#Attempted Theft
undead-knick-knack · 17 days
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Thought this scene reminded me of something 😂
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 3 months
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"MAN PLEADS IN VAIN FOR LONG SENTENCE," Montreal Star. July 6, 1934. Page 3. --- Offences Do Not Call For Penitentiary --- Judge J. A. Dubeau, in the police court today, was obliged to refuse the request of Robert Lemesurier, 23, that he be given a heavier sentence so that he could go to St. Vincent de Paul penitentiary rather than Montreal jail in order that he could continue his hospital work and continue studying French.
Lemesurier, who was given a term of nine months yesterday on a charge of breaking and entering with theft, had pleaded guilty to an additional charge of possession of drugs for which he was sentenced today by Judge Dubeau to six months in jail and a fine of $200 and costs or an additional six months.
His Honor could not accede to the request of the prisoner because the law covering the offence he committed does not carry a sentence heavy enough to require his stay in the penitentiary. He needed a two-year sentence to go to St. Vincent de Paul.
George Gagnon, 26, 2092 Bordeaux street, who was sentenced yesterday by Judge Monet to three years in the penitentiary on a charge of attempted theft from the person of a 60-year-old woman, was given an additional term of two years today on a similar charge by the same judge.
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monicascot · 1 year
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Hershey 🍫 stealing Caught on Camera
This guy came to store he was stealing the candies. Everytime he come to store he steals something.
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kazifatagar · 2 years
Attempted Cable Theft At DUKE and SPE? 
The service was restored quickly after the whole situation was solved. Netizens claimed that those that did that had the intention to sabotage.
According to a post done by Soya Cincau, highway users yesterday would have to top up their Touch N Go cards while they are offline. This is due to TM ‘s fibre optic cables being disrupted at the time of the tweet. Malaysia is at a crucial point of embracing e-wallets and digital payments, thus incidents like these should not happen.     Attempted cable theft?  MCMC notified me that there was…
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Apologies for my recent radio silence. I've had a lot on my mind lately.
This post isn't Earthspark-related at all, but please read it.
I need to take a second on this blog to acknowledge some things going on in the world. I should not have stayed silent on this blog before, but I'm trying to fix that now.
Genocide in Palestine + how you can help Palestinians
You can buy e-sims for people in Gaza here. Anything helps.
Click here daily to help generate funds for Palestine. It's free and takes less than a minute.
Here's a list of where you can donate to help Palestine.
(If there's anything I should add to this section, please let me know.)
The KOSA bill, what it's going to do if passed, and how you can help prevent it from taking effect
KOSA will essentially erase anonymity from the internet by requiring people to upload their government ID or other form of identification to any social media site, as well as restricting resources and information on LGBT rights, history, racism, and more. This bill will censor the entire internet and destroy privacy while violating First Amendment rights and potentially putting minors in danger.
This also could very well mean the end of Tumblr, and I'm not exaggerating here.
Tomorrow KOSA could be passed in Senate, and from there it will need to pass in the House of Representatives before being signed into law by the president. It's not doomsday yet, but it is a dangerous situation-- and here's what you can do.
StopKOSA.org provides you with a template email to send to your representatives. You can leave it how it is or edit it to say what you want, and then send it from their website.
The website also allows you to call your representatives and gives you a template of what to say.
BadInternetBills.org, run by the same people, takes action against KOSA as well as other bills like EARN IT. At the time of posting this, over 356,000 people have signed this petition.
Additionally there are several petitions on change.org to help stop KOSA. Here are a few of them.
Stop Kosa
Save Humanity, Oppose KOSA
(Again, please let me know if there's anything I should add.)
One last thing-- The evolution of AI images and video.
I don't really have anything good to say. AI is evolving fast and changing the world as we know it. We are adapting, but nobody knows how this really is going to end up.
A few quick points:
AI images are not art. That's all. AI "artists" who genuinely claim to have made something of their own just by typing a prompt into a generator will be blocked. (Which has been in my rules for a while, but I still think it needs to be said.)
I recommend Glaze for artists who don't want their art being scraped and used for data training. Especially with the recent rumors of an upcoming deal between Tumblr and Midjourney. There's also a similar program called Nightshade (haha, earthspark reference? anyone?🦉) that I haven't tested myself but have heard good things about.
That's all, I suppose. Reblogs are good, if you don't mind.
Spread the word about KOSA. Contact your representatives. Sign the petitions.
Support Palestine if possible. Donate if you can. If you are unable to donate, make sure to do your daily clicks.
Stay safe and take care of yourselves. ❤️
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emiartcorner · 1 year
It’s really funny to me how duelist kingdom only took place for three days because that means Kaiba woke up from a several months long coma and then almost immediately had his soul stolen like two days later (in the manga continuity ofc)
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shortmexicangirl · 2 years
you: trauma dumping
me, an intellectual: an ao3 authors note explaining why they took so long to update
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ancestralsurvival · 5 months
I will never forgive them for trying to turn Zionist into a slur.
Jews can be quiet about our Judaism. We don’t proselytize. We don’t evangelize. But we do have an internal vocabulary, and this word, this gorgeous word that encompasses yearning and love for our homeland, this word that means no harm to anyone — our willingness to share the land with equal rights for all is enshrined in modern Israel’s founding documents and continues to be evident in its diverse population — this word is not for anyone else to take and twist into something wrong or bad.
Similar attempts at word-theft happen in America all the time. A good word like “liberty” is taken and twisted by those who seek to ban books. A good word like “freedom” is taken and twisted by those who seek to harm others. These are internal battles, though, words used within a country. People from outside Judaism tried to take our word, redefine it, and use it against us.
And I will never, ever forgive them for that.
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draco-glacialis · 6 months
Arlecchino walking into the kitchen and seeing all their limes peeled: Furina, I love you but, what the h-e-double FUCK.
Furina, sipping coffee happily: I love you too :)
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wolfstarlibrarian · 5 months
Librarian, my beloved — it’s been a while since I last sent in any requests! Hope you’ve been well.
I looked through the card catalogue and came across one possible option, but I’m wondering if there are others: Modern AUs that involve Remus and Sirius in prison together, I.e. as cellmates.
(I’m actually surprised I haven’t found more of this because with Sirius having been canonically in Azkaban for over a decade, you’d think there would be more modern/non-magical prison stories.)
Ooooh that's such an interesting idea! I've only read one version and it's a modern au, but I'm listing it below because yes, we need more cellmates. (Can this be a prompt? Will people write this please?)
Cellmates by @neondomino Undercover at the prison, Sirius meets his cellmate.
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greyias · 8 days
Griffin Antic of the evening:
Losing his shit over the smell of baked apples. Just starts barking his head off and trying to jump up to the toaster oven to GET THEM APPLES.
He literally has a kong filled with tiny slivers of raw apple he was working on. Even now, after we've calmed down after our "ZOMG CINNAMON APPLES" freakout, he'll pause in trying to work his kong with non-baked apples to stick his nose in the air and delicately sniff.
I must guard my dessert closely.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 6 months
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"WITH $1.695 IN BANK BEGGAR GOES TO JAIL," Toronto Star. April 11, 1934. Page 3. --- Spurns $10 Fine Option- 'Panhandling His Business' Officer Tells Court ---- Caught panhandling on Scott St. yesterday afternoon when he had $28 in money on him and a bankbook showing 31,695, Joe Bevan, when he appeared in police court to-day, was fined $10 or ten days. He pleaded guilty to the vagrancy charge and took the ten days.
"It must be his business," commented Magistrate Tinker. "He said it was his business," put in the officer who made the arrest.
Begged Twice From Officer For the first time in months the drunks were fewer than the vags and "railroaders." Court attendants suggested the severe rainstorm last night kept the drunks in and forced the others out.
There were five imbibers, ten "wanderers" and eight "rod-riders." When it came to fines being imposed, the drunks narrowed down to one, John O'Leary, who, pleading guilty to a second offence, was assessed $10 or ten days.
"There must have been something wrong with you to stop the same man twice," observed his worship. in the case of Sam Wilson, who, it was charged, went up to an officer twice to beg a meal.
Rode Rods For Fun A "deputation" whose members had gathered from North Bay, Sudbury and Montreal and had come to Toronto via the "rod-riding" route, jolted to a sudden stop in court. Each was fined $10 or five days.
The "members," Charles Berville, Paul Guellitte, Walter Desaultier. Laurent Robillard, Joe Gannon and Harry Carson, admitted they were riding "just for fun."
"He makes a habit of it," said an officer, referring to Norman Dawds. a youth, charged with stealing a ride. He was picked off an engine tender "It will be $2 or five days," ruled the bench.
Jack McDonald told the court he had beaten his way from Fort William and was going to Nova Scotia. where his home is.
"I want a chance to go there," he pleaded. The bench decided to help him on his way.
Stole Clothes From Car Pleading guilty to theft of a box containing clothing from a parked car, John Delaney, with a record, was sentenced to 60 days in jail. "I plead guilty, but I don't remember much about it." said accused.
"I was drunk. I hadn't had a drink for nine months, then I took one."
"You just broke out again, is that it queried Magistrate Jones. "Yes, sir."
An officer testified he apprehended Delaney on Shuter St. yesterday, when he was carrying the parcel and could not give a suitable explanation.
"He may have been drinking, but I wouldn't say he was drunk," added the officer.
"Have you a job?" queried the bench.
"He wouldn't work if he did," retorted the crown.
Harry (Hector) MacDonald was changed with theft of two leather coats from a Yonge St. sporting goods store. He had a long record, but with his pleas and those of Crown Attorney F. I. Malone he was put on probation for six months.
"Can you keep it out of the papers?" was his last request. "Say. what's the matter with you," shouted the crown. "You will be be wanting a medal pinned on you next."
Accused made a hurried exit. He had pleaded guilty to the charge.
"Someone told me that a man had taken two coats from the store," said an employee. "I beat it out after him and chased him, but failed to catch up. He dropped the coats behind a car in a lane."
"I was drunk," pleaded accused. He asked for a chance because he said he had been working hard by selling cakes from door to door, trying to earn a living. He also said that his mother was on her deathbed and had been for a year.
"I would like to - " began the crown. Accused broke in with a further flow of pleas. "Shut up," declared Mr. Malone. "Here I am trying to keep you out of jail, and you are trying to get in." McDonald shut up.
"Oh, well, we will keep you away from liquor for six months, so you won't kill your mother," sighed Mr. Jones. "Probation for six months."
Charged With Robbing Benefactress "A very mean trick," commented his worship, after Mrs. H. Cameron told how Robert Oldrick, a boarder at her house, had taken $15 of hers to gamble.
She said that for months she had kept accused at her house free of charge and treated him as one of the family. Knowing where she kept her money, he had gone there and taken $15 with which he gambled. He lost it all, she added.
"I think I will remand him a week for sentence so I can think it over." decided the bench.
Investigate Mystery Motorcycle They had been riding on a motorcycle and, having run out of gasoline, had stopped at the service station at Broadway and Mount Pleas- ant, said Frark Allaan and John Brunskill, explaining a charge theft of gasoline. They had the money to get it, but as no one was there, they were taking it, they said.
However, Brunskill, who was driving, couldn't explain whose motorcycle it was, and as a result they were remanded until April 18 for investigation.
"I don't believe them." remarked the crown-attorney.
An officer told the court that at 1 a.m. last night he had caught accused at the filling station taking some gasoline. "Where did you get the motorcycle?" demanded the crown. belongs to a friend of mine." "It replied Brunskill. "I was repairing it for him."
"What is the friend's name?" "I don't know."
"Something funny about this," commented the crown.
Tried Trick Too Often "Just a slave to habit," sighed the bench as Cecil Snyder came up on a fraud charge.
Accused was charged with getting. on April 10, two packages of cigarettes by false pretences from a chain drug store on Bloor W.
"He gave us a big order of drugs to be sent to a fictitious address," said a store employee. "On the strength of the order, he asked for a package of cigarettes. He did that twice."
Accused said he came from Kitchener, and he expressed a desire to get back there. He will be helped on his way by the court.
Showed Them Because he had to show two Montreal "tough guys" what he could do before they took him into their confidence, is allegedly what Frank Woodchurch, charged jointly with William Kryznowsky, 17, with attempted theft, told police, explaining why he did it.
"You are a bad boy," commented the bench, noting a bad record. "You aren't fit for the reformatory: you should go to the penitentiary. I will remand both of you until Tuesday to think you over.'
Accused's arrest was the sequel to a chase along University Ave, a week ago, in which a janitor, news boy and taximan participated.
It is charged defendants broke into a showcase operated by the Canadian Institute for the Blind, in the Canadian National Express building. south of the Union station, and attempted to get away with about 37 in cigars, cigarettes and chiclets.
T. C. McCracken, an elderly man, almost completely blind, told the court he had locked the stand up the night previous.
"I went to the stand at eight in the morning," he testified. "The plate glass window was smashed and goods, cigarettes, cigars and chicklets, to the value of $7, were missing."
"I was sweeping up the floor on the third storey when at about 9.35 p.m. I heard a crash," declared John Lewka, janitor in the Canadian National Express building. "I hurried downstairs and saw two boys putting their hands through the showcase window and taking cigars and cigarettes. Woodchuk ran away but I grabbed the other. He pushed me and got away. I chased them, and as they ran they threw cigarettes and other stuff along the wayside. One of them threw a small hammer away." It was produced.
He told the court that a taximan and a newsboy joined in the chase and apprehended accused behind a church a few blocks from the scene of the break-in.
"I heard someone yell 'stop thief"," testified Charles Freeman, a taxi driver. "I saw two boys running up York St., just in front of me. I and another boy joined in the chase and we caught them." He said that as he drove accused
to the station, Woodchuk threw the "jimmy" out of his cab window. "Woodchuk had been drinking." testified Det. Mumberson. "He said that two 'tough guys' had come from Montreal and that he had to show what he could do before they would take him into their confidence."
It was said that Kryznowsky took the hammer from a fruit store.
"Woodchuk wasn't with me in the building," he said. "I met him after I had come out."
He denied knowledge of being chased by anyone on the night, "Were you born in Canada?" questioned Magistrate Jones. "Yes."
"Too bad, I was hoping I could send you back to some place, Poland for instance." Woodchuk wanted to give evidence despite the fact he was told it was unnecessary.
"I had a pint of whiskey and I gave some to 'Bill.'" stated Woodchuk. "What!" exploded the bench. "You are liable to a month in jail before going any further, because you gave liquor to a boy 17 years old."
He said he met Kryznowsky, whom he knew, after the latter had been in the building. He had a record, it was brought out.
"You are walking down the ladder of crime," commented the crown.. Party Noisy, Found Beer Visiting a noisy party on Bloor St., last Saturday, P.C. Coulson discovered several men consuming beer.
Not having a permit, Walter Marko was assessed $25 or 30 days, being convicted of having illegally.
A bottle of beer found in an automobile on Yonge St. to-day cost Cecil Williams $15 to prevent him going to jail for 10 days on a B.L.C.A. conviction. "He had been drinking." an officer stated.
The Ritholtz Optical Co., appearing for judgment upon two charges of breach of the Optometry Act. were dismissed by Magistrate Browne who considered the evidence insufficient to warrant a conviction in either case.
Counsel for the optometry board intimated he would appeal the decision, asking his worship for a stated case.
"It's a wet morning, isn't it?" Magistrate Browne remarked when Fred May pleaded guilty to having a bottle of gin in his truck on College St. last night.
"I think the label is fictitious." P.C. Kerr stated.
May swore he bought the liquor for $2 from Israel Greenberg, who was then charged with keeping for sale.
P.C. Shaughnessy stated a large amount of liquid and a number of fictitious labels had been discovered.
Bail of $1,000 was allowed in the case of Greenberg, who was remanded to April 19 for trial. May was remanded to the same date under a $75 bond.
Won't Admit Kegs Hold Beer Eight four-gallon kegs of beer were seized in a garage on Spadina Ave, P.C. Baker told the court in charging Joseph Mintz with having liquor illegally.
Pleading not guilty. Mintz stated the kegs had been purchased under the name of the Jewish Barber Association, who were holding a party in the near future.
He would not admit it was beer, however, and was remanded to April 18 so the contents of the kegs could be analyzed.
L. Metstein and Benjamin Cohen. said to be members of the association. were jointly charged and bound over till the same date.
Shies off Friday the 13th His case being tried on Friday the 13th did not worry Tom O'Connor, acting as defence counsel for Joseph Woods, who faced a charge of reckless driving.
"It doesn't worry me and I am sure Magistrate Browne can control the fates that day," he commented.
Joseph, however, said he would rather be tried on the 17th and the case was remanded to that date. The 13th will be a heavy day in the police courts, according to an official.
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monicascot · 1 year
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Man Stealing Candies Caught on Camera | Stealing
Here's what happens when you pull up to the store when you are hungry and want some Nachos, but you BROKE and have a sweet tooth then this is how you get your Hershey's craving sorted.
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thevioletcaptain · 5 months
whoever stole my account information in order to spend $127 on [checks notes] roku purchases, i hope you have incurable hangnails on every finger and toe for the rest of your shitty life.
#does that seem disproportionate?#i promise it's not#because my former manager decided that me being in australia dealing with my dad's death#and me attempting to contact said manager about a dozen times and getting no response#and then me opening multiple HR tickets and getting NO RESPONSE#equates to me ''abandoning my position''#so i currently have no income and only $43 to my name since someone decided my broke ass was a good candidate for theft#plus because of all the fraudulent charges i had to lock my account#which had the utterly ridiculous and undisclosed effect of not only blocking charges to my account but CREDITS#which means that when i decided to make a sensible mental health decision#and withdrew from the class i was taking this quarter so that i could give myself time to grieve#with the intention of enrolling in the same class next quarter instead#the tuition refund got blocked#and is now just like. hanging in no mans land.#so i can't enroll in the class for next quarter yet because i can't access the money i intended to use for it#and the classes only have space for 15 students#and it's going to take 7-10 days for the bank to issue my new card and for my account to be functional#so now i've got a new thing to be stressed about#when i was specifically trying to give myself a break from stress#so yeah i hope the person who stole from me has a shit day forever#hope they get little bits of egg shell in everything they eat#and that they can always faintly smell dog poop as if they stepped in it but can never find the source#cass says things
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My night: horribly awkward case of mistaken identity that still turned into maybe a networking success but! Awkward! I want this man to give me a job and I thought he was the other man 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
My roommates' night: reporting a felon identity thief who grifted them to the police on the phone and then he turned up on our front porch again
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dougielombax · 3 months
No you cannot steal the Statue of Liberty.
Put it back.
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