#logic of capitalism!
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theconcealedweapon · 11 months ago
Rich People: "I want to price gouge and plan obsolescence without having to worry about competition. Government, enforce my patents."
Rich People: "I want firepower to uphold my enormous wealth. Government, hire police officers with taxpayer money to protect my property from thieves and trespassers."
Rich People: "I want a source of cheap labor. Government, enforce laws against victimless actions in order to put people in prison so I can exploit them as slaves, then brand them with criminal records so they'll take any low wage job that's offered to them in the future."
Rich People: "There are homeless people existing who are not generating profit for me. Government, hire police officers with taxpayer money to arrest them for loitering, and use taxpayer money to build hostile architecture."
Rich People: "Homeless people are eating food that my business discarded, which doesn't generate profit for me. Government, hire police officers with taxpayer money to guard the dumpster."
Rich People: "Marijuana is competition for me as a pharmaceutical CEO. Government, ban marijuana."
Rich People: "I build weapons. Government, create wars and buy my weapons with taxpayer money."
Poor People: "I can't afford what I need to live. Government, financially assist me, require my employer to pay me more, or limit rich people's ability to increase prices."
Rich People: "Stop relying on government for everything and taking people's freedom!"
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siryouarebeingmocked · 5 months ago
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Anyone ever noticed how so many leftist memes lack...restraint?
The memer had to add the capitalist pig with a speech bubble, because apparently just mocking the "bad" decision wasn't enough.
They had to also imply that any Yank who disagrees is nothing but a brainwashed sheep.
Seems a biiit like projection.
Also, what does this have to do with credit vs. Cash?
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infamouslydorky · 5 months ago
Fucks me up jobs expect workers to show up despite wild circumstances. I remember at a former job having to traverse sub zero temperatures just to walk to my job because they refused to close the building. I remember having to work front line in covid as an immune compromised individual with no vaccine produced yet and when concerns were expressed, my superiors responded with "when workers get infected, these parts of the building will be closed". God forbid you lose a family member. You're expected to show up anyway.
Today my boss told me to contact an office to confirm if a doctor has his papers in order. I say: they won't pick up, and he asks why, to which I responded: THEY WERE IN DIRECT LINE OF MILTON, YOU KNOW, THE DEVISTATING HURRICANE PART 2?? WHY WOULD THEY PICK UP???
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capitalism-and-analytics · 1 year ago
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akajustmerry · 9 days ago
what’s your favorite taylor swift song 😘
you're probably asking this as some sort of gotcha or hostile irony but one thing about me is that I am not an unreasonable hater and do have a favourite ts song. it's 'last great american dynasty' tied with 'love story', because I'm not made of stone and love a good pop song. none of that changes the fact she's a nazi-fucker billionaire who single handedly contributes more to green house gas emissions than most individuals on earth and me hating her for that btw 😘
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graciehart · 1 month ago
hello I feel awful 😄
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theconcealedweapon · 1 year ago
There's a post going around Facebook of a liberal college woman who became a conservative after her conservative father told her that since she studies all the time and has a 4.0 gpa and her friend who parties all the time has a 2.0 gpa, she should give 1.0 to her friend so they can both have 3.0, and she thought that was unfair. Her father then said that she's right that it's unfair, and that it's a demonstration of what liberals want. He said that liberals want to take from those who work hard and give to those who don't so they can be equal, while conservatives want people to keep what they earn.
Are conservatives really that clueless? They're the ones supporting a system in which the working class work long hours and barely make enough to survive while their boss and landlord get to collect money for doing nothing.
A better comparison would be if she was expected to give 3.0 of her gpa to someone who does no work and just owns something that she used to study, so she is left with a 1.0 while the other person gets to have a 250.0 gpa after receiving a lion's share of other people's gpa also. Then when she complains, she's told to "just work harder" while the freeloader with the 250.0 gpa gets to strut around like they earned it. That's the economic system that conservatives want and that's what's happening now.
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siryouarebeingmocked · 1 year ago
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The original twitter account (commiedamion) seems to have been suspended. I did find an archive.
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thomasthequeer · 1 year ago
Feeling emotional about ofmd again pals ):
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starlingstalk · 2 months ago
I don‘t wanna live my life actually I just want to draw. Wdym I have to do anything else but that? My body, my mind, my soul, it‘s there as a vessel for my art. Don‘t make me go work please :( I wanna be a free spirit aka sit in my bed 16 hours and draw then fall asleep then repeat. Like I‘m not even kidding. I dont wanna be a part of this economy.
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jewishbarbies · 7 months ago
if you’re one of those people that think katniss would be fighting for palestine in the pro hamas way and be on your side, while simultaneously cheering on the murder of children as long as they’re “the enemy’s” children, you’re gonna wanna re-read those books, bud.
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capitalism-and-analytics · 1 year ago
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nando161mando · 5 months ago
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Reminder that by its own logic, Israel is using civilians as human shield
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mylastmoleculeofserotonin · 6 months ago
I think I’ve finally put my finger on the reason why I (and people in general) love to watch “kids’ shows” when they are older teens and adults: because empathy and love, especially platonic love, are arguably humans’ most valuable trait and yet, in our society and in “realistic” media is treated as a weakness or at least at odds with being successful. Like, empathy isn’t even unique to humans, it’s found in and is integral to so many species of animals (and maybe even plants too!!), especially what we consider to be some of the most fearsome predators like lions and wolves. But humans have have “gone all in on” empathy and the capacity to form bonds with other humans, even outside familial circles, which is the reason we outlived the homo erectus which lived at the same time as humans since we were able to form larger communities. And all that’s to say that seeing shows where moral goodness is synonymous with empathy and friendship and wins the day is probably very satisfying for our brains since we don’t often see empathy treated as the essential part of us that it is.
That’s why shows like Hilda or Kipo and the Age of the Wonderbeasts are my personal favorites because the main characters’ defining trait is being empathetic and is, at least in the beginning, their only way of avoiding trouble. And these shows in particular feature the main characters advancing the plot and achieving heroic feats through simply talking it out and generally being a kind and helpful person. When I first watched these shows I, admittedly, saw such events as cheesy, but when I took time to think about it, it not only makes sense why it worked, but was quite literally the best possible way to fix the problem at hand because empathy is a very natural thing for humans and is literally how we have become the apex species so of course it can work when someone gives it a chance.
It’s human nature to be kind and empathetic and is why it’s so satisfying to see it spotlit in kids shows.
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recovering-vamp · 9 months ago
Not a new take but !!! I am so !!! Ahhh!! Grumpy about how many shows there are where they’ve clearly been mindful to feature a diverse cast and handle those identities with care and thought and yet— not a single fat main character! Or just one straight sized not-thin character surrounded by thin characters! Who probably isn’t treated the same as their peers!!!
I completely agree that shows that aim for diversity and tackle subjects often not tackled are already bearing the burden of representing the underrepresented. And that representation is inherently fraught. It just makes my bones pop when a show is so clearly trying to consider the underrepresented but fat characters (especially the very fat) are absent.
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theladsaregoingmental · 9 months ago
ngl when I found out that the premise of IDIC was made up solely to flog shitty necklaces I was so devastated.
mainly because I watched that episode for the first time when I was struggling with my shitty transphobic parents and the idea that it was not only kind but blatantly logical to be accepting of other really touched me.
(This was also the catalyst for me learning more about Surakian philosophy which is my absolute fav bit of Star Trek world building which in turn helped me find some of my favourite novels.)
and now you’re telling me Gene Roddenberry just made it up for the the hell of it?!
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