rrattlesnake · 3 years
even though we’ve reached the end we can always start again
moved to sekwar-1
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rrattlesnake · 3 years
i just have to set up a few more things then i should be good to go!
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rrattlesnake · 3 years
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A few more
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rrattlesnake · 3 years
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rrattlesnake · 3 years
with that said, how about an art dump?
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rrattlesnake · 3 years
it’s time i give you an update on tomorrow road and the like.
simply put, i don’t think it’ll be ready for november. everyone on the team is busy with stuff, myself included, and because of this i don’t think november is a reasonable deadline to finish the animation. i’m not saying it’s cancelled, it's just gonna be on my new rebranded account. sorry for everyone who got hyped for next month, but hopefully i can use the time to really put some effort into it.
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rrattlesnake · 3 years
i’m gonna disappear now because not only am i working on tomorrow road but i’m also getting my driver’s license tomorrow so that’s cool!
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rrattlesnake · 3 years
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rrattlesnake · 3 years
and i’m aware that there’s an ena plush but i can’t get one because THE SITE CRASHED
everything’s great when it breaks
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rrattlesnake · 3 years
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rrattlesnake · 3 years
update: lucky.
i was going to post this should the worst happen but... it didn’t. i’m posting this anyway.
hello everyone. how are you all? yes, it’s been a while, and i’m making good progress on GAWNM4 and Tomorrow Road. however, something happened today that could’ve spelled the end for the latter.
my ipad screwed itself over and i almost had to wipe the whole thing and start over. i had everything ready for it, i downloaded everything to my computer, made sure everything important went to it for safe keeping, and i went to itunes and hit restore...
and then i noticed i could back up everything. so that was a close call. and now it’s as if nothing ever happened. except i got ios 15.
so production on tomorrow road continues! and now i have a small team, which comprises of myself, a 3d artist, and two voice actors. still aiming for a november release date.
be hyped.
back up your files.
see you then.
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rrattlesnake · 3 years
And here it is. I’m making a full-length ENAsona short. I’m really excited to do this.
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rrattlesnake · 3 years
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rrattlesnake · 3 years
hello you lovely people. let’s talk about things.
i thought that the end of the year was long enough for me to get my bearings back and i’d start off 2022 refreshed and rebranded. turns out that wait time was a little too long. moreso considering the christmas/new years trip my dad takes me on every year for a seven-year streak interrupted by you-know-what. so now i feel sound enough to tell you about what happened.
most of you know i needed to move blogs after suffering a biiiig crisis last month. i wasn’t ready for it to happen again! i was trying to figure out what i wanted to be, and after spending so much time posting art online it got to the point where i was trying to figure out my true identity on a place like this. i’m an art blog. that was what i was supposed to be from the start. i don’t mind doing a little roleplaying on tumblr once in a while, but i do it more often on discord. all i wanted to do was post art and talk about things for the time being. fate has its ways and i was heading down the wrong path.
the name. i had grown tired of using the name “rrattlesnake” because it’s something i don’t identify with anymore. in fact, my name was just going to be “rattlesnake” but that was already taken on deviantart. so i stuck on another r and the rest is history. i still need to change myself and the best way to do that is to forgo the old name, but it goes beyond that. i wanted to change everything to represent the completely new me. that includes making a new email address, updating my youtube account, even changing my irl name (but i haven’t decided on one yet). i need to do something different.
but there are still a few things i need to do before i go all out. there are two big projects left to do before i retire the rrattlesnake name. the first is a live action comedy video i’m doing with friends, kind of like an annual thing we do. the second is something i don’t want to reveal much about, but it’s something that i’m really excited to do. i’ve been doodling on the side but i doubt i’ll show what i did for a while. i need to keep my word. both projects will have their own trailers and plenty of process work/behind the scenes that’ll be shown before their premieres. for free. on a related note, this new post+ thing is bullshit. no one wants to see their friends’ work behind a paywall. i make no money off anything i create. that’s why i put process work, etc. on this blog for FREE. it deserves to be seen, and you deserve to see it without anything standing in your way. i want to get both of them done and released in october or november, preferably on the same day so it’s a double feature thing. focusing on just that will hopefully get me back on track and help me recover from burnout.
i won’t be posting anything else on this blog, unless it’s an emergency or dream bbq comes out (important). i hope to come back with a better mind and a new face.
thank you!
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rrattlesnake · 3 years
i’m taking a break.
The reason being…well… a lot of things.
In case you weren't able to tell what was going down today, especially in the last three posts, I've been in the middle of a crisis. It's got to be the biggest crisis I've ever been in for a long time. I wasn't able to figure out what direction I was going, I felt like I had jumped the gun and forced myself to draw when my motivation hadn't come back yet, and I was dealing with so many personal issues that I was close to calling it quits on all my creative endeavours and focusing solely on a career.
Plus I wanted to change my name. I'm tired of rrattlesnake.
I didn't think I was burned out. but by forcing myself to continue to create, it was only making the situation worse. I took action when I shouldn't have. And I feel like I had to do something about it, but never really thought it through. So I'm going to be taking the longest break from Tumblr i've had in 3 years.
I will be giving myself until the end of 2021 to get my motivation and mental health in check, to find my inspiration and style, and increase productivity without resorting to brute force methods. Letting the ideas come naturally. And in the end I want to feel happy about it. I wanted this year to be better, but it turned out I was just hitting a new low.
I will be returning under a new blog (Yes I didn't want to move blogs again but I feel this time a fresh start really is fitting).
I'll still be active on Discord. If you want to friend me, my username is 154#7911. I hope that by doing this I'll be able to return with peace of mind and something for you guys to enjoy (not to mention a big backlog of art so you can catch up on what you missed).
I want to take this time to thank everyone that’s been with me through this rough patch, especially @cybercrime-the-digital-criminal @8mys @zeravera @remaking-machine @fairynumbers @fr3aky-fand0ms-nyart @ribboncrownstower @professor-janky @carmeltheslimy @dizzynpeas @lavenderinkling. I won’t be gone forever, and don’t hesitate to message me ^^
You’ll know when I’m back when you see 154 doing that one ena pose, lol
Hope to see you soon, friends~!
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rrattlesnake · 3 years
It's ok! I'm not gonna start again! I'm just gonna try and keep things hidden! You know, like i'm supposed to do! I'm just... gonna.... be the mysterious person i was meant to be... heehe... art... haha...
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rrattlesnake · 3 years
It's a cry for help
Something I thought would never happen
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