crazycatsiren · 2 years
"But my identity!"
If your identity is a fucking Nazi, then don't you think it might be worth the consideration to get a different identity that's not a fucking Nazi.
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schizopositivity · 1 year
Hello, I just saw your post about aspergers and it's link to nazis [https://www.tumblr.com/schizopositivity/718879124266074112/hey-im-curious-is-there-a-way-that-being?source=share] and I have been saying I have it as I have been clinically diagnosed with it, I remember. Is there any other term aside from "on the autism spectrum" for it? Or is there truly no difference/it's just autism?
The term Asperger's was retired in 2013. Now what was once that diagnosis falls in the autism spectrum. It is autism but just on one side of the spectrum. Typically understood to be on the less severe side of the spectrum due to people not needing as much or any daily assistance and having the ability to mask well. It does still fall into the spectrum tho so ASD would be the only accurate way to describe it. It would still communicate your diagnosis, it would still describe your symptoms and could make it easier for you to find community with other people with the same neurodiversity.
I understand wanting to keep your original diagnosis. I see this all the time with people still referring to themselves as having "paranoid schizophrenia" even tho that term is also outdated and is now a part of the larger schizophrenia spectrum.
I do like having spectrums, it unifies people with the same core symptoms, even if the severity differs. I don't personally want to separate people into categories since many people won't fall into them.
I can't tell you how to describe yourself, but if you do use the term Asperger's then you should understand that the term may offend people due to its origins.
I don't have autism spectrum disorder myself, this comes from research and what I've heard from autistic people. If you are on the autism spectrum and want to add to this please do!
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princesslucky · 1 year
Yeah breaking up is sad but have you had your friends make fun of your hyperfixation?
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If anyone could help me, it'd be greatly appreciated
I've been trying to see a professional to get evaluated for ASD1 for the past year or so, and no progress really has been made. My mom keeps dismissing when I ask her about it and I'd really like to get evaluated because my life would not be as hard if I figured out what was going on with me. I don't know how to book appointments, and no online thing has helped me at all. I've found someone who might be able to assess me, but I don't know how to contact them, schedule an appointment, or anything because I'm a minor with little to no funds.
If you could please provide any insight it'd be great. Thanks in advance. (ϋ)
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brytnoter · 5 months
reminder that MASKING doesn't mean
"acting neurotypical"
it means
"suppressing autistic traits"
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aulel-process · 2 years
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Super cute, silly Martin Wallstrom movie: Simple Simon. Martin Wallstrom plays Sam, brother to Simon, who has Asperger’s Syndrome. Simon goes on a mission to find Sam a girlfriend who can peacefully live together with both of them and who can handle Simon’s quirks and needs. Can watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hbzk2jikbdY&t=14s
Martin Wallstrom rabbit hole is nice place to be 🐰
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thethreedeadkings · 2 years
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[when your atypical but you try your best to act normal around other people]
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not-your-pussikat · 1 year
I just saw a TikTok creator commenting on his video with "I have a sprinkle of the -tism" and I have decided that from now on, that is the only way I will refer to my own autism.
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writer-of-worlds · 2 years
The Boy Behind the Hands has a TV Tropes page now!!!
Feel free to edit anything or give me any criticisms! It's my first time making a TV Tropes page so there may be some mistakes I did LOL
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Bad at small talk
Them: how's the weather
Me: it's too clear, bright, and hot it's killing me. 🌞 I wish it would rain and winter would come here faster!
Them: how about them *insert sports team*
Me: I don't watch sports...
Them: what do you think about *insert celebrity here* latest scandal
Me: I don't care. She/they/he is just a person I don't know and don't care about. It's none of my beeswax.
Them: do you have a boyfriend?
Me: yes but he is imaginary and I don't want a real one because I hate intimacy and human touch makes me uncomfortable.
Them: when are you going to get married?
Me: When I'm dead they will be able to force me. So over my dead body will I be an item to be owned by a man.
Them: you will be an old cat lady.
Me: Cats are better masters than men and I rather be the slave/servant/property of a cat than a man thank you very much.
Them: don't you want kids?
Me: not unless they have fur or are baby dolls!
Them: what do you like?
Me: strawberries, coffins, blood, glitter, fangs, moths, bats, owls, pokemon, neopets, meanie babies, beanie babies, chillhop music, black metal music, dark humour, tea, tea parties, ballet, irony, my pet monster, furskins bears, my dog, and pizza.
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starrbar · 1 year
Dude, asp3rgers is literally named after Hans Apserger, a Nazi. Just use Google my guy, you're using Nazi terminology, dickhead.
Imagine blaming someone for the name of their PROFESSIONAL DIAGNOSIS, my guy.
Like, does it occur to you that this is the most far removed you could ever get from "activism".
What made you wake up in the morning and come to me specifically, by the way? Have you been sending this to everyone else in the world who was told by a fucking doctor that they have a mental disorder called Asperger's that has done been a thing probably their whole lives, and telling them THEY are perpetuating bigotry by going on with their damn life and accepting the word they've been given for their condition?
Whaddaya want? Ya want me to frantically scurry to my Carrd to change the label? Would that make me less of a direct contributor to anti-Semitism?
Ehehehehehehe, here I was bitching about anti-kink fuckers when the internet has people like you misfiring their righteous anger so hard that you're mad at random mentally ill people for being oh... so, so ignorant to the catastrophic harm they're causing for not suspecting that the label they were given might be a Nazi term~!
You are the most self-important asshole I have ever seen, and that's saying a lot considering the shit I've witnessed online. I hope you're as miserable a person as this makes you sound, because my god, this is pathetic.
I did look it up btw, for anyone who is curious. It looks like anon is indeed correct about the origins of the name.
I still don't give a single pebble of my oddly blue shit because I am not fucking responsible for any of this.
Yes, my shit is blue right now because I ate some heavily-dyed cake yesterday. Yes, I loved adding that to my response to this person and their worthless take. Enjoy reading about my bowel status before I cast you into obscurity, as your next messages will be ignored unless you have the balls to come off anon about it.
Go fuck yourself. 💖
For everyone else:
Do I need to explain btw that if someone came to me in GOOD FAITH to inform me of the fact that a label I'm using may bring up terrible feelings for people because of its origins, I'd legit listen and go change it?
I probably will change it anyway because I identify more with "autism" (because I get to say "I have awootism" and that's hilarious—also I can just say "I'm autistic", but there doesn't seem to be a grammatical equivalent for Asperger's).
But this is not how you have a fucking conversation.
This is not how you inform innocent people of a dark history behind something they grew up with.
This person is not AT ALL concerned with me becoming a better person or being more sensitive to others or learning a lesson. This person JUST wants to take their own self-hatred out on some rando online, to make me feel guilty for shit I was unaware of, and to make themself feel superior in whatever desperate way they can.
I see right through this garbage because I witness it daily.
My brother and my closest high school friend were both diagnosed with Asperger's YEARS before I ever was. I grew up with this. I grew up proud to be this, because I recognized that it made me different from my peers in a way that would gain me discrimination and bullying, but that I could also have solidarity with the other kids who understood what it was like.
I will change the name for MYSELF, because of MY new experiences and information from my doctors.
And I will not rush to do so because I have better things to do with my time than sweat and panic over what some little insect thinks about my Carrd. I have a game to work on, a dog to let out, a job to go to, and a husband to cuddle. Oh, and of course, I gotta finish my replay of BotW so I can jump on TotK when my husband is done playing it! Priorities, hello! xP
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harrison-abbott · 2 years
Nice psychology story
I met up with one of my friends last night and he told me this nice story.
We were talking about autism, and he mentioned that he’d once worked with pupils who were autistic at a particular school. And there was this one boy called Matthew, who was Asperger’s.
Matthew was fourteen and he had this ongoing problem with a bus driver on the school bus. This grumpy aggressive bus driver who picked on the kids and gave them a hard time – including Matt – and it made him feel afraid in the mornings before going to school.
So Matt made up this defence mechanism in his own mind. Whereby he visualised the mean driver as a balloon. A helium balloon. By imagining that this man was a balloon – he could let go of it – and the balloon would start to float away. Up, up, up in the air it would gently go, and the farther it went, Matthew didn’t feel so threatened by it anymore.
And eventually the balloon would rise into the sky and disappear from view. That was Matt’s way of dealing with the angry chap. And he even gave the mechanism a technical name, which was ‘visual deflection’ (if I remember correctly). A 14 year old kid came up with that all on his own.
People can be brilliant.
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neuroscotian · 14 days
Lots of Nazi related trigger warnings, but this is a good overview of the discussion.
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ka3l · 5 months
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thethreedeadkings · 2 years
The inner battle between my Aspie urge to sit and focus on the same shit for hours vs my ADD urge to find something new to do every 4 minutes.. 💀
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k12academics · 4 months
Pathways Academy serves students who struggle with meeting typical school expectations. Pathways Academy views all behavior as communication; staff work collaboratively with students to ensure success in our relaxed, therapeutic setting.
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