#Arcane JayVik
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“I found this picture in a old textbook. It’s kinda consumed, I swear that whoever took it was in love with the young man in the picture”
Implied Jayvik. Implied Season 2 spoiler.
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pimglo · 1 year
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twitter prompt!
Jayce comforting Viktor through a bad pain day <3
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strrwbrrryjam · 5 months
"jayce will understand," he says. in hearing that people will despise him if he were to take shimmer - jayce is the first person to come to mind, almost as if he's the only person viktor is concerned about, the only one that matters, not sky, not heimerdinger, not the council or the people of both piltover and zaun, but jayce.
it speaks volumes about how highly viktor views jayce, maybe even seeing him as the only person equal to him in intellect, there's not even a passing thought to heimerdinger, his professor who he has known longer than jayce, who is, most likely, the reason why viktor is even in piltover at all.
it doesn't matter who disapproves of viktor and his actions, as long jayce understands, that's all that matters.
which just adds so much to that scene on that bridge, where viktor is confronted with the fact that jayce doesn't understand and likely never will, i mean, not only is it because jayce is being incredibly elitist viewing all people from zaun as "dangerous," which includes viktor, as viktor points out to him, but also if jayce doesn't approve of him going to the undercity, would jayce approve of viktor using shimmer to cure him - something that is so intertwined with zaun, something "dangerous."
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justsierrasart · 1 year
“A mechanized heart never misses a beat, and never falters with emotion.” He never said it doesn’t wanna fu-
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Viktor design based on the popular jaw augment + this face reveal they dropped in Convergence.
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Update: color!
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woollywanderer · 10 months
Arcane AU where Viktor's "wait, this isn't my room" lie somehow works, and Jayce has to pretend to be his new boyfriend to gain access to the lab rooms at night.
. Jayce looking all smug when questioned. "You said I couldn't come back to the Academy again, you didn't say I couldn't f@#k the members."
. Viktor being asked why he's wasting his time with a disgraced member of House Tallis, and him just shrugging and casually saying, "well, we all like a bit of a bad boy," and going back to his notes.
. Heimerdinger coming across a locked lab room door with strange lights and sounds coming from within:
"You boys better not be doing illegal science in there."
"No Professor, we're ...uh... having sex. "
"Understandable, have a great day."
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raw-cat · 1 year
I dont have anything against JayVik shippers, but damn... Jayce doesnt fucking deserve Viktor
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cheaploafs · 1 year
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my piece for @jayvikzine ✨
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blackwhite-wings · 4 months
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Now. I know noone asked for this, but would anyone fancy a little series of redrawn, JayVik-fied scenes?
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royal-tea-blogs · 1 year
Really cool JayVik idea incoming but just bare with me for a second.
There’s an old Chinese folktale about the goddess of the moon being banished to earth with her husband, loosing their immortality. They manage to find an elixir to give them their immortality back, but only enough for one of them. Not being able to bare leaving the other behind, they store the elixr away and make the best of their now mortal lives.
Near the end of the story, some asshole tries to break in and steal the elixir, and in the ultimate sacrifice to save her husband the goddess downs the elixir to ensure the villain couldn’t get it.
No let’s swap out the elixr for the Hexcore. I want a story where Viktor gets it be the knight in shinning armor for Jayce. I want the ANGST.
But I’ll probably never write it so here I am on tumblr word vomiting.
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In the scene where Viktor and Jayce are breaking in Heimerdingers office and Mel catches them, Viktor does thinking face and says:
"Is this not my bedroom?"
Like, Viktors first excuse was "Oh, I am an idiot, I am actually bringing this handsome man into my bedroom." And he didn't even think about it. His reaction was, I am not doing crime, I am just gay.
And it's hilarious.
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iinkymushroom · 1 year
in the stars, i see your eyes
Hiding about the halls of the Academy late at night wasn’t exactly an unusual occurrence with Viktor; neither of them were particularly hung up on rules and regulations when there were important theses to test, world-changing equations to be balanced. And so it wasn’t unusual to find himself pressed against a wall in hidden hushed corners, waiting for night guards to pass, or folding himself through tight gaps in windows when Viktor beckoned. That had been a constant about their… relationship. When Viktor called, Jayce came. 
so a while ago @pimglow did this series of prompt request drawings over on twitter, and i requested stargazing jayvik, which produced something so gorgeous, and i just had to write something for it
and here is that fic
here is the artwork (please go give it some love on the twitter!)
also the actual art is here, just to take a look at it again
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pimglo · 1 year
from my ko-fi ( https://ko-fi.com/hipimart )!
cat Vikor + dog Jayce dynamic guilty pleasure <3
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strrwbrrryjam · 7 months
jayce anytime he's in close proximity to viktor:
if I don't put my hands on him, I simply perish.
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inkedabsinthe · 2 years
Viktor Frankenstein and his monster
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woollywanderer · 10 months
I had a dream about Arcane last night where people were trying to convince Jayce and Viktor to have a big public, political wedding to show Piltover/Zaun solidarity (but really to set up a target to lure Jinx out of hiding). The two of them were reluctant at first, but then Viktor changed his mind as, "I'm dying anyway so... might as well get those registry gifts while I can."
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belladonazeppole · 2 years
Arcane Headcanon #5
I've read that in various stories that Viktor has a knife tucked in his cane or that his cane is a teaser or both (this being a favorite).
So allow me to suggest:
Sword cane
I can imagine Viktor learning fencing as he considers it elegant. And I love to imagine that at some point he thought: 
Viktor: What would happen if I fused a Hexgem to my sword cane?
The result?
A fucking lightsaber
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(This is Viktor deflecting the Hexclaw's ray that Jayce accidentally shot. How these two did not kill each other before neither of them are really sure).
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