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Beheading of the French Teacher!
Beheading of the French Teacher!
My sincerest condolences extended to the family and friends of the victim and the French people. Beheading was a wrong and unwarranted act. The question, however, is what led to this gruesome incident? Was it hate or the penultimate hate? French President Emanuel Macron, in the name of freedom of expression. has been encouraging blasphemous behavior for quite sometimes, infringing upon the…
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#Anti-semitism#Austrian Const.Court#Charlie Hebdo#Corona-Mask!#Defamation#deliberate indifference#Discriminatory act#ECHR#Emanuel Macron#Freedom of Expression#Freedom of religion#French Teacher#Holocaust#Insulting Prophet#Intellectual bankruptcy#Islamophobia#Macron gone amoc#Misguided reedom#Muslim apologists#Niqab#Penultimate hate#Permissible limits#Racism#Sexism#Teacher Slain#Turkish Rebuke
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Where giants, may roar the third rage? Currently, an intriguing body of water, Indo-Pacific, is in the geopolitical discussions. It is an imaginative construct, well suited to America’s political, economic and martial exigencies. The transition of this region, known for centuries as Asia-Pacific to a highly volatile Indo-Pacific, is remarkably fascinating. Several…

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#7-Sister-States#America#American Credibility?#ASEAN#Asian-Nato#Australia#Booted from Iran#China#China Chokes America!#China/Turkey/USA#Chinese aggressiveness#Chinese BRI#Disintegrated-Quad#End of Tiwan saga#Hong Kong Lost#humiliation#India#Indian false ego#Indus valley civilization#Inidian-Chicken-neck#Japan#Loose-rule-based world#Lost-Unipolirity#Marital exegencies#Maritime-backyard#Political fatigue#RCEP#Redrawn-Mid-East#sacrificial goat#Thycydides Trap
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Are the 5 times of prayers mentioned in the Quran?
Are the 5 times of prayers mentioned in the Quran?
Shakir Mumtaz Updated the answer on December 14, 2018 Yes, they are. One simply has to look for them. “Chapter 11, Surah Hud ayaat 114: Establish the Salat at the two ends of the day and in the early part of the night. (implies fajr, magrib and isha) Chapter 2, Surah Baqarah ayaat 238:Take great care of your Prayers, especially of the middle Prayer and stand before Allah like devoted servants.…
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Why would the Prophet (PBUH) marry a child?
Why would the Prophet (PBUH) marry a child?
Was Ayesha 6 or 7 Years old when married to Prophet?
Why would the Prophet marry a child? That is the question many would like to be answered Before that, however, let’s admit that it is more than a mere question; rather, an accusation and judgment of character. Underneath the question lies the notion that Muslims should be hurt by the Prophet, supposedly, marrying under-age (Child) Ayesha.…
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Why would the Prophet marry a child?
Why would the Prophet marry a child?
Was Ayesha, really 6 or 7 Years old when married to Prophet?
Why would the Prophet marry a child? That is the question many would like to be answered Before that, however, let’s admit that it is more than a mere question; rather, an accusation and judgment of character. Underneath the question lies the notion that Muslims should be hurt by the Prophet, supposedly, marrying under-age (Child)…
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#Accusation!#Al Mutim bin Adi#Apologeticism#Asma bint Abi Bakar#consent of an adult to marry#Contextualism#Cursory knowledge of PhDs#defective/discrepant narration#Defult position application#Difference in hadith/narration#Divene Comman Theory#Exception to marry 4+ women#Hisham bin Urwah#ilal/shudhudh#Imam Ahmed&039;s account#Intellectual maturity#Jubair#Judgment?#Marriage of Ayesha#Migration to Medina#Minor Ayesha#Modernists&039; escapism#Mohammad Ibn Ishaq#Orientalists&039; discourses#Projectionism#Revelation of surah Qamar#Revisionism#Rushd#Sahaih Bukhari#Salah al-Din-Idlibi
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Why would the Prophet marry a child?
Had Prophet been granted an exception to marry Ayesha at her minor age, Allah (SWT) most mercifully, would have granted it through Qura’an, as in the case of more than four wives (Q,33:50-51), to avoid it being followed by the common Muslims as a Sunnah of
Was Ayesha, really 6 or 7 Years old when married to Prophet?��
Why would the Prophet marry a child? That is the question many would like to be answered Before that, however, let’s admit that it is more than a mere question; rather, an accusation and judgment of character. Underneath the question lies the notion that Muslims should be hurt by the Prophet, supposedly, marrying under-age (Child)…
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#Accusation!#Al Mutim bin Adi#Apologeticism#Asma bint Abi Bakar#consent of an adult to marry#Contextualism#Cursory knowledge of PhDs#defective/discrepant narration#Defult position application#Difference in hadith/narration#Divene Comman Theory#Exception to marry 4+ women#Hisham bin Urwah#ilal/shudhudh#Imam Ahmed&039;s account#Intellectual maturity#Jubair#Judgment?#Marriage of Ayesha#Migration to Medina#Minor Ayesha#Modernists&039; escapism#Mohammad Ibn Ishaq#Orientalists&039; discourses#Projectionism#Revelation of surah Qamar#Revisionism#Rushd#Sahaih Bukhari#Salah al-Din-Idlibi
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Why Macron “Partie-Pourrie” is suddenly hyperactive in ME?
Why Macron “Partie-Pourrie” is suddenly hyperactive in ME?

Is it not making people wonder why French President, Macron Partie Pourrie is hyper active in the Middle East after Beirut Port Blast? Is he trying to foist French dominance or working for someone else, to counter Turkey? Would he be able to really handle Erdogan with a slight military edge?
He is either working on behest of the big-brother to stop Turkey from becoming a regional force to…
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Hagia sofia conversion.
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Hagia Sophia Mosque--Religious Chauvinism?
Hagia Sophia Mosque–Religious Chauvinism?

Q; – Did the Muslims or did the Christians build the Hagia Sofia in Istanbul, Turkey?
The question, asked by S Conceicao, was originally answered by the author (in brief) on November 19, 2017. @ before the conversion. 295 views.
Hagia in Greek (hágios ) means “Holy” and in Christian liturgy something consecrated.
Watch my first formal V-Log on the topic and subscribe, please.
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#339 to 537#99% to 3% christians#Anti-Islam Ataturk#Anti-Islam changes!#Ataturk-father of Turks#Aziz Mehmed Effendi#Balkan-Pact#Before Islam#Buying Hagia Sofia#Byzantinian Architecure marval#Changed to Musemum#Conquest of Mecca#Consecrated#Constantine I#Constantinus II#Created a Trust#Crypto-Jew#Detrimental acceptances?#Divine wisdom#Donmeh#Eusebius of Nicomedia#Fall of Constantinople#Field Marshl-Ghzi#Forged signature#Free Masonry-Ataturk#Gallipoli war winner#General Amnesty by the King#Hagia Sofia#Hagia Sofia-Orthodox Christians#Holly
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Why does the Holy Qura’an claim that all life forms are created in pairs when bacteria, viruses and other unicellular organisms are created asexually?
Why does the Holy Qura’an claim that all life forms are created in pairs when bacteria, viruses and other unicellular organisms are created asexually?

This question was originally answered, in brief, by the author on Jan, 3rd, 2019, on
The question seems to be an argumentum-ad-ignorantiam.
Qura’an has not specifically mentioned the sexuality of the pair/couple— except when referenced to human beings. Qura’an has also not restricted the “duality in creation” to the “sentient beings”. In the daily-life parlance, a day and night…
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#Adam Hermaphrodite#Ambisexual#Argumentum ad ignorantiam#Asexual reproduction#Azwaj#Conceived Eve#Creating apologists to suit#Delivered through C-Sec#duality in creation#Exegetical views#Islam V atheistic mind#Matter/Anti-matter#Micro org#Parthenocrarpic Fruits#Parthenogenesis#Protists/Eukaryotics#Reasoned refutation#Rocks have pair too#Schizophyllum Commune#Science & Qura&039;an#self fertilization#sexuality of a pair?#That which they don&039;t know#Unisex#Ying and Yang
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Hindu Godhead Brahman is supreme force that manifested as the whole universe by the sound 'AUM'. Muslim God Allah is also a supreme force who created the whole universe by the sound 'BE'. And it is. So obviously Brahman and Allah are the same God?
Hindu Godhead Brahman is supreme force that manifested as the whole universe by the sound ‘AUM’. Muslim God Allah is also a supreme force who created the whole universe by the sound ‘BE’. And it is. So obviously Brahman and Allah are the same God?
Hinduism perceives the whole creation and its cosmic activity as the work of three fundamental forces symbolized by three gods, which constitutes the Hindu Trinity or ‘Trimurti’: Brahma — the creator, Vishnu — the sustainer, and Shiva — the destroyer. According to Vedas Brahma is regarded as a supreme being.
According to the Puranas, Brahma is the son of God, and often referred to as…
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#Brahma#Hinduism#Mythical construct#Mythology#oneness#Pantheism#Realism#Shiva#Supreme-being#Trimurti-Trinity#Unicity#Vishnu
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Corporate Greed Pushing for Vaccine, ignoring already available remedies!
Corporate Greed Pushing for Vaccine, ignoring already available remedies!
Virus COVID-19 has so far caused far fewer infections and deaths than the common flu had in the past years.
A multibillion-dollar vaccine is not necessary. Corporate greed and Control freaks, like Bill and Melinda Gates, are busy with the idea of pushing a vaccine down the throat of the public. Bill and Melinda Gates are accused of doing the same in Africa, Kenya and elsewhere, sterilizing…
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#Africa Kenya#Agenda ID2020#Black seeds#CEPI#Colloidal Silver#Common flu#Control Freaks/Gates#CONVID-19#CORONAVIRUS#Curcumin#Government Agencies#Hydroxychloroquine#Interferon Alpha 2B#Mentholatum#Nano Chipping#Neem leaves powder#Pandemic#Pharma-giants#Population control#Sana Makki#Sterilization#UNICEF#Vaccine#Vaccine-certification#Vitamins#WHO#Word Bank
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Disavowing or Disowning a Wrong!
Disavowing or Disowning a Wrong!
In an individual’s life come several occasions where one hears or sees something untrue, repugnant or altogether false. Most often, a person despite cognitive consonance may get perturbed for his inability to correct, address, refute such a situation due to some, religious, social, familial or political correctness constraints. Such a situation was faced by Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim A.S) when…
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Pakistan Army’s Nightmare. Erdogan-ilk!
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Pakistan Army’s Nightmare. Erdogan-ilk!
I never had so much clarity, about an overarching role of Pakistan Army, as I do now. I always, in the galore of patriotism, took the Pakistan army as an infallible, pristine and divinely entity; who is there to protect Pakistan and its people from all and any, internal or external, evil. Let me be clear, I am not against the Pakistani army and laud its role as the guarantor of Pakistan’s…
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#armed politics#Army&039;s costliest maneuvering?#Army&039;s nightmare#Ayesha Sudduqa!#Bakhshis of $10Mil!#BEDUIN PENTAGON#Criminal&039;s threat worked#Defender or Dictaror?#Erdogan-ilk No No!#Erdogan-ilk!#Gen. owns an island?#Hussain Haqqani!#ISI ! in the world!#May I criticize?#Miracle?#Nawaz Sharif&039;s escapade#Pakistani Erdogan?#Possible setback to CPEC#ruleing for 70+ years#Ruling by tooth n nail#Shahbaz dashed back ?#sourced out economy#unsavory maneuverings!
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Neo-conic Globalist Capitalism Pushed Humanity to the Edge of Anarchy!

There have been several multitudinously harmful developments as a result of the neoliberal thinking; blended later on with neo-conic zealotry for capitalism and globalism; which emerged in the late 1970s, starting from Woodrow Wilson, Ronald Reagan (US president, 1981-1989) and then, British PM, Margaret Thatcher (1979-1990). There has been an explosion of private power, splintering the…
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#Barak H. Obama#Brak to capitalism#Bushes#Capitalism#CARES-Act?#China helped 89 country#China/Cuba/Russsia#COVID_19#Destiny/doltish Presidents#Dutch/Brtiish J stock co.#From Russia w Love#future orientd#Glabalism#Gtotesque capitalism#Imperial countries#Interferon Alfa-28#ISIS/Al-Nusra?#Karl Marx#Liberalism#logic of capitalism!#Margaret Thatcher#Market economy#Neo-conic Zealotry#Neo-conism#Poverty amid Plenty?#Profit over People#Ronal Reagan#Security of Israel!#Socia-economic vectors#Space Militarization
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Deserted Mecca!
Recently Saudi Government; to stem the spread of the coronavirus,stopped the incessantly ongoing activities, of congregational prayers and circumambulation of mecca. It was an unprecedented decision; tough to be rationalized and accepted by ordinary Muslims. The scenario was a painful thing to endure for the Muslims-across the board. The solace and comfort were sought by watching and circulating…
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#Abandoned mosques#Abandoning mosque/Prayers#Allah will punish#Congregational prayers#cononavirus#Deserted Mecca#Fear-mongering#Following Saudi Suit!#House of Allah#Jihad-e-asghar#Lihad-e-Akbar#Momin&039;s farsightedness?#Muslim Naivete exposed#Precuations#Ramifications#Saudi Government#secular/casual attitude#sighful voice#Social-distancing#Taqwa and Twakkul!#Wisdom
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