#Avoid alcohol
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drlalitsurgeon · 7 months ago
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chemicalpeeling · 11 months ago
What Not to Do Before a Chemical Peel
Before providing you with a chemical peel treatment, we will conduct a physical exam and conduct an in-depth skin assessment to ascertain which treatment best suits your tone and texture. We’ll also ensure that you’re eligible for the procedure and give an outline of what to expect during this procedure. Based on the level of peel, certain activities or products should be avoided to help ensure…
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canisalbus · 1 year ago
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✦ Tipsy ✦
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goddessofroyalty · 3 months ago
A quick collection of parenting culture-clashes that happened in Zaun Family between Jayvik and (mostly) Silco based on things that have happened in my family:
All of Silco's kids spent basically until they could walk being carried about by someone nearly constantly unless sleeping so when Viktor and Jayce intentionally put Naph on the ground (on a blanket) he is very confused and the sentence "What the fuck is floor time" is uttered when they try to explain that it's good developmentally for a baby
Silco has done the thing where while Naph is teething he's just dunked his finger in his whisky on the rocks and then run it along Naph's gums (a very common way to help with teething before modern numbing gels were created). Jayce does almost squeak out "did you just give my son alcohol?" at it
Naph when newborn sleeps in a cot with only a thin blanket where he is safe (from SIDS). All of Silco's kids when newborn slept in his and Vander's bed to keep them safe (from people breaking in).
Jayce and Viktor have one of those modern baby harnesses. Silco thinks it's dumb because as far as he's concerned all you need is long piece of fabric. Flip side of this is that Jayce and Viktor probably go for the baby swaddling onesie things while Silco can swaddle in that same piece of fabric.
Jayce and Viktor purchase/invent many things in the lead up to Naph's birth that Silco thinks are a waste of money/time. He ends up being right for about half of them.
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kacievvbbbb · 7 months ago
I think it’d be funny if at some point Mihawk and Perona actually tried making their own wine and it was so terrible and Mihawk just won’t talk about it
Next time Shanks, as they are drinking, jokingly brings up the idea that Mihawk should probably make his own wine since he’s gone full farmer core and Mihawk, almost combusting in shame, attempts to drown him with alcohol to avoide the question
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so-very-small · 8 months ago
“I don’t want to do this.”
“C’mon, you know weddings are fun! You’ll be fine.”
“It’s not the actual shindig that’s the issue; it’s the traveling four states over to get there. That drive is gonna take me like, twelve hours. Be glad you’re a borrower and don’t have to travel for cousins’ weddings.”
“Dude, you’re joking, right? Last year my brother had a destination wedding, two blocks down the street at that house with the big birdbath. It took me three weeks to travel there. I had to fight a CHIPMUNK.”
“I wish I could have drove. The birdbath pool party reception ruled, though.”
“Oh, nice. Open bar?”
“Tinies don’t do that. It was Open Bottle. One open bottle of rum, and we were thriving.”
“Fuck yeah.”
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iknowwhereyousnoozeatnight · 11 months ago
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(chanting) misa misa misa misa misa
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zahri-melitor · 6 months ago
It's interesting to me that Jason is the one Bat who is characterised as a drinker (plus Ric Grayson, but the point of making Ric hang out drinking in a bar was to specifically distinguish him from Dick).
This is very noticeable, particularly given Jason has repeatedly started off crossover events by...being in a bar, ever since 2015.
Here's Batman & Robin Eternal #1:
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Jason: So that was fun, who wants a drink? Tim: I'm sixteen, Jason. Jason: It's Gotham city, Tim. I can find a place.
Note here Jason is probably 21 years old, given the only objection raised here is that Tim is underage, not Jason.
This is followed by Jason actually hanging out in said dive bar (and NOT with Tim) in Batman & Robin Eternal #2, where he encounters Cass (they're trying to track her down):
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And then even more maturely, after having a fight with Cass in Batman & Robin Eternal #3 (in which Jason gets pulled off Cass by Dick before Cass can take him apart)...Jason then decides he's going to refill his pint glass and...drink more beer in this conversation?
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Great life choice, Jason. Definitely what was needed while Harper's bleeding out.
And this is not the only example!
Here he is actually getting said 16 year old Tim into a bar while they’re scouting for information in Gamorra in Batman and Robin Eternal #7.
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Tim is clearly uncomfortable and drinking Coca-Cola. Jason’s having a beer.
Here's Robin War #1, where Tim's trying to track Jason down. Guess where he is.
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Having shots of some unidentified spirit in this bar (I'm presuming whiskey or bourbon) and getting into bar fights with people about what being Robin is about. The perfect prelude to *checks notes* getting on a motorcycle and heading off to spy on what the We Are Robin kids are up to.
Then here's the latest I've encountered, in Alfred Pennyworth R.I.P.: Tim sets up a wake in a sleazy bar for Alfred as they need somewhere "off the beaten path" and Alfred stipulated in his will he wanted them all to come together for a night off. (That was...a choice, Tim. You couldn't think of a different neutral ground? Ollie got HIS in the Warriors' back room, when they needed to keep that on the low down 25 years earlier)
Despite this, everyone's specified to be drinking ginger ale...except guess who.
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Hello Jason. (And yeah Dick is still Ric here but don't worry he gets his memories back basically immediately after this story, they just specified it happened before the memories returned probably because it was drafted by people who didn't know the exact timetable of when Jurgens was doing that).
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chicago-geniza · 1 month ago
Have to write something for lawyer and I don't want to do it which my brain's Demand Avoidance Subroutine is interpreting as Extreme Desire to Drink. Anyway did you know there are seven (7) seasons of the original Iron Chef dubbed into English on Tubi. We are locking in to watch Iron Chef until our brain stops pounding its fists on the wall and insisting we get drunk Now
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bishopony · 6 months ago
So I get why people prefer to drink sugar free things, cause premade coffees out there come loaded with so much sugar it's almost disgusting
But WHY do sugar free coffee companies feel the need to make their drinks SO sweet?? We're doing a sugar replacement, ok, but you do not need to make it as overwhelmingly saccharine as actual sugar drinks. Some of us actually want LESS sweetness
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straightlightyagami · 8 months ago
my partner thinks alcohol is not a drug but caffeine and sugar are ?? two of those are drugs and he is wrong about which ones
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buttercupbuck · 1 year ago
can’t believe angela and peter invented comedy tonight
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is-the-fire-real · 1 month ago
So, I'm in a place right now where I cannot consume any alcohol, even in food. (Alcohol does not actually cook out of food, in case you have a similar restriction for health or religious reasons.)
My in-laws decided to serve rabo del toro after the point when I could no longer consume alcohol. They have had the oxtail in the freezer for a month. But they waited until now to serve a recipe which features an entire bottle of drinking wine as part of the sauce.
I googled to make sure, and then told them, in writing, that I'd like if they could try to substitute something else for the wine, so I could also have some of the rabo del toro. They said nothing in reply. I assumed, at that point, that they would not be substituting anything, and I'd have to skip the whole dish.
Okay. They do this a lot. They know I don't eat any shellfish and have responded to this by repeatedly buying and serving it and then acting miffed that I won't eat it, so why would this be any different?
My MIL asked if she could make chicken wings instead. I, politely, said no. I have seen how she makes chicken wings.
She brought up making me chicken wings four more times in the next 24 hours. She was, in her way, sorry; she was also, in her way, trying to make sure that she could tell other people that she'd tried to feed me but I'm very unreasonable and stubborn. After the fourth no, she said: "I'm just worried you're not getting enough protein!"
To which @the-gazpacho-ger said that beans and soy all have a ton of protein, and so do eggs, and I'm getting all of these things so please stop trying to shovel meat into my husband.
So they decided they were going to Play Nice and serve me something I could eat. Fish. Hake, specifically. I'm kind of excited. It's a type of fish I can definitely eat. Wonderful.
I go down to their kitchen area, and see that they've set up the sauce they'll fry the fish in.
It's full of in-shell clams.
Then, after Gaz points it out, I see a now-half-full bottle of white wine by the stovetop.
"Hey, is there wine in this?" Gaz asks.
"It was in the recipe," FIL says, already defensive in his tone. "I had to add it."
"Okay, but Fire can't have it even if it's in the recipe," and that starts a whole new round of But The Alcohol Cooks Out and No It Doesn't The Flesh Retains It and I Thought It'd Be Okay and We've Already Been Over This Multiple Times and Okay Well Sorry. We don't even address the clams because why bother, we've been over that roughly a billion times and they'll never listen and they'll never stop.
I'm still not over how we explained to MIL the fish I can eat (which all also happen to be kashrut fish) and how I explicitly cannot have shellfish because they're filter feeders (no way we're safe in telling them about our conversion yet). She smirked and said "What about shrimp?" and then walked away without waiting for a response. She then bought shrimp, which I have literally never liked even before I resolved to eat kashrut, and had herself a pity party when I told her I couldn't eat it. And so it goes.
I sit down to my dinner of potatoes and green beans.
"You're being very good about your food," my MIL says. "I'm so impressed."
This is her way of saying I've gravely insulted her by refusing her food.
I know this because she follows up by listing everything she's going to make for Gaz's birthday meal and I think maybe I'll be able to eat the salad, but only if she doesn't put any dressing on it because there's booze in the dressing. And then she says she's invited people over without asking us first. So I will get to sit there with a bit of dry salad on my plate while she pointedly says I'm being very good (picky) and how impressed (furious) she is with me, while I get to smell all the good smells of special homecooked meals I cannot touch and watch everyone else enjoy themselves.
Is there a prayer for this situation, Jumblr?
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avpdcultureis · 1 year ago
AVPD culture is being scared to partake in any substances like weed or alcohol because you don't like the idea of not being able to filter and chose my words carefully. Of not having full sober control of what I say. The fear that I might say something that I've been bottling inside. The fear that I might do or say something that will hurt something or embarrass me
(or is this just a me thing?)
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clickbeetle · 2 months ago
proton pump inhibitors don’t fail me now
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xwommen · 9 months ago
A trait I think gruff father-figure Logan would have is remembering little things about a person but not knowing how old they are
Like he knows the specific foods they dislike/how they like a certain dish but for the life of him he can’t remember if they’re 16 or 22
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