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cloudedskies29 · 1 year ago
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athena5898 · 5 months ago
CENTRAL GAZA (Quds) — The occupation bombed Ibn Rushd School, which shelters displaced people in Al-Zawaida
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bandedperiwinkle · 1 month ago
I know this is a wild thing to think but I hope bird flu remains minor for just a year or two so it can line up well enough that I can do my pathology masters or PhD on it... my university specialises in lung diseases, if that's combined with the power of bird autism I will be unstoppable.
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irl · 1 year ago
im 2 hot ppl wnna kill me 4 it
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sxnguinesxnctum · 2 years ago
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[ canon vicar ass ]
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kentonralphtoews · 2 years ago
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atsvensson · 6 months ago
Islamofobi och demokratiska rättigheter
Islamofobi och demokratiska rättigheter. Islamofobin sprider sej i Sverige. Med islamofobi menar man rädsla för eller aggressivitet mot människor som har Islam som sin religion. Man kan också mena rädsla för eller aggressivitet mot själva religionen. Själv är jag socialist och dessutom ateist. Hur ser jag då på religion. Ibland har jag fått frågan hur jag ser på kristendomen. Mitt svar blir då en…
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brights-place · 1 year ago
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Floyd and his S/O after the events of TBT
Pairings: Floyd X Reader
Warnings: Floyd being an cutie patootie, Fluff, slight angst
- Floyd literally had to tell the group to go to your shared pod from where you two where staying before he got taken away. He was focusing on you the whole time before he got captured it was two days before your wedding together
- “Wait! John Dory take an turn here! We need to get to my place” John Dory raised an brow the others confused but did as Floyd instructed - When they arrived to the f/c and pink pod, and floyd noticed the messed up pod broken items around the main area of the pod - Floyd had an look of worry on his face as he rushd to your bedroom brozone confused as they hear loud sobbing from the bedroom - Floyd opened the door to see an f/c troll shaking while crying on the floor holding an picture against their chest he walked over to you quickly as you turned to look up at him to see the others staring at the scene of Floyd walking over “Honey?” You stared up at him - the sadness washed away as you stood up walking towards him dropping the photo and stared up at Floyd before punching him as he sighed - The others where gonna start being overprotective as Floyd chuckled rubbing his cheek before you hugged him crying “Y-You asshole!” You sobbed into his chest “I’m sorry I’ll explain everything okay? Please don’t be mad” void looked up sniffling “How am I not mad! You left me for two months! It was two days before our wedding Floyd you think I wouldn’t be mad!” All brozone members jaws drop
- Floyd introduced you as his fiancé and future spouse while you glared up at him wiping your tears cursing Floyd out as he frowned hugging your waist.
- Bruce literally had to give Floyd tips about being an good husband since the man is married himself
- when driving back to pop village Floyd and the others explained everything to you. You sobbed more clinging to Floyd “those idiotic teenagers! They deserved to go to jail! What they did to Floyd! I should of been there to beat them up and teach them an lesson!” “Honey your scaring my brothers…” “How?” Floyd motioned towards the snapped crowbar in your hands “Oh… Sorry JD I’ll get you an new one”
- You explained to poppy about you and Floyd’s wedding before he got taken away as poppy bawled saying that it was depressing that it was just you two
- she begged to be the bridesmaid… and make you guys the best wedding
- You did get married later on but after what happened to Floyd he was more aware of his surroundings
- flinched out loud noises and makes sure to quickly grab your hand to make sure that he isn’t separated from you
- Late night random talks like always while cuddling and he would hold onto you more then he usually did after the effects of what velvet and veneer did to him.
- please soothe him with kisses and words of affirmation
- Has to be around you or hold you whenever he can to be at ease scared that if he lets go he’d be taken away from you again
- definitely developed anemia or like Ménière’s disease which is an rare inner ear condition that can affect your balance and hearing it can’t be cure but treatment can help symptoms of it.
- when he gets episodes and he loses balance you have to rush over and hold him comfort this man please!
- cries in your arms as he clings onto you for dear life whispering many apologises for making you wait for him for 2 months
- Would beg you to please understand how he didn’t mean for that to happen to him and you’d have to cry as-well holding him close telling him it’s alright.
- you moving his hair out of his face makes him melt as you pepper his face with kisses telling him he’s safe and your there.
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2024 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact!
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stumpyjoepete · 3 months ago
My favorite religious beliefs are the ones that neither make a lot of sense nor follow from a straightforward reading of the canonical texts. Dumb ideas that only a very clever person could have come up with.
Top three that I can think of off the top of my head (please add more):
Rabbi Isaac concluding that Melchizedek (a guy who shows up in all of two sentences) must have born circumcised, since he's "salem" (perfect) but was born before the promulgation of the commandment he would have needed to follow in order to be so. Really have to peel back the layers of the text to figure this one out. *ducks*
Immaculate conception. One reading of this is that theologians painted themselves into a corner with original sin and came up with a superfluous non-solution to their self-imposed problem. I guess the other reading is that the Catholic church rejected the Gospel of James as scripture and then canonized its views 1400 years later, as a meditation on the divine mysteries of paraconsistent logic.
What happens when two exclusive cannibals have a baby?: 1. Aristotle thinks most of the aspects of the mind/soul must be physically embodied to exist. The exception is the intellect, but it's unclear whether this "intellect" is compatible with the folk notion of a soul (e.g., personal memories persisting after death). 2. Ibn Rushd (Averroes) answers in the negative. We all have immortal souls, but they're actually just the same soul. All the personally distinctive stuff is the (mortal) body. 3. Thomas Aquinas hates this, but is wedded to Aristotelian philosophy. I can't say I understand his synthesis, but he does insist on a belief in the bodily resurrection in the end times. The embodied parts of your mind/soul are ultimately restored to you; it's only mortal in the short term. 4. Ok, but what happens if you lose an arm? Well, what happens if you lose an arm and someone else eats it? {increasingly elaborate thought experiments about cannibalism and resurrection}
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spiderbitesandvampirevenom · 2 months ago
really funny when people online discover classical/medieval texts and start posting exerpts like theyre some profound revelatory truths of the universe and not like. hundreds-of-years-old philosophical texts. like yes you should read them but you only sound smart quoting plato or ibn rushd or ben maimon if you like. actually add some commentary on it. otherwise it feels like poserism/bait ngl
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genderkoolaid · 2 years ago
Question: who was the Islamic philosopher you mentioned in that post? The one whose thoughts / works partially survived thanks to Jewish philosophers? I'm curious.
Also, on a broader note, it's interesting to think about: that even after death, even if some may try to destroy your work or erase your existence, there will still be other people who help your ideas live on anyway.
Ibn Rushd! Also called Averroes in the West. His books were translated into Hebrew and "inspired a renewed interest in the interpretation of scripture and the Jewish religion" (from Reopening Muslim Minds). The famous Jewish philosopher Maimonides was a fan of his! Christians were also inspired (specifically by his commentary on Aristotle) but the Catholic Church was not a fan. Especially about ideas like "women have the same intellect as men and should occupy the same positions in society men do, including as rulers, and its only because society wont educate them that they don't know things, and this makes our countries worse." He was also extremely pro-philosophical questioning & thought the Quran should be read allegorically.
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talonabraxas · 7 months ago
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Zadakiel, Archangel of Jupiter ♃ Talon Abraxas
Zadkiel, the Archangel of Jupiter, is one you may not have heard of before. Unlike Michael or Gabriel, his images don't often adorn the walls of art museums or stained glass windows. But among all the Planetary Angels, his name gives the most suggestive evidence that there's a long tradition linking angels and planets.
In Hebrew, the name for the planet Jupiter is "Zedek," which translates as "righteousness." Righteousness conveys the sense that one has been "justified by God" -- something that has integrity, is true, or in alignment with the cosmic pattern. One who is righteous can see clearly, and is therefore able to act with justice and mercy, as well as to reveal the truth or prophesy. These happen to be some of the oldest associations with the astrological Jupiter.
Angel names often end with the suffix -el, which simply means "of God." There's a tradition of appending -el to other terms to signify the angel associated with the word. Consequently, in Hebrew the angel of righteousness, or the angel of Jupiter, would be called "Zedek-iel"
Zedekiel, or Zadkiel, or one of its various spellings, is found mentioned in some of the earliest references to angels. The earliest Christian compilation of the seven archangels, written in the 5th Century by Pseudo-Dionysius in his Celestial Hierarchy, incudes Zadkiel among their number, as does Pope Gregory's list from the 6th century (spelled either Sachiel or Zachariel.) In his 12th-century writings, the great Spanish-Arabic scholar and scientist Averroës (Ibn Rushd) named Zadkiel/Sachiel the archangel of Jupiter, a tradition that was copied by authors in later Medieval and Renaissance magic and angelology.
As an angel of mercy, some Talmudic texts claim that Zadkiel is the unnamed angel who stays Abraham's hand, preventing him from sacrificing his son Issaac. (Because of this Zadkiel is sometimes shown holding a dagger.)
Given his association with Jupiter, it's not uncommon for New Age authors to associate Sachiel with rituals of abundance and prosperity. The modern astrological sense of Jupiter is a bit like the planetary Santa Claus, the jolly generous giver of gifts. That's not too far off, if you remember that Santa "knows when you are naughty or nice," and gave gifts accordingly.
The Archangel Zadkiel brings abundance and prosperity when we are acting with justice, fairness, and generosity ourselves. He teaches that when we are in right relationship with the cosmic order, our needs will be met. Or, if we have a need or a lack, as the Archangel of mercy, Zadkiel will aid in our efforts to obtain what we seek when we ask for his assistance. Zadkiel also brings us luck, when we are doing our best, and forgiveness, when we've fallen short of the mark, in order to start again.
As the Archangel of Jupiter, an auspicious time to make request to aid from Zadkiel is Thursday, Jupiter's day.
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fluffy-appa · 11 months ago
﴿وَهَيِّئْ لَنَا مِنْ أَمْرِنَا رَشَدًا﴾
قال الإمام ابن القيم
رحمه الله:
الرشد: هو العلمُ بما ينفع، والعمل به.
"And prepare for us from our affair right guidance.(Rushd)." ● [18:10]
Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim رحمه الله said: "Rushd is the beneficial knowledge and acting in accordance to it."
● {إغاثة اللهفان ٢/٩٠٥}
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samthedays · 2 months ago
The new header for the blog has been updated! A drawing I made (Rushdely I must admit) for the New Year day (Which I also posted one day after it)! Featuring Mobius heroes! The Freedom Fighters finally having a break from a all the stress!
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tunaem-72 · 4 months ago
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prsona !
bit rushd but yaY gonna turn this into a pngtubr
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toodlesda-awesum · 2 months ago
I’m boooooreeddddd. Iv colord alllll of my coloring boocks, lisend to allllll of te songs i lik, sad aaaaaalllllllllll te words i no, sat upsid-don until te blood rushd to my hed, iv don everting!!!!!
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