#Argumentum ad ignorantiam
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omegaphilosophia · 6 months ago
The Philosophy of Fallacies
The philosophy of fallacies examines the nature, identification, and implications of errors in reasoning. Fallacies are deceptive or misleading arguments that can undermine the validity of reasoning processes. The study of fallacies is a crucial aspect of logic, critical thinking, and epistemology, as it helps individuals recognize and avoid faulty reasoning. Here’s a detailed exploration of the philosophy of fallacies:
1. Defining Fallacies
Nature of Fallacies: A fallacy is a flaw or error in reasoning that weakens an argument. Fallacies can be either formal, involving a structural flaw in deductive reasoning, or informal, involving errors in reasoning that are often more context-dependent and related to the content of the argument.
Types of Fallacies: Fallacies are broadly categorized into formal and informal fallacies. Formal fallacies are errors in the logical structure of an argument, while informal fallacies are more related to the content and context of the argument, including linguistic, psychological, and social aspects.
2. Formal Fallacies
Affirming the Consequent: This fallacy occurs when the form of the argument is: If P, then Q; Q; therefore, P. It incorrectly assumes that the converse of a true conditional statement is also true.
Denying the Antecedent: This fallacy occurs when the form of the argument is: If P, then Q; not P; therefore, not Q. It mistakenly assumes that the negation of the antecedent leads to the negation of the consequent.
Begging the Question (Petitio Principii): This fallacy occurs when the conclusion is assumed in one of the premises. It essentially involves circular reasoning, where the argument’s premise relies on the truth of the conclusion.
3. Informal Fallacies
Ad Hominem: This fallacy involves attacking the character of the person making an argument rather than the argument itself. It diverts attention from the argument’s merit by focusing on the individual.
Straw Man: This fallacy occurs when someone misrepresents an opponent’s argument to make it easier to attack. The straw man argument is a distorted version that is easier to refute than the original.
Appeal to Ignorance (Argumentum ad Ignorantiam): This fallacy involves claiming that something is true because it has not been proven false or vice versa. It relies on a lack of evidence rather than positive proof.
False Dilemma (False Dichotomy): This fallacy presents only two options or outcomes when, in reality, there are more possibilities. It forces a choice between two extremes while ignoring other viable alternatives.
Slippery Slope: This fallacy assumes that a relatively small first step will inevitably lead to a chain of related events culminating in some significant (usually negative) effect, without sufficient evidence to support this inevitability.
4. The Role of Fallacies in Philosophy and Logic
Critical Thinking: Recognizing fallacies is a key aspect of critical thinking. By identifying and understanding fallacies, individuals can better evaluate the strength of arguments and avoid being misled by faulty reasoning.
Epistemology: The study of fallacies intersects with epistemology, the philosophy of knowledge, as it involves understanding how reasoning can go wrong and what constitutes good evidence and justification for beliefs.
Ethics and Rhetoric: The use of fallacies in argumentation raises ethical questions about the fairness and honesty of persuasion. Philosophers examine the ethical implications of using fallacious reasoning in various contexts, such as politics, law, and everyday discourse.
5. Implications of Fallacies
Miscommunication and Misunderstanding: Fallacies can lead to miscommunication and misunderstanding by distorting the truth and creating confusion. Recognizing fallacies helps improve clarity and accuracy in communication.
Manipulation and Deception: Fallacies are often used deliberately to manipulate and deceive. Understanding fallacies equips individuals to recognize and resist manipulative tactics in arguments.
Intellectual Honesty: Avoiding fallacies is crucial for intellectual honesty and integrity. It ensures that arguments are based on sound reasoning and evidence rather than on misleading tactics.
The philosophy of fallacies is a critical field that enhances our understanding of reasoning and argumentation. By studying fallacies, we learn to identify common errors in reasoning, improve our critical thinking skills, and promote intellectual honesty in our discussions. Understanding fallacies is essential for effective communication, sound decision-making, and ethical argumentation.
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fredborges98 · 1 year ago
Cerca de 200 mil crianças coreanas foram mandadas para famílias no exterior desde os anos 1950, inicialmente para famílias brancas nos Estados Unidos, segundo Kelly Condit-Shrestha, uma historiadora de Minneapolis que estuda adoção. Elas constituem a maior diáspora de adotados do mundo, afirmou.
14 mil crianças e adolescentes foram enviados pelos pais aos Estados Unidos durante a década de 1960, em plena Guerra Fria, para fugir dos rumos que o governo de Fidel Castro tomava ao se aproximar da União Soviética.
O tráfico de órgãos no Brasil, mercado que movimenta de 7 bilhões a 13 bilhões de dólares no mundo e onde as crianças são as maiores vítimas.
Segundo estudos de inteligência anti-corrupção americanos, ao redor do globo, chegam a 500 bilhões de dólares anuais os gastos perdidos para a corrupção no setor da saúde, todos os anos.
Também é estimado que mais de 140 mil crianças morram no mundo, anualmente,em decorrência de práticas ilícitas que deterioram a qualidade e diminuem a acessibilidade aos sistemas de saúde.
Fenda Palatina.
Por: Fred Borges
Uma abertura no lábio ou no palato (céu da boca), podendo ser completa, lábio e palato.
Essas aberturas resultam do desenvolvimento incompleto do lábio e/ou do palato, enquanto o bebê está se formando, antes de nascer.
O lábio e o céu da boca desenvolvem-se separadamente durante os três primeiros meses de gestação.
Fenda é uma fissura; rachadura encontrada numa superfície; ranhura feita proposital ou acidentalmente.
Uma fenda pode se tornar uma grande rachadura.
Ditaduras são fendas, começam pequenas e tornam-se rachaduras, rachaduras surgem de falácias.
Alguns exemplos de falácias: Argumentum ad Hominem (literalmente, argumento contra o homem), Argumentum ad Ignorantiam (argumento por ignorância), Argumentum ad Populum (argumento ao povo) e Argumentum ad Verecundiam (apelo à autoridade).
Neste texto nos deteremos a uma das mais utilizadas falácias por políticos e pela política brasileira independente dos lados, Argumentum ad Hominem que pastoreia cordeiros ao Argumentum ad Populum.
A bipolaridade revela uma doença política e social,onde se esquece o principal em favor do acessório.
Roubar uma caneta ou roubar o erário público são ambos crimes.
A lateralidade doentia não identifica o lado, revelando uma deficiência na inteligência espacial ou geográfica.
Acometidos desta lateralidade doentia o reto do colo retal constitui-se caminho único, ignorando os lados esvai-se a nação e noção, conceito e prática do que seja certo ou errado moralmente.
Feito asnos; destarte humanidade em retórica em favor da vitimização deste animal, lobos se tornam cordeiros.
Neste contexto haveremos de questionar:
Julio Lobo*, o lobo que virou cordeiro diante de Che Guevara-Que capitalistas ou capitalismo queremos?
O Argumentum ad Hominem é uma falácia porque não é uma lógica mas, sim, apela para questões psicológicas.
Não afeta a verdade das conclusões, mas sim sua confiança.
No entanto, verdade e confiança são intimamente conectadas.
Assim, quem faz uso dessa falácia é frequentemente bem sucedido em retórica e retorno,merda é estorvo, estorno e esquecimento do povo,pois apela para as emoções do espectador- povo.
A cultura do espectador nos torna reféns de uma prisão psicológico, armadilha da falácia do consumo onde somos homens livres enquanto consumirmos fazendo a roda e pregas rolar, não importa a qualidade, mais importa a quantidade e a sensação de satisfação, seja comida ou bebida caminhamos para uma sociedade sem lateralidade, com ambiguidade, desvalida de valores morais, desfalecida por drogas ou drágeas da felicidade ou da utopia permitida ou permissiva liberdade.
O restante é distopia, fobia, quimioterapia, síndrome, drones e câmeras, câmaras em eterna vigilância, vigilância e perseguição doutrinária ou ideológica.
É proibido pensar!
Nunca será proibido proibir!
Falácia, lateralidade, bipolaridade,fenda palatina, diáspora, corrupção, todas estas palavras em ebulição, água que ainda ferve a 100°centigrados, água que cozinha o ovo, a cabeça de ovo, apena-se e apequena-se a democracia e engrandece ditadura, ovo duro nas extremidades, vulnerabilidade nas laterais, quebra-se prematuramente diante da mente ou da força bruta do sistema, que tudo regula, desregula a homeostase dinâmica, equilíbrio dos nove sistemas dos três poderes da república.
"Burrocracia" e imbecilidade vem do anacrônico monocromático cor vermelha.
Mas crianças, volto a elas pois estas que importam por significar presente do futuro em qualquer conjugação ou conjunção de satélites, cidade satélite,elas têm sido as maiores vítimas do tráfico de pessoas e do tráfico de órgãos da neo escravidão, da "neo zumbizacão", escravos independente da cor é monocromática, "minimiliza" do minimalismo e maximiza,optimiza o animalismo doméstico, do ser humano pó da estrela, onde animais valem tanto ou mais que seres humanos.
É fácil acabar com a crise ambiental, é só levar a extinção ao homem.
É fácil acabar com as queimadas, é só acabar com o fogo.
É fácil acabar com as ONGS na Amazônia é só acabar com a Amazônia.
Numa antropofagia da política e de políticos cabe neste contexto atual questionar:
Julio Lobo, o lobo que virou cordeiro diante de Che Guevara-Que capitalista e capitalismo queremos?
*Julio Lobo foi um patriota, agricultor e empresário venezuelano-cubano.
Foi proprietário de armazéns, refinarias, agência de radiocomunicações, banco, empresa de transporte, companhia aérea, seguradora e petroleira, além de inúmeros engenhos de cana-de-açúcar.
Foi considerado o homem mais rico de Cuba antes da Revolução Cubana.
Sua fortuna foi estimada em 4 bilhões de dólares, foi sequestrada, roubada, confiscada pelo regime ditatorial "falaciano" Cubano.
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forgoodreadsimage · 4 years ago
Argumentum ad ignorantiam
Argumentum ad ignorantiam
Argumentum ad ignorantiam
Argumentum ad ignorantiam
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my-shakir-mumtaz · 5 years ago
Why does the Holy Qura’an claim that all life forms are created in pairs when bacteria, viruses and other unicellular organisms are created asexually?
Why does the Holy Qura’an claim that all life forms are created in pairs when bacteria, viruses and other unicellular organisms are created asexually?
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     This question was originally answered, in brief, by the author on Jan, 3rd, 2019, on Quora.com 
The question seems to be an argumentum-ad-ignorantiam. 
Qura’an has not specifically mentioned the sexuality of the pair/couple— except when referenced to human beings. Qura’an has also not restricted the “duality in creation” to the “sentient beings”. In the daily-life parlance, a day and night…
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primojade · 2 years ago
fallacy (n.) : are flawed, deceptive, or false arguments that can be proven wrong with reasoning.
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 : As a veteran AR60 player of Genshin Impact, you pride yourself as someone who knows the ins and outs of Teyvat, even studiously completing Spiral Abyss every reset, and having 100% exploration to some, if not all, of the released regions so far. Everything is fun and enjoyable, especially since Sumeru just recently debuted so you still have a lot to do!
All that ends though, when a mysterious passerby pushes you off the building of your university while playing Genshin. But instead of meeting your inevitable end, you find yourself waking up in the very world you were addicted to! 
It's supposed to be a fun dream, right? Something you could laugh at when you wake up? Right?! So, why is that you were back in AR1 with nothing but a dull blade in your inventory?!
…well, at least you still have those 700+ sunsettias and mints, Timmie's fowls…and surprisingly similar game mechanics you used to merely see on the screen before. But what should you do now? Flirt with the Genshin men??? Good lords...
"Welcome to Genshin Impact, Dreamer. Here, we can show you a happier ever after you've never had before…so, ready?"
𝐂𝐖 / 𝐓𝐖 : graphic depiction of violence; possible character death (on bad ends so choose your route wisely!); multiple endings (including good, bad, normal and secret ends); canon divergent, game mechanics, existential crisis, character study.
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 : isekai/reverse isekai, choose your own adventure (cyoa) with branching narratives, romance, comedy, angst (depending on the routes), hurt with/without comfort (still depends on routes), action, mystery, found family.
𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐄𝐒 : albedo, tighnari, zhongli, cyno, xiao, diluc, venti, ayato, kaveh, kazuha and tartaglia. Possible more love interest as the story progresses.
𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐒 : on-going
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𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐆𝐔𝐄 : that love is a fallacy.
𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐈 : alea iacta est. (the die is cast)
𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐄 𝐈 : argumentum ad hominem.
𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐄 𝐈𝐈 : argumentum ad ignorantiam.
𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐈𝐈: audentes fortuna iuvat. (fortune favours the bold)
𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐄 𝐈.𝐈 : magister dixit.
𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐄 𝐈.𝐈𝐈 : argumentum petitio principii.
𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐄 𝐈𝐈.𝐈 : ignoratio elenchi.
𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐄 𝐈𝐈.𝐈𝐈: cum hoc ergo propter hoc.
𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐈𝐈𝐈 : veritas liberabit vos. (the truth will set you free)
𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐄 ��𝐈𝐈 : —
𝐈 | odi et amo ; ( gn!reader × scaramouche ) ; in which scaramouche reveals you the reason why he hates you so much. But in the silence that comes after his hatred is revealed, and from the unspoken words that never leave his lips, would it be too selfish to ask for something more than this? 
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reader here is gender neutral, so if I happened to have a pronoun slip by accident, please do correct me. I swear it was a honest mistake cause I don't really proofread my works :3
that being said, although reader should based off of you, as in you reading this, reader has their own background prior to their arrival in teyvat. Down below are some of the changes/characteristics I took the liberty to add to the reader's persona and history to fit in the story!
(i.) reader is a university student studying science or other related field (their specialisation differs in each route to make it interesting). though i did not specify their age, appearance and race (feel free to imagine them whichever), they were supposed to be in the middle of taking their college degree.
(ii.) reader has an adoptive older brother (who would be important in the storyline later on).
(iii.) reader is presented to be quite reckless, a bit ditzy, chaotic, an unhinge and lively character, rebellious, hardheaded, opinion oriented, and wouldn't bend to rules that they see as pointless no matter how the society dictates them to do so, but they were kind and carefree when you get to know them more. you'll see what I'm talking about in the first chapter 😂
before I forgot, although I'm a huge fan of the sagau presented in tumblr (the one with creator and cult themes; those are chef kiss btw), my take on the plot of sagau is very different. There's no divine creator here or cultish behaviours (i'm so sorry if that's what you're looking for 😷) my main focus here is all about the genshin characters' self awareness that they were in a game as they interacted with the isekai!reader, which is why I added the reverse isekai in the genre tags because it will be a huge turnover in the future chapters :>
also, the game mechanics I'm talking about above is what we see on the screen of genshin. Like the Paimon Menu, the inventory, the character archive, and so on! When reader is isekaid, it seems like they brought the whole screen with them? XD
I know stuff will probably be confusing for you and me later on because of the branching narratives happening in this hellhole of a plot, but please bare with me xD I will do my best to make it clear as possible.
This fanfic has four types of routes (or ends if you prefer it that way), There are good ends (romantic happy ending all the way!), bad ends (if you're unlucky that you fall in the dramatic hellhole then yes), normal ends (this could end in either being platonic, a cliffhanger or an open ending up to your interpretation lmao), and lastly, the secret ends (i'll keep whatever this is hidden for now because I planned something huge for this lol).
a "what if" routes are a series of one-shots, short stories or drabbles that was not really connected with the primary routes. It could be read as a standalone fics. Possibly just my word vomit and brainrotting lmao. They also don't have any branching narratives like the primary routes.
well! that is all, i guess! I'll add something later if I remember stuff I should be telling you beforehand but for now, i guess this would do xD also, if you wanted to be tagged for this, feel free to dm me or send an ask about it! Thank you for reading all the way and I hope you will have fun (and a good laughs!) while you were reading this trash of a fanfic lmao 🤣
Ps. I'll try to post the prologue tomorrow since its already half finished already <3
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whattheforce · 2 years ago
Logical Fallacies used against Enemies to Lovers (Esp. Reylo)
Our first Logical Fallacy we shall be discussing today is Ad hominem, Latin for “against the man.” When you resort to an insult to win an argument. Example 1: Reylo is abusive.
Second: Appeal to Ignorance (argumentum ad ignorantiam) Ignorance isn't proof of any theory EXCEPT that we have yet to learn more. Example: We have never seen Kylo be anything but bad, so he must be evil through and through.
Third: False Dichotomy Logical Fallacy meant to polarize one side against the other. You are Either with me or Against me. A manipulative tool often used to heroise one side and demonize the other. Example: Rey can't love Kylo or she isn't strong.
Fourth: Slippery Slope fallacy This ever-so slippery slope suggests that unlikely or ridiculous results are LIKELY even those there is little or no evidence to the outcome.(my Pre-teen does this) Example: Kylo committed crimes, Rey must kill him, or he must die to be redeemed
Fifth: Over Generalization OH BOY: VERY common, wave of the hand statement that makes a generalization. There’s no set rule for what constitutes “enough” evidence in these statements. OFTEN OPINION STATED AS FACT. Examples: Love stories are overrated. It's just Platonic.
Sixth: Red Herring (ignoratio elenchi) Distraction technique to off balance. Have you considered this smelly fish alternative? Example: Why don't you SHIP *Insert names* instead? Reysky.
Seventh: False Cause Fallacy or non causa pro causa ("not the-cause for a cause") Because of X outcome, this must be the Cause. Example: Rey does this one: Why did you hate your father? Kylo is truly evil because he killed his father.
Eight: Appeal to Authority (argumentum ad verecundiam) Only relaying on Authority often irrelevant authorities. EXAMPLE: X YouTuber said this wont happen, so it wont. George Lucas never intended X, because Heir to the Empire existed.
Nine: Appeal to Pity (argumentum ad misericordiam) Emotional appeal that may or may not be true, but makes you feel like it should be true because of the added emotion. Example: He doesn't deserve her.
Tenth: “consensus of the people" (concensus gentium) Authorities I trust agree so it must be true. Example: Some loud people didn't like the Last Jedi - EVERYONE HATED THE LAST JEDI.
Eleventh: Fallacy of Sunk Costs The desire to be RIGHT because of our emotional investment in a concept for a long period of time. (often with evidence to the contrary) Example: It's incest (even though they aren't related)
Twelfth: YOU TOO Fallacy (Tu Quoque) Used to neutralize criticism and distract from the issue. One party using criticism of apparent hypocrisy, which is actually just a distraction. EXAMPLE: Reylos have attacked me so it's okay for me to attack them.
Thirteen: Circular Argument (petitio principii) Assumptions built on the same assumption. Example: Kylo said he is a monster, so Kylo is a Monster, because Kylo is said is a monster. Also I am an authority, so I have the Authority to be an Authority.
Fourteenth: Straw Man Fallacy So named because it is weak and Straw like. Usually pointing to an argument that the opponent doesn't actually believe. Example: Me: Kylo should be redeemed. Them: You think Kylo is innocent of all crimes ever.
Fifteenth: Equivocation (ambiguity) Used to confuse an argument, sounding nicer than it is. Example: Rey doesn't need anyone because she is a strong independent woman. (when used to say she shouldn't like Kylo) That's the lesson for today.. Did I miss any major ones?
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woodsteingirl · 2 years ago
ap seminar worst class ever i can’t read anything without being like. oh fuck you…. ad hoc ergo propter hoc! Kafkatrapping! argumentum ad ignorantiam!!!!!!
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breezeinmonochromenight · 4 years ago
Hey I’m the anon from before that mentioned Vergil and Dante’s heights being different... I actually saw the post about their heights on tumblr and whoever posted it cited where they got the info from (I think it was a Devil May Cry 5 artwork book or something) but basically the post said that Dante’s height was at 6’3 and Vergil was at 6’5...but I could be remembering it wrong I’ll have to go through my likes and find the post and actually check where they got the info from. If the post I’m remembering turned out to be some headcannon I’m going to feel like an idiot lol
Oh god please don’t get info from anyone on tumblr (including me) without thoroughly double checking it yourself, because people will just say whatever the fuck they want on here that sounds good/will get notes and consider it fact (especially if it’s about something vague/not confirmed), and 9.9/10 times it’s all speculative bullshit or just straight bullshit. Argumentum ad ignorantiam. Almost gives me hives, as an engineer shfhshfhdhfh.
The only facts/factoids I can give you are these:
They’ve always been meant to be (mostly) identical twins in height, appearance, and everything else. Opposite only in personality. Red oni, blue oni in the most literal sense possible. If there is a height difference, it is negligible to vertically nonexistent based off of how they have literally always been drawn/animated. They literally use the same character model up until DMC5.
The life size, to scale statue of Nero in the Capcom Cafe clocks in at roughly 190cm — 6’2”.
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The twins appear to be slightly taller than Nero in their DMC5 cutscenes. But camera angles, positions, etc. should be considered because of how they can alter perception.
Dante (and Vergil bc same character model) noticeably lost height from DMC4/SE to DMC5, while Nero slightly gained a little — probably due to the shift from anime-style graphics to very realistic ones and giving the characters the more human proportions of their human models. Dante and Nero were like 80% leg in DMC4, and there were some character proportions going on in that game that I can only describe as “Bayonetta-lite”.
Again, everyone is based off of real models in DMC5 and have the face and general proportions of those models. Karlo Baker (Nero) is 6’1.5”, Adam Cowie (Dante) is 6’2” and Maxim Nazarov (Vergil) is 6’1” irl. All their measurements are public info on their modeling portfolios if you want to Google it.
That said, my best educated guess is still only just a guess, and the only thing I can say with any degree of consistency is that, in general, Nero has always been placed in the high 5’ to low 6’ height range while D&V have always been clocked at around 6’ to low/mid 6’. Still, though, consistency ain’t exactly this series’ strong point. Never has been. So. Whatever you wanna roll with is probably just as valid as anything else. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Lmao.
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jellyfishand · 6 years ago
É lendo que se aprende a escrever - eis o tipo mesmo da fórmula sintética que traz dentro muitas verdades, mas que de tão repetida acaba valendo por si mesma, como um fetiche, esvaziada daqueles conteúdos valiosos que, para ser apreendidos, requereriam que a fórmula fosse antes negada e relativizada dialeticamente do que aceita sem mais nem menos. Ler, sim, mas ler o quê? E basta ler ou é preciso fazer algo mais com o que se lê? Quando a fórmula passa a substituir estas duas perguntas em vez de suscitá-las, ela já não vale mais nada. A seleção das leituras supõe muitas leituras, e não haveria saída deste círculo vicioso sem a distinção de dois tipos: as leituras de mera inspeção conduzem à escolha de um certo número de títulos para leitura atenta e aprofundada. É esta que ensina a escrever, mas não se chega a esta sem aquela. Aquela, por sua vez, supõe a busca e a consulta. Não há, pois, leitura séria sem o domínio das cronologias, bibliografias, enciclopédias, resenhas históricas gerais. O sujeito que nunca tenha lido um livro até o fim, mas que de tanto vasculhar índices e arquivos tenha adquirido uma visão sistêmica do que deve ler nos anos seguintes, já é um homem mais culto do que aquele que, de cara, tenha mergulhado na “Divina comédia” ou na “Crítica da razão pura” sem saber de onde saíram nem por que as está lendo. Mas há também aquilo que, se não me engano, foi Borges quem disse: “Para compreender um único livro, é preciso ter lido muitos livros.” A arte de ler é uma operação simultânea em dois planos, como num retrato onde o pintor tivesse de trabalhar ao mesmo tempo os detalhes da frente e as linhas do fundo. A diferença entre o leitor culto e o inculto é que este toma como plano de fundo a língua corrente da mídia e das conversas vulgares, um quadro de referência unidimensional no qual se perde tudo o que haja de mais sutil e profundo, de mais pessoal e significativo num escritor. O outro tem mais pontos de comparação, porque, conhecendo a tradição da arte da escrita, fala a língua dos escritores, que não é nunca “a língua de todo mundo”, por mais que até mesmo alguns bons escritores, equivocados quanto a si próprios, pensem que é. Não há propriamente uma “língua de todo mundo”. Há as línguas das regiões, dos grupos, das famílias, e há as codificações gerais que as formalizam sinteticamente. Uma dessas codificações é a linguagem da mídia. Ela procede mediante redução estatística e estabelecimento de giros padronizados que, pela repetição, adquirem funcionalidade automática. Outra, oposta, é a da arte literária. Esta vai pelo aproveitamento das expressões mais ricas e significativas, capazes de exprimir o que dificilmente se poderia exprimir sem elas. A linguagem da mídia ou da praça pública repete, da maneira mais rápida e funcional, o que todo mundo já sabe. A língua dos escritores torna dizível algo que, sem eles, mal poderia ser percebido. Aquela delimita um horizonte coletivo de percepção dentro do qual todos, por perceberem simultaneamente as mesmas coisas do mesmo modo e sem o menor esforço de atenção, acreditam que percebem tudo. Esta abre, para os indivíduos atentos, o conhecimento de coisas que foram percebidas, antes deles, só por quem prestou muita atenção. Ela estabelece também uma comunidade de percepção, mas que não é a da praça pública: é a dos homens atentos de todas as épocas e lugares - a comunidade daqueles que Schiller denominava “filhos de Júpiter”. Esta comunidade não se reúne fisicamente como as massas num estádio, nem estatisticamente como a comunidade dos consumidores e dos eleitores. Seus membros não se comunicam senão pelos reflexos enviados, de longe em longe, pelos olhos de almas solitárias que brilham na vastidão escura, como as luzes das fazendas e vilarejos, de noite, vistas da janela de um avião. Uma enfim, é a língua das falsas obviedades, outra a das “percepções pessoais autênticas” de que falava Saul Bellow. Muitos cientistas loucos, entre os quais os nossos professores de literatura, asseguram que não há diferença. Mas o único método científico em que se apóiam para fazer essa afirmação é o argumentum ad ignorantiam, o mais tolo dos artifícios sofísticos, que consiste em deduzir, de seu próprio desconhecimento de alguma coisa, a inexistência objetiva da coisa. A língua literária existe, sim, pelo simples fato de que os grandes escritores se lêem uns aos outros, aprendem uns com os outros e têm, como qualquer outra comunidade de ofício, suas tradições de aprendizado, suas palavras-de-passe e seus códigos de iniciação. Tentar negar esse fato histórico pela impossibilidade de deduzi-lo das regras de Saussure é negar a existência das partículas atômicas pela impossibilidade de conhecer ao mesmo tempo sua velocidade e sua posição. A seleção das leituras deve nortear-se, antes de tudo, pelo anseio de apreender, na variedade do que se lê, as regras não escritas desse código universal que une Shakespeare a Homero, Dante a Faulkner, Camilo a Sófocles e Eurípides, Elliot a Confúcio e Jalal-Ed-Din Rûmi. Compreendida assim, a leitura tem algo de uma aventura iniciática: é a conquista da palavra perdida que dá acesso às chaves de um reino oculto. Fora disso, é rotina profissional, pedantismo ou divertimento pueril. Mas a aquisição do código supõe, além da leitura, a absorção ativa. É preciso que você, além de ouvir, pratique a língua do escritor que está lendo. Praticar, em português antigo, significa também conversar. Se você está lendo Dante, busque escrever como Dante. Traduza trechos dele, imite o tom, as alusões simbólicas, a maneira, a visão do mundo. A imitação é a única maneira de assimilar profundamente. Se é impossível você aprender inglês ou espanhol só de ouvir, sem nunca tentar falar, por que seria diferente com o estilo dos escritores? O fetichismo atual da “originalidade” e da “criatividade” inibe a prática da imitação. Quer que os aprendizes criem a partir do nada, ou da pura linguagem da mídia. O máximo que eles conseguem é produzir criativamente banalidades padronizadas. Ninguém chega à originalidade sem ter dominado a técnica da imitação. Imitar não vai tornar você um idiota servil, primeiro porque nenhum idiota servil se eleva à altura de poder imitar os grandes, segundo porque, imitando um, depois outro e outro e outro mais, você não ficará parecido com nenhum deles, mas, compondo com o que aprendeu deles o seu arsenal pessoal de modos de dizer, acabará no fim das contas sendo você mesmo, apenas potencializado e enobrecido pelas armas que adquiriu. É nesse e só nesse sentido que, lendo, se aprende a escrever. É um ler que supõe a busca seletiva da unidade por trás da variedade, o aprendizado pela imitação ativa e a constituição do repertório pessoal em permanente acréscimo e desenvolvimento. Muitos que hoje posam de escritores não apenas jamais passaram por esse aprendizado como nem sequer imaginam que ele exista. Mas, fora dele, tudo é barbárie e incultura industrializada. Olavo de Carvalho
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theguidedarts-old · 6 years ago
How to Stick to a Brand
Many people have issues sticking to brands in life so I decided I would take an attempt at educating the undomesticated.
Step 1: Do Not Take a Class That Teaches You About Logical Fallacies. If you do this you will immediately see through the flaws inherent in the guide’s logic, and you will fail to stick to brands. Although this may not be bad for some, for the masses who read this guide it will very much so go against their primary goal in life, and not sticking to brands will end up killing you eventually so you better just do your best and try to keep your head down. If you’re not one of them, you’re one of us. The lucky few who can enjoy life, be it through ignorance. The following steps will be very useful for you.
Step 2: Ignore Whatever Others Say About Your Brand When It’s Bad, and When They Say Something Bad, Say “Well, You’re Just Stupid. You Wouldn’t Understand, and So I Shouldn’t Even Think About Listening To You.” To the kind of individual we referred to in the previous Step, they may refer to this as an “Ad Hominem.” Now, they would point out the discrete issues in this line of thinking due to its attacking the individual instead of the argument they make, but I have one simple bounce back answer to this! You’re stupid. If you do believe that, that is. If you don’t, you’re completely fine however.
Step 3: If Someone Says, For Instance, “Your Brand is Bad Because the People Who Make Your Clothes Kill Children,” Bounce Back With “Well, Your Favorite Brand Works In China, and China Uses Children To Make Its Clothes, And You’re Telling Me To Go To Them?!” Someone of a different composure may believe that this could be considered Ad Hominem as well as a Straw Man, in which the perpetrator argues against a different point than the one they’re supposed to, which is “wrong” and “dumb.” However I think this line of thinking is New. Maybe even, New And/Or Cool? I don’t even know.
Step 4: Completely Ignore Other Brands, Regardless of Potential Monetary Gain Or Availability. This one may be called an “argumentum ad ignorantiam,” which is apparently Latin for “Argument/Appeal for/to Ignorance,” but I like to respond back with “What are you even talking about?”
Step 5: Profit? This step is pretty self explanatory, so I’m not going to bother expanding further here. 
Good luck, I hope this guide has helped you, and if you followed all the steps you should now be well on your way to sticking to brands for years to come!
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aeternumpotentiaamoris · 6 years ago
Argumentum ad Populum et Ignorantiam ≠ Truth
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inconformax · 2 years ago
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“Outro dia perguntei a um festejado jornalista brasileiro o que ele achava de algo que eu tinha lido num determinado livro e obtive a seguinte resposta: ‘Nunca ouvi falar e acho que não tem o menor fundamento’. Desde que entrei mais ativamente na arena dos combates jornalísticos, em 1995, quase 100% das objeções que tenho encontrado assumem a forma desse argumento: ‘Eu não sei do que você está falando, logo você está errado’. Em lógica, isso se chama argumentum ad ignorantiam: deduzir, do próprio desconhecimento de uma coisa, a inexistência da coisa. É uma das formas elementares de sofisma, e o que me espanta é que ela tenha adquirido, para a mentalidade dos brasileiros falantes, tanta autoridade e tanta credibilidade. A premissa dessa atitude mental é, evidentemente, a mais insustentável que se pode imaginar: ‘Eu sei tudo (logo, o que eu desconheço não existe)’. O sujeito que raciocina nessa base tem um dogmatismo pueril e autoconfiante que chega a ser comovente em sua total candura.” Olavo de Carvalho, na obra “O Irracional Superior - O que restou do imbecil - vol. IV”. #Olavotemrazao #prontomaxfalou #inconformax (em Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoVHULpu0mC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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matthewclaybrook · 3 years ago
(P3) decision was a hasty generalization, an ad hominem, and argumentum ad ignorantiam all in one. We know now definitively that an unborn child is biologically a human being from one cell. We no longer can avoid the science, that it has confirmed what plain reason always did
— Matthew G. Claybrook (@MGClaybrook) May 4, 2022
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primojade · 2 years ago
"the best use of life is love. The best expression of love is time. The best time to love is now." - Rick Warren
𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒' 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 | As a veteran AR60 player of Genshin Impact, you pride yourself as someone who knows the ins and outs of Teyvat, even studiously completing Spiral Abyss every reset, and having 100% exploration to some, if not all, of the released regions so far. Everything is fun and enjoyable, especially since Sumeru just recently debuted so you still have a lot to do!
All that ends though, when a mysterious passerby pushes you off the building of your university while playing Genshin. But instead of meeting your inevitable end, you find yourself waking up in the very world you were addicted to! 
It's supposed to be a fun dream, right? Something you could laugh at when you wake up? Right?! So, why is that you were back in AR1 with nothing but a dull blade in your inventory?!
…well, at least you still have those 700+ sunsettias and mints, Timmie's fowls…and surprisingly similar game mechanics you used to merely see on the screen before. But what should you do now? Flirt with the Genshin men??? Good lords...
"Welcome to Genshin Impact, Dreamer. Here, we can show you a happier ever after you've never had before…so, ready?"
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 | In which you were just innocently playing Genshin in your breaktime and a seemingly psychotic stranger pushed you off the building. The next thing you knew, you clashed heads with a rather apprehenshive Forest Watcher you just saw in your phone screen moments ago—quite literally, in fact.
𝐂𝐖 / 𝐓𝐖 | mention of death (but no death, really); a stranger pushed u off the top building, mention of injuries (but nothing graphic), cursing, brain discussion. Let me know if I missed anything cause its 12 am now lol.
𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒 | you will be given two choices at the end of the prologue! And those choices you will pick will then gonna be branched into different scenarios that will then lead to specific routes :3 also, u can tell how much i like tighnari here lol 😂
masterlist | scene i: argumentum ad hominem | scene ii: argumentum ad ignorantiam
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Although you love to read romance novels and fanfics, perhaps you never truly experienced true love for yourself. The ones that they describe as knowing that that person is the one, or feeling the selfless contentment even if your love is not fully returned. 
You observed people around you who are in love with each other; your parents, your friends, and even strangers, when they interact with their loved ones, and to be honest, you longed to experience that as well. 
When that someone was looking at you with warmth, with that special twinkle in their eyes and the smile that was only reserved for you. That exhilarating feeling of being in love…the boundless joy when your love was returned in full.
…And when you told this to the unlikely person you met in your more unlikely journey, he only laughed and ruffled your hair in adoration.
"Love is a fallacy." He simply said as he turned his back to you, his tone certain and sure.
And, just like you, this person didn't know what love is either.
You didn't know if you're merely built differently or fate just decided to poked fun at you because they're bored.
Slowly, you fluttered your eyes open. Immediately, you shut them again as a blinding light glared into them. You tried again opening just one and allowing it to adjust before the other followed. Light filtering from the nearby windows danced on a branch inches from your face. They were interesting to watch in their mindless waving that you absentmindedly wondered if that incident had dumped you in some psychedelic in-between space-time or something.
Your whole body was aching all over and you felt paralyse, unable to move. The seething pain settling in the pits of your stomach, and the hammering ache in your head indicates that you must've hit it somewhere hard. 
As if coming out of a long tunnel, sound starts to be recorded in your ears with increasing intensity. Crackling of fire from a hearth, snapping twigs from the near distant, softly flipping of pages before it stopped…and an increasing volume of a gentle voice saying something nearby.
But before you even try comprehending what they were saying, parts of your brain start discussing the sudden turns of events in your life. And hell, their discussion is making you even more confused.
That's what you get for being so stubborn, [Name]. Your cerebrum accused you.
We were just playing Genshin during our break time! And after our stressful midterms, at that! What's the problem, then? Come to the rescue, your thalamus that is.
Instead of reviewing for your next exam, you went to the rooftop and wasted your time playing Genshin instead? Your cerebellum teased.
And then get pushed around by that psychopath to our death? Your brainstem scoffed in disdain.
Wait. Is it just me or I can't remember anything about that psychopath? Even our conversation with them? Your hippocampus is as confused as you.
Hell! I don't know anymore! The panicking hypothalamus said.
Just shut up, guys. There's something wrong with the person we were part of. Let them collect their thoughts first. Your pons varolii calmly stated.
I'm truly sorry, my brain. You pathetically whimpered when the parts of your brain huffed at you in annoyance. It shouldn't be logically possible, but since nothing that is going on right now is as logical as you liked them to be, you just give up discussing stuff with your brain.
First of all, you had no idea where you were. Second, you felt a soft mattress underneath you, and a fresh wind messing with your hair. But you tried to think over the cloud that seemingly covered your mind, giving yourself time and tried to take slow, even breaths.
Ignoring the annoying parts of your brain, you asked inwardly, what was the last thing you remembered?
You just finished your first batch of exams for your midterms, and you decided to take a break from reviewing by going to the rooftop of the highest building on your university campus. You played Genshin Impact to relax, a favourite video game of yours that you were addicted to for over two years now. You were trying to burn resin by farming artifacts for Tighnari, to whom you may (or may not) recently lost your 50/50 to. 
After that…?
A weird woman, a person you're pretty sure you've never seen before, come up to you. Although cautious of the stranger at first, you remembered that she also played Genshin Impact, and you remembered being elated because you have someone to talk to now about your favourite game! 
Your conversation lasted for almost an hour, before you remembered that you have another exam coming up within ten minutes, to your disappointment. But before you could say goodbye to your "new friend", all of a sudden, she…
You clearly remember her pushing you off the railing! You were caught off guard, so you haven't had the chance to brace yourself and prepare to grab the handle to stop your downfall!
Holy shiznits!
…if you estimated correctly, the height of that building was physically impossible for any human being to survive!
But here you are.
You also remember the darkness swirling in, melting your vision to a world of black. You closed your eyes again as dizziness hit you, gritting your teeth.
You could not recall any sound, then. But you remembered the darkness and the billowing wind slapping your face as you fell, the loud noises, remembering losing the ground under your feet and grasping at nothing, your Genshin Impact game that was still open on your phone screen was suspended in the air. You remembered being thrown from side to side in the middle of a non-existent tunnel, your head violently jerked. You remembered dread and void…
And, then…you did not remember anything anymore.
For a moment, you felt conflicted. Were you already dead? You were sure that that fall was enough to kill you, but is this what the afterlife feels like?! It was as if you were just back in your room, flipping countless books and notebooks, endlessly and tirelessly reviewing for your exams…
If you saw that psychopath again, you'll make sure to sue her for attempted murder! And then slapped her for making you fail in your midterm exams!
Feeling an intensifying alarm and hearing your breathing turned ragged, you hastily peeled your eyes open and looked around in desperation.
What you saw was not something you expected, though. You were lying on a surprisingly fluffy bed, next to you was a quaint window, then a writing desk (with an odd globe-like apparatus that was suspiciously vibrating with green energy). The wall was decorated with colourful patterns of butterflies and different plants you find oddly familiar.
You frowned. Where are you? Why are you still alive? Shiznits, nothing makes sense at all! 
There's a small part of your brain that is poking in the deep recesses of your memories. It was telling you to remember that…but remember what, exactly?!
And this room, this familiar room that you were certain you've never been physically in before, were sending cold shivers down your spine. 
In your panic, you hastily props your elbows backwards to support yourself as you sit down. Ignoring the dizziness that slapped your head like a hammer to a nail, you threw the soft blankets to the side and tried to stand up. 
Before you could find your balance, a firm but gentle hand grabbed your shoulders and guided you down to the bed again. You couldn't find the momentum to fight back at the hand, as a familiar voice echoed in your ears. One that cleared the fog of uncertainty in your mind and forced you to remember just where you saw those familiar plants, this familiar room, and an equally familiar voice that you had grown to be fond of in a couple of months now.
"Look, I'm not certain with what you were doing with your life, or why did you decided—quite ludicrous, if I do say so myself—that gliding from that high in the sky is a smart thing to do, but if you don't wish to worsen your injuries and force me to send you to Bimarstan, you'll stay in that bed and rest yourself." The familiar person talked to you in a strict tone, almost exasperated, but the underlying concern for your wellbeing was present. 
Raising your head, you blinked at him once, then twice. You tried rubbing your eyes, praying this is all a wonderful dream, when he was still standing in front of you after that, you poked his gloved hand once. 
Your eyes widened in shock at realisation. "—TIGHNARI?! HOW… W-WHAT…WHY? THIS IS…?! Are you for real?!"
Tighnari, the Forest Watcher  Avidya Forest, a recently released Sumeru character, the first playable 5 star Dendro Bow wielder, the character you were just farming artifacts for before your "death"…is standing in front of you!? In the flesh! 
He doesn't even seem 3D anymore because the more complicated details in his splash and official art, the ones that were left behind in his 3D model, looks even more complicated now that you were seeing in your own eyes. That was definitely real now.
What in the world is going on?!
One of Tighnari's ears twitched along with his eye. "...Oh, Archons. Do lower down the decibels of your voice. It's grating my ears. And I'm quite certain I've never met you before, and I didn't get the chance to introduce myself when you smacked me in the face earlier, so how come you know my name?" 
Confused, you frowned at him, still not believing this is all real. "...uh, what do you mean I smacked you?"
Perhaps he realised that you were still not yourself to answer his questions, so he patiently said, "I saw you free falling from the sky, but before I could have the chance to properly catch you, you instantly smacked right through me, knocking us both right that instant."
His nonchalance was outstanding, especially when you notice the slight reddish bump on his forehead that was probably due to the fact that you knocked your forehead with him when he tried to properly catch you.
After Tighnari finished muttering to himself how it was nearly impossible to have that falling speed, he turned to you with his hands on his hips, his bi-coloured eyes narrowing. "...we'll continue this conversation later, it's time for you to drink your medicine. So, stay there for a moment and don't move. I'll be right back."
Before you could say anything, Tighnari turned his back on you and left the room, leaving you alone with nothing but a quick and curious glance as you watched him disappear behind the doors.
By the way, his real-life tail looks even fluffier than the one in game—
Alone, you finally had time to gather your thoughts. "...This…is not real, right? This must be a dream, right?" You pinched your cheeks and uninjured arms, but the pain that comes with it keeps telling you otherwise, that no…no, [Name] this is not a dream…
Panic started to form at the pit of your stomach, scorching deep as if burning, and you tried your best to relax your breathing by patting your chest multiple times, but instead of calming, you were surprised once again when something appeared in front of you.
You stared dumbly at the hologram-like screen hovering before your face innocently. It eerily looks like the Paimon Menu in your Genshin Impact game, minus the Battle Pass, Co-op, and the Community tab. Even the Wish system was here! Though when you tried cautiously tapping it, it was locked, along with the Character Archive and the Handbook.
When your eyes travelled upwards to where your Adventure Rank usually situated, your jaw dropped and you almost fell on the bed in mortification.
(No signature)
World Level: 0
Adventure Rank: 1
EXP: 0
Route 1: Listen to Tighnari and wait for his further instructions. After all, what could you do outside of Sumeru with nothing but a body full of injuries and an AR1 on your account?
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TAGLIST (open! Send a dm or ask to be added :3) | @xinii , @maehemthemisfit , @abvolat , @crazypriestess , @ghostsaysno , @kittence , @unabashedlyminiaturetyrant , @xiyanin , @toasterinabathtub ...
Route 2: Forget Tighnari! Maybe it was a wifi problem or something? There must be a problem here why you were back at AR1, right!? You're going to find out whether you have Tighnari's help or not!
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acolg · 3 years ago
Argumentum ad ignorantiam~ an argument founded on the ignorance (of one’s opponent)
Such as you assumed I was stupider than I was
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joachimnusch · 4 years ago
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Über die Ignoranz und das Nichtwissen. Wir begegnen immer mehr Aussagen, die einfach für falsch erklärt werden, ich sehe das zum Beispiel im Bereich AYURVEDA im westlichen Medizindenken,. allein weil sie bisher nicht bewiesen werden konnten oder nicht bewiesen werden sollten, oder umgekehrt, jedoch eine andere, genehmere These für richtig erklärt wird, allein weil sie bisher nicht widerlegt werden konnte, der Versuch unterlassen wird sie zu beweisen oder sie zu einer bestimmten und gewünschten Gesinnungspolitik besser passt. "Ein anderer Weg, dessen sich die Menschen gewöhnlich bedienen, um andere in die Enge zu treiben, und sie zur Unterordnung ihres Urteils und zur Annahme der bestrittenen Meinung zu nötigen, ist, daß sie den Gegner auffordern, entweder ihren Beweis gelten zu lassen oder einen besseren dagegen vorzubringen. Und den nenne ich argumentum ad ignorantiam." John Locke (* 29. August 1632 in Wrington bei Bristol; † 28. Oktober 1704 in Oates, Epping Forest, Essex) war ein englischer Arzt sowie einflussreicher Philosoph. #Philosophie #Politik #Bildung #Framing #Ignoranz #Nichtwissen #Medizin #Ayurveda #Religion #Spiritualität #Gesinnungspolitik #Demokratie #Freiheit #Gesellschaft #Schulmedizin #Allopathie #Naturheilkunde https://www.instagram.com/p/CSd0i9pMg7Z/?utm_medium=tumblr
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