#Aspen Yaps
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aspen-eats-ankles · 1 month ago
Idrk where to post this so I’m just doing it on my reg blog. So yk watcher lore and stuff? For Hermitcraft and life series? Since watchers are canonically the viewers, they are connected to every lore (in some way)
What if Jaiden Animations is a watcher? In the same boat as W!Grian. Maybe Cucurucho is also a Watcher, and when Jaiden and him(them?) became friends she became a Watcher too. And she fought back when Bobby got taken.
I’ve never rlly watched QSMP so I don’t know a lot abt it so sorry if it doesn’t fit lol
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z0mbiefvcker · 6 months ago
sit down fellas lets talk about this because i need a quick excuse to yap imw riting this late at night and savinf it to my drafts so it'll probably make more sense because i am smarater at night. besides my typos. ..
okay so i've noticed how lisa treats creature throughout a lot of the movie and its kind of like adorable to me. she gets multiple chances where she has some kind of upper hand on him where she can bash his skull in with a fluffy golf club or axe him straight in the back or do something else to annihilate him which a lot of people would do in her situation and she DOESN'T do that.
she's so nice to him when she reasonably had the choice not to be. one could say a reasonable thing to do to a corpse that broke into your house and chased you down and projectile vomitef straight in your face is bash their head in with a flugfy golf club but lisa says NO!!!!! i will treat this zombie boy nicely and help him get cleaned up and supply him clothes and spend time with him
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and when she gets the chance to axe him in the back she does consider it and is going to do it but she literally cant bring herself to do it. she could do it and she could probably end it all here but she doesn't and she instead runs to him and falls into his arms. and he does things for her too in a return of her kindness!!!! he dances with her and plays the piano in a duet with her and listens to her yap. andmurderspeopleandchopsofftheirlimbs but thats out of the questipn
she's his caretaker throughout the movie and he returns the favor in the end with being her caretaker now that they switcharooed positions. all because she just didn't bash him in the skull with a fluffy golf club at that very first meeting. THE SMALL DESCISONS PEOPLE!!!!!!
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aspen-eats-ankles · 1 month ago
Very perty
uh oh I dyed my hair again
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sundewhasaudhd · 2 months ago
Hey, Aspen Waylon enjoyers. I just wanted to let you know that Aspen’s voice claim is Sock from Welcome to Hell
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bugofmanynames · 1 month ago
nobody asked but anyways origins of some of my characters in order of when they were created
cadence: i was bored and doodled her on my paper i was supposed to be taking notes for history class in but i kinda liked it and put it in my sketchbook and forgot about xem for months until i randomly remembered xe existed and decided to actually do something with her, but i didn't really do much until aster came along
and the first drawing of her even though i've posted this before
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aster: uhhhh so on the last day of school i was screwing around with my friend on our phones because there was basically nothing to do and i thought it'd be funny to search up "gacha life unblocked" because the unblocked games are usually really badly made and made this and decided to draw them a few weeks later
an as close as possible recreation of the original screenshot because i didn't screenshot it the first time:
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aspen: i don't know where she came from exactly, she was just kinda in the back of my head after i decided cadence and aster could be a band together and i wanted to make more members and i drew her sometime in september i think
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redacted: i was again trying to think of character ideas for the band members when me and my family were driving back home from vacation and i couldn't think of anything and so i was kinda like "this is like in video games when you can't see what the new playable looks like until you unlock it" but then that sounded like a cool concept so i rolled with that and drew the first drawing of them in my sketchbook
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also when i was trying to decide what they'd look like when they're not redacted they went through at least like 3 redesigns
skittles: i don't know where i got the idea for him either but i made him in gacha life 2 and decided to put him with the others
the original thing which i also posted on here at some point, also at the time I made the original i was playing around with outfits and made a swimwear ver too (mainly because i wanted to give him tattoos and i couldn't really do that with the original outfit because i'd already taken up most of the accessory slots)
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erm anyways if you read all of this i apologize this was so long
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sand-boxed · 11 months ago
echo is such a good character. theoretically at least. actually the definition of wasted potential hes the most interesting member of cf99 and hes barely in the show im sobbing.
i wish there was actual buildup to echo leaving or something showing his dissatisfaction with being in the batch. like something about having to kill his brothers, or even with the whole being sold as a droid thing which i know its a haha funny bit but that shit was actually so fucked up ???? we dont talk about that one enough that was so insane of hunter 😭😭 if u think abt his backstory then it makes more sense but theres barely anything in his behavior that suggests conflict with his own goals and the interests of his team by the time he leaves. ig its also one of the issues is that the show doesnt have enough time. maybe echo should have left later on in the show or something but i can also think of some midder episodes that are just hunter and omega but again that could have been replaced to give this guy or wrecker some actual characterization. no shade to them ( kinda bc most of the best episodes are the ones where theyre not there) but save some for the rest of us bc they dont need half the show do they
also istg they (writers and the batch ) forgot echo used to be a "reg" i feel like its so strange for the batch to be all pissy abt reg clones and have a weird superiority complex early on in the show when like. echo is there he was once one of them and now hes not. theres so much the writers could have done to tackle echos feelings abt being othered by the reg clones and inadvertently ostracized by his team. theres so much he probably sees different from thebatch bc of their separate upbringings where echo was part of a collective and the batch were singled out as individuals. does he view killing other clones in a different light bc he was also the type to follow orders blindly once??? how does he feel abt the chips as a pow that spent around a year unable to control his thoughts, having his mind stolen from him??
something i wanted for his character was for him to have a connection pre-citadel that he loses during his time being frozen bc he would have to cope with that loss and adapt to the batch at the same time. yes this is another excuse for me to talk abt fives but who else. echo doesnt talk to anyone except him in basically every scene b4 the citadel. echo feeling messed up abt it bc just all of a sudden his world has been turned upside down and all he can do is move on. thats absolutely terrifying to think about bc the war has taken away most of everyone hes ever known. there was no goodbye, nothing for him, they were just here one moment and gone the next for him. too bad we dont get to see any of it lmaoooo
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glistensbow · 2 months ago
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ic : princessmalewife. on discord
bc : epicwhizbangsaltacc on discord
glistensbow - discord
glistensbow - tumblr
glistensbow - github
alterhumans - github
glistensbow - reddit
glistensbow - airbuds
glistensbow - twitch
glistensbow - tiktok
lilly02571 - roblox
nuhuhnoway - pinterest
dudiointhestudio - pinterest
glistensbow - youtube
kittykitty5461 - xbox
if the user is glistensbow and the name is aspen/starlight its probably me
not always!! make sure to ask in the askbox for me to confirm its me and not a faker!!!! :3
— i dont use twitter, but the account glistensbow is mine! just there to find art credits, so u wont see me posting
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about the blog
tag key
- art — #aspens art ꩜ .ᐟ
- yapping — #the yappster ꩜ .ᐟ
- reblogs — #reblawgs ꩜ .ᐟ
- asks — #u guys yap ꩜ .ᐟ
- other — #other stuuff ꩜ .ᐟ
all on this post
about me
hi im aspen/starlight
im a minor
transman + gay + demisexual + xenogenders
he / it / xenos*
*i use almost all xenopronouns!! this excludes problematic media , gore or blood prns, feminine prns, sexual prns, or other weird shit
anxiety, autism, adhd
astro fictkin, therian, otherkin
furry :3c
sfw age / pet regressor
LaVeyan Satanist — all religions are valid
i am relatively new to tumblr! i dont really get a lot of the culture yet — please correct me on stuff!!!! i love to grow and learn new things!!!
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odeggy · 2 months ago
15/365 doodle day
i did this instead of i and s work
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thehybridsystem · 13 days ago
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aspen-eats-ankles · 21 days ago
Does anyone else get mad when their sibling gets something and you don’t, then they aren’t even happy abt it?
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z0mbiefvcker · 6 months ago
another late night sspen yap post that im typing out and saving to my drafts for later because i am smartar at night and i am listening to classical music as i type this therefore i am an intellectual.
you ever think about how long it's been since the creature touched someone, or was touched? 152 years of not feeling anything or anyone and practically forgetting what it ever felt like to be touched by anotjer person. the last perosn that ever touched him before lisa was a mortician, or a coroner and he didnt even feel that because he was DEAD
the first time he ever touches lisa really is when he takes her hand to try and kiss it and that's the first time he really ever felt the warmth of another person in a long while. and she rejects his touch basically so no wonder the guy cried gosh
and hes probably super cold due to being a corpse and all so that warm feeling of an alive persons hand like lisas must be so different to him after a straight century and more of not ever feeling that. and the more time goes on throughout the movie and the more rhey touch eachother, things like when he lifts her up when they dance or when he has his head on her lap as she stitches the ear on must mean the WORLD to him tjat the lady he loves is willingly touching him snd not repulsed by him.
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and when he gets to put that peach ring on her finger or catch her in his arms and KISS HER. something he probably thought would've never happened at the start. that's like mindblowing shit in his eyes. hes so in love and when she finally loves him back and touches him and MAKES LOVE TO HIM which is like some of the most touch a human can have?!??!?!?! she's giving him everything and more
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sundewhasaudhd · 4 months ago
Hey question
Y’all know my Hatchetfield OC, Aspen Waylon right?
Ok, so if you had to pick one StarKid actor to play them, who would you pick?
Tagging everyone who I know likes them
@justa-sadjellyfish @wigglyobsessedweirdo @chrrromakopia222 @beattlecub @sleepycloudi
@z1ggs420 @blue-razzslushie2 @mountaindewgay @lilacquintet @sunshine-embry
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angelsdvsts · 23 days ago
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"oh, yeah the definitely checks out. . . i mean after all you're the one who wants to suck me off in front of your family," he points out, that charming smirk growing across his lips. couldn't resist the natural cockiness that falls with his words. mind ran wild regarding the femme and just how nasty she would get; the extent that she would go through just for a nice little hookup. "something tells me that you have a little degrading kink, are you already wet as hell thinking about me just spitting on you, gripping your neck with my hands while i force this cock into your mouth?" though, he was positive that she'd open wide for him, he didn't need to do much forcing. "sounds to me that you want to find out, i'm always willing to prove you wrong," he shrugs his shoulders as if he was doing a favor for the girl, giving her a taste of him -- surely she would continue to come back for more. hues darts over towards her features, lifting his shoulders into a shrug before shaking his head, "nah -- i don't think it's stupid. everyone wants freedom and i'm sure your parents have you in a chokehold," laughter falls from his lips, arms crossed over his chest. "don't think i could hit it and quit it with you? that's kinda bold of you to assume," matter in fact, he believed that she'd come crawling back for more. though his mind couldn't help, but wrap around the fact that she'd probably look like a goddess wrapped around his cock; the thing was lets see if she could keep this attention. "can't imagine that they'll care too much for the baby, but rather how much of my family's assets could go to them." and he definitely didn't want to bring a child into the world with someone that he truly couldn't see himself being with. deep chuckles fell from his lips, eyes soaking the female upon her knees. "i don't know, let's put it to the test, aspen -- let's see what that mouth can do," teasing words escapes, tongue darting out to dampen his lips. "mm, yeah? you want to gag on it so bad to the point where drool starts falling from your lips?"
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"i'm saying that i'm open to both", corrects with a wry grin, "sometimes i want it private and other times ... well, other times it's fun with an audience." when it came to sex aspen was about as free and open minded as a girl could be, except feet. she drew the line at anything to do with those. "mm, i think i'd like your spit on me, actually. having it drip down me ... bet you'd like it too, right? spitting all over the girl your family hates, making her into a filthy slut that takes whatever she's given." it shouldn't make aspen aroused to talk about herself that way, but god, her clit is pulsing in time with her heart as she speaks, voices her nastiest desires. "um i think it would. you just have a very big ego, probably an average cock", but she's going to find out how much she can take, especially considering diego doesn't seem to believe she'll actually do it. "i mean, don't get me wrong there's plenty of benefits to being his daughter, but i want freedom too -- i don't know, maybe i'm just being stupid and having rich girl problems." she briefly shrugs it off, focusing instead on the man in front of her. "as if you could only stand to have me once, diego. be real here." but perhaps if his dick does make her gag she'll admit to wanting him too, to how she thinks about him and how annoyingly handsome he is. "i don't think the world's ready for that ... at least not with a money grabbing whore as the mommy." nose wrinkles at the prospect, someone exploiting diego by getting pregnant, bringing a child into the world purely to make money from them. dipping her digits inside his trousers the femme grins, curling her fingers around his length and tugging it out in to the cold air. "yeah? think you'd like having your cock sucked by me?" she had to admit, he was bigger than she'd anticipated, but it definitely wasn't a negative. leaning down aspen pokes her tongue out, licking a slow path across his swollen head before pressing a loud open mouthed kiss to the soft skin. "bet you'd fit so snug down my throat ... fat and throbbing while i lick you."
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kidiehyena · 8 months ago
i wuuuv my gf soooo oo much who takes care of me when im wittle and she is so nice and sweet to me and she jst cooked me dindin !!!! and i dont really wan eat it but she says i shld so i will !!!! im soo oo sweep y tho .((
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mochinomnoms · 3 months ago
Sending an ask about PTM, sorry if this is something you’re going into in the story but I just DIE thinking about it
With how much aspen knows about reader Jade probably was not subtle at ALL with his affections though I imagine much tamer and more coy than Mc is imagining since she’s getting the full brunt, BUT I would love to know what mama and papa Leech are thinking about their boy having a potential human mate and if they already are prepping grand kids names, if mama leech is sending human courting tips, etc (also sorry I sent to two places bc I wasn’t sure where to send 🥲) anyway this is my fave jade fanfic
Lmao, so yes I'm pretty sure that based on some of the new cards we've gotten lately, it's been established that Jade is a hella of a yapper. He has something interesting in mind and he yaps yaps yaps!
I think he only does it around people he likes and is close with, unless he has something specific that he doesn't mind talking about (like fungi).
His family and his friends, including Aspen and Tony here, are well aware of his feelings for you. Honestly, he didn't even try to hide it! In his head, Jade has already claimed you as his, so why shouldn't he let his family know the happy news? Even if he did want to hide it, Floyd's mouth his big enough that it wouldn't have stayed secret for long.
Mama Leech, or Narissa as I like to name her, is absolutely delighted that her son as become so smitten! She is a romantic at heart, though her ideas of romance are fairly different from human ones. She is wondering why her dear Jade hasn't already snatched them up and drag them down into the sea like she did with his father.
Thankfully, Papa Leech (Bruno) often comes up to the surface and has a bit more familiarity with human culture. He's wondering if Jade is going to go more "human" or more "mer" for courting them, perhaps one of the Leech heirlooms would be a good starting point? Though, there is something about carving your own courting jewelry out of bone, sea glass, or shells.
Since Jade likes to yap, his father and mother indulge him and listen in carefully in how he describes you in incredible detail. Mama has a bit more foresight and has started to think about how to accommodate the growing family in their home. She loathes the idea of her sons moving out, much less to the surface, but she also loves the idea of a child-in-law and potentially grandchildren! Papa is more in the now, curious on how his son plans just to court you.
But overall, they're very excited to be able to meet you! Jade has made mentions of bringing you with them for the next summer break, perhaps even sooner...
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aspen-eats-ankles · 1 month ago
Does anyone else get super guilty when they don’t go to their after school stuff? Even if you feel awful and know you won’t get through it without crying or smth?
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