#Arkham Games
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albertonavajoart · 5 months ago
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#Arkhamtober Day 19 The Riddler
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riddled-with-fear · 28 days ago
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Here, have another Arkham!verse meme made by yours truly.
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pixlfr00t · 1 month ago
This is so dumb sorry tumblr💔💔 I got bored ok
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riddley-art · 4 months ago
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OMG, peeps! Ryan Payton, the director of Arkham Shadows, just answered my question on Reddit! He confirmed my theory about why the Riddler isn’t in the game—because he’s in Rome with Selina! It’s now canon that one of my all-time favorite comics, Catwoman: When in Rome, is part of the Arkham universe!
This also explains why the Riddler and Catwoman have such a complex relationship in Arkham Knight! It all makes so much sense now, especially with how often he calls her "dear." You have no idea how happy I am right now, and I can’t wait to dive deeper into this in Knight!
If you haven’t read Catwoman: When in Rome, I highly recommend it! The art style is absolutely amazing, and it’s turning 20 this year—what a perfect anniversary nod, too! ❤️
Big thanks to @wingedqueenlynx for planting that thought in my head and having perfect timing with the interview to ask!
Also, confirming that they made out too! Just saying! 😏💋
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mikakuna · 10 months ago
this is one of the arkham knight audio files where jason kinda breaks down to barbara and it's SO SAD. the way his voice shakes and gets smaller like a child's when talking about what joker did to him gets me so bad :(
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knoepfl · 4 months ago
~~~ Masterlist ~~~
Hey there! I decided I want to do a Masterlist since I have quite a lot of work already published and wanted a place where it's organised and everyone can see clearly if there is something they'd like to read^^ I'll try to keep it updated as much as possible but I'm sure I'll fall behind at some point. Anyways. At the beginning you can see a alphabetical order of the characters I already wrote. So if you look for a specific character be sure to look into it to see if it's there. If you notice there isn't one you like you can always sent a request or ask a question^^ I'd be happy to fulfil and answer all of them if I can. Anyways I hope you like my work!
Last Updated: 10.03 25
Updated: Movie Masterlist, Anime Masterlist
Character List (Alphabetical)
✧ Arthur Fleck (Joker)
✧ Astarion (Baldur's Gate 3)
✧ Benedict Bridgerton (Bridgerton)
✧ Bobble (Tinkerbell)
✧ Bruno Madrigal (Encanto)
✧ Cedric the Sorcerer (Sofia the First)
✧ Chop Top Sawyer (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre)
✧ Clawd Wolf (Monster High)
✧ Clawdeen Wolf (Monster High)
✧ Clopin Trouillefou (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
✧ Cole Mikaelson (Vampire Diaries)
✧ Drayton Sawyer (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre)
✧ Dottore (Genshin Impact)
✧ Edward Nygma (Arkham Games/Gotham Series)
✧ Enjiro Kirishima (My Hero Academia)
✧ Felix Fickelgruber (Wonka)
✧ Fred Weasley (Harry Potter)
✧ Gaston (Beauty and the Beast)
✧ Heath Ledger's Joker (Batman: The Dark Knight)
✧ Homelander (The Boys)
✧ James Hook (Peter Pan)
✧ Jerome Valeska (Gotham Series)
✧ Jeremiah Valeska (Gotham Series)
✧ Jervis Tetch (Batman: The Animated Series, Gotham Series, Arkham Games)
✧ Jinx (Arcane)
✧ Jonathan Crane (Batman: The Animated Series)
✧ Klaus Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy)
✧ L Lawliet (Death Note)
✧ Legoshi (Beastars)
✧ Ling (Mulan)
✧ Luigi (The Mario Movie)
✧ Magnus von Hagen (Haus Anubis)
✧ Mahito (Jujutsu Kaisen)
✧ Melon (Beastars)
✧ Michael Groff (Sex Education)
✧ Michael Myers (Halloween)
✧ Monoma Neito (My Hero Academia)
✧ Mylo (Arcane)
✧ Nubbins Sawyer (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre)
✧ Nuca (The Lion King 2)
✧ Palladium (Winx)
✧ Pennywise (IT)
✧ Rick (Rick and Morty)
✧ Salo (Arcane)
✧ Shaggy (Scooby-Doo)
✧ Silco (Arcane)
✧ Stu Macher (Scream)
✧ Syndrome (The Incredibles)
✧ Tim LaFlour (Senseless)
✧ Tomura Shigaraki (My Hero Academia)
✧ Trueman (The Trueman Show)
✧ Tsuchigomori (Toilet Bound Hanako kun)
✧ Viktor (Arcane)
✧ Wiggins (Pocahontas)
✧ Yō Uei (Dr. Stone)
✧ Zac Varmitech (Go Wild Mission Wildnis)
Anime Masterlist
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DC Masterlist
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Horror Movie Masterlist
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Movie Masterlist
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Disney Masterlist
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Arcane Masterlist
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Series Masterlist
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Games Masterlist
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acapelladitty · 8 months ago
Batman: Arkham Session #1
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Summary: After an incident at work, Edward Nashton is assigned to Dr. Jonathan Crane for psychological assessment. A decision which places both men in the firing line.
One half of an exchange with the incredible @skxtchyghost who has the absolutely amazing art half of this little encounter here!
Fic Masterlist /// Link to A03
From the moment he laid eyes on him, Jonathan Crane could tell that Edward Nashton would be less than an ideal patient. From the way that he lounged carelessly in his chair to his casual gaze which swept along the many achievements and objects which littered the walls of Jonathan's office.
Every inch of the lanky frame screamed difficult and Jonathan found his mood worsening as he shifted past the meagre introductions which had been shared.
Jonthan flicked his eyes over the notes he had been provided from the incident report as his left hand rose to adjust the bolo tie which hung loosely around his throat.
"You destroyed a workstation in a fit of," Jonathan lifted the top sheet of paper from his clipboard as he quoted the report directly, "obvious rage while using considerably inappropriate language. These are not the actions of a rational man."
Unapologetic, Edward spread his hands in a wide gesture as a defensive smile stretched across his lips.
"I'm the only rational man in this city."
Really having a limited interest in whatever nonsense Edward was about to spout, Jonathan made a quick note on his clipboard - ready to simply diagnose him with some asinine anxiety disorder and throw some medication at him to quell the worst of his obvious symptoms.
"The others are so willing to ignore the corruption," Edward continued with a growing irritation, "how unbearably stupid and foolish the criminals that rule this city choose to be."
"Harsh allegations."
"Only because the evidence is routinely destroyed. Weeks of work erased in an instance because a particular name would rather not be associated with the actions investigated." His tone snappy, Edward was clearly not at peace with his treatment and Jonathan frowned at the sudden emotional outburst. "Weeks! Good work. No recognition. Only a sharp reminder that our job is to catch real criminals."
"I can imagine the frustration."
Something in Edward's expression shifted and Jonathan tensed as he took in the change in body language, the immediate aggression which crawled into his leaning frame and clenching fists as Edward met his gaze without flinching. It was an open challenge and Jonathan would not back down as he accepted and adjusted his glasses to allow him to keep Edward's attention.
"You bore me. Don't feed me the words I want to hear, Doctor."
"Interesting. Do you see me as your enemy?"
Wary but slightly more interested in his patient, Jonathan asked the question with the smallest of smiles.
"Yes. Your work is as corrupted as mine even if your corruption comes from a more personal insistence."
Jonathan's blood ran cold.
"I do not know you, Mr. Nashton. Neither do you know me."
He couldn't know.
No one knew.
Especially not a jumped up technician from the GCPD.
He was just fishing for information, attempting to claw back the control of the situation by fabricating infor-
"Your purchasing history is interesting, both online and in your role within this asylum." Edward grinned, his body language relaxing into something almost smug. "Meaningless to a layman, but a small touch of research and critical thinking goes to show just how dangerous the various chemicals and research papers you collect could be. Pair that with the increased reports of catatonia which patients under your care have been reduced to and we have something approaching a pattern."
"Mr. Nashton, these delusions do nothing to further yo-"
Rudely, Jonathan found himself cut off by a childish wave.
"Your business is your own and I have no reason to care for any of the degenerates in this building. My work is almost finished and I have my own important business to attend to. Where our paths cross is that I require a clean bill of health to leave my job with the appropriate supports in place."
Smiling widely, his glasses pushed tight against his eyes, Edward perched his fingers on the light-coloured vest which covered his shirt as his cheap shoes tapped a soft rhythm to the carpet. Opposite him, Jonathan felt much more uptight - the shift in dynamic having put his teeth on edge as the urge to regain control of the situation tempted him into dangerous territory.
"You're blackmailing me." Jonathan gritted out.
"If you choose to view it as such then yes. I choose to view it as a mutual exchange of services." Shrugging, Edward caught his hands between his knees. "You clear me, and I erase some of the more unsavoury purchases that you have unsuccessfully distanced from your name."
Seeing each other plainly, Jonathan abandoned any pretence of playing the game and his expression soured into open distaste, regarding Edward with contempt.
"And what guarantees do I have that you are speaking the truth? One word from me and you will be locked away with the worst that Gotham has to offer." Flashing a cruel grin, filled with yellowing teeth, Jonathan tilted his head. "I could have you in a shared cell which houses violence that would easily end a man like yourself."
"All my information is due to release at a specific time if I am not available to prevent it. Risk it all and see."
Reclining once more, Edward presented his hand before himself as he investigated his nails with a forced nonchalance.
"So, Doctor Jonathan Crane, how are we going to move past this?"
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fayechambered · 2 months ago
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now madness takes you… forever || scarecrow in arkham asylum
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vallenwix · 4 months ago
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An au concept I'm holding onto, I want to turn this page into like a full render but idk if I got the skills to back it up, so sketch for now
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superklutzkent · 11 months ago
“coz we just gowt our asses kicked”
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albertonavajoart · 5 months ago
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#Arkhamtober Day 28 Red Hood
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forwards-beckon-rebound · 4 months ago
i just had a thought while playing the arkham games. how is jason still so built after 6 months of being tortured? like is the joker giving him protein shakes and making him work out at the gym or smth?
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kissyboots · 5 months ago
For @jonathan-cranes-mistress-of-fear Scarecrow Week :Day 1 Toxin Takeover!
Whatcha huffin there professor?
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Just finished watching Arkham Shadow today And I had to paint this beautiful, walking malpractice, quack of a doctor. 🫶
"I don't abduckt people...I treat them."
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riddley-art · 4 months ago
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"Now, bestow a kiss upon your gallant hero!"
Words can’t capture how much joy this piece brings me. I created it about three years ago, and with the help of AI, I’ve enhanced it even further. Seeing it in this new light makes me love it all over again!
This original pic I made years ago is underneath.
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mikakuna · 1 year ago
his cunty stride and bouncy ass are unstoppable <3
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spocks-husband · 4 months ago
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This NPC dialogue that you can find after Bruce's identity gets dropped in Arkham Knight is SO FUNNY and now I really really really want to draw Bruce's beach photoshoot
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