#watcher JaidenAnimations
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aspen-eats-ankles · 1 month ago
Idrk where to post this so I’m just doing it on my reg blog. So yk watcher lore and stuff? For Hermitcraft and life series? Since watchers are canonically the viewers, they are connected to every lore (in some way)
What if Jaiden Animations is a watcher? In the same boat as W!Grian. Maybe Cucurucho is also a Watcher, and when Jaiden and him(them?) became friends she became a Watcher too. And she fought back when Bobby got taken.
I’ve never rlly watched QSMP so I don’t know a lot abt it so sorry if it doesn’t fit lol
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kenzkatx · 10 months ago
JaidenAnimations new Hatsune Miku video made my autistic ass go off the charts:
So, I am not a big Jaiden watcher, enjoy any content of hers I see, I just don’t watch as much as I used to. However, I saw today that she uploaded a miku video the other day. Here’s the thing, when I was younger I had a really strong attraction to anything vocaloid/miku, I would se the blind boxes in Walmart for keychains or mini figures and would get so excited, but yet I never allowed myself to do anything beyond that. I never bought the boxes, I never looked into anything beyond surface level music consumption and knowing a few very popular characters because of the songs I listened to, that was really it. I’m autistic, so for me not going balls deep in information about this franchise is kinda really odd for me, especially since it’s not like I was into “cool” or “normal” things at the time either, so like why was vocaloid different? Why wouldn’t I let myself get into it? I’m sure eventually I’ll figure out what caused that, but back to the point - I saw the video in my recommended today, got excited and immediately turned it on.
I watched, and had so much joy in me hearing about someone else’s excitement and love for miku. When it got to her talking about seeing miku live at the convention, I got so excited and happy that genuinely, I cried. Over someone else’s excitement, I cried. And it wasn’t like sadness, I was just so happy to see someone enjoy miku that much. This, unlocked Pandora’s box, much like ddr did for Jaiden. The irony is strong. I started looking up video essays and guides on vocaloid and the characters, I started googling figures and merch to see the different outfits and such, I started saving playlists on Spotify (including Jaiden’s ofc), it has been probably 4 hours since seeing Jaiden’s video originally and ALL I have been doing is looking into vocaloid more and more, watching iceberg videos, guides to fan loids, ect. I am deep diving. Its so bad that there’s a local shop that sells a lot of stuff from Japan and I’m considering ordering a large shelf to start buying stuff from that shop because they have a LOT of miku stuff (and loids in general but ESPECIALLY miku). I have discovered that my favourite loid is gumi, which years ago I believed it was Calne Ca (when I was listening to vocaloid songs when I was much younger they were usually dark/edgy ones because I was very emo at the time so I saw her a lot and thought she was wicked cool and didn’t even know she wasn’t a full canon loid!), I am saving like hundreds of pieces of gumi art for wallpapers and such and to send to my friend to be like LOOK LOOK LOOK!!!
Long story short, I am hyper fixated hard and I have realized that Vocaloid has been a special interest of mine for a LONG a time, but I never let it be. I have been working on myself alot, healing my inner autistic child, and more specifically my inner teenage autistic self who did not let me enjoy the things I loved dearly because they made people not like me, so instead I tried to be as normal as I could (which was not very normal mind you as I was an emo Fnaf aphmau fan so still, very much not the popular kid, but I tried ok). Recently I have got my cat special interest back in order as that has been repressed for a LONG time. Jaiden’s video, unlocked my long time interest in vocaloid, and I am finally allowing myself to get into full blown. Thank you Jaiden animations for the wonderful video and for unlocking my secret obsession. I also want to play ddr now.
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miblife · 1 year ago
Statement Begins AU - Full Cast
This is every character in the Statement Begins AU, alongside the content creator that plays them, and the SMP (if one) that they are referenced from/who they are
This list will be updated when characters/surnames are revealed (yes I should've done this ages ago oops-)
WARNING: Very long, could have spoilers
Aimsey Machen - Aimsey - Dream SMP
Alistair E. Rete - Eret - Dream SMP
Albrecht M. Seiben - DocM77 - Hermitcraft
Alex Quiroz - Quackity - Dream SMP/QSMP
Alyssa Found - ItsAlyssa - Dream SMP
Anthony B. Stat - Bigbst4tz2 - Life Series
Anthony Frost - Antfrost - Dream SMP
Antoine Daniels - Antoine Daniels - QSMP
Apollo Kew-Nye - Apokuna - Outsiders SMP
Arin Videgain - Luzu/Arin the AI - QSMP
Ash Kabosu - Ash Kabosu - Member of the band Lovejoy
Baghera Jones - Baghera Jones - QSMP
Bagi Brito - Bagi - QSMP
Baillie Squid - iBallisticSquid
Beau Tye - Beautie - Origins SMP
Becky Amon - Bekyamon - Outsiders SMP
Berwynne Oliver-Ortiz - Bdoubleo100 - Hermitcraft/Life Series
Bill Zoe - Billzo - Origins SMP
Blake Halo - Badboyhalo - QSMP
Bobby Guerrero - Bobby the Egg - QSMP
Boyd Halo - Badboyhalo - Dream SMP
Brice Solace/The Golden - GoldSolace - Associated with Team Crafted
Callahan Reindere - Callahan - Dream SMP
Callum Cepeka - SeaPeaKay - Dream SMP
Caroline Puffy - CaptainPuffy - Dream SMP
Cathy Gamre - KatherineElizabeth - Empires SMP Season 2
Celso Brito - Cellbit - QSMP
Chayanne Merlo - Chayanne the Egg - QSMP
Cleo Moros - ZombieCleo - Hermitcraft/Life Series
Connor Pants - ConnorEatsPants - Dream SMP
Crumb - Cuptoast - Artist/Animator that is close with Ranboo, Tubbo, CaptainSparkles and more
Danny Deo - TimeDeo - SMP Earth
Dapper Halo - Dapper the Egg - QSMP
Duante Pac - Pac/Tazercraft - QSMP
Dylan Enay - BoomerNA - Dream SMP
Elaina Exxee - ElainaEXE - MCC
Eloise Soup - SoupforEloise - Outsiders SMP
Em Ada - Empanada the Egg - QSMP
Eryn Ciber-Onix - Cyberonix - Dream SMP
Ethan Hoslab - Ethoslab - Hermitcraft/Life Series
Étoile Sauveterre - Étoiles - QSMP
Eva Suma - Evil Xisuma - Hermitcraft
Felicia Symmetry - FalseSymmertry - Hermitcraft
Felipe GĂȘnero - Feelps - QSMP
Finn Star - F1nn5ter - MCC/Idots SMP
Fitz Emsens - FitMC - QSMP
Forden Whip - FWhip - Empires SMP Season 1
Freddie Linu - Badlinu - Origins SMP
Fundy Soot - Fundy - Dream SMP
Gabriel Acho - ggAcho - Rats SMP/Outsiders SMP
Gem Tay - Geminitay - Empires SMP Season 1
George Found - Georgenotfound - Dream SMP
Gracie Hey - Graecie - Outsiders SMP
Grian Watcher - Grian - Hermitcraft/Life Series/Yandere High School
Hannah Rose - HannahxxRose - Dream SMP
Harry Bomb - HBomb94 - Dream SMP
Hermes Stratakis - Hermes - Empires SMP Season 2
Hydd Tyzed - Hypnotizd - Hermitcraft
Ira Party - IronMouse - QSMP
Irvyn Jevin - iJevin - Hermitcraft
Isak Åttafem - Iskall85 - Hermitcraft
Ivory Cello - IvoryCello
Jack Manifold - Jack Manifold - Dream SMP
Jaiden Annie Mason - JaidenAnimations - QSMP
James Marriott - James Marriott - Origins SMP
Jason Universe/The Universe - MinecraftUniverse - Team Crafted
Jason Vurb - Vurb - Idots SMP
Jennifer Tae - GeminiTay - Hermitcraft/Life Series/Empires SMP Season 2
Jerome A. Essef/The Axe - JeromeASF - Team Crafted
Jimmy Major - SolidarityGaming - Empires SMP Season 1/Life Series
Joe Everse - Joey Graceffa - Empires SMP Season 2
Joe Hills - Joe Hills - Hermitcraft
Joel S. Bean - SmallishBeans - Empires SMP Season 1/Life Series
Joey Graceffa - Joey Graceffa - Empires SMP Season 1
Joey T. Tiss - Joeyish/Taurtis - Yandere High School
Jonathan Schlatt - Jschlatt - Dream SMP
Jordan Sparks - CaptainSparkles - MCC
Juana Fuentes-Flipper - JuanaFlippa the Egg - QSMP
Junior Puffy - Jr. the Totem - Dream SMP
Karl Jacobs - KarlJacobs - Dream SMP
Katherine Elizabeth - KatherineElizabeth - Empires SMP Season 1
Kazmer Rallis - Keralis - Hermitcraft
Kristin Oneza nee Rosales - Kristin/Mumza - Dream SMP/Philza's wife
Krow - Krow - Outsiders SMP
Larry Zarah - LazarBeam - Dream SMP
Leo Siete - Leonarda the Egg - QSMP
Levi Athon - Leviathon - Friends with Purpled
Likha Sadiri - SAD-ist - Artist/Animator heavily associated with the Dream SMP
Lizzie Bean - LDShadowLady - Empires SMP Season 1/Life Series
Luke Bedars - Punz - Dream SMP
Lyarrah Lyve - LyarrahLive - The Hermitcraft Recap
Mariana Fuentes-Flipper - ElMariana - QSMP
Martyn L. Woods - InTheLittleWood - Life Series
Maurice Ayka - Mohwee - Outsiders SMP
Max Ithza - Mithzan
Maximus Agurto - Maximus - QSMP
Maya Sings - MagicSings - Outsiders SMP
Megumi Horiuchi - Gumi - MCC
Michael McChill - Michael McChill - Dream SMP
Michelle Puffy - Michelle the Piglin - Dream SMP
Mikhael Elo - Mike/Tazercraft - QSMP
Missael Mero - MissaSinfonia - QSMP
Mitch Baja/The Bow - BajanCanadian - Team Crafted
Mr Dreamer - Dream - Dream SMP
Myer Sosa - MythicalSausage - Empires SMP Season 1
Niki Hachu - Nihachu - Dream SMP
Noah Puffy - FoolishGamers - Dream SMP/QSMP
Noel T. Blade - Technoblade - Dream SMP
Oli Sound - OrionSound - Empires SMP Season 2/Afterlife SMP
Olive Sleep - OliveSleepy - Rats SMP
Oliver Jumbo - MumboJumbo - Hermitcraft/Life Series
Orion Ayka - Oeca - Outsiders SMP
Oscar Goodtimes - Goodtimeswithscar - Hermitcraft/Life Series
Owen Agarci - OwengejuiceTV - Outsiders SMP
Panos Stratakis - Smallishbeans - Empires SMP Season 2
Pause - PauseUnPause - Close friends with Etho and VintageBeef
Pearl Moon - PearlescentMoon - Hermitcraft/Life Series
Pepe Toro - Pepito the Egg - QSMP
Pete Hutt - Petezahutt - MCC
Phillip Oneza - Philza - Dream SMP/QSMP
Pierre Bedars - Purpled - Dream SMP
Piper Riffs - Pixlriffs - Empires SMP Season 1/The Hermitcraft Recap
Pomme Jones - Pomme the Egg - QSMP
Ponlok Drops - DropsByPonk - Dream SMP
Prism A. Reana - Prismarina - Witchcraft SMP
Quentin Kips/The Fish - HuskyMudkipz - Team Crafted
Quentin Up - 5Up - MCC
RamĂłn Emsens - Ramon the Egg - QSMP
Ranell B. Loved - Ranboo - Dream SMP
Redd Onos - Redoons - Outsiders SMP
Ren Dog - Rendog - Hermitcraft/Life Series
Rhianna Soot - SootRhianna - Soothouse/Nihachu's roommate
Richa GĂȘnero - Richarlyson the Egg - QSMP
Rio Guerrero - Roier - QSMP
Rodor Essvi - ImpulseSV - Hermitcraft/Life Series
Rose B. Pie - Rasbi - Outsiders SMP
Ross Pall - Yourpalross/HouseOwner
Rubén Elenes - Rubius - QSMP
Sally Salmon - Sally the Salmon - Dream SMP
Sam Aweman - Awesamdude - Dream SMP
Sam Gladiator - SamGladiator - Yandere High School
Sammy Ferrish - Snifferish - Rats SMP
Saphna Halo - Sapnap - Dream SMP
Sarah-Alex Brown - Salex - Yandere High School
Scott S. Major - Smajor1995/Dangthatsalongname - Empires SMP Season 1/Life Series
Sebastian Snag - SneegSnag - Origins SMP
Shelby Shrub - Shubble - Empires SMP Season 1
Shell B. Moore - Shubble - Empires SMP Season 2
Shelly Kidd - ImASquidKid - Hypixel/Close friends/rivals with Technoblade
Skipp Leman - Skizzleman - Life Series
Skye Mon Starr - Stressmonster101 - Hermitcraft
Slime - Slimecicle - Dream SMP
Sloy X. Pevtsov - SloyXP - The Hermitcraft Recap
Sunny Side - Sunny the Egg - QSMP
Sydney Nia - Squidney80 - Outsiders SMP
Sylvee Wiya - Sylveey - MCC
Tallulah Ash - Talullah the Egg - QSMP
Tango Teck - TangoTek - Hermitcraft/Life Series
Ted Nivison - Ted Nivison - Close friends with Slimecicle, Jschlatt and Wilbur Soot
The Blacksmith - Eddie the Rabbit - Empires SMP Season 2
The Goblin - FWhip - Empires SMP Season 2
The Mayor - LDShadowLady - Empires SMP Season 2
The Sorcerer - Setosorcerer - TeamCrafted
The Sunflower - MythicalSausage - Empires SMP Season 2
Thomas F. Chef - TinfoilChef/TFC - Hermitcraft
TilĂ­n Quiroz - TilĂ­n the Egg - QSMP
Tina Cat - TinaCat - Dream SMP/QSMP
Toby Sparks - Tubbo - Dream SMP/QSMP
Tommy Inet - TommyInnit - Dream SMP
Trisha Symmetry - FalseSymmetry - Empires SMP Season 2
Valero Siete - Vegetta777 - QSMP
Vidal Ator - Forevito - Former member of QSMP
Vikk Wontufree - Vikkstar123 - Dream SMP
Wally Bear - WallyBear - Friends with Purpled
Welles Knight - WelsKnight - Hermitcraft
Wilbur Soot - Wilbur Soot - Dream SMP
William Ash - Wilbur Soot - QSMP
Willow M. Veep - WillowMVP - Rats SMP
Willy Rex - WillyRex - QSMP
Xander B. Craft - xBCrafted - Hermitcraft
Xavi Suma - Xisumavoid - Hermitcraft
Xornoth Major - Xornoth - Empires SMP Season 1
Yuki Akamine - SirCutieYuki - Yandere High School
Zak Ahmed - Skeppy - Dream SMP
Zed Play - Zedaph - Hermicraft
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petrichormeraki · 4 years ago
Do you know how many times I've gotten a concussion from a basket ball to the head?!?! Three!! I think. But ya!! Basketball can go jump off a microwave >:(
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itsvae10 · 1 month ago
I could definitely see it
Idrk where to post this so I’m just doing it on my reg blog. So yk watcher lore and stuff? For Hermitcraft and life series? Since watchers are canonically the viewers, they are connected to every lore (in some way)
What if Jaiden Animations is a watcher? In the same boat as W!Grian. Maybe Cucurucho is also a Watcher, and when Jaiden and him(them?) became friends she became a Watcher too. And she fought back when Bobby got taken.
I’ve never rlly watched QSMP so I don’t know a lot abt it so sorry if it doesn’t fit lol
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