#Athena solar power
energy610 · 27 days
Renewable Energy In India - Athena
Explore Athena Renewables Energy – your ally in sustainable energy solutions. Athena Renewables an investing platform of Actis India that focuses on the growth of sustainable and renewable energy in India. Athena is focused on creating a more sustainable future. They implement best practices and aim to continuously improve environmental performance. For more details visit the website!
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dionysianivy · 17 days
𝐀𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜 𝐂𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬 🍎
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Malus domestica, Common Apple
Zodiac: Virgo, Libra, Taurus, Cancer
Solar System: Venus 
Day: Friday 
Element: Water
Energy: Yin 
Tarot: The Lovers, The Empress
Goddesses: Aphrodite, Athena, Badb, Cailleach Bheur, Diana, Freya, Hera, Idunn, Macha, Nemesis, Rhiannon, Venus, Pomona, Eris, Gaia
Gods: Apollo, Dionysus, Eros, Lugh, Manannan, Vertumnus, Zeus
Animals: Hedgehog, Pig
Celebrations: Lughnasadh, Mabon, Samhain
Magical Powers: Love, Fertility, Beauty, Abundance, Health, Immortality, Knowledge,  Harmony, Protection, Temptation, Youth, Wisdom, Wishes, Prophecy, Elves/ Fairy Magic, Healing, Luck.
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photos made by me♡
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captain-gillian · 4 months
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'no thing defines a man like love that makes him soft'
2,407 words. rated t. summary: In the wake of a powerful solar storm, Buck and Tommy take to the skies for a once-in-a-lifetime chance to see the northern lights over California. huge thank you to rachel @sznofthesticks for the beta read <3
After the news of the solar storm and a rare opportunity to see the northern lights in California broke mid-shift, it didn’t take long for the 118 to start making plans. Nobody seemed to want to let the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity pass by, least of all Buck, who, for the first time in a while, hadn’t even been bothered by the fact it was Taylor Kelly who broke the news on the station television.
The station was a flurry of action as they put into place protocols to prepare for an onslaught of calls relating to the solar storm. Amid the chaos, Hen and her wife, Karen, found the time to make a plan. Karen called Hen and offered to pick her up as soon as her shift ended so they could take the kids out of the city and away from the light pollution for the best chance at seeing the colourful phenomena. And as it always goes, the plan grew quickly. Hen invited Chimney, Maddie and Jee-Yun to join them. Then Chimney invited Ravi, who invited Captain Nash and his wife, Athena. Bobby then invited Eddie and Chris. Finally, Eddie invited Buck. But Buck had already been confirming plans of his own over text.
“Can’t, sorry,” Buck tells him. “Tommy and I already have plans.”
“Next time,” Eddie replies with a smile, and Buck swallows down the urge to remind him the statistical likelihood of a ‘next time’ to see the northern lights this bright in California is more or less zero.
Buck’s phone buzzes in his pocket as he leaves the locker room at the end of his shift; he takes it out to read the message. Butterflies flutter in his stomach when he sees the message is from Tommy. The text is a quick reminder that Tommy will pick him up at ten and not to forget his camera—he’d mentioned once in passing over coffee a passion for photography, and Tommy had committed it to memory.
read the rest on ao3
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virgils-muse · 5 months
I’m gonna start talking more about my Chonny’s Charming Chaos Compendium Hellenic Mythos AU here more because it’s been rotating around my brain. I have a couple of different variations of it so here we go!
Primordial Force Ver: Heart is Selene, Mind is Helios, Soul is either Gaia or Eos, Whole is Chaos. Yes I know that Selene/Helios/Eos aren’t technically considered primordials (they’re considered titans) but Primordial Force sounds better than Titan Force. A solar eclipse is the equivalent to The Shot. Heart/Selene is envious of Mind/Helios because he can shine his own light, while Selene’s light is only a reflection of Helios’s. Mind/Helios is envious of Soul/Gaia/Eos because he can foster living organisms, while Helios is obviously uninhabitable. Soul/Gaia/Eos is envious of Heart/Selene because he wants to be the source of artistic inspiration and appreciated like Selene is. Furthermore, Soul is really pissed at Heart and Mind for the whole eclipse thing because it could’ve blinded some of the earth’s humans, which Soul holds very dear to him. He threatens them, saying if this continues, he’ll give their titles of “Sun/Moon deity” to Apollo and Artemis. More chaos ensues.
Trojan War Ver: Heart takes the place of Hector, Mind takes the place of Achilles, Soul takes the place of Helen, and Whole takes the place of Zeus. Rather than the war starting because of Helen getting kidnapped/running off to Troy (the myth varies depending on who you ask), the war starts because both the Trojans (Heart/Hector) and the Achaeans (Mind/Achilles) want Helen’s favor, as she’s a daughter of Zeus and therefore very powerful and influential. Neither Heart nor Mind started or wanted to be in the war, but by the gods will they finish it. The equivalent to The Shot in this au is Hector killing Patroclus disguised as Achilles. Despite the war that rages on, Soul/Helen is keen on not being controlled by either side, and will end things by force if not listened to. After all, her creator is the king of the gods.
Judgement of Paris Ver: Unlike the other ones, this one is not directly putting HMSW into a Greek myth, but rather taking inspo off a Greek myth and running with it. So therefore, this au takes place in modern times, unlike the other ones which are set in Ancient Greece/Troy. Paris (Whole) is forced to live his life constantly suffering from the brutal arguing of Aphrodite (Heart), Athena (Mind), and Hera (Soul). Each of the three are fighting for control over Paris’s psyche, each of them trying to push Paris into doing their bidding, trying to convince him with argument fueled by pathos/logos/ethos. Idk I haven’t thought this one through much.
Lmk if there’s already existing Hellenic Mythology aus bc I’m not aware of any but I’d love to see some if there are! Also you totally wanna send me asks about these aus
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eatenbyfaeries · 3 months
tell me more of your exalted game :3
Oh!! So much to tell. My original players were a craft supernal, Irridescent Azamath who is a fire magic sorcerer and fireworks artisan who turned her craft into a weapon to fight the realm invasion. She leads a group of loyal rebels and spent a year repelling the realm through guerilla warfare in the mountains before exalting (unfortunately not before the realm took over her home city, situated above a Great Lake in the caldera of a semi-active volcano). She has invented the art of rocketry, and scarred many realm soldiers for life!
The other solar is a brawl supernal, Athena, a classic folk hero who returned from a ten year pilgrimage to find her farming village of rabbit-people under attack, and held the realm off single handedly for 3 days and nights before exalting. She has had a complicated time as her lunar mate is the sorceress responsible for co-leading the realm invasion (she had been disguising herself as a dragonblooded) and when it seemed as though they were going to fix things together, she was betrayed and the sorceress helped to complete the necromantic ritual that brought the soul of the first age solar necromancer back to life (via cursed jade armour that had possesed the dragonblooded general, and the sorceress's sister.) Needless to say, she has many complex gay feelings about this.
And finally the Centrepede Lunar Monk Ruby Dusk Fang whose entire sect of pacifist martial artists was murdered by the realms initial occupying force, leaving him the sole survivor. His killing of the dragonblooded commander earned him an exaltation, but opened the door for the previously mentioned sisters to take the lead on the invasion.
They did manage to repel the realm, and stop the necromancer from turning the entire area into a shadowland, but at the cost of the craft supernal's mentor, and patron god of Caldera, an ifrit lord.
So that's the story we're in now! Taking his remains far south to the pillar of fire to resurrect him! They were already at the border of the southern desert and are now travelling in a giant bedazzled derrigible powered and manned by fire elementals because Craft Supernal.
I wanted to start off with a very intense dramatic story with high stakes and introduce the big bad of the campaign before having him fuck off, and leave them for a little bit more light hearted adventure and such. Like, climbing down a huge manmade hole that turned out to somehow be a mouth and almost getting eaten, and being tricked and almost murdered by sidereals (they have drawn so much attention to themselves lol) and other fun goofy stuff like that.
We are also now joined by a second Lunar who they met out in the desert, The Night Heron, a death moa who seems to be more beast than person! Appearing at first as a child with little to no understanding of civilisation, but who has since become an angsty teenager the more it learned about the world. What's up with that? Who is to say.
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audreyscribes · 28 days
Kryptonian demigods. Demigods whose mortal parents were Kryptonian.
what do you think?
I hope you know Anon you just reawakened my knowledge of DC stuff, and asked this because you saw some of the DC fandom works I posted in the early days of this blog’s time. [*CRACKS KNUCKLES TO START TYPING*] {Points to Long Text below}
Oh boi. Ohhhh boi. Where do we even start with this? So much to delve into.
Alright, let’s start of what we know Krptonians; they are basically very human-like but with advanced biology where they are able to utilize their body’s energies in elaborative ways. Depending on which Earths (universes), how they come with their powers depends but let's say in this case, they can get their powers from the Sun (Red or Yellow sun). Powerwise, full-blood Kryptonians, there’s the solar radiation absorption that allows them superhuman strength and stamina, invulnerability, longevity/immortality (under Yellow sun), superhuman speed, super senses, self sustenance, accelerated healing, super breath, heat vision, amongst a few others.
As demigods though, it’ll depend greatly on their godly parent because even half-Kryptonians and Half-humans have different arrays of powers or delayed. So imagine being half god and half kryptonian? Some of the Kryptonians' aspects may come forward alongside corresponding to the godly parent’s domain, with little wiggle room.
For example, Kryptonians have already accelerated thinking so they’re more calculating and process things faster, so imagine that being the probably their main aspect when they’re also a child of Athena. They probably have their super strength and senses, but they wouldn’t have stuff like laster heat vision or something. Trade offs if you will. However, they’ll also probably have telekinesis and telepathy instead with the Kryptonian genes being brought forward by Athena’s aspects. Think of all an Owl has and put those into the Kryptonian demigod with Athena. Other quick examples include: Demeter-Kryptonian demigod being able to grow plants and burst with their solar flare ability and photosynthesis with their yellow sun absorption. Ares-Krytonian demigod having even more insane super strength and senses. Zeus-Kryptonian demigod who comes to their power of flight much earlier than most half-Kryptonians. You get the point. Then there are some that are just being a child of whatever god and being half Kryptonian. Not really any different from any other demigod problems, just with the added learning of coming into their Kryptonian powers like Jon, son of Clark Kent and Lois Lane.
There are probably exceptions but what is probably an OP godly parent that makes them an exception to the whole rules is Apollo, since he’s the god of the Sun. An Apollo-Kryptonian who has access to the Sun is probably going to be a full Kryptonian nonetheless. If anything a lot of Kryptonians will probably worship Apollo more above Zeus because he’s the Sun god and is the closest thing to Rao, the chief god of Krypton who is also the Sun. 
Despite being so powerful, no matter who their godly parent is, they all have similar weaknesses that wouldn’t differentiate them from normal demigods. They’re all still going to be vulnerable to magic, chi, and other mystical forces. Maybe even more affected than their half-human counterparts since they can’t be harmed by mundane means with their Kryptonian part of them absorbing the sun.  It’s also a risk because Ambrosia and Nectar are considered godly food so who knows what effect it’ll have on them as well.   They’re aspects are also probably less flexible in adaptability as well so there are no gray areas or technicality in powers; due to the fact that we’re talking about the Gods, conceptualization and representation made up by human mortals on Earth of thousands of years of civilization, culture, and history. So those concepts might not translate over to Kryptonian aspects as much due to being from literally a different planet with its own history, civilization, culture and so forth.  Like if a Poseidon-Kryptonian demigod can only control sea water and cause earthquakes, but they can’t control fresh water or anything outside of Sea water since Poseidon is the god of the sea, talk to only actual horses and not Zebras, and etc.
However, what probably the Kryptonian demigods are going to face unexpectedly is the fact they’re going to have an unexpected connection with their own Kryptonian gods and boy, that’ll be fun and no I won’t expand on that.
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littlesparklight · 5 months
I am curious in your writing do other gods like the Norse and Egyptian exist in your stories or only the Greek pantheon does exist and all other pantheons are just a different version of the Greek gods
TL;DR: They do exist, yes!
Basically, for my ficverse what is going on is that various spheres of gods/divine influence are loosely connected to certain geographic locales (which can expand, but never really contract to nothing except in Very Extreme Circumstances). Gods appear in the area before the people who will later worship them, but they are also loosely connected to said peoples as "theirs".
Worship, or lack of it, does not usually imply anything about gods' ability to exist independently of their worshippers or their level of power/influence. In some cases it might affect them - because the myths themselves imply it does (Sumerian etc, where before humanity existed lower gods did work/essentially worship that was then foisted onto humanity, for example).
For, say, the Norse gods, they appeared somewhere in the late centuries before 0 CE, when most of their myths happen, especially the early ones.
Not, obviously, the "creation of the cosmos/humanity" ones, since that's not how I have my ficverse work. The universe and humanity is as old as we generally take them to be, and if there were gods there for early humanity they still didn't create the Earth/the Universe/reality, for example. What's going on on the basis of "primordial" gods like Gaia is that these are generally singularities; they have existed for a Very, Very long time but get lower-level personifications/expressions as divine spheres pop up, and can be radically different between them.
Obviously, in some cases I've gone with overlap/certain gods are really somebody else, just named in the local language, like Athena = Maliya and Apollo = Apaliunas, but this is meant mostly for like "border areas". Tarhunz really does exist, but the Trojans use one of his epithets/names for Zeus, who they are more focused towards. (I'm not quite sure how far I'd go in deciding that there is, say, only Inanna, not Astarte, because it's fortunately not been necessary to do so lol but I think I'd lean towards Inanna being the goddess that Exists and Ishtar/Astarte/etc being names she's been given through the years by humans. But yeah, nothing solid here.)
What that means for the Roman gods, given how closely entwined in some ways that they are with the Greek on the mythic level, is that I'm leaning towards that in some cases there are really only the Greek "versions". There would still be purely Roman gods, too, however, like Janus for example, and Quirinus is a deified Romulus.
The absolute limit of any divine influence of any divine sphere is the end of the Solar system! The gods (that is, any gods) can move about it full easily if they wish, but they can't affect anything beyond the heliopause.
Unless and until humanity might manage to move beyond the solar system, that is. (Gods may be able to exist independently of humans/their local/original worshippers, but it's still a symbiotic relationship.)
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lbodraws · 5 months
Splatoon Mech AU Infodump
AU Overview:
The use of Zapfish quickly modernized Inkfish society prior to the Great Turf War. Inklings quickly caught up with the Octarians tentacle and Zapfish infused machines, although still lacked technological finesse. The rising sea levels and struggle for land led to the two societies clashing. Mech battles raged across the scarce land that was left. Desperate to win, the Inklings poured everything they had into one Mech: Zeus. Powered by the Great Zapfish and manned by Captain Cuttlefish; the Mech overwhelmed the opposing Octarians, and eventually King Octavio, but at a price; the power surging through Zeus caused permanent damage to both Cuttlefish and Octavio, leaving them unable to transform from humanoid and swim form freely.
As a result of the war, Mechs were outlawed. Anyone caught owning, builing or engineering one were arrested. This hasn't stopped the youth from pursuing Mech races and battles in the underground Octarian domes and hangars, however... The allure and excitement has attracted every walk of life, including former Driver Captain Cuttlefish, who seems to be looking for a young Driver for a special mission...
Mech Mechanics:
Modern mechs use motion sense technology to pilot the mechs. Inkfish attach motion sensor rings to their wrists and ankles to control the movement of their mech. A rotating arm holds the Driver in place by supporting them around their waist so they can freely move their arms and legs.
Old Tech mechs use manual inputs from levers and buttons. Usually cramped sitting conditions with lots of buttons and levers surrounding the Driver. Some have pedals in the foot bay.
Mechs and Drivers:
Persephone: Agent 1/Callie
Close range tank type mech
Transforms into a motorcycle with rollers for wheels in pursuit mode
Special Attack: Bomb Rush
Athena: Agent 2/Marie
Long range support type mech
Cable snake body to help stay in position on stake outs
Special attack: Eagle Eye
Artemis: Agents 3 and 3.5
Two seated Driver mech (three if you count Lil Buddy)
Focuses on teamwork and long range attacks
Four armed mech that wields a bow
Special attack: Gemini Burst
Icarus: Agent 4
Multi-weapon type mech
Long range, medium range and close range capabilities
Special attack: Solar Flare
Hermes: Agent 8
Support type mech
Cargo bay + additional passenger seats
Long range weapon capabilities
Focus on medical assistance and heavy lifting
Special attack: Astral Cannon
Zeus: Captain
Inherited from Craig Cuttlefish
Power and attack focused mech type
Uses Old Tech from TGTW era but still powerful
Great Zapfish makes it unstable and unpredictable
Capable of using the Great Zapfish
Risk of injury: High
Special attack: Divine Punishment
Hades: DJ Octavio
Heavy tank type mech
Long and short range weapon capabilities
Capable of using the Great Zapfish
Special Attack: Killer Wail
Domes and Hangars
Drivers will find all the action underground in the Octarian domes and hangars. These serve as the main arena for mech races and battles. These relics from the Great Turf War serve as a potent reminder of the tensions that ran between Inklings and Octarians. Thankfully relations have improved between the two factions. Occasionally, things get out of hand and end up breaching to the surface where opponents have to out manoeuvre their opposition and the law.
Mech Race
Opponents race the track around the dome/hangar
Winner receives a Zapfish
Things can get heated and end up turning into a Mech Battle or breaching to the surface
Mech Battle
First to disable their opponents mech wins
Splatting is strictly prohibited and penalized
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pvnkesttt · 7 months
meet my ocs!
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universe: tlou and marvel/x-men. name: rosaline mcdevilin. age: 25 birthday: june 15th, 1998 born: derry, ireland. partner: kiran hari. powers: banshee and nature manipulation. mutant level: omega-level. - Rosaline McDevilin was born within Derry, Ireland and was later made a foster child at the age of 5. Before her life became a tragedy, Rosaline enjoyed many things while growing up such as watching classic tv shows and cartoons, having a thing for vintage nick knacks and singing along to sweet classic rock music. All of those things still stick with her today, where she'd find herself not only as a journalist in Seattle but becoming a mutant and joining the X-Men! She became a mutant later on in life after an attack struck her body during an investigation she was doing for an article. Her powers include that of being a banshee and having nature manipulation abilities, both of which she's still getting used to.
While she didn't have much time with her parents growing up, she does find herself being given a family within the X-Men as well as a familiar hero known as The Katipō or, as some know her, Athena Kallis. It is Logan (The Wolverine), though, who takes her in and becomes a parental figure for her. Rosaline might not be good with most people but when it comes to the people close to her and the ones she loves, that's when she feels the most comfortable. There's also Kiran Hari, a man who becomes her mentor and later on, her lover as well. The two form a special connection as time passes and it becomes clear how much their love means to each other. -
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unvierse: tlou and marvel/x-men. name: kiran hari. age: 38. birthday: march 21, 1986. born: mumbai, india. partner: rosaline mcdevilin. powers: solar absorption and electrokinesis. mutant level: omega-level.- Kiran Hari was born in Mumbai, India and later on moved to New York, the same place in which Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters is located. There, he'd join forces with the X-Men and become a key member of the team, a strong one at that. Kiran's been a member of the team for 15 years now.
When he's not training or defeating a greater evil with the team, Kiran likes to spend his time meditating, relaxing the muscles and keeping the mind at ease, that also includes keeping his powers at ease as well. Speaking of which, those powers include solar absorption and electrokinesis. He also enjoys cooking! He can make a nice, mean meal if you ask nicely. When a new member of the team, Rosaline McDevilin, comes in asking for help on how to deal with her powers, it is Kiran who is there and becomes her mentor. That dynamic later becomes a romantic relationship between them, one that is significant to their lives. It becomes clear that they wouldn't trade each other for the world, they love each other and their love is what makes them happy. -
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violetmoondaughter · 1 year
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The eye
The eye symbol was used since antiquity as an apotropaic talisman to protect from evil spirits. Eye is associated with vision, clarity and with the experience of the sensible world and the underworld.
The symbol is also associated to knowledge, in ancient Greece it was related to the Glaukopis Athena, the goddess of wisdom and her association with the birds of prey such as Owls, Crows and Seagulls. The glimmering eye that can see and perceive things from this world and from the other and that is always watching and judging. In ancient Greece this concept was also used in ritual mask such as the Gorgoneion or the primeval representations of the divine presence of Dionysus. Traditional talismans such as the Nazar and the Mati probably took its origins from these ancient traditions or even from previous Mesopotamian origins. Eyes were depicted on vases, temples doors, ships, and charms to protect humans from negative energies such as the evil eye, the envious gaze, and malevolent spirits.
In ancient Egypt the eye symbol was depicted as the two specular eyes of Horus and Ra and represented well-being, healing, and protection. Egyptian texts say that Horus's right eye was the sun and his left eye the moon. The symbol was connected with the myth of the conflict between Horus and his uncle Set in which his rival tore out one of Horus's eyes and the eye was subsequently returned to Horus with the assistance of the god Thoth. Horus subsequently offered the eye to his deceased father Osiris, and its revitalizing power sustained Osiris in the afterlife.
The right eye, the solar eye was also called the Wedjat and represented the eye of Ra. This eye was seen as a feminine extension of the god, a Goddess with both protective and destructive powers representing the benevolent and damaging energy of the sun. It is also equated with the red light that appears before sunrise, and with the morning star that precedes and signals the sun's arrival. The power of this goddess stands in the representation of the womb in which the sun god enters at sunset, impregnating her and setting the stage for his rebirth at sunrise. Consequently, the eye, as womb and mother of the child form of Ra, is also the consort of the adult Ra. This goddess is sometimes associated with feline and reptile form goddesses like Hathor and Sekhmet and with the Uraeus symbol, the cobra. These totemic animals incarnate the ferocious and protective energy of the dark feminine and, in the myths, the Wedjat is often used as a protecting or destructive weapon by the Sun god.
In German mythology the god Odin sacrificed his eye to obtain knowledge becoming the wisest god and achieving the magical knowledge. The sacrifice of the eye represents the loss of the vision in order to obtain an enhanced perception. The God exchanged a profane mode of perception, for a sacred mode of perception informed by divine, ancestral wisdom. In this case the eye symbolize once again wisdom and Odin is also associated with birds of prey and psychopomp birds such as ravens and their magical abilities to perceive and move through the veils of the worlds.
In many oriental religious traditions, the eye of wisdom is depicted by the Third eye, a mystical invisible eye, located on the forehead, which provides perception beyond ordinary sight. The third eye refers to the gate that leads to the inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness. In spirituality, the third eye often symbolizes a state of enlightenment. It often associated with religious visions, clairvoyance, the ability to observe chakras and auras, precognition, and out-of-body experiences.
Eye also recalls to the female breast and to the egg cell symbolizing the portal of life, the ancestral creative energy, and its protection power. In modern days the eye symbol is still used as a protection amulet representing the ability of seeing through things, the mystical knowledge, and warding power against evil.
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energy610 · 4 months
Sustainable Planet With Athena Solar Power 
Creating a future with clean energy with Athena Renewables, an investing platform of Actis Long Life Infrastructure Fund that focuses on the growth of sustainable and renewable energy in India. They conduct business sustainably and responsibly to drive and provide better results, they have set up 4 Athena solar power plants across India with an installed capacity of more than 550MWp.
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donicosplay · 2 months
Assigning fable characters destiny classes and subclasses because I play too much destiny. The 3 classes in destiny are Titan, hunter, and warlock then I’m only going off the main 3 subclasses which are solar, arc, and void there are a few more subclasses but I don’t have any of them so I’m only going off the ones I have
Centross-void titan Honestly don’t have much to say about this one it just fits
Aax- ?? Titan I know he would be a titan but I don’t know what kind if had to choose one I would have to choose arc
Fenris-solar Titan Once again not much to say it just fits
Icarus-solar hunter Once again just fits
Burin-?? Hunter I don’t know what they would be but I know he would be a hunter
Easton-arc hunter They got momboo’s weather powers so they have to be arc because lightning
Athena-solar hunter Went between hunter or warlock for them but decided he has more hunter vibes
Ocie-arc hunter Same reasons as with Easton since she can control the weather sometimes
Rae-void warlock Once again it fits
Momboo-Solar warlock She’s sun coded so they have to be solar
Ven-?? Warlock I don’t know what he would be
Addie-?? Warlock Once again I don’t know what they would be maybe void
Caspian-solar warlock Went between warlock and hunter but decided warlock fits better
Will-?? Warlock I’m thinking maybe arc but not sure
Arisnna-warlock or hunter On one hand I think she would be a warlock but on the other hand vexed Ari is such hunter vibes
Haley-?? I honestly don’t know what she would be maybe a warlock
Ulysses-?? Once again I don’t know what he would be
Seven-gunsmith I think he would work with banshee-44 (character from game)
Fable-hive You would think I would put him as the witness since that’s the main villain but I hate the hive so much I have literally rage quite after going against them so fable gets to be hive
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deadal3x · 3 months
🎮: give me some game night headcanons!
The Bates-Wayne/Gonzalez family household had to ban game nights because AJ, Marcus, Audrey and Archer got extremely competitive. Blame their godly blood, tbh. (🤭🤭🤭)
Meanwhile at Camp, the Athena cabin organize game nights in order of game and game type, that way everyone can play the games they wanna play.
Monopoly was banned from Camp after ToA. (Meg absolutely crushed everyone at that game) (Apollo cheered her on, ngl)
In terms of Video games, There's a destiny 2 clan called "Demigods of Light" and the cabin counselors are the admins of it.
Percy doesn't play often, but he and annabeth are like, unmatched when playing. Annie's really good with load-out planning and mod work, and she's absolutely cracked at making builds for different things.
AJ and Annabeth play together sometimes, and they're also a decent team, but the one thing AJ is good at is surprising annabeth with the most out of pocket loadout ever. (What do you MEAN you just beat the witness using nothing but Ace of Spaces, a shit SMG and Gjalarhorn?)
Marcus is a warlock and he refuses to run solar, esp well of radiance. Claims he doesn't want to be known as the Hephaestus kid who uses fire based powers in video games.
There's a camp wide Minecraft server, with a perfect recreation of camp build (completely done in survival) (You'll never guess who did it) (annabeth ofc)
There's a secondary Minecraft server that's modded to hells and back, and it's super fun to play on. Percy prefers the modded server because it has a ton of ocean-life mods + Origins so you know he's down in the ocean as a Merling. He secretly recreated Ariel's trinket's cave for himself.
The DnD group at camp also has some Baludr's gate 3 play-thoughs going, and they're all fighting over who to romance. Several campers in these play-throughs have romanced the illithid.
The hades cabin played the Hades game franchise once, and are jokingly bullying their dad for potentially hiding Zagreus from them.
Chris and Grayson deal with AJ bullying the conventionally attractive art work of their parents when he doesn't get the boons he likes from them.
Hades has given AJ a sword literally named "Styigus" and it's raised more questions for the cabin than answers.
Percy plays fortnite. So does the ares cabin. (and coach hedge)
Camp wide Jack-box party pack nights. Leo hacked the game to allow more than the cap to play. Quiplash games leave people wheezing and dying of laughter.
Somehow, Percy, Damien, and Travis are all tied for most Quiplash games won.
There is a hall of fame for both board games and video games. Pandora Bates holds a lot of places in the board games section.
this hall of fame is located in the pavilion. it was built shortly before annabeth, Luke and Thalia made to camp, and expanded on when Leo and Marcus invented demigod safe technology.
AJ sucks at Uno, but is unmatched at basic card games and mythomagic. He's only undefeated by Nico in that regard.
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anarcho-smarmyism · 2 years
What kind of story are you writing? (If you’re comfortable sharing rn)
Sure, tysm for asking!!
It's a sci-fi dystopian book (possibly YA), taking place in the year 2347 AD, after climate change has caused nearly all nations to adapt industrialized society into a series of superstructures, powered mainly by nuclear fusion and supplemented with solar power. These superstructures house tens of millions of citizens, and while most nations are progressive relative to us when it comes to environmentalist conservation of the Earth, the same can't be said for the majority of the society within the superstructure wherein the main characters live (located in modern-day Phoenix AZ, one of the first major American cities to adopt the superstructure model). Roughly a century prior to the events of the book, the American military installed a junta -ostensibly to ensure that the project of transitioning industralized society into one more "green"/sustainable and save lives that would otherwise be lost to the various devastating natural disasters occurring more and more frequently. Consequently, by the time the events of the book take place, the government, military, and large parts of the private sector are functionally indistinguishable from one another. Their technology is advanced and their attitude toward gender is arguably more progressive than ours, but their democratic system is nakedly false and corrupt, the majority of citizens are undereducated and banned from interacting with most artistic or intellectual materials outside of propaganda, they are living under a surveillance state that makes ours look downright trifling, and a racist ableist eugenics program has been in place and largely unchallenged for decades at the least.
The POV/main character is a 16 year old white lesbian who was separated from her parents at birth, as they were poor and unable to secure the marriage license required by their society's eugenics program. She was instead raised by a couple who were legally allowed to rear children, and were paid by the state for doing so; however, when her adoptive mother died, her adoptive father became an absentee alcoholic, leaving her to support herself the same way most poor kids in her society do: fighting in both physical and virtual reality tournaments against other kids for the entertainment of those in their district who are willing to pay a fee to the municipality to enjoy the spectacle. It is during one such tournament that the main character and a few of her peers encounter a high-ranking colonel who had no business attending an event so far below his station, and who unbeknownst to them had been using his high security clearance to find potential conscripts for his expiremental program, Project Athena. They either volunteer or, in MC's case, are coerced into enlisting, and rather than being brought to basic training with the rest of the grunts, they are instead subjected to an operation that uses cutting edge technology to bind their consciousness to extradimensional beings who cannot normally interact with or exist physically in our dimension, but when bound to the human brain, can directly access and manipulate matter and energy through their host's mind and body. The beings appear to the hosts as hallucinations of another person at first, and gradually the host is able to communicate telepathically with them; they specialize in manipulating matter in specific ways, for example the POV character is able to group flammable atoms throughout the air and heat them to the point of combustion -AKA, pyrokenesis.
Also she ends up dating her hot bisexual schoolyard rival, discovering existing bands of rebels in the continental US who descended from people who refused to move into the new industrialized society, having awesome virtual kaiju battles, and coming to terms with both the true evil of her society and her own responsibility to rebel against it -even if it means using the weapons her enemies forced her to learn from childhood, the ones she always aspired to leave behind: Machiavellian cunning and violence.
The book will also explore themes of trauma (generational, cultural, personal, etc), exploitation, racism, queerphobia, imperialism, and the failure of neoliberalism to reform capitalism or resist fascism.
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vivaciousarcanist · 1 year
My OCs
Main WIP
Context: in 2020 a solar flare wipes out all electronic technology on earth, in the following years magic develops and the story begins 300 years after that solar flare
Main cast:
Sabrina Willis: A trans woman from 2020 who finds herself in magic college in 2320.(18 years)
Anastasia Deimos: A blind trans woman, who will be Sabrina's roommate and possibly have a minor adversarial relationship with her.(19)
Leona Blackwell: A cis woman who is a fairly competent huntress.(18)
Cascadian Higher Ups
Athena Pierce: Queen of Cascadia(main country, name subject to change), main antagonist, ritual magic specialist(100+)
Lilianna Pierce, Queen of Cascadia, illusion magic specialist(100+)
Cassandra Rivers: A studious mage with a wealth of knowledge on flora(54)
Ashton Deimos: Headmaster(President?) of the magic college and accomplished healer(47)
Gwendolyn Eberhardt: Transfem werewolf alchemist archer (29)
Yvette Lancaster: Transmutation specialist (30)
Ariadne Argyris: Centaur who has high skill with destructive magic and the conflict resolution skills of a murderhobo(title was given more to keep an eye on her), wife of The Artificer(43)
The Artificer(name pending): Skilled magical item manufacturer, bigender spouse of Argyris(???)
Valerie Ashford: a mage skilled in the manipulation of space and portals(38)
Astraea, Indigo, Lavender, Scarlette, and Tyrian Pierce: The princes and princesses of Cascadia.
will add more later
Vampire WIP
context: vampires and shit
 Arachne Hawthorne: Newly turned vampire, trans woman.(20)
Kamaria Moore- Arachne’s human roommate and first to know of her vampirism. Owns the cat.(20)
Mercedes Solís- A young vampire hunter who has yet to prove herself.(21)
Superhero WIP
context: following the Tunguska event (or some other meteor impact, i need to do research) about 1 in 10 people have the possibility to awaken superpowers when in life or death/high stress situations
Ophelia Sinclair: A trans woman who recently awoke her powers, allowing her to control her bones and regrow them should she remove them. (18)
Briar Morgan/Heartbreak: A teen who works as a super hero to ensure access to doctors for their heart condition. Their power allows them to manifest wings and a weapon(probably spear) after grabbing and squeezing their own heart(19)
Amaryllis Ward: A teen girl acting as a vigilante to make a name for herself outside her parent's shadows. Her power allows her to rewind time for herself and anyone she's touching while moving outside where she was originally. Due to this, others think her power is a short ranged teleportation ability(18)
Cyrus Matthews: A teen who as a result of being a super hero and having an unhidable power is quite popular at school. I am thinking he'll end up as a love interest for Ophelia(18)
Lorelei Ward: Amaryllis' mother, reformed supervillain turned vigilante after Magnus intervened following her first kill. She never had powers, but instead used technology to put herself on the level of a super and would rob banks just to fight whatever superhero would try to stop her and test her gadgets(42)
Magnus Ward: Amaryllis' father, superhero turned vigilante following his relationship with Lorelei becoming public. He has a sort of a gentleman super persona, with his power being the ability to propel things forwards at high velocity after touching them, which he uses with his knuckles(43)
Character details may change, but their relationships and general vibes will stay roughly consistent.
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sneezyminniejo · 2 years
Venom-mal members
Solar System entertainment has a pre-debut girl group. Although, they're set to debut in January. The name is Venom-mal and each member represents a different venomous animal.
Bang Jihye
English name: Athena Bang
December 16, 1999
Rapper, Fake Maknae
Merlin’s sister. She moved to Korea basically as soon as her senior year of high school ended and lived with Merlin for two years.
Initially debuted as a soloist, but realized she didn’t like it that much. She asked the company if she could debut in a group and they said yes. She initially wanted her stage name to be her English name Athena, but she didn’t like how it sounded in Korean, so she decided to go with her Korean name.
Jihye doesn’t get sick too often, but when she does, she becomes extremely emotional. She’s already fairly emotional (She cries at the song Silent Night), but it’s even worse when she’s sick. Doesn’t matter if it’s a cold, a stomach bug, or flu, not feeling well ramps up her emotions to a twenty. She’s very into skinship and will basically be hanging off whichever dongsaeng will tolerate it.
Her sneezes are tiny but powerful. She’s always bent at the waist when she sneezes and if she’s standing up, she’s sometimes propelled forward. She has a mild pollen allergy.
She never fully got the hang of honorifics and calls all the members unnie, except for Joey (American customs of not having honorifics won out on that one)
Even though she’s two and a half years younger than Merlin, she’s the spitting image of him. If she were to cut her hair to the length of Merlin’s, they would essentially look like identical twins.
Representative animal: Slow Loris
Joey Jung (JJ)
Korean name: Jung Jimin
February 29, 2000
Main Dancer, visual, fake maknae number 2
Joey is from America. Their legal name is Joanne, but prefer to go by Joey or JJ. They just recently moved to Korea, but spoke Korean at home, so they’re proficient conversationally, but still working on learning korean. They like to make jokes about only being five and a half years old, but that’s just because they’re a leap year baby.
Joey is an extremely stubborn sickie. They are very independent and even if they’re too dizzy to stand, they’ll insist they’re fine to go to work or that they don’t need anyone to stay behind to help them.
Joey also has fairly tiny sneezes. At one point they trained themself to say pikachu when they sneeze. So they come out as “Pika-tiew” They don’t have any allergies, but they are a photic sneezer, so they sneeze at least once per day
Face claim: Yechan from Pink Fantasy
Representative animal: The Northern Shrew
Kim Haneul
August 27, 2002
Leader, Main vocalist
Haneul takes being the leader of the group very seriously. Unfortunately, this sometimes translates into overworking herself. There have been a few times where the others have found her sleeping at the dining room table. Haneul doesn’t get sick very often, but when she does, it hits hard. She always winds up with a fever, even if it’s a minor cold. Her sneezes are relatively loud in volume, she’s also terrible at covering and at most turns her head away. She doesn’t have any allergies that she’s aware of, but she does have a fairly sensitive nose. This occasionally causes problems when she’s getting her makeup done.
Face claim: Iree from Rolling Quartz
Representative animal: Platypus
Cho Daeun
October 31, 2004
Lead vocalist
Daeun is a very sneezy person. She’s allergic to pollen, animal fur, and dust. She’s also sensitive to strong scents. She carries at least 3 travel packs of tissues on her at all times. Daeun gets sick a decent amount, but she frequently confuses being sick with allergies. As such she’s going to assume it’s allergies unless she’s got a fever or it’s the middle of winter. She is the least prone to catching a stomach bug and the most willing to try random food combinations no matter how gross they sound.
Face claim: Jiae from Lovelyz
Representative Animal: Gila Monster
Oh Nari
July 22, 2005
Lead dancer, actual maknae
Nari almost never gets sick in that she almost never catches anything. However she has a very sensitive stomach. She can’t do spicy food, nor can she do mukbangs. She’s slightly sensitive to dust, but otherwise never sneezes. If she does manage to catch a cold, chances are high it’s a chest cold.
Face Claim: Twice Nayeon
Representative animal: Fire Salamander
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