#Aspiring Interior Designers
Essential Skills for Aspiring Interior Designers
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Interior design is a multifaceted profession that requires a blend of creativity, technical knowledge, and interpersonal skills. Aspiring interior designers must master a range of essential skills to succeed in this dynamic field. Whether you're just beginning your design journey or looking to enhance your existing skill set, understanding these key competencies is crucial. In this blog, we'll explore the essential skills every aspiring interior designer should develop, and how institutions like the Indian Institute of Fashion & Design - IIFD Kolkata (@iifdkolkata) can help you acquire these skills and excel in your career.
Creativity and Artistic Vision
Creativity is the cornerstone of interior design. Aspiring designers must have a keen eye for aesthetics, color schemes, and spatial arrangements. Cultivating an artistic vision allows designers to create innovative and visually appealing spaces that meet clients' needs and preferences.
Technical Proficiency
Mastery of design software and tools is essential for modern interior designers. Proficiency in AutoCAD, SketchUp, Revit, Adobe Creative Suite, and other design programs enables designers to create detailed plans, renderings, and presentations. Technical skills also include understanding building codes, regulations, and construction methods.
Attention to Detail
Interior design involves meticulous attention to detail. From selecting the right materials and finishes to ensuring precise measurements and placements, attention to detail ensures that every element of the design is executed flawlessly. This skill is crucial for creating cohesive and functional spaces.
Communication Skills
Effective communication is vital for conveying design ideas and collaborating with clients, contractors, and team members. Aspiring designers must be able to articulate their vision clearly through verbal, written, and visual communication. Active listening skills are equally important for understanding clients' needs and feedback.
Problem-Solving Abilities
Interior designers often encounter challenges and constraints, such as budget limitations, space restrictions, and client preferences. Strong problem-solving skills enable designers to find creative solutions that balance aesthetics, functionality, and practicality.
Project Management
Successful interior design projects require effective project management. This includes planning, organizing, and overseeing all aspects of a project from inception to completion. Skills in time management, budgeting, and coordination ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget.
Knowledge of Trends and Styles
Staying updated with the latest design trends, styles, and technologies is essential for interior designers. This knowledge allows designers to create contemporary and relevant spaces. Additionally, understanding various design styles and historical influences enhances a designer's versatility and ability to cater to diverse client preferences.
Interpersonal Skills
Building strong relationships with clients, contractors, and colleagues is crucial in the interior design industry. Interpersonal skills such as empathy, negotiation, and teamwork help designers navigate client interactions, manage expectations, and foster a collaborative working environment.
Sustainability Awareness
Sustainable design practices are increasingly important in today's environmentally conscious world. Aspiring interior designers should be knowledgeable about eco-friendly materials, energy-efficient solutions, and sustainable design principles. This awareness allows designers to create spaces that are both beautiful and environmentally responsible.
Business Acumen
For those aspiring to start their own interior design business or take on leadership roles, business acumen is essential. Understanding marketing, client management, finance, and entrepreneurship helps designers build successful and sustainable careers.
Developing these essential skills is key to becoming a successful interior designer. Institutions like the Indian Institute of Fashion & Design - IIFD Kolkata are dedicated to providing comprehensive education and training that equips aspiring designers with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in the industry. With experienced faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, and a curriculum that integrates both theoretical and practical learning, IIFD Kolkata offers a nurturing and dynamic environment for future designers to excel.
Ready to embark on your journey to becoming a successful interior designer? Explore the programs at the Best Interior Designing College in Kolkata, IIFD - Indian Institute of Fashion & Design, Kolkata and discover how we can help you develop the essential skills needed to thrive in the design industry. Apply now and take the first step towards a rewarding career in interior design with IIFD Kolkata!
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of-fear-and-love · 8 months
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Interiors from Don't Worry Darling (2022) (production designer Katie Byron)
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incarq · 6 months
Very grateful for this wonderful interview in aspire design and home magazine, where my experiences are narrated and how they are intertwined with my present, and with the history of our project "Mar Mediterráneo 34". Photography by João Morgado Full article on the Aspire website: https://aspiremetro.com/mexico-city-mansion/ #Renovation #Restoration #Heritage #Mexico #Architecture #InteriorDesign #Design #Past #Future #Present #aspiremagazine #AspireDesignAndHomeMagazine #aspire #Tacuba #Preservation #MexicoCity
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interiorergonomics · 8 months
The Bold Contrast of Yellow Chairs In Dark-Themed Office Fit Out
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Introducing customized yellow office chairs into a dark-themed Office Fit Out brings a dynamic touch, influencing the overall atmosphere and employee experience. In a corporate setting dominated by dark color schemes for sophistication, these customized yellow ergonomic office chairs serve dual purposes.
Primarily, the choice of yellow is known for its ability to evoke positivity and creativity. Placing these chairs strategically in communal or collaborative spaces infuses vibrancy, fostering an inspiring work environment and boosting employee morale.
Moreover, these customized yellow office chairs act as effective focal points, breaking the monotony of the dark theme and encouraging collaboration. However, careful consideration is needed to avoid disrupting the overall harmony. Strategic placement and thoughtful shade selection ensure seamless integration with the existing aesthetic.
Practically, the comfort and functionality of these customized yellow office chairs align with ergonomic standards. Integrating these vibrant elements into the workspace requires understanding corporate culture, work nature, and employee preferences.
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For those inspired by the bold contrast of yellow chairs in dark-themed collaborative spaces and eager to bring this dynamic aesthetic into their own spaces, the quest for customized furniture is paramount. Discovering unique and personalized yellow chairs that perfectly align with individual tastes and design preferences is a journey that can be embarked upon with reputable custom furniture providers. To explore a diverse range of options and unleash the full creative potential of your interior design vision, consider reputable furniture ateliers, bespoke design studios, or online platforms specializing in customized furniture solutions. From tailored upholstery to innovative designs, They offer a plethora of possibilities for obtaining the perfect yellow chairs that will undoubtedly elevate and transform your dark-themed interior spaces. Dive into the world of customized office furniture and let your design aspirations come to life.
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esotericalchemist · 16 days
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𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 - 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬?
Masterlist - YouTube (subliminals)
In Vedic Astrology, the eleventh house is known as the House of Gains and represents your aspirations, income, and the fulfillment of desires. This house shows how and where you are likely to achieve success and material wealth in life. The placement of the ruling planet of your eleventh house, as well as any planets within it, offers insight into the sources of your financial gains, social connections, and overall prosperity. Essentially, understanding the eleventh house helps you see where opportunities for growth and abundance may manifest in your life.
𝐀𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
With Aries influencing your eleventh house, you tackle friendships, goals, and financial gains with enthusiasm, boldness, and a trailblazing attitude. You’re likely to secure wealth by being assertive, taking calculated risks, and pursuing competitive or entrepreneurial paths. Your friends and social networks are often key to your success, frequently drawn from dynamic or high-energy environments.
Mars in the Houses (Mars is the ruler of Aries)
Mars in the 1st House: Your gains come from personal drive, leadership, and independent projects. For example, you might start a business like a fitness studio, using your energy and visibility to promote your brand and grow your venture.
Mars in the 2nd House: Wealth tends to flow from managing finances, property, or physical assets. You might find success through real estate investments, or in financial sectors such as banking, perhaps working as a stockbroker or in property management.
Mars in the 3rd House: Profits are linked to communication, marketing, media, or travel. You might thrive in advertising, writing for publications, or running a travel blog, turning your communication skills into financial gain.
Mars in the 4th House: Your wealth could come from real estate, family inheritance, or home-based businesses. For instance, you might profit from buying and renovating homes or establish a successful home business, such as property management or interior design.
Mars in the 5th House: Creative projects, speculative investments, or entertainment ventures may be lucrative for you. This could mean profiting from stock market investments, cryptocurrency, or finding success in the arts as a performer or artist.
Mars in the 6th House: Hard work, health-related fields, or competitive industries could bring financial rewards. You might build wealth through a career in healthcare, as a personal trainer, or by excelling in a demanding legal profession, gaining success by overcoming obstacles.
Mars in the 7th House: Financial gains are often tied to partnerships—whether personal or business-related. You could team up with someone to start a business like a law firm or gain wealth through marriage to a prominent or driven partner.
Mars in the 8th House: Joint ventures, inheritances, or industries focusing on transformation, such as finance or psychology, could bring you wealth. You might inherit assets or succeed through business partnerships or roles in fields like investment banking or insurance.
Mars in the 9th House: Wealth may arise from education, law, travel, or publishing. You could build success as a professor, lawyer, or publisher, or by pursuing international opportunities, such as work in the travel industry.
Mars in the 10th House: Career achievements, leadership positions, or public recognition are key to your financial success. You might rise to a leadership role, like CEO or political figure, where your ambition and dynamic energy lead you to the top.
Mars in the 11th House: Your wealth may stem from your social circles, technology, or large organizations. You could benefit by working in the tech industry, founding an innovative business, or through influential friends who open doors to profitable opportunities.
Mars in the 12th House: Profits come from behind-the-scenes efforts, foreign ventures, or spiritual pursuits. You might gain financially by working in hospitals, charitable organizations, or through businesses tied to travel, import/export, or spiritual guidance.
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𝐓𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐬 𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
With Taurus governing your eleventh house, your approach to wealth and gains is grounded, patient, and often centered around material security. You favor slow, steady growth, and may build your financial success through reliable investments or artistic ventures. Friendships and social networks can be significant in your financial development, particularly when aligned with shared values or tied to industries focused on luxury and beauty.
Venus in the Houses (Venus is the ruler of Taurus)
Venus in the 1st House: You are likely to attract wealth through your charm, physical appeal, and the way you present yourself. For instance, you could succeed in beauty, fashion, or personal branding—becoming a successful influencer or model, where your appearance and social magnetism are vital assets.
Venus in the 2nd House: Wealth flows through careful handling of finances, luxury goods, or industries related to beauty and aesthetics. You might find financial success in areas like fine art, jewelry, or running a high-end boutique. This placement supports a steady income in beauty or fashion-related businesses.
Venus in the 3rd House: Financial success arises through communication, media, or education, particularly in artistic fields. You could thrive as a writer, work in advertising or public relations, or make money from teaching or speaking on topics related to beauty or luxury.
Venus in the 4th House: Gains are often tied to property, real estate, or home-based ventures, particularly those related to comfort and aesthetics. You might generate wealth by flipping houses, engaging in interior design, or running a family business. Inheritance or familial wealth could also play a role.
Venus in the 5th House: Your financial success may come from creative endeavors, entertainment, or speculative investments. You could profit from acting, filmmaking, or other artistic projects. Additionally, this placement can indicate gains through stock market investments, particularly in sectors related to art or entertainment.
Venus in the 6th House: Profits are earned through service, health, or beauty-related industries. You might build wealth by working in areas like cosmetology, health spas, or wellness centers. A talent for creating a harmonious work environment could also lead to financial success in these fields.
Venus in the 7th House: Gains often come through partnerships, whether in marriage or business. You may benefit financially through a significant relationship or business collaboration, particularly with someone involved in luxury, legal fields, or the arts. Joint ventures in creative industries could be very profitable.
Venus in the 8th House: Wealth may come from inheritances, shared resources, or transformative industries. You might gain through an inheritance, or profit from partnerships in finance, psychology, or the arts. This placement can also suggest financial gains through investments or using other people’s assets effectively.
Venus in the 9th House: Financial success is connected to education, law, or travel, especially in beauty or luxury industries. You might earn through international fashion, tourism, or by teaching beauty-related subjects at a university. There’s also potential for profit from foreign investments or luxury travel enterprises.
Venus in the 10th House: Wealth comes from career success, public recognition, or artistic achievements. You might thrive in high-profile roles within the arts, luxury markets, or fashion industry. This placement is highly favorable for building wealth through a career in design, beauty, or entertainment.
Venus in the 11th House: Gains are tied to social networks, large organizations, or technology, particularly within the luxury or beauty sectors. You could profit from working in social media marketing or technology platforms related to fashion or beauty. Friendships and connections in elite circles may also lead to financial opportunities.
Venus in the 12th House: Profits come from behind-the-scenes work, foreign ventures, or spiritual and artistic pursuits. You might find financial success through working in luxury hotels or resorts abroad, or by being involved in art projects that promote beauty or tranquility. Investments in foreign luxury markets could also be rewarding.
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𝐆𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
With Gemini ruling your eleventh house, your approach to financial gains is driven by intellect, communication, and adaptability. You may accumulate wealth through industries such as writing, media, technology, or education, where your ability to communicate ideas clearly and multitask proves invaluable. Social networks and friendships can be instrumental in your financial success, and you tend to thrive in environments where flexibility and quick thinking are required to stay ahead in an ever-evolving world.
Mercury in the Houses (Ruler of Gemini)
Mercury in the 1st House: Financial success comes from your personal communication skills, fast thinking, and intellectual pursuits. For example, you may achieve wealth as a public speaker, teacher, or writer, where your ability to express yourself clearly and think on your feet directly contributes to your success.
Mercury in the 2nd House: Wealth is generated through intellectual work, business, or trade, especially in fields involving communication or technology. You might find financial success by managing a tech startup, working in sales, or running a communications-based business, such as publishing or e-commerce.
Mercury in the 3rd House: Profits are tied to communication, writing, journalism, or short-distance travel. You could earn money as a journalist, blogger, or in public relations, using your communication skills to promote products, services, or ideas.
Mercury in the 4th House: You may gain wealth through real estate, family businesses, or intellectual work done from home. For example, running an online business, freelancing, or writing from home could be highly profitable. There is also potential for success in educational ventures related to real estate or family enterprises.
Mercury in the 5th House: Wealth can be accumulated through creative pursuits, entertainment, or speculative investments. You might succeed financially by writing screenplays, managing creative projects, or working in the entertainment industry. This placement also suggests potential gains from stock market investments or other speculative ventures.
Mercury in the 6th House: Profits come from service-oriented industries, health, or work involving communication or technology. For instance, you might find financial success working as a healthcare administrator, medical transcriptionist, or by managing digital solutions in the healthcare sector.
Mercury in the 7th House: Financial gains are often linked to partnerships, both personal and business, and intellectual collaborations. You may benefit by working with a business partner in legal, consulting, or writing fields. Marriage or partnerships in these industries may also bring financial advantages.
Mercury in the 8th House: Wealth is earned through joint ventures, inheritances, or industries that focus on transformation and finance. You might thrive in managing other people’s money, such as in financial planning or investments, or profit through publishing books on psychology or the occult.
Mercury in the 9th House: Profits come from teaching, law, travel, or publishing, especially on international platforms. For example, you might gain wealth by working as a professor, lawyer, or writer, particularly if your work involves education, international law, or travel blogging.
Mercury in the 10th House: Wealth is tied to career achievements, public speaking, or intellectual endeavors. You could succeed financially as a high-profile journalist, politician, or public speaker, where your communication skills and intellectual abilities propel your career forward.
Mercury in the 11th House: Gains are linked to social networks, technology, or large organizations, particularly those involving communication. You might profit by managing online platforms, social media businesses, or through connections with tech companies, where your ability to network and communicate pays off financially.
Mercury in the 12th House: Financial success comes from behind-the-scenes work, foreign ventures, or intellectual and spiritual pursuits. You might earn through research, spiritual writing, or working in foreign lands as a consultant or writer, especially on topics related to international affairs or spiritual matters.
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𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
With Cancer ruling your eleventh house, your approach to financial gains is deeply influenced by emotional connections, nurturing relationships, and home-related ventures. You are likely to accumulate wealth through businesses that promote comfort, security, or caregiving, such as hospitality, food, real estate, or childcare. Your social networks and friendships often play a crucial role in your financial success, providing both emotional support and practical assistance.
Moon in the Houses (Ruler of Cancer)
Moon in the 1st House: Your financial gains are tied to self-driven efforts and emotional expression. For example, you might succeed by becoming a public figure in nurturing roles, such as a therapist, chef, or lifestyle coach, where you can connect with others through your emotions and personal brand.
Moon in the 2nd House: Wealth comes from a strong desire for financial security and possibly from family resources. You might accumulate wealth through real estate investments, family-run businesses, or careers related to food, home goods, or caregiving, such as owning a family restaurant or working in childcare.
Moon in the 3rd House: Profits arise through communication, media, or relationships within your local community. You might earn by writing about family, home life, or food, or through local ventures like running a café or bakery. Short-distance travel or involvement in local businesses can also bring financial success.
Moon in the 4th House: Gains are connected to family, real estate, or home-based businesses. You may profit from buying and selling properties, managing rentals, or running a business from home, such as interior design, home decor, or even a bed-and-breakfast.
Moon in the 5th House: Wealth comes from creative endeavors, children, or emotionally fulfilling projects. You could find financial success by working on projects related to children, such as writing children’s books or running a daycare. Speculative ventures, particularly those that resonate with family values, could also prove profitable.
Moon in the 6th House: Financial success is tied to service-oriented professions, health, or caregiving roles. You might earn money by working in healthcare, nutrition, or any field that involves caring for others, such as being a nurse, dietitian, or personal caregiver.
Moon in the 7th House: Wealth comes through partnerships, marriage, or collaborative ventures. You may benefit from a business partnership or marriage, particularly in caregiving or hospitality-related industries, such as real estate, family-owned businesses, or ventures focused on comfort and security.
Moon in the 8th House: Financial gains may come from inheritances, shared resources, or transformative industries. You could inherit family wealth or benefit from joint ventures in industries like psychology, emotional healing, or those dealing with death and transformation, such as funeral services.
Moon in the 9th House: Wealth arises from higher education, travel, or teaching in nurturing roles. You might profit from teaching caregiving or hospitality-related subjects, or by working in real estate or hospitality abroad. Writing or publishing on family, home, or caregiving topics can also bring financial rewards.
Moon in the 10th House: Your financial success is closely tied to career achievements in caregiving or public service roles. You might excel in public careers related to healthcare, food, or hospitality, such as managing a chain of hotels or leading a family business in the food or service industry.
Moon in the 11th House: Financial gains come through social networks, community involvement, or large organizations focused on caregiving and emotional well-being. You could profit by working in healthcare, social work, or community welfare organizations, or by leveraging supportive friendships and networks to create financial opportunities.
Moon in the 12th House: Profits are earned through behind-the-scenes work, foreign ventures, or roles involving emotional and spiritual healing. You might gain wealth by working in hospitals, spiritual retreats, or through caregiving roles in secluded settings like a hospice. Overseas ventures related to caregiving, or spiritual services, may also bring financial success.
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𝐋𝐞𝐨 𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
With Leo ruling your eleventh house, you pursue financial gains with a sense of confidence, creativity, and a desire for recognition. Leadership roles, creative ventures, and public visibility are likely to be avenues for accumulating wealth. Your social networks can significantly influence your success, particularly when they involve influential or creative individuals. Your drive to express your individuality and stand out pushes you toward financial success, especially in areas where you can shine and take on prominent roles.
Sun in the Houses (Ruler of Leo)
Sun in the 1st House: Financial gains come through personal charisma, leadership, and self-promotion. You might achieve wealth by being the face of a business, becoming a public figure, or stepping into leadership roles where your confidence and presence attract opportunities—such as becoming an entrepreneur, actor, or leader in a visible field.
Sun in the 2nd House: Wealth is earned through personal assets, financial management, and a focus on material security. You could profit from investments in luxury goods, art, or jewelry, or by taking leadership roles in industries related to wealth management or high-end markets. Your focus on stability and value makes you financially successful.
Sun in the 3rd House: Profits arise through communication, media, and entrepreneurial ventures involving short-distance travel or education. You might gain wealth by working in media, public speaking, or by leading a business that focuses on writing, marketing, or teaching.
Sun in the 4th House: Wealth comes through real estate, family businesses, or home-related industries. You may accumulate wealth by managing property, working in real estate, or profiting from family enterprises. This placement also favors ventures focused on luxury home environments, such as interior design or property development.
Sun in the 5th House: Your financial success comes from creative endeavors, entertainment, or speculative investments. You could thrive in careers involving acting, performing, or creating luxury goods. Additionally, speculative markets like stocks or investments in industries related to children, education, or entertainment could lead to wealth.
Sun in the 6th House: Wealth is gained through service-oriented professions, health industries, or leadership in daily work routines. You might find financial success by managing teams in healthcare, leading service industries, or excelling in high-profile positions that involve helping others, such as fitness or wellness management.
Sun in the 7th House: Gains come through partnerships, marriage, or collaborative business ventures. You may accumulate wealth through a significant partnership, whether in marriage or business, especially in high-profile fields like law, entertainment, or public relations. Taking a leadership role in joint ventures can also be a path to financial success.
Sun in the 8th House: Wealth may come from joint ventures, inheritances, or transformative industries. You could gain financially through family inheritance or by working in fields such as psychology, investments, or life-transition industries like insurance, counseling, or financial planning.
Sun in the 9th House: Profits arise from teaching, travel, law, or publishing, particularly in high-profile or international roles. You may gain wealth as a well-known educator, lawyer, or author. Opportunities in travel or working within global industries, such as luxury tourism or international business, can also lead to financial success.
Sun in the 10th House: Financial success is linked to career achievements, leadership roles, and public authority. You could become wealthy by taking on leadership positions in large corporations, government, or entertainment industries. Public recognition and respect for your work often translate into financial rewards.
Sun in the 11th House: Wealth comes from social networks, large organizations, or technology. You could profit from networking with influential individuals or working in large corporations or tech-based industries. This placement is ideal for standing out and taking leadership roles in media, technology, or large organizations.
Sun in the 12th House: Financial gains are achieved through behind-the-scenes work, foreign ventures, or spiritual and creative pursuits. You might build wealth by working in secluded settings such as hospitals, spiritual retreats, or foreign countries. Creative projects related to introspection, art, or spirituality can also be sources of financial success.
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𝐕𝐢𝐫𝐠𝐨 𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
With Virgo ruling your eleventh house, your approach to financial gains is practical, detail-oriented, and focused on efficiency. You are likely to accumulate wealth through work related to service, health, research, or intellectual pursuits. Success comes from refining systems, improving processes, and maintaining a methodical approach to your goals. Your social networks tend to be composed of hardworking, dedicated individuals who share your values. Your ability to analyze, organize, and solve problems ensures steady and sustainable financial growth over time.
Mercury in the Houses (ruler of Virgo)
Mercury in the 1st House: Financial gains come through your intelligence, communication skills, and self-promotion. For example, you might find success by using your analytical mind and problem-solving abilities in fields like consulting, writing, or teaching, where you can establish yourself as an expert.
Mercury in the 2nd House: Wealth is earned through intellectual work, business, or fields involving communication. You may thrive in careers such as accounting, bookkeeping, or managing small businesses, where attention to detail and financial management skills are crucial to your success.
Mercury in the 3rd House: Profits arise from writing, media, communication, or local businesses. You could earn by working as a journalist, editor, or teacher, or through running a local business. Communication-based work, such as starting a blog focused on health, wellness, or practical advice, may also be profitable.
Mercury in the 4th House: Gains are linked to home-based businesses, family enterprises, or real estate. You might succeed by running a family business, working from home as a consultant, or investing in property. This placement also favors careers in home improvement services or real estate management.
Mercury in the 5th House: Wealth comes from creative projects, education, or speculative ventures. You could achieve financial success by working in children's education, teaching, or coaching. Alternatively, you might profit from creative writing or speculative investments like the stock market or gambling.
Mercury in the 6th House: Profits are earned through health-related fields, service-oriented work, or administrative roles. You could find financial success by working in healthcare management, as a nutritionist, or in wellness-related industries, where your organizational skills and attention to detail are vital assets.
Mercury in the 7th House: Wealth comes through partnerships, collaborations, or legal work. You may benefit from working with a business partner on intellectual ventures, writing contracts, or consulting in fields like mediation, counseling, or legal advice.
Mercury in the 8th House: Financial gains are tied to joint ventures, investments, or transformative industries. You might earn through financial planning, investment management, or by working in research, psychology, or therapeutic industries that focus on personal or financial transformation.
Mercury in the 9th House: Profits arise from teaching, travel, law, or publishing. You might find success in education, international business, or travel-related industries, such as becoming a travel blogger. Writing or publishing, especially on academic or philosophical topics, can also lead to wealth.
Mercury in the 10th House: Wealth is linked to career achievements in intellectual or communication-driven roles. You could thrive in high-level administrative positions, corporate communication roles, or as an expert consultant in your chosen field, where your intellect and organizational abilities shine.
Mercury in the 11th House: Gains come from social networks, technology, or large organizations. You might profit from working in tech, analytics, or science-based industries, or by leveraging a large network of business or intellectual connections to create financial opportunities.
Mercury in the 12th House: Financial success comes from behind-the-scenes work, foreign ventures, or research. You could earn by working in secluded environments like hospitals or research institutions, or through intellectual pursuits abroad, such as becoming a translator, international consultant, or academic researcher.
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𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚 𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
With Libra ruling your eleventh house, your approach to financial gains is driven by balance, harmony, and social relationships. You may accumulate wealth through collaborations, partnerships, and connections in fields related to beauty, art, law, or diplomacy. Your friendships and social networks are essential to your financial success, often helping you form important alliances. Creating peace and harmony in group settings or within partnerships is likely to open doors for lucrative opportunities.
Venus in the Houses (ruler of Libra)
Venus in the 1st House: Financial gains come through your personal charm, appearance, and social appeal. For instance, you might succeed in industries like fashion, beauty, or public relations, where your ability to present yourself in an attractive and harmonious manner brings lucrative opportunities.
Venus in the 2nd House: Wealth is earned through luxury goods, aesthetics, or careful financial management. You might thrive by working in the fashion industry, running a high-end boutique, or managing a jewelry business. Your appreciation for beauty and material comfort will likely guide you toward financial success.
Venus in the 3rd House: Profits arise through communication, media, or education, especially in artistic fields. You could gain financially by writing about beauty, fashion, or relationships, or by working in advertising, public relations, or media. Your ability to communicate artistic or aesthetic ideas effectively leads to financial gains.
Venus in the 4th House: Gains come from real estate, family businesses, or ventures related to home and beauty. You might profit from interior design, property management, or home-based beauty services. Family wealth or engaging in industries that enhance comfort and beauty within domestic spaces can also contribute to your financial success.
Venus in the 5th House: Wealth is generated through creative endeavors, entertainment, or speculative ventures. You might succeed in the arts, acting, or through performing. Additionally, investments in luxury or fashion-related industries may bring financial rewards. Romantic partnerships or ventures involving children could also be lucrative.
Venus in the 6th House: Profits come from service-oriented work, health, or beauty industries. You may earn by working in wellness, fashion, or beauty services, such as being a beautician, personal stylist, or running a health spa. Your ability to create harmonious environments in the workplace will further boost your income.
Venus in the 7th House: Gains come through partnerships, marriage, or legal work. You might profit from a marriage or business partnership, especially in beauty, law, or fashion. Collaborative ventures in fields like wedding planning, relationship counseling, or law could lead to significant financial gains.
Venus in the 8th House: Wealth comes from inheritances, joint ventures, or industries focused on transformation. You might gain through shared resources, marriage, or by working in financial planning or psychology. Joint investments, luxury services, or industries like cosmetic surgery could also lead to financial success.
Venus in the 9th House: Profits arise from teaching, travel, law, or publishing, particularly in areas related to beauty or relationships. You might earn money by teaching or writing about relationships, law, or artistic topics. Businesses involving luxury travel or beauty tourism may also be highly profitable.
Venus in the 10th House: Wealth comes from career achievements in the public sphere, particularly in beauty, law, or the arts. You could thrive by holding a prominent position in the fashion or beauty industry, or as a public figure in law, diplomacy, or entertainment. Public recognition for your work in aesthetic fields will likely lead to financial success.
Venus in the 11th House: Gains come through social networks, large organizations, or technology, particularly in fields related to beauty or luxury. You might profit by working in fashion technology, social media marketing, or through influential friends in high-end sectors. Networking with creative professionals can introduce lucrative opportunities.
Venus in the 12th House: Financial success comes from behind-the-scenes work, foreign lands, or spiritual and artistic endeavors. You might earn wealth by working in luxury hotels, wellness retreats, or through charitable work that promotes beauty and harmony. Artistic projects in secluded environments or abroad could also bring financial rewards.
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𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐢𝐨 𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
With Scorpio ruling the eleventh house, your approach to financial gains is strategic, intense, and often transformative. You tend to accumulate wealth through deep emotional relationships, joint ventures, or industries tied to finance, psychology, and transformation. Your social networks are likely to include powerful and influential individuals, and you may leverage these connections to access hidden resources or manage shared assets. Your determination and ability to navigate complex situations help you achieve long-term financial success.
Mars in the Houses (ruler of Scorpio)
Mars in the 1st House: Financial gains come through your personal drive, ambition, and assertive actions. You may accumulate wealth by starting your own business, taking on leadership roles, or working in high-energy fields like sports, fitness, or entrepreneurship, where quick decision-making and initiative are key.
Mars in the 2nd House: Wealth is earned through physical assets, assertive financial management, or industries tied to material goods. You might gain by investing in real estate, working in property management, or industries related to construction or metals. Your proactive approach to financial matters ensures solid material growth.
Mars in the 3rd House: Profits arise from communication, writing, or media-related ventures. You might build wealth by working in journalism, marketing, or running a media company. Quick thinking and direct communication are your assets, and industries like sales or short-term travel can also lead to financial success.
Mars in the 4th House: Financial success comes through real estate, family inheritances, or home-based businesses. You might accumulate wealth by investing in property, renovating homes, or managing a family business. Ventures related to real estate or home improvements, such as house flipping, can prove highly profitable.
Mars in the 5th House: Wealth comes from creative ventures, speculative investments, or entertainment industries. You could succeed as an actor, director, or in any creative field, especially those involving risk, like the stock market or cryptocurrency. Your willingness to take calculated risks could lead to significant financial rewards.
Mars in the 6th House: Profits come from service-oriented professions, health fields, or competitive industries. You may achieve financial success in healthcare as a surgeon or physical trainer, or by excelling in competitive environments like law, the military, or corporate sectors. Your perseverance and work ethic lead to consistent financial gains.
Mars in the 7th House: Financial gains are tied to partnerships, alliances, or marriage. You might profit from a strategic business partnership in fields like law, finance, or consulting. Alternatively, wealth may come through marriage, particularly if your partner works in a high-energy or competitive industry.
Mars in the 8th House: Wealth comes from joint ventures, inheritances, or industries focused on transformation. You could build financial success by managing other people’s resources in roles like investment banking, financial planning, or insurance. Inheritance or working in fields like psychology, healing, or transformative services could also bring wealth.
Mars in the 9th House: Profits arise from teaching, law, international business, or travel-related industries. You might gain by working as a professor, lawyer, or through international business ventures. Travel, foreign investments, or industries like adventure tourism or higher education can also be financially rewarding.
Mars in the 10th House: Wealth is tied to career achievements, public recognition, and leadership roles. You may achieve financial success by leading large organizations or taking on prominent roles in competitive fields like finance, military, or government. Your ambition and determination push you toward the top, where financial rewards follow.
Mars in the 11th House: Gains come through social networks, large organizations, or collective ventures. You might profit by working in technology, finance, or large-scale enterprises. Your ability to network within influential circles and lead group initiatives opens up significant financial opportunities.
Mars in the 12th House: Financial success comes from behind-the-scenes work, foreign investments, or industries related to healing and spirituality. You could build wealth by working in hospitals, prisons, or spiritual retreats. Investments abroad or in transformative fields, such as therapy or hidden resources, could also be lucrative.
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𝐒𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
With Sagittarius ruling your eleventh house, your approach to financial gains is characterized by expansiveness, optimism, and a focus on growth, higher learning, and adventure. Wealth may come from teaching, international business, publishing, law, or travel-related endeavors. Your social circles are broad and diverse, often including individuals from various cultural and intellectual backgrounds. Financial success is likely to come by embracing opportunities that involve exploration, education, or philosophical pursuits, allowing you to expand your horizons.
Jupiter in the Houses (ruler of Sagittarius)
Jupiter in the 1st House: Gains come through personal charisma, leadership, and an optimistic outlook. Example: You could achieve wealth as a teacher, motivational speaker, or entrepreneur, where your confidence and expansive nature draw financial opportunities. Your leadership abilities and ability to inspire others help you attract success.
Jupiter in the 2nd House: Wealth is earned through investments, teaching, or industries tied to higher learning and travel. Example: You might accumulate wealth through international trade, real estate investments abroad, or by working in education, such as owning language schools or cultural institutions. Your ability to manage resources with a long-term perspective is key to your success.
Jupiter in the 3rd House: Profits arise from communication, writing, media, or short-distance travel, often connected to educational or philosophical topics. Example: You could earn by publishing books on travel, education, or philosophy, or by working in media that promotes intellectual growth. Local teaching ventures, educational tours, or creating content that inspires learning may also bring wealth.
Jupiter in the 4th House: Gains come from real estate, family businesses, or educational ventures related to the home. Example: You might profit from real estate investments, especially in culturally significant properties, or by running a family business involving education, such as homeschooling consulting or online educational programs.
Jupiter in the 5th House: Wealth is derived from creative pursuits, teaching, or speculative investments in educational or intellectual ventures. Example: You could build wealth by running educational programs for children, teaching creative subjects, or investing in entertainment or intellectual property. Your ability to inspire others through your creativity often leads to financial rewards.
Jupiter in the 6th House: Profits come through service industries, health, or teaching, particularly in educational or travel-related fields. Example: You might earn by teaching at universities, managing educational institutions, or working in healthcare sectors with an emphasis on wellness and travel, such as retreats or international health services.
Jupiter in the 7th House: Gains come through partnerships, collaborations, or legal work, especially in international or educational fields. Example: You could profit from a business or legal partnership that deals with international law, education, or foreign investments. Collaborative ventures that focus on growth, expansion, and global reach lead to significant financial success.
Jupiter in the 8th House: Wealth comes from joint ventures, inheritances, or transformation-based industries like finance or psychology. Example: You might gain financially through shared resources, investments, or inheritances. Working in transformative fields, such as financial planning, educational funding, or psychological counseling, could also bring wealth.
Jupiter in the 9th House: Profits arise from teaching, law, travel, or publishing, particularly in global or philosophical fields. Example: You might earn wealth as a professor, lawyer, or travel consultant. International business ventures, such as starting an educational travel company or publishing books on philosophy, could lead to significant financial success.
Jupiter in the 10th House: Wealth is tied to career achievements, public leadership, and authority in fields related to education, law, or travel. Example: You could gain wealth through high-profile roles in education, law, or as a public figure in global initiatives. Leadership in international business or educational reform could result in substantial financial rewards.
Jupiter in the 11th House: Gains come through social networks, large organizations, or technology, especially in education or travel. Example: You might profit by working with large educational or travel organizations, or by networking in intellectual and global circles. Involvement in global educational programs or travel technology startups could bring financial success.
Jupiter in the 12th House: Profits come from behind-the-scenes work, foreign lands, or spiritual and intellectual pursuits. Example: You might gain wealth by working in spiritual retreats, universities abroad, or industries related to foreign investments or educational ventures. Teaching or consulting in secluded or spiritual environments can also be lucrative, particularly in roles that focus on personal growth or spirituality.
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𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
With Capricorn ruling your eleventh house, you take a disciplined, methodical approach to achieving financial gains, often focusing on long-term planning, hard work, and responsibility. Financial success may come through structured industries like business, government, real estate, or leadership roles. Your social networks are likely to include influential or authoritative figures, and you may achieve wealth by aligning yourself with institutions or steadily advancing within your chosen field. You are driven by the desire for stability, and your success often stems from careful, strategic efforts.
Saturn in the Houses (ruler of Capricorn)
Saturn in the 1st House: Financial gains come through personal discipline, leadership, and perseverance. Example: You might achieve wealth by taking on leadership roles where your reputation and hard work are essential. Becoming a CEO or rising in a field that values responsibility and structure could lead to long-term financial success.
Saturn in the 2nd House: Wealth is earned through careful financial planning, savings, and long-term investments. Example: You may accumulate wealth through cautious investments in real estate or by working in finance, accountancy, or banking. Your disciplined approach to managing money ensures steady financial rewards over time.
Saturn in the 3rd House: Profits arise from communication, writing, or media ventures that require discipline and long-term effort. Example: You might earn by working in publishing, journalism, or technical writing. Success in these fields comes from years of consistent effort and attention to detail, with financial rewards building slowly over time.
Saturn in the 4th House: Gains come through real estate, family businesses, or property-related investments. Example: You could profit by investing in real estate or managing family assets. Building wealth through property or home-based businesses, with a focus on long-term growth, can lead to financial security.
Saturn in the 5th House: Wealth is generated through creative endeavors, speculative investments, or education-related ventures. Example: You might earn by working in industries like film production, education management, or through long-term investments in stocks or real estate. Your structured approach to creative projects or speculative ventures ensures sustainable financial growth.
Saturn in the 6th House: Profits come from service-oriented industries, health, or disciplined work routines. Example: You may gain wealth by working in healthcare management, legal services, or in careers where service, structure, and discipline are essential, such as HR or law enforcement. Consistent work in these fields can lead to long-term financial success.
Saturn in the 7th House: Financial gains come through partnerships, business alliances, or legal work, often developed over time. Example: You could profit from long-term business partnerships or legal agreements in structured fields like law, real estate, or corporate business. Marrying a successful partner in a traditional field might also bring financial benefits.
Saturn in the 8th House: Wealth comes through joint ventures, inheritances, or managing shared resources. Example: You may achieve financial success by managing other people’s money or assets, working in fields like banking, finance, or insurance. Carefully handling joint ventures or family inheritances can also lead to long-term wealth.
Saturn in the 9th House: Profits arise from teaching, law, publishing, or international business, especially in structured fields. Example: You could earn wealth by building a career in academia, law, or international trade. Long-term involvement in publishing or large educational institutions, such as universities or think tanks, can also bring financial success.
Saturn in the 10th House: Wealth comes from career achievements, leadership roles, and authority in large organizations. Example: You may achieve financial success by steadily climbing the corporate ladder or taking leadership roles in business, government, or large institutions. Your dedication to long-term career goals brings substantial financial rewards.
Saturn in the 11th House: Financial gains come through social networks, large organizations, or collective efforts, often tied to responsibility and long-term planning. Example: You could profit by working in industries like technology or finance, where your network connects you to influential individuals and organizations. Building wealth through large companies, NGOs, or group ventures focused on long-term goals is a viable path.
Saturn in the 12th House: Wealth comes from behind-the-scenes work, foreign lands, or industries related to healing and institutions. Example: You might gain wealth by working in hospitals, prisons, or charitable organizations, particularly in roles that require discipline and structure. Long-term investments abroad or work in secluded environments may also bring financial success.
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𝐀𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
With Aquarius ruling your eleventh house, your approach to financial gains is innovative, forward-thinking, and often tied to collective efforts, large organizations, or social causes. You are likely to accumulate wealth through long-term planning in industries such as technology, social reform, or intellectual pursuits. Your social networks, friendships, and collaborations are key to your financial success, and you may benefit from working within groups or organizations that focus on future growth or humanitarian efforts.
Saturn in the Houses (ruler of Aquarius)
Saturn in the 1st House: Financial gains come through personal discipline, leadership, and a structured approach to self-development. Example: You might achieve wealth by assuming leadership roles in technology, science, or social reform, where steady, long-term effort and responsibility are rewarded. Your ability to remain methodical and patient leads to financial success in these fields.
Saturn in the 2nd House: Wealth is accumulated through careful financial planning, long-term investments, and a conservative approach to resources. Example: You could gain wealth through disciplined investments in real estate, technology, or infrastructure. A patient approach to saving and building resources slowly will lead to significant financial stability over time.
Saturn in the 3rd House: Profits arise from communication, media, or tech-related industries that require perseverance and long-term effort. Example: You might earn by working in journalism, media production, or education, particularly in technical or innovative subjects. Careers in writing, teaching, or media focused on technology or social progress could lead to financial rewards after years of hard work.
Saturn in the 4th House: Gains come from real estate, family businesses, or property management, emphasizing long-term stability. Example: You could profit from managing family properties, investing in real estate, or working in property management or construction. Your disciplined and structured approach to building assets will create long-term financial stability through real estate.
Saturn in the 5th House: Wealth comes from creative endeavors, speculative investments, or education, achieved through slow and disciplined effort. Example: You may find financial success in structured creative fields, such as directing films, or by making well-researched investments in stocks or real estate. Your methodical approach to speculative ventures pays off in the long run.
Saturn in the 6th House: Profits come from service-oriented professions, health, or routine work, particularly in tech or efficiency-driven industries. Example: You could earn by managing teams in healthcare or technology, or by working in fields like IT or engineering. Your disciplined approach to work and service ensures financial stability, especially in industries focused on innovation and progress.
Saturn in the 7th House: Gains come through partnerships, business alliances, or legal work, particularly in tech, law, or structured industries. Example: You might gain wealth through a business partnership in fields like technology, law, or social reform. Long-term collaborations or marrying a partner in a structured industry may also bring financial benefits.
Saturn in the 8th House: Wealth comes from joint ventures, inheritances, or managing shared resources. Example: You may accumulate wealth by managing other people’s money, such as in banking, finance, or insurance. Careful and long-term planning in joint financial ventures or through inheritances can lead to financial success.
Saturn in the 9th House: Profits arise from teaching, law, travel, or publishing, particularly in intellectual or technology-related fields. Example: You could earn wealth as a professor, lawyer, or through publishing work related to science, technology, or social structures. Long-term ventures in international business or higher education will also lead to financial success.
Saturn in the 10th House: Wealth is tied to career achievements in leadership roles, especially in large organizations or government. Example: You might achieve financial success by rising to leadership positions in large corporations, tech companies, or governmental institutions. Your disciplined and steady approach to career advancement ensures significant rewards over time.
Saturn in the 11th House: Gains come from social networks, large organizations, or collective ventures, especially those focused on innovation or social progress. Example: You might profit from working with large organizations or humanitarian groups, or by leveraging your connections with influential people in tech or social causes. Long-term involvement in collective projects will bring financial stability and success.
Saturn in the 12th House: Profits come through behind-the-scenes work, foreign lands, or industries related to healing or institutional work. Example: You may gain wealth by working in hospitals, prisons, or charitable organizations, particularly in administrative or managerial roles. Long-term investments in foreign markets or work abroad in institutional settings can also lead to financial success.
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𝐏𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
With Pisces ruling your eleventh house, your approach to financial gains is intuitive, creative, and often tied to spiritual or imaginative endeavors. You may find success in artistic ventures, healing professions, or charitable work, and industries related to water, spirituality, or creativity may also be sources of wealth. You tend to follow your inner vision, and your empathetic and spiritually inclined social networks can help guide you toward success. Your wealth is likely to be linked to your ability to dream big and connect with higher ideals.
Jupiter in the Houses (ruler of Pisces)
Jupiter in the 1st House: Financial gains come through personal growth, optimism, and leadership in creative or spiritual fields. Example: You might achieve wealth through public speaking, coaching, or becoming a spiritual leader. Your expansive personality and ability to inspire others can open up financial opportunities in creative or spiritual ventures.
Jupiter in the 2nd House: Wealth is earned through investments, teaching, or industries related to spirituality, healing, or creativity. Example: You could gain financially by working in wellness, holistic health, or education, with investments in art, music, or spiritual projects providing long-term financial rewards.
Jupiter in the 3rd House: Profits arise from communication, writing, or media ventures with a focus on creative or spiritual themes. Example: You may earn by writing books on spirituality or creativity, or by running a blog, podcast, or media platform that explores healing, the arts, or personal growth.
Jupiter in the 4th House: Gains come from real estate, family businesses, or ventures related to spirituality or healing at home. Example: You might profit from running a spiritual retreat, yoga studio, or investing in peaceful real estate that promotes healing and well-being. Holistic home businesses could also bring financial success.
Jupiter in the 5th House: Wealth is derived from creative endeavors, entertainment, or speculative investments, especially in the arts or spiritual education. Example: You could succeed financially by working in entertainment, acting, or teaching creative arts. Investments in artistic or spiritual ventures, such as music, film, or alternative education, may also be rewarding.
Jupiter in the 6th House: Profits come through service-oriented professions, health, or routine work, especially in healing, spiritual, or creative fields. Example: You may gain wealth by working as a healer, counselor, or wellness practitioner. Managing spiritual retreats, health clinics, or creative workspaces could bring steady financial growth over time.
Jupiter in the 7th House: Gains are achieved through partnerships, collaborations, or legal work, particularly in spiritual, creative, or healing industries. Example: You could profit from collaborating with a partner in a spiritual business or healing center. A marriage or partnership with someone in these fields might also bring financial success through shared ventures.
Jupiter in the 8th House: Wealth comes through joint ventures, inheritances, or industries related to finance, psychology, or spiritual transformation. Example: You could accumulate wealth by managing other people’s money or working in investment banking, or by running a business focused on psychology, healing, or esoteric practices. Inheritances or shared resources may also play a significant role in your financial success.
Jupiter in the 9th House: Profits arise from teaching, law, travel, or publishing, particularly in spiritual or creative fields. Example: You might earn wealth as a professor of spirituality or philosophy, or by writing and publishing books on creativity, personal growth, or spiritual topics. International work or teaching in foreign countries could also bring financial success.
Jupiter in the 10th House: Wealth comes from career achievements in leadership roles related to spirituality, creativity, or healing professions. Example: You may gain wealth by becoming a spiritual leader, motivational speaker, or public figure in the arts. Running a successful business or organization in healing, creativity, or spirituality can lead to long-term financial success.
Jupiter in the 11th House: Gains come through social networks, large organizations, or collective ventures involving spirituality, creativity, or humanitarian work. Example: You might profit from working with charitable organizations, creative collectives, or spiritual groups. Networking with individuals in the arts, healing, or spiritual communities will open up financial opportunities for you.
Jupiter in the 12th House: Profits come from behind-the-scenes work, foreign lands, or industries related to spirituality, healing, or charitable work. Example: You could gain wealth by working in hospitals, spiritual retreats, or other healing institutions, or through international work related to healing and spirituality. Long-term involvement in charitable work or esoteric fields could bring significant financial rewards.
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Coupé Fiat, 1994. The Typo 175 was designed at Centro Stile Fiat by Chris Bangle and built by Pininfarina (where the interior was designed). Presented first at the Bologna Motor Show in December 1993 the Coupé was launched with a 2.0 litre 16V DOHC 4 cylinder engine in naturally aspirated and turbocharged form but later received Fiat's 2.0 litre "Family C" 20 valve 5 cylinder motor. It was on sale until 2000 and 72,762 were made. When is was discontinued it was not replaced.
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whiteshipnightjar · 8 months
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"When Newsom gets old, she wants to become even weirder than she already is. She already counts bird watching, interior design, and furniture design as three of her hobbies, and plans to add wearing “kaftans galore” to her list of old lady aspirations."
Happy Birthday to the one and only Joanna Newsom! 🥳💐🥳
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visit-new-york · 1 year
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The Chrysler Building's significance extends beyond its status as an architectural masterpiece. It has woven itself into the very fabric of New York City, becoming an emblem of the city's resilience, ambition, and unwavering commitment to progress. In the midst of the Great Depression, the Chrysler Building emerged as a symbol of hope, a tangible representation of the city's determination to rise above adversity. It became a testament to the indomitable spirit of both its creators and the people of New York.
Throughout its storied history, the Chrysler Building has been a guiding light for New Yorkers and visitors alike. Its spire, which once served as a prominent beacon for aviators, now symbolizes a guiding star for those navigating the bustling streets and bustling ambitions of the city below. Whether viewed from a distance or experienced up close, the Chrysler Building's allure is magnetic, drawing the eyes and hearts of all who encounter it.
As Manhattan's skyline continues to evolve, the Chrysler Building stands as a reminder of the city's architectural heritage. While it may no longer hold the title of the tallest building in New York, its timeless elegance and unique design continue to inspire architects and developers to push the boundaries of innovation. The Chrysler Building serves as a bridge between the past and the future, showcasing the enduring beauty of Art Deco while encouraging new visions of urban design.
In the fast-paced world of the 21st century, the Chrysler Building remains a living work of art. It invites us to slow down, look up, and appreciate the craftsmanship and artistry that went into its creation. Its lobby, with its richly detailed murals and intricate design elements, is a testament to the dedication of those who built it. The building itself is a canvas upon which history, culture, and human ingenuity have been painted.
For those fortunate enough to visit New York City, a trip to the Chrysler Building is a must. While the interior may not be as accessible as its exterior, the opportunity to stand in the shadow of this architectural marvel and take in its breathtaking design is an experience like no other. The Chrysler Building is a living testament to the power of architecture to inspire and uplift the human spirit.
In the ever-changing landscape of New York City, the Chrysler Building stands as an enduring symbol of beauty, aspiration, and the relentless pursuit of excellence. It has the rare ability to grab the attention of anyone who encounters it, whether in person or through the pages of history. As a shimmering icon of Art Deco elegance, the Chrysler Building will continue to enchant, inspire, and remind us of the limitless possibilities that can be achieved when vision, determination, and creativity come together in perfect harmony. In the midst of the city's ceaseless energy and ambition, the Chrysler Building remains an exquisite reminder of the enduring magic of New York.
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thesimscurator · 4 months
Dream Town Makeover: Mini-Save File and Challenge
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The Story:
With the loss of all its industries, Evergreen Harbor became a severely depressed area. The government took notice and has begun a project of green urban renewal here: they have passed some new green policies and are working on more, and they’re flooding the area with improvement grants, creating jobs in city planning, green technologies, commissioned public art, and more. You are an aspiring interior designer who is thrilled by the prospect of redesigning and revitalizing Evergreen Harbor's many dilapidated houses, old train- and shipyards, defunct factories, and small, cramped apartments. Your brain is filled with visions of light, airy, modern, open-plan spaces, reclaimed shipping container tiny homes, old train cars turned into cafes, junkyard salvage repurposed to furnish chic industrial apartments. Time to roll up your sleeves, build a client roster, level up your handiness skill, vote for improvements to the local apartment buildings, and otherwise get busy!
The Backstory:
I’ve always thought that Eco Lifestyle and Dream Home Decorator make an excellent pack pairing: Eco Lifestyle lets you change the open parts of Evergreen Harbor through gameplay, and Dream Home Decorator lets you change lots through gameplay, so together you get the whole shebang! But there’s a pretty major problem with trying to do this in the default save: namely, interior decorator gigs generate at random using all the occupied and community lots in all the worlds. So the more packs you own, the more worlds and lots you have, the less likely you are to be randomly assigned gigs in Evergreen Harbor. This mini save file aims to enable you to play out this excellent pack pairing by having absolutely nothing and no one in any other world except Evergreen Harbor, so that 100% of your randomly generated gigs will be in this world. And while I was at it, I also went around and ensured that all the lots would start out rundown, outdated, dysfunctional, and otherwise gross. It’s just more fun to make over stuff that’s lousy to begin with.
Save file specs:
The only world with anyone or anything in it is Evergreen Harbor, to keep your interior decorator gig options focused on revitalizing this area. Neighborhood stories is completely disabled for everyone, even unplayed households, to prevent randos from moving into other worlds and muddying your gig list. Aging also begins disabled, though you may turn this back on if you wish—that’s just down to personal preference.
E.H. is fully populated, except for one living space per neighborhood in which your interior designer sim will live (you have to be a resident of a neighborhood in order to vote for improvements, so you'll need to move around a bit). Patina Wainscot is your default interior designer, but you should feel free to just move her in with one of her many relatives and replace her with your own sim if that’s how you’d rather do the challenge. Each of the other households has sims whose careers and preferences have been deliberately set to make sense and give you plenty of renovation guidance--they rarely have dislikes, for example, so you have positive guidance on what to build. Be sure to read their family bios and ask about their careers, as this will give you some good directions, too! If you don't have certain packs, some sims' careers may not show (conservationists from Island Living, political activists from City Living, etc.), but this shouldn't impact the game too much.
Community lots all start out set to generic, so you’ll need to manually set the lot type to whatever you envision the space becoming at the start of your game. I have done this so that you can set your own aspirations for these spaces based on the packs you actually own—if I had pre-set the train car to “Cafe,” for example, and you didn’t own Get Together, that lot would simply disappear. This save file is a canvas for YOUR vision of Evergreen Harbor. I make some suggestions via the lot descriptions and the ambitions of the people in the town, but ultimately, the direction this takes is completely up to you.
Dream Town Makeover Challenge Rules:
One sim, one vote! Even if you have the influence to spam an N.A.P., you must use it to convince other sims to vote for your preferred measure instead of piling votes on it yourself. You may also not cheat N.A.P.s away--use the repeal process! You’ll need to do quite a bit of this, as all neighborhoods begin maxed out on N.A.P.s. This ensures that you get to do the gameplay associated with improving each neighborhood, rather than it just happening in the background without you. So here’s the gameplay:
Your N.A.P. goal is to repeal two N.A.P.s of your choice in each neighborhood, and replace them with Modern Development and Green Initiatives to revitalize the town.
Once you have passed both initiatives in a neighborhood, you will need to move to the next one in order to vote there and start the process over again. This means that the challenge will take a minimum of 12 in-game weeks (or three sim years) to complete—4 weeks per neighborhood.
You are a green interior decorator! That means your handiness goal is to apply eco upgrades to all new appliances you install as part of a renovation. Work on that handiness skill and stock up on upgrade parts before you head out to a gig!
Your lot goal is to remove negative lot traits from the spaces you renovate and add positive ones. Depending on the packs you own, you may or may not even have all of these lot traits, so you may simply ignore anything you don’t own. But do what you can with the packs you have. Here’s the guide:
Currently, all groundwater in Evergreen Harbor is contaminated, so all lots have the "Grody" challenge. This can only be removed when a neighborhood passes "Green Initiatives," which uses phytoremediation to clean the aquifers. After you pass this N.A.P., remove “Grody” from all lots in that neighborhood, and replace it with “Natural Well.”
Most places are also "Filthy," and may potentially be infested with “Mold.” You may remove either or both of these lot challenges if you have completely renovated a lot--one room doesn't count!
You may not take renovation gigs in any of the apartments before Modern Development gets passed in that apartment’s neighborhood—nor may you make any structural changes to your own apartment (this includes changing wallpaper and flooring). In this story, Modern Development = landlord’s permission to make structural changes to the space. Once this N.A.P. is in place and you have used its newly expanded windows to good effect with your renovation, you may add the “Natural Light” trait to the renovated apartments.
Traditional-style houses and apartments all have “Maintenance Issues.” You may remove this challenge if you have replaced AND applied eco upgrades to all appliances on the lot.
If you have both Seasons and For Rent, you can play out replacing outdated heating and cooling systems with geothermal. Just remove all the cast iron radiators and box air conditioners from a lot and add a thermostat. Once you have done that, you may add the “Geothermal” lot trait!
None of Port Promise is grid connected, so all lots there are “Off-the-Grid.” You may connect them to the grid only after Modern Development is passed in Port Promise, rezoning the area for homes and businesses.
The whole city is overrun with raccoons, in the form of "Cat Hangout" being on every lot (I have gone through and manually changed all stray cats in this save file into raccoons). Lock your door if you don't want them in your house! There are two conditions required to remove them: 1) Some N.A.P. that cleans up the trash in the public areas of the neighborhood is passed (either Green Initiatives or Modern Development will do this), and 2) You have completely renovated the lot to remove all stray garbage from the lot itself. Once the trash is gone, the trash pandas go, too!*
This one isn’t a part of the challenge, but just so you know what’s up: "Reduce and Recycle" is a permanent lot challenge everywhere except the Pinecrest Apartments, which have a trash chute. No getting rid of this one—that's just the way city garbage collection works!
You win the challenge when you have completely made over every single lot in Evergreen Harbor, changed the lot traits via the rules above, and passed Green Initiatives and Modern Development in every neighborhood.** Good luck!
*Pro Tip: for some truly adorable chaos, pass the “We Wear Bags” N.A.P. before you remove the raccoons. With this N.A.P. active, all the raccoons will show up in little hats, and it is delightfully ridiculous!
**Note: You are, obviously, totally welcome to play other sims in this save file at any time before, after, or during working on this challenge. They each have their own ambitions, as stated in their family bios, and (with a few exceptions, mostly elders) begin at low levels of their careers and skills, so you can have fun playing out their dreams as stretch goals or side quests.
Save file requirements:
This mini save file is not limited in terms of packs I used while creating it. However, since the whole point is basically for you to personally redo everything, there aren’t many packs you actually need in order to play this challenge. All that will happen if you don’t have some of the packs I used during setup is that items in the original, ugly versions of lots may be replaced or missing. But you’re about to replace them with your own designs anyway, so this is no big deal!
You also may not be able to play with certain features, but they are also basically non-essential (if you don’t have Cats & Dogs, for example, the city will not be overrun with raccoons, so you won’t play that particular aspect of the challenge). And while the sims of Evergreen Harbor often do have careers drawn from other packs (Knox Greenburg is an activist with “Speak for the Trees,” which came with City Living, for example), I have taken care to only use CAS content from the required packs, so no one should appear naked or bald for you, even if you don’t have any of the optional packs. So, with all of that preamble, here are the . . .
Required packs:
Eco Lifestyle – This whole save file is just Evergreen Harbor, so if you don’t have Eco Lifestyle, you won’t even be able to see it.
Dream Home Decorator – The entire gameplay concept and challenge at the foundation of this save file is the interior design career, so you really do need this pack to play it.
That’s it! Everything else is gravy. But the gravy is pretty good! Here are some highlights from recommended-but-completely-optional packs:
If you have Island Living, the save file starts with the electrical global policies in place, so there will be lots of power outages in Evergreen Harbor. I deleted the sim I used to enact them, so if you want to remove them as a stretch goal, I suggest playing with Summer Wainscot (or your own Conservationist). Work your way high enough in the career to become an Environmental Manager, and then you can repeal some of the global policies that haven’t worked—or put new ones in place. The organic food one would go especially well once you’ve established Bobby Wainscot’s urban food forest.
If you have For Rent, lots of houses will have “Maintenance Troubles,” “Mold,” and/or the many additional utilities appliances that came with that pack, making playing in those houses more eventful and chaotic. Plus, you can split the two families in the side-by-side houses in Grims Quarry into two separate households, turn the old storage lockers on the docks into micro apartments, and otherwise have fun with the features of this pack.
If you have Get to Work, Spa Day, Cats & Dogs, Dine Out, and/or High School Years, you can actually own/open the kinds of businesses some of the sims in this save file dream of starting with their small business grants, which is fun gameplay. Plus Cats & Dogs gets you the raccoons.
If you have City Living, you can play through the process of raising money and doing charity organizing work with Speak for the Trees as Knox Greenburg, which I’ve always felt was especially appropriate gameplay for him and really lets the whole “Eco Master” thing become active.
If you have Discover University, Claire Waxton will start out with a Biology degree and bunch of student loan debt, which acts as an extra challenge if you decide to play out her ambition of running a successful home candlemaking business.
If you have Seasons, all the kids in town (plus Jeb Harris) will be in Scouts, and you’ll see that holidays are a bit modified: the people of E.H. reject the consumerism of Winterfest and Love Day, so those holidays are gone, along with all traditions about adding decorations. But they love New Year’s resolutions, and celebrate New Year’s Eve with a Polar Bear Plunge in the quarry. And they love the spirit of gratitude that comes with Harvestfest, which they’ve leaned into even more by remembering the seven principles with a Kinara. Plus, they really value community, so they throw a Neighborhood Block Party on the first day of summer every year.
If you have Get Together, there will be a few clubs for the people in town, most of which are divided out by age category and two of which are just there as a little nod to the text for the “Back to the Old Days” N.A.P.
No mods are required for this save file!
I used Srsly’s Blank Save as the base for this save file. A huge thank you to Srsly for keeping a totally unpopulated, completely bulldozed save file available to the public! It makes the work on contained mini save files like this SO much shorter.
All the sims in this save file are by Maxis, though one, Claire Waxton, is a recreation of an EA trailer sim the team never officially released. The recreation was done by SimpleSquare. I also ran out of sims from Eco Lifestyle and Dream Home Decorator before I ran out of space in the town, so I wound up doing a pack-limited makeover of the Parenthood trailer family to round out the community. They are still by Maxis, just with looks by me to remove the Parenthood content.
The original creators of all the starting lots are listed on the Evergreen Harbor map at the top of this post. Most of these lots were edited by me to a greater or lesser extent, but the overwhelming majority of the credit goes to the original creators' incredible creativity. Thanks to all the featured creators!
How to Download:
Step 1: Backup your existing saves. To do this, go into MyDocuments/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4 and right-click on the folder titled “saves.” Select “copy,” then paste the folder to any other location on your computer. I usually just copy it to the desktop so I don’t lose it, but you may have an alternative hard drive or other location where you like to back up your saves.
Step 2: Download and unzip the Dream Town Makeover save file, but DO NOT PUT IT IN YOUR MODS FOLDER! Put it in the saves folder instead (MyDocuments/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/saves). If the number of the save file matches the number for a save you already have in game, change it to any number you do not already have a copy of, but keep the same number of digits. To get more specific: by default the Dream Town Makeover file name is “Slot_12162024.save” and if you happen to have another save file with that exact same file name (unlikely), the game will overwrite one with the other. If that’s true for you, you can change the file name to “Slot_12162025.save” or “Slot_22162024.save” or anything else that replaces a digit with a different digit, but you cannot change it to “Slot_1.save” because the game needs a total of eight digits in the file name to run the save properly.
Step 3: Open your game, click the save file titled “Dream Town Makeover,” and start playing!
Download the Dream Town Makeover save file
P. S.: I wanted to make Evergreen Harbor feel like a really established community, so households are quite interlinked (except for the Tinkers, who are brand-new to town), and there is A LOT of tea in this save file. Have fun discovering it all!
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thelastairsimblr · 1 year
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Family Pack #3
I’m happy to share some sims with you all today! In this post, you’ll find 10 households (40 sims total), each with their own stories and biographies. All of these sims have additional Everyday outfits, skills, bonus traits, Likes and Dislikes, sexual orientations, pronouns, family dynamics, and Lifestyles. You can find them all on the gallery under my Origin ID: TheLastAirSimmer or in the tray files linked under the cut! As always, feel free to tag me if you end up using them.
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Some families don’t survive a divorce. That wasn’t the case for the Guillory’s; in fact, it only brought Aston and Déon closer. Déon had never considered that the fisherman was experiencing a midlife crisis until he married Willow, a joyful artist half his age. Things were tense initially, but seeing how happy she made Aston was enough to diffuse the tension until Uriel arrived. Déon wants to support this new dynamic, but a needy toddler in the mix might force them to branch out of their bubble.
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For better or worse, Greta has always been one to stand by her choices. She’s had a song in her heart from a young age, but put her dreams of being a pianist to the side once Albie was born. She works as a teacher to support her family, but hopes one day to play again. However, it would be good enough to see Albie fulfill his own dreams of becoming a professional dancer, temperamental though he may be. Like her mother and brother, Beatrice too is unapologetically developing musical aspirations.
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When Bikram and Mia wed, they agreed their careers would come first before starting a family. Their first pregnancy surprised them, but Bikram pivoted to adjust to the new circumstances. Mia, however, was eager to get back to work after the birth. As a doctor, she provided enough for Bikram to cut back at the restaurant and care for Parker. There was a cost, though; today, Parker resents Mia. Wanting to avoid repeating that mistake, Mia is keen on loving her boys, the nerdy Antwan and wary Levi.
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Being raised by Adeline had a profoundly different effect on her kids. Dasia, the eldest, often butted heads with the stubborn matriarch and found comfort in her high school sweetheart Imman. Baqil, the obvious favorite, stayed on the set path and wants to make her proud (coffee is his best friend when it comes to staying on top of his classes). Having married and had kids too young, Dasia and Imman reluctantly moved in and Adeline has since been keen on taking control of the girls’ rearing.
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Falling for an artist was not at all what Rahim had planned. As an engineer, he values structure and practicality, but Gabrielle offers him a new lens to see the world through. This interior designer also takes note from her husband and has adopted his attention to detail in her own work. Their daughter Francesca has her moms’ creative spirit and shows promise (even if she focuses more on boys in her class than her painting skills) and Xavier is more interested in gaming than being book smart.
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Landon had made many futile attempts to woo his high school crush Johanna, but it wasn’t until he sang a song for her on his guitar that she noticed him. They remain together today, accepting of the others’ quirks. Johanna can often fly off the handle, but Landon is always there to ease her mind. They try to do their part to save the world and instill ecofriendly values in their kids; lessons that young Averie has taken in good spirits. The unpredictable Reagan, however, is a different story.
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Not long ago, Siobhan was living her dream; traveling and performing music with her friends. But creative differences led to a massive falling out and the band split up. Now directionless, she moved in with her older sister Bianca, who was happy to reconnect after years apart (and maybe get some help with her two boys) but Siobhan may as well be a third child. Desmond and Cale love having their aunt around though, and it’s nice at times to get a reprieve so Bianca can focus on her meditation.
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A woman of science with a lot of love to give, Sandra knew early on that she wanted to have a child and give them the warm upbringing that she never had. Despite not having a partner, she decided to undergo in-vitro fertilization. She certainly did a good job of instilling Jonas with a high level of confidence (almost to a point of arrogance) and even as a grown man, he has Sandra wrapped around his finger. He doesn’t take his studies seriously, but has a passion for all things outdoors.
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Lily and Daphanie were ready to take on San Myshuno and on their way to becoming a power couple. Or so Lily thought, until Daphanie changed course. After adopting the girls, Daphanie drove a hard bargain on moving to a quieter part of town. She was able to adjust as a fashion designer, sending off submissions from the comfort of her home. Lily however finds herself commuting to the city, unwilling to forfeit her spot as an up-and-coming food critic, despite missing quality time with her family.
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Gustavo takes his values seriously and expects others to do the same. Quite a negotiator, his wife Flavia is able to use her husbands’ political network to pass her green initiatives around town. Though cohesive as a pair, they differed in their parenting styles; Flavia always trusted her sons’ judgement while Gustavo often quarreled with their eldest Robbie, who only wants to party. Averse to conflict, Paolo does as he’s told, even forgoing his own wants to throw himself fully into his studies.
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autooptic · 1 month
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1964 Iso Bizzarini A3C
Following his heated departure from Ferrari in 1961, Giotto Bizzarrini who aided in the design and development of the Ferrari 250 series, including the fabled GTO, was hired by Renzo Rivolta to develop a new GT car. However, Bizzarrini’s aspirations were to create a competitive race car. The Iso Grifo A3/C would be the fruits of his labour – a powerful Chevrolet V8, sleek aerodynamics and near perfect weight distribution combined creating a competitive entrant for both the Nürburgring and at Le Mans.
Produced in 1964 Chassis B-0215 (D) – the (D) denoting right hand drive, is the example offered. It is one of the original riveted aluminium cars built by Drogo and the records declare that 0215 was red with a black interior.
More unique still, is that 0215 is the only right hand drive riveted aluminium example with a period competition history. Upon delivery to the first owner in 1965 – Derek Wharton (UK) 0215 was entered into the 1965 Autosport GT Championship at Oulton Park. Then he would compete in the Leinster Trophy at Dunboyne in Ireland later that year.
source: fiskens.com
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purplekiwis · 2 years
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You've got a new professor, and an obsession with his hands...
Genre: Sculptor!Harry | Professor!Harry x Student!Y/N
Warnings: +18 (smut... but not yet)
Wordcount: 3.7k
A/N: i'm not the best at photomontages so please don't roast me, I tried 😅
His were artful,
Perhaps even an art form in and of themselves: smooth, veiny, with steady joints and capable and patient fingertips.
The hands of a craftsman - suitable for creating planets, galaxies, and even entire universes if they so desired. Both harsh and gentle, they tore, kneaded, and poked… only to stroke softly in the end.
The hands of a lover,
Those were my ceramics professor’s hands.
I bit the hidden part of my lip as I watched them move with conviction. Across the slickness, bare and sticky as they pried deeper and deeper, widening as they went and doing as they pleased.
I felt the urge to push my thighs together as I seemingly always did whenever my professor came closer, but I couldn’t because of the potter's wheel blocking my way - the one where he was fixing the crooked clay pot I had tried to make. “Next time, try using a little less water, okay? Your clay has gotten too soft… that’s why you're having trouble getting it even.”
“So less water than this time, but more than last time?” My struggle to get it right made me feel a little embarrassed, but I wanted him to know that I was listening and trying my best. He nodded in response to my question. “Okay, um- I'll try to do it correctly next time. Thanks for resurrecting my project and making it right again.”
My professor smiled warmly at me, noticing I was becoming discouraged by making so many mistakes. “No worries, I’m happy to help.” I watched him as he stood up, washed his hands in my water bowl and dried them on the rag he kept in his pottery apron. “Don't be afraid to muck around with what I've made. You're supposed to take it apart and rebuild it.”
“If I touch it, I'll ruin it and you'll need to come back for assistance again.”
A soft chuckle escaped his lips as he shook his head. “I don't want you worrying about that. That’s why I’m here, to fix up your messes.” He sat on the stool next to me again for a moment, and when he spoke, he kept his voice low. “I want you to take it less seriously. Have fun with it — work it ‘til your wreck it. Don’t beat yourself up about it. That’s common blunder for someone who’s starting. We’ve all been there.”
“Thanks,” I smiled a little more assuredly. “I'll try to keep that in mind.”
He smiled back as he stood up from the stool. “No problem, just ask if you need anything.”
While I wasn’t sure how I got into the habit of fantasizing about my professor's hands, I did know how I ended up in his class.
I was a Product Design student.
Frankly, only because I didn’t have the grades to enroll in Interior Design like I’d always aspired to. Product Design was the second-best option that would still give me a chance of breaking into the field if I chose my classes wisely.
In order to achieve that goal, I had been planning to take a class on inclusive design this year. However, as I was about to submit my application, my computer crashed, forcing me to reenter all of my information again. Because of this, by the time I made it back to the page, most of the students had already chosen, leaving only statistical literacy and ceramics as open options.
None of those options had even the slightest appeal to me, which naturally made me incredibly frustrated at the time but, at least the choice was clear between them. Anything with the word statistics in it sounded absolutely dreadful and combining it with the word literacy somehow made it sound even worse… so I chose ceramics, despite the fact that I had never tried my hand at it.
That was why I was now behind all of my classmates, which didn't make me feel great, even though no one had made me feel inferior about my lack of skill yet… not even our professor. He was very sweet and attentive, without always being on top of me, which I appreciated. He gave me the freedom to try things on my own, but as soon as he noticed my eyes searching for him, he'd come over to check things out and lend a helping hand.
This wasn't always a positive thing because sometimes the only reason I was looking was because I couldn’t take my eyes off him. It wasn't just his hands that I kept staring at; I found him captivating in all aspects.
His hair was cool. I liked how he kept it in a messy bun and tucked flyaways behind his ears when they landed on his face. He dressed really cute too, I thought — creative yet casual, and the stubble he occasionally sported when he neglected to shave was sexy as hell.
I wasn’t fully aware of his age, but he couldn't have been much older than me when he had finished his Ph.D. in Fine Arts the previous year. In the rumor mill, he had been invited to teach shortly after earning his degree due to his extraordinary talent for clay sculpting, that had made him stand out at our university ever since he started studying there.
He hadn't shown much of his personal work outside of what he did during his school years, but I had heard through the grapevine that erotic themes were his specialty. Another thing I had heard was that because he made art under a pseudonym that he kept as a secret from most people, his work was very difficult to find online.
That bothered me a little because I was interested and wanted to see it, especially after learning that pleasure was the subject he enjoyed exploring the most. Among my classmates, I knew some made jokes about him being a pervert who had only wanted to come teach to score with the female students. My gut told me that wasn't the case, and I was miffed by those people who couldn’t comprehend that someone could find sex fascinating enough to want to depict it in most of their art without being sleazy. Fortunately, I wasn't one of them. I found sex to be an intriguing topic as well… I enjoyed having it, looking at it, and having thoughtful conversations about it.
“Professor,” I called as we finished class. I was still sat by my wheel, while everyone was cleaning and washing up. Being completely honest, I wanted to leave as well… but I made myself stay so I could make my pot look more presentable. “If you're leaving, could you please leave the room key with me? I was planning to stay a little longer.”
He seemed surprised that I wanted to stay.
I noticed his gaze fall on the collapsing walls of my pot as he handed me the key, but he was merciful enough not to comment. “Feel free to stay as long as you like. I'm taking a coffee break, but I'll be back as well.”
Finding that my professor was coming back made the prospect of staying more enticing. I wasn't expecting a lot of interaction with him, though… I didn't want to be a bother, so I would avoid requesting his assistance. It was already embarrassing enough to ask for it in class, even if he kept assuring me it was perfectly okay to do so…
Professor Harry returned to the classroom after about 10 minutes, seeming happy to find me still there. As he walked inside, he cracked a lighthearted joke about how surprised he was that I hadn't destroyed anything yet. I snorted a laugh and said that I was surprised too.
I observed him carefully as he re-tied his apron around his waist. It seemed like everything the man did attracted me. The way his triceps flexed with movement, the contours of his back, the ease with which his fingers tied the knot. None of these things escaped my attention.
“Would it be okay if I turned on some music?” Due to my dry mouth, it took me longer than it should have to answer his question. “I'm not a big fan of working in silence, but it’s okay if you are…”
“Oh, please, go ahead.” I was finally able to react, but my voice came out weird. “I don't particularly enjoy working in silence either...”
My professor smiled, then walked over to his desk and sat down at his laptop. “Have you got any special requests?”
I pretended to contemplate for a moment, but I didn't want to be the one picking the music. I wanted him to choose because I was nervous about accidentally having him listen to something he didn't like… and I was also curious about his musical tastes. “Not really, no. I'm not picky. I like most music.” That part was true, but he seemed skeptical. “Just pretend I'm not here and play whatever music you normally listen to.”
The look on his face was still skeptical, but he agreed. “Okay, I will. Just let me know if you don't like it so I can switch to something you like best.”
He put on Woodkid's Warm Core album and looked at me to see if I was keen on the choice. “This is cool. I like it.” It was the kind of alternative music I anticipated he would listen to, being an artist and all, and it made me happy because I also liked it.
“Alright, good. If at any point you decide that you no longer like it, feel free to request a change.” I was getting a little hot over how much he was focusing on making sure I liked his music. I’d always had this conviction that one of the ways to tell if a guy is good in bed is to look for signs that he is considerate and eager to please – and already, my professor was scoring points in that department. I glanced at him, and I believe he noticed because he asked, “Is there anything you need help with, or should I just let you do your thing and keep to myself?”
“Um…” I stammered, returning my attention to the horrible looking pot I was working on. I had been right the first time. I shouldn't have touched it after he fixed it for me. “I'm holding up for now. Thanks, professor.”
He smiled at me. “You can leave out the “professor” when we're outside of class. That term is still settling in for me… it's a bit off-putting to be addressed that way when I was also a student here just a year ago - especially when I can't be that much older than you, right?”
I joined him in his smile. “Yeah, I get what you mean. I suppose it's not weird for me because I don't remember seeing you at school last year. How old are you, though, just out of curiosity?”
“I’m 27, you?”
“Wow, you’re really old...” He wasn’t, really… especially since I had assumed he would be in his thirties, given that he was a professor and all. I snorted when he side-eyed me from across the room, where he’d been tidying up and organizing the equipment the students had left behind. “I was just kidding. I'm 22, so...”
His brows furrowed slightly in response to my reveal. “So you're a little older than the rest of the class. Makes sense, you seem a bit more grown-up in comparison to them.” I took that as a compliment because, while my classmates weren't much younger than me – they had to be around 19 – some still acted like teenagers in many ways. “Also, since you mentioned not seeing me at school last year… that’s because I went abroad for a few months to study, and then I had to wrap up my thesis, so I didn't come very often.”
“Oh, that's cool. Where did you go?”
“Norway, to Oslo more specifically. It's a city I think everyone should visit if they ever get the chance to. I had a wonderful time there.” He turned his head away from what he was doing to look at me. “Have you ever thought about going abroad for school?”
“I've thought about it, but I don’t know. It doesn't really call to me right now, to be honest... maybe next year.” I was really interested in hearing more about Harry's experience in Norway, so I shifted the focus of the conversation back to that. “What was the best part of it for you?”
I could tell he was excited to talk about it, as evidenced by the sparkle in his eye. “A difficult question, that. I loved the landscapes and food there, as well as the people. Oslo’s a beautiful city, and it has an amazing art scene that's definitely worth exploring.” He paused for a moment, laughed, and then spoke again, “But I guess I should say that meeting Astrid, my girlfriend, was probably the best part.”
“Wow, that's... something.” Something I'd rather he didn't have, I thought to myself despite my amenable expression. “Has she traveled all the way here with you?”
“Oh no, she stayed in Oslo. We've been doing long-distance and stuff… it isn't always easy, but we make it work.” I could tell by the look on his face that he had somewhat regretted sharing that with me. “Anyway, you should give the studying abroad thing some more thought... you seem like someone who would enjoy that kind of thing. You give off a good vibe.”
“Ha, thanks... so do you. I really like your style.”            
I saw his cheeks flush at my compliment. “I don’t put a lot of thought into my clothes, to be honest. Most of the time, I just throw on whatever.”
“Well, it works, so...” Seeing me shrug, he smiled, but said nothing further. I figured the conversation was over and got back to my work. Harry did the same thing; except he was no longer cleaning up and was instead using his laptop.  Even though I stayed another hour, he didn't leave until I did, which made me feel bad because it made me wonder if he had stayed on purpose to be there in case I needed anything. “Do you usually stay here until this late?” I inquired as he closed the classroom door.
“Um… it depends, sometimes I do, but if you weren't here I would’ve probably left earlier.”
His confession caused a small contraction in my heart. I now regretted staying for so long, especially since I had spent some of that time merely acting as though I was working. “Oh, I'm so sorry. You didn’t have to do that. I would have been fine by myself. I just wanted to practice.”
“Oh no, don't get me wrong. I stayed longer because I wanted to. I live alone, so… I am by myself a lot. It was nice to have company for a change.”
“Ah, I see...” That was something I hadn’t considered before, but it made sense. Most of Harry’s university friends were probably no longer around, or if they were, perhaps he'd lost touch with them after going away for so many months. That had happened to me with my high school friends, so I knew how it felt. “I was actually planning on doing this more frequently to see if I could improve my pottery skills, so… you're welcome to keep me company if that's something you'd like to do.”
He acknowledged my invitation with a courteous smile. “Ah, thanks. I appreciate that.” When he didn't respond right away, I assumed he wasn't interested, which made me feel stupid for having suggested it. Why would he want to spend time with a student five years his junior? He was probably cringing at the thought. That was what I was assuming, until he started speaking again after a pause. “I reckon as long as you really don't mind me being around, that could be something that works for me.”
Over the course of a couple of weeks, it became a habit for me and Harry to spend time together after class. Most times, more than once a week. The days when I didn’t have class until late, I would wander to the atelier after his class and spend the next few hours there. It was really easy to get along despite our slight age difference.
I didn't know Harry well enough to say that we had a lot in common, but we just clicked really well. Having a conversation with him was easy, and his presence was warm and reassuring.
We would sometimes work separately, but Harry had taken it upon himself to teach me the things I had been falling behind on. He taught me how to use a kiln to fire and glaze pottery, as well as a bunch of different building and decorating techniques. I liked the last one most because he got to sit next to me and help me paint and texturize. I was really proud of a mug we had made together. Harry had commented that the wavy handle I had made for it looked like the tail of a fish when we put it in, so we went on to decorate the rest of the mug to fit that concept.
“You’re a good painter…” He complimented me as I painted the fish’s fins. I wrinkled my nose at him. Painting had always been a fun activity for me, but I had never considered myself good at it. Harry, on the other hand, was a true artist, thanks to his Fine Arts training and skillful hands…
I looked at the fin I'd drawn and noticed that it was unmistakably more unsightly than the one on the picture I was taking inspiration from. Harry couldn't possibly believe I was talented as a painter. He was just trying to say something nice.
“What? I'm serious…” He assured me, appearing a little surprised by my doubtful demeanor. “And you have a great eye for color too.”
“Hmm, I find that last one is a little more believable; I'll take it.” I said before returning to straightening out my wonkiest brush strokes. I'd spent enough time designing pretty rooms in Intericad Lite to feel reasonably confident on my ability to mix and match colors so, accepting that compliment wasn't too difficult. Besides that isn’t really a talent, is it? It's something a lot of people have.                                         
“Hey,” Harry’s voice drew my attention back to him. “I meant both of the things I said. I wouldn’t have said anything if I didn’t.”
The seriousness I was met with when I looked into Harry's eyes made me feel emotional and flustered at the same time. “Thanks,” I smiled a little before looking down at my mug. “I think I haven't gotten a compliment on my painting skills since I was a little kid…”
“You used to get compliments on it when you were little?”
“Sometimes, yeah… mainly from teachers because I always colored inside the lines.”
“I think it's really unfortunate that we stop getting compliments as we get older… I can't really complain because I've been lucky to grow up in a supportive environment, but I know that after a certain point in most people’s lives criticism becomes the norm, while praise for rightdoing is never given.”
“Yeah, that’s true.” I grabbed another brush and continued to color my mug because the topic we were discussing was now making me feel like I might actually start crying if I didn't keep my emotions under control, and I didn’t want Harry to see that. “My parents were never particularly supportive of me or my interests, so I haven’t felt much of a difference as I grew older… I think that’s why I find it a bit difficult to accept people’s compliments nowadays, though. I tend to doubt myself and others a lot.”
“I’m not gonna lie, I had a hunch that was the case with you.” Harry’s statement surprised me a bit. I knew professors could usually read their students well, but I wasn't aware of how see-through I was. “When we first started class, I was a little nervous because I could tell that you were lost at times and could use some help, but I wasn't sure of how to approach you. I was afraid that if I made it known that I could tell you were struggling, you would withdraw even further. I didn’t want that. I wanted you to feel comfortable and know that I wouldn't judge you.”
“You never made me feel uncomfortable… I just felt embarrassed to ask for help because everyone in your class comes from an arts background and knows more than me. I didn't want you to think I was dumb or that I was wasting your time with questions that I should have known the answers to.”
“You could never waste my time. I like teaching you a lot… you always listen and all the questions you ask are perfectly normal.” He gave me a reassuring smile and I felt my insecurities melt away with the rest of my body. “And on top of that, it's easier for me to teach you since you are a blank slate, as opposed to some of the art students who come with stubborn vices they won't get rid of. Experience isn’t always an advantage.”
“You're a really good professor, Harry.” I said truthfully. “I'm really glad I ended up in your class, even if it wasn’t my first choice.”
“It wasn't your first choice?” His face pretended to be shocked, but I knew he wasn't. Given that I had told him about my goal to pursue a career in Interior Design, I knew he had to have known by that point that there was no reason for me to be in his class other than by chance. “Okay, now I'm offended, and no amount of ego-puffing will help you remedy that…”
I shook my head and smiled at his antics as I dipped my brush back into the paint palette. “Not even if I admit you're really cool to talk to and have great musical taste?”
Following my brush dip, Harry dipped his as well. “Give me a little more detail on that and I might re-consider.”
I hope you guys liked this first part 💜
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trashmuseum · 6 months
"Hello, my friends, this is Amr Al-Najjar, a 27-year-old from Gaza.
I am an interior designer and singer, I have my own band, and I am a theatrical and dramatic actor.
I find passion in spreading culture, arts, and music through musical artistic works in a private studio or through the theater.
I spent 12 years forming and building myself artistically and socially until I became a shining name among artists and engineers. I participated in the production of many musical and theatrical artistic works with local community institutions and international institutions.
I even established my own engineering office for decoration and design, and I used to design beautiful places and homes for every person who loves life.
But all of this was gone in the blink of an eye, in a few minutes, and in a moment of silence, it was October 7, there was nothing left, only rubble and ashes.
My dream, my passion, and my aspirations for the future were all gone.
I took refuge in Rafah, the safe area, and was surprised by the number of children who needed psychological support through music and theatre. I want to continue to provide support for them with my talents.
I hope that you will help me rebuild my home and my life, and achieve my dream- to put a smile on the faces of children and to restore artistic and musical works in Gaza.
All the musical instruments were destroyed and I lost some of my wonderful colleagues.
I need support from you in order to rebuild everything and achieve my dream.
My dream:
I need to buy new instruments and equipment. The cost of rebuilding is prohibitive, and I can't do it alone. Your support means the world to me and the kids. Your donation, no matter how small, would make a huge difference in my life. This will help me continue to pursue my passion for music and provide for my family. It would give me hope for a brighter future. Thank you for taking the time to read my story. Thank you for your generosity and kindness. Together, we can rebuild everything - music, theater, and my office - and keep the creative flame alive in Gaza."
How his house is now and how it was before being bombed (1ts picture). And where they're living now (2nd picture):
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Please take a moment to appreciate his beautiful and talented voice.
Thank you very much, everyone!
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florydaax · 9 months
The Sims 3 - Stuff Pack Legacy (Lepacy Extended)
Hey, everyone! I completed the Lepacy Challenge recently, but I love my family so much and I want to keep playing with them. That's why I made this challenge! You can play this after you've completed Lepacy but you can also play this challenge on its own! The challenge is inspired by the nine stuff packs. You don't necessarily need the stuff packs to play this. The different generations are inspired by the themes of the packs. Stuff packs also didn't come with any new gameplay so you're not missing anything if you don't have them! This challenge is inspired by the Lepacy Challenge, where each generation is a different expansion pack, but with this challenge each generation is a different stuff pack! (Rules may be subject to change as I'm still playtesting this challenge) Generation One: High-End Loft
Traits: Computer Whiz, Dislikes Children, Party Animal, Snob, Workaholic Lifetime wish: Living in the Lap of Luxury Career: Business Rules: - Live in a loft - Have only one child - Master the guitar skill - Date your boss - Reach the top of the Business career and complete the aspiration Generation Two: Fast Lane Traits: Daredevil, Flirty, Handy, Rebellious, Vehicle Enthusiast Lifetime wish: The Tinkerer Career: Athletic Rules: - Learn to drive as a teen - Have at least 3 cars - Become best friends with your cars - Fix the Fixer-upper Car - Reach the top of the Athletic career and complete the aspiration Generation Three: Outdoor Living Traits: Artistic, Clumsy, Green Thumb, Loves the Outdoors, Natural Cook Lifetime wish: The Perfect Garden Career: Gardener Rules: - Master the cooking and gardening skills - Throw a BBQ party every week - You can only Try for Baby in a hot tub - Reach the top of the Gardener career and complete the aspiration Generation Four: Town Life Traits: Bookworm, Family-Oriented, Friendly, Mooch, Neat Lifetime wish: Super Popular Career: Education or Politician Rules: - Get a part-time job as a teen - Have 20 friends and 5 enemies - Have at least 4 kids - Get out of the house every day - Reach the top of the career and complete the aspiration Generation Five: Master Suite Traits: Commitment Issues, Flirty, Great Kisser, Heavy Sleeper, Irresistible Lifetime wish: Master Romancer Career: Spa specialist Rules: - (Risky) woohoo with different Sims every week - Accidentally get pregnant - Never get married - Complete the aspiration Generation Six: Katy Perry's Sweet Treats Traits: Childish, Insane, Loser, Natural Born Performer, Party Animal Lifetime wish: Vocal Legend Career: Singer Rules: - Live in Candyfornia (or Candy Land) - Adopt a cat (Kitty Purry) - Only eat sweets (no autumn salad allowed) - Throw a party every Friday - Be disliked by 10 Sims - Reach the top of the Singer career and complete the aspiration Generation Seven: Diesel Traits: Artistic, Diva, Grumpy, Perfectionist, Photographer's Eye Lifetime wish: Fashion Phenomenon or Home Design Hotshot Career: Stylist or Interior designer Rules: - Have triplets (you can use cheats/mods for this) - Master the photography skill - Reach the top of the career and complete the aspiration Generation Eight: 70s, 80s & 90s Traits: Flirty, Hot-Headed, Party Animal, Social Butterfly, Virtuoso Lifetime wish: Golden Tongue, Golden Fingers Career: Band Rules: - Play with the triplets, they all have a different style inspired by the pack - Each heir has to master an instrument - Form a band - Complete the aspiration with your main heir Generation Nine: Movie Traits: Ambitious, Brave, Charismatic, Dramatic, Star Quality Lifetime wish: Superstar Actor Career: Film Rules: - Play in 3 different worlds (western, horror and super hero themed) - Live your Sims' life like it's a movie - Reach the top of the Film career and complete the aspiration
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stargazer-sims · 22 days
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ZM² Dream Homes Ltd.
The Omar family owns their own residential design and construction business, and they love helping other families create the homes of their dreams. Meet architect Zahir, his interior designer wife Zainah, and their sons, journeyman carpenter Mahdi (Junior) and aspiring structural engineer Mohammad.
Junior (21) did two years in college to learn his trade, and after graduating from his college program he was apprenticed to the company's building supervisor until he earned his journeyman qualification. Now, he's working toward his Red Seal and his designation as a master carpenter.
Mo (18) is still in high school, but he's heading into his final year. After that, he's planning to go to university to study engineering. He's been working with the company for the past couple of summers, and he plans to keep doing that while he's in uni.
Zahir's and Zainah's families have known each other since before Zahir and Zainah were born. Both of them are survivors of disastrous first marriages and weren't sure at first when their parents suggested they should think about marrying each other, but years later, they're happy they decided to take the risk.
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gothhabiba · 8 months
"When [Joanna] Newsom gets old, she wants to become even weirder than she already is. She already counts bird watching, interior design, and furniture design as three of her hobbies, and plans to add wearing ‘kaftans galore’ to her list of old lady aspirations." [source]
white women are so clewless. and deranged 😪😭😂
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