(yes, you should feel equal parts pleased and terrified, we wrote you choose your own jizz/graveyard/dark/ghost/crack/weird fic)
And yes, the rest of you can read it too!
Summary: It is a dark and porny night. Everything feels… spooky. And salty. Really, really salty. Tread lightly in this Choose Your Own Adventure fic, our Ineffables have the odds stacked against them as they step foot onto an island with danger around every corner. All they really want is to have a nice picnic… Well, maybe a bit more than that.
Enter if you dare.
TW: Although this is very much for fun (and yay happy birthday, we love you!), we have hit the big ones: major character deaths, graphic violence (and death), noncon. As well as disgusting jizz, ghosts and cameos by characters you perhaps would rather not see in ways you definitely don’t want to see them. Basically: dead dove, don’t eat. On steroids. But for fun.
A/N: Yes, so happy birthday u/harlotofupdog!!! And welcome to the second iteration of the @goodomensafterdark Choose Your Own Adventure style fic. This wasn’t meant to happen. We only had a week or so to whip up something quick and easy to celebrate our dear, dark, jizzy Harlot, and instead here we are with some of the most ghastly, gooey choices a reader will ever have to make.
The premise is simple, borrowing heavily from Harlot’s own very brilliant Good Omens fics, our story begins with Crowley and Aziraphale on a windswept island, out for an adventure and choosing to explore the lighthouse (of course), the graveyard (obviously), or a pub (the trifecta of Best Ever Fic Settings). Within each, our heroes could find their bliss or their very worst endings. How happily they end up depends entirely on your choices.
At the end of each chapter you will have to choose what happens next. Navigate by clicking the links, NOT by clicking ‘next chapter’.
Amazing thanks to u/wingsofopal and u/nosferatini for thinking this was at all a good idea to try to pull off in a week and for wrangling our exceptional writers, betas and cheerleaders!
Shout out to each and every author: u/adverbian, u/-cheeseplants-, u/blackjeans93, u/startledplatypus, u/FuzzyGoblinoid, u/depressedpenguin2, u/yes-its-unholy, u/Natyu0815, u/gaiaseyes, u/nosferatini, u/happynachohologram, u/wingsofopal, u/paperclip_ninja, u/badbitchbarenziah, u/blackjeans93, u/likeafuckingninja, u/sensiblesquirrels, u/she_makes_things, u/doonarose, u/dbacklot99, u/hakunahistata, u/zin_lynn and u/PurpleMoonPagan for the intro limerick.
I think we all found out some interesting things about ourselves and each other during this journey into the darkest, weirdest, jizziest corners of our brains! Many authors also helped beta each other’s work, as well as special shout-outs to u/pepper_bird, u/ghst_signal and u/tawnyowl95 for extra beta help!
Enormous shoutout to u/IneffableCrankShaft for that amazing cover art!!!! And also to u/likeafuckingninja for some extra special saucy art within the fic!
All of this spunky, gooey, frankly quite weird jizz is for u/harlotofupdog to celebrate their birthday!!! And as a little thank you for their lovely/soul-shattering fic!!
“Well, this place feels…spooky.” Crowley’s words are whipped away in the wind as it lashes relentlessly through the grass. It howls past them, across the red sandstone cliffs and down to the docks they’ve left behind one trudging step at a time. There’s no turning back, not with rain threatening to pour forth from the evening skies at any moment. Not now that they’ve made it this far up the narrow path to the highest peak of the island, panting and heaving a picnic basket back and forth between them. How many books did the bastard pack, exactly? “WHAT?” Aziraphale calls out, and Crowley turns to face him, locks of his own hair flickering like flame across his vision. “I said, this whole place feels spooky .” “That’s why we’re here, my dear.” Aziraphale has properly caught up to him now, his cheeks pink and his pale curls hopelessly tousled. Crowley’s heart twists at the sight, beating faster. “WOT?” Crowley shouts back, attempting a grin. Aziraphale hands him back the picnic basket with a hearty shove and the makings of a smirk about his lips. “I thought you liked spooky! Big, spooky, um, fan, wasn’t it?”
Read the fic here! And don’t forget your amazing bingo card to play along as you go!
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snek-eyes · 11 months
Good Omens fic recs
Hello all! Wanted to share a few of my longtime faves. These are all pre-s2, might do another with my post-s2 recs? Narrowed it down to 10, since that's the max links tumbl lets you have in a post.
Any Way You Want It
Author: Justkeeptrekkin Words: 27,500 Chapters: 5/5 Rating: Mature Mood: Vacation, soft but introspective After finally getting heaven and hell off their backs (at a cost) Crowley and Aziraphale go on holiday to a cottage in Scotland. Fluffy with fun snappy dialogue, the two really feel like best friends here! Aziraphale struggles with his tendency to go slower than even he wants.
Instructions Not Included
Author: Atalan Words: 68,000 Chapters: 13/13 Rating: Teen Mood: Detective / Gen (There are feelings but it earns that slowburn tag) My "if season 2 isn't good, this is my season 2" fic. Now, I liked season 2, but this is still SO good. After the notpocalypse, Aziraphale and Crowley start a detective agency investigating supernatural happenings together. New characters include Raphael (who totally missed the apocalypse haha whoops), and a big spooky dog (whomst I adore). Note that while this fic stands just fine on its own, there is an unfinished sequel that imo doesn't leave off anywhere stressful.
When in Rome
Author: Kedreeva Words: 4,000 Rating: General Mood: The liminal space of nighttime conversations What happens after Aziraphale invites Crowley to oysters: Wings and reading. Tentative and innocent in those early days.
the deft, sweet gesture of your hand
Author: deadgreeks Words: 12,000 Rating: Explicit Mood: Hurt/Comfort, introspection A few years after the failed apocalypse Crowley shows up badly injured at the bookshop. Aziraphale has to help heal Crowley and save them both, and still finds the time to knit his feelings.
Author: Twilightcitysky Words: 122,000 Chapters: 19/19 Rating: Explicit Mood: Y'ever want a side of learning something with your romcom? After realizing they might need their own corporations to heal themselves now that they're not working for heaven and hell, Aziraphale and Crowley turn on all their bodily functions. All of them. What could be a silly premise is played out very satisfyingly, the actual biology of hormones at play here is fascinating. (this is not really at all related but: has anyone else read Peeps by Scott Westerfeld? Because the format reminded me of this in that it did a similar thing of playing straight the concept of "what could cause vampires to be real" that drew on inspiration from real life parasites interspersed between the chapters. I dig it. Anyway!)
Author: AnnetheCatDetective Words: 10,000 Chapters: 3/? (Technically unfinished, but leaves off in a satisfying spot) Rating: Not Rated Mood: Meta (Character study as story) “There's some competition for Aziraphale and Crowley's usual table at the Ritz…” A couple of miracles bend reality and, well… you ever been like, “The boys need therapy, but who could possibly give it to them?” I love crossovers where the TV boys meet other versions of themselves, this one is my favorite.
i can't say the words, so i wrote you into my verse
Author: mygalfriday (BrinneyFriday) Words: 5,000 Rating: Teen Mood: Snapshots through history "Crowley has tattoos and every few centuries, Aziraphale discovers a new one." Simple and paints a lovely picture.
By Definition
Author: idiopathicsmile Words: 3,000 Rating: Explicit Mood: Smutty but fond A night together after the Ritz fic where Aziraphale is asexual and Crowley isn’t and how that works for them. The dialogue here is positively delightful.
Bark Dust
Author: rfsmiley Words: 8,000 Rating: Mature (mostly for injuries) Mood: Whump, Hurt/Comfort, Historical Crowley is very badly injured in a battle, and Aziraphale has to figure out how to save his life.
Tell Me A Story
Author: brilliant_or_insane Words: 5,000 Rating: Teen Mood: Soft and warm Aziraphale likes telling stories and Crowley likes to listen. But when the demon is dissatisfied by sad endings and can't relate to the happy ones, Aziraphale decides to move them forward by telling a new story. (Of course, Crowley isn't entirely satisfied with the angel's perspective on that one either.)
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knifeforkspooncup · 3 days
I'm bored and well fed so here's some of the fics I've read lately so you can eat well too!
Spooky Action at a Distance (E) - @zehwulf
This fic grabbed me by the throat and thrashed me like a chewtoy. And then it put a hello kitty bandaid on my wounds and sung me sweet sweet lullabies. No actually though I have reread parts of this fic twice in the last week because my demisexual genderqueer heart went "yes this appears to be tailor-made crack cocaine. we should injest through our eyeballs repeatedly." Read the tags and be prepared to cry. But also be prepared for disgustingly tender feelings and smut hotter than the sun.
South Downs (E) - @summerofspock
Listen. I know I'm sooooo unfashionably late to this party about this actors AU fic. But (Scottish!) Crowley discovering his sexual orientation and diving in full send with the giddiness of a love drunk teenager is just. Muah. Kissing this fic on the forehead. It does that "realizing you're queer and your whole life making wayyyy more sense all of a sudden" thing so well and with so much grace and humour. Also Aziraphale being the most incorrigible little flirt. Featuring regency costumes, awkward boners and existential crisis. I want to curl up at this fic's feet like a smug little cat.
Crazy Little Thing (Called Love) (T) - @hermiola
The way I adore this chaotic, bitchy bicker flirting romp. The characterization is just unbelievable, this is exactly how I could see the events of their foray into "dating" going. Preposterous, ridiculous, and perfect. Also possibly the cutest first kiss in existence (the setting for the kiss had me particularly tickled, i read that scene 4 times.) Dumbass4dumbass was never so adorable. They literally bicker while kissing. 10000/10
Whatever We Deny or Embrace (E) - @voluptatiscausa
Sigh. This fic. This fucking fic. Set in 1020AD. The start of the arrangement if it was the most soul-flayingly tender thing you've ever read. The amount of yearning and love and whispered sweet nothings. I'm gonna die. Nothing has ever been described as "lovemaking" more accurately than what these two pining goobers get up to in this fic. Also I could eat this prose like pop rocks. My mouth actually salivates when I read vol's words. Also "big juicy carrot." You'll understand when you read it.
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may--hawk · 28 days
ain't no cure for love - chapter 1
It's spooky season, y'all!
Or, the haunted bookshop story:
Everything’s gone to shit. Aziraphale’s fucked off back to Heaven, and Crowley’s stuck down on Earth with a new angel who asks the most annoying questions, like they’re some kind of divine punishment. Then there’s all the weird dream he’s been having, the same one, over and over. Oh, yeah, and the bookshop’s haunted. Or, The shop’s always been able to do what it wants, within reason. There’d been that time in 1973 when it had manifested an extra room to hold Aziraphale’s unexpected stock of National Geographic magazines. Or the time Aziraphale brought in a new copy of Alice in Wonderland and they’d each had to answer a riddle to go down into the wine cellar. But Crowley’s never come across a single locked door in this bookshop in two hundred twenty-four years. It’s just - it’s not done. Something’s up with the shop. There’d been the thing with the jazz music from Crowley’s dream. Crowley’d figured it was just another one of the bookshop’s quirks, although the bookshop’s musical taste tends largely towards classical, naturally enough, with, of course, the exception that any Shostakovich left in the shop too long turns into a copy of Fleetwood Mac’s Rumours.
Crowley goes back to the bookshop. There’s nowhere else to go. Not really. The bookshop is it for them, it’s everything and everywhere, the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. It’s the one place they’ve ever really felt free, the one place they’d been able to be - them. It was what he meant when he’d told Aziraphale he couldn’t leave the bookshop. He’d known it ever since the first day, opening day, when he’d come in with his flowers and his chocolates and Aziraphale had made an elaborate show of inviting him in. Crowley’d only realized what the whole pantomime was for when he’d stepped across the threshold and felt the wards shiver across his skin and through it, sinking through his scales to the bone, all the way down to the other plane, where he felt it sinking into his very atoms, and disseminating, becoming a part of him, forever, or, at least, until Aziraphale took it back.
Crowley imagines that’s what humans mean when they call something home.
He expects to be turned away at the door when he goes back three weeks after Aziraphale’s gone back to Heaven. New management, and all. And, sure, he can probably trick the Inspector Constable into letting him in, but - why bother. It doesn’t seem sporting. Maybe, if he’s honest, he half-hopes the bookshop won’t let him in. Then he can say that’s that and fuck off to, say, the Marquesas Islands or something. Nice. California. Siberia. It would be a clean break. But. No such luck.
He steps up on the stoop and puts his hand out, about to touch the door in the same spot he’s touched it for centuries, where his hand would have worn the paint, if Aziraphale had let it, and the door swings open before he’s even touched it. He swears the lamps brighten, just a little, as if inviting him in. He turns around to look back at the Bentley, but it’s already sidling around the corner to its usual spot.
Well. Nothing for it, then. He goes in. There’s a nice bottle of Talisker waiting on the coffee table for him, right in his usual spot. His favorite. A welcome home of sorts, he guesses, from the bookshop itself. It was - it was nice, okay, if demons did nice. It was like an old friend, one that had been around for a long time.1 The bookshop was like the Bentley; after spending enough time around ethereal - er - occult beings, it had developed a personality, of sorts. Like the way it’d trip you up at the step out the door if you’d upset Aziraphale.2 Or the time he’d rearranged the books to spell something crude, and then he and Aziraphale had gone out for dinner, and when they’d come back, the books had spelled up yours, Crowley instead. Crowley had accused Aziraphale of doing it. Aziraphale had denied it, of course, the little bastard, all disapproving eyebrows and a twitch at the corner of his mouth. “Must be the shop,” he’d said, and patted the wainscoting when he thought Crowley wasn’t looking.
Or the way the shop always seemed to make sure it was the right temperature for Crowley. Or the way the blinds always seemed to be perfectly adjusted so they covered the sun - which, during the hours of three and four in the summer, and one and two in the winter, was always right in his eyes, if he napped in his preferred position on the sofa.3 Or the way the latest Fleming novel would always be in whatever bookshelf he was facing, even if the section was something completely unsuitable, like, say, French Cookery, or Experimental Oceanography.
So. Crowley stays. It makes him feel a little less lonely. The bookshop doesn’t seem to mind. Neither does Muriel. Besides, he wants to see the look on Aziraphale’s face when he comes crawling back - and he will, nothing lasts forever Crowley’s snakey arse - and sees that Crowley took such good care of the bookshop. That Crowley could take care of something, given the chance. Just look at his plants. They’re great, thriving specimens. The most beautiful, lushest plants in all of London.4
There’s room for the two of them, him and Muriel, because the bookshop always has been big enough for two, and they stay out of each other’s way, mostly. Muriel’s taken over Jim’s old room, got it piled up with rocks, and books pilfered from downstairs, and an incredible assortment of stationery and office supplies. Also, embroidered vests. They’ve discovered thrift shops.5 It’s like him and Aziraphale, discovering Earth all over again, except with a great deal less guilt and hand-wringing and a great deal less consumption, too.
Crowley tells himself it’s fine.
Crowley haunts the downstairs like a ghost....
Continue reading on AO3.
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rrcenic · 1 year
good omens as things my family/friends have said
(im paraphrasing here i don’t remember em perfectly)
aziraphale: i need more bookshelves crowley: what about your old ones? aziraphale: all my old ones are full! crowley: …maybe you need less books? aziraphale: … crowley: yeah, that was a dumb question. sorry
crowley: my desire to be dominated by a blond man is beyond your comprehension
aziraphale: i have ten copies of this book! maggie: why? aziraphale: i liked it so much that every time i met someone who i thought would like it, i’d make them take the copy aziraphale: one day crowley just snapped and bought me ten so i’d stop complaining about not having it around
aziraphale: i judge restaurants based on how good their crem brûlée is crowley: this is why we can never go back to applebees nina: applebees doesn’t serve crem brûlée aziraphale: i know! that’s the point!
muriel: i love having a job but i’m always worried. what if the shop burns down while i take my lunch break?! i don’t know how responsibly works!
jim: apparently, there’s a hammer head shark named harvey that lives in the waters, and there’s been shark attacks beelzebub: cool! what’s his kill count? aziraphale: my goodness, you can’t say something like that! crowley: yeah, but what is his kill count? jim: i wish i knew :c
crowley: why the hell is youtube giving me ads for chick-fil-a?? i’m gay and i live in a place with no chick-fil-a’s!
aziraphale: i don’t know… i just get a little spooked by the idea of cadavers… crowley: oOoH… mOdErN mEdIcInE… sPoOky…
*playing heads up, the prompt is “angel”* muriel: what aziraphale is! crowley: breaker of hearts! muriel: …no??
crowley: beeeeelzebub, shax is using hyperbole againnnn! shax: my lord, the traitor is using big confusing words againnnnnn!
jim: my axolotl drawing is transgender! crowley: you can’t say something is transgender just because you drew a skirt on it beelzebub: im sorry, are you denying the axolotl the validity of its trans-ness???
shax: you’ve injured my viral organs! crowley: …did you just say “viral organs”???
metatron: you’re weird and not funny aziraphale: i’m sorry!! i just talk to myself in silly voices when i’m bored!!!
jim: ooh, this is where we had our honeymoon!! aziraphale: you’ve never told us about your honeymoon before! beelzebub: we had lots of fun, if you know what i mean ;) crowley: please stop talking now
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naranjapetrificada · 5 months
Fanfic Friday
Here's what I've been reading this week (3 OFMD fics and 1 GO):
This Sudden Burst of Sunlight by @piratecaptainscaptainpirates, which as of yesterday is complete! It's a modern AU that starts with Ed in a pretty dark place, but over the course of 15 chapters he he meets Stede and finds his community and reconnects with his art (he's a painter) and basically learns to love life. It's a wonderful journey of healing and so so sweet.
Invisible String by @dimplyowl, which is an older, illustrated (!) modern AU with a fun twist: Stede lives in the modern world, but Ed is the star of Stede's comfort novel series, a fictional version of Blackbeard. One day Stede notices the books have started changing from what he remembers, and Ed seems to be trying to communicate with him? It should be hard to pull off but they make it look easy.
Switzerland by @oatmilktruther, which is set after season 2 and explores disordered eating. What I like about this (besides everything there is to like about their fics) is that we get to see Stede do some healing and processing. It makes perfect sense why so many of the post-canon healing fics are Ed-centric, but one thing that season 2 could have accomplished with enough time is some of the growth Stede still has ahead of him. This scratches that itch while also being beautifully written.
A Lighthouse (Burning) by @books-and-omens, whose back catalog I'm working through after recommending them last week. It's another location-focused, canon-divergent story that puts Crowley and Aziraphale in a position where they're forced to acknowledge their feelings for each other, while also reflecting on time and memory and choice and desire. Wonderfully evocative as expected and stuffed to the gills with spooky atmospheric vibes. Highly, highly recommended.
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Aziraphale and Crowley have learned to mildly enjoy Maggie and Nina's presence ever since (what Nina has termed) 'The Weirdest Fucking Shopowner's Meeting She Has Ever Seen'
(Maggie just calls it 'The Night She Got To Throw Fire Extinguishers at Demons')
Now, the two couples meet up once every week or two at Nina's shop after closing, solely for Aziraphale to gossip with Maggie about the going-on's of the street
(And, for Crowley and Nina, to drink a very large amount of caffeine and liquor while their respective blonde counterparts talk.)
Soon enough, after trying to explain what on Earth a 'Taylor Swift' is, and "Why on Earth is everyone walking into his very respectable shop talking about vibes??" Maggie finds out that Aziraphale is very behind on modern entertainment. Far, far too behind.
Suddenly, the meetings have become 'Two Humans (and a Demon) Attempt to Educate an Angel on Things He Would Really Rather Not Know About and Absolutely Does Not Care About in the Slightest, Thank You)
(The demon is not much help at all, according to Maggie and Nina. He spend about 95% of the time cackling when he sees Aziraphale's reactions to the oddest things he can think to show him.
Maggie and Nina have tried (multiple times, using multiple techniques) to keep Crowley quiet during these visits
(Crowley is positive that his sarcasm and clever comments are essential to this project, regardless of what they think)
They start slow, knowing the essentials are required before dumping pop music all over Aziraphale and his predilection for 18th century entertainment.
They go over various things they consider simple, starting with common terms the 'youth' use
Maggie tries very, very hard to keep a straight face while explaining why humans kept yelling 'mood' everytime they see Crowley sitting somewhere, slumped and curved in a way only an occult being that originated with no bones, and in the last 6000 years has still not aquired the knowledge of how to use them, could sit
(It turns out Crowley wasn't quite sure why they did that either. He is very pleased to find out that he is, in fact, a 'mood' and will NOT stop bringing it up, very smugly, to Aziraphale
Once it's learned, Crowley demonstrates the word Yeet, over and over, throwing literally everything in sight at Aziraphale whilst dramatically screeching the word, for a week straight
He stops when Aziraphale throws a empty journal at his head (and he was very disappointed that Aziraphale didn't even say the word when he did it)
They escalate to songs next, ones that the Angel would have never heard ("Clearly for very good reasons, dear, surely it has never rained men on this planet, I'd be quite aware of it. Had it happened, there would have been a very large amount of paperwork involved"
When they arrive at the topic of Taylor Swift, Crowley, oddly enough, suddenly has a lot of things to attend to at his apartment, "Nope, Angel I do not need help, it's a very personal matter and it involves lots of demon-y, menacing, spooky things, better to not involve yourself, you stay right there"
(Nina pointedly does not miss how red Crowley's face gets when they start playing Love Story as he rushes out of the shop and into the Bentley
Aziraphale heads back to his shop for the night, alone and slightly concerned for Crowley's well-being (more than the usual amount of concern he has for Crowley at any given point)
He does however, find himself humming a tune he can't remember the name of, something along the lines of a Great War perhaps? He makes a note to ask Maggie about it later on
Crowley drives home, completely confident that nobody is the wiser about his fondness for Taylor Swift or for a certain Angel (He is always very confident when he's wrong)
And if the Bentley plays Enchanted on repeat the entire ride to Mayfair, Crowley will never tell a soul.
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prettysquishygirl · 4 months
I do love writing. Honestly, it's one of the finest things I can do with my day and when I get the opportunity, I thoroughly indulge. Currently I'm in the middle of chapter five of Murder at Gallows Hall which is decidedly not spooky at all. It has been smutty and is likely to continue to be so, especially because the whodunnit has Aziraphale and Crowley as reasonably incompetent detectives who can't stop being distracted by each other.
It has made me research the weirdest of things and spend time debating what they would refer to certain things as. I spent a half hour car journey debating what Aziraphale would refer to an erection as. Like I said, weird. But fun. And frankly that's the easiest thing I've had to debate!
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ofpineapplesanddawns · 11 months
Non-angsty prompt coming up!!
Ineffable Husbands reacting to Trick or Treaters in honor of Halloween! (I feel like maybe trick or treating is bigger in America than England, but just pretend that they get trick or treaters!)
(I hope you feel better and things get easier! 💙)
That sounds cute!
This is Halloween in the South Downs.
On with the fic!
Crowley looked away from the television, where a cheesy vampire movie was playing, when they heard the sound of knocking at the front door. A grin came to them and they extended their fangs in excitement.
Halloween was one of Crowley's favorite times of the year, a night of tricks and pranks, of treats and frights, and a night where a demon could let their hair down in public without judgement! Also, Aziraphale made these really tasty pumpkin scones since the mid-2000s every year and Crowley really liked those.
As they jumped off the couch and made their way to the door, more of their appearance changed. Shoulder-length hair became longer, darker, thicker, almost snake-like in a sense, while scales of black and red peppered their skin like freckles.
Their eyes became fully yellow, the pupils long, thin slits, and their nails became long, sharp claws as they grabbed for something sitting on the side table at the door.
Crowley threw open the door and looked at the children standing there, all dressed up as things Crowley either knew or had no clue because it was something kids liked looking at online. Either way, there was a group, and they were all wanting something.
"Trick or treat!" They shouted, holding out their bags and pails for candies.
"Trick or treat, eh?" Crowley smirked, claws drumming on the large, plastic dish that was black and covered in little images of spiders in oranges and purples. "Which will it be?"
The kids looked a bit confused, before a little girl in a blue dog costume spoke up with glee. "A trick! A trick!"
"Oh? A trick? Are you sure?"
"Yes!" Cried a chorus of excited children.
"Weellll... I suppose one little trick..." They chuckled before opening their mouth wide, fire shooting out from it over their heads for just a moment. Crowley let out a soft cough, then licked their lips.
The kids looked at him in awe, then cheered, though Crowley swore he heard a snap among the shouts of 'do it again'.
"Ah, I said one little trick. That's all you get. Now, do you want some candy or not? Cause we've got full bars!" Crowley said holding out the bowl to the group, who happily snatched up a few bars, then scurried off, thanking 'Ms or Mr Fell-Crowley' as they ran down the dirt path, happily talking about how cool that was and how the Fell-Crowley's always have the best treats.
"Really dear, I know you love entertaining the children, but fire? Nearly burnt my wind chimes!"
Crowley snickered and turned to see Aziraphale, standing at the entrance to the kitchen, his face having a few smears of flour on it.
"The kids love when I do that kinda stuff!" Crowley said as they sat down the bowl, shutting the door with a flick of their wrist. They licked their thumb and used it to quickly wipe off Aziraphale's face when they approached. "How are the baked treats coming along?"
"Almost done, the retirement home is going to love them!" Aziraphale did a wiggle.
"Did you make those one things that Mavis was goin' on about? You did them for a book club a few months ago, right? She was ravin' about them at the knittin' club this week, said you promised."
"I made them, don't worry." There was a knock at the door. Aziraphale chuckled and gently gave Crowley a push towards it. "Go on, I'll finish up here."
"Alright, but when we head out, you need to look a bit more... spooky." Crowley said, heading for the door.
Aziraphale's exposed skin split in places, revealing dozens of eyes, that all rolled at once. "Does this work?"
"Perfect! Should make you hand out the candy if you're gonna do that!" Crowley cackled as they picked up the bowl once more, ready for the next batch of trick or treaters.
I'd like to think that Crowley and Aziraphale made friends with a bunch of the old people in the South Down area, just as Crowley would be friends with the kids.
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on-stardust-wings · 1 year
Findings from watching the season two opening. Here be spoilers if you haven’t seen it, begone all who seek to avoid those.
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Crowley climbs up the rock (and does not look like he enjoys climbing much). Does that mean demons can’t fly? Crowley in particular can’t fly?
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There is a moth (butterfly) that starts flying with Crowley and Aziraphale when Crowley lights the match. It’s the first creature that accompanies them. Is it important?
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The fuck is this thing. I thought it’s an elephant first? With a trunk? But it’s on fire. Could just be a rock? Whatever it is, the angel with the box (Gabriel?) spawns right behind it. I would say portal to Hell, but angels don’t commonly come out of those. Or do they now? Anyway mysterious fiery thing.
There’s also a bunch of animals in the background of this setting. They seem to be mostly sheep and goats. And there’s huge bones/skeletons. Dinosaurs are fictional in the Good Omens verse, though. (Something about the dinosaurs are a joke thing? Please let it be something about dinosaurs being a joke, I love this bit.)
It’s raining fire and the poor goats and sheep get torched. :( Looking pretty apocalyptic for a season that (maybe) isn’t about the end of the world this time!
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There’s the pickled herring from the spoiler/bts pics! And this person looks like Hastur IMO. “Everyday” apparently already died; it’s on a tombstone. What is the person in the back (behind the herring barrel) carrying? A miniature airplane? A rocket launcher? A big camera?
And THEN there’s the lamp with a face and feet guy, walking in front of the person with the headscarf. WTF is with lamp with a face guy. Lamp with a face guy even has a smaller lamp attached to his arm. I do not want to meet lamp with a face on a dark graveyard!
There are some more spooky characters joining the procession as it goes underground. What’s up with red head and a lamp on a stick guy for example?
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Lovelovelove Hell with the magma and the giant spider and the office chairs on rocks (some of them upside down). Giant pentagram in the background that seems to be spinning! I loved the basement office hell vibe they used for Hell in S1, but this fiery Hell looks so cool. Creature with bat wings perching on top of a rock! Great vibes, very hellish.
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London during the airstrike has a cool blimb, a tank, lots of wreckage, is apparantly a 30 zone, so no speeding, and there’s an ad for Stairway to Heaven. Seems like a play or a movie maybe?
Aziraphale and Crowley with their wings out walk in front of a bus with “wings for victory” written on the side. And then an aircraft throws a bomb on them.
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It is raining rabbits in the entryway to the magic show theatre, and there’s person sized and shaped rabbit in the audience. Is it Harry the Rabbit?
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Lots of interesting head dresses in the people following after Crowley here, and there’s Beelzebub. They’re being led to meet Aziraphale in his magic uniform, now upgraded with a cape! (He should have worn the cape to Adam’s party, capes are cool.)
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Space! Spacespacespace! Look at the planets and stars! Also the tank, it’s still here. And there’s... a rabbit astronaut? With glowing eyes?
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Little UFO crossing in front of that moon/planet! Looks a bit like the flying saucer from season 1.
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Thy kingdom airways lol! And it’s raining hearts! On Aziraphale and Crowley on the bookshop roof.
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“Give me coffee or give me death” is a very metal slogan for a coffee shop. And there’s lots of music themed stuff in the street. There’s a jukebox, a pile of records behind it, that decoration between the street lamps looks like vinyl records cut in half strung up? And the Bentley is there, probably blasting Queen. :D
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The skycrapers are elevator shafts. The one in the middle has an angel in it, riding down. Down to Hell? Ding!
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It’s the Dirty Donkey! And the movie theatre is called “The Arrival”. It’s screening today! That’s very clever, wonder if the opening will change with the different episode titles? :) Also, there’s the image from the box the angel is carrying again, on the film posters for The Arrival. Can’t tell what it is.
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Look at them all walking into the light! They’re going to be enlightened! Or something. But it is a very bright light! Lighthouse! It’s also covered in scrap and  junk nearly to the top. Whatever that may mean. (Guys don't walk into the light, no!)
My friends, I am really looking forward to stop waiting and see what this is all about!
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darkhighness · 11 months
Good Omentober Day 28 - Zombies
Prompt by @disaster-dog
Crowley watches some scary movies with Aziraphale and enjoys watching the angel squirm.
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With a bowl of popcorn at the ready and admittedly too many wine bottles, Crowley was prepared to show Aziraphale some of his favourite classic zombie films. This American thing called Halloween seemed to be generating some steam in England, and Crowley was keen to adopt the spirit. Aziraphale, significantly less enthralled by the creepy and the crawly, was not nearly as excited.
As the opening credits of a black-and-white zombie flick began to roll, Crowley reclined on the sofa, sipping his wine lazily straight from the bottle. Crowley had seen many of the films before, their cheap horror and gore effects no longer having the same lustre they once did.
Aziraphale, on the other hand, sat at the edge of his seat, his eyes barely peeking out from behind a cushion he clutched as if his life depended on it.
"Crowley, my dear, must we watch this?" Aziraphale's voice quivered with unease. He would’ve much rather watching anything else, or even read a good sci-fi book if it absolutely had to be spooky but he knew how excited Crowley was for this.
Crowley grinned, his snake eyes almost glowing in the dimly lit room. "Oh, come on, angel. It's all in good fun. It's not real, you know."
Aziraphale reluctantly lowered the cushion but kept one eye on the screen. He couldn't help but flinch at the special effects and the zombie hordes, “Looks awfully real.”
“Oh angel, this is nothing,” Crowley laughed, taking a small amount of pleasure in the angel’s anguish.
As the movie progressed, the tension in the room mounted. Aziraphale occasionally sought refuge in his wine glass, taking larger sips as the fear grew. Crowley and Aziraphale found themselves engrossed in the marathon of B-rated films Crowley had prepared for the evening. Aziraphale, still much more afraid than he would dare to mutter out loud, shifted closer to Crowley on the sofa. Crowley, pretty quickly getting what he was after, moved to hold his arm around Aziraphale as a small token of comfort.
By the time the credits rolled on the last film, Aziraphale was quite ready to read a good book and pretend none of this happened, “Well, that was…something.”
Crowley grinned, pouring another glass of wine. "See? I knew you'd come around eventually. Maybe we'll make a horror aficionado out of you yet."
Aziraphale chuckled unsurely, sipping what was left of his fourth glass of wine. "Well, if we’re going to do this again I think I should at least get a say in the movies we watch. Something less brainy, perhaps."
Crowley raised his glass in a celebratory fashion, glad to have slowly started to chip away at Aziraphale’s tough exterior. "To embracing the spooky and the supernatural, even if it takes a bit of wine and some company to do it."
After a brief pause, Crowley reached for the remote control. He switched from horror movies to a different set of films, and the Disney logo soon began to play on the screen. He scrolled down to find a film he knew that Aziraphale would love.
Aziraphale's eyes widened with surprise and delight as he recognized the familiar films. "Oh, Crowley, you sly demon. Are you trying to redeem yourself with Disney now? You know how I love Hocus Pocus."
Crowley grinned, his arm still around Aziraphale. "Well, angel, I thought it might be a good idea to end the evening on a lighter note. After all, it's Halloween, and what better way to celebrate than with some Disney enchantment?"
Aziraphale settled back into the sofa, a genuine smile on his face as he watched the familiar film. It was one he’d watched with Crowley many times before during some of their other quiet nights in. A few more viewings and he could probably recite it. He leaned into Crowley's comforting embrace, feeling safe and content.
By the end, Aziraphale was fully curled up into Crowley’s form, gently humming along to the song playing throughout the credits. His little murmurs brought a smile to Crowley’s face and he reached to fuss with the angel’s curls.
“See, that wasn’t so bad,” Crowley teased, watching as Aziraphale’s eyes fluttered shut.
With his eyes still closed, he retorted, “Shut it, you wily serpent.”
Crowley just enjoyed the comfortable silence, letting the previews play through on the screen as they sat. Their bottles of wine had since been discarded and snacks abandoned but the demon didn’t mind. He was just thankful for these moments. After all they’d been through, there was always some kind of anxiety that they were running around of time.
Aziraphale didn’t seem as worried about the development as he fell into a light sleep, small snores barely escaping his pink lips. Crowley gently trailed his fingers along the angel’s soft skin, enjoying each delicate touch. He eventually reached over and turned on his favourite film.
It was a guilty pleasure and if anyone brought it up he would deny it to Hell and back but as he saw the opening credits of Encanto begin to play, he almost felt himself tearing up pre-emptively.
It shouldn’t have made him so emotional but somewhere in the pit of his darkened heart, it touched him. The last time he watched it with Aziraphale, they were both sobbing messes by the end. As Crowley’s favourite song came on, he began singing softly, still softly fussing with his lover’s hair. The language, while still a little bit rusty, came back naturally to him.
Dos oruguitas enamoradas Pasan sus noches y madrugadas Llenas de hambre, siguen andando Y navegando un mundo Que cambia y sigue cambiando Navegando un mundo Que cambia y sigue cambiando
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Good Omens headcanon
Crowley loves spooky things and goes completely wild on Halloween. 🎃👻😈
Aziraphale, meanwhile, loves Christmas, to celebrate the birthday of God's child and actually was the angel that got to deliver the message to the shepherds. He still has found memories of that moment. 😇🐑🎄🌠
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zerpentele · 1 year
Aziraphale thought demons aren’t capable of love.
Actually, he misinterpreted Crowley’s whole being. Aziraphale’s whole speech and behaviour makes perfect sense at it is. No lies, no poisoned coffee.  
First let me establish Azi’s perspective on Crowley and Heaven, because that’s what motivates the whole last 15 minutes, before I go trough them and explain why Azi says what he says. And then get hit by a truck.
Azi doesn’t know Crowley loves him back. I’m going so far as to say Azi does not think Crowley is capable of love (as in “loving somebody”).
In S1 as they’re searching for the Antichrist, Azi explains to Crowley what he means when he says “This place feels loved.” As Crowley asks what “loved” means, my guess is he wanted to know what the reason could be, or how that could be possible. But Azi explains “I mean the opposite of when you mean ‘I don’t like this place. It feels spooky.’”  Aziraphale is so deep in his black/white morality, he straight up assumes the reason why Crowley asks is that he has no idea what the word “love” means. And from his perspective, of course it makes sense a demon can’t possibly know what “love” is. Angels are beings of love, demons are supposed to be the opposite.
And it’s within this perspective that Azi mistakes all the good things Crowley does not for something that defines Crowley’s character at being on his own side, but instead proves he can’t be a demon, since demons can’t do good or be nice. There’re only meant to be two sides.
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And from Azi’s perspective Crowley can’t resist to be a good person at heart. Which is why he is so sensible about being called “nice”, because he isn’t allowed to be good. Even though he is. Him being a demon is Crowley being on the wrong side. But Crowley is stuck there, right?
Only after Armageddon’t Azi accepts “their side”, because he is finally proven wrong about heaven being good, by heaven itself. His last attempt to contact a higher authority in S1 ends up with him speaking to the Metatron, who again explains “The point is not to avoid, but to win the war.” This leads Azi to stick to Crowley in the end, since they are the only ones who doesn’t want the world to end. There can be their own side.
Now let’s look at the last 15 minutes.
Azi begins with “I have some incredibly good news to give you.” Which is heartbreaking, since he genuinely believes those are good news for Crowley. He thinks it will make the demon happier then ever to hear them, which is why he doesn’t even let him speak first.
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He starts to explain by saying he might’ve misjudged the Metatron, which means heaven actually is good and was never at fault. It was just a matter of miscommunication.
The way Metatron delivers his offer gives Azi hope again that heaven truly is good. The Metatron judges neither Azi consuming earthly mater (he even brings him the coffee), nor his “partnership” with the demon Crowley and even makes them being together part of the offer.  Even more so; Heaven allowing Azi to restore Crowley’s angelic status confirms Azis belief that Crowley should never become a demon in the first place. It confirms Azi was right the whole time with his perspective. There is and always was one, good side.
And that gives Azi so. much. hope.
After the flashbacks Azi’s focus is still on Crowley. Azi doesn’t care about his gains from the offer in that moment, he now finally gets to the good news, which are; appointing Crowley to be an angel (which Crowley always wanted too). Crowley coming back to Heaven (where Crowley can finally be good). Everything like the old times (when Crowley was happy making nebulas). Only even nicer (I’ll get to that)  
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Azi gets confused at Crowley’s reaction. He doesn’t understand why Crowley doesn’t jump for joy. After Crowley tells he refused getting back to Hell, Azi begins to repeat himself and find some other descriptions which might help Crowley to understand what the Metatron is offering (although Crowley understands perfectly well). You’re the bad guys (He includes Crowley, caus that’s what he now is. A demon. Forced to be bad. Of course Crowley refuses them).  Heaven is the side of Truth (where Crowley truly can be who he is. A good person). Of Light (which should remind Crowley of his work as an angel). Of Good (why Crowley belongs there).
Crowley brings his old argument that Heaven and Hell are basically the same, the outcome is the same. Azi has nothing to counter that at first but now the tables have tabled; “If I am in charge, I can make a difference”. Now there is the opportunity to make heaven a better place and to not end live on earth. Crowley’s argument vanishes.
So this old pattern doesn’t make sense anymore, Azi is in charge and can be the difference so Heaven distinguishes from Hell. That’s why Crowley starts to confess. To make Azi stay for Crowley’s sake.
The problem is everything Crowley offers is included in Aziraphale’s offer from Azi’s perspective. That’s why his expressions don’t change much but seem rather confused. Azi doesn’t understand why Crowly wants what he wants. They can have everything in heaven, let me show you;
Crowley talks about them being together, a group of the two of us. Azi replies with “Come with me to Heaven”. It’s possible for them to be together in Heaven. They don’t need to go off somewhere and flee, fearing that Heaven, Hell or the next Armageddon will get them anyways. They can be save, when Aziraphale runs it and Crowley is his second in command, “We can make a difference”. He includes Crowley and assures him he wouldn’t just be his sidekick. They could be “us” in Heaven and be the good guys. Azi wants to give him hope. Heaven once rejected Crowley, but all this can be forgiven, something Crowley himself never believed could ever happen (remember S1E3). The good side aka Heaven and “our side” could be one and the same. (and even nicer; We’ll get there in a minute)
Nothing lasts forever (at least for now on earth. It would be different in Heaven).
Like in S1E3 Azi doesn’t want Crowley to leave and calls him back. I think the order in which Azi repeats his pros is interesting. “come back, - to Heaven. Work with me. We can be together. Angels… doing good!”
Azi thinks being good is the primarily thing which drives Crowley. He uses it as his last, final argument to make Crowley accept his offer. Only at Crowley’s silence he pleads “I need you”, to make Crowley come with him for Azi’s sake. If both where angels, there would be nothing that separates their beings from being together, they would be equal. (I’ll come to that in a sec)
Again, he is meet with silence and this can only mean, Crowley doesn’t understand what Aziraphale is offering. But Crowley knows, he’s been there, done that. Still from Azi’s perspective its logical he gets frustrated; he thought doing good on a daily level by being an angel with the extra of being safe and having Azi by his side, is everything Crowley ever wanted. There is nothing more to say.
Now we get to the devastating part of my analysis.
Crowley brings up Nightingales and you can see when the realisation kicks Aziraphale. It is then that Azi realises Crowley knows what the nightingales mean to them both, that Crowley, the demon, loves him.
Let us reconsider; In Azi’s perspective Crowley enjoys Aziraphale’s company and is a good person, because he wants to be an angel and belongs in Heaven. But he is technically a demon and as such unable to “love”. If Crowley’s angelic status would be restored, it would be nicer, they would be equal, they could be ‘us’, since then all obstacles of them being on opposite sides and having nothing whatsoever in common are gone. And Crowley might be able to love Aziraphale back.
What Aziraphale fails to see and what is in fact blocked from his perspective is, that Crowley never cared about being heavenly good and/or an angel. He only ever cared for Aziraphale. He already loves him.
Seeing Beelzebub and Gabriel together might’ve brought Azi to that realisation eventually, but we all know how long it takes for this angel to internalize new concepts.
Aziraphale turns away to cry (sis, same).       
Now Azi understands even less why Crowley rejects his offer, and that’s what Azi forgives after the kiss. If Crowley loves him, it shouldn’t matter where they are. That Crowley loves him but wouldn’t come with him to make Heaven and live on earth a better place (or make heaven earthly or whatever), and to be forever safe together, makes no sense. But if Cowley won’t help, he won’t (Their argument in S2E1 ends exactly the same)
Aziraphale’s perspective is shattered, and so is Crowley’s. He lived his whole existence on earth believing Crowley was nice because he should actually still be an angel. Azi desperately wants to be together with Crowley, that’s why he starts considering the offer only after Crowley is included. And it makes Azi so happy because in Heaven they could be together and love each other.
All those years and Crowley still was unknown to Aziraphale.
Thanks for reading!
I don't want it to make sense. Thoughts?
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