nj0ylife-blog · 7 years
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Signed Pre-orders for Moon Theory are now available. (via the link on the bio.)
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nj0ylife-blog · 7 years
Words for Characters 2
Bellicose (adj): demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight; eager for war 
Affectation (n): behavior, speech, or writing that is fake and intended to impress
Affable (adj): good natured, personable, easy to talk too 
Allusion (n): A passing reference/indirect mention 
Amorphous (adj): Having no clear shape or form
Ameliorate (V): To make (something bad) better
Animosity (n): A strong dislike towards someone/something
Assimilate (v): To gather all information so that it is fully understood and can be used
Antecedent (n): A previous event that could have caused a present event to occur 
Voracious (adj): Greedy/having a large appetite 
Arcane (adj): Mysterious, only understood by few 
Vilify (V): To utter slanderous and abusive statements against 
Raucous (adj): Unpleasantly loud and harsh 
Sordid (adj): Unethical and dishonest
Squalid (adj): Extremely dirty/unpleasant 
Precarious (adj): Unstable, difficult, dangerous 
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nj0ylife-blog · 7 years
11:21 PM
YOU are capable. YOU are strong. YOU are worthy.  
YOU deserve the best out of this world and nothing less - don’t sell yourself short. One life is too little and too short to worry about the what ifs. Take control of your surroundings, be thankful for the little things, and never forget to breath. 
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nj0ylife-blog · 7 years
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I miss you more than words will ever be able to describe 
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nj0ylife-blog · 7 years
Words that inspire Characters
Ingenuity (n): The trait of being a good problem solver through creativity and innovation 
Intrepid (adj): Very brave
Penchant (adj): A strong liking 
Inure (v): Become immune to unpleasant situations 
Volatile: un-predictable 
Morose (adj): sullen and ill-tempered
Obsequious (adj): attempting to win over influential people via flattery
Abscond (v): to leave in a hurry or in secret 
Belie (v): To contradict
Bombast (n): Pretentious talk/writing 
Denigrate (v): To attack the reputation of 
Disingenuous (v): Pretending to know less than one actually does
Dissemble (v): Concealing one’s true motives, feelings, or beliefs 
Furtive (adj): Attempting to avoid notice//attention usually from guilt or fear of getting in trouble 
Impudent (adj): Not showing due respect 
Misanthrope (n): One who dislikes people/society in general
Admonish (v): To reprimand; to remind of duties
Enervate (adj/v): Lacking in energy; to feel drained/weakened
Capricious (adj): Unstable, unpredictable 
Circumspect (adj): Wary
Glib (adj): Speaking in a smooth yet insincere way
Extemporaneous (adj): Spoken or done without preparation
Goad (v): To provoke/annoy
Succinct (adj): Brief and to the point
Tact (n): cleverness when dealing with other people to maintain good relations 
Fortuitous (adj): happening by chance
Equivical (adj): Ambiguous; either-or
Tacit (adj): Understood/implied without being stated
Condone (v): Accepting a bad behavior to continue 
bent (n): Natural talent or inclination 
Ambivalent (adj): contradicting feelings towards something/someone; mixed
Nonplused (adj): bewildered 
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nj0ylife-blog · 7 years
8:40 PM
One day or day one? YOU are in control
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nj0ylife-blog · 7 years
It may be nice to keep a few of these books on hand in your practice to lend to grieving families going through their first loss.
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nj0ylife-blog · 7 years
7:20 pm
How do you remember to breath? To count backwards? All I do is react react react. Something's not working. I need to be more patient and loving; more accepting and carefree. 50..49..48..47..46...3..2..1..breathe
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nj0ylife-blog · 7 years
8:44 PM
“The opposite of depression is not happiness, it’s vitality” -Andrew Solomon
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nj0ylife-blog · 7 years
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Our new baby Gabriel (Gabe). Will actually came up with the name and it suits him so well - Gabe is our angel from heaven when we lost our first baby boy, Lucky. Lux will forever live in our hearts and will endlessly be our baby boy; I miss him more than anything in the word. But I am so thankful for Gabe and his cute meows, his loving and playful energy, and his sweet and warm affection. We are already so in love and find more things to love about him every day. Thank you for coming our lives, sweet thing.
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nj0ylife-blog · 7 years
11:26 PM
I am excited to.. Travel to South Africa to study abroad Travel to New Zealand with my love To write my first book Get married to my love Watch Gabe grow Become closer with my sister Adopt Maxie FaceTime more with my friends and family Obtain straight As in my classes Expand my ZUMBA and Cycle career Slay the GRE Get into vet school Change lives Be more positive Accept and embrace my life Be more patient Find myself again
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nj0ylife-blog · 7 years
11:23 PM
I've realized that no matter how many books you read, how many people you talk to, how many experiences you've had, no one prepares you for life. I believe that that is what "adulting" means - accepting life. Every great speech I've listened to about life expresses that you will reach your goals with unexpected turns, unanticipated leaps, and with unimaginable strength. Maybe the secret to attaining the unattainable is believing in the unexpected.
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nj0ylife-blog · 7 years
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We miss you, handsome 💋 keep sending us signs - mommy & daddy love you so much
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nj0ylife-blog · 7 years
11:37 PM
I wish I had those little angels on my shoulders so they could help me break out of my moods.
Life is hard but I’m learning how to make it extraordinary one step at a time.
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nj0ylife-blog · 7 years
1:30 AM
It's hard that only I can give myself peace. My mind is tired from consistent demands. Sometimes I wonder if our nation was designed this way - to exhaust individuals so horribly that we neither have the time nor energy to redesign ourselves. I don't want to be a slave to this fake, stressful, and hopeless reality. There is more and I will find it in me.
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nj0ylife-blog · 7 years
Writer thoughts
Let's fly away and let our fire become wings that ignite molecules in the air. Let's be free from the ground and rise like a volcanic eruption.
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nj0ylife-blog · 7 years
Ready for the Day
It's 11:00 am - I don't know what today will bring but I will receive it with a heart that is at peace. I am thankful for all that has come my way thus far and with open arms, I embrace the present and future.
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