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tootiredforaname · 2 days ago
[ID: the two muscular arms clasping meme, one labeled "TGWDLM" and the other "Teen Beach Movie." Their joined hands are labeled "The horrifying implications of being trapped in a musical." /end ID]
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qoldenskies · 1 day ago
In your description for canary continuity it includes carbon monoxide, and I’m just wondering why it’s there/ what’s it’s metaphor
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their fragile little lungs are more sensitive to carbon monoxide than a human's, which means they succumb to poisoning a lot faster. miners would take them in cages, and would be warned of carbon monoxide when they fell quiet.
the fact that a sun-colored bird known for its song is defined by its silence in the dark just felt like a very poignant metaphor. i cant remember exactly where i got the idea from, but it's a very donnie bird to me.
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vamprisms · 7 months ago
bad dialogue will have you saying 'now why the hell would he say that' good dialogue will have you saying 'now why the hell would he say that'
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glad we’re all feeling super normal about this
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It suddenly hit me today that “Mom and Dad wouldn't let you fight, not in a million years” means Darry was listening to Ponyboy even in the midst of their very heated argument. Pony told him “you're not Dad, Darrel, and you're not Mom neither, so stop trying to be!” and Darry, after arguably the worst week of his life, takes what was meant to be an insult and turns it into advice. He doesn’t try to parent Pony in this moment. He doesn’t say “you’re not allowed to fight.” Darry changes his approach to something more big brotherly; he reminds Pony of what their parents would say, then offers to fight on his behalf. Importantly, when Ponyboy just brushes him off, Darry doesn’t push him. He doesn’t try to stop him from making his own decision. They may still argue after this, but we can clearly see that Darry is trying his best to be what his little brother needs and see things from his perspective in order to heal their relationship.
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finleycannotdraw · 2 years ago
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I like to think combat training for these two became more complicated as they got older, if you know what I mean
I colored the last one first and then lowered my standards. give it up for 10yo ambrosius and his glaringly yellow shirt
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chloesimaginationthings · 9 months ago
I love the idea that Michael is always gloomy and low-energy with a bit of snark but the mere IDEA of Foxy turns him into the most easily excitable person on the planet
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YES, but I also extent that to every animatronic he really likes!!
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allthewhumpygoodness · 2 months ago
Once again, for the umpteenth time, whumpees with fevers:
Whumpees feeling a little shivery and worn out, not thinking anything of it
Whumpees growing more restless as their mind races relentlessly, trying to figure out why they can't get to sleep let along think straight
Whumpees feeling colder than ever all of a sudden, despite the burning just under their skin
Whumpees finally managing to sleep, but their rest is disturbed by rambling and terrifying dreams
Whumpees waking up much later than intended, with a parched throat and aching joints, so tired and shaky they can barely sit up on their own, let alone stand
Whumpees with sore, burning eyes, lymph nodes tender and swollen
Whumpees' vision swimming, growing dizzier and more lightheaded as the fever gets higher
Whumpees with chattering teeth, unable to stop shaking under a mound of blankets
Whumpee unable to eat but so, so desperately thirsty
Whumpees having to keep a light on through the night because the dark plays tricks on their feverish brain
Whumpees waking up not knowing where they are, feeling like the whole room is swaying around them, their bed shrinking and expanding, everything happening too much
Whumpees having to shakily change shirts because they're drenched in sweat (and leaving the old one on the floor by their bed because they're too weak to fold it)
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lostiel · 2 days ago
#*nods sagely* #warden rook and davrin pulling straws to see who impregnates solas #to defeat the blight once and for all of course
they should've let us do morrigan's ritual in veilguard but with solas this time
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morimhe · 2 months ago
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vision from me to me specifically. yeah.
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archie-sunshine · 7 days ago
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i put him in a jockstrap bc i make art for me
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willyhoos · 11 days ago
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you, and what little remains of your brother.
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goat-and-a-pig · 16 hours ago
My friends- I think everyone’s said this by now but really and truly my friends make me happier than anything else ever. ❤️
Forensics (now called “Speech” by the state but whatever)- This is the thing I’ve been having competitions for recently, and it makes me happier and happier the longer time goes on. I love my piece and my category and my team. ❤️
Gravity Falls- Do I even have to explain this one? ❤️
Writing- I love writing, as any of you who follow me know lol. I really enjoy and love to write anything and everything. ❤️
Reading- From The Great Gatsby to She Gets the Girl to anything I can find in a library, I LOVE reading so much. ❤️
No pressure tags: @goatsandpals @graymatterwithacomplex @possiblyahuman0 @breadward27 @dipperpines-kin @gravityfallsaddict124 @maggiemaexoxo @insomniac-lez @virginia-oficial @wi-11-ow
list five things that make you happy, then send this to the last 10 people who liked/reblogged your stuff (no pressure)
ooh, alright!
1: Music (I need it to live <3)
2: Arcane (mainly Viktor, my beloved)
3: Writing
4: Watching those sensory videos, stuff with slime or hydraulic presses smushing stuff
5: My friends (obligatory cheesy answer)
and now to tag:
@yournamemakesmytonguetired @quathxr @nastyasmermaid @saratonin14 (i see you EVERYWHERE, hello) @samstudios @unscheduledrandomness @whoops-all-neurodivergency @thy-dragon @sunflowerrboyy @theworstcreature
(edit: i just realize this ask said *send* and not *tag* but it's too late to change it now lol sorry)
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rizsnt · 1 year ago
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i think i'm the problem with you
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actual-haise · 1 year ago
me: Grammeowster Chef you have to stop. You smoke too tough. Your swag too different. Your bitch is too bad. they’ll kill you Grammeowster Chef:
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sceletaflores · 1 year ago
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he’s so silly i want to suck his dick so hard his stomach caves in like a juice box.
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